#miles quaritch x original character
rorywritesalot · 4 months
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Chapter 1: Guilty as Sin?
Prenote: Okay! We have chapter 1 now! Already diving into some smut. Remember, drink your water, get some sleep, enjoy!
Warnings: Cursing, MDNI, SMUT, NSFW, mature themes, masturbation, oral (fem receiving).
Ensley’s POV
It’s been just over a week since the incident with Colonel Quaritch. It is constantly replaying in my head. From the moment I ran into him, to the feel of my hand in his. I still see his eyes and the way they looked into mine. The smell of teakwood and the outdoors haunts my dreams. 
This is crazy! All this bullshit for a man I don’t even know?! I’m never like this. I mean I’ve only had a small handful of boyfriends but none of them ever made me feel like this. Just the mere thought or mention of the colonel gets heat rising to my face and making me feel all warm and fuzzy. Seriously, what is this shit?
I don’t realize how long I've been scribbling my notes on this new plant until I feel a hand on my shoulder. It’s Grace.
“Can you do a big favor for me?” She asks and she has that specific look on her face that says “I know you hate doing this.” I sigh heavily.
“What is it?” I say flatly, already knowing what she’s going to ask.
“Will you sit in on that staff meeting that’s in an hour? Please?” She claps her hands together and smiles wide at me, she knows that I won’t say no.”
“Why do you always ask me to do it? There are plenty of other people that could do it.” I say in a desperate attempt to get her to go ask someone else. 
“I know, but you’re the one I trust the best. You and your stubbornness proves to be good in these meetings. Also, I’ll let you off early if you do this for me.” I crack under this praise. God this woman is good at bribing me. She knows just how much I love my sleep.
“Ugh, fine.” I say. She pats my hand and says thank you before returning to her desk to get her work done. I look at the clock and it says ‘12:45 hour’. Okay, I’ve 45 minutes until this meeting. I can finish these notes and file them in that time. 
I continue my scribbling, file my notes, and clean up my area just in time. I look at the clock and it’s ‘13:12 hour’. Perfect, I have just enough time to get there and still be a bit early. I hate being late and what do I hate even more than being late? I hate being on time. Early is the way to go for me. 
I walk down the corridor until I reach the conference room. This isn’t a big meeting, it’s more of just a maintenance meeting where the more important people go over their accomplishments from the last month and then discuss their goals for the next. It never takes long. I don’t mind these meetings as I have made friends with one of the soldiers, Lyle Wainfleet. He and I both got stuck in these meetings for the exact same reason, our superiors couldn’t be bothered to do it themselves. 
I take a seat in my usual spot which is the chair in the middle of the table. Nobody else is in the room so I stare off again. My mind wanders and runs wild, as it normally does. I let my imagination take control and it takes me back to damn Colonel Quaritch. What is this man doing to me? I imagine how that run in could have been different. What trouble we could’ve gotten into together. I begin to wonder. I wonder what his hands would feel like on my body, not just on my hand. How his lips would feel upon my skin and lips. I wonder what kind of lover he might be. Would he be kind and gentle or would he be rough and mean? Would he be a very basic partner or does he like to experiment? 
My mind takes us to my room, on my bed. He tosses me on the bed and pulls to the foot of it by my ankle so my ass is just about to hang off the edge. He leans down and places his lips on mine harshly. While we’re in a heavy makeout session, I feel his fingers run up my leg until his hand rests on my upper thigh. He breaks the kiss and moves his hands to the waistband of my leggings and pulls them down along with my panties. 
He positions himself so his face is level with my core. His eyes trail back up to my face and he waits for me to give him some sort of acknowledgment to continue. I nod my head and wait for his lips to be where I need them most. 
Just as he’s about to be exactly where I want him, I’m violently broken out of my thoughts when the first person enters the room. It’s no one important. Oh my god what is wrong with me? That man is probably old enough to be my father. He has to be at least 25 years older than me. Am I really that horny that I’d let just any man fuck me? I’ve never been into men twice my age. My exes have either been my age or just a year or two older than me.
I start looking over Grace’s notes that she sent me with so I can start preparing my mental script when the door opens again. I expect it to be Lyle because he’s usually here by now but when I look up, Lyle is not in sight. Instead, he is replaced by Quaritch himself. He makes his way to one of the open chairs and takes the one that just so happens to be the chair across from me, of course he does. I mentally grumble and turn my attention to the person who is leading the meeting. 
The meeting begins and I usually tune out the first little bit of it because it’s always the same rundown. I scan my eyes over the attendees. They range from Peter Selfridge, to some of the lower interns. In the middle of my space out session, my eyes trail to the man across from me. As I move to meet his gaze, I find that he's already looking at me. Blood rushes to my cheeks and I look away as fast as I meet his eyes. I look back at him out of the corner of my eyes and I see him chuckling at my embarrassment. I internally roll my eyes.
“Dr. Sully?” I hear. My head perks up at the sound of my name. “Do you have a report?” I now realize it was Selfridge who called my name.
“Y-Yes! I do. I’m sorry, my mind was elsewhere.” I read off my notes and give everyone updates from my department. As I’m running down the list, I make the mistake of looking back at the Colonel, whose eyes are scanning all the parts of me that he can see, at least I think he is. My mind could very well be tricking me into thinking this man is checking me out. I finish my speech and slump back in my chair. 
The meeting finishes and I duck out, not wanting to be caught up in small talk. I just want to go back to my room and sleep. I once again am not paying attention when I bump into the back of someone in the doorway of the conference room. I turn to quickly to say my apologies but I’m stunned as I notice the familiar muscular arm.
“This is the second time sweetheart. If I didn’t know any better, i’d say you’re runnin’ into me on purpose.” He says with that smirk on his face. He moves out of the way and motions for me to walk out of the room first. I mumble a ‘thank you’ and move out of the room. I walk down the hallway to head to the living quarters. I subtly turn to look back and find that the colonel is only 2 paces behind me. 
“You wouldn’t happen to be following me, would you colonel?” I slow my walking down until he’s just behind me. I am engulfed by that smell of teakwood and outdoors again. I inhale slightly.
“No ma’am, just heading to my room.” He says, his southern accent is laced with amusement. “I bet you’d like it if I was following you though.” He laughs at his own joke. I mockingly laugh back.
“In your wildest dreams colonel.” I say, turning to him to give him a mocking look. 
“Please, just call me Miles.” 
“Oh so we’re on first name bases now, I just met you good sir.”
“Yes," He rolls his eyes, "but only if I can call you Ensley.” I stop in my tracks and slowly turn to look at him. I smile up at him and in return, he flashes those pearly whites at me. I feel my stomach start to do flips to be on the receiving end of his smiles. 
“Ye-Yea, you sure can, Miles.” I say with some extra dramatics. He smiles and chuckles before walking past me to head back down the hall. I watch him go. When he’s out of sight, I race to my room. It’s a small cozy room with a bed in the middle. There's a decently sized walk-in closet, a dresser, a small futon and some shelfs littered on the walls. There is also a small bathroom with a shower and toilet just off to the side. I sigh as I set my stuff down and plop on my bed. I enjoy that this is my one small place to call my own on this big unfamiliar planet. It keeps me sane. 
I sit up and realize that I am in desperate need of a shower. I move to my closet to grab my towel and pjs and walk into the bathroom to turn on the shower. I stand under the warm water for what feels like hours. My brain has not been able to stop and shut up for the last seven days. All because of him, Miles Quaritch. Thoughts of him have infested my mind. It doesn’t matter if it’s just him in general or if it’s my brain imagining what it might be like to have him on top of me. This is seriously getting ridiculous. 
I get out and dry my body off. Instead of putting my pajamas on, I take my naked body to my bed. I drop my towel before I lay down and I sprawl my body out messily on the bed. I stare off at the ceiling. I take deep breaths and try to calm myself. 
Aimlessly, my one hand slips from my stomach to my breast and the other down to my core. My fingers start to pinch and pull at my nipple and the other fingers start to rub my clit, both movements making my body erupt in pleasure. Soft gasps and sighs start to fill the room and thoughts of Miles begin to fill my mind. I go back to where I was before I was interrupted in the conference room earlier. 
Miles moves down to part my legs and places his head in between my thighs. I can feel his warm breath on my pussy and it makes me ache and yearn for him even more. 
“Tell me what you want sweetheart.” She says as he moves to hook his arms around my thighs, placing kisses on the inner skin of my thighs.
“I want your mouth. I want you to taste me.” I say breathlessly and he does exactly what I say for him to do. His mouth contexts with my clit and he sucks at the sensitive bud.
My hands continue to pinch and rub as I feel myself fall apart in my own hands. My orgasm starts to build and I work my hands faster, chasing my orgasm. I groan and moan as I still imagine him playing with my clit.
My climax hits me out of nowhere. My body twitches and my thighs squeeze around my hand as I ride it out. After I finish, I let go of my nipple and take my hand away from my clit and lay there limb for a bit. 
I’ve asked this question before and I'll ask it again: What is wrong with me? I’ve had two encounters with this man and I already want him between my thighs. I’m fucking crazy.
I sit up from my spot on my bed and contemplate what my next move is. I sit there for a bit, my back hunched and my arms hang lazily. I have an idea.
“I need another shower.”
Postnote: (Long, so bear with me.) I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. If I made any mistake or you have questions, message me! I'd love to hear from y'all. I will also be taking some suggestions on how to start the next chapter because I have no idea what to do. I will be making a posting schedule and that is to post once a week, whether it be this story or a different story. If you have requests, ask! Have a good rest of your week!
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avatarart · 5 months
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Posting with permission from the artist, @ntkarn23!
Please check out their Instagram page and go show your love for the original post!
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kings-evil · 8 months
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Miles and Lark (Sparrow!) in @thesongofingrid's fantasy AU Won't spoil anything but feel free to note the tail action
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mrpigion · 2 years
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2.9k Words
A/N: Bold letters are spoken in Na'vi by the characters. 
Normal letters are spoken in English by the characters.
It all happened in a blink of an eye, faced a corner you looked at the tree diamondoid creatures standing right in front of you. You hissed at them showing your fangs as they held their guns up to your face. If they wanted to they would have already ended your life in a second but load and hold, thanks for your quick hands, you've got one of them underneath your knife, close to their neck.
You never let your guard down, and if they tried to do something funny, you wouldn't hesitate to slit his throat. Gaging and growling he begged his friends to shoot the native, "F-Fuck sake!" He yelled feeling the blade touch his skin. "Shoot her already!"
Your eyes darted over to the female soldier who slowly pressed her necklace around the neck, something Jake would use to communicate with his own family and you when you guys were out on a mission.
The female then opened her mouth and whispered something you didn't catch on to but heard a familiar voice in between the lines with alerted your ears to spike upwards. Your tongue ran through your teeth as the name of the man you were looking for escaped her lips.
A shot of adrenaline spread across your body as you brought the guy underneath you closer to you, hardening the grip around the knife. The enemy looked at you confused the moment you began to speak in their language, trying to negotiate.
"I'll say this once," You began, "I'll let your friend go if you bring me Miles Quaritch,"
A silence fell down on you as the blue-halfbreeds looked at one another trying to see if they heard right. Not receiving a direct response you pressed the blade on the guy's neck and left a small cut, not big enough to kill him but enough so that blood would run down, "I will not repeat myself!" You shouted sending a sign that you were not playing around.
"Alright there, hold on sweetheart," The woman spoke and again reached her hand around the necklace speaking into it. It didn't really take that long after as she order the other two who stood beside her to lower their weapons. Having her hands out and the weapon away from her she asked you politely to cooperate.
Still skeptical and alert you waited until the coast felt clear, you brought the blade away from the guy and pushed him forward with your leg. The team didn't hesitate on taking their guns back onto their hands as they began escorting you.
"Ach!" You hissed the one wearing some type of black glasses over his eyes as he tied your hands tightly behind your back.
"Where leaving!" The woman said and began to walk and the following behind her. Your ears flicked to the side as your Ikran screamed from afar, a clearly obvious call for you.
Your eyes darted up to the sky knowing well that you won't come back to him, at least not now. Before everything that just went down you had left him resting on a cliff not so far from here, he'd deserved it for the long journey you two had for the past two days searching for Spider. Now all he had to do was to rest and regain his strength back before you reunite with him again, this time carrying double the weight.
The guy you cut looked back at you with such disgust, his ears folded back almost hitting the ground. You snarled your nose and kept your head up, eyeing him. "Crazy, bitch..." He murmured turning his face back to the center.
Minuted passed before a loud noise came from above bringing a wave of wind down to where you stood. It was a helicopter, a very common transport the sky-people would use to navigate through the forest, their banshee of some sort.
The halfbreed with the glasses wrapped his arm around you and brought you closer to him as a rope came falling down from the flying machine. You wanted to hit him for even daring to touch you when suddenly you felt your weight being pushed upwards. Helping you up to the helicopter the man gently placed you down and told you to hold still or else you'd fall down.
You were annoyed as you weren't really used to being told what to do, but being the first time in one of these things you had no other choice but to listen. For support, the man held his long foot in front of you as he sat close to the door, you held yourself tight in your seat as the helicopter began to move.
Closing your eyes together you prayed for the great mother for protection, both on you and Spider.
There wasn't that much time for you left, sooner or later you'll finally have him in your arms, but in the means time, you had to stay strong as the step before that would be a challenge. It was time to meet Miles Quaritch, the leader of the sky-people, you'll see him eye to eye.
The trip didn't really last that long as you guys finally arrived at the destination, peaking over at the guy with the glasses you noticed that there was no forest anymore but stone-like buildings, all in the same color, metal, and all sorts of things that were just so depressing to the eye.
After the great war, you'd for sure thought that it would have been the last time the sky-people would have set a foot on your home, but no, they had the audacity to come back, which made you furious. It was as if all of those who fought in that war fought for nothing, the lives that were cut short, everything in vain.
Clenching your jaw tightly and taking a deep breath was a way to calm down the boiling anger within you as the helicopter landed on the ground. Observing the enemy base you noticed a couple of small sky-people looking over towards your direction with bewildered looks on their faces, which in a way amused you, perhaps this was the first time they actually settled eye on a real Na'vi. 
Bringing you inside the stone-like building the squad leads you to a hallway with rooms to the left, stoping in front of one of them, the woman on the team went up and pressed her hand on a box which opened the transparent door.
Your eyes wandered around observing the surroundings, a small room tall enough for your big frame, the door was just a tiny bit smaller as you needed to crouch down to enter the room. The one guy with the glasses brought something out for you.
Looking down at what seemed to be a mask of some sort he explained calmly how to use it, before placing it down on the table next to you. 
Clearly noticing your hands behind your back the guy turned around and freed them, for a moment there you thought those ugly cuffs would finally let your wrist breathe to only be disappointed as he cuffed them back again, this time with your hands in front of you.
You gave the guy a 'wtf' look on your face as he proceeded to explain how to use the breathing maks again. Having focused on the tiny thing you hadn't noticed that the doors had shut close, locking you inside. You turned your head around and saw how everyone except the guy with the glasses started to leave. 
Normally you'd run up to the door and start banging, demanding them to let you out but this was a choice you had made for yourself. Of course, it was a bit alarming to you but not in a threatening way. Either way, you had made it inside the enemy territory and were now closer to Spider.
He had to be in here somewhere, you just knew that his smell wasn't really that far away from you, he was close. In the means of that time, an escape plan must be made for the two of you to get out of here safely, without any disturbance of some sort. 
You just have to take down the leader of this place, and with him down everything else with go with ease. At any moment now, the demon Miles Quaritch will walk right in, you just had to stay calm and collected till then. A smile crossed your face as the thought of feeding him to your Ikran wasn't such a bad idea, after all, he deserved a good meal. 
Walking around the room waiting patiently at the Colonel you hadn't noticed that he was far closer than you thought, in fact, he was watching you from a big screen since you got here. And if he had to be honest with himself he was disappointed when he first settled his eyes on you.
Hearing from what Z-Dog (the female avatar) was reporting earlier today, that they had a 'bluebird' on the line, he 100% thought that she was talking about Mrs.Sully, Jake's chick. And when he heard that she was asking for him only doubled that number. A native, sneaking around near the base was not something you saw every day, normally they would stay away, of course, it had to be her. 
As far as Quaritch knew she was the only female Na'vi he knew. Whatever triggered her to come to them must have been linked to Spider, he was with the Sully kids after all. But he had to drop all of that when the native, his squad had taken in appeared to be somebody else. He had no idea who this female was, a complete mystery as she didn't appear in any part of his memories. 
Annoyed, Quaritch reached over the table and took his oversized cup of coffee, and took a sip, leaving a very bitter taste behind. What could she possibly want from them?
General Admore had been patient enough to let her stay for interrogation, it wasn't that easy to convince her but mentioning that it could help them find the Sullys the general acceptance, and with that kept Quaritch alerted. In the end, it was a win for him, as she could be a secret key to find ingJake Sully and taking him down. 
So not wasting another minute Quaritch placed the cup down and headed over to the cell, Lyle followed him close behind as they approached Mansk who was guarding the cell. Noticing the Colonel's presence, Manks turned around and opened the door for them, Quaritch and Lyle walked in. 
You snapped your head around and noticed two tall figures walkin' in, a distinguish smell roaming from them, you stepped back a bit. One of them stood close to the door with his weapon close to his body, ready to shoot if you made a move. Your eyes then settled on the figure who stood in front of you, looking at him from head to toe. 
"My eyes are up here sweetheart," He beamed a smile seeing as you were checking him out, "it appears you've requested my presence," he drawls placing both hands on his hips. 
Your ears subconsciously peak upwards and your tail stopped swinging, realization hitting you slowly. With lips pressed together, he raises his eyebrows and tilted his head closer to you, "and, to whom may I have the honor?"
You arched your back straight and pushed your chest out, looking at him eye to eye with your tale flicking behind you, "I am not here to waste time," you began, "you have something I want." 
"And what could that be?" He asked ears perking upwards. 
"Dispose me free and tell your men to leave, I want you right now, alone," You declared.
The man who stood behind him snorted out a laugh after hearing what you'd just said. Not breaking contact with the Colonel you awaited his response to you, his yellow orbs looking at you up and down.
He wasn't sure if you were standing there joking but by the means of your emotionless face, he took it as if you were serious. But if he had to puzzle up your words maybe you weren't exactly meaning that, you didn't come all the way over here to request such a thing...or did you?
Quaritch held his hand up and ordered his men to leave them alone. The man shoot a wink toward the Colonel as he made his way out of the room, the door closed behind him. Quaritch reached down to his belt and pulled out his breathing mask, inhaling before talking to you.  "Alright," He began, "you've got me here so you better speak up or else I might get bored." 
Walking around the table you slowly made your way up to him, stopping where there was a respectful space between you. His eyes darted down to your eyes as you looked at him, trying your best to look intimidating. "You listen to me carefully, Miles Quaritch" You spoke, trying your best to pronounce his weird last name. "In this instance, you give me back what belongs to me, okay?" 
"Sweetheart I am no mind reader," He replied with a smug look on his face, "you have to be clearer with your words here," 
"You think I'm stupid, ey? His smell is all over you, I can sent it." 
Quaritch's smirk lowered down as his face changed expression, his mind going directly to Spider. "The kid?" He asked and noticed your ears flicker, revealing to him that it was exactly what you were thinking, "Interesting..."
You growled at him dangerously as the patient was starting to leave your body. Quaritch raised his hand up, "Whoa, hold on there hot stuff," He halted trying to sound civil "no need to go all na'vi in here, alright." 
"I don't think I have to repeat myself Miles Quaritch!" You hissed, tail curled back to your spine.
"I understand. Not everybody likes to work overtime, " He lowered his hand and stood tall, "Did Jake Sully send you?"
You didn't say anything and let your eyes speak for your behalf as they narrowed down. "You came alone," Quartich folded his arms together, "that's brave."
You rolled your eyes and inhaled from the breathing mask. Quartich stood there and thought for a second as an idea popped into his head. Now he didn't have the full picture of how you made it to Hell's gate but your reasons were all that he needed as an opportunity for a negotiation settled. To even speak to you in a civil way he had to influence General Admore.
"Let me suggest a proposition," Quaritch began, "I give you the kid in exchange for your knowledge." 
Your eyes turned back to him, 'knowledge? What does he mean?' you thought to yourself as you let him continue.
"As you can see, the situation is tough and my team and I need somebody to teach us the Na'vi way, to navigate and understand the mighty being called Eyw-aa. No one here really knows the ins and outs of the forest, trust me the kid has offered a tiny bit of information, but it's not gonna be enough," he said looking at you with big eyes, "and who not to teach us best than a true na'vi. "Do you understand?" 
Your temple wrinkled hearing the bad pronunciation as he spoke your language, cringing at how bad it sounded, you proceeded to correct him which happened unintentionally.
A peal of laughter escaped the colonel's lips, as you corrected him, "I believe that we've come to an agreement, so, do we have a deal?" Quaritch reached his hand out to you, wanting to shake hands.
You couldn't believe that you'd even accept such a request, originally you were a teacher teaching young hunters to the path of adulthood, that was your job (teaching Quaritch and his team wouldn't be any different, tho...).
Taking that deal won't be such a bad idea, after all, having a moment to think it through was actually a good idea. You'll both have Spider and an easy exit out from here, it was perfect!
A scoff left your lips as you glared up at the Colonel, "The forest will eat you up before you know. None of you would last a day."
Quaritch smiled, his tail swinging behind him, "Then it's a deal." 
To be continued. 
Start l Chapter 1 l Chapter 3
Tags: @belos-simp69
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jeepersbxch · 3 months
the way, 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ( 𝗦𝗡𝗘𝗔𝗞 𝗣𝗘𝗔𝗞 )
Spider, Spider, Spider.
His name echoed like a sacred mantra in her mind. A chant bestowed upon her by Eywa. The Great Mother had blessed her with the boy, and she understood that she must reciprocate. She would raise him to honor Eywa, providing him a life brimming with love and joy. She was willing to do whatever it took to protect the precious gift bestowed upon her sixteen years ago, even if it meant going against those she had grown up with.
Her loyalty to her people was unwavering, but her love for her son and devotion to Eywa surpassed all else. Unknowingly, her path was set even though he had not yet answered her question. She chose Eywa.
She chose Spider.
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©️ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, jeepersbxch 2024
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noisydeergalaxy · 2 years
The Amber eyed dreamwalker part 1
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- This is an idea that's been in my head a while, as much as I feel like we should hate quaritch for his past and for what he did in twow I can't help but feel like he needs some love and a fresh start. All opinions are welcome. This will most likely be multi chapters. This is my first publicly shared fic so please bare with me while I get the hang of things.
Warnings: none, maybe slight violence, a knife, for this chaper but will most likely have smut in later chapters.
Miles quaritch trudged through the muddy grounds of a forest, he didn't know where he was, it all looked the same in his eyes, his ikran had gone off hunting he assumed, he didn't really care right now, after the events of the battle between himself, jake sully and The Metkayina he felt nothing but seething anger and needed to be alone, he was lucky to be alive but after spiders rejection he wished he'd been left to drown.
He had nothing, his team where dead, his mission had failed, what was he meant to do now, he'd been brought back for a reason, given his avatar body for a reason but now he was nothing but another dreamwalker lost and alone on Pandora.
After what seemed like hours miles came to a clearing with a small stream, kneeling down he cupped some of the water in his hands and drank greedily splashing water over his face and neck to cool himself down in the humidity of the forest, his ears twitching as he took in the sounds around him, creatures of Pandora chittering in the trees and bushes around him. Unbeknown to miles, another set of eyes where watching him closely.
As miles stood up he removed his combat vest leaving him in a khaki vest top and his camo trousers which had been cut above the knee, a knife still safely strapped to his thigh. He ripped off the communication devices from his ears and around his neck deaming them useless now he threw them to the ground. Sighing miles looked up through the trees, the sky looked beautiful, hard to believe that he had come from one of those stars.
He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.
Twigs on the ground snapped loudly behind him, miles spun on high alert, his ears pricked in anticipated, slowly reaching to unsheath the blade on his thigh, but before he reached the handle a heavy force knocked him to the forest floor, with the wind knocked out of him miles could do nothing but lay on the ground stunned. He barely noticed the sharp blade pressed to his throat and the female navi pinning him to the ground.
"If you make one more move towards that knife I'll slit your throat and leave you to the viperwolves and they don't leave much behind demon" the female navi snarled above him inching her face slightly closer to miles stunned one.
Still stunned from the sudden attack miles eyes roamed over the female, she had him pinned down straddling his waist, one hand firmly on his chest while the other held the blade to his throat, her tail swished aggressively behind her, he took in her appearance, her body was littered with scars and na'vi tattoos, she was quite small for a navi miles thought as he his eyes continued to roam her features, her hair was shaved on one side, the other had beads and other small pieces of jewellery laced through it. Several piercings adorned her ears and bottom lip, he noticed she had large holes in her lower ears much like netytri had, their eyes finally met, miles noticed that her eyes also roamed his features, taking him in with her piercing eyes, her...beautiful eyes.
"I...wha..." miles stuttered struggling to form his words, something very unusual as he was normally the one barking orders at people.
The female snarled above him removing the knife from his throat and stood up, at the same time she ripped the blade from miles thigh, turning she strode off leaving him still on the ground bewildered.
Breathing heavily Mikes shook his head in an attempt to wake himself up from his dazed state, he sat up and got to his feet as he watched her walk away back into the forest, she sheathed her blade on her thigh and continuing ahead. Before his brain had caught up he found himself following her into the darkness of the forest, he tried to be quite but he could tell by the way her ears moved that she knew he was their, he continued to follow her until they reached another clearing, surrounded by large rocks on either side. Miles watched her curiously as she stopped, she then made a sound in the back of her throat, ululating, the sound carried through the forest and echoed around them. Within seconds a loud roar echoed back and a large thantor crashed through the trees into the clearing.
The thantor circled miles slowly, its neck thrills raised, snarling at him, miles in a state of panic backed up against a rock, the thantor getting closer and closer.
Close enough now that miles could feel its breath on his skin, he looked away preparing for his inevitable demise but before that came a clicking tongue sound came from the female navi, the thantor huffed loudly and turned back to its owner, miles shuddered, he didn't know if he wanted to cry to throw up. Opening his eyes he watched as the thantor bowed lowly infront of the blue female, she bowed back smiling, it was then that miles noticed the saddle type garment on the creatures back, in all his time as a human and a navi he'd never known or heard of navis who rode thantors.
"Who are you then demon?" She asked.
"Why are you here?"
The female was walking back towards a shaking miles, swallowing hard he tried to form his words.
"I'm lost, I don't know where I am, i don't want to admit it but I'm scared and....wait...you spoke to me in English" miles looked at her confused, why was she speaking English to him.
She stared at him, her eyes gleaming.
"We are taught your demon language from a young age in the Thantor ’eveng (thantor clan) in case we need it, makes things easier for both sides if we need to negotiate"
Miles nodded slightly.
"What is your name demon?"
The female had moved closer to him now, miles felt nervous and shy almost as he answered her.
"I was colonel Miles quaritch but now..." he paused pursing his lips.
"I'm just miles" he answered sadly.
"And I won't hurt you or your erm...pet?" he added quietly gesturing to the thantor who lay on a large rock grooming itself.
She made a sarcastic sound, rolling her eyes, she turned and mounted the thantor, again the creature circled miles menacingly.
"My clan is not far away, you can either come with me or.....you can stay out here and wait for the viper wolves" She smirked at him, pointing his blade towards him.
Miles didn't seem to have much in the way of options, he either goes with this mystery female and possibly dies by her or her clans hands or he stays out in the forest in the dark and possibly dies by a pack of viper wolves.
He cautiously walked towards the thantor, gesturing towards its back.
"Erm... how do I?"
The female navi stretched out her arm towards him, miles grabbed it and was hauled not very gracefully onto the animals back, the thantor made an ungrateful sound as he situated himself behind its rider.
Not sure where to put his hands miles grabbed onto the animals armoured skin. Clicking her tongue again the thantor took off up the rocks and through the forest, instinctively miles grabbed onto the females waist in an attempt to steady himself, he felt her warm skin under his hands and prayed she wouldn't snap his fingers or stab him at the sudden contact.
Setting into a steady rhythm the 3 of them bounded through the forest, the sky growing darker as they rode deeper into the trees.
By the time they reached the entrance of the Thantor ’eveng's homestead his back was killing him and he felt like his inner thighs would definitely be bruised, letting the female navi slide off the thantors back first miles cautiously slid off wincing at the pain in his legs.
He tried to brush of the look of pain in his face as she turned to look at him.
"Is it worth me asking your name girl or am I gonna end up being killed and eaten by your clan?" Miles smiled slightly at her.
The female navi slowly circled miles looking him up and down, poking and prodding him gently and Occasionally licking her lips as if she was genuinely planning on roasting him alive.
"I'm jenna, and don't worry, you won't feed all of us. You can prove your worth in other ways here instead." She grinned at him cheekily.
Miles didn't realise he had been holding his breath until he let out a breathless laugh while he held his hands on his hips. "Shit" he quietly muttered to himself.
Jenna smiled at him "come, you must be hungry and tired, you can rest tonight and then we'll figure out what use you Will be to us in the morning" jenna gently touched his arm and pulled him along still smiling at him. Her tail playfully swishing
Miles instinctively followed her, finding himself more and more drawn to her.
To be continued......
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sith-darth7nerder · 6 months
‘You can’t keep playing with my emotions like this, Dr Mia Thompson.’ It was Miles’ turn to pass her a breathy whisper. His voice was low and growly and his words were meant for only the researcher’s ears.
(I might have never written this chapter due to the brief epiphany I had but gladly I realized I am a simp and it would take me some considerable amount of time to just move on from this fictional man.) 
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Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Avatar (Cameron Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Miles Quaritch & Original Female Character(s), Colonel Miles Quaritch/Original Female Character Characters: Miles Quaritch, Human Miles Quaritch, Original Female Character Additional Tags: Miles Quaritch - Freeform, Miles Quaritch in love, Falling In Love, Colonel Quaritch being shy, I am a simp and I know it, Age Difference, age gap, Older Man/Younger Woman, Love at First Sight, Love Confessions, Aliens, Alien/Human Relationships, Alien Character(s), Alien Cultural Differences, Please Don't Hate Me, Hate to Love, Grumpy Old Men, Na'vi Culture (Avatar - Cameron), Na'vi & Human Interactions (Avatar - Cameron), Na'vi (Avatar - Cameron), Na'vi Language (Avatar - Cameron), Enemies to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst Summary:
****Updated**** He returned from death for her. She was in his last breath and he was in every tear that left her eyes. Colonel Miles Quaritch died ten years ago but that did not stop him from returning for her. But Dr Mia Thompson is no longer the young woman she fell in love with.
This story contains the sequel to Match Made in Pandora and that is why the title and summary had been updated accordingly.
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muziki-hyena · 2 years
I have serious Quaritch brainrot rn
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chaoticlicense · 1 year
No More Than a Memory Chapter Index (Updated on Dec. 13th, 2023)
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Story Summary
Miles isn't the same man as his human counterpart. The mistakes of the past are not his own. Neither are the feelings he has for a woman he's never met but remembers as though he has. In another life, Skye was everything to him. His light, his life, the one who brought a little joy to his dreary world. But she made her choice just as he made his. They both know that neither of them can change the past but maybe, just maybe, they can forge a new future...
Relationship: Miles Quaritch (both Recom and Human) x OC Skye Miller
Tags/Warnings: NSFW, Miles Quaritch, Recom Miles Quaritch, Miles Quaritch x OC, Recom Miles Quaritch x OC, Female OC, AFAB OC, OC Assumed Dead, Anthropologist OC, Human OC, Avatar OC, Memories, Past Love, Old Love, Reunions, Reflection, Flashbacks, Smut (found in chapters labelled NSFW, each chapter will contain specific smut warnings), Romance, Third Person POV
Chapter Index
Part One:
Chapter 01 (NSFW)
Chapter 02 (SFW)
Chapter 03 (SFW)
Chapter 04 (Slight NSFW)
Chapter 05 (SFW)
Chapter 06 (SFW)
Chapter 07 (SFW)
Chapter 08 (SFW)
Chapter 09 (NSFW)
Chapter 10 (SFW)
A/N: future chapters and other general updates regarding the story can be found under the hashtag “no more than a memory” 😊
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All written content belongs to ©chaoticlicense // you do not have permission to use any of my works // do not repost or modify/edit // all content is written for adults by an adult // any characters unless stated otherwise, belong to their rightful owners // Skye Miller is my OC and all rights to her character belongs to me.
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rorywritesalot · 4 months
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.
Prologue: Welcome to Pandora
Warnings: cursing
Ensley's POV
When you’re 20 years old, you’re usually in college, or moving out of your parents house or whatever. Not me! No, I’m on a different planet to learn more about the wildlife and the natives. I like to think that I’m pretty lucky. I get to do what I love and be mentored by the best of the best, Dr. Grace Augustine. I arrived on Pandora just after I turned 18. I’m the first of the Sully siblings to be here. My brother Tom is supposed to join me here soon. I haven’t seen my family in two long years. I miss my parents and above all, I miss my big brothers. They are only a little over a year older than me. Our parents loved to say that I was a perfect mix of both Jake and Tom. I had the wit and humor of Jake and the smarts and curiosity of Tom. Jake and I were the troublemaking duo. We would taunt the kids of the neighborhood and play pranks on our family. Tom was the brother I could seek out for guidance. He and I could sit and talk about theories forever. It was him who got me extremely interested in the Avatar Program and I studied as hard as I could in order to be considered for the program. Growing up, they were the perfect brothers. They still are. 
When I started my process to get my own avatar, there were some complications with my DNA and it was denied. So I do not have an avatar. My brother Tom does, and he’s here waiting for Tom’s arrival. I work directly under Grace kind of as her right hand. I will be honest, I thought Grace hated me when I first showed up here. She probably did because I was so young and she “didn’t want to be a babysitter”, and I quote. Once she realized what I could do, she started to come around. Since my arrival, Grace has taught me so much and helped me grow as a scientist. She has taken me under her wing and has very much become like a mother figure to me. 
Above all, working with Grace has its perks, but it definitely has its downside. One of those is being her runner. Grace will send me on coffee runs at random hours of the day. She also likes to have me run errands for her too. I get tasked with taking files to Selfridge or sitting in on the boring meetings that she refuses to go to. I didn’t mind running her errands in the end because that was how I met him.
I’ve only ever heard of Colonel Miles Quaritch, I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting the well known Head of Security, until now. The first thing I noticed about the man, other than his piercing blue eyes, was the trio of scars on the right side of his head. If the story is true, he was attacked one his very first day on Pandora by a viperwolf, because he decided it was a good idea to go check out the forest. What an idiot. 
On a trip to one of the breakrooms to get Grace her coffee, I space out. My mind is running rampant, thinking of all the things I have to get done that day. In the middle of running down my mental to-do list, I fail to pay attention to how I turn a corner and run right into a muscular chest and take a tumble to the floor, landing flat on my ass.
“Geez, you need to watch where you’re going cupcake. You okay?” The man says as he reaches down for my hand and hoists me up to my feet. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I guess I was just really out of it.” I say, visibly embarrassed. He lets out a soft laugh.
“It’s fine. Hey, I can’t say I’ve ever met you before. What’s your name?” He flashes his little smirk at me. This man is so devilishly handsome and I think he knows it. With his tan and defined arms, his silver hair and those damn blue eyes. He knows he’s attractive.
“Um, ha, I’m Ensley, Dr. Ensley Sully. I’m a botanist.” I put my hand out for him. He takes it.
“Ah you’re one of those science pukes ain’tcha?” He says, his smirk replaced with a neutral expression. I can’t tell if he now has a sudden distaste for me or something. Since I've been here, I’ve quickly come to understand that the soldier and scientist have never fully seen eye to eye. All because of their different views and since the important people in RDA favor soldiers over scientists. 
“Yeah I am," I say, going into defense mode. "I don’t believe I know your name either.”
“Oh yes, I’m Colonel Quaritch. You might know me as the head of security.” Why, he’s very modest isn’t he. I mentally roll my eyes.
“Well, it’s nice to finally put a face to the name.” I say and he chuckles. He locks his eyes with my brown ones and he looks almost as if he’s analyzing my face. I feel my confidence cracking under his gaze. Part of me wants to run and hide and another part of me wants to fall to the floor and cry. But I don’t. I stand there until I feel like I’m done with the situation.
“I should probably get going. My boss is probably wondering where I am.” I say as I step around him. He turns his body to keep me in sight. 
“Yes, don’t want to keep them waiting.”
“Mhmm, it was nice meeting you.” I say as I turn and continue my trip to the breakroom for Grace’s coffee. As I walk away, I have the feeling that eyes are on me. As I round the corner to the breakroom, I glance back and see the colonel still looking at me. I hesitantly stop and gaze back at him. I softly smile and wave my fingers at him. He subtly nobs and turns to continue to where he was going. 
I turn on the coffee machine so I can make Grace’s drink as well as making a cup of tea for myself. I’m not a big fan of coffee. I hate the bitterness of it as well as the after taste. So I don’t drink caffeine or anything, I just run off of sheer willpower. 
As I’m doing what I’m doing, I think back to the encounter I just had with the colonel. Everyone made him out to be so mean and cold. He didn’t seem that way with me. Maybe everyone only ever met him as the colonel and I just got to meet him as just him. 
I finish making the drinks and I make my way back to the lab. Upon my arrival, I look around to find Grace. I find her hunched over a microscope. I set her mug down by the scope and she shoots her eyes to look at me.
“Jesus E, what took you so goddamn long.” She says, visibly irritated that she had to wait longer for her precious coffee. She takes a sip and looks back at me signaling that she wants to know what happened to me.
“I just ran into someone and I got to talking to them. It's not that big of a deal.” I say turning my back to her and heading to my desk.
“Who did you run into?”
“Fuck Grace, why do you care?”
“I want to know.”
“If I tell you, will you stop pestering me?” I grumble. She nods her head.
“I ran into Quaritch.” I say and Grace's face slightly drops.
“Oh, are you okay? He didn’t give you any shit did he?” She asks and I shake my head. She seems relieved. She and Quaritch have always had it out for each other and couldn’t be in the same room as each other without wanting to bite the other's head off. So I understand why she doesn't want him to give me or any of her scientists shit or anything.
“Okay well, let's get back to work. There are some Mist Blooms I want you to analyze and make some reports about. Okay?” Grace motions to the pile of papers and files sitting on my desk. I take a seat, sip my tea and dive back into my work.
Note: This is my first ever fanfic and I'm so happy to share this with you. Most of my titles are going to be based off Taylor Swift title tracks. So if there are any swifts here, I hope you enjoy that. Chapter 1 will be out soon!
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avatarart · 6 months
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Posting with permission from the artist, @ntkarn23!
Please check out their Instagram page and go show your love for the original post!
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lina-lovebug · 2 years
Bleeding Hearts
This will be a long fanfic series. I have the same one on my Wattpad @ autogirls. Hope you all enjoy!
Nanat'ia (original character) x Miles Quaritch
"He is beautiful, Neytiri."
I had never thought I would see my sister so happy. She was glowing with pure love and happiness as she stared down at her newborn son, her hand wrapped in mine.
"I'm so happy for you," I pressed my forehead against hers, expressing my joy for her family.
When the sky people were sent away, I could feel a new era approaching. I prayed to Eywa for peace for my people since they had endured so much.
And for my new era of peace, I had put down my weapons and rested my mind. I did not want to bring any negative thoughts or feelings that I had held before. The sky people are gone, and so what was the need for me to continue making weapons? Not the bows my sister had crafted, but knives. Sharp daggers that were made for swiftly killing the enemy - ones I had started to forge when I was eight.
"Neytiri! Neytiri, I just thought of a great name!" Jake burst through the hut, excitement in his eyes as he had completely forgotten that I was here.
"What name have you been thinking of this time, Jake?" When I had discovered what name he had given his Ikran, I could not fathom it. He is Taruk Makto, the greatest earrior of our time, and such a great Na'vi warrior had named his Ikran Bob.
"Something very fitting, Nanat," He insisted, knowing my harsh judgment, but it was all fun and games with us.
"Tell me, my Jake," Neytiris' nerves were calm since having him, only focusing on their son so her mood was lighter than usual.
Utter silence.
My sisters hand tightened around my own, trying to restrain herself from smacking him in the face.
"You are willing to name the future clan leader of the Omaticaya, Steve?" I questioned, my head tilted slightly. He saw the dangerous look in my sisters eye and immediately backed down from the idea.
"Or-or not, I mean, it's not that great," He stuttered out.
Names on Earth always sounded so weird. Steve? Bob? And thousands of Earth children share the same name. When I think of it, it often makes me sad for them because it means their parents did not think about their own name. There is no meaning - no beauty to their names.
"I have thought of one," Sister spoke up, gently caressing his head as he suckled on her for food.
"Neteyam. I think it suits him well," Neytiri smiled down at him, and I could see the spark in Jakes eyes. Jake looked down at his child, and it looked like that baby boy was his entire reason for living.
"Neteyam. . .it's perfect," Jake concluded, and I decided to take my leave.
The love between Neytiri and Jake was one to be admired and sought after. I had never seen such a connection before, even when she was promised to Tsu'tey. Even when she had expressed her disdain and annoyance for training him when he first arrived, it was like Eywa had already decided that they would have the strongest mate bond.
Neytiri would die for Jake, and Jake would die for Neytiri.
A love I wished for.
But it was not my time.
I believe that when the time comes, Eywa will bring my future mate to me. Perhaps he will be a thorn in my side, or my best friend - whatever comes, I put all my trust in Eywa that they will be the best for me.
I turned my head, "Mother?"
"Come here, child. What have they named him?" She is so excited to be a grandmother. Ever since the news broke that Neytiri and Jake were expecting their first child, she has been praying and watching Neytiri like Ikran.
"You will find out at the ceremony," I replied, and she hissed in frustration.
"Should you not be preparing the clan to receive his name?" I questioned my mother as she walked along with me.
"I wished to ask something of you, my child," She hooked her arm with mine, her thumb gently stroking my arm in comfort.
Meaning it was bad news.
"Remember how I told you I found you in the forest as a baby?"
"How could I forget? You told the story every year on my birthday," I wasn't hers - biologically. In my mother's grief, she secluded herself to the forest and found me. Her grieving was that she had lost her child giving birth, the cord having killed the baby before the air could reach them. So, she went to the forest seeking solitude.
Instead, she found me. As she told me, I was crying and just on the ground - seemingly abandoned. No one was around, and I was unharmed.
"I went to the Mother Tree to pray, but it was not the answer that I wished Eywa gave me," She said, worry in her eyes.
"What was it?"
She sighed, "it was a vision. I was watching through another's eyes in a strange place. A loud sound was going off, and humans were running all around me. I tried to fight my way into a room, but the others pushed me away. Afterward, I fell to my knees as the loud sound fell silent, and all I could feel was grief."
"Was this on Earth?" I had never seen it, only heard stories from the nicer sky people - like Grace.
"It is nothing like I have ever seen."
"But why come to me with this, mother? You are Tsahik - I do not know what this means," I expressed, and she stopped in her tracks.
"I heard a man crying out a name. . .my child, he was screaming for you."
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avatarrecom · 1 year
Day 10: Hunter/Prey
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: First time writing smut, so it probably sucks lol. As you can see, I got carried away with Miles 😂.
If you've read my kinktober masterlist, you know that I wasn't comfortable with the original propmt, knife kink, so I came up with this prompt, which is heavily inspired by “Colonel’s Orders” by @whxre-bxby.
Also, I skipped Fike, because I couldn't come up with something for him for the life of me
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch You were running through the trees as fast as you could, breathing heavily. The sun was setting quickly, casting a beautiful mix of amber and orange colors. No matter how much time he gave you, he was always faster and an expert at tracking. You were screwed. And strangely, you were okay with it. The only indication that Miles had started searching for you was the sound of the wind rushing through the trees. One moment, you were running, and the next, you were forcefully pushed against a nearby tree, the rough bark scratching against your front. Miles pressed himself against your back, wrapping his arms around you. You took a shaky breath. And then Miles let out a fucking growl. A deep, soul-splitting growl escaped from his chest as he held you tightly against the tree. "And where did you think you were going?" You tried to answer, but he silenced you by placing his hand over your mouth. "Shhh, Darlin’, I've got you now, don't I?" He emphasized his point by grinding against your backside, pushing your cheek against the tree bark. "You're mine now," Miles said in a low, dark voice as his hand explored your body, slipping under your shirt. "Nowhere to hide... nothing to hide..." His lips brushed against your neck, leaving bruises and marks as he leisurely played with your body however he pleased. "I could do whatever I wanted right now, couldn't I?" It was true, and the thought only made you feel hotter as Miles undid the button on your pants. Miles's lips trailed along your ear, his voice gravelly. "How about I find out how loud I can make you scream when I fuck you right here in the dirt?"
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet "Gotcha." That's the last thing you hear as Lyle tackles you hard, his big body crashing into yours. You hit the dirty ground, and without wasting a second, he rips off your pants and underwear. His cock glides against your wet folds, already slick from the thrilling chase, and a whimper escapes your lips. In one smooth move, he thrusts himself inside you, and the slight pain of the stretch is nothing compared to the incredible pleasure of him hitting that sweet spot right away. "Next time, run faster, babe," he growls.
🍬 Recom Z-dog So, you were running through the forest with Z-dog hot on your heels. It was supposed to be a training session, but you could tell it was turning into something more for her. "You think you can outrun me, babe? Don't worry, I'll catch you." And catch you she did. You couldn't help but let out a moan as she pinned you down on the forest floor and started getting handsy with your pants. Her fingers were driving you wild as they teased the sides of your thighs, right up next to your cunt. "Z, please..." you whispered, but she just looked up at you with a wicked grin. "Oh, honey. You don't get to call the shots here."
🥽 Recom Walker She's totally into playing a game of hunter and prey. It's like, when she hears your heartbeat and those cute little breaths you take while you're trying to hide among the trees, it really gets her adrenaline going. And hey, if by some miracle you manage to win, she'll let you be in charge for the night. But if you lose, well, you're at her complete mercy until you can't handle it anymore.
😎 Recom Mansk Hunting someone down is totally a guilty pleasure. The thrill of the chase just amps him up, and no matter where you hide in the forest, he's got a nose and ears that never fail to pick you up among the forest smells and sounds. He gets a bit rougher after he catches you and fucks the life outta you, but don't worry, he always checks if you're alright. And hey, if you're cool with it, he might even leave a bite or mark as a souvenir.
🧯 Recom Prager Initially, he was unaware that this was considered a kink. When Miles explained the training exercise to him and when he found out that he got to chase you, he was ecstatic. It made him all riled up, which you and your other lovers noticed. It wasn't until someone told him that he realized the nature of his desires. He definitely enjoys the thrill of chasing you, exerting effort to catch up, but always knowing he can easily capture you within a minute. The sensation of hunting his prey exhilarates him, leading to him going all out in bed like there's no tomorrow. Trust me, you won't be able to walk straight for a while after that.
⚕️ Recom Ja When he catches you, he's got this huge grin on his face. And his tail, man, it's sweeping around him like you've never seen before. He's totally in his element. He grabs your chin and plants this deep, passionate kiss on you. His teeth lightly graze your lips, giving you this tingling, stinging sensation. And then, out of nowhere, he tears your clothes apart and he innocently goes, "Oops, my bad!" Next thing you know, he pulls you onto his lap and tells you to hold onto the tree behind you. He starts trailing kisses down from your chest all the way down to your cunt. And let me tell you, he's so damn good at it that you can't help but squirm with pleasure. He's got such a tight grip on your hips, making sure you can't move much. After that, he pushes you down to the ground and starts grinding against you for a bit. And then he thrusts into you with all his might, going at it like a wild animal. He's got a firm hold on the back of your head, and you can hear him panting above you.
🧢 Recom Brown When he finally catches you, he jumps on you and rolls around for a bit before pinning you down with a huge grin on his face like he just won the lottery. "Gotcha!" he says before kissing you like you're the only thing that matters. Then he scoops you up in his arms and takes you to a private spot. As a reward for catching you, he asks you to suck his dick. He loves the way your mouth feels on him and just watching you do it is one of his favorite things. Once you've got him nice and wet, he wastes no time in fucking you hard and holding you down so he can feel every inch of you. It's pure bliss for him.
📿 Recom Lopez Before you know it, he's got you in his grasp, using sneaky moves to take you down and tie you up with a rope. He's into a little rough play, so he gives you a good spanking and enjoys the sounds you make. Once you're all tied up, he starts stripping you down, even ripping your clothes off if he has to. But don't worry, the ropes are comfy and don't hurt. He even takes the time to pleasure you a bit, telling you how hot you look all tied up. And if you make some good noises, he'll make you feel even better. Before you know it, he's going at it with wild abandon, using those ropes to hold you in place and give you the ride of your life. It's like he's barely holding on to his self-control as he takes you to new heights.
⛓️ Recom Fike Sorry, but I honestly can’t see him being into this. I’ll edit this post if I do come up with something.
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imliketheiceifreeze · 2 years
Human Miles Quaritch x Original character
American dream
She is a Polish girl in America Tall, tan, hot blonde called Anya I asked her 'Why would you wanna be a Hollywood wife?' "Because I don't wanna end up living in a dive on Vine A dive on Vine"
Warnings: Smut (and I mean pure filth), swearing, abuse of power, age gap, minors DNI
Short story (porn without plot)
4,841 words
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It was late one evening in the RDA base, almost everyone had rotated back to earth by now, all of my squamates had been so cheerful as they wished me goodbye, talking of the parents, children, husbands that were waiting for them back home. That thought made me sigh as I took another generous gulp of my beer, it tasted like shit but was one of the only drinks at the bar and I wasn't planning on being sober tonight. The bar was almost empty aside from one other person who I noticed had also chosen to stay on pandora-my Colonel, Colonel Quaritch.
I wondered what his reasons were for staying, I knew my own, but the thought of him having no-one to go home to spiked an unusual feeling in my chest. I couldn't deny I had always been sweet on the Colonel-probably on account of my copious daddy issues-though, knowing this didn't make my feelings for him lessen any.
The room was already beginning to sway a little, to my delight, and as I looked around I noticed the Colonel getting to his feet- returning to his quarters most likely-meaning that I would be left completely alone, without even something to occupy my eyes. However, catching me off guard, his feet did not turn towards the door and instead moved him in close proximity with my table.
"Evening Anja."
It struck me that he hadn't addressed me with my title, I wasn't even aware that he knew my name.
I replied nodding as he took a seat in front of me, spreading his legs out in a dominant display as he leaned back, seeming surprisingly relaxed for the normally uptight man. He laughed a little at my use of his honorifics as he responded,
"you can call me Miles, we're off duty aren't we?"
His question had no real answer, yet I felt the need to reply to him, his presence still making me jumpy from the endless punishments he'd forced me and my comrades to endure.
"Yeah, I suppose so,"
I murmured thoughtfully, taking another sip of my drink as my eyes flitted over him much more shamelessly than I'd ever dare without some liquid courage. He seemed to mirror my movements, his lips quirked up at the sides ever so slightly.
"So, why are you still on Pandora Anja?"
My name slipped off his lips like honey, making me blush and turn away from his gaze, the steely blue eyes boring into mine much too intently for my liking.
"Don't have too much at home for me sir, no point wasting the trip to come straight back anyway,"
I spoke truthfully, feeling comfort in the fact that he was obviously in the same predicament. He hummed, eyes narrowing as he thought.
"what about you sir?"
I asked to break the silence that had fallen on us both, heart lurching a little when I met his eyes, suddenly realising how intimate the situation was.
"I thought I told you to call me Miles huh sweetcheeks, you don't need to be shy around me you know."
He chuckled, watching me curl into myself like a shrinking violet at his words.
"But to answer your question, there's no-one waiting for me at home either Anja."
An answer that should've been brimming with as much shame as my own, somehow seemed sultry when he said it, all kinds of implications swimming in his eyes as they scanned my blushing form.
"I'm sorry sir, you just make me nervous, you're a scary man you know."
I smiled shyly up at him with red tinged cheeks as I fiddled with the rim of my bottle, earning me a hiss as he drew in a quick breath.
"Don't give me those eyes darling,"
He scolded, eyes narrowed with an emotion I couldn't place, yet it caused my stomach to dive in fear....or excitement? I wasn't sure, but I found it impossible now to remove my eyes from his handsome face as I felt my body lean in.
"What do you mean sir?
I stuttered, taken aback by his words which were causing heat to spread through my body like wildfire.
"I think you know exactly what I mean Anja, don't think I don't notice the way you look at me in training as well. You think it's appropriate for you to be looking at a 50 year old man like that?"
He interrogated me with a harsh glare, the feeling of all my cards being ripped away from my chest causing my throat to close. I had thought I was more subtle with my feelings, but I couldn't help the way my eyes would drag along his toned arms, bulging chest, strong legs, especially when he was drenched in sweat and panting. Images flashed into my mind of all such situations he was referring to and I couldn't contain the small smile that graced my features. Unable to answer his question, I had unintentionally left him room to continue my humiliation.
"You know if you don't stop calling me sir I'm gonna start thinking it turns you on."
My breath hitched at his words as I watched him lean back, pleased with my reaction, spreading his legs further and taking another swig of his beer. I wondered if he was drunk, I'd never heard him speak like this before; however, I couldn't help but enjoy the attention, as heat crawled up my thighs, unable to meet his stare.
"I-I don't know what you mean sir, I look at you the same as anyone else,"
I spoke slowly, struggling to get any words out with my quickened breathing and dry throat.
"Oh really? Is that so, you look like that at Fike, Lyle, Mansk, Zdinarsk?"
He drawled, eyes glimmering with enjoyment, moving one foot forward he allowed his cargo-pant covered leg to brush against my own. It was only a small action but it elicited a shiver from my body, the heat from his thigh seeping into my own delightfully and doing nothing to quell the heat searing between my legs.
"No sir,"
I breathed in admission, finally deciding to meet his predatory gaze which didn't falter, showing me he didn't even need it, he already knew.
"Good girl,"
he rasped out, almost having me mewling like a bitch in heat at the nickname.
"Now, tell me, what's a pretty, young thing like you want with a man like me? Want me to hold your hand, give you special treatment, make you corporal someday?"
He asked intently, face too difficult to read for me to decipher if he was joking or not. Nevertheless, I humoured him with a response, although, somewhat offended that he thought I wanted to climb the ranks that way.
"No sir, that's not what I want."
My reply was harsh, causing him to chuckle at my intensity, however, this time he did not bite back, only staring with eyebrows quirked as he dared me to challenge him, fully utilising his interrogation abilities to play with me. Eventually, having weighed up the possibilities in my head, I decided to be truthful. He was still my Colonel after all and I knew he valued honesty. Taking one long breath, deep into my chest, I closed my eyes momentarily, praying to god that he wasn't about to kick me out of the corps for good before speaking boldly for once.
"I want you to fuck me Colonel."
It was his turn for his front to drop, choking on his beer with a laugh as surprise flashed across his face, quickly being replaced by a sultry gaze; he bit his lip harshly, letting it bounce out from between his lips as he looked me up and down, clearly envisioning my words.
"don't play with me girl,"
he growled, leaving the bemused façade behind, the effect I was having on him finally showing, and to my shock, he almost seemed to want me as much as I did him.
Not bothering to entertain the suggestion, I walked slowly to his side and leaned down to place one knee in the space between his legs, dubiously close to his crotch, before placing my hand against his rough cheek. My actions appeared to take him by surprise, still he wrapped his hands around my waist to steady me, eyes locked on mine in curiosity. Leaning down hurriedly, I pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, revelling in the sensation of his mouth against my own, feeling his breath on my cheek as I pulled away with a shudder.
"I'm not playing about Colonel, I'm being serious. If you don't feel the same then just tell me and stop letting me make a fool out of myself."
I whispered nervously, eyes flicking between his own, heart beating harder out of my chest with each passing second.
Out of the blue, I felt myself being tugged forward, crashing into his hard chest and giving my legs no choice but to spread out to a kneel on either side of his thighs, hands grabbing onto his shoulders to steady me.
"Fuck, you're so damn irresistible,"
he groaned, taking heavy breaths through his nose and dipping his head down to kiss and suck at my neck, nipping occasionally. The sensations overwhelmed me, causing me to whine in his hold whilst my fingers dug into his shoulders, pressing myself impossibly closer to his body, wanting so much to move my hips rhythmically against his own.
"That's it baby, let me know how good it feels,"
he mumbled against my skin, which I was sure was littered with marks by now. I couldn't take it anymore, his words causing a wave of desire to crash over me and I was ashamed to admit, the excitement of the situation almost made me cum there and then on his thigh.
I released another, higher pitched whine as I gave into my wishes, rolling my hips almost frantically over his, I felt as good as feral in that moment, knowing I would've let him lay me out on that table and fuck me then and there in the bar if he wanted to. I only stilled when he seized my hips in an iron grip, and I was actually able to get a good look at him. He looked just as dishevelled as I was sure I did, eyebrows furrowed, eyes almost pleading as he swallowed hard, closing them as if in pain,
he growled, slapping my arse hard enough to sting, making me yelp and jolt forward, surprised at myself for enjoying the feeling as much as I did.
"Don't do that,"
he reiterated, the low timbre of his voice making me moan shamelessly, glad to be alone in the bar because if anyone could see my desperate state, my reputation would never recover.
"I'm sorry sir,"
I whimpered, nuzzling my face into his neck, pressing my own kisses to his jugular needily.
"Look at you, such a whore for your Colonel. what would your comrades think if they could see you now Anja, all needy for my cock."
His words were turning me on more than I'd ever been in my life, making me so wet I thought it might have seeped through my pants as I choked down another moan.
"I wouldn't care, just please please,"
I virtually cried out, shivering pitifully in his arms. Having mercy on me, he hooked one finger under my chin, a grin plastered on his face as he cooed mockingly
"It's ok baby, is this what you need?"
thrusting his hips against mine, forcing my own hips to roll against him with his other hands, he surveyed my blissed out expression with dark eyes. Leaning in, he lead my head towards him, allowing me to connect my mouth with his and kissing me heatedly, one hand moving to my scalp, pulling lightly at the strands, seeming to have picked up on my masochistic tendencies. As I moaned into his mouth I gave him an opening to slip his tongue between my lips, moving it surprisingly sweetly against me.
Regrettably, he was a great kisser, gripping and touching me just right as his warm muscle massaged my mouth, letting my tongue explore him however I liked, it was only making it more difficult not to fall for him, imagining where else he could kiss to elicit even greater pleasure from me.
He was the one to pull away first, eyes blown wide as we watched the string of saliva connecting us snap at the distance.
"Sweetheart, I'm so close to bending you over this table right now,"
He grunted, shuffling his hips against me once more, I guessed his trousers were getting uncomfortable by now and I could feel his hardness straining against my ass every time he moved.
"that's okay, I don't mind, I'll do whatever you want sir,"
I replied, smiling up gently at the man through my lashes, hoping to crack his resolve enough for him to give in because I couldn't take his teasing any longer. His only response was another groan, head tilting back in frustration before I felt myself being picked up with one arm as Miles stood from his bench. I had no choice but to wrap my legs tightly around his waist, the stimulation of his broad chest bouncing against my clit with each step making me gasp. He walked fast, how he did when called to important meetings or to give someone a piece of his mind, this time however, his motivations were of an entirely different variety.
"Hang on tight darling,"
he teased in his gruff tone, releasing me with one arm to grapple with his door, unlocking it as swiftly as humanly possible, desperate to get me into his bed. And once we were both in, he marched me over to the neatly made bed in the middle of his room, lowering me onto it with a grunt, still keeping his body close to mine and crawling over me, until I was trapped with his arms either side of my head. I felt so powerless below him, below my colonel like this, it made me burn, my slick thighs only getting wetter as his hooded eyes pinned me.
"Is this what you wanted hmm? Laying tits up in my bed?"
He emphasised his point by massaging my breast in his hand as leant down to capture my lips again.
I suddenly exclaimed, pushing him away by his broad shoulders, causing worry to spread across his face.
"I'm a virgin..."
I confessed shamefully, turning my head away so as not to meet his expression, I knew being a virgin at 25 was embarrassing and I didn't need him to tell me that.
he breathed, moving my head with a firm grip on my jaw.
"Shit, I can't believe you've never been fucked by anyone, not ever? Not even Wainfleet? I see the way he follows you around like a lost puppy."
This made me giggle, pushing at his chest gently but only really as a ploy to feel the hard muscle beneath his shirt.
"Lyle doesn't want to have sex with me he's my friend,"
I replied humorously, Lyle called me an annoying, whiny child on far too many occasions to be accused of wanting to stick his dick inside of me.
"Oh baby, you're so naïve, I bet you don't even notice the way the rest of the squad looks at you, especially when you do all those fucking stretches in those tight little shorts."
He ground his hips against me as he talked and I could tell he enjoyed teasing me just a little too much.
"But I guess it doesn't matter does it sweetheart, cos this is all for me and I don't want you fucking any of them, understood?"
His grip on my jaw tightened as he waited for my reply, his words causing a fluttering feeling to well up in my stomach, the vaguely possessive sentiment untangling a kink I wasn't aware I had.
"Ah yes sir!"
I cried at the force of the slap he delivered to my upper thigh in the silence.
"Such a good girl isn't that right,"
he mumbled, attacking my neck as he slipped his hands underneath my shirt, lifting it gently over my head before reaching around me for the clasp of my bra, murmuring against my ear between kisses,
"Can I take this off?"
I nodded eagerly, and he ripped it off like a man starved, pawing at my breasts, flicking at my nipples to harden them, making me arch my back and moan in delight; even more so when he leaned his head down to take one into his mouth, swirling his tongue and sucking with expertise. I had never expected him to be such a passionate man, more of a quickie in a cupboard kind of guy, but he most certainly proved me wrong, seeming to love pushing me to the edge as much during sex as when he had me running laps in the field.
I moved my own hands under the shoulders of his tank top, quickly sending him the message that I wanted it off, to which he obliged. He was gorgeous underneath, muscular body showing years of hard work and dedication, littered with scars and a masculine dusting of hair on his chest. He was such a man, my body couldn't help but react to him, want him inside of me when I saw those bulging muscles and scars. I thought as I ran my hands up and down his beautiful form, luckily he was too engrossed with my tits to notice my dazed staring.
Eventually, his hands travelled down my stomach, tickling my skin with his fingertips, until he reached my belt, pulling blindly at the buckle as he kissed my lips once more. Frustrated with waiting, my hands joined his, yanking off my own belt and lifting my hips, almost begging him to rip off my trousers.
"So needy,"
he whispered against my lips before removing his body from mine, leaning back to sit on his heels making me sigh sadly at the loss of warmth. Soon enough though, he got to work removing my cargos, leaving me laying there in only my little lacy white panties, completely transparent with my juices. He sucked in a whistling breath at the sight of them.
"Jesus darling, almost a whole lake in there,"
chuckling darkly, he leaned down to run a finger over my core, as if in awe,
"I really turn you on that much?"
His words made my hole flutter as he hooked his thumbs in the band on my underwear, looking into my eyes as he pulled them down,
"You still ok?"
He asked urgently, wanting nothing more than to drive his fingers into my eager cunt, but knowing he had to restrain himself, especially since it was my first time, after all, he was my Colonel and he looked after his own.
"Yes, please Colonel, hurry up,"
I insisted, grabbing at one of his hands to bring it closer to me.
"Fuck, don't even need to make you beg,"
he mumbled, bringing his fingers to my dripping folds, parting my lower lips to expose the fluttering rim muscle.
"Just like a flower,"
he said smirking at me as he began to circle my clit with one finger, making me mewl, arching as I tried to grab at the pillows by my head. I almost choked on my own tongue when he finally, deliciously, slipped in his thick finger. Low, satisfied moans tumbled from my lips with every pump, feeling as though I may have expired if I had been left any longer without being filled. Adding a second, then a third, he hammered into me at a vigorous pace, the same I could imagine he would use with his cock, curling them up to hit that magical spot that had me seeing stars.
Looking up at him, I could see his expression, lip firmly between his teeth as he flicked between watching my reactions and my obscenely squelching pussy closely. I spied a wet patch on his cargos, that and the large tent giving away his excitement.
"Anja, I can't wait,"
he rushed out, letting me become privy to the distinct sounds of the clanking of a metal buckle along with a zipper dragging down. Before I could comprehend, he had his cock in his hand, fisting it vigorously, lining it up with my entrance and pushing the spongy head against me, slowly breaking into my warm cavern. The intrusion stung, but I somewhat enjoyed the feeling, especially with the vulgar faces the Colonel was giving me at the feeling of my insides.
"You're so tight sweetheart,"
he moaned, head falling backwards with jaw slack, pushing in little by little so as not to break me. He was so thick, I'd never had anything that size in me before, none of my dildos amounted to his length let alone thickness. But above all, the sensation that got me the most, was the pulsing heat spreading from his member through my walls, making me clench, my body already deciding to keep him inside.
With one last push he bottomed out, balls slapping my ass and he buckled forward, leaning on his elbows as he kissed at my jaw, waiting for my signal to move. I could feel all of him, his hard body above me, in me, it was overwhelming and I bucked up my hips aching for some friction to relieve the pressure.
"You ready sweetheart huh? ready for me to fuck you just like you wanted?"
He asked, leaving no room for answer, already having begun thrusting into me with swift, powerful strokes, having him hit that spot inside me with every collision, causing tears to brim in my eyes as I chanted his name like a mantra.
"Oh fuck baby, so fucking wet I can feel you dripping, you gonna gush on my cock angel?"
Nonsense streamed from his lips, speeding up with every word, making my mind go numb, only focused on the way he filled me to the brim, legs clenched around his waist, fingers dug into his hair, clinging on for dear life as he brought me closer and closer towards my petite mort.
"Colonel, please, make me cum,"
I sobbed, biting at his shoulder, but he didn't seem to mind, revelling in how he was ruining me more and more with each stroke.
"Always thought you were so polite and cute huh, but this is what you imagined every time you called me sir, that's fucking filthy baby."
He growled, balls slapping my cunt with increasing power, even without our voices, anyone walking past his quarters would easily be able to tell what the two of us were doing with only the sounds of our bodies.
"I know, I'm sorry sir, please punish me."
I wasn't sure where this side of me was coming from but the words flowed out of my mouth like lava, burning hot in my throat.
At this he stopped all together, pulling out completely as I lamented, although the view of his engorged cock, glistening with my slick was almost enough to make up for it.
"Turn around and get on your hands and knees,"
His gravelly voice commanded, causing my hairs to stand on end. I presented myself to him, a little shy at this new, exposed position, until I felt a slap on my ass, hard enough to leave a handprint. It had me arching my back and wailing euphoniously, leaving the Colonel almost no choice but to plunge into my weeping pussy, setting an equally merciless pace that caught me off guard, pushing my face into the bed below as he abused my twitching hole in time with harsh slaps delivered to either cheek. The mix of pleasure and pain caused the coil in my stomach to tighten tremendously, bringing me to the edge much faster than anticipated.
was all I managed to shout out before my walls were milking the Colonel. Yet the pressure still had not dissipated, not until he reached down to rub at my clit, causing an unfamiliar feeling, almost like the need to piss, flow over me, causing me to try to grab at his had to stop him. But to no avail because he was a man out of control, his only mission to bring us both to completion.
"That's it baby, I know you can do it, give me another one."
a choking moan, trailing off into a high pitched whine forced its way out of my body as the waves of pleasure finally came crashing down, making me go limp against the pillows as I felt my muscles contract violently, realising in horror that I was currently squirting all over my Colonel's chest, unable to stop, and forced to watch as more clear liquid shot out of me, all over him. I was thankful that he fucked me through it without hesitation, slapping my ass again as he murmured something unintelligible to my blissed out ears. I just lay there useless as he took his pleasure, one hand in my hair, the other against my spine, forcing me to arch against him before his hips finally stuttered.
"Such a good girl aren't you Anja, Colonel's good girl, yeah that's it, keep clenching that pretty pussy around my cock like you didn't already squirt all over it."
His words made me blush in the post orgasmic haze, suddenly realising how dirty he really was, not that it made me want him any less. Turning my head I looked into his eyes lazily,
"cum inside me Miles,"
it felt intimate to say, in spite of the fact that he could see everything from my asshole to my calloused feet from his position. It seemed to push him over the edge though, shouting my name as he came, giving me three hard thrusts before I felt it. Like a volcanic eruption, hot and pulsing inside me, god I wanted him to cum in me every day like this for the rest of my life, his breathing laboured, moaning softly as he did it, his face so scrunched with pleasure, he looked beautiful.
It took a few minutes for the fountain to cease, eventually able to open his eyes he took in my wrecked form below him, causing a chuckle to rise in his chest at the sight of what he'd done to me. He stroked my spine with one rough hand as he caught his breath, not having fucked that hard in years, he needed a few minutes to recover.
"You okay sweetheart?"
He asked, uncharacteristically sweetly, as he caressed my rib cage at the same time as he pulled his softening cock from my heat.
"I'm good Miles, thank you."
I wasn't sure why I was thanking him really, for fucking me? that seemed stupid, yet I was the one saying the words. It made him chuckle again, I was still so polite after everything.
Crashing down next to me, he pulled me into his chest with strong arms, seeming to want to bask in the afterglow as much as I did. And I took the opportunity to kiss his chest tenderly, running my fingers up and down through the light hair there, still a little in awe of his presence.
"Can I use your toilet?"
I broke the silence with my question, expecting a harsh glare or mocking remark, but receiving neither, only a soft gaze and nod of a head in the direction of the ensuite. Wriggling out of his hold, that he apparently didn't want to let me out of, I attempted to walk on shaky legs, almost falling multiple times as I hobbled to the toilet weakly, much to Miles' amusement.
Once I had finished, I wondered if he'd want me to leave, this was only a one night stand after all....
"Should I go then?"
I asked quietly, leaning on the doorframe for support, feeling the full weight of my nakedness under his stare.
"After all that you think I'm gonna kick you out? Come here before I change my mind"
He rolled his eyes in annoyance, pulling up the covers as an invitation, one which I accepted happily, snuggling into him for warmth, I told myself, as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, stroking at the skin of my stomach with his thumb, the feeling of his deep breathing and steady heartbeat helping to lull me to sleep.
I knew, deep down that I had fucked up, this man would be leading my squad on the next mission and many more to come. Yet in this moment I couldn't bring myself to care, focusing only on the feeling of his skin against mine as I hoped this wouldn't be the last time.
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jeepersbxch · 10 months
the way, 𝐭𝐰𝐨 (𝗦𝗡𝗘𝗔𝗞 𝗣𝗘𝗘𝗞)
"Listen," he interjected abruptly, his voice laced with a newfound determination. "I can tell you're a strong one, stronger than any Na'vi I've ever met." He skillfully redirected the conversation, steering it away from Spider, whose true identity as his "son" would remain concealed from the Na'vi woman until the time was right.
"And I could use that and that's why I'm here." he explained, his tone earnest and straightforward. "Help me and my team, and you can see your boy." He chose his words carefully, hoping that the simplicity of his message would resonate with her and convey the magnitude of what was at stake.
Ayteya's face contorted into a mixture of disbelief and amusement, her eyes narrowing in incredulity. "My help? You take me and my son, and you want me to help you? Are you sky people truly that arrogant?" Her words dripped with a blend of skepticism and defiance, challenging the Colonel's audacity.
The Colonel inwardly winced as her final words sliced through him, leaving a lingering sting. Perplexed by their impact, he pushed aside the surge of emotions they evoked to reveal his growing restlessness. "Do you wanna see Spider, or not? Because one look from me and I can make sure you never see him again."
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© jeepersbxch 2023
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pandoras-box0 · 2 years
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|| : Sage's Masterlist Key :
| ☁︎ - Fluff | ☾︎ - Angst | ♡︎ - Smut |
| ✉ - request | ★ - Dark Content |
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𝔸𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕒𝕣 𝔽𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕖
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Jake Sully - "all I ever wanted was a single thing worth fighting for."
|♡︎| ' pussy play ' w/ Jake Sully!
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Tsu'tey - "we will strike them in the heart!"
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Neteyam Sully - "who's the mighty warrior? Come on, say it."
|♡︎| 'golden touch ' - aged up! neteyam x Metkayina! reader | Body worshipping Teyam!
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Lo'ak Sully - "i trust you, you can trust me."
|♡︎| ' tasting you ' - aged up! lo'ak x omatikaya! reader | oral - fem receiving; lo'ak cums untouched!
|♡︎| ' budding passion ' - sub! lo'ak x dom! metkayina! reader | sex pollen; aged up characters; knotting; male sub x female dom! (Coming Soon)
|♡︎| : ' hush ' - lo'ak x na'vi! reader | orgasm denial; tail play; exhibitionism!
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Miles Quaritch - "why so blue?"
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Other Recom - "A Recon gyrene in an Avatar body. That's a potent mix."
|♡︎| ' coffee ' - recom! mansk x recom! reader | slight somnophilia; light dubcon because of ; pre-established lovers!
Other Na'vi - "I see you,"
|♡︎| ' all mine ' - ralak x omatikaya! reader | possessive/possessive ralak; scenting; marking/biting! (Coming Soon) (@zestys-stuff 's oc)
|☁︎| ' comfort me ' - ralak x omatikaya! reader | pure comfort; just ralak being the attentive man he is!
|♡︎| ' like candy ' - ao'nung x metkayinan! reader | oral fixation; switch! ao'nung - if you squint; tit play!
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Series Masterlists -
| ★ · ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' Whisper to my soul ' - lo'ak sully x na'vi! reader | mentions of violence, war, death; eventual smut; the RDA stole na'vi| ( masterlist coming soon )
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' tìyawn si tsam ' - ki'yhon sully x na'vi! reader | original characters; original clan; one-sided enemies to lovers - on Ki'yhon's behalf; arranged mates trope; hopeless romantic! reader; angst; mentions of war - includes violence, near death experience, and character death; eventual smut - switch! reader and Ki'yhon | ( masterlist ) (@pandoras-box0 's oc)
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' ego talking ' - kaalu x reef na'vi! reader | arranged mates trope; age gap; eventual smut; mentions of war, violence, death | ( masterlist coming soon ) (@pandoras-box0 's oc)
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' blended clans ' - tonowari and ronal x metkayina! reader x jake and neytiri | pre established poly relationship; rekindling; angst; blended family trope; the metkayina clan helped fight against the humans in 2150 | ( masterlist coming soon )
| ☁︎ · ☾︎ · ♡︎ | ' Pandora bound ' - spider socorro x recom! reader | ( tags and masterlist coming soon )
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2023 © Pandoras-Box — all rights reserved. Do not repost or recommend my works on any other site. Plagiarism will not be tolerated!
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