#tbh I have a feeling who this is so if it's her...sorry girl just unfollow me
raspberrysmoon · 3 months
hello!! I’m sorry I unfollowed you earlier I was going on an unfollow spree and I unfollowed you by mistake </3
ANYWAY !! I keep seeing posts from you about Harry Potter and I gotta say, transmasc Ron is such a real thing. I love that actually so much 🤧 lesbian Luna is so real too. And I’ve never seen transfem Harry talked about but that’s fantastic as well. Do you think she might name herself Lily as like a way to be closer to her mom 🤧🤧 idk I’m spitballing here
hiii steph!!! no worries man i get it :3
transmasc ron is one of my oldest headcanons tbh and idc what anybody says i dont think ill ever let it go. just... imagine molly having her first baby girl and then that baby girl comes to her arm in arm with her brothers and admits to feeling like a boy and wanting to cut her hair. imagine the pain that could cause both of them. ron having to take his moms first little girl, and molly having to chose her youngest son over her eldest daughter. imagine molly going to arthur and demanding babyname help and he panics thinking theyre having another baby and they rename ron and he complains that its boring and they threaten to name him something worse. do you get me
anyway lesbian luna 5evr <33 ill never be over how dirty they did my girl
transfem harry being lily potter 😭😭😭😭😭 she makes me INSANE thats so good
lily molly potter? lily james is. not it imo. lily.... hm. i cant think of a middle name for her but i imagine shed want to namer herself after her mom, and then someone who was like a mom to her as well.
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Sunday Confessions: JE was lucky that Z kept it classy after their breakup. The braids pic was tame to what she cudlv done (unfollow him), she just got a fanbase/locals who are smart and JE was dumb to bring all his gfs to the same place lol. Im nosy n wanna know exactly what happened lmao bt ignoring his existence is prob for the best ☠️
Z starting to like some of Kaias IG posts last yr shows her class cuz i personally culdnt b "friendly" with the gurl who was prob talking to my bf while he was still with me (at the time) lol. I wuldnt b shocked if she was referring to Z when doing that "if yr nt helping ur hurting" post, cuz although i think she likes/admires Z (and her career), people act different when they want to b with man/woman (in Kaias case, her being with JE). Hunter unfollowing her/JE (when they were together) n Z taking yrs to like smthn of Kaia kinda tells me Z knew 🙄 bt who knows what JE told Kaia about his/Zs relationshiop n gurl was lik 18/19 n may have been naive (n still seems a lil naive too tbh)
Whew, yea girl... I mean, Z really could have set JE up after their breakup. But, being the classy woman that she is, she didn't ever badmouth him, hint at anything negative with him, or tear him down on social media. I love that about her. 🥰
It's so HARD sometimes as a woman to take the high road when you feel like a relationship has ended or you feel like the man did you wrong, etc... I always admire women who can keep their private life private and not drag their ex in the media or even on social media.
RE: Kaia... Yea, I'm not gonna swear that her post was in reference to Zendaya... Cuz I just don't know? 🤷🏾‍♀️ She personally comes across to me as out of touch with reality (i.e. real life) and seems a little naive to me too? But, I guess what can you expect when she's a nepobaby and has lived in the lap of luxury her whole life? lol. 😅
I def think Z suspected something going on btwn the two of them though, cuz I just remember Z following Kaia out of the blue one day, and I was like: "Hmmm...." 👀
Z knew that Kaia was a "friend" around her man at the time...
With that said, since this is #ConfessionSunday, I'll just add my own confession... I don't really trust Kaia like that lol. I have seen too many things in the past... And maybe part of it has to do with the whole JE, Austin, and Cole Sprouse thing. Idk... but yea, there are just some women I give the side-eye to lol....especially when it seems like they don't have any "Girl Code". Some women in Hollywood I keep my eye on them.... I think she seems nice enough though. With that said, Sydney is another one I don't really trust. 🙊 Like I said, I don't trust women who don't seem to have a "Girl Code"....sorry if that sounds mean, but that's just my gut talking here. And it's Confession Sunday lol. 😅 But anyway, in Z's defense, I wouldn't have trusted her either tbh 👀, so yea, I don't blame her. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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menalez · 2 years
While a lot of lesbians I follow have been talking about lesbophobia or their focus on lesbians only from now on, b@nnedwebsites was mass reblogging posts about lesbians being biphobic and even called another lesbian "crazy" "literally insane" for saying bisexual women invade lesbians spaces while having/talking about men/male partners. When one anon (kind of aggressively tbh) called her out on it and told her it was ableist to use language like that especially since bisexual women DO invade lesbians spaces, she doubled down on it and called anon crazy. Why is it so hard to find lesbians on radblr who actually have lesbian solidarity. Every time I follow a new lesbian on here, I end up having to unfollow a few weeks later when they inevitably put OSA women before other lesbians, it's really frustrating especially since I'm from an asian muslim country where homosexuality is illegal, I come here to not feel so alone and then I have to see lesbophobia from so-called "allies" 😞 Please recommend lesbian radblr blogs that actually care about/focus on other lesbians, I trust your opinion💕💕
i have not read what she said yet so im not gonna comment on that (i did see the anon u mentioned tho, ill see the post in question before judging). i actually forgot shes a lesbian fdhfshd (sorry girl) but i already did make a list of lesbian blogs to check out. its by no means a list of every lesbian on radblr but its *most* of my lesbian mutuals on here <3 from what ive seen theyre all lovely and many do prioritise lesbian solidarity which honestly, and very sadly, i do think we as lesbians are lacking overall. not just on radblr
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musical-chick-13 · 4 years
In Hannibal, a mentally ill man isn't abused by his therapist. Get your understanding and your facts right. If you don't enjoy dark subject matters like cannibalism and murder, why were you watching Hannibal, from where you get the right to talk about 'moral compass' in fiction ? I won't write to you again, just letting you know you understood nothing about the dark layered parabolic style.
OMG, finally, my first accusation of incompetence by an anon!! What a momentous occasion, I can’t believe it took 4 years!! I should celebrate this tumblr milestone.
Look. I actually have been a victim of psychiatric malpractice. I see that relationship as a tangle of emotional and psychological abuse. You can disagree with that, that’s fine. But don’t come in here telling me I’m watching a show wrong. But also, art is subjective. I’m the last person who’s going to try to moralize a ship or a show. Like. I like Game of Thrones. Jaime and Cersei are one of my favorite romantic pairings, and their relationship is a MESS. One of my favorite movies is Ex Machina, and that one ends with a robot lady stringing along a perfectly innocent man and then leaving him to starve and die in the middle of nowhere. Another one of my favorite movies is Earthquake Bird, which is about a love triangle that ends in death and ALSO involves a dishonest serial killer.
HOWEVER, it’s all in the framing. When I talk about these works, I’m not calling them a secret rom-com. I’m not saying they’re the Height of Romance. I call them for what they are: two horrible people in a horrible relationship. The point of my pinned post is not and has never been to “call people out” for shipping a “bad ship.” I SHIP DAVOS AND MELISANDRE AND ALL HE DID THE PAST FEW SEASONS WAS TALK ABOUT HOW HE WANTS TO KILL HER. I DON’T. CARE. ABOUT. “BAD.” SHIPS. It’s how we as fandoms TALK about neurodivergence in fiction. It’s how I and all the other people like me always get left out of these talks. It’s how I get anons like you telling me I have a lack of reading (or, I guess watching?) comprehension and accuse me of being an anti over a post about how I don’t like sacred show Hannibal and sacred ship Hannigram, but every time I actually try to have a conversation about neurodivergence representation, I get ZERO kind of interaction at all. It’s the fact that everyone in all fandom circles I’ve ever seen is ALWAYS more than willing to talk about the ups and downs of queer representation, but when I try to talk about having more mentally ill characters, they tell me to shut up and that I should be content with neurotypical gay characters because that’s more important. The point of my pinned post is that people are more than willing defend “problematic” (I really hate that word, but I can’t find a better one at the moment) gay characters and gay ships, but the SECOND I try to talk about mentally ill/neurodivergent characters, I always get criticized and picked apart for whatever I have to say about them. The fact of the matter is that OFTEN, queer ships are frequently seen as “perfect” or “sweet” or “healthy/an expression of realistic love everyone should strive for” instead of just ADMITTING THAT THEY’RE PROBLEMATIC. Literally if I saw even ONE post where ANYONE admitted that these dynamics/characters/whatever are dark and screwed up, I would be fine. But I keep seeing y’all seriously call Hannibal a rom-com. Like. Not even as an inside joke. A completely serious label. Not even a dark rom-com or a black comedy. Just. A rom-com. That’s the thing I take issue with, not the fact that Hannibal is “dark” or “problematic.” I don’t care. I legitimately cannot reiterate that enough.
Also...where you see Dark Layered Parabolic Style, I see pretentiousness to the point of silliness because I don’t think that style was effectively done. Art is subjective. I can understand something and still not like it, that’s literally the whole point of what art is.
This is NOT ABOUT SHIPPING. IT’S NOT ABOUT BEING A PURITY POLICE OFFICER. It’s about the discrepancy of how we talk about one underrepresented group I am a part of versus another one I’m also a part of. It’s about the fact that, at least in my own personal experience, part of me has ALWAYS been erased. EVERY SINGLE TIME I have tried to have a broader conversation about representation I have been told that “I should wait for neurodivergent representation because right now gay representation is more important.” I am tired.
You can hate me, or think I’m stupid, or whatever. Honestly, I don’t really care, especially since you can’t even say it to my face and hide behind the fact that I have anonymous submissions on for the sake of any followers who might have social anxiety. This anon post suggests you aren’t actually interested in having any kind of respectful discussion about mental illness in fiction and its stigmatization in real life, which, I remind you, reflects THE WHOLE POINT. OF THAT POST.
You want to accuse me of being a moralizing idiot? Come off anon and say it to my face. You have a problem with my opinions on a COMPLETELY FICTIONAL PAIRING? Then just block me. I haven’t decided if I’m  going to answer the Ratched post because I only have so much energy and I know you’re not reading these anyway.
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y’know the wildest thing still to happen to me on this hellsite was my first experience of sexting, sans nudes, that was done in front of at least 250-500 followers because of those horny anons i had in early 2013 when i was 17. instead of being exposed to it on my phone privately with a partner at that age, it was done publicly for the internet to see lmao. i remember begging the anons to stop and “come off anon” because i was “losing followers” at the time too bc i was so insecure about my follower count lmao. and then yeah when they came off anon they were both 28 years old.
to write the responses, i just consulted cosmo mag sex pages for ideas hoping that the anons would like the options i chose. in one i detailed doing anal- a sex act i hadn’t even done yet irl- let alone every other thing i suggested in them (head, idek long, drawn out foreplay, some stupid fancy sex moves that cosmo was all like “use these moves to spice up your sex life 🔥🔥”, sex in a bath, i’m pretty sure i had some lines about tying or handcuffing them to a bed (????) etc etc etc)….
when again, i had never even done any of those above sex acts in real life. i was a naive teen who was incredibly shy in regards towards her love life because she’d “never been kissed” and had never had the “hot emo boyfriend whose in a band and is covered in tattoos” she’d always wanted, let alone even a boyfriend that she had actually fucking liked (ie clear braces boy, for like a month in year 9/2010 vs the popular boys that made fun of her, that she always had unrequited crushes on)…. hell, my blog title when i first started on here in 2011 was “the perfect epitome of being forever alone” because of these very reasons. but here she was, writing explicit sex acts to strangers like she knew what the fuck she was doing, to an audience of 250-500 people- and then to fucking grown ass men in inboxes. i was just parroting the shit i’d read in cosmo (both sex advice and sometimes excerpts of erotica/“sexy, steamy reads” they had some months) and also heard repeatedly in the porn that my high school stalker/creeper at public school loved to show (harass) me with to flirt with me, whenever we were alone together at school in 2012/2013.
like you could tell how naive i was….. because i used ridiculous lines like “like a gentleman entranced, you lead me to the bath for our next foray” and dumbass prose-y things like that. because what the fuck does that even mean 😂😅????
and this is why i think minors should be careful with their online experiences. like yeah, you could say that i wasn’t a minor anymore- more of a “young adult”- who should of made the smart decision to not engage with these anons. but i was a kid. i thought it was fun. and when the dudes came off anon, i thought to myself “it’s not like i’m ever gonna meet them if i ever go to the US or puerto rico at any point. it’s not like that they’ll ever recognise me in person or ever reach out to me again in the future. i might as well do it.” and i did eventually end up ignoring the guys in my inbox, due to my mental health kinda plummeting from the middle til the end of 2013 because of my end of high school exams and stuff… and also the puerto rican guy’s infamously inappropriate “hot PE teacher fucks HOT female high school student in the girls change room showers” fantasy which fucking disgusted me, when he full well knew that i was STILL IN high school.
and obviously again, there’s the point about using the “block” button function. but as i’ve stated several times over my years on here, back in my early days of tumblr, i never wanted to block or unfollow people (even if they were trash like these two men), because it seemed so “mean” and “final”. obvs now i have no qualms about blocking people, and actively encourage younger people on here to use the block button with reckless abandon towards creepy people or people who can hurt them in some way. but to high school teenage me, the whole “using the block button” thing seemed to go against me being a “nice girl/person” so i never used it, no matter which social media platform i was on.
this is why i’m hella scared for young teen girls on tik tok wanting to have onlyfans accounts: because it’s where they’ll be exposed to ACTUAL CREEPS AND PREDATORS incredibly quickly; all because they can make money off selling images of just their feet or eventually their body….. depending on what these creepy strangers demand from them….. and they’ll feel like they’ll have to do it…. but to do it before you even start experimenting properly with relationships and sex is even worse. like. yeah. i’ve admitted before that i originally started this tumblr to possibly post nudes, to see if i’d get the positive feedback that i so desperately wanted/craved from the boys in my year at catholic school- eg. to be called “sexy”, “hot”, “fuckable” possibly “beautiful”- like some of the so called “popular girls” got on their hella basic bikini photos back then (like i remember one girl i knew ended up with like 500 likes and a fair amount of comments on one of her bikini pics and i was INCREDIBLY BITTER because not even a pic of me with a nice outfit on, my hair done and makeup on could EVER get those numbers, let alone even break over the double digits).
but i decided posting nudes or other explicit images on here was an absolute no go, because i realised that i never wanted people that i knew digging up barely clothed/naked pics of me and sending them to me all like “hey, is this you?” and then possibly mocking me, all because i would’ve been dumb enough to put my face in them probably at the time. now when i take nudes and send them, i never show my face. because i know now, that even in relationships, your partner can use nude pics as leverage for arguments or to abuse you in such a way that they’ll upload your pics without your knowledge to god knows where on the internet probably as a way to get back at you in a horrible breakup.
this is what i sincerely hope some young girls who ever contemplate starting onlyfans accounts take some time SERIOUSLY CONSIDER. please know that if you share shit on onlyfans, it can shared and re-shared (i think idek how OF works tbh) to god knows who- and eventually end up in the hands of people you know. i don’t fucking care if it’s a “good way to make money!” or if people think that im trying to stop teen girls from being “girl bosses” and the other dumb as fuck internet memes you want to throw at me. because this shit isn’t “haha internet meme funny” material. it’s some fucking serious stuff. and also, i’m not saying “don’t become a sex worker when you’re older” or whatever either. you’re free to make that choice when you’re in your 20s (no i even mean 17-19 year olds in this post as “young teen girls”- sorry you’re basically kids to me at almost 26). just please consider where the fuck your stuff can be shared to. who it can end up being shared with or to.
this is why i was so fucking adamant with my infamous old follower mr adelaide fuckboy/MAF that i personally would NOT consider becoming a camgirl for him or just generally… because i had no idea where the fuck my images or videos would end up. and do you know the places i’d never want them to fucking be??? in the hands of my high school stalker/creeper. in the hands of those two 28yo men from 2013 (who’d now be in there late 30s or early 40s). i absolutely don’t want them in the hands the mid-to-late 20s and early 30s men that that girl i met at public school in 2012 who was pissed that i didn’t believe that were “adults” because we were finally over the legal age of consent (16) in our state of australia, and so we were apparently fine to “fuck” literal grown ass men because “just fuck them and they’ll be nice to you!!” which i knew was fucking bullshit.
i absolutely don’t fucking want explicit videos/images of me ending up in “why the fuck won’t you let me give you “sex lessons” in the back of my car as a “favour” and as payment for teaching you how to drive you stupid, stuck up & frigid, virgin bitch!?” guy’s hands from 2014 (when i was 18/19 at the time and he was 25… he ended up being the first person of many i’d EVER block on social media lol). or i don't want them in the hands of those weird early 20s dudes (one of which was trying to set me up with his friend) who hit on me at 16/17 (2012) who were angry that i didn’t like and watch porn as much as they did…. and who promptly asked me at the end of their period of harassing of me: “do you know any sluts we could add?” because i kept refusing their suggestions etc.
hell, quite frankly i don’t even want them to go to mr adelaide fuckboy/MAF either, but the very few and far between nudes that i sent on snapchat to him back in 2016 are some nudes that i’d rather forget lmao. hell. i don’t even know if MAF ever deleted my nudes or shared them somewhere else or not, after he fucking wheedled them out of me with “i’ve followed you for 4 years, don’t be a shit! you owe me nudes!” so he’d just shut the fuck up about my social life decisions and leave me the fuck alone.
i don’t want ANY ONE of the guys i mentioned above to get their hands on photos of minors either…. because i definitely know my hs stalker/creeper would… because his fave “make her jealous” tactic that he’s always used on me is that “hey…. i’m dating a *insert teenage girl’s age here*! be fucking jealous that you don’t fucking have me and feel guilty that you won’t fuck me like this girl does!!!” just like he did in 2015, when i ran into him on the home from uni… when i turned 20 the next week and he turned 20 that december. at that time it was a 14yo girl he used as an example of him “dating”/“fucking” to make me jealous. instead, i was completely and utterly fucking disgusted. like any fucking sane and normal human being would/should be at that horrible age gap. that is literally a fucking child that he was fucking grooming. and we were literal adults. back the fuck away.
just please. PLEASE CONSIDER the types of people that trawl these kinds of sites and their intentions. please consider that you are young. very fucking young. you literally DO NOT need to upload nudes to the internet because it’s apparently a “lucrative” business. fuck the jokey “boss babe” rhetoric around it all the way to fucking hell.
because if you’re a minor: i do not want you to have your first experience of sexting or sending explicit images literally in front of god knows how many total strangers for the whole world to see (okay i know only fans is like subscriber/follower based or whatever. but i don’t care)…… even when you (depending how good you are with relationships etc) haven’t reached the common supposed milestones of your “first boyfriend/girlfriend/partner” or “first kiss” or have even “lost your virginity” (which isn’t real anyway- don’t buy this fucking bullshit)…. just like i stupidly did with my exposure to sexting here on my tumblr back in 2013. these people don’t/won’t give a flying fuck about your privacy or safety. they don’t/won’t give a fuck about your boundaries either.
please don’t possibly scar yourself for life, just because you’re being told that it’s a quick & convenient way to make some money for weirdos on the depths of the internet. you will regret it in future. just like i do now with mine. it should’ve been something personal between me and and a guy i trusted and liked at the time. not to some random 250-500 random strangers on this hellsite (okay the notes on these posts were literally single digits or non-existent, but still… and also some of my irl friends who had tumblr saw these posts as well) for a show….. and then privately with two 28yo literal grown ass men…. who should’ve been fucking hitting on women their own goddamned age and in their own countries and NOT a 17yo high school KID (at the time) from australia; who, now in her 20s, needs therapy to sort this shit out lmao. mind you they both reeled me in with the “you’re so mature for your age” bullshit line…. which i fell for a little bit, even if it did make me feel kinda gross at the time, too. don’t fall for that bullshit either.
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mxrisacoulter · 3 years
hey if you were allocating the 12 down to 1 points for this year's finale how would you allocate them?
Sorry this took so long to answer I've been thinking™ v carefully about this. My opinions have changed a lot from first listens with staging and stuff, but this is where I've ended up. Also sorry this is so long lmao
12. Zitti e Buoni - Måneskin (Italy)
I know I stopped posting about them on this blog but they were v seggsy and I liked the song and the vibe and they're the first act I've voted for in a long time
10. El Diablo - Elena Tsagrinou (Cyprus)
Ok ideologically I don't agree with Cyprus just sending Fuego-lite every year, but the on repeat playlist is not lying and this is definitely my favourite girlboss song of the night. They also didn't do that well so morally I feel ok putting it high
8. Dark Side - Blind Channel (Finland)
Idk what to tell you guys I've just been going through a 2005 emo stage recently. Welcome to the Black Parade was in the on repeat playlist last month, so that gives you an idea of where I am mentally
7. SHUM - Go_A (Ukraine)
You're probably going to unfollow me for putting this so low, but there are a lot this year that I love. This one definitely grew on me and is a certified bop. Also maybe the best staging? Anyway this is the last one in the on repeat playlist, so we're going rouge from here
6. Loco Loco - Hurricane (Serbia)
Ok so Elena's only my favourite girlboss (singular) bc this band has girlbosses (plural). Idk just great vibes and a certified bop. They're having a fun time. That video of one of them just talking about Damiano for way too long. Definitely the group I want to be in the most.
4. Voilà - Barbara Parvi (France)
I know it's a ballad, but I fancy girls and you can't just put someone who's exactly my type in front of me and expect me to just ignore that. I loved the drama of the song and her outfit and the staging and also her entire looklab interview makes my heart go !!!!!!!!
4. 10 Years - Dadi Freyr (Iceland) (sorry my keyboard doesn't have the proper characters :()
Love this guy. Again great vibes and I feel very bad that they've basically would've won last year and then couldn't even perform this year cause covid rip. I don't think I love love this song or Think About Things, but maybe that's because my heart is still owned by Iceland's 2019 entry Hatari. I loved the keyboard circle thing tho that was iconic
3. Russian Woman - Manizha (Russia)
The staging really sold me on this one. That moment where she turns round to the wall behind her and all the other woman are singing - chefs kiss
2. Tour l'univers - Gjon's Tears (Switzerland)
Similar reasons to Barbara tbh with the drama and the staging and the outfit, but also idk he just cracks me. His Eurovision things last year were just iconic as well I'm just always thinking about his goats
1. Birth of a New Age - Jeangu Macrooy (The Netherlands)
Bit of a wild card option cause I know it did really badly, but this song was so underrated. It's unique and it was a bop. I can kind of understand why it did badly cause Europe is racist but yeah I think it's the one of the four that didn't deserve the 0 points from the public
Gotta give some honourable mentions to Montaigne, who didn't qualify but who's songs I loved both years and seems so sweet, and Jendrik, who's song I can't stand, but who just seemed to be having the best time and like went out of his way to make everyone else's experience great so
Also shout-out to Omaga by Benny Cristo (who's turquoise carpet interview I also highly enjoyed) for giving me my favourite lyrics of the year: 'You say you gained a few pounds, you blame the apocalypse, but there's no apocalypse long as you're here on my lips'. Absolute poetry.
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karliesbuzzcut · 3 years
I think I first heard about Kaylor as a romantic ship in 2018. I’d been a Taylor fan for ages, but I wasn’t really online on swiftie platforms consistently till then. It was presented to me as something really crazy/stupid, though, so I didn’t believe it. Fast forward to summer 2019, right in the middle of the lover era, and I found myself super bored and super online - this time on twitter. I was also questioning my sexuality more seriously than ever before, but I was pretty repressed. Looking up Kaylor on tumblr felt like some sort of forbidden act lol, partly because of my generalized internalized homophobia, but also because of the sheer disdain my mutuals always expressed about it. Thus, I discovered ttb. I didn’t realize how harmful she was. I would go back and forth between following and unfollowing her, and I was always very ashamed of it. I honestly didn’t believe any of the shit she said, but tbh I just found the idea of Kaylor hot. I really enjoyed reading her content for whatever reason. I don’t remember what I liked about it, though. I never questioned Taylor and Joe, but I figured that Taylor might have hooked up with Karlie in the 1989 era. Keep in mind that this was the Lover era, so Taylor’s gay rumors were exploding. I stopped spending time on tumblr when the summer ended, but I still had a soft spot for kaylor. I remember finding the girl who made the ‘rep is about karlie’ masterpost and being sooo scared my mutuals would discover my interactions with her, where I admitted that I was lowkey a kaylor. Ik no one cared that much in reality, but that’s just how my mind worked ig.
I got into the anti blogs the following summer (again, I was very bored). The shit ttb said became proper outrageous lol. I looooved snarking at that shit tbh. I remember umbrellagate lol. It was sooo stupid. Literally none of the Kaylor theories made any sense anymore at that point. I think they really spiraled in autumn 2020 tbh. If you’d told me kaylors would end up doxxing each other when I first discovered that part of the fandom, I wouldn’t have believed you. If anything, the incredibly insistent hetlors were the ones who actually scared me, especially post-betty doxxing. The way a ship turned into a legitimate cult has always been hilarious to me, but looking back, it’s kind of sad? I’m sure there were many teens like me who discovered ttb’s blog while questioning their sexualities. The fact that some of them ended up believing that two women have a basement baby together, as well as shit like the eye theory (ik people don’t really mention it as much as the 2020 stuff when discussing the craziness of kaylors, but imo that’s fucking stupid already I’m sorry), is incredibly sad. I personally never fell for that shit (and don’t even believe Kaylor happened anymore tbh, though I do think Taylor’s bi), but someone else in my place absolutely could have, especially if they were introduced to Taylor’s music and online fandom through a Kaylor lens rather than discovering those theories later.
I loooved everything about this ❤️ it had comedy, drama, self-reflection, character growth.
I almost don’t want to add anything else because I’ll ruin it but yeah, I agree with your take. I do try to keep in mind while I’m shitposting that Kaylor might be a bit of a tool for some people to explore their own feelings. And that’s not only true for baby gays but also for grown-ass straight women, who might not be struggling with their sexuality, but are clearly struggling with something.
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satanfemme · 4 years
first of all, yall were, literally, asking for this essay. second of all I’m aware that it’s wordy, my brain has adhd in it :pensive: so for those reasons I apologize for nothing *hands u this* *hands u this* *hands u th-
Okay so I’ve been thinking about val velocity’s “redemption arc”. 
everyone kinda universally hates it a lot and nearly every time I see val velocity hate, right before I unfollow I notice that it (almost always) involves criticism irt his “redemption”, calling it rushed and not thought through and etc etc etc. 
and then that writing criticism is almost always pushed onto his character, saying that since his redemption was shitty, that’s just reflecting how shitty val is himself. 
I’ve also seen some (v interesting) posts comparing his “redemption” to korse’s redemption, with the conclusion always being drawn that korse was ultimately a better person at the end of the story than val was, specifically because korse’s redemption was handled much better. idc about korse tho, this post isn’t bout him.
So Ok, I’ve Just Been Thinking About It, thinking it over, and all the discussion surrounding it has been rubbing me the wrong way for a long time now, not because I think it’s wrong to say that it’s a shitty redemption arc, but because I Think y’all are approaching it the wrong way entirely. I don’t think it’s a redemption arc at all to begin with. And idk (and tbh idc) what gerard’s true intent was, but imo the impression I get reading the comic is that I don’t think a “redemption” was ever really the intent.
I Think, imo, yall get caught up too much in the redemption arc trope. I’m constantly seeing people shit on the trope and compare less successful iterations to the successful ones (ie: zuko, lmao), but I think yall need to take a step back out of the trope for a bit cause, in this case at least, the reason you think the redemption is so shitty is cause it’s not a redemption to begin with!!! like of course it’s a shitty redemption! cause it’s not a redemption! fkdhghdfj 
I think val’s apology at the end is supposed to make him more sympathetic, that much I think is accurate, but I don’t think he was intended to be hated so intensely to begin with. he was, imo, always meant to be a more complicated and complex character who represents what war/tragedy can do to a person. kinda the “bad end” option for a killjoy rather than a true villain 
(you know, the usual shit I’m always  constantly  saying: he wasn’t an irredeemably evil person, he was just trying to save the desert/was suffering from paranoia and illness/genuinely thought he was in the right, etc, if u follow me u know the drill)
and I think when you approach his “redemption” through that lens and mindset, it begins to make a whole lot more sense. val thought that everything he was doing was “right”, not even in a selfish villainy way, he was convinced that he was going to save the desert and everyone in it through his actions. those actions being, obviously, storming the city and killing everyone inside. all the way up until the end, he not only thought that this was the correct and heroic thing to do, but he thought that it was the only way. he was so caught up in his own vision that he refused to acknowledge that there could’ve been a nonviolent solution to defeating bl/i. literally as the girl was getting drac’ed, with a scarecrow pointing a gun to his head val told her “you led us in here thinking we were going to finally put a stop to bl/i, but you gave up without even trying. not even one gun was fired” 
literally even with the girl telling him that she had a plan, because that plan didn’t involve violence he didn’t think there actually was one (and to be fair! it didn’t really look that hopeful either jhflkjghfdj)
so the way that I interpret him watching the girl do her magical exploding bit, and then him saying to her “I’m sorry... for everything I’ve done.” is less so “oh he’s a good person now, congrats on being a new good guy 🎉” and more so.... “oh he’s finally just realizing that he was wrong to begin with”, because that hadn’t occurred to him before. 
Building Off Of That, my point: it’s not a redemption arc, because it’s not a redemption. It’s literally just an apology. whether the girl (or the audience for that matter) chooses to forgive him or not is left up in the air. in a true redemption arc it would not be so unclear. a real redemption arc would’ve have him and the girl being best friends as if nothing happened because he’s a Good Guy(tm) now. but we don’t get that, we just get an apology, an acknowledgment that he now knows he fucked up, and then a panel or two of him doing puppy dog eyes presumably because he’s now feeling guilty about fucking up so bad. sure, that could lead into a future redemption arc, but as it stands rn at the end of the comic, it’s a kicking-off-point for a redemption at most.
tldr: val velocity doesn’t have a redemption arc. he only has an apology. and  my #HotTake is: I don’t think it’s bad writing Nor something that inherently proves val was the Worst all along, as long as you let yourself view it through that lens and just take it for what it’s meant to be. fjhgkdjfh
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ranibell · 4 years
Disney Fairies Shipping Rant
(Warning: unpopular opinions ahead. You may disagree, but I’ll defend my opinions! I don’t mean offense to any of the people who like certain pairings in this series--what you like isn’t a reflection of you as a person, or your intelligence or heart, it’s that simple--I just have a hard time understanding why it is some of these are as popular as they are.)
I marked 4 “NOTPs” on that shipping meme, and...let’s talk about it, I guess!
I’ll start simple. Tink/Bobble:
This was particularly big back in the day with the first couple of TB movies before the majority latched onto Tink/Vidia. I never really “got it” but for the most part I wouldn’t have ever had reason to dislike them as a ship if it hadn’t been for the shippers themselves...
I liked Terence as a character, as well as his relationship with Tink, and the Bobble/Tink fans were very vocal about disparaging Terence in favor of Bobble, when that’s really unnecessary. It’s possible to like an underrated character without the need to bash a popular one just because you’re personally not interested in them.
I basically won’t go into it any more than I have in the past--after I did a two-part video reading of comments on this one Tink/Bobble fan art piece, I wrote up my feelings here and it still stands up. Basically the sight of the ship leaves a bad taste in my mouth not because of the characters involved themselves, but by the attitude the ship seemed to be entirely based on.
The only thing I would add is that I ship Bobble/Clank and to me, they’re as good as an old married couple that just wasn’t confirmed because it’s Disney :(
What can I even say? I’ve ranted extensively on my old blog, but to rehash, here’s the deal: There was no reason Milori’s character needed to be invented in the first place. The major plot holes and inconsistencies in The Secret of the Wings seemed to have prompted his becoming a character, but I think more importantly it was for the cliche, forced “forbidden romance” sub-plot between him and Clarion.
They didn’t need to replace the female Minister of Winter from her position to bring in this Lord of Winter, his role and existence wasn’t properly set up, and his backstory + relationship with Queen Clarion wasn’t developed at all, they just relied on the fact that having a tragically star-crossed love interest who’s attractive is enough for people to accept at face value.
And they were right, I guess... 🙄
So again, for me it’s not that the pairing of these two characters in inherently a bad thing, but it has never tracked for me that such an underdeveloped, boring pairing is one of the most popular in the fanbase, like most people just accepted it because it was canon and I’m like “we’re allowed to....NOT ship canon pairings, if they add nothing to the characters and story...you don’t have to just accept it”
This is another one that is a majorly popular ship in the fanbase, and to me it’s similar to shipping Anna with Hans, but possibly even worse. He manipulated her and tried to get away with murdering her. In James’ case, he emotionally/psychologically manipulated Zarina for A YEAR before betraying her and then tossing her into the sea to die.
There are a lot of people who think Hans should be able to have a redemption plotline, and I’ll make no comment about that, but the big difference between him and James is that we KNOW Hook will never be redeemed. We know he has never and will never feel remorse about his actions or treatment of Z.
He goes on to become the most fearsome pirate of all time, murdering without second thought--and still goes on to manipulate Tink and capture her in a lantern, because, I quote, “a jealous female can be tricked into anything.” His line in TPF mirrors this attitude (“Fairies are such gullible creatures”) so like....he is and will always be a misogynist who never held respect for Z or Tink or any fairy/female.
Also, The Pirate Fairy was as poorly written as SotW if not more so, and Z herself wasn’t a well-developed character, so I should say “to each their own” for anyone who wanted to believe there was chemistry between Z + James and ship them, but it’s gross and disgusting and wrong. (no offense)
Back to something much less sinful, but even more heretical within this fanbase. Vidia is one of THE most popular fairies from the movies, and Tink/Vidia is one of the most popular ships. That’s fine. My stance happens to be different, because I guess I don’t view things the exact same way.
Vidia was cruel to Tink at first--and she’s nowhere near as bad as James; she’d never seriously want to hurt/kill somebody. But even after she is redeemed from her antagonist position....she’s honestly still pretty b*tchy to her so-called “friends.” I won’t be forgetting the scene in Legend of the Neverbeast anytime soon when Gruff sneezes/gets snot on them, Rosetta says “ew, my mouth was open!” and Vidia replies “It’s always open.” Like, there’s just no need for that, ever, it’s mean-spirited and didn’t need to be said, it didn’t help anything.
People seem to love sarcastic characters with a secret heart of gold, but I just can’t dig the way Vidia is treated like this amazing character just because she didn’t turn out to be genuinely evil, no matter how her attitude stayed. In the books, her character is more interesting to me--and she’s portrayed as a mean person, but also she knows it and the narrative doesn’t treat her like one of the girls who, oh, it’s just okay that she treats her friends poorly!
So yeah, Tink/Vidia never sat right with me. Also, within the books, they actually hate each other, not even like a sassy frenemy relationship, they can’t stand each other. Tink does NOT have a lot of patience--she would never stand for Vidia’s nasty attitude and just not call her out on it every time. They would never work in a relationship.
So, the reason people will hate me for having this opinion is because many seem to embrace Vidia as this lesbian icon (like those posts about how if she was your favorite fairy growing up, you’re gay) and Tink/Vidia as this natural pairing to come from their interaction in the movies. Lots of people automatically ship it, and I can see the distaste toward Tink/Terence as if it’s the boring, straight ship with no merit besides being basically canon.
Nobody has to ship Tink/Terence if it’s not their thing--I happen to like them, but they objectively have a LOT of development throughout the books, films and other media. More so than any of the canon ships like Clarion/Milori which people ATE UP even though they had NO development. If you ship Clarion/Milori and think Tink/Terence is boring, ya basic and hypocritical, but I digress.
What I mean to say is that if you’re not into Tink/Terence or basic, overhyped “straight” ships in general, your other option is not immediately Tink/Vidia. I’m bisexual myself, so it’s not like I’m anti-Vidibell because of homophobia or something. I really enjoy and appreciate f/f and m/m ships as well, and there are so many amazing fairies to ship Tink with who would have a more healthy and beautiful dynamic--which I think...good representation is better? Just me??
Tink had a lot of chemistry with Silvermist, in fact, someone who is genuinely kind and caring for Tink and vice versa. Tink/Sil is probably the most beautiful and natural pairing in the whole movie series, and it’s like no one has ever even CONSIDERED it because it’s so much more entertaining to have an enemies-to-lovers dynamic with the fairy who was mean to Tink, rather than the one who objectively cared the MOST.
Also, Tink and Zarina--they had a helluva dynamic in TPF. Stay hydrated with a drinking water game every time there’s a potential moment to read into wrt shipping them in that film. But then people want to ship Zarina with a man who tried to kill her instead.
So that’s the thing--I’m not mad at Tink/Bobble and Tink/Vidia because they go against Tink/Terence, but because of the attitude about it when arguably there are way better options than the ones people promote and those ones get entirely ignored and overlooked. It just grinds my gears. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you ship these pairing, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling them out like they’re these awful things--tbh the only one of these that I genuinely think is entirely and inherently bad in concept, is James/Z and I have no remorse if I offend anyone who ships that. Unfollow me, nasty.
To explain that in practice: if a picture of Clarion/Milori, Tink/Vidia or Tink/Bobble is cute, I’m still gonna reblog it and even tag it for those who enjoy the ships, because it doesn’t hurt me or anyone even if it’s not my taste. If J/Z is ever even implied I’m blocking people XD
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janiedean · 5 years
Just seen a post like "y r reylos upset? they kissed. I have a ship where they don't even meet" and I was ready to go "I Don't Know How To Explain To You That knowingly shipping a crackship and seeing a ship that's been set up since the beginning get turned into some emotionally manipulative little trick by hacks who dgaf abt the characters and only want to cash in on every single part of the fandom are very different things." But I gave up. Not worth the effort.
it’s not, but... honestly?
this thing is... like... I don’t want to say mildly worrying me, but... it is. (beware the next post won’t probably make much sense but bear with me this thing isn’t sitting well with me lmao)
I mean, like, let’s get it out of the way that I didn’t care for reylo either way until tlj and post-tlj I was like ‘oh okay they’re definitely the romance of the trilogy fine sounds nice I’ll be here being happy for them when they inevitably kiss’, because it’s like.. star... wars. I mean. sw is like the one franchise that until five days ago I’d have cashed in on being the ONE thing that would always end up cheesy/hopeful/not disappointing you know, so... I didn’t even consider that there was another way it could end. because it’s goddamn sw, redemption stories with happy endings are the damned brand.
so like... the fact that the thing was obviously set up and they tore it to shreds along with everything else in the movie is bad. like, bad. but people who didn’t realize how fucking insulting it was just... don’t seem to get that the moment you go watch movies whose brand is making you feel better about things and they turn into calvinism central NO HAPPINESS ALLOWED and they don’t even do it with sense - bc rots made no fucking sense at any point ever and that’s outside reylo - it just... makes you feel betrayed? like, again: in 2015 when I came out of the cinema the only thing I banked on was poe dameron not dying and I couldn’t care either way about kylo ren, but like - tlj made me care. as it was supposed to be. I was supposed to care about kylo ren’s pull to the light and guess what I did because that movie wanted me to, and it wanted me to do 2+2 and realize that he and rey were soulmates and fine I was down with that because I like myself a nice love story.
and then like... you give it to me, like that, and the moment you have the character who has had a shitty life, has been groomed since he was born if not before by Worst Person In The Galaxy if the new canon wants me to buy that - or by snoke but it’s the same -, is an abuse victim and is 100% sure that everyone hates him and no one understands him or wants to understand him, you make that character related to one of the most iconic ones in the franchise to the point that you tried to make han every other member of the trio tbh, you actually have that character taking his life in his hands after talking to han and like embrace what he always wanted to be and show that he’s actually happy with it (like ffs guys it’s also probs because adam driver is an excellent actor but you can see the ben solo vs kylo ren difference in the span of five seconds, and you’re supposed to root for ben solo to win ffs), have him actually win, have him being happy for the first time in the entire canon and then you kill him a second later with rey in tears over it except that then we forget to give him a funeral........... like.......... sorry but I feel robbed because as lowkey as my effort on banking on ben solo’s redemption was because I was sure it was coming and I took it for granted it still felt like they were being unnecessarily cruel. like, they could have killed him in ten other ways that wouldn’t make you feel like someone stabbed you in the kidney as another anon put it. but no, let’s give people the prospect of HEY THEY’LL BE HAPPY just to tear it away from them ten seconds later. like, what the fuck? that’s not what anyone signed up for.
especially when the entire thing was obviously set up for the happy ending. like, if you actually misread the audience so much that you think star wars audience wants grimdark when it’s a movie marketed at children then you don’t deserve the money you’re most likely getting paid.
like, again: as someone who wasn’t even diehard reylo or whatever even if I absolutely shipped it, I felt like these assholes took my money and punched me in the kidney since rey palpatine was a thing and the moment he died I about screamed fuck you out loud... along with most of the entire room which was screaming fuck you, because guess what, not a single person in that room actually was banking on the ben solo redemption to fail and each single person in the room was clapping when they kissed because we were fucking waiting for it already, and like......... obviously ppl shipping it are upset. they were given an unsatisfactory movie up until then that didn’t give the characters justice but which could have still been more or less decent if it saved the spirit of the entire thing... which it didn’t because sw is not fucking calvinist central and hasn’t ever been until now. and then they were given canon after being the target of the vilest shit (guys seriously I unfollowed antireylo people way before shipping reylo myself bc that crap was out of line for shipping fictional stuff)... just to have them take it away by killing the one character that was there to show you that there’s always hope for you to do the right thing?
like, let’s be fucking real: the message is that if you fucked up and want to be better it won’t ever be enough because sorry but you’ll never get another good start and if you care about someone who fucked up and want to help them be better it’s wasted time because people who want to do better can’t actually live and have a chance to keep on doing it.
and sorry but fuck that message with a chainsaw. the beautiful thing about this ship imvho was that in tlj it made it overtly clear how rey helped him out of being a genuinely nice person who listened to someone who thought no one ever would and at the same time kylo/ben couldn’t believe that someone actually said that he wouldn’t be alone either bc the two of them are extremely lonely people and feel that acutely....... and they even threw in the soul bond to make it extra obvious. it was a hopeful story because you had girl who never had anyone who was also innately good who could put her prejudices aside to see that someone who also went dark side because he thought no one loved him and then kept on being abused his entire life actually had good inside them and wanted to help him see that instead of writing him off as a lost cause. like. that was a good romance. nothing exceedingly new under the sun, but in sw it was pretty fresh and a good spin compared to the two other main love stories of the trilogy. also, anakin/padme was what it was and han/leia was immensely better but hey someone decided to kill off the entire original trio so whatever... and if these two ended well they’d have been a constant improvement, never mind the symbolism - you had anakin who was a no one and married a space princess but ended up tragically because he went to the dark side and she could do nothing for him, then anakin’s daughter who was a space princess and married han who is also technically a no one since he didn’t even have a surname on his home planet, and if rey/ben had actually not.. had that ending you’d have closed the circle with space prince descended from both anakin and leia being brought back from the dark side with the help of another no one and finally the damned skywalker line would have gotten one 100% happy ending because it was supposed to be the ending.
that’s something that thematically made so much sense I didn’t even think they wouldn’t do it.
and they did. and guess what of course people are pissed. because this movie about ignored themes, its own canon (from tfa and tlj) and didn’t accomplish one single thing except chewie getting his damned medal.
which, while something we all hoped would happen at some point, is hardly the one thing you should accomplish in a star wars movie supposed to end the goddamned cycle and which eventually ended up being prequel-level if not worse. because I mean, objectively I think the phantom menace was actually a better movie, and I would rewatch this over 2 and 3 just because the cgi in this movie didn’t hurt my eyes, but as bad as lucas got with the prequels, he never did a single character as dirty as disney did all the characters here. no, not even padme, and he did do padme dirty.
tldr: if people don’t get why you’d be pissed at how this movie ended idk what to tell them... but shit if it’s not worrying me that people apparently can’t get that it was a disaster on each single level it could have been. peace.
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aclosetfan · 3 years
For the Salty asks: 1, 3, 5 and 6?
Thanks so much for playing along! Ima be real with you 2 out of the 4 questions you asked really opened up a can of worms for me, and I’m so sorry. I put the less stressful ones first, and the other two are under the cut! Anyway, these were super fun to answer, but plz don’t hate me for it!! 😂😂
for anyone wondering, here’s the ask list: Salty Asks List 
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
lmao yeah. It’s petty, but honestly, people’s personal morals really bleed through into their fandom opinions, and I’m not willing to put up with any unnecessary hate, especially in environments that are supposed to be fun. I’ve even blocked a few people. In the ppg fandom specifically, I’ve blocked a person who, I guess, thought it was necessary to try to gate-keep with racist/sexist/etc. terminology and ideologies, and I truly don’t have time for that 🤷‍♀️ (a lot of people probs know who I’m vaguing, but if you don’t, you’re lucky)
I can’t say I’ve ever unfollowed anyone for any innocent/not-in-conflict-with-my-morals fandom opinions. Usually, if I don’t agree with something, I just keep scrolling because lol whatever. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion.
but ngl I have unfollowed people who just get annoying 😬😬 lol
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
I went into this fandom without having too many preferences, so I didn’t have a pairing that I’ve previously hated!
I guess I could say that while I never really hated them, the color-mixing and color-clashing ships weren’t ever on my radar until I came across the fandom content. Now, I really like them! Particularly, Brick and Bubbles!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Before anyone gets pissed off at me, before you get into my answer for this question, I’d like to really stress that you’ve got to go into it with absolutely zero fanon context. Like, erase all your headcanons from your mind. I’m dead serious. Because I literally DO NOT get why ANY rrbxppg ship would realistically work ever.
Okay, canonically, these six little funky science experiments were dead set on ending each other. The boys were absolutely horrible to the girls. And the girls literally KILL the boys. I know in fairytale romances, nothing stops love, but bruh, it’s hard to come back from murder 😂 And yeah, I know Clipsville showed the girls and the boys together as older teenagers, and they weren’t trying to kill each other, but that was an obvious gag. In the documentary, it was revealed that that particular “clip” was made because a bunch of people wanted the boys and girls to interact again, and CN gave into the demand. (also, lol I know it super embarrassing, but I did watch the documentary. I just really like Craig McCracken) I just don’t think that realistically a canon pairing between the two sets of triplets would ever be considered a healthy relationship. 
Also, ethically, I just—okay listen, I go back and forth with this allllll the time, but the ppgxrrb ships make me confront the “Would I sleep with my clone?” question way too often. Depending on my self-esteem, the answer changes each time. Like sometimes I’m like fuck yeah I would! Other times I’m like, ew, no, I’d have to consider my clone as a twin! I know counterparts aren’t technically clones, BUT the boys really do come across as identical to the girls in the show. The only difference really is their moral alignment (I’m nixing any gender argument). So, I’m like, omg, can I honestly pair these six together in any way??? Are they too close to each other genetically in some sense for this to be morally right??? Like if you ship Brick and Buttercup together, would that just essentially be shipping Brick and Butch/Blossom and Buttercup together in some messed up way??? Is Brick just Blossom, and Blossom just Brick?? Is it better just to ship color-matching instead of mixing???  
On top of all of that, wouldn’t the boys and girls be pseudo cousins since Mojo was the Professor’s lab monkey? Technically, in canon, Mojo ends up being both sets of triplets “creator,” so could the rrb and the ppg be considered siblings of some sort? Some of you are probably like, wow, calm down. Stop thinking about it. They’re science experiments. It’s not so deep. Which I get, but I can’t stop, so let me hit you with something ten times worse: should the girls (or the boys) actually be considered biological siblings? Does sugar, spice, and everything nice make you genetically related? Nothing put in the stirring pot was organic—just a bunch of chemicals. If you ship the boys and girls together this could be a good thing! BUT, but, could some sick fuck use this information to somehow justify shipping siblings (ppgxppg or rrbxrrb) together??? This is a literal nightmare to think about!!
All in all, I can’t think about these pairings too much without getting caught up in the logistics of their existence even if they’re fictional lmaoooo! If it wasn’t for the fandom, I wouldn’t ship them together at all. I just think it’s amazing that the ships took off like they did lol, because their literal (fictional) existence is just one giant mind fuck for me. Anyway, I ship them at the end of the day, but tbh I do it with a bit of a guilty conscience. Is it morally correct to ship clone-like counterparts? Or should counterparts be treated like twins? Does it even fucking matter at the end of the day, it’s just fiction? I don’t know the right answer. But I do know the pairings don’t make sense. 
Aside from the ppgxrrb, I don’t think there are many other BIG fandom wide pairings. Still, I just want to say that I don’t get why people ship Ace and Buttercup together. The pairing sounds off a few major alarms in my head for obvious reasons. There’s also a bunch of crack ships that involve crossovers with other cartoons. Generally, I don’t mind them, but it seems popular to ship Aku (from Samurai Jack) and Blossom together. And I’m real sorry to those devoted shippers, but again I do NOT get it. I see a lot of romantic fan art depicting romantic situations with Blossom still drawn as a child, and like I get Aku is an immortal demon, so “age is just a number,” but again, BIG ALARMS go off in my head.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
🙃 🙃 Kind of don’t want to answer this, but I will anyway because only a few people actually read my blog lolol, so lol, yep! And it’s the reds. Don’t shoot me lol. When I was in middle school, I got into this fandom, forgot about it, and then came back when I was hit by a round of nostalgia. I’m finishing up college now, and I can confidentially say that the fanon content for the reds hasn’t changed one bit. Or the demand for it.
I tended to find that a lot of red content follows many archetypes that I’m just not into. Their stories can get a real cringey, real fast. Blossom is always written like this “perfect, except she’s not (but she really is)” character. Like she’s the girl you WISH you could be, but she’s also going through a shit ton of stuff that no person IRL would be able to handle without having a mental breakdown. And sometimes, in some stories, Blossom does have a mental breakdown, but in a sexy way, so she’s still perfect. Generally, there’s still something problematic about Blossom that makes it easy for a reader to relate to her on some level, unlike the way people write Bubbles. And then there’s Brick, who’s broody, hyper-possessive or jealous, and hot figuratively and literally (gotta love the fire/ice trope). He’s the only boy—no! Wait!—the only person who could ever possibly outwit Blossom, and he is just so undeniably attracted to Blossom. They’re the smart power couple that should honestly just hook-up in Chapter One to save everybody time, but they don’t. Nah, they’ve got to survive at least two love triangles before they even consider admitting they’re attracted to each other.  
And don’t get me wrong, none of that’s bad, but there are a million fanfics that go through the same song and dance with these two. And it’s kind of easy to tell when someone’s hardcore projecting onto Blossom because the type of person they’re personally attracted to is the way they write Brick. And I’m not knocking anyone self-projecting onto characters, sometimes people got to do that to give themselves a fun mental break, but bro, I don’t want to read about it. For one, smart broody assholes aren’t my type. Maybe when I was in middle school, but not anymore. And two, it’s just not interesting to me, which is a real shame since the reds are a majority of the fanon content.
Maybe if I found more red stories where the plot isn’t character-driven but plot-driven, so I see the romance between these two characters in a context where it’s not the main focus of the story, it would solve my issue with the pairing. I haven’t found many fics like that, though.
I can’t really think of any reds fic where I’m like ey, this aint bad unless it has a “major character death” tag attached to it lmao (which are always plot driven stories). However, in all honesty, since I’ve stayed away from red content for a while now, I don’t know the current state of things. Maybe there’s been a load more development for these two, or people have broken away from the same plotlines, but I’m too busy to check. I do browse people’s fic rec lists from time to time, but it sort of feels like everyone just puts the same fics on their lists and moves on.
And before someone’s like, “well, you can say all this about the greens or the blues,” just know I’m fully aware. The greens make me cringe too because there’s a shit ton of possessive and abusive storylines filling their story tags. And what makes me super uncomfortable is how people make Buttercup hit Butch or call him derogatory names, oftentimes unprompted. I don’t know why people make Buttercup such an unlikeable and overly aggressive person. I also don’t get why they make Butch some perverted idiot, but to each their own, I guess? Still, I see these green-character patterns most often in red-focused stories, which is another reason why I avoid them. I’ve found a lot of green-focused content that strays from the abusive tropes I try to avoid. Considerably less than I’d like, but the greens are typically the b-plot pairing, so that’s to be expected. Personally, I’d really like to see more content with the greens finding some kind of inner peace, and recently, I’ve seen a few fics that have tried to tackle this concept.
And lol, if you’ve read some of my posts before, you already know that I think the blues are an underdeveloped fanon pairing. The fandom can’t ruin that pairing for me because it never does anything substantial with it.  
Anyway, at the end of the day, I’m just personally not into the way the reds are popularly written, but I get why people are and that’s good with me. 
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snickiebear · 3 years
hello hello, nadia, let's get salty shall we :))) starting with no 1 ofc, 3, 4, 5, 13 (choose any character u want), 19, 20, 22, 23, 25 (again whatever ships/characters u want - tho i'm curious ab the "canon" ships o.o), 27 (feel free to choose any fandom u want too) I am DYING to know ur answers omg <33
Unpopular opinion about XXX character?HI ELE!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
SasuSaku and NaruHina. SasuSaku is just.... i dont like it. I don’t like Sasuke in canon and it feels so fucking forced. Same with NaruHina. I don’t read NaruHina unless its like a background relationship. like i could do a whole post about how both relationships are basically the damn fucking thing; badass man and girl who’s crushed/obsessed over the man their entire lives. it is... i dont like it.  
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
yes. yes i have. i dont even remember what fandom or what they said but if i dont like something, i unfollow. i dont want that stuff in my life and i have the choice to get it out so yeahhh (i think it either had to do with sakura/lucy heartfillia or maybe even a percy jackson thing,,,,)
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
SasuSaku. I hate it, really. unless its a total rewrite where Sasuke isn’t an asshole and Sakura isn’t obsessed with him and focuses on her development and then they get together later on and have been friends. i really don’t like it. i also don’t like canon NaruHina, it feels forced in my opinion, so same deal with SasuSaku, unless its an AU and the romance is actually developed, i dont like it. 
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
i dont think so.... the only fandoms ive ever really been in are fairy tail, naruto, soul eater, and pjo and all of my fav pairings were usually fandom popular or widely accepted so not yet!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
-i dont like canon sakura. oops! i watched the OG naruto and i would hold those small moments that i did like her so close to my chest and i was so so disappointed on how kishi handled her character. it just makes me upset but not surprised tbh so now ive made it my mission to write her with all the potential she had 
-sasuke deserves to be angry and go out and do his thing. but also, he should be held accountable for his actions. Yes. the uchiha were treated like shit and murdered for basically no fucking reason but still. he’s OP and just like your basic “lone wolf bitchass”. 
-same with naruto. i love sunshine boys. I DO. but he... doesn’t mature?? he stays naive and ignorant (from what i remember) and he’s so god damn OP. this fic summarizes the way i feel about Sasuke and Naruto. They’re great characters, sure, but im so thankful for critical thinking fic authors who give them depth and realistic lives/characteristics.  
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
-the toxicity towards woman. its pretty prominent in like all animes tbh. it makes my blood boil and like so angry that i try to steer clear from it 
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
LEESAKU. i love that ship with all my heart. i feel like they’d just be so good together. like if sakura got some actual character development and lee too, they’d be so kickass and soft together. 
22. Popular character you hate?
i don’t really HATE a character, but sasuke. he irks me. i would punch him in the face and shove him into a locked room with 10 therapists. 
23. Unpopular character you love?
kishimoto sucks. sure, he wrote one of the greatest anime/mangas around. but i feel like he bit off way more than he could chew. the character development could have been so much better, world building was great tho, and tho some of the arcs were creative as hell,, the writing could have been so much better. if given the chance, i would rewrite it. 
i do like Karin, or at least fanon's intpretation of her character. Tbh, i don't like most Canon naruto characteraztions, they bother me and i wanna go in and fix all of them
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
naruto: i would need to rewrite the whole series; but in short, not have sakura want to go with sasuke. let her be happy by herself. let her want to grow in the village and help with the hospital. 
27. Least shippable character?
sasuke,,, maybe neji. but sasuke. i see him as such a flat character. like, he’s angry and stupid but ambitious. thats,,, thats it. oh! and he likes snakes and has no use for loyal friends??? idk if you can tell but i dont liek him LMAO
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kittyprincessofcats · 5 years
GPF Torino - Day 3
Since I liveblogged a lot from the arena today (I was too frustrated about the judging to wait), I don't have that much more to say. I've made it clear how I feel about the judging of the men's event, that the ISU is killing the sport, etc. No need to repeat that. I've also already talked about how amazing Shun Sato was. So here's some thoughts about the rest of the event.
- Sorry, but I barely watched the Junior Pairs. I was busy angrily ranting about the men's scores on tumblr from my seat.
- The most hilarious moment was when they interviewed the winning junior pair and the Russian interpreter just kept saying something completely different in English than what they actually said. Seriously, she's awful at her job. They said something completely different, and she just invented something else in English. Since my dad's a translator and interpreter for Russian too, it was especially hilarious to him. He couldn't stop laughing about it for about five minutes.
- The two Georgian Junior Ice Dancers were really impressive! (I'm sorry, I can't remember their names.) I've never watched Junior Ice Dance before, but they were super amazing to watch. I really think they should have won with a way bigger margin. I enjoyed them more than most of the senior Ice Dancers, tbh...
- The Russian fans in front of me were outraged at Sinitsyna/Katsalapov's low score and started booing the judges. Like, lmao sorry, but that was 100% fair. They made mistakes and their skating was super sloppy. Even as someone who doesn't know much about Ice Dance I could see that much.
- I was so nervous before Rika's performance. After how dirty they did Yuzu earlier, I wasn't expecting them to treat her much better (and I was right).
- Rika's performance was amazing. She might not have landed the 4S, but I still think it was the right decision to go for it. She had nothing to lose here, and she's (sadly) going to need it sooner or later, so trying it now in a competitive situation will help her. But enough of stupid quads: Can we talk about the rest of her performance, please? Did you see those beautiful 3As? That choreo sequence? How well she performed? I really couldn't contain my excitement. I was so relieved afterwards, can't even imagine how /she/ must have felt like. This was what I wanted. I wanted her and Yuzu to skate well today - and they did.
- Rika's score was pityfully low. Yes, she had a fall, but so did Trusova and Shcherbakova, and they're still somehow scoring 160+. "But Rika didn't have a quad!" you'll say. No, but neither did Kostornaia, and she also got 160+.
- It's not even Rika's score I really have an issue with, it's how generously the 3A are scored in comparison. All three of their scores were absolutely unthinkable last season. Last season 155+ was the highest anyone would get. And now these girls are getting 160+ just like that, when only Kostornaia has the quality to somewhat justify that (but even there I'd say it's a bit high).
- No seriously, this is another travesty right there. I know not as many people will care when it's Rika instead of Yuzu, but: In the free skate Rika got 16 points less than any of the 3A. 16. That's wrong and you all know it. Just like Yuzu was definitely not 30 points behind Nathan today, Rika was absolutely not 16 whole points behind every single one of the 3A in the free skate. Anyone who thinks these scores are justified can unfollow and block me, too.
- My dad after Trusova's performance: Well, that had two big mistakes, and she also just doesn't skate as nicely.
Me: Now watch them give her 160 anyway.
My dad: What? No, that'd be extremely unfair!
Me: Watch them.
The score: *comes up*
Me: What did I say?
My dad: Wow, you were right... this really is completely corrupt. Then what's the point of even having a competition?
- I'm glad Rika is at least 4th and not 5th as I had predicted after the SP - though I do feel bad for Alina. That fall was really hard and she had a bleeding wound on her leg afterwards - that I only noticed because my dad took close-up photos. I wouldn't wish a fall like that on anyone. (But I half-expected them to still put Alina ahead of Rika despite that performance. At that point I'd lost all faith in the judges.)
- And look, I'm glad it's at least Alyona who won and not one of the others, but I also just... don't really care? I'm sorry, this is going to sound harsh, I do really like Alyona, but like I said: An Eteri girl competition isn't interesting to me. So the podium order was K-S-T today. At RusNats it'll be the same girls in a different order. At Europeans it'll be them again in another different order. At Worlds, spoiler... it'll be them again. I'm already falling asleep at the thought. It's boring - I don't care which one gets which medal. I want to see international competitions with skaters from all over the world, not with the same 3 girls from the same country and coaching team over and over and over again.
- Also, I think it's appalling what Ladies's skating has turned into. And I'm not talking about the quads. I'm talking about the fact that this competition was labelled "Senior" Ladies and only one of the contestants (Bradie) was an adult woman. This wasn't a "Senior" competition. It's sad that adult women don't have a chance. It's sad that the only adult women at this competition were Pair skaters and Ice Dancers (and Bradie). It's sad that skaters like Zagitova and Medvedeva are already being told to retire. I don't think the ISU should raise the age limit for senior competitions, but I do think that they should consider splitting "Senior" Ladies into two more sub-categories: One for 15-17 year olds, and one for anyone 18 or older. That way women wouldn't have to compete against kids, and female single skaters might actually have longer careers.
- My dad and I didn't bother staying for the victory ceremonies. Rika's not on the podium, so what's the point. And also, my dad didn't want to stand for the Russian anthem again - a sentiment I share.
- Overall, I'm glad I came to this competition, I'm looking forward to the gala tomorrow, and I'm glad Yuzuru and Rika skated well. BUT, and here's the big BUT - I'm going to distance myself from this sport now. Scoring wise, this GPF was Saitama 2.0 and there's a reason I never rewatch Saitama ever. After these judging decisions today, the sport is dead. It's very obviously corrupt and therefore not a fair sport. I'll still watch the performances of my faves, but as long as the judging is this corrupt, the sport is unwatchable as a whole.
- To Yuzu and Rika I want to say: I'm so sorry. You were so much better than they gave you credit for and I hope you know that. The ISU doesn't deserve two athletes as amazing as you. Don't let them break your spirit - and don't just take this abuse without speaking up about it.
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why dont you like 1989???????????????
Not going to lie, this is a very loaded question. For an extremely in depth look at why I don’t like it, look the posts that are tagged with the 1989 disconnect tag on my page that range all the way from 2014 (? I think, it may have been 2015) to 2020.
The condensed (but still long I’m sorry) version comes down to three things:
- The era itself + the fans: I was horrifically bullied by this fandom for opinions that are now seen as popular (RED > 1989, being concerned about Taylor’s eating/performing/trying to overcompensate to get the press off her back habits + mental health, bad blood is not one of her best songs, not liking Calvin Harris, saying the grammys are rigged against artists of colour etc). Genuinely, despite only having about 300 followers at the time, there was a good year where I would have dozens of anons a day telling me to kill myself, that I didn’t deserve love from anyone especially Taylor and that I was every gendered insult under the sun for feeling like 1989 was a good album by an artist that usually makes great ones. I also found that trying to get Taylor’s attention made what was a horrific time in my life even worse because I took it so personally that I did not get it and it took unfollowing Taylor and stepping away from the community to fix that. Outside of just myself, the whole attitude of had/hadn’t met Taylor honestly is what ultimately turned the fandom, or more lack of, into what it is now in my honest opinion. And while realistically none of this should play into why I didn’t like 1989, listening to the album does remind me of that and unfortunately somewhat sours it for me.
- My connection with Taylor: In short, this came down to two, interconnected things: I felt like the 1989 era felt like it was made for the general public + as mentioned, I was going through a horrific time of my life when 1989 came out. Short version is that due to my own mental health, and in small part I guess to Taylor’s later admissions, I felt like Taylor went from the ‘girl next door who’d support you when you needed’ to ‘popular girl trying to please the masses’ and in a time when my life literally fell apart around me, it felt like Taylor was all I had left and even she was turning her back on me to please people who previously hadn’t had her back. And quite frankly, it made me bitter and soured any form of interaction we got with her, which wasn’t helped by feeling overexposed to her if I’m honest. Now I want to make it clear that that’s not Taylor’s fault. I was in a very sick and overly dependent state of mind and obviously Taylor was just taking the steps she thought she needed to (but later realised she they were the wrong ones) to recover. But again, it’s something that very heavily put me off the album and I’ve just never felt the need to go back to it to try make myself fall in love with it.
- The album itself: As I mentioned, I think 1989 is a good album. If I had the choice of it and a majority of other albums, I’d probably pick it as something familiar. The thing is, I think every other album Taylor has done, and especially the others since RED are all incredible and deserve to be remembered forever, so there’s definitely a discrepancy there. My honest opinion is that Taylor held back with the lyrics of 1989 to fit the pop sound and to make sure the media and toxic 1D fans didn’t come for her neck like they threatened to when Haylor were dating. I also don’t like the production of the album at all. I think at best, some songs’ productions are as good as if it had another one (OOTW is the main one here given the production mimics the feeling of anxiety but tbh I liked the piano grammy version just as much. Also Style but that’s more just because I actually like the production of that song) and at worst, it lead to the songs feeling like not only did the lyrics suffer like I previously stated, but that the emotion suffered too (AYHTDWS, BB, HYGTG and to some degree Clean [especially in comparison to the tour version or Ingrid Michaelson’s cover] being the main ones I can think of). And before someone tries to pull that “you just don’t like pop beats!” argument, IKYWT is a top 3 track off of RED for me, the production of LWYMMD is my favourite part of that song because it suits it so well. Taylor knows how to do emotional pop songs very well, I just do not feel like 1989 was the best example of that. Also, and this is definitely wishful thinking and I’m aware of that, I wish 1989 had been Taylor’s more stripped back album production wise. I stand by this post that I made years ago saying how I wish they were produced (which keeps the fun elements to those songs but also allows for the emotion to shine) and that I think that I will enjoy the 1989 songs more when they are played on the b-stage for tours because I think that sound suits them better.
Anyway, I’m sorry I know this was super long, but I guess the one sentence version of why I don’t love 1989 like I do Taylor’s other albums just comes down to not feeling like it was as lyrically or emotionally open as I’d like, hating its production and it coming out at a time of my life where everything that was happening has soured it for me in the long term.
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brykisheaven · 4 years
 i didn’t want to make a post like this because i dont a pity party or anything but i have to get this out of my head before i end up bottling it up and making it worse like i’ve done before.  //tw: body shame, verbal abuse, suicide mentions, racism (small mention) , long text in general tbh//
over the past couple of months, my life at home has been completely all over the place, every day when i wake up i feel like it’s just a cycle of nothing, all i do is sit at home doing online classes and finishing massive amounts of homework, some even due the next day. my back is so tired from just sitting down and typing and it has just made me so bored and stressed out. more so these days, the only reason i even bother to do my homework is because i can also talk to my friends on discord while im doing them, which makes me slightly feel better, sometimes i even give up on doing homework just to talk to them because it gives me a better reason to wake up than just do the same thing over and over again. it’s a horrible feeling that i hate but im very thankful i have my friends to make me feel a bit better. but my situation with my parents is more worse than this and sadly my friends cannot help with it, but they also help me stay somewhat happy while this shitstorm goes down every day. my parents have been getting more and more angry towards each other also, which makes my situation even worse, my father (who doesn’t live with me anymore) is so fucking horrible and stubborn, he makes racist jokes which i hate and i always tell him how he should stop being a fucking idiot and a jerk but he wont listen and just tells me “it’s a joke” but it’s fucking not, or at least its a fucking horrible disgusting joke, alongside that, he also makes me feel like i cannot do anything, i hate being with him and i dont even see him as my father anymore, nowadays i just see him as a random man my mother makes me go with only because he’s related to me in a way. his wife is also a fucking bitch who hates the living hell out of me and my sisters, she always complains about us and how we’re “uneducated” or “bad-behaved”, well bitch guess what at least im not a fucking prick who ruins peoples lives am i??? i cant even pretend to be happy anymore, im just so done pretending to be fine with this. I just came back from staying with him and i’m just so glad im home, the 2 days i spent with him after a whole 3 months were the worst of my life basically, i pretended to do my homework just so he could leave me alone, i began crying myself to sleep while drawing because that was the only thing that made me feel better somewhat. i dont want him to even stay in contact with my mother, all the time he just argues how im doing things wrong and that my mother is a bad example and teaching me wrong things, he blames her for the reason i have a rather thick body and it makes me so mad. my mother isn’t that great either but at least she tries to understand me, unlike my father who always thinks he’s right. i cant even wear dresses or skirts because all he does is tell me how ridiculous i look and how i should be skinny like every other girl, and every time he tells me that all i do is just ignore him but when i come home, i just want to vomit until all i see is blood. i’ve stopped eating for weeks one time because of this, im too afraid to even wear anything beside jumpers because it’ll reveal what my body type is. i hate how i cant even like myself, some times i feel like i should start cutting myself or try to kill myself again because whatever i do, it’s wrong to him, maybe if i die he’ll think i did something right. what i did right was not exist isn’t it? i dont want to though because i have such good friends on here and i dont want to leave them. my friends are the one of the only few reasons i even am here anymore, if it wasn’t for them i wouldn’t even bother. i would probably just cry and hope the next day i get run over or something like that.  my father also always complains about how im doing a stupid hobby and i wont get anything out of drawing and sometimes calls me a mistake because i dont want to have a “real” job like everyone else in out family, but guess what idiot, drawing is a real job and one day i will prove it to him that this isn’t some stupid hobby, but now this has also taken a toll on my art and confidence to post any of it, im too scared to post my art because im afraid people just think it’s stupid or im annoying them by posting too much or too little.  i haven’t gotten many complaints about it but every time i post anything i overthink and worry for a while hoping they wont hate it. so far i think i’ve been getting better managing the anxiety of it but another thing that worries me is the thought people might get angry of me drawing 4 all the time.  the reason why i draw 4 so much is because she’s sort of like a comfort character to me, she was made out of my feelings and was a persona for a short amount of time, i put a lot of myself into her and i love drawing her but i worry people will get bored of seeing her all the time, so thats why i might stop posting content for a bit. 4 is something special to me, whenever i get upset or feel happy, i feel like she’s making me feel happy, it sounds stupid but 4 has helped me overcome many of my bad thoughts and feelings, she’s also one of the reasons im still trying to be happy. thats the reason why i draw her so much. and i wont stop to draw her, and im sorry if you dont like to see her so much but i will not stop to do so, if it bothers you that much please unfollow me. im so sorry i rambled for so long thank you for reading and i love you ((also to devon and soapy and mel, if you’ve read up to here, i love you guys with all my heart i love you too much thank you))  💕
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quadratic-shipping · 5 years
Vriska.. for the character ask thing..
sdfghfds an organic opportunity to post about Vriska? Thank you very much! This ended up..... Very Long RIP but also Not Unexpected tbh.
-Favourite Thing About Her: On one hand she’s this tragically flawed and complicated and hubris fueled person with so much depth to her but on the other hand she’s like. An awful toxic gamer girl. Both are so genuinely interesting to think about I love all the meta surrounding her like I feel like Vriska is the one gal I consistently see excellent meta for.
-Least Favourite Thing: The Ableism Stuff. Vriska is a very boundary pushing character so I would be curious whether, if Hussie rewrote Homestuck today using mostly the same plot and character stuff, if he would make it as intense. On one had I think that part of the reason her view on disability is Like That is because Hussie was obviously a lot Edgier when first writing her, but also I think that it isn’t a stretch that in a society based on hyper competency that someone who Especially prides herself on hypercompetence would be able-ist but like. Still not something I love.
-Favourite Line: How Do I Choose....... All the Ones where she says Gamer stuff. Jokes, I know everyone loves the hero monologue and I think it’s probably her best lines, but my personal fave is the Aradia Monologue, the one where she’s asking her to hate her instead? I love those lines where you can feel the insecurity peaking out it’s always so raw.
(I’m putting multiples for all of these because I can’t decide)
-BROTPs: Vrisjune, VRISDIRK but I would never seek like; longform content just shitposts & art for vrisdirk
-OTPs: Vrisrezi and Vrisrose for sure, I textpost, I’m pretty sure everyone knows this of me
-NOTPs: Tavris (Yuck), Gamvris (I see you Candy Epilogues; and I fucking hate you), Vrisjake (I have never seen it but if I did I’d die), Vrisnep (too uwu for me to think they’d be anything interesting), Vrisroxy (like same as w/ nep they just both don’t have that mean side that I like characters who I ship w/ Vriska to have yknow bc she’s kinda toxic sometimes so having someone who is an uwu softgirl like Nepeta or just completely wholesome like Roxy doesn’t work for me). I wouldn’t like. Unfollow anyone for posting Vriska/dudes(not sure I would be following anyone posting that in the first place anyway) but I also think that all of her ships with dudes are a million times less compelling like: It’s about the Subversion of Emotional Repression y’know? Lesbian Vriska is just sorta better.
-Random Headcanon: hmmm, definitely my “Vriska using the d20′s out of her broken 8balls” I’ve made a few textposts about it but like at first it was just funny and then I actually thought about via meta and then it became WAYYYYY angstier and I was like; ok yeah now it fits Even Better. Also? Just Saying? All her dice are blue and the insides of the eightballs she uses are blue so it would fit. One I’ve never talked about and probably never will is that she does not move her hands or face or body a lot when she talks, she’s very vocally emotionally expressive but not physically. 
-Unpopular Opinion: I’m like, a very moderate person tbh. I’m not sure if I have any Hot Takes really, most of my understanding has not been formed via observation and more reading meta so I’m kinda bland on the spectrum imo.
-Songs I associate: Most of the stuff on Electra Heart & Family Jewels (shout out especially to Oh No! & Are You Satisfied), Happy & Better Than That from Froot, Karma from LOVE + FEAR (Marina & the Diamonds=Vriskacore Factory); A Pearl; Remember my Name; Why didn’t You Stop Me; all by Mitski work for me I feel like a lot of her lyrics don’t fit for Vriska but her sound totally does. You’re Gonna Go Far Kid. Action Movie Hero Boy. Almost everything on this one Vrisrezi playlist on spotify by “gailmart” 
-Favourite Picture: Suitska w/ the high ponytail. I’ll try reblog it later.
OK I’m finally done sorry this is 50 years long.
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