#internet stuff
emeryleewho · 2 months
If you're worried about the enshittification of the internet completely killing your access to work by your favorite creatives (I've already seen a lot of artists I love state they'll be leaving Tumblr thanks to all the AI training), I want to introduce you to a handful of ways to circumvent the social media hellscape to stay connected to your favorite creators.
RSS Feeds
I'd argue that this is the best option. It essentially allows you to create your own social media "dashboard" by saving websites and getting updates when they post new content. Most websites already have these, and if social media goes down (or just continues to degrade), the best way you can access your favorite creators will be with direct connection to their personal websites. I'm still learning how to use these, but if you want to learn more, this article does a great job.
2. Newsletters
I know newsletters are a pain and it's annoying to have your inbox cluttered, but if there are creators you know you'd be remiss to lose access to, I recommend subscribing to their newsletters. I'd honestly skip the ones that share frequent content you don't need, but for example, my newsletter is updates only so I only send it out maybe every few months when something big happens. It's an easy way to stay up to date on info that social media buries. Of course, if your faves are writing up blog posts & insights that you want to read in newsletter form, consider subscribing to those as well, and don't feel like you have to subscribe to *every* newsletter to make it worthwhile. You just want to make sure you can still be reached by the creators whose work you really don't want to miss.
3. Ko-Fi/Patreon
I don't think a lot of people realize you can follow people on these platforms for free, but because they have paid options, they offer more direct access than social media sites whose algorithms will just erase people you love from your feed altogether. This one isn't the best alternate since a lot of content may be behind a paywall, but if you just want an easy way to be sure you'll still have access to updates from people you want to support, this is a usable way to compile creators in one place and most creators will post updates for free so you should still get those.
So yeah, these are my suggestions. If you're just on social media casually and you just like the easy access to content but don't particularly care about individual creators or specific projects or anything like that then you probably don't need any of this and that's fine. If social media is continuing to work for you then feel free to continue enjoying it without worrying about alternatives. I just want people to have a fail safe if you, like me, are realizing that this shit is getting completely out of hand and everything you once wanted social media for is quickly becoming inaccessible.
Anyway, I highly recommend tuning in to people's personal websites, but I doubt most people have the energy to check each individual website so RSS Feeds are great alternative. Whatever you choose to do, just try to diversify enough that no one company can completely kill your access to your faves on a whim and remember that the closer to direct communication you can get to with creatives the better.
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echodrops · 15 days
I started the last post with "I'm so tired" too, but it just gets more true every day.
My last post was about how my real life sucks, but man, I can't even come to the internet as an escape from the intellectual collapse of academia anymore.
I'm just trying to browse in peace without being bombarded with people virtue signalling, advocating for media to be sanitized, and arguing over whether it's morally responsible to ship a character who is a literal murderer with someone that he said something mean to once.
Like, is this where we're at?
Is this really where we're at?
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anarchywoofwoof · 5 months
you could do a PhD level thesis on the boomerification and right-wing takeover of Reddit. every sub is full of fringe conspiracy theorists, your uncle Mike bitching about immigrants, someone concern trolling about social media, tablets or anyone under the age of 25, or just outright fascist nonsense. it's genuinely horrific.
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Short internet storytime: I remember when Spider-Man: Across The Spiderverse first came out and since the fandom was brand new at the time, I saw alot of cool fancontent like fanart and animations on YT atleast. I'm sure there were some pretty sick fanfictions too but I didn't look over in that area because I was scared lol anyways, on that note I gotta make a spidersona eventually like I already came up with a gimmick idea but I'm lazy af. Another thing was me being grossed out by how many Miguel O'Hara simps there were in general so I decided to complain about it to my friends and saved some of the suggestive art I saw on my phone purely just to show them hoe ridiculous they were being but apparently you become one of his stans after saving only a few specifically posed drawings of him from your social media feeds shaking my head I hate big buff vampire-looking men fuck you. Anyways I need to find somewhere to pirate the movie since I for some reason wasn't able to watch it for awhile atleast due to being busy irl rahhhh. I am so cranky rn because I can't sleep so sorry about that ughh...
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The difference between twitter and tumblr as always is that in the face of actual violence, twitter leftists usually wilt and start condemning the side of violence.
Tumblr, on the other hand, is very much in favour of literally murdering your oppressor.
Liberation from colonialism or fascism is never achieved without violence.
Free Palestine.
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faggotfuckery · 8 months
fuck Elon musk. fuck Twitter. fuck transphobes.
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decodad · 2 years
i feel like it would interest everyone here to know that the phineas and ferb doofenperry kpop au from twitter has been preserved in its entirety
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identitty-dickruption · 10 months
I love internet strangers telling me what I think and who I am, as if I’m not the one living in my brain and body
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auntbibby · 9 months
how come when u click “random page” on wikipedia, 30% of the time it lands on something soccer-related???
is soccer like….. 30% of wikipedia????????
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herbgerblin · 2 years
if you use twitter on desktop but the trending bar stresses you out (as it does me) use this extension to hide it: Chromium Browsers | Firefox
it has improved my twitter experience 1000%
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misfitwashere · 6 months
Tumblr media
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fantyan · 1 month
I formally apologise to my mutuals and the people I follow, I may have spammed boops every time a post of urs came up cause I didn't think it sent a notification 😭😭😭
(@honeyrosepetals my bad :') )
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positivelyadhd · 11 months
hello, for that post you reblogged, do you know how to block elements in ublock origin? i don't know where that option is
hello anon!
yes, there's a few ways to block elements with ublock, one is temporary and is done by selecting the element when in the "element zapper mode" from the dropdown menu. (It looks like a lightning bolt!)
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and select the element you'd like to remove to make it disappear
Tumblr media Tumblr media
the other more permanent one is by using the element picker:
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and selecting the element you'd like to remove. This will then open a menu with information about the element
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and you can select "preview" to see what the page will look like without it or "create" to save the removal of the element as a rule on ublock.
This will make ublock remove that element every time you load the page in the future. If you'd like to bring the element back, go to "options" within the ublock menu to "open the dashboard"
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Then select "my filters".
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Then highlight the filter you'd like to remove and delete it!
Alternatively, you can block an element using this "my filters" menu as well. Copy the element information that you'd like to block, in the case of tumblrs y2k content it's:
and paste those lines into the "my filters" box and select apply changes!
Tumblr media
These methods can also be used to block any other elements you'd like to block in the future!
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Bitches pretend to be normal people and have the most aesthetically-pleasing and cutesy page on any social media platform with a soft and sickenly-sweet persona and then turn around to be racist, ableist and LGBTQIAPhobic proshitter freaks who get h-word over taking advantage of hypersexual minors on the internet who were probably already groomed by someone else atleast into accepting gross-hentai doujin lolishotacon shit as ok. No, you're not a baby, you are a middle-aged adult hag who instead of doing taxes and being normal or something, you share bestiality porn and pedo crap in secret private Discord servers from your alternative pages and use anime-logic as a legitimate excuse like bffr.
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I kinda like how internet lore personifies different social media's. and how some common themes stay to their like drawn appearances lol.
like YouTube is commonly this corrupt business man, in a well fitted suit who wants to cover up their misdeeds.
personally I've always thought of personified YouTube as a guy in a suit with a mask of some sort hiding it's face. :)
with sharp teeth, and a sketchy demeanor always going on about how what your doing is against the TOS, while hiding all the skeletons in its closet.
I like to think of YouTube like that, it makes sense to me.
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fanvoidkeith · 4 months
you know
sometimes i go on tumblr (or any social media, really) and see some insane bullshit responses to people's posts (usually silly jokes). and i'm like, i may have a distorted perception of the world due to being mentally ill, but at least i don't do THAT. like, i may be annoying, but i'm not trying to say something completely illogical and trying to make it sound like the OTHER person is sounding stupid or weird right now.
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