#tbh that is a toxic relationship for them and the cheese
theferalgeode · 11 months
"girls are hard to please"
B!tch just give her cheese
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Monday, January 1st, 2024!
10:29am We are alive mf's!!! We made it to the new year!
Currently having my semi-annual financial hoopla but things will work themselves out 😇
January goals: not spending money basically.
- don't get so drunk, it is not fun anymore!
- stop buying food/ drinks out! Too much $
- look for free activities
- free hobbies
- be mindful of what you're doing! And not doing!
- wake up earlier and go to bed earlier! (Gradual)
1:01pm I have already caved and have gotten PDQ 🤣 it's all good I'm straight chilling ❤️ Stay positive y'all. Watching A Historia Delas on Hulu, looks pretty good!
3:45pm Ok so PDQ has made me completely lethargic, the salt has made me totally bloated AF like I feel it in my belly and my feet and hands. I want to work on increasing my energy levels this year and omg this was not the right thing to do. I'm so bloated I'm too uncomfortable to nap even. This show is very good though thank god bc I'm clearly not doing much else today.
Also, one of my wall adjacent neighbors has been playing freaking dubstep or something for like 2 hrs straight and I just realized it's making my brain feel weird/ fuzzy but I couldn't identify why tf I felt that way before. There's so much damn noise in the world it's no wonder everyone is losing their mind/ irritable and slightly annoyed all the time.
8:04pm I did my nails! Also binge watching this show was a very good decision, the best I've made all day 🤣 Tried eating some cheese and it's too much!! My body is just rejecting all of this rich af holiday food and I should really clean out the fridge tomorrow and start fresh. I know it's a waste but idc I don't want to keep feeling like crap and I hate expired food. It's not my fault I went on vacation for like 10 days and all this was too much. I'm still not used to buying/ cooking food for one person. I need to stop buying gallons of milk ffs! It's way too much I had to have like 4 cups last night bc it was expiring today. This is just all part of being mindful, everything is a learning process! You are ok and you are doing great! ❤️
Also, learning more and more about how abusive my relationship is and I'm so glad the internet exists because it would have been so easy to just *not* be aware of this experience that i unfortunately share with many people!! Narcissistic abuse is real and I am ready to keep healing!! Can't fool me twice.
I loved talking to his grandmother though, she is so wise and sweet and I love that she really doesn't play his BS and can see through it, amen!!! I can't believe she said what I thought she would say.... She wants them to move out together so that they'll break up already!!!! That shit is crazy she really said that!!! I may be young but I am not stupid and I saw that shit coming from MILES away literally.
9:41pm He keeps randomly texting me and tbh at this point it's so crystal clear what he's doing and it's pathetic. Simply I have no admiration for him, no respect above human decency really, it's just pathetic is the only word for it. He clearly needs psychological help, and I'm not a psychologist! Also, don't you have a gf to text who literally hates me? Get it together, bro, you're not fooling anyone (except her?? Poor girl tbh she's really getting her payback/ karma in spades I'm sure) thanks universe :) love ya.
PS why does he keep bringing up the music thing?? Does he have no other lines I don't really get it. What tf am I supposed to do about that anyway. I listen to all of his music and my music just fine (oh wait it's because I took time to heal and didn't jump into another toxic relationship 7 days later!!) Get a grip, dude, you're not getting anyone's sympathy here.
Made a to do list for tomorrow so we'll see how that goes! Also I'm sleeping naked so we're trying lots of new things!
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milkshaketg · 11 months
skewbald belgian named Inksplash. palomino cream or smth.
Florence and Tuscany go the realm. feline hall. human was a bitch who “I turned out fine so they should, too.” maybe I make her too sick to be able to tell anything. black cat companion with purple eyes who can see your death.
someone who comes face to face with their killer who through time loop shenanagins it isn’t in the past it’s the current except they’re alive even though they did kill them and the killer is just like nonchalant or at least appears unbothered
like others are in a time loop and she comes back and is like what
another character just disappears and it isn’t mentioned at all until dead girl returns and is like where are they and everyone else is like who
maybe they come back somehow except not alive
au self inset w Joot in JoJo where I’m a lesbian and therefore an outcast and he and I find solidarity in that and whatnot. I yell at him for how he treats his mom.
Dollarpaw as in sand dollar
SSO Vid Ideas:
dive into SSOblr
Autumn “TroyTheBoy” after their fursona Troy
fear look in her eyes as the sword is about to come down on her, but is saved by someone else last minute. she doesn’t question it. she just runs. she has no idea what happened to that person.
Angela on a throne looking kinda shocked and surprised and anxious and Akuma is at her feet, all seductive n draped over her n shit and just staring at the viewer sure of herself. not smug, though. just confident.
pink haired self insert for FE3H to draw a Ashe, Catherine, fuckin uhh other pretty lady, maybe Sylvain? Felix? anyone tbh. Claude, too. ladies as well ofc.
-traumatized lady, cannot be on the battlefield or she shuts down. mayb a new crest, a special one. bc she’s special :>
-self regenerating from a big battle who lost everyone and everyone was starving then offered herself up to eat and they found out she couldn’t die by mutilation alone, eventually was captured and used as a human shield and then ofc this fucks her up real bad so they erase a ton of memories so now she’s just ditzy lady being studied except gently at the monastery. ig she can’t really work out bc regeneration.
Flayn x Dedue
someone with a pet named Cream Cheese
self insert where I’m broken and Dirk fixes me I’m a cyborg except he’s got complete control now and I become a husk just used by him to accomplish his misguided deeds. robot turns to flesh eventually even the tail n shit.
oh wait fuck he’s gay.
we don’t gotta fuck it can be platonic extremely fantastically toxic codependency
I am a pet.
this again, except I am a lesbian who forms an unhealthy codependent relationship with Sylvain. he’s chasing my friend who I have a massive crush on, so I approach him. he ofc thinks I’m going for him/his crest but is visibly taken aback when I admit I’m in love with my friend and I need him to back off. we chat a bit and become acquainted or whatevs. he does. then after the five years comes back and she’s dead, I’m heartbroken obviously. emphasis on bad disassociation too. and boom, codependence. then he’s basically backed into a corner and forced to marry so he chooses me bc he knows I’m not tryna use him for his crest. I’m literally 90% into girls thank u.
fire emblem + blorbos + desired self inserts
Canary method(if you’re gonna act like a clown I’m gonna treat you like one)
did I fuck up my circadian rhythm in middle school? because this is not a case of bad habits.
no food :(
issues at work bc girl I don’t have peripheral hearing. god I feel so fucking disabled.
Rush retains the same mass no matter her form, in addition to being albino.
(hey, are you alright?)(pans to me full strawberry outfit + strawberry makeup + accessories)(yeah, why?)
goth in beanie: are you okay?
strawberry: yeah, why?(HEAVY pink blush w white freckles + lashes and whatnot)(holding my stuffies)
goth in beanie: alright,,,
caption: inside you there are two wolves
me, blank expression: listening to a cat get graphically and brutally murdered and remembering how violent my favorite books as a kid were
Skyclan’s Destiny or whatever is literally just skyclan getting slowly slaughtered one by one
dark eyes of ebon
Rose looked up at Silva. She honestly looked kind of pathetic, one of her lashes hanging haphazardly and her lipstick was smudged. She had seen better days, certainly.
She looked from Silva’s hand, to her face, then back to her hand, not even seeming to register her face wasn’t all that visible. Without much hesitation she took her hand. She had no reason to even consider refusing the help. This was a safe town, no one knew who or where she was so no one would be coming for her. If she had articulated these thoughts they would have sent a pang of pain through her, but as luck would have it her brain stayed full of fluff for now.
“Thank you, appreciate it.” She allowed herself to be pulled to her feet, flashing a smile at the girl. “Now… do you happen to know where we are? Of course you do, you must if you’re out here. Could you show me to” she looked down at her unsightly appearance. She didn’t even want to know what her face looked like. “I guess going out isn’t an option, now is it? You know the direction to Fen’s stable? If you could be a gem and take me there.”
Mon: 10-3
Tue: off
Wed: 10-2
Thurs: 5-9
Fri: off
Sat: 3-7
Sun: 10-3
0 notes
deviiancetv · 4 years
Cinema Starview Presents: The Twisted Love of Malcolm & Marie
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Malcolm and Marie was a pretty good movie, I liked the aesthetic of old cinema even though it constantly contradicted itself when I would see their iPhones and the political rambling Malcolm would do (his facial expressions and his entire speech when reading the review was Academy Award worthy lmaooo). I found their relationship to be so toxic and volatile, that I felt as if my emotions were ever changing just like they were, which was the point, but like Malcolm said, they’re definitely going to get married and divorced SEVERAL times in their relationship if they last that long. Also, did anybody else crave macaroni and cheese while watching this 🤣.
I just want to say, I see a repetitiveness in Zendaya’s characters... at least her known ones like Rue from Euphoria, MJ from Spider-Man, and now Marie... they all have this melancholic vibe, edginess, innocence and also two of them have drug issues (I headcanon that MJ does weed 🌿). One critique I want to see Zendaya and her writers push for her is to break her out of that character type and give her someone that’s more sanguine in personality, the opposite of her regular roles... to push her acting levels. As a Zendaya FAN, I find her so relatable, but I don’t want to relate so much that I feel pity for myself and her having to take on these same personalities. Idk, that’s my little take on how I want to see her switch up her acting skills.
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All in all, I enjoyed the rollercoaster of emotions this movie put me through. I found myself relating to Malcolm’s artistic struggles majority of the movie tbh, but also the “being used” feeling Marie portrayed also hit a cord in me. The actors did a good job with what they had to work with, I’ll give them that!
SCORE: 7/10 ⭐️
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aclosetfan · 4 years
Aight here’s a 16teen-esque mall au for the ppg that I’ll never write, but enjoy thinking about and have heavily outlined (its long, so most is under the cut):
Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup aren’t related in this one, but you’d figure they were. Bubs/Buttercups are fraternal Twins (Mom/Dad=Keane/Prof)
Blossom’s mom is Ms. Bellum, who is dating Ms. Ima Goodwoman. Sedusa is actually a good woman in this lol, she just doesn’t vibe with blossom very well.
It also doesn’t help that Ima’s son, Butch, is now an even more permanent fixture in Blossom’s life. She had always thought school was enough. 
Later on in the story, Bellum and Ima get married and Butch&Bloss have to come to terms with being step siblings (they break up their parents and end up having to parent trap them back together)
This new relationship between Butch&Bloss works out perfectly for Brick because Brick’s bestfriends with Butch and also has a low-key crush on Bloss. They have English class together and while he very much has a goth persona that he can’t compromise (obviously) by a preppy girl like Bloss, he still enjoys fucking with her. Too bad she has that boyfriend :(
Wait what happened to the mall part?? Here we go: 
So, to preference, Bloss is a very smart young women. A real intellectual. Tons of smart extracurriculars. She’s definitely going places, but an Ivy League school costs money. So, she gets a job at the local mall in the bookstore. Bookstores in malls aren’t doing to hot financially and hers gets bought out. It’s going to be replaced by a more mainstream Barnes and Noble, but applications for employees don’t open up until after construction. She’s out a job and for some reason (maybe it’s her horribly inconsistent schedule) no one’s hiring her!! She’s worried about a gap in her resume, but her Mom ends up having the hookup. Turns out her mom’s boss (the mayor, who’s not the Mayor in this one) actually owns the lone hot dog (& pickle) stand in the mall, and it needs a new person to man it. 
(((This is a call back to when blossom, in the show, had to get a job at that hot dog stand 😂 she has to wear the same uniform with the stupid hat. )))
Her best costumer is actually Mayor, which perplexes Blossom because that can’t be a financially sound business move. His weird wisdom guides her.  
ANYWAY, she takes the job and finds out the stand (and the embarrassing uniform) is unfortunately located in front of. . .
. . .HOT TOPIC. 
Who works there??? Lol obviously Mr. Doom and Gloom himself--Brick!
So, Brick’s pretty much the manager there, right? Wrong, but he is a decent employee. He doesn’t actually need a job, but he’s a counterculture rebel, right?? And rebels go against their parents wishes, right?? And his dads (Mojo and Him) don’t want him working in a filthy mall because they’re rich and there’s better things to do. But he’s pretty anti-them so (🖕) he gets the job (Mojo also does not at all understand goth culture)
And then, because the gods favor him, not only does he end up getting to bug Bloss in English, but ALSO on his work breaks. He ends up eating more hotdogs then he ever thought he would in his life, but also, eventually, ends up becoming her study partner. Another fun and great thing for him is that as the story progresses he gets to watch her relationship with that-Jared-guy crumble right before his very eyes, which just adds fuel to his fantasy fire. 
So tbh this story actually really works out for Brick. He gets to spend time with the girl he secretly likes and has a decent shot at getting her to date him!! Blossom, on the other hand, suffers, but who’s there to help her through this suffering?
Well, obviously, Bubbles (and BC)! Bubbles works at Claire’s. She does well on the floor, but does not at all like piercing ears. She’s not good at it. She messes piercings up too frequently and blood freaks her out. Her coworker Mary often has to step up and do it for her. Still, she likes all the sparkly stuff in the store, so it’s generally a good fit. As of right now, Bubbles really just vibes in this story. Her biggest source of conflict is with Boomer, who works at the Spencer’s across from Claire’s.
Boomer is what Brick calls a shitty scene kid. He isn’t, Brick’s just mean, but Boomer rolls with it. Tbh he just likes dying his hair a shit ton of colors. He isn’t an ideal employee and is often found taking one too many breaks, but he’s charming and doesn’t make too many bad jokes about the dildos on display in the back, so they keep him around. He should honestly be on Claire’s payroll instead, because when Mary’s not available he’s the one who does the piercings (and the right way too, he might add, not with that fucked-up piercing gun) for Bubbles. And while that might make him seem like an overall helpful guy, do not be fooled. Bubbles always pays a price.
Boomer also has a shitty mom (femme fatale; she didn’t want a son), so his at-home life isn’t great, but he puts on a brave face. Brick and Butch essentially share custody of the boy. He has a room at each of their homes, which throws Blossom for a loop because not only does she have to share space with Butch later in the story, but also with Boomer (who she ends up tutoring). 
Speaking of Butch, he was fired from Spencer’s after Boomer got him a job there because he was “immature.” He was also fired from Hot Topic for basically the same reason. Then he landed a job at the Sporting Goods store, but again ended up getting fired (but this time it legitimately wasn’t his fault. His manager was just out to get him, as explained later) Now, he works for the malls arcade arena (they have go-karts and bumper cars; it’s one of those good arcades, ya feel?), so he runs a lot of kid’s bday parties. And to everyone’s surprise, he’s actually really good at it. Apparently, Butch really vibes with kids jacked up on sugar. Parents like him too because he flirts with the moms and pulls the dads into “friendly” but competitive go-kart racing betting pools. 
The person doing the actual hard labor at the arcade is Robin. She gets stuck in the chuck-e-cheese-like costume way too often. She’ a good voice of reason for everyone else, especially Butch. She’s his favorite co-worker.
Going back to the sporting goods store. Buttercup works there. She’s the best sales rep they got. It helps that she’s crazy athletic and is on track to get a pretty decent scholarship with some D1 schools. (What’s she play? Idk? Whatever your heart wants) She can’t say though that she’s the most popular amongst her coworkers. She got in a fight with Mitch, which also meant she got in a fight with the twins that follow Mitch around. She definitely didn't get along with Butch when he worked there. And she thinks her manager’s kind of creepy and he’s only gotten creepier since his partner Snake broke up with him
She doesn’t know why Snake broke up with Ace, but she’s pretty sure it has to do with Butch getting fired
Now, this one’s going to throw y’all for a loop, but the reason she gets in a fight with Mitch is because Mitch was picking on her boyfriend Elmer (THATS RIGHT IM SHAKING IT UP—but don’t worry 😏 I love the greens too much).
Elmer works at the comic/geek shop with Mike. She obviously likes her boyfriend and is big buds with Mike. Elmer’s pretty insecure tho and thinks BC’s going to break up with him all the time. This really bums her out. She doesn’t get why he thinks that (b/c she’s out of his league, but she’s oblivious) because she really likes him. Unfortunately, it gets to the point that she eventually decides she has to break up with him because she can’t convince him to trust her (still their relationship is cutesy side plot for a long bit). It’s her first big heartbreak. A heartbreak that is. . .
. . .ideal for Butch because he’s realized he has more then friendly feeling for her. See they weren’t friends AT ALL beforehand, but his new sibling relationship with Blossom has catapulted BC squarely into his life. Slowly they end up going from workplace enemies to eh to friendly to friends to (😉).
A significant turning point in their relationship happened to involve Ace. Butch was on his smoke break and saw Ace making Buttercup uncomfortable. That same night he sees Buttercup trying to leave and Ace/his gang are trying to pressure her into following them. Butch takes offense to this and ends up walking Buttercup to her car. She argues she doesn’t need him saving her, which he readily agrees to, but explains that any excuse to beat that creep Ace up is a good excuse. Afterward, anytime BC has to work close, Butch walks her to her car.
Eventually, he explains to her that he was the one who inadvertently convinced Snake to get out of their toxic-ass relationship with Ace. Ace found out and that’s why he was fired. So, now, he has real beef with the guy. Him and Ace don’t get along at all. To the point where Butch was banned from the sports store, but he sneaks in to see his friends and mess with BC. 
HAHA does the story ever end???? 
The story ends when Barnes n’ Noble opens. Blossom gets the job, ditches the old boring boyfriend, gets the goth boy, saves her mom’s relationship, and gains a sibling. 
The format of the story would be pretty episodic, with a conflict/resolution in each chapter. But what’s written above highlights the over arching plot lines
and holy shit! how could I forget the cherry on top??? Brick and Princess are cousins, and she does NOT let him forget this. 
((If you want more specific details ya gotta ask. there’s a lot more then just this.)) 
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bejeweledbuckley · 4 years
I'll gladly help you procrastinate! For the character ask, Ayda Aguefort, Pete the Plug, and First of her Name, Sovereign Ruler of Candia and the Sugarlands, Witch-Queen of the Dairy Sea, High Priestess of the Sweetening Path, Archmage of Lost Sucrosia, Enemy of the Faith, The Sundae Sorceress, Storm-Captain of the Frosted Fleet, Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip.
oh gosh this got LONG kldsaljda ty for the ask friend! sorry for the weird formatting i had to copy it from the notes app because i didn’t trust tumblr not to randomly delete it while i was typing
Why I like them- goodness gracious why do I love Ayda? Best best best girl. She wants friends desperately but she has a hard time but she doesn’t try to change herself to do it? And she is just,, so brilliant and Wonderfull and she makes me very emotional. Fun fact, there’s a video on YouTube that’s just all of her appearances, and I started watching that when I couldn’t get access to dropout because I was so intrigued about what I saw on Tumblr! And she’s like 60% of the reason I got dropout
* Why I don’t- BEST GIRL.
* Favorite episode (scene if movie)- I mean the figayda first kiss and everything that preceded it was GOLD. Also the scene where adaine asks if she wants to hold boggy. What an angel.
* Favorite season/movie- sophomore year obviously! Can’t wait for more content with her as time goes on!
* Favorite line- “NOOO IT’S TOO CUTE!” And “if i was you, i wouldn’t want to be anyone else” “I too am a low quality child”
* Favorite outfit- the sweater she’s wearing in the full version of my icon because its says “reading is lit” and I love the pun sm! you know one of the bad kids would get it for her! https://rabdoidal.tumblr.com/post/190876580075/baby-youre-hands-down-the-best-thing-about-me-and
* OTP- Fig!! They’re such a good balance for each other! Fig is always trying to be other people, but around Ayda she’s growing into herself more! And Ayda learning from fig too, getting out of her comfort zone and GAH I LOVE THEM. IN THE WORDS OF LOU WILSON I BLESS THIS UNION
* Brotp- Adaine! Gorgug! And Cheese of course!
* Head Canon- I have no idea how junior year is gonna go, but I can see her spending time at Aguefort trying to talk more with her dad and see her friends since she doesn’t really know anyone else in Elmville? And she will slowly and accidentally take over their school library and anyone taking wizard classes will totally come to her for advice! Let Ayda have all the friends okay.
* Unpopular opinion- I talked about this in a different ask but her cameo in pirol felt just a bit out of place? Like if I hadn’t seen fhsy it would’ve really thrown me off and it kinda messed with the standalone nature of the season. That being said I LOVED that scene!! i want more of her and cheese being friends!
* A wish- idc how unrealistic it may be, fig and ayda will be high school sweethearts dang it! I think they’ll have their struggles for sure, but that’s endgame baby!
* An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- if brennan hurts her I WILL be meeting him in the denny’s parking lot, no mercy
* 5 words to best describe them- brilliant, radiant, outstanding, show-stopping, resplendent
* My nickname for them- best girl!!
Pete the Plug
Why I like them- my boy is really trying his best!! The voice of the dreams, who finds a home and people who love and respect and support him, who stares down the dream and asks to see its true form.
Why I don’t- I love him your honor!
Favorite episode (scene if movie)- yo I bingewatched this season so fast my memory is badddd so I’m not sure!
Favorite line: my memory is such garbage man!! Idk!! I just looked through his Tumblr tag and that one line in the coffee shop where he asks where the crying booth is is GOLD
Favorite outfit- cowboy hat KING
OTP- I am not immune to the Pete/ricky/ester/Sofia polycule,,
Brotp- Kingston!! they had a rough patch, but I love the way they grow to understand and care for each other! And also Nod ofc, their scenes were my favorite!
Head Canon: he pops up at the hospital to grab lunch with Kingston and the other nurses are just like “Kingston your boy is here” and no one corrects them
Unpopular opinion: I’m not sure tbh? I have trouble with these cause I’m not sure what the popular opinions are
A wish- someone get that boy a sweater. Its New York in December he’s gonna FREEZE he needs a COAT
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- no more toxic relationships! Let him thrive!
5 words to best describe them- unpredictable, wild, wonderful, passionate, reckless
My nickname for them- not a nickname but occasionaly i will see fanart and just go KING in my head. love that vox fantasma
* Why I like them: it’s illegal for me not to fall in love with Emily’s PCs. Her backstory absolutely wrecked me! She’s trying so hard, she was without a family for so long and she found a family and then she was finally reunited with her blood family and it was weird and complicated and FCK she’s so good
* Why I don’t- Emily axford does no wrong
* Favorite episode (scene if movie)- finale! Holy shit that finale! (Also for scene, that first round of combat where she thunder steps and saves Joren. Holy fcking moly.)
* Favorite line: god it hurt me DEEPLY, but I can’t stop thinking about “you can be my sister or my queen, but you can’t be both” “then I choose to be your queen”
Favorite outfit- anything as long as she has a CROWN dang it
OTP- a loving home where she can spread magic and have PEACE
Brotp- Theo!! Axmurph were killing me this season!
Head Canon- one of the ways she bonds with her family is taking them on rides on Cinnamon! That feeling of freedom, of magic; it helps them understand her better, and it shows that they trust her. The first time Ruby goes flying with her, she tells her to hang on so they can do something cool, and Ruby instinctually wraps her arms around Saccharina. It’s the first time they hug. They don’t mention it, but they both get a little misty eyed.
Unpopular opinion- I really wanted a scene where she asked about Jet. She’s spent so long wanting a family, just to find out once again the church had taken the chance from her. i have some,, personal feelings about what that would be like and I really wish that her feelings about that had been explored a little more
A wish: oh let her be happy PLEASE. Her family may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but those bonds WILL grow
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen- if we had gotten the bad ending of them turning on each other,, oh god
5 words to best describe them- fierce, magical, powerful, resilient, strong
My nickname for them- I just love the nickname Rina for her!!
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veraynes-blog · 4 years
Tagged by @imlowercasemad, thank you lovely ❤ Don’t often do these, but what can I say, you caught me in a social mood! 😁
relationships: Currently none. My last real relationship was... over two years ago? I think? It’s actually been very nice being single for the first significant period of time in my adult life. 
break ups: Uhhh a few, over the years. But last relationship was also kind of toxic, tbh, so I lost track of how many break up/make up situations there were. The final one was pretty traumatic for all involved, though. 😬
kids: Nope, with no intention of changing that. 
brothers and sisters: No, only child (with all the control issues that implies). 🙃
pets: My mum has dozens, which I refer to as mine, but none that actually live in my flat. 
surgeries: None. 
tattoos: Yes! I have a snake on my wrist which matches one my best friend has. We got them when the Good Omens series came out, as the book was one of the first things we’d talked about a decade or so ago when we first met in uni, so it was like our 10 year anniversary celebration. 🐍🥰
countries you’ve been to: Not many. Greece and Egypt for holidays when I was younger. Oh and I live in England, if that counts. 
been in an airplane: Yup, don’t mind them. 
been in an ambulance: No. 
sing karaoke: I have.... a very blurry memory of a drunken night... in which it’s entirely possible it happened. But perhaps mercifully I can’t recall details. 
ice skating: No, I don’t have the coordination. 
been on a cruise: I’ve always liked the idea, but no. 
driven a motorcycle: No, it looks terrifying. 
ridden a horse: No but I’d love to. 
stayed in a hospital: Yes. When I was about 5 I managed to catch TB, of all things, along with my dad. So I was in hospital for months, and just as I started to get better he had to be admitted too. My poor mum.
favorite fruit or berries: Love red grapes, and strawberries. 
favorite colors: Slightly obsessed with red. Also have a teenage goth holdover for black clothing. 
last text: “Can you send a link?” 
coffee or tea: 100% coffee. I’m one of those people who start getting headaches if I go a day without. 
favorite pie: Apple! 
favorite pizza: Domino’s stuffed crust margarita (essentially: give me all the cheese). 
cat or dog: I love them both, but as far as owning anything myself goes, I generally prefer plants. 🌱
favorite time of the year: Spring. It’s just starting to get warm and bright again, isn’t super wet, but I don’t burn to a crisp just stepping outside. 
met a star: Not really? 🤔 The closest I’ve come is going to a book signing by Joe Abercrombie, who’s one of my favourite fantasy authors. If anyone’s wondering, he’s incredibly sharp, witty and well spoken in person (I might have left with a slight crush). 
flown a helicopter: Nope. 
been on tv: No. 
broken my leg: No, only ever broken my wrist when I was a kid. 
seen a ghost: No, that I’m aware of. 
been sick in a taxi: It’s come close, but no. 
seen someone die: Not a person, thankfully, but I’ve been there when animals have died, which has usually been very sad and quiet. 
(I feel like this should maybe not end on such a solemn question, but anyway...)
Apologies if you’ve already been tagged or don’t feel like doing, feel free to ignore: 
Tagging @lasersonicked , @linz33y , @countessrivers, @somewherefictional
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Weird Questions that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Teacups!
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Lollipops
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? We call elementary school primary school. It depended which teachers you asked, my favourites always said I was “conscientious, kind, and a pleasure to have in class”.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Glass cups or bottles.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? I have like 4 looks, pastel, boho, and goth/witchy/grunge, also vintage-inspired which wasn’t mentioned but I love it.
7. earbuds or headphones? Depends on the shape, I love my Razr headset because it doesn’t squash my ears, and I like galaxy bud shaped earbuds, the ones with the little rubber doo-dads that fit actually in your ear. Apple or a lot of older flat earbuds cause me a lot of pain.
8. movies or tv shows? TV shows. Movies are getting longer and longer and my focus is getting shorter and shorter
9. favorite smell in the summer? Rainy days!
10. game you were best at in p.e.? The game of queue-ducking (where you go to the back of the queue to avoid your turn), or dance, or the less strength intensive parts of gymnastics. Or crying, always been great at that xD
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Muesli, or nothing.
12. name of your favorite playlist? I prefer to listen to full albums rather than playlists, but I have a few favourites on Spotify. Born to Run 150BPM, Infinite Indie Folk, Irish Folk: Jigs and Reels, All Out 80s/90s/00s. I also love scene/pop-punk playlists.
13. lanyard or key ring? Key Ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Message Hearts (or anything with that texture), the red pack of starbursts (the UK version is vegan). Does Turkish Delight count because if so then that is my fave. I also like gummies if they’re vegan.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? To Kill a Mockingbird (high school), or The Bloody Chamber (uni), or Hamlet (uni)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? One foot under me, the other foot out to the other side, but both in the same position (if the surface is flat), or knees up.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? I own a lot of shoes so there isn’t really a single pair I wear the most. Recently my Air Force 1s, I’m trying to wear them in because the previous owner didn’t so the cause blisters.
18. ideal weather? Cold, overcast, rainy, still. Or without the rain. or snow (as long as I’m not going in the car and I can go crunch my shoes in it xD
19. sleeping position? Either side, but my body is kinda rotated towards the bed so it’s like half way between on my stomach and on my side. 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Notebooks
21. obsession from childhood? Animals, dinosaurs, goddesses, magic, crystals, neopets, sims. I still love all of these things, I am a rotating door of obsessions, usually a bunch of the same obsessions on repeat.
22. role model? I don’t have one particular role model, I do have tons of people that I love and respect.
23. strange habits? I have so many strange habits that I have become one myself. Nothing actually stands out though because 99% of it is because of my brain.
24. favorite crystal? rose quartz or moonstone.
25. first song you remember hearing? Maybe Dancing Queen by ABBA, definitely the first I remember dancing to, but my dad loves music so I grew up with a constant stream of it.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Suffer xD when I’m able to do so comfortably I’d love to go out looking for pretty stones, and nice sticks with my fiance, also would like to go on picnics with him, or a friend if I had one.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Baking, drawing, crafts, standing in the rain. Everything.
28. five songs to describe you? 6/10 - Dodie Robert Frost - Mal Blum Caught in the Middle - Paramore Side Effects - Jade Bird Snitches Get Stitches - Onsind  Bonus track: The Seed - Aurora I wish I still had the playlist I made of songs I relate to, several of these were on it though.
29. best way to bond with you? Oversharing, or telling me about things you’re into.
30. places that you find sacred? Nature. My favourite spots are little creeks/rivers in wooded areas, but just like, all of it is special and should be treated as such. Also bedrooms.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? I think maybe I’m not gutsy or whatever enough, but also unpredictable. I wear whatever I like, and I’m just as likely to cry in all of them as I am to accidentally get in a fight.
32. top favorite vines? I feel so basic because I never really did the vine thing.  There was one that nearly killed me because I literally started to choke that was in some kind of office and the bit like can you run this past me again, and they just fucking legged it past them holding a folder up, Saw it once, never saw it again. Road work ahead. Why you can’t lift a house (might be a tok?) Brass dad and oven kid Look at this graaaaph Never learned how to read I can’t sit I have hemorrhoids The one with the people in blankets bobbing the nana nanana song Fr esh avo ca do Look at all these chickens
33. most used phrase in your phone? I love you - if I had to guess
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? right now, nothing. I often get the old Super Liquor jingle lodged in there though.
35. average time you fall asleep? 6am?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Charlie the unicorn or that one Noodles video by Cyanide and Happiness. Are those even memes?
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Depends. I mostly use a bag though since I never go anywhere for long.
38. lemonade or tea? Tea? Usually if you ask for lemonade here you get Sprite which is not lemonade.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? I had a vegan lemon meringue pie once, so good. Cake is easier to make though, and I can eat more in one sitting without getting sick xD
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Um, the principal in my last year of school got caught for being a peeping tom a few years after I left.
41. last person you texted? My Fiance.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Depends on the rest of the outfit and the weather. I wear Jean jackets most though.
44. favorite scent for soap? I love lavender, or vanilla/candy/fruity/baked goods type scents. I still have a bottle of Sugar Fairy spray from lush from a year ago and I love the smell of that.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy I think.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Nekkid?
47. favorite type of cheese? As a kid it was feta. Now I only eat vegan cheese. I was never a huge cheese fan tbh.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? Rotten xD um probably a cranberry or something because I’m small, and I’m not a fan of cranberry.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? An it harm none do what you will. Or treat others as you wish to be treated.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Probably one of the vines I listed above, either “run it past” or “can’t lift a house” because both of those resulted in crying and choking.
51. current stresses? My cat has been throwing up and having diarrhoea the past week or so, she’s been to the vet, it got better for a bit, but tonight suddenly got worse. Living with my parents who I have a very toxic relationship with. Living in a single very overfilled room. Trying to not spend money so that I can save up to move next year. Nightmares about my trauma. Either the house is haunted or there’s a build up of negative energy (probably that).
52. favorite font? I always liked the look of all of the script style fonts (freestyle, french, lucida, lucida calligraphy, Edwardian, Palace) but they’re not accessible so for anything people will actually see (which is literally nothing) I always go with arial.
53. what is the current state of your hands? Slight rash on one finger because I’m sensitive to what is in a lot of hand washing products apparently (never an issue until the pandemic), one broken finger nail that is a bit shorter than the rest. Not painted nails because energy. I always wear my engagement ring, usually I wear several other rings but with how my skin is being I thought I’d better not for a while.
54. what did you learn from your first job? Bakeries are hell, my circadian rhythm will not adjust to anything besides its natural state for longer than a couple of days at a time no matter how long or hard I try. I can absolutely fall asleep standing up.
55. favorite fairy tale? Ugly Duckling
56. favorite tradition? I don’t have anyway... Yet? Hopefully when I move this can become a thing.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? I’m interpretting overcome loosely here, meaning “I have not died from this” - Suicide of my first love - Bullying - 3 different jobs that all nearly killed me
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Literally can’t think of one. I’m not talented. I’m passable at a couple of things, but I worked for those things and I’m still not good enough for anyone to confuse me for being talented xD Those things I care about that I’ve worked on a lot are singing, art, languages, crafts? I still struggled to come up with 4. My bad.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Aw jeez xD
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Magical Girl! This is an easy one, give me the powers and the clothes yessss.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Literally sitting here drawing a blank, so instead of favourite here is the first one that came into my head “eyes are the genitals of the head” (may have that wrong, I’m watching the Office for the first time rn)
62. seven characters you relate to? Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Amelie from Amelie Matilda from Matilda Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notredame (also my favourite plush as a kid) Iris - The Holiday Jess - New Girl Amelia Shepherd - Grey’s Anatomy Struggled with this because suddenly I drew a blank and also couldn’t remember who my Fiance was talking about every time he’s watched a character and said “that’s you” repeatedly.
63. five songs that would play in your club? Starlight - Superman Lovers Pump It - Black Eyed Peas I Bet that You Look Good on the Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys All the Things She Said - tATu Doctor Jones - Aqua Bonus: Push Up - Freestylers These are ones  I have memories of dancing to when I was younger so that’s how I picked, but I’d absolutely be a themed night club with different music on different nights.
64. favorite website from your childhood? Neopets, which I still play daily. The first I played was MaMaMedia, then Bubblegum Club.
65. any permanent scars? That’s a SORE subject heh get it heh
66. favorite flower(s)? Lavender, rose, peony
67. good luck charms? I usually carry gemstones if I’m needing to be particularly lucky, or sigils.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? I hate anything spicy. I had rootbeer candy that tasted like literal dirt. I can’t eat banana stuff without gagging and getting a headache. I hate anything that is artificial blackberry or blackcurrant, tastes like shitty cough syrup.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Sea Monkeys breathe through their feet, but I remember where I learned that.
70. left or right handed? right
71. least favorite pattern? depends entirely on the colours, I like patterns. but certain stripes do make my eyes feel funny.
72. worst subject? If PE counts, then that. If not, math.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I love pineapple on pizza but that’s not weird. Iused to eat cheese and jam sandwiches as a kid though.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? I operate on how long it has lasted instead of how bad it is, essentially I get so desperate so I’ll try it even though it probably won’t help. I have the resistance of a rhino to most meds.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? No idea, like 4 I think? I did keep them in a weird little box for no reason though because they never got taken away from under my pillow.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? I’m a fan of a good mash if it has lots of flavour (like gravy). Otherwise, crisps or fries.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? I grew a radish once! Something cat safe though these days, also maybe something heavy, and hard to knock over?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Grocery Store sushi, if it’s just veg.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? My only ID is my passport, and it is BAD.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Both.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies (ten million of them to be precise)
82. pc or console? Grew up with PC. Now play my switch mostly.
83. writing or drawing? Both. Wrote more as a kid, draw more now.
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts.
84. barbie or polly pocket? Both. But I prefered pollies as a kid
85. fairy tales or mythology? mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? cupcakes
87. your greatest fear? Based on my nightmares, stairs.
88. your greatest wish? To live in a comfy house, in the country, with my Fiance, I have travelled the world, we have pets, I can function, we are free.
89. who would you put before everyone else? My Fiance and out animals.
90. luckiest mistake? Can’t think of any, most of my mistakes have been more like bad choices, also never turned out well for me.
91. boxes or bags? Depends what it’s for?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? lamps, or fairy lights. Unless I’m particularly anxious, then overheads.
93. nicknames? None.
94. favorite season? Winter
95. favorite app on your phone? LINE, it has my fiance, and animated stickers.
96. desktop background? Little Twin Stars
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? My own.
I never get asks and needed to distract myself so I’m going to just answer these anyway, like a survey or something. Original post by tr33-g1rl 
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like this post and I’ll pick a sentence from this meme and turn into a short starter (one liner or with a bit of context)
you can specify your muse(s) and everything else if you want (fandom, what is Emma)
some sentences might need to be adjusted to work
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I’ll copy them under read more as well in case the post disappears:
‘  i’m a snack but everyone seems to be on a diet.  ’ ‘  i’m gonna replace every bone in my body with a knife, if someone punches me they’re in for a surprise (the knife)  ’ ‘  let me just flirt with you and be a brat and send you cute half nudes.  ’ ‘  blue-flavored candy is always the best flavor of candy like what the fuck. blue raspberries aren’t even a thing. we are literally eating the color blue as a flavor and it’s fucking magical.  ’ ‘  touch id is pissing me off. ‘try again’ the fuck? it’s me with a lil chicken grease.  ’ ‘  call me in the middle of the night and tell me you can’t sleep without me.  ’ ‘  healthy relationships with fathers? sounds fake.  ’ ‘  me to my alarm in the morning: i was literally sleeping but go off i guess.  ’ ‘  do i blame my zodiac sign or my childhood traumas or both  ’ ‘  *eating microwaved ramen noodles and watching kitchen nightmares* i cannot believe this asshole didn’t use fresh chicken in his paella, unbelievable.  ’ ‘  my specialty: the accidental 12 hour nap in broad daylight  ’ ‘  quiet little moans while making out is the hottest thing ever  ’ ‘  date somebody who will go on a road trip with you to see america’s 10 most haunted places  ’ ‘  any vampires who need permission to enter my house…. you have my permission… you wanna come through my window in a flurry of fog and wind?  you can do that… wanna drink my blood and take me away to your big vampire castle? alright friend, go for it  ’ ‘  i’m the guy from the lady and the tramp who gives stray dogs pasta and stands in an alleyway playing an accordion for them  ’ ‘  *nervously calls crush bro*  ’ ‘  i don’t have trust issues. i have ‘seen that shit happen before my own eyes’ issues.  ’ ‘  fuck summer. i want it to be dark and misty and frigid and october.  ’ ‘  concept: we are holding each other in bed, we look at each other and know that all that waiting all that distance was worth it to be close now  ’ ‘  i’m so lucky to have gotten to watch you grow so much this past year. i’m so proud of you.  ’ ‘  i’m so protective of me now, i’ll cut somebody off for simply having the wrong energy  ’ ‘  why are you trying to make me horny. bitch, you know i’m making macaroni.  ’ ‘  date a boy who curls up on your lap, even though he is 6’2" because he loves cuddles  ’ ‘  going out on a date is cool and all; but what about simply sharing a bed with someone, listening to music and discovering everything about one another, together.  ’ ‘  we are drunk and i ended up sitting on the bathroom counter with my legs wrapped around you, but when i wrote ‘marry me’ on your hand with a sharpie, i wasn’t joking.  ’ ‘  you’re equivalent to my favorite color. you’re the human version of what is safe.  ’ ‘  one of the most toxic things i’ve ever done is ignore the bad in someone because i love them.  ’ ‘  you think you want me to shut up? i have to listen to myself even when i’m not talking  ’ ‘  why would i fuck a demon? simple, the status. imagine rolling up into hell already havin had your back blown out by one of their own. imagine you and a gang of other losers standin at the gates of hell, they’re all crying, scared to death about having a pitchfork up their ass for eternity and you just walk into the arms of your sugar demon? legendary.  ’ ‘  i like wearing your clothes. they smell like you and your scent is home to me.  ’ ‘  *therapist voice* you are stupid and gay.  ’ ‘  i like to blame myself for everything just in case.  ’ ‘  the realist thing you can do for me is keep your word.  ’ ‘  love yourself enough to set boundaries. your time and energy are precious.  ’ ‘  i haven’t done anything but i sure could use a break.  ’ ‘  sometimes you just need to hear how much you mean to someone.  ’ ‘  who needs april fools. my entire life is a joke.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be near you, my heart misses you.  ’ ‘  i’m not trying my hardest but i’m very tired which i think should be taken into consideration.  ’ ‘  me @ me: don’t start buddy don’t you dare.  ’ ‘  so what’s next? you heal. you grow. and you help others.  ’ ‘  my kink is not setting an alarm for the next morning.  ’ ‘  if you think i’m cute send me money.  ’ ‘  one day i will take a good selfie and you will be sorry….. you will all be sorry.  ’ ‘  not a day passes where i don’t embarrass myself but it’s ok because i’m on the path to destroy my ego so i won’t be embarrassed anymore.  ’ ‘  there is no reason not to love with you whole heart.  ’ ‘  i hope your heart heals from all the damage it took over the years.  ’ ‘  sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and send that text.  ’ ‘  ‘i can see your nipples through that shirt’ first of all stop being ungrateful.  ’ ‘  so much is going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s too much!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just want to sleep in the forest for 190 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m tired leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ’ ‘  i heard you like bad girls. well i’m bad….. at everything.  ’ ‘  yes, i am fully aware that I’m The Worst™ but i still wanna be like……. loved and stuff.  ’ ‘  i really am, from the bottom of my heart, an actual fucking idiot.  ’ ‘  let me show you just how good i can be.  ’ ‘  i’m just tryna chill on a beach somewhere at 3 am.  ’ ‘  i have a serious weakness for thigh grabbing and hickeys.  ’ ‘  i’m a snail and god is salting me.  ’ ‘  i hate texting people who don’t use a billion emojis and a trillion exclamation points in their messages. just say you hate me and want me to die.  ’ ‘  being called baby?????? holding hands????!? being KISSED?!!!?!???????  ’ ‘  i hope your heart heals from all the damage it took over the years.  ’ ‘  my heart busts a nut every time someone tells me they saw something and they thought of me.  ’ ‘  i have hella heart eyes for you.  ’ ‘  you’re cute. i wanna kiss you for a whole hour.  ’ ‘  it’s pretty iconic to like yourself.  ’ ‘  i am so jealous of animals that get to hibernate, like what the fuck, why can’t i just sleep for four months and then return to real life.  ’ ‘  stop feeling sad and acting weird you bitch (the bitch is me)  ’ ‘  i’m still obsessed with you like it’s day one.  ’ ‘  to quote hamlet act iii scene iii line 92, ‘no’.  ’ ‘  i would have a cuter room if i wasn’t a goblin who threw all her shit on the floor.  ’ ‘  on two hours of sleep i’m either way too happy or violently homicidal.  ’ ‘  let’s go on a date and by date i mean lay in bed and make out for three hours.  ’ ‘  alphabet soup. more like times new ramen am i right.  ’ ‘  tbh it’s okay if no one else thinks i’m funny because i think i’m a riot.  ’ ‘  catching feelings is bullshit. i’m just eating french fries, why i gotta think about kissing you? fuck you.  ’ ‘  smiling is so weird like you stretch your eating hole to show happiness.  ’ ‘  self care is putting absurd amounts of parmesan cheese on your pasta.  ’ ‘  you didn’t go through all of that for nothing.  ’ ‘  get you a girl who loses her shit every time you send a selfie.  ’ ‘  i wish i could be there to take care of you right now.  ’ ‘  home is where the heart is and my heart has always belonged to you.  ’ ‘  i just wanna have soft glowy skin, long eyelashes, pink lips, rosy cheeks, lots of cash, and no responsibilities.  ’ ‘  ok but platonic forehead kisses.  ’ ‘  my heart is guarded but like… very poorly. the kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an r-rated movie.  ’ ‘  what doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me (unfortunately).  ’ ‘  do you ever look at a boy and wonder if he moans as pretty as he looks.  ’ ‘  life tip: if nothing goes right go to sleep.  ’ ‘  by cute do you mean you wanna frick frack or do you mean i look 12?  ’ ‘  cats are very pickupable and i think that was a really good choice on their part.  ’ ‘  don’t depend on anyone. handle your own shit.  ’ ‘  there isn’t one alternate reality where i didn’t fall in love with you.  ’ ‘  being my ex must be the worst thing. imagine losing me?  ’ ‘  if i say ‘backstreet’s back’ and you do not say ‘ALRIGHT!’ we’re not friends. burn in hell, you sick fuck.  ’ ‘  i love every cat in the entire world. every cat on the planet. if there are any cats in outer space, i love them too.  ’ ‘  my mom is really that bitch and i’m that bitch jr.  ’ ‘  you know you’re fucked when their voice turns you on.  ’ ‘  don’t look at my fucking boner when we fight.  ’ ‘  not all heroes wear capes. a lot of them wear collars and are called dogs.  ’ ‘  it’s you. it will always be you.  ’ ‘  why do tattoos cost so much? i’m paying you to injure me.  ’ ‘  thank you for being the biggest light in my life and saving me from the darkness.  ’
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z00r0p4 · 2 years
@winterssunday thanks for the tag! It’s been a while since I’ve done a tag game!
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: Harvey
Favorite color: purple!
Favorite food: I have a variety of favs but I really like a good macaroni and cheese, fettuccini Alfredo, and my last job got me onto Reuben sandwiches.
Song stuck in your head: Oh Please by Metric
Last thing googled: the title of an article in the LA times about solar panels creating toxic waste as they are decommissioned after their 25-year or so life span. I googled it because my news app had it stuck behind a paywall. Obviously I’m very fun at parties.
First Celebrity crush: I don’t really crush on celebrities because I don’t know them? But Hugh Grant in Notting Hill was so fine. Probably wouldn’t like Hugh as a person but I’d fall for William Thacker in an instant.
Favorite time of day: evenings 🌄
Dream Trip: just like. A bunch of places in Europe I think. I’d love to see the alps. Would also like to see Italy for all the art and architecture.
Tagging: anyone who wants to tbh.
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I finally have time to write, damn it! I have been MIA for the longest time (and Twitter has been basically my place for word vomit) but I swear I have been trying to write something here -- as proven by my numerous drafted posts. LOL. 😓
If you’ve been following me on Twitter or Instagram, I TURNED TWENTY FOUR a few months back. Yup, I have officially changed my profile every where to 24. I still can’t believe I am THAT old but meh. 
I celebrated my birthday walking dogs and getting drunk around Sheung Wan and Central Hongkong with my boyfriend -- super low key but probably one of the best birthday celebrations ever! 💜 But I’d probably save a different post for that -- WHEN I FIND THE TIME AND ENERGY TO DO SO. (Possibly never, but let’s see lol)
And since I am T W E N T Y F O U R (ack!), I have decided to come up with a blog post on 24 life realizations I have at 24 - some are realizations I’ve had leading up to my 24th but you get my point. 😂
1. Love comes when you least expect it - cliché, I know. But I met my boyfriend at this random birthday party I gate-crashed AKA his 30th birthday. 😁 Long story short, we’ve been going out for over a year now. We both weren’t looking for anything then since he just got out of a toxic relationship, and I was casually going out with random people. But here we are. 😜
2. No need to rush things, do things at your own pace - I started my Masters over 2 years ago, and you’ve guessed it, most of my batch mates have their Masters degree already. 🙆🏾 At some point, I wanted to study full-time cos I’ve gotten envious of my friends. But since my parents are still (yep, I know. Shame on me) paying for my tuition fee, I don’t want to burden them with allowance expenses + my living expenses (If you’re new here, I actually live alone lol) so I need to keep my job. Now I’m 1 subject away from defending my paper! I’m almost there! And it’s actually not bad. 🤗
3. Don’t live beyond your means - Ahh, my dad’s favorite life lesson. I never thought about it then since I was living under my parents’ support, but now that I live alone I have to make ends meet month on month. In layman’s terms IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD IT, JUST DON’T. 
4. Don’t put your eggs in one basket - I know I am not the best person to be all preachy about money (cos I am bad at handling my own finances, but I try) but I have 3 savings accounts in different banks. It comes in handy when one bank fucks shit up (like goes on a nationwide shut down *cough BPI*, or one that just eats up your card and your money from time to time *cough BDO*). 
5. Your past doesn’t define you or how you’d succeed in the future - Another cliché saying, but I swear you get to realize why people say it often. I’ve done so much shit when I was younger but believe me when I say such experiences will help you realize stuff later on. After all, we learn from our mistakes and such mistakes will push us to be better people tomorrow. 
6. Your choices in life are your own, don’t let people tell you otherwise - You will never share the exact same beliefs with everyone, I’m sure about that. Just do you and brush off other opinions, they don’t matter - believe me. 
7. Keep your circle close and small - Your real friends genuinely care, the others are just curious. Be cautious.
8. Always be kind - And this applies to everyone: guards, maids, janitors, etc. Believe me, if you’re nice to everyone, it’s easier to ask for favors. 😜
9. Travel alone - You should try this at least once in your life, me thinks. It gave me a sense of liberty and independence! I did this when I was trying to mend my cracked heart - and I came back to Manila feeling all refreshed and happy. I guess I learned that I don’t need a man to survive! HAHA! 😂
10. Don’t complain, do something about it - Ranting is fine, human nature. But if you will just sit down and whine when something could actually be done, then maybe you should rethink your life choices honey. Instead of wasting your time and energy complaining, why don’t you stop and think? Things and answers won’t always be served to you on a silver platter, FIND WAYS. 😊
11. Don’t forget to remove your make up at the end of the day - PLEASE. Do yourself a favor and let your face breathe! 😛 
12. ALWAYS MOISTURIZE AND PUT SPF - *i-capslock mo para intense!!!* I couldn’t stress this enough. I actually keep various moisturizers depending on the weather, I have intensive moisturizers for when I travel and light ones for the Philippine heat. Just please, never skip it! 
13. One at a time - My boyfriend would always tell me this when I’m stressing over work, school, among other things. It helps, actually. Stop, arrange your thoughts, and do things one at a time. 
12. Treat yourself - Now before you go crazy and tell me that this is a bad thing, I didn’t say you have to buy that expensive bag you’ve been eyeing on for so long because “I DESERVE IT”. Going back to point number 3, if you can’t afford it - IT’S A NO. It can be as simple as “I did a great job today, I deserve good coffee - not my usual pantry coffee”, which is my usual way of treating myself. If you can afford to buy that expensive bag to treat yourself, BY ALL MEANS DO IT. But always remember POINT NUMBER 3!  
13. Family will always come first - Ah, this is one of the many things I realized growing up. Of course I was super excited to grow up so I can go out with my friends whenever I wanted to before. But when I moved out, I always look forward to weekends so I can come home to my family. What a baby, I know right?  
14. Let go and let God - I am not the most religious person in the world, heck I barely even hear mass (I’m busy, but that’s not an excuse I’m sorry). But I really believe in greater power from above. I always find myself in hopeless situations, where I find my shitty ass crying myself to bed on most nights (add that I also live alone so imagine how bad it must be lol). But I usually find myself just getting through the worst days with little miracles. And I always thank God for that. 
15. If you feel so happy with the wrong person, image how happy you’d be with the right one? - Eep, another cliché saying c/o me lol. But seriously, I thought I couldn’t be happy anymore when I once got my heart broken HAHAHA. Cut to mid-last year, I’m extremely happy -- waaay happier than before. Not saying I’m already with the person for me, though I really do hope so (HAHAHA yuck cheese) but I’m happier than before and I’m sure the person I’m with is a better person amongst all the guys I went out with before.
16. Take long walks. - I enjoy this so much especially abroad. I went on a birthday trip in Hong Kong and I spent 70% of the time walking - thinking and reflecting. 😅 I think long peaceful walks are good for everyone’s sanity.
17. Cut off toxic people. -  Not everyone you lose is a loss. If they aren’t doing you good, what’s the use of keeping them? 
18. Life is what you make it. - If you want something to happen, the first step starts with you. 😅 If you don’t take the first step, nothing will happen. SERIOUSLY. Everything doesn’t happen by chance!!!!! 
19. You don’t have to have a reaction on everything. - I believe there are things better left unsaid. I know a lot of people would disagree. But I still think the saying “If you have nothing nice to say, just zip it” is still superior. Lol.
20. Work isn’t everything. - I recently had to stop working for a week and a half due to some health concerns. It sucked balls. But I came to realize work isn’t everything -- YOUR HEALTH (mental health included) IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT.
21. Quite connected to the bullet prior, Work can wait. - I have learned to keep work within working hours. Remember, work will always come and it will never be done. Know what’s most important and prioritize! That’s the key. Whatever’s left can be done tomorrow. You don’t have to spend 12 hours in the office all day and stress out on work, tbh.
22. Choose your battles. - Not everything is worth stressing over. (remember point 19!) 😋
23. Respect begets respect. - Respect opinions, respect people - young and old alike. Sometimes we just have to learn to agree to disagree. 
24. Live life to the fullest. - Another cliché saying, but honestly you’ll never be as young as you are today. Make mistakes so you will never make the same ones in the future, learn the ropes of life through the decisions you make everyday. Not everything will go our way, that’s for sure, but life is only what we make of it. 
I hope you got to pick something up from my blabbing. To be honest, it took me months to finish this list since I barely have time in my hands. Lol. 😬 
I missed you, Tumblr! ✨  
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t33th-t00th · 6 years
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better!
Tagged by @ghostcaptain100
Age: 17.
Birthplace: Sierra Vista, tiny military town in AZ, I haven't moved.
Current time: 1:16 pm
Drink you last had: Canada dry ginger ale that my folks use to mix with makers mark
Easiest person to talk to: Casey, an ex-crush, and best friend. 
Favorite song: rn? probably big sis or alien boy. 
Grossest memory: I forgot a thing of mashed potatoes, and about two weeks later I found it and tried to get it out, and I thout that I had put cheese in it. it wasnt cheese. it was so old that it had started to get strands. the smell was so bad that just thinking about it alsmot makes me throw up.
Hogwarts 🏠: hufflepuff. almost ravenclaw
😍: all my friends. most of them ive tried to date at one point tbh. Casey my best friend, excrush started dating that at the time I had a crush on, so its just two people that I fuckin adore in a relationship and honestly its great.
Jealous of people: yea, im president of the GSA and we have a lot of trans dudes. almost all of the kids younger then me are going on T and starting puberty while here I am having to wait until im 18 and going through collage while dealing with that 
Killed someone: my family is hella toxic and we all basically hate each other. ive got anger problems from my mom and you know that doesnt mix well. ive thought about it but obvisoly id never act on it        
😍 at first sight or walk by again: I can think people are hot at first glance but ill never feel comfertable dating anyone I hadvent been friends with for a least 4 months 
Middle name: once I get my name legally changed itll be man, since my dead middlename is mae 
No. Of siblings: none, its just me
One wish: that I could do what I want freely. I want to be able to draw and animate, I wanna get hormones, I just want a bunch of stuff so I guess money. 
Person you last called: grant, about getting me laid
Question you are asked most: “can you help me out with this” 
Song you last sung: another one of those days by cavetown
Time you woke up: my dog woke me up early but 7:04, then passed out and woke up at 8:00
Underwear color:  Red packer holder, grey boxerbriefs, black binder
Vacation destination: anyone but mountains and deserts. I love beaches and trees and snow. something diffrent
Worst habit: I chew cloth. shirts, towels, pants all get ruinned. 
X-rays: my wrists are fucked up and super loud. one of my teeth was supposed to get a crown but we never went back to finish it. 
Favorite food: carne asada and sopa 
tagging: @mistakeswerestrade @bluebunnygal @cypup @fishfolly @cabinet-dude @notsocuddlefish @dxmb-fuck @plasticbile @your-fave-dandy @nickelroo
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artlessictoan · 6 years
Day 6 – Rarepair, TenKarin
a day late and pretty all over the place tbh, but here we go anyways. shortarse girlfriends are best girlfriends.
Day 6 – Rarepair, TenKarin
“Ok, so we need bread, yogurts, cereal-”
Tenten blinked and immediately cut her girlfriend off. “I already picked some cereal up.”
“You got the crap cereal, so I threw it on a shelf back in the chilled section, we need good cereal.” Karin didn’t even bother to look up from her list, tapping at each item as she called them out, “also rice, soy sauce, cheese and-”
She snapped the strip of paper out of Karin’s hands, glaring at her when she finally looked up. Not even trying to hide the fact she was just whining like a child, Tenten said, “What was wrong with my cereal?”
Karin’s brows dropped so low, they practically disappeared behind her glasses. “If I wanted to eat dry, flavourless sticks first thing in the morning I’d just pick some from a bush on my way to work, go get something with a bare minimum sixty percent sugar content STAT.”
“It’s good for you though, why don’t you just try a little honey with it or something?”
“A teaspoon of honey doesn’t miraculously make shredded wheat appetising – and no, the sugared version isn’t any better! I don’t want anything that doesn’t have chocolate in it, now chop chop.” She waved her off, already too busy looking through loaves of bread to respond to Tenten’s glare – not that she would have, even if she had seen it.
Rolling her eyes and groaning, she stomped away to hunt down something that would appeal to her sweet-toothed girlfriend.
By the time Karin had caught up to her with the trolley, she had picked out the perfect cereal. “Here ya go babe,” she said with a wide grin, tossing the box at her.
She fumbled trying to catch it, but did manage to get a good enough look at it to burst out laughing.
“I figured a woman of such refined tastes like yourself deserves only the classiest of cartoon mascots-” she tapped the image of the t-rex with mismatched eyes and a wonky grin claiming that they were ‘ext-roooar-dinary!’ and wielding a giant spoon in its tiny arms “-you even get a free dinosaur keychain!”
Snorting, Karin dropped the box on top of all their other shopping and started towards the next aisle, saying, “Jokes on you, I’ve been meaning to add to my collection anyway,” as she passed.
“Boooo, you make everything terrible, y’know that?”
“Of course.” She filched the shopping list out of Tenten’s jean pocket and pointed one direction while turning the trolley in the other. “You go grab the cheese while I get the rice and shit, meet me in the drinks section.”
Tenten shoved the two large soda bottles into the trolley, ignoring the fact that she had just crushed their squishier groceries. “Anything else in this aisle?”
“Hmm, no I don’t think- oh, wait, coffee.”
In perfect unison, they both turned to the shelfing devoted to hot drinks and tilted their heads back to the point on the highest shelf where the strongest, most toxic brand of coffee was displayed. Hidden away like the embarrassment to the bean family it was. Some fucker had gone and pushed the box back from the edge to boot.
“…Maybe we should just skip it,” Tenten said, turning to her girlfriend. Her equally short girlfriend – and Tenten barely pushed five two on a good day. “I mean, do we really need coffee that much?”
Karin’s head snapped to face her, the cracking of her neck ignored in favour of glaring corrosive holes straight through Tenten’s skull. “If we don’t get it then I will break up with you right here.” She didn’t need to prove how deadly serious she was; she was thinking along similar lines herself. It wasn’t a healthy habit to share, but there was absolutely no way she would survive a week working with both Lee and Gai without what basically amounted to an injection of pure caffeine into her bloodstream.
She eyed the top shelf thoughtfully. “You wanna do the honours then?”
“You’re the one who’s always bragging about having one whole centimeter on me, why don’t you grab it.”
Glaring at her, Tenten took slow, careful steps towards the rows of coffees and teas, pressed onto her tiptoes and stretched out her arm until her fingers just brushed a shelf. The one three shelves down from the top. She dropped down again and spun to see her girlfriend’s unimpressed stare, gesturing vaguely to the pack that was so hopelessly out of reach.
“Ugh, you’re useless,” Karin said, striding over herself; all her apparent confidence disappeared the second she actually got to the point where she had to look directly up at the towering structures.
Smirking, Tenten stepped back, crossing her arms as she enjoyed the show.
Repeating Tenten’s tactic did nothing, jumping only got her a couple of inches higher – though it did make her boobs bounce in a very entertaining manner – and trying to use the trolley as a stepladder would’ve broken her neck if she hadn’t been there to break her fall. “Quit laughing idiot,” she snapped once she was back on her feet, “I’m still doing better than you.”
She didn’t stop laughing, but Karin really should’ve expected that by this point in their relationship.
Huffing as she examined the shelving again, the sudden spark in her eyes immediately snapped Tenten back to attention. Hands against the highest shelf she could reach, she lifted one foot, then the other, pulling herself up one step at a time, shoving back various boxes and tins to make room.
“Ha!” She turned just enough to show her gloating sneer to Tenten, still climbing onto the final shelf, where their prize was waiting.
With a great, echoing crash, the metal ledge her feet had been resting against collapsed, scattering tea across the floor and leaving Karin scrambling to find her footing again. There was an ominous creak from the top shelf and confused cries from the aisles around them.
Already hearing the calls of staff incoming, Tenten quickly took action, ducking beneath her girlfriend’s kicking legs and raising until she was sitting securely on top of her shoulders. “Quick,” she hissed, “grab it and let’s get out of here!”
She didn’t have to say it twice, as Karin had already picked up the entire stock of Caffinal Countdown coffee and thrown it in the vague direction of their trolley. Barely giving her time to jump back to the ground, Tenten grabbed the handle and Karin’s arm and charged away, both of them cackling all the way to the check-out.
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farsfromhome · 7 years
Hi I was tagged in a lot of ask tags so I'm gonna do them all in one go! Thank you @spideypooly @underose @babyparker Name: Amanda 
Star sign: Pisces 
Height: 5'6
Average hours of sleep: 6-8 it depends
Lucky number: 8
Last thing I googled: lemme go check. Okay it was to get a hex code from an image for my mobile layout lmao.
Number of blankets I sleep with: just one
Favorite fictional characters: ok I have a lot. Peter Parker, Luke Skywalker, Finn, Kamala, & Katniss Everdeen
Favorite Novel: catching fire in the hunger games series 
What are you wearing right now?: pajama pants and an old American idol t shirt lmao 
When did I start this blog?: literally yesterday 
Amount of followers: 43 and I'm shook !
What do I post mostly?: tom holland & spider man stuff 
Most active follower?: I think you can find that out on the real site but I'm on mobile so idk tbh 
What made me get a tumblr?: I've actually had tumblr for years and I joined bc I'd always see posts from tumblr and wanted to join
Do I get a lot of asks?: nope haven't gotten one but it's all good lmao
Why did I get this URL?: it's supposed to be a play on homecoming but it's not amazing Alphabet Q&A Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better. A - Age: 18
B - Birthplace: New York
C - Current Time: 11:31 AM
D - Drink You Last Had: I think iced tea? Can't remember.
E - Easiest Person To Talk To: my best friends Abby and Katie but Abby's all the way in Australia so it's a lil difficult.
F - Favorite Song: hmmm I have so many but at the current moment it's touch by little mix.
G - Grossest Memory: a duck pooped on my favorite shoe when I was younger and I had to throw them out smh
H - Horror Yes or Horror No: No thx I don't like horror movies 
I - In Love?: Uhm not really but someday I guess.
J - Jealous of People?: uh yeah sometimes it depends lmao 
L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: Walk by again
M - Middle Name: Lynn 
N - Number of Siblings: one. I have an older brother.
O - One Wish: happiness tbh
P - Person You Called Last: It was my mom 
Q - Question You Are Always Asked: "are you excited to go to college?" Nope no thank u adulting????? Yikes.
R - Reason to Smile: my cat. She always makes me happy. 
S - Song You Sang Last: TT by Twice.
T - Time You Woke Up: 10:30 I think
U - Underwear Colour: black
V - Vacation Destination: Tokyo, Japan. I've always wanted to go there.
W - Worst Habit: biting my nails lol.
X - X-rays: I had one like two years ago on my knees 
Y - Your favourite food: Mac n cheese 
Z - Zodiac Sign: Pisces 85 Q n A’s!! Rules: Answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people. 
Last 1. drink: iced tea 
2. phone call: my mother
3. text message: my gc with all my friends 
4. song you listened to: TT by Twice
5. time you cried: Last week I was so sick and felt like absolute shit 
6. dated someone twice: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope
8. been cheated on: nope
9. lost someone special: I've lost my grandma a few years ago f
10. been depressed: yes but not really my problem is my anxiety tbh 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope 3 favourite colours 12. Pink 13. Blue 14: Purple in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes I dropped one really toxic friendship and gained a lot more friends.
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: I do this a lot but I honestly can't remember the last time I did that lmao
18. found out someone was talking about you: actually nope but I don't doubt that it happens. Listen, as long as I don't know it it's fine. 
19. met someone who changed you: yes but nothing bad. Just let me out of my shell more.
20. found out who your friends are: mhhhhmmm
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope. Also not a big fan of Facebook. General: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i honestly can't even remember I never go on it.
23. do you have any pets: yes! I have two dogs and a cat. My dogs names are Emma & Daisy and my cats name is Meeko. 24. do you want to change your name: eh not really 
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out to Cheesecake Factory with my friends. 26. what time did you wake up: 10:30 I think 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: in my bed I'm tired lmao 
28. name something you can’t wait for: the next Star Wars movie omg
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 10 minutes ago 
31. what are you listening to right now: my family talk to themselves at the dinner table 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: loud chewers I hate it i haaaate it 34. most visited website: Twitter tbh
35. hair colour: my hair is currently purple 36. long or short hair: it's long I'd say 37. do you have a crush on someone: I did before but not really anymore since schools ended lmao 38. what do you like about yourself: I really like my hair.
39. piercings: I have both my ears pierced and then I also have a nose ring.
40. blood type: I actually don't know. 
41. nickname: panda, mandy, uhmmmm anything you can think of that works I've probably been called.
42. relationship status: single rip
43. zodiac: Pisces 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: The office 46. tattoos: none!!! But I really want one sooo bad. I'm just scared of the pain. I've got exactly what I want all planned out tho.
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: I've had my wisdom teeth removed lmao 
50. sport: I don't play any but I enjoy watching hockey and swimming.
51. vacation: Tokyo! Specially Tokyo Disneyland. 
52. pair of trainers: I think this means shoes? My favorite pair of shoes I think? Well my converse. MORE GENERAL
53. eating: currently haven't eaten anything yet.
54. drinking: haven't had anything to drink yet today.
55. I’m about to: probably just chill out 
56. waiting for: my doctors appointment tomorrow so I can figure out what the heck my ear is doing.
58. get married: eventually 
59. career: i really don't know but I'm leaning more towards social working since thats what my major is leaning more towards but idk. WHICH IS BETTER:
60. hugs or kisses: tbh neither 
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: taller
63. older or younger: older
64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 
65. hookup or relationship: a relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant HAVE YOU EVER:
67. kissed a stranger: no
68. drank hard liquor: no
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yup and it's super annoying 
70. turned someone down: yes I think 
71. sex on the first date: nope 
73. had your heart broken: yeah I think so 
74. been arrested: nope
75. cried when someone died: yeah
76. fallen for a friend: actually nope DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
77. yourself: it depends on the situation lmao
78. miracles: eh
79. love at first sight: not really 
80. santa claus: I used to 
81. kiss on the first date: I guess it depends on how good it is 
82. angels: Not really OTHER:
84. eye colour: brown 85. favourite movie: I have too many but my favorite of all time is cat in the hat I know it's really bad but it's a guilty pleasure. Okay I'm gonna tag random! Sorry if you've been tagged in one before. @starryeyesandblurredlies @trashholland @spideygwen @penlsparker @pcteparker
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