#tbh the traffic where everyone was trying to park was the issue bc like
bilbao-song · 2 years
i have so many Thoughts following yesterday’s events and i haven’t even gone through my photos properly yet bc tbh i’m still in utter disbelief that the entire thing DIDN’T get ruined. like that’s how close it came
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wrenchyyyy · 7 years
My Vacation in LA
Where to begin....
1.)  I’ll begin with Grace.  I saw my best friend.  The very first person i considered best friend.  Grace showed me around almost all the hot spots in LA.  Her place was pretty chill but i think best of all ...We talked alot about life, where we are now, and the people in our lives and how much everyone has changed.  It was great seeing grace.  It was just like our 8 hour convos on the fone like old times.  I can’t honestly say Grace is my best friend now but she is and will always be important in my life.  Pick up ur dam fone nigga lmao.  I’ve accepted that things won’t be the way they were.  The whole i can talk to her whenever i want.  The whole i cant call her when im sad.  The whole deal of a “best friend”.  I’ve accepted it.  She’s still important to me tho.  I will always want Grace to do her thang which is really travel the world and be amazing at her career.
2.)  The ball parks.  SD, LA, LAA.  So very nice.  So stressfree. I loved Petco park.  so nice.  a park within the park.  Acutally in SD i got tacos with a high school friend Catalina and we caught up.  With the news of QP officially closing, i was quite bummed out but Catalina a prime example of how much i loved that school and how well i bonded with the people who went there.  We just talked about life.  we are qp <3.  LA is fun to.  Dodgers stadium was packed and amazing in terms of family and crowds.  Fuck their parking lot tho.  took me like 20 mins to find my car......urgh LAA was hilarious.  Me and irene got dooped for 10 dollar parking but the actual parking lot was 10 bucks so we essentially just walked a blocked lmao.  Her face when she saw the price of a jersey was priceless.  LMAO i love it.
3.) The trails.  I LOVED yosemite park and Sequoya.  So magical tbh .  Words cannot describe what i saw.  I also went to Joshua tree.  Amazing as well but not as great as the other two.  Yosemite was cold, had snow, and was my type of weather.  Joshua tree was too desserty for me.  Yosemite was also my first camp overnight type of deal.  It was so much fun.  Irene really did open a new world up to me and i really did have a blast and i fucking hate doing activities like that.  I wanna go back.  No...i will go back one day.
4.) Irene.  Irene.  Irene...lmao.  The reason this whole trip happened was because of her.  Her hospitality to let me stay at her place.  The fact that she literally set aside her time to hang out with me meant ALOT.  like any one who knows me, knows i don’t really go out of my way anymore to see if anyone wants to hang out bc i feeel like I’m just not good enough.  As soon as I landed, she scooped me up from LAX, God’s definition of traffic and hell on earth.  Plus 1 lmao.  If you’re gonna go thru traffic to get me, I love you lmao.  Our 6 hours plus car ride to yosemite and back was great for us bonding.  She taught me how to pump gas.  We learned how to use the 2017 pathfinder lmao.  Too advanced for me....Another thing that was a plus was she let me stay at her place for the trip plus she like showed me how to set up a tent and just bared with on our hikes.  I know and ive accepted that because of my back problems i cant do alot of fun physical activities like others can.  I know irene wanted to do harder trails i feel but she was like we can do the semi hard trails lmao.  I’m glad we did.  I actually killed the other ones without an issue after tbh haha. LONGEST 8 miles of my life........I can truly see her passion for hiking.  It’s freaking amazing and that’s how i feel when i like go to baseball games or like play videogames.  It’s awesome.  Another thing we did was of course get food.  She took me to the best hot pot place ever of all time.  (yes i said it) soooo gooooooooooooood.  lmao.  We also had a vegan wrap for the first time...it was interesting...lol.  This past week has been so great.  So stressfree...As i go to work tomorrow and cry lmao.  Irene is one of those friends to be thats not my best friend and i know im not hers but we are good friends.  True friends.  Real friends.  The type where if i asked her for something weird she’ll be like ok chris and won’t question it.  Or the type of friend where she understands my sarcasm even when i don’t try to do it.  I love that .  I really do.  I don’t have to talk to irene for like 6 months and when i see her , we can laugh because of dumb shit.   It’s crazy how much life has changed since ive known her and even thru it all, she’s honestly been a truer friend to me than like Grace has ( sorry girl its true lmao).  The funny part is that as i get older i keep saying this, I can see the real true friends from my friends.  and i can see the acquaintances from the friends.   I can’t thank her enough.  Thank you Irene.   i think i found a new hobbby
For my loyal followers lmfao, why am i writing this?  Because i never take a vacation and i never felt such happiness and stress-freeness from anything.  A big part of me learned how much i liked hiking and pushing my body and another part loves the friends that are true to me.  and show it.  Thank you Irene.  I fucking will never tell you but i love you friend lmao.  In all of my life, i honestly truly believe that i want a real true friend than a “Best” friend.  Irene is def top 2 by far.  I FUCKING LOVE THE HIKING STICK u showed me tricks for!!!!!! lmao  
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