#but then we found a parking garage and just!!!! walked back over a little walking bridge!!!!
bilbao-song · 2 years
i have so many Thoughts following yesterday’s events and i haven’t even gone through my photos properly yet bc tbh i’m still in utter disbelief that the entire thing DIDN’T get ruined. like that’s how close it came
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sunrenity · 2 months
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ㅤ୨ৎㅤwhenever you're with riki, all of your fears disappear.
nishimura rikiㅤ✶ㅤfemale readerㅤ 。。。 ㅤest relationship, fluffㅤⓘㅤreader hates riding bikesㅤwcㅤ759ㅤℬookshelfㅤzehra's note.ㅤi have no idea how i ended up talking about ducks but here we are 🤷‍♀️.
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you hated bikes. the mere thought of balancing on two wheels, feeling the wind whip past you, and the potential for a hard fall was enough to make your stomach churn. you remembered the time when you were a kid, and you tried riding a bike without training wheels for the first time. it didn't end well, to say the least.
the scrape on your knee took weeks to heal, and the fear took even longer to fade. yet here you were, standing beside nishimura riki, your boyfriend, as he wheeled his shiny black bike out of the garage, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
"come on, y/n," riki urged, his voice a mix of persuasion and reassurance. "i promise, you'll be safe with me."
you bit your lip, the apprehension clear on your face. "riki, you know how i feel about bikes. i don't think i can do this."
he walked over to you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "i know you're scared. but trust me, okay? i want to take you somewhere special. just hold on tight, and i won't let anything happen to you."
you looked into his eyes, those deep, comforting eyes that always seemed to melt away your fears. with a heavy sigh, you nodded. "okay, i'll do it. but if i fall, you're carrying me the rest of the way."
riki laughed, a sound that warmed your heart. "deal."
he helped you onto the bike, his hands steadying you as you climbed on behind him. you wrapped your arms around his waist, holding on tightly as he kicked off and started pedaling. the bike wobbled slightly at first, and you felt your heart leap into your throat. but riki's steady presence was reassuring, and you found yourself relaxing just a little.
"see? not so bad, right?" he called back over his shoulder.
you managed a shaky laugh. "if you say so."
as you rode through the quiet streets, you could feel the tension slowly leaving your body. the rhythmic motion of the bike, combined with the warmth of riki's back against your chest, was strangely soothing. he steered with confidence, his movements fluid and sure. it was clear that he knew what he was doing, and that knowledge helped to ease your fears.
"where are we going, anyway?" you asked, curiosity starting to replace your anxiety.
"it's a surprise," riki replied, his tone teasing. "but i promise it's worth it."
you sighed, resting your head against his back. despite your initial reluctance, there was something undeniably exhilarating about this experience. the world seemed to blur past you in a whirl of colors and sounds, and you felt a sense of freedom that you hadn't expected.
after what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes, riki slowed down and turned onto a narrow path that led into a small, secluded park. he stopped the bike and helped you dismount, his hands lingering on your waist for a moment longer than necessary.
"we're here," he said, a proud smile on his face.
you looked around, taking in the serene beauty of the park. there was a small pond in the center, its surface shimmering in the late afternoon sunlight. tall trees surrounded the area, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. it was a peaceful, idyllic spot, and you felt a sense of calm wash over you.
but what really caught your attention were the ducks swimming in the pond. they glided gracefully across the water, their small, feathery bodies creating gentle ripples. you watched them, entranced by their peaceful movements. riki must have noticed your fascination because he nudged you playfully.
"you like the ducks, huh?" he teased, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "should i get you one for a pet?"
you laughed, shaking your head. "you would do that for me? steal a duck for me?"
riki's eyes widened, and he looked genuinely panicked for a moment. "wait, i didn't mean—"
you laughed even harder, cutting him off. "relax, riki! i'm kidding. i don't actually want you to steal a duck."
riki exhaled in relief, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "good. i was worried for a second there. stealing a duck is definitely not on my to-do list."
you leaned into him, enjoying the warmth of his arm around your shoulders. "well, even if you did, it would be kinda cute."
he chuckled, pulling you closer. "i guess anything for you, but let's stick to visiting the ducks here. much easier and less illegal."
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PERM TLㅤ ✦ㅤ @en-gelic @nishislcve @jakesprincess1 @ivsjake4evr @flwrstqr
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Licence to Thrill || CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader Summary: You give Charles the ride of his life when he’s running late to an important event. Warnings: 18+ only, illegal driving, sexual innuendos, fluff WC: 2.7k
F1 Masterlist || Based on this request
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“No, no, no, shit.” Charles’ curses woke you up and you rubbed your bleary eyes as he tossed the blankets back, cold air rushing over your skin. You immediately missed the warmth of his body where he had been spooning you all night and grabbed your phone to see the time.
“Fuck!” Charles growled as his little toe caught the corner of the bedpost, again, and you leapt up to get dressed too. “We are so late, mon amour.”
He had been looking forward to the charity football game all week and the prospect of missing the kick off made him clumsy in his rush. While you pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt he struggled to get one leg into his team’s black football shorts, falling twice as he lost his balance. 
“I’m sorry,” you murmured as you curled an arm around his waist to steady him. “I shouldn’t have kept you up so late.”
He grabbed a shirt before sparing a moment to press his lips to your forehead. “Don’t be, I enjoyed myself very much.”
“Oh, I know, and I’m pretty sure my neighbours know it too,” you teased as you took your shirt from his hands and tossed him the correct shirt with his name and driver number on the back. “Come on, get that sexy ass moving.”
He laughed as you squeezed his butt when he bent down to tie his shoes. “Hands off the goods, honey, I’m not a piece of meat.”
“Keep telling yourself that, handsome,” you shot back as he made for the stairs and you locked the house behind you.
“Shit,” Charles groaned as he hit his head on the steering wheel. “I am stupid.”
“What’s wrong?” you asked, leaning over to see the dashboard. “You forgot to put petrol in again, didn’t you?”
“I was in a rush to get here last night,” he admitted sheepishly. “I’ll call Arthur to come get us.”
“I can take us.” You opened your handbag and found your keys as well as the remote for the garage door.
“Wait, you drive?”
“Of course I do,” you laughed as you climbed out of the Pista.
He quickly hopped out his side to follow. “I didn’t even know you had a licence. Why am I only just learning this now?”
“You never asked,” you said with a shrug, “and you always offer to pick me up.”
“Because I thought you didn’t drive.”
You giggled as you hit the remote and the door lifted up. “What did you think was in the garage?”
“Storage? Chérie,” he sighed as he followed you down the driveway that passed by the front door that he had a key for and he pointed to it. “I’ve never come in your backdoor, how should I know?” You cocked an eyebrow up with a smirk and he rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“Well, just so you know, the garage is where I park my car.” You waved a hand to the opened door and Charles whistled as he saw the gleaming black hood catch the morning sun. He automatically started walking to the drivers side and you tutted at him. “Don’t even think about it, love. That’s my baby.”
“No buts, if you want to make it to the match on time you ride shotgun.” You grabbed his shoulders and turned him in the direction of the other door and he grumbled as he started to walk around. “If it’s any consolation, you can pick the music.”
The door creaked open and slammed shut behind him before he groaned and you laughed as you climbed in to see him holding his phone, the Spotify app useless with the old radio. “Forgot to mention, she only takes cassette tapes.”
“You know you can update the stereo,” he pointed out as he opened the glove compartment and rifled through the stacks of old cassettes. “Fleetwood Mac. Michael Jackson. There’s nothing from this century.”
“Hey, don’t hate on them. They are classics and this is a classic car.” You turned the key and grinned as he dropped the tape at the sudden roar that was deafening in the small garage. “You might want to buckle up, baby.”
“Why are there racing harnesses in here?” he asked as he pulled the five point harness over his shoulders and bucked it in.
“You probably shouldn’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to,” you admitted as you shoved a random mixtape into the radio and turned the volume dial up.
The kick drum intro to Ram Jam’s  Black Betty thumped from the speakers as you pushed down the clutch and put the ‘70 Dodge Charger into gear. The full force of the V8 engine drove your body back into the seat as the car hurtled forward and burst into the sunlight. Charles latched onto the handle above his door and while the other hand pressed against the dash and his knees tucked up like he was preparing for impact.
“I’m trying not to be insulted here,” you huffed as you pushed his knee down between shifting gears. “I may not have a super licence like some people, but I have never crashed.”
A terrified scream erupted as you burst out of the driveway and pulled the handbrake, kicking the back wheels out as you drifted into the quiet suburban street and took off with a trail of burnt rubber. Your neighbours wouldn’t be too happy but you didn’t care as long as you got Charles to where he needed to be on time.
You spared a glance over to your boyfriend and saw the whites of his eyes as they stared at the road ahead and his knuckles turned white from the tight gripe he held. “Chérie, road, road, cars, look, traffic, look at the road. The road!”
He turned to you wide eyed as you approached the busy intersection at full speed before hitting the brake. You held his eye contact as you shifted down the gears before coming to a gentle stop at the lines in front of the traffic light and he exhaled in relief.
“You’re fucking crazy,” he said but the words were warm and his smile was one amazement as the adrenaline hit him. His hands tugged the harness until it was snug and he settled into the seat as you waited for the light to turn green. “I’m ready this time.”
“Good, because we won’t make it if I stop for every red light.”
“Wait, what?” The light changed and you put your foot to the floor as Charles chuckled nervously. “You’re joking right?”
“If it helps, sure,” you shrugged, weaving in and out of the cars and ignoring the angry honks of their horns. “Do you think I could take your car for a spin?”
You narrowed your eyes as he got your hopes up and almost missed the turn that would shave a few seconds off the travel time. Any normal person would have struggled to stay upright in their seat but Charles’ line of work made it easy for him to tense his abdominals and neck so he barely moved as the mass shifted and the back wheels drifted behind the turn.
“What if I let you drive this?” you bartered as the road straightened out and you reached speeds high enough to instantly lose your licence and the car. 
“Oh, mon amour,” he murmured as he chewed his bottom lip and he debated the offer before looking at his watch. “If you get me there before kick off you have a deal.”
He should have known you wouldn’t miss out on the opportunity very few people got and the smile you gave him gave him pause as he wondered what he had just got himself into.
“It’s going to be tight,” you muttered as you saw the time, just catching the hint of a smile on his face. “But doable.”
Charles watched with fascination. He saw your eyes scanning the road far ahead, making plans and contingency plans for the hazards that you might face. All the while you blindly shifted up the gears with your feet working in tandem, releasing the accelerator as you double clutched for a smoother transition. 
“I can’t believe this is really happening,” he chuckled in disbelief as you took a corner with enough speed that he knew there had to be some g-force working against you, but you didn’t even notice as you gripped the wheel tight and exited the apex without slowing down.
“I’m pretty sure if you were dreaming we would be doing something else, not driving.”
“I’m not sure now, I’m finding this extremely hot. You could pull over and make that dream come true?”
“And miss out on driving your baby? No way.” You shook your head with a laugh before biting your lip. “It is tempting, but I have to think of the children. They would be very disappointed if you didn’t show up for the match.”
“And Pierre, I don’t think he would forgive me.”
“I said children didn’t I. Oh, shit.” You ripped the handbrake and did a 180 as you missed the street you needed. “Stop distracting me.”
The stadium was just up ahead and you could see the parking lot on the other side of the overpass but there was only one road to get there. Unless you wanted to drive the long way around but then you would be late.
“Amour, that’s a one way street,” Charles pointed out as you headed to the underground pass. “You’re going the wrong way. There’s traffic cameras here too.”
“You’re right,” you huffed before twisting the wheel a little to the left then all the way to the right. The suspension would not like the pressure you were putting it under but she spun around and you shoved the car in reverse and draped your arm across Charles’ chair as you looked over your shoulder. “Wouldn’t want to get a fine.”
The engine roared inside the tunnel as you pushed the limits of the gear and you swerved through the lanes. You were grateful that it wasn’t rush hour traffic so there were only a few drivers angry with your recklessness before you burst out of the tunnel, through the intersection and into the parking lot. 
The stadium was quiet since the event was only televised but there were still lots of media crews at the entrance and they all turned your way as the back of your car careened towards them. You reached the last row of empty parking spaces and pulled the handbrake, whipping the front around and coming to a stop beside the gate entrance.
“Twelve seconds to spare,” you laughed as you drummed your fingers on the steering wheel. “That will be twenty euros and a five star rating, s’il vous plaît.”
“Just enough time to change my shorts,” he joked as he pushed his door open.
“Good thing they are black this year,” you retorted with a laugh as you tossed him his boots he would have forgotten. “Go, I’ll meet you inside.”
He blew a kiss as he took off at a jog and waved to the stunned reporters who were still recording.
“Is that Y/N?” A female presenter asked her male colleague.
“Leclerc’s girlfriend?” He laughed and shook his head. “No way. This has to be some stunt.”
You drove more sedately to a spot a few spaces away where you spotted Pierre’s car and parked beside it before killing the engine and letting the silence settle. Adjusting your mirror, you saw everyone still watching, waiting to see who it was being the wheel.
“I told you,” the woman gasped as she elbowed the man. “It was her! Do you have a moment?”
“Sorry, games about to kick off,” you apologised as you rushed past and into the stadium just in time to see Charles faceplant. “Ohh,” you gasped along with the others watching before cupping your hands around your mouth. “Yellow card ref!”
“He tripped over himself,” Kika whispered as she joined you.
“Oh I know, I just thought he could use a little 15 minute rest.” You grinned as you gave her a kiss on the cheek. “He’s had a rough morning.”
“What happened?”
“He stubbed his toe.” Your phone started vibrating and you pulled it out of your pocket to see your twitter notifications blowing up. “Huh, that was quick. The devil works hard but F1 fans work harder.”
You showed her the thread which started with a short clip of your car thrashing it down the street, Charles holding on for dear life. You chuckled as you saved it to show him later, knowing he would get a kick out of it too.
“Yeah, I don’t think that was the stubbed toe, hun…” she hummed.
“Meh,” you shrugged, pocketing the device so you could concentrate on the game.
Charles and Pierre’s team won the match and you climbed over the baluster to jump down to the grass as the pair jogged over. Charles swept you up with a proud grin as he spun around.
“Well played, handsome,” you praised as you brushed his sweaty hair back into place before helping yourself to a quick kiss.
“Wouldn’t have made it without you, chérie.”
Pierre clapped him on the shoulder and nodded his head to the reporters waiting for a post match interview and he reluctantly placed your feet back on the ground.
“Well, this should be interesting,” you muttered to Kika as you waved to the camera that remained pointed at you until Charles said something.
“Just how bad was your driving?” she asked curiously.
“Bad? Oh it wasn’t bad,” you chuckled. “My driving is actually very good, if I do say so myself. It was just a little faster than he was expecting.”
She curled an eyebrow up. “He goes 200 mph for a living.”
“Yeah, funny right.”
Charles was still catching his breath when the microphone was held in front of him and could see videos of his entrance playing on the big screens around the stadium. Pierre’s eyebrows disappeared under his hair in surprise as he saw the black Charger spinning to a stop and his friend climbing out.
“No fucking way,” Pierre laughed as he looked back at you laughing with his girlfriend. “That’s awesome.”
“I know right,” Charles said with a proud smile. “You should have seen it, she was going full on sideways through these corners, it was insane.”
“So, Charles, I'm sure this comes as no surprise,” the reported began, “but we have some questions about your girlfriend, after the entrance she made.”
“You have some questions?” He threw his head back and laughed. “I have some questions! I had no idea she could drive like that.”
“Her father is a rally driver. Did you really never suspect anything?”
“My mother is a hairdresser, doesn’t mean I am good at cutting hair. Why do you think I wore a bandana during lockdown? I butchered it that’s why.” He brushed his hair back that had thankfully grown back after his terrible attempt and laughed to himself. “So no, I didn’t assume she could drive because her father can.”
The interview finally turned to the football match and then a little bit about the upcoming race before Charles was able to escape. He held up a finger and mouthed one minute as he made a detour to the few fans that had been invited. He talked with some of them, shaking hands and signing autographs.
You wolf whistled loudly as Charles took his shirt off and he grinned without even having to check who it came from before he gave it to a fan and waved goodbye. You knew you were staring as he jogged back and you knew you weren’t the only one, but he only had eyes for you as he gave you a wink and draped his arm over your shoulder.
“How cool is that shot,” he said as he looked up at the screens still playing a rotation of highlights from the game and your arrival. “There’s just one way to make it better.”
“Excuse me?” you dared him to criticise your driving but his charming smile only grew wider.
“Do it in a Ferrari.”
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
Rottweiler [LS2]
Summary : A little puppy goes missing, which leads to you finding the love of your life who you help out with his job a year later.
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x Reader
Word Count : 1.1k
Masterlist Dogs Masterlist Logan Sargeant Masterlist Tag List
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The day you met Logan, you were on a run throughout the park when a little puppy decided that during your water break, she was going to have a little chew on your ankle. You looked down at the puppy with a smile 
“Hey there, pup. Where’s your mummy or daddy?” You asked, crouching down. The little pup wasn’t attached to a leash, and there was no one looking frantic. You picked the little pup up reading the name tag on her tiny pink collar. You smiled at the sight of a phone number before giving it a call. 
“Hello?” A man answered, and you smiled at the fact someone answered 
“Hey so I think I just found your dog?” You said as the little pup who’d you now found out was called ‘Coco’
“Coco’s missing?” He asked, voice now changing into panic. 
“Yeah. Found her nibbling my ankles” You giggled 
“Oh my god. I’m in a meeting right now. Can you bring her to me? Is that too much to ask for?” He rushed the panic now, definitely setting in 
“Of course. Just send me where to meet you and I’ll bring her” You smiled 
“Thank you so much” You both said your byes before the text message came through with the address to meet him at. You walked to your car, putting little Coco on the passenger seat smiling as she happily curled up in a little ball and sound asleep instantly. 
You set the address up into your maps and started driving there. The radio in the background giving a little more noise than just Coco snoring. Pulling up outside the address, you looked up at the big building. 
‘William’s Racing’ You got out the car picking little Coco up as you got out. Scratching behind her ears as you accidentally startled her awake. 
“Sorry pup” You smiled, walking inside looking about trying to find the owner. Coco nibbling on your fingers 
“Oh Coco” The American accent sounded through your ears as you turned around with a smile. The pup's tail wagged in your arms as she saw her owner. A little bark escaping her lips. 
“Oh thank you so much” He smiled as you handed her over
“No problem. Just happy that she found her owners again. I’m Y/N, by the way” You smiled 
“Logan. I’ve only just brought her over from America and figured it was time she actually came with me and look at her now. Running away” You giggled a little 
“Has she had all her vaccines?” You asked, and he nodded 
“Yeah she has. She just hasn’t had her walk for the day yet” You nodded 
“Well I occasionally look after and walk pups. Not very often, but if you need someone to give her a walk while you’re all busy here, then you have my number” You smiled 
“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it” 
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And that’s what he did. The next day, you got a call, and the day after that until he finally asked you on a date. That was a year ago now. 
Walking into the paddock with Logan was now your favourite thing to do. Coco left in your apartment as it was the British Grand Prix. Coco was getting too big to bring to Grand Prix’s all of the time, so you had to make the tough decision to leave her at home sometimes. 
Logan was holding your hand tightly as you walked. This week hadn’t been the best for him with Williams announcing Carlos without even announcing that Logan wouldn’t be continuing and while Logan was in talks with a team or two he still didn’t know what was happening with his career. 
You rubbed your thumb gently over the back of Logan’s, hand trying to relax him in any way possible. However, you knew him and James weren’t on speaking terms currently, which made the garage even more awkward. Logan sat down in his drivers room, and you smiled, ignoring the look he was giving you. 
“Your manager is shit” You said straight up, not messing about, and Logan shrugged slightly
“We both know I’ve got a degree in business. I’m not working at the moment, it’s my own fault not working, I know, but your manager is doing nothing to help you find another seat. Fire him and let me do his job” You crouched down in front of him.
“You don’t see enough of me as your boyfriend. You want me to hire you?” Logan asked, raising his eyebrows 
“Hey it's not my fault I got fired. I know I said it’s my own fault, but I wanted to make you feel better” You shrugged, and he laughed 
“And what about this random photography degree you randomly dropped on me the other day?” He asked, and you shrugged again  
“I needed something to pass time, so I guess if you want a photographer. I’m available” You replied 
“Please find me somewhere. I’ll fire him right now” You smiled, hugging him. 
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And that’s what you did. You went around every team in the paddock, making every CEO, Principle and owner that you could find. Until you finally got a sit-down meeting  with Mercedes and Kick Sauber. 
Toto Wolff offered Logan a reserve driver spot, whereas Alessandro Bravi offered Logan the second seat next to Nico Hulkenburg. So you went back to Logan’s drivers room after qualifying 
“You look very happy” Logan hummed, and you nodded, setting down both contracts on the table in front of him. Logan glanced at them before looking up at you with wide eyes 
“You’re serious?” He asked, and you nodded, crouching down in front of him 
“I’m very good at my job as a manager. Now, Mercedes has offered you a third driver position. Basically, test and reserve like what Mick was doing, which in itself is a good position. Then Kick Sauber have offered you the second seat but it’s only for a year until they turn into Audi then it might get renewed or it might not” You explained as he wrapped his arms around you as tight as he could 
“I love you, I love you, I love you” He repeated, and you smiled 
“I love you too now personally I’d go with Kick Sauber. It’s only a little bit more money, but you get to continue in F1 love” You smiled. That’s what Logan did. He signed the contract with Kick Sauber later that week after his lawyer checked over it. You couldn’t have been prouder of Logan
You managed to get the love of your life a seat in his favourite thing in the world, and you managed to make him happier again in more than one way. Not only were you extremely proud of Logan, but proud of yourself at how far you’d actually come in life.
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Coming Soon
Tag List
Logan Sargeant
@barcelonaloverf1life @hiireadstuff @lozzamez3 @f1kenzzz @evie-119 @ahgase99 @velcoesainz @talksoprettyjjx @kat-s2 @yllomhej @scarletwidow3000 @jasons-little-princess @tellybearryyy @zabwllky1999 @callsignwidow @chocolatepoetryfun @lwstuff @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @destinyg327
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kikidoesfanfic · 27 days
Run away with me
For the prompt 'go, see if I care' for @steddieangstyaugust some misunderstandings and making up, feat. Wayne Munson, local voice of reason/mediator.
It was regular Thursday when Eddie got the news that Corroded Coffin had been picked up by a producer. And Steve was excited for him, over the moon even, but it's only been three days since then and everything's changed.
He's still happy for Eddie, he is, he just assumed... well he shouldn't have assumed, is the thing.
They'd been packing, ready to move into an apartment they'd found in Indie, Robin getting ready for her first year of college with Steve and Eddie trailing behind. They were looking to get out of town anyway, wanted to stay close enough for the kids, but to still be out, and they were days away from leaving. Pivoting to Chicago wasn't that much work, they hadn't signed for the apartment yet, and Robin understood. Robin pushed him to go in fact, she'd be in a dorm room for the first year, and 'Chicago is barely a three hour drive away Dingus so you both better visit'.
He thought- it doesn't matter what he thought, apparently.
"And anyway the only place we could find on such short notice only has two bedrooms, so I'm bunking with Jeff." Steve pauses, marker in hand hovering above cardboard where he'd been about to label their kitchen things, a mismash of items donated by their little Upside Down family. "But, the walk to the studio is really short, and there's a lot of bars and venues really close to the apartment, and it has a parking space, so it could be worse."
"Wait go back, you're bunking with Jeff?"
"Well yeah, Gareth snores like a chainsaw and Frank sleeps like a log, so it makes sense to stick them in the same room so Jeff and I don't lose our minds." Eddie is a picture of nonchalance, not even looking at Steve.
"Right," Steve says, capping the marker, "because that makes sense."
"Yeah, and Jeff's parents have given him a little cash for furniture and stuff, and Gareth's mom wants to drive up with a moving van since mine will be full of all the band stuff and mine." Eddie says, and he's so happy, and Steve wants him to be happy, he does, so instead of voicing any of the questions he feels practically clogging up his lungs he says:
"Sounds like you have it all figured out."
And Eddie smiles big and bright and seemingly oblivious to anything Steve is thinking, perhaps hadn't given Steve a second thought at all when faced with his dream job. He uncaps the marker again, starts writing kitchen in big wobbly letters when his stupid hand won't cooperate and keep still.
"Oh hey can we have some of the kitchen stuff? I don't want to make the boys get everything for the new place, you know?" Eddie says, offhanded and flicking the cardboard flap on his way past to the couch, flopping down on it in the picture of ease.
"Sure, do what you want," Steve says, and he can hear how tight his voice has gotten, Eddie must be able to as well because he sits up from his lazy sprawl on the couch to look at him closer. Steve doesn't want to be looked at closer. He needs to get out for a while, go calm down so he can come back and be a supportive... is he even Eddie's boyfriend any more? Just a friend? Eddie sure as hell hasn't mentioned even visiting after apparently deciding he's leaving Steve behind, so maybe this is his way of getting a clean break. "I need to..."
Where was he even going to go? He's been living in the trailer with Eddie and Wayne since just after Eddie graduated, all his stuff is either here or in boxes in the Henderson's garage waiting to be driven to fucking Chicago.
"I have some stuff to drop at Robin's, I'll be back later." Steve walks out, gets in his car and drives away before Eddie can question that Robin isn't even home right now, off with her parents at her aunt's place for a last big family dinner before she leaves.
He doesn't know where to go. It's not like he can take this to any of the kids, Robin isn't here, maybe he should just get some of his boxes from the Henderson's and drive up to Indie alone like Eddie was going to just drive off alone to Chicago. But that's stupid, because even if he did drive up to Indie, signed for the apartment, moved his boxes in, it's not like he could afford the place alone.
Which just. Did Eddie even think of him at all? He knew they could only afford the place together, didn't even ask if Steve found a new place or, or if Steve had any plans.
Steve pulls over when the road gets fuzzy and he realises he's crying.
"Where were you?" Eddie asks as soon as he's back through the door.
"I went for a drive"
"Why?" Eddie asks, and Steve can't look at him.
"I needed to think"
"And you couldn't do that here?"
"No." A pregnant pause follows, where Eddie just stares at him.
"Is this about Chicago?" Eddie says and something in Steve just. Snaps.
"Fuck Eddie, of course it's about Chicago!"
"Well sorry if that wasn't the first thing to come to mind, I thought you were happy for me!" Eddie says, immediately matching his energy.
"I was. Am."
"You said was. What changed then?"
"Just, did you consider me at all? Even a little bit?" And it hurts to ask, because Steve desperately wants the answer to be yes, but with all the evidence in front of him...
"Of course I did, but this is my dream Steve, for me and the guys, this is our big break." And that's- Steve can be okay with that, he wants Eddie to achieve his dreams, that was never in question, but.
"What did you think I was going to do, then? You haven't even asked." It comes out more wounded than Steve wants it to.
"I asked if you could take care of the apartment and you said yes!" Eddie sounds exasperated, looks it too when Steve meets his eye instead of some vague point over his shoulder.
"Yeah because I thought you meant- you know what fuck this, I can't do this."
"Can't do what?"
"This," he gestures between them, "the fighting, because you don't care, and I'm done sticking around where I'm not wanted."
"Oh my god Steve nobody said you were unwanted. Just because I didn't turn down the opportunity of a lifetime for a relationship that hasn't even made it to a full year? What exactly is there to think about?"
"You know what, Eddie? Screw you, go, see if I care!" Steve wrenches open the trailer door hell bent on getting the fuck out of there before he embarrasses himself any more than he already has, but his path is short lived.
"What is all the yellin?" Wayne says, stepping into the doorway and effectively blocking Steve's exit. "I can hear the two of you goin at it from the drive."
"Oh it's nothing Wayne, Steve's apparently been lying about being happy for me, about going to Chicago." Eddie chirps, and Steve rounds on him, angrily swiping the tears off his face because no. He's not making this Steve's fault.
"That is not what I said."
"You may as well have!" Eddie shouts, and Steve is about ready to shove past Wayne manners be damned because he wants to be anywhere but here right now.
"Alright, that's enough, the both of you. Sit." He puts a hand on Steve's shoulder, pushes him toward one of the dining chairs and points at the couch until Eddie sits back down. There's a loaded silence while Wayne scratches at his chin, thinking.
"You've been excited about Chicago all week, even when Eddie wasn't here to see it, what changed?"
"Found out today I have no reason to be." Steve says, and he knows he's being stubborn but god if he isn't feeling like he has the right to.
"Oh except for your boyfriend living his dream or doesn't that matter? I-"
"Edward Munson you get your ass back in that seat and your mouth buttoned." Eddie wisely sits.
"Why've you got no reason to be?" Wayne asks Steve
"Because Eddie is going to Chicago." Wayne nods but it's slow, eyes narrowing.
"Gonna need a bit more there, son." It's the 'son' that does it, makes Steve's lip quiver before he gets control of the traitorous thing.
"Eddie's going to Chicago, he asked for some of the kitchen things, he's sharing a room with Jeff and an apartment with the guys."
"Ah. An' where are you supposed to sleep?"
"Indie. Apparently."
"But I didn't-" all it takes for Eddie to cut himself off is Wayne holding up a hand.
"You'll get your turn in a minute, kid," Wayne says, placating. "Now, did you not talk about Chicago?"
"He asked me to take care of the apartment, I thought he meant talk to the landlord and tell them we weren't coming. He knows I couldn't afford the place alone, he heard Robin say we both better visit, he just. He didn't even consider me going with him and that's worse. He didn't ask what I was gonna do even thinking I wasn't going, didn't even think... he just said that he doesn't need to think about a relationship that hasn't made it to a year when he's making decisions." He breathes out a hastily measured breath, "so what am I even doing here? Take the kitchen stuff Eddie, take all of it for all I care I'm-"
"Okay, alright, let's simmer down." Steve nods, resigned, and slumps back in the dining chair. "Ed, you wanna tell me what's goin on?"
"How was I supposed to know he'd want to come to Chicago? He never said anything-
"Because I'm your bo-"
"Hey now, he let you speak, you let him speak." Steve huffs out another sigh but doesn't interrupt again, his arms come up to cross over his chest, instead ending up somewhere around hugging himself.
"He never said anything about coming with me, how was I supposed to know he wanted to? Robin is in Indianapolis." He runs a hand through his hair, looks over at Steve, "was I supposed to just assume you were coming with me?"
Wayne gestures at Steve and then steps off into the kitchen, grabbing down mugs and setting up the coffee machine, leaving them to it.
"Considering you knew I was going to stay in Hawkins if you did, in the first place? Yeah Eddie, kinda thought you would."
"Well... I didn't think of that."
"Yeah. There's a lot you didn't think of. Look, it's fine, and I am happy for you. I just thought when you saw your future with your dream career and whatever I was still in it."
"You are, of course I want you to come with me!" Eddie says, standing and taking a few steps closer.
"Then why didn't you say that? Plan for it at all?" Steve throws back with a burst of movement as he gets to his feet as well.
"I thought you WANTED to stay with ROBIN!"
"Well I WANTED to stay with YOU!"
"MAYBE I WILL!" Their chests are heaving as they both stand across from each other, table still between them, Eddie's eyes dart down to Steve's lips, so Steve wets them with a quick swipe of his tongue.
"I'm gonna go ahead an' guess you don't need me anymore, so I'm gonna take a shower. You kids get all your business out while I'm in there."
"Yessir," Eddie says with a salute, not taking heated eyes off of Steve.
They still need to talk, but after feeling pretty insecure about their relationship Steve isn't going to say no to a little physical reassurance, lets Eddie pull him closer by the hands.
But instead Eddie surprises him, a quick peck to the lips is all he gets before their foreheads are resting together, hands swinging back and forth either side of them.
"I'm sorry, we should have talked about it, I was just worried that you wouldn't want to come and didn't want to hear you say it. Or worse for you to come and then resent me for it. It won't happen again." Eddie's big bambi eyes are wide and imploring, close to Steve as he is, and it's really rather unfair. "And I'm sorry about what I said, I was just..."
"Defensive," Steve supplies.
"Yeah, that. I... panicked. A little. You're pretty much all I think about Stevie." Steve kisses him for that, has to, really, before pulling back.
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have assumed you'd know I would go with you, I'll say it with words next time. Right away."
"So you'll come? It'll be a bit cramped until we can find our own place, you'll have to share with me and the guys."
"Of course I still want to come, if you want me to?"
"I just asked if you wou-"
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just being," Steve shakes their hands where they're still joined at their sides.
"Steve, come with me to Chicago, run away with me, please?"
"I'd come with you anywhere," Steve says, sincere, and Eddie's face contorts and smooths a few times. Steve sighs for what feels like the hundredth time today but at least this time it's more fond, "Eddie."
"Oh come on, you walked right into that one, you'll come with me anywhere?" He waggles his eyebrows suggestively.
"Anywhere except for in a room shared with Jeff, yeah." Steve kisses him on the tip of his nose, pulling away to go pour their coffee.
"Hey wait, no, I think we need our own room actually. Who's Jeff? A band? What's a guitar?" As Eddie continues, his laments getting more and more ridiculous while he drapes himself over the kitchen counter, Steve brings up his mug to hide his smile.
Yeah sometimes he and Eddie are idiots about this stuff, but it's okay with him as long as they're idiots in it together.
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entitled-fangirl · 6 months
Two idiots in love. (P14)
Joel Miller x anemic!reader
Summary: Joel is determined to get Y/N and Ellie out of the hospital.
Warnings: Gun, blood, injuries, death
Author's note: This is THE FINAL PART for now until season 2 comes out!😭 I'm crying over here. Anyway...
Part 13 if you need caught up!
Part 1
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Joel had turned into an animal. The heartless soldier he knew he could be. 
It even scared him.
He walked through every corridor with no sound, shooting any movement he saw with perfect accuracy. 
He traced his steps, searching for Y/N or Ellie, whichever he could find first. 
It happened to be Y/N.
He found the hospital room they had put her in. 
While there was a bed in there, he found her asleep on the floor by the locked door.
After literally shooting the hinges off, he shook her away softly, "Sweet girl, we gotta go. C'mon."
She rubbed her puffy eyes.
He knew that look.
She was crying at some point.
She sat up, her voice low and scratchy, "w…Joel?"
He nodded, rubbing her cheek softly to help wake her up, "Let's go. They're gonna kill Ellie."
This woke her up, "What?"
He helped her up by her bicep, "Can you walk?"
She nods, "Yeah… yeah… I'm fine."
She follows behind Joel quietly, avoiding stepping on the assortment of broken glass with her bare feet. 
It scared her how his eyes flit back and forth in anger and determination. 
He was killing anything that got in their path with no thought.
It reminded her how lucky she was to be on this side of his anger.
But she got lost in her head as her body pushed against Joel's outstretched arm.
He quickly looked back, "Watch th-"
She looked down at the pile of glass shards she had just stepped in.
She looked up at the ceiling, biting her lip to avoid making a noise.
Joel cursed, "Fuck. Just… Goddammit. You bleeding?"
She lifted her foot, seeing a bit of blood drop onto the floor. 
She finally let out a little wince. "I.. I'm fine."
He clenched one of his fists, letting his voice drop low, "You have to stay behind me. Not too far. Not too close."
"No," she reasoned, "I'll slow you down."
He shook his head, "You can't. You have to keep up."
"I'll leave a blood trail. They'll follow us."
"Leave that to me."
She knew better than to argue with him.
Joel walked down the hall with determination.
He didn't even dare to look back at Y/N as she limped behind him.
He knew if he did, he'd slow down. 
Then he would never save Ellie.
He opened the door to her surgery room slowly, letting his eyes roam over the sight.
It killed him.
She was hooked up a million machines with three different people standing over her. 
The didn't notice the two outsiders until Joel spoke up, "unhook her."
They looked up with a gasp. 
The doctor stepped forward, "How did you get in here?"
"I said unhook her."
"I won't let you take her," the doctor said as he grabbed a scalpel. 
Joel shot his quickly.
His gun turned to the nurses, "Unhook her."
They screamed in fright.
They did as he said, and he quickly pulled her into his arms. 
He walked out of the door, expecting Y/N to follow.
The three entered the elevator in silence.
The doors opened to the parking garage.
Joel looked out. His gaze settled on a car that was already running.
He moved towards it.
Marlene moved from behind a pillar and pointed her gun at his head, "You can't keep her safe forever. No matter how hard you try, no matter how many people you kill, she's gonna grow up, Joel. Then you'll die. She'll leave."
Y/N finally spoke up, standing in front of him, "You'll shut your goddamn mouth if you know what's good for you."
Marlene scoffed, "How long until she's torn apart by Infected or murdered by raiders? Because she lives in a broken world that you could have saved, Joel."
"Maybe," he reasoned, "but it isn't for you to decide."
"Or you." She spat at him, "So, what would she decide? Because I think she'd wanna do what's right. And you two know it. It's not too late. Even after all of this, we can still find a way."
The two adults said nothing as the truck drove down the road. Y/N was in no mood to talk, not that there was even much to say.
Joel finally broke it, "Why… uh.. what happened to you back there?"
She looks away from her wrapped foot to gaze at him, "What?"
"You cried. I could tell. And… why were you on the floor?"
She sighed and shook her head, "I don't want to talk about it."
Joel's jaw clenched, "C'mon. You need to let me into that head of yours at some point."
She smiled to herself, "Alright. Fine. It's just…"
He looked to her again, "What? Sweetheart, please."
"Marlene said something that… I don't know. It sounds stupid…."
He scoffed, "Nothing that comes outta your mouth is ever stupid, Darlin."
She squirmed in her seat, "She said that… you dropped me and Ellie off at the hospital and… left. Marlene said she would take me to 'my family'. Whatever that means."
Joel took a long, deep breath, "Okay…"
She looks up at him with teary eyes, "…Were… were you gonna do that?"
His eyes widen, "Leave you? No. I'll never leave you or Ellie as long as you want me around."
She wipes her eyes, "Promise?"
He smiles, "I do."
She leans back again, "Well.. I… They locked me in the room when I tried to get out and look for you. Banged on the door so long I must've fallen asleep by it. How… how did you know I was there?"
He shook his head, "I didn't. I searched for you."
She smiled, "Thank you, Joel."
He shook his head, "Please don't thank me. I don't deserve it."
"Joel, please. I knew better than to believe Marlene. She's a fucking liar. I wouldn't replace you two for the world," she smiled even wider, "Well... I guess you really did pick us over the world, didn't you?"
He smiled, "I guess I did, sweet girl. I guess I did."
Ellie finally let out a breath as she began to wake up.
Joel cooed at her, "It's all right. You're with me and Y/N."
Y/N turned in her seat to look at Ellie, "Hey. Just… take it slow."
He nodded, "Those drugs are still wearing' off."
Ellie began to speak softly, "I was with the fireflies and then- what drugs?"
His eyes watered, "They were runnin' some tests on you, and some others." He looked over to Y/N with knowing eyes, "Turns out, Ellie, there's a whole lot more like you. People that are immune. Dozens of them. And the doctors, they couldn't make any of it work. They've actually-"
Y/N finally spoke, going along with his lie, "They've stopped looking for a cure." 
"Where… where are my clothes?"
Joel spoke up, "Raiders attacked the hospital. We barely got ya outta there. We'll find you some new ones on the way."
Y/N smiled, "Actually, Ellie. I have an extra pair of jeans that may fit you."
But she couldn't care less, "Were people hurt?"
Joel didn't dare to look at Y/N, and she sure as hell wasn't as good at lying as she had hoped. 
He nodded, "Yeah."
"Is Marlene okay?"
Joel's lips pulled into a thin line and he simply stared through the windshield.
Ellie's face dropped and she turned on her side to avoid looking at Joel through the mirror anymore.
"I'm taking us home," he finally said, "I'm sorry."
What they neglected to tell El is what really happened in the parking garage.
Marlene slowly lowered her gun, dropping it on the floor. 
Joel seized that moment of weakness to shoot her.
He placed Ellie in the backseat of the running truck before turning to Y/N, "You'll stay here and watch her."
She nodded. 
He walked back to Marlene who laid bleeding on on the concrete floor. She was spitting blood and crying out from the pain.
As Joel approached, she held her hands up as much as she could, "No, wait, wait, wait. Please. Just.. let me go."
Joel said in an even tone. "You'd just come after her."
"Well," Joel sighed as he inspected the smoking engine. "She got us pretty far. Take the rest on foot. It's probably a five-hour hike, but we can manage that. Remember?"
Ellie smiled, "Yeah."
He looked over Ellie towards Y/N, "Think you can walk?"
She smiles and nods as she laces up her new boots, "Yeah. I think I can do it."
"You know, Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time." He smiled, "I wouldn't say it was her favorite thing. She wasn't a fan of the mosquitoes and such. But… she was a big climber, or scampering. That's probably the right word. That girl, man, she woulda liked you. Not to say the two of you are the same. Definitely different kids."
"How so?" Ellie wondered.
"Well, she was a lot more, I wanna say girly. And I'm not saying that you're not girly-"
Ellie scoffed, "-I'm not."
Joel nodded, "Yeah, you're not. So… that. And she was taller. She had a killer smile. Again… not saying you don't. But… you know why I think she'd like you?"
"Cause you're funny. I think you would've made her laugh. You would've liked her."
"Yeah, I bet I would've."
He finally turned toward Y/N, "She would've liked you, too."
Y/N smiled, "Don't pity me just cause you said she'd like Ellie."
"I'm not!" He laughed, "I'm being honest. She… uh… She liked anything that she knew I liked. So… she would've liked you a lot."
Y/N teased him, "Are you saying you like me, Joel Miller?"
He scoffed, "If you haven't realized that by now, we've got major issues, Sweetheart."
She smiled as she followed behind him.
"There it is," Joel said as they looked over the city. "Not much further now."
Ellie stopped, "Hey. Wait."
Joel immediately stopped, holding out his arm to stop Y/N as well.
"Back in Kansas City, you asked me about the first time I killed someone. Well… when I got bit in the mall, I wasn't on my own. My best friend was there and she got bit, too. We didn't know what to do, and she said, 'we can just wait it out, be all poetic and just lose our minds together.' And then she did. And I had to- uh… her name was Riley, and she was the first to die. Then it was Tess. And then Sam-"
"-That's not on you." He interrupted. "Look, sometimes, things don't work out the way we hope. You can feel like you've come to an end, and you don't know what to do next. But if you just keep going… you find something new to fight for. And maybe that's not what-"
"-Swear to me. Swear to me that everything you said about the Fireflies is true."
Joel didn't hesitate to lie, "I swear."
Y/N opened to mouth to swear too, but Ellie held up a hand, "Don't. You've never lied to me before, Y/N. So… I know you wouldn't now."
Y/N felt an uneasy feeling in her stomach at that.
Ellie nodded at Joel, "Alright, then."
And she began to walk further down the hill.
Joel pulled Y/N close and gently kissed the top of her head, "We'll be alright, sweet girl. I'll swear that to you too if I need to."
Y/N tilted her head up to gently kiss Joel's chapped lips, "I don't need you to swear anything. I know you'll keep this one."
He smiled.
They walked down the hill together, ready to try this whole family thing again.
Author's note: Let's all pretend the rest of the story doesn't exist and they all live happily ever after. The end. <3
Tags: @lover-of-books-and-tea, @pedropascalfan221, @lottieellz101, @bambisweethearts, @hiroikegawa, @elliaze, @littleshadow17, @n7cje, @ashleyfilm, @darling-imobsessed@yomiyasxx@gigistorm@klwrites@harriedandharassed@mthealy@picketniffler@brinleighsstuff@daybleedsintonightfa11@pedr0swh0r3@treblebeth@missladym1981@sarahhxx03 @asexyladie@swiggityswoody52
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alien-magnolia · 1 year
Daddy Issues - Joel Miller x Hyperfem!reader
Fic description: 18+ mdni. pre!outbreak dom!joel miller x hyperfeminine subby!fem!reader, major size!kink, age gap (Joel in his early 40’s, reader in early 20’s) slow burn at first, daddy issues, daddy!kink, unprotected sex, lil bit of corruption/innocence kink + slight breeding kink. 2.4K words.
A/n: Will probably write a sequel.
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You loved living in your quaint little suburb of Austin, Texas. You lived with your dad, and only your dad. He wasn’t too nice, though, yet at least your house was. You just didn’t have a good relationship with him. He didn’t take care of you, didn’t praise you, never really cared for anything you’d do. Yet, you loved your little suburb. The weather was beautiful, especially in early summer, late May. It was on May 11th that your new neighbor moved in. The moving truck spent a few days parked in the driveway, the sun beating down on the black asphalt. 
You saw two middle aged men, a pickup truck, a girl around the age of twelve to thirteen with them. You didn’t pay much attention to them  until a few days later, one early morning, around 8am. You were starting the car you and your dad shared, the usual route was off to his work, then off to a day full of classes at the local university. Just to your luck, your new neighbors came out to start their car as well, a sleek pickup truck. Your dad grunts at them, hands on his hips, his usual stance (which did annoy the hell out of you…) 
The two men began to walk across the driveway, most likely to say hello. The one with the black hair was Tommy. Him and your dad had hit it off, and were off to the side viewing the tools in the neighbor’s trunk. You said hello to the girl in the back of the car as well, her name was Sarah. The other neighbor now rushes out the front door, shouting at Tommy to hurry it up. You take a look at him. He looks right at you. Fuck. He was beautiful, his brown eyes simply pierced through you. You froze.
 “Hey there,” his smooth Texan accent drawled out at you. “Hi,” you reply, shortly and abruptly. “I’m Joel. That there’s Tommy. We just moved in next door,” he says, his voice gruff yet his tone gentle, as if to not spook you. He was intimidating — you were barely over five feet tall. He was probably six, and then some. You reply back, telling him your name, and then pointing out your dad, who was still talking to Tommy. Joel quickly walked over to them, and exchanged pleasantries with your dad. The group then got into the pickup truck, yet not before giving you another look when he left. You stood there for a bit, mulling over the interaction in your head, until your dad nudges you to snap out of it. You think about it for the rest of the day, during your lecture, during the drive home. Joel made you feel a certain way. He looked so big, so strong. You saw how nicely he treated his daughter. That did something to you.
A few months later   -
Your father and Tommy had gotten on pretty well. They’d spend a lot of time together. Him and Joel — not so much. He’d always leave you with Joel as he went to the garage with Tommy. At first, it was awkward. His daughter, Sarah would sometimes be with the two of you, and you’d all watch a movie. It was just as awkward with her, and without. 
One day however, the two of you started talking. Your dad was in the garage with Tommy as usual, you were on the couch with Joel. It was an incredibly hot summer day, and you were wearing a white top and a very short, pink miniskirt. You folded your hands over your lap as you saw Joel’s eyes shamelessly rake over you.
During your conversation with him, you found out more about his job as a contractor, he told you what he would do on a day to day basis. You told him about college, your social life, the both of you even shared an interest in music. It was all fine, until he asked you if you had a boyfriend. 
“Um. Actually, no. I don’t,” you meekly reply to him. “Don’t believe that’s true, darlin.’ I’m sure a pretty girl like you has peaked at least a few guy’s interests,” he replies. God, that voice. It was going to kill you one day. You shake your head, letting him know that it’s true. He scoffs, and then freezes. “Shit. I’m sorry. You’re young. Shouldn’t prey on you like that, darlin.’ You should just go home,” he murmurs, his voice quiet, he was most likely embarrassed. What the hell was he doing? He couldn’t be with the neighbor’s daughter, and he was twice her age. 
“Umm. Joel,” your dainty, gel manicured hand grabs his wrist, effectively stopping him in his tracks. He turns around to meet your doe eyes. “Don’t apologize. I feel the same way.” His face lights up, taking your hand in his. You feel his other hand cup your cheek, engulfing your entire cheek in the palm of his hand. “I’m glad, darlin.’ You always look so fuckin’ sweet, so adorable,” he smirks. You look up at him, and before you knew it, your lips met his.
His kiss is soft, gentle, as if he’s scared to hurt you. He tasted like a hint of tobacco, you feel his stubble against your cheek. His kiss then gets harsher, his large body cornering yours against the wall. He stops for a bit, looking out the window, worriedly. You ask him what had him so concerned. “Looks like my brother and your dad left. Wouldn’t want your daddy findin’ out that his little girl is gettin’ fucked by the neighbor, huh?” You moan at his comment, he chuckles. “I’m probably even older than your dad, huh, sweetheart?,” he taunts, his soft lips leaving kisses over your cheek, trailing down to kiss at your neck for a bit. 
“Y-yes. Joel. Please…,” you whine out, desperate for more of anything from the man. You feel his broad chest against yours, his hands now tightly gripping your hips, squeezing them, exploring your body. Your hands did the same, now wrapped around his neck. He lifts you up, carrying you up the stairs, into his room. His biceps strain against your small arms, God — how you wanted those strong arms around you, holding you!!
He puts you down onto his bed, alongside himself , pulling you into his lap, gazing at you hungrily. “Look at you, darlin.’ You’re a fuckin’ dream, I swear. Got a sweet lil’ thing like you, all to my fuckin’ self.” You shudder at his words, blushing. “Want to be yours, Joel. Would want that so bad,” you meekly murmur to him. He chuckled again. “So shy f’ me, huh?,” he says to you, bringing you in for another, stronger kiss. You run your hands through his hair as he pushes you down into the bed, his body caging you close to him. His large biceps rest by your head, as his veiny hands squeeze and knead at your chest. “Perfect tits you got, sugar. Lemme see ‘em.” He helps you pull off his shirt, and you do the same. His large hands fit so perfectly over your tits, he is just entranced by you. 
You feel his hand slide down your torso, your pink nails coming up to grasp at his wide, hairy forearm. You gasp in shock as you feel two calloused fingers slip in between your folds, gently massaging your clit. Fuck. So gently. You were losing it. “Joel. Joel. I — um,” you try to express something to him, your words were failing you. He was calm and collected as ever, his dark eyes burning through you, as he watched you come undone for him, your hand coming up to cup his face as to ask for another kiss, his soft, thick lips on yours, his nose on your cheek, his gruff grunts that drove you insane. 
“Ready? Ever had, um, ever done this before?,” he asks, stumbling over his words. “No. But I want to. You won’t hurt me,” you reply. “Fuck,” he quietly grunts to himself. “Never even done this before, sweetheart. Don’t worry, I got you, princess. Gonna show you what it means to take your man’s cock. It’s gonna feel good, you’ll see, darlin.’ But you tell me if I hurt you, ‘right?,” he speaks down to you, patronizing but soft. It made you feel cared for, loved. “Yes, daddy.” Shit. It accidentally slipped out. Your scared gaze met his, his eyes only bore into you more and more. 
“What did you just call me?,” he asks, slowly. “Fuck, say it again, darlin.” You giggle, his tongue meeting yours as he pushes into your mouth. “You want me to be your daddy, huh, sweetie? Want me to take care of you, fuck you good?,” his voice having a hint of possessiveness in it. “Y-yes. Daddy. Please…”you beg him at this point, his fingers still working you open. 
“Little cunts so wet f’me already. Think she can take me in? Think so,” he grunts, his fingers leaving your soaked folds as you whine. You feel his soft cockhead slap against your clit for a bit, his veiny, thick cock soaked with precum already. God - it was wide. So wide that you weren’t sure if he’ll fit. 
“S’so big, Joel. Won’t fit…” you moan out. “It’ll fit, baby. Daddy’ll make it fit, don’t you worry your pretty lil’ head ‘bout it, sweetie.”
With that, you feel him slide into you slowly. “Now you tell me if I’m hurtin’ you, ‘kay?” You nod slowly, your face growing redder by the second as his thick shaft slides into you, ever so slowly. You feel his pulsing cock inside you, he grunts as your walls squeeze and milk him for all he’s got. “So fuckin’ tight. First time takin’ this cock, she’s doin’ so well, sugar,” he coos at you, lost in pleasure as you squeeze around him. 
He finally bottoms out, his soft tip hitting your g-spot so perfectly! You whine at him to go deeper, faster, you craved to just be stuffed full of him for as long as you could. His chest hair meets your smooth chest as he presses himself down on you, his full body weight enveloping your tiny body. “Gotta be patient, darlin.’ Gonna give it to ya.” 
You felt him rock into you deeper and deeper, the veins on his cock brushing against your tight tunnel, his balls ever so softly hitting your lips as he rocked in and out of you, his pubic hair meeting yours. The musky scent of his sweat, his biceps bulging next to your neck, his dark brown eyes staring onto your bouncing little body. To him, you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on. He wanted to make sure you knew that. 
“Joel. D-Daddy. Gonna cum. Please, fuck — want it in me!,” you squeal out to him. “In you, sugar? That’s what ya want? For me to knock up a sweet lil’ thing like you? No, no, gotta wait for that, hun,” he tuts at you. “What would your real daddy say if he found out, huh? If he saw his girl all round and heavy, all cause of a man who’s just as old as him?” You moan out in response. “You want that, huh, darlin?’ Wanna be full of me?,” he taunts. 
You nod desperately. He does not listen, and pulls out, but not before giving you a few last, fulfilling thrusts. His cum is splayed out all over your soft tummy, he leans off from on top of you and goes to get a towel to wipe you down. You feel so sleepy, so good, so taken care of as he lays back down onto the bed, his big arms coming to turn you over, so you could lay on the safe haven that is his chest. 
You lay your head down onto him, you hear his slow heartbeat. His gruff voice speaks up. “Didja like that, darlin’? Showed you a good time, didn’t I, sweet thing?” “Y-yes. You really did, Joel. What about my dad, though? Feel like I should get home…,” you nervously trail off. 
“Home? Now? When it’s so dark out? Not safe for you, sugar. You just stay over at mines. I’ll get you a blanket and one of my shirts to sleep in, yeah? We’ll deal with everythin’ else in the mornin.’” You nod, agreeing with him. You rolled over to smell his pillow, god — it smelled just like him, so entrancing. You felt so taken care of as this older man ran around his house to get you a towel, some clean clothes. He treated you so, so, nicely! You felt so safe with him, most importantly. You wanted him to be with you, protect you, make you feel good, like he did now. You smile to yourself as you think about it, interrupted by his entrance into the room. 
“Got one of my shirts for ya, darlin.’ And if you get too hot, you let me know, I’ll turn on the ac for ya,” he gently says, as he walks over to join you back in bed. You smile, and gingerly take one of his shirts to put on. It was so huge on you! He brings you onto his lap, his veiny hand coming over to grasp at your cheek again. “Doin’ ok? Just checkin’, didn’t want to hurt ya too much or anythin.”
“I’m okay, Joel. Don’t worry. I should have spent this time with you earlier,” you confess to him. You loved being around him, especially if he treated you in this way. You didn’t have to worry about a thing, as long as he was there with you. You had a feeling that you weren’t just any girl to him. 
Maybe you were right. Joel hasn’t felt about anyone like this in years, until the first time he saw you, your pink miniskirt, sparkly necklaces and all, he knew he had to have you. He got you, and that was all that mattered, as you drifted off to sleep in his big arms, he couldn’t help but think how he needed to keep being with a sweet girl like you, how innocent you were, and how goddamn lucky he was to have you all to himself from now on. 
a/n: thanks for reading! if you like this post pls help a writer out and reblog :)
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minniesmutt · 5 months
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⚠︎ ━━━ IN...
⚠︎ ━━━  SS + WC: 8 + 2K
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     “I’m here,” Y/n breathed as she approached the building
      “Okay. There’s a parking garage next to the building. Park in there. i gave the building management your car description so they shouldn’t say anything about you parking here.”
     Y/n followed his instructions and found a spot to park. 
     “I’m gonna meet you in the lobby. can you get over there for me?”
     “Yeah. can you stay on the phone?”
     “of course.”
     Y/n switched her phone off the car stereo and turned off her car. She grabbed her stuff and got out of her car. making her way towards the door where it said “LOBBY”
     She could hear Jeongin on the over end with Deiji; could even hear the little coos and babbles.
     “Astrid and ji are almost here by the way. should be another ten minutes till they get Deiji. Have you eaten dinner yet?”
     “No. I was trying to figure out what to eat when Jihyun texted me…”
     “Okay. We’ll order dinner. You can stay over in my guest room so you don’t have to go home.”
     “You don’t have to do that for me,” y/n said, opening the door and entering the lobby
     “Y/n, you’re creating a whole human inside of you. The least I can do is buy you food and give you a sense of safety.”
     She heard an elevator ding before she saw the doors opening and Jeongin walking out with a baby girl in his arms. he ended the call and quickly made his way over to her. y/n met him halfway and wrapped her arms around him. 
     “You’re okay,” Jeongin said as he held her against him. 
     “Thank you,” Y/n muttered
     “Come on,” Jeongin ushered her towards the elevators and took her up to his unit. getting her settled on the couch as soon as they got in.
     Jeongin put Deiji down in one of the stand-up toys and sat with Y/n
     “Still shaken up?” he asked 
     “Yeah,” y/n sighed 
     “Does he have your location?” 
     “No. I turned it off when we broke up.”
     “Still texting you?” 
     “Don’t know. ended up muting the conversation.”
     “Can I see?”
     Y/n nodded and handed him her unlocked phone. Jeongin took it from her hand.
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 “Sorry. That was the only thing I could think of,” Jeongin sighed 
     “It’s fine,” Y/n sniffled
     “Come here,” Jeongin pulled her into his arms.
     Y/n wrapped her arms around him and hid herself in his chest. “I’m sorry…”
     “You don’t need to be sorry,” Jeongin told her.
     Y/n buried her face in Jeongin’s chest as Deiji hit one of her toys. The baby toys filled the silence as Jeongin did his best to comfort the mother of his child. A knock at the door interrupted it. 
    Y/n jumped a bit and Jeongin checked his phone. Seeing the texts from his two friends that they were there. “Just Ji and (Astrid).”
     Jeongin unraveled himself from her and got the door. Letting his two friends inside. Y/n said hi to the couple and (Astrid) checked on her. Jisung grabbed his daughter and the diaper bag. 
     The two didn’t stay long, letting the new soon-to-be-parents be. Jeongin locked the door and walked back over to the couch. Settling back down next to her and grabbed his phone, “Dinner?” 
     “‘M not hungry…”
     “You don’t have to eat it right away, but you need to eat,” Jeongin said
     Y/n nodded in response. Jeongin quickly ordered something he knew she’d eat before pulling her back into his arms.
     “You’re good at taking care of people,” Y/n said
     “Can thank (Astird) for that,” Jeongin said
     “So she told me. Putting you through hell,” Y/n said
     “Yeah. But I wouldn't change anything in my life.”
     “Even us sleeping together and getting pregnant?”
     “No. I wouldn’t change it.”
     The two sat on the couch— only getting up to eat which Jeongin was proud he got her to do when the food got there. Ending up with her laying back against him, his hands rubbing her belly. A random Netflix show playing on the TV. Y/n looked down at his fingers gently drumming on her belly. For a moment, living in a little fantasy that they were a little family. 
     “You okay?” Jeongin asked
     “Yeah,” Y/n nodded, not realizing she started crying 
     “Why are you crying?” Jeongin sat up more 
     “Don’t know,” Y/n said, wiping away the tears.
     Jeongin grabbed the box of tissues from the coffee table and handed it to her. Y/n thanked him and wiped away the tears more as he rubbed her back. “You want to talk about it?”
     “No.” Y/n shook her head
     “What do you need?”
     “Think I just need to sleep.”
     Jeongin nodded and helped her up from the couch. Leading her down the hallway of the penthouse to the guest room. “Text me if you need anything. Okay? And I’m just over there if I don't reply.”
     “Thanks,” Y/n smiled and walked into the room. She closed the door behind her and sat on the bed. 
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     Y/n sighed and set her phone on the nightstand and crawled under the covers of the bed. Trying to get some sleep but she was too worried to sleep. Eventually giving up and walking down the hallway to Jeongin’s room. The door was opened and he wasn’t inside so she wandered out to the living room.
     The TV was still playing while he was sitting on the couch with his phone. He looked over as he heard her walking in. “Thought you were sleeping.”
     “Tried, can’t.”
     “You wanna talk?”
     Y/n nodded and sat next to him, “Do you think I can stay for the week? just the whole thing with—“
     “Yeah. That’s fine. I can take you to get some stuff from your place tomorrow,” Jeongin answered 
     “Thank you,” Y/n smiled 
     “Something else bugging you?” 
     “Yeah, but nothing for you to worry about.”
     “I’m going to worry either way.”
     “Just, earlier when i was crying, i got in my head for second about us being a real family. And then i remembered we weren’t together and I always thought when I got pregnant I'd be in a relationship and getting to have a family.”
     “And it’s hurting you’re not?”
     “Just a little. That’s not on you though. we agreed to co-parent and that’s that. I think it just hurts more because I’m actually starting to like you in a romantic sense but—“
     Jeongin nodded, “What if we tried?”
     “In, you don’t —“
     “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t feel the same, Y/n.”
     “Okay,” Jeonging turned to face her, “I’d be an idiot not to admit I thought you were pretty when we were at S-class, even though we were drunk and didn’t remember anything. I’d also be dumb not to say I’ve thought about us as a family, dating and raising a kid. My family already likes you, which is a bonus. I’m not saying I'm in love because this is all fresh and it doesn’t feel like we’re there, but I do like you as more than a friend or someone I'm raising a kid with.”
     Y/n looked at him, tears welling in her eyes before she leaned for and wrapped her arms around him. Jeongin wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. “I know you're dealing with your ex but my offer is going to stay as long as we have the baby.”
     “I wanna try,” Y/n said as she pulled away from the hug, “I’m tired of Jihyun holding onto my life when he fucks it up. I wanna move on from that.”
     “We’ll go slow then, not rush anything.” 
     “Okay,” Y/n nodded as Jeongin wiped her tears 
     “Okay,” Jeongin answered, “How about we get some sleep and go out for breakfast in the morning after getting some stuff from your place.”
     “I’d like that.”
     “Come on,” Jeongin helped her up again
     “Can you… stay with me? maybe?” Y/n asked
     Jeongin led her to his room and let her get the bed before him. Jeongin climbed into the bed behind her and wrapped an arm around her, laying his hand on her growing stomach. Y/n smiled to herself as she laid her hand over his and closed her eyes.
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sturniololoco · 7 months
can you do one where justin is in la visiting and all the boys start doing stuff (going out to eat, going shopping, etc) all without her and she starts to feel left out so she isolates herself until chris starts to notice and does something to make her feel better (her and chris are the closest)
Left Out
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo triplets
warnings: crying, angriness, jealousy, fluff, etc.
Today was a big day for my brothers and I: My oldest brother Justin was flying into LA to spend the week with us.
We were in the car, heading to the airport to pick him up.
Nick pulled out the camera and began filming an intro to the blog they were filming while he’s here.
“Are you excited?” Nick asked me, leaning over and holding the camera to show the both of us in selfie position.
“Heck yes!” I said, leaning over and smiling into the lenses with Nick.
“That’s good because we’re almost there!” Matt said as we passed under the green sign that said we were taking the exit to get to the airport.
“Hey guys!” Justin said as he saw us parked in the back of the parking garage.
He gave each of my brothers a hug, smiling into the camera that Nick had rolling.
I sat there excitedly, waiting for my hug from my big brother.
But it didn’t come.
“Sis, you cool with sitting in the back?” Chris asked me as he put the very back seat down before throwing Justin’s bags in the trunk.
“Oh-um yeah.” I said, not seeming like I had much of a choice, I quietly climbed in the back of the car.
I was pretty quiet on the ride home, giving up on trying to but into the conversation.
As we pulled into the driveway, everyone got out, except for me who was waiting for Chris to put the seat down so I could climb out.
But he didn’t.
He walked inside, carrying Justin’s backpack as they walked inside, leaving me in the car.
I tried to tell for him, text him, call him, but I didn’t get any response.
I eventually sighed and spent the next 10 minuets forcing my body through the small opening between the headrests to get into the trunk.
I eventually got and found the emergency exit button in the trunk.
“Mother fucker,” I mumbled under my breath as I rubbed my knee that I banged on the window of the car.
“What happens to you?” Chris laughed as I walked in, an unpleasant look on my face.
I rolled my eyes and mumbled,
“I’m gonna take a shower, I’ll be right back.”
After doing my skincare and hair routine and getting into some cozy pj’s, I walked down stairs,
To be met with an abandoned house.
I looked around, checking my brothers room which we’re completely empty.
After defending the stairs to the garage, I found that my brothers left me here by myself.
I had no notification from them either.
I slouched down on the couch and pulled out my phone, dialing Nick.
He didn’t answer till about 20 minutes later.
“Where the fuck are you?!” I shouted into the phone, letting my anger out.
“okay, chill the fuck out.” He said sarcastically back to me.
I rolled my eyes and responded.
“You just left me here! Where did you go?”
“We took Justin out to dinner and we’re on the way to top golf now.” He said.
At this, I felt my hear shatter.
I quickly hung the phone up, not even responding.
I willed the tears not to come, but they did anyways. They rolled down my face as I though about how they just left me out.
They didn’t even bother telling me! Justin hasn’t even talked to me once.
As the tears kept falling, I feel myself drifting off to sleep.
I feel myself being picked up and carried up the stairs. I open my eyes to see myself pressed against Chris’s chest.
“Shhh, go back to sleep.” He said as he opens my door and walked me to my bed.
As he played me down, he pressed a kiss to my forehead, saying his good nights.
But then it came flooding back to me.
I feel the tears come again as he pulls away. He noticed and kneeled down beside me, brushing some hair out of my face.
“Hey, what’s wrong sweet girl.” He asked, grabbing my hand and looking at me with a sad face.
“Y-You guys just left me here! A-And I was scared when Nick didn’t answer. And Justin doesn’t even wanna see me, he’s only here to see you guys and I-“
I began to rant, letting my feeling pour out. He climbed into bed next to me and pulled me into a hug, saying,
“Shhh, I promise that’s not true. And I’m so sorry we left you bud.” I nodded into his chest, hugging him back tightly.
As I drifted off to sleep again, I hear Chris’s soft words say,
“tomorrow will be a better day. I promise.”
The next morning, I was being lightly shook awake.
I opened my eyes to see Justin’s smiling at me.
“C’mon! We’re gonna go get donuts!” He whispered, signaling that it might be early.
I quickly shot up, smiling before throwing on a hoodie and following him out to the car.
“Hey kid, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. We left you out and I feel really bad.” Justin said as we pulled out of the Duncan drive through.
he grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze before looking at me with a sympathetic smile.
I smiled back, but mine was sincere.
I didn’t say anything, all I did was lean into him, resting my head in his shoulder as he held my hand.
“I love ya kiddo.”
Note: kinda short fluffy one. I’ll have some GOOD fics out tomorrow 😏
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cheriladycl01 · 7 months
Better than me - Charles Leclerc x Reader P7
Plot: You are a rookie in your first f1 season, adding to the ever-growing amount of Brits performing in the grid
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You left Japan as quickly as you could, you wanted to completely forget about the race.
You'd gone home as there was a pretty large break between Japan and Australia, you spoke to your family about whether they thought getting more of these therapy sessions was a good thing.
Everyone thought it was a good idea, they could tell you'd been struggling for the last few weeks as you looked nervous and pressured during media duties and even though your driving was good, they knew you were made of more you were just scared to push.
So you had started to pay Chris, he made himself available 24/7 to you over text message and you were set to have weekly calls with him. You'd had one before Australia stressing some of you minor concerns about the race.
But all in all, Australia was one of your more confident tracks. You'd spent al lot of time on the sims going round Albert Park, you'd started to test out new racing lines because you were that confident.
When you got to the paddock, entering in a blazer and trousers with a nice pair of stilettos. You always liked dressing up when walking through the paddock for the first time, there was a certain level of power you felt when you did. You had a lot of cameras on you, as you walked through with Chris, who agreed to come to this race weekend with you and your PR manager.
You saw some fans waving you over so you hastily walked over to them.
"Y/N! Y/N!" they cry making you smile and start to take pens and caps and your mini helmets signing as much as you could while taking pictures with all the phones being offered to you.
A little boy shyly comes up to you, holding a little Audi car all boxed up, one that you promoted.
"I-I don't have a pen! Some-one stole it from me" he sniffles and you squat down to his height seeing the tears in his eyes.
"Can i borrow that please?" you ask a girl whose cap you just signed and she nods politely, squealing a little when you touch her hand as you reach up from your lower position to take it.
You sign the little boy's car for him and he pulls you into a big hug, thanking you. The parents further the thanks before you look at the paddock lanyards round their necks. You take the little boys hand and start to take him with you.
The parents follow behind happily talking to Chris and one of the Audi Mechanics that had seen you signing stuff.
You walk him to where you can buy merch. You get him an Audi Hat, Audi top and you get a little driver's poster. You sign it all there on the desk and hand it to the parents in the bag while placing the hat on his head.
"Thank you" he grins at you, the parents thank you as well before leaving. You leave towards the Audi garage, waving at the few people who you still trusted.
Alex had eventually caught up to you and walked side by side with you.
More people took pictures of the pair of you as you walked down the large and open stretch. Martin Bundle had come up to you both during his media day grid walk asking you both questions that you simultaneously answered questions too.
Eventually, you found yourself getting bored. Your PR team wanted to give you a cool down after the accusations from last week and not force your image back so soon. So they mainly focused on Alex.
You eventually left Audi hospitality where you'd been doing some private work on a laptop. You needed to get some fresh air and go for a walk. There was also only an hour before the F1 Academy Qualifying started and you wanted to be there for that.
You were walking down the strip when you see the two Ferrari boys walking towards you.
"Y/N? Can we talk?" Charles asks and you cross you arms looking down at him. Usually you felt quite small around Charles, not just because of his personality but because he was naturally taller than you. Now you were in these heels he was the one looking up at you, and if he was about to apologize you'd find that kind of funny.
"Depends what you want to talk about!" you admit to him.
"About how I acted about what I said!" he offers looking down meekly making you scoff.
"Look Charles, the fact that you ignored me all last weekend when I tried to reach out to you and then went as far as to not believe me when I'd be accused of drug use... which is a really serious accusation which was pulled into investigation because of your team and Red Bull... I don't really feel like I owe you a conversation! So no, we cant talk" you say, before walking off and towards the Mclaren garage in hopes of finding Lando.
You walk up to the entrance finding two workers outside who wave at you.
"Hey Y/N!" one of them smiles at you.
"Hey guys, how are you?" you smile at them and they nod talking to you about their stressful day trying to get content for Mclaren. You nod along with them as they rant until Lando comes trotting down the steps.
"Y/N! You wanna go for a track walk?" he asks and you nod, pit walks were always really good. It gave drivers the change to see it up-close and take it in while you walk around it.
"So, Charles text me" Lando starts as you both walk out of the pit lane and onto the track.
"Mmmm" you mumble quietly not really meeting his eyes.
"Said you weren't ready to talk to him?" he almost asks as if he's seeing if you thought you made the right call in not talking to him.
"All last week i tried to talk to him, tried to be his friend but tell me why he ignores me and pushes me away at every opportunity he gets. You don't do that, not when he spent the whole time between Japan and South Korea with me" you admit, rubbing your hands together.
"Maybe if you let him explain?" Lando suggest with a shrug.
"You meddling little bitch" you say lightly making his shoulder.
"Hey, hey! Ease up or i'll report you for trying to sabotage another team!" he jokes rubbing his shoulder a little.
"Seriously though, I agreed to this walk to talk with you, not talk about Charles, it's not just the fact he ignored me anyway" you sigh holding a hand up to block the lowering sun.
"Anyway, how are you feeling about the race?" you ask trying to steer the conversation away.
"Yeah pretty good, this year could be our year!" he smiles looking over at you.
Australia went alright, considering you not only had a lot on your mind but had car troubles you managed to finish P10, in the points Alex just above you in P8.
Team debrief was longer. talking about the car troubles you experienced before you were let go.
You met with Daniel, both he and Oscar wanted to take you out for food where they were both in their home country. Of course this meant you guys picked up Lando as a default. You guys went out for a meal, everyone online was excited to see the four of you out together.
Next weekend up was Jeddah, you performed really well there, your team thought it was time to use you for media again as much as Alex, and you ended up coming P4, Carlos just ahead of you taking that podium alone with Lando and Max.
After that came your most feared circuit... Spa. It was sort of a meme, when you were working your way up through feeder series and driving in other motorsport championships before you came to F1 that you never finished a race in Spa, there was either car problems or it rained and strategy was awful and you'd crash out or you would just have a problem driving.
You were hopeful to end that streak, the Curse of Y/N in SPA.
And it looked like that throughout all the free practices you completed and coming in P3, having set the fastest lap in Q1 on top of that.
You were nervous, but everyone was telling you that it looked like clear skies for the whole day and that it should be fine.
"Y/N?" a voice said behind you as you were about to hop into your car. You turn round spotting Charles there looking at you.
"Oh, Charles! You okay?" you ask looking over him.
"I know you struggle here, but I just wanted to say that I believe in you and what you can achieve today" he says in a small voice. The words, they were just words but it was the way he said them that you could tell that there was a different meaning behind them. And you appreciated it.
So you went into the car with a clear head.
"Radio check Y/N?" your engineer asks.
"Loud and clear, lets make this a good one" you reply before heading out for the formation lap. You do it and everything feels normal with the car.
You then wait for the lights out, you get an incredible start managing to go between Carlos Lando.
"OH WOAH, INCREDIBLE RACING FROM Y/N. She's managed to go between the Mclaren and Ferrari and SHE'S IN P1 Y/N Y/L/N LEADS THE BELGIAN GRAND PRIX" Crofty exclaims as he watched you on the screen in the commentators box.
You lead for the next few laps defending exceptionally from both Lando and Sainz who had managed to keep pretty close to you. After that it was a complete shit show. You had a really long pitstop, it was around 15 seconds and you were asking your engineer what was going on but they just said they were looking into it. It sent you down from P1 all the way to P18.
"Fuck sake!" you complain.
"I'm sorry for that Y/N, but lets pick up the pace and try get back up there" you have a spectacular drive. Your car was a rocket ship and you managed to get all the way back up to P4 and was about to overtake Leclerc when the rain report came through.
2 laps later and it was really raining, you'd pitted after a safety car was deployed changing tires and you managed to get the overtake on Leclerc. Into P3.
The rain only got heavier and that was when the race went tits up. The rain somehow interfered with your radio and it was only static you were receiving.
For the next laps you were relying on the pit board.
"What an interesting race this has been. Y/N has driven phenomenally and this is to date with out a doubt her best race in Spa, even through all the bad luck she's managed to pull through and she is currently in P1, defending her ass off from Lando and Lewis who are close behind her. This is just immense racing here today. She really came here with the mindset of a winner!" he explains looking at your on-board.
"Yeah, i mean she'd been without radio communications for 20 laps of this race, and the rains fading now, most crews are preparing to pit and make a final tyre change but its seems like nothing has been communicated to her"
As the track started to dry up you loose grip on the tyres more and more. There was no communication from your team and you were debating what to do. If you eased up now, you'd let Lando, Lewis and Carlos all past and risk your first win.
The last peice of communication you saw going past the pits was that you were leading and there was only 3 laps to go.
Lando was very close behind you, constantly in your wing mirror. He had tried some moves in an attempt to overtake but you'd kept defending like your life depended on it.
You go round one corner at the same speed you had been for the whole wet part of the race not realizing how quickly this corner had dried out. You attempt to break a little quicker, Lando doesn't antisipate and rear ends the back of your car, flipping you over.
"OH MY LORD THAT A MASSIVE CRASH FOR Y/N DOWN ON TURN 6. She broke early being on those intermediates where the tracks starting to dry out and Lando hasn't reacted quick enough. In the process he's busted his front wing!"
Lando Radio: Is she okay? I didn't mean that! I was it bad i went past to quickly to see where she went
Engineer: Red flag Lando, Red Flag
Lando Radio: Please tell me she's okay?
Lewis Radio: Holy shit, is she okay man. Why is she still on the inter's?
Engineer: Lewis that a Red Flag
Lewis Radio: This was a bad one.
And it was, you flipped multiple times before your car slammed into the barrier. You felt like an elephant was sitting on your chest right now and your head was dizzy.
"That's a really bad crash, and we don't even know if she's alright because the radio isn't working, the look of all the audi workers right now is really a sight to see" he says panning to all your colleagues with jaw's dropped and hands covering there mouths as their eyes water.
Some of them are actually crying, as no-body could detect movement and the car was barely visible from the damage caused.
You tried to keep your mind open with the adrenaline, but slowly your vision blacks out.
A/N: Oop i feel like this is my first proper cliff hanger!
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Midnight | Chapter 23 | S.R
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A/N - the last part of this chapter is mostly taken from the first chapter with some additions. We’ve come full circle now! Things speed up a little now. Summary - Luke and the rest of the BAU make strides in their investigation. Meanwhile, Spencer’s paranoia reaches fever pitch and he makes a decision for your future which could lead to your inevitable capture.
Pairing - unsub! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - dark angst | smut | very eventual happy ending
Warnings - paranoid Spencer, mentions of past child abuse, pregnancy, Spencer giving up, swearing, guns, explosions.
WC - 5.3k
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Chapter 23 - Catch Me if You Can
It was two weeks after arriving home from New York that things started to fall into place. 
Luke had convinced Emily to sign off on the request for extra security footage from Caesars Palace which had enabled him to track Spencer leaving the hotel room and into the parking garage which gave him a car licence plate of a Chevy Impala for which they’d had an APB out on ever since.
Luke had also discovered, through trawling police databases, two more bodies with similar MO’s to Green, Smith and Carlisle. Again it didn’t mean they were connected but it was certainly a pattern. Mary Dalton’s body had still not been found. 
But the strangest part had happened this morning when Luke walked into the round table room to find the rest of the team already there, a photograph of a middle aged man on the big screen and case files littering the table. 
JJ, Garcia, Emily and Rossi exchanged looks and seemed to be communicating between themselves without the use of words while Matt, Tara and now Luke himself looked on like the outsiders. 
“Uh, what’s going on?” Luke sidled up to a free chair but didn’t sit down, instead he gripped the back of it while his eyes flicked between the four veteran agents. 
“This man went missing two weeks ago. He left work on a Friday and was never seen again.” Emily pointed at the screen, her tone was a combination of frustration and dread. 
“Until this morning.” Rossi added. “Some campers stumbled upon his body in the Mojave National Preserve in California.” 
“He was stabbed forty three times.” JJ added, her brows pinched together. 
“Do we have other bodies matching the MO? Surely we haven’t been called in for a single homicide?” Luke frowned, still looking between the four of them. 
“We haven’t been called in at all.” Emily spoke again. 
“Ok, someone needs to fill us in because there is clearly something you guys aren’t saying.” Tara vocalised before Luke had a chance. 
Again the four of them exchanged looks, clearly trying to discern who would be the one to speak. Luke’s grip on the chair tightened, he knew whatever they said wasn’t going to be good. 
“It’s less about the what and more about the who.” Rossi ran his hand over his greying facial hair. 
Luke, Tara and Matt remained silent. 
“This,” Emily pointed at the screen again. “This is William Reid.” 
Luke’s eyes bulged a little, focusing on the photograph of the older man. There was something familiar about him, something in the eyes that Luke recognised distantly. And now he knew why. 
“William Reid.” He croaked, his mouth suddenly dry. “As in…?”
“Spencer’s father.” Emily nodded. 
“You think Reid killed his own dad?” Matt shook his head. “No, I don’t buy that.” 
“William went missing the weekend Spencer and Y/N were in Nevada.” Garcia rolled her lip between her teeth. 
“That has to be a coincidence. Why would he kill his father?” Tara sounded just as disbelieving as Matt. 
Luke stayed silent, unable to form any words that would be helpful in this situation. JJ let out a shaky breath, stepping slightly closer to the table. Her eyes were downturned, she looked to be fighting some kind of internal battle. 
“God I’d hoped I’d never have to repeat this.” She sniffed. “Years ago he confided in me. His father…he, uh, he sexually abused Spence. Probably other kids too. He told me once while he was high and I’m not even sure he remembers telling me. But I never forgot.”  
Luke, Tara and Matt turned to her with wide eyes and slack jaws. Judging by the lack of surprise on the faces of the other agents, she’d already imparted this piece of information on them. 
“Seriously?” Matt’s eyebrows were knitted deeply together. 
“Yeah, I wish it wasn’t true, trust me.” JJ swallowed, pouting her bottom lip. 
“Does this get us any closer to finding them?” Luke tried to stay on track and not get dragged into thoughts of a young Spencer suffering at the hands of his father. 
“This doesn't, no.” Emily shook her head. Luke sensed there was more. 
“But…?” He goaded someone to speak. 
“Garcia has finally found where they brought the Impala. It was a small used car lot in Cedar Rapids. Reid used a licence with the name Samuel Truman which we have attributed to multiple motel check ins across the country.” Rossi spoke. 
“It’s not yet pointed to where they are, but we’re getting closer.” Garcia looked at him with the most kindness she’d ever directed towards him. “We will find them, Alvez.” 
Luke felt a pit forming in his stomach. This was the closest they’d been to finding you and Spencer and he should be positive. But he had a sinking feeling that no matter how many leads they found it would never be enough. 
Maybe he’d never be able to free you from Spencer and it probably made him a fool for still trying. But he had to try and stay focused, and had to believe their break in the case would come. If he succumbed to the negative thoughts that were trying to consume him, he may never make it back. 
And he had to do this for you. 
Spencer had been on edge since you’d been to Vegas. His paranoia was getting the better of him, eating him away from the inside out. 
He was absolutely certain the BAU were involved in Jesse’s reappearance and he’d spent the last few weeks trying to piece together all the ways this could blow up in both of your faces. 
He kept detailed lists of all the ways the BAU could find you, any innocuous piece of information which could give you away. He barely left the house and when he did he was constantly looking over his shoulder. The Impala had been parked in the garage since Vegas in case it could be used to track the two of you down. 
He’d been anxious to say the least. He jumped when he heard the mailman, dashed to the window every time a car drove by the house. He wasn’t sleeping, nowhere near as much as he should anyway. You were starting to worry that he was devolving. And it hit a fever pitch nearly three weeks after your return from Vegas. 
You’d grown used to being alone in bed when you woke in the morning, usually finding Spencer in the living room staring at the front door with the SIG in his hand. This morning the living room was empty, as was the kitchen. And then you noticed the garage door was open. 
Padding inside in confusion, you found him slinging a suitcase into the trunk of the Impala. You folded your arms over your chest, a frown embedded deep in your forehead as you watched him close the trunk and turn to face you. 
“Oh good you’re awake.” He nodded at you, seemingly ignoring your confusion. “Get dressed, we need to leave.” 
“Leave? Where are we going?” Your frown only deepened.
“I have no idea. But we have to go. The BAU will find us if we stay still for too long.” He picked another bag up off the ground and opened the back door of the car before tossing it in the back seat. 
“So you’re proposing we just keep moving? We’re never going to settle down somewhere?” 
“Not for the time being, no. Once we’ve got them off our backs we’ll make a long term plan. Once they aren’t on our tails we can look into fleeing the country. But right now we have to keep moving, yes.” He spoke as though his words were making perfect sense.
“Spencer, we don’t even know that they are on our backs. You’re being paranoid.” You unfolded your arms and tried to reason with him. 
“I’m not taking any risks.” He shook his head. “They could come storming into this house at any minute. We’re sitting ducks, Y/N. I’m not making it that easy on them. So get dressed so we can leave.” 
The last thing you wanted was to constantly be on the run, bouncing from city to city and never being able to put down roots. But of course with the things the two of you had done that was never going to be a realistic path. 
You didn’t really think the BAU were onto you but there was a small possibility Spencer was right and running would be safer than the alternative. So instead of arguing, you simply nodded before turning on your heels and heading back inside the house to dress. 
Half an hour later the two of you were in the car and heading east, no real destination in mind. You were gone like the wind. 
Penelope tottered as fast as humanly possible towards the round table room, huffing and puffing and making little squeaking sounds under her breath. Her heels clicked against the wooden floor in the bullpen as she hurriedly made her way through the desks.
It had been a week since the discovery of William Reid’s body and nearly three weeks since she’d put the APB out on the Chevy Impala. This morning she’d gotten a hit on the APB from a speed camera on the I-95 as the vehicle headed east from
California. The team had been working all morning on trying to ascertain where you and Spencer might be headed. 
But Garcia had found the smoking gun. 
She quickened her pace up the stairs and along the corridor, bursting into the room at the end and desperately trying to catch her breath while the rest of the team turned to look at her. She fought to calm her breathing, still making strange noises and her hands were shaking. 
“Garcia,” Emily spoke somewhat sternly. “What’s going on?” 
“The thing…” Garcia panted, waving her hand in the air. “I found the thing.” 
“What thing?” Tara frowned at the blonde. 
“The thing. The thing we’ve been waiting for.” She took a few deep breaths, leaning against the door frame. “I know where Spencer and Y/N are.” 
Six sets of eyes widened on her as she tried to calm her erratic breathing so she could fill them in on her findings. Luke slowly rose to his feet and moved closer to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. 
“You found them?” He forced her to look at him and she nodded frantically. 
“The car…” she began between heavy pants. “Was seen just outside of Phoenix. And Samuel Truman just checked into a motel in Cave Creek which is like…thirty miles north of Phoenix. They’re in Arizona.” 
Luke’s arms fell back to his sides and he stumbled a little on his feet. He’d been waiting for this day but he’d never truly believed it would come. He glanced back at the rest of his team who were all slowly getting to their feet. 
“We found them.” Luke croaked, still sounded unbelieving of his own words.
“Well done Garcia.” Emily smiled at the tech analyst, before turning to address the rest of her team. “Wheels up. And not in twenty, now. Spencer Reid killed his father and Mary Dalton, probably more. We find him, we most likely find the murder weapon and we can build a case from there.”
“What’s going to happen to Y/N? She’s technically an accomplice, right?” Luke looked and sounded downtrodden.
“I don’t know, Alvez.” Emily shrugged. “But right now our focus is Reid. We can worry about what will happen to Y/N later.” 
With that Emily fled the room, the team following behind until Luke was left alone. It was easy enough for her to say they’d worry about you later but he hadn’t stopped worrying about you since the day you’d left the BAU. 
But he knew capturing Spencer was the main priority. And once they did Luke would continue on his mission of protecting you to the bitter end. 
You stood in the grimy bathroom of a seedy bar just down the road from the motel you’d stopped at on the outskirts of Cave Creek. You stared down at the item resting on the side of the sink through teary eyes. 
Since Vegas you’d been focused solely on Spencer and his devolution, you’d been so preoccupied you’d completely forgotten the thought Jesse had put in your head. 
It wasn’t until earlier that day when Spencer had stopped for gas and you’d found yourself in the bathroom on your knees with your head in the toilet bowl that it all came flooding back. While Spencer had been busy filling up the car you quickly purchased the test and stuffed it inside your purse. 
Now you were standing over the sink staring at the positive pregnancy test. 
It hadn’t even occurred to you to take the test at the motel. You’d stayed only long enough to drop your bags and then you told Spencer you needed some air before you found the closest building with a bathroom. 
You’d already been fairly certain of what the outcome of the test would be and you needed time to gather your thoughts and feelings before you told
Spencer the news. 
How the hell was this going to work? Spencer planned to pull out every trick in the book to stay one step ahead of the BAU no matter the cost. The two of you would be on the run for the rest of your lives, how could you possibly bring a child into that life? 
You knew he deserved to know, it was his child after all. But how was this going to factor into his escape plans? How would you and this baby fit into this? It was one thing for him to be bringing you along on this but a child certainly wasn’t part of his idea. 
You picked up the test as your tears overflowed. What did this mean for your future? If you even had one. 
Spencer stared at his reflection in the mirror, knowing it was only a matter of time. He’d told you he planned to run, and continue doing so until the heat died down but he’d been lying to you, something he’d promised never to do again.
But the truth was Spencer hadn’t fled California in the hopes of out running the BAU, he’d been purposefully trying to draw them out. 
He knew they would have figured out what car he was driving and would have a bulletin out on it. He knew it would only be a matter of time before the Impala was caught on camera and the BAU were alerted. He also knew they would have found where he brought the car which was why he’d checked into this motel under the same name he’d purchased the car. 
The fact of the matter was, Spencer was too tired to keep this up any longer. He wasn’t going to spend the rest of his life on the run. He’d accepted his fate, he just hoped you would understand. Although he didn’t intend to be around to find out one way or another. 
If he’d told you his true intentions there was no way you would have agreed to flea Twentynine Palms. He hadn’t wanted to lie to you again but this was for the best. As long as you were smart enough to talk your way out of everything, to put all the blame on his shoulders so you could get out of this and go onto live your life then that’s all that mattered. 
Spencer Reid wasn’t afraid of death. 
He wasn’t going to allow the BAU to arrest him, certainly not. But he knew you’d never willingly leave his side and so this was the only way he could think to get you away from him.
It was his way of protecting you. He knew you’d follow him to the ends of the earth and it just wasn’t fair on you. This was his only option to save you. 
It would only be a matter of time before the BAU had this place surrounded, he imagined they were probably already on their way here now. He just had to bide his time now. It was simply a waiting game. 
Come on guys, I’m making it real easy on you. Catch me if you can. 
The minute the jet came to a stop on the tarmac, six bodies were already standing and heading to the doors. Two SUV’s awaited them along with a few local cop cars. 
Emily was quick to dish out the Kevlar vests which they all hurriedly secured before splitting into two teams: Luke, Tara and JJ taking one car and Emily, Rossi and Matt having the other. Before her team could jump in the vehicles she gathered them around. 
“It is imperative we tread lightly here.” She looked at each one of them individually. “We apprehend them so we can make our case against them. Spencer’s not stupid, once we have them in custody he knows it will only be a matter of time before we gather enough evidence to send him down. Hopefully he will save us the trouble and confess to everything.” 
“Stop saying them.” Luke shook his head. “I’m not going to let Y/N go down for things Reid has done.” 
“And hopefully she’ll cooperate too and tell us what we need to know. But for now Alvez, she’s just as liable as Spencer. I want them both in custody and then we can go from there.” Emily gave him a look that told Luke not to fight her on this. 
He clenched his jaw firmly and took a step backwards. 
“Fine.” He spat, knowing now wasn’t the time to get into an argument with her about this. 
“Right, let's get this show on the road.” She looked over her shoulder and gave the local cops a nod of her head as the team split apart, hopping into their separate vehicles. 
Luke got behind the wheel even though he knew he was in no state of mind to drive but he hoped it would try and focus his mind. Tara got in the backseat while JJ sat up front with Luke. As he started the engine, he was momentarily halted by JJ’s gentle touch on his tense shoulder. 
“She’s going to be ok.” JJ told him as if she knew this for a fact. But her tone paired with the look she was giving him almost made Luke believe her. 
He nodded, exhaled noisily through his nose. And then he put the car in drive and peeled away from the airstrip, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. 
You watched as Spencer stumbled on his feet as the realisation washed over him. His eyes were flitting between your face and your stomach for what felt like a lifetime. 
When you’d dragged yourself back to the motel armed with your news, you hadn’t expected to tell him in this way. This news was so much bigger than these crumbling four walls. But you also hadn’t expected him to be on the brink of throwing in the towel, ready to give up. You had to give him something to fight for. 
The seconds seemed like hours as he continued to look between your eyes and your belly. Long, painful seconds in which you had no idea what he was thinking or feeling. 
“Say something,” you choked on a sob, hands coming to cradle your stomach out of instinct.
Spencer opened his mouth before quickly closing it again, rolling his bottom lip briefly between his teeth before trying to find his words once more. Again, he opened and closed his mouth, the only discernible sound was a small whimper he let leave his parted lips. His hands were noticeably jittering, his thumb tapping against the side of his thigh as if the rhythm was helping calm him.
You stared at Spencer, waiting for him to speak, begging him with your eyes to say anything, anything other than just staring at you this way. You watched his eyes flit from your face to your stomach and back again several more times before they finally settled on your eyes.
“You’re…?” He croaked hoarsely. “We’re…?”
“Yes.” You nodded, using one hand to wipe the tears that were hindering your vision. “Eleven weeks.” 
He opened his mouth to speak again but this time before he could get any words out he heard something off in the distance. Judging by the way your eyes widened, you heard it too. Your tears fell heavier and Spencer turned back to the window, creeping towards it and cracking the curtains barely an inch. The pitch black desert was lit up by the unmistakable blue halos, somewhere far off but certainly heading your way. The wail of the sirens quickly grew louder as they closed in on the motel. 
“Shit.” He spat, hurriedly pulling the curtains again and turning to regard you. “Shit.”
“This can’t be how it ends.” You held your stomach tighter, even more tears now breaking free. 
Spencer made quick work of crossing the room to you and placing his large hands over your smaller, delicate ones. His own eyes gave away to his fear, and if Spencer was scared you knew to be petrified. Spencer Reid was scared of nothing. 
“I won’t let it, I’ll think of something.” He closed his eyes like that might help him form a coherent thought. 
Wake up, snap out of it. Or you may well never wake up again.
His earlier conviction for his death at the hands of law enforcement had flown out the window the second you’d shared your news. He couldn’t exit this mortal coil in such a way, not now he had a child on the way. He was not leaving his child like his own father had abandoned him. There had to be a way. There just had to be.
It was funny how one simple thing could change his mind so drastically. Spencer had been sure he was ready for where this was heading, ready to stop running, to stop fighting the inevitable. He didn’t think anything or anyone could change his mind. But this wasn’t just about him or you anymore. There was so much more on the line. Getting caught suddenly wasn’t an option. 
The sirens grew louder and he could hear the gravel under tires as the vehicles got closer. The blue light of the flashing beacons bathed the room ominously, he could see it even behind his closed lids.
“Spencer!” You cried, jiggling up and down. “Spencer, do something!” 
His eyes shot open and landed on the timepiece hanging on the wall. As he watched the clock roll to midnight, Spencer knew whatever he did next he had to be sure of. If he wasn’t then the three of you might not make it out of this alive. In a perfect world, you would all get away, but as long as Spencer could secure your safety then he would have to be ok with that. As long as you lived to bring their child into the world he could worry about everything else later. 
But he had to do everything in his power for all three of you to make it out of this. 
“Spencer!” You screamed as the sirens reached fever pitch, tires screeching on the asphalt outside as multiple vehicles came to abrupt stops outside the window. 
The blue light completely encompassed the room, glowing harshly against your skin. Car doors started to slam closed and heavy footsteps on the gravelly parking lot got closer. He was sure he could hear weapons being drawn, sharp intakes of breath as the people outside his room took aim. 
“Spencer Reid, we know you’re in there.” A voice sounded over a megaphone, causing you to gasp in recognition. “Spencer, we just want to help you, please?”
Emily Prentiss’ tone was stern yet held the sadness of chasing one of her own. You looked petrified and that was only intensified when Spencer started smiling. He surprised you when he took off past you back towards the bathroom. Frowning, you quickly followed. 
“What are you doing? Spencer!” You chased after him and found him standing in the bathtub on his tiptoes and toying with a vent above the shower head. 
You watched in confusion as he made quick work of the four screws holding the vent in place before yanking it off the wall and tossing it aside. He turned back to you with a smile.
“You think I didn’t scope out an escape route?” He chuckled, holding out his hand for you which you took as you stepped into the tub. “It’s just big enough for a human body to fit through on their front. It’s a straight path, the vent on the outside is already loosened, I made sure of it. As soon as you’re out, you’re going to run. Run as fast as you fucking can and do not look back. I’ll take care of the rest.” 
“Spencer Reid! If you can hear me, you need to come out with your hands up!” Emily’s voice sounded angrier now and he knew he didn’t have much time. 
“What about you? You’ll be right behind me, right?” You grabbed his face in your hands, cloying to him like he was your only lifeline. 
“Don’t worry about me, princess.” He smiled, bowing his head to capture your lips in a chaste kiss as he placed his hand on your belly. “I need you to focus on yourself and this little one.” 
“Spencer, do not get yourself killed.” You sobbed. “We can’t do this without you.” 
“And you won’t.” He tried to insist, although he wasn’t entirely sure of that fact himself. “Everything’s going to be just fine.”
He kissed you again, this time laced with slightly more passion. Then he took a step back in the tub, bent down and placed a kiss on your stomach. 
“Reid, if you don’t come out in the next sixty seconds we will breach the room.” This time it was Luke’s voice that permeated your momentary solitude. 
“Spencer, I’m scared.” You whimpered when he stood back to his full height. 
“I know. But trust me when I say, everything will be ok.” He wiped your tears once more whilst reaching behind himself with his free hand. 
When he grasped your wrist and placed his firearm in your palm, you gasped, shaking your head frantically. 
“Take it, just in case.” He curled your fingers around it before ushering you towards the vent. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you from behind, closer to the vent opening. You turned your head and placed one last kiss on his lips. 
“I lo…” you choked, quickly correcting yourself. “You’re my partner in crime, Spencer Reid.” 
“And you’re mine. But I promise you I will see you sooner than you think.” He hoisted you higher and you tossed the gun up inside the vent before reaching out and grabbing the ledge. 
He knew it wasn’t a promise he could keep, you probably knew it too, but he hoped it helped in any small way. 
You pulled yourself up with Spencer’s help and wriggled onto your stomach in the small opening. When his hands left your body you suddenly felt desperately alone, wanting to immediately drop back down, fall into his arms and never let him go. 
“Go, Y/N, please. You have to go.” He encouraged you. 
“Thirty seconds, Reid! Don’t be stupid. Come out with your hands up!” Luke’s voice engulfed you both and with a small whimper you started to crawl forward down the vent, leaving half of your heart behind. 
Spencer bent down and retrieved his second weapon from its hiding place inside his boot. He only had seconds to pull off a miracle. If this went wrong he would be killed, or worse, arrested. 
Quickly stepping out of the tub and opening the cabinet beneath the sink he pulled out the large canister he’d stashed under there earlier in the day. It had been his back plan of sorts, if for whatever reason he changed his mind and decided to fight this. And now he was glad he’d had the forethought. This could quite literally blow up in his face. But he had to try, for the sake of his unborn baby. 
“Twenty seconds!” Luke yelled again but Spencer wasn’t perturbed. 
Taking a deep breath he uncapped the bottle and rushed back into the bedroom where he poured two thirds of it onto the strategic pile of clothes he’d left on the floor next to the bed. He walked backwards towards the bathroom, drizzling a trail from the clothes to the bathroom door. 
“Ten seconds!” Luke called once again. 
Spencer dropped the now empty container on the floor and stepped back inside the tub. He manoeuvred under the shower head and clambered up onto the lip of the tub, only just able to grip the edge of the vent opening. 
His hand shook a little as he pointed his gun over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes on his target. One false move and it would all be over. He had one shot to get this right or he would never have the chance to meet his child. 
He curled his finger around the trigger at the exact moment he heard the front door come crashing down and a flurry of law enforcement breach the motel. He took aim, he tightened his grip on the gun. 
He swore as he pulled that trigger whilst desperately trying to pull himself to safety he saw Luke step over the threshhold of the bathroom, seconds before Spencer disappeared for good.
He left his old friend with a smile. A smile that conveyed he had won again. And then the explosion rang out in the small room, wracking the walls as the gas was ignited by the bullet propelled from the chamber. 
Spencer forced himself down the vent as the heat from the rapidly growing fire started to fill the room accompanied by the sound of screams. 
He’d pulled out every trick in his arsenal to make this last escape. He didn’t regret a moment of it, not a single one since starting this crusade. Because everything he’d done had led him to you and your future child. 
The BAU never stood a chance. And his last thought and he pulled himself to freedom was, you’ll never catch us, mother fuckers. 
Feeling you closing in,
Brushing against my skin.
Make you betray your eyes
When I hide in plain sight,
That's just the way I win.
I paved my path,
Somewhere hard to follow.
Outplayed, outclassed,
I said…
Catch me if you can,
I'm gone just like the wind now.
'Cause once I plant my feet,
Taking the lead,
Better believe,
You never had a chance, no.
So catch me if you can.
I pull out every trick,
I don't regret a thing, no.
You're runnin' after me,
Chasing apologies.
When you can't get a grip.
I paved my path,
Somewhere hard to follow.
Outplayed, outclassed,
I said…
Catch me if you can,
I'm gone just like the wind now.
'Cause once I plant my feet,
Taking the lead,
Better believe,
You never had a chance, no.
So catch me if you can,
I only feel at home when I'm on the run,
I only open doors just to pick the locks.
Too busy throwing stones at your fragile thoughts,
I paved my path,
Outplayed, outclassed.
Catch me if you can,
(I'm gone just like the wind now).
'Cause once I plant my feet,
Taking the lead,
Better believe,
You never had a chance, no, hah.
So catch me if you can.
So catch me if you can,
'Cause once I plant my feet,
Taking the lead,
Better believe,
You never had a chance, no.
So catch me if you can.
So catch me if you can.
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@bubblebuttewade @jay-2s-world @daddy-dotcom @nomajdetective @rebelliousstories
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writerslittlelibrary · 7 months
The coolest mom
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summary: you and your mom had always been able to bond over your shared love for motorbikes
pairing: Natasha x daughter reader
warnings: none 
genre: fluff
words: 1020
a/n: This was inspired by a request I got and I just found it adorable! I’ve always went on rides with my dad on his motorbike and it is my favourite thing ever. last year we went on a road trip to Sweden and it was so much fun!
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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Your mom had always been a big lover of her bike. She had always preferred riding her bike over taking her car. When you came into her life that didn’t change, and it didn’t take long before her obsession with motorbikes rubbed off on you. 
You loved going on rides with your mom and you couldn’t wait until you could ride yourself. 
When you were younger you used to be scared when Natasha went faster. You always felt like you would fly off, and that thought scared you. 
However, Natasha was always there to reassure you. When you would wrap your arms around her waist a little tighter, she’d lay her hand on yours to let you know she knew how you felt. Sometimes she’d slow down a bit if that’s what you wanted.
However, now you were older, and going fast was your favourite thing. Riding at high speeds simply made you feel free, and there was no better feeling. 
“Hey mom, we have to go! I’ll miss class!” you yelled through the house as you stuffed your lunch into your schoolbag. 
“One second!” you heard a voice yell back. 
You sighed as you rushed to put your shoes on, knowing it would definitely take longer than a second. You liked being on time. There wasn’t a single occasion where you were not on time. However, Natasha felt a little different about that. 
She wasn’t a late person in the slightest. She was more of a, perfectly on time person. Something that bothered you beyond beliefs. 
“Mom!” you yelled once more as you went to pull your jacket on. 
Natasha walked into the room, putting her jacket over a chair as she reached for her shoes. “Calm down, sweetheart. We won’t be late, I promise,” Natasha smiled gently as she tied her laces.
“You don’t know that, mom. Traffic is terrible at these times,” you explained as you crossed your arms, waiting for your mom to finish. 
“Traffic won’t be a problem,” Natasha simply stated as she reached for her motorbike jacket. 
“Put on your jacket and change your shoes,” Natasha stated as she walked towards the garage, taking your backpack and grabbing her keys on her way. 
You smiled excitedly as you quickly changed your shoes, grabbing your jacket and rushing after Natasha. It wasn’t often that she took you to school on the motorbike, so when she did you were more than happy. 
When you walked into the garage you saw that Natasha had already put on one case on the back of the motorbike. She put your bag into it before she opened the garage, rolling the motorbike outside while waiting for you to grab your helmet and your gloves. 
Once you were all dressed up in your protective gear (because no matter how experienced Natasha was with driving, she would never ever drive herself, or let you drive, without protective gear on) Natasha helped you on the motorbike, starting it and driving it to school.
Everyone at school knew who your mom was. I mean, obviously they did. Their class mate had the actual Black Widow as a mom. 
Of course, Black Widow or not, Natasha was still the coolest mom at the whole school. Nothing beats that feeling of everyone staring while you have the coolest entrance to your school day. 
School itself was boring, to say the least. 
Luckily, when it was finally over Natasha had driven back to school to pick you up, and instead of driving home, she drove the bike to the beach. 
Once she parked it she helped you off, locking the case at the back of the bike to keep your bag safe. 
You took her hand as you walked onto the beach, heading for the beach cafe to grab some hot chocolate. 
“How was school?” Natasha asked as you were walking over the sand, the beach cafe already in sight. You simply shrugged in response. 
“School was school. Some assignments here, some homework there, you know, the basics,” you told Natasha as you kicked some of the sand. She simply hummed in response.
“So what do you wanna eat? We can do dinner at home, or we can grab some fries here?” Natasha asked.
“Can we eat fries and watch the sunset?!” you questioned excitedly, hugging Natasha’s arms and looking up at her with big eyes. Natasha let out a laugh. 
“Of course we can my love,” Natasha stated as she gave you a kiss on your forehead. 
“Go pick out a spot. I’ll order us some hot chocolate,” Natasha said when you arrived at the beach cafe, motioning her head to the soft couch like structures outside. 
You nodded as went to pick the best spot, giving you the perfect view over the ocean, and hopefully, the sunset. 
Once Natasha came back with two hot chocolates she settled into the seat beside you, enjoying the little warmth that the sun still radiated even at this time of day. She sighed contently as you cuddles up into her side, laying your head on her shoulder and crawling as close as you could to her.
“Hey,” Natasha started, nudging you slightly. “You know I love you more than anything in this world?” 
You giggled and blushed slightly, lifting your head to give Natasha a kiss on her cheek. “I love you too,” you told her, laying your head back down and snuggling into her side again. 
After eating your dinner and watching the sunset, you drove home in the nice cool air of the spring evening, enjoying the slight afterglow the sky held as the sun fully disappeared out of sight. 
You wrapped your arms around your mother’s waist just a little tighter, laying your head on her shoulder as she drove through the small roads that led from the beach to the big roads. You knew that you would never feel as content as you did right now. 
(I’m so sorry I feel like this is trash. It’s messy because I didn’t really have a storyline. I promise I’ll have something better for my next fic)
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @simp-erformarvelwomen @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @mxximoffswifey @lorsstar1st
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ivystoryweaver · 6 months
3 Times Jake Lockley Tried to Kill You and 1 Time He Saved Your Life
Part 2 of 5: Gun
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previous || Miniseries Masterlist || Main Masterlist || next
Pairing: Jake Lockley x f!reader
Summary: Jake creates a second chance to get the job done
Or: Will you get a new toy to play with?
Word Count: 1.8k
Content: Read all series warnings on the miniseries masterlist! nsfw, mdni, more below the cut
Part 2: Power imbalance, kidnapping, violence, language, stalking, very extremely dirty gun play, danger, masturbation, not beta'd
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A week passed before you left your penthouse.
Jake’s boss was not a patient man, but Jake convinced him that you were unreachable for a few days, and that he was on it. He sent new surveillance pictures to calm the man down, assuring him he would take care of the problem.
He wanted to wait longer. You were hurt, after all. No way you’d completely recovered from a stab wound, but you seemed determined to get back to your life. Of course, why did he care if you were fully recovered or still hurting if he was only looking for another opportunity to kill you?
Unfortunately, your inept bodyguards Dumb and Dumber added a third. So…Dumb and Dumber and Dumbest?
He only made things worse for himself for letting you live, but you got under his skin, plain and simple.
Another week passed before he could get you alone again, and it took practically 24/7 stalking to find his moment.
So…he had definitely descended into creep behavior.
Time to get this over with.
He found you in the park again, walking instead of jogging this time. Maybe your side still hurt.
The Dummies lingered close by, but Jake could handle a challenge.
He walked right by you with a nonchalant stroll, and pushed a gun into your (not wounded) side, ushering you into his car before your idiot bodyguards could react.
Despite your fantasies about this man over the past two weeks, terror flooded your body as he steered with one hand and held you at gunpoint with his other.
His clean shaven face momentarily distracted you - perhaps his first intelligent decision. He should at least try to hide from your father, and even a slight alteration to his appearance could prove helpful. His strong, sharp jawline and pliable lips made him seem simultaneously more approachable and somehow deadlier.
“Got your present,” he smoothly intoned. The corner of his mouth curled. “Brought you a new one to play with.”
“Okay. Okay,” you gasped, holding out your hands defensively. “If you’re trying to scare me, it’s working, all right? Just…do what you’re gonna do. You're scaring the shit out of me.”
Jake tutted, but kept his eyes on the road. “You really have a death wish, don’t you, Princesa?”
“Don’t call me that,” you spat. “My father calls me that. His princess.”
Probably not a great idea to bring up your father to the man who wanted revenge against him.
Jake held his tongue, driving in silence for another few minutes. Finally he pulled the car into a parking garage and drove down the bottom level, below street level, before turning off the engine and looking over at you.
“How are you feeling?” He asked you with a certain tenderness in his coffee colored eyes, as if he actually might care.
“What? Why the fuck do you care how I’m feeling?” You snapped. “You have a gun in my face and you stabbed me. I feel like shit. Like - terrified, impatient shit, thank you very much.”
“There it is,” he appreciatively chuckled. “I didn’t think one little stab wound would turn you into a damsel.”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” you clapped back, feigning courage. “Shooting someone is a hard crime to cover up. But I’m sure you know that because you look like the kind of asshole who does my father’s dirty work. You really want me splattered all over the inside of this piece of shit you call a car?”
Jake shoved the barrel of his gun right between your eyes. “You’re calling my car a piece of shit? That’s reason enough to pull the trigger, muñeca. We don’t all have daddy’s blood money to buy us toys.”
Despite your feistiness, a loaded gun between your eyes did give you pause. Your lips trembled as Jake dragged the gun down your nose to your mouth.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, tracing the fullness of your parted, panting lips with his weapon. “Shame I have to kill you.”
If someone paid you a billion dollars, you would never be able to puzzle out why you did it: but your tongue darted out to lick the barrel of his gun.
Jake locked eyes with you as you swirled your tongue around the cool metal. “You know how to use one of these, baby?” He purred, pushing the gun into your mouth.
You nodded slightly, body trembling as you wrapped your lips around the barrel, accepting it all the way to the back of your throat until you gagged.
Jake groaned, easing the gun back toward your lips, almost completely removing it from your mouth before fucking it back into your wet, waiting cavern. You started to bob your head, sucking the weapon like a cock, eyes locked on his as he shoved it over and over again…
…to the back of your throat, gagging you, to the front of your lips until drool spilled out the corners of your mouth.
“Good girl,” he rasped, finally removing the offending metal from you completely.
Your lust-soaked panties didn’t prevent you from collapsing in a small measure of relief after your wild but dangerous display. He could have blown your head off, even by accident, and still probably intended to.
“You didn’t answer me,” he chided, using the gun’s barrel to lift your chin back up, forcing you to look at him. “I can see you know how to use that pretty mouth, but do you know how to use this?”
Shaking your head quickly, you wanted to scream as he condescendingly chuckled. “Of course not. You are a princess. Here.” Shoving the thing into your trembling fingers, he made sure to turn on the safety. He reached for your opposite hand, correctly positioning your grip in his gloved hands.
“Two hands, like this,” he instructed. “No action movie bullshit.”
His eyebrows shot up, waiting for you to respond. You slowly nodded.
“It’s loaded, but - " Positioning your finger by the safety, he showed you how to use it correctly. “Safety first. Don’t ever take the safety off unless you have a plan to get rid of a body.”
“Why?” You gasped, your hands dipping under the weight of the weapon as he finally removed his own. “How do you know I won’t shoot you?”
And he smiled. “I don’t.”
“I will,” you huffed, shoving the gun into his chest. “I’ll do it.”
Jake wet his lips, his eyes darkening as he cocked his head to the side. “Take it. You need a new toy to play with tonight, when you’re thinking about me.”
“You asshole - "
“You started this,” he lowly growled, “by sending me that knife instead of giving it to daddy.” His voice dropped an octave as he leaned in, his breath ghosting your lips. “I bet you shove this gun in your pussy the way you let me shove it into your mouth,” he taunted, slowly reaching up to put his hand over yours before pushing the gun down between your legs.
You whimpered, thinking this was it. He was about to shoot you right now.
“Safety’s on, baby,” he leaned in and breathed on your ear, pushing the gun lower until it rested over your panties.
“You’re wet right now, aren’t you?” He taunted, slowly rubbing the gun back and forth.
“Dammit, I knew you were a pervert,” you whispered, unable to muster a convincing amount of guile.
Jake immediately removed his hands, holding them up as if surrendering. “I’m never going to touch you like that until you ask me to.”
“I’ll fucking kill you first,” You growled, shoving the gun back into his chest.
He easily disarmed you, pointing the gun right at your head. “Get out.”
Shit. Shit, this was it. “I-if those are my last words, I can do better.”
He actually laughed. “Get the fuck out.”
He waited until you opened the car door before deftly removing the magazine and tossing the pieces out behind you. “Keep it. Someone’s trying to kill you.”
Reaching over to close the door, he peeled out of the parking garage, leaving you there alone. And armed. Sort of.
“Asshole!” You screamed after him.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
You dreaded your bodyguards questioning where you went and why you suddenly had possession of a weapon. But when they finally got your call, you decided to turn the tables, letting them know that if your father found out you were missing today, on their watch, he would use the gun in your hand to put holes in the backs of their heads.
They left you alone.
You were reeling by the time you got back to your penthouse, but inevitably, nighttime came.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” The smooth velvet of his voice echoed in your head. “Good girl…I bet you shove it in your pussy…”
You weren’t about to shove a loaded gun anywhere in your body, so you left the magazine out and took off all your clothes, sliding under the sheets.
“Take it. You need a new toy to play with tonight, when you’re thinking about me..”
You dragged the barrel of the gun across your hard nipples, just the way you played with the knife. The simple memory of his voice had you soaked already.
“I fucking hate you,” you whispered into the dark, somehow wishing he could hear you as you plunged the gun’s barrel into your dripping cunt.
“Oh fuck…” The metal wasn’t as forgiving as one of your toys, but your pussy clenched and quivered just the same, knowing he predicted you would fuck yourself with his weapon - that he hoped you would.
With two fingers, you circled your clit, wishing you could pant his name as you writhed and fucked down harder, but…
you still didn’t know him.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Jake waited a few days, wondering if you’d send the gun back to him, covered in your juices, but maybe you’d wised up. If you had any sense at all, you’d give it to the police, but he was certain you wouldn’t.
His employer was growing impatient.
And even Jake didn’t understand why he was dragging his feet...except that seeing you sent a thrill jolting through him he couldn't understand.
But time to get this shit done or it would be him at the bottom of the river. The fire in your voice as you snapped back at him like a wounded animal...the memory of the rise and fall of your breasts as you pretended not be afraid of him - the misplaced desire in you to be brave, even though no one in your life cared enough to teach you basic self-defense or how to handle a firearm... You were not the victim here. Your family made victims. He couldn't be your savior.
It was you or him.
So no more games.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Jake Lockley-Centric stories
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dreamauri · 9 months
OP81 fluff? maybe something to do with new years?
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┇𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗟𝗟 𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗞𝗦 ┇ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ ┇when new years celebrations don't go as expected ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( oscar piastri  x  girlfriend! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( fluff )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠word count — ( 560 ) ╰ 🫧  :: ⁠ content warning — ( X )
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( my master list | more of oscar piastri ) ( requests )
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"feel like this was a bad idea." You lean in and whisper to oscar in his ear, cupping your hand over your mouth so the very drunk hostess wouldn't attempt to lip read. Oscar couldn't agree more. The party you were invited to had taken a turn and had become a loud mess of music and alcohol, while led to you and oscar sitting awkwardly sitting on a couch. This was not how you wanted to spend these few minutes.
You had specifically flew over to Oscar because you didn't want him to spend new years alone. And when you were invited to a party from one of Lando's friends, this is not what you had expected. "Lets get out of here." Oscar nodded, taking your hand so you wouldn't get separated on the walk out.
Neither of you had taken a drink so it would've been the default option to take the drive back to where Oscar was staying and spend those last minutes in the car. Oscar himself was going to walk down the ramp to the under ground garage until you had pulled him back from his hand.
"Lets walk for a little bit. I don't want to day to end just yet." The smile that covered oscar's face was one you always found so cute. He held you close walking with you. The city was almost pitch dark with shops closed and buildings with no lights, except for the few bars and clubs of course. Small chats filled the silence between you and oscar. It hadn't been long before you found a kids park.
"As much as I'd like that, i think it's be too soon." "Yeah, but just imagine it," You told him, watching him sit on a swing. "Oscar Piastri, home hero, Wins the Australian Grand Prix in his second season in F1." Oscar shook his head with a small smile, following along with you as you climbed up a slide.
"And we'd kiss after in parc ferme and we can have dinner in my bathtub." "your bathtub?" Oscar scrunched his nose not expecting the detail, a small giggle leaving his lips. He followed you up the play house from the stairs, taking your hand and pulling you in his chest.
"Yeah, you know, with wine and bubbles." Oscar thought for moment. "or us being in close proximity, naked." he added nodding. "Yeah I can see that." he grinned down at you.
Fireworks went off somewhere from behind, lightening up the sky. With a quick check to your watches you were able to conclude that 2024 had begun. "this is actually a perfect way to spend my new years." Oscar chuckled, pocketing his phone so he could lean down and kiss you.
Well, your foot slipped on the slide and in a second you glided down the plastic half tube. And while you covered your face in embarrassment, oscar was crouched down trying to hold in his laugh. the slide wasn't long so you were able to pull the ausie down from his pants. he glided down smoothly, hand over his mouth. "not funny." you poked his chest, climbing on his lap.
"still works though," you couldn't help the smile that came on your face, letting him pull you down for another kiss. Another round of fireworks went off, decorating the sky for you.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 29 days
“Home” for your BuckTommy prompts?
This is quite a cute one I think. Thank you 🩶
They sat in Tommys truck staring around the house across the street.
“I think we found our forever house.”
“I think we did, too, Evan.”
They’d been searching for over a year. In that time they’d gotten engaged and married.
Everybody said that they were being too picky, but they would always disagree. Yes, they had a list of non-negotiables but they also had a list of things they could be flexible about.
It had to have at least 3 bedrooms - that was non negotiable, but the two-car garage with a mechanics pit they could be flexible about if there was enough land that they could build one. It had to have a large yard with enough space for the kids - the 118’s and (hopefully) their own - to play in, and it definitely had to have a large kitchen because they both loved to cook, but it didn’t necessarily need to be on a cul de sac, nor did it absolutely have to have more than 1 floor. It did have to be within an hours drive for each of them to get to work.
They were close to giving up hope until they spotted this house a few days ago.
A 3 storey, 4 bedroom, 2 and half bathroom 1920’s home at the end of a quiet cul de sac. Built by a couple in 1927, and kept in excellent condition by them, and their daughter who owned it after them, who had recently passed away. It was definitely in need of modernising to their standard but it had a large garage at the back of the property with enough space for 2 cars and space to dig out a mechanics pit, 1 full acre of land filled with plenty of trees to build a treehouse in, a huge open plan kitchen diner, and basement big enough to house a gym. And it was almost equal distance to both 118 and harbour station, taking them both roughly 30 minutes to get to work.
Within 24 hours of viewing it they’d put in an offer and hoped and prayed and wished and manifested that it would be accepted.
48 hours later and they still hadn’t heard back from their lawyer. Buck was getting antsy, and the rest of the 118 were getting annoyed about him continually talking about it.
“Did I tell you it had these beautiful oak trees in the yard perfect for us to build a big tree house in?” He said as they drove to a call.
“Yes Buck. And a garage large enough to a mechanic pit.” Hen answered.
“And 3 bedrooms.” Said Eddie.
“And a waterfall shower.” Added Chim.
“Okay I know, I know I keep talking about but.. it’s going to be our forever house. And-and I’m just so excited that we might actually get it. I just.. I can’t wait to grow old with Tommy in it, ya know.” He rubbed the back of his neck a little embarrassed “I have this vision that I keep going back to of walking into the living room and finding Tommy asleep with.. with our little girl fast asleep on his chest.” He looked around the engine at everyone. “Okay you can laugh now know it’s stupid.”
“No, Buck it’s actually kinda sweet.” Chim told him.
“It’s beautiful, Buck.” Bobby added from the front of the engine. “Oh, heads up guys we’re almost there.”
Buck looked out the window and his furrowed his brows.
“What is it, Buck?” Eddie asked.
“I feel like I’ve been here before.. looks familiar.”
“Maybe we’ve had a call here.” Hen suggested.
“Yeah. It’s probably that.” He said, despite the feeling that he had seemed to suggest it was maybe more recent? As the engine turned the corner into the street that contained the fire, Buck suddenly realised where he knew the area from.
The engine came to a stop and he jumped out of down. The fire was blocked from view on the side of the truck they were standing at by an ambulance.
The ambulance drove away revealing the fire and Bucks heart broke.
Three hours later Tommy got out of the shower and checked his phone whilst running a towel through his hair. As soon as he saw the text from Eddie he threw on some clothes, grabbed his keys and ran out of the door.
He pulled into the cul de sac and parked behind the 118 engine.
“Tommy, hey.” Eddie walked over. “How many speed limits did you break to get here?”
“You don’t want to know. Where is he?” Eddie pointed his finger towards a car parked opposite the blackened, smoking remains of the house.
Tommy walked over to Buck who was leant against the side of the car, arms folded and a forlorn look on his face.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He said approaching.
“Tommy? What are you— Eddie texted you didn’t he?”
“Yeah. You okay?” He wrapped an arm around Evan’s neck and pulled him into a hug.
“Yeah. No. I.. It was the perfect house, Tommy. We’ve been looking for so long and I was giving up hope, and-and then we saw this place and..” he stopped himself.
“And what?”
“I actually kinda started to think the universe was listening and given us what we wanted. Like, it knew how happy we were and it knew that giving us our forever home would be the last piece. It’s dumb I know.”
“Hey no, baby. It’s not dumb. You were excited for us - that’s nothing to feel bad for.” He squeezed Evan tight and planted a kiss onto his temple before opening the hug, keeping one arm around his shoulder. They both stood watching Eddie hose down the last remaining hotspots of the building.
All that seemed to be left was the basement and half the 1st floor. Everything else was gone.
“I’m starting to think we’ll never find our forever home.” Evan said, sadly.
“I do.” Tommy said confidently.
“How do you know?”
“Because, Mr Evan Kinard-“ Tommy turned to face Evan and took his face gently in his hands “-wherever we live, no matter where it is, no matter if it has everything we want or nothing at all.. so long as we’re together, it’s home. It will always be home.
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leaentries · 7 months
the moon & its stars | luke hughes
summary: luke “knows a spot” hughes
a/n: i’m so so so so soft for luke right, it’s not even funny. also im sorry if this is inaccurate, i don’t know the geography of new jersey and i don’t want to look it up
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The car ride was bumpy and long. And you were getting frustrated.
Your night began early, since the Devils had a couple days off from their normal activities. Luke and yourself had every intention of staying cooped up in his apartment, wrapped in blankets..or the more appealing option: each other.
However, this didn’t last long as Jack bursted through the door with some of the guys claiming that he had called dibs on the apartment for the night. Luke tried his best to reason, more like argue, with Jack, but to no avail. Instead of sticking around the loud environment, Luke simply grabbed your hand and his keys and walked the both of you to his car.
“Where are we going, Lukey?” Your voice echoed through the empty parking garage.
“Don’t worry, I know a spot.”
You rolled your eyes at his response, “Luke, I’m serious. This is kidnapping.”
He turned to face you as he stood by the black car, “I can’t kidnap you if you’re not a kid, angel.”
“Then this is abduction.” You huffed.
Luke just smiled before placing a kiss on your cheek and ushering you inside the car.
Soft country music lulled in the background as Luke’s hand rested on your thigh comfortably. You watched as the buildings of Newark got smaller, your brows furrowed. Looking at the clock, you noticed you had been driving for at least an hour.
Breaking the peaceful atmosphere, you try to wear down Luke’s resolve.
“Lukey, can you please tell me where we are going. We are completely out of the city at this point.”
Luke laughed, squeezing your thigh lightly, “I promise we’re almost there, angel. Just a few more minutes.”
You groaned, going back to looking out of your window.
Another few minutes passed before Luke pulled up to an empty clearing. You looked around suspiciously.
“Oh my god, you actually fucking abducted me.”
Luke let out a breath, “Would you stop with that, woman. Get out of the car.”
You have him a dumbfounded look, “Out there?” You gestured towards the unknown territory, “I’ll die.”
“Oh for heavens sake, y/n. Come on.” Luke took it upon himself to open your door and help guide you into the outdoors. He walked over to the back of the car and popped open his trunk.
“I found this place one night with Nemo and Holtzy. We were bored and just started driving around. It was actually sort of traumatic.”
He grabbed a red and white blanket out of the car, “Holtz had google maps pulled up, but somehow got it turned around and going the wrong way. Next thing we know my tires’ blown out and we had to pull over here.”
You helped close the car door as you followed him further into the clearing, “How come you’ve never told me this story?”
He shrugged, “Don’t know, I guess I wanted to surprise you one day.”
You smiled at his confession. Even the little things he does is enough to make your insides all warm.
Luke continued a for a short while, before laying the blanket down and plopping himself right on top. He looked up at you expectingly, patting the spot next to him.
“C’mon, angel. I won’t bite.” He smirked at you.
“That,” You laid out next to him, “Is a lie. You have bit me before.”
Luke shrugged once more, brushing off your statement, “The past is the past, baby. Let’s focus on the present.”
“I genuinely dislike you.”
Luke gave you a cheeky smile in return.
He moved to lie on his back, gently pulling your body to lie on-top of him. You snuggled closer to his warmth, taking in the sound of his steady heartbeat and the smell of his cologne.
You closed your eyes for a moment, before you felt Luke’s nose nudge into your hair.
“Hmm?” You hummed out to him.
“Look up at the sky, angel.”
Peeking your eyes open, you looked up. You felt your breath disappear as millions of stars shone back at you in their blazing glory. It was very rare to see a sky full of brightness like this back in the city. You wished you could take a picture, to be able to frame this moment forever. But you knew nothing could bet do it justice.
You were speechless. Nothing you could say or do would be able to show how happy you were in the moment.
“You’re my moon, ya know?” Luke’s voice came out in a hushed whisper, “Something that brings light to the darkness. And helps guide me through the night.”
You sat up as he continued talking.
“I always feel connected to you when I look at the moon. Even when we are apart. Sometimes when I’m back in Michigan, I’ll look up at the moon when I miss you.”
Your chest clenched at his vulnerability. You don’t think you could ever love someone as much as you loved the boy in front of you.
“If i’m your moon, then you’re my stars.” You smiled at him, “Because one is never without the other.”
Luke felt his throat tighten with emotion, quickly pulling your face down to his. The both of you remained there until early into the morning, relishing in each other and the night sky.
The drive home was soft and warm, the glow of the early sun kissing your face. What the night brought had been changing for you and Luke, feeling closer to each other than you ever thought possible.
But, after-all, the moon is never without its stars.
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