#literally as soon as i got through the gates the concert started
bilbao-song · 2 years
i have so many Thoughts following yesterday’s events and i haven’t even gone through my photos properly yet bc tbh i’m still in utter disbelief that the entire thing DIDN’T get ruined. like that’s how close it came
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hawkland · 3 years
Destiel fic recs/what I’ve been reading (round #2)
I promised (eventually!) more fic recs and I figured I’d better do it soon before my list to talk about got TOO long. Also I’m just bubbling to praise up an amazing fic I read last night that literally has given me a fanfic hangover this morning and I need you all to suffer with me.
Starting with that fic in question:
Aria for an Angel (84k) by anyrei, mugglerock. I hurt all over from this one and I command you to do the same.
That said, DO NOT READ if you can’t stand the idea of Cas finding love/happiness with someone else (even if the fic is endgame Destiel). Also don’t read if you can’t stand your heart being shattered by pain before being carefully put back together again. Those warnings aside, this is one of the most stunning fics I’ve read yet in SPN fandom and I’m going to rec it at you no matter what. I’ve been feeling very pissy at Dean lately, as I’m on season 12 in my complete watch-thru, and with how much Cas has been suffering and getting beaten down for, like, SEASONS now. And it got me looking for fics where Cas gets some of the TLC/love/care that he needs from someone else, at least until Dean can get his shit together. Enter Mick Davies. Mick comes to Cas for help with a case that ends up involving a Grigori, and the two grow closer as Cas enjoys spending time with someone who genuinely expresses care and concern for him...but when Dean finds out will he have to choose between the Winchesters, his found family on Earth, and his new boyfriend? And when tragedy strikes, is it too late for a second chance at his first love again?
This story is funny, hot, heartbreakingly sad and just completely wrung me out emotionally. The characterizations totally worked for me, the growth they all went through was the kind of stuff I only wish the writers of the show could pull off. There’s just...there’s so much pain and love and some good stuff with poor Sam and Mary caught in the middle of this shitstorm and I wasn’t sure I could be brought back around to wanting Cas and Dean together in the end, but the authors pulled it off and everything about this story hurts, and heals, in the best possible way.
The rest of my recs in this round-up beneath the cut.
Seek to Know You Better (32k) by ahurston. Season 15 canon-divergence—so no Empty, no rusty nail, but things are relatively calm and settled in the hunter/Winchester world. As such Dean and Cas go on a road-trip together, investigate some minor cases, and gradually open up and really TALK via a “36 Questions That Lead to Love” article Cas finds on-line. One of those fics that just gives you a happy glow inside to read; it feels very believable and the characters have a maturity and adultness to them that just feels right. The little details of all the places they stop for food while talking are a delight, and it’s just the right amount of pining (for me) before they finally get things together.
Purgatory, director's cut (27k) by runsinthefamily. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE PURGATORY FIC (well, in my reading adventures so far.) Written (apparently?) before season 8 actually aired, it takes a very different - and weirdly creative and bizarre - look at what purgatory would be like. And if Cas stuck with Dean through it all.  It also posits that as a human Dean would be “allergic” to purgatory and need Cas’s grace to hold himself together...but the deeper they travel, trying to get out, the more precarious Cas’s hold on his vessel becomes. I love everything about this fic, the weird imagery, the way Dean just...rolls with everything happening to Cas and still loving him because it’s Cas, not his vessel, that’s important.
Grooming Instincts (26k) by jemariel. More wing!kink which...yeah. Gimme all the wing grooming/back massages and weird angel anatomy, please. Cas is grumpy while going through what he describes as “molting” only...it’s a bit more complicated than that. And Dean has no idea what he’s gotten himself into until Cas starts grooming him...and Kevin is able to translate/figure out what’s happened. Funny and hot and just...a yummy happy read with great bits from Sam, Kevin and Charlie for good measure.
Things that Leave Marks (23k) by thestoryinsideme. Canon-divergent from Season 9.  Wherein it takes Dean three years to find Cas after getting kicked out of the bunker. And when he does, it’s apparent he’s been through a lot, and he’s not exactly ready to or certain about going back to life with the Winchesters. This was sad and sweet and fluffy and angsty in all the right ways for a comfort fic read. (Also features Cas the budding artist! I love that idea!)
Wavelength-gasm (11k) by Mumble-Bee. The fuck or die trope gets a very fun twist when it involves needing to fuck an angel in his true form. Dean certainly learns this the hard way! This rec is for all the trueform!Cas-loving freaks like me out there...I’ve certainly never seen a smut fic embrace the weirdness of it all like this one.
Drive Faster Sammy (7k) by almaasi. Speaking of fuck-or-die fics, pray for Sam in this one. He has to listen to Dean helping when Cas gets struck by one (again) and they don’t have time to make it back to the bunker—so things get kind of graphic in the backseat of the Impala.
Love Burns Its Casualties (5k) by anactoria. Beautiful and bittersweet fic set during “The End”. Present-day Dean can’t sleep, and ends up invited by future!Cas to spend what he knows is likely his last night alive with him.  Features casual weed use (if that bothers you), some very hot shotgunning (if it doesn’t), and is just...a wonderfully written atmospheric story that I’ve already re-read several times. (It’s especially a good read when slightly stoned yourself. Um. Not that I’m necessarily advocating for that sort of thing, unless it’s legal in your neck of the woods. Um. Anyway...)
something quiet and minor and peaceful and slow (3.7k) by celeste9. Heaven fic, so don’t read if that’s not your thing. Also don’t read if you’re completely convinced John Winchester is an unredeemable homophobe and terrible parent all around. I, personally, liked this take a lot more as it shows a struggling but not horrible John confused about why this angel keeps popping over, asking Mary questions about what Dean will want in his little slice of Heaven. The title really describes the lovely mood of this little fic and I liked it a lot.
heaven, reconstructed (9k) by vaudelin. Another Heaven fic, more focused on Cas than Destiel (but that is endgame). Goes into what exactly Cas was doing, working with Jack to try to build a better Heaven while awaiting Dean’s eventual arrival. It’s a great fic for world-building (in more ways than one!) in the SPN universe and I like a story that explores Cas’s relationships with others beyond Dean and Sam. I’d add too that as a fan of The Good Place, I just in general enjoy stories that look at the complexity of what actually would constitute a “perfect” afterlife. So imagine Castiel as a TGP architect here if you will (I certainly did!)
The Passion of the Christ (and his angelic ex-boyfriend) (4.9k) by Bzzee. Another heaven!fic, but pure delightful crack. What happens when Dean and Cas run into one of Cas’s ex-boyfriends in Heaven’s roadhouse...who just happens to be Jesus Christ. Dean isn’t too happy with that knowledge (and neither is Judas). Just read it—heresy and all. For a crack fic it’s actually wonderfully smart and wicked.
Can't You Hear It Calling (4.7k) by imogenbynight. A “missing scene” from s8e32 (Sacrifice). Cas expects to never see Dean again once he (expects to, at least) close the gates of Heaven. As a parting gift, he takes Dean back in time to a Led Zeppelin concert...and then a motel room to spend a final night together. As a music lover, the description of the excitement of the concert (and the happy/sadness when the show is almost over) totally hit me in the feels...and it’s such angsty/beautiful smut when they get together.
You're Gonna Live Tomorrow (3k) by MajorEnglishEsquire, microcomets, orange_crushed. Cas doesn’t know a lot about being human (yet), but he does know one thing - he wants to marry Dean. Sweet, sweet happy fluff, just enjoy.
Who's Counting? (1.7k) by Annie D (scaramouche). Just some pure angel-powered delicious smut. Dean learns the hard way, over and over again, that angels have basically no refractory period.
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amesstm · 4 years
Snow Battle
Word Count: 935
Characters: Reiner, Bertholdt, Pieck, Porco, Zeke, Colt, Falco, Gabi, Udo, Zofia
Pairings: Reiner x Reader
Warnings: Zeke going Beast Mode
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Sleeping in was exactly what you wanted to do on a snow day. Given that you had to wake up at 6 am in the morning only to be told that it was a snow day, all you wanted to do was sleep. Your superintendent was cruel like that.
However, soft battering against your room window prompted your eyelids open. Dismissing it as a bird, you shifted to the other side of the bed. Then, another plop rose you from your bed.
Stumbling to your window, you opened the curtains to reveal a winter wonderland. The weather channel predicted at least 1-3 inches, but this looked like a winter storm hit last night. A hollering came from the ground, which belonged to the rambunctious Gabi.
Below, she stood with Falco, Colt, Udo, and Zofia.
“Y/N! Get your butt down here!” The rowdy brunette yelled with a makeshift megaphone made from her hands.
Sighing and rubbing your eyes, you managed a thumbs-up.
Almost slipping on the ice that froze over your front step, you were definitely awake now. The cold air bit at your face, but a spread of warmth flooded you when you saw that the group brought along the older members of your group. Pieck had her classic messy morning bun, Porco looked semi-alive, Zeke was chipper with a coffee in his hand, and Reiner yawned into his hand.
You smiled and walked over to Reiner, raising a hand to brush your hands through his bed head. Soft hair met your hand as he leaned in. With a low morning voice, he grumbled. “Good morning. The kids wanted to make snow people.”
A soft chuckle left your throat, “Of course they did.” The group started walking towards the park. “Did you just wake up?”
“What do you think? Gabi convinced my mom to wake me up herself. Then she proceeded to jump on my bed.” He shook his head in slight irritation, but gave a small smile.
“Sounds exactly like her. So, do you want to make a snowboy?”
“Like the ones on Animal Crossing?” He laughed.
A blush crept up to your cheeks, contrasting the white scenery around you. “Is there anything wrong with that?”
With a look in his eyes that could melt any ice cap, he grinned and kissed your temple. “Not at all. We’ll make sure he’s perfect.”
Once the snowboy was perfect, you decided to build a snow fort. Reiner even built a gate and some cannons on top of the wall. Standing triumphantly, you proclaimed, “This will be Wall Marina!”
“Why?” Reiner asked.
You shrugged, “She’s my favorite villager.”
“Apollo is literally so much better,” he said, crossing his arms.
You were about to protest until Porco called out, “Hey, watch out!”
Bertholdt, trying to escape a snowball thrown by Gabi, accidentally smashed your wall with his foot. The cannons didn’t even stand a chance against this god of destruction. Gritting you’re teeth, you gathered some snow into your hand, patted it into a ball, and smashed it on Bertholdt’s face. “How could you!”
“Blame Gabi!” He screeched, rubbing melted snow away from his face. Then, you snapped your head to Gabi.
“Gabi, there’s always a chance to apologize,” Reiner cautioned, putting his hands out towards you to calm you down.
“No, Reiner. This means war,” you declared. Not missing a beat, Bertholdt took cover behind the remnants of Wall Marina and Pieck tugged at the other three children not to get involved. But of course, Falco jumped to fight next to Gabi.
If this was any other moment, you might’ve gushed over how cute Falco was with his little crush on Gabi. But now wasn’t the time to play Cupid in December.
Porco was already throwing snowballs at Reiner, who was blocking them with the side of his shoulder. Reiner opted to rush Porco and tackle him into the snow. However, the fast boy jumped just in time and landed another snowball on Reiner’s back.
In front of you, you saw Gabi accumulate a pile of snowballs and you took this chance to attack. Unfortunately, you aimed a bit too high and hit Zeke who was walking behind the girl.
With a blank stare towards you, he simply set his coffee to the side and collected some snow in his hands – all while maintaining eye contact. The baseball prodigy spoke in a dangerously low tone, “I’ll put an end to this all.”
Why did you suddenly hear boss music?
“Wait, let Falco leave! He has a choir concert in a few days, he can’t get a cold!” Colt exclaimed, reaching his hands towards his brother.
“Y/N, get behind me!” Reiner yelled, running towards you but then slipped in his attempt.
“I never asked for any of this,” Bertholdt mumbled.
“Children, watch Mr. Yeager win this battle,” Pieck smiled down at Zofia and Udo.
“You had your chances,” Zeke muttered. “But now, it’s my turn.”
Upon his last word, he screamed and unleashed all the snowballs. The first one to get hit was Colt who was sheltering Falco with his body. Then, Gabi got hit in the neck with Porco getting smashed in the head soon afterwards. A snowball, fueled with the fury of a beast, struck you hard in the chest. You fell to the ground out of breath with Reiner soon joining you.
“Reiner, I just want you to know that I love you,” you dramatically exhaled.
He just blinked at you before laughing, “I love you, too.”
Your head lifted from the snow, seeing Zeke about to make a joke before Pieck silenced him.
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calumance · 4 years
And we love being dad cal hoes🥺🥺🥺
           It was hard to keep your excited little girl’s butt in her seat as the plane took off. She had yet to be on a plane, and she knew it was to go surprise her daddy on tour. As much as you tried, she would not sit down, so you held onto her shirt as tightly as you could, making sure she wouldn’t topple backwards and everyone shot you looks. “Mommy, look how fast we’re going!” She jumped up and down in her seat.
           You gripped her shirt tightly and tugged on her enough to stop her from jumping. “I know, baby, we’re going really fast, but baby you have to sit on your bottom.” She finally obeyed and sat down, craning her neck so that she could still look out the window and watch as the ground got further and further away. You reached around her and buckled her seat belt and tightened it tight enough that the little energy ball would not be able to move.
           As soon as the plane leveled out and reached cruising altitude, you pulled out her tablet and her headphones and handed it to her. “Make sure you stay quiet, okay, baby?” She nodded as she put the headphones over her ears and started playing a game on her tablet. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and reread the text message Calum had sent you, telling you how much he missed his girls. Little did he know that in four short hours he’d be holding onto his girls. You smiled at the thought and leaned you head back against the headrest.
           The plane began to descend towards the ground and you took your daughters headphones and tablet from her and slid them into your backpack. She craned her neck to look out the window again and suddenly sat back, her eyes wide. She whimpered slightly and you wrapped your arm securely around her shoulder. As the plane jumped when the tires touched the ground she whimpered, but then looked at you and laughed “That wasn’t so bad!” She said causing you and some other people around you to chuckle.
           Once the plane stopped at the gate, you waited until it was your turn to stand and you threw you backpack over your shoulders before reaching under your daughters armpits and placing her on your hip. “Is daddy going to be waiting here for us?” She asked you, placing her head on your shoulder.
           You shook your head and kissed her forehead. “No, Uncle Ashton sent someone to pick us up. We’re surprising daddy tonight, remember?” Her little head nodded against your shoulder and you placed another kiss to her head. You kept her on your hip as you exited the plane and followed the signs for baggage claim. Once you were at the carousel for your bags, you set her on the ground and held onto her hand, making sure she didn’t run off. She jumped and pointed when she saw your suitcase come tumbling down the metal. You let go of her little hand so you could reach down and tug the bag off the moving carousel. As you pulled out the handle, you grabbed her hand again. “Let’s go find our ride, baby.” She nodded and walked next to you, a smile plastered to her face, knowing she was closer to seeing her dad.
           Just as you stepped outside, you saw a gentleman holding a sign with both your names written on it. Your daughter skipped up to him after you pointed towards him and greeted him, loudly. “You’re going to take me to see my daddy!” She wrapped her arms around his legs and squeezed as you came up behind her.
           “She’s excited.” You smiled at him and he chuckled.
           “I can see that.” He said as he took your suitcase from you and you pulled your daughter off his legs. As he put your suitcase into the trunk, you climbed into the backseat and placed her in your lap, her chest pressed to your chest, since there was no car seat. You wrapped the seat belt around the both of you and she placed her head on your shoulder. Within seconds of the car moving, she was sleep on your shoulder, tuckered out from the excitement of the plane ride.
           When you arrived at the venue, there was already a lot of hustle and bustle going on. “The show has already started. The guys go on in just a couple of minutes.” The driver said as he pulled into the back of the venue.
           “That’s okay, we’ll surprise him from the crowd. Will you take us up front?” He nodded as he parked the car. You poked your sleeping daughter just enough to cause her to lift her head from your shoulder and rub her eyes. “We’re here, baby, we get to go see daddy now.” Her little brown eyes lit up and so did her smile as she started to wiggle out of your lap. “Hold on, hold on.” You laughed, pulling the seat belt off and she scrambled for the door handle. She jumped out of the car and you caught her just before she could run off. “Remember, you have to wear those big headphones to go see daddy play.” She pouted and nodded as she stayed still and waited for you to grab the sound canceling headphones you had bought so the loud music would hurt her ears.
           Just as they were secure on her head, you followed the gentleman who picked you up into the venue. He took you down a few hallways and finally through a door way that lead you into the crowd. As you tried to wiggle your way to the front, the crowd immediately ushered you to the front. If it wasn’t her tiny 5 Seconds of Summer shirt that she was wearing that gave who you two were, it was definitely the fact that she is literally a carbon copy of Calum. You thanked the fans around you and you propped you daughter up so she could see the whole stage.
           The lights went off and the fans started screaming. Your daughter held onto her headphone and looked back at you and you smiled and clapped. The first person to come out was Ashton, and you pointed. She turned her head, her ponytail swishing across you face. Ashton smiled at waved at his favorite niece and then blew her a kiss which caused her to giggle. Soon the other three walked out, Michael gasping and waving when he looked down and saw you. Luke smiled from ear to ear and waved frantically as your daughter waved both hands at him. Calum stopped dead in his tracks, placing his hand over his chest. Even though you were still far away from him, you could see the tears welling in his eyes. “Daddy!” Your daughter screamed as loud as she could.
           He walked up to the front of the stage and reached down to grab her little hand. “Hi, baby girl!” He swallowed the tears and looked at you. As he stood up, he held eye contact with you and blew you a kiss before starting the first song. You danced with your daughter and sang along with all the songs the entire concert. Calum unable to take his eyes off his favorite girls, almost breaking down in tears watching his little girl dance and sing to songs he’s written.
           At the encore, you squeezed yourself and your daughter through the crowd and made your way to the dressing room. Just as her little feet touched the ground she started dancing again, but not quick enough for you to take her headphones off her head. It was only a matter of seconds after the last song ended that the door busted open and Calum scooped both his daughter and you into his arms. “I’m so happy to see my favorite girls.” He peppered both of your faces with kisses earning giggles from both you and your daughter. He held onto both of you for a minute until the other guys came into the room and suddenly she was more excited to see her uncles.
           Calum placed her on the ground and focused his attention back on you. His arms snaked around your waist and his pupils dilated. “How did you do it?”
           You shrugged, “Ashton is really good at keeping secrets, and turns out so is your daughter.” You grinned slyly and played with the collar of his shirt.
           He let out a breathy laugh and shook his head, “I love you so much.” You bit your bottom lip for half a second before his lips crashed onto yours.
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Prudential Centre Saturday:
I Fucked Jungkook!
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I was going through my Journal and found this gem of a memory! Posting on Tumblr so you can all be jealous.
September 29 2018 
Grace asked me last minute if I wanted to go to the BTS show because Ellie couldn't afford her ticket anymore. I wouldn't say I'm a huge KPOP fan but the guys from BTS are pretty fucking hot so I said sure.
The tickets we had were P2s left stage section 18 row 5, not bad but if I'm going to go out I'm going to go big. I told Grace that I think we could do better, I still owed her a belated birthday present so I told her I'd get us upgrades. When we got to Prudential Center I looked for a dirt bag scalper and traded our tickets and $200 for floors.
Once we got in, because it was general admission the front was already packed. So… because I always need to have the best,  I walked up the aisle to the front and chose the most desperate looking security I could flirt with.
The idiot really thought I was into him, which backfired because he just wanted to power trip and keep us there talking to him. Luckily one of the BTS crew was listening in and he came over to the rail to talk to us. I told him I'd do whatever I needed to do to get the best seats. He opened the gate and let us in to the side section reserved for special guests, explaining that this is where the guys would "pick from." So… cool, just flirting got us great seats and the potential to fuck one of the members.
Not going to lie, the concert was great. Even though I would have gladly taken any of them, I found myself watching Jungkook all night.  Maybe because I was fixated on him, he noticed? I swear he kept looking over, flirting with me.
They were doing their endingments when the same security guard who let us in came over. He pulled me to the side and told me that Jungkook wanted to meet me and if it was going to happen, I'd have to leave now.  So.. at this point I basically had to choose between Grace and fucking Kookie??
Luckily I have a pretty cool friend and she insisted that I take the opportunity. As security is leading me away, I look up and he licks his lips and frickin grins at me and nods. Holy Shit it was so hot.
I thought I'd just get backstage and like wait in the dressing room or something but no… there was a process. Security guy walked me through the back tunnels and explained that a car would take me to the hotel by myself. It would raise too much suspicion to leave together so he would meet me there after the show. 
He gave me a key card and a pass and told me to make myself comfortable and just wait. I had to show hotel security my "special pass" to get up to the private level and it just struck me that this was a pretty formulated plan. How many girls do these guys fuck on a regular basis that there is a solid plan like this in place? I mean, I don't really care, it just felt good to be in the running.
When I got off the elevator the staff member waiting explained that I'd need to sign an NDA before they could let me in. So, sure, why not, who'd believe me anyways?
Signed, sealed and delivered to room 913 I wasn't sure what to do with myself.  Should I be naked? What's the protocol for groupie sex? There really wasn't anything to do but wait so I freshened up in the bathroom and played on my phone. There wasn't anything personal in the room but there was a locked adjoining door, which most likely led to his real room.
There were condoms and lube in the drawer next to the Bible. Can you imagine being the staff member in charge of stocking condoms in the boys rooms? What a great fucking job description for a resume. 
He arrived a few minutes before 10, casually entering and grabbing a water bottle he explained that we were going to get in the shower together. He was sweaty and he had to make sure I was clean before, and I quote, "eat your fucking pussy for dinner." 
He walked into the bathroom and took his clothes off and threw them in a pile on the floor. I really don't know when he went from cute kid to fucking man, but he IS all man. His whole body is FIT and his cock is PERFECTION, only slightly embarrassing that he laughed at me staring at him. He got in the shower and asked me if I was coming, because I'm me, I had to say not yet but I hope to be soon. He liked that.
When I got in behind him he praised my body, told me I had great tits and asked me to wash them so he could suck them later. Telling me to relax, we helped each other lather up, you bet I fucking soaped up my hand and pumped his shaft.
Once the water rinsed him off I couldn't resist flicking his tiny nipple's with my tongue, giving them little bites until he moaned. His fucking abs were hard and beautiful and I had to trace them with my tongue.  He was really hard at this point so I got on my knees and sucked him with everything I had. I think I did good? At one point he had to grab the wall to keep himself steady and he moaned, a lot.
You know how some guys warn you...like, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum? He's not that guy, he shot right down my throat and it was a LOT of cum. I didn't want to be the girl who fucking spits so I took it all. Sorry, swallowing cum is fucking gross no matter who it comes out of.
Anyway, he grabbed my hand to help me up and kissed me, like really kissed me. Hand in hair, passionate, tongue kiss kissed me. I'm not delusional but his lips made it feel like he really liked me. 
He put soap in his hand and started rubbing between my legs. His fingers slid over my clit and opened my folds, basically using the palm of his hand to rub me off. He slid his finger in and circled it around, then pushed in another moving his mouth down my neck he started sucking my tits. My God he knows what he's doing.
He was noisy and greedy and he told me he wanted me to cum on his fingers first, his face second and his dick third. So.. after saying that I fucking came, on the spot.
He wrapped his free arm around me so I wouldn't fall while my body was doing that horribly unattractive orgasm spasm. He pulled his fingers out of me and asked if I'd ever tasted myself before. I said no because...do people just do that?? He sucked one of his fingers off and held the other up for me so yeah, I guess I know now.  
He reached down and turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. No towels, soaking wet, he led me to the bed and told me to lay down. I told him the sheets would get wet and his response was that if the sheets didn't end up wet anyway we were fucking doing it wrong. So fuck it, it's his bed right. 
I laid down and he stood for a second looking at me, his dick was twitching back to life again and he stroked himself a few times before reaching down and pushing my legs open. Face and fingers up close and personal he told me that I, or maybe my vagina? was pretty, since that's what he was looking at when he made his declaration, I'm not sure.
His tongue was soft and relaxed and he literally had a make out session with my other lips. You know when you were young and just started to discover the concept of sex, you spent a lot of time making out and it's just dreamy and you float away in bliss at how soft and nice it feels? That, but better.
He took his time and was really really good at it. When I started to moan he switched gears and went full throttle with clit sucking and pumping his fingers in me again. Mission two: Making me cum on his face, achieved. 
He stood up and asked If I wanted some water. Did I tell you how FIT he is. His hard dick just stood at attention against his abs while he opened the bottle and drank half of it. He capped it and threw it to me, like wtf is this, little league? He could at least hand it to me nicely.
He picked up his phone and started playing some music, really good songs that I'm sure were on a playlist titled songs to fuck too. Standing back at the edge of the bed he pumped himself again then reached into the nightstand drawer.
Pulling out some lube he held his cock out in front of him and dripped a line straight down the length. He clicked it closed with one hand and threw it back on the nighstand and began rubbing himself until he was coated.
He moved on top of me flinging my legs open again and pushed himself in. The stretch was so good, I'd take width over length any day but luckily he had both. God, he was wet from the lube, I was wet from… everything, it felt amazing.
He did that romantic thing where he pushed the hair back out of my face and looked me in the eyes and I wanted to fucking die right there. He told me I felt so good and he was going to go slow so it lasted longer, was that alright?  No, nope, no fucking way Jungkook hurry up and get off me so I can leave. Pretty sure I just moaned out a yes please.
He's the kind of guy that likes to kiss while he fucks which makes everything feel 100 times more pleasurable. He asked me to roll over and when I did he looped his arm under my waist and pulled me up so I was on my hands and knees, ughhh his arm muscles. He quickly pushed himself back in and the moan he let out was better than any song I've ever heard him sing.
He was hot and sweaty and his pace was quicker but not hard or rough. He pulled my hair with one hand and grabbed my boob with the other. He HIT so deep and the steady stroke made me cum so hard. He did the wrap and hold again holding me still and telling me not to move, he wasn't ready to cum yet and could I take more?
The man fucks like an insatiable beast and I would be an idiot to say no, so I didn't. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and grabbed a condom from the box, "Safety first!" What a fucking boyscout. Tearing one open with his teeth he rolled it down over his cock, did I mention they were magnum?
He told me he wanted me to ride him so he could watch my tits bounce. I climbed on top of him and sank down as deep as I could go. He closed his eyes while I sat on his cock and clenched around him. BTW, he's the main vocalist for a reason, the moans and noises he made were beautiful and my pussy was drenched listening to him.
I bounced on his cock for a solid 10 minutes before he pulled me down and started kissing me. I made sure to rub my tits across his nipples while I ground him into me and he was whining about how good it felt when I came, AGAIN. He held me tight against him and bucked his hips up hard into me until he came with such force I could feel it fill the rubber. 
I wish there was more, a happier ending where he fell in love with me and asked me to join the tour but that was it. 
We lay there for a few minutes until he told me had an early day tomorrow and staff would make sure I got home. He asked for my number, I'm sure as a courtesy, before he kissed me goodbye, who knows...maybe… Anyway,  best concert I've ever been to. 
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Yoongi Soulmate AU| You switch bodies
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Ah, soulmates. What a wonderful thing they are. Someone that is literally destined to be with you, is the perfect match for you to spend the rest of your life with. The one person you know you can be yourself around and they will love you unconditionally. But the trouble with soulmates, is that at any given moment you switch bodies with each other. And you don’t switch back until you find each other. It could be when you’re kids, it could be when you were well into adulthood. Fate has a funny way of deciding when the time is right. So when you go to bed that night, you really weren’t expecting to wake up in your soulmate’s body. 
You look up at the ceiling, noticing that something feels a little off. The bed under you feels a little more luxurious than you’re used to. As you run your hands over the sheets you realize that they definitely are not yours. You sit up abruptly, taking a look around the room and realizing this is not your room at all. You glance down and look at yourself, now noticing that you are not in your body. You can’t help but squeal excitedly when you realize you are in your soulmate’s body. Well, at least you try to anyway but your voice is much deeper than normal and it more comes out as a yell. You immediately glance around the room for a mirror, feeling really curious about what your soulmate looks like. You spot a door that you think either leads to a closet or a bathroom. You immediately run up to it and throw it open. Holy shit this closet is bigger than my whole apartment my soulmate is loaded. You think to yourself. You spot a mirror in the corner and walk over to it, standing in front of it and literally scream when you see who is staring back at you.
“Holy shit. Oh my god. Yoongi is my soulmate. Min Yoongi is my soulmate!” Your scream seems to have alerted someone as you hear the bedroom door crash against the wall. You turn around and see Hoseok standing in the door way.
“Yoongi?! Are you okay?” 
“Holy shit.. Hoseok...” 
“Yes? What’s wrong with you? You’re acting really weird.” 
“Um.. I’m not-” Just then Jimin also bursts into the room too. 
“Hyung? What’s wrong why were you- Oh Hey Hobi.” You feel so overwhelmed at the moment. Not only have you just found out Yoongi is your soulmate, but all of the other members are seeming to file into the room now having heard the commotion. 
“Listen uh.. everyone I’m not Yoongi..” 
“What do you mean? Did you hit your head last night or something? Are you sleep walking?” Hoseok reaches out and pokes your face and you smack his hand away. “Sure seem to act like him.” Suddenly the pieces seem to click together as Jungkook yells. 
“That’s his soulmate!” They all turn and look at Jungkook in surprise.
“There’s no way..”
“Um hi everyone? My name is y/n.” You shyly wave at them and blush and Jungkook cracks up at seeing your gestures in his Hyung’s body. 
“Awww Yoongi is so cute now!” 
“What are you talking about Yoongi has always been cute.” You scold Jungkook for saying otherwise. 
“Wait are you an army?” You freeze at Jimin’s question, suddenly feeling very nervous about their reaction for your answer.
“Um.. yes...” 
“Well shit this is bad.”
“Why is this bad?”
“Do you have any idea how much damage a fan could do in his body?! We need to find out where Yoongi is and stat.” You’re offended by how quickly Namjoon has seemed to turn on you without even knowing you.
“Okay wait a minute. You don’t even know me so why would you even assume something like that? And the fact that I am a fan of you all means that I deeply care and love every single one of you. I would never do anything to harm your careers or image. You should be thankful I’m a fan and not someone who’s just after your money or fame. Besides I’m his soulmate. You see how wonderful of a person Yoongi is do you really think I would be a horrible human being and be paired with him?” Namjoon’s gaze immediately softens. 
“You’re right y/n.. I’m sorry I didn’t mean that.”
“It’s okay. You’re forgiven.” 
“But anyway I’d really like to get back into my own body anyway.. so anything you all can do to help would be greatly appreciated.” Just then Hoseok’s phone starts ringing. 
“I don’t recognize this number.” 
“Oh! Wait that’s probably me.. or Yoongi rather.” You take his phone and recognize your number. You answer it and put it on speaker.
“Hi y/n! Or should I say Yoongi.” 
“Oh.. hey where’s Hoseok?” 
“He’s right here. I just wanted a chance to talk to you. How you liking things over in my body?”
“You’re um.. very cute. I was actually really happy when I looked in the mirror and saw your face staring back at me.”
“Awwwww hyung that’s so cute!!! Or should I call you Noona?” Taehyung teases. 
“Listen here you little brat when I get back in my own body you’re in for it you hear me?” You giggle at their arguing. 
“What the fuck? I don’t giggle. Shit, that sounds weird.” 
“Well maybe you should do it more often it sounds cute.” You tell him. 
“Also why don’t you have anything to eat in your house? All I can find is instant ramen and you have like 10 dollars in your wallet.”
“Well sorry mister rich and famous we can’t all be millionaires like you.” You tease.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound rude.” 
“It’s okay Yoongi, I’m just messing with you.” 
“By the way y/n..” 
“I really appreciate all these photos you have of us hanging in your room. And my photo card in the back of your phone case. So I take it I’m your bias then right?” You blush and groan as you remember all of the BTS Items you have sitting in your room right now, on top of all of the merch with Yoongi’s name on it. “Oh, wait what’s this? A sweater with my name on the back, a hat with my name on it.. And-”
“Okay! Okay I get it yes Yoongi you are my bias. You have been since the start please don’t go through my things.” 
“I won’t. I promise. Just wanted to tease you a little bit and show you what it feels like is all.”
“You both are so cute together it’s disgusting.” Jin retorts. 
“Alright so! Anyway, everyone can we figure out how we’re going to get Yoongi over here please? Because I don’t exactly have a thousand dollars to get on a plane to come to South Korea.. or rather Yoongi doesn’t.. God this is so confusing.” 
“Guess you’ll just have to come to me then huh?” 
“I can do that. Right?” You glance around the room, uncertain if they had any concerts or schedules coming up.
“Well, I mean we did have a photo shoot today but I think focusing on getting Yoongi back here needs to be top priority.” You nod at Jimin, agreeing with his words. 
“Well, then I guess I’m getting on a plane then.”
“Sounds good. I’ll see you soon then y/n.” 
“See you soon, Yoongi.” You glance around the room at everyone, suddenly feeling nervous that all eyes are on you. “Um.. do you all mind leaving me alone for a little while to pack? I need to get ready and mentally prepare myself for all this..” They all nod and leave the room, wanting to respect your privacy. Everyone leaves except for Hoseok who stands there awkwardly shuffling his feet back and forth.
“Hobi? Is everything okay?”
“It’s just.. I’m really happy that Yoongi has you now. He doesn’t always show it but.. I think he was beginning to wonder if he was ever going to meet his soulmate and it was really starting to get him down. I can only imagine how happy he is right now and I just want to thank you. And tell you that I hope you’ll take good care of him.”
“Aww Hobi come here!” You cross the room to where he is and hug him tightly. He hesitates for a moment before hugging you back.
“This feels really weird. Yoongi hardly ever hugs me.” You laugh and pull away apologizing. 
“Do you want to help me pack? I don’t know where any of his stuff is..”
“Sure! I’d love to.” Hoseok helps you pack up your suitcase while you recruited Namjoon to get you on the soonest flight back home. You’re all packed up and ready to go when Namjoon comes in and announces your flight is leaving in an hour. You rush out the door with Hoseok to head to the airport. He had offered to ride with you so you wouldn’t need to be by yourself. He walks you over to the gate, wishing you good luck and giving your hand a squeeze before you begin to board. You text your number from Yoongi’s phone, letting him know it’s you and you’re leaving now. You’re surprised when you receive a video message back. You open it and put your headphones in as the plane is taking off to help distract you. 
“Oh wow. You got a flight that quick. I’m really excited now. I really can’t wait to meet you officially. You seem like a really sweet person. And you’re absolutely beautiful. I couldn’t believe when I woke up and looked in the mirror I was thinking, holy shit how did I get so lucky? I can’t wait to get to know you better. I asked Namjoon to transfer some money into your account so I am going to go to the store and get some stuff to cook you a nice dinner. Ah, I’m not good with this kind of stuff but.. I really was beginning to wonder if I even had a soulmate. You came into my life at just the right time and I want to thank you for that. Have a safe flight. I’ll be seeing you soon.” He waves and blows a kiss at the camera and you smile widely, setting the phone down and deciding to take a nap before you land. 
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Your flight went smoothly. You had texted Yoongi to let him know you were on your way to the house now and should be there in about an hour give or take depending on traffic and airport security. You’re standing outside your door. You don't know why you knock, it’s your own house. But you stand there waiting anxiously for Yoongi to come to the door. When he opens the door and your eyes finally meet you feel an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach. The world goes dark only for a moment and now suddenly you are staring back at Yoongi. 
“Am I back in my own body now?” He asks. You nod your head. 
“You wanna come in? You offer.” 
“I mean I’ve kind of made myself at home the past few hours but sure.” You giggle and step aside allowing him in.
“That giggle sounds much better coming from your voice.” You blush and continue with him into the kitchen, mouth watering at how delicious the food smells and looks.
“Wow.. Yoongi this looks amazing!” 
“Only the best for my soulmate.” You turn around and throw yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly around the waist. 
“I can’t believe this is actually happening.” 
“It almost feels too good to be true.” He kisses the top of your head, but you want his lips elsewhere. You place your hands on either side of his face. 
“Can I kiss you?” You ask, not wanting to rush into anything that might make him uncomfortable. 
“Please..” You feel like the world is moving in slow motion as you move forward and finally, press your lips against his. It’s a quick peck at first, testing the waters and seeing how it feels to finally be kissing your soulmate. You pull away but Yoong immediately latches his fingers in your shirt and tugs you back into him, kissing you more passionately this time. He deepens the kiss and backs you into the counter, caging you in with his arms. Your breath is quickening and your pulse is thudding rapidly in your chest as he move his tongue along the bottom of your lip. You don’t hesitate to open it and allow his tongue to explore your mouth. He moves away after a few more moments, needing to catch his breath. You move in to kiss him again and he chuckles at you, kissing your nose instead. 
“Ah, you gotta give me a minute baby. That was.. wow..” 
“I haven’t felt anything like that in my life.”
“Me either. Who knew kissing your soulmate could feel like that?” He kisses your forehead and then dishes out dinner for the two of you. You sit down on the couch facing one another and talking about everything so you can get to know each other better. At the end of the night Yoongi stands in the kitchen, unsure if he should ask to stay with you tonight or get a hotel. You move to go towards your bedroom and turn around when you notice he isn’t following you.
“Are you coming?” He smiles and walks after you. You both settle into bed, laying side by side with your hands linked in the middle. 
“So what are we going to do about tomorrow?” 
“Ah, well I have to go back to South Korea but I wanted to know if you would come with me..” 
“You really want me to go back with you?” 
“Yes.. I don’t, like I know you’re my soulmate and all but we just met and I don’t want this to sound weird but the thought of just leaving after meeting you makes my chest hurt.” You bring a hand up over your heart, you’ve been feeling the same way.
“It’s not weird.. actually I have been thinking the same thing I just wasn’t sure how to ask you.”  He sighs in relief, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it.
“That’s a big relief. Wow okay. Great. So tomorrow I can buy you a plane ticket and we can go back together. You can officially meet all the members too!”
“I already met them though.” 
“Yeah but, you met them as me that’s different..” You giggle and roll over onto your side so you can lay on his chest. 
“That actually sounds lovely, Yoongi.” You both get quiet after that and you’re just about to fall asleep when Yoongi’s voice makes you perk up.
“I still can’t believe I got to meet you..”
“I should be saying that to you. Why were you so certain we weren't ever going to find each other?” Yoongi grows quiet next to you. “If you don’t want to talk about it that’s okay too..” 
“Ah, no it’s just.. A really good friend of mine never experienced the switch. He believes his soulmate is no longer living and it just terrified me that the same might be the case for me since I was waiting so long.” You turn to face him and he does the same, reaching your hand out to cup his face as you lean in and press a light peck to his lips.
“Well you know, fate has a funny way of knowing just when you need your soulmate the most. I think we both came into each other’s lives at the right time.” 
“I think you’re right y/n.” You roll onto your other side and he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. 
“Can I ask you something Yoongi?”
“Of course baby.” 
“How many times did you look at me naked?” You feel him move and suddenly a pillow is repeatedly being whacked onto your shoulder. You burst out laughing as Yoongi throws the pillow to the side and starts tickling you mercilessly. 
“You’re such a brat you know that!”
“It’s a completely valid question!” 
“I would never disrespect you like that.. but for your information it was only when I had to change out of my pajamas okay?” You chuckle at him and kiss his forehead, settling back down into bed. 
“I was just teasing you.” 
“You’re insufferable.” 
“But you’ll grow to love me.”  The fond look that washes over Yoongi’s features makes your heart race.
“Yeah, I think I will.”
398 notes · View notes
chaos-and-recover · 5 years
Let’s all hug it out and not stress about  getting tickets tomorrow
Hi! I know we’re all hype as hell about My Chem being back and also anxious as fuck about the North American tour going on sale tomorrow, but let me tell you a few things, based on two decades of buying concert tickets and 14 years of selling them, including 4 at one of the arenas they’re playing on this tour.
1. There are no presales*, and that’s great for us.
Most tours these days have at least a fanclub presale, some have fanclub and LiveNation and Facebook and credit card restricted (think Amex Front-Of-The-Line or Citi card) like 4 different radio station presales. Each of these presales has an allotment of tickets, which takes away from what’s actually available by the public onsale. They also create more stress for us, and usually aren’t even all that exclusive if you know ANYTHING about the band (the passwords are so, so often just the name of the latest album or the name of their biggest song, try it for your favourite band next time, you’ll be surprised how often it works). But there aren’t any* for MCR! And that’s excellent! We’re looking at full capacities (minus various contractual holds) being available starting tomorrow.
*Not including PSL offers for certain season seat holders for whichever NHL or NBA team plays in that venue. Mine offers some premium season seat owners to purchase their seats for concerts ahead of the general public, but only premium seats, and only some, based on their season ticket contract and whether that’s grandfathered into it. 
2. It won’t sell out immediately. They’ll tell you it will. Don’t believe it.
Tomorrow, once you’re in Ticketmaster and have gone through the queue, you  might get a page that tells you there are no tickets available. Do not exit Ticketmaster. Refresh the page! Once you’re through the queue, you will actually have a certain number of re-directs you’re allowed before you’re kicked back into the line. No tickets available do not mean they’ve all sold, it means a) there’s a problem with the site (lol) or b) they’re all in other people’s carts. Not all of those people will complete their sales. Cards get rejected. People forget passwords (for the love of GOD log into your TM account before you do ANYTHING. Make sure your card info is up to date and that you have enough money on it. Save yourself the disappointment). Carts timeout and systems crash. Sucks for those people! Now their tickets are back out there for you.
The radio and news and social media is all gonna say “Sold out in 3 minutes!” This is a bold-faced lie. I recently bought tickets during a presale after spending about 5 minutes in the queue, completing my sale 10 minutes after the presale opened, and then hearing for DAYS about how the presale sold out in 90 seconds. Obviously the fuck it didn’t.
Speaking of the queue, I can only imagine you’re gonna get stuck in one tomorrow. If you don’t buy a lot of tickets or haven’t bought a ticket to a high-traffic show in a minute, you might not know what the queue is. It’s a virtual system for managing traffic to the Ticketmaster site so their servers aren’t overloaded. If you click Buy Tickets before noon, you’ll get sent to a virtual waiting room. At noon, the queue will open and you’ll be randomly assigned a place in line -- it literally doesn’t matter when you join the waiting room. You could get there at 11:59 and end up closer to the front of the line than someone who went on as soon as the waiting room opened (usually 1/2-1hr before on-sale). Don’t stress about it.
3. Don’t panic and fuck up your purchase
If you get tickets you want, you have like 10 minutes to complete your purchase. Doesn’t sound like a lot but, honestly, it is. Just go slow. Make sure you fill everything out properly. Better yet, if you have credit card information saved on your TM account, it’s even faster. Keep an eye on that lil clock in the corner, but take your time.
And don’t waste your money protecting your purchase, it’s almost impossible to get a refund through that if you can’t go, don’t bother. Just sell your tickets.
4. On that note, don’t buy third party
It’s possible that I’m wrong and it’ll sell out (or appear to sell out) in a matter of minutes. Don’t go running to Stubhub or Seatgeek or Viagogo or wherever else the kids are buying tickets these days. Your seats are not guaranteed. They aren’t ‘yours.’ You might get turned away at the venue because someone else came with the same tickets and already went inside, or the owner transferred them to someone else after you bought them and now yours aren’t valid. Usually, when you buy a concert ticket on a third party site, what you’re getting is a PDF that the original owner downloaded and then posted. They still have full control over the ticket and they can do that as many times as they want, or transfer it out of their account. Whoever’s name is on the account in the primary ticketing system is who owns that ticket. It won’t matter to the venue staff how much you spent or where you got it. If your name isn’t on the account they can see, they can’t help you.
You’re also gonna be paying exorbitant markups, and I very much do not recommend that. Every few years someone tries to find a way to keep scalpers from getting tickets, and it never works. The only way to stop ticket brokers and resellers is if people just stop fuckin buying from them. So don’t do it.
But if you must go third-party, insist that the seller transfers the ticket to you through Ticketmaster (or LiveNation). Do not buy from some rando on Facebook or whatever who won’t transfer it. On that note, be skeptical of randos on social media selling tickets because they “can’t go.” Check event pages for other dates, or other events in your area. I guarantee you’ll find the same names offering tickets for sale because they can’t go. Don’t buy from them.
Buy Verified Resale through Ticketmaster if you have to, but because then the ticket is transferred to you and you’re protected (you can still get turned away if the original account was flagged for fraud, but you’ll get your money back). You’ll still be paying absurd markups plus higher-than-normal Ticketmaster fees. Don’t let ‘em get you twice.
5. Be patient. “Sold out” never means sold out.
Here’s a tip that’ll come in handy for every show you go to for the rest of your life: We, as box office staff, can almost never use the phrase “sold out.” We’ll tell you there are no tickets available, but not that it’s sold out. Because it isn’t. So if you can’t get tickets tomorrow, or even just can’t get seats you’re happy with, don’t run to the third parties. Just relax, be patient, be happy for your friends who did get tickets, and then bide your time.
Tickets, sometimes entire sections worth of them, are held back from sale all the time. Some of those are for guest list, radio contests, promotions, and whatever else. If they’re not used, they’ll go up for sale, because why not get the butts in the seats? There are also production kills that are held back until the tour actually goes into production, sometimes right up until load-in when the roadies start building the set and then the promoter realizes, oh shit, that section right on the side there? It’s not actually blocked! It’s got a killer view! Let’s sell those seats! 
I’ve scored some of the best seats I’ve ever had at big shows the day before.
They’re always really conservative about what gets put up for sale because it’s easier to sell them later than to find relocations for seats you sold and then realized they’re obstructed (ask me about the nightmare that was Maroon 5′s last tour some time (:)
Artist tickets probably won’t get released until, like, an hour before gates open, and I’d be surprised if many shows had any left since everyone and their uncle will come crawling out of the woodwork asking for tickets, but you never know. 
tl;dr, don’t get too worked up over the on-sale tomorrow. Be patient. Be  calm. We’ll get through this together, and we’ll all be able to see My Chem without lining the pockets of rich-ass ticket brokers.
114 notes · View notes
“In the eye of the storm” ◊◊◊◊ a post-Frozen 2 fanfic ◊◊◊◊ CHAPTER 6: All hail
There was no doubt. Elsa kept turning the crown between her fingers, and it was indeed her sister’s. Why was Anna’s crown lost in the middle of nowhere?
A flash of her younger’s coronation came to her eyes, smiling as she held the orb and scepter. It got layered with a vision of Anna suffering, and Elsa winced. She lost her balance, almost falling in the mud.
Her blood turned cold, and it wasn’t just a metaphor. The magic glow in her hand turned in a higher shade of blue, and the big ice snowflake she was making float above her palm was getting brighter and brighter, but also colder and colder. The air around it started to turn to smoke. The rain passing near her skin turned to snow before touching the ground.
The blonde’s breathing hitched, and she was staring at the crown in her hand like she was facing a ghost.
“Anna...” She moaned, her eyebrows twisted in a devastated expression.
Rask suddenly neighed, warning her of the sudden cold on the path and taking her out of her reverie.
The Snow Queen startled, and shook her head.
“No. No, this can’t be true. You can’t be...”
Even by whispering, she couldn’t say the word. She gulped, and stood up. With a trembling pace, she walked back to her horse, and was about to climb on his back.
However, when she touched the back of Rask’s neck to get up, the stallion neighed in fear, the touch being extremely cold.
Elsa gasped when she understood and apologized right away. She took a step back and tried to calm down her breathing. However, her twisted mind kept imagining a hundred sad ways Anna could have lost her crown here. She squeezed her eyes shut with a groan.
“Stop it. Stop it!”
Her fists clenched in anger at herself, and in the process, she crushed the glowing snowflake. It turned to ice dust that fell to the ground, plunging the path in darkness again. In her other hand, however, she felt the hard steel of Anna’s crown, and the tips ornated with crocuses pricking her skin as she clamped it. Elsa stopped at the pain – both physical and psychological – that it procured her, and looked down at the object, her gaze lost in the rain.
She remembered that, on the first day she had seen the crown, she had admired how the color of its green enlightened Anna’s eyes. She remembered that, when Anna had lifted her head after she crowned her, her gaze had descended from the crocuses of steel to the teal blue eyes just as powerful and solid of her little sister, staring right back at her. In that moment, Anna simply was the most beautiful Elsa had never seen, and she actually didn’t watch her long because she then saw blur due to the tears filling her eyes. Hopefully, she had blinked them away and continued the ceremony, supported by Anna’s touched smile, and later the claps of all the people present in the chapel.
Another thing had hit Elsa that day at Anna’s coronation; she knew instantly, by staring at those unique eyes, that her little sister would be the most amazing person she had ever seen. She would fight for what’s good, she would always be open-minded, she would always turn danger away, but also, she would never ever surrender.
Elsa’s gaze lifted up. Her eyes were determined now. Anna had to be safe. Somewhere.
She approached Rask, gently stroking them in excuse and care, and once the horse snorted, she climbed on his back.
Slamming her ankles against his flanks to send the stallion into gallop, she prayed for Anna to be safe in Hitiheimr, holding her crown close.
Elsa quite literally barged into the kingdom. She had come to Hitiheimr in the past when she was Queen, so she knew where to head to the castle’s gates. Hopefully in that sad downpour time, nobody was in the streets, and as the castle had no ramparts, she got to the entrance really quickly. She hesitated between jumping off Rask and running to the doors, or gently putting the horse in the stables. When she saw the armored guards walking to her with voulges, their helmets and plastrons shining in the light of dawn, she preferred to go for the second option.
Elsa hoped down the horse, and was about to run to the stable boys. The stallion neighed to get her attention. She twirled around, because he sounded like he warned her that she forgot something. She followed Rask’s nod and saw that she was covered with mud from her feet to her tibias, not being very white anymore.
With a gasp, she cleaned herself in a burst of scrubbing snowflakes, and the heavy rain did the rest.
“Thanks, Rask.”
The Arendellian horse neighed.
It attracted the servants’ attention, and they came to her as she entered the stables. She explained the situation, and soon the guards came to her because they thought she was a thief – and very indiscreet one, remarked one of them, for she was entirely dressed in white with a clear blue ice armor. Elsa presented herself and summarized the urgency, then took leave and went to the castle’s heavy portcullis.
Hitiheimr’s castle was more medieval and had rounder shapes than Arendelle’s. Its stones were brown and black, and it had several towers, which gave it a haunted aura in the grey early light of day, though Elsa truly didn’t care. She explained her venue to the guards on the other side of the grid. They opened it up for her in a concert of metal chains and grunts, and the portcullis was barely one meter high off the stone that Elsa slid underneath and ran past them. Confused, they looked at her make her way through the courtyard, and into the castle.
The interior was way less lit than Arendelle’s corridors, due to the lack of windows and the use of fire torches on the walls as mere light. Elsa knew that this was an advantage and meant that the castle’s walls were thick and more apt to block invaders, but in that time, she was begging to see better. Her panicked steps led her into every corridor, her eyes scanning every face searching for Anna. There were a lot of people between the royals, their politicians, and the Hitiheimr staff. Elsa couldn’t help but frown at the crowd. Weren’t they supposed to be in a meeting? Did it end already? No, she could tell they were all waiting, and that nothing had started yet.
At a corner, Elsa’s gaze was attracted by a cascade of fiery orange on her right, and thought it was the flame of a torch. However, she then turned her head again and realized that this flame was at her height, and it was talking with a black man who looked exactly like... Mattias.
She had yelled her name with all the force in her lungs, and it echoed against the stones of the walls. Many persons turned around, but once again Elsa didn’t care at all.
As she ran at full speed to her sister, the redhead followed Mattias’ shocked stare and turned around, just in time to have a bright white thing grabbing her arms with full force.
A very noisy bright white thing.
“What the—”
Elsa was checking every inch of her body, palpating her arms, legs, face, and so on.
“Sweet goodness, Elsa, yes, I am. What are you doing hhhh—?”
Elsa only needed for her sister to say the word before hugging her tight and burying her face in her neck. The air got ripped from Anna’s lungs at the force of the embrace. It wasn’t the most powerful she had ever given her, but it definitely entered the top five.
She tapped her elder’s back like she was stuck in a wrestling match. The blonde parted the hug, and she gasped as she could finally breathe.
Anna held to her sister’s shoulder, the other hand on her chest, panting as she retrieved oxygen.
“What in Odin’s name...”
“Hello, Mattias.” Smiled Elsa.
The man blinked at her sudden happiness, probably due to know that Anna was safe, and he awkwardly bowed.
“G... Good morning, Your Highness.”
Elsa returned to inspecting Anna’s state, her fingers checking her neck. “Are you sure you’re not hurt somewhere?”
The redhead swatted her hand. “I’m fine! Will you please tell me what the heck you’re doing here?”
The Snow Queen let out a long exhale, the effort and panic that held to her during the ride finally slipping out.
“I had to make sure you were okay.”
Anna blinked in bewilderment. “Well, I am, but now I’m starting to think that you aren’t. Are you feverish again?”
“No! I’m perfectly healthy!”
Everything in her behavior stated the opposite. Elsa had messy hair, and she had just soaked Anna with her hug because of how much rain she still had on her.
“When did you arrive?” Asked Mattias, surprised nobody warned of her arrival the day before.
“I just did. I’m coming from the stables.”
Two pairs of eyes widened in front of her.
“You traveled by night?” Exclaimed the general.
Anna frowned.
“Then where’s your...”
She then realized that of course, Elsa wasn’t accompanied by any guard.
“You came alone?!”
The Snow Queen genuinely couldn’t see where the problem was, and got intrigued by their expressions. “Why, yes.”
Anna massaged the top of her nose.
“Okay, now... How to phrase that politely... ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND?”
Elsa startled at the shout, and Mattias urged to quiet her. Some leaders turned around at the sound, and exchanged some commentaries.
Anna pushed the soldier’s arm.
“Are you— Stop it, let me talk to her. Are you aware of how stupidly dangerous it is to have come to me and done such a travel?”
Elsa was about to reassure her softly, however she actually frowned and grumbled.
“Oh, so when you go, it’s the safest path in the world, but when I go, it’s perilous?”
Anna replied with as much force, and the two sisters fought out loud with sharp arguments.
“Please, don’t quarrel again...” Insisted Mattias, his jaw clenching.
He addressed a sorry gesture to the people watching them. The sisters were fully sending each other’s aggressive remarks now.
“Your Highnesses, you’re making a scene. Please stop.”
Elsa finally was the one who paid attention to the general and his worry, so she forced the redhead to quiet down.
“Anna. If I risked my life like that, it was to make sure you were okay. But now that I know you are, I’m infinitely relieved and happy.”
The Queen pouted. Elsa kept going.
“I couldn’t sleep at night thinking you were out there, maybe trapped in this storm, and we didn’t receive any missive...”
“The messengers are all busy traveling the country to get information from the Southern Isles.” Stated Anna, thinking out loud.
Mattias nodded.
“That explains it.” Understood Elsa.
Then she frowned. “Wait, the Southern Isles?”
Anna waved her hand to dismiss the discussion. “We’ll come back to it later.”
Elsa sighed, actually retrieving her normal breathing only now.
She looked at her sister with a smile, and hugged her tight. This time, the hug was slow and tender. Mattias smiled at the scene, and Anna closed her eyes as she embraced her elder warmly.
The blonde inhaled Anna’s scent to calm herself down, and when she passed a hand in her long hair, she realized something.
“Oh, wait.”
She parted from the hug and Anna lifted a curious eyebrow. Elsa noticed that she had been crying a bit, but looked down to the clear blue satchel made of ice fabric that she had crafted at her waist.
She took out Anna’s crown, and it shone at the light of the torches suspended on the walls.
“I think this belongs to you.” She announced, half gently and half sarcastic.
She handed it to her sister. Anna’s eyes went big as she gasped in surprise, the bright crown reflecting in her pupils.
“Oh my gods, there it is!! I’ve been looking for it everywhere!”
Even Mattias seemed impressed and relieved at the vision of it.
“She had searched for it all day yesterday, we had started to lose hope.”
Elsa stared at them. “Wait, so nothing happened? No accident? No aggression? Nothing? You just... Dropped it in the mud?”
“I had the very bad idea to put it in the back pocket of my orange bag. You know, the one with the hole at the bottom that I keep forgetting to sew? The question was: when did the crown fall?”
Elsa blinked disconcertedly. “Are you serious?! Why do you still have this bag???”
Anna pouted. “Because it’s pretty!!”
Elsa buried her face in her hand.
The redhead then frowned, looking at the item in her fingers. “Wait, you found it in the mud? Then why is it so clean?”
She inspected it. It was shining brightly, like the day she received it from the blacksmith and tried it for the first time. She turned it between her fingers, and blabbered in amazement.
“Wha— How? It looks brand new!”
Elsa followed her gaze. “I had to keep my hand busy on the way to not freeze the reins of my horse, and not hurt him. So I focused on twirling it in my hand again and again. I was a bit fidgety...
“But I had it for more than ten years. Like, I know there was a rust spot here. It’s not just cleaned, it’s...”
“Oh, yes. With the Northuldra, I’ve come to learn how to maintain metal, especially metal blades after hunt on old rusty knifes. Almost all of the Sami people carry a knife. I just used my magic to polis it. With the right amount of vibrations by condensing billions of snowflakes... What?”
She noticed that Anna had been smiling deeply at her words.
“What did I say?”
“Nothing. Nothing more nerdy than usual.” Grinned the redhead.
“So you really came here on a horse?” Intervened Mattias.
Anna turned to him comically. “That’s the part that surprises you?”
The sisters chuckled, and after admiring it some seconds again, the Queen lifted the crown and put it back in her hair.
Elsa smiled tenderly. At last, everything was back to normal.
“Thank you so much for bringing it back to me. It could have been lost forever.”
“You’re welcome. I wasn’t going to keep it for me anyway...” She joked to chase her emotion.
Her younger stared at her, and she could tell that Elsa was still affected by the haunting thought that Anna possibly didn’t make it to the kingdom.
A memory of her voice echoed in her mind. ‘If I lost you, I think I’d lose myself.’
She bit her lip and held Elsa’s hand in hers firmly.
“Are you hungry? We can ask to get you something.”
“Yeah, actually, I didn’t bring anything for the travel, and the emotion starved me, so...”
The Queen shook her head. “Why doesn’t that surprise me. I’ll ask for Hitiheimr servants to get you the same things we got for breakfast.”
“If that doesn’t make you late for the meeting... But it is my understanding that you won’t start until the King of the Southern Isles has arrived, isn’t it?”
“Yes, exactly.”
A silence passed.
“You’re very tempted to make an allusion to Hans, uh?” Guessed Anna, grinning.
“Very. But it’s his brother, so I’m not going to.”
The redhead nodded.
“It’s the occasion for you to take a break. For me as well, I have to admit. You gave me such a fright when you appeared...”
“You definitely both need it.” Advised Mattias, smiling.
His gaze then went to Elsa. “And if I may, I think you’re in great need of a towel as well.”
“I’m fine.”
Anna winced, looking at her from head to toe. “I’m not. It’s the second time in two weeks that I see you running to me completely alarmed and drenched. Please do your floaty water thing before I have a cardiac arrest.”
“Got it.”
Under Mattias’ wide eyes and dropped jaw, Elsa closed her eyes and focused, taking the raindrops out of her ice and snow clothes and hair. They flew and vanished in the air, then she passed a hand in her short spiky bangs to add an aesthetic layer of ice.
“Heavens, that is amazing.” Muttered the general.
The few royals who had witnessed the scene in the corridor almost fainted at the sight.
“Let’s get you something to eat.” Smiled Anna. “Mattias, you can close your jaw.”
The soldier smiled as the two sisters walked away, and he followed. So Elsa had made it all the way here only to check that her little sister was alright... They both had traveled the distance from Arendelle to Hitiheimr for two very different reasons and goals. Yet they shared the same motivation.
He discreetly chuckled. They truly were one leader and one protector, and forming a complete Bridge.
“Wait, what?” Exclaimed Elsa, not believing her ears.
“You’re coming with me. You came all the way here, no? Then make yourself useful.” Teased Anna.
“The King of the Southern Isles has just arrived. It’s now or never to ask to have another person present at the meeting. Be by my side during the meeting. If you will, of course.”
The blonde missed a heartbeat, her mouth trembling a bit as she had to take that suggestion in. She then closed it, and bowed with a smile.
“It would be an honor, Your Majesty.”
The royals all assembled in the meeting room, and the King of the Southern Isles appeared next to Anna, Elsa and Mattias as they were the last persons to pass the door. He talked to the King of Hitiheimr who was standing by the entrance.
“Please forgive me for my late arrival. The sea is raging, and our ship got delayed.”
“It’s alright, Your Majesty.” Assured their host. “After you.”
Mattias stared at him with disdain. He found it very rude to be late. If the monarch knew the sea was stormy, then why not leaving early? He lived on an island after all, surely they could plan these things.
Elsa stared at him with guilt. The man surely had risked his life coming here, but also the life of the advisor coming along with him – as the King of Hitiheimr suggested each monarch could be accompanied with one – and each and every life of the sailors on the ship. Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but think that it wasn’t that bad if he died, for he had numerous brothers who could inherit of the kingdom, and that the death of twelve siblings would never be enough to pay for the crimes Hans had committed towards Anna and her.
Anna stared at him with an undeniable hint of arousal. The King was muscular, tall, had an apologetic smile that could stop an arrow in mid-air, and piercing green eyes which seemed to get into her very soul and gave the promise to grant her every wish. Her throat got dry when she noticed that he would sit in front of her. If only his family didn’t carry the bastard who had tried to kill her...
The three of them hurried to shake those bad thoughts out of their heads, and mentally apologized for being this judgmental.
They all took place around the large table. It was more rustic than the one in Arendelle castle’s meeting room. It had more curves and thicker wood, noticed Elsa, so despite the different style, it actually was just as beautiful.
Anna explained the presence of Elsa to everyone, asking for the acceptance of her sister among them. Anna then took her seat between the King of Efstfold and the King of Bjargland.
There were a dozen monarchs. Mattias winced internally when he saw that, in all the room, only one other woman was wearing a crown. All other royals were men. He turned to Elsa. The blonde must have known this sad fact already, for she didn’t react. After all, she had been Queen of Arendelle herself for 3 years, so she surely had had meetings with people around this table. Mattias then realized that it meant that nothing had changed in 11 more years. Only two women in power were seating in the council, against six men.
All sat, and their advisors stood up next to them, behind the chairs, to leave the lead to their superiors. Mattias was standing on Anna’s right side, and Elsa on her left.
After presenting everyone, and the topic of this exceptional venue, the session started.
The King of Hitiheimr started to remind everyone why they were assembled here on this day, then turned to Anna.
“Queen Anna, I suppose that you wish to start.”
“Exactly. Thank you, King Isak. Your Majesties, I had the chance and yet the misfortune to see the progress of the storm that affects us all today.”
She explained how it led them to all gather in urgency, and they agreed.
“It is a storm that is not to be taken lightly.” Advised Anna.
“It fuels itself with the force of Nature, and therefore, won’t be stopped by human means.” Completed Elsa, bringing her knowledge, and her addition surprised everyone. “To alleviate it, we are required to think strategica—"
A King coughed in a way he wanted discreet, but it actually wasn’t at all, being in fact very rude. When everyone turned to him, he smiled.
“Pardon my interruption, but I don’t think that Lady Elsa should interfere. We were allowed to bring only one advisor with us, and it’s properly unfair that Queen Anna gets to be this surrounded.”
Several murmurs appeared around the table. Elsa gulped and took this as a cue to exit the room, and she left without a word. Anna however held her wrist right away. Before the blonde could even look down at the freckled hand grasping her, the younger tugged Elsa back to where she had been standing.
“My sister won’t go anywhere.”
This brought a cold silence in the room, and the King of Blómvegr encouraged the presence of Elsa by asking her a question.
“Surely you can bring us more information as you’re here, Lady Elsa?”
The blonde gulped as all gazes fell on her. “Yes. I can. I think that this storm may be magical, and created by two Spirits.”
“May be?” Repeated the King of Efstfold, frowning. “What do you mean, ‘may be’?!”
He was outraged, and another ruler joined in the anger.
“Aren’t you the Fifth Spirit?”
“Y-yes, I am...”
As she struggled with her words, she couldn’t help but notice that they hadn’t been surprised at the mythical part of her sentence. What annoyed them was her incompetence. It hurt her right into her heart.
“And aren’t you supposed to know it, as the Fifth Spirit?” Intervened now the King of Mosiland.
Elsa clenched her jaw, her emotion rising, and she thought of Honeymaren to not break into tears.
“They’re right!” Pitched the King of Efstfold, exclaiming again. “Why don’t you do anything to stop it? It’s your duty!”
Elsa felt stupid. “I... I tried, but...”
“You tried.” Sighed the King of Bjargland. “And failed, apparently. And now we’re all impacted by this storm.”
Elsa lowered her eyes, ashamed. Anna was as red as a beet, however, and furious of their behavior.
“Why are you even here, Lady Elsa?” Grumbled the same monarch, his tone severe. “This is a high board meeting. Not a—”
“That’s right.” Cut Anna, and everyone turned to her because of her clear voice. “She wasn’t invited to this meeting and King Isak had to kindly accept her presence among us. She’s not even allowed to intervene in this discussion.”
Elsa turned to Anna, about to say something, but the redhead’s eyes were on fire and she kept going.
“Which is why, if you’ve got anything to say to my sister, you go through me.”
All got impressed by her regal voice.
“And I’ll speak in her name for the rest of the conference. On that note, before you have any question regarding means of resolution by magic, know that I can attest that Snow Queen Elsa, as the Fifth Spirit of Nature and guardian of Ahtohallan, did all she could to stop this storm before even coming to Arendelle.”
A respectful silence followed. Mattias looked at Elsa with smiling eyes. The blonde was stunned, her big azure blue eyes sparkling at the light of the chandelier. Anna cleared her throat and kept going.
“This storm has magical origins, and it’s growing more and more every passing day.”
Some trusted her words, but others stared at her with spite.
“And I suppose that this magical manifestation stops right at the Northuldra territory borders?” Insinuated the King of Bjargland.
Anna had to bite her lip to not grunt at his annoying tone.
“No. It may be a magical storm, it is nationwide. Which is why we have to act all together to protect all of our people. Including Sami tribes.”
Half of the royals at the table nodded in agreement. But several groans fused. The other half still had trouble understanding the need to generously help the tribes which offered nothing in return, for they weren’t interested in joining the country’s market trades.
This was a one-year old debate, and the Kings kept being close-minded on this point.
“And I suppose that you merged with their land without telling us?” Accused a leader.
Elsa found that intervention rude, but kept her reverential mask of silence.
Anna stared at him.
“In fact, we never intended and will never intend to merge Arendellian and Northuldra territories, despite our relationship based on peace and respect for the past 11 years.”
She purposely weighed those positive terms to tell them in subtext that they better not critic her position towards the Sami people.
“It’s a deliberate choice.” She continued. “That way, we can ensure that nobody would build a house or a facility on a border of Arendelle thinking it’s a virgin land, when in fact it’s Northuldra territory.”
The same groaning Kings than before groaned again.
“Even if the Northuldra don’t have houses there?”
“Yes. It’s still their land.” Insisted Anna. “And I forbid any acquisition or colonization of it.”
The monarch who asked the question grumbled, and he took note of something on his papers. Elsa understood that her sister had just cancelled a plan of his.
“Now I think that we stepped out of the topic.” Coughed slightly the King of Hitiheimr.
“Yes. As I told you, the magic storm knows no limits and no borders in every meaning of the term.” Summarized Anna, and she side-looked at Elsa who approved with a discreet nod. “Now or never is the time to unite, and take care of everyone in this perilous period.”
Anna’s teal blue eyes inspected all the council members before dropping her tactical decision.
“I think that we should all ask our armies to stop what they are doing and order the soldiers of each of our kingdoms to help the citizens, and help build infrastructures which could have suffered so far.”
The Kings of Efstfold and Mosiland scoffed as they lost their breath.
“Mobilizing our armies?”
“Are you insane?”
Mattias frowned at the direct insult. If it was in a less diplomatic context, he would have attacked the monarch back in Anna’s defense.
“I am very sane, Sir. This is a deeply thought assessment.” Assured the redhead, firm in her response, and she didn’t need Mattias’ support.
“But... Your Majesty, with all due respect...” Started the King of Blómvegr. “What proves us that this is a safe solution?”
An advisor bent to talk to the ear of the Queen of Ellriheimr, thought he did it high enough for the whole room to hear. “My Queen, I don’t think this is a good suggestion to follow. It could be a trap.”
The leader frowned as she thought. She made eye contact with Anna, who obviously had been listening to that guidance to argue against.
“Queen Anna, can you attest that you won’t use this opportunity for an assault?”
“Yes, what proves us that this is not all a ruse, and that Arendelle won’t attack us as soon as we withdraw our armies?” Frowned the monarch of Efstfold.
Anna was shocked by the accusation. “Never would I do that!”
Her surprise was genuine and could be read on the honest woman’s face. Those who had trusted her so far understood that she meant no harm, but for the other remaining, she had just implied war.
“Do you intend to take advantage of that magic storm to extend the territory of Arendelle? And reinforce your position as the leading kingdom?” Frowned the King of Bjargland.
Anna’s jaw dropped. Not only this was a strong allegation, but it also was stupid, for Arendelle was by far the largest land of the country, and had no purpose nor desire in extending more, especially after inheriting from Runeard’s plans.  
However, their mistrust was legitimate, and Anna had to pledge the dubious faces turned to her that she wasn’t scamming anyone.
“King Markus, you know deep down that such a thought would never come to me.”
Mattias and Elsa exhaled discreetly, happy to see Anna had the correct answer.
“Queen Britt, King Kjetil, our geopolitical relationship goes back many years. My sister herewith has already proven to you of Arendelle’s peaceful intentions when she was on the throne.”
The two leaders lowered their gazes, exchanging even another between them and admitting they judged her too quickly. And just like that, the Queen of Ellriheimr and the King of Efstfold joined Anna’s decision and listened carefully to what she had to say for the rest of the conference.  
Two Kings still had not much trust in her. It was mainly due to the anger to listen to the decisions of the youngest monarch around the table who also happened to be a woman, but never would they admit it out loud.
“King Tom...” Started Anna, addressing to the head of Mosiland, and Elsa was impressed at how well she slid their names with a regal way, to be familiar with them without being disrespectful. “...Our two lands already had been in a similar situation a few years ago when a cliff had collapsed down South and fell on a road that both our kingdoms use.”
He bit his lip. “And Arendelle helped us without compensation.”
They all looked down, regretting a bit to have raised their voices.
His counterpart of Hitiheimr smiled, and took advantage of a silence to add: “Arendelle and Hitiheimr have been partners for several generations now, and we didn’t have a single problem in our history.”
He turned to his right, where the King of the Southern Isles was seating. “I suppose that you don’t see any harm coming from Arendelle as well, King Ruben?”
The man who had been silent and observing until now finally smiled. “None at all. Besides, we have a long debt of forgiveness towards Arendelle that I’m afraid will never be fully returned. So I stand by Queen Anna’s choice.”
Elsa and Anna noticed that he had been staring at them as he talked, and they were glad it had been addressed. They both nodded quietly.
The redhead eyed all of the monarchs. “To prove to you all that I don’t intend to attack you, I’ll leave here in Hitiheimr the general of my army, Destin Mattias, for as long as this storm lasts.”
She gestured to the soldier on her right, and they all widened their eyes in surprise. Did she just point to her advisor?
Elsa missed a heartbeat, but Mattias remained stoic.
“He’s someone you can trust with your life, and I sincerely believe you can all place your future in his hands without blinking an eye. He’s an acutely skilled soldier, and an excellent general. His competences in strategy are close to perfection. As you can see, he’s also my advisor today, because he happens to be my counselor. In other words... His presence here and away from the kingdom of Arendelle is a proof that I stand no chance if I attack you. Without general Mattias, I am in disadvantage to operate such an action.”  
Every monarch dropped their jaw. Elsa smiled at Anna’s wisdom, and if she wasn’t keeping her serious attitude for the conference, she would have cried.
Anna then pushed everything further with another promise.
“I also engage myself to give all the resources of Arendelle you might need right away.”
A round of gasps and mutters went across the table. Whispers came from advisors to rulers and back.
Elsa hurried to Anna’s ear, taking advantage of the jumble it had created to speak.
“Anna, you can’t be serious. Your people need those resources.” Panicked the blonde with wide eyes. “You can’t do that.”
The redhead placed a hand on hers as she was holding to the arm of her chair to bend to her.
“Don’t worry. I did the math the night before last.” Murmured back Anna. “It’s a solid plan. Trust me.”
Elsa stared at her for a moment, then smiled. “Okay.”
Anna smiled back, and her expression turned back to serious as she looked at the leaders again.
“What do you think?” Inquired the Queen to the council.
“This is a colossal statement, Your Majesty.” Puffed a King.
“It is indeed.” Smiled Anna, slightly sarcastic. “I let you think about it.”
As the leaders all mumbled about it again, she gave a quick look at Mattias, who approved her speech with a smile and a nod. Elsa looked down at her younger, whose eyes were sparkling with intelligence and determination. She had prepared everything. Elsa’s heart filled with pride to call her her sister.
She bent to her sister once again.
“Wait... If Mattias isn’t at your side as you travel back to Arendelle...”
Anna turned with a smile.
“I’ll come back with you, remember? I don’t risk anything.”
Elsa smiled widely.
The King of Blómvegr cleared his throat for everyone to quiet, and spoke to everyone. “I think Queen Anna convinced us all. It is a one of a kind time, and it calls for special measures. I agree with you, Your Majesty.”  
Anna gave him a thankful nod.
“I also agree to mobilize the army of my kingdom and share its resources.” Announced the King of Bjargland.
“King Isak and I also follow that movement.” Stated the King of the Southern Isles, after a quick look at his ally.
The Queen of Ellriheimr held her chin as she thought.    
“You are certainly right. As long as we cannot predict the progress of this storm, our kingdoms should help each other out.”
The King of Mosiland slammed his hand on the table, a bit too heavily, and everyone startled. “Alright, I join my kingdom to do the same process as well.”
The remaining monarch, of Efstfold, seemed convinced now that his seatmate had picked a side. “I join the movement.”
Elsa and Anna got flabbergasted by how fast they reticent monarchs had changed their decision. Mattias, however, wasn’t surprised. Anna’s persuasion power was always impressive. Once, she managed to pressure him enough to wear a hat as he was about to have a walk with Halima. Despite him finding the hat ridiculous, she used the right arguments, and less than ten minutes later, he was at the store buying it. Halima hadn’t detached her eyes from him for the whole stroll, and it had been a milestone in their relationship. He couldn’t have thanked her enough. On another thought, Mattias noted that without Anna’s tenacity and assurance, Elsa’s life journey would certainly have been different.
Little by little, all leaders had accepted to join the treaty, and when the King of Hitiheimr asked for voters to manifest themselves, all rose their hands in favor. The host took in the fact they all agreed with his role of witness. He stood up happily.  
“Then the decision has been taken unanimously! All Kingdoms will help wherever the need arises.”
As everyone clapped with diplomatic smiles, Anna couldn’t believe her eyes. She was the ghost of herself as she forced her face into a royal one and applauded along, doing all she could to not cry right then. She felt Elsa’s hand on her shoulder, squeezing there. Her sister was as emotional as she was.
They had made it! They had made a peaceful and assisting treaty based on mutual aid! The redhead gulped. How many times has she dreamed about this moment happening since she became Queen more than ten years ago? She felt like she should have done a bucket list to have the joy of crossing that line out with all her might.
“Alright. The meeting is over. Thank you all, Your Majesties, ladies and gentlemen, for your vivid participation.” Smiled the King of Hitiheimr.
He turned to the redhead. “Thank you especially, Queen Anna. Your dedication and honesty truly make this country stand.”
Anna blushed slightly, and Mattias and Elsa had a proud nod of agreement. The Queen masked her blush with a smile and a bow.
“Thank you, King Isak. But you’re the one keeping it together.”
A silence passed as they all nodded.
“That’s right.” Said the Queen of Ellriheimr. Thank you for your hospitality and your time.”
They all left in good terms, slowly exiting the room and shaking hands or bowing. Elsa felt intense warm in her soul at the sight, and the magic coldness calmed a bit in her veins.
A hand slid in Anna’s as she walked in the corridor. She was used to this specific touch, and turned with a smile before even seeing her sister’s face.
“Thank you for defending me during the meeting.” Smiled Elsa tenderly. “Recently, I started doubting of myself and my capacities as the Fifth Spirit.”
Anna held her sister’s hand tightly.
“I’ll always defend you from anyone who aims to demean you, Elsa. And by the way, that means you too if you continue to depreciate yourself, young lady.”
Her expression had switched from loving to scolding, and they had suddenly stopped in the hall. Elsa bit her lips in a faulty manner.
“Because, seriously? Do you hear what you say?” Exclaimed Anna. “How can you doubt of your skills, when earlier, you literally have made water levitate from your body?”
A smile stretched the blonde’s lips.
“You’re right.”
“Damn right I am.”
They chuckled.
“You shouldn’t swear here.” Giggled Elsa, looking around them like the Hitiheimr castle was a sacred place.
The sisters kept laughing, and Mattias walked to them. Anna’s behavior changed when he was near, and the elder noticed that her face was covered with worry.
“Sorry for being this dramatic during the meeting. I didn’t intend to throw you into the fire like that.”
The man chuckled. “It was fine. You did well. It was exactly like we planned.”
Elsa’s jaw dropped, and she smiled. “You two planned that? Oh, of course you did.” She then comically slapped her forehead. “You two will never stop amazing me.”
Anna looked at her general.
“Mattias, is it okay if we leave now?”
“It’s perfectly fine, Your Majesty. I will handle things here. I’ll be of great help in the management during the crisis.”
The sisters smiled at his anticipation. The soldier grinned.
“Also, may I add, it was an excellent meeting. You lead admirably. And you have a remarkable sense of improvisation as well.”
Anna smirked and shove him gently on the arm.
“When will you stop complimenting me for little things, Mattias?”
He smiled. “I’m afraid I’m unable to stop since I saw you destroy the dam that day.”
Elsa put a hand on her little sister’s shoulder. “That was impressive, Anna. I agree with him. You were incredible, and everyone got speechless!”
“Well, one or two Kings couldn’t stop criticizing me, but... I’m not gonna cite their names.” Giggled the Queen.
An hour later, the servants prepared their horses, and Elsa made sure that Rask agreed to ride over this soon. To the stables staff astonishment, the stallion had a lot of energy and was even very enthusiastic to have an epic ride with Elsa again. She giggled, and the redhead tied her heavy fur coat, she looked at Elsa’s equipment, which had been reduced to the bare necessities.
“You really did fast, uh? Just a bridle. Thankfully, your horse doesn’t seem to mind. Hey, did you at least warn Kristoff that you were leaving Arendelle in a hurry??”
Elsa bit her lip. “No.”
Anna’s face stretched in shock, and the blonde hurried to correct herself.
“But I sent him an ice statue message just earlier! I told him we’re both alright and that we’re making our way back home.”
Anna sighed. “Okay.”
Elsa’s azure blue eyes seemed to still be marked with the panic that had rose in her when she saw Anna’s crown lost in the night.
“How do you feel?” Asked the younger, her voice melting to a soft level.
The Snow Queen turned to her. That tone could make her burst to tears instantly because of how warm and caring it was, and with her tiredness, she was close.
“I... I thought I had lost you. And... I feel like if something happens to you in that storm, it would be my fault.”
“Elsa, don’t say that. It���s not your fault at all.”
“You’re right. Not directly. It indirectly is my fault. Because of me, people are in danger every d—”
A finger had sealed her lips to be shut, and she startled at the gesture. Anna sighed, her arm stretched.
“I suppose that if I tell you one more time that you’re not responsible, you won’t believe me. So, hear me out, sis.”
She took her finger off Elsa’s lips, and the blonde was attentive.
“Even if you were the culprit, and I were injured, I would not be resentful. If you can’t counter it, why would I be angry at you?”
Elsa let out a noise that was a mix of a wet gasp and a relieved whimper. It was like all stress had lifted her soul, all weight had been taken off her shoulders, and she let them fall in a sigh.
A smile appeared at the corner of her lips.
“You’re so comprehensive. Sometimes I wonder what kind of miracle allowed me to have you as my sister.”
Anna smirked. “You should ask Ahtohallan. That’s what the Bridge is all about, I suppose.”
After they exchanged a smile, the redhead bent her head.
“Hey, are you sure you don’t want to take a break before we go back to Arendelle?”
“No, I told you, I’m fine.”
“And I told you to stop lying to make me happy. I know you haven’t slept last night as you were hurrying to check on me.”
“You know me two well, it’s unfair.” Muttered Elsa.
Anna pretended to not have heard that. Her elder gave up.
“Okay, we’ll stop to make a camp on the day. The night will fall on our journey back anyway. Do we have a deal?”
“Definitely.” Grinned Anna, who won everything in this situation; Elsa’s health, and a night of ice hut camping under the stars with a transparent roof to stare at them like Elsa always made them.
The horses were brought, and they mounted them before going in the strong wind. They made their way out of the castle after thanking everyone.  
At one of the windows of the towers, Mattias looked at them riding away. The King of Hitiheimr approached with a smile.
“They are unstoppable, aren’t they?” Admired the monarch.
The general grinned with a nod.
“Yes, sir. They truly are.”
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I like you/// YoungK x Reader
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A/N: this stayed in my mind for like months so I’m giving into temptation and releasing it.
Bad boy (trilogy series) Kang Younghyun x reader/you
So Kang Younghyun. Class bad boy, sits in the last row, does he sleep? Does he even listen to the lecture?? Nobody knows.
Somehow he manages his grades, mind you. Not A’s but he didn’t fail his class yet
He doesn’t really talk to anyone but at the same time nobody cares to talk to him so?? (he also might’ve said some too blunt remarks . )
He has a part time job at convince store, and uhhh it’s as boring as it sounds
When there’s no client he writes lyrics or plays games on his mobile,,, yeah not much happens
So one night after his shift ends he’s like “god finally”,, he’s so tired. He just wants to sleep
Walking back home he passes playground and everything would be as usual quiet but. But. There are some dudes and a girl??
And oof one of them got hit with instrument case??? He swore he heard nose cracking. But in the end it was three against one
Look,, Younghyun just wanted to go home but he just couldn’t leave?? A person in trouble???
So there he goes, like ‘yo what’s up’. And there he notices he actually recognizes them! They go to his school (and mind u, they should be called delinquents more than him)
Anyways, they scatter swiftly with some additional bruises and he ends with bleeding lips. “just great” he thinks.
“Are you alright?” the girl asks. She looks a bit perturbed, clutching her bag in her hands but generally unscratched.
“yeah, yeah,,” he replies. “are you?”
She quickly asserts that yes she’s fine. But also thank you?? Stranger??
So he awkwardly introduces himself. And you do too.
She doesn’t wear his hight school uniform tho, so he doesn’t recognize her (tbh he wouldn’t recognize her even if she did, he can be kinda apathetic about ppl in general )
“have this” she procures a plaster. Woman’s bags are amazing, he thinks.
He’s still unsure about whole situation, because he figured the girl would scatter as soon as she could.
“do you need a walk home or something?”
She blinks.
He blinks.
“actually? Up to the bus station would be pretty cool”
So he ends up walking with her. And ho and behold, she makes a conversation, without a hint of awkwardness at all. She tells him that she goes to neighboring school and plays violin.
And he tells her he’s a bassist and plays in a band. And whoop they’re at bus station.
Next day,,,, people scatter through corridors before him more than usual, whispering about his bruised appearance. And he hears he apparently beat up ppl for no reason. He’s reputation was spiraling downhill.,,
At least those school lowlifes who attacked you will stay put for a while?
All while thinking about this, some girl bumps into him. But he just looks back and walks into the class,,,
Classes go as usual. He has his band practice in the afternoon,, so he mostly thinks about music (and like misses some girls yearning gazes)
Next day he is again at his job, literally counting minutes at this point when you appear out of thin air
Okay maybe not thin air, but he hasn’t been paying attention at all sO
And you’re like “hi!! I didn’t know you worked here??”
And you buy like a bag of sweets. Literally A bag.
And you two end up talking a lot. About school and other stuff
(you were supposed to buy snacks,,,, not spend almost hour taking)
But it was so easy to talk to you?? Also you would talk so animatedly, making gestures so for younghyun it was rly entertaining to watch
And somehow it became some sort of late afternoon routine for you, when you would come by for sweet snacks and talk to Younghyun.
You exchanged numbers so he would text you during clasess (once earning himself a detention because you decided to send him a pic of a pudding and ‘ultimately puddings stand in highest in sweets hierarchy for this month’’ and
he was like “whats wrong with u” while laghing at his phone, but also you’re so cute I’ll buy u as many sweets as u want. But he. Only. send first part,,,
did i mention that he loved your love for food. He would randomly say he was hungry and you’d be like ‘hold up me too’ and shared a meal with him 
You could have ridiculous conversations like “do you think I should dye my hair??” and you would be like “Boi yes. I think pastel purple is like your color”
So he would dye it
But also more serious than these where you were wondering about life, and how everything makes little sense tbh. Teenager life sucks.
He got some better grades lately actually. Your good influence? Maybe? (also only you would randomly recite some classics so)
Did he have a crush on you?? he definitely didn’t think about it until YOon Dowoon pointed it out (he helped this kid out once, got in trouble???, and then this guy just started hanging out with him for some reason,, okAY)
And he was like oh Shit. I actually dO Have an crush on y/n.
In the middle of that turmoil he got in trouble with his boss. And girl from his class helped him out, which again was pretty bizzare.
When you heard about the situation you were fuming. Literally fuming. So you two went on job hunt, because Younghyun needed one
Like band gigs don’t pay well yet y'know. And he lived with his mom only, so it wasn’t rainbows and sunshines
He took you once for his band’s concert. And boiii he was stressed. Like never before. One his band mates, his childhood friend Marina was like dude? Chill?
“you don’t understand.”
And he was also stressed that you wouldn’t come,,, that would be straight up humiliating.
But you came?? Like wow, you looked like a goddess.
“I’m happy you came.”
That’s literally all he could manage
“Obviously!! I’m excited!”
And you smiled that beautiful smile?? He was having a meltdown 15 mintes before they began ohgod.
He left you by the table and went backstage to his friends
“whIch ONE.”
“what do u mean?”
“the girl you’re so giddy about”
Okay first of all he wasn’t that giddy, was he?? Maybe he was. (also lyrics lately became a little more of an pining and yearing nature)
The concert was a blast, in your opinion. You were a violin player, so you by default knew more about classical music but you appreciated younghyun’s music so much. It felt so sincere. And damn, he has a Voice to kill for. You swore you stayed with semi frozen state for good few minuets.
It’s not like you hadn’t heard him sing before,,, he would hum along to radio or just sing softly, but here? Full on volume?? That was beautiful.
And you made sure to tell him that after the concert.
You met his bandmates, they seemed to be pretty cool in your humble opinion
Then younghyun took you to your usual spot, at bus station.
Gosh he was so happy you liked the concert and his friends,,, stress he felt went out of the window
And then you did something unexpected
“thanks for the invitation. I had so much fun!”
And you kissed him on the cheek
He was frozen, but some gears in his mind still worked.
“hey, listen,, i can be really cheesy right here and start serenading,, but I really like you”
It was your turn to stay frozen on the spot. He was looking down at you with his most sincere eyes, so full of emotion,,
Your heart beat fast, uncontrollable butterflies settled in your stomach
Because look you were crushing on this boy for longest time, but shy and stupid fool you were you kept your feelings hidden
Because who wouldn’t like him?? He was such an amazing person. He was kind, smart,,, you felt that you could be you with Younghyun around, be just your silly self..
And he made you laugh, but also listened to your concerns,,, what a perfect boy
You kissed him on the cheek on impulse and didn’t plan beyond that when confession came
But what else you were to answer but “I like you too you know???”
And in this moment of silliness you started to giggle as he brought his face closer. After checking with you for a second he scooped down and kissed you
Your hands found their way around his neck as you closed your eyes
His happy eyes, as he gazed down at you was the most beautiful sight
(sometime later Younghyun heard some rumors about him having a girlfriend, like a newest gossip in the school. Well, he didn’t mind flexing by giving you a kiss when at some point you stood by gates of his school waiting for him with two coupons for chocolate cake in your favorite confectionery)
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shinfinitexo-genius · 5 years
The Best Night of My Life
It has already been a month since the concert in Vancouver and I can not believe that a month has pasted since then! This past month has been such a whirlwind that I can not believe that I did not get the chance to actually sit down and write out my thoughts and what happened during the trip! So my flight was at 7 in the morning of the 6th so I had to get up at 4:30(?) which was definitely not fun since I was basically running on 2-3 hours of sleep. (Note to future self: do not listen to Dad and book a flight in the morning of a concert, fly in the day before so you can actually get a proper night of rest!) So I get ready and get my carry on and luggage and head to the airport with my dad. Let’s just say that I definitely overpacked for a 2 day 1 night trip but you can never too over-prepared as this was the first time I was traveling anywhere by myself. So my luggage was definitely a struggle to close but it worked out in the end! After going through security safely with no issues, I head to my gate and wait to board my flight. Flashforward an hour and after boarding my flight, we still didn’t take off since we had to wait for the airport staff to defrost the airplane wings since it had snowed the night before (typical Canadian weather). So finally after the wings were defrosted, we finally took off to Vancouver and I managed to get an hour or so of sleep. 
As we landed in Vancouver and waited to get off, I had checked my messages and I had gotten a reply from someone in a FB group I had joined for people who were travelling or going to to the concert by themselves to meet with other solo concert goers. I saw her post the night before flying out and she had replied back to me! It was so perfect as she was arriving in Vancouver around the same time I had landed. She had posted in the group that her friend wouldn’t be done school till later that afternoon and she would be spending the day alone and was looking for someone to spend it with! It worked out so perfectly! I messaged her back and told her I had arrived in Vancouver and would take the sky train to Downtown Vancouver since that’s where she would arrive at and that’s where my hotel was. So I finally get off the plane and head over to the train station, get my train pass and head off to Downtown Vancouver to meet up with Mira! I arrive to the Waterfront Station and then finally meet Mira! She is so pretty and cute ;-; We were a bit awkward at first which is pretty normal since we were literal strangers, but we decided to head to my hotel to see if I could check in or at least store my luggage. My hotel was about 5-10 minutes away from the train station by walking so Mira and I walked over to my hotel. After we arrived and spoke with the front desk, I wasn’t able to check in since it was pretty early in the morning and check in wasn’t till the after, but I was able to store my luggage. After all that, Mira and I decided to go grab some breakfast and we looked up restaurants we could go to on Google Maps that was near my hotel and we headed up going to a cute cafe that has brunch and lunch options and it was so busy! It’s apparently a pretty famous cafe and there is always a waiting line! Mira and I started to talk a little more about ourselves and then we started talking about our biases and I found out that she is a Shawol which was honestly the best thing ever and we clicked so fast! It felt like we were had been friends forever since we are both Shawols! 
After about an hour or two, we finally finished our breakfast and then I asked Mira if she would be okay to do some travelling to Burnaby to visit the cup sleeve event that was organized for Mark! She was totally up for it so we made our way to the train station and headed to Burnaby! We just talked the entire ride to Burnaby and it was so amazing to just talk about our love for SHINee and how we got into Kpop. Once we finally arrive Burnaby, we head to the cafe for the cup sleeve event and the sleeves were so cute! I was able to get two which was the best thing! LOL Before actually getting the sleeves, the cafe was in the same mall that a Kpop store was in as well that I had been planning on going to so Mira and I went to the store first and decided to come back to the cafe afterwards. Can I just say that I was only going to the store to get a shatting star pin, but came out with 3 albums (Dongwoo’s, Hoya’s and Taemin’s solo albums LOOOL), two posters, the shatting star pin and a EXO and SHINee lanyard. I definitely spent over my budget HAHHAHAHA Mira also got a shatting star pin! After we bought out stuff, we headed to a bench in the mall and I opened the albums to see what photocards I got and AHHH the amount of fangirling I went through HAHA! After finally calming down, we headed back to the cafe to get the cup sleeves. Once we finished at the cafe, we decided to head back to downtown so I could check into my hotel room and start getting ready for the concert since it was about time for the merch stand to open AHHHHH! It was crazy how close to the concert we were getting. It was raining all da, but the rain was getting annoyed so we decided to go to another mall and get some cheap umbrellas to use LOL After, we trained back to downtown and I was able to check in and go to my hotel room and settle in. It was nice to relax for a bit and I was able to change and get ready for the concert. Mira and I soon after headed to the concert venue so we could get some freebies and meet up with her friend, who is a fellow EXO-L! We arrived at the venue and walked to a nearby Starbucks where a fan was giving away fan support banners for Baekhyun and Kai and we finally met with Inge! After talking for a bit, we headed to the venue to get some more freebies and then we actually headed back to my hotel so we could leave our freebies and most of our stuff so we would not have to carry everything during the concert! After having a photoshoot with our lightsticks, we headed back to the venue for the concert AHHH!!! It’s actually kinda funny how Mira and I started randomly telling each other how many hours left till the concert like Mira randomly said “THREE HOURS LEFT TILL THE DOORS OPEN” and I just completely freaked out and I would do the same and we would just completely freak out! It was the funniest thing HAHA! I was so nervous heading to the venue and my heart wouldn’t stop beating cause this concert was something I was waiting for since October and I was ready to cry tbh just thinking about how I was about to see some of the boys that I have loved for almost 8 years and who were a part of my ultimate bias groups. We finally get to the venue and line up to get in and I was actually able to get me and the girls in the VIP Line to get into the venue since I was a Rogers customers HAHAH so fancy~~~ BUT OMG WE FINALLY GOT INTO THE VENUE AND I WAS FREAKING OUT F R E A K I N G  O U T AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Mira and Inge had seats together and I had floor seats so I followed them to their section before heading to my seat AND OMG MY VIEW WAS SO AMAZING! And I was sitting next to two Japanese fans, a Shawol and EXO-L! They were both so sweet and the J-EXO-L gave me a candy ;~; I was so nervous waiting for the concert to start and I was trying to figure how I was gonna hold three lightsticks HAHAH I had my SHINee, EXO, and SuperM lightsticks and it was definitely a struggle carrying them in one hand and my phone in the other! BUT OMG THE CONCERT STARTED AND THE VCR STARTED AND THE AMOUNT I SCREAMED THAT NIGHT!!! HAHAHAA I definitely had a hoarse voice by the end of the night. But y’all, the boys are so much more beautiful in real life. Like. Their skin is so flawless and the boys are the sweetest ever! When the hyung line introduced themselves, you know that I SCREAMED MY HEAD OFF YELLING THEIR NAMES AND CHEERING FOR THEM!!!! I love them so much! The maknae line are the cutest and it was so amazing seeing my wayv and nct boys! They are such amazing performers!!!!!! Like O M G WHEN TAEMIN PERFORMED DANGER AND GOODBYE I SCREAMED I SCREAMED WHEN HE PUT HIS HAT ON! IT WAS SO AMAZING SEEING HIM PERFORM!!! I LOVE TAEMIN SO MUCH!! AND BAEKHYUN!!!! BETCHA AND UN VILLAGE!!!!!! LITERALLY ALBUM OF 2019!!!!! AND JONGIN!!!!!! CONFESSION GOT ME FEELING ALL SORTS OF THINGS AND JAIJDISDLKSDLSLD STILL PROCESSING THAT I SAW JONGIN ABS IN REAL LIFE! REAL. LIFE. AHHHH ALSO SEEING NO MANNERS!!! THAT TAEKAI WAS ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NIGHT AHHHHHHH BUT WHAT’S EVEN BETTER IS WHEN TAEMIN AND I LOCKED EYES! O M G I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE IT HAPPENED CAUSE I LITERALLY FROZE WHEN I REALIZED TAEMIN AND I LOCKED EYES LIKE- 💀💀💀 It was during With You when they were throwing their signed frisbees and Taemin looked towards my section and we briefly locked eyes and let me tell that all the air in my lungs was gone in a split second. My world literally froze when I tried to process the fact we had mad eye contact. I definitely lived my best life that night. When the boys were saying their ending ments, I was literally holding my lightsticks to my chest and literally whispering to myself “Don’t go” over and over again and I was on the verge on crying. It still hurts when I think of that moment of when the boys said their farewells after performing Jopping. Once the concert finished, I had to sit down to process everything and the Japanese fans were concerned about me and checked to make sure I was okay! LOL they were honestly the sweetest and when they realized that it was my first time ever seeing Taemin and KaiBaek in person they understood why I was so star struck! But it’s crazy to think about this night sometimes cause it still doesn’t feel real. Met up with Mira and Inge after the concert and we couldn’t process everything that had happened. We went back to my hotel so they could get their stuff and Inge and I decided to go to Gastown to take pictures where Taemin and Key had taken pictures. After saying bye to Mira (and I was so sad that I had to say bye to her after spending the entire day with her 🥺. Mira, I hope we can meet soon!) Inge and I head to Gastown and have a mini photoshoot LOL and soon after I said goodbye to Inge and head back to my hotel and stayed in my bed just rewatching my concert videos and just crying my heart out LOOOOL. And that was the end of one of most amazing days in my life thus far 😭😭 Thank you SuperM for coming to Vancouver and helping me cross off something off my bucket list - seeing some of the boys that I have loved for so long. My heart swells when I think of my boys 🥺❤️ My cute maknae line, thank you for making this concert one of the most amazing concerts of my life Lee Taemin, Byun Baekhyun and Kim Jongin I love you three so much and I can’t wait for the day I can see you again with your brothers. I waited 8 years to see you, I can wait a little longer to see you as SHINee and Exo and I hope to see you again as SuperM!
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shoddy-sonneteer · 5 years
Chasing your Dreams
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Pairing: Min Yoongi*Reader
Genre: Angst, smol parts of fluff
Summary: The story of how you help Yoongi in acheiving his dreams of becoming the best version of himself and a rapper and producer
You were literally jumping around your apartment and your pet dog was hiding under the chair because he was scared of you right now. But you couldn’t stop yourself. You got the tickets to the ‘Love Yourself: Answer’ concert after being on the website for hours and skipping work by calling in sick.
After calming yourself down, you lifted your doggo and hugged him to your chest. Ever since you got your own separate apartment, he was the only companion you have that listens to everything you have to rant and makes you feel the best with his amazing cuddle sessions.
You have less than a month to attend the concert and you had been saving up to get the best tickets so that you can watch them from near the stage. The mere thought of that made you want to jump around the house again. But you had to stop yourself so as to not scar the baby you had in your hands even more than you already did. Today was one of the best days of your life so far because the day of attending the concert would be THE BEST DAY OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.
 Waiting to attend one of the most legendary concerts is one of the most painful things you had to go through apart from having to break up with your boyfriend of almost 3 years. But you got through that and on August 25, you got through this too.
You were finally waiting in line outside the stadium with your ARMY bomb in hand and took a bolt to the front rows of the pits so you could find have a close look at the them as soon as the stadium gates were opened.
The concert started soon and you couldn’t help but jump around singing along to the songs and recording the concert in your phone. Soon, they moved on to encore soon it was the last song of the night – Answer: Love myself. While performing that song, the members were walking around to get to the stage set up in the middle of the stadium and when they were doing so, your eyes met with Suga’s and the look of recognition on his face made you freeze in your tracks.
After seeing that reaction from him, you couldn’t help but travel down the memory lane that you had forbade yourself from doing so because it was simply too painful for you to handle. You decided to box it up till you went home as you didn’t want to have a mental breakdown in the middle of the concert.
To say you fled the scene was an understatement. But you tried to leave the stadium as soon as possible without causing any inconvenience to the other fans.
After reaching your apartment you quickly took a shower and lied on your bed with your baby pup on you, hugging him close as you began reminiscing about the idol with whom you just had an eye contact.
There was the sound of heavy knocking on your door that interrupted you from completing the math problem that was breaking your head for the past 10 minutes. Thankful for the distraction, you opened the door to see a very distraught Yoongi standing at your doorstep. Seeing your boyfriend of two years like that hurt your heart. This wasn’t exactly new to you. But the number of times it had been happening is what worried you the most.
“What happened, Yoongi?” You asked worry lacing your voice as you pulled him into a hug.
It was the third time this week and it was a Wednesday today that he came to your home looking like this. You slowly pulled him into the living room and made him sit on the couch. You were glad that both of your parents were working and wouldn’t come home until 9. They do know that you were dating Yoongi. But they wouldn’t really appreciate him showing up like this every day.
Yoongi was sitting on the couch his head in his hands and looked up only when you offered him a glass of water and sat beside him and hugged him sideways making him lean on you.
“What happened, Yoongi?” You asked him again hopeful that he might respond this time.
Yoongi was never one to express his feelings explicitly. That was something he learned from his dad and something you absolutely hated about him. You wanted him to express his feelings like you did so that there would be less chances of misunderstanding and also so that you could help him easily in times of distress like this. You have voiced out these feelings even before and he had promised to work on it. Right now, you hoped he would make good on the promise he made.
“Will I ever be enough for them? I do try my best. But it’s always hyung. I mean I get it he’s older and more responsible. But I know the situation too and I am trying my best to help too. I do have a job and for my sake I also do this underground rapping thing. I don’t bunk school even though I hate that place the most in my entire life. I want to do something music related and not something that’s completely based on books that dudes wrote ages back.” He ranted running a hand through his hair.
“I know, Yoongs. They know that you’re doing your best. Even if they don’t, I know and I’m so proud of you. It must be really hard to balance your part time job, school and rapping. But I’ll always support you no matter what. And your hyung does too. Or why else would he cover for you when you’re late or screw something up. Just wait patiently for a good opportunity. Then everything will be alright.”
Yoongi nodded his head taking a sip of his water.
“Our underground rapping group, we decided to name ourselves DT for Daegu Town. And I was thinking I would name myself ‘Gloss’ for that.”
“Interesting choice of name there.” You said trying your best to not laugh out loud.
“Shut up. It’s the English translation for Yoongi.” He countered with an unimpressed look on his face as he proceeded to hug your waist. But you couldn’t help yourself but laugh out loud at how cute and adorable he looked right now.
“Want to relax a bit and watch a movie?”
“Sounds good.” He said letting you go so you can pick a movie for you guys to watch and leaning back on the couch and stretching. You sat beside him and hugged his torso soon after playing his favourite movie that has never failed to improve his mood.
As you were halfway into the movie you heard slight snores coming from your side indicating that Yoongi had fallen asleep long back. You helped him rest his head comfortably and draped a scarf over him that was lying beside the table so that he doesn’t catch a cold.
You turned your head to take a look at his sleeping form. He looked so peaceful without any trace of the worry he mentioned a few hours back. You wished to treasure this moment so that he doesn’t have any worries. You also hoped that he finds a way out from all the mess that’s been happening in his life lately and that he is always the same smiling Yoongles you always knew of.
By the time it was dinner, Yoongi had still not woken up and you didn’t have the heart to wake him up either. Earlier your mom had come from work and spotted the two of you huddled together on the couch and gave you a look that said ‘again’ but you knew that she loved Yoongi like he was her own her own son and approved the two of you dating each other. Honestly, you couldn’t have asked for more supportive parents and you were thankful for that. You also wished his parents were supportive of his dreams.
Your mom called for the both of you after dinner was ready. So, you slowly shook him awake so that he could eat something before heading back home.
“Yoongi-ah wake up. It’s time for dinner.” Earning only a grumble from him.
“Min Yoongi. Gloss. Wake up.” You said starting to tickle him.
“Yea, yea. I’m up.” He mumbled slowly getting up from the couch and walked to the dining table in a zombie state which made you chuckle.
Seeing Yoongi sit there on the dining table with your parents answering the questions they asked him in a casual manner, gave you a weird sense of happiness.
After dinner, it was time was him to go back to home as it was getting late and his parents might worry about his whereabouts. You volunteered to walk him out of your apartment and held his hand on the way to the entrance of the complex you were residing in.
“Take care and sleep well, Yoongi-ah.” You said kissing his cheek.
“Of course, jagi. Don’t worry.” He responded with a kiss to your head to which you nodded with a pink tint invading your cheeks.
After the good bye as you were watching him walk back home, you really hoped all his pains disappeared soon and his life is filled with love.
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chyrstis · 5 years
Nothing like a little friendly fire
I’ve been waiting to tackle the deputy’s first meeting with Sharky ever since first meeting him in game, b/c she was not prepared for how much fun he is.
Rating: T Word Count: 5.8K
Link to AO3!
The Deputy’s been tasked with taking down Joseph’s statue. To do that, however, she’s going to need help.
She had never seen so many singed and melted speakers in her life. Not even when years back while moshing it out at a concert a pyrotechnics malfunction set the entire stage on fire. The scent of burnt wires and plastic filled the air as they continued burning, but not a single sound escaped them.  
And to finally have that silence after the rush before? That truly was bliss.
Hana placed her foot on the marked barrel and pushed it, rolling it towards the others stacked right outside of the Hope County Jail. It hadn’t been ruptured by gunfire or dented, but one lucky hit and she’d be out on her ass, an experience that she wasn’t about to repeat anytime soon.
Bliss was awful no matter the form, and after being laid out by a laced ‘bullet’ of all things, she was keen on avoiding any additional run-ins with the drug if she could help it. Out here over on Faith’s side of things, however, it flowed like water. Cutting across the shallower parts of the Henbane on the way here had her seeing stars, and she had to sit in the nearby bushes until the double-vision passed.
Blinking and rubbing her eyes, she’d almost missed the woman dancing right at the river’s edge. She’d jumped at the first sight of her, only to keep on watching, her eyes fixed on each skip, each spin, her white dress gleaming as she drew closer with each step.
Faith Seed had reached out her hand, letting it linger in the air between them. When Hana did nothing but stare in return, Faith snatched it back with a playful laugh before bounding off.
She hadn’t seen her since, but didn’t stop looking over her shoulder after that. Not until long after she’d finally made her way through the jail’s gates.
She smoothed her hair back, wrangling any loose strands back into the low bun she’d attempted earlier, and took a good look around the jail’s entrance, noting every last scorch mark and bullet hole that littered it. Twenty minutes ago it’d been a war zone. A fuel tanker had blown the front gate wide open, leaving them to scramble to hold back the waves of Angels charging forward, wave after wave compelled to do so from the music alone.
Now they could work on repairs, but the gates were going to be a big damn problem. The metal doors had warped from the heat of the explosion, and a group of resistance members guarded the front, giving the ones welding some semblance of a gate back together plenty of cover while they completed the job. This wasn’t something that could be rushed, but the literal hole in their defenses was looking more like an invitation for trouble the longer it was left open.
She tried to find tasks here and there to help, gathering up remains, disposing of the leftover bliss, and running rounds of watch. It was easier to stay busy, but all a part of her wanted to do was head back in and join Sheriff Whitehorse at the radio.
Seeing him alive and kicking – albeit frustrated with her for not even bothering to send him a message sooner – was the boost she’d badly needed. That night at the helicopter, she hadn’t been sure what to believe. With the smoke choking her, her arms too damn weak to grab for him or hold onto Hudson, she’d screamed her throat raw as she watched them all disappear.
And Burke, he’d cut and run as soon as he’d had the chance. She tried not to hold onto any bitterness, but it burned. Fear had pushed him to do it. Fear, and the thought of dying or worse as Joseph set his people upon them. People did awful things under duress. Awful, shitty things, and she’d been guilty of it too.
But she hoped when the day came and she found Burke again, there wouldn’t be a repeat of before. For his sake and hers.
“Hey, Deputy!”
She’d been in the middle of wiping the sweat of her forehead, and checked around until she caught movement from above.
Tracey gave her a wave from the top of the prison’s walls, one of a few posted up there for watch. At first glance, she didn’t seem any happier to see her than before, but didn’t seem ready to tear into her a second time either.
“Come up here for a second! We didn’t get a chance to finish our last conversation.”
Hana hesitated, but blew out the breath she was holding, and headed towards the nearby ladder.
When she reached the top, Tracey motioned her over to the group she was standing with. She looked Hana over just long enough for her to start picking at the fringe on her fingerless gloves, but before long Tracey’s posture relaxed and so did her stare.
“Sorry about earlier. It’s been nothing but hell here ever since we’ve been set up. I think this is the first time in a while where we haven’t been holding our breath and waiting for the next wave. Angels’ll still come pouring in. They always fucking do, but we aren’t worse off for dealing with them for once.” She shook her head. “I can’t even believe it. Fucking days of that shit, done.”
“And I come rolling up out of nowhere in the middle of it acting like an asshole with a hero complex.” Hana cracked a grin. “No, I get it. You’ve all been needing extra help for days now, and for all you know I’ve been doing nothing but doughnuts in John Seed’s turf out of boredom.”
Tracey snorted. “Oh, is that what’s been going on over there? Heard he’s pissed.”
Good, the pettier part of her thought. After being dunked during her botched baptism it was the least she owed him. “I’m kinda wishing I did now, but…there’s always next time.” Tracey wasn’t smiling at her, per se, but the lighter topic seemed to be on the right track. “Anyway, you didn’t call me up here just to shoot the shit.”
“No, I didn’t. I’ve got work for you.”
Hana’s eyebrows flew up. “Oh! I guess now that I’m officially a Cougar, it only makes sense.”
Tracey took one look at the pin Virgil had placed on her shirt and rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. Don’t tell me you plan on wearing that around.”
“Aww, it’s kinda cool being part of a club again. Haven’t been in one since I was…” Probably seven or eight years old, if she had to guess, but judging from Tracey’s unamused expression, she really wasn’t appreciating the tangent. “Never mind. You were saying?”
“We’ve all been trying to figure out the best way to get at Eden’s Gate. If you ask me, it all comes down to one person: Faith. She controls the bliss, she made the Angels, and she’s the one pushing people to walk the Path through participating in a damn pilgrimage to Joseph’s statue. A pilgrimage to show their ‘true’ faith in him.” She spat at the ground. “The man’s as much of a god as she’s a Seed, droning on and on about only being a fucking mouthpiece for him, but he has no problem with his people putting him up on a pedestal either.  Faith’s little gift is only fueling that.”  
Filing away the comment on Faith for later, she found herself very interested in where this was going. “Okay, so on the subject of marble Joseph being an even larger asshole than Joseph already is, where do I come in?”
“You? Well, I want you to drive a giant fuck-you-sized hole right through it. You weren’t shy before around explosives. Hell, that was the only way to get the damn speakers to shut up. You want to do us a real service out here?” Her lips twisted into a bitter grin. “Go out to that giant fucking eyesore and blow it right off of the map.”
Opening and closing her mouth a few times, she waited for Tracey to give a sign that she was kidding, or to reveal the real job at hand. All she did instead was raise an eyebrow at her expectantly. “…Seriously?”
“Did I stutter?”
She did not. Not even remotely.
“So, say I did want to do this, and don’t get me wrong, sending that up in a hail of fire and smoke would be pretty damn fantastic,” Hana began, “but that’s a statue. Unless you’re all hiding one hell of a payload somewhere in the prison, or there’s some wildcard prepper out there sitting on a treasure trove of fireworks and other such paraphernalia…”
She trailed off when she noticed a few of the resistance members trading knowing looks. A few even started nudging each other, and she stood there with her eyes narrowed for a hell of a lot longer than necessary.
“Okay, please elaborate on that, because you’re all leaving me in suspense here.”
The older woman on the left spoke up. “You gotta go with Boshaw and the Drubman kid.”
“Kid?” The one with the baseball cap shook his head. “Hurk Jr’s no damn kid-“
“If there’s something that needs blowing up they’ll be there,” she replied, ignoring him, “and where there’s one you’ll find the other. They’ve been getting up to who knows what judging from the calls coming in over the radio.”
Tracey rolled her eyes. “And half of the county’ll be a burned-out wreck by the time they’re done. But they’re solid bets if you want to do some real damage, and I’m surprised neither of their asses have ended up here yet.”
“You don’t say.” Hana tugged at a loose strand of hair as she thought it over, twirling the red-brown strands around her finger, and the more she considered it, the more she liked it. “Anyone got their last known positions?”
“I thought I heard something about Sharky being out by Moonflower, you know the trailer park? Don’t know if he’s still hanging tight there, though. I hear the Angels are out there in droves, so he’ll have his hands full.”
She nodded, and took out her map. “Moonflower… Moonflower…”
“Right here.” Tracey placed a finger on a spot just north of the jail.  “Warning, if he is there, shout at him first, got it?”
“Sure, so he won’t swiss-cheese me on accident?”
“So he won’t roast you on accident. The guy loves his flamethrower to death, and isn’t afraid to use it. Unless you really want to see just how good of an aim he is up close, just avoid it, got it?”
After her last near-death experience by fire singed her hair? Nope, not happening.
Hana flashed her a thumbs up. “Got it.”
The rickety truck she’d stolen on the way there was still in the haphazard spot she’d left it, half wedged in the dirt off of the road.
She plopped into the seat, not even bothering with the seatbelt, and threw the truck into the reverse to try and guide it back to more even land. It creaked as it went, jostling her the entire way and she dreaded listening to that, let alone actually having to work her way through a car chase if anyone happened to recognize her.
It wasn’t a tough feat with her penchant for red clothes still going strong, and sunglasses could only do so much to cover up her eyes. She was still her same over-freckled self, and her mannerisms would give her away no matter how perfectly her outfit hid her. It just couldn’t be helped.
“…But maybe snagging a cap at some point wouldn’t hurt,” Hana muttered to herself, struggling to turn the steering wheel. Something internal had gone, possibly a leak somewhere, making it a near-Herculean effort, and would only get worse over time without repairs.
The sound of static by her side made her jolt, but soon the Sheriff’s voice came through crystal clear. “Hey, Rook? It’s Whitehorse, copy.”
She reached for her radio, and grinned wryly. “Rook? Thought that promotion was a sure thing, sir.”
“It was, and damn if you haven’t run with it since, but you know how it goes with old habits. They’re hard to shake once you get used to them, and speaking of one, I thought I told you to drop the 'sir' bit. Makes me feel ten to fifteen years older every time.”
“Easier said than done, I’m afraid, sir-er, shit.” She let go of the call button and sighed deeply before picking back up. “Hey, uh, I hope you don’t think I’m just cutting out on you just when things are looking up. Tracey wanted me to look into something for her, so I might not be back for a few days or so.”
“If she’s got you on something, it’s important. We can hold down the fort as long as we need to, and better now that we don’t have the Angels bearing down on us.  Just remember to touch base every now and then.
“Or you’ll worry?”
“Damn straight, I’ll worry.” That knocked the silly grin right off of her face. “I’ll worry until this is over and done with, but until then, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
No promises, none at all. “I’ll try. Trying counts for something, right?”
“It’s always better than nothing. And I just wanted to tell you again, and it’s not worth much, but good work today. What you’re able to do right now, for here and for Fall’s End has meant a lot. Things aren’t going to improve for a while, but this is more than what we had yesterday. Keep it up, and we’ll even have something to celebrate.”
“Wouldn’t that be something?” An actual end to all of this, with Hudson and Pratt back with them safe and sound? If only. “Just don’t jinx me now. You can’t see me, but I’ve got both sets of fingers crossed.”
“I hear you, Rook. I hear you.”
“Still, wish me luck?”
He chuckled. “Sure, but don’t use it unless you have to, you hear?”
“Loud and clear. Dep out.”
Most of the trip to the trailer park was actually spent fighting with the radio. Five times she’d switched to the Peggie station to see if they’d changed it up. She loved Barracuda, but needed a break every now and then to stay sane and keep the song as fresh as it was going to get.
One of those times she’d even started whistling out of tune to what was playing, focusing more on the tune than the words at first. That ended the minute it shifted into a rousing chorus of ‘Oh, John! Bold and brave!’ on her. There wasn’t much to mess around with concerning the radio after that.
All in all, she was thinking she’d have to either get used to this fast, or see about asking Dutch if they could arrange a way to pirate another rock station nearby. Not that she needed the extra tunes, but if the Peggies were going to blare their shit at them as a means of warfare, turnabout was fair play. 
The road up ahead was a sharp curve, her angle of approach nearly making the wheels slip off of the side of the road. The steering wheel spun as she wrenched it to the right, and she felt the whole truck shift in response. The engine died soon after, sputtering as everything came to a halt.  
“Oh, please don’t do this to me now.” She twisted the key, listening for anything, but only heard the grinding of metal. The next few turns were the same, except she stomped down on the gas for all the good it did her. “Shit.”
The rest of the trip would have to be on foot. She grabbed her bag and hopped out, making sure to keep her rifle ready as she made her way up the road.
A loud sound carried over from the park. A whoop? She crouched down by the bushes and took her binoculars out. The green fire-breathing blur soon became a person. A person currently in the middle of trying to shake off one too many Angels bearing down on him. They soon ignited, however, lost in a blast of flames.
Tracey hadn’t been kidding at all. In the man’s hands appeared to be a flamethrower, and judging by the surrounding small fires springing up around him, he wasn’t shy about using it.
And was he…dancing?
“Oh, geez,” she muttered, quickly stashing the binoculars in the bag at her side so she could run on in.
Going for her rifle, she raised it when she was close enough to actually track one of the Peggies moving in on him, and fired. The shot appeared to hit. The fact that it did nothing, made her swear loudly. She fired again, this time not waiting for a reaction before unloading again, and didn’t relax until they hit the ground.
Not even that was a guaranteed drop, but she had to keep on moving. With three of the Angels remaining, one of which was well within range of clubbing him with their pipe, she tried to keep her shots clean. One mistake and she risked hitting him herself, and like hell was she going to let that happen.
When the last one finally fell, she lowered her weapon but kept it close as she traveled further into the park. She wasn’t exactly sure how the guy there was going to react to help, but when she got close enough to really get a look at him any and all concerns faded fast.
“Got some nice shots in there, chica!” Up on his perch on a nearby trailer, he smiled broadly at her as he removed his headphones. “Here for the barbeque?”
She gave him a quick once over, noting the soot-streaked green hoodie, the large fuel canister on his back, and the cheerful bounce to his step. “Uh, maybe?”
“Cause you can pull up a chair, and kick back ‘til I throw on some more tunes and the next herd of Angels come on by. Event’s BYOF, but I’m flexible.”
BYOF? “What?”
“Flamer, flame, fire, firestarter, firearm, firework. Any or all.” He patted the side of his flamethrower and waggled his eyebrows. “So, yeah. Real flexible.”
Hana stared up at him, half-tempted to lower her sunglasses as she eyed him, but settled for giving him a crooked smile. “Gotcha. So, I’m looking for someone actually, and I think I might have found him. Got a name, Mr. Pitmaster General?”
She climbed up the stack of crates next to the trailer, hopping up to grab the corrugated sheet metal of the roof after that to clear the last few feet so she wasn’t alone on the ground anymore.
“Name’s Charlemagne Victor Boshaw, Sharky for short, and welcome to my little piece of disco heaven.”
Charlemagne? That alone was one hell of a name to shoulder, before adding on the others, but this was her man. Ironically enough, hearing his name in full now finally rang a bell that should’ve gone off back at the prison.
The Sheriff had handed her a hefty stack of files back at the station a few days before it all went to hell. It contained notices of complaints and charges in the county courtesy of a few repeat offenders. Hurk Drubman had popped up, and just as often a Sharky Boshaw joined him.
Whitehorse had shaken his head when she’d asked what the deal was, and had only offered up two words. Serial boredom. Knuckleheads, he’d also muttered right after, and she flipped through more of Sharky’s file as soon as Whitehorse turned his back.
Forget complaints, the list could’ve been slapped on a bonafide wanted poster. Unauthorized use of explosives and accelerants. Illegal acquisition and modification of weapons. Noise complaints. Vandalism. Public indecency. Arson. Conspiracy to commit arson.
It was a fun little list to say the least. And the arson bit? Totally checked out.
She threw up her hand in a mock salute. “Deputy Hana Vao, at your service.”
“That’s right.”
Sharky’s grin froze as he looked first at her, then at the flamethrower in his hands, then her again. “Uh, yeah, I’d say there’s nothing to see here, but they fucking started it.” He cleared his throat. “Ma’am.”
“I don’t think they wandered over here only to fall over into your little makeshift mesquite firepit all on their own, Boshaw.” She took one look at his flamethrower and gave him a wry look. “That’s got frequent use written all over it, aside from well, you know. Taking in what I’m currently seeing here.”
He started checking out the flames roaring off of the nearby trailer to her right, following her pointing finger when it also lingered on the flames dancing on the edges of the drained swimming pool. The trail kept on going until she’d done nearly a full 360, and when she settled her finger on him, he shrugged.
“You might’ve heard about the last few charges down at the station, but arson’s kind of a strong word to throw around for what went down at the Testy Festy last year. And the year before that. And last month, but-”
Still whirling a bit from being called ma’am, her eyebrows drew together as she processed that statement in particular. “Testy Festy?”
“Hell, yeah. Gotta go balls to the wall for that one. Wouldn’t be a Festy otherwise. I might’ve gone on a bender leading up to it, but other than the hoe-downs, drinks, and some mighty fine pickings, it was missing something. Hurk agreed – he’s my cousin, and the best bro a Boshaw could have – and told me it’d be great to smash together a lightshow in its honor, and he was right. Homemade sparklers, a few hoosker doos and hoosker don’ts, and it was about to become the fucking Festy to end all Festies.”
“We lit it up, and had it all under control, til the winds changed and uh, caught the barn on fire. And the house. And the fields and…the actual festival stands. Not real proud of that, but that dick burned so bright, I like to think even NASA floating up there got an eyeful.”
He finished his story with a grin, and she actually felt her mouth hang open a bit. “A dick?”
“Hell, yeah.” It wasn’t possible, but he grinned even wider. He was practically beaming.
This man set off a giant, flaming penis during what was referred to as the ‘Testy Festy’. The conversation with Whitehorse back at the station made so much more sense now. …Along with the charges.
“So, short of you cuffing me and bringing me down to the station, the jail, or wherever the po-po’s gathering now – and fuck that, you’ll have to run me down and hogtie me first - I figured I’d meander on up here to do a little community service. Spit in the eye of any of the Peggies that come knocking, and maybe melt some Angels’ faces off while I’m at it.”
“No, I’m not taking you anywhere, at least not anywhere you won’t want to go. I’m technically here on Cougars’ business, so any actual Deputy-ing will be kept to a minimum.”
She flashed the pin on her collar like she would’ve her badge, and he squinted at it as he considered it. “Sure you don’t just have like fifty guys waiting outside of the park to bring me in? Like hiding in the tall grass with the mossy suits and-”
“Scout’s honor,” she said, holding up a set of crossed fingers. “It’s a pretty hefty task I’m looking at, and going off of what others have told me, I think you might be the best around. What would you say is the largest thing you’ve ever blown up?”
Sharky glanced skyward as he thought it over, his face scrunching up as he scratched his goatee. “Largest? Might need Hurk for that, cause he’s the go big or go home type. We did send up Rae-Rae’s mascot ten years back, though. Not Boomer, cause that’s fucked up and he’s the sweetest dog around. Just the larger blimp-sized version of him.”
The mental image of that nearly threw her off again, but this time she recovered.
“How about a statue?” She turned, and held out both hands towards the statue of Joseph lurking in the distance. “How about that statue?”
“That one? You mean you want to…” Sharky’s eyes lit up, and his expression bordered on downright giddy as he looked between her and the statue in the distance. “Man, you want to shove a rocket up the Father’s ass? His statue’s ass, but still, it’s his ass, and I will make that dream a reality. Shit, might be better than having a chance at the real thing.”
“Anything you personally need to make this happen is yours, no questions asked. Extra gear, guns, uh…your buddy Hurk?”
“He’s further north up at his dad’s, but he’s in. You tell him even half of what you told me, and he’ll be begging for a proper shot at it. Might even give you fifty bucks to do it too.” He leaned towards her, and half-whispered, “And if he does, could you spot me thirty of that?”
While there weren’t flames currently coming out of the flamethrower, Hana did find herself eying it very carefully. “Uh, sure, man. Why?”
“He still owes me for the last time we got blasted over at the Spread Eagle, and every time I bring it up he claims to have had an out of body experience, and I don’t think we got zap-fried by aliens. Not that time, anyway.”
“Deal. Anything else?”
He walked over to three sets of foot pedals and a microphone, and rested his foot on one of the pedals before turning back to her.
“Yeah, shorty, one last thing. I promised anyone dropping by a barbeque, and we’re having one.” He pressed his foot down, and that’s when the speakers came on. “And it’s not a proper Peggie barbeque without this playing.”
The opening notes started, and she felt her mouth fall open. “No.”
Turns out disco didn’t actually die. It just decided to tuck itself into this tiny little corner of Montana, guided by one man set on letting that torch burn forever.
What happened over the next fifteen minutes was borderline surreal. To what quickly became apparent was a soundtrack consisting only of Disco Inferno – What the hell – they let every Angel that stepped foot into the place have it. He sang, he danced, he lit people on fire. The man was a living cartoon of a human being, and she was equal parts bewildered and fucking delighted.
Running laps around the trailer park, she took potshots at anyone that managed to make it past him. Sharky swept the stream of fire coming from his flamethrower in a wide arc, and even from the distance she told herself to keep, she felt the heat.  
“Good thing it’s not no-pants time right now!” he shouted over the mic, and she strained to hear him over the shots rattling out of her rifle. “Normally I’d say drop ‘em if you’ve got ‘em - this is a pants-free zone for any and all looking for one, and that counts you too –“
An Angel ran up on her, tacking her straight to the ground, and Sharky’s words somehow still came through clear as day.
“- but my dick’s hard right now and you don’t just flash that around a lady, not without asking first!”
She wrestled her rifle up, sending the butt of it into the Angel’s forehead as she shouted up at him, “Not helping, Boshaw! Not helping!”
It took three solid shots to stun them, and she scrambled out from under them just in time for Sharky’s help to arrive. He’d found a way down from his perch and let loose as soon as she was clear, though only by a hair. The flames roared as the Angel reared back, then fell, sliding back into the scorched pool.  
“You okay, chica?” he asked, looking worried. “Looked close!”
Sneaking in a few quick breaths, she rested her hands on her thighs and let her head hang low before raising it. “Yeah, just a little. Can you watch it with that thing? They’re not the only ones feeling the burn here!”
“Fuck! Sorry, man! Just got a little too-”
This time she definitely lowered her sunglasses to look at him. “Excited?”
That actually got her something bordering on a blush from the man as she glanced up at him, and he coughed before giving her a sheepish grin. “Uh, yeah. Kinda.”
“So, are we good on the whole Saturday Night Fever thing, or are you still feeling the need to shake it further?”
“The turnout was decent, got to stretch my legs and see if I could beat my old high score. Think I was short by three,” he replied, dancing his way back to the trailer with the controls. “But ol’ Joe’s calling, and we can roast more later.”
After climbing back up, he pressed down on the pedal he’d pressed before, looking plenty satisfied with their work. The music instead kept on going, starting a new verse as his foot kept on pressing down, each motion more frantic than the last.
“Uh, Dep? We’ve got a serious problem here!”
Her hand started digging through her pack, sifting through the mess inside for anything resembling a magazine. The fact that she was still searching as the seconds ticked by didn’t bode well at all. “That wouldn’t be a music-related problem, would it?”
“It’s…the pedal should cut the sound off for each set of speakers, but it’s fucking done, man! We’re going to have to go for them one by one!”
“How many?”
So much for disco heaven. They were careening straight into disco hell.
Aiming her attention towards the entrance, she swore loudly under her breath. As she shoved a new mag into her rifle, she started towards the nearest switch. It was tucked behind a fenced off area, leaving her searching for an opening as she fired at the Angels in her way. Once it was clear enough, she ran for it, flipping the switch.
“One down!”
She couldn’t see Sharky from where she was, searching for any signs of green as she went back into the clearing, and nearly collided with an Angel waiting for her. The large pipe whistled through the air as it came within inches of her face, each swing forcing her back towards the trailers.
“Second’s off, just two more left!”
Her heart pounded in her ears as she tried to look for a way to side-step around the Angel, only to catch a nearby shovel off to her right. It’d been shoved spade-first into the dirt, but was just within reach.
The rifle dropped to her side, the sling keeping it by her side as she dove for the shovel. Pulling it out of the ground, she barely put the shovel up between her and the Angel in time, holding them back as they snarled in her face.
Every sound, beat, and note meant another pissed off Angel. It was all too reminiscent of the jail, and she cursed their awful luck as she planted her foot in the Angel’s stomach to shove them back.
“Am I close to one?”
“Up the ladder, Dep!”
Ten feet ahead, then up the ladder. You can do this.
Hana swung the shovel, full-on thinking of hitting a home run as she did it, and it clanged on impact with the Angel’s face.
Go, go, go!
One tried to grab her leg as she pulled herself up the ladder, nearly wrenching her arm as she hooked it through the rungs. It wasn’t easy or pretty as she finagled her handgun out of her holster and fired blindly below, but the moment she had her leg back she scrambled to the top.
She yanked down hard on the switch, holding on tight, and waited.
“-disco inferno, burn baby burn-“
This process was going to ruin this song for her forever, and that was unacceptable. “Sharky!”
The music cut off abruptly, feedback coming through the speakers as it happened, then silence. Glorious silence. Her grip loosened, and she quickly tightened it to keep from falling off of the damn thing.
Casting her eyes down at the ground, two Angels lingered at the bottom of the ladder. Their dazed drifting had her watching them very carefully, and as she started to creep down rung by rung, she held her breath.
Don’t look up. Please, don’t look up.
She reached for one of her grenades and popped the pin. Letting go as she jumped, she aimed herself for any tall grass she could reach, knowing that at this height it was still going to hurt like hell.
Not as much as that grenade, however.
It went off right as she hit the ground, her messy roll sending her into a nearby crate. Swearing loudly, she stared over at the smoke-filled spot while flat on her back, and idly registered that her handgun had fallen somewhere off to the wayside.
But the Angels didn’t appear to even remotely exist anymore, so…best one out of two?
She’d take it.
“Yo, po-po! Where you at?”
She groaned and flipped over onto her stomach. Sharky called out for her again, and she pushed herself up so she could wave over at him.
The fire she’d freshly started continued to crackle as it burned, catching more of the dry grass around them as it made its way around the trailer park.
Hana flopped down in a nearby lawn chair, and watched it as the tension bled out, resting her rifle across her lap. She hadn’t even bothered to light the cigarette she’d dug out of her pack, keeping it dangling out of her mouth as she relaxed.
The grass crunched under Sharky’s feet as he ran over, somehow still a complete livewire after everything. “Way to bust some Peggie ass, Dep! You just scored yourself one bonafide Boshaw. One of a kind, limited edition,” he said, pounding his chest before firing off one last blast with his flamethrower.
The edge of it caught a nearby fence, quickly spreading to the trailer to his right. He scrambled away before it finally went, larges plumes of black smoke rising up before a small explosion tore through the rest of it.
When he came to a stop in front of her - not quite singed, but still kicking - he struck the same pose as before, only to take a few seconds to puff his chest out.
She took one last look at him before finally giving in, dissolving into a fit of laughter.
One of a kind indeed.
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embracehappy · 6 years
Tour starts today! and I had a dream (AU vibes)
HAPPY DAY 1 OF TOUR! We love our dude and he even managed to sneak into my dreamland last night. I hope you all get the opportunity to see Shawn at some point over the next year! This tour is gonna be so good!
So this is silly, but here’s what I dreamt last night:
So somehow I had gotten tickets to the opening show - on the floor, in the center, second row from the stage. And somehow I had gotten there really early before like almost any crowds had started filling the arena. And suddenly a few stadium people come out and they started taking down the seats in the front row. I ask what they’re doing. They said that it was confirmed the whole first row wasn’t coming and the since show starts soon so they’re just removing the seats and giving the second row a better view. (weird) So now I’m sitting first row with some space for dancing right next to the stage. I take note of my surroundings. The arena has started to fill up, but not really. Also the person seated to my left is now here. (We’ll name him Tim) I knew him in high school and quit frankly I didn’t and still don’t like him that much. He’s annoying. But he starts trying to make small talk with me and since I’m about to have to spend this whole concert next to him, I decided that I should be nice and talk so that I can act like an idiot later when I’m singing and dancing along - No bad vibes at a Shawn concert allowed. So after a bit, the arena still isn’t as full as I think it should be (I must’ve gotten there way earlier than I thought I had. Like first in the doors when they opened or somn.) This is when it gets exciting. 
Out of the corner of my eye I see a figure in a black hoody overseeing the removal of the last of the chairs. He’s on the stage but somehow almost unnoticeable. And then we make eye contact. It takes a second to register, but I quickly realize that it was indeed Shawn Mendes. I smile because I was genuinely having a good time watching the buzz in the arena grow. And then I couldn’t believe what happens next. Shawn smiles back. Then he crouches down and tells one of the arena workers something. He moves across the stage and sits on it’s edge directly in front of me. Somehow NO ONE in the arena is bothered to care that Shawn is on the stage. I walk up to the barrier with a confused look on my face and Tim follows suite. Shawn says “hi welcome to the show!” and his smile gets a little bigger and he does his grabby wave thing. 
“oh! hey! Shouldn’t you be like backstage doing a meet and greet or something?”
“Oh no! It just ended and I wanted to come out and see how the crowd is forming.”
“Well this is a sold out show. So you’re crowd will love you no matter what.”
Shawn blushes and looks away. 
Concern crosses my face. “wait, are you nervous? You have nothing to be afraid of we’re literally all here to see you. And honestly, even if you sound terrible and the stage falls apart, we’ll still love you and have a great time.”
Shawn chuckles. “I know. It’s just this is the first show and I want this tour to be amazing-”
“You’re going to be great.” I cut him off with a soft voice.
Shawn chuckles again. “I definitely will now that I have a friend in the front row! What’s your name?”
“Well, Jackie - When I need a familiar face I’m going to look at you during the show.” 
“I’ll be here” 
Shawn turns his attention to Tim, slightly curious and afraid suddenly. Almost like he just noticed the dude standing next to me. 
But before Shawn can say anything, Tim slaps my shoulder and says “ Don’t worry man, she’s here for you.”
That must’ve been sufficient for Shawn, because he gives a nod to Tim and then winks at me before getting up and running off off the stage. 
Tim promptly turns to me and freaks out. “Oh my gosh you just got hit on by Shawn Mendes!!” 
I run a hand through my hair. “Don’t broadcast it! Who knows what kind of crazys are be listening!”
“Well, by the end of the show, they’ll all know that Shawn has eyes for you. If the concert goes anything like what just happened., Shawn will barely take his eyes off the front row.”
I blush and laugh, hiding my face. “He better not. Andrew is going to kill him”
Αnd that’s when I feel a strong tug on my arm. And then it cuts to black. 
I wake up and there’s beeping white.
 I’m in a hospital bed. I reach for my phone and see a slew of text messages from Tim. 
“Hey are you okay?” “you said you were fine when you walked out” “Where are you?” “I can’t find you” “the show starts in 5″ “Alessia is on stage” “Where the fuck are you” “Alessia is off stage and the crowd is chanting” “Shawn will be out soon” “Shawn’s on stage” “are you okay?” “Shawn looks heart broken”
And thats where the messages stop. The last one sent 15 minutes ago. I text back and let Tim know I’m in a hospital but have no idea what happened. Tim explains someone pulled my arm and I fell and hit my head. I claimed I was fine and just wanted to go splash some water on my face, so I walked out to go find a bathroom. 
I must’ve passed out somewhere along the way. 
A doctor walks in saying that I don’t have any sign of concussion and that I’m free to go. The excitement must have just been to much for me and I passed out, not necessarily because I hit my head, but more likely because I was overwhelmed. I make my way back to the arena. 
At the gate, the security won’t let me in because I’ve already scanned my ticket and reentry isn’t allowed. Suddenly I recognize someone from Shawn’s team walking by. I call out and frantically explain to them that I fainted and was taken to the hospital, but was cleared and I really just wanted to watch the final portion of the concert but I can’t get back in. 
Shawn team member look confused and pulls out their phone. “let me just make a quick call.” They walk out of earshot.
The team member hangs up and walks back to me and the security guards. “Okay so I just called Andrew and his description of the fainting girl looks like you, so I’m going to let you back in. But you can’t go to your seat you have to come with me.”
At this point I’m just glad I’m being allowed back in. I follow the team member around the arena and then up a bunch of stairs. Eventually we come to a door and the team member lead me inside. 
It’s a box. But not just any box. It’s full of random lower level team members that don’t have jobs during the actual show itself and have no reason to be backstage. I read some of the name badges and see mostly truck drivers, but I did spot a personal trainer. The view was pretty bad considering I was originally front and center at first row, but these definitely aren’t the worst seats in the house. I shoot Tim a text with an update. 
After a while I’m comfortable. Or at least as comfortable as I could get in an uncomfortable situation. I really did just want to be back on the floor. I get a text from Tim saying “he keeps looking at me, looking for you. I’m going to point to your box.” 
The show continues and then when Shawn is running across the stage during the bridge of Mutual, I hear it. 
“Jack come down!” 
The arena screams in confusion. But I know who he’s talking to. My phone pings, no doubt a message from Tim. I’m shifting my weight trying to decide the best way to get out of the room. Mutual ends and the pause between songs seems a little longer that it should be, probably just first show hiccup I think. 
Half way through the next song, Andrew busts into the box. His eyes are quickly darting around. “You! Jackie! Come on!” Andrew walks out of the room quickly, assuming I’ll follow. And he’s right, I run after him, suddenly very afraid that I’m about to get thrown out. 
Andrew is mumbling something under his breathe about “of course Shawn would meet the one that faints” or something along those lines. Once we’re in an empty area, Andrew turns to me. 
“Okay so here’s the thing. Shawn seems to like you I don’t know how, because there wasn’t a meet and greet and I told him directly not to go on stage prematurely. But anyway - You’re going to go back to your seat on the floor, and after the concert you’re going to stay there and not leave. Someone will come get you. Okay?” 
“got it” 
Andrew points to the entrance to the floor. And I walk that way holding up my floor wristband to be allowed back in. 
As soon as I walk in I feel like Shawn’s eyes are on me. He follows my walk all the way up to me seat. Where Tim had to help me reclaim dominance of the spot. Considering that I was absent for the whole show, people moved in. But once I’m standing and moving to the music I see Shawn smile as he looks away, giving the arena his attention again. 
Throughout the remainder show he would occasionally look down and make eye contact with me, and I could usually see that he was trying to suppress a goofy smile, saving it for when he looked back at the crowd.
At the end of the concert, right before Shawn ran off stage he looked over at me and raised his eyebrows. And the movement was so small, but I’m pretty sure he mouthed “stay” too. Clearly not giving a fuck about the rest of his fans anymore. 
I stood and I waited. The bottlenecked exit made the crowd take forever to disperse on the floor. Tim even disappeared at some point, leaving me all by myself, yet surrounded by people. After the crowd finally broke up more, a arena worker in all black comes up to me. “Jackie?” 
I nod my head. 
“follow me.” I follow them through a series of boundaries and hallways. All empty, until suddenly busy. 
“I was told to bring you here, this is the green room. Theres couches you can sit on” 
I walk into the room and find a few of Shawn’s team members in there. Most notably, Brian. I avoid them all and sit on a couch in the corner. After a few minutes Shawn busts into the room in sweat pants and a t shirt. He must have just showered really quick once he was off stage. He also has more people in tow.
He makes his way over to Brian and the crew but he’s looking around the entire time. He hugs every member in the cluster and gets pushed around by Brian and Josiah He eyes fall on me and he smiles calling out “Jackie!” Everyone turns to look at me and I see Andrew roll his eyes. 
“oh hey!” Shawn walks over and grabs my hand pulling me off the couch and towards his friends. 
That night when checking instagram, I receive a dm notification from Shawn. It’s only one line but it stole my breath (and made me wake up)
“Do you want to come on tour?”
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getitinbusan · 5 years
Concert Fuck: JK
I Just Found Last Years Journal Entry.
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Writing Saturdays entry on Sunday night because the most unreal shit just happened. 
September 29 2018 
Grace asked me last minute if I wanted to go to the BTS show because Ellie couldn't afford her ticket anymore. I wouldn't say I'm a huge KPOP fan but the guys from BTS are pretty fucking hot so I said sure. The tickets we had were P2s left stage section 18 row 5, not bad but if I'm going to go out I'm going to go big. I told Grace that I think we could do better, I still owed her a belated birthday present so I told her I'd get us upgrades. When we got to Prudential Center I looked for a dirt bag scalper and traded our tickets and $200 for floors. Once we got in, because it was general admission the front was already packed. So… because I always need to have the best,  I walked up the aisle to the front and chose the most desperate looking security I could flirt with. The idiot really thought I was into him, which backfired because he just wanted to power trip and keep us there talking to him. Luckily one of the BTS crew was listening in and he came over to the rail to talk to us. I told him I'd do whatever I needed to do to get the best seats. He opened the gate and let us in to the side section reserved for special guests, explaining that this is where the guys would "pick from." 
So… cool, just flirting got us great seats and the potential to fuck one of the members. Not going to lie, the concert was great. Even though I would have gladly taken any of them, I found myself watching Jungkook all night.  Maybe because I was fixated on him, he noticed? I swear he kept looking over, flirting with me. They were doing their ending ments when the same security guard who let us in came over. He pulled me to the side and told me that Jungkook wanted to meet me and if it was going to happen, I'd have to leave now.  So.. at this point I basically had to choose between Grace and fucking Kookie?? Luckily I have a pretty cool friend and she insisted that I take the opportunity. As security is leading me away, I look up and he licks his lips and frickin grins at me and nods. Holy Shit it was so hot.
I thought I'd just get backstage and like wait in the dressing room or something but no… there was a process. Security guy walked me through the back tunnels and explained that a car would take me to the hotel by myself. It would raise too much suspicion to leave together so he would meet me at there after the show.  He gave me a key card and a pass and told me to make myself comfortable and just wait. I had to show hotel security my "special pass" to get up to the private level and it just struck me that this was a pretty formulated plan. How many girls do these guys fuck on a regular basis that there is a solid plan like this in place? I mean I don't really care, it just felt good to be in the running. When I got off the elevator the staff member waiting explained that I'd need to sign an NDA before they could let me in. So, sure, why not, who'd believe me anyways? Signed, sealed and delivered to room 913 I wasn't sure what to do with myself.  Should I be naked? What's the protocol for groupie sex? There really wasn't anything to do but wait so I freshened up in the bathroom, played on my phone, snooped a little, (his clothes smelled really good). 
He arrived a few minutes before 10, casually entering and grabbing a water bottle he explained that we were going to get in the shower together.  He was sweaty and he had to make sure I was clean before and I quote, "eat your fucking pussy for dinner" 
He walked into the bathroom and took his clothes off and threw them in a pile on the floor. I really don't know when he went from cute kid to fucking man but he is all man. His whole body is FIT and his cock is PERFECTION only slightly embarrassing that he laughed at me staring at him. He got in the shower and had to ask me if I was coming,  because I'm me, I had to say not yet but I hope to be soon, he liked that. When I got in behind him he praised my body, told me I had great tits and asked me to wash them so he could suck them later. Telling me to relax we helped each other lather up, you bet I fucking soaped up my hand and pumped his shaft. Once the water rinsed him off I couldn't resist flicking his tiny nipple's with my tongue, giving them little bites until he moaned. His fucking abs were hard and beautiful and I had to trace them with my tongue.  He was really hard at this point so I got on my knees and sucked him with everything I had. I think I did good? At one point he had to grab the wall to keep himself steady and he moaned a lot. You know how some guys warn you, like I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum? He's not that guy, he shot right down my throat and it was a LOT of cum. I didn't want to be the girl who fucking spits so I took it all, sorry, swallowing cum is fucking gross no matter who it comes out of. Anyway, he grabbed for my hand to help me up and kissed me,  like really kissed me, hand in hair passionate tongue kiss kissed me. I'm not delusional but his lips made it feel like he really liked me. 
He put soap in his hand and started rubbing between my legs. His fingers slid over my clit and opened my folds, basically using the palm of his hand to rub me off. He slid his finger in and circled it around, then pushed in another moving his mouth down my neck he started sucking my tits. My God he knows what he's doing. He was noisy and greedy and he told me he wanted me to cum on his fingers first, his face second and his dick third.  So after saying that I fucking came, on the spot. He wrapped his free arm around me so I wouldn't fall while my body was doing that horribly unattractive orgasm spasm. He pulled his fingers out of me and asked if I'd ever tasted myself before. I said no because.. do people just do that?? He sucked one of his fingers off and held the other up for me so yeah I guess I know now.  
He reached down and turned the water off and stepped out of the shower.  No towels, soaking wet, he led me to the bed and told me to lay down. I told him the sheets would get wet and his response was that if the sheets didn't end up wet anyway we were fucking doing it wrong. So fuck it, it's his bed right. 
I laid down and he stood for a second looking at me, his dick was twitching back to life again and he stroked himself a few times before reaching down and pushing my legs open. Face and fingers up close and personal he told me that I, or maybe my vagina? was pretty since that's what he was looking at when he made his declaration I'm not sure. His tongue was soft and relaxed and he literally had a make out session with my other lips. You know when you were young and just started to discover the concept of sex, you spent a lot of time making out and it's just dreamy and you float away in bliss at how soft and nice it feels? That, but better.  He took his time and was really really good at it. When I started to moan he switched gears and went full throttle with clit sucking and pumping his fingers in me again. Mission two: cumming on his face achieved. 
He stood up and asked If I wanted some water.  Did I tell you how FIT he is. His hard dick just stood at attention against his abs while he opened the bottle and drank half of it. He capped it and threw it to me, like wtf is this little league you could at least hand it to me nicely. He picked up his phone and started playing some music, really good songs that I'm sure were on a playlist titled songs to fuck too. Standing back at the edge of the bed he pumped himself again then reached into a travel case on the nightstand. Pulling out some lube he held his cock out in front of him and dripped a line straight down the length. He clicked it closed with one hand and threw it back in the bag and began rubbing himself until he was coated. He moved on top of me flinging my legs open again and pushed himself in. The stretch was so good, I'd take width over length any day but luckily he had both. God, he was wet from the lube, I was wet from… everything, it felt amazing. He did that romantic thing where he pushed the hair back out of my face and looked me in the eyes and I wanted to fucking die right there. He told me I felt so good and he was going to go slow so it lasted longer, was that alright?  No, nope, no fucking way Jungkook hurry up and get off me so I can leave. Pretty sure I just moaned out a yes please. He's the kind of guy that likes to kiss while he fucks which makes everything feel 100 times more pleasurable. He asked me to roll over and when I did he looped his arm under my waist and pulled me up so I was on my hands and knees, ughhh his arm muscles. He quickly pushed himself back in and the moan he let out was better than any song I've ever heard him sing. He was hot and sweaty and his pace was quicker but not hard or rough. He pulled my hair with one hand and grabbed my boob with the other. He HIT so deep and the steady stroke made me cum so hard. He did the wrap and hold again holding me still and telling me not to move, he wasn't ready to cum yet and could I take more? The man fucks like an insatiable beast and I would be an idiot to say no, so I didn't. He told me he wanted me to ride him so he could watch my tits bounce. I climbed on top of him and sank down as deep as I could go. He closed his eyes while I sat on his cock and clenched around him. He's main vocalist for a reason the moans and noises he made were beautiful and my pussy was drenched listening to him.  I bounced on his cock for a solid 10 minutes before he pulled me down and started kissing me. I made sure to rub my tits across his nipples while I ground him into me and he was whining about how good it felt when I came hard AGAIN. He held me tight against him and bucked his hips up hard into me until he came inside me with such force I could feel it hit in spurts. 
I wish there was more, a happier ending where he fell in love with me and asked me to join the tour but that was it.  We lay there for a few minutes until he told me had had an early day tomorrow and staff would make sure I got home. He asked for my number, I'm sure as a courtesy, before he kissed me goodbye, who knows maybe… Anyway,  best concert I've ever been to. 
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billi0nd0llababy · 5 years
Did you think that your ultimate guide would stop at the first part?? Think again cause here it the second part!
If you made it this far, you definitely deserve a hug and a pat on the back! and a virtual cookie lol Let’s get started!
When it’s almost showtime, they’ll let you know I guess or the other armys will tell you or if you see a giant line moving going in towards the stadium then that is the time to get into that line! But first, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE follow the rules that the stadium has set up cause you don’t want to get in line and have the worker tell you to go get your bag checked. What do I mean by that? Well, at Rose Bowl, I checked out their website and read the rules and what items are allowed into the stadium. They only allowed clear bags and the specify how big it can be. You can have a portable charger, you can also still bring your regular bag/ backpack but MAKE SURE YOU GO TO ITEM CHECK IN BOOTH! You have plenty of time to do that and the line for it isn't long. 
You don't wanna be ready to enter into the actual stadium and have the worker to tell you to go to the check in booth and then come back and get in line. that is something you wanna avoid! We were behind a girl and her friends and the security/worker told her to go to the check in booth. OH my god, the look on her face had my heart broken. I don’t know how many people would read this or even care but I still care about you and your bts experience. She was so close to making it in but she couldn’t get in cause of her bag. She left the line and her friends followed. It just sucks when you have 10 before showtime and someone tells you that. I didn’t bring anything with me just a small little clear pouch to hold my tickets, debit card and my chimmy charger cable for my portable charger and some cash. minimize the stuff your carrying cause it really helps you get in faster. 
Once you make it past the gates, if you are ground admission/ floor seats, you have to go the booth to get a wristband that will allow you to enter your area. I don’t remember what it said on the banner but it was something along the lines of wristband or floor seats or something like that. Or if you don't know like us, ASK! cause my sister and I were trying to get in the stadium but they told us that we needed wristbands so we had to get out of line, find the wristband booth then go back to the right door to the floor seats. IT was such a DRAG! If they had better organization or didn't rush people in all at once, this would have went smoothly for us. But since they literally had about 20 minutes to get 90,000 people in, everyone was running trying to get in, running to get in line and running around looking for the stupid wristband booth! 
When we got to the wristband booth, they told us that they ran out wristband and that we had to go to the other end of the building to the other dang booth to get wristbands over there instead! I was so angry cause we were literally running back and forth and the show was gonna start soon! But luckily, before we walked away they said that they had three wristbands left. One for me, one for my sister and one for this other army girl who was running around and talking with us! (she needed a wristband too so when we got shot down to enter the stadium, she was behind us and heard that we needed wrist bands she went along with us)  she was so nice! she waited with us and shared her previous experience until we had to separate to go to our seats. THANK YOU TO THOSE TWO KIND ARMYS FOR HAVING CONVERSATIONS WITH US while in line AND BEING A FRIEND THAT DAY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
 LEMME TELL YA, the line for rose bowl was RIDICULOUS! I can just say that rose bowl can hold up to 90,000 people so I’ll let you imagine the damn line. It doesn't matter which line you get in as long as you get in past the gates then the real work begins! After the wristbands and going down to the floor, it was craaaazy and amazing at the same time! It felt amazing to go down the tunnel and then it opens to this big ass crowd of people that are like you! It was an unforgettable feeling! the bts music blasting through the speakers, the sounds of fans screaming and bts on the huge screen. OH MY GOD! take me back pleeeeease!!!!!
We found our seats eventually asking the staff and we enjoyed our concert. It was fucking INCREDIBLE! I would go into details of each performance but I don't wanna be the one to spoil it for anyone! unless you wanna know you can ask me about it lol  But just know there was water! if you sit by the stage! Every performance I died and revived lol the best was jhope and of course my favorite PARK. JIMIN. OH. LORD. LORD. LORD!!!!!!!!!!
It was so fun!!!! *cries* I would definitely go back. Totally! It was such an honor to be in the same stadium as them and as nam joon said “ can you believe we’re breathing the same air???!” BIIIIIIITCCCCH! He knows whats up! lol It was such an honor to be in front or side (for me) of the president of armys himself, kim nam joon. My other sister who didn't get to go watch my videos I recorded and watched him talk. she said WOW he’s very well spoken. I said yeah I know hes a bright smart kid! and a smoother talker! *proud as fuck!* im proud of everyone making an effort for speaking English even though they had a translator. But Yeeeeaaaaaah, I have so many videos on my phone now and I watch them everyday cause I miss them already!!!!!! come back! 
that's it for your ultimate small guide! if your attending the one this weekend and future dates, please have fun, be careful and enjoy your time with the boys and cheer your ass off because they deserve the whole world and the universe and so much more!
Im so blessed to be one of the 90,000 people in attendance that day. Im just so grateful to be able to get tickets and go on this journey to see them. Hopefully I can do it again next year if they come back. Supporting them for life man... they just impact my life so much you don’t even understand.
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muellercorn · 5 years
Basically I Love Taylor Swift
Heyo I want to talk about how important of a figure Taylor Swift has been in my life since 2006. In 2015 I attended my firstTaylor concert (and my only to date) so now that we are on the verge of a new era (and hopefully tour) I've started saving to try to attend a concert soon. Therefore, I eventually feel ready to talk about my experience of attending the 1989 world tour at Hyde Park. This is a story I never even spoke about with friends because I was so desperate to attend a concert for so long that I was ashamed and embarrassed to admit what happened when I attended.
I've been a Taylor Swift fan since day one, I was 6 years old and just completely in awe. So after 9 years of dreaming and wishing I was seeing Taylor live and I could not have been more excited. My parents and I travelled down to London from our home in the North East of England, checked into our hotel then headed towards Hyde Park. Crossing over the road to Hyde Park my vision suddenly went to black and in a split second I'd completely disassociated from everything around me. You see, at age 6 I'd founded my love for TS, but I'd also been put in therapy for what would remain undiagnosed for 11 years but later be named as Emetophobia, OCD, anxiety among a few more. At age 15 I was absolutely no stranger to panic attacks, I'd had several a week since I was 6, however this was only my second time ever disassociating and by far the worst. As we got to Hyde Park I immediately needed to sit down, it started with a panic attack that I felt too tired to have. I couldn't accept that the world around me was real, I wouldn't let my parents touch me as I kept thinking and shouting that I didn't know who they were and they didn't seem like my parents. I just froze on a bench afraid to move for the fear that I'd black out. I just wanted to go back to my hotel, I begged and begged, I was willing to completely abandon my dream of seeing Taylor live. I was getting laughed at and mocked by passers by and I was just done. My parents however were not, although it felt like torture at the time they stayed with me and helped calm me down for at least 2 hours (if not more) because they knew I'd be heart broken if I missed the concert.
So eventually I got myself through the gates, got my light up wrist band and found a spot on the field. Literally just in time for Taylor coming on stage. I still wasn't all with 'there' mentally, but physically I'd made it. Obviously by this time I was right at the back of the field and I couldn't cope with trying to get amongst the crowd anyway, but I couldn't have cared less. I always denied it to others and said our train got there late and we couldn't get to the front, but at the time I was just happy to get to see my idol. I was having anxiety attacks every few minutes and my parents had sworn this was the last concert they'd take me to (and I haven't had the confidence to go to one since). A few months prior they'd decided to stop taking me to the theatre (my other great love) because despite my adoration for the arts, the anxiety the situation caused, resulted in me walking out and wasting a lot of money. All I know is if it weren't for how much Taylor inspired me that night, I would have given up on myself and denied myself so many opportunities and so much happiness in the future.
The concert is a blur to me, the best night of my life, but a blur. However, I have one incredibly distinct clear memory - listening to the speech before Clean, my favourite song from 1989. I'd watched previous speeches on YouTube so as soon as I heard the first few words I knew what was coming, but nothing could have prepared me. Taylor talked about how we were all going through our own anxieties, worries and hard times, but right now we were in awesome outfits and having the best night of our lives. The tears started to flow and it felt so surreal and magical it felt as if I was standing by myself in Hyde Park, just me and Taylor and she was giving me personalised life advice. Then I realised that despite the fact I had never met a single person in that crowd, we were all connected, we all had similar hearts and minds, and as Taylor said in hard times we all turn to music to get through. I cried my eyes out at this moment, I needed to hear what Taylor had to say and more over I needed to feel that inspired and moved.
That moment I decided to not give up on myself, to keep going, to return to a Taylor Swift concert when fates would allow. What made this moment even more special was that I knew it came directly from Taylor's heart, this wasn't the same speech that she'd given at the previous concert or the concert before there were ad-libs that came from raw emotion and passion and it was beautiful. I will never forget how I felt during this and the feeling I felt walking back to my hotel, hope that I hadn't felt in years and I'm so grateful. This is why I've loved Taylor for 13 years. She writes music that matters, that really really matters. This isn't music to make money it's art to heal, to comfort and to provide company.
I can not wait for this new era and to (hopefully) see Taylor Swift live again! It feels like she's written her song specifically for you each lyric related to the human condition at its core and that truly is enchanting. My battle with mental illness still goes on, I'm frightened at the thought of going to another concert, however there's nothing I'm more excited for right now than the idea of seeing Taylor perform live again, I trust her, I trust that the wisdom she'll bestow on me that night will make any prior anxiety completely worth it and will be laid to rest. I'm so grateful and beyond excited for this next era, music is my salvation and I'm ready for my soul to be nourished.
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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