#and then when we finally got to the parking area we were like……..sent in the wrong direction i guess?????
bilbao-song · 2 years
i have so many Thoughts following yesterday’s events and i haven’t even gone through my photos properly yet bc tbh i’m still in utter disbelief that the entire thing DIDN’T get ruined. like that’s how close it came
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pelova4president · 3 months
Shadows are to protect IV
Victoria Pelova x Putellas!Reader
shadows are to protect I, II, III
summary~ You finally get your happy ending.
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So you disappeared. You booked a flight to The Netherlands and didn’t tell anyone. You wanted to see the country Victoria talked about so much. The little cafes and restaurants she visited when she was there.
You built your own little world, a bubble where no one could hurt you and you couldn’t hurt anyone you cared about. You wouldn’t mind living here. Everyone did their own thing and there were dogs and parks everywhere.
De Oranje Leeuwinnen were playing a few days after you had arrived and you couldn’t let the chance of seeing Victoria play in front of her own people slip.
The stadium was absolutely packed. The orange shirts with the names of female players on them and red, white and blue flags on everyone’s cheeks. Even though Spain had won the World Cup there wasn’t this much attention for the Spanish team. It was something you were jealous of.
It’s been days since you disappeared, Alexia hasn’t texted or called you yet and you were grateful for that. She never knows what’s going through your head but if you don’t reach out in a situation like this, she knew she had to leave you be. She’d be there if you wanted to talk and you didn’t really desire that the past few days. But now you did.
In the hopes that she would pick up in the middle of the day you called. You sat in a little bakery somewhere in The Hague and it felt like the right time.
Three rings had gone by before you got someone on the other end of the phone. “Hola hermanita… Hola?” she said. “Ale, you got time?” you asked her. You heard her laugh, “Not really but you know i’ve always got time for my pequeña princesa.” you could imagine the big grin on her face. You groaned at the stupid nickname. She knew you hated it when she called you that.
“Whatever, i’m talking about like at least an hour. I’ve got a lot to tell you.” you said taking a sip from the overpriced latte. “Sí, i’ve got time for you.” she sighed.
She knew you probably had a lot to talk about. Alexia hadn’t really pushed you to talk about it because she knew you weren’t a great talker and if you really wanted to and if she needed to know, you would tell her.
And so you told her everything, about going to Arsenal and how it had been the first few weeks. How it wasn’t your home and how you felt so so lost there. You told her about Alessia, that she had your heart and she broke it just like that. That you didn’t really want to come out of bed the days after and that that was the reason why you visited her when you did. And about Victoria Pelova, the girl that has been nothing but good to you. Alexia laughed at that, she knew you’d get along, that’s why she told you to give the girl a chance.
“I’m in The Netherlands now Ale, i don’t know what to do now.” You sighed into your phone. “Joder hermanita, you already know what to do. I already know you got your ticket to the game. Dile que la amas.” Alexia always knew what to say. Sometimes it was nice to have a big sister that can tell you what to do. “And next time we play against England, just know i’ll get back at Russo.” she deadpanned. And a sister to protect you.
You had texted Victoria good luck before the game. ‘Hey Vicky, i just wanted to let you know i’ll be at your game today. Please listen to the voicemail i’ve left you a few days ago. Ik hou van jou, je kan het.’ you sent her.
Sitting on the third row you got a pretty good views of the game. It wasn’t a really important game or anything and the chance the orange team won was very high so you weren’t that nervous for the brunette.
In the 17th minute Brugts scored from the penalty area and not long after van de Donk scored too. The first half ended in 3-0.
As the players walked to the changing room you looked for Victoria. When you finally found her eyes, hers were already focused on you. Your lips formed an apologetic smile and you waved at her. She gave you a little smile before disappearing into the tunnel.
The second half went even smoother for the home side. Esmee Brugts got her hattrick and Damaris and Roord scored one each. It was the 88th minute when Kerstin Casparij made a dribble forward. She passed two midfielders and made a perfect cross. The white ball landed on Vic’s foot and she volleyed the ball into the corner of the net.
It was just an Euros qualifier but for you it was much more. You knew today was now or never. It was 8-0 but the crowd was just as loud as it was when the first goal was scored.
The game was over and you saw the team do their lap around the field. You loved how involved they were with their fans, especially the kids. Victoria was somewhere at the back, still signing a little girl’s Arsenal shirt when Damaris spotted you and ran towards your section.
You knew the player well. Damaris used to play for Spain but decided to move to the Dutch team and you got why. She was the first one to do something about the Spanish management and you admired her for it. Your ex-teammate climbed over the fences and when she finally got to you she was out of breath. She gave you a hug and greeted you. “Don’t tell Vic i know but she listened to your message before the game. She’s been sad all camp and doesn’t want to listen to anyone. Just wait at our hotel and i’ll get you in.” she told you before sprinting off again.
So now you were waiting on the orange bus full of players to arrive at some fancy hotel in Amsterdam. You looked like a stalker, dressed in all black with Victoria’s black hat and hoodie on.
After fifteen minutes of waiting the Dutch team finally arrived. All the girls walked past, well everyone except for Vic and Dama.
Damaris walked towards you with two bags in her hands, one with 21 on it and the other with number 17. Victoria walked behind her, confused as why she was carrying her bag inside until she saw you.
“Victoria, you better figure this out because i know you want her and she wants you, okay?” she told the girls strictly. The Arsenal player nodded silently and stood still in front of you.
“Did you hear the voicemail i left you?” you asked her. Her eyes weren’t focused on you but on the big neon letters of the hotel. The blue light was shining on her, making it look like she coloured her hair blue.
“Yeah. I got it, so tell me then, what happened?” her eyes traveled to your face. It was hard to read her at the moment.
“When i came into Arsenal i didn’t know anyone and i was scared and tired of being alone. Alessia helped me at that time until she didn’t need me anymore. One evening i found out she had a boyfriend all along. I was having a hard time after that and went to Alexia for a few days when you texted me.” you smiled at the thought of her text, she really did help you. “Alexia told me to give you a chance and i’m happy i did because you mean so much to me. I don’t think i would be playing football anymore if it wasn’t for you. And then Alessia didn’t like that, she kissed me that evening when you saw us but i told her that i didn’t want her. I swear. I only want you. Te amo, Vicky.” you pleaded.
You were still standing before her, you took your hat off and your right hand was in your pocket while your left was fidgeting with the strings of the black hoodie. “Say something, please.” you begged the brunette. Her silence was killing you.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve just let you explain but i didn’t. It’s just that when i heard Alessia talking to you and then kissing you..” Victoria sighed.
“I get it, you shouldn’t say sorry for that. Can we try again, i really want us to work out.” you smiled.
Victoria’s signature smirk appeared on her face and she leaned in for a kiss. “por supuesto cualquier cosa para ti” she grinned into your neck. “You’ve done your Duolingo sí?” you laughed at her.
“I did, just for you. And maybe just a little bit for when i meet your sister, got to make a good impression on La Reina hmm?” she teased.
A/N finally done!!! I don’t even know how this whole series was planned but this is it, happy ending and all
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sexy-monster-fucker · 11 days
Lover’s Quarrel
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Lee Russell x Reader
Summary: Reader is the third Vice Principal of North Jackson High. She often finds herself fighting with Lee Russell. Tension builds until it finally breaks.
CW: cussing because duh it’s Lee Russell, p in v, creampie, biting(?), Lee being a panty thief,
You sat alongside your two coworkers watching some of the kids practice for the pep rally. Neal Gamby and Lee Russell, your fellow Vice Principals. Only a few weeks back they had dragged you along for some harebrained scheme to get the new Principal, Dr. Belinda Brown, fired. Breaking into her home, resulting in Russell loosing it and burning her entire house down. You were in the thick of it with them now, no turning back.
Gamby and Lee argued back and forth about what the next plan was to ensure Belinda Brown was no more. You were halfway zoned out not much caring for their petty bickering.
“I can’t help both of you pussed out on me and ran,” Lee scoffed at Gamby. “You can’t be serious right now, what did you want us to go up in flames with the house?” Gamby rolled his eyes.
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” Lee began talking through his teeth, “I’m talking about how we were gonna highjack her car too, Gamby! Could’ve burnt that shit down right in the school parking lot!”
“I think burning her new house down was far enough, Lee,” you finally chimed in.
“Yeah, dumbass. Don’t you think we would’ve been caught then?!” Gamby leaned in.
“She has kids, Lee. We’ve already made them homeless,” you sat up straight rolling your shoulders.
“You two are no fun!” Lee rolled his eyes, “Too invested in her personal life and shit. I don’t give a fuck about her! Neither should you, little miss sensitive.”
“That’s rich coming from someone with a detailed binder on every single faculty member in this building,” you stood up.
“Yeah!” Gamby pointed a finger in his face, “You’re the one who’s invested!”
“Shut the fuck up, Gamby,” Lee scrunched his face up at him. Lee’s eyes followed you as you walked down the bleachers.
“Where the fuck are you goin’, prissy pants?” Lee stood up behind you.
“Anywhere where I don’t have to hear your dumbass complain,” you turned around and threw your arms up.
“You always are the first one to back out on anything! Can’t even commit to a conversation with us,” Lee crossed his arms.
“Ooo a lovers quarrel,” Gamby teased.
“Shut Up, Gamby!” You both spoke together.
Lee began walking down the bleachers towards you. This just pissed you off worse.
It had almost always been like this with you and Lee. Small bickerings that were normally wrapped up with some flirting. All your coworkers constantly teased you both about fighting like an old married couple. Lee was different when you were alone. Staying late to help you with some paperwork that you could’ve done yourself, deeply complimenting you, always making an excuse to invite you into his office or himself into yours, lingering touches between you. Things had changed since Dr. Brown joined the faculty. Lee was sassier than ever. No longer willing to be any form of helpful, just hanging around throwing off-hand insults towards anyone and everyone. It had been growing old. You were sick of constant negativity pouring from him.
You headed down the stairs of the bleachers walking as fast as you could away from him.
“What’s the matter with you?” Lee rushed behind you, his hard steps echoing on the metal stairs. You ignored him, continuing forward. “I thought this was like our thing! Just some back and forth, what’s the big deal?” Lee scoffed.
“I’m not in the mood for this today, Lee,” you rolled your eyes refusing to look back at him. He was hot on your heals.
“What are you on your period or something?” Lee joked.
That was it. That sent you over the edge.
"Oh, sweet God, Lee! You're being a fucking asshole!" You stormed off into the nearby woods. The area in which old school supplies got dumped, also where Lee often took his smoke break.
"Me the asshole? You're the one actin' like a royal bitch right now!" Lee followed closely behind you.
That struck a nerve.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
Lee stood before you, hands on his hips, mouth hanging awkwardly open and eyes wide. He stammered slightly shaking his head.
"Nothing," he threw his hands up doing a circle step.
"No- Go ahead, Russell. Since you want to be so brave, tell me what you said!"
"You're the one that called me an asshole," he mumbled.
"Because you are an asshole! That's all you've ever been and all you'll ever be! A self obsessed, egotistical asshole!" You grunted as you spun around, leaning your arm against a tree.
"Oh, now look whose name callin'!" Lee stomped.
"You act all sweet and friendly to the staff, then do everything in your power to stab them in the back. Laughing and jokin' at the lunch table, pretending to be one of them. Well you aren't! You're a fucking psychopath who loves to pull everyone down with him! You're a sicko with a power trip, Russell!"
Lee scoffed at you, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
"FUCK YOU, LEE RUSSELL!" You got into his face pointing at him.
Lee cocked his head to the side. His hands found both sides of your face, crashing his lips into yours. You were stunned and extremely aroused. You sunk into the kiss full force, your body melting into Lee's grasp.
"You've got a dirty mouth on you, Ms. L/N," Lee flashed a toothy grin at you.
"You have no idea," you chuckled to yourself.
"Fuck, me. I like the sound of that," he pressed his lips back into yours, backing you into the tree you had leaned on prior. You exchanged spit as your tongues tussled, sloppy kissing being shared. Lee's lips found their way to your neck, biting and sucking at it. "Don't be fucking greedy," you breathed out.
"I'll do whatever I want," he kissed your skin, biting down a little harder than before. A small moan escaped you feeling his teeth dance along your skin. You wanted him badly.
Lee pulled you away from the tree, escorting you over to the mattress on the ground. A little gross, but you could not care right now. "Let's hurry things along a little, I've got an evaluation in an hour," Lee helped you onto the mattress, crawling on top of you. A prominent tent pitched in his tight khakis. "You really know how to make a girl feel special, dontcha Russell?"
"Oh, shut up," Lee kissed your lips. He ran a hand down your body, sliding under your skirt, finding your clothed core. His fingers began making circles against your sensitive nub. Your hips jolted forward at the sudden friction. Your eyes shot up to him. "Did you think I was gonna be the only one getting off here?" Lee looked at you with a cocky grin. You ran both hands up his body, tugging him down by his tie.
"Fuck me, Lee," you fluttered your eyes at him.
"Don't have to ask me twice, sweetheart," Lee began pulling himself from his pants. You shimmied your panties down your legs, cool air hit your soaking core. Lee's eyes stared up your skirt, mouth hanging open admiring your sex. Your eyes finally caught his fully erect cock, his hand grasped around it stroking himself. Your face flushed. Lee got in position, lining himself up with your opening. He eased himself in, the tip stretching you first. Lee’s eyes stared down at yours, lust written all over his face.
He continued easing his way inside you, giving you time to adjust to him. He found himself fully inside you, both of you breathing loud and heavy. He stayed for a moment not ready to begin moving. He gently pulled himself back before aggressively thrusting back into you. A moan fell from you.
"Ah, fuck. Has a pussy this good seriously being hidin' from me this whole time?" Lee threw his head back as he continued thrusting into you. His cocked stretched you just right.
"Should've bent you over my desk by now. Fucked you in the teacher's lounge. Hell, I'll fuck you on my future Principal's desk," Lee grinned ear to ear.
"You mean my future desk," you scowled at him.
"Whatever gets you to let me keep fucking you," Lee leaned his head against you. He squinted his eyes savoring the feeling of you around him. He had not been fucked in a longtime, let alone by someone as good as you.
Lee's hips rocked into you consistently quick, your head rested back on the mattress. He felt extremely good inside you, even if that mouth of his was not doing him any favors. He leaned down placing a wet kiss on your lips, his hand creeping down your body and finding your sensitivity again. His name was a soft moan on your lips. You felt your orgasm inching through your body his fingers working absolute magic on you. You were breathless.
“I wanna cum in you, okay?” Lee whispered in your ear. You nodded aggressively. You knew you would unwind any minute now. Lee’s hips grew sloppy and unrhythmic as he began chasing his high. Praises flowed from him as he threw his head back, his fingers finally sending you over the edge. Your walls fluttered around him, a loud moan escaping you. Lee’s body fell flush with yours, his hips snapping into you. “Fuck, Y/N, you have the perfect pussy,” he moaned in your ear. Ropes of him shot inside you, his hips sputtering trying to get as deep inside you as possible. His lips pressed into yours hard. One of his hands cupped your cheek, Lee admired you, being tender with you for only a moment.
“Goddamn, Y/N! That was— Fuck, great,” Lee chuckled awkwardly trying to catch his breath. You ran your hand through Lee’s hair, his eyes softening for a moment. Lee pulled out of you hesitantly. Deep down he wished you could stay like this forever. He would never admit it publicly, but he really liked you. You both sighed. He rolled over to be on the mattress beside you.
You sat up, searching for your panties that had been discarded earlier. “Where’d my underwear go?”
Lee laughed. He patted his chest, “Don’t you worry about those, I’m sure you have plenty more at home.” Your whole body flushed with heat when you realized what he was saying.
“You’re seriously going to make me walk around the rest of the day with no underwear?” You half smiled at him.
“Goddamn right I am. Make sure every time you sit down you remember what happened out here,” Lee laughed, standing up and reaching his hand out to you. You took it, he pulled you to your feet. Your chest was flush against his, you looked up at him. You pressed a kiss to his lips quickly. You saw a slight pink hue rise on his cheeks. Lee’s hands were on your hips, heavy brown eyes staring into yours. A faint smile painted his face.
The bell rang in the distance.
Lee’s eyes shot up to the school behind you. “Uh— Guess we outta get back to work,” he placed a tiny peck on your cheek. You smiled as he walked ahead of you, one of his hands reaching behind him for yours. You intertwined fingers with him, getting a satisfied look over his shoulder. He led you out of the trees, the field that was previously full of loud cheering students was now empty. No one was outside. At least, that’s what you thought. Lee spun around, planting another kiss on your lips. A goofy grin painting his face.
You both jumped slightly hearing Neal Gamby’s voice echoing through the air.
“Jesus Christ,” Lee sighed as he turned around to face him.
“What the fuck were you guys doing out there? You know we have to monitor the halls during class changes! Plus you guys forced me to have ‘small talk’ with Bitch Brown!” Gamby folded his arms over his chest.
“No need to get your nutsack twisted, Gamby. We just needed to plan out our next attack,” Lee flicked him in the shoulder walking past him to the school.
“I’m supposed to be involved in all conversations about this!” Gamby protested.
You laughed and rolled your eyes, following closely behind Lee. Turning to make a face at Gamby as you headed inside.
“You guys suck,” Gamby mumbled as he hustled to catch up with you.
You and Lee walked side by side inside the building, occasionally bumping into each other. Exchanging small smiles back and forth. Continuously grazing hands, longing to interlock fingers again.
Save that for another time.
~ Thank you for reading! This is my first time writing for Lee Russell so I hope you enjoyed it! I am currently on Episode 6(?) of Vice Principals and am absolutely obsessed. I will be more than happy to write more for Lee Russell if anyone has requests! If you want to be tagged in my future work let me know! ~
@megangovier ~ @lacey-mercylercy ~ @dichromaniac ~ @toogaytofunctiondangit ~ @justme12200 ~ @aliisa-jones ~ @one-of-thewalkingdead ~ @madladysix ~
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knightyoomyoui · 6 months
[SMUT] TWICE Dahyun x Male Reader - "Conquered By An Abomination"
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Here's my final one-shot for this year which is another smut fic featuring Dahyun. I want to say that I'm pretty proud and impressed at myself for being able to catch up on the 4th quarter after being too busy during July-October. This fic has got to be one of my experimental and unique works that I decided to try writing, because the concept that you're about to see here was never been done by me before, meaning that this my first-time writing it. Please understand and pardon me if this one turns out to be not suitable to the liking of some, as I feel like this might not be everyone's cup of tea. Enjoy reading and celebrate a Happy New Year with your loved ones, please!
Here's my Ko-fi account where you can drop your donations or ask for a commission. You can check it out on my Tumblr profile too!  Buy knightyoomyoui a Coffee. ko-fi.com/knightyoomyoui - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page. TRIGGER WARNING: contains R+18 mature content, smut WORD COUNT: 4,500+ TAGS: abduction, aphrodisiac, tentacles, rough sex, monster fucking, gangbang, breast play, deepthroating, ass filling, creampie
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On Friday, November 13, astrophysicist Dr. Kim Dahyun and her research team went from Busan to Seoul to visit a location where they were tasked with conducting a comprehensive examination.
Based on radar data from their headquarters, it was seen that around midnight yesterday, an object that seems to be a fragment of an asteroid or comet crashed into the vicinity of Seoul.
Their chief professor and mentor at the research lab gave them the order to report any unusual sightings they came across there before calling the military and defense squad to seize control of the area and place it under lockdown, keeping everyone outside of the sector out.
Dahyun and her group entered the hidden area through their vehicle, bypassing the main road and making their way to the designated site. They made the decision to park close to the danger zone as they were leaving the road so they could more easily reach the astronomical devices inside.
"So what's this anomaly of yours supposed to look like?" One of her intern graduated to SNU, YN LN asked her after arranging all the panels around the van.
"It's almost the same as what we used to find from the sky, but this one was the first to do the unthinkable." Dahyun answered, wiping her eyeglasses. "The record says that it's like a small shooting star that emerged from the sky, but the impact it left when it came contact here almost triggered a mild earthquake."
"So that's why the sent us in." He responded, nodding his head understandably.
Dahyun turns her head around, acknowledging her other assistant who is testing some devices that they will equip on their hands outside. "Uhm, Minyoung excuse me for a sec will you?"
"Yes, Miss Kim?"
"Can you grab for me that gloves beside the first cabinet?" She pointed at the direction. Minyoung saw it and unhesitantly passed it to her. "Thanks."
"Are you guys good now?" She checked on her accomplices. They signalled her with a positive note. "Okay, let's take a look what they have in store for us."
After getting out of the van, they began to swing the tall leaves that were obstructing their view and path on the verdant field. They weren't even gone from their car for that far when they observed something startling.
The three researchers were welcomed with a bald area on the top portion of the field, which was produced by a big crater on the land. The leaves that were impacted by the collision scattered across the hole.
"This looks huge." YN exclaimed with a gasping mouth. "Are you all sure it's just a thin shooting star-like that appeared yesterday?"
"It is. They even presented it to me." Dahyun explained. "The anomalies here would be always associated to the geological condition here. I have a chart that describes everything we have encountered for these past few years and I've never seen anything like this that an unknown object also gave us a hard time dealing with a quake."
"We better get starting now because to be honest, this is getting really unpredictable to the minute and I couldn't understand what's going on as long as we see it ourselves." Minyoung suggested. Dahyun and YN looked at her and they were both convinced. YN planted a huge nail beside the crater and wrapped a rope around it that will serve as their handle when going down to the crater.
As the three of them made it below. They began to look around and observe deeply the surfaces. Minyoung kneels down and poked a stick on a gross material, forming a disgusted expression on her face. "Uhh guys, take a look at this."
Dahyun and YN came towards her. "Does this remind you of something?" Minyoung said as she twirled and flipped it around, almost like she's playing on it.
"Is that an eggshell?" YN asked, furrowing his brows at the black and velvet-colored thin piece swimming at a pool of gooey substance.
"Could be. Just look at the fluids around that probably came from this." Dahyun said, mentioning the slime. They garnered their eyes more at their surroundings, there were even bigger ones that what Minyoung has found and they were also mostly covered with a slime.
"Get away from that, Minyoung-ah. Don't you see how disgusting it is?!" YN scolded his friend. He started to cover his nose too with his shirt. "And do you guys smell that?"
"Yeah, it's bad." Dahyun clenched her face in dislike. "Feels like there's a rotting organ in here."
"Wait, so are we gonna conclude right away that we just discovered a cracked egg?" YN said. He scoffed and rubbed his face. "Am I correct at what I think this might mean?"
"No, YN. We're just getting started here. We are researchers we came here to finish our task and not do it in rush just because we're in an unsettling situation right now." Dahyun protested. "We don't jump into conclusions right away."
"S-sorry, Prof." YN bowed his head. "It's just.. I'm sensing something wrong in here."
"YN, let's just wish it would not happen at all. Okay?"
YN looked at Dahyun's comforting and calm demeanor. He nodded shyly. "Yes, Ms. Kim."
Snapping a few photos of the scene, Dahyun gave Minyoung and YN the order to take everything out of the van that would be necessary for them to make a report and gather any evidence that they would find here. Dahyun borrowed a tracker and used it to glide around the crater's borders while they did so.
The tracker bumped against a tall leaf, and the alarm began to sound loudly. After receiving an alert, Dahyun was perplexed as to what it had discovered. Before she caught anything, she inspected the dirt and leaves in the area.
The leaves did not have sharp, pointed ends. Rather, it appears as though the flower has grown directly onto the leaf, utilizing it as a stem or something unexplainable. Dahyun thought it was rather strange to see a flower extending through the body of the leaves itself.
She stepped back to wipe the dust off her face as the flower burst some sprinkle of nectar on her face as she reached out to touch it. She held her tracker again while she coughed, but she quickly figured out that it was unresponsive.
"There's got to be some power or equipment malfunction" Dahyun hissed on the device as she carried it. "Minyoung! YN! I need a help on-"
Dahyun was about to walk back on the van when suddenly she went out of balance and slipped through the crater. When she was about to get up, she saw the van fleeted upwards to the sky, a hole was formed on the bottom of the vehicle before it splitted in half when it crashed on the ground. Her heart shattered she heard it explode.
She wasn't devastated because of the vehicle, but because of the fact that two of her colleagues were inside that van when it exploded. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" she shouted at the horrific sight from outside the crater.
Dahyun ran through the ropes and hurriedly climbed but she started getting drowsy and lightheaded, her body losing it sense until it managed to get her out of the grip from the rope, sending her unconscious inside the crater.
Right after she snapped out, the ground she's laying at started to flow like waves.
Dahyun woke up hours later, but not without a clue on her, as her mind was still rebooting from what happened to her earlier. Her eyes opened, and there she witnessed herself sitting in the middle of what it seems to be a cave.
She slowly risen up to her feet, her feet stumbled a bit as she felt a dull ache on her head once again. Rubbing it to ease it off atleast, Dahyun breathed deeply before returning back her attention on her current situation of getting stuck.
She couldn't find any light that would provide her to a clearer vision of everything around her. Nervous and desperate to find a route to escape, Dahyun had no other choice but to walk around and explore for a route way out.
"HELPPP!!! ANYBODY OUT THERE CAN HEAR ME?!" Dahyun pleaded as loud as she can reach on her voice. "MINYOUNG? YN? WHERE ARE-"
She paused as she recalled earlier seeing their van where her two assistants were staying in. Her emotions overtook her, releasing teardrops across her face. She also began to feel guilty, thinking that she should have ordered them to go back inside and fetch all of their equipment on her behalf.
Maybe if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't led both her friends on their own demise. Dahyun sobbed heavily as she repeated calling their names in agony.
She slammed her hand accidentally on some surface. Dahyun probably guessed it a wall where she could support herself while trailing along the cave. She took the opportunity, caressing and patting it.
However, Dahyun noticed something different. It was rough, soft, and quite sticky as she could describe. She tried to smell it, and it brought her to a familiar rotten organ smell she, Minyoung, and YN had depicted earlier.
"Huh? What is this?" Dahyun questioned herself where she is also the only one who could find the answer. With one more pat onto the strange wall, she noticed the entire area start to glow including the one where she is touching.
She roamed her eyes around, and it made her tensed to learn that she does indeed correct on her being stuck inside a cave right now, but rather everything that blocks her from the possibility of escaping is covered with unidentified type of organs.
There was a dark area on the far end just right in front of Dahyun's direction. She could swear that she had a glimpse of something that just moved there and disappeared from the shadows in a few second. "WHO'S T-THERE?!" she shouted as she started having suspicions in her mind.
Taking few steps ahead to check out what it is, a loud roar put her into halt before she was about to scream in terror. She fell on her butt and her breathing goes faster, wondering what kind of a monstrous noise she just heard.
She then saw something emerging from the drak shadows. In her utmost bewilderment and panic, an abomination has appeared in front of her, standing tall with its bulbous, humungeous and very disfigured appeareance.
It's size is like almost half of the space of the cave they're occupying, and Dahyun was in complete disbelief that the fear of YN he was trying to refer a while ago has unfortunately manifested into reality. A beast from the space or in other term made by humans ourselves, called aliens- are real in Dahyun's universe.
"D-don't come closer to me!" Dahyun tensefully said as she starts to crawl away from the monster. It blabbered some unusual noises that almost formed some inaudible words while shaking its head madly, and after that, Dahyun saw something popping out of its body.
Two slimy tentacles just came out from each sides and began crawling through Dahyun to reach each of her ankles and get wrapped. She then felt her body being dragged closer to the monster and Dahyun repeatedly yelled, begging for it to stop while tugging the tentacles with all the force she could apply to yank it off, only to end up with no effect.
As Dahyun was placed almost inches away from the gigantic alien creature, she has finally accepted her fate of being helpless and in danger. Tears filled with nothing but negative emotions streamed out of her eyes before the monster blew out some gas that has a color similar to the nectars that were sprayed on her by an infected plant earlier.
After she smelled it, she soon finds her body growing into a sense of arousal that urges her horny feelings to activate. She tried to endure it but she could swear that her skin were releasing more sweat and her pussy and her nipples are starting to become sensitive.
The tentacles must've found the lustful sensation brewing inside of her, and they took the perfect timing as one of them starts to slid through her pencil skirt and lift it up her tummy before it traces her pussy through the soaked panty. It's partner focused on her clothed breasts, bumping it and feeling its softness as it bounces.
Several more tentacles were released from the creature, but this time with various sizes and colors. Some were lighter or darker, some where thicker or thinner. The thin ones snaked through her sleeve and forcefully spreaded her top, revealing her white strapped bras containing her milky tits.
The rest then helped to remove her skirt, exposing her into half naked with her matching pair of white bra and panties. "NOOO! PLEASE, DON'T DO IT!" Dahyun pleaded until she unexpectedly released a sultry moan when a fast tentacle moves through her cheek and rubs itself on her skin.
All the tentacles starts to wrap around on her meaty thighs and slender arms in order to suspend her in mid-air. Their touch becomes even more satisfying and felt relaxing to Dahyun despite how denial the words coming out of her mouth.
Being half-naked and spreaded in front of the creature's ugly looking face, the tentacle then moved from her cheek to her lips as it continues to rub across Dahyun's pretty face. Her lips starts to pucker and the effects of the strange gas which was probably aphrodisiac as Dahyun guessed, made her more susceptible as it clouded her mind with lust and temptation.
She starts kissing the tentacle before it slid through her mouth, she sucks on it like it was a cock entering on her.
The other tentacles started to become bold also. They tugged and remove her bras and panties, finally making her naked. There's these suction cups- like tentacles went to crept up on her torso to her underboobs, feeling her perky tits bounce on their motions before its lips opened and sucked on her hardened pinky nipples.
Thinner tentacles spreaded her walls, assisting the thicker tubular object crawl and enter her tight pussy. It effectively brought another relieving feeling on Dahyun's aroused body, moaning in rhythm to the tentacle's barging on her constricted hole.
Their movements became faster and rougher, including the suction cups almost biting her nipples then returning to lick on it like there were supposed to have milk leaking out of Dahyun's breasts.
Due to the sudden increase of pace, it also din't allow more time for the tentacles to reach their limit. Despite her little efforts and strength to shake them off their body, Dahyun uncontrollably welcomes their slimy liquid that probably resembles to a man's cum, into her warm throat and womb.
She lets out a poor groan and whimper, sniffling in fear of what it could bring her after when she watched the odd colors and thickness of their cum flowing out of her. She hoped it would not cause her to get pregnant, especially if it would mean that she would breed an abnormal hybrid that sets aparts from what a normal baby should look like.
Desire is what Dahyun could just accept within her, disturbing and letting out the pleasure she has long kept to seek any solutions for it. First load wasn't enough for the tentacles howsoever, as she felt the tentacles changing their hold on her limbs to prepare her for a next position.
Still hanging from the mid-air, Dahyun's body was forced to bend, with her backdoor being the one facing the beast. The tentacles spreaded her legs, causing her cheeks and puffy pussy to open a little.
With her arms around her back, Dahyun endured all the harsh slaps of the thicker tentacles to each of her curvy asscheeks. She lost the count of how many times they played on it, too obsessed on how soft and big enough for it to give comfort on these creatures.
Funtime didn't lasted longer as they went already to the next move. She felt the girthy pair pounding both her asshole and pussy, fucking them simultaneously. Her body went back and forth at their movement.
The suction cups returned to play on her breats, tugging on her nipples and stretching them as farther her endurance could take. Dahyun hissed in a mixture of pain and pleasure only because it aided the abuse her tits were being applied at when she felt something gliding through her entire back.
She turned her head around and witnessed the alien sticking out its wide and long tongue slurping the taste of of the sweat forming across her back view.
The thick tentacles reached their climax, exploding a second amount of load to her love holes. Dahyun huffed at the unmatched energy of these active creatures using her body for pleasure.
As they release from her ass and pussy. She was repositioned again. She was now facing the monster completely before she gulped when she realized what she was about to suffer next.
A huge- like literally- gigantic cock, probably measuring around 14 or 15 inches in size unbeatable to any men's size around the world, is ready to explore Dahyun's innards. Dahyun wiggled her legs, afraid that she might break from being unable to take his girth.
But again, she is outnumbered with numerous tentacles attached to her body, imprisoning her from any attempts of escaping, even though she has no other palns anymore as the aphrodisiacs are still in full effect on her.
Their strength pressed Dahyun's body to the awaiting cock. Due to its massive size it struggled to enter Dahyun's tight little pussy before it succeeded, only for the poor scientist to scream and grit her teeth in a shocking pain while the creature twitched and produced more creepy noises.
Thankfully, it didn't last long as the impressive pleasure began to take over her body when the monster started ramming his cock on her pussy, demolishing her womb inside. She went crazily bouncing on its crotch. Dahyun's eyes are completely white, with her pupils now rolled at the back at the intense pace of fucking she's receiving.
Her mouth began to lustfully agape, with her tongue sticking out as the monster cock continues to push deeper across Dahyun's walls. Her ass starts to create loud claps around the cave as it hits the alien's crotch repeatedly.
The giant cock stuffed into her pussy then pulsated, as it erupted a terrifying amount of dirty white cum almost inflating Dahyun's stomach like she is about to be mistakenly identified as pregnant, before it slowly slid out of her pussy, allowing the rest of the load to explode out of her abused hole.
The tentacles lets go of her body, releasing Dahyun on the ground, which gave her time to rest for a while. She panted heavily and speechless at the rough fucking she just had with the monster alien. She couldn't deny that there might be no other man she would ever met that would match the performance of what this monster has showed to her.
All of the tentacles and the bulbous cock slowly erected again the more the creature stares at Dahyun's messy and sticky nude body lying on the floor. They decided to proceed with the last action, as they focus once again on her nether regions.
Lifting her up, they spreaded her arms and legs again and faced her closer to the creature. The suction cups slowly crawled on her back then cupped her full breasts from behind. Dahyun whined and moaned at the relaxing and tickly feeling it gives. One tentacle went through her tongue, a pair goes back to her pussy and asshole.
There was a twist added again coming from the idea of the monster. Wanting to give every single part of her body that could provide a purpose of satisfaction to this monster's desire, they let go of Dahyun's hands and two tentacles caressed her fingers.
Dahyun sensed their hidden message for doing that and finding out the answer, she formed a fist and gripped the tentacles, stroking them like she would do to a male cock.
All of her body and now functioning properly following the monster's command. Dahyun's mind is full of sex. She has been hypnotized and manipulated too much by the pleasure and sensation that the creature has been passing through her using its ability to fuck her senseless and take her breath away.
The thick tentacles had her overpowered and weak from the way they drill through her holes as deeper as they could get. Dahyun felt her neck bulging as the tentacle gave her a deep throat, her clit being scrubbed by a tentacle with a brush-like end on it to add more pleasure, and the other tentacle wiggling around her ass.
They all began to pull the trigger of increasing the speed while they all moved in unison, their grip on her skin went tighter as they felt this familiar tightness in their system, approaching the climax of their endurance. Dahyun squirted her juices again and spasmed at her own orgasm, resulting to her walls clamping on the tentacles more.
Few more waves, pumps and strokes they gave and finally they executed their final blow, releasing their cum flowing through her throat, ass and pussy simultaneously, as she switches through gags and moans. The two other tentacles enwrapped on her fists splashed their warm sticky liquid on her arms and side of her face.
The rest of the tentacles joined, painting Dahyun's entire body with the rest of the cum flowing and leaking out of its ends. As they finished, the tentacles crawled around Dahyun's skin, giving her body a nice calming massage to ride out their lengthy session of sex and intense orgasms they shared.
Dahyun couldn't opened her eyes wide anymore as she knew she's completely drained now. The creature slowly laid her back on the ground with her body entirely covered with cum. She also weakly spitted and coughed out some from her mouth after unable to swallow all of the load down to her filled tummy.
Now that she can have her rest, Dahyun slowly shuts her eyes as she went unconscious, while the tentacles continue to caress her hair gently and massage her body, especially her addicting round tits, as they wiped away all the stuffs around her pearly skin.
When she woke up again from her long slumber, she found herself lying on a hospital bed with her body now clothed in a hospital gown.
Realizing that she is now in a hospital and two familiar people sleeping with their head resting beside her bed, she concluded that after everything that happened to her, she was now free and safe from that creature she encountered.
She gasped and shuddered as she remembered what it did to her, it awakened her parents and quickly hugged her in response to her fine state. "Oh thank God you're okay.", her mother said.
"How are you feeling, daughter?" Mr. Kim checked up on her. "It's been days you were confined. We were really worried that something worse could happen."
"I-I'm alright… I'm just… still tired." Dahyun said in a weak tone. Her eyes became watery when she remembered Minyoung and YN. "Mom… Dad, we-… we got ambushed. They didn't make it, it's my fault." she said as her lips trembled.
"No, daughter. Don't blame yourself, we know you can't do such bad thing with whole intention. I know you." Mrs. Kim said, rubbing her palms to calm down her poor daughter.
"We heard what happened to you and your team, Dubu. We're sorry." Her father stated in sympathy. "But we couldn't help ourselves to be thankful that we have been given a miracle to have you still here, safe and sound."
"I missed you, Mom… Dad." Dahyun holds her mother's hand and looked them in the eyes tenderly. "I thought I wouldn't make it."
"Oh, by the way. If you may be wondering how did we managed to get you here, it's all thanks to your workmates. They sent a rescue on the location where they found you lying on a grass field with your…. dress torn up covering your body." Her father gulped and lowered his head in regret at the last words. Dahyun just furrowed her brows, couldn't recall that part.
Dahyun saw her mom getting choked up on her emotions. She pressed her hands on her own and stared at her eagerly. "Dubu, answer me with all honesty. Okay?"
Dahyun just listened attentively on what her mom's about to ask. "W-who did this to you?"
Their conversation were interrupted when the door opened. Two men appeared in a room, in which Dahyun speculated that it's a doctor and the other one works in the military.
"Pardon to interrupt, Mr. and Mrs. Kim but this gentleman right here is taking a visit and… to ask for a request for the both of you." The doctor said. He looked at his patient, his face lightened in relief. "Oh, you're Miss Dahyun right? Good thing that you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Fined, doc." Dahyun replied.
"Is there anything you need from us, sir…?" her mother asked.
"General Knight Yoo of the Seoul Military Army. Greetings to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Kim." the military man introduced himself to the family, performing a salute gesture. "Yes, I actually would like to speak with your daughter."
They all looked at Dahyun who became curious at the acknowledgement. "For what, sir?"
"It's regarding to that research that your team embarked near outside Itaewon." Knight elaborated. Dahyun's eyes widened in astonishment as his words struck those memories of her on that given time to repeat in cycle on her mind, including that one awful experience that she had.
"Your faculty cooperated with us in order to seek help when they lost their line to your team. We went through an investigation at that site and we found something… threatening, and we assume that since you're the only survivor in the incident confirmed yet, we would like you to enlighten us as we interrogate you about what actually happened."
Dahyun pursed her body forward slight from leaning on the bed, her face showed a puzzled expression. "Wait, what do you mean 'yet'?"
General Yoo maintained his intrigued stare at the patient. "Ms. Bae Minyoung's remains were found by the forensic team but your other accomplice, Mr. YN LN is still nowhere to be found but some of his torn out clothing were seen inside a cave. We will give it one week before we rule him as deceased."
Dahyun's switched looks at the four people gathered around her before she lured away her eyes filled with hope for her friend's disappearance from them.
Her traumatic experience of being conquered by an abomination should've brought her instantly to cooperate with the armed forces as they requested for her to stand up as the witness and part of the evidence in this important matter.
But rather, she's conflicted about what she should consider telling to them.
The idea of the alien monster who also amazingly pleasured her beyond the edge, disregarding the actual peculiar possibility behind the monster's odd behavior when she was held captive which failed for Dahyun to intepret; made her think twice on the decision she has to unveil.
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softestqueeen · 3 months
slipping and gliding pt. 2
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pairing:  natasha romanoff x afab!reader
summary: After what happened in the showers, you and Nat make a quick exit to move your fooling around to somewhere else…
warnings: 18+ MDNI!!!! smut, car sex, cunnilingus, inexperienced reader, shy reader, slight dom!nat, fingering
wordcount: 1208 words
a/n: i’m sorry it took so long, but i’m finally back with part 2! only took me like 100 years to write. I’m sorry I’ve been so inactive lately, but new things are in progress… Enjoy <3
part 1
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The two of you went back to your stuff and said quick goodbyes to everyone. Of course everyone wanted to persuade you to stay, but you were able to talk yourself out of it, claiming that you didn’t feel well, and that Nat would take you home.
But she wouldn’t take you home. Yet.
The two of you got into Nat’s care before driving off. The sun stood high as the two of you speeded down the highway.
You thought that Nat was gonna take you home and then maybe take you again on the bed. But when you noticed that she missed the exit that actually led to the tower, you frowned.
“Where are we going Nat?”, you questioned her, unsure about what to think of this.
“Patience love, you’ll see.”, she told you while putting her unoccupied hand on your thigh and giving it a squeeze. At the new pet name, you could feel a blush creeping up your neck to your cheeks and the short skirt you wore allowed Nat to directly touch your skin.
You decided to not question it anymore and just wait and see where you would end up.
After a few minutes, it turned out that Nat brought you to a… deserted parking lot? Very romantic. It didn’t seem scary, because on one side it was still light out and on the other you had Nat, who would never let anything happen to you.
Nat parked in the middle of the concrete area, locked the doors, and stopped the engine. She took the key out of the ignition, throwing it lazily into the centre console.
With every passing moment you could feel your arousal building, the anticipation of what’s to come pure torture.
Nat’s car was quite spacious now that you took a look at your surroundings. You could comfortably stretch out your legs and the seat could almost fit you two times.
The redhead leaned forward to your seat and with a skilful motion leaned back your seat, so you were almost laying down now. The sudden change in position mad a giggle escape your lips. It quieted down though, once Nat climbed on top of you, now covering your body with hers.
She sent you a little smile before leaning down and connecting her lips with yours after what felt like ages, though your little shower innuendo had not even been an hour ago. She didn’t waste any time and slipped her tongue into your mouth, exploring like it was the first time.
Her mouth slowly started to wander over your cheek, to your neck and then your cleavage. In this moment you were glad that you chose to wear a little crop top, which made you tits look amazing.
“Can I take it off?”, Nat asked while tugging at the edge of your shirt, but you were already nodding frantically before she even managed to finish her question. She helped you out of it, leaving you with no bra and only your skirt on.
The redhead leaned back a bit, admiring your now exposed body with a new kind of hunger in her eyes. Even though she had just seen it, she still couldn’t believe that you were real. After snapping out of her thoughts she attached her lips to your breast, taking her time with her caresses and giving both breasts even attention, before sucking one of your nipples into her mouth. She repeated her earlier actions almost identically, but that did not mean that you enjoyed it any less.
Her mouth always felt amazing on you, and you feared that every second her mouth or hands were not touching you, you’re going to miss that feeling. For now, though, you would just enjoy the moment and the sight of her on top of you.
Once she felt like she had worshipped your breasts enough she started to litter your stomach with wet open-mouthed kiss, making you shudder.
She hooked her fingers into your skirt and pulled down your skirt, removing your panties with them. Afterwards she slid down into the footwell, now kneeling between you spread legs. In her new position she continued her way down your body, leaving out your pussy, teasing you and starting to kiss along your thighs.
You started squirming underneath her intense attention, but Nat was quick to grab your thighs and spread you legs a little further.
Slowly, she was now nearing your pussy again and you could already feel her heavy breaths against your heat.
“I’ll eat you out now, sweetheart. That all right with you?”, she asked you and you were able to breathe out a weak ‘yes please’ and that was all it took for Nat.
She connected her tongue with your wet pussy and licked a stripe up your slit, making you moan and writhe underneath her. Tightening her grip on your thighs and holding you down she started to explore you, this time with her mouth and tongue rather than her fingers.
The redhead got lost in the taste of you, teasing you by circling your hole with her tongue before moving on again. It didn’t take long for her to have some mercy on you though, as she wanted to hear what other noises would come out of you.
She started to circle your clit, making you throw your head back. One of your hands found it’s way into her hair while loud moans were leaving your lips. Nat was working you so well, her tongue moving from your hole to your clit and then back again. She was driving you insane in the best ways possible.
You could slowly start to feel that coil in your stomach tighten and voiced so much, but the redhead just started to eat you out more vigorously. The noises the two of you made could have been straight out of a porn movie, the moans and whines escaping your lips, the obscene sounds of Nat’s tongue lapping at your folds.
She took one hand off your thigh and started to circle your entrance with one of her fingers while she was circling your clit only with the tip of her tongue. The new sensation drove you mad, and you were so so close.
When she then slipped one of her fingers into your tight hole you were done for. You tightened your grip on her hair and came with a shout of her name. Nat slowed down but still worked you through your orgasm, her finger massaging your inner walls while her tongue was moving over your swollen lips.
Once you released her hair and got your breathing under control again the redhead pulled away from you. You could see your slick covering here lips and chin. Not being able to control yourself you leaned forward and connected your lips with hers, tasting your own arousal on her tongue.
With one hand on her hip, you guided her back onto the seat, so she was practically lying on top of you. Your other hand started to grope her body before you pulled away from her lips.
“Now, let me return your favour!”, you told her sheepishly and she could only smile before you connected your lips again.
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a/n: i hope you liked this, if so please leave some notes, likes, reblogs and comments! feedback is very appreciated!
please also consider supporting my ao3: @ softestqueen
taglist: @silvermagnolias @milywatermelon @BigBananaa
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sc0tters · 7 months
Heartless | Sidney Crosby
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summary: when you finally arrive back to the rink you once called home, the last thing you expect is that the now legend from PIT forgets who he was once to you.
dreamer: chapter one
warnings: swearing
word count: 1.38k
authors note: I know how long some of you’ve been waiting for this series so I want to thank you! This was a bit of a weird chapter but it was just so we could set the ground for the rest of the work to come in later. I truly cannot wait to show you all where this one is going to go!
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Today was the start of something new.
Or at least that was what you told yourself as you stood in the cool breeze that whirled around the city of Pittsburgh. Everything had gone your way today and the universe was clearly on your side.
You had woken up early, gotten an A on a paper you just got back, your Amazon delivery had arrived early. And most importantly your favourite coffee shop was still open letting you get something to eat before you were meant to be at the rink “watch where you’re going jackass!” You yelled as a car drove you off the road.
It was a pretty black land rover who only responded with the hit of the horn causing your brows to furrow “what a dick.” You scoffed watching the car speed off.
Now your coffee was soaking into the tar of the road as your croissant was being eaten by pigeons that had found you. So much for it being a good day, I guess.
Everything in your Arsenal that you could try to do to calm down as you wanted to have a clear mind for your first day “not everything is going to go your way.” Marc-André reminded you as he stared at you.
Despite having three children under the age of ten, you were still his baby just like the rest of your siblings “yeah but dad-” you whined parking your car as you looked at the PPG Arena “you know I’m being honest kid.” He mumbled knowing that he should have been in Pittsburgh as you started the season.
It made you roll you eyes “where is mom when you need some moral support?” You complained shutting the car door behind you as you stared up at the sky.
The grey sky seemed comforting as you heard the rough clouds come together as thunder claps roared over the city “she is with your sister but she’d also want you to just breathe.” His voice was clear making you roll your eyes “I hate it when you’re right.” You grumbled as a small smile formed on your lips.
Even with your rough exterior your father knew how to break you down in an attempt to get you to the soft state that had him wrapped around your finger “no you don’t.” Marc-André laughed as he shook his head “now go make me proud and play nice.” His words made you grin as you raked your fingers through your hair.
Pictures of the younger version of your father were up on the walls as you saw some of your favourite people from when you were a child growing up “I should get going dad.” You looked at your watch fearing that you were going to be late.
With that he snapped his fingers before he sent you a salute as you did the same thing “love you kid.” You pressed your fingers to your lips as the line ended.
You took a moment to study the welcome area and all of the trophies that the Penguins had won “I didn’t know we let fans in here today.” A voice came from behind you that causing you to spin on your feet.
Kris held a friendly face as you turned to a panic “I’m so sorry!” You blurted out as your cheeks reddened “I am actually the new intern for the physios office and uh-” you trailed off going quiet when the slap of his hand to his mouth cut you off.
It wasn’t often that Kris was left shocked “sparky you’ve gotten so big!” His arms wrapped around you as he pulled you into a hug.
Sparky was the title you picked up as a kid due to the fact that once when nobody on the team could get you to stop crying. Until your Sidney shocked himself plugging his phone charger into the wall.
Your reaction had most of the guys laughing as Sidney had to recreate his response to it in order to make sure you stayed smiling. Then it stuck after your dad dressed you up as a lightbulb for Halloween that year.
You smiled as he dropped his hands to his sides trying to comprehend that you were old enough to be working “I’ve gotten an internship here with the physio team.” You explained ignoring his crazy you felt admitting to the fact that you were actually there and this was no longer a note on your vision board.
Kris felt like a proud parent “always thought you’d land up somewhere like that.” The physios from when your dad was at the team used to entertain you when you came with him to work when your mom was busy with college work.
His words made your heart throb “enough about me, how are you-” before you could even get your words out the sound of a door slamming cut you both off.
Spinning around a smile formed on your face as you locked eyes with Sidney Crosby. You were like ever other child who was practically in awe of him, you were one of the lucky few who got to grow up with him so that made him all that much cooler to you “surprised to see you got here before you got knocked by another car.” His words made your face drop as your eyes went wide “excuse me?” You sucked at your teeth to stop yourself from snapping at him.
Sidney hadn’t even acknowledged that Kris was around yet “you couldn’t even use your eyes to see that I was driving.” That comment made you gasp as pieces began to click in your mind “you’re jackass!” You gasped feeling your jaw go slack “sorry could like someone maybe catch me up?” Kris pleaded as he grew confused.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to turn your glares at him “someone is just an entitled-” he was cut off as doctor McLane walked into the area joining the three of you “I’m so happy to se you’ve made it!” She clasped her hands together as she saw you.
Melissa turned her attention to the two players “I’m glad to see you’ve met the new physio intern y/n F-” before she could finish introducing her you had to interrupt “just y/n will do.” You smiled sending her a nod.
Before you had the chance to continue the argument with Sidney you were knocked off of your feet as he pushed past you to get to the locker room “I promise the rest of the guys will be easier than that.” Kris sent you a smile as he helped you back up. If only he really knew how awful that day would get.
Sidney couldn’t believe that luck had been so against him today as you had to show up at work today, the one place he truly thought that he could get away from young people who thought they knew more than they did.
But not even how much you had pissed him off could have stopped him from smiling as he accepted that FaceTime call from Marc-André “you will not believe the day I’ve had.” Sidney sighed as he sunk into his seat “hope y/n didn’t have too much to do with that.” Your father teased as you used to run laps around Sidney when you went through the phases of having Sidney as your favourite penguin.
It made Sidney stop in his tracks though as the question weighed on his mind “how do you know about her?” The words left his lips quicker than he could have thought about it “did you forget the part where I fathered her?” The older boy laughed as he spoke in a duh tone.
If you had known about the way that the colour drained from Sidney’s face you honestly would have been upset that you hadn’t been there to see it in person “do you seriously not remember how I told you that y/n was going to be the new intern for the physios.” Marc-André couldn’t see Sidney’s response as he dropped his phone.
This meant that not only was Sidney going to have to put up with you, it also meant that he was going to have to act like he liked it too.
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tomieafterdark · 1 year
neow... im gonna need a p 2 of this cuzzzz...
pairing: fem!reader x bully!Eren
cw: use of brat, good girl and princess, fingering (anal and vaginal), exhibitionism (did I even spell that right..).
part one 🍧
masterlist 🍒
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…part two 💌
You were just staring at the floor. That idiot Eren really went and got a janitor when he could’ve pulled you out himself, you are sure you flashed the janitor a few times wile they were getting you out…“And why isn’t me leaving you alone, I’m out now he can leave…” you thought to yourself.
Eren was enjoying the shame and shock on your face, the look of trying to process what had just happened and simultaneously wanting to run away and never think about what happened. He wanted more, what had happened didn’t satisfy him it just awakened something more terrible and sadistic in him.
The janitor looks at Eren with a concerned look. “Is she okay now..?”
Eren puts on his nice fellow student mask and it has the janitor so fooled. “Yeah, I think she will be okay but I should probably drive her home.”
“Yes you do that, you’re such a good classmate looking out for her. We need more students like you” the janitor says and smiles at Eren.
“Come on y/n. I’ll drive you home. You can’t walk home like this, you’re a mess.” He coos at you with his gross fake concern that somehow has the whole world fooled. If they only knew..
Somehow Eren and the Janitor force you to go home with Eren. It’s so uncomfortable to walk with him especially because it got so windy suddenly, fuck even the wind gods seem to be on his side today because sometimes the wind blows too hard lifting your skirt up giving Eren a perfect view as he walks behind you.
“Alright Eren which one is your dumb car?” You say as you glare at him.
He just smirks in return, walks up to his car and opens the door for you. “Get in princess.”
Eren calling you princess makes you want to squeeze your legs together, it makes you want to grind on something or someone..
“Y/n how long do you want me to hold this fucking door for you? Get in brat.”
You quickly get in and put on your seatbelt, his car is nice inside and out you gotta give him that.
“You like?” Eren smirks at you.
“Guess it’s okay” you reply in an uninterested tone.
“Such a brat, is it not expensive enough for you? Want me to drive home and pick another car?”
You had almost forgotten how rich this asshole was thanks to his dads medicine company, he bought cars like they were cheap toys. After driving out of the college parking lot and general town area, he drives off to the highway. You’re kind of panicked because you really want to go home. “Eren what the fuck I live 10 mins from the college why are we on the highway?”
“Y/n I had so much fun with you today, I just didn’t want our day to end so soon. We should seriously get to know each other more..” that last bit of his sentence sent chills down your spine. It made you feel hazy but remembering how deep his fingers reached earlier and the orgasm you had makes you squeeze your legs again.
Before you can think any further, he speeds up to 125 miles per hour, with cars everywhere on the highway rendering you quite speechless. You’re grasping onto anything in the car at this point, Eren is anything but a safe driver. You shoot him a worried look, but in return he just gives you a cold look and drives faster.
“Eren!” You finally get out. “You’re gonna get us in an accident what the fuck, and stop slaloming between the cars at such a high speed!! Are you trying to die today and bring me with you??”
“Relax y/n. I’d never put you in any danger..” he replies in a cold tone as he puts a hand on your knee while continuing to drive faster and faster. That hand on your knee has your bare pussy clenching and dripping. You remember that idiot took your thong earlier and pray to whoever is listening that you don’t drip all over the seat.
Eren knows exactly what you’re feeling, he’s done this with plenty of girls before. He knows for a fact you’ll drip all over the place, it’s exactly what he wants.
You both suddenly hear police sirens, Eren’s wild ride seems to end here. You’re so relieved, maybe they’ll offer to drive you home since Eren broke so many traffic rules on the highway alone..
He drives off to the side of the road as the police car follows. You feel so relieved and happy when you see the officer get out and come up to Eren’s window.
“Oh Mr.Yeager..how are you doing on this lovely evening?” The officer says, completely dismissing what Eren just did. You wait and see, maybe he is just being nice before the big blow?
“I’m good, we’re both good actually he says and gives a nod to your direction. I’m just driving my friend here to the Taco Bell outside of town, they have the new wild cherry slush and she really wants it.” You want to scream and yell, tell them it’s not true and point out the obvious: he can’t fucking drive safely.. but you just stare at the road ahead of in shock you because you can’t believe how everyone is so up Eren’s ass.
“Alright, just drive safely there Mr.Yeager.” The officer smiles.
Eren hands him an envelope, and the officers face lights up. “Yeah I’ll drive slowly, thank you officer. Have a good evening.”
“You too, say hello to your dad from me!” Is the last thing the officer says as he walks back to his car and soon drives off into the distance. Eren just looks at you with a sadistic look, like he knows he has power over everyone, like he knows you’ve realised that by now.
He essentially drives off the highway, and intentionally picks the worst road to your destination. It’s an old road with lots of bumps and not a car in sight. He drives slow at first but speeds up little by little, every bump causing you to jump in your seat. The bumping turns constant and you start to feel strange sensations from it, you almost let a moan out.
Eren is liking this way too much, the way your beautiful tits jiggle with each bump, the look on your face when the bumping starts to feel a little too good.
You try to keep quiet and pretend you’re not getting more wet as every second passes, pretending you’re not longing for his fingers stretching you out with every bump. You see the Taco Bell logo in the distance. It’s over soon, you push back all the desires and pent up energy. You’d be home soon, you just get that stupid slush with Eren and then this would be over.
The line in the driveway is long. It must be all those new products, this is the only Taco Bell in the area that has gotten them so far. While you wait in line, Eren tells you to unbuckle your seatbelt and sit on his thigh. You’re so tired you just do as you’re told, what else could you even do now?
When you get up to sit on him he glances at your seat, it’s glistening. You really were dripping. He gladly guides your hips back and forth as you’re on his thigh, causing you to moan out. You’re so frustrated, he can feel your pussy clenching on his thigh.
Eren is not nice enough to let you cum yet, not like this. He keeps teasing you on his thighs, with you whimpering and letting out small pleads and begging for him to let you cum. He just keeps toying with you. But when it’s your turn to order, he has you pushing your head out the car window telling you to order two wild cherry slushes and whatever else you want.
“Welcome to Taco Bell what can I get you?”
Just as you’re about to reply, he sticks two fingers in your wet dripping cunt causing you to moan in reply.
“I didn’t quite get that! What would you guys like to order??”
Eren is playing with your clit while stretching your cunt out with his two long and big fingers. You’re clenching on his fingers, with legs shaking. You can barely keep your balance at this point, you feel close to having the same orgasm as you had earlier in the locker. But he stops and lets you order, not because he is nice but this wouldn’t be embarrassing enough.
“T-two wild cherry slushes please.”
“Will that be all then?”
“Uhm, yes.”
“Alright head on over to the next window then!”
Eren hands you his card and tells you to pay and get the slushes, in the same exact position you’re in right now. Your heart drops, surely he couldn’t have planned to make you cum in front of the Taco Bell workers?? You feel his fingers digging deep inside you again as his other fingers work your clit. You just want to sink down on his fingers, they feel so fucking good.
“E-eren” you whimper.
“Focus on the order princess you can cry out for me later.” He says coldly.
And now you’re at the next window, just as you’re about to hand them Eren’s card you have a clitoral orgasm causing you to tremble and almost drop the card. The workers are not blind or stupid they know exactly what he is doing to you, they just roll their eyes and focus on the task. You’re so fucking embarrassed, but as they take time with the order your attention is back fully on Eren.
“I can’t take this- Eren please!” You cry out silently so no one can hear you.
Eren slaps your ass really hard in return. “Focus on the order and stop being a brat or I’ll make this even harder for you.” He shoves a finger in your ass while continuing to dig in your cunt.
You feel so close, you can hear your own cunt and the squelching sounds. What really does it is when he shoves a third finger in, stretching you out so good you nearly lost your mind. When the Taco Bell worker hands you Eren’s card and your order you gush all over Eren. You can’t hold it in.
“Aa-h! T-thank you- aah!” You say pretending nothing is going on even though the worker can clearly hear what Eren is doing. To make it worse he slaps your ass hard one last time before driving off causing you to moan and cuss. “Such a goor girl, handling the order all by yourself.” He smirks. You’re still shaking from the orgasm you just had, brain so empty you barely hear what else he is saying to you. You just want to sit down.
Before you do anything Eren cleans you and the seat up as much as he can, and hands you a slush. The slush was perfect after what just happened, it’s calm cold and relaxing.
You didn’t even notice how late it was, how dark it was outside. Your mother must be so worried.
“I have to call my mom..Eren where did you put my bag??”
“Don’t worry princess I told her you’ll be staying over at my place for the night” he smirks.
“So where’s my phone?? Can I have it??”
“Enjoy your slush y/n, stop stressing about your phone.”
You end up just enjoying the ride, you had a long day and this slush was really good. Nice job Taco Bell you think to yourself as you start to relax and just enjoy the moment.
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clone-anon · 6 months
Snow Drift (Crosshair x Reader)
This is for @secondratefiction for the Clone x Reader Life Day Exchange with @cloneficgiftexchange. I hope this is to your liking!
Word Count: 1310
Prompt: “I thought I lost you, damn it! Stop acting like I’m not allowed to be upset about this!”
Warnings: some angst, mostly fluff, mention of losing Mayday and implied PTSD, small avalanche, cuddling and kissing, sfw but minors please DNI
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Crosshair was not entirely sure why he had to be on a cold planet. The Batch had decided to try to retrieve some supplies to help some of the citizens of Pabu who were still getting back on their feet after fleeing their home world which was now ravaged by the Empire. Crosshair agreed with supply retrieval, but surely there were supplies on planets not covered in snow.  There were three outposts in the area and Tech parked the Marauder in a central location. Hunter, Echo, and Omega would head into one outpost, Wrecker and Tech to the second, and Crosshair would go to the third with you. You were happy to come along and weren’t sad to be getting some alone time with him.  While he wasn’t much of a talker, you’d gotten to know him and had fallen in love. It took a lot to approach him and tell him about your feelings and while his response had few words, his own emotions toward you were no less affectionate. He often showed you how he cared. Putting a hand on your lower back as you walked through Pabu together. Leaving a little kiss on your forehead before you parted for the day. Finding a way to spend more alone time with you. Leaving fiery kisses and whispers under the stars that left nothing to your imagination. 
Once you picked up a blaster and showed you had enough skills to take care of yourself, the Batch all agreed you could come on supply runs and certain missions. Crosshair was more protective, always wanting you with him. 
You walked toward the outpost together in relative silence. Even the word “outpost” somehow seemed to bother Crosshair.
“What is it about this that’s got you bothered,” you asked him as you walked side-by-side through the snow.
“Hm,” he replied, as if a hum answered everything. You waited for him, giving him space to say whatever he needed to. Finally, he opened up. “My last mission, before I was taken to that horrendous place…”
He nodded and continued. “I was sent to a snow-covered planet. Unbearably cold.” He paused again. “The Empire had clones protecting stormtrooper armor. The last clone from the remaining squad – a commander – was injured when we tried retrieving stolen crates.”  Crosshair paused and you walked forward another few minutes before he added, “I got him back to the outpost, but he died. If the Empire had cared, they could have saved him.”
His words snapped harder than the bitter wind and he let out a shaky breath, pausing to look ahead. You could see how pained he was at the memory. You wrapped your arm around before pulling him close for a gentle hug. Crosshair took his hands out of his pockets to give you a little squeeze and a quick kiss to your temple.  With the cold being as it was, you both went back to walking with your gloved hands in your pockets. You were both wearing civilian clothing and Crosshair missed his blacks. At least they provided a bit more insulation. As you walked through the mountain pass, he noted a pathway above yours where speeders headed in a different direction, seemingly leaving the outpost or arriving from other parts of the planet.  Crosshair was uncomfortable with the small blasts of snow that sprayed above your heads as you turned a corner, but he said nothing.
He breathed a sigh of relief when you made it to this outpost.  You quickly found the supplies you were looking for. The bacta gel and med patches may have been small in size, but each one was highly valuable.  You both filled up your packs with as many as you could along with several items you thought might help these new refugees feel more at home.  You headed back toward the Marauder as the snow started coming down more heavily.
You made your way carefully through the pass. The ground was a little more slippery, but not terribly so. A speeder flew along the path higher up the mountain, spraying more snow as they turned a corner.  You were getting closer to a ravine and from there would take another path back toward the ship.  Something didn’t sit right with Crosshair and he paused to take in the scene as you trotted ahead. A large speeder on the trail up the mountain took the turn too quickly and landed in a very large pile of snow. It was just enough to start a very small avalanche and Crosshair went cold with fear as he saw the mound of snow come directly for you, pushing you further down the mountain.
You didn’t see it coming. The rush of cold flakes was strong enough to pick you off your feet and push you toward the bottom of the ravine. It wasn’t a far drop by any means, but you could hear Crosshair call out your name as your face was buried in white fluff and you landed on a pile consisting of fallen leaves and fresh powder.
You tried to move, but didn’t even get the chance. Crosshair jumped down after you and quickly dug you out.  You smiled up at him as he brushed the snow out of your face.
“Nice landing, huh,” you asked with a grin. “Perfect pile for a soft landing.”
Crosshair had tears in his eyes as he checked you over.
“We have to get back to the ship,” he said in haste. “Do you need me to carry you? We can get Tech to scan you. Are you bleeding? Bruises?”
“Crosshair,” you said shaking your head. “I’m fine.”  You stood up as he still checked for any sign of discomfort.
“We have to be sure,” he replied, nearly starting to hyperventilate as he searched the ground for anything that could cause greater injury.
“I am sure,” you answered, now almost annoyed at his insistence. It was just a small fall and you landed in about the safest spot you could.
“I thought I lost you, damn it! Stop acting like I’m not allowed to be upset about this!”
You softened and reached out to cup his cheek. Tears welled up, but he couldn’t look at you.  You wiped away his fallen tears and kissed him.
“This is about what happened before.” You said it more as a statement than a question.  He simply nodded.  You took his hand and placed it over your heart.   “I promise nothing hurts,” you said, “but if it makes you feel better, let’s get back to the ship and Tech can scan me.”  He nodded and pulled you up and in for a hug. He needed to feel you, to know you were safe. He held your hand the whole way back.  When the scan revealed that your body was functioning completely normally, he finally let out a sigh.  Once in hyperspace, he got into his bunk.  You joined him without him saying a word.  As you curled against him, he rested his cheek on the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you.  You knew that your fall could have been worse. You had a plush landing and were grateful, but you could feel his breath shake as he tried to steady himself, still reeling.
You gently broke the silence between you. “You can tell me however much or little you want.”
He nodded and quietly replied, “Maybe when we’re alone.”
You gave him a gentle smile and kissed him. He kissed you back and let out a heavy breath.  You rolled over, facing away from him so he could spoon you.  He liked being able to feel your body against his, from your head to your feet. He held you so perfectly and you both relaxed against each other, grateful to be going home together.
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18 | chapter two
summary: billy tried not to think about you but he failed miserably. and fuck you.
warnings: mentions of sex
listen to: Hungry like the Wolf - Duran Duran | Thunderstruck - AC/DC (playlist HERE)
word count: 1.5k
SERIES MASTERLIST + read the next chapter early on my KO-FI!!
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Billy tried his best not to think about you. He didn’t even get your name and still when he closed his eyes the only thing he could see was you driving away on your bike. He enjoyed being rilled up and in this shitty town, no one had actually managed to make such an impression on Billy. 
He had tried to track you, although you had a good five minutes of advantage, he even drove close to Oakland street but he knew it would be way too creepy for him to actually look for the bike so he simply drove away, entering his room by his window (as if his Neil and Susan didn’t already know he had been out) and tried to sleep until it was time for him and Max to go to school. 
He couldn’t. 
His mind wandered back to your laugh and your words, You look like trouble, and he couldn’t help but smirk at the memories. 
Billy went back to school only three hours after he met you, with no sleep and no time to get back to business before the school year started again. When he finally parked, Tommy and Carol with the other part of the group were already waiting for him as Max mumbled a quick goodbye and shut the door. 
Billy sighed for a moment, he realized he had to get his head in the game, that he had to actually wear the mask of the King of fucking Hawkins, again. 
“We are planning a party,” Carol muttered as Billy left his car and put his sunglasses away. 
“Are you?” Billy asked uninterested as he glanced at Tina who was glaring at him as if she wanted to kill him. 
“It’s going to be insane,” Tommy muttered while the other boys cheer him on. “I have the house to myself next weekend, it’s going to be the last summer party,”
“Dress code bikinis?” Jason Craver muttered and everyone cheered on, except for Billy who glared at him. 
See, Jason Craver was the type of guy that lived in Oakland street too. He didn’t understand why his parents hadn’t sent him to the private school in a nearby town until he realized that his father owned a lot of houses in the area and when Carol told him that his father was planning on running for major, it all made sense. 
Billy was aware that Jason would’ve been the King of Hawkins after Harrington started to date Nancy Wheeler, but then Billy arrived; and although Jason spent much of his time brownnosing Billy, Billy knew there was resentment there. 
Jason laughed and then chuckled towards his girlfriend, Chrissy, “Right, babe?” while he kissed her on the cheek. She was younger than he was, Billy could tell that she felt uncomfortable but it seemed like Jason didn’t even know how to read her body language. 
“Let’s get going,” Billy finally muttered and the crowd followed him swiftly as he entered the school, everyone watching him again and whispering. 
“There’s a rumor that you slept with Nancy Wheeler’s mom,” Carol said as she got closer to Billy by his right side. “At the public pool, when you were working as a-”
“Yeah, I know what I did this summer, Carol,” Billy cut her off. 
It wasn’t true. Billy did flirt with Mrs. Wheeler though, but surely he wouldn’t go sleeping now with the moms of Hawkins, even though he had them in a spell. 
“You need to get a Queen Billy and fast,” Tommy said as he placed a hand on Billy’s shoulder, who quickly shook it off while they got to his locker before he was grabbing the only notebook he had for every subject. 
He hoped that his frown and glare would give Tommy and Carol a clue to stand down, but it seemed like they didn’t really get it. Instead, they leaned against the locker next to him as they waited for him. Billy truly wondered how Carol’s and Tommy’s lives were before him; if they pestered Harrington just the same because it seemed like they truly had nothing going for them.
“Jason and Chrissy got together like a month ago, and people are starting to talk about them being Prom royalty,” Carol muttered as she chewed gum loudly. 
“And I care because,” Billy sighed. 
“Because it’s the ultimate thing you can do as King of Hawkins, you deserve that,” Tommy intervened. 
The last words hit Billy, You deserve that. 
The only thing that Billy thought he deserved was his shitty life, he deserved his dad's punches, he deserved to be hated by every girl that had actually got to meet him and he deserved every bad thing that had happened to him. Billy was hollow and broken, how he could ever deserve something good? He had wandered through life getting knocked down at every turn and he expected it. 
Good things, actual good, bright, and shiny things didn’t happen to Billy. 
Billy was never meant to be shinny or good, and yet he was King. What damage could try to be prom King do to an already broken person?
Billy only sighed before he turned towards Tommy and Carol. “I already broke it off with Tina and I don’t really see anyone interesting enough for me too,” he stopped himself as Tommy wiggled his eyebrows. “Hang out with me,” he said before closing the locker and walking toward his class. 
“Oh, don’t worry,” Carol said and Billy turned to her. “There’s apparently a family in town, with daughters,”
Billy felt his heart dropping as his mind went back to the early morning hours. Could it be you? 
“What are the girls like?” Billy quickly asked Carol, who jumped at the urgency in his voice. 
“My mom spoke to their father, he works in the Major’s office and he goes to church with them,” Carol said. “One is younger, like your sister, but the other one is apparently a cheerleader.”
It couldn’t be you. 
He knew it couldn’t be you, because the girl with the short skirt and the Yamaha Vmax didn’t scream cheerleader to him. They were nice and polite and judgy and you didn’t seem like any of those things. You were confident and mysterious and even a bit smug which Billy was so attracted to. 
Maybe you were already in college and just passing by to visit your family. 
“What’s new, another cheerleader,” Billy intervened before they entered the classroom, and yet, he couldn’t help but feel disappointment painting his sky blue as he wondered if he would ever see you again. 
The hours and classes passed and Billy felt as if he was a zombie. Sitting down, listening, and never putting too much attention to the teacher, standing up and going to another class, repeat. The only thing he did until lunch break was think about you. He only thought about you, your smile, your hair, your eyes. He thought about who you were, already placing you in a big city as you rode your bike on open avenues with no one chasing behind you, maybe only him when he managed to get out of town. He wondered who you were and if you were lonely if you liked the same things as he did and how would you taste. 
In all of the hours, he didn’t think about anything else, he didn’t even dare to speak to anyone, he didn’t want to break the spell you put him on. 
Until Tommy spoke. 
“Billy, Billy,” Tommy shook him on the shoulder, hard as he pointed at the table where the cheerleaders sat at. He saw the usual girls that were smiling at him every time he walked through the runway that the tables made before he walked towards the parking lot to have his lunch there with his friends but there was someone new. “There she is, go!” Tommy said as he pushed him towards the table but Billy quickly frowned at Tommy before he turned back. 
Another one, Billy thought before he walked towards the table with a sigh. 
Her hair was placed in a neat ponytail, and she had a pair of long-short jeans and a button-up small black sweater over her, which let Billy and people have a small view of her mid-drift. He believed she looked good, at least from behind. 
Soon, Billy realized that the other cheerleaders started to whisper as he got closer, they were giggling and smiling and whispering things to each other. He didn’t manage to listen to them all, but he believed they were all about who he might pick up next, thinking who was the lucky girl. 
“So, heard there’s a new girl in town, Ladies,” Billy finally spoke and gave them all one of those wonderful and playful smiles that he knew girls loved.
“Yes, this is…” Chrissy started but the girl turned around and Billy felt as if his heart was in his throat. 
“Fuck me” Billy whispered with a mischievous smirk as his electric blue eyes, the ones you’d been thinking about the whole morning, locked with yours. 
“Fuck me,” you muttered as you watch him too. 
author's note: NO NO FUCK ME LIKE I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE LOVING THIS. the chapters will be longer but yes yes I'm flabergasted by all the support I've received over this new series. I really can't believe it and although I know these chapters are a bit short like I CAN'T WAIT to let you see what will come next it's going to be a wild ride. THANK YOU SO MUCH and as always lmk what you think of the chapter!!!
taglist: @happypopcornprincess @hannahnikohl @thescarlettvvitch @nymphadora000 @phishyie @amethystx3 @jaziscool @vixionix @gloryekaterina @alicetweven @frogtits1 @meg11 @pillowjj @fan1237 @bucky-daddy-barnes @starloriha @make-me-imagine @piper570 @dedicated2viktor @zanmorgan @queenofshinigamis @literally-a-ferret @slutformaddyperez @milkiane @mysterygirl-14 @oli-leo-ska @tsukibaby1 @samwilsonlove
please let me know if there's a problem with the tags or if I forgot someone.
feedback is always welcomed!!
buy me a coffee or help me with my laptop? thank youu
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imsadstuff · 1 year
Loving You Is Red - A Jeon Jungkook Fic -Epilogue
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Synopsis: Jeon Jungkook's name was unheard on the Formula 1 paddock till he got a chance to drive a Mercedes car as a reserve driver. His 2020 starts looking brighter as he signs with Ferrari and meets you, his team mates little sister. So many cliched tropes, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, dating brother's best friend, and most importantly Jeon Jungkook looks smoking hot in a Ferrari! Genre: Fluff, angst, slice of life and humor Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, my mother got hospitalized and I couldn't find the time to finish this. This took a lot of time and energy, so I hope you enjoy reading this. If you do please leave me a like or comment, please don't be a ghost reader! Word Count: 4.6k+ (I reccomend reading on a desktop if possible!) Warnings: Sexual themes, drinking, and just a whole lot of fluff.
Link to my masterlist if you want to check out my other stuff : here
Link to the main fic if you haven't read it yet here
AO3 link incase you prefer that: here
Race 14 Monaco Grand Prix 2029
“Cooking with your mother was disastrous. I couldn’t even chop properly and I’m sure I ruined her batch of kimchi but she was still super kind” you share as Jungkook chuckles in the car beside you.
“I promise you it isn’t as bad as it is in your head” Jungkook tries and reassure you as his hand intertwines with yours.
“And if she doesn’t invite you to make kimchi next year, we’ll know for sure” Jungkook says with a teasing tone and you swat his hand away as you simmer in last week's embarrassment.
“Ignoring the massive disaster, I was with your mother, how was fishing with my dad and Phillip. Phillip sent me a bunch of drunk texts saying how I was all grown up, did you say something weird?” you ask, turning to look at him and Jungkook brushes it off, taking a hold of your hand again.
“We were just talking about us dating for the first time and how young we were, that might have caused that” he says as he drives the car into the parking lot.
“Also, Phillip is a little shit who and told me that I shouldn’t go easy on your father, and to put it simply, I beat your father at chess and now I know where Phillip and you get the competitive gene from” he says as he unbuckles the seatbelt and you look at him all confused.
“What did my father do to you and what makes you think I’m competitive?” you ask with a pointed tone and Jungkook snickers, very sarcastically.
“Your father doesn’t ever want to play any games with me for the sake of our relationship and don’t you remember the Mario Kart incident? Because that remote almost hit me” he complains as he pulls you closer by your hand.
“Oh will you drop the Mario Kart incident, I was eating chips and my hands were all oily and I can’t believe you’re-” Jungkook shuts you up with a soft peck on your lips, followed by a deeper one as he bites your lower lip.
“Baby, I might be competitive but not as much as you.” you whisper against his lips and he chuckles, finally pulling away.
“That is true. Now come on, I gotta win this race!” Jungkook says and you snicker, he’s definitely more competitive.
“So, the first date was great, superb actually. We connected, there was this undeniable chemistry and why are you making that face?” Lando stops talking when he notices the dubious smile on your face.
“Did Lily tell you something else? Did she not have a good time? Oh my god is that why she hasn’t texted me since the last half an hour?” Lando is starting to panic and Jungkook and you share a knowing smile, getting a kick out of your friend's misery.
Lando and Lily hit it off at Jungkook’s last birthday dinner and Lando didn’t hesitate at all before asking her out.
“I just want it put in writing that you and Lily will not bother us with your relationship troubles” you say sternly as the three of you make way to the hospitality area. Lando moved to Ferrari about a year ago, Jungkook and him have been a great team. 
“Relationship, so she said something good, what did Lily say ___?” Lando asks with agitation and Jungkook giggles as his hand intertwines with yours.
“I’m sorry best friend, best friend privilege” you tease and Lando groans, only making Jungkook laugh louder. Lando isn’t the type to doubt himself when it comes to relationships, so this is quite amusing.
“Just chill my man, focus on the race for now” Jungkook says tapping Lando’s hand and he distractedly nods.
“Would you guys be up for brunch at my place tomorrow, a double date?” Lando asks reading something from his phone, probably a text from Lily.
“Sure-” “We can’t actually, we have a thing” Jungkook interrupts you, but you just tag along.
“Yeah we do, let’s plan for some other time” you say and Lando nods understandingly, before he walks off as he’s texting someone.
“We have a thing tomorrow?” you ask as the two of you slip into Jungkook’s driver room. Jungkook’s quiet for a second as he pulls off his polo, ready to slip into his driving suit.
“I was hoping we could spend the day decorating our apartment, we could build the bookshelves that are still in boxes” he says with a small smile as he takes a seat to get rid of his shoes. The two of you moved in together a few months ago but hadn’t gotten to decorating yet.
“Aren’t you such a romantic, but you and I both know I can’t be participating with building stuff, I broke my hand the last time and your very expensive coffee table” you say and Jungkook chuckles, pulling you in his lap.
“Counter offer, you sort the books in our guest room and I build the bookshelf, like the provider I am” he offers with a big smile as his arms circle around your waist.
“Are you sweet talking me into doing chores Jeon?” you ask in an accusing tone and he only laughs louder.
“Maybe,” he says, pecking your lips softly. “What about tonight? Are we doing your winner's dinner?” you ask, smiling against his lips.
“I am infuriated that I can’t eat icing off your tits tonight, I have a work dinner thing” he grumbles and you run your hands down his back.
“We can do winner’s breakfast instead, it’s all about improvising baby” you say in an attempt to lift his spirits.  “saranghae” you whisper looking in his big, brown eyes, you had started picking up a few Korean words here and there, dropping them casually and amusing Jungkook. “I love you” Jungkook says, pulling away to look you in the eyes. He takes a deep breath to really take in the moment.
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The race started and ended quickly for Jungkook after reliability issues in lap 10. You sigh as you sit opposite your father, winning is important for Jungkook, it really it, but he’s also gotten great with compartmentalizing it.
“Too bad the car isn’t supporting him” you father says and you nod, watching on the tv’s as the camera’s follow Jungkook walking into the garage.
“At least he’ll get to rest during the summer break” you say, looking forward to the next few weeks of vacation.
“Where are you guys going?” your father asks as he turns to look at you. It wasn’t going to be a vacation per say.
“Jungkook bought a house in Busan, it’s by the ocean, kinda close to the one his family used to live in. We’ll leave Thursday, and just spend a few weeks there, I’ll work, he’ll train, just our usual days but in Busan” Jungkook had proposed this weeks ago, and you immediately agreed.
“Sounds romantic” your father says with a big, bright smile, “Jungkook really makes you happy doesn’t he” he continues talking, this isn’t a question but more like a statement.
“Life is better with him in it” you say as your eyes catch his across the room, immediately, you flash him a comforting smile and he mimics one too as he walks towards you.
“Next race will be better son” your father tells Jungkook as he takes a seat beside you.
“Hopefully we’ll be done with the engine issues” he sighs with frustration and your hand finds his, interlocking them immediately.
“Issues like these are so threatening to my championship chances, so utterly out of my hand” Jungkook voices his concerns and your father listens intently, knowing all about it.
“It so much worse because you can’t fix the issues and it threatens the team morale” your father says and Jungkook nods intensely. Soon, Namjoon comes over too, the three of them talking about the issues in length while you sit there quietly, while Jungkook rubs his thumb across your hand.
“You’re meeting is at around 8 at Blue Bay, and they’ve scheduled a post-race meeting at 6:30” Namjoon reminds Jungkook before he stands up to leave. Your father left earlier too, saying something about having dinner appointments.
“You’ve been awfully quiet” Jungkook says, turning around to look at you.
“I’m kinda tired” you say resting your head against his arm. Jungkook is really tempted to cancel his dinner thing and go home with you, but you talk him out of it.
“I promise I’ll call you if I don’t feel any better after dinner,” you tell him and he grumbles, bringing his arm around your waist.
“Did you get your test results back? I know you’re all weak because of deficiencies, that’s why your hands are always cold” Jungkook sits for a few more minutes, knowing full well the meeting is going to start any moment now.
“The doctor will call me when it’s done, just will you go and do your work. One of us needs to make shit load of money, we have expensive taste” you tease him in attempts to lighten the situation.
“Call me if you need anything-“ he says as he sneaks a quick peck on your lips, “or nothing, just call me” “I will” you reassure him with a soft pat on his cheek.
Jungkook isn’t a fan of talking one on one with reporters, but Namjoon assured him a couple thousand times and somehow made him agree to this dinner.
What he wasn’t expecting was an excited, senior writer for Vogue Korea, Jung Hoseok. They click immediately, talking endlessly about anything and everything under the sun.
“So, this is your ninth year at ferrari and you’ve decided to move to mercedes, what motivated the move?” Hoseok asks and Jungkook takes a big sip of his drink, this question is the reason this interview was set up. The move hasn’t been announced, yet.
“My years at ferrari have made me the champion I am, I won seven world championships with them but I’ve also felt a little stagnant in my career. The move is a way to challenge myself as a driver and also making a profitable move as a driver” Jungkook explains calmly and Hoseok scoffs.
“You’re so amazingly media trained, the answers are given by a PR person aren’t they” the reporter notes and Jungkook laughs out loud.
“My manager, he’s the reason I talk so well” Jungkook answers candidly.
“So, the move is not because of the reliability and strategy issues?” “Those reasons obviously played a part in the decision making. Ferrari has been struggling for the last two years since they changed their engine producer, and I wanted to stick with my team through the pain, but I’m not 20 anymore, I’m almost 30. I told my manager after the first three terrible races last year, ‘We’ll stick with them for a year, give them time to work out the kinks, they deserve patience from me, at least for a year’. But again, the since the start of this year, it hasn’t been that great, so after lengthy discussions with my manager, parents and girlfriend, I decided to make the move” Jungkook answers honestly, and Hoseok is a little stunned by it. They go on to discuss the move to mercedes more, talking about going back to where it all started.
“You don’t talk about your girlfriend much to the press or media, your relationship is extremely private even missing from each other’s social media, is there a reason for that?”
“I’ve kept my relationship with ___ private because the more public I make it, the more people feel like they have a say in the relationship. And I don’t want people’s opinions or thoughts guiding our relationship, and honestly, I can’t bear losing her again”
“This might be an odd question, but how do you think being in love has changed you?” this question sticks with Jungkook for a while, he thinks it over for a good few minutes.
“It has made me a much more, stronger, and confident person. I think being loved by someone you love endlessly is one of the most beautiful thing in the world. She doesn’t love me despite or because, she just loves me for being Jungkook and that’s, um, something that’s really helped me grow and change as a person for the better.” Jungkook sighs the more he thinks about you, he wonders if you are still feeling sick.
“Can I ask you a few more questions about your relationship? You can say no” Hoseok asks and Jungkook strangely encourages him. Most reporters he’s talked to are always looking for a scoop, this is the first time a reporter seems to be taking actual interest in him.  
“Were the two of you set up by your former teammate and now close friend Phillip Lee or did it just happen naturally?”
“Phillip didn’t even know we’d been dating till we broke up” Jungkook says and chuckles, thinking back to the before the first race of 2021, Phillip literally cornered him in his drivers room and asked him what was wrong with him.
“Back in 2020, there weren’t a lot of people my age on the paddock. I really needed a friend, so I reached out to ___. We were friends for a good few months before I realised, I was in love with her. Luckily, she felt the same way” Jungkook has the widest smile as he thinks back, just makes him realise how much time has passed.
“You talk of a break up, did it affect you as a driver?” Hoseok asks as he sits up straight.
“As much as I hate admitting it, it did, I’m human after all. What’s going on in my personal life usually doesn’t affect me as a driver because I’m great at compartmentalizing, but losing someone I love, so abruptly, and especially when I couldn’t do anything to stop to let her slip away, it frustrated me to no end and it affected my performance as a driver, initially at least” Jungkook confesses and the reporter passes him an encouraging smile.
“The two of you have been dating for four years-“ “Five in total” Jungkook corrects him and the two of them chuckle out loud. “The two of you have been dating for five years now, does the future of your relationship affect your future as a driver? To bring up Phillip again, he retired a few months after his first son was born and has been living a quiet life away from F1 since, do you see yourself going down that road too? Putting your relationship and family ahead of anything by your mid-thirties?”
“Just last week I was facetiming Phillip, and he was building a dollhouse, surrounded by his kids. Phillip was obviously, very happy as a f1 driver, but being a father has made him content like never before. I don’t know what it’s going to be like with us, but I know ___ and I will come to a decision that’s best for the two of us”
“Talking of retirement, what do you see yourself filling time with when retired?” Hoseok asks, relaxing a little as he sits back in the chair.
“Sometime during early 2019, I knew I didn’t have a contract for the next year so my sister and I really started thinking of plan b’s outside of racing, and we narrowed down on the option of me going to college and taking the traditional route. I have always wondered, what would life be right now if things didn’t end up the way they did, and even though I was and am ecstatic that I landed in ferrari back then. I would like to take the college route too, see how it shapes my future. I really enjoyed being a student, and I think I’d enjoy going back to it. My girlfriend also thinking that I can sing pretty well and be a musician, but I think love has made her a little delusional” Jungkook jokes about the last part, making the reporter laugh too.
“To tie up the interview, this is your last year with ferrari, last year to win the championship in red. Endings are usually the time one gets reflective, how do you reflect back at the last eight years?”
“I look back and I’m filled with gratitude, so much gratitude. I am sure you’ve seen the video from my first karting championship win, an interviewer asking me what my dream f1 team would be, I remember saying ferrari with that excited high-pitched voice. I truly did want to drive for ferrari but at the same time as I made my way through F3 and F2, the dream started looking unattainable. Just minutes before I sighed the ferrari contract, ___ congratulated me on signing with ferrari, that’s when it really sunk in. I went into my hotel room and cried because of how overwhelmed and excited I was to be achieving a lifelong dream. My time at ferrari has shaped me into the man and driver I am, the ups, downs, agreements and disagreements have taught me so many invaluable lessons. I met the love of my life, got the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing people, won seven world championships, all because of my time at ferrari, and I truly know it in my heart that none of it would have happened if things didn’t go exactly as they did.”
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Jungkook made a bet with himself, if he found you asleep on the sofa with your glasses still on and aggressively clutching a book, he’d buy you flowers tomorrow morning. He would have even if he lost the bet. But he audibly awes when he does win the bet, he’s found you like this a few thousand times, but it always endears him somehow. Jungkook quietly takes off your glasses and puts the book away. Crouching down, his eyes level with your tightly shut ones, softly, he grazes your face.
“You really hate falling asleep in our bed all by yourself, don’t you” he says to himself as he pushes some of your hair away from your face. Jungkook doesn’t struggle one bit when he picks you up bridal style, and lays you on the bed. He notices how your hand instinctively reached for his, holding onto him tightly.
Jungkook’s exhausted from the race and the day he’s had, all he wants to do is lay down and get some shut eye, but he sits by the you for a few too long, afraid him moving is going to wake you up. But he does eventually pry his hands out of your grip and jump into the quickest shower of his life.
“When did you get home?” you ask turning to face Jungkook as he dries his hair with a towel.
“20 minutes ago?” he says abandoning the towel and picking up the hair dryer now that you’ve up.
“How did the interview go?” you ask as you sit up to drink some water.
“Surprisingly well, I talked about you. A lot” he says from the dressing table and you give him a quizzical look.
“Why?” you ask as your eyes follow him around the room. Jungkook just smiles and looks away as he shuts the hair dryer off.
“He asked the right questions” Jungkook says massaging his torso as he walks to bed, he takes slides into bed, leaning in for a quick kiss.
“___” he whispers your name against your lips and you sigh, running your hands through his hair.
“I am so looking forward to summer break, just you and I relaxing. Maybe if you feel like it, we take a dip in the ocean or you watch me swim in the ocean. I could do a slutty Baywatch style walk for you-“ you shut Jungkook up by sliding into his lap.
“You ramble when you’re tired” you note with speed as you lean down to kiss him, fiercely, leaving Jungkook a little breathless. In the middle of making out, your hands travel to his chest, hoping to tug off his t-shirt when you notice something.
“Why is your heart beating like crazy” you ask noticing his erratic heartbeat. His lips flatter to a shy smile as realisation dawns on the two of you.
“Oh my god, Jungkook you’re going to make me cry” you say cradling his cheeks and he grumbles pulling you closer.
“I’m sure your heart beats for me like that too” he says reaching for your chest under the t-shirt.
“Babe, you’re just grabbing my tit” you note sarcastically as his finger grazes your hard nipple.
“I can’t help if your heart is behind your tit” he teases you, tugging on your nipple and getting the exact kind of moan from you.
“But really, it does. Even if my words and actions are lacking sometimes, my love for you grows each day” the tender words catch Jungkook a little off guard, not that you aren’t vocal about it, maybe he really needed this kind of confirmation from you today
Soft sunlight is peeking through the curtains, illuminating your face. Turning around to avoid the sunlight, you snuggle even closer to Jungkook, nuzzling in his chest. Jungkook’s been awake for a few minutes now, but he isn’t ready to let go of you yet. His alarm goes off, and he struggles to turn it off, but he does.
“Babe, I really need to go, Namjoon hyung is probably waiting for me downstairs” he grumbles but at the same time doesn’t let go of you. Training is intense as a F1 driver, and Jungkook takes it seriously.
“Kook is summer break” you complain as he detaches himself from you. He chuckles as you continue to whine as he gets dressed as quickly as he can.
“I promise I’ll pick up breakfast on my way,” Jungkook says mid brushing his teeth. Wiping off his face, he changes into a fresh set of clothes, ready to be out the door.
“You stay put, I’ll be back in forty minutes and we’ll resume the activities of last night” Jungkook insinuates as you turn around in bed to face him. There are butterflies in your stomach just thinking about last night, and they only intensify as he holds your jaw tight as he kisses you, tugging on your lip.
Jungkook feels giddy as he makes his way to Namjoon, continuing to stretch as he walks over to his hyung.
“I’m thinking we go by the church today-“ “I think I’m going to propose to ___” Jungkook interrupts him and Namjoon looks at him dumb founded.
“Um, that’s wonderful. The two of you are really-“ “Yeah, I know we’re pretty darn cute, but I’m thinking about proposing today, more accurately by breakfast” Jungkook says very calmly as Jungkook continues to stretch.
“Okay, so, um-“ “I have had the ring for a few months now and I was looking for the perfect time, and I thought I’d do it while we were in Busan but I don’t think I can wait any longer.” Jungkook says, taking a deep breath.
“This morning, I was looking at ___’s left hand, and I just knew, I had to propose right away. It just feels like the right moment” Jungkook explains and the panic is starting to build, panic mixed with a shit ton of excitement.
“I don’t know if we’d be here if I didn’t advise you to break up with ___, but I’m glad we’re here” Namjoon says patting Jungkook’s arm.
“Hyung you gotta stop beating yourself up about that,” “I know, but I am seriously, so happy for you and ___” Namjoon says and Jungkook smiles widely.
“I know, now I gotta get going with breakfast and flowers before ___ wakes up” Jungkook says running a hand through his hair, it’s a nervous tick. “Remember to set up a camera, you’ll want pictures”
Jungkook hears the shower turn off as he plates the breakfast Most people would want a grand proposal, but Jungkook knows you’ll want a private, lowkey one more. He knows you’ll want to cherish this moment, without a crowd and attention around. He fixes the flowers as you step out the washroom, drying your hair as you walk across the room. Jungkook knows you aren’t going to dry your hair right away, no matter how many times he asks you to, he knows you’re going to be walking into the living room any moment now.
“Jungkook, are you back already?” you shout from the room, hearing some noises come from the kitchen.
“Yeah, I cut the run short, come out here” he yells, locating the ring. Before you can reply, your phone rings and you pick it up immediately.
“Um, okay” you reply to the call as Jungkook checks the camera, making sure it’s recording.
“Yeah, 1 pm works for us, we’ll be there” you reply as Jungkook calls out for you again.
“Alright, I’ll see you later” you mutter turns to walk towards the living room, and realising,
Jungkook’s waiting for you, on a knee. You mutter a oh my god as realisation sets in, Jungkook anxiously bites his lip, waiting for you to say something. The silence is starting to eat Jungkook, he’s starting to regret this, you’re going to say yes, right?
“I feel amazing each morning I get to wake up next to you, and a few months back, I decided I wanted a lifetime of it. I was waiting for the right moment; I came so close to asking you after we finished that trek in Australia. It was perfect, the view, the feeling, but I knew you would never forgive me for proposing me while you were all sweaty” he jokes and you giggle, the tears starting to form in your eyes.
“Then I thought, I’d do it in Busan, I even got a planner and everything but something changed this morning. Your hand reached for mine, like it does every morning. I felt your ring finger, and I just knew I couldn’t wait any longer.” Jungkook’s a little teary eyed too as his hand swiftly open the velvet box, revealing the ring, and you gasp, like you weren’t expecting it.
“Will you marry me ___?” Jungkook feels a little breathless he finally asks the question. The smile on your face widens like you’re going to say yes to him, but Jungkook is absolutely shocked by what you say next.
“I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant!” you say and the color completely drains from Jungkook’s face as you pull him up. “What?” his voice is barely audible as he asks you that. “The, um, doctor just called, the tests they ran last week. Turns out I don’t have any deficiencies, turns out I’m pregnant” you retell the events of the phone call and he gasps with shock.
“Oh my god, we’re going to have a fucking baby!” Jungkook shouts with excitement as he pulls you close for a kiss, and a few more.
"um, yeah the doctor asked if we could go in for the first sonogram today afternoon, that's fine right? You don't have anything planned right?" you ask as you pull away from him a little, Jungkook wants to hug you tight, like he wants to let you know just how intensely he's feeling, but he doesn't.
"___, we're having a baby, nothing is more important than you and the baby" he says running a hand through your hair, sensing some tension from you.
The two of you just stand in each other's embrace for a while, letting the moment soak in.
“Wait, um, you didn’t give me an answer” Jungkook asks as his forehead leans against yours.
“Yes, Jungkook. Of course, I want to marry you. I want to be your wife for the rest of my life” you say and he slips on the ring.
People always assume that the fairy-tale ends when the couple gets married. But for the two of you, the fairy tale is always going to be on going. It’s going to keep going through every date night, every quiet morning, every small moment with your child, it’s going to be forever going. The love you two have for each other is forever going.
Tag List: @blancflms @nadzzzblog @kookiewhtaee @jksoftiitii @oiseul @elisaaru @coralmusicblaze @tearyjjeonn @moonchild1 @jungkooksseuphoria @cookysstuff @ohyeahjk @bobakkoo @whoa-jo @kooromiwrld @littlelandalp @marvelover3000
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paladin--strait · 1 year
passenger princess | s. rintaro
suna x fem!reader
a/n: this is my first imagine, so please be kind 😞 I'll accept any kind of constuctive criticism! please let me know if there is anything I can do to make my stories better! thanks for reading! 🥰
warnings: none. just fluff, a slight hint of angst. unedited. I'm not good with honorifics or anything like that, so please excuse that.
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"so, you're still mad at me. hmm?" he says, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove the two of you home. you sat silently in the passenger seat, eyeing the scenery that you've seen hundreds of times.
suna could tell you were upset, he always knew. even when you acted fine, he knew. even in times like this where you sat silently, he knew.
"darling," he spoke softly, breaking the silence. you hated when he called you that. it filled you with a sense of want and need, a feeling of need to break the tension and anger you're feeling towards him. "could you please tell me what's wrong? I can't make it right if you don't speak up."
you sighed, trying to hide the tears that are slowly brimming your eyes. "I saw a picture of you and another girl. tsumu sent it to me." you spoke almost silently, hoping he wouldn't hear your words.
"that was kita's sister." he answered, "she got lost and her phone died. after kita texted me and a few others, I told him that I was in the area, and he asked me to walk with her until she got to a safe place to charge her phone. nothing happened. I did show her a picture of you after telling her about you. she said that you were one of the prettiest girls she has ever seen."
your gaze softened as you slowly turned to look at him. he was already looking at you. seeing his loving and gentle eyes showing you that he was telling the truth. you gave him a small smile and turned to look at the road.
"I knew you would never do anything like that to me, suna. you've always been so kind and caring towards others. you've really changed since you graduated. I used to be scared of the possibility of you cheating on me. but, I don't have to worry about that anymore. because I know how much you love me and that you would do anything for me." you laugh a little, looking down at your lap and finally noticing that he had at some point placed his hand back on your thigh, its usual resting place while suna was driving.
your cheeks turned a shade of red and you looked back at him again, the smirk on his face was prominent, but his eyes were gentle. you've noticed that suna likes to act all hard and strong, when in reality he's just a huge softy. for you, at least. when he looked away from you and back at the road, you realized the two of you were already home.
"alright, my pretty little passenger princess, we're home. let's get you inside and in a nice warm bath, shall we?" he smiled, parking the car and getting out to open your door. you stepped out and gave him a huge hug. his long arms engulfed your body as he hugged back, slowly rocking you back and forth as you muttered an apology to him.
suna held your hand as you both walked inside your home and straight to your master bathroom. as you two were walking, you thought to yourself that you would have to call atsumu later and apologize for sobbing while on the phone with him after seeing the picture.
but, that might have to wait until tomorrow, it seems like suna has big plans for the two of you tonight.
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sanjoongie · 9 months
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My submission for @flurrys-creativity 's 1004 Angel collab!
ღPairings: Park Seonghwa x Reader (f) ღGenre: pwp, smut  ღAu: Fallen Angel au, Piercer au, supernatural au ღTrope: s2l ღWord Count: 1,763 ღRating: 18+, MINORS DNI ღSynopsis: When a fallen angel walks into your piercing parlor and asks for you to pierce his nipples, looking to experience pain and pleasure in his now human life ღWarnings: pain kink, customer/service provider sex, jerking off service, piercing service (do not read if you can't handle descriptions of a piercing occurring), spit kink, public sex at the workplace, begging, glove kink, corruption kink, overstimulation kink, Seonghwa likes it hard and fast okay ღDedication: @mejuii (bitch this is for you, it was all your idea, we all needed seonghwa's nipples pierced in this shirt) & @downtoamagicalland my beta readers extraordinaire @smallfrye honorary suffer with us tag
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The man that walked into your shop wasn't something you were used to seeing everyday. The gray blue eyes seemed to take in your shop with equal measures of innocence and shrewdness. 
You approached the front desk. “Can I help you?”
“I require assistance,” The man said, eyes finally landing on you and sending a jolt of electricity through your nerves.
“Well, if you’re looking to be pierced, I’ve got a free time slot right now,” You offered.
“I was advised that an easy yet painful piercing are nipples,” The man offered with arrogance and pureness.
You almost swallowed your tongue. “If you’re looking for a sensitive area to pierce, the nipples are generally considered one of those areas.”
The man’s eyes moved up and down your body and then he declared that you would perform this service on him. His name was Seonghwa, no last name. You showed him which chair to sit on and you bent down at your station to apply latex gloves.
Wordlessly, he began to unbutton his transparent shirt and pushed it down his shoulders, with only the crook of his elbows supporting the fabric. Seonghwa had tattoos of black wings. They started at even positions between his spine and shoulder blades. It was a simple but intricate black and white tattoo. The wings curved over his shoulder and then curled under his collarbone, the tips touching exactly where his jugular notch was. The necklace of barbed wire almost perfectly highlighted the tattoo.
“These are wonderful, by the way,” You said, eyes admiring the black wings tattoo that curled around his collarbone. “When did you get them done?”
“Only a few days ago,” Seonghwa offered with a tiny, miniscule smirk. “I’m freshly fallen.”
You blinked down several times at your piercing gun, which you were attempting to set with a 14 gauge needle. Your client was a fallen angel?
“Is there something wrong?” Seonghwa asked curiously.
You turned around on your stool and sent your best customer service smile to Seonghwa. “Of course not. I serve humans, angels and demons alike.”
Seonghwa’s pink lips parted as his eyes fell on the needle in the piercing gun. He looked at you with anticipation gleaming through his eyes.
“I’m going to have to touch you in order to do this piercing. I’ll need to grip your pecs and also pinch your nipple. Do I have your permission to touch you in such a manner? It is simply a procedure, nothing sexual. Although if you do have a sexual reaction, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about, that’s simply chemistry and body reactions,” You supplied, getting in professional piercer mode.
“I give you permission,” Seonghwa said, voice low after your sentence.
You nodded, accepting your mission, and leaned over his body on your piercer chair and squeezed his right pectoral. Seonghwa let out a small noise from the back of his throat and you attempted to ignore it. First you cleaned both areas, watching as Seonghwa’s nipples became pebbled at your touch. You examined his nipple and determined where the piercing should go through his nipple and you grabbed your black marker to place the points where the piercing should enter and exit. You pinched his nipple and Seonghwa let out a low moan. The marker touched both spots on his nipple and you leaned over to do the same procedure to his left nipple. 
You could feel Seonghwa’s cock harden under your side and you tried to relocate moisture to your mouth. “Seonghwa?”
Seonghwa panted slightly, his eyes swirling. “Yes?”
“I need you to start thinking of bad things. The response is not embarrassing but I don’t provide a happy ending here,” You joked, trying to suppress the rise of your own lust for the situation.
Seonghwa’s eyes watched you closely as you moved to pinch his nipple. He let out a sigh of pleasure when you did so. “But the bad things make me hard too.”
“Fuck,” You cursed under your breath. “I need a breather. I’ll go take a break and when you’re proper, we’ll continue.”
“Human,” Seonghwa caught your wrist as you stood up. “Why do you shy away from a sin when that’s clearly what I’m here for?”
“I--” Your words were not coming carefully from your mouth, “I can’t be doing this with a customer, Mister Fallen Angel, Sir.”
Seonghwa’s grin was slow and lazy. “You’re already providing me one service, could you not perform another?”
“Fuck,” You cursed a second time because now you were actually considering this.
Seonghwa’s eyes were filled with wonder and lust. “Please continue.”
So you sat back down, with your piercer gun in your hand and leaned over on Seonghwa’s raging boner, ignoring it completely but for different reasons, and grabbed his right nipple. 
“Feels so good,” Seonghwa moaned, fully panting now, anticipating the pain that was about to occur.
You positioned your gun and without a word of warning, as Seonghwa asked you, you pierced his left nipple. The pain raced through Seonghwa’s body. You watched as his muscles tensed from the straightening of his feet to points to the tense chords of his neck muscles clenching. Seonghwa moaned as he released his fists, moons of blood deep in his palm. “That was delicious,” He murmured, eyes half lidded. 
Still, you didn’t say a word, and moved over to his left pectoral. Seonghwa’s hips bucked up at the stimulation your body was providing to his twitching boner. “Don’t move, sir, or this will become a lopsided piercing.”
“I don’t want the second one straight,” Seonghwa growled. “Make it slanted, like my fall to earth and the state of my soul currently.”
This time it was your turn to moan. This fallen angel was going to drive you to insanity. “Whatever you say, Seonghwa.”
You pinched his left nipple and carefully angled your gun so that no longer would the barbell pierce his nipple as a perfect horizontal plane but more that the piercing would enter at an upwards angle from the left and come out at the upper right angle, the perfect ninety degree angle. The gun clicked with finality and Seonghwa gasped a large lungful of air. He hissed a drawn out yes and the urge to slant your lips over his right now was strong in you. But that was not what had been arranged with the fallen angel.
You placed your gun down and removed your gloves. Seonghwa whined behind you. “Please leave them on,” he groaned.
You applied a fresh pair of black latex gloves and sat back on your stool. You clinically unbuttoned Seonghwa’s jeans and pulled them down. You swallowed fairly loudly as you realized he went commando under those jeans. His cock was long but slender. Its tip was red and angry and it looked very much like Seonghwa required some relief. 
You gripped Seonghwa’s cock to hold it upright while your other hand gripped the upper half, swirling your thumb along his slit. Air began to huff from Seonghwa’s now red lips. He had acquired a habit of biting the plush flesh. You rose above his cock and gathered some spit in your mouth. You let it fall from your lips slowly and when the wetness hit the head of his cock, Seonghwa groaned loudly. 
His back bowed when you began to jerk him off at a harsh pace. His voice was caught in his throat, small noises of pleasure and pain escaping there. “Please, please, please,” Seonghwa began to chant. 
“So greedy,” You murmured under your breath, slowing your pace and Seonghwa’s body rested properly on the piercing chair.
“Don’t slow down, it feels so good, so good,” Seonghwa pleaded, eyes unable to decide whether he wanted to watch your hands do their hard work or meet your own eyes. 
“It’s not as satisfying when you’re simply given instant gratification, Sir,” You informed him.
Seonghwa’s hips bucked upwards and you tsked loudly. You removed both hands from his cock. Seonghwa’s body shot upwards, to grab both of your wrists. “Don’t stop, please,” He begged, eyebrows furrowed together. “You’ve given me pain on this day, please also show me pleasure.”
You grabbed Seonghwa’s dick in a harsh grip, pulling a cry out of his pretty lips. You moved both hands in sync as you jerked Seonghwa off. The combination of spit and his own precum applying the perfect lube. You went fast and relentlessly and Seonghwa cried out as his pleasure took him. His cry turned into a groan as you continued to stroke him through his orgasm. You used all the cum that spurted from his cock to spread along his length and eventually hit the timing of overstimulation. Seonghwa attempted to curl in on himself but you braced your forearm against his stomach. You jerked him off through his cries of pain at the overstimulation until it turned into pleasure once again and had him shuddering through a second orgasm that almost sounded painful when he came so quickly after the first one. 
Sweat covered Seonghwa’s face, hair sticking to places along his temples and the nape of his neck. His seemingly long tongue came out to lick his lips. The fallen angel looked utterly debauched on your chair and you instantly had zero guilt or remorse for what you did.
“Thank you,” Seonghwa eventually panted. 
You nodded gruffly, now ignoring the ache between your own legs. You stripped off your gloves and offered Seonghwa a towel to clean himself up. Seonghwa blinked at the towel. “What do I do with this?”
You laughed and sighed at the same time. “I’m sure you don’t want to put your pants on with your cum everywhere Seonghwa. 
When Seonghwa continued to blink up at you, you motioned with your own eyes the ropes of cum that had artfully fallen between his newly pierced chest.  Seonghwa’s lips made a small ‘o’ of surprise and you laughed sharply again. Fallen Angels really were a different type of breed.
“Now we’ll have to settle your debt to me,” You mentioned, folding your arms under your chest. 
Seonghwa completed cleaning himself up and shrugged his shirt back up his shoulders. When the diaphanous material skimmed his newly pierced nipples, he took a moment to appreciate the sensation, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. When he opened his eyes, they were dark with lust once again. “How will you call in my debt to you?”
You shrugged with your shoulders. “I dunno. I’m thinking of me riding you on my piercer’s chair, but I’m up for negotiations.”
Tag list: @hijirikaww @mingsolo @starlitmark @stardragongalaxy @k-pop-ology @pyeonghongrie-main
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64yrsold · 1 year
you know where the city is
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a bit different today! we're doing write anything that you want to week with @imightgetbetter <3 today's theme is early matty, so i decided to write about hearing "the city" on the radio for the first time :-) hope you all enjoy! - love, 64
I watched his hands jump over each other on the steering wheel, driving us around another winding curve. It was almost a spectacle, watching the light expose his bare arms, travel up his black t-shirt and crawl up his neck, then disappear before it could illuminate his mouth. Then he’d be covered in darkness again, until we reached the next street lamp.
“You can drop me home, if you’d like,” I offered, turning down the radio so he could hear me.
“Come on, stop it,” he frowned, glancing over to me, “We can stay out as long as you want.”
“I think my parents-“
“They’re fine,” he interrupted, reaching a hand to squeeze my knee, “They like me, don’t they?”
“Maybe not after tonight,” I quipped, rolling the window down. The air here always felt like a childhood memory, like after-school walks and first kisses. I liked the way it blew against his curls, frizzing the ends. He pushed a few strands behind his ear.
“I’ll get you home soon,” he sighed, hand firmly planted against my thigh, “Just wanted to show you one thing.”
"Oh, are you surprising me?" my voice wavered with excitement. He nodded, bottom lip wet as he smiled.
"I was out driving with the guys-"
"I don't want to know," I said quickly, earning a boyish giggle.
"No, it was very innocent, babe. I'm behaving, I promise," he stated, but his grin said otherwise. He looked at me from the corner of his eye, finding me unconvinced, "Whatever, I'll just show you."
"You boys need to focus on the band," I scolded, fingers tracing his cuticles.
He scoffed, "You know how committed I am."
"Mhm," I hummed, "You're very good, you know."
"I know," he half-joked. His palm opened around the steering wheel as he turned a corner. Trees were thick on either side of the road, the pavement transitioning to gravel.
"Where the fuck are we going," I whined, "Is this where you finally murder me in the woods?"
"Yeah, I've got the axe in the back," he nodded, slapping my thigh playfully. The radio was cutting out, fizzling with static as we drove further into the wooded area. I changed the station, trying to find one that was intelligible. We approached a clearing, and I switched the station once more, hand frozen when I heard a familiar punctuated bass drum. He slammed on the brakes. I lurched forward, hand against the dash.
"Is this..." I paused, staring at him with parted lips. He threw the car in park, tangling his hands in his hair.
"Holy shit," he whispered, stars in his eyes, "Holy shit!"
"What the fuck!" I yelled, grabbing him by the shoulders.
"What the fuck!" he returned, jaw hanging open. I could see the tears rimming his waterline, and he quickly covered his face with his hands. "I sent this song to every fucking station I know, but nobody got back to me, I-" He interrupted himself with a guttural scream. I screamed back at him, the car reverberating with his voice on the radio.
He dropped his hands to my neck, searching my face wildly. My face was aching from my splitting grin, my pulse crawling up my ears.
"This is it," I mumbled, tears stinging behind my eyes, "This is really it."
"I can't fucking believe it," he cried, grabbing my jaw and pulling my mouth to his. He laughed against my lips, emotions swirling between us. He kissed every unspoken word into my mouth, and I could taste the excitement like pennies on my tongue. He pulled back to scream the chorus, and I joined him, chanting the words wholeheartedly. I dropped my head on his shoulder, finding a sky of milky stars mirroring the faint lights of the city below.
"Don't forget me when you're all rich and famous," I whispered, wrapping my fingers around his.
"Couldn't if I tried, love," he smiled, "How could I ever forget this?"
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whatdudtheysay · 1 year
Maid cafe's ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ (PT.2)
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Toji fushiguro x F! Reader
(Black female reader)
Context - Toji finally had the balls to ask you out to which you gratefully agree
(not proofread •×•)
Part 1 ← → Part 3
Toji was surprised you answered so suddenly. He sent a simple text.
Hey, it's Toji, I met you at the maid café.
He had to think over it hundreds of times, cringing at himself after he sent it. Before he could even unsend the message and type something else, the words 'read' appeared from under his message, almost wanting to throw his phone away right then and there, watching as you typed back.
Hey, Toji. It's y/n, what's up?"
So that was your name. A pretty name for a pretty girl he thought.
Not much for now but what're you doing up so early?
Toji watched as you typed, taking more time into this.
Could say the same for you
But I'm just cleaning up some art stuff for now.
You and toji ended up talking for another hour, only realising the time when you caught a glimpse of your clock.
Shoot, it's already 2:30.
Could we talk later?
Toji erased and rewrote his message almost ten times before finally sending a message back, half of his mind wanting to turn his phone off and force himself to sleep.
If you aren't busy later maybe we could hangout?
His heart was pulsating once he saw you typing.
Sure, you can pick me up after work
See you then
Toji sighed in relief, sending a quick goodbye text before turning his phone off, millions of thoughts running through his mind.
What would you both do? Where should he take you? What would you want to do? What should he wear?
Toji ended up getting almost no sleep that night, his mind only filled with different outcomes.
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
Eventually, he was outside your workplace, sat in his car whilst sipping on his fifth coffee of the day. He just silently hoped he didn't look like a zombie.
He read the time - 3pm. The time you told him you got off of work.
Toji looked around the parking lot a few more times, catching a glimpse of you walking towards him. He almost didn't spot you since you were dressed in more casual wear.
As you got closer, he made out the tight tank top and denim shorts you wore with sneakers and a cardigan in hand whilst your bag hung against your shoulder.
Toji unlocked the doors and you slid in once you got over to him, sighing in relief once the door was closed.
"Sorry I'm a bit disorganised." You apologized, placing your bag on the floor of his car as he began to start the vehicle up.
"No worries," Toji dismissed, trying his best to keep his eyes on the road as he pulled out of the parking lot.
You sighed, rubbing your forehead, before glancing over at him, relieved that he was also wearing casual attire.
You hardly had time to ask what you should wear but seeing toji in just a hoodie and some jeans was more than relieving.
"So....where are you taking me?" You asked, pulling your phone out of your cardigan before shoving the piece of clothing into your bag.
Toji hummed as he came to a stop light, glancing over at you staring at your phone, his eyes shamelessly going to your slightly exposed chest, his grip on the wheel tightening.
"I thought we could go to the shopping district? It's still hot outside and we could get some ice-cream at this popular place." Toji offered, looking outside instead, scared his self control would suddenly deplete. Truth be told, he, only knew about this place because megumi had been talking about it on the phone with his friends.
"Sounds alright." You smiled, quickly answering different messages on your phone.
The drive wasn't as awkward as toji expected since you were good at keeping a conversation going despite your slightly shy demeanor, the ride shorter than Toji expected since he realised he'd already reached the area.
You both got out once Toji found a spot to park, walking the short distance to the ice-cream parlour.
Once you'd both sat down and placed your orders, Toji took it upon himself to learn more about you.
"So, d'ya still go to school?" He asked, awkwardly tapping his fingers against the cold table.
"Oh, yeah. I'm finishing up my first year of college right now."
Toji nodded. "Why the part time job then? Wouldn't it be a bit hectic?"
You shrugged, pausing before answering his question when your waiter came over, placing both your ice-cream glasses in front of you before walking off.
"Well, I'm not really one to go out a lot so I mainly focus on classes and then the café." You cleared, taking your spoon and scooping a bit of the cold treat into your mouth.
"I see..." Toji hummed, doing the same with his. "Well, what about your free time? Friends? Boyfriends?"
You locked eyes with Toji, your tongue moving over your bottom lip which made Toji look back down at his glass, scooping more ice-cream into his spoon.
"My friends visit me in the café sometimes or I see them on campus.." you sighed, chewing the inside of your cheek. "And I don't have a boyfriend so I wouldn't need to worry about that."
Toji was surprised, a smile creeping into your face when you saw this.
"What? You think my boyfriend would let me hangout with a guy I just met?" You asked teasingly, feeding yourself another spoon.
Toji felt his face warm slightly.
"Well, you're just pretty is all..." Toji addressed, your face heating up this time. "You purposely not wanting a relationship or-"
You shook your head, smiling. "No, it's not that. Just that college boys are usually immature and annoying."
Despite your reasoning, the only thing that went through toji's mind was that you needed a man. A real man who'd treat you right. And he was more than happy to offer you that.
"What about you Toji?" You asked, lightly tilting your head. "How's your love life?"
A mess.
"pretty boring for now.." Toji commented, not really wanting to give you all the details. "But I don't really mind. My son keeps me occupied."
"son?" You asked, slightly shocked.
Toji felt tense. Should he not have told you?
"Yea, he's still in high school."
Toji hadn't expected to tell you. Not on the first meeting anyway. He tried to read your expression but it was hard, only a blank look on your pretty features, long lashes fluttering before you smiled lightly.
"Just didn't expect it. You still look really young." You explained, finishing off the last bits of your ice-cream.
Toji sighed coolly, trying to hide his relief.
The rest of your date hangout was filled with light conversation before you both finished up, Toji paying after you both had a mini fight over splitting it or just letting Toji handle it. After a less awkward drive, you both arrived outside your apartment.
"Well, here we are.." Toji stated the obvious, powering down the engine.
You nodded, staring at your building. Usually you'd be happy to see your home after a long day at the café or after one too many classes but now, you found yourself reluctant to leave toji's car.
You grabbed your bag and placed it on your lap, looking over to see Toji already watching you silently.
"Thanks for hanging out with me today, I hope we can become closer friends"
Toji's slight smile dropped at that word. Friends. He didn't know how but he found himself hating it.
"Wait, y/n-" Toji called, grabbing your arm to stop you from opening the car door.
You relaxed back in your seat, face slightly heating at the feeling of toji's hand completely covering yours, showing just how big toji was compared to you.
"Yes?" You questioned, trying to ignore the jittery feeling and instead focusing on Toji.
Toji didn't even make what he wanted to say or ask. He just didn't want you to leave so soon.
"There's... Somethin' in your hair-" he lied, leaning closer to falsely inspect.
"Jeez, I hope it wasn't there for too long- I sleep without my bonnet once and all of a-"
You were caught off guard by Toji lightly moving your hair, his lips leaving a light kiss against your cheek before moving back slightly, your faces still inches away.
"I'll text you later tonight?"
Your face was ablaze now, your only response being able to nod. Toji gave you a light smirk.
"See you later-" you exclaimed, quickly jumping out of the car and speed walking into your apartment building.
Toji gripped the steering wheel tight, staying put until you actually entered before starting his car again, taking deep breaths while his face flushed with pink.
Was that too forward? Did you like it? You didn't slap him so maybe you were ok with it?
Did he fuck up?
⎯⎯ ☾ ⎯⎯
Toji was surprised when he got another text from you the next day while he was in his office. At first he thought you were ghosting him after you didn't answer his text last night but he wasn't gonna complain, wasting no time in quickly unlocking his phone and checking what you said.
Hey, Toji. Sorry about not answering your texts last night, found out I had a lot more studying to do. If you want, you can swing by the café later tonight after closing to keep me company while I clean?
Toji felt the tension leave. You weren't annoyed about yesterday and you wanted to see him again. He didn't know how he got this lucky but he wasn't missing his chance.
No problem, I'll be there.
And that's how toji ended up here, leaned against his car door whilst he let out a few puffs from his cigarette, watching as it got darker, the sun soon hiding whilst the moon took its place. He'd gotten there a lot earlier than usual and decided to take a quick break to smoke outside.
"Oo, look over there-!"
"Damn, I'd take a bite out of that."
Toji looked over to the side, noticing two girls in club attire staring at him. When they saw they were caught they began to giggle, quickly looking away.
Toji straightened up, taking out his phone once he felt it vibrate.
Alright, you here?
Toji noticed the girls crossing the street and making their way over.
Yeah, I'm here
"Heyy there!" The blonde girl called as they neared Toji, their slightly stumbled steps making it obvious that they were a bit tipsy.
Toji turned off his phone despite the vibration, putting it in his back pocket.
"What're you doing out here all alone, big guy?" The black haired girl chimed, not bothering to hide her blatant eyes looking over Toji.
Toji was used to girls coming over to him so this wasn't an odd occurrence. He was about to answer before he spotted something pink in the corner of his eye. Once he looked over, toji saw you walking out of the side entrance, making your way over to him.
The girls noticed but paid you no mind, figuring you were here for someone else.
"Soo, do you wanna hangout with us?" The blonde girl smiled, reaching out to brush against toji's arm, toji in contrast pulling away.
"I have a girlfriend." Was all Toji said, hoping they'd just leave.
However, the blonde girl just shrugged.
"I don't see her."
Toji saw you still walking over, just a bit slower. He figured you'd seen him with these girls and didn't wanna intervene.
Toji nodded over to you, trying not to make it as obvious.
"That's my girlfriend."
Before the girls could say anything else, Toji walked over to you, gliding a hand over your shoulder once you were close enough.
"Hey- uh- who are those girls?" You asked, trying to look over toji's huge arm.
"Nobody important, now let's go inside. "
You decided not to pester Toji further as he obviously didn't want to continue the conversation, instead letting you both inside the café through the side entrance.
Toji sighed, looking around at the empty building that was still lit up, giving the building a nice warm atmosphere.
"I already finished upstairs so I'll just quickly clean the kitchen and then do the front." You informed Toji, grabbing a sponge and walking through the doors, a sign beside it reading 'kitchen'
Toji didn't really know what to do, awkwardly standing behind the counter for a while before following where you went to see you cleaning the counter. Whilst Toji leaned against the door frame he just watched you silently, focusing on little features. Your glossed lips, your hair style so you had two braided space buns, the rest of your hair down your back, your long lashes complimenting your eye shape-
"Y'know...staring's kinda rude.." you suddenly voiced, wiping down the counter before looking over at him, biting the inside of your cheek, trying not to look at the small part of his chest he'd exposed.
"Sorry, sweetheart," Toji said, not noticing the pet name he gave you whilst he moved to grab his phone.
You just nodded slightly, your brain rushing as you tried to act nonchalant.
"So..." You cleared your throat, moving over to the preparation table. "You gonna tell me about those girls or will I be wondering till my death?"
Toji smiled lightly.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" He questioned, sarcasm laced in his deep voice.
You looked at him momentarily, studying his expression.
"Well, I asked didn't I?"
Toji hummed, looking at the window sill that was decorated with potted plants.
"They were just asking for directions."
Your brows raised, a light scoff leaving your lips before you could stop yourself.
"You don't need to be so humble, it's obvious they were attracted to you," you stated, finishing up with the preparation table before moving over to a room at the end of the kitchen, placing it in the laundry hamper.
Toji raised his hands in defense.
"I mean, you said it, not me."
You nodded along before walking out with a bucket and mop.
"Did something happen though? I saw you motion over to me."
Guess Toji wasn't as discreet as he thought.
"They thought I was alone but I told em....I was waiting for you."
Toji was worried about what you'd say when he saw you staring, a bit of the tension dissipating when you filled the bucket with some water and soap.
"Alright, well if you are gonna just stand there, you may as well help me?" You smiled lightly.
Toji wasted no time in walking over, grabbing the bucket with ease whilst you followed behind.
Once you both got in the main area, Toji placed the bucket down and you placed the mop inside before giving it a light rinse, starting your last task of the night.
"Your boss ok with you bringing over strangers after hours?" Toji brought up, looking at some of the display cases that had plushies and teddies behind the polished glass
"Yeah, I just asked if a friend could keep me company." You briefly explained, cleaning closer to the entrance.
"A friend?"
You nodded, quickly finishing up the area before looking behind you, Toji still leaned against the front counter, his green eyes piercing into yours.
"We are friends aren't we?"
Toji looked back at the display case.
"You just make friends a bit too easy." Toji hummed.
"Well, I try to acquaint myself with nice people..." You sighed, turning back around whilst you continued mopping the area.
Toji moved from the counter, taking his time walking towards you.
"And how are you sure I'm a nice person?"
You looked behind you once you realised how close he sounded, surprised when you saw he'd made his way closer than you'd thought.
"Well, i-"
"Careful there, you're dripping."
Your face flushed, creating a bit more distance.
"What're you talking about!?"
Toji smirked before moving away from you.
"The mop, darling."
You looked down and saw you'd made a small soapy puddle.
"Shoot-" you huffed, quickly cleaning over it, making sure you weren't facing him as you did so.
Toji moved back over to the counter, deciding to let you actually do your job instead of teasing you. After a while, you finally finished and took toji into the break from, letting him lounge on the couch.
"I'll be right back, just gotta change out of this," you quickly explained, walking down a separate hall.
Since you were going to be somewhat a while, toji decided to snoop around once he saw some framed photos on the desks and shelves, most of them being your co-workers and pictures of baked treats.
He was about to sit back down before a picture caught his eye. Well you caught his eye. He picked up the photograph, looking at your seemingly happy expression whilst a man had his arm around your shoulder. He looked a bit older but still in your age range. A manager? Coworker? Boyfriend?
"What's that?"
Toji almost dropped the photo, looking back to see you, now in a sweatshirt and jeans.
"Was just looking at this.."
You walked over, looking at the photo before making a humming noise.
Before toji could ask who it was, you pulled out a transparent silky bag with cookies inside.
"They're chocolate chip and some plain vanilla." You informed, still holding them out to toji.
"For me?" Toji asked dumbly.
You lightly rolled your eyes.
"I was supposed to give these to you on your first visit. Whenever we get new customers we like welcoming them with free confectionery or a collectable but.... You don't look like a guy who snuggles up with plushies."
"What makes you think I like sweet things?"
You shrugged lightly.
"Do you have more of a preference?"
Toji's eyes flickered to your lips before moving back to your eyes.
"No but I can think of something sweeter."
Your brow raised and Toji's smirk returned, his hand moving to his mouth, two fingers tapping against his lip. You felt your face flush before bashfully looking away.
"I'm teasing," Toji chuckled "C'mon, let's get you home."
⎯⎯. ☾ ⎯⎯
And just like yesterday, you both arrived outside your apartment, the reluctance to leave bubbling in your stomach.
"Well, here we are.." Toji sighed, leaning against his seat.
You nodded before looking over at Toji, his eyes meeting yours.
"Well.... Toji..." You began, already regretting your life choices. "I have summer break coming up and I was wondering if you'd like to... Come to this hotel at the beach with me?" You asked.
Toji blanked.
"Just us?" He asked, a lot more surprised.
You mentally slapped yourself.
"Oh! Not like that! Promise "
But Toji wanted it to be like that..
"Me and my friends have been planning it and there's a nice hotel near the beach. It even has an onsen, sauna and pool...I just think it'd be nice if you could also come? You could even bring Gojo and some of your friends?"
The last thing Toji wanted
"Sure." Toji agreed. "You can text me the details, hm?"
You smiled, obviously relieved.
"Of course... "
You quickly leaned over the cup holder, pressing a quick kiss against the corner of toji's mouth.
"I'll text you later"
You quickly got out of the car, waving to Toji who was still stunned at your sudden actions, his hand brushing over the place you'd kissed, some of your gloss smeared on his lip.
You really were making his self control hang on by a thread.
⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯
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Let Me Heal You!- Natasha Romanov XFemReader!
Synopsis: Natasha won’t let you do what you do best, but that’s not a surprise.
Warnings: mentions of wounds and blood, stubborn Natasha, mutant reader, implications of torturous past, slight mind control, fluff at the end ofc.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/n: I think this is totally canon. Let me know if you want to see more Natasha! All likes, comments, and reblogs are welcomed!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
“Alright, the files have been uploaded. Everyone get back to the quinjet!” Steve went over the comms.
‘Oh thank god.’
You let out a sigh, relief finally started to come back as you finally threw the last few Hydra agents away, the relief gave your powers an extra kick knowing that they could rest soon. You really didn’t care where you sent them, they were just lucky to be alive.
You turned around and began to journey back outside to where the quinjet was parked. As you rounded the corner, you nearly collided with Clint. Instinctively, you threw a punch to protect yourself, and he instantly dodged it.
“Woah there, Y/n. We’re all on the same team now, right?”
You sighed again, “Yeah, we are. Sorry, I wasn’t expecting to see you there. I’m on edge and I’d really like to get out of here.”
You didn’t want to be here any longer than necessary. You already knew that this place would mess with your head later and frankly, you were expecting that.
“Alright, no worries, we’re not too far now.”
He took the lead and you followed behind him. He navigated his way around each turn as if he’d been here before, you easily could’ve been the same way if you weren't so distracted during this mission’s briefing earlier in the week.
The pain and exhaustion started as soon as you saw the jet waiting for the both of you. You weren’t too worried about the pain or the cuts, you're an incredibly fast healer thanks to your powers. The only good thing that came from those experiments.
“Let’s go, I’ve got a padded seat calling my name.” Clint said, referring to the hours he had spent on the roof of a neighboring building to keep a look-out.
“I’m going, I’m going. You’re not the only one that wants out of here.” At this point, you were only a few yards from the jet but it still felt so far. “Are you alright? You don’t look too banged up.”
“I’m fine, just a few bruises.” He shrugged and walked up the ramp to the quinjet, instantly slumping into a seat.
You just nodded in acknowledgment, if there wasn’t anything for you to heal then you're good to sit too.
Only a few moments after you sat down, the rest of the team came from their respective areas and found their seats. Tony made his way straight to the front, still suited up.
You were guessing that he’s fine, just a little ticked off and ready to go back to the compound. You did a quick headcount, just to be sure no one is left behind.
“Everyone on and good? Good.” Tony instantly started the jet and initiated takeoff.
“How is everyone? Everyone doing relatively okay?” You asked, scanning over everyone.
Simple nods and a groan or two filled the jet, “No one is missing a limb right? That, I can’t fix.” You felt a little bit better about the situation when you heard a few chuckles.
It wasn’t much but some laughter helps.
You did another scan over everyone, this time you were sure to look extra hard at their injuries. Everyone had superficial cuts that would heal in just a few days and some bruising.
Your eyes landed on Natasha finally, You'd admit that you did look over her harder. It definitely wasn’t because she was your girlfriend and you wanted to tend to her first, not at all. But something was off.
She had her hand over her abdomen and was sitting at a weird angle. Her stoic spy expression was on her face, not a tired expression that she usually has after missions.
To anyone else, this is fine, she is fine. But you're not anyone. She may be a highly trained spy but she couldn’t get past you. You know her better than that.
You walked over to her and sat beside her, she shifted but it wasn’t to be closer to you. She moved to be sitting straighter but her arm didn’t move. Yeah, something wasn’t right.
“You are okay, right?” You asked even though you knew the answer.
“Yup, I’m fine.” That’s a lie. For a spy, you’d think she could lie to you better than that.
“I guess it’s a good thing I’m your girlfriend and it’s hard for you to lie to me. So, I’ll ask again, are you okay?” You were a little more stern this time.
She sighed, “I’m fine really, it’s just a scratch.”
“Uh huh, let me see it.”
“I’m fine!” She kept trying to insist.
“Are you kidding me?”
She side-glanced at you, “What?”
“Something is wrong and I know it, so, you might as well show me now so I can heal you.”
“Y/n, I’m fine. Really.”
You sat beside her, staring at her face. You would’ve kept eye contact but she was staring ahead at the floor.
The one thing about her, you can’t break her. You know that for a fact, and of course, you know why. Your squinting glare, an attempt at intimidation and persuasion, did absolutely nothing. You weren't surprised though.
Neither of you moved from how you were sitting, and in no time you were all back at the compound.
As soon as you were safely docked, she instantly stood up. You noticed how she tried to hide a wince, and that's when you knew for certain that something was wrong.
Natasha was one of the first people off the quinjet, and if you know Natasha, which you do, you know that she’s going straight to her room to shower.
Well, she was going to try to. You used your powers to make her walk to the Med Bay.
“Really, Y/n? I am completely capable of walking myself.”
You continued to move her forward, “Oh I know, I’m just guiding you where you need to be.”
Natasha groaned the moment she realized where you were leading her. You opened the door and made her sit on an exam bed.
“Sit.” She tried to get up when you released your powers. “Stay.”
She rolled her eyes, “I am not a dog.”
“Good, then maybe you’ll listen better than one.”
Bruce walked in behind you, he had stayed behind so he could have the Med Bay ready for anyone that got injured on the mission.
“Let me see it.”
“Y/n, it’s nothing, it’s just a small scrape.”
You narrowed your eyes, “Then let me see it.” She didn’t move. “Do I have to do it myself?”
She finally gave up, “No.”
She moved her arm. And that's when you saw her suit ripped open and her side was bleeding.
“Nat, that’s not nothing! That’s a bullet scrape!” You moved towards her so you could heal her, but she put her arms up to stop you.
“Let me heal you!” You just wanted her to heal, or to at least stop the bleeding.
“No! I’m fine! Bruce, tell her I’m fine”
It definitely wasn’t the worst injury you’ve seen her come back with, but it wasn’t small either.
He looked around you and saw the wound, “Uh well-“
“Never mind!” She thought Bruce, a trained medical doctor, would side with her.
“Babe, please, just let me heal you.” You tried moving towards her again.
“Oh. I’m sorry, is this OUR wound?? No? Then stay out of it.” Why does she have to be so stubborn?
But you knew something you could say that would change her mind, “If you don’t let me heal you, then you won’t get kisses for a week.”
Her stoic face shifted into one of disbelief and concern, “Hold on now, no need to get carried away-“
“So. Let. Me. Heal. You.”
“Ugh! Fine!”
“Thank god! Now stop moving!”
You finally moved to her side, You looked at her and nodded so she could be prepared. Your healing doesn’t hurt but it’s still something to be prepared for. She nodded back, ready for it.
Nat wasn’t a stranger to your healing, almost every mission she came back from, she needed you to heal something on her.
Even more of a reason why you'd think she'd be more welcoming to your healing, but Nat would always downplay her injuries.
You placed your hand on her side, she winced a little bit when you added pressure.
You closed your eyes when you felt them start to glow, there was something about the glowing that you just never liked. You didn’t understand why that happens when you heal people.
Your hand began glowing against her skin, the tissue now fusing itself back together. You stayed like that for a few moments until you felt your powers calm to a stop.
When you opened your eyes again, you saw Natasha watching you.
You ignored her look as you looked over the once wounded area. Everything was fine and it was almost like she was never hurt to begin with. Though you have magic, it doesn’t prevent scarring. However, it does make it significantly better than it would be if she were to heal and scar on her own.
You backed away and grabbed a cloth, wiping your hands clean from her blood. That is the one thing you’d never get used to. And you never, ever, want to get used to it.
When you turned back to face Nat, she still had the same look on her face.
“You know, I like when your eyes glow when you’re healing.”
“What? Why?” you were so confused, you had never liked it.
She lightly shrugged, “I’m not sure, I think it just makes you that much more beautiful and unique.”
“Okay, I think Banner needs to check you for a concussion.”
“No, I mean it. I really do like it.” She put her hand in yours.
She nodded, “Really.” You smiled at her assurance. “Now I need to shower, care to join me?”
“Is that even a question? Absolutely.”
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes @bigolgay @scream-queenlover @darkth1ngs @sgelessoanddoveykissing
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nayeonie99 · 4 months
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Sana x Momo / Drunk Call
Momo was sound asleep when she got woken up by the ringing of her phone. She sleepily reached for it and looked at the caller-ID.
Minatozaki Sana...
Momo's eyes were full of sleep, but after reading that name, her eyes shot wide open and her heart started racing. She hated the fact that this name still had this effect on her.
She cleared her throat, to get the sleepiness out of her voice and slowly swiped her thumb to the right, to answer the incoming call.
"Hello?". She rasped out and held her breath, nervously waiting for a respond.
"Ah, thank god you picked up. I'm sorry for disturbing you this late, but Sana and some of the rest of us went out to have some drinks, and now Sana is like super drunk and I didn't know what to do with her, so I told her to unlock her phone and call someone who can pick her up, apparently she chose your contact". The person, which clearly wasn't Sana quickly rambled over the end of the line.
Momo couldn't even process anything right now. Sana chose Momo as the person to contact?
"I'm sorry, but who am I talking to right now?".
"Oh, I'm so sorry, where are my manners. My name is Park Jihyo, I'm a coworker of Sana. I'd take care of Sana myself, but my friend Nayeon, also a coworker of Sana, decided to drink a little bit too much tonight as well, so I'm having my hands full with her already".
"Alright umm, where are you right now? Where is Sana?". Momo asked while she had Jihyo on speaker and quickly changed into some black jeans, a shirt and her shoes.
"We're at this bar near the company, I told Sana to sit down on a chair and ordered a glass of water for her already". Jihyo said and Momo could hear the music playing slightly in the distance. Jihyo must be calling her from outside of the bar right now.
"Alright, send me the address, I'm gonna pick her up". Momo said and grabbed her jacket and keys to walk to her car.
Jihyo thanked her before she ended the call and Momo made her way to the address Jihyo sent her a few seconds after the call ended.
On her way there, her mind was full of questions.
Why did Sana tell Jihyo to call her?
Momo and Sana broke up 2 months ago, they never talked to each other after the breakup. That's why Momo was so surprised to see Sana's name popping up on her phone earlier.
When Momo parked her car in front of the bar and got out of it, she leaned her back against the black Mercedes and fished out her phone to call Sana's number again.
"Hey Momo-ssi". Jihyo picked up the call again and Momo scanned the area with her eyes.
"I'm here, I'm standing outside of the bar. You can come out now, I'm standing in front of a black Mercedes in case you're searching for me".
"Alright, we are coming". Jihyo said before she ended the call.
Momo's nerves skyrocketed after the call ended. This will be the first time seeing Sana after the break up, after 2 months of not talking to each other.
Momo didn't know what Jihyo looked like, but that wasn't necessary, because when two women walked out of the door of the bar, Momo could instantly see that one of them was Sana.
Momo could stand in a room full of people, she'd always find Sana first.
She saw Jihyo looking around, searching Momo with her eyes, and when they finally made eye contact Momo lifted her hand slightly up to wave at Jihyo.
She saw Jihyo dragging Sana along, with her right arm tightly wrapped around the other woman's waist.
Momo gulped when Jihyo whispered something in Sana's ear and her head shot up from Jihyo's shoulder. Dark brown met cinnamon eyes and Sana's face lost all the colour it still had.
It's like the sight of Momo made her sober up a little bit.
"Hey, sorry for the late bother, but I didn't know what to do with her". Jihyo said after she finally got Sana over to Momo.
Jihyo was a beautiful woman. It was nice to finally have a face to the raspy voice Momo had talked to over the phone with this night.
"Hey, it's okay, don't worry about it". Momo said and felt Sana's eyes staring at her.
"So, is that your girlfriend?". Jihyo asked Sana, but all she could do was gulp and shake her head.
"Yeah, no. We aren't together, we're...". Momo paused for a second, her eyes looked at Sana, Sana's eyes looked at Momo.
"Friends, we're friends". Momo finished her sentence and fake smiled afterwards. She tried to act as if the situation wasn't completely awkward at all right now.
"Ah I see, well, I hope it's okay to leave you both alone now, but I have to take care of Nayeon". Jihyo smiled and slowly unwrapped her arm from Sana's waist. The Japanese girl stumbled a little bit, but quickly found her footing again.
"It was nice to meet you Momo, maybe you can tag along when we go out the next time". Jihyo said and waved at Momo one last time before walking back into the bar.
As soon as Jihyo was gone, the atmosphere was more than tense. It was awkward and painful.
"Let's go". Momo said and held out her hand for Sana to take. Sana stared at her hand for a good five seconds, before slowly intertwining her hand with Momo's cold one.
Momo swallowed before she walked Sana to her car to open the passenger seat for her to sit down in. Momo buckled her up and Sana's sweet scent filled her nose after she heard the click of the belt.
She took a deep breath after she slowly closed the passenger door and made her way to the driver's seat, slowly sitting down and buckling herself up as well.
"You shouldn't drink this much, Sana". Momo said after she started the engine of her car.
Sana just blushed and played with the rim of her skirt, she was clearly embarrassed about this whole scenario going on right now.
"I'm sorry that this happened". Sana slurred out and this was the first time that Momo heard her soft voice talk after 2 months.
It made her heart race.
"I know". Momo hummed and started driving into the cool summer night.
"Why didn't you tell Jihyo to call Mina? Why me?". Momo couldn't help but ask.
"I don't know". Sana said and stared out of the window, too scared to meet the other woman's eyes.
Momo didn't believe her, but she decided to not push Sana.
"Do you want me to drive you to your apartment? Or do you want me to let you out at Mina's?". Momo asked after she halted at a red light.
"Can I stay with you tonight?". Sana shyly asked and the grip Momo had on the steering wheel tightened.
"Sana I-".
"Please Momo". Sana said and turned her head to the left, to look straight into Momo's eyes. They just stared at each other, they took in the other persons sharp facial features.
Momo's eyes darted down to Sana's lips and she cursed mentally at herself for feeling so drawn to Sana, as if nothing happened between them.
A car honking behind them broke the moment they shared and Momo cleared her throat before she started driving again.
"Mina is probably with Chaeyoung anyway". Sana mumbled and returned to looking out of the window again.
"Alright, I'll let you stay the night". Momo said and regretted it right after she said it.
"Thank you Momoring". Sana smiled at her and Momo couldn't help to smile a little bit back at the younger girl.
The rest of the drive was filled with silence, just the radio playing some quiet songs.
Momo shut the engine off when they reached her apartment complex. She quickly got out of the car to open Sana's door.
Her fingers shakily opened Sana's seatbelt, before she stepped back a bit to make room for her. Sana slowly tried to stand up, but as soon she was up on her feet her body crashed straight into Momo's.
Momo quickly held her up by the waist, their chests were pressed together and Sana's nose grazed Momo's for a millisecond.
"Slowly". Momo husked out and Sana's grip tightened into the fabric of Momo's shirt.
"Are you okay?". Momo asked and slowly steadied Sana back on her feet. Sana still had her hands clenched into Momo's shirt.
"Y-Yeah, just a bit...dizzy". Sana whispered out, her eyes darted from Momo's eyes down to her plump lips.
Momo gulped, before she grabbed Sana's hands, to remove them from her shirt.
"Do you think you can walk?". Momo asked and slowly let go of Sana's hands. Sana just nodded her head and clenched her hand around the strap of her purse.
Momo locked her car and then started making her way to her apartment, with Sana slowly trailing behind.
When they reached the elevator and Sana pressed the number of the floor Momo's apartment is at before she could do it herself, Momo couldn't help the tiny smirk forming on her lips.
So she still remembers...
It was weird, standing in this elevator with Sana, her ex-girlfriend. In the elevator they had made out millions of times already.
The ding of the elevator broke Momo's train of thoughts and she walked to her apartment door, grabbed her keys and opened the door for Sana and her.
Momo slowly closed the door behind them after Sana made her way into the apartment. Sana stood still for a moment, to take in her surroundings.
Momo's apartment hasn't changed at all, everything was the same, the same paintings hanging on the wall, the same furniture, the same smell.
Momo's smell...
Being here made Sana's heart race more than she'd like to admit. She would've never thought that she'd be here again, not after what happened between Momo and her.
"Come, let's take off your makeup". Momo said and grabbed Sana's wrist to take her to the bathroom.
Momo placed Sana in front of the mirror, grabbed her hairbrush and started brushing Sana's long hair. She felt Sana's eyes on her through the mirror, but decided to avoid eye contact.
After she finished brushing Sana's hair, she grabbed some cotton pads to moisture them with her makeup remover.
She began to gently remove Sana's makeup. When Momo started removing Sana's mascara, she couldn't help to stare into Sana's eyes for a few seconds before she continued removing the rest of Sana's makeup. 
She threw the cotton pads into the bin after she was done and grabbed a spare toothbrush for Sana to use. Momo watched her brushing her teeth, with her shoulder leaning against the doorframe of her bathroom.
This felt so familiar, yet so unfamiliar at the same time. Sana made Momo feel calm and Momo missed this feeling more than anything.
No, it wasn't the feeling she missed.
She missed her.
She missed Sana.
Her Sana.
When Sana finished brushing her teeth, she washed her face afterwards and took some of Momo's moisturiser.
She washed her hands and dried them with Momo's towel before she followed Momo into her bedroom.
"Here, you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch for tonight". Momo said and lifted up the covers for Sana, to signal her to slide under them.
"I need to change my clothes". Sana still slurred a bit. Momo's eyes slightly widened and she quickly grabbed some spare clothes for Sana to take.
"Okay, take these". Momo said and handed Sana the clothes.
"Can you help me?". Sana asked and tilted her head slightly to the side, staring up at Momo with those beautiful cinnamon eyes Momo fell for so hard.
Momo didn't trust her voice, so she just nodded her head slowly up and down. She walked towards Sana's direction and slowly started to tug the white buttoned up shirt Sana was wearing from out of her skirt.
Sana's breath hitched slightly when she felt Momo's fingers brush against her exposed skin. Momo's eyes were fixed on the buttons she was opening. She was sure that if she'd look into Sana's eyes right now, things would just escalate.
When she opened every single button of Sana's shirt, she slowly slid it down her shoulders and took it completely off.
"Can you take off my bra? I feel uncomfortable with it on while I'm sleeping". Sana asked and Momo's eyes widened even more.
Momo didn't say anything, she just slid her hands behind Sana's back and opened the buckle of Sana's bra. Momo slowly straightened herself and pulled the strings down Sana's shoulders.
Momo gulped at the sight of Sana's exposed chest. She always loved Sana's breasts, they were the perfect size.
"Now take off my skirt". Sana rasped out and let her back fall against the mattress.
Momo bit her lip and reached the zipper of Sana's skirt with shaky hands, to pull it down. She firmly gripped the fabric, to tug it down Sana's long legs.
"Okay, all done". Momo breathed out and wanted to walk away, but Sana grabbed her wrist to hold her in place.
"I want everything off". Sana rasped out and Momo gulped.
"Sana, I don't think that this is necessary". Momo blushed and glanced down to Sana's panties.
"I want them off though, you know I prefer sleeping naked anyways". Sana smirked and Momo let out a sigh.
"Fine, if that's what you want". Momo mumbled and Sana let go of Momo's wrist.
Momo slid her fingers under the waistband of Sana's panties and pulled them slowly down Sana's legs. She took them completely off and placed them on top of the rest of Sana's clothes.
Momo felt like she was glued on the spot. She couldn't move away from Sana. Her eyes raked over Sana's entire body and she had to bite her lip. She felt her cock twitch in her pants.
Sana looked up at her, their eyes were exchanging words, playing a dangerous game of who will break first.
When Sana slightly spread her legs apart, and Momo saw how wet she was, she couldn't hold herself back any longer.
"Fuck it". Momo breathed out, before straddling Sana's hips to press their lips together.
They both sighed into the kiss, Sana's fingers tangled into Momo's dark hair to pull her even closer.
Momo felt Sana tugging on her shirt, silently telling her to take it off. Momo pulled away from the kiss to quickly take off her shirt and bra, leaving her only in her black pants and underwear.
Sana looked up at her with hooded eyes and flushed cheeks. Momo always got weak at this sight of Sana, so she quickly unbuckled her belt and unzipped her pants to take them off, together with her boxers, leaving her completely naked as well.
Sana hummed satisfactorily and let her hands run down Momo's abs. Momo couldn't help the smirk forming on her lips, which mad Sana smirk as well.
"I missed this". Sana said and wrapped her hand around Momo's cock, slowly jerking her off.
Momo watched with hungry eyes, she wanted to say that she missed this too, that she missed having Sana this close, but she couldn't find her voice.
"Lay up on the bed baby, let me make you feel good". Momo said and this made Sana nearly moan out loud.
She quickly laid down on the bed, her head was resting against Momo's pillows at the headboard and then Momo crawled slowly onto the bed, to hover right in front of Sana's face.
"Hi". Sana breathed out with a lazy smile playing on her lips. Her fingers gently caressed Momo's face, feeling her soft skin under her fingertips.
"Hi". Momo replied. The same smile Sana was showing started forming on Momo's face and she closed her eyes for a few seconds, to enjoy the feeling of Sana's gentle fingers on her warm skin.
When she opened her eyes again, Sana was staring at her with longing eyes and rosy cheeks.
"Are you sure about this? I don't want you to regret this tomorrow". Momo said and caressed Sana's hair with her right hand.
"I'm sure about this. I never regretted you, Momo". Sana said, the slur was now completely gone, her voice sounded clear and confident.
"Neither did I". Momo said, before she leaned down to press their lips together into another sensual kiss.
Sana wrapped her arms completely around Momo's neck, to pull her impossibly closer against her naked body.
"Please...". Sana whined out after Momo pulled away first.
Momo slowly positioned the tip of her dick against Sana's pussy, letting it slide up and down her folds, to collect Sana's slickness.
Before Momo pushed into her, she looked up to check if Sana is ready. Sana just nodded her head, telling Momo silently that it's okay.
Momo slowly entered her, inch by inch. Sana's pussy was sucking her cock in, engulfing it in a tight heat.
"Oh my god". Sana whispered before she clenched her hands around Momo's wrists.
"Fuck". Momo shakily moaned out before she started moving her hips at a quicker pace, fucking into Sana in a steady rhythm.
"Momo". Sana moaned out, her head flew back into the pillows and her mouth shot open because of the way Momo's cock was stretching her out.
Momo let out a moan as well, at the way Sana kept moaning her name every few seconds. She knelt up, so her back is straightened and grabbed Sana's legs to place them on top of her shoulders. She leaned forward, so Sana's legs were folded and then started pounding into her.
"Fuck yes, just like that babe". Sana cried out. That nickname made Momo bite her lip, while she watched Sana falling apart under her.
"Yeah? Is that good baby?". Momo huffed out and gripped Sana's hips tightly with her hands. Their skin kept slapping together harshly and Momo could feel her abs starting to burn.
"Y-Yes, please". Sana cried out and covered her eyes with her arm. Momo quickly removed Sana's arm though, before she pressed Sana's wrists up above her head.
"I want to see your pretty eyes, love". Momo said and quickly pecked Sana's lips, before she cupped Sana's face with her right hand, pressing her fingers into Sana's cheeks to make her look at Momo.
"I love to watch you fall apart". Momo husked out and Sana's eyes rolled back after Momo hit that specific spot inside of her.
"I'm gonna cum". Sana cried out again. Momo smirked and nodded her head, "Yeah, cum for me baby". She hummed.
Sana's stomach clenched together, her whole body started trembling and she let out a shaky breath when she came undone underneath Momo.
"Mhm, such a good girl". Momo hummed and pulled out of Sana to turn her around on all fours. Not even giving her time to at least calm down a bit after her soul crashing orgasm.
"You're so beautiful". Momo breathed out, more to herself than towards the girl bending down in front of her, after her eyes scanned Sana's naked back. But still, Sana heard Momo and clenched her hands tightly into the sheets, letting out shaky breaths.
These type of words of affirmation made Sana go absolutely insane. It made her heart beat faster, her stomach clench and her mind foggy.
But it's not like Momo didn't know about this. She knew exactly what she was doing to the other girl, she knew exactly what to say and where to touch her. And it drove Sana more than mad. Mad that Momo still knew how to handle her, even tho it's only been two months. These months felt like years. But Sana wouldn't have it any other way right now.
So when Momo pushed back into her, filling her completely, she closed her eyes and pressed her face into the mattress, letting out muffled moans when the older girl started moving her hips.
No one could do it like Momo, and for Sana it will always be Momo. Who knows maybe it's wrong, that the thing they're doing right now is not right, but the both of them didn't care, not for a single second they regretted it.
They just wanted to feel like this for one more time, one last time. Being there, together in the comforting light of the night, expressing their emotions they can't express with words.
And that's exactly what they did.
"Sana". Momo moaned out and threw her head back, gripping Sana's hips tightly, to pull her more into her thrust. Sana's eyes rolled back and her grip on the sheets got impossibly tighter, making her knuckles turn white from the strong grip she had on them.
Momo's jaw slacked open when she felt the way Sana was clenching around her. Her eyes looked down, watching how her cock slides in and out of Sana with ease, coated with Sana's wetness.
"Fuck...". She rasped out, eyes hazed and cheeks flushed, abs burning by how hard and fast she was going.
"Momo, please". Sana cried out, arching her back. Momo bit her lip, watching her side profile, the way Sana's lips were parted, sweat dripping down her jaw, down to her neck. The way some strands of hair were sticking against her skin.
Momo was in such a haze, it felt like a fever dream where she never wanted to wake out of.
"You're gonna cum for me again? Huh?". Momo huffed out, spanking Sana's ass harshly.
"Fuck, yes. Please Momo". Sana cried out even harder, legs trembling already.
"It's okay my love, u can come. Let go for me". Momo said and angled her hips a bit lower, to hit that specific spot inside of Sana, making her completely break down underneath of her.
Sana came with a loud scream, her entire body started shaking, eyes tightly clenched together. Her grip on the sheets slowly loosened up and her body fell completely down onto the mattress.
"Good girl". Momo hummed and kissed up Sana's spine, up to her shoulder blades and cheek. Sana started smirking, and turned around so she's on her back again.
"What about you?". Sana asked and wrapped her arms around Momo's neck.
"I'm good, don't worry about me". Momo smiled and caressed Sana's cheek gently with her thumb.
"You need a reward though, since u put in so much effort and work". Sana grinned and turned them around so Momo is lying on her back and Sana is kneeling between her legs.
"Oh do I?". Momo rasped out and rested her back against the headboard. Sana slowly crawled closer, grabbing her cock in her hand and started jerking her off slowly.
"Yes, definitely". Sana hummed before she leaned down to take Momo's cock in her throat. Momo instantly let out a moan when she felt Sana's soft lips engulf her length, her hand instantly tangled into her hair, grabbing the back of her head tightly, but not pushing Sana's head more down. She wanted to give Sana the entire control.
When Sana swirled her tongue around her tip Momo's eyes rolled back and her tummy clenched together.
"Fuck, I love this". Momo breathed out and Sana took her out of her mouth, "I know that", she smirked before sucking Momo back into her mouth.
"Holy shit". Momo moaned out when Sana started bopping her head up and down, feeling her dick slide down Sana's tight throat.
"Sana...I'm close already". After Momo said that, Sana took her even deeper down her throat. Momo's eyes widened and it didn't take much more than that to make Momo explode into her mouth.
Sana hummed at the taste of Momo's cum filling her mouth. She swallowed it all and slowly pulled Momo back out of her mouth again, just to get pulled into a deep kiss, by the back of her neck from Momo.
The both sighed into the kiss and pressed their bodies together, feeling each others body heat.
Sana was the first one to pull away from the kiss. They stared into each other's eyes and both of their hearts started racing.
"Sana...". Momo breathed out, her thumb caresses San's bottom lip. Sana just stared at her, waiting for Momo to continue.
"Thank you for choosing me as the person to call". Momo smiled and slid a strand of hair behind Sana's ear. Sana returned the smile, she knew what Momo meant with that, so she grabbed Momo's cheeks with her hands and said, "I will always choose you as the person to call", before pulling her into another deep, longing kiss.
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