#tbh there are others showing up but i'm lazy to tag them all
bragganhyl · 2 years
64 prompt ask: Snow being shoved down the back of your coat
Thank you, Anon, here is a quick Aloth x Watcher something something, that takes place during WM part 1.
Word count: about 1230 words.
Night has fallen on the Russetwood. Or it may as well have, as far as Aloth was concerned. All that time he has spent in the Dyrwood and yet it still had corners that threw him off balance, whether that meant being used to the weather, the seasons or simply time itself. Regardless, it's been an exhausting day and now he was sitting on a trunk by the campfire, focusing on whatever light and warmth it had to offer, not really listening to the sounds of the camp or the chatter of the companions around him.
Look behind you!
Iselmyr's warning came late, just as Aloth felt a light tug at the neck of his coat, followed immediately by the feeling of biting cold against the back of his neck. Every fiber in his body tensed up and he gasped, inhaling deeply of the chilling air and the thick smoke of the fire ahead of him.
'Fye, ye ass-nibbling maggot!' Iselmyr shrieked in his voice as she stood up in his body, coughing and turning back, only to lock gazes with Edér, who stared wide-eyed at the reaction. Then a hearty laugh bubbled up from the farmer and he turned to run off.
Only for him to get hit in the face by a snowball.
'You want a snow fight?' The Watcher's melodious voice drowned out everything else in Aloth's ears. A mischievous grin brightened her face as she picked up some snow. 'You'll get a snow fight.'
'You're gonna regret saying that,' Edér snickered as he reached towards the ground, only to get a pile of snow unleashed on him from the thin air above him. The veteran collapsed under the sudden weight, and cursed into the snow as his face got buried in it. He stood up a moment later, with surprisingly little difficulty just as another pile appeared above him. 'Aw, this ain't fair...' he groaned but his voice got muffled by the pile crashing down on him, leaving only Hiravias' laughter filling the air.
'Per complanca, could you entertain yourselves in a way that doesn't attract every night predator in these woods?' Pallegina approached the druid. But it was Maneha who gave her an answer. Which took the form of a snowball that hit her right in the chest, burying the five suns on her armor. The paladin gasped at her, feigning offense, then shook her head in disappointment but with a faint smile hiding in the corners of her lips. She muttered some Vailian curses as she gathered some snow and joined the fray.
Soon the camp was alive with the sounds of laughter and cold, playful assaults being launched. Aloth couldn't help but smile as he looked on, slowly overcoming his initial shock but still shivering. It took him a moment to notice: the Watcher wasn't playing. She stood a step away from the others, still holding on to a snowball. But Gaura's gaze was fixed on the wizard. She watched him, while her impish smile faded then she let the snow slip from her grasp and made her way to Aloth.
'Are you alright?' She asked, a look of concern now clearly visible on her face. 'I could hear your teeth clattering from way over there,' she inclined her head towards the spot she was standing at. The sound of their companions' play fight seemed overwhelmingly loud even from where Aloth was standing. 'If you want, you can have my coat,' Gaura continued, as a strange ripple ran through her fiery hair, that she hastily smoothed down. 'We're roughly the same height, it should fit, I think.'
Iselmyr stirred within Aloth. The feeling of her intense encouragement and their shared frustration was about to overcome him.
'That would be lovely,' he blurted out, trying to calm both himself and her. A moment later he processed the words he used, however, which only got the heat rising in his cheeks. 'I mean, it... it's very considerate of you to offer,' he let out a short sigh and hoped it didn't betray his relief. 'Thank you,' he added hastily.
Gaura blinked at him, surprised at his reaction, then a soft smile appeared on her face, that was rendered even gentler by flames slowly dancing around her face. She undid her coat a moment later, which snapped Aloth out of his musings. He quickly took off his now soaked coat, cringing at the cold air biting into his skin, then exchanged it for the Watcher's. He slipped into it with ease, the scent of her skin filling his nostrils.
The lass smells like a whole church.
Aloth agreed, to a degree. Iselmyr felt tense in the back of his skull, uncomfortable, clearly associating the smell with the Leaden Key. And it was true, that they inducted their gatherings like sermons, but Aloth didn't even think of them until she did. The coat just smelled like... Its owner.
'It's just incense,' he whispered as he wrapped the coat around himself tighter.
'Come again?' Gaura cocked her head at his comment.
'Iselmyr just noted that... you smell a bit like incense.'
'She's not the first to say that,' the Watcher shrugged with a smile, which guided Aloth's attention to her shoulders. Those beautiful, sculpted...
'Are you not going to put on the coat?' The wizard asked when he noticed that she stood there with only her sleeveless shirt on, lightly holding his coat against her chest.
'I don't feel cold the same way as most kith,' she waved off the question.
'Still...' Aloth wasn't quite sure what to say. The only thing on his mind was an image of him holding her close, wrapping her coat around both of them. A strange feeling welled up in him. He imagined it as Iselmyr rolling her eyes at him.
Effigy's nethers, she looks about as smitten with ye, as ye're with her.
Nonsense, Aloth thought. Gaura was just... like that: a little bit in love with everyone she met. Until they proved themselves unworthy of her love, that is. It would be very arrogant of him to think she'd feel any differently about him. It was a notion that was both comforting and terrifying.
Iselmyr didn't feel convinced. Aloth wasn't entirely convinced either. Deep down there was a part of him that couldn't help but... hope. For what, he didn't really know. The longer he thought on the answer, the longer the list got.
'You should keep yourself warm,' he said eventually. With a quick motion of his hand, he conjured a small flame and reached it out towards her. Gaura's eyes widened then a sweet and... fond laugh burst up from her. It was indeed foolish of the wizard to think he could outmatch the fire placed in her by a god. And yet... he felt there were a lot of foolish things he was willing to - at least - consider trying for her.
'Thank you, Aloth. That's very sweet of you,' the Watcher smiled at him. Then she moved past the wizard, sat down by the campfire and patted the spot beside her.
Aloth sat down, close enough to the Watcher for his shoulder to brush against hers. Obviously, he did it to keep his flame close to her. Evidently, Gaura didn't move away so she could stay close to the heat of his magic. The night was strangely warm and comfortable.
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Announcement: Anniversary
Just me talking about the future of the fic :)
First off, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Wow a whole year (plus extra) WITH (near) constant updates, that's crazy. More than I can say for my other fic... (it haunts me. I still plan to finish it but ouch). 
First things first!
I wanted to update sooner (since I've had this written for a month now) but I was also working on a one shot to post at the same time. I was making great progress but then finals came round and I got burned out. They're finished now but I'm still burned out. I'll give a brief hint about it though since I'm a little excited and just wanna talk about it. So its a Dadzawa fic that's actually happy and ends with them as a family (unlike how it was in the last chapter lol). It was supposed to cheer people up and also be practice for writing them as a family and stuff. The Danny is very different from the main fic tho. The fic was also supposed to serve as an anniversary present for all you guys too, to thank you for reading and being here. I really wanted to finish in time but it kept getting bigger as I wrote. I do hope to post it this month tho, so keep an eye out for that!
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Next thing!
On AO3 it shows that the fic is now apart of a series and has a chapter count. I talked about this in the notes of a previous chapter, but I had been wanting to do that for a while now. I want to have the next part of the series out by next year. I know I have been updating monthly now, but I'm gonna try to do twice a month if I can. I'm really excited and It want it done soon! I might do 2 chapters this month or will just count the one shot if I get lazy.   
I also added the tags "full ghost Danny." Sorry to burst anyone's bubble that held on hope for Danny. Tbh the original plan was that his human half was still hiding inside him, just healing and small, but it was gonna show up in one of the chapters. The longer the fic went on, the more I started to rethink that. The human reveal, while good in the short run, would crumble some of the plot lines I had set up while also not contributing much to the rest of the plot. I am debating maybe doing a short series of "what if" where that is the case tho, just so people can get a taste. If I like it enough I might make it a full thing. Who knows. 
Final thing!
(this paragraph is referencing the support on AO3)
Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! This fic has 2k kudos????????!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP! WTF?! 
That is so huge! Gahhhh! Man, I am always critical of my writing (I've gotten better) but wow to have that kind of support just in my face! Literally speechless. I always had the thought in the back of my mind that once the fic goes on for long enough people will start to see its flaws or get bored. That's true for some, but I keep seeing a lot of the same names again and again and I am grateful to you guys so much. That was also one of the reasons I wanted to do the one shot. I just want to keep giving you guys more content that you'll enjoy.
Thank you so much for being here, truly 💚
Good luck on finals if you got them! 
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drawmanations · 9 months
Tagged by @cyanichexanthine a while ago to list 9 favourite characters (ty for tagging me). This is very much late, my brain was just blanking. So, here's the list. It's in no particular order, apart from the first two
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
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You gotta expect Rick to be in here. RnM is my main fandom right now, and of course Rick would be a favourite character. He's sarcastic, snarky, an asshole and has a lot of emotional baggage.
I wouldn't say he's too complex, but definitely not simple.
2. Rick Prime (Rick and Morty)
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Prime is very interesting. We somehow get so much information with how little time we have. Although, most of it may be headcanonning. Tbh, I think that's why he's fun, we can headcanon Prime bc of how little screentime he has when you step back and look at the series as a whole.
Of course, we do know a lot about him from what we were shown. Like he's also a snarky asshole who likes to toy with other people and mess with them. Even when he was dying he could still get under Rick's skin.
3. Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
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Louise has that kind of chaotic energy I vibe with. I think she and Bob are two of the best characters in the show, though that's not saying the other characters are worse.
4. Peril (Wings of Fire)
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Peril is a very complex character with a very fucked up past.
When she was young, her mother was forced to give her to Scarlet, where she was then forced to grow up as a killer. Scarlet was very much abusive and she was isolated from everyone and everything.
Because of that path, everyone sees her as a killing machine and nothing more. Her attachment to Clay is unhealthy because of him being the only dragon to hear her our and see her for who she is, a traumatized dragon who only knows how to kill because of how she was raised. And I guess her having firescales and him having fireproof saes helps with that.
I like Peril because of how complex she is. And I hate how some of the fandom is victim blaming her.
5. Ex-Queen Scarlet (Wings of Fire)
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She's a villain. A queen. She slays. Scarlet is my favourite villain in wof. Her design with the melted face is awesome, I really love her sadistic attitude too, bc off course I do.
I would strangle Scarlet lovingly
6. Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
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Mom Steve is all I have to say, and the fandom will get me. (I think... I'm not in the stranger things fandom, I just watched the show).
At first, I hated Steve, I thought he was an asshole and I watched to punch him. Now, if he dies, I will punch my TV. I've never switched so quickly with my liking for a character between two seasons of a show. I think... idk I don't watch many shows.
7. Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
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Jim is a cold and distant person turned adopted parent and I love him for that.
I also thought I would hate him. He seemed like lazy dude who would do nothing during the case. (Fun fact, I thought all the adults would be clueless and I would only like the kids, since most shows are like that). But he actually steps up in a big way.
I was worried that they would fuck him up in season 3 with him trying to break up Mike and Eleven. But, they made up for it, and I cried at the end of season 3.
I love him and Steve sm. Pls don't die.
8. Clive (Littlebigplanet 2)
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Okay, this may be a bit weird, but hear me out.
This man is the best character in lbp2. He's so fucking depressed and I love him. Clive and his world are my favourite in LBP2.
9. Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
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Best cartoon dad, hands down. He's so chill and actually pays attention to his kids. Plus he isn't rude, offensive or a baby waiting for his wife to clean up after him. He's just a dad trying to do his job while also having 3 (if Tina counts) chaotic kids.
One of my favourite characters in Bob's burgers, fr.
That's the list. Idk who to tag so uh-...
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sentientcave · 2 months
questions about books! thanks for the tag @stellewriites (And also the people that tagged me in this before I was lazy about it
1. the last book I read
All About Love by Bell Hooks (Technically I listened to the audiobook, but I think it counts.)
2. a book I recommend
Tehanu by Ursula K LeGuin - I'd recommend the whole Earthsea Cycle but Tehanu is particularly gorgeous.
3. a book I couldn't put down
Howls Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones - This is one of my favourite books ever, every time I read it I basically don't stop until it's done. DWJ writes some of my favourite books of all time tbh, mostly children's lit, but like, really good children's lit. I still really enjoy the Chrestomanci Series as well.
4. a book l've read twice or more
There are a lot of books that fit this. If I like a book I'll read it at least twice. Probably one of my most re-read books is actually an anthology called The Golden Book of Faerie by O.R. Melling. It was so influential on my outlook as a writer, Melling just has this really beautiful way of tying the ancient to the everyday that I've always enjoyed. It's technically 4 books and like 1000 pages but I've read it probably 10 times over the years.
5. a book on my tbr
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini - I can't even remember where I came across the recommendation or if I just happened to pick it up during an ebook sale, but it looked really interesting. It's set in Afghanistan and spans from the Soviet Invasion to post-Taliban.
6. a book l've put down
I didn't get very far into Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao but I would like to revisit it sometimes soon. I was just really distracted at the time and I just never picked it up again. But I've heard a lot of good things.
8. a favorite book from childhood
The Tortall Series by Tamora Pierce - Just like, all of them. I've named a lot of old favourites in here already though.
9. a book I would give to a friend
This would depend immensely on the person! I gift books a lot and try to branch away from personal favourites of mine to picks tailored more to them. I'm pretty good at it.
10. a fiction book I own
I own a lot of fiction books lmao. All of the above really.
11. a nonfiction book I own
Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms by Paul Stamets. I got really into mushroom growing a couple years ago. I only own the E-book though. Does it have to be a physical book? I've got a whole bunch about dye plants too
12. what I am currently reading
The Meaning of Freedom and Other Difficult Dialogues by Angela Y. Davis - It's a series of her speeches over the years.
13. what l am planning on reading next
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur - I've just seen her poetry online a lot and figured I should read it. I used to really love poetry so I'm trying to get back into it.
14. my shelfie
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A lot of my books are still in storage so it's still a little empty in here. I have to move the tier stand next to my notebooks because I don't wear makeup anymore and it's just collecting junk.
I think most of my people have been tagged already but I don't think @mi-i-zori has been tagged yet. Also tagging anyone who wants to do this please show me your shelfies
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slowdripsunrise · 3 months
jfc okay so i have forgotten/been too lazy to write up reveiws here i apparently havent updated since. lone women which is well. so ive read a shit ton since then so i'm going try my best to write up as much as i can in this post bc i don't want to just. stop and skip over stuff. so well. here we go. spoilers for various books under the cut, i'll tag them all !
first book i finished after i last updated was silver nitrate by silvia moreno-garcia. been a while but damn do i remember the fucking vibes. absolutely killer vibes and atmosphere, and the plot was fun and interesting; i do remember being a bit confused in one of the final scenes fighting the guy but it wasnt enough to take me out of the story. the characters felt real and i could feel their love of movies and maybe each other off the page, definitely recommend if you're looking for an atmospheric, creepy little book.
next (and i'll just group these together) i read the poppy war trilogy by r. f. kuang ! absolutely wonderful storytelling and the characters were interesting and loveable. i think that this story succeeds in being one of the few good "war stories" as in it doesn't glorify or make light of any aspects of the war. there are good moments and bright spots throughout, but in the end pretty much every single character we know and love ends up dead, and before they're dead, they've been shaped so thoroughly by the war around them that there is no way anyone could have come out of this series thinking that it in any way romanticized the events. i loved everything about it and more. but while i did love the series. tbh i don't agree with everyone saying that its the most serious and intellectual and groundbreaking book in the entire world. yes it is groundbreaking and yes it is based on a lot of real life horrific events, but it's also. extremely entertaining. it's written beautifully and has some very poignant scenes that i love, and i am gonna be honest i lost where i was going with this point. i think what i'm trying to say is like before i read it, i saw a lot of people on the internet saying that it is like. the highest peak of literature and such and like. for me, it's mostly just a damn good time. i go into most books looking for entertainment (meaning like. i would like to feel emotions, not necessarily happy ones, just emotions in general) and what i think a lot of people made it seem like, was ONLY an epic tome about the brutality of war, the military, and colonization. and it absolutely is about that ! i am not docking points for it being about those things, in fact if it hadn't had all these hard hitting topics i wouldn't have liked it as much. but it's ALSO about rin, kitay, and nezha, and how they love and hate each other. and sometimes i think people lean too much into one aspect of the book, one way or the other (i have absolutely seen the inverse of this, people forgetting about the colonialism and militarization aspects in an impressive show of hypocrisy. which... is worse imo.) but idk. i have no idea what i am trying to say i just like this book yall.
next oml. okay again grouping them together for my own sake but i read the southern reach trilogy by jeff vandermeer ! this series was such a creepy and weird and offputting good time i ate that shit right up. the first book and the biologists pov are my favorites, and all of the insight we get from her and the first book into area x was just. so compelling i could not put that shit down. i'm pretty sure the second i finished in the hospital lol i was INVESTED. and honestly. i did really like the second book. not as much as the first, but i don't think it was bad or underwhelming compared to the first. once i got past the pov shift, i really liked controls pov partly because he is just some guy. like he is just so average and banal, and seeing this set against the absurdity of the rest of the book was really interesting. i liked how even though we weren't IN area x, the southern reach still had that otherworldly and offputting suspenseful energy, even in a familiar setting (office building type i mean. as opposed to weird as fuck forest). that and also i am deep into my f1 phase so like i kept picturing control as checo perez. like hes just so guy to me like hes just a normal guy that has no fucking clue whats going on and thats really funny and awesome to me. like man. anyway the third wasnt my favorite, but i still really like the series as a whole and will probably read the 4th one coming out whenever it does.
NEXT. sharks in the time of saviors by kawai strong washburn. did i cry. maybe. did i really like the story. yes. it was definitely a change of pace for me after reading the above books but the story was lovely and magical and engaging and very sad and i enjoyed every bit of it.
after that i read scattered all over the earth by yōko tawada, which is a story that i kinda have mixed feelings about? i listened to the audio book and the narrator did such a wonderful job, i loved listening to the two man characters talk about language in the mc's made up language, panska. and if the book was just about that, i probably would have liked it more, exploring language and the loss of it; however one of the side characters constantly get's misgenders when the story is outside of her pov. and it's like. really fucking distracting. so like i guess i don't have very mixed feelings about it lol. i liked one bit, definitely did not like another bit, and the rest of the book wasn't really strong enough to sway me back into the "i like this book and think it's interesting" camp. although if you can get past the blatant transphobia, the audio book really is nice to listen to, especially coming off a post surgery high.
next i read the ghost bride by yangsze choo ! this was another really atmospheric, palpable book. i could feel the setting, the humidity, the smells, all of it and it was so good! an engaging story, i'm pretty sure i read this one in a day or two. the characters were fun, the plot moved quickly in a way that made sense, and exploring the realms of the dead and the living with the characters was so fun, definitely recommend !
im gonna wrap this post up here mostly bc im hungry but i still have a lot more to update on ! if u made it this far thank you and also im sorry. happy reading!
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zippverschluss · 1 year
ep 9 notes
haven't checked the tag yet, need to sort through / document my thoughts first.
i'm a bit... disappointed, i guess? but i think that's owed to my expectations. after a week of collective theorizing i was (not so) secretly hoping for a sauruman VS gandalf style face off and so what we got felt a bit... pedestrian?
so i guess the gardener did hurt him after all, just not the 'shears-in-your-body' kind of inury? i honestly thought he'd stick to stalking.
speaking of which, i'll be disappointed if it's really garden dude using nayeon and not the other way round. nayeon being skilled in black magic and just using / playing men left and right to reach her own various ends and satisfy her needs would have elevated the character immensely. feels a bit disrespectful tbh.
speaking of disrespect, i suspected as much, but still... how can they have the mother not know? like honestly? how can her asshole husband tell the woman his son just broke up with about the illness but not his wife? i reeeaaally want hj to hex him... like, make him step on a lego everyday of his life. or have shampoo get into his eyes. something like that.
back in ep. 3 when sy saw hj in the dress and just last episode, we focused on his right hand. same happend during the proposal scene in ep. 5 and yesterday in the hospital with nayeon. i guess that holds significance?
were sy and ny ever intimate with each other?
i liked how they filmed the nightmare hj had.
also, how ambigious jg still feels. though i'm leaning towards ally who hasn't realized yet that he missed his shot. (also, does jg know the mayor is dirty? the mayor is dirty, right? playing footsie with the haum ceo? is that why he poached sy? to take on the mayor? and if he doesn't know, doesn't that just really undercut his character?)
did garden dude hit sy with some magic to make him black out? did that magic bring back his past memories? i thought he remembered when he woke up in the hospital.
but then i really don't understand the artistic decision process behind the scene in front of the hospital. that scene made (makes) me think i must be mistaken? how can he remember loving / killing her 300 years ago and the first thing he asks about is the in house messenger? (yeah, i know, he wanted her to go back on her word...) but even if he wanted to not let on, where were the longing / pining / loving eyes from last episode? the whole thing just felt very bland and weird.
also, poor rowoon. they obvs. didn't find hospital pants long enoug for him.
also, pls. don't push sick / hospitalized people. you don't know what tubes / needles they have sticking in or out of them. drama writers, find other ways to initiate physical touch. (just as lazy as drunk alley dude in ep 2).
i cared about ma and go for the first time. that scene was funny. i don't appreciate that once again show insinuates that a man is needed to keep a home in order, but since ma is freshly divorced it is plausible. for a moment i thought he was gonna choke her out or pass out himself. lol
also, re the hug, 'what kind of man asks that beforehand?'. the kind that respects boundaries and gives you the chance to say no? uncool ma, uncool show.
i guess no tentative friendships at work, but passive-aggressiveness?
loved the fireworks and the traditional music. was my favourite part of the episode. that slapped. wished they would have kept that music for the romantic scene.
there's still the option that him wholeheartedly embracing his feelings for hj brought upon the past memories. in which case that must be one long-ass hug. still, i'd prefer that scenario over the hospital-dream one. embracing his feelings because he remembers cheapens it a bit imo. its prob. the latter though seeing how he asked his mom about past lives.
his parents' bickering is getting on my nerves.
this episode felt really disjointed. i understand the cuts / edits were to not reveal too much, but at this point i'm just really annoyed by it.
for that reason bridge scene didn't have the impact it prob. should have had since i wasn't really sure what was going on?
spell scene too short, dress not as strange / pretty. but loved the music. also, what spell did she use? seduction?
i liked the child actors surprisingly much. i liked it even more that already as a child she had shaman capabilities.
i know tall people fall in love too, but man those hugs looked uncomfortable.
there's many other thoughts in my head but lastly: i guess only him remembers the past out of the two of them. i don't like that. at all. after 8 episodes it finally felt like they were on somewhat even footing when it came to knowledge about magic, spells, curses.... having only him remember once again means he knows more and is the proactive one, whereas she is only reacting and being driven by him. (but, if only him remembers, how can we as an audience see the things that only she can know? being brought to the shaman as a child? her premunition of the bloody hand?)
on that note, i hope the next kiss is initiated by hj. would be nice to see her express her desires / feelings. 3 kisses in and it's always him planting one on her. reciprocity is hot!! gimme gimme gimme!
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tehloserprince · 8 months
I was tagged by @santacoppelia - thank you! 🥺🧡
1. were you named after anyone? Michael Jordan, ha ha. No, really, my mom's a huge fan. She's followed his career ever since his UNC days. I love telling people that's how I got my name. For the record, although I have an obligatory fondness for my hometown team and a nostalgic love for the Bulls in their Jordan Era, I'm currently a Bucks fan.
2. when was the last time you cried? It's really difficult for me to cry. It's such a relief at times, tho. I cried a few weeks ago, when I realized my special needs dog was having some epilepsy-related issues. I've mostly accepted that I'll probably never see him with a grey muzzle, but I really hope we can share more time together. There are still so many things I want to show him.
3. do you have kids? Nope. Sorta did, once, but I don't really talk about that much. It was a good experience, and I still love/think about her. But my kids are all the critter variety these days ;) I enjoy hanging out with my friends' kids, but they're all growing up too quickly :/ What even is time
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I never really played anything professionally, but I liked soccer, basketball, and running when I was younger. I got into boxing and Muay Thai when I was a little older, and also did a lot of hiking. Unfortunately I'm crippled, so I'm limited in what I can/should do. I try to go on lots of walks with my pup and swim whenever I can. Sometimes I still wrap my hands and hit the bag, which is fun.
5. do you use sarcasm? No, never. (/s obvs)
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? The way they treat other people - especially the most vulnerable - and animals. Physically, eyes and smile. I'm more impressed by people who can be genuinely kind without ulterior motivation.
7. what's your eye color? Hazel.
8. scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood! In terms of scary films, gore feels lazy and boring to me. I need a film to get inside my head in order to be scary. But I'm a sucker for happy endings too, which is a lot of projection on my part, ha ha.
9. any talents? Err. Uh. Writing, I guess? Remembering a lot of random info? Friends are consistently surprised that I'll remember so many little details, especially if it's like ... me surprising them with something they mentioned liking at some point. Funny enough, I'll frequently forget why I walked into a room these days, but I'm glad some parts of my memory still excel! I'm also told that I'm extremely patient, if that counts as a talent.
10. where were you born? Charlotte, NC.
11. what are your hobbies? Writing, reading, watching movies and television shows (mostly with the BFF), random crafts, DIY home improvement stuff (I painted my entire house despite my health worsening over the years and I'm very proud of that), canine behavior/training, and playing video games. I don't have as much time for games, but I still enjoy it. Started a new game of Red Dead Redemption 2 this winter, and I've been spending hours just roaming the land with my horse.
12. do you have any pets? Ha, yes! I do a lot of animal rescue and have some life goals related to that, so hopefully I'll always be surrounded by critters. My beloved dog (Skippyjon) passed away in 2022 (old age and CHF). I had a cockatiel for 21 years - a birthday present when I turned 8. We basically grew up together, and the house is still way too quiet without him. I had other dogs (Smokey and Locke), and a lot of fish. In college, I had an "illegal" hamster, Kai (Kaizoku). He was fat and wonderful. I chose him because he squeezed past his siblings, sat in their food dish, and started shoving food in his mouth. King behavior tbh. I had a rat named Stevie in my late 20s. Currently, I have a deaf special needs dog (Oscar aka Ozzy), a cat that I hand-raised because she was found abandoned shortly after birth (Swayze), and a rabbit (Shasta aka Bad Bunny). At some point, I decided that all my rabbits would be named after soda brands, ha.
13. how tall are you? About 5'10".
14. favorite subject in school? Literature, Spanish, Philosophy, sometimes History, Classical Studies, Art. Anything that wasn't math, because I always struggled with that.
15. dream job? If I could make a living off of writing and spend a lot of my time doing animal rescue, I'd be content. Even if I was wealthy, I'd ultimately pursue a simple, cozy life without a lot of fanfare. I'd love to have more money to invest in animal rescue and local community welfare (kids should always have basic necessities imo). Maybe someday ...
Tagging anyone who feels like doing this! Feel free to reblog or tag me if you wanna let me know that you did it. Thanks, this was fun :3
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15 Questions for 15
Hey @mareenavee and @friend-of-giants thanks for the tag. I am lazy so idk who else to tag XD
1. are you named after anyone?
Nope, mum found my name in an Irish name book and liked it. Though technically my name is the Irish spelling of her name which has the Irish pronunciation. My mum is named after her Aunt who didn't make it through WWII. Fun.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Maybe about 3 years ago... I ah, do not have a strong crying ability. I get more of a nausea reaction in place of it. It takes a lot for it to be more than like a few sobs either...I just lost the ability a very long time ago.
3. do you have kids?
Nope, not sure I want them tbh.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
It's my first language. ;)
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I am unco to the point of it being dangerous. So I was never very good at sports, with a few exceptions. I danced as a kid and wasn't too bad at it. I also took up archery for a bit but got sick and stopped doing it.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
Eyes and facial expressions, I over analyse a bit.
7. eye colour?
Blue, on the cornflower spectrum.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Depends on my mood, to be honest. I won't turn down a corny horror movie or an even cornier comedy horror. I love zombie movies. I don't like sappy, so I'm not big into romance that lays it on thick, that weird nauseous reaction. Happy endings can be boring for me, I like satisfying endings. Sometimes I want terror so...
9. any special talents?
Outside of the crap I peddle here? I'm pretty good at baking, geography and I can twist my feet inward to a weird angle XD
10. where were you born?
Australia, not in the same state I currently live in.
11. what are your hobbies?
Art and Archaeology were kinda things that started as hobbies but I earn money from those now. I'm an amateur astronomer, which I would have pursued if I could do maths XD. Obviously, I like playing video games...a lot. I use to read more but I'm dealing with a lot of research fatigue so it's been hard for me to keep focus on anything because the words have been moving around the page again XD. I watch birds.
12. do you have any pets?
I have a dog, Lenny, a chicken, Cecily, a budgie, Sam and two fish, Sybil and Skeletor.
13. how tall are you?
5'8, if my spine wasn't a spring I'd be 5'9 but S-shaped spine's a bitch.
14. fave subject in school?
I was the art kid, I took all the art classes. I was also good at HSIE (History and Geography basically) and most of the Sciences, I wasn't too bad at English either outside of spelling and grammar issues XD
Of course, I also stopped showing up to school so technically my favourite subject was wagging (skipping class). (How I got out with top marks is a goddamn mystery to me XD)
15. dream job?
Archaeologist, heading digs, or teaching the stuff that I found on digs :D
I'm doing my masters in it now and I do a bit of historical consulting. Most of my money is from freelance illustration but I'd love to just make my own art without worrying about money. I just don't think I could carry a Patreon tbh.
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tagged by @howdydowdy <3 thankss!! i also don't watch a tonne of shows but i do watch a lot of films so i'm gonna do a combo of the two lol
8 shows/films to get to know me
borstal boy (2000(?) film) - watching this as a teen Changed me tbh... it also definitely gave me one of my first glimpses of a bisexual character on screen... also danny dyer plays a gay sailor in this i mean??? what more could you want lol (also feel like this film is equal parts depressing and hopeful which is my ideal kinda film lol)
the simpsons - i watched this religiously as a kid (every night at 6pm on channel 4 lol) so much so that my family makes jokes that everything i know i know from the simpsons lol...
would i lie to you? (uk panel show) - i feel like this show really explains a lot of my style of humour (i've literally nearly pissed myself whilst watching this show at times lol), plus i've had a crush on david mitchell for years which like no that isn't relevant to this list but i'm including it anyway... one of my fav clips is 'lee mack's keys' (give it a search on youtube it's hilar lol)
watership down (1970s animated film, i also love the book too btw) - the animation style of the very first part of this film has literally never left me, it's like ingrained onto my brain as the most incredible thing ever! the rest of the film is also amazing, albeit brutal at times which definitely fucked me up as a kid... esp that evil rabbit (wormwort?), pretty sure i was terrified of him lol
hook (1990s film (yes i know i could look up the exact date but i'm not gonna cos i'm lazy)) - this is one of the films that i know so many quotes from & me and my family use them to each other all the time lol (you're doing it peter! RUFIO RUFIO RU FI OHHHHH you're. afraid. you're. going. to. get. sucked. out. stop acting like a child!! i am a child!? RUN HOME JACK RUN HOME JACK wait...HOME RUN JACK HOME RUN JACK don't stop me smee don't stop me stop me smee stop me ... you get the picture lol) robin william's films just have a special place in my heart and this is one of the best imo
gayle (youtube comedy series) - it's embarrassing how much i think about this series & i literally rewatch it at least once every year so... i feel like that says a lot about me... idk WHAT exactly it says but it is.. it's a lot lol
i'm a cyborg but that's ok (2008(??) film) - if you asked me what my favourite park chanwook film is, you'd probs guess i'd pick the handmaiden, but you'd be so so so wrong, because THIS film is an absolute masterpiece that hasn't left me since my sister showed it to me like 10 years ago lol... it's about mental illness and stigma and grief and love and also rain (the singer) yodels in it whilst flying through the air it's great
labyrinth (1986 film (hey i actually remembered the date lol!) - i'm been thinking for ages what final thing to include and realised it had been staring me in the face: labyrinth, literally my favourite film of all time lol! it's equal amounts comedic, creepy, emotional, plus david bowie is there in ALL his glory (some may say too much glory but i'd tell them to shut their goddamn mouths lol)! the songs are amazing, the ballroom scene literally shaped who i am now.. it's a film about adolescence, siblings, it's about friendship and found family, it's about growing up but also keeping your childhood close at heart, should you need it... it's also about david bowie's bul- *gunshot*
that's all folks! i did try and not just include stuff that i'm nostalgic about, but unfortunately nostalgia is my middle name so most of these are things i've connected to for a very long time...
tagging (no pressure to actually do it ofc, the original prompt is 8 shows i think but you can essentially change it to 8 anything in my book lol): @dollopheadsandclotpoles @wovesaxe @micamicster @platypusplayhere @sylvasa @asoftspotforangels @zelvuska
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whichwoods · 11 months
ask game going around, ty for the tag @girlpinkdress 💕:) tagging anyone else who'd like to participate
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
3! (completely forgot about my lsts oneshot when i first posted this lmao)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
hotd, pjo, and otgw (counting wips and tumblr-exclusives)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i do not have that many lmao — but in order it's 'like the stars that shine' and 'lightning-stained skies' (though the last is really only still up just because i try to avoid deleting fic on principle 🥲)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! especially if it's one i can tell someone put a lot of effort into 💕 i often fall behind on replies though, like right now with my tumblr inbox 🥲
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
what endings?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
again, what endings?? (my old-ass oneshot that's still on ff.net implying piper and conrad from the girl who could fly get together)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no! i've been very lucky in that realm
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yes! mostly your basic abo, piv smut, though i also have some softcore typical m/m in my drafts :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
yes, but it's the only one i'll ever write simply because i couldn't shake the concept of dipper, wirt, bill, and the beast from otgw and gravity falls as the most dysfunctional friend group ever 🥲 (i encountered the fandoms before i watched both shows) otherwise i don't really care for them lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so! (if i do,,,, when i catch you ricky,,, 👹)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i have not! i'm very open to it, though, if anyone is ever able/interested and wants to reach out :)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no! tbh i don't think that'd jive well with my writing style 😅
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
hard to say! measuring by longest love, maybe piper and conrad from tgwcf 💕 honestly i'm always cycling between ships though — for a long time i would've said percabeth from pjo and i still have a soft spot for them :)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
my post-canon poetree slowburn for otgw 🥲 i'm thinking of maybe posting scattered oneshots so at least some of it can see the light of day
16. What are your writing strengths?
i usually say dialogue, and that's also feedback i've been given! but that's also what i frequently get insecure about lmao 😅
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
people's physical descriptions 🥲 always has been
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i usually opt for just italicizing in english for fictional languages because i'm lazy lol, but i think writing it out in the other language looks better. i don't really care when i'm reading as long as there's a translation somewhere in the chapter :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
percy jackson 🫶🏻
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
i guess lsts!
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I feel like no one has been talking about this since vol.2 was released (pls tell me if they have), but it NEEDS to be addressed.
The whole sequence after the 2 day time jump is so.... weird? Something about it feels wrong and contradictory with the rest of the season.
Here are some examples of stuff that don't match up with what we had been told so far within the last episode:
• this is probably the biggest one. how did the gates close and open up again at the end (without the process of actually opening, it's like they were there all along)?
• how did they get out of the upside down?? ik most of us assumed they went through the gates, if so, then why don't they talk about the gates AT ALL, as if they were never created? most likely they were all so traumatised that once the portals closed up they decided to take a break before bracing themselves for a likely new attack from Vecna, besides maybe they thought he was dead or didn't think they would have this little time before he came back. but still, i find it suspicious that we didn't get a single comment on the gates. if the gates were still there, i would imagine they would talk about them and be caughtious, or even attempt to examine them/go near them. but this doesn't happen, because somehow they closed up (again, we DON'T SEE THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING so even if they are aware the gates aren't there anymore they would BE QUESTIONING EVERYTHING, NO?)
• El (and Will) being confused by the fact that Max could be at the hospital. Even if El kept her alive, her bones were still broken, so it would be expected that she would be at the hospital. IDK WHAT TO TELL U IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
• it doesn't play part in my (semi) theory, but in the hospital room i swear we see Max's mom for a split second. she is sitting on the chair next to Erica, we see her literally for a split second and it's on 1/3 of her body. it had to be her bc i think i see red hair. i assume she was sleeping and that's why she isn't doing anything, but in that case, wouldn't one of the ppl coming in spare a glance at her? and WHY would they hide her from us? why have her in the scene if she is being purposefully hiden?? she could have just not been in that scene. and they could have just showed us a brief moment of the camera starting from her, asleep on the one chair, to Erica on the next one, to Lucas. instead, when the scene starts, the camera pans from the oposite side to Lucas, from THE WALL. but i swear she is there, pls i need someone else to double check this so ik i'm not making stuff up.
• also, Lucas said Max was clinically dead when she was magically revived. being clinically dead means your BRAIN stops working, not just your heart, and it happens 5 minutes or so after the heart stops beating. ("if the brain dies, the body dies" being the oposite of how it actually works, with the amount of bio i understand, i could be VERY wrong tbh) So if El was keeping Max's heart beating then she wouldn't have been clinically dead. maybe that's why El can't find her consciousness? (just something to note)
Part of me keeps thinking that it was just the lazy writing since it's the end of a very long season, but i need to entertain the thought of it having more to it.
So if someone thinks of a different theory regarding these (or other weird stuff), please tag me (idk if that's possible lmao i barely know how tumblr works) or like rb so i can see it! i'm so interested to see what you guys come up with!!
Now for MY theory which could totally be proven wrong lol:
This involves different timelines basically. So this started from the first point i made, but it could also explain some of the other ones. What if the timeline before the time skip is a different timeline to the one after the time skip? That would explain the Hawkins crew not discussing the gates at all. So in this timeline (after the time jump, i'll call it timeline 2), it really was just an earthquake, the 4 big gates across Hawkins never opened up, they just got through the gate in Eddie's house to the real world like planned. idk if the timelines can affect one another, but if Vecna is meddling with time, somehow maybe the earthquake in timeline 2 happened BECAUSE of the gates opening in timeline 1. ALSO. about Max, maybe El's void is timeless and she can tap into different timelines but she doesn't know it yet, so El from timeline 2 is the El who was in the mind fight, but Max was actually Max from timeline 1, in which the Hawkins crew was in. So in this scenario, the Cali/Nevada plot and possibly the Rushian plot could be taking place in timeline 2, while the Hawkins plot in timeline 1, until the time jump, so after it it's timeline 2 in Hawkins. ik this probably makes no sense and would need way more thinking to check if it's actually plausible, but i think i'll put a pin to it and just pass my thoughts around for the time being.
If u read all this, thank you!!!!
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Introductory Post! (My God I can't believe I'm doing this)
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Hi! I'm Clarissa! Briar is fine too. I go by She/They. When I was young I used to scavange through ask blogs and other things on this website, and today's the day I finally made an account.
Interaction Rules!
My Interaction Rules can mostly be found in my carrd but the gist is that I am really shy and introverted, so please be patient with me. Tone tags are appreciated! But please use tone tags when joke flirting with me (I can get confusing signals lmao)
Obivously, don't interact if you go against any minority, don't interact if you support problematic people, don't interact if you sexualize any minors/alternative fashions, and don't interact if you are a proshipper. (Again, check carrd for more details)
Touhou: Imperishable Night is my favorite game, while my most favorite character is a tie between Marisa Kirisame, Reimu Hakurei and Alice Margatroid. Fun Fact that famous Bad Apple video is what got me into Touhou in the first place.
Pretty Cure: I got into the entire franchise just last year and I'm currently watching the entire seasons from start to finish (By the time I'm typing this I'm in DokiDoki Precure). The OG and Max Heart have my heart while Cure Black and Cure Blossom are my favorites. I also love the All Star movies cause I'm a big sucker for crossovers.
Sailor Moon: I watched Crystal and the Eternal Movie on Netflix, and I'm currently reading the Manga! I would get into the 90s anime since I seen so many clips on Youtube (its so funny) but considering how many Precure episodes I have to watch, I can't. (Maybe someday!) I love Hotaru Tomoe. Can't say the same thing for Mamoru Chiba (especially during the first arc of the manga/crystal UGH-)
Revolutionary Girl Utena: The intro slaps and I'm also currently in the middle of watching the series. I know all about the dark themes and enjoy the symbolism even if I dont get it at first. (I could ramble about how the show is amazing tbh)
Ib: One of my favorite games of all time, please tell me people remember this game.
Mad Father: Same vein as Ib, again please tell me people remember this game.
Lolita Fashion: I have a few skirts and blouses (still need to get a petticoat lmao). I particularly like Gothic and Classic Lolita Fashion.
The Garden (OC World): My Toyhou.se is pretty bare bones about the world, and partially making this Tumblr is to talk about more about my OCs (in general). Either expect very long blocks of text or half-lazy art (thats what I see my art atleast).
Editing: Besides drawing, I also make video edits! Check out my Instagram to check them out (My instagram page also links to my tiktok page so check that out if you want).
Honorable Mentions! (/other interests that do kinda count but they aren't really that big)
Doki Doki Literature Club!: Monika is Best Girl
Undertale/Deltarune: Yes, I was an Undertale person during that big boom. I also used to hate Chara, but now I love them and believe that Chara and Asriel deserve the world.
Monster High/Ever After High: They were my childhood. I really don't mind GEN 3, and I actually find it fascinating (we don't talk about GEN 2).
Portal: The first game I bought on steam, and played both of them. We need more content (not a 3rd game, just new content).
BFDI: Also a childhood show I grew up. Something about objects competing for an Island really stuck with me.
Alright, that's enough typing. I'm not even sure if this is too long but it feels like it. If this didn't repel you from me, feel free to stick around!
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
catching up on ask games <3
thank you @yoongiphoria & @playmetheclassics & @jimilter for tagging me in these!
tagging (for any of these, no pressure): @hot-soop @the-boy-meets-evil & @effortandmore
3 ships: oh god i feel like i have fallen very outside the scope of shipping bc i rarely watch any shows/movies/etc. anymore :') but i will say these — yoonjin my comfort ship, sope my sunshine ship, petekey my wtf happened here we need a 50-page thesis ship.
first ship ever: honestly probably sailor moon x tuxedo mask
last movie: i don't think i've watched a movie since christmas time so probably home alone 2.
last song: seventeen - betting
currently reading: soren kierkegaard - edifying discourses
currently watching: nothing
currently consuming: coffee. i think it's some kind of pecan & vanilla blend? idk but it's pretty good. oat milk creamer.
currently craving: to wash my hair tbh
get to know me game
Name: jewel Sign: libra sun/aries moon/gemini rising Height: 5'5" or 165cm Time: 10:15am Birthday: october 21 Fav Band/Artist: for kpop — bts, seventeen, ateez, monsta x, oneus, twice, g-idle, youngji, bewhy, the boyz, purple kiss. non kpop — keshi, post malone, 100 gecs, pierce the veil, lorde, lil nas x, abba, bon iver. Last Movie: see above. i honestly have no clue :') Last Show: forensic files When I Created this Blog: some time in 2021 i think What I Post: fics and shitposts Other Blogs: i have a fic rec blog & a svt side blog but i don't use them Do I get asks: sometimes yeah <3 usually when i post fics Followers: 534 Avg hours of sleep: 7ish Instrument: played flute through school, took guitar & piano lessons for a lil bit Dream job: none. just pay me well and give me health insurance and generous pto and i'm good. Dream trip: i want to go back to china to hang out with the red pandas. antarctica, new zealand, austria/germany for the christmas markets, banff. Fav songs: lauren will clown me for this but i've had "heaven is a place on earth" by belinda carlisle on repeat for days. "people" by agust d is my most-played song of all time on spotify so.
lock screen & home screen game
i'm lazy and haven't changed it in six weeks so here it is from last time :)
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sadability · 4 months
hello!! i was scrolling thru the obey me tag & I saw that ur avail w matchups rn so i'd like to have an obey me match up! ^^
i checked ur profile & i dont think u specified on what info we should write of ourselves so pls don't mind if my format is gonna b rly messy ;_; (lmk tho if u did put some specific template or format on what we should write in ur match ups!)
I'm from asia, height is 164 cm/5'4 ft, im still a student but i do side hustles sometimes, for my age i prefer if u don't rlly count it in the match up since yk the characters in om are like all ancient lmfao so age will definitely already have a big gap but just in case u need it im turning 18 this dec:)
so anw my mbti is IDK im honestly confused but I think mbti/cognitive functions are interesting. im a sagittarius ♐. i like to think that im an ambivert, but at first i may definitely come off as shy reserved to others, but friendly to to others tbh it depends if I find them approachable/scary or not. my hobbies are reading, writing, sing & dance (but I suck at it lmfao). lately I'm also into podcasts,also recently I like to take night walks in my neighborhood:)
personality wise. . . i like to think myself as an open minded person:]. a friend of mine refers to me as a golden retriever and in my circle of friends im known to be the joker goofy one, but some also refer to me as a 'listener' or 'therapist. w my friends im sarcastic and dramatic ironically lmfao. anyways,, out of my main friend group and just to other people/casual friends, acquaintances or schoolmates, they refer to me as nice, friendly, chill. OHH and I think im expressive bc people say my face tends to express a lot of emotion even tho I don't rly intend to :’). my flawss? I've been said that I tend to yap sometimes lmfao. i also think I can be absent minded especially when I'm under pressure :’) I don't take pressure well huhu. so that means I'm not rly adaptable either. also i can be indecisive. also another info im a homebody but like it's not rly obvious at first bc sometimes I force myself to go out bc a lot of my friends in my friend group r outgoing & I don't wanna make them disappointed or smth (sometimes I make up an excuse tho so I don't go out lmfao). oh and I'm a night owl and prolly have undiagnosed insomnia /lh
anw I think I explained a lot (tbh too much actually) of my personality ngl so I'm gonna try my best to make my lists of interests short: I'm interested in biology, zoology, and history. I hate physics w all my heart. I like coffee, but tea is ok too. I like video game lore but I'm usually too lazy to play the game itself and I usually play fast paced games and valorant. current fave book is: romancing mr bridgerton from the bridgerton series. current fave show is: romance killer. my music taste is all over the place so I don't rly have a fave music genre.
anw that's all, have a good day!! thank u so much for reading & I'm sorry if it's too long. it's ok if u don't wanna answer this match up yet, take ur time!! once again thank u v much u don't need to answer this!
Anyway!! I match you with...Satan!! :D
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I think you two would be absolutely adorable together!! Satan would be very protective of you and always try to make sure you're comfortable, especially when meeting the demons for the first time. He would listen to your rambles and shut anyone that tries to speak over you up. Would let you roam his library and pick out any books you want, occasionally reading you to sleep :D Will hand you giant ass history books, biology books and zoology books. Will teach you about demon world animals too! He'd also love staying home with you and cuddling, just relaxing with each other ESPECIALLY when his brothers are out for the day
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hkblack · 3 years
Are there any specific questions you’d suggest beta readers ask writers before entering a new beta relationship… and/or that writers should ask betas? Of course, making sure everyone's on the same page about the form of beta read (e.g., SPAG vs. characterization check). And, when betaing for someone new, I also often ask if they’d like non-constructive reaction comments ("AAAAA THEY’RE TOO CUTE”) as well as actual suggestions. But I’m wondering what else I should consider asking! Thanks so much.
Yes, yes, and YES. I probably drive everyone nuts in the Discord Servers I am in because when I request a beta-reader, this is the info I try to give, and it's a lot. For All Requests Major Relationships Quick Summary What I need a Beta-Reader for For Completed Pieces / Single Section Requests Rating Word Count Archive Warnings/ Content Warnings / Relevant Tags Deadline For In Progress Pieces / Long Term Requests Expected Rating Current Word & Chapter Count AND Expected Chapter Count All Possible Archive Warnings/ Content Warnings / Relevant Tags Timeline / Deadline Expectations This is because I want folks to know exactly what they're signing up for when they say they'll beta-read for me. Now, I'm a little lazy, and should probably be better about asking these questions of other people when they request a reader, tbh, before jumping in and saying I'll do something. But I usually volunteer first and ask questions later. I should probably work on that. A big reason I don't is that my major squicks and triggers tend to be Archive Warning type things, and most people are really good about flagging those. The last time I didn't get a warning for some pretty serious Whump actually made me laugh because I fell in love with the story and threatened much anger if I didn't get to read the rest. (you know who you are and I am serious about that much anger) But let's walk through my normal process: 1. Someone tags the beta-readers group in some Server I'm in (currently this is the only way I take requests--unless I've worked with a writer before) 2. I volunteer, and tell the writer to DM me their story and the deets 3. Most writers will then offer a lot of info when they DM me, "Oh I just need a SPAG" or "I'm really worried about x y and z" 4. I double check to make sure however they've given me the file works (for Google Docs, for example, I make sure I actually have Commenting/Suggesting privileges and not just View Only access) 5. I confirm what the writer has told me they are looking for in my own words, and ask if there's anything I'm missing (this helps keep us on the same page) 6. I give them an expected timeline of when they should hear from me next. 7. I dive in. Here's some heavily edited and redacted examples of first convos I've had: Writer 1: I just need another set of eyes on my fic. The prompt I was going for was X, but I also tried to include a little of the Y prompt, and the Z prompt. My problem is that it's [under the word count] so I need to figure out what to add. I also need to make sure I'm being fair to [Character A], and not implying that they are at fault for this, but showing that they still hold guilt and complicated feelings about the whole thing. Me: Okay! So I'm looking for X, Y, and Z, places to expand, and not being a jerk to [Character A]. Got it! How fast of a turn-around are you looking for? -- Me: Thanks for the link! Looks like I've got the right permissions. You said you were looking for notes on clarity, continuity, and entertainment value, right? Anything in particular other than entertainment value you're worried about? Writer 2: Pacing! Does it drag? -- Me: Got the file! You asked for SPAG and Flow notes, and you're hoping to post on [date]. Anything else I need to be aware of? Anything you're worried about in this fic? Writer 3: Maybe details. It's a specific POV, so it may need fixing/adjusting to make it more clear. You can see how every time I asked for more, the writer remembered something else they were worried about for me to keep an eye on. I think this answers the heart of your question but there's something in this ask that I'm going to pull out and make a separate post out of because it's super important but this is already too lengthy. Thanks for the Ask! Keep 'em coming!
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
ok but i do not understand s*lki stans at all imagine being this excited about the 2nd season of a crap show just bc there will be more awkward forced chemistry couldnt be me tbh
Honestly at this point I guess I'm just glad someone other than MW is getting something out of this garbage, times are hard and if uh...this is what keeps your serotonin up let me not get in your way (though, maybe consider that other shows and media exist? that actually depict openly bisexual characters?). I do wish though that we didn't still go around and around in these attempts to morally justify every fictional thing we enjoy with real world ethics, because the worst of it for me are the olympian hurdles and stretches of logic that are done to try to explain to everyone else why they're not allowed to be creeped out by it, have issues with the way rumors of depictions of genderfluidity and bisexuality was funneled through the media mill in a very calculated way and this 'romance' was the pay off for that (as if this is supposed to be a fitting replacement for accurate representation of those things), the fact that Loki was basically unseated in his own namesake show by a character no one asked for and now has to be romantically tied to for some reason, etc etc etc. Like I wish it wasn't so difficult for us as fans in general to accept and acknowledge the flaws of a thing we like bc then we wouldn't have to invalidate each other for something that isn't real. Instead, we have at least a handful of posts popping up in the tags a few times every month, writing essays trying to justify a mediocre cishet yt man's lazy writing. That's gotta be the worst part of it for me, the overprotectiveness of this halfassed garbage written by someone who neither deserved the position nor gave a single shit about it at any point, someone who took his own self-insert yt male fantasy story and just search-and-replaced names to make a Marvel screenplay. This man does not deserve anyone's time and justifications, but at the end of the day that's what they're doing; justifying why this guy deserves to have gotten this position writing everything for Marvel now apparently while millions of talented people with different perspectives that would bring amazing ideas to the table are gridlocked out of the business entirely. Of course, this an ongoing, systemic issue with the MCU and not unique to this project, but the point stands.
But yeah I mean, if one is just enjoying themselves and can enjoy this show for what it is, more power to them I guess. Just wish it didn't have to involve blatantly ignoring valid arguments against it. Cause I mean like..."It's not selfcest or incest adjacent they're not the same person AT ALL ok she has blonde hair so" and then later "lol it would make sense for Loki to fall in love with himself tho haha funneee".
my brothers in christ, there is not enough depth or substance to this show to definitively conclude that it is not weird and that's because the writer didn't care if it was. he had an implausible fantasy powerplay love story to write, and he is under no obligation ever to justify himself in anything! it wasn't queer tho (for as much as yall keep squawking about bisexuality- see my argument that L*ki's line doesn't actually establish him as queer and S*lvie simply never is established as anything) so it's not 'weird' in the way capitalism cares about lol
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