xxtc-96xx · 5 days
TC's fans: *snrrrk* 🤓 I want to watch Ash Ketchem make out with girls/boys/unidentified genders! Derrherrherr!
TC's Mewtwo: He's f***ing ten. {Hydro Pump} 🌊
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narwhalandchill · 6 months
(4.6 beta changes) (again) (guys this is so long im just. many thoughts and me thinking out loud abt arle and my pulling plans. & other nonsense etc. my bad)
ooookay so yeah def glad i didnt jump the gun and attempt some sorta "is this a buff or not" feelscrafting nonsense on arles adjustments jkwjkwdjkwdjkwdkjjk and waited for TC (mostly zajef lmao) analysis and opinion on the real changes that ended up happening
anyway so like. it appears to be an universal buff for her p much? but how big of a buff it ends up being depends on some mechanics we still dont have a definite answer as to how they function (mostly how her BoL stacking from E works during the ECAQECA reset thing, if it enables 140% total stacking = massive dmg buff overall)
firstly my fears of her becoming too ult dependent for overworld appear to be? not as bad as i thought? so thats nice at least very pog like if she can do her thing decently enough just for fun running around thats very good
secondly. the ER situation is literally on a 50-50 😭 because its all about whether she has particle ICD on her E. if she doesnt, thats actually like. 0 ER needed or at the very least incredibly little of it. if there is particle ICD. well. thats going to be another story
the way her rotations have changed now seem to gear her towards overload teams with chevy? since they have very long rotations and characters like fischl and yae can have full uptime over those whereas vape teams lose hydro application from yelan or XQ and buff uptime from characters like bennett over time when a rotation stretches past 24s
like from what ive been reading it seems to be a pretty common sentiment that these buffs will make the biggest impact in chevy overload teams specifically (even tho shes obvi buffed just in general in all teams) for that reason and that chevy teams Especially w her at c6 with arle should be the best bennettless teams ultimately. which is definitely an interesting turn ?
(and this isnt all of the changes btw im just talking abt the ones that matter most for my considerations rn)
anyway. my thoughts then.
so im obviously glad the changes turned out to be buffs so far. but. theres still stuff im a bit. ehhhhhhhh on
firstly the survivability situation (which in turn leads back to the teambuilding issues). bc her self heal did get nerfed. so arles no longer going to be able to risk taking very high dmg during a rotation and dragging herself back to full once the next one starts. which to me feels like an emphasis on dmg mitigation for her and shielding.
(not to even get started on the. spam NAs to reduce her now 30s E cooldown so its up in time for the next rotation meaning you Do Not want to be staggered and tossed out of her attack string. and gee would you look at that! neuvillette level interruption res on c1 now! great!!)
(like again. to be clear. its hard to say exactly how much interruptions to her NA spam will end up fucking her over. i could just be overtly wary about how bad it might feel. but at its worst. with enemies that run away from u or go invincible. or stunlock you. the fact that it will at least heavily risk arles ability to reduce her E cooldown the amount she needs for fluid rotations. could definitely end up feeling like shit to play in practice without that interruption resistance. be it from c1 or a shied)
but then if we go back to her synergies and look at. those more interesting (imo) chevy teams that should perform well even without bennett. like arle/chevy/fischl/yae. whos keeping ur arle from dying there 😭 its giving lyney spreadsheet impact vs actual reality trying to play him without a shield 😭😭 guess we know who he got it from...
and yea could replace yae for beidou for damage reduction but her dmg will TANK in single target. as a whole. defensive options list in pyro/electro units only just isnt that good. beidous the one who tanks team dps the least as long as ur in AoE, but outside of that its just. thoma and dehya. and they will 100% tank the team dps
whereas defensive options like zhongli to me feel like they will just end up w her teams just wanting to lean towards that. traditional vape and mono pyro angle. bennett and kazuha and yelan/XQ. the usual stuff. and shes not getting benny and kazuha from childe so we have an issue 💀💀
unironically i will prolly be looking for some double geo zhongli/chiori/yelan vape team calcs for arlecchino (hope someone makes them. all double geo team calcs ive seen so far assume bennett 😭) just out of curiosity in terms of. how much worse it is than her best teams. bc if i can just slap her in that setup its a big bonus to how flexibly i could use her but eh. prolly will end up weaker than any chiorinavia nation core i could play so who knows
but. all this yapping and im only now getting to the point JSWJKDWJKWDJK so. heres the BIG problem
i dont have a single fucking chevrolet 💀 but i do have like 38 pity on a guarantee.
and like people are suggesting that maybe chevy will be on arles banner and fair, especially with these new beta changes incentivizing arle chevy teams way more than before, it would definitely make sense for hoyo to put chevy with her. and i definitely am overall a fan of this possible chevy overload team direction for arle (anything thats not bennett for father. ANYTHING) so id love for that to be the case
but. thats not guaranteed at all. and the same sentiment i had over arlecchinos hypothetical best support in the form of the pyro archon (or honestly. with the lack of electro shielders for chevy teams even clorinde could end up being that missing piece) where id almost rather wait to guarantee that synergistic unit before getting arle herself on a rerun. actually applies to chevy here too. even just a c0 one
and like. yes. if i spend that guarantee now on c2 chiori. and it turns out chevy is indeed featured with arlecchino. i will Not be able to guarantee her anymore - ill get one 50-50 and all the chances for a few solid chevy copies on the way but thats it.
however. the other scenario here is that arle does NOT get chevy. she gets fucking. kaveh noelle mika. and then chevy is going to rerun with like. idk. random banner. clorinde who may or may not have synergy with arle
...and im not really sure if id even want to pick arle up on that guarantee from that sort of banner SJKDKJADJKDJK but ok id skip her. buuut im still sitting on a guarantee i might not want to use on a character i feel just eh abt. but who might be with chevy (and like. i do pull for 4* when im on a 50-50 and low pity, idm the early. so as long as thats the case i can see myself tossing a few pulls at Any chevy banner in the future).
... which brings us back to. okay yeah saving the guarantee for clorinde IF chevy isnt with arle and IF shes an electro shielder sub dps support for those arle chevy teams. and getting arle on rerun as ive considered. doesnt sound that bad. but clorinde might also Not be that. uncertainty uncertainty.
like im fairly sure clorinde Will be an unit i wont mind pulling at 17 pity xianyun style on a 50-50 no matter what. but if shes not that mythical arle BiS support she prolly wont be worth that guarantee is my whole complex here lmao
whereas. c2 chiori. isnt an uncertain factor here. like im investing in her im getting her c6 eventually, c2 is like almost 25% personal dps increase (also my husk pieces LOVE rolling ER so itd actually be useful) it feels like the "safe" option in a sense ya know???
like. yes id leave arlecchino up to a coin toss . (Jail for jen!! fake lesbian!!!) but id also be left with the option of skipping her banner (if no chevy rateup to be clear) in favor of seeing whether she gains any synergistic units in the future and seeing how the various aspects of her kit that i do somewhat worry about end up panning out ?? and i think. id be fine with that ? Over the alternative
ultimately tho. im super happy arle got overall buffed and that at least some of my fears abt her kit changes were indeed unfounded, but some concerns still remain. its kinda wild and still sad to me that she went from an absolute 100% must pull character just bc its Her to like. curse of pyro on fielder idk if i Need this right now 😔😔 but i Will be getting her eventually!! no matter what
anyway have a sticker if u stuck around for all of my bullshit. this is literally just arle buff thoughts into gacha pulls stream of consciousness rambling 😭😭😭
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c6jpg · 2 years
wait isn't alhaitham meant to be a dendro dps/driver?
so why do we "need" nahida? i thought he had the dendro infusion so he could act as a driver? you could use nahida for extra off-field dendro application but i don't think we'd NEED her :/
okay honestly my eyes start glazing over when people really get into the theorycrafting so i might need someone to #factcheck me on this but basically
first of all, obviously you do not NEED any character. however when TCs start talking about a character's kit it is in terms of what is their highest projected DPS, and a main factor of that is their teammates. it's the same way people say scara "needs" c6 faruzan to reach his damage ceiling and quite frankly that is true, hence leading some to believe that faruzan is "useless" before c6
so no, al haitham does not NEED nahida to just work
however, he DOES likely need nahida in order to reach his highest damage ceiling
based off early TC it looks like his best team is projected to nahida + yelan + flex but i think the popular pick right now is shinobu since al haitham's best overall team is looking to be quickbloom
(as an aside, this team is even more expensive because it seems like xingqiu, who is usually somewhat interchangeable with yelan, may provide too much hydro to support 100% uptime (on some reaction I'm not actually sure which? either way basically he applies too much hydro for other characters to keep up which will ruin certain reactions). now obviously you don't HAVE to use yelan, but again not having 100% uptime = DPS loss. but as far as i can tell a less necessary unit than nahida)
now aside from the usual of nahida just being a god (heh) at supporting/boosting the power of dendro reactions, she's also important for al haitham for two specific reasons: EM buffing and energy.
to maximize al haitham's A4 passive (e.g. converting a set amount of EM to a damage bonus, which is currently .12% for each point) it is currently projected you need ~850 EM, which is quite frankly impossible to get from artifacts and weapons alone without sacrificing the rest of al haitham's stat needs (tldr; he's basically really greedy and wants it all, EM, attack, crit, ER).
dendro resonance gives you 100 EM. assuming someone (nahida) on the party also has 1000 EM, nahida's passive gives another 250 EM. that's 350 EM from using nahida alone. even if you don't have that maxed out 250 EM, simply having nahida on the team decreases the difficulty of building EM on al haitham by a lot.
next is energy. al haitham's current burst cost is 70 which is on the higher end. not sure what his personal particle generation is but it's probably ayato-level e.g. not that high. so he needs a decent amount of ER or a battery (nahida) to burst every rotation (bc again if you don't, that's a DPS loss lol)
the other thing about wanting his burst up is that al haitham's scaling is like. actually insane. people are claiming ayaka levels of scaling on his burst right now. so this is a character who again, to achieve the highest DPS ceiling, you REALLY want him to burst every rotation. that's why ER is even more valuable on him, and again nahida simplifies that.
another thing to keep in mind though is that how things are projected may not match up in practice. one thing that's been pointed out is right now al haitham does not really have any interruption/stagger resistance.
so the combo of al haitham + nahida + yelan + shinobu may not actually work out very well if al haitham keeps getting knocked around like a ragdoll (scara and cyno have this same problem, rip). in which case you want to add some sort of shielder/someone like xingqiu who provides interruption resistance, in which you exchange maximum damage for comfort. but regardless nahida seems to always be on the team anyways. so yeah just things to think about
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digitrenndsamr · 6 months
Charting the Course: Future Trajectories of the Turbine Control System Market (2023-2032)
Turbine Control Systems (TCS) represent critical components in the efficient operation of turbines, ensuring optimal performance and safety. These systems are integral for managing the complex interplay of variables in power generation, maintaining stability, and regulating turbine functions. TCS plays a pivotal role in the energy sector, especially in the context of renewable energy sources such as wind and hydro turbines. By monitoring and controlling parameters like speed, temperature, and load, TCS enhances operational reliability and efficiency. In recent years, advancements in automation, digitalization, and the integration of smart technologies have transformed the landscape of turbine control. This evolution not only improves overall system performance but also facilitates seamless integration into the broader smart grid infrastructure. As the demand for sustainable and efficient energy solutions continues to rise, the significance of Turbine Control Systems becomes increasingly paramount in driving the future of power generation. The turbine control system market size was valued at $18.7 billion in 2022 and is estimated to reach $29.2 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2023 to 2032.
𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/12003
A turbine control system is a sophisticated network of sensors, actuators, and control algorithms designed to monitor, regulate, and optimize the operation of turbines. Turbines are mechanical devices that convert the strength of a shifting fluid (such as steam, gas, or water) into mechanical work, which is usually used to generate electricity, propel vehicles, or perform a number of mechanical tasks. Turbine control systems are crucial in maintaining the turbine's stability, efficiency, and protection in the course of operation.
Turbine control systems market forecast is most often related to power generation. They are widely used in thermal strength plants, hydroelectric facilities, and fuel turbine energy plants. In these applications, the control device regulates the turbine's operation to healthy the electrical demand, ensuring that power output stays stable and efficient. For example, in a coal-fired power plant, a turbine control system manages the steam flow to the turbine, controlling the rotational pace and maintaining grid stability.
Aircraft turbine control systems ensure that jet engines function efficiently and safely. These systems monitor quite several parameters such as temperature, pressure, and throttle settings to optimize fuel consumption and hold engine performance. They also play a fundamental function in preventing engine stalls and surges during exceptional flight phases.
In the maritime industry, gas turbine engines are commonly used for ship propulsion. Turbine control systems in ships assist in controlling the electricity output of these engines, ensuring easy operation and control of vessel speed. These systems are critical for both military and commercial ships, along with naval vessels and cruise ships.
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/12003
Turbine control systems find functions in various industrial processes past strength generation. For instance, they are used in chemical plants, where steam generators are employed for riding compressors, pumps, and other machinery. These control systems enable particular administration of process parameters, contributing to the effectiveness and protection of normal operation.
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬:
The Turbine Control System industry's key market players adopt various strategies such as product launches, product development, collaboration, and agreements to influence the market. It includes details about the key players in the market's strengths, product portfolio, market size and share analysis, operational results, and market positioning.
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫 𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞,
• Petrotech • Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG • ABB • Honeywell International Inc. • Woodward, Inc. • Rockwell Automation Inc. • Emerson Electric Co. • General Electric Company • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. • Hitachi
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/press-release/turbine-control-system-market.html
For analysis, the turbine control system market opportunities cover segmentation based on component, function type, end-use industry, and region. The report provides information on various components including sensor, human-machine interface (HMI), controller, and software. Furthermore, the major function types covered in the study include speed, temperature, pressure, and others. Moreover, it outlines the details of the end-use industry such as steam, gas, and others. In addition, it analyzes the current market trends across different regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
Technological advancements in turbine control systems drive the growth of turbine control system market share during the forecast period. advancements in turbine control systems have introduced considerable improvements in efficiency, safety, and environmental impact across industries reliant on mills for power era and propulsion. The integration of digital technology has been a standout development, replacing common analog systems and enabling extra precise and flexible control. Digital control systems, the use of microprocessors and real-time sensors, continually display parameters like temperature, pressure, and speed to optimize turbine operation. This shift toward digital control has resulted in improved performance and reliability.
In December 2021, Mitsubishi Corporation secured a contract to enhance a substantial 1.7GW offshore wind farm in Japan, aiming for completion through 2030, in collaboration with different groups selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) in Japan's inaugural public sale round.
However, the high initial cost of the turbine control system is predicted to hinder the turbine control system market growth during the forecast period. The high initial cost of turbine control systems influences industries such as energy generation and aviation due to their cutting-edge technology, regulatory standards, and specialized components. These systems continuously evolve with advanced sensors and algorithms, growing their complexity and expense. Meeting strict protection and reliability standards in these critical applications necessitates robust, fail-safe components and redundancy, further using up costs. Additionally, the want for specialized, high-quality components such as precision sensors and actuators, capable of withstanding challenging environmental conditions, adds to the overall cost of these systems.
𝐈𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/12003
𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬:
- By component, the sensors segment was the highest revenue contributor to the market in 2022 accounting for one-third of the market share. - By function type, the temperature segment was the highest revenue contributor to the market accounting for almost one-third of the market share representing the growth of 4.2% of CAGR in 2022. - By end-use industry, the steam segment was the highest revenue contributor to the market, accounting for half of the market revenue in 2022. - By region, Asia-Pacific collectively was the highest revenue contributor and fastest-growing region accounting for one-third of the market share, in 2022.
𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲:
𝟏. 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 - https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/geothermal-turbine-market-to-reach-99-5-bn-globally-by-2031-at-4-0-cagr-allied-market-research-301699225.html
𝟐. 𝐆𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 - https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/gas-turbine-service-market-to-reach-32-1-bn-globally-by-2031-at-5-1-cagr-allied-market-research-301608268.html
𝟑. 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 - https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/steam-turbine-market-to-reach-22-4-billion-globally-by-2032-at-2-6-cagr-allied-market-research-301851909.html
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐔𝐬:
Allied Market Research is a top provider of market intelligence that offers reports from leading technology publishers. Our in-depth market assessments in our research reports take into account significant technological advancements in the sector. In addition to other areas of expertise, AMR focuses on the analysis of high-tech systems and advanced production systems. We have a team of experts who compile thorough research reports and actively advise leading businesses to enhance their current procedures. Our experts have a wealth of knowledge on the topics they cover. Also, they use a variety of tools and techniques when gathering and analyzing data, including patented data sources.
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sohannabarberaesque · 8 months
So just picture for yourself, folks:
Sandy and Monica, considering the size of their pet dog Dinky precluding the largest commercially-available size of dog biscuits (large dog such) for just one such, baking their own for Dinky, much to Uncle Dudley's chagrin--oh wait, he's likely been placed in a sanitarium.
Loopy De Loop, for the sake of "going back to his roots" Quebecoise, standing in front of the Giant's Staircase at Hydro-Quebec's Robert Bourassa Generating Station in the James Bay region of northern Quebec--and trying not to look like a fool for all he's tried at being "ze good wolf".
Mildew Wolf, after having some coffee and a cinnamon roll in some roadside diner, overheard remarking: "What's there for a wolf to love about coffee?"
During one of those diving weekends Top Cat's clowder has with the Catalina Diving Clowder on Catalina Island, imagine "Bubbles," leader of the Diving Clowder, guiding TC to an especially wonderful spot off the northern shore of Catalina ... which turns out to be close to where "Bubbles" learned the fascination inherent in diving, as explained to TC. (Which itself could be Fanfic Friday fodder in its own right, no?)
Out on some lake in northern Minnesota, we find The Banana Splits "themselves" on a party pontoon pulling off some improvisation of their musical routine alongside grilling up some kielbasa sausage "for the sake fo sheer curiosity," as Bingo likely explains it.
"Chunky dunking" being the Hair Bears' preferred term for explaining their fondness for swimming and diving naked off Camp Volkswagen during their mating season road trip escapades--in particular the sunrise dive session. Especially considering their size and their ursine characteristics.
Some of the finest fishing the CB Bears ever had being while diving underwater for the most part. Grabbing such with their claws, even.
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afactaday · 9 months
#1076: one of the most peculiar things i found about the comparison between hydro-mentalities is that all the farmers of the tank cascade system agree on their personal views, and the eco-friendly philosophy is shared by all of them. farmers of the surface irrigation system, however, disagreed on the advantages and disadvantages of their system, particularly farmers who had previously worked with TCS but had been migrated to SIS as part of the Mahawela project. stable water sources, higher wages and a lower responsibility are all attracting qualities of the SIS, and things like tools, tractors and insurance is a lot cheaper. but some interviewees seemed in doubt over the philosophy behind it, and there was discourse in the underlying hydro-mentality.
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vermilionvector · 9 months
Genshin Gaming TC
This is based on the earliest leak from 4.4 beta so anything can change in the future.
He's a 4* Pyro Claymore DPS based on Plunging Attack. His multiplier is lower than normal Claymore user, but that's ok, because his main DMG comes from Plunging Attack enabled by his skills.
His E will pounce forward and will end if no enemy is hit. If it hits an enemy, he will jump into the air and will enable a special Plunging Attack. This special Plunging Attack has higher multiplier than normal Plunging Attack and is an AoE Pyro attack. After he does this special PA, he loses HP.
His Q deals an AoE Pyro attack, heals himself, and summon his buddy lion. After his buddy attacks the enemy and return to him, his E is reset. For a duration, he enters a special state. In this state, if his HP is higher than a certain percentage, when he uses E (in either pounce or plunge form), he will be able to summon his buddy lion again. (Unconfirmed: Then after he returns to him, his E will reset again. This state does not end even if he leaves the field. (The text doesn't say anything about having to stay on field like Razor or Cyno's Q. So by default, this state can be maintained even off-field.))
A1 recovers his HP 1s after E plunge hits.
A4 increases Healing Bonus or Pyro DMG Bonus depending on his current HP.
Passive is the same as Dehya (increase movement SPD during the day).
C1 will make him restore his HP when his buddy lion returns.
C2 Increase his ATK for a short duration if healing overflows.
C3 Increase his E level.
C4 Recover energy if E plunge hits.
C5 Increase Q level.
C6 Increase CR/CD/AoE range of E plunge.
The first team comp that comes to mind is Gaming, Xianyun, Zhongli, and Bennett.
Xianyun can enable and buff Plunging Attack, heals and applies VV.
Zhongli for shield and RES shred
Bennett for ATK buff, heals, particle gen, and, if C6, Pyro infusion.
Other substitutes for Zhongli and Bennett are Furina and Kazuha.
Rotation should be Zhongli hE > Bennett E > Xianyun 3EPQ > Bennett EQ > Gaming EQN2/3 then repeat EN2/3 until Q duration ends
Sac Greatsword - Good for double E plunge and ER but lesser DMG.
Fav - Don't
Prototype Archaic - Don't. Doesn't buff Plunging Attack.
Blackcliff Slasher - Great for mobs. OK for bossing.
Serpent Spine - Good if you have a shielder.
Lithic Blade - Good if running Gaming/Xianyun/Zhongli
Katsugiri Nagamasa - Not good because his E plunge is considered Plunging Attack instead of Elemental Skill
Makhaira Aquamarine - Don't
Akuoumarou - While he can benefit from Burst dmg, his main kit is E plunge, so no.
Forest Regalia - No, even running with Dendro.
Mailed Flower - Maybe ok if running with Furina but still not worth it.
Talking Stick - Pyro from Bennett and Hydro from Xingqiu if you replace Zhongli with him. Too troublesome but usable. Pick your poison.
Tidal Shadow - Easiest to use since he has self heal. But not the strongest for sure.
Mega Sword - OK if you need ER but he has middle cost burst so I don't think he needs it that much, esp if you're running with Bennett.
Portable Power Saw - No
Skyward Pride - No
WGS - Good
Song of Broken Pines - His E plunge is Pyro so no.
The Unforged - Good if with Zhongli
Redhorn - Stat stick. Can't benefit from passive at all.
Beacon - While he can upkeep his E easily, the taking DMG part is a bit tricky as HP drain is not taking damage. You cannot run a shielder if using this weapon, so replace Zhongli with Furina or Kazuha. If you can activate both effects, this weapon is good.
Verdict - Stat stick because E plunge is considered Plunging Attack DMG not Elemental Skill DMG.
Weapon TLDR:
Easiest, F2P friendliest, non-reliant on Paimon's shop and non event-exclusive - Tidal Shadow
Paimon shop - Blackcliff Slasher (and F A S H I O N)
BP - Serpent Spine
4* Gacha - Lithic Blade (assuming running Gaming/Xianyun/Zhongli; can even be better than 5* weapons)
5* Gacha - The Unforged if running with shielder, else, Redhorn, WGS or Beacon
Artifact set
Hunter since he can manipulate his HP and can max capped during his setup (1st E reduces HP, A1 increases HP 1s after E, then Q recovers even more HP).
Crimson Witch is also good because he can quickly use E.
Lavawalker is doubtful because he cant apply Pyro that often.
Shimenawa is not good because he needs to Q after E.
Vermilion is ok because he can reduce his HP but there is quite a cooldown between each decrease so he might not benefit from it the most.
If cant find 4-set then Pyro/ATK%+ATK% 2-set is also ok. Main stats are ATK%, Pyro% and CR/CD with ER/CR/CD substats.
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motorsportverso · 1 year
Programação Corridas Dias 11-14/05/2023-Parte 2
03:00-Extreme e-Hydro X-prix-Escocia-Q1-ETAPA 4
09:00-Extreme E-Escocia 2-Q2,Redemption & Final
11:32-Super TC 2000-Rosario-Race 1\Carrera 1
12:00-Super TC 2000-Rosario-Race 2\Carrera 2
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padmavatisteel · 1 year
Stainless Steel 321 Capilary Tube Manufacturers
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sbknews · 1 year
Husqvarna Motorcycles Reveals Its Refined Motocross Line-Up For 2024
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Class-leading FC and TC models enhanced with revised suspension settings and a striking new look. Delivering the very best in pure motocross performance, Husqvarna Motorcycles’ 2024 line-up outperforms its competition. For the new model year, the five proven machines are distinguished by their stunning, Swedish-inspired colour scheme and high-grip seat covers, together with revised suspension settings to further improve the agile handling of each motorcycle. Every model is equipped with the latest technology and electronic advancements, which ensures all riders can race in confidence and to the best of their ability. Setting a high standard for modern day 2-stroke motocross machines, the TC 125 and TC 250 are progressive in design and expertly assembled with the latest technology. Headlining the innovation and found on both models is the Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI), which ensures class-leading power, rideability, enhanced reliability and lower running costs. Complete with an electric starter, the TC 125 and TC 250 are the machines of choice for all serious 2-stroke riders. The 2024 FC 250 and FC 350 are powered by state-of-the-art DOHC 4-stroke engines that are lightweight, powerful and play a vital role in enhancing the overall handling of each machine. Together with the iconic 450cc motocross model, the FC 450, all 4-stroke models feature the latest technology and electronic rider aids.
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Every machine in the motocross line-up is engineered with one goal in mind - to outperform its competition. Expertly assembled with race-tested components for unrivalled performance and reliability, the FC and TC models are equipped with WP Suspension for superior comfort, handling, and straight-line stability. The WP XACT 48 mm front forks and WP XACT rear shock feature new settings for improved cornering agility, with customisation and further fine tuning achieved by using the easy access, tool-free adjusters. Continuing to feature ProTaper handlebars, a Brembo clutch and Dunlop tyres, all TC and FC models are premium racing machines capable of competing at the highest level.
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2024 Technical Highlights: - New grey and yellow graphics create a distinctive look - New high-grip seat cover for improved control under hard acceleration - New suspension settings for improved cornering agility - Bodywork designed with specifically tailored ergonomics for easier movement on the motorcycle - Hydro-formed chromium-molybdenum frames offer enhanced anti-squat behaviour - Die-cast aluminium swingarm provides optimal rigidity and low weight - Throttle body fuel injection on 2-stroke engines ensures class-leading power and rideability - FC 250 and FC 350 DOHC engines deliver class-leading torque and peak power - Quickshifter ensures seamless upshifting on all 4-stroke models - Aluminium-polyamide hybrid subframe construction provides specifically calculated rigidity and advanced durability - WP XACT 48 mm front forks with AER technology offer progressive end-of-stroke damping - WP XACT rear shock design with CFD-optimised main piston and tool-free adjusters - Multifunctional Map Select Switch also activates the Quickshifter, Traction and Launch Control - High-performance Brembo hydraulic clutch system - Premium-quality ProTaper handlebars - Electric starter on all models powered by a lightweight Li-Ion 2.0 Ah battery
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A competition-focused range of Technical Accessories and Apparel accompanies the release of the 2024 motocross machines. For added durability, the Factory Racing Wheels are incredibly strong, with the Factory Racing Triple Clamps offering improved suspension performance and enhanced front wheel feedback. The highlight of the Technical Accessories range and boosting overall performance of all FC machines is undeniably the Akrapovič Evolution Line exhaust system. With multiple components designed to maintain each models’ high performance, the engine, front brake disc, frame, clutch and brake master cylinders can all be comprehensively protected, which allows riders to attack the racetrack in total confidence. Offering comfort, style, and safety, the Apparel Collection ensures riders of all abilities are fully prepared and protected for every ride. Offering a full head-to-toe range that includes riding gear and protective equipment, all items in the Apparel Collection are designed to perfectly compliment Husqvarna Motorcycles’ motocross models.The 2024 motocross range will begin to arrive in authorised Husqvarna Motorcycles dealers in the UK from May 2023. UK pricing soon to be confirmed. For more information on the Husqvarna Motorcycles 2023 Motocross range, click here.
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For more Husqvarna Motorcycles news check out our dedicated page Husqvarna Motorcycles News or head to the official Husqvarna Motorcycles website husqvarna-motorcycles.com/en-gb.html Read the full article
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ronakoverseas · 1 year
SS T/C End Sanitary Cross
SS T/C End Sanitary Cross
What is SS T/C End Sanitary Cross ?
Tri-Clamp Sanitary Fittings provide a safe secure way to connect any food Grade system
. ... Also known as Tri-Clover Sanitary Fittings, these Brewery Fittings and Hardware are widely used in the food and beverage industry particularly in Water treatment, Breweries, Wineries and Dairies.
SS T/C End Sanitary Cross U
sed in different industries
Gas Processing
Off-Shore Oil Drilling Companies
Paper & Pulp Companies
Power Generation
Specialty Chemicals
Water Pipe Line
General Piping
Food Processing & Dairy
boiler & heatexchangers
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Initiatives Undertaken by Leading Corporates Towards Sustainability
Several companies in the industry are already taking significant strides towards improvement by employing innovative technologies to cut down emissions, kicking off decarbonisation efforts, and enabling other sectors to become more sustainable. Many of today’s leading companies in sustainability have stepped up largely as a consequence of a crisis. Examples below:
• Tata Chemicals commissioned a solar photo-voltaic plant to save energy. With an aim to control greenhouse gas emissions, it proposed to establish a 150 kWp grid connected solar photovoltaic power plant on the rooftop terrace of the electrical sub-station 
• Through its HYBRIT (Hydrogen Breakthrough Iron making Technology) initiative, Swedish Steel India has taken up green chemistry/manufacturing initiative, which intends to replace coking coke with hydrogen in the steel manufacturing process by replacing coal with hydrogen. 
• Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Reliance Industries recently announced roadmaps towards reduction in greenhouse gas emissions towards zero. 
• JSW Hydro Energy Limited has raised USD 707 million overseas through the issuance of USD denominated green bonds which are currently listed on the Singaporean Stock Exchange 
• Godrej Locks & Architectural Fittings and Systems at its eco-friendly manufacturing unit in Goa has adopted green chemistry for manufacturing locks. 
Recommendations For Early Adapters 
Industry leaders embarking on their ESG journeys could look at three priorities as a starting point: 
• Formulating an ESG vision and strategy: Companies could review current business practices to understand where they stand and what could be changed. They could then prioritize sustainability drivers that matter most, use this information to formulate a clear ESG vision and communicate it to all stakeholders. 
• Improving decarbonization efforts: Since emissions are a major consideration in the environmental impact of the chemical industry, companies could focus on decarbonization efforts across different levels of emission. 
• Exploring green growth opportunities: They could develop products with a focus on sustainability to meet the needs of today’s environmentally conscious customers. ESG Investing Sustainable finance is generally referred to as the process of considering environmental, social and governance factors when making investment decisions, leading to increased longer-term investments into sustainable economic activities and projects. Its growth has been driven by the desire of investors to have an environmental and social impact, along with the economic performance of investing. This growth is a response to a larger trend which saw many countries around the world to mobilise efforts to contribute to a global improvement. Now finance is taking its active position in trying to implement these concepts in the investing practice. The instrument that was born from this will is the Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rating, from which ESG Investing is developed. 
Investors acknowledge that resolving environmental issues is one of the decade’s most difficult challenges. Hence, flows into ESG funds more than doubled between 2020 and 2021. According to BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, more than eight out of ten sustainable investment funds outperformed non-ESG-based share portfolios. This trend is expected to continue in the following years. 
ESG and sustainable investing are projected to increase at a rapid pace in the future. By 2025, it is expected that around 33% of all global assets under management (not just local) would have ESG mandates.
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Recent surveys indicate that client demand continues to be a catalyst for investment managers’ consideration of sustainability investment metrics in their decision-making processes. At their current growth rate, ESG-mandated assets (defined here as professionally managed assets in which ESG issues are considered in selecting investments or shareholder resolutions are filed on ESG issues at publicly traded companies) are on track to represent half of all professionally managed assets globally by 2024.
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Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) Becoming Key Element for M&A The increasing importance of ESG also has a tangible effect on M&A activities. More than 30% of businesses have witnessed operational consequences from climate change, and in 2019, natural disasters caused an estimated $137 billion worth of losses. M&A can help mitigate risks while capitalizing on opportunities from ESG disruption. Acquisitions and divestments allow businesses to establish the necessary set of assets, skills, and technology. 
ESG deals skyrocketed from $92 billion in the whole of 2020 to $103 billion in only the first half of 2021, burgeoning in energy, industrials, and transport, with numerous significant acquisitions in the consumer, finance, technology, and chemicals sectors. The United States, Germany, and China represented the leading target markets, with important activity in Canada, France, Spain, India, and beyond compared with 2016, three times as many dealmakers are witnessing ESG-augmented exit multiples, with a quarter willing to pay up to 50% more for sustainable assets, presenting a risk of overpayment. 
This sentiment is further reinforced by market data, which found that in the first nine months of 2021, there were 798 M&A deals considered “sustainable” by data provider Refinitiv, representing a 44% year-over-year increase.
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M&A opportunities include methodically capturing sustainable and ethical value across deals, such as transforming middling ESG performers into disruptors. Government energy tax credits and incentives may also render these difficult prospects viable. Due diligence can look to understand the dangers and opportunities around resources, work conditions, waste, energy, and market access, all of which can be managed through careful integration and value creation. 
Concluding Thoughts It is an absolute urgency that we make conscious efforts to make our business environment sustainable not only for the planet and for the future of humankind but also for the midterm survival of the companies and their cash flows. The management must assess which factors are most material for their companies and to determine how best to move forward. The next steps will likely be informed by their individual strengths and opportunities to create advantageous leadership positions that will drive sustainable growth and generate future cash flow.
Just like other industry players, Pantomath has also started connecting to global innovations
and technologies, and making sustainability a prime focus.
Tags: pantomath nse, pantomath nse news, pantomath nse india.
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brightorangerain · 6 years
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Common vocabulary words related to Spina Bifida and what they mean. #spinabifida #words #vocabulary #sb #ntd #neuraltubedefects #hydro #hydrocephalus #sba #spinabifidaassociation #hkafos #kafos #afos #pcp #primarycarephysician #ns #neurosurgeon #uti #urinarytractinfection #tc #tetheredcord #iep #individualizededucationplan #IDEA #sec504 #ef #executivefunctioning #nvld #nonverballearningdisorder #nonverballearningdisability #ada #americanswithdisabilitiesact https://www.instagram.com/brightorangerain/p/Bu0kbleBCe_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l3cf24brw716
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afactaday · 9 months
#1069: one of the key elements of the hydro-mentality of the Sri Lankan tank-cascade system is the closeness to the water source. emotionally, that is. the farmers see the water the whole way down, from the sky, through the tanks they built, through the channels they built, through the fields they ploughed. on the flip side, people in industrialised or urbanised areas only see the water come out of the tap, and their view towards water is more like a "resource", and they fail to see the fact that water is part of a larger environment and a larger cycle.
the TCS evolved in Sri Lanka under the influence of Buddhism, so the hydro-mentality has also been shaped by Buddhist teachings, which is also where the idea of Pratītyasamutpāda i talked about earlier comes in. traditionally, the local Buddhist monks play a role in the water management of a village as much as the farmers.
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Work derp pt?
So we have an absolutely retarded ass rule at work now.
Nothing from the tool crib unless a manager gets it.
Managers leave at 330-4pm.
2nd & 3rd shift can basically get fucked.
7s, and 8 & 9.
Fuck. Me.
7s are used on both my parts from 8 and parts from another line so 2x as many 7s as my line makes.
So, break an insert in p2 at start of shift. 48/150 cuts. Melts insert, clamp and shim together. Great.
Go to boss. Hand mangled mess. Breaks off the one mangled bit, hands it back to me. G has gone home already (it's not even 3 yet), so we have to make do.
Go ahead and run with the other side.
Kay. Whatever you say boss.
Fix that, deal with 9.
Empty 8, do 8 tc, do 9 tc, empty both, fill 9, fill 8 get ready to go to lunch. As I leave..."where are you going?" "Lunch? Why?"
You have a red light, go fix that then go to lunch.
Fine. Go back to fix red light. P1...no...please no. I hoped for a broken drill because we have those. No, blown insert and shim is mangled beyond hope. Go tell boss, bsos again scrambles to find a usable replacement. 'Can I please go to lunch now? - it was going on 730. Aren't you going to finish fixing your lines?
So I got made to skip lunch because by the time he found something usable(?) to replace the shim with, it was 30 minutes later and things needed emptied, filled and 9 needed a tool change.
No breaks. No lunch. No, this isn't a violation of jack shit. Neither OSHA nor INOSHA care, as businesses are not required to give breaks or lunch except for certain conditions.
End up chasing one fire after another all night. Muster up to beating 3rds totals off the end. Don't fucking care. Hand in paper so. Boss asks what happened. "Nothing from crib except on managers say so." And I turned the fuck around and went back to my line. Because 3rd was going to come in and yell at me too. And right on schedule she tried to chew my ass because insert life was all over the place, but all oil, coolant and hydro were filled, all chip mins dumped, all my parts in a new basket. So I glared at here, when she started to bitch.
"Ya know, for as good as I leave you 90% of the time, I could just go to HR and demand they move Lindsey back over here and put me back on North. Today was shit. The list is on the whiteboard. I'm done. I've had no food, no meds, no hydration and zero time off the line to so much as pee. Now, kindly move so I can get my shit and go home before I snap. If you have a problem, take it up with B."
$1-2 shims cost $160 in scrap, plus the 2 boxes of inserts we burned through in 8 hours that should've lasted 6,000 cuts, but barely made it to 170. Plus downtime I spent unfucking shit when I could've been pushing the end.
I so wish I could drink right now.
Now I'm 8 hours late on all my meds, but I can't sleep if I don't take them.
At least I have a snuggly cat.
Gives me shim with all 3 edges broken, use this til I can find something better.
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