#tcf no spoilers
blueteller · 4 months
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Classic Clown-To-Clown Communication
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m3-kk · 4 months
So when I first got into the fantastic life of unlucky Cale Henituse, i started with the manhwa. Then after reading that I was like “Damn why’s it kinda good, he’s hot” and started reading the novel and so forth. Rn I’m rereading the manhwa and WHY DID THE ARTISTS GIVE US SO MUCH FAN SERVICE ON THE FIRST. FUCKING. CHAPTER! I’m not mad, But WOW! Is that allowed..? They gave us bare ab, arm, back, leg, etc shots. I’m fanning my face oo Cale got me actin like a lil girl. WOAAAHHH NICE ARMS DUDE 👍
Damn sharty
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messy-haired-bum · 2 months
“Hey Dongsaeng, do you by chance want to be the Prime Minister?” “…….” Cale looked at Alberu with a gaze that made it seem as if he truly had been wronged. It was Alberu’s turn to flinch. Cale’s complexion looked good since his return from the Central Plains, but seeing this extremely hurt gaze tugged at his heart. “…That was so mean of me.” Alberu apologized and Cale happily accepted it. “Yes, your highness. That was too much.”
- Part 2 - ch 208
The unholy laughter I let out at this ahahahahahahahaha
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penguin-stars · 13 days
I just love the temple trials because they bring out the wildest scenarios: *Choi Han wakes up as an Office Worker in modern Korea*: What is an "e-mail"? when you say "click" on the tab you mean...?
*Cale, leaving the palace after turning it into utter chaos*: Today was a good day :)
*Clopeh after seeing that Cale, once again saved the world*: And I wasn't there to witness it???
*The Black Dragon after being freed from the mana chains*: I'm going to blow this place up! *Cale, realizing that that includes him*: Heck yeah! Blow us up! *everyone in the room*: ???
Choi Jung Gun to Cale: "Don't worry, I don't plan on you getting hurt." *Gets them into a traffic accident*
Cale: "I'm going to defeat the White Star with the power of friendship and this pebble that I just picked up! I may also beat up a god with it too while I'm at it."
*Choi Han, a random stranger taking kid KRS to his house to feed him*: You shouldn't go around following random strangers to their houses!!
*Kid KRS*: ...Ok....
*Cale, after realizing that CJG used him to lure the hunters away from CJS*:
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*Also Cale*: Understandable, have a shit day
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ciancy-an · 2 months
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Well, let us celebrate the second time Cale broke his plate. Haven’t we all been anticipating for this moment? 😶😶😶😶
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somber-cryptid · 30 days
need beacrox to have a dream about being the cook at the restaurant where kim rok soo was a part timer
to keep having dreams about this skinny teenager that reminds him so much of someone he knows
this orphan that lives such a lonely life but shows up to work on time always and does his duties diligently despite how weak he looks
he never buys or brings any food with him to work either. so he starts just feeding the kid, 'kim rok soo' whenever he can. sends him home with leftovers and makes him eat during his breaks
in return kim rok soo starts helping him out in the kitchen. he's not amazing, but he learns fast and soon enough he's able to pick up a few kitchen shifts
beacrox notices the kid studying between customers one day and asks what he wants to do
kid tells him without hesitation, not looking up from his studies
'I wanna be a slacker'
and it makes becroix laugh. because he immediately thinks of a certain young master who claims he wants to be a slacker while working himself to death as well
the dream ends when that world itself seems to end, the restaurant itself being crushed
the ending point is specifically when he pushes that scrawny kid out of the way from the roof caving in
he gets the funniest feeling seeing that kid again, just a little older, replacing his young master when he joins him on a trip to another world
the funniest
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shrimpfriedeggs · 5 months
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wandering-tides · 4 months
Cale-Wannabe-A-Slacker-Henituse snitching to his grandpa, acting like a grade schooler be like:
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birb-catto · 2 months
I love the wholesomeness of this fandom
Cale sacrificing himself:
DHB sacrificing himself:
TCF fandom: NOOOOOO baby don't die 😭
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mewritingblog · 1 year
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blueteller · 1 year
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m3-kk · 5 months
AHHHHH I’m so dumb lol! I’ve read about 800 chapters of TCF, BUT I JUST FIGURED OUT “Roan” and “Raon” WERE SPELT DIFFERENT???
Why am I like this????
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iikisa · 2 months
the house is white and the lawn is dead
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alicehattera03 · 10 months
Cale being genuinely kind and wanting what is best for himself and for the people he cherishes as friends, family and loved ones, but I want him to unleash hell on those that are his enemies. Let him hunt them down callously, sending hounds after them for they are not worthy of being a dragon's prey- and let them witness their last moments alive by promising to hand deliver their remains to their families.
In the end, he doesn't even keep that promise of his. They shouldn't have dared to trust him.
Leaning his cheek on the palm of his hand, he watches them breathe their last and whispers low and sweet in their ears, "I changed my mind. What better gift to give your family, than the bright hope that you may still be alive somewhere? Let them wait... until they forget."
He keeps watch over them as they claw desperately in the dirt, tears spilling over, cursing him as blood-filled spittle runs down their chin before failing to move again. "You shouldn't have crossed paths with me. I don't enjoy doing this, but people like you never learn, so I always have to do this the hard way."
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sweetnsourhearts · 25 days
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Cale’s such a good dad, I mean, when the guy who famously says he never wants to take on any responsibilities ever admits he would do so to protect the children? Aughhh
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somber-cryptid · 26 days
Kim Rok Soo learning to cook at a really young age.
Like. Five or six. When there was nothing ready to eat in his uncle's cabinets that he could find. The milk had gone bad, and the only other thing in the fridge was an egg or two.
His uncle hadn't been back for two days, and he preferred it that way. He could wash his own clothes in the sink and hang them to dry by the window. Get up for school by himself, dress himself, and walk to school by himself. The only issue was food.
He got food at school for free. That was the best food in Kim Rok Soo's opinion. Food he did not have to risk asking his uncle for. His teachers even praised him for eating all of his side dishes when his classmates were picky about theirs. Being picky was something that you needed money for.
Kim Rok Soo didn't have any money. If he did, then his uncle probably took it with him. When he was older, he'd get a bunch of money and share it with everyone but his uncle. That would be a while, though, and he was hungry now.
Yesterday, he'd eaten the last slice of bread in the entire apartment (he'd checked everywhere, even his uncle's room.) It'd been moldy, but as his uncle often said, 'beggars can't be choosers.' Kim Rok Soo now missed the bread he'd had to pick little blue spots off of. He should've eaten the spots, too. Maybe then he wouldn't be as hungry as he was right now.
Now he stood in front of the fridge (careful not to open it, his uncle got mad if kim rok soo ran up the electricity bill) thinking hard about the egg sitting inside of it. What if his uncle got home and wanted the egg? Then what? Get hit a lot just because Kim Rok Soo couldn't wait until the next day? It wasn't even the weekend yet.
Kim Rok Soo still ended up opening the fridge and holding the egg in his hand. He could crack it open over a cup and slurp it down. Kim Rok Soo didn't want to take such a risk for something he couldn't even chew though.
So he decided to cook it. He'd seen it in books, television, and even in person when his uncle was still nice to him. If he could do the rest by himself, he could do this by himself, too.
Kim Rok Soo gathered his supplies (a stool to stand on, a pan, and his uncle's egg) and stood in front of the stove. Remembering what cooking an egg looked like, he cracked his egg on the counter and emptied the inside onto the pan. A few eggshells fell in, but Kim Rok Soo just picked them out like he did the blue spots in the bread.
He knew which knob to use to turn the stove on, but he didn't know how much. So he decided to turn it halfway and left it on medium.
Kim Rok Soo stood there for what he felt was an eternity just watching his uncle's egg. Then the edges started to turn white, and he felt a little thrill. His stomach grumbled in anticipation. The pan kept getting hotter, and eventually, Kim Rok Soo couldn't see the pan through the egg anymore. As far as Kim Rok Soo knew, the egg was done.
A very smart child, Kim Rok Soo made sure to turn off the stove. His uncle had left it on before and blamed him for it, so Kim Rok Soo couldn't forget how important it was.
He put his plate on the table and then tried to flip the pan over so the egg would come out. The yolk hit the side of his plate, but the rest of his egg didn't budge. Kim Rok Soo frowned.
What the hell? It never ended up that way for anybody else. He'd just have to ask the auntie downstairs about it. She'd taught him how to fold his shirts too.
In the end, Kim Rok Soo found a spoon and scraped the rest of the egg into his plate.
It was pretty good, or at least Kim Rok Soo thought so. He was still hungry afterwards, but not as hungry. The entire process left him feeling satisfied. Another thing he could do on his own. Soon enough, he'd be able to live on his own and never see his uncle again.
Thinking about it, he'd have to get a job too, wouldn't he? You had to earn your meals after all.
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