#tdp suffering
imminent-danger-came · 2 months
Finished s6
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httyddragonfox · 2 months
Dragon Prince season 6 surprises
I just finished the season today! I was so right about what tone it would have. Of course there were things I never expected, really shocked me out of the water there.
1: Rayllum reforges! I wanted it, I could guess it might happen seeing as they were on a journey alone again, but it still was a pleasant surprise. Hopefully they don't split up again, ...(also, please have nothing break them apart!)
2: Only some of the three parents get revived. I didn't expect one of the stones to be swapped out. Dang it Aaravos! Why can't anything go swimmingly for these two.
3: Callum taking the decoy with him! Callum is usually so aware when he gets controlled, the fact it happened without his knowledge. I thought Aaravos would want what was at the Star scraper, but then again he has all the star power he needs.
4: Viren surviving...and then Dying. I was surprised when he was alive, then again the homunculous wasn't around in the trailers and Claudia was covered in blood, but I thought she killed it out of frustration or something. How would she have found out about the "Blood of child" thing? So of course I didn't see him go back to Katolis, interact with Soren again, and explain his backstory. I figured we'd learn it, but he wouldn't be around...as weird as that logic is. Then Viren sacrificed himself to save everyone as his final act of redemption. Seeing him alive was already a shock, I didn't expect to see him die...for real.
5: Callum purging the darkness from himself. I knew Callum was going to be tested of some sort, but I thought that was how he was going to get the crown. I honestly thought the darkness within him would come back to him in a more dramatic way. Maybe it still will, they did hint that any more darkness will corrupt him entirely, and the next season is called 'Dark.' It was sweet that the light that saved him was Rayla, and allowed them to get back together.
6: Finding out what the key is for. I honestly thought we'd find out in season 7, or that the key would release him. Then again it was around when Aaravos wasn't imprisoned, and it's his key... who knew it was for a magic book this whole time. That better be some special book.
7:Using the Moon nexus again: Here I thought Lujanne thought it shouldn't be used. She grew lenient in two years. Also I didn't think we'd be seeing her and Allan.
8: KATOLLIS IS DESTROYED! That never happened in any of my theories! Dang, Aaravos doesn't play around. Speaking of...
9: Aaravos hates Sol Regum. I knew he got rid of Adititi, but that was probably just to cause Chaos. I didn't know it was personal with the Sun dragon. Also, such a surprise Sol Regum had a mate...which he killed.
Now the big one...
10: AARAVOS HAD A DAUGHTER NAMED LEOLA AND SHE WAS THE UNICORN THAT GIFTED HUMANITY WITH MAGIC!!! I had insights...but never the full picture. The short stories made it seem like he didn't like the other startouch elves, that he disagreed with them. I figured, "He must like Humanity much more than them." Second short story, there was a fallen star, given his name, I thought it was him. I thought they banished him for some reason. The opening of the first episode, I'm thinking maybe he was just banished. The merciful one shows up and says "We are all stardust held together by love for an instant." That makes me think somebody died. I learned in season 5 about Leola and her 'last wish.' Maybe he was crying over her death and how unjust it was. Never....did I put together that she was his daughter. I never saw Aaravos as a dad, seeing how cruel he can be to people and how silly he acts at times. Also I didn't think the Startouch elves had families. That was a real wringer for me, but the real heartwrencher...
11: They showed a child dying on screen! They showed how scared she was, they showed the love they had for each other, how heartbroken he was, how horrifying the death was! They didn't shy away at all. Darn you creators! Why do have to make me cry!
Much more intense a season, more mature themes, more blood, more death! What's the next season going to be like?!
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cosmicpoutine · 7 months
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My love mine all mine by Mistki
this song feels like a moonshadow elf's last prayer, so i made this. yeah, he didn't die, but ethari doesn't know. also, i swear mitski wrote this about them.
EDIT: had to fix a few mistakes lol sorry yall
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celestialowlryx · 2 months
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wylldebee · 2 months
Hahaha what if the Key of Aaravos was actually one of Leola's toys or something Aaravos used to teach her about the Primal Sources, and Aaravos made it his key to his book because it's one of the most important things to him because it was Leola's. Wouldn't that be something haha...ha...
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I would love to see Ethari, well-traveled and kitted for his long journey from the Silvergrove, galloping up to Runaan all heroically, bounding off of his shadowpaw mount, and hurling himself into his husband's arms before sweeping Runaan off his feet with a dipping kiss
but you know what would be funnier
Ethari dropping things off his saddle and Tethu growling at him to go back for them, Ethari uncertain where to camp at night, Ethari unable to sleep out in the wild, Ethari lost as fuck and reorienting every five minutes with his cool magic Runaan-pointing compass, Ethari getting into weird unlikely scrapes on his journey and too focused to stop and clean himself up, Ethari emerging from the treeline like a cryptid and staggering off his mount exhausted and starving with hay and like three adoraburrs in his hair who refused to abandon him because he clearly needed help, stumbling into Runaan's arms and tripping into a mud puddle and ugly crying because thank the MOON he's found his competent ranger husband and now he can safely get back home again in one piece without a nervous breakdown
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i hope you all are as excited as me because next season is 9 episodes including rayllum both extremely madly in love and dating
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starry-skies-writes · 2 months
“The failed son, whose father wishes he’d never been born.”
Now Aaravos said he never lies. So there are two possibilities:
He’s lying here, or he’s NOT.
If he’s lying (which would be annoying considering his whole ‘truth’ thing is cool) then that’s kinda relieving?
But if he was telling the truth— Viren wtf.
(If it’s true then Viren probably only felt that way until s5 maybe, but STILL.)
Soren could still have those words echoing in his head, and he never got to know the truth Viren was going to tell him. He’ll forever believe what Aaravos told him cause it lines up with everything in his life (except Viren’s last act to save Katolis).
Who knows, maybe Soren thinks differently now. After all, Viren was ready to sacrifice Soren before, whether for an egg or for the army. But then he up and went used his own heart instead of his son’s. So.
Ugh it’s just SAD ok. Soren is too good for this.
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tategaminu · 5 months
we are getting rayllum back together in season 6 but at what cost?
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chubis · 1 year
A dying breath...
A unicorn horn...
Blood filled with hatred...
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imminent-danger-came · 2 months
Me watching Soren scream in 6x05
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thrandilf · 2 months
Aaravos seems so far gone that I Doubt any kind of happiness/coming back/restoration is in his future because after Viren killing himself (a choice I do agree with for thematic reasons) I can't get my hopes up about Aaravos
but if he did I feel like it'd be Aaravos's turn to go up to the Starscraper and purify his own blackened star by seeing Leola just one last time, as his deep truth/the best part of him, and idk that makes me wanna cry
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seekingskywhales · 2 months
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Bonk bonk give me your stuff
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ladynoirzeddison123 · 2 months
Dad’s Season 7 Theory
So my dad just came back from a few weeks abroad which meant we finally binged the new season together. Anyway… as we reached the end of the last episode he had a thought that I found pretty interesting so I thought I’d share.
Runnan has been released from the coin as we know, meaning there’s still one Quasar diamond in Callum’s possession. My dad noticed that when Runnan was freed his previously occupied coin it became empty (obviously) and that Callum picked it up to look at it. Now this can easily be framed as simple curiosity, but perhaps also foreshadowing? My dad’s thought here is, since Aaravos cannot be killed, and hence needs to be trapped, will Callum end up performing the coin entrapment spell on Aaravos? Instead of doing it the dark magic way he’d use the last Quasar diamond to trap him, almost like a reverse release spell?
It seems like an interesting thought and would be a pretty rounded conclusion to Callum’s arc, he would keep his promise of not using dark magic, we would see the final diamond be used, and trapping Aaravos in a coin would parallel Viren trapping others for his own gain, while Callum would have trapped someone to not only save the world but also assure himself that he is free from the threat and influence of Aaravos (seeing as he is absolutely going to spiral once he finds out Aaravos is free and he didn’t take the real Pearl).
Yeah anyway this is why I like watching shows with him we always end up having interesting discussions.
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theitalianmafia · 2 months
Because I love pain, here's another What If:
What if Ethari started dating someone else since he thought Runaan was dead? It's been two years.
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theoakleafpancake · 2 months
Am I the only one who still absolutely hates Aaravos, even with the new season?
(Spoilers in tags)
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