#te ep6
greedandenby · 3 months
Transcript of the French dialogue in IWTV S2 Ep6 - Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before He Made Light 
Attack at Madeleine’s shop:
[The song the attackers are singing here is the "Chant des Girondins", which was the short-lived French national anthem under the Second Republic (1848-1852). Here are the lyrics sung in this portion of the show:
"La France appelle ses enfants, – Allons dit le soldat, aux armes ! C’est ma mère, je la défends.
Mourir pour la Patrie"
Which translates to:
"France calls to its children,
- Come, says the soldier, to arms!
She is my mother, so I shall defend her.
To die for the motherland"]
Woman attacker: Bonsoir, Madame Éparvier !
Madeleine: Allez-y ! Faites vos dessins très ingénieux !
Bald attacker: Arrête de les laver et on arrête de revenir, hein !
Woman attacker: On l’a ! On l’a, la pute !... Madeleine est pas bien, elle a attaqué, t’as vu ?... Crie tout ce que tu veux, hein. Tes voisins s’en fichent.
Madeleine: Arrête ! Non !
Bald attacker: On va voir ce qu’elle a donné à l’Allemand !
Madeleine: Tu suces du sang… T’es un v…
Armand and Madeleine discuss her turning:
Armand: Tu aimerais être l’une des nôtres ?
Madeleine: Non, je veux être avec elle. Et toi, tu peux aller te faire foutre.
Armand: They always think they’re different. Stronger. Superior. Jusqu’à ce que la solitude arrive.
Madeleine: Monsieur, ça fait longtemps que je suis toute seule.
Armand: Tu seras un monstre.
Madeleine: Si tu fais de moi un monstre, tu feras que me transformer en ce que je suis déjà.
Armand: Tu vas manger des humains comme tu manges ta pomme ? Un par nuit, aucune pitié pour l’enfant, la mère, l’invalide ?
Madeleine: Je suis un humain et j’aime ma nourriture. Quand je serai un vampire, est-ce que j’aimerai ma nourriture ?
Armand: Comment choisiras-tu qui tuer ?
Madeleine: Je tuerai sur les bords. Les faibles d’abord, et occasionnellement je me livrerai à mes appétits.
Armand: Et quand les derniers vestiges de ton époque auront disparu ? Les voitures, les coiffures, les croyances ? Comment continueras-tu ?
Madeleine: Jeune homme… There’s been a war. Claudia! He thinks there’s something left of my era!... Mais quel con ! [not captioned, but she’s basically calling Armand a dumbass.]
Armand: Comment vas-tu survivre à l’éternité ?
Madeleine: L’homme qui vivait en face… La Gestapo est venue le chercher. On a entendu un coup de feu quand la voiture a tourné au coin de la rue. Et la femme qui habitait plus bas, elle est morte de faim dans sa chambre. Elle portait des vêtements très chics. Elle devenait de plus en plus maigre jusqu’à ce qu’un jour, je regarde par sa porte et elle était là, un squelette dans des vêtements chics. Parfois, je le voyais dans leurs yeux, quand ils étaient sur le point d’abandonner. Et moi, j’ai survécu. Moi, j’ai suivi mes instincts. J’ai trouvé l’amour dont j’avais besoin, même quand c’était un amour dangereux. And I have again.
Armand: Et que feras-tu dans quelques décennies quand elle se jettera dans le feu ? Parce qu’elle le fera.
Madeleine: Peut-être qu’elle le fera pas. T’en sais rien. Peut-être que je suis ce dont elle a besoin pour survivre.
Louis and Armand at the Sacré-Cœur:
Okay, this is a subtle one.
While Loumand kiss on the steps of the Sacré-Cœur, you can hear a man taunting them in the background.
He says: "Hé ! Mais vas-y hé ! Mais suce-le, tant que t’y es ! Sale pédé !"
Which translates to: "Hey! Well go on then! Why don’t you suck him off while you’re at it! Fucking faggots!"
This explains why Louis turns his head around for a second after kissing Armand...
Madeleine’s turning:
Madeleine: J’arrive pas à croire que mon dernier verre de vin soit un Chardonnay. J’aurais dû en prévoir plus.
Madeleine: La pièce tourne…
That's it for this episode! See you in a week for the next one!
Ep. 2 here
Ep. 3 here
Ep. 4 here
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owarinaki · 10 months
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My Lawyer is Not So Easy | Uchi no Bengoshi wa Te ga Kakaru (2023) EP6 Guest : Tsuda Kenjiro recap 2/2 END
part 1
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soy-koi · 1 year
Stop saying a character is out of character because they do something you dislike.
I personally don't think Aziraphale was at all out of character in the final fifteen mins of ep6. In his mind, he is not rejoining heaven, he is merely te building it.
Is this out of character for optimistic Aziraphale?
"But what about him leaving crowley?!?"
I also think that he is going to prove to Crowley that he can fix it. And then Crowley will come back up! And, remember, he was going to say no until Metatron confirmed that Crowley could be an angel again.
Is this out of character for loving Aziraphale?
Yes, it's frustrating, but Aziraphale is doing what he thinks is best. Pent-up love for 6000 years, you can't expect it to just work out. That's boring as fuck.
(Also, no, im not a bloody coffee theorist.)
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adidegmez · 2 months
spn s11 spoilers
s11 ep1(out of the darkness, into the fire)
crowley isnt dead he cant be. yes he is still alive. old dean is back. i love him he might be tough but he is sweet carina and kind and funny… sam is sick. baby has the mark!!and the darkness which makes sense.
s11 ep2(form and void)
A demon(king of hell) came for exorcism, perfect. poor jenna i liked her. im glad sam find the cure. cas will be better, hopefully.
s11 ep3(the bad seed)
Rowena is very short compared to Sam. Actually, everyone is much shorter than Sam, but I don't know, the height difference between the two is too much. Next to Sam, I would be like Rowena. he is too tall. Cas survived, finally.
s11 ep4(baby)
baby. baby is their home. baby is their happy place. i love seeing them happy. i needed seeing them happy, it was nice. john! werepire, i love dean so much. i would want to ride baby. if dean knew what she did he couldve killed her. this ep made me feel like i was with them in the baby. He shot the sheriff's deputy. ghoulpire:). The baby suffered as much as Dean and Sam. i thought we would see Chuck.
s11 ep5(thin lizzie)
finn wolfhard. I've never seen anything with him in it before but I know he's in Stanger Things and Ghostbusters. I didn't know we'd see him here. Len is a good guy. what happened to crowley?
s11 ep6(our little world)
cowley became an uncle but he acts like a father. dean and crowley they were bff's(in crowleys eyes). i hope they could still be friends. why didnt sam kill demons?
s11 ep7(plush)
i love donna. Sam is right to be afraid of clowns, by the way. is Charlie really dead? i still cant believe she is dead.
s11 ep8(just my imagination)
i knew about sully (because i saw spoilers,again). i thought this ep was going to be funny. and dean blames himself, again. dean is the best big brother. i kmow sam is dealing with something but all i can think about is dean. lucifer is coming, god isnt. The boys never found complete peace. They probably won't be able to access it until they die. I really want them to be happy but it seems impossible. Sometimes they have small happiness but it is not enough.
s11 ep9(o brother where art thou?)
amara finally became the darkness. if lucifer is in the cage where is michael/adam. hi luci. lucifer might be the most terrifying thing in this Show(especially in this episode). Dean should go to Sam as soon as possible. Did Rowena cast the spell wrong on purpose? Dean has to be there if Sam is going to say yes to Lucifer. If God comes, he will deserve every bad thing that happens to him. How many times was the world destroyed? He did not interfere with anything. he still doesn't interfere. Amara may be a little right, her brother betrayed her after all. Of course, there are parts where Lucifer is right. It's better if he doesn't come from now on. Where and what was he doing all this time?
s11 ep10(the devil in the details)
voicemail was funny. well, lucifer is not that terrifying now. but in cage he was. im not sure the darkness is the bad guy. i knew cas would be the vessel to lucifer someday but i didnt know it was today. wow. cas will be back(hopefully). rowena is dead im not upset. she really hates crowley. i hope lucifer can beat the darkness.
s11 ep11(into te mystic)
They had an deal but never followed it. But once Sam complied. Why? I still can't understand this. Dean was in purgatory. If he was in heaven, I would understand, sam would say Dean is in a good place and leave it, but Dean was in purgatory and suffered a lot. Why didn't Sam save him? dean is the vulnerable one. the darkness threw him off balance. and cas(lucifer) misha is so good. and jensen and dean he is georgeous. I can't take my eyes off him, most of the time I just look at Dean in every scene he is in. There are 4 seasons left and I want to see as much of him as possible.
s11 ep12(don't you forget about me)
jody and alex they deserved to be happy and they found eachother and now they are happy. and claire. dean and his love for food. claire is like a sister to winchesters, they are hilarious together. I miss the old plate, I still can't get used to the new one. I can't even say it's new anymore, but KAZ 2Y5 was different, idk. It was used for about 2 seasons, but I liked it more.
s11 ep13(love hurts)
dean has a death wish. what is he doing. why is he risking his life for others? well thats because this is who he is. still i want him safe. i didnt think dean would tell the truth to sam.
s11 ep14(the vessel)
i still cant believe Charlie is dead. misha is amazing. im scared. lucifer makes me anxious. well, at leat they kearned about lucifer. boys went through so much they still suffer, when can we just see them happy? i want cas back.
s11 ep15(beyond the mat)
dean was deppesed at the home but when he is on case, he is in a completely different mode. he sure knows how to hide his feelings. he does this perfect. Still, it makes me happy to see him happy. i love dean so much. sometimes he acts like a little boy(These scenes are one of my favorite scenes). i dont trust the demon who helped crowley. im glad he is out but i think lucifer wanted him out. did crowley really believed her? he looks disappointed. well, in the end he got away. dean:). The good characters on this show have all done something bad at least at some point in their lives. but they always tried to fix it. And that's what I love about this show.
s11 ep16(safe house)
i missed the old guys(They'd definitely be mad at me if they heard me call them old). i loved them so much. Why did the woman hide the scar on her daughter's leg and didn't tell the Winchesters? its really nice to see bobby and rufus again. dean is bobby, and sam is rufus it fits. sam and dean, of course they are bobby's boys. Dean was very confident that he would win rock paper scissors. but he still lost. Both of their facial expressions were perfect. dean is soft with kids. I love this side of him so much. i know winchesters will be safe, they'll beat the monsters but what if they cant this time. I assume bobby and dean saw each other since they were out of time in the nest. I'm glad bobby and dean were able to see each other again.
s11 ep17(red meat)
When we jumped to 48 hours ago, I thought we would only continue with that time. This time they chose a different narrative style. and i liked it. im gonna kill corbin. he killed sam. he cant be dead i know but still he killed him, well mabe he is dead, but he will come back. they always do. sheriff shot dean. sam how are you alive? i knew he wouldnt die that easy but dean checked he thought he was dead. how is he alive? i thought dean would try to contact crowley or even lucifer. wow sam was amazing. He killed 3 werewolves despite being seriously injured. and ran. dean didnt talked about billie because he knew sam would kill him for that. winchesters really do anything for the other one(exvcept one time sam didnt and i really cant undertstand why).
s11 ep18(hell's angel)
Why did Crowley kill that man? ruth conell! i knew we would see rowena again. but she is with the darkness. misha is amazing. lucifer is funny. Jimmy carries a demon, an angel and the devil inside him. he is really strong. of course you'll bring cas home. he'll come back. he has to.
s11 ep19(the chitters)
i thought jessie saved his brother in 19.. . at first i thought they were dean and sam. i think dean thought about john. when he was talking about revenge. I have many things to say about John, but I'm lazy right now. I can only say that I still don't hate John right now, I see that people in the fandom hate him a lot. revenge broke him. But he still tried to do good things for Dean and Sam. Most of the time he couldn't make it happen, but he tried and wanted it to happen. And I think that's enough not to hate him for now at least.
s11 ep20(don't call me shurley)
hi Chuck:) . i knew he would be god someday. but i don't know if he was God from the beginning or if God took his body in later times. i thought he would come in later seasons. i didnt think he would come this season. He spills beer on his shirt and irons it. perfect dean, perfect. metatron was good then power corrupted him. now whe is trying to convince god to save people. he is right. i think i like him more than chuck(god). Was Chuck just an act from the beginning? This is what I can understand from here. Metatron defends humanity. I guess he always loved humanity. especially their work. Was Sam having the amulet from the beginning?!! i dont know what to think about chuck. He could have done so much, he could have prevented so many bad things, but he didn't. only now intervened When there is no hope left. and again dean and sam was suffering. they almost died again. i think metatron saved the earth.
s11 ep21(all in the family)
kevin!!!!! the pain in deans eyes… donnt cofuse me with your dad … at least john winchester tried to protect his kids. Chuck did nothing and He still wouldn't have done anything if it wasn't for Metatron. He would let everything disappear. Did Chuck's hand shake when Sam was talking about Amara fog, or was it just me? yes, the mutant Ninja turtle:). i love dean so much. i know i say this a lot but these scenes make me so happy. I wish Dean treated Chuck the way Percy Jackson treated Zeus. There is Poseidon to protect Percy, but no one can save Dean from Chuck (except Amara, but Dean prefers Chuck to Amara), so he tries to show respect. rip metatron. he sacrificed himself for the universe. i knew Chuck would save them. Because who else could save them? father son Reunion.
s11 ep22(we happy few)
Chuck and lucifer I can't stop laughing. Chuck know his son well. boys dont know what to do. I think the Winchesters are reviewing their lives right now. From simple monster hunting, they fell into the middle of the drama between God and Lucifer. lucifer is a teenager. Of course, Crowley is trying to take advantage of the situation. Chuck is acting like a mom. The apology scene is so good, especially the part where Dean and Sam explain the apology is my favorite. lucifer is happy now. he got his apology. Of course Sam is trying to sacrifice himself. It was going to be either Dean or Sam anyway, but since Amara and Dean had a bond, this job was left to Sam. i dont think ucifer s permanently dead. he'll retur probably. did she just kill god?! what happened to crowley? Did he only hit Amara once? i cant think anyone that could save them now.
s11 ep23(alpha and omega)
carry on gains more and more meaning every season. i love it so much. cas is back! cas is their brother and i like it. Did only the Man of Letter members in America die? Are there still other members in other countries? Dean's imitation of Rowena was very good and funny. amara is just confused. her brother betrayed her because of who she is. this really feels like the end. i know its not but still it was never like this. this Show is always about family, especially siblings. there is always dean and sam then Michael and lucifer now god and the darkness. its really beautiful. i like this ending. i knew mary was coming back(i saw spoilers, again) and i know that this isnt good. she should've stayed dead(like dean and sam remebered her). sam isnt dead. he cant be. Charlie didnt come back i still cant believe she is dead. I don't think I will ever believe it. even mary retuned why cant she.
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susie-dreemurr · 4 months
Reagindo a Ordem: OSNI ep 6 até 8
Assistam eu reagir aos episódios onde tudo começa a virar desespero puro em OSNI!! Chorei horrores pelos meus nenês… aiai, a dor de ser fã de Ordem…
Acho que agora o Montel nunca mais vai poder ver uma pintura, né?
Puta que pariu mano… o Olivier viu só???? Acho que não, só trauma mesmo— ah puta que pariu
…se o Olivier vai ser o próximo (NÃO NÃO NÃO)… será que é por isso que Bartô surtou? Tipo, ele viu o quadro e sentiu isso também ?
O Milo enlouquecendo skghjdjdjd zNAAAAO ele NÃO pode morrer antes deu descobrir o que caralhos ocorreu com ele e o Miguel
Amelie 🤝Bárbara
1 de sanidade
Gente oferece pra Bárbara e pro Milo morarem com vcs por um tempo pfv
Tanto o Milo e Amelie gente tá todo mundo querendo ficar nessa ilha pelas respostas EU SEI QUE VOCÊS TAVAM ENLOUQUECENDO MAS
Eu tava lavando a louça então não pude liveblogar mas só falando que a cena onde a barbara tá enlouquecendo agora é DESESPERADORA não mata minha menina— AI MEU DEUS WANDERLEY MVP OBRIGADA
Caralho que noooojo me faz MAL!!!! Não é possível que vou ter que ver isso comendo
Amorinha falando que não tem nenhum amigo… 😀 possessão?
““Será que tem alguma coisa a ver com aquele dia?” …e aí agente vai pro intervalo” NAOOOOOO DESGRACADO
Pfv seja coisa sobre o Miguel 🙏 preciso saber
“Você vê um pequeno quadro dentro desse baú” não. PERAI TEM O MIGUEL? SE TEM QUERO VER
Que conselho bosta os pais do Barto deram pra ele, né?
CARALHO. O bixo mata quem viu o negócio do 3o andar????
Puta que pariu, a Amelie brigou com a mãe dela, it’s jover pra Angelina ela vai morrer CERTEZA
“Me abandonou naquela porta porque ele tava trabalhando, trabalhando, aquela mulher de branco me perseguindo até essa ilha de merda” e aquela oque 😀 elabore 😀
Ok a briga da Amelie e da Angelina teve resolução wholesome (bom, wholesome pra ELAS né, decidiram abandonar o Montel kkkkkk) então talvez a Angelina não morra
Wandebas POR FAVOR faça a Amelie desembuchar desse lore que ela falou tô MUITO curiosa agora!!!! Me fale sobre a sua história com a mulher de branco Amelie, onde teu pai te deixou só com ela Amelie…
“Cê tá falando com a Noralma, Amelie? Cê tá Maluca? Eu que sou doido” “*risadinha* cala a boca pai” mto bom
(NAAAAAAAO eu achei que tinha liveblogado o resto do ep mas n tinha. Tô muito triste eu tinha uns pesamemtos legais mano sou muito burra)
Ep 7
Mano nem precisa da criatura pra matar eles não eles se matam com esse treinamento kkkkk Aiai mano tava precisando dum começo mais light mesmo chega o clima melhorou
“Mas quem vai ser o IDIOTA que vai mexer com essa merda?!” “Eu 😄” dupla BarMelie simplesmente intankável
KKKKKKK Montel atingiu um nível de “pai que vai comprar cigarro” nunca antes visto no rpg
Mds a Amelie tendo bem pouca sanidade a temporada inteiro tendo um gostinho de como é ser sã por um tempo que bom
Começou a mendigagem por sanidade kkkkk começou
“Quando você percebe… você tá na sua casa” arrepio… nos faz aprender mais sobre Miguel— YESSSSS
AEEEE krl infodump lore!!!!
“Eu escolhi o ritual de consumir manancial” você escolheu o ritual DE QUE???
Puta que pariu nerfaram a felicidade do meu mano justo quando achei que ele ia tar feliz, foda né. Como que ele vai viver fora dessa ilha
NAUMMMMMM eu queria muito que a Amelie visse o quadro da Noralma dnv. ah e eu FALEI que se tampasse só com um lençol alguém ia ver, eu FALEI ninguém me escutou tá aí né
Esses jogador são muito inteligente nunca que eu ia pensar em passar o kit digital no bagulho
“Você percebe um olhar de arrependimento por um momento. Você não sabe por que” será que é por que foi ele que trouxe eles pra lá né, aí ele teve um momento breve de lucidez agora…? Nossa, tô igual a bea, tô querendo chorar também kkkkk
Não é POSSÍVEL caralho que a Bárbara 3 de sanidade vai ter que lutar com a mãe dela zumbi de sangue (por que que eu não achei que isso era uma possibilidade até agora???? A série já estabeleceu que gente que morre em lugar mto paranormal vira zumbi de sangue)
ALELUIA finalmente mano eu queria muito uma cena de uma da BarMelie acalmando a outra do enlouquecendo, consegui 🙏 ganhei 🙏
“Espelho quebrado” *lembra do Bartô instantaneamente*
Tô na metade do episódio 7 de OSNI, e até agora eu acho que o Romero Richas parece mais com o Constantino doque o Montel, não faz muito sentido o povo ter chamado ele de Montelyson em vez de. Sei lá. Constantelyson. Mas talvez eu tenha que esperar mais né kkkkkk
(Falando nisso o Montel mo fdp né kkk ainda gosto dele mas ele é um arrombado. Quero muito saber quem é seu parceiro (a) no crime)
TENEBRIS!!!! Não sei o que significa mas já ouvi esse nome em algum lugar por causa do fandom!!!
Basicamente então tudo é culpa do Tobias né kkkkk vamo deixar esse Velho na ilha
*gasp* caralho se é um objeto amaldiçoado será que dá pra transcender???
“Se tiver cinco mortos no quadro eu rasgo meu cu” kkkkkk mas ao mesmo tempo 😨
…puta que pariu mano
Experiência coletiva aleluia. Provavelmente pq esse quadro vai ser importante pra porra aí não quer deixar ninguém fora da cena
…veneno? Quem é que tinha insistido em trazer o javali de volta pra ilha? Faz tanto tempo, não lembro mais… BARNABE?????? PORRA EU SUSPEITEI DELE MAS DEIXEI DE LADO NAOOOOOOO.
PUTA QUE PARIU a Angelina (e a Navia) tão com o Barnabe it’s jover
“Tu vai cagar de me zoar já tô vendo” ☹️ Cavalcante tava planejando mostrar pro Wandebas ☹️
MDS O VELHO FUMA O QUADRO KRL. Mano eu não vou mentir suspeitei do barqueiro por causa do jeito que tratava o velho só pra notar viuo
Aí PORRA o Cavalcante tava suspeitando do Barnabé Velho krl se ele tivesse vivido
“Uma espátula também pode ser usada pra cavar algo” aaaahhhh eu tava ficando encucada de como eles conseguiram fazer aquela destruição né entendi
Puts grilla eu já ia tar tipo “fala pro Otávio que foi o Barnabe e Montel” mas aí ele mete a porra do BARTÔ MORTO VIVO
“Quem passou (o teste de sanidade) não toma dano” CERTEZA que é porque senão a Bárbara ia ficar enlouquecendo por, tipo, a terceira? Vez.
Rakin é um sentimento legal mas… Joui não iria querer ser homenageado pelo número 4. 4 É AZAR RAKIN
Aí aleluia que a Bárbara tem essa nova habilidade mano pq senão levava 8 de dano
Naurrrr tadinho do Otavio ele tá zikado mano
CARALHOOOOO puta que pariu se a Bárbara não morrer ela com certeza sai com a cara toda deformada
*gasp* puta que pariu vdd o corpo do Cavalcante tá na casa da Navia. Será que os Florence virarão orfãos também??? (Pq o Montel ou morre ou eles deserdam ele da família né kkkkk)
Puta que pariu mano o que que o Barnabe tá fazendo (ou fez né) com a Amorinha— ah okay foi o quarto antigo do Barnabe também
Puta que merda mano e o corpo do Cavalcante ninguém foi checar ne
PUTA que pariu mano, trinta mil desenhos da figura encapuzada. Será que, parecido com o Bartô e o Miguel, as coisa louca paranormal passam pra criança?
Rakin mano prosopagnosia é outra coisa😭😭😭
Sim mano Bárbara falou mesmo, era pra ter se dividido msm
Mano o Barnabe envenenou o amigo de infância dele caralho. Tipo eu sabia mas mesmo assim né
YASSSS obrigado Amelie/Bea por acertar com o Francisco!
PUTA que pariu velho ele tinha mais um quadro. Mas e as pessoas tirando barricada, não era pra elas tá olhando não, né? …Né?
Caralho que cinematic foda… meu Deus quanto NPC vai de base próximo episódio
Ep 8
:000 os cosplay mano!!!
*gasp* mano eu já tinha sacado que os animais tavam sendo afetados com algo pra deixar eles mais louco mas não tinha pensado que eram esses estimulante mano, achei que era tinta.
“Ele também não deixou a Amorinha comer” acho que ele sente um apego por ela, mesmo que ele mesmo não reconheça isso. Mesmo que, igual ao seu parceiro Montel, seu apego não tenha sido o suficiente para parar seus planos. O amor existiu.
Então o Montel realmente só queria fazer o trabalho de analisar pintura normal quando ele chegou na ilha :( eu realmente era um pai… ruim, mas normal :( se ele não tivesse visto aquele quadro…
Ah fdp ele não tava feliz por reconectar com a esposa ele tava feliz por causa dos bagulho louco lá. Sei que é por causa da tinta e do Barnabe, mas mesmo assim né?
“Alguém ou alguma coisa fora o Barnabé fez com que os animais se infectassem com a tinta de algum jeito” 🤨?
Só falando que eu acho GENIAL o jeito que essa história desvendou com a criatura nunca tendo sido real, mas o medo que o povo sentiu a criou. Porque nas temporadas anteriores isso já tinha acontecido antes do protagonistas chegarem, mas agora agente pôde ver acontecendo em tempo real. E faz todos esses casos anteriores ficarem mais sinistros
PUTA que pariu mano a Bárbara tá enlouquecendo NO MEIO DA BATALHA COM O BIXO!!!! COM O BOSS FINAL!!! E por POUCO o Milo não enlouquece também — AH PORRA NÃO É POSSIVEK!!!! Eu esqueci que Olivier só tinha 2 pontos mano… ele tá enlouquecendo também…
Aí aleluia a Amelie salvou o Olivier, agora só falta salvarem a Bárbara do enlouquecendo
Mano eu já ia falar dos atentados contra o bisteca mas aí aconteceu isso… me lembrei de nunca confiar em ninguém então DESCONFIO DO GATO TAMBÉM!
NAOOOOO A ANGELINA!!!!!! Mano ele é VICIADO em deixar os protagonistas orfãos
Caralho eu não tinha notado ainda a mão do Milo (Matt cosplay) que FODA
Ahhh aleluia a Amelie conseguiu salvar a mãe dela. Não só a Angelina vive, como NINGUÉM MAIS ENTRA EM ENLOUQUECENDO PELO AMOR DE DEUS NÃO PRECISA DE MAIS UM
OOG ALELUIA!!!!! Amelie salvou o Milo
:0 :D Amelie e Milo ganharam mais dois rituais!!! Todo mundo esquece meu pessimismo em escolher ocultista, meus manos vão carregar, confia 🙏
Naaao o vagner:( doeu um pouquinho mano
:000 o Ian e muito pequeno pra ver o quadro e— perai amora também? Ou as crianças não conseguem ver ou elas tem alguma imunidade contra a criatura. Talvez porque o Barnabé tivesse esse apego com a Amora.
Ufa, ainda bem que Wandebas desviou— NAOOO ADRIANO NAOOOO
Olivier pfv mano a criatura tá NO CAMINHO a Amorinha não consegue passar a não ser que faça parkour dos banco
A Bárbara vai tentar salvar o Adriano mas ela tá bem de frente com a criatura 😨 não mata minha neném Cellbit pfv
Aí krl Milo não pfv. Ainda BEM que ele tem vida extra agora mas não sei se vai ajudar— aí ele se salvou mas o Otávio tá se fudendo
Meu deus ainda bem que o Milo não enlouqueceu tô com 1% de esperança pela Bárbara mas eu não aguento 2 em 1
Não é possível que denovo a Gabi vai ficar com um personagem preso envelhecendo— ah aleluia a Bárbara não tá com a distorção de tempo ela não vai sofrer por anos
Naaaaaao mano mais uma vez Cellbit tentando matar esse gato ELE TINHA FUGIDO KRL
Puta que pariu comecei a chorar. Foi muito bom ter a Bárbara enquanto ela durou mano eu to chorando velho. A última visão dela na tinta foi brincando com o Miguel e o Milo :( A Amelie nunca conseguiu levar ela no shopping :(
Não por favor o Milo também não meu mano Milo não consigo— aiai ele se soltou ainda bem mas não confio
Aí mano ver as margaridas no Milo/Miguel e na Amelie agora que dor.. pelo menos o +5 de vantagem que eles ganharam pela motivação ajudou a Amelie a deixar a criatura mais uma vez, mas não vale a pena A MIHA BÁRBARA
:((( tchau wanderley. Todo mentor morre mano não tem como :(((
O Milo também mano… minha esperança morreu mano…. Acho que se depois disso tudo a Amelie morre vai ser EU quem vai sentir o vazio
Acho que nem registrou direito mas eu tô aguentando.. MAS SE A AMELIE MORRE NÃO AGUENTO NAO
Caralho POR POUCO a Amelie não entra em enlouquecendo também, pelo menos ela pode tentar salvar o Olivier
OOFFF caralho na ÚLTIMA rodada ela consegue salvar Olivier de enlouquecendo
Mano minha cara ta vermelha chorando horrores. Comecei na cena da Amelie salvando o Olivier um pouco na do Adrian com o corpo da Amorinha no braço me pegou
Cada menção de um personagem que morreu é mais -1 de dano de sanidade que eu tomo… mano esse “o Wanderley vai saber o que fazer” velhoooo
Montel sempre teve um propósito mas ele nunca percebeu e nunca foi o suficiente pra ele. E agora ele perdeu a única coisa de importante pra vida dele e ele nem notou pq ele tá tão vidrado nisso. Fdp
BarMelie win mas a que custo (voltei a chorar ai krl)
Tava muito concentrada pra liveblogar mas FINALMENTE agente vai descobrir que PORRA e essa tinta mano
Pita que pariu lá vai o Santo Berço essa putaria—- O SINOOOOOOO
TENEBRIS!!! Me explica oq é essa porra senão agora na próxima temporada pelo amor de Deus
“Afinal, existe mais do outro lado em você do que a realidade” caralho deu um HYPE
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3nsider · 2 years
Ok before today's episode comes out (ep6) I'm gonna write all my theories(keep in mind these may not be original from me, just what i think might happen) on what's gonna happen for the rest of the volume, kinda like a RWBY bingo card but I'm too lazy to do that so I'll just list them here, get ready folks:
Ok first of all ofc bumbleby major confession/romantic scene (hopefully kiss plsss) today
Here's how I think the kiss is gonna play off: soft bmblb acoustic version in the background playing with Blake's hands on Yang's cheeks, Yang's arms around Blake's waist and the most corny and punny and a bit angsty conversation/banter ever. And for the rest of the volume they're gonna be holding hands, cuddling, touchy feely, making every place they get to the garden where they go bmblb style
Jaune is the original rusted knight from the girl who fell through te world bc the ever after saw he was too late and now his purpose is to be too early or on time for everything from now on
Team RWBY will face their v4-6 selves maybe in the cloud bridge to instead of facing who they are now, what they will become/want to be - i think here is where the bees kiss will happen at the end
On that note, that encounter or moment might make them face current fears and i want Blake's momentary loss of yang when she fell to be brought back dammit
I think summer ascended and has been part of the ever after
Little is either the ascension of summer or penny
The shadow person behind alyx in the portrait/mirror in the intro is a past incarnation of ozpin
That or they are alyx pre-ascension
Alyx for sure ascended and came back to remnant without her past memories
Neo might be alyx's whitewashed ascension that came back
Ppl that want to leave the ever after but aren't sure of their purpose need to ascend to be able to leave
Summer is the narrator of the story from the teaser we got 8 months ago
That or the narrating voice is from Jaunes mom telling him the story when he was a kid as a flashback of how he knew the story and motivated him to be the rusted knight until team RWBY arrived
There is a possibility that there's a loophole to ascend while retaining your memories, like wanting a new role that is very similar to your current one and that requires u to keep your knowledge
If that is the case, ruby could find crescent rose but ask the blacksmith to reforge it and she ascends with a new purpose but with her memories (she could combine crescent rose and her mom's weapon ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
Another possibility if there's this loophole, we could get them in their vacuo outfits early lol just wishful thinking
The curious cat might catalyze or prevent ruby's ascension
Neo could find the truth about Roman and then ascend and stay in the ever after
Crack theory but would be funny if it happened: since neo's goal is to get revenge on ruby rn, what if she creates a clone of her to kill and that technically counts as her fulfilling her purpose and she ascends against her will lol
After the bees kiss they better not get separated istg
We get a cathartic reunion of ruby and yang with summer
We get to see how summer fights with her axe in a flashback?
The original jabberwalker eats someone
That's all I can come up with rn but I'll add stuff/edit what turns out to be true and what not as the episodes air.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Howdy Jerico! I wanted to ask these:
Raleigh - limerance - gush about your f/o, no limits… but the catch is, gush as if its a message directly to your f/o. 
Yancy - foofaraw - do your chosen aesthetics line up well with your f/os? meaning, if the two of you were to say, decorate a home, would your chosen styles clash or compliment each other?
Mako - endive - if, under the circumstance, you were able to treat your f/o to a single, beautiful day without a budget, what would it consist of?
I hope this finds you in good cheer and good health!
Moxie @tex-treasures
Thank you sm tex!!!!. And your ask did help me to cheer up! Im on s2 ep6 of the//blacklist and I dont like the path donny is taking, but you asking this does help!!!
Okay with the questions then:
"Hey rals!, uhm I know youre probably a bit busy with helping herc and mako around the shatterdome but I wanted to tell you some things.
So uhm,first things first I love you!, I love you so much! Youre always just so kind to everybody, and you help the world even if the world has given you nothing but pain! Its admirable, really.
I also wanna say that I love your smile, I swear every time I see you smile my brain goes blank, you have such a beautiful smile, all kinds of smiles, happy smiles, playful smiles (Like the one you gave mako when she confused her room with yours) , nostalgic smiles, love filled smiles, sleepy smiles. They make me weak at the knees (dont you dare use this against me)
Also I just really love your voice! Its soothing and your accent...its easy on the ears. Youre also a total looker, like youre so handsome! That fluffy hair, those blue eyes, youre beautiful.
Thats all. Have a good day, te amo"
Oh yeah our styles clash so much, I think yancy would decorate our house with the typical like. American decor, and my latin self would have so Many trinkets, probably things from my country.
Also my decor is all over the place, I try to make it look nice but theres gonna be nerdy stuff, bottles I think are cool,movie posters, yance would probably have posters of his jaeger and other propaganda like that.
We would both agree to a nice kitchen, kinda like those cool motorbike clubs with the wooden counters and the like. (Dont know how to describe it)
What would i do with mako? At first I think I'd go to somewhere nice to eat breakfast, cozy and calm, probably really well decorated. Then I think we would spend the day shopping for things that mako would like, books, posters, Nerdy merch, music,etc.
Then at lunch we'd go somewhere like a fast food place,or somewhere we've been wanting to go for a while, and spend the afternoon watching a movie or go to see a play.
At night a fancy dinner, dress up and have fun! Maybe a place on the rooftop to see the night Sky and have deep and meaningfull talks! Probably go somewhere to take a walk after, buy a snack if the walk gets too Long while holding hands. (Noooo I dont have a crush on mako, me? Please!) Maybe stop by a lake and just talk in quiet hushes about things only the both of us are allowed to know, hold hands and cuddle close, our heads pressing togheter.
"Aishiteru" she'd say to me.
"Thats a strong Word, I know it means deep love..are you su-"
"I am" mako would interrupt me, sounding incredibly sure of herself, her thumb caressing the back of my hand "I love you"
"Heh, yo también te amo"
"Wasnt aware we would flirt in our mother languages from now on" she'd tease,an audible smile in her voice.
"You started it!" And she'd know I would have one brow raised.
And then she would kiss me, partially because she wanted, partially because she wanted to win that argument.
Thank you so much for the ask! Have a nice day!!
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elgiropsiquicofan36 · 7 months
ElGiroPsiquico2 Ep6 (FAN-MADE)
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Hitoro se despierta, abre un ojo y mira a sus lados desorientado, Dog se agarra la cabeza a
su lado, quejándose de dolor.
Hitoro: “Estás bien?”
Dog: “Me han golpeado en la cabeza tanto que mi neuronita está por morirse. Esta es la última que me queda y la quiero conservar.”
Hitoro: “En efecto, eminente ilustre.”
Dog no dice nada, solo mira a su alrededor con los ojos entrecerrados.
“Estamos en… una cárcel?” Dice Dog observando los barrotes de metal enjaulandolos.
Hitoro: “Astuta observación.”
El lugar completo huele a meados y a mierda, en la esquina hay tres cotas de tela tan delgadas y todas cubiertas de fluidos misteriosos, que hasta sería mejor dormir en el suelo.
Dog: “Somos dos y hay tres cotas.”
Hitoro: “Debes ser alguna especie de detective, amigo.”
Dog lo mira de reojo y se levanta.
-”A dónde chuchas vas?”
-”Pues a ver como salimos de acá, costeño pendejo.” Dice Dog caminando hacia la esquina del cuarto.
Hitoro se recuesta y mira hacia el techo, manchas de el líquido chistoso aun tienen un olor.
“Uff bro pero el que estuvo acá antes de nosotros si que era coomer.” Bromea Hitoro. “Y yo pensaba que era yo el que tenía un problema.”
Hitoro se levanta rápidamente y encuentra a su amigo sentado en el suelo, mirando con horror a una figura oscura que se escondía en las sombras.
Hitoro: “Alejate de el, Guajiro carechimba!!! Que ya te dije que no queremos comprar collares son semillas de mostaza!!!”
La figura misteriosa pausa por un momento, como confundida, y sale a la luz.
-“Tú también eres…. racista?”
Es una mujer delgada, pálida con cabello negro ondulado, unos 3 centrimetros de altura menos que Hitoro, vestida con mallas, pantalones razgados y una camisa de una banda que nadie conoce.
“Bruh.” Murmura Dog.
“Hola chicos.” Dice la mujer sonriendo. “Soy una goth mommy que es cup size DDD main supp, mide 1.74 y que está desempleada, me gusta el skate y fumar inciensos y hierba todos los putos días de mi vida mientras como tostadas francesas y miro forchan. ¿Cómo están?”
-”E-es perfecta.” susurra Hitoro, imágenes de corazoncitos brillan por sus ojos.
“Bro, estoy en NNN, no me hables.” Dice Dog dándole la espalda a la mujer. (Es Marzo)
“C-cómo es tu nombre?” Dice Hitoro jugando con sus dedos tímidamente.
“Soy Melanie, Melanie Camila. Pero me dicen WeedQueen.” Responde.
Hitoro se cumea.
Dog: “Bueno, ya que descubrimos que eres una pta rarita que se esconde en las esquinas para distraer a los chads, vamos a hacer un plan para salir de aca.”
Melanie lo mira como un culo y se dirige a Hitoro.
Melanie: “Un hombre real no le dice a las mujeres bonitas que hacer; tu te vez como un hombre de verdad, no como tu amiguito. Que tal si más bien tú nos cuentas tu plan?”
Hitoro: “Eh…. e-...s-s-s-s-s-i…ehh...hmmm.”
Dog aparta la vista de el cringe. y empieza a inspeccionar el resto de la carcel.
“Todas son iguales.” Dice en voz baja mientras camina hacia un inodoro viejo.
“Mis días siendo ShitsGod acabaron.” Dice a sus adentros.
De repente, se le ocurre una idea.
“Ey muchachos. Ya sé cómo salir de aca.”
-”Te dije que no me patronizes.” Dice Melanie, disgustada. “Soy aliada feminista que dibuja cucas con flores en las paredes de la 26.”
“Silencio gurre, hay que efectuar mi idea maestra, no hay otra opción. Van a venir a interrogarnos después de que acaben de torturar a los últimos aldeanos.” Responde Dog.
Melanie voltea los ojos. “A ver que tienes.”
Dog se gira y saca una pokebola. “Miren lo que encontre.”
“En donde tenias eso.” Dice Hitoro confundido. “Nos quitaron todas nuestras pertenencias antes de tirarnos acá.”
Dog: “Eso no es importante, lo que importa es que es un Voltorb el que está metido aquí.”
“Bro, solo conmemoramos el 11 de septiembre en septiembre, que cojones vas a hacer con eso.” Dice Hitoro.
Dog: “Bueno pero esta vez las torres gemelas no será el sinagogo de la isla, será esta puta cárcel.”
La big ***** goth girl y Hitoro lo miran boquiabiertos.
“Se me ocurrio por que me acorde de haberme descubierto ser 0.000000002% palestino en ancestry. com.” Dice Dog con una sonrisa arrogante.
Hitoro: “Estupido. Vamos a morir todos si usas eso aquí.” Dice tapandose la mitad de la cara con la mano como si fuera un puto villano de un anime.
Dog: “Crees no que había pensado en eso?” Dice señalandolo mientras sonrie como un puto protagonista anime.
“Es simple.” Continua Dog. Voy a plantar esta Pokebola en el inodoro y activar el Voltorb mientras tiro la cuerda. Ocasionando una explosion en el alcantarillado en donde podremos tener suficiente tiempo para salir de aquí rápidamente.
Hitoro: “Bro uso su neurona.”
Melanie: “Osea vamos a tener que correr por una tubería llena de mierda humana?”
Dog: “Es eso o morir.”
Melanie: “Aun tengo que responderle a mis seguidores de onlyfans, entonces supongo que tendré que acceder.”
Hitoro: “F*ck, escucho unas voces, hay que hacerlo ya.”
Dog se acerca al inodoro y lanza la pokebola, se empiezan a escuchar pasos llegando más cerca.
“Voltorb, sirve para algo!!” Grita Dog, activando la pokebola cuando Hitoro tira de la cuerda.
Al escuchar esto los pasos se aceleran, ahora corriendo hacia ellos.
Unos soldados apenas dan la vuelta a la esquina, Melanie se esconde atrás de Hitoro en el lado opuesto de la celda, un soldado sale del otro extremo y le apunta a Dog cuando-
Los soldados se tapan los oídos y apartan el humo de su vista, activan las linternas de sus armas y empiezan a disparar como unas relokas en la celda donde se encontraba Hitoro Dog y Melanie.
Al desvanecerse el humo se dan cuenta de que no había nadie en la celda y hay un hoyo en donde estaba el inodoro.
“Mi*rda!!!!” Grita uno de los soldados. “Es tu culpa que hayan escapado.” Dice agarrando a otro guardia del cuello y tirándolo al suelo.
“Manden una alerta, encuentren los y traiganlos con vida, la recompensa es de 8’000’000 reddit karma. Diganles que los busca….
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airenyah · 2 years
so we've already talked about how the music cuts out for the ep 6 akkayan kiss
but like
can we also talk about how there is also no music in ep 5 when thua lets go of kan's hand
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movielosophy · 3 years
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Sweet Teeth - I asked you to buy me cleansing milk. Why did you buy so many?
I just wanted to buy cleansing milk, but the salesperson told me about the package, the set and something. It's all good. I was thinking maybe I should just get them for you. Then the salesperson next to her talked to me. She said what I bought was for the summer. It's winter now. She recommended me another set again. When I was paying, I was thinking. I bought so many things for you. I had to get some for Ma Yi Yi and Wu Ying.
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rinnidraws · 2 years
Veo que te gusta mucho el Metamy
De donde surgió ese gusto?
Holiii! Acabo de ver tu pregunta ;-; ya que estoy más activa en Twitter
De Manía Adventures Ep6 c: aunque tiene más tiempo, como soy multishipper pues descubro nuevos ships.
Cuando salió ese cap pues no había tanta gente que le gustara así que hice puros dibujos tradicionales que ya no los encuentro TTwTT tengo un AU en proceso.
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madeforgardens · 6 years
Your songs-related answer was EVERYTHING and now I can't stop myself from asking you the same question for our other sweet boy. So yeah, are there any songs that make you think of Martino?
thank you love!! here we go 💌if you sense a pattern here... there is.
i giorni di domani - the days of tomorrow by marco mengoni
“Ogni ponte, ogni casa, ogni pagina aperta ogni odore, ogni strada ogni piazza deserta i miei occhi, le mie mani mi parlano di te”
Every bridge, every houseevery open pageevery scent, every roadevery empty squaremy eyes, my handsall tell me about you 
“Una radio che dicese invecchiassimo insiemeTutti i giorni di domani mi parlano di te”
A radio sayingwhat if we grew old togetherAll days of tomorrow tell me about you
“Ora i miei occhi a disertare il sonno Potessi almeno addormentare il cuore Nel buio sotto la mia pelle ti nasconderei ancora ancora” 
Now my eyes are forsaking sleepCould I at least numb my heartIn the darkness under my skin I would hide youagainand again
if this isn’t Marti right now? thinking about Nico and what they had together?
home by AURORA
“Lost in the moment againStuck where the road has no endKeeping the thought in our mindsOne day life will be kind”
“We are not aliveWe are surviving every time”
again, she says about this song that “It’s not a good way of living, making yourself numb, trying to let every day pass by as quickly as possible. But at least it makes us happy for a while. We are home”. I think this is exactly how Marti behaved in the first half of the season up until ep6. And somehow even now, we see it even with his mom, he never lets out his emotions until it is totally necessary, he always numbs himself 💔
ti amo il venerdì sera - i love you on friday nights by lemandorle
“E adesso dammi tutto quel che haiCosì felice non sei statao maiForse mi ami e manco ti conosco”
And now give me everything you haveYou’ve never been this happyMaybe you love me and I don’t even know you
“Ma dimmi quello che sei, quello che hai, quello che vuoi”
But tell what you are, what you have, what you want
from the band: “Il venerdì sera. Un rituale collettivo, universale, liberatorio. La sensazione, gioiosa e un po’ malinconica, che qualunque cosa possa accadere. Nascono amori di una sera, amicizie decennali, rapporti di una vita. Perché il venerdì sera è uno snodo di vite parallele, possibilità mancate e strade che non percorreremo. È un salto nel buio, un atto di fede. Come l’amore. Come la vita. Come le cose che vogliamo di più. Le rincorriamo tutta la settimana, arrivano, e puntualmente alla fine del weekend qualcosa ci sfugge”.
Friday night. A collective, universal, liberating ritual. The feeling, joyous and a bit melancholic, that anything could happen. One-night loves are born, decennial friendships, relationships that last a life. Because friday night is an intersection of parallel lives, missed opportunities and roads we’ll never travel. It’s a jump into the unknown, an act of faith. Just like love. Like life. Like the things we want the most. We chase them all week, they come, and punctually, at the end of the weekend, something escapes us.
I mean... This describes perfectly ep2 and especially, of course, Tabasco. Even the “at the end something escapes us” bit. Spending the whole day with your crush, who seems to reciprocate, and then finding out he has a girlfriend? Come on. Also, this is actually in the s1 soundtrack, when the girls go to have a drink and Eva confronts Marti!
la sera dei miracoli - the night of the miracles by lucio dalla
“È la sera dei miracoli, fai attenzione: (...)Della luna che sta per cadere;E la gente corre nelle piazze per andare a vedere”
It’s the night of the miracles, be careful:Of the moon that is about to fall down;And people run into the squares to go see
“A due a due gli innamoratiSciolgono le vele come i pirati”
Two by two the loversSet sails like the pirates
“E in mezzo a questo mareCercherò di scoprire quale stella seiPerché mi perdereiSe dovessi capire che stanotte non ci sei”
And in the middle of this seaI’ll try to find out what star you areBecause I would lose myselfIf I understood that you’re not here tonight
This loses a lot of meaning and musicality in english and maybe doesn’t even make too much sense, but this could be the perfect soundtrack for tonight. Not that I’d want it in the scene itself, because it’d be a bit too much and I think Ludovico has something else in mind about the whole vibe, but ideally this is the perfect song, both because of the lyrics and the mood, if that makes sense?
ad occhi chiusi - with closed eyes by marco mengoni
“Da quando ci sei tu la luce del mattino ha più colori e non mi sento più un piccolo silenzio fra i rumori. Dell'amore non so niente conosco solo te sei il confine della mia pelle e al di là io penso che di più non c'è.Anche se non puoi tu sorridimi e sono pochi sai i miracoliriconoscerei le tue mani in un istante, ti vedo ad occhi chiusi e sai perché fra miliardi di persone ho visto solo te”
Ever since you came into my lifethe morning light has more colors and I don’t feel any morelike a small silence in between all the noise I don’t know anything about love  I only know you You are the boundary of my skin andI believe there is nothing more beyond.Even when you can’t, please smile at me.There are few miracles, you knowI would recognise your hands in an instant I see you with closed eyes and you know why: among billions of people I’ve seen only you 
“Quanta forza che mi hai dato non lo sai di spiegarlo non è facile”
You have no idea how much strength you’ve given me,and it’s not easy to explain
I even made a gifset about this because it’s too perfect. I can’t believe Bessegato payed Marco to write not one, not two, BUT EVERY SINGLE SONG about our beautiful boys ❣️
la cura - the cure by franco battiato
“Ti solleverò dai dolori e dai tuoi sbalzi d'umoreDalle ossessioni delle tue manie,Supererò le correnti gravitazionaliLo spazio e la luce per non farti invecchiareE guarirai da tutte le malattiePerché sei un essere specialeEd io, avrò cura di te”
I'll relieve you from the pains and from your mood swingsFrom the obsessions of your delusions.I'll overcome the gravitational currents,The space and the light, in order to not to let you grow old.And you’ll heal from all the diseasesBecause you're a special beingAnd I will take care of you
“Tesserò i tuoi capelli come trame di un cantoConosco le leggi del mondo, e te ne farò donoSupererò le correnti gravitazionaliLo spazio e la luce per non farti invecchiareTi salverò da ogni malinconiaPerché sei un essere speciale ed io avrò cura di teIo sì, che avrò cura di te“
I'll weave your hair like the plot of a songI know the laws of the world, and I'll offer them to youI'll overcome the gravitational currents,The space and the light so you do not grow old.I will save you from every melancholyBecause you're a special being and I will take care of youI, yes, I will take care of you
Ok this is probably the most used italian song EVER when it comes to love, but I couldn’t help myself. It is so delicate and it’s what Nico needs and deserves. The very last bit, Io sì che avrò cura di te, I will take care of you, not like your parents or your girlfriend, I won’t put you in a cage, I will take care of you like you need to. Because you’re a special being and you deserve it. Wow, this will never not make me emotional.
This is it, these are the first that came to mind. Unfortunately or not lately I’ve been listening to the same songs over and over again and they’re either the soundtrack of this season or from the same two italian artists (yes, Marco Mengoni and Ultimo) so maybe there could be a lot more but right now I’ve kinda forgotten about them, you know what I mean? but I’ll add them here in the future whenever something new pops up! and the same goes about Nico of course 💌
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owarinaki · 10 months
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My Lawyer is Not So Easy | Uchi no Bengoshi wa Te ga Kakaru (2023) EP6 Guest : Tsuda Kenjiro recap 1/2
part 2
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christophe76460 · 3 years
Regardez "Les Prophètes De La Bible | Un Bref Aperçu - EP6" sur YouTube
On continue la série. Dans cette vidéo tu trouveras une explication globale des livres prophètiques de la Bible.
On y retrouve les 5 patterns décrits dans les vidéos précédentes. Encore une fois, nous sommes conscients qu'il s'agit d'une explication et qu'il en existe d'autres.
En espérant que cette vidéo pourra t'aider à grandir spirituellement et qu'elle te donne envie de creuser plus profondément dans la Parole de Dieu.
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rixtronix · 3 years
Translating Zefanja 3 14 20 Dutch Open Writer Ep6
Translating Zefanja 3 14 20 Dutch Open Writer Ep6
Translating Zefanja 3 14 20 Dutch Open Writer Ep6 Zefanja 3: 14-20 Ik zing de genade van de Heer 14 mensen van Zion,Moet zingen!Israël,Moet juichen!Mensen van Jeruzalem,Moet vol vreugde en geluk zijn!15 De Heer heeft uw straf weggenomen,Verdrijf je vijanden.De Heer van Israël is onder jullie,U zult niet langer bang zijn voor een ramp.16 Op die dagEr moet iets tegen Jeruzalem te zeggen…
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fierycafe · 3 years
今天來到了維也納,來聽一下這裡的中央咖啡館如果喜歡這樣的內容~請幫我分享給更多人使用apple podcast & KK BOX收聽還請賜予 ★★★★★ 的肯定Orz 感謝各位的耐心聆聽~
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