addawithbalmiki · 1 year
me wasting my time at my office produced this
sasuke was never the golden child.
ten year old sasuke would have thrown pens at itachi at that realization. eighteen year old sasuke would have run away and gotten another tattoo in a haze of drunkenness.
twenty-eight year old sasuke makes a face at his cup of cold tea and continues checking his papers. dressed in a proper button-up with no tattoos peeking out, itachi is struck each time by the reality that his little brother is no longer the screaming child, annoyed by the lack of attention.
now, he has graduated to not giving itachi attention.
"otou-san was grim throughout the entire meeting, but my understanding is that he was positively bored. i expected more outrage." itachi sips his third cup of tea. "okaa-san, on the other hand... "
sasuke scowls. he circles one line with his red pen. itachi tries not to take offense at his little brother's distraction.
"i'm beginning to think you're bored of my visit."
"i am." sasuke doesn't even look up as he writes Check the book for once beside his angry red circle. "you are wasting my time here."
"i suppose you'd want to spend more time correcting people's poor attempts at getting dates right." itachi peers at the horrible handwriting. "i don't recall the heian period starting from my childhood."
sasuke pulls back the answer sheet. "kitsune is an idiot." itachi doesn't correct the obviously wrong name. "but he did better this time. and otou-san is indifferent because your decisions in life are always questionable. kisame is atrocious, but it's better than running away from home and joining a gang."
"a society." itachi takes the bait like every single time. it's a comforting pattern. "not unlike your sojourn with your wild friends."
sasuke keeps the marked paper beside him. his scowl becomes more prominent. be it ten, eighteen, twenty-eight - sasuke will never not look like the world has personally wronged him for the decisions he made.
brat, itachi thinks fondly. his appreciation for his brother's rebelling streak never manages to dwindle. itachi might have been the one who left everything and became a lawyer, but he still stayed. he still chose to align himself with the uchiha enterprises. sasuke left and between years of doing odd jobs and trudging through his history degree, he never looked back. as ambitious as sasuke is, he settled to become a high school history teacher with a laughably small salary.
itachi doesn't envy, but it's hard not to. dating kisame might be the most rebelling he has ever done. unlike sasuke, he's not half as brave. or reckless, as he likes to say.
"kisame's face reconstruction surgery is horrible. " sasuke says, blunt in the way he always is. "who the fuck wants to be a shark? "
"you don't understand an artist's soul."
"i don't need to. your choice is horrible." and then: "i'm giving kisame a mask that'll last him 10 years."
translation: i support your choice even though you can do better.
sasuke's kindness is sudden and tinged with so much roughness, it's hard to spot. softness doesn't become him despite his younger years. what would it take for the scowl to go away?
itachi smiles. "i'll give him your warm regards. he'll be happy to know you keep him in your thoughts. "
sasuke opens his mouth - undoubtedly to tear into itachi for his attempt at civility - when there's a knock.
"oh! i didn't know you had a guest. i'll come back later. " a feminine voice interrupts.
sasuke drops his papers on the table. he doesn't smile, but he doesn't need to. he does the closest approximation to beaming - his scowl disappears and his eyes glint like a well-fed cat's.
itachi turns his chair. by the doorway. a pretty pink-haired woman stands, her face sheepish. she has a white coat on.
"hello," itachi greets.
"hello! nice to meet you, " she greets back. a normal person. maybe sasuke isn't as rebellious as itachi thought him to be.
sasuke stands up from his chair. itachi peeks at his expression. if he didn't know his brother well, he wouldn't be able to pin down the slight redness in sasuke's ears.
"sakura," ignoring itachi's widening eyes at the informality, sasuke shoves his hands in his pockets, trying to look cool, "i didn't know you were available. "
the woman in question beams, the softness in her eyes giving away nothing and everything. "i dealt with the students. i wanted something other than mountains of snot. i detest flu season."
"you look tired. sit. " sasuke gestures to itachi's seat.
sakura eyes itachi worriedly. "um, i wouldn't want to impose-"
"-he's going now," sasuke interrupts.
"i am?"
"his boyfriend must be less upset with him now."
itachi stands up and leans forward.
"rude, otouto," he mutters. he shoots a smile at the worried woman and whispers. "a nurse? "
sasuke sniffs with disdain and pride. "a doctor. "
itachi shakes his head and exchanging a genuine smile with the pretty doctor, he heads out. picking out his phone, he calls his boyfriend.
"hello? " kisame asks, confused over itachi calling so early.
"i need the akatsuki to go through the records of a sakura at tokyo metropolitan asuka high school."
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brighteuphony · 7 months
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Got a bunch of Sasuke-centric asks, so here we are!
Sakura has some complicated feelings about Sasuke.
In my AU, Sakura was born to civilian parents who didn't really want her to become shinobi, even though that had been her dream for as long as she could remember- and it was no secret in the Haruno household that they were hoping she'd drop out, or at the very most, be career genin.
So Sakura never really had anyone to believe in her and had to go into the academy (late!) as a civilian-born, meaning she was automatically behind in development (and status) compared to the clan kids. (I headcanon that until the Academy, Sakura didn't ever spar with anyone, versus clan kids who had probably learned how to wield kunai before they knew how to walk).
So Sakura worked hard and did her absolute best to get the barest minimum that clan kids were afforded by default. Unfortunately, her best, without the resources/opportunities, just wasn't good enough. And Sakura knew it. Academically, she was brilliant, but that's not enough to be a good shinobi. And somewhere deep down, Sakura (at the very least Inner Sakura) knew it.
It's why I headcanon that she developed such a violent temper. People who are secure in themselves don't have such explosive, uncontrolled outbursts- it's why she picked on people like Naruto, who was probably the only person below her in the pecking order (maybe Tenten? But they're equals I guess). It's why she's so quick to anger and usually has those responses OUT of combat- it's because that's the only place her violence is actually effective.
It's also why she's such a teacher's pet- she needs validation from others to try and fill the gaping void.
So when Sasuke appeared on the radar, and everyone wanted him, so did Sakura. Because if she got him, she would do something that no one else- clan-privileged and better- could do. In fact, she staked most of her identity (her hair, her diet, her clothing) on it.
None of this was conscious. She really did have a crush on Sasuke, but the seed of it was born from a very misguided desire to prove herself on an even playing field.
After all, she didn't have a clan upbringing/resources to teach her how to find self-worth and actualization through her skills (she went home, and her civilian parents praised her for things that absolutely didn't matter in shinobi reality, amazement that she could throw a kunai! how good her grades were! and how cool it was that she could jump high!)
(and Kakashi absolutely didn't help, lol), so she defaulted to what she knew- which was being a regular girl with a regular crush.
Now, as an ~adult, she's come to the painful realization that her love for Sasuke was just a goalpost. Ironically, she set her sights on someone who would inadvertently feed into all of those insecurities, and because Sakura didn't love/believe in herself, she accepted Sasuke's abuse.
She also understands that she ran into the Chidori/Rasengan deathmatch of her own stupidity, but she just can't forgive Sasuke for leaving. For never owning up. 'Cause that's just coward behavior..
Basically, Sasuke's cruelty was just a reflection of her own self-loathing, and unfortunately, Sakura just wallowed in denial and ended up paying a hefty-ass price.
So if she ever sees Sasuke again? Honestly, she doesn't know whether she wants justice or revenge. It's complicated.
Whew- that was a text dump....
Once again, thank you so much to everyone for all the interest and asks! I'm so happy we can all share Naruto rotbrain together.
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frog-thief · 5 months
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translation from picture:
"SNATCH" | feature film | naruto
《Sasuke's sharingan copied Lee's taijutsu》
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cubur · 2 years
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サスナルの日 7/3
Big collaboration with @snow124-art ! It wasn't planned but here are many lovely pieces for sasunaru day ^^! Thank you for giving me another opportunity to draw with you!!Words cannot express how much it means to me…✨❤️
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mediumsizedpidegon · 4 months
The Naruto timeline is killing me. I know the general idea is that it’s been ~60 years since Konoha formed but everyone’s talking like Konoha has existed for forever.
It doesn't make sense! Tsunade is in her 50s in canon! she shouldn't talk about Konoha like it was well established when she was a child! By saying Tsunade is Hashirama's granddaughter instead of his daughter, we must interpret that Hashirama had a child like. a decade before Konoha formed, so that when Konoha is 10, Tsunade is born. But that's BATSHIT. that means anyone older than sixty– an age even front line shinobi can reach as evidenced by Hiruzen, and surely an age shinobi that specialize in skills that are less directly combative/take them out of the village often, MUCH LESS CIVILIANS!! You cannot make propaganda good enough to make an entire generation of senior citizens forget that your honorable village hasn't even hit a century.
There is such a big deal made of Hiruzen remembering a time before Konoha and so you expect him to be like. late 80s or 90s. old enough to makes him recalling that time suitably rare. old enough that every shinobi is like. wow. you're hot shit and also God Of Shinobi. But he's SIXTY EIGHT. Sakura's civilian grandparents probably remember a time before Konoha. This is not that big of a accomplishment. I don't care if Kishimoto thinks 60 years is a long ass time to a shinobi. It just doesn't work for the sort of worldbuilding he's trying to sell.
My only options are to either stretch the timeline to fit the vibes of "Konoha has been around soooooo long (while still be relatively new in the grand scheme of things)" or scrap all that "Konoha is ancient" shit.
......So. I’ve stretched it to Konoha being formed 100 years ago when canon starts (the year Naruto graduates the Academy). This is more reasonable, making it so that no one alive really Remembers A Time Before, making Konoha's propaganda much more effective.
This, however, has had some significant impact on Hiruzen's generation because even though I have made them significantly older when canon starts (like. mid 80s) they were still born about ~20 years after Konoha was founded. Early enough that some instability was around and Hiruzen's generation could personally know Hashirama and Tobirama, but they don't actually have any experience living through the Warring Clans Era. This has likewise made the Sannin much much older– around the same age as Hiruzen actually is in canon.
But Tsunade's age actually makes sense for her being Hashirama's granddaughter now! So there's that!
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evilkitten3 · 9 months
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this man has a kouhai, an eternal rival, and eight dogs
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i could cry really
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soaringpigeonshovel · 9 months
"Kakashi and Guy should have taught together—" actually I think Kurenai and Kakashi should have teamed up. They're both new teachers (genjutsu-type fighters at that) who are filled with bravado yet completely aware that they are out of their depths. Guy's been teaching for two years and knows he's great. Asuma knew these particular kids were coming and also doesn't really care. But Kurenai and Kakashi are both the exact same levels of "I would kill for these children" alongside "what the hell do I do???" They're both very kind, too, in similar yet distinct ways.
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theofficialuriel · 28 days
does anyone remember that one Naruto fanfiction from 2019 called “I’m a God!!!” where the male oc gets hit by a truck and wakes up to Saiki K. just… dumping all his powers onto the OC? and then he woke up in the womb with Sasuke and he kicked the fetus so much that people in the comments thought it would come out deformed.
then the author posted a chapter that announced that they were abandoning the fic because they wrote it when they were 10
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cowboysmp3 · 4 months
watching naruto at the ripe age of 21 is so unimaginably different for when i watched it when i was like 10. rn im so haunted by them being such kids like GOD THEYRE ONLY 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAOUGGHHH
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addawithbalmiki · 8 months
Part of my teacher!Sasuke series y'all
becoming a teacher was never part of sasuke's plans.
'i want to be a teacher!' naruto, his childhood annoyance, always proclaimed and sasuke did nothing to squash the voice in his head that said 'of course you'll be a good-for-nothing teacher'.
it wasn't kind or even fair, but sasuke was neither. raised to be proper and proud, becoming a teacher was too ordinary and blasphemous for an uchiha. and this all without even considering his horrible temperament. he was more likely to kill a child rather than pave their way to becoming a person.
that changed when itachi left.
sasuke loved his brother, but it was always tinged with a bitterness he could never escape. itachi was perfect - with his perfect grades, perfect career track. itachi was the son fugaku always wanted, the person mikoto always considered an adult. itachi had his life in order until he ditched sasuke at the age of twelve to join a group linked with certain revolutionary activities.
itachi left and everything fell on top of sasuke.
there was a power vacuum because everyone knew itachi was going to be declared as heir the moment he turned eighteen. with no heir to take over, his father was left with no choice but to turn to sasuke lest some other uchiha took over.
and during this time, he understood a fundamental truth - he wasn't made for a life like that.
sasuke wasn't itachi. hell, he wasn't even mikoto who was kind and soft, but shrewd and a rock in the face of the despair of itachi's departure. sasuke felt too much and as days went by everyone realized how woefully unprepared he was.
those days fugaku looked like he was drowning and sasuke was holding him down, making sure his father didn't come up for air. sasuke is a child, he heard his mother shout one day, too angry at fugaku's tough lessons. his father argued back, itachi learned all these when he was a child so why can't sasuke?
he tried so hard, despite naruto's concern and his teachers' remarks that he was becoming too 'quiet' in classes. he tried so hard to step up, never touching itachi's level.
and when all got too much - when his sweet sixteen passed and vultures were circling his small family - the prodigal son returned.
itachi was apologetic, but firm. it wasn't like he was going around committing crimes, he argued. he had received a law degree and was getting quite comfortable understanding the legal aspect of running an enterprise as big and complicated as uchiha's.
everyone rejoiced. everyone welcomed itachi. everyone breathed a sigh of relief that it was always going to be itachi.
and that was when sasuke hit his limit.
it's not like he regrets his decisions. looking back, he knows he would make the same mistakes, do the same catastrophes over and over again. because the point was never about understanding himself.
no, sasuke was always certain about who he was. it was about trying to be itachi - or come even close to being him - for four years and being utterly horrible at it. he tried, but sasuke was always going to be sasuke and that filled him with rage.
otou-san never understands, he realized during a vicious row where his father came close to banning him from ever returning. his mother tried to love him through the harsh sneers and cruel words. itachi watched on sadly like he knew he was the cause, like he was the virus.
sasuke never hated himself more. he never felt more free.
going to oto instead of staying in konoha with naruto changed him. oto was harsher, crueler and sasuke thrived there. two years he wasted - lived - doing nothing of value to become a worthwhile uchiha and everything an uchiha shouldn't. there he was not uchiha sasuke, the disastrous second son who could not do anything right. there he was uchiha sasuke, the infamous second son whose family failed to control him.
on the cusp of eighteen, naruto - of course - found him.
it was not a simple fight. it was a confession, a realization. sasuke loved naruto - loved him like the brother he never had, a friend he lost. and naruto met him halfway.
sasuke never believed in soulmates before he met naruto.
when all was said and done - the ugly, the beautiful - sliding down the dented walls of sasuke's dorm room, naruto rested his head against the wall and said, "i'm going to be a teacher."
"still on about that?" sasuke lit a cigarette, glad to see naruto give a disapproving look, but say nothing of his disgusting habit.
"yeah. maybe you can too?"
"what," he gawked at naruto. naruto smiled. "why the fuck would i do that?"
"i don't know. maybe helping someone as lost as you is a gift that keeps on giving?"
"i'm not lost," sasuke automatically denied. maybe he hadn't figured out what he was going to do after this, but he wasn't lost.
naruto patted sasuke's shoulder. "just think about it."
and it wasn't naruto's advice that led sasuke to return to konoha. it wasn't his advice that led him to enroll for a history degree. sasuke did nothing he didn't want to and specializing in japanese history was something he wanted to do.
and applying for the same school as naruto too.
his father tried to be proud, through his stunted words and ever present disappointment. his mother was glad her son was back so she settled for being content. and itachi looked at sasuke with equal parts envy and pride and resignation.
sasuke understood more than he let on. for the first time in his life, he didn't feel the shackles holding him down though.
sasuke looks at the tall, gangly boy in front of him.
"can you help me with understanding the meiji restoration? i'm confusing it with edo."
sasuke isn't kind or fair or even a good teacher. he has no pity and even now cannot quite suppress the irritation that flares up at the incompetence displayed in front of him. he isn't here to teach children to be better people or guide them towards honorable paths.
but he didn't come here for anyone other than himself. so if he actually manages to say 'good job' when mashima shows good understanding of the fundamentals and stay patient, well, that's for selfish reasons.
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glitter-gummy-bears · 2 years
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The first time Iruka ever yelled at Sasuke.
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seinnens · 1 year
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Roleswap!AU where Lost Kin takes up the task of defeating The Radiance instead of The Knight, who never managed to make it out of the Abyss...
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
When Naruto gets sick, he and Kakashi snuggle on the couch surrounded by the dogs and have movie marathons. Idk if it would be funnier to have Kakashi completely unaware of what’s child friendly since he was basically left alone to do what he wanted as a kid, or big scary ass Kakashi whole heartedly enjoying a Disney princess movie.
Because on one hand, cute little Naruto’s favorite comfort movie could be like,,,The Exorcist or some shit. But on the other hand, Kakashi’s favorite movies could be 101 Dalmatians and The Fox and the Hound. Or all dogs go to heaven, and he’s like damn right they do.
Maybe Naruto’s brief exposure to Jiraiya left him completely unable to fear anything but the possibility of being adopted by someone else. And by Kakashi’s standards as long as Naruto isn’t crying, hurt, or looking uncomfortable he’s fine. And Naruto, chaos gremlin that he is, could just roast the special effects with Kakashi as he watches someone get brutally slaughtered on screen.
Iruka is horrified
From a child whose favorite movie for a long time was Final Destination Y E S
Kakashi of course tried to make sure the movies at first were child friendly (he has a soft spot for Balto personally) but as the years went on and Naruto’s insomnia ended up in him seeing more and more bits of whatever horror movie Kakashi was watching after he put the pup to bed and cackling after a particularly gruesome spray of gore, he just gave up on enforcing a rating rule as long as Naruto wasn’t upset.
Naruto, honestly, thinks they’re hilarious. He picks up a talent for FX makeup along the line as well. (He has to have two costumes for Halloween after one made another kid cry at daycare.) With his makeup skills and gymnastics training he has taken many years off of the lives of Kakashi, Itachi, and Genma not to mention the poor neighbors.
Naruto mentions the two costume thing to Iruka who then asks why and needless to say Kakashi gets another lecture. (Naruto in the other hand gets praised for being brave and his incredible makeup talents.)
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atqh16 · 7 months
"So I take it she doesn't know the real reason you don't want to say yes to Konoha High?”
Sasuke rolls his eyes and carries his dish to the sink to start on the dishes, "There is no 'real reason'. My point stands. Sandaime Academy pays considerably more and it doesn't make sense not to take it"
Itachi nods in understanding at his little brother's judicious choice, feeding himself some more noodles to let the conversation simmer before-
"So it has nothing to do with the fact that Naruto is the principle of Konoha High?"
There was a shrill thud of what Itachi presumes was a glass plate being dropped in a metal sink.
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