#teachers iykyk
rainbowvamp · 7 months
There’s a difference between familiar and used to.
The feeling of being so tired after doing nothing like an ache in his bones is familiar. He’s felt it before. He knows what it is. He knows what it means. He knows that he’s going to have to work harder to get out of bed today. That objectively knowing the world is always getting better isn’t going to make him feel better. He knows that there will be lead in his feet all day. And weights on his smile. And a void in his heart. He knows that. It’s familiar.
Familiar doesn’t mean used to.
He thinks if he were used to this, he’d be able to power through it better. He thinks if he just had more self-control. More will power. More desire. He’d be able to talk himself out of his own downward spiral like he might be able to talk himself out of a 1000 meter free fall.
Except you can’t talk your way out of a 1000 meter free fall. Not any more than you can talk yourself out of the familiar ache of Everything is Too Much. He knows the only way out is through. To hit the ground, get patched up at A&E, and spend a while healing. He knows he needs to rest. He knows he needs to eat. He knows he needs to go out into the sun.
He also knows that he has papers to grade. And parents who want to yell at him because the best he can manage isn’t good enough. He knows that the school year isn’t over for another three months and testing season is just around the corner and so things are about to get worse.
He knows that.
He knows that, and it cancels out all the other things he knows.
And he stays in bed on a Sunday. Heavy like lead. Strapped down like his blankets are steel bars. He can’t move. It’s too much. Everything is Too Much.
He takes a deep breath and reminds himself that that’s okay.
You can’t embrace life without embracing all of life.
Sometimes life is depression. Sometimes life is overwhelm. Sometimes life is memories of drowning slotted between the feeling you get when there’s more work to do than you can manage and you think you should manage it anyway.
Sometimes that’s what life is. You have to take the good with the bad.
He twitches aside the curtain by his bed. Lets a sliver of sunlight fall across the back of his hand. It’s enough for now. Later he might able to muster more. It’s enough for now.
He lets the sunlight warm the smallest part of his hand and reminds himself that every fall must end. And every testing season must pass. And every parent who has no idea what his job is like eventually moves on to harass some other poor sod and then the thing starts all over again.
And every time it starts over it gets a little better. And he holds onto that hope, strapped into his bed by blankets that feel too heavy to move, and he lets himself sleep another hour, because it’s Sunday and he deserves to rest, even if he doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes rest is what your body needs, even if your brain disagrees.
And if he dreams of a pale hand holding his, sometime in the next century, then that’s no one’s business but his own.
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teachers-sweetangel · 2 months
he doesn't use social media!: 🥰
he doesn't use social media.: 🥲
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inkyu · 9 days
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This was an OC doodle page but someone in a discord server requested for me to draw Roxas from KH <333 (Trance is the green guy... his name isn't Chyo...)
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glacierruler · 18 days
Putting this here, because I do *not* need my podcast blog blowing up over this lmao.
But that feeling when you're asked to write a fantasy conversation for your creative writing class and the fantasy conversation is a conversation that will never happen. Because it's between you and someone you admire (/p) talking about them helping you with the podcast you're writing.
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mars-in-the-starz · 24 days
W D Gangster (Feat Bill Ci)
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savage-rhi · 1 month
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floydsglasses · 4 months
You know what almost every month Lewis comes out of his little hidey hole, drops some new content and dips (still love ya you hermit ❤️)
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Poses Matty starts teaching Science classes 🔥🔥🔥
Last night was soooo good omg
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sharkieboi · 3 months
honestly being a queer adult is constantly thinking back on certain people in your life that you were obsessed with in any way shape or form and realizing “oh that was cause i’m GAY”
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theentityfromhell · 7 months
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hayleylovesjessica · 5 months
@maryoliveoil and @lesbiancosimaniehaus, there is nothing more satisfying on a slow Sunday night than shitposting and seeing two of my favorite moots reblog the post and basically say that they're screaming, LOL.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
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Not me sitting in Starbucks fake watching Safe Schools bloodborne pathogen ish while actually working on fanfic 😂
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my fellow writers, if you’re ever self-conscious about reusing motifs and imagery, just remember you haven’t written over 350 omegaverse fics for the same ship
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dmcoffee · 1 year
I think about the build up in Card Captor Sakura a lot.
You have a set number of magic cards to gather up and then pass a test in the hopes of avoiding a great disaster. No one says what the disaster is. We're too busy feeling stuff about the magic cards being entangled in the lives of our friends, family, and loved ones to ask what the worst case scenario is.
And then the climax comes. And failing the test means that the cards scatter again--and they take all memories of themselves with them. All those relationships we've established and experienced will cease to be. The silly couple who've been friends since they were babies. The bonds between siblings, where the elder brother who mercilessly teased his little sister was always there to have her back and shield her from the weird parts of magic. The cousins who've planned captures together, almost from the start. The rival turned friend, who is totally *not* crushing on the lead. Everything will be gone. All that will be erased, and mentally glanced over. Like they don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
There's something so devastating about it. We've seen Sakura's network of friends and family and how much they all treasure one another--only to be told that it could all disappear if the test is failed. The Disaster isn't a cosmic horror. It's not a violence that will haunt the city. It's a quiet, insidious consequence that creates a tragedy that no one will even bat an eye at. And I think it's incredible. It's tonally perfect. It's so simple yet impactful. It's a well crafted part of a story where the whole premise is Sakura creating bonds with the magical cards, and enjoying her bonds as a young girl growing up and navigating life. (Family, school, friends, crushes, magic.) It's one of the things that made me love the series so much.
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itsmeninerz · 2 years
EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND WATCH. The animator has also done shorts for the obeyme! audio dramas too that are so cute everyone go watch!!!!!!
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kittenpinkamations · 1 year
this is such a weird thing to be bothered about & maybe it's just me being weirdly sensitive & maybe it's none of my business, but like.... does anyone else get bothered by how their teachers gossip about their kids?? like. idk something about the way my teachers talk about their kids it just kinda seems. dehumanising? idk i can't put my finger on it but it Bothers Me for some reason.
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