#teachers who dedicated themselves to preserving their cultures
offsidekineticist · 10 months
💎💎💎for agria if you're still taking these and it strikes your fancy lol!
I am still taking them! Sorry it took so long, took some time to decide who would be most interesting to answer this one. So here's Giliys's thoughts on Agria (whom he has nicknamed 'Threads' because Giliys can't just call people by their names like a normal person, I'm so sorry).
"Threads? Well. I think I'd have liked her better if we met before the fifth crusade. I know she's got rich family, but she doesn't really count as nobility. I mean, she coulda stayed in Brevoy and tried to blend in with with the fancy Lebedas, sucked up to them, tried to marry up, but she didn't. She went and said she was part of a people with no home scattered all over Avistan, and when she realized their culture had been stolen from them, she went and said she'd steal it back. That takes guts.
"But then Areelu fucking Vorlesh got ahold of her, and - " Giliys stops himself, face taut with rage. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Look. I know most people think I don't have a conscience cuz it's calibrated different than most. But I do know this: the worst, most unforgivale things you can do to someone are the things that hurt the soul. And I know, I know, I done plenty of that in my time, but I also know it's fucked up. What Areelu Vorlesh did was un-fucking-forgivable. And Threads did her best to pick up the pieces and stitch herself back together, but...she decided not to fix what she did to her, didn't she? I don't know if she didn't think it was possible or if she actually thought she was better off for it, but either way - I mean - that's not something you choose if your soul is whole.
"So yeah. It's funny, I don't have a problem with her having magic powers from the Abyss. But the power she has as knight-commander...yeah, that's the kind of thing that twists you up inside, makes you into something else. Something that can't be fixed. And I hope Galfrey rots for pushing her into that when she was already torn up inside by Vorlesh."
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beardedmrbean · 19 days
Following Tuesday's negotiation session where Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's (NCP) government finalised next year's draft budget proposal, reactions to the budget dominated Finnish papers today.
According to a report by Ilta-Sanomat, the Trade Union of Education in Finland (OAJ) is "appalled" by the government's plan to make further cuts to vocational education. In spring, the government announced plans to cut vocational education funding by 100 million euros, and despite heavy protests, in the latest budget negotiations, it increased the cut by another 20 million euros.
"It is unacceptable that vocational education is being cut once again. The government's policy is at odds with the needs of the labour market and the goal of raising skill levels. There is a great need for skilled workers in areas such as technology and healthcare," said OAJ President Katarina Murto.
According to OAJ, the total cuts would be equivalent to reducing about 1,600 teachers.
Finnish Education Employers (FEE) association (Sivista in Finnish) also condemned the additional cuts.
"It is impossible for educational institutions to plan for the future when funding is constantly uncertain. Education was supposed to be exempt from savings, but the government has broken this promise regarding vocational education for the second time," said Director of Policy Heikki Kuutti Uusitalo in a statement.
Preserving Finnish language
The most widely-read story on Helsingin Sanomat story featured Finnish youngsters who are challenging the dominance of English words in the Finnish language.
Lauri Lassila noticed what he considers a troubling trend — his friends increasingly struggle with finding the right Finnish terms and often resort to English or ask for translations. He pointed out anglicisms or English words or phrases directly adopted into Finnish: 'running joke' becoming juokseva vitsi or using steppi (step) instead of the Finnish equivalent, askel.
Together with friends Touko Kinnunen and Saaga Suonvieri, Lassila started a group called "Kivenkantajat" (Stone Bearers), dedicated to finding Finnish equivalents for English loanwords.
Kinnunen attributes this trend to a lack of pride in the Finnish language, seeing the dominance of English as a sign of surrender to American culture.
Although language naturally evolves and loanwords have always been part of this process, the group worries about the extent of English influence and how it may undermine the Finnish language.
They pointed out that Finnish youngsters replace words like Purilaisten, kanansiipien and lounaan with English versions like 'burger', 'wings' and 'lunch'. Instead of developing new Finnish words, there's a tendency to directly adopt English terms such as canceloinnista for 'cancellation', smoothiet for 'smoothies'.
People may be hesitant to use new translations at first, Lassila admits, but told HS he has successfully introduced the term kyrnyty to replace "cringe", which he claimed has gained traction in his circle.
The group compared themselves to conservationists who are determined to preserve the Finnish language.
Finnish cities with clean air
Oulu, Tampere, and Helsinki ranked high in an evaluation of air quality conducted by the European Environment Agency (EEA), which assessed 372 European cities.
According to a report by Swedish language daily Hufvudstadsbladet, Oulu and Tampere are in fifth and sixth place, respectively, while Helsinki ranked twelfth.
Leading the list are Swedish cities, with Uppsala in first place and Umeå in second. Eight of the top 10 cities are in northern Europe, with Faro and Funchal in Portugal being the only exceptions.
According to the EEA, overall air quality in Europe has improved over the past 30 years. However, some cities still have air quality that can be harmful.
The city with the worst air quality in Europe is Slavonski Brod in Croatia, the country’s seventh-largest city, according to the ranking.
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 21
Aperçu of the Week:
"WOW, they are going to ARREST ME".
(Donald Trump, New York City Court, Case No. 71543-23)
Bad News of the Week:
As expected, U.S. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. At least since his strong re-election last year, the relatively young politician (44 years old) is considered a promising contender and was already in second place in the polls after Donald Trump and ahead of Joe Biden before his official announcement.
Unfortunately, his platform is anything but young: the "Trump with a brain" is pursuing a distinctly right-wing agenda, has loosened gun rights, threatened minorities and cut social programs. But above all, he has dedicated himself to fighting "wokeness" as a preserver of the good old primal American canon of values. He, for example, prohibits the discussion of gender diversity in schools.
Unfortunately, and for Europeans hardly comprehensible, he is not taking an outsider's position, but riding on a general trend. For example, when Budweiser launched a campaign for Bud light featuring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, conservatives successfully called for a boycott of the brand. Example: In a widely circulated video, Kid Rock shot at crates of the brand's beer with a machine gun and was celebrated for it. And just last week, Target took off the shelves a rainbow-colored product line it had introduced for Pride month in June - because employees were threatened by angry customers.
Increasingly, a culture war is emerging. And whether it's with Donald "Grab them by the pussy" Trump or his echo Ron "Don't say gay" DeSantis, Republicans will position themselves as the keepers of the true U.S. spirit. Anything that has even a hint of social, equality, inclusion, diversity or liberalism will be branded as an attack on the national self-image. And this message will resonate with many: the Republican voter base will go to the ballot box rallied to save their America.
This will not be the case with the Democrats, however. For their establishment has failed to build a successor to Joe Biden. Out of misplaced respect for the incumbent, who is traditionally granted automatic re-appointment. Even as his approval ratings continue to crumble. Not because of his policies, but because of his age. And because of a lack of imagination.
All of the alternatives currently mentioned by the media - from Kamala Harris to Amy Klobuchar to Pete Buttigieg - have unfortunately already proven that they cannot mobilize significantly. And all of them are hiding. Only when Biden becomes seriously ill or shows obvious signs of age-related failure will they be seen. With no agenda of their own, no charisma, no shadow cabinet. Just not being a Trump or DeSantis won't be enough this time. Especially not if you yourself are not an Alpha Male. Because US society is apparently not yet ready for a woman or a homosexual. And the legacy of Barack Obama is not strong enough.
Good News of the Week:
"Why Generation Z wants to work differently - and is now infecting everyone". That's the headline in leading political magazine Der Spiegel this week. Or in other words: work-life balance is currently a big topic. There is a shortage of skilled workers on the labor market. And that doesn't just mean the usual suspects like geriatric nurses and teachers or IT specialists. But everyone. The topics are overflowing: Should the retirement age be pushed back? How can Germany become attractive for international work nomads? How about a four-day week for everyone? Or a so-called "unconditional basic income"?
The primary issue here is not whether or in which industry one would like to work, but above all how. During the Corona pandemic, many employers and employees got to know - and in many cases appreciate - home office for the first time. I could pass for a trendsetter in this regard. For 20 years, I've worked primarily from home. And in parallel, I also have the advantages of "trust-based working hours". No one is interested in exactly when I do what work. The main thing is that I do my job. It's a give and take. And depends on personality. While some struggled with getting out of bed or putting the equally pending housework on the back burner, I have to be more careful that work doesn't become too dominant. Responsibility is the magic word - for work as part of one's personal life.
Balance is the key word in work-life balance. It's not about working less, if possible with full pay compensation. It's about remaining the master of your own personal schedule. Having to take time off for a doctor's appointment? Missing the kindergarten event? Sitting in the office in perfect weather even though the previous weekend day was rainy? Just doesn't make sense. The relationship between employer and employee should be symbiotic. After all, both have the same interest: that the work gets done. Then both sides are doing well. Without the control mania of a time clock, but with mutual trust. I can recommend this with a clear conscience.
Personal happy moment of the week:
Three days of weekend and no work. Good weather and children out of town. Sleeping in and no obligations. Going on trips and eating well. Work-life-balance... ;-)
I couldn't care less...
...for the bashing of the climate alarmists from the "Last Generation". Last week they were raided by the police - the official reason: suspicion of a criminal organization. Excuse me? Civil disobedience is for me a high good to kick the system (pardon) in the ass. Such disproportionate action by the state, instead of addressing the real problem, backfires, at least for me. Robin Hood has always been more likeable than the Sheriff of Nottingham.
As I write this...
...the runoff election for the post of president is underway in Turkey. Recep Erdogan has held power for 20 years. And for this year's challenger from an opposition party alliance, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, things were actually looking good. Not anymore: either he loses and autocrat Erdogan remains in power. Or he wins and has to keep countless election promises to the right-wing electorate, whose candidate fell out in the regular election. And with this course - played out, for example, on the backs of Syrian refugees and the Kurdish minority - he moves just as far away from a liberal, democratic ideal as Erdogan. Therefore, many voters will prefer the original. And nothing will change, the historic opportunity will be lost.
Update: now it's whitmonday. And Erdogan is reelected. And celebrated. Ooph...
Post Scriptum
FC Bayern has become the German soccer champion. The eleventh time in a row - so nothing new. However, like many others, the decision was actually made only the day before yesterday on the last match day, literally at the last minute. What is considered a catastrophe in Munich, I actually think is good: after all, (open) competition is part of sports. See the German ice hockey team, which yesterday won a medal at the World Championship again after 70 years. And which (in contrast to FC Bayern) nobody had on their mind. I couldn't lose anyway, because the opponent and winner was Canada - my second home.
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stevejhones6801 · 13 days
Discover the Benefits of a Yoga Retreat in France with Indian Classic Yoga
A yoga retreat is a special vacation where people go to relax, exercise, and focus on their health. It usually takes place in a peaceful location, far from the noise and stress of daily life. During the retreat, participants do yoga, meditate, eat healthy food, and sometimes go on nature walks. It’s a time to recharge the mind and body. Many people find that attending a yoga retreat helps them disconnect from the pressures of modern life. It allows them to focus solely on their well-being. Whether you’re looking for relaxation or self-reflection, a retreat is the perfect way to unwind.
Why Choose France for a Yoga Retreat?
France is famous for its beautiful countryside, delicious food, and rich culture. These are just some of the reasons why people love visiting France. Imagine doing yoga while enjoying the fresh air, green fields, and quiet villages. The combination of yoga and the French landscape creates a perfect setting for relaxation and self-discovery. Whether it's the sunny beaches or the serene countryside, France offers many ideal spots for a peaceful retreat. The beauty of France enhances the entire experience. The country’s charm provides an unforgettable backdrop for your wellness journey.
Indian Classic Yoga: Bringing Yoga to France
Indian Classic Yoga is a company that focuses on offering authentic yoga experiences. They believe that yoga is more than just exercise; it's a way to improve your life. Indian Classic Yoga organizes retreats in France that are designed for beginners and experienced yogis alike. Their teachers are highly skilled and guide participants through yoga sessions that help them relax, stretch, and feel better. The company is dedicated to preserving the true essence of yoga, ensuring participants get both physical and mental benefits. They offer a holistic approach to well-being. With Indian Classic Yoga, your retreat is a true journey toward self-improvement.
The Benefits of Attending a Yoga Retreat in France
Yoga retreat in France is an excellent opportunity for people to connect with nature and themselves. You can spend your days practicing yoga and meditation in scenic locations. The retreat also offers a chance to meet new people who share the same interests. Whether you're looking for inner peace or just a break from your busy routine, this retreat can provide that and more. Beyond yoga, the environment and the activities included in the retreat make it a well-rounded experience for personal growth. It’s a chance to reset and refocus. By the end of the retreat, you’ll feel renewed, both physically and mentally.
What to Expect at a Yoga Retreat?
At a yoga retreat, you will usually start your day with a morning yoga session. Afterward, there may be workshops on mindfulness or personal growth. The afternoons often include free time to explore the local area, read, or rest. In the evenings, another yoga session or meditation will help calm your mind before bed. Meals are typically healthy and vegetarian, giving your body the energy it needs to feel refreshed. Many retreats also provide personalized guidance for participants, helping them get the most out of each yoga session. It's a complete package for wellness. Each day is designed to promote balance between activity and relaxation.
Enjoy the Culture Alongside Yoga
One of the best parts about a yoga retreat in France is the opportunity to experience French culture. Indian Classic Yoga offers trips to local markets, visits to nearby towns, and even cooking classes where you can learn how to make healthy French dishes. This blend of yoga and culture makes the retreat even more special. Experiencing the art, cuisine, and history of France while deepening your yoga practice adds an extra layer of enjoyment. You get to embrace both the spiritual side of yoga and the cultural charm of France. The cultural immersion will leave you with wonderful memories to treasure.
Why a Yoga Retreat in France Is Worth It?
Choosing to go on a yoga retreat in France means investing in yourself. This retreat will help you return to your regular life feeling rejuvenated, calm, and focused. You will learn more about yoga and how it can positively impact your daily routine. Plus, you’ll have wonderful memories of your time in France to carry with you. The physical and mental relaxation you’ll experience at the retreat can have lasting benefits in your everyday life. It’s a unique opportunity to grow, both inside and out. The lessons learned during the retreat can positively influence the rest of your life.
How to Join Indian Classic Yoga’s Next Retreat?
If you’re interested in joining a yoga retreat, Indian Classic Yoga makes it easy. You can find more information about upcoming retreats on their website, where they provide details about dates, locations, and prices. Don’t miss the chance to experience the beauty of France while improving your mind, body, and soul through yoga. Taking the step to join this retreat could be the start of a transformative journey for you. You’ll leave the retreat with new skills, memories, and a refreshed spirit. This is your chance to combine self-care with the beauty of French landscapes, all guided by expert yoga instructors.
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yogaadi52 · 24 days
Best 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
Rishikesh, often referred to as the "Yoga Capital of the World," has long been a spiritual haven for those seeking to deepen their yoga practice. Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, this sacred city offers an unparalleled environment for yoga enthusiasts to immerse themselves in traditional teachings. Among the myriad of yoga schools in Rishikesh, Yogaadi Yoga School stands out as a beacon of authentic yoga education, particularly with its 300-hour yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh.
Why Choose Yogaadi Yoga School?
Yogaadi Yoga School is renowned for its commitment to preserving the authenticity of yoga. The school’s 300-hour yoga teacher training program is designed to cater to those who have already completed their 200-hour yoga teacher training and are looking to deepen their knowledge and practice. Here’s why Yogaadi Yoga School is considered one of the best for 300-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh:
Comprehensive Curriculum: The 300-hour program at Yogaadi is designed to offer an in-depth exploration of yoga. The curriculum goes beyond the basics, covering advanced asanas, pranayama, meditation techniques, yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology. Students are introduced to the subtleties of yogic practices, enabling them to understand the deeper aspects of yoga and its impact on the mind, body, and spirit.
Experienced Instructors: At Yogaadi Yoga School, the teachers are not just instructors; they are mentors and guides who have dedicated their lives to the practice and teaching of yoga. The faculty consists of highly experienced yoga practitioners who bring decades of knowledge and experience. Their teaching methods are rooted in traditional yoga, yet they are adaptable to the modern needs of students.
Personalized Attention: One of the standout features of Yogaadi Yoga School is the personalized attention given to each student. With smaller class sizes, the instructors can provide individual guidance and support, ensuring that each student progresses at their own pace. This personalized approach helps refine techniques and understand the nuances of yoga practice.
Traditional and Modern Approach: While the training at Yogaadi is deeply rooted in traditional yoga, it also embraces modern teaching methodologies. The school recognizes the importance of balancing ancient wisdom with contemporary practices, making the training relevant to today’s world. This blend of tradition and modernity equips students with the skills to teach yoga in various settings, from traditional studios to modern wellness centers.
Serene Environment: The location of Yogaadi Yoga School in Rishikesh adds to the transformative experience. The tranquil surroundings, with the Ganges River flowing nearby and the Himalayas as a backdrop, create an ideal setting for introspection and spiritual growth. The school’s peaceful environment enhances the learning experience, allowing students to connect with nature and their inner selves.
Holistic Learning Experience: The 300-hour program at Yogaadi is not just about physical postures; it’s about holistic growth. The training includes modules on Ayurveda, the science of life, which teaches students about the connection between diet, lifestyle, and health. Additionally, the course covers yogic cleansing techniques, sound healing, and mindfulness practices, offering a well-rounded education in the yogic lifestyle.
Community and Cultural Immersion: Being in Rishikesh, students at Yogaadi Yoga School have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture and community. The school organizes excursions to nearby temples, ashrams, and spiritual sites, providing students with a deeper understanding of Indian culture and its connection to yoga. This cultural immersion is a valuable part of the learning experience, enriching the students’ journey.
Support for Personal and Professional Growth: Yogaadi Yoga School is dedicated to the personal and professional growth of its students. The training program includes workshops on developing a successful yoga career, including marketing strategies, ethical considerations, and business skills. This support helps students transition from trainees to confident yoga teachers ready to make a positive impact in the world.
Choosing the best yoga school in Rishikesh for your 300-hour teacher training is a crucial decision that can shape your future as a yoga teacher. Yogaadi Yoga School in Rishikesh offers a transformative experience that goes beyond just a certification. It’s a journey of self-discovery, deep learning, and spiritual growth. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, serene environment, and holistic approach, Yogaadi Yoga School stands out as one of the best options for advanced yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. Whether you aim to deepen your personal practice or take your teaching skills to the next level, Yogaadi Yoga School provides the perfect foundation for your journey.
Visit for more info: https://www.yogaadi.com/300-hour-yoga-teacher-training-in-rishikesh
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lomijujules · 6 months
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"Celebrating Filipino Craftsmanship: Ang Duyog in the College of Arts, Science, Business, and Teachers Education"
In the vibrant halls of the College of Arts, Science, Business, and Teachers Education (CASBTE) at the College of St. John Roxas, there's a special exhibit that's capturing attention and hearts alike. Among the various displays, one item in particular, "Ang Duyog: A Bayong Likha sa Bao," stands out as a testament to Filipino ingenuity and tradition.
A spacious bayong, traditionally woven for carrying goods, but with a twist. Ang Duyog is crafted from the sturdy fibers of the buri palm, showcasing the fusion of practicality and artistry inherent in Filipino culture.
"Ang Duyog," which translates to "The Companion," embodies the essence of unity, reflecting the interconnectedness between nature and humanity. Through its intricate weave and durable structure, it symbolizes resilience, sustainability, and the enduring spirit of Filipino craftsmanship.
Within the walls of CASBTE, Ang Duyog serves as more than just a decorative piece; it's a living embodiment of the college's commitment to holistic education. By showcasing this piece of cultural heritage, CASBTE not only honors the traditions of the past but also inspires future generations to appreciate and preserve Filipino craftsmanship.
So, as visitors explore the halls of CASBTE, they are not only greeted by academic knowledge but also invited to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Filipino culture. Ang Duyog stands as a proud reminder of the college's diverse offerings and its dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who value tradition and innovation alike.
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pooma-today · 10 months
The National UN Volunteers-India
Mahan Anjanadri Vidya Kendra, Bangalore, Karnataka - The UN Designated School in India
Mahan Anjanadri Vidya Kendra, a renowned educational institution in Bangalore, celebrated Universal Children's Day yesterday with a grand event filled with talent, culture, and joy. The school premises were brimming with excitement as children and teachers enthusiastically participated in various activities and performances.
The event showcased the incredible talents of the students and teachers, who exhibited their prowess in arts, drama, dance, and music. The stage came alive with vibrant colors, captivating performances, and heartfelt emotions as the young performers took center stage.
The children, filled with enthusiasm and confidence, showcased their creativity and skills through mesmerizing dance routines, captivating drama acts, and soulful musical performances. The audience was enthralled by the talent and passion displayed by the young artists, leaving everyone in awe of their remarkable abilities.
Not only did the students shine, but the teachers also took the opportunity to showcase their own talents. With their incredible skills in arts, drama, dance, and music, the teachers added an extra layer of excitement and inspiration to the event. Their performances served as a reminder of the dedication and passion they bring to their classrooms every day.
In a unique and delightful addition to the celebration, the school bus drivers took the stage to exhibit the rich native culture. They showcased traditional dances, music, and customs, providing a glimpse into the diverse heritage of Karnataka. The audience was captivated by their performances, and the drivers received well-deserved applause for their efforts in preserving and promoting the local culture.
The Universal Children's Day celebration at Mahan Anjanadri Vidya Kendra was a true testament to the school's commitment to nurturing and celebrating the talents of its students. It provided a platform for children to express themselves, build confidence, and foster a sense of belonging within the school community.
The event concluded on a high note, with the entire school community coming together to applaud and appreciate the efforts of the young performers, teachers, and even the bus drivers. The celebration left everyone filled with a sense of pride and joy, knowing that they had witnessed the incredible potential and talent of the future generation.
Mahan Anjanadri Vidya Kendra continues to be a beacon of excellence in education, providing a nurturing environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive. The Universal Children's Day celebration served as a reminder of the school's commitment to holistic development and its dedication to creating a positive and enriching educational experience for every child.
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vaishakh123 · 1 year
Kerala Kalamandalam
In the picturesque village of Cheruthuruthy, in the state of Kerala in southern India, stands the venerable Kerala Kalamandalam. Since its founding in 1930, it has been instrumental in preserving, promoting, and disseminating Kerala's rich cultural heritage, particularly its traditional performing arts, Kathakali and Mohiniyattam. With a history spanning more than nine decades, Kerala Kalamandalam is still a shining example of traditional arts, drawing visitors from all over the world who are interested in learning more.
A Historical Perspective
Vallathol Narayana Menon, a well-known poet, and Mukunda Raja, a close friend of his, established Kerala Kalamandalam. Their goal was to establish a facility for the revitalization and preservation of traditional art forms, which were in danger of extinction due to a variety of socio-cultural factors. The institution encountered many difficulties in its early years, but it never wavered in its dedication to protecting the core of Kerala's cultural heritage.
The school offers thorough instruction in these art forms through a structured and rigorous curriculum. Students receive years of intensive training in subjects like yoga, physical fitness, and acting with emotion (abhinaya), dramatics (natya), and music. Kerala Kalamandalam 's pedagogical approach is known for its use of the gurukula system, where students live with their gurus (teachers) and fully immerse themselves in the learning process. This traditional system instills a profound understanding of the cultural and spiritual dimensions of the art forms in addition to the technical skills.
Promoting Cultural Exchange
Students and academics from all over the world have traveled to Kerala Kalamandalam over the years to study, conduct research, and collaborate with the institution. The institution's cultural tapestry has been enriched by this exchange of concepts and creative approaches, and it has made it easier for people all over the world to appreciate Kerala's classical arts. Additionally, it has been crucial in developing cultural ambassadors who represent these art forms on stages around the world.
Kathakali and Mohiniyattam: The Core Focus
Kathakali and Mohiniyattam are the two classical art forms that Kerala Kalamandalam primarily emphasizes. In order to portray Hindu mythology, Kathakali, a highly stylized dance-drama, combines ornate costumes, intricate makeup, and expressive movements. On the other hand, Mohiniyattam is a graceful dance style that is primarily performed by women and is renowned for its delicate, elegant movements and themes that are inspired by the feminine side of divinity.
Preservation of Tradition Amid Modernization
In a time of accelerated modernization, Kerala Kalamandalam has steadfastly upheld conventional methods and values. The institution makes sure that the fundamental elements of these art forms are preserved while embracing modern technology and innovations to improve teaching methods and outreach. What distinguishes Kerala Kalamandalam is the delicate balancing act between tradition and adaptation.
Cultural Impact
Kerala Kalamandalam has made incalculable contributions to the cultural landscape of India and the entire world. Numerous successful artists who have won awards and recognition on domestic and international stages were produced by the institution. The younger generation's interest in traditional art forms has been greatly rekindled as a result, ensuring the survival of these priceless cultural treasures.
A testament to the enduring spirit of tradition and creativity is Kerala Kalamandalam. Its unwavering dedication to safeguarding and advancing Kerala's classical arts has distinguished it as a cultural treasure not only in India but also internationally. Kerala Kalamandalam is a living heritage that continues to inspire, instruct, and enrich the world with the beauty of Kathakali and Mohiniyattam. As we commemorate the institution's illustrious history and its ongoing dedication to the arts, we are reminded of this.
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aniketaslaliya30 · 1 year
The Unparalleled Importance of Parents in Our Lives
Parents, our first teachers, mentors, and lifelong supporters, play a pivotal role in shaping the very essence of our existence. From the moment we are brought into this world, they selflessly dedicate themselves to nurturing and guiding us. Their love, care, and sacrifice form the foundation upon which we build our lives. In this blog, we will explore the immeasurable importance of parents and the profound impact they have on our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.
Unconditional Love and Support
A parent's love knows no bounds. They embrace us with open arms, showering us with affection, and providing a sense of security that is unparalleled. This unwavering love gives us the confidence to explore the world, knowing that we have a safe haven to return to when life gets tough. Their constant support acts as a driving force, encouraging us to pursue our dreams and ambitions with unwavering determination.
Role Models and Teachers
Parents serve as our first role models, exemplifying the values, ethics, and principles that we inherit and carry forward into adulthood. Their actions, more than their words, teach us crucial life lessons about compassion, empathy, and resilience. Through their guidance, we learn to differentiate between right and wrong, setting a strong moral compass that guides us throughout our lives.
Emotional Well-Being
During challenging times, parents act as our emotional anchors. They lend a patient ear to our worries, offer advice, and lend a comforting shoulder to lean on. Their presence alone can alleviate stress and anxiety, reassuring us that we are not alone in our struggles. The emotional bond shared with parents fosters a sense of belonging and emotional security that positively impacts our mental well-being.
Learning the Art of Parenting
As we grow older, the importance of parents in our lives extends beyond our own experiences. They become our invaluable resource when we take on the role of parents ourselves. Observing their parenting styles helps us understand the significance of patience, empathy, and understanding when raising our own children.
Preserving Cultural Heritage
Parents play a significant role in passing down cultural traditions, customs, and values from one generation to the next. They provide a connection to our roots, instilling pride in our heritage and shaping our cultural identity. This preservation of cultural heritage helps maintain a sense of continuity and cohesion within families and communities.
Celebrating Milestones and Achievements
Parents are our biggest cheerleaders, celebrating every milestone and achievement, no matter how small. Their encouragement empowers us to strive for excellence and embrace our uniqueness. Their joy in our successes amplifies our happiness and strengthens the bond we share.
The significance of parents in our lives cannot be overstated. They are the guiding lights who illuminate our path, the pillars of strength during our darkest hours, and the wellspring of love that nourishes our soul. Through their love and selflessness, they shape us into capable and compassionate individuals, ready to embrace life's challenges. As we acknowledge the unparalleled importance of parents in our lives, let us cherish and honor their presence, expressing gratitude for the indelible impact they have on who we are and who we will become.
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Calligraphy in Los Angeles
Getting to Know the Inspirational Stories of Calligraphers in Los Angeles
Welcome to the vibrant and artistic world of Calligraphy in Los Angeles! Nestled in this bustling city are talented individuals who wield their pens like magic wands, creating mesmerizing strokes that bring words to life. These skilled calligraphers are not just artisans; they are storytellers, weaving tales through their elegant lettering and intricate designs. Join us as we uncover their beginnings, explore the significance of calligraphy in this dynamic city, and celebrate their passion for this timeless art form.
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The people behind the art of calligraphy in Los Angeles
The art of calligraphy in Los Angeles is brought to life by a diverse and talented group of individuals who are passionate about preserving this ancient craft. Each calligrapher has their own unique style and approach, infusing their work with their personal experiences and creative vision.
From the beginners who are just starting to discover the beauty of calligraphy to the seasoned professionals who have dedicated years honing their skills, these artists share a common love for the art form.
But being a calligrapher in Los Angeles isn't without its challenges. The city's fast-paced lifestyle demands adaptability and innovation. These artists constantly push boundaries and explore new styles while staying true to the timeless elegance of traditional calligraphy.
The Beginnings of Calligraphy in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, a city known for its vibrant arts and culture scene, has a rich history when it comes to calligraphy. The art form of calligraphy finds its roots in ancient civilizations, but it wasn't until the early 20th century that it began to take hold in the City of Angels.
Calligraphy in Los Angeles was primarily practiced by skilled artists who were passionate about preserving and promoting this traditional art form. They formed small communities and shared their knowledge through workshops and classes.
One of the key figures in spreading the practice of calligraphy was Edna Mae Burnam. She was an influential teacher who introduced countless students to the beauty and intricacy of lettering. Her dedication to this craft inspired many aspiring calligraphers in Los Angeles.
The Importance of Calligraphy in Los Angeles
Calligraphy holds a special place in the hearts of many in Los Angeles. It is not just an art form; it is a way of preserving culture, connecting with history, and expressing oneself creatively. The significance of calligraphy goes beyond mere aesthetics—it has become an integral part of the city's artistic landscape.
One key aspect to note about calligraphy in Los Angeles is its ability to bridge different cultures and communities. In this diverse city, calligraphers have been able to find inspiration from various traditions such as Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, and more.
calligraphy plays a vital role in preserving cultural heritage. Many talented artists in Los Angeles devote themselves to learning traditional scripts and techniques passed down through generations. By doing so, they ensure that these ancient forms are kept alive for future generations—a testament to the enduring value and beauty of calligraphy.
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History of Development of Sitar in Maihar Gharana
The history of the development of the sitar in the Maihar Gharana is a fascinating journey that spans several centuries. The Maihar Gharana, one of the most renowned schools of Hindustani classical music, has played a pivotal role in shaping the evolution of the sitar. This article delves into the rich heritage and significant contributions of the Maihar Gharana to the development of this iconic musical instrument.
The Birth of the Sitar
The sitar traces its origins back to ancient India, with its roots in the veena, an instrument that dates back to at least 1000 BCE. Over time, the sitar evolved from the veena, undergoing various modifications and enhancements to achieve its distinct sound and characteristics.
Evolution of the Sitar in Maihar Gharana
Guru Shishya Parampara: The Teacher-Student Tradition
The Maihar Gharana has a strong lineage of guru-shishya parampara, where knowledge and expertise are passed down from the guru (teacher) to the shishya (student). This tradition has played a pivotal role in the development of the sitar in the Maihar Gharana, ensuring the preservation of the rich musical heritage.
Ustad Allauddin Khan: The Visionary
Ustad Allauddin Khan, a legendary musician and the founder of the Maihar Gharana, made significant contributions to the development of the sitar. He was a visionary who brought together elements from various musical traditions and incorporated them into the sitar, creating a unique and mesmerizing style.
Innovations and Techniques
Under the guidance of Ustad Allauddin Khan and subsequent masters of the Maihar Gharana, the sitar underwent several innovations and refinements. These included changes in the design, stringing patterns, and playing techniques, all aimed at enhancing the instrument's tonal quality and expressiveness.
Integration of Vocal Techniques
The musicians of the Maihar Gharana emphasized the integration of vocal techniques into sitar playing. This approach allowed the sitar to mimic the nuances of human voice, creating a captivating melodic experience. The integration of vocal techniques added depth and emotive power to the instrument's repertoire.
Historical Significance of the Maihar Gharana
Influence on Indian Classical Music
The Maihar Gharana has had a profound influence on the landscape of Indian classical music. Its musicians, including sitar virtuosos such as Ravi Shankar and Nikhil Banerjee, have not only pushed the boundaries of the sitar's possibilities but also contributed to the wider acceptance and popularity of Hindustani classical music worldwide.
Preservation of Tradition
The Maihar Gharana has been instrumental in preserving the rich tradition of Indian classical music. Its musicians have dedicated themselves to the rigorous training and practice required to master the sitar and pass on their knowledge to future generations. This commitment to preserving tradition ensures that the art form continues to thrive.
Cultural Legacy
The development of the sitar in the Maihar Gharana has become an integral part of India's cultural legacy. The melodic and rhythmic intricacies of the sitar have become synonymous with Indian classical music, captivating audiences across the globe and representing the rich cultural heritage of the country.
Q: What is the significance of the Maihar Gharana in the development of the sitar?
The Maihar Gharana holds immense significance in the development of the sitar. Its musicians, including Ustad Allauddin Khan, pioneered innovative techniques and incorporated vocal elements into sitar playing, shaping the instrument's evolution and contributing to its unique sound.
Q: Who are some notable sitar players from the Maihar Gharana?
The Maihar Gharana has produced several notable sitar players. Prominent among them are Ustad Ravi Shankar, who gained worldwide acclaim for his virtuosity, and Nikhil Banerjee, known for his soulful and emotive renditions.
Q: How does the Maihar Gharana differ from other schools of sitar playing?
The Maihar Gharana stands out for its emphasis on the integration of vocal techniques, which sets it apart from other schools of sitar playing. This approach adds a distinct melodic and expressive quality to the sitar's repertoire.
Q: What are some key innovations introduced by the Maihar Gharana?
The Maihar Gharana introduced several key innovations to the sitar, including modifications in the instrument's design, stringing patterns, and playing techniques. These innovations aimed to enhance the sitar's tonal quality and expand its expressive capabilities.
Q: How has the Maihar Gharana influenced Indian classical music?
The Maihar Gharana has had a profound influence on Indian classical music. Its musicians have not only contributed to the development of the sitar but also pushed the boundaries of Hindustani classical music as a whole, fostering innovation while preserving the rich traditions of the art form.
Q: What is the legacy of the Maihar Gharana in contemporary music?
The legacy of the Maihar Gharana in contemporary music is significant. Its influence can be seen in the works of sitar players and composers who have been inspired by the Maihar Gharana's approach. The contributions of the gharana continue to shape the landscape of Indian classical and fusion music today.
The history of the development of the sitar in the Maihar Gharana is a testament to the rich heritage and innovation within Indian classical music. The gharana's emphasis on preserving tradition while embracing innovation has contributed to the evolution of the sitar and its enduring significance in the world of music. As we celebrate the history and contributions of the Maihar Gharana, we acknowledge its profound impact on the development of the sitar and Indian classical music as a whole.
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Faculty: Soumitra Thakur
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artivarma · 1 year
  Kathak Dance Class in Vadodara
Vadodara, the cultural hub of Gujarat, is known for its rich heritage and artistic traditions. One such art form that flourishes in this vibrant city is Kathak, a classical dance form that mesmerizes audiences with its graceful movements and expressive storytelling. In this article, we delve into the world of Kathak dance class in Vadodara, exploring the opportunities they offer for both beginners and seasoned dancers.
Preserving the Essence of Kathak:
Kathak, which originated in northern India, has deep historical and cultural roots. It blends elements of music, rhythm, poetry, and storytelling, making it a comprehensive art form. Over the years, dedicated gurus and institutions in Vadodara have worked tirelessly to preserve and promote the essence of Kathak, ensuring that its traditions are passed down to future generations.
Enriching Learning Experiences:
Kathak dance classes in Vadodara offer a holistic learning experience for individuals of all age groups and skill levels. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced dancer, these classes provide an opportunity to explore the intricate footwork, graceful hand movements, and emotive expressions that define Kathak.
The city boasts several reputed dance academies and studios that offer Kathak classes. These institutions are equipped with experienced and passionate teachers who impart knowledge with dedication, helping students develop a deep understanding of the dance form's nuances. The structured curriculum covers the fundamental aspects of Kathak, including the intricate footwork patterns (tatkar), spins (chakkar), and rhythmic compositions (tukras and parans).
Nurturing Artistic Growth:
Kathak dance classes not only focus on technical proficiency but also foster artistic growth. Students are encouraged to explore their creative potential and develop their unique style of expression. Alongside traditional compositions, contemporary choreography is also introduced, giving dancers the freedom to experiment and innovate while maintaining the essence of Kathak.
Moreover, these classes provide a platform for students to showcase their talents through periodic recitals, cultural events, and competitions. Such opportunities help build confidence, stage presence, and an appreciation for the art form's performing aspect.
Community and Cultural Exchange:
Kathak dance class in Vadodara foster a sense of community among students and enthusiasts. The learning environment encourages collaboration and peer-to-peer interaction, creating a supportive network of individuals who share a common passion. Students often participate in group performances and collaborate with musicians, creating a vibrant cultural exchange.
Beyond the Classroom:
Kathak dance class in Vadodara extend beyond the confines of the studio. Students are exposed to workshops, guest lectures, and performances by renowned Kathak exponents from India and around the world. Such events provide invaluable opportunities to learn from and interact with accomplished artists, enriching the overall learning experience.
For those seeking to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Kathak, Vadodara offers a thriving community of dance classes that cater to beginners and advanced learners alike. With experienced teachers, a comprehensive curriculum, and a nurturing environment, these classes provide a platform for individuals to embrace the grace, beauty, and storytelling power of Kathak. By embracing this classical dance form, residents of Vadodara continue to contribute to the preservation and propagation of India's rich cultural heritage.
Regenerate response
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rupa4343 · 1 year
Yoga alliance registered india,
Yoga alliance registered india,
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Title: The Significance of Yoga Alliance Registered Schools in India
Yoga has become a global phenomenon, with millions of people embracing its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. As the birthplace of yoga, India holds a special place in the hearts of yoga enthusiasts worldwide. To ensure the authenticity and quality of yoga education, the Yoga Alliance Registered Schools in India play a pivotal role. In this article, we will explore the significance of these registered schools and why they are highly regarded by yoga practitioners and teachers alike.
Maintaining Tradition and Authenticity
Yoga is deeply rooted in Indian culture and traditions. Yoga Alliance, an internationally recognized organization, has established rigorous standards to uphold the authenticity and integrity of yoga teaching. By being registered with the Yoga Alliance, schools in India commit to preserving the traditional teachings of yoga, passed down through generations. They adhere to a set curriculum that covers the fundamental aspects of yoga, including asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology.
Quality Education and Experienced Teachers
Yoga Alliance Registered Schools in India are known for providing high-quality yoga education. They have a dedicated team of experienced teachers who possess deep knowledge and expertise in various aspects of yoga. These teachers have undergone rigorous training themselves and continue to refine their skills and knowledge to offer the best possible guidance to their students. The curriculum followed by these schools is carefully designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of yoga, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education.
Curriculum and Certification
Yoga Alliance Registered Schools in India follow a structured curriculum that covers all essential components of yoga. This curriculum is designed to meet the standards set by the Yoga Alliance. By adhering to this curriculum, students can be confident that they are receiving a comprehensive and authentic yoga education.
Upon successful completion of the program, students receive a certification from the Yoga Alliance, which holds international recognition and is highly valued in the yoga community. This certification not only demonstrates the student's commitment to their yoga practice but also enhances their credibility as a yoga teacher, opening up opportunities for employment worldwide.
Global Recognition and Opportunities
The Yoga Alliance Registered Schools in India provide a gateway to global recognition and opportunities for yoga practitioners and teachers. The certification obtained from these schools is widely accepted and respected by yoga communities around the world. It serves as a testament to the quality of education received and the dedication of the individual to the practice and teaching of yoga.
Additionally, being associated with a Yoga Alliance Registered School in India can provide networking opportunities and connections within the international yoga community. This can lead to collaborations, workshops, and teaching engagements across various countries, enriching the professional growth and exposure of yoga practitioners.
Yoga Alliance Registered Schools in India hold immense value for yoga practitioners and teachers seeking authentic, high-quality yoga education. These schools not only preserve the rich traditions of yoga but also provide a platform for individuals to learn, grow, and share their knowledge with a global audience. By choosing a registered school, students can be assured of receiving a comprehensive education, backed by a globally recognized certification. The Yoga Alliance Registered Schools in India truly serve as beacons of authenticity and excellence in the world of yoga.
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torahtantra · 1 year
"Land Still to Be Taken." From Joshua, Chapter 13.  
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From Chapter 12:  
"These are the sins: Gossip and Idolatry. They degrade man and make him into a provincial savage. Men like this must be hunted and made to become civilized, or they must be silenced." 
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The opposite are Israelites, who:  
 "Roar the truth, worship God, and dwell in cities. They become cultured through exposure to sacred ideals from the orchard of humanity, including the tenets of other faiths, and creates conditions in which others can live in the highest of conditions and experience delight." 
Even still, there is more territory to cover:  
Land Still to Be Taken 
13 When Joshua had grown old, the Lord said to him, “You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over. 
2 “This is the land that remains: all the regions of the Philistines and Geshurites, 3 from the Shihor River on the east of Egypt to the territory of Ekron on the north, all of it counted as Canaanite though held by the five Philistine rulers in Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron; the territory of the Avvites 4 on the south; all the land of the Canaanites, from Arah of the Sidonians as far as Aphek and the border of the Amorites; 5 the area of Byblos; and all Lebanon "purity" to the east, from Baal Gad below Mount Hermon "the highest point" to Lebo Hamath. 
In the NORTH:  
Philistines= griever, burrower, weakener 
Geshurites= the beholders 
Shihor= deep dark, prelude to solar eclipse 
Egypt= confederacy 
Ekron= extermination 
Canaanite= royalty 
Ashdod= beloved of Dagon, the god of natural abundance [the Philistines were Babylonians] 
Ashkelon= Greek. A gathering.  
In the SOUTH:  
Arah= To travel, keep company 
Aphek= riverbed 
Amorites= talkers 
Sidonians= fishboners 
Byblos= Books 
Baal Gad= Lord Of Fortune, Lord Of The Invasion 
Mount Hermon= the Highest Point 
Lebo Hamath= Coming Onto Fortification, Realm Of Hamath 
="What is hidden by the blind, who exterminate the royal qualities by worshipping themselves and eternal life instead of God, can be found in the Temple by men of strength who gather to overthrow them- the talkers and fish poachers." 
The means are revealed in the Light of the Sun, the Most High who calls men to the highest point through instruction in the Torah and fortifies them there." 
6 “As for all the inhabitants of the mountain regions from Lebanon to Misrephoth Maim "burning of waters", that is, all the Sidonians, I myself will drive them out before the Israelites. Be sure to allocate this land to Israel for an inheritance, as I have instructed you, 7 and divide it as an inheritance among the nine tribes and half of the tribe of Manasseh.” 
Jacob had twelve sons, the first nine are:  
Jacob had twelve sons: 
23 The sons of Leah: 
Reuben [the leader] the firstborn of Jacob [the follower], 
Simeon [who listens], Levi [is loyal], Judah [who praises], Issachar [dedicated] and Zebulun [the glorious dwelling] . 
= "Leaders are born from servants and followers. Those who are loyal are rewarded and live in glory." 
24 The sons of Rachel [the ewe, youth beauty] : 
Joseph [fruitful] and Benjamin [Seated Right]. 
25 The sons of Rachel’s servant Bilhah [calamity]: 
Dan [to govern] and Naphtali [challenges]. 
"Youth, beauty, security, and prosperity are preserved by men in the government who are willing to fight."  
-> The Burning Waters refer to damnation. In between purity and peace and the Burning River are the Sidonians, persons like the Mormons who use propaganda and lies to steal fish from the river and debone them. This is forbidden.  
Division of the Land East of the Jordan 
8 The other half of Manasseh,[a] the Reubenites and the Gadites had received the that Moses had given them east of the Jordan, as he, the servant of the Lord, had assigned it to them. 
-> The Torah decrees all newbies are received in the East by Reubenites, "leaders", Gadites, "exposers, or teachers".  
9 It extended from Aroer, the city stripped of children, on the rim of the Arnon Gorge "agile, aroused or at the center of cheer", and from the town in the middle of the gorge, and included the whole plateau of Medeba, [from medad, the highest, eba= life] as far as Dibon "great abundance".  
-> Then comes the place where there are no children or girls are allowed, the middle of the pleasure gorge, where the abundance of life can be found.  
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10 and all the towns of Sihon king of the Amorites, who ruled in Heshbon, out to the border of the Ammonites. 11 It also included Gilead, the territory of the people of Geshur and Maakah, all of Mount Hermon and all Bashan as far as Salekah— 12 that is, the whole kingdom of Og in Bashan, who had reigned in Ashtaroth and Edrei. (He was the last of the Rephaites.) Moses had defeated them and taken over their land. 13 But the Israelites did not drive out the people of Geshur and Maakah, so they continue to live among the Israelites to this day. 
-> We've seen the first part before, with the Amorites, AKA the Ten Plagues, but now the Torah says the Geshurites and the people of Maakah "beholders of oppression" can naturalize...which makes sense. And who might they have been?  
14 But to the tribe of Levi "men of unity" he gave no inheritance, since the food offerings presented to the Lord, the God of Israel, are their inheritance, as he promised them. 
-> Sounds like the Bhagavad Gita, which teaches the very best efforts are bound to produce the very best results.  
15 This is what Moses had given to the tribe of Reuben, according to its clans: 
16 The territory from Aroer on the rim of the Arnon Gorge, and from the town in the middle of the gorge, and the whole plateau past Medeba 17 to Heshbon "deduction" and all its towns on the plateau, including Dibon, Bamoth Baal, Beth Baal Meon, 18 Jahaz, Kedemoth, Mephaath, 19 Kiriathaim, Sibmah, Zereth Shahar on the hill in the valley, 20 Beth Peor, the slopes of Pisgah, and Beth Jeshimoth— 21 all the towns on the plateau and the entire realm of Sihon king of the Amorites, who ruled at Heshbon.  
Moses had defeated him and the Midianite chiefs, Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur and Reba—princes allied with Sihon—who lived in that country.  
Aroer= the place of adults 
Arnon Gorge= the pleasure place 
Medeba= the highest point in life 
Heshbon= deduction 
Dibon= abundance 
Baamoth Baal= the high place of the Lord 
Beth Baal Meon= Lord of the Highout 
Jahaz= Yah sees 
Kedemoth= ancient Eastern Territories 
Mephaath= place of radiance 
Kiriathaim= the double cities 
Sibmah= grain, might 
Beth Peor= dirty, dirty hole 
Pisgah= the crest 
Beth Jeshimoth= House Of The Wastes, Desert House 
Zereth Shahar= Distress At A Solar Eclipse, Bound By Obscurity, Darkness At Midday 
Sihon king of the Amorites, who ruled at Heshbon= the one who exterminates deduction by gossiping 
The Midianites, "Strife" are:  
Evi= desirous 
Rekem= a confederate, a partisan 
Zur= sexual transgressions 
Hur= heat, smoke, the focal point 
Reba= to cross back over and be promiscuous 
"The Spirit of Deduction who enters through dirty ears creates a high point in life by irradiating the Hidden Evil Spirit and forcing him to flee. He restores the sun to the sightless sky. and by the Decrees. teaches men how to destroy the confederates who commit sexual sins and are the focal point for all plans to return to the past, to violence, ignorance, poverty, scarcity and slavery."  
22 In addition to those slain in battle, the Israelites had put to the sword Balaam son of Beor, "the devil who devoured and caused desolation" who practiced divination. 23 The boundary of the Reubenites was the bank of the Jordan. These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the Reubenites, according to their clans. 
-> Balaam kept trying to change the course of the Israelite civilization with cursed strategies and advice. They were going to lead back to Sodom and Gomorrah and to Eden, but Moshiach, a Reuben, stopped him.  
24 This is what Moses had given to the tribe of Gad, according to its clans: 
25 The territory of Jazer, all the towns of Gilead and half the Ammonite country as far as Aroer, near Rabbah; 26 and from Heshbon to Ramath Mizpah and Betonim, and from Mahanaim to the territory of Debir; 27 and in the valley, Beth Haram, Beth Nimrah, Sukkoth and Zaphon with the rest of the realm of Sihon king of Heshbon (the east side of the Jordan, the territory up to the end of the Sea of Galilee[b]). 28 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the Gadites, according to their clans. 
Jazer= He shall help 
Gilead= the turning point 
Ammonites= villagers 
Aroer= place of adults 
Rabbah= great 
Heshbon= deduction 
Ramath Mizpah= elevated lookout, high hope 
Betonim=House of the Sun 
Mahanaim=two camps 
Debir=place of the bee 
Beth Haram= House of the Lofty 
Sukkoth= humility 
Zaphon=the Northern Storage Place 
Sihon king of Heshbon (the east side of the Jordan, the territory up to the end of the Sea of Galilee)= From the destruction of knowledge through the end of life.  
"Teachers help God turn the village children people into adults with great skills of deduction and give them hope. They turn Sodom and Gomorrah "tyranny and violence" into the Two Houses of Milk and Honey, "Peace and Prosperity" creating the Highest House the abode of the God of Israel."  
29 This is what Moses had given to the half-tribe of Manasseh, that is, to half the family of the descendants of Manasseh "reformers" "historians"?, according to its clans: 
30 The territory extending from Mahanaim and including all of Bashan, the entire realm of Og king of Bashan—all the settlements of Jair in Bashan, sixty towns, 31 half of Gilead, and Ashtaroth and Edrei (the royal cities of Og in Bashan). This was for the descendants of Makir son of Manasseh—for half of the sons of Makir, according to their clans. 
Mahanaim= the settlement 
Og= violence 
Jair= to give light, to shine 
Gilead= wheel of stones 
Ashtaroth= unity of the law 
Makir= to know 
Gilead is the only recorded sons of Makir.  
Manasseh= Reformers 
"Reformers bring the foolish and the violent into the light, they use the Ephod to bring unity to the settlement and give it might." 
32 This is the inheritance Moses had given when he was in the plains of Moab across the Jordan east of Jericho. 33 But to the tribe of Levi, Moses had given no inheritance; the Lord, the God of Israel, is their inheritance, as he promised them. 
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hieromonkcharbel · 4 years
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Can the Ladder, a work written by a hermit monk who lived 1,400 years ago, say something to us today? Can the existential journey of a man who lived his entire life on Mount Sinai in such a distant time be relevant to us?
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
After 20 Catecheses dedicated to the Apostle Paul, today I would like to return to presenting the great writers of the Church of the East and of the West in the Middle Ages. And I am proposing the figure of John known as Climacus, a Latin transliteration of the Greek term klimakos, which means of the ladder (klimax). This is the title of his most important work in which he describes the ladder of human life ascending towards God. He was born in about 575 a.d. He lived, therefore, during the years in which Byzantium, the capital of the Roman Empire of the East, experienced the greatest crisis in its history. The geographical situation of the Empire suddenly changed and the torrent of barbarian invasions swept away all its structures. Only the structure of the Church withstood them, continuing in these difficult times to carry out her missionary, human, social and cultural action, especially through the network of monasteries in which great religious figures such as, precisely, John Climacus were active.
John lived and told of his spiritual experiences in the Mountains of Sinai, where Moses encountered God and Elijah heard his voice. Information on him has been preserved in a brief Life (PG 88, 596-608), written by a monk, Daniel of Raithu. At the age of 16, John, who had become a monk on Mount Sinai, made himself a disciple of Abba Martyr, an "elder", that is, a "wise man". At about 20 years of age, he chose to live as a hermit in a grotto at the foot of the mountain in the locality of Tola, eight kilometres from the present-day St Catherine's Monastery. Solitude, however, did not prevent him from meeting people eager for spiritual direction, or from paying visits to several monasteries near Alexandria. In fact, far from being an escape from the world and human reality, his eremitical retreat led to ardent love for others (Life, 5) and for God (ibid., 7). After 40 years of life as a hermit, lived in love for God and for neighbour years in which he wept, prayed and fought with demons he was appointed hegumen of the large monastery on Mount Sinai and thus returned to cenobitic life in a monastery. However, several years before his death, nostalgic for the eremitical life, he handed over the government of the community to his brother, a monk in the same monastery.
John died after the year 650. He lived his life between two mountains, Sinai and Tabor and one can truly say that he radiated the light which Moses saw on Sinai and which was contemplated by the three Apostles on Mount Tabor!
He became famous, as I have already said, through his work, entitled The Climax, in the West known as the Ladder of Divine Ascent (PG 88, 632-1164). Composed at the insistent request of the hegumen of the neighbouring Monastery of Raithu in Sinai, the Ladder is a complete treatise of spiritual life in which John describes the monk's journey from renunciation of the world to the perfection of love. This journey according to his book covers 30 steps, each one of which is linked to the next. The journey may be summarized in three consecutive stages: the first is expressed in renunciation of the world in order to return to a state of evangelical childhood. Thus, the essential is not the renunciation but rather the connection with what Jesus said, that is, the return to true childhood in the spiritual sense, becoming like children. John comments: "A good foundation of three layers and three pillars is: innocence, fasting and temperance. Let all babes in Christ (cf. 1 Cor 3: 1) begin with these virtues, taking as their model the natural babes" (1, 20; 636). Voluntary detachment from beloved people and places permits the soul to enter into deeper communion with God. This renunciation leads to obedience which is the way to humility through humiliations which will never be absent on the part of the brethren. John comments: "Blessed is he who has mortified his will to the very end and has entrusted the care of himself to his teacher in the Lord: indeed he will be placed on the right hand of the Crucified One!" (4, 37; 704).
The second stage of the journey consists in spiritual combat against the passions. Every step of the ladder is linked to a principal passion that is defined and diagnosed, with an indication of the treatment and a proposal of the corresponding virtue. All together, these steps of the ladder undoubtedly constitute the most important treatise of spiritual strategy that we possess. The struggle against the passions, however, is steeped in the positive it does not remain as something negative thanks to the image of the "fire" of the Holy Spirit: that "all those who enter upon the good fight (cf. 1 Tm 6: 12), which is hard and narrow,... may realize that they must leap into the fire, if they really expect the celestial fire to dwell in them" (1,18; 636). The fire of the Holy Spirit is the fire of love and truth. The power of the Holy Spirit alone guarantees victory. However, according to John Climacus it is important to be aware that the passions are not evil in themselves; they become so through human freedom's wrong use of them. If they are purified, the passions reveal to man the path towards God with energy unified by ascesis and grace and, "if they have received from the Creator an order and a beginning..., the limit of virtue is boundless" (26/2, 37; 1068).
The last stage of the journey is Christian perfection that is developed in the last seven steps of the Ladder. These are the highest stages of spiritual life, which can be experienced by the "Hesychasts": the solitaries, those who have attained quiet and inner peace; but these stages are also accessible to the more fervent cenobites. Of the first three simplicity, humility and discernment John, in line with the Desert Fathers, considered the ability to discern, the most important. Every type of behaviour must be subject to discernment; everything, in fact, depends on one's deepest motivations, which need to be closely examined. Here one enters into the soul of the person and it is a question of reawakening in the hermit, in the Christian, spiritual sensitivity and a "feeling heart", which are gifts from God: "After God, we ought to follow our conscience as a rule and guide in everything," (26/1,5; 1013). In this way one reaches tranquillity of soul, hesychia, by means of which the soul may gaze upon the abyss of the divine mysteries.
The state of quiet, of inner peace, prepares the Hesychast for prayer which in John is twofold: "corporeal prayer" and "prayer of the heart". The former is proper to those who need the help of bodily movement: stretching out the hands, uttering groans, beating the breast, etc. (15, 26; 900). The latter is spontaneous, because it is an effect of the reawakening of spiritual sensitivity, a gift of God to those who devote themselves to corporeal prayer. In John this takes the name "Jesus prayer" (Iesou euche), and is constituted in the invocation of solely Jesus' name, an invocation that is continuous like breathing: "May your remembrance of Jesus become one with your breathing, and you will then know the usefulness of hesychia", inner peace (27/2, 26; 1112). At the end the prayer becomes very simple: the word "Jesus" simply becomes one with the breath.
The last step of the ladder (30), suffused with "the sober inebriation of the spirit", is dedicated to the supreme "trinity of virtues": faith, hope and above all charity. John also speaks of charity as eros (human love), a symbol of the matrimonial union of the soul with God, and once again chooses the image of fire to express the fervour, light and purification of love for God. The power of human love can be reoriented to God, just as a cultivated olive may be grafted on to a wild olive tree (cf. Rm 11: 24) (cf. 15, 66; 893). John is convinced that an intense experience of this eros will help the soul to advance far more than the harsh struggle against the passions, because of its great power. Thus, in our journey, the positive aspect prevails. Yet charity is also seen in close relation to hope: "Hope is the power that drives love. Thanks to hope, we can look forward to the reward of charity.... Hope is the doorway of love.... The absence of hope destroys charity: our efforts are bound to it, our labours are sustained by it, and through it we are enveloped by the mercy of God" (30, 16; 1157). The conclusion of the Ladder contains the synthesis of the work in words that the author has God himself utter: "May this ladder teach you the spiritual disposition of the virtues. I am at the summit of the ladder, and as my great initiate (St Paul) said: "So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love' (1 Cor 13: 13)!" (30, 18; 1160).
At this point, a last question must be asked: can the Ladder, a work written by a hermit monk who lived 1,400 years ago, say something to us today? Can the existential journey of a man who lived his entire life on Mount Sinai in such a distant time be relevant to us? At first glance it would seem that the answer must be "no", because John Climacus is too remote from us. But if we look a little closer, we see that the monastic life is only a great symbol of baptismal life, of Christian life. It shows, so to speak, in capital letters what we write day after day in small letters. It is a prophetic symbol that reveals what the life of the baptized person is, in communion with Christ, with his death and Resurrection. The fact that the top of the "ladder", the final steps, are at the same time the fundamental, initial and most simple virtues is particularly important to me: faith, hope and charity. These are not virtues accessible only to moral heroes; rather they are gifts of God to all the baptized: in them our life develops too. The beginning is also the end, the starting point is also the point of arrival: the whole journey towards an ever more radical realization of faith, hope and charity. The whole ascent is present in these virtues. Faith is fundamental, because this virtue implies that I renounce my arrogance, my thought, and the claim to judge by myself without entrusting myself to others. This journey towards humility, towards spiritual childhood is essential. It is necessary to overcome the attitude of arrogance that makes one say: I know better, in this my time of the 21st century, than what people could have known then. Instead, it is necessary to entrust oneself to Sacred Scripture alone, to the word of the Lord, to look out on the horizon of faith with humility, in order to enter into the enormous immensity of the universal world, of the world of God. In this way our soul grows, the sensitivity of the heart grows toward God. Rightly, John Climacus says that hope alone renders us capable of living charity; hope in which we transcend the things of every day, we do not expect success in our earthly days but we look forward to the revelation of God himself at last. It is only in this extension of our soul, in this self-transcendence, that our life becomes great and that we are able to bear the effort and disappointments of every day, that we can be kind to others without expecting any reward. Only if there is God, this great hope to which I aspire, can I take the small steps of my life and thus learn charity. The mystery of prayer, of the personal knowledge of Jesus, is concealed in charity: simple prayer that strives only to move the divine Teacher's heart. So it is that one's own heart opens, one learns from him his own kindness, his love. Let us therefore use this "ascent" of faith, hope and charity. In this way we will arrive at true life.
Vatican, Feb. 11, 2009
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I absolutly love the Umbra corps au, could you talk more about different classes. Is there a class on how to obtain new forms. And could you talk about cloud tower and red fountain classes?
This ask kicked my (metaphorical) ass, I’m so sorry for the delay.
I do ramble mostly about Alfea, and I feel like there’s probably more to talk about with the other schools, but I feel like if I don’t post this it’ll be waiting for another few months.  >.<’
The first year of Alfea is spent in what are essentially micro-courses. A series of short introductory classes to most of the available options at Alfea, this gives the students one of the broadest beginner bases in terms of fairy magic as a whole, but it also allows them to figure out what kind of courses are likely to appeal to them, what they're good at, what kind of career they'd be well suited to based on where their interests and the job requirements over-lap.
Because Alfea is a “fairy only” school, it is able to focus on fairy magic and interests more than schools which have different magicals and have to find a common ground with only a few speciality electives.
This is what has allowed Alfea, and also Cloud Tower and Red Fountain, to shine in their various fields.
The sheer number of (what are essentially) elective courses means that it can take (on average) anywhere from 3 to 5 years for the average student to graduate, although some students do remain 'part-time' students for longer.
Abnormal class times are also a common side effect of the multitude of electives. While a good majority of classes run from early morning to mid afternoon, some classes take place later at night or on 'weekends' so all the students who want to attend them can.
('Part-time' students are either students who have effectively graduated but maybe require a specific course to get the job they want so only show up to campus for that specific class and spend the rest of their time off working, or are only taking a few classes per week and thus have time to go off and do other things or spend more time in self-study.)
As a magical building, Alfea has plenty of unseen infrastructure hidden within, but it also possesses several satellite buildings including off campus overnight accommodation typically used by older students with odd hours or part time students who need accommodation for only part of the week, numerous greenhouses, and a ranger cabin at the Nature Preserve Alfea oversees.  
Not all courses are held on campus.
Sometimes students have interests for which courses aren't available at Alfea. In the instance that a guest teacher can't be found, Alfea will often arrange for students to attend classes at a different school for those lessons.
Students will either teleport themselves or be teleported by other students who are capable if the campus is too far away for physical transport (like the school bus) to be a reasonable travel method.
(Reasonable meaning it doesn't take longer than the lesson just to get to the site, never mind the return trip.)
Since a fairy's instincts are one of their most powerful tools, there is a class that focuses specifically on getting in tune with themselves, those who stay in that course after the initial term begin a course on philosophy that focuses on fairies and their powers as a whole. This course is an elective and does take a look at the specific mental and emotional requirements behind fairy transformations. (The lectures on Forms and power advancement are 'open door,' so anyone who's interested in 'levelling up' or re-tuning themselves after a power up are able to sit in on them.)
This is not to be confused with the course on wider magi-philosophy which looks at the cultural philosophies on magic from around the Magical Dimension and is one of the courses recommended for diplomats or travellers.
There are several different courses on transformation type magic, most of which start with what are essentially cosmetic spells like changing hair colour or texture. This is partially to teach the students how to do the basics, how the basics feel when cast, and to appeal to teenagers who are figuring out who they are as people by giving them the ability to see how attached they are or aren't to certain aspects of their appearance.
This course separates into internal (shape-shifting) and external (raw wood into a cup) applications. (The 'basic' matter merge exercise is a first year taught spell for external transformation.)
All students are required to learn a bare minimum of healing magic, the equivalent of fairy first aid, but also normal, non-magical first aid as well. Further courses on healing are available, but most are higher tier and only those with an intense interest or an aptitude take them.
Magic languages are a higher course, but the basic introduction to runes, and some of the most common magical symbols are part of the first year introductory course.
Classes non-fairies would be familiar with are available but often entwine with electives the higher they go. For example: Basic mathematics is one of the standard mandatory courses, but Book Keeping is part of the “how to not let your kingdom fall apart” course which covers budgeting/money managements and how to calculate food and medical needs for a populace. (This course is taught by Madame DuFour who also teaches etiquette, some parts of the Magical Languages courses and courses on various cultures from around the Magic Dimension.)
These types of classes, as well as several other also have a partial open-door policy and the notice boards often have time tables on display for the open door times and subjects.
While single students who are sick might have a few days off, if the school were to go into a quarantine lock down, each dorm is equipped with enough computer terminals for all students to attend classes from their rooms.
The Main dorm room is also equipped with a holo-projector so that members of the dorm can sit together if they have the same class.
Teachers typically have their own personal classrooms which can be set up to indicate who is and isn't present for lectures if they don't want to just lecture from their personal rooms.
Quarantine Lock-downs also engage a shield over the school which is the only shield that automatically closes access to the catacombs as well.
Alfea, like all three of the schools, has enough food to last a month for the entire school without rationing, this is because the school is filled with teenagers who are growing both physically and magically and can have enormous appetites.
But also the school has a home ec. cooking class, which many consider to be a side course to the potions courses, and ensures every fairy leaves Alfea being able to cook at least three dishes well enough to be edible.
Alfea graduates are some of the best Fairy God Mothers and Guardian Fairies in the Magical Dimension, but graduates also do other things as well.
In addition to the so called Umbra corp, Alfea also has graduates who specialise in Medical Magic, diplomacy, artefacts, Magi-Archeaology, and 'Planet Repair' whose responsibility is to help a Planet's environmental conditions return to normal after a huge upset, whether natural or as the result of dark magic.
Many Royals and nobles have passed through Alfea's halls, but there are no truly dedicated classes for them, at most they are recommended to take etiquette and economics as well as basic leadership and diplomacy courses, but many of them receive private tutoring on such matters before they even arrive at Alfea so none of the courses are mandatory. (Various worlds have various cultures, so the majority of etiquette classes focuses on the parts which are universal, except for the advanced course for diplomat hopefuls.)
Cloud Tower:
Like Alfea it's a speciality school, focusing solely on Witchcraft and it's related branches.
One of the major differences between Witchcraft and Faircraft (see also: Faecraft), is the type of energy and basic effects it uses and produces.
Witchcraft, and therefore witches, use negative emotions to bolster their inherent power which leaves them susceptible to negative mindsets. One of the most important classes at Cloud Tower is course which is part philosophy, part psychology and part spiritual, which all witches are required to take.
This class is designed to help young witches learn their personal limits, the signs of falling into madness, how to keep oneself from falling too far, and how to counteract some of the more toxic emotional effects of their craft.
Many of the courses found at Alfea have an equivalent class in Cloud Tower's curriculum, but very few are taught from identical mindsets.
Ancient Runes and such, which are 'spell shapes' that are deeply entrenched in the 'consciousness of the Magical Universe', are basically a hot-key for a spell effect and don't require a specific positive or negative charge in the magic used to cast them therefore anyone with enough magical power and knowledge can use them regardless of fairy, witch or wizard, and no special adaptations for their use are needed.
Potions for the most part are also very similar, but witches have a tendency to focus on more 'harmful' potions than fairies. Cloud Tower has a special course on poisons as part of an advance potion making branch, the first few weeks focus on identifying a poison and crafting the antidotes.
There is one job that most witches secretly hope to be worthy of earning before most of them settle into their own expertise, and that is a job they refer to as “the anti-fairy-god-mother”.  Almost every planet has one, and they're typically attached to the world's Guardian Fairies.
The basic job description is “cause problems on purpose”.
Their proper purpose is one that is found in Earth's fairy tales, the 'educational punishment of the morally corrupt'. These witches are trained heavily in psychology and curses and literally go around cursing people in ways that force them to undergo personal growth (or perish).
The reason they're attached to the Guardian Fairies of a world is so that they don't go unchecked and actually perform their job, and so that there are people on hand should a curse go out of control.
These witches aren't publicly acknowledged as being members of the Guardian groups so that they can move more freely.
The difficulty in this pathway is the training needed to prepare for the job, the ability to figure out how to get the lesson across. The exact number of these witches is unknown, though it is considered a rarer profession. (There is at least one world which only has 'one immortal witch/dark fairy' in the role, though in truth there have been hundreds all using the same appearance to create a legend.)
Red Fountain:
Red Fountain is a Magic Lite school, focusing more on the physical aspects of combat and therefore covers a large array of weaponry.
Their courses include more 'primitive' skills like tracking by sight, survival in various environments and handling creatures of lesser intellect. (IE. Dragon Wrangling)
Dragon Wrangling it one of their most “magically inclined” classes, training students to use minor psychic and empathic projection to communicate their will to the dragons. (The dragons in this instance are a special breed which are already sensitive to psychic and empathic communication.)
Students of Red Fountain are taught to not only use weapons, but craft and maintain them.
The ships and vehicles used by Red Fountain for missions are also maintained by students in the engineering department, one of several 'specialty' courses that the school runs.
Since most students lack in magcial ability (those with strong magic often preferring schools for magic users) their “magic classes” have more to do with identifying spell usage or the presence of curses, strengthening their will to resist mental manipulation magics, dealing with magic when they have none, and knowing when to call for magic-capable backup.
Though students on assignment are typically hunting down dangerous creatures in smaller groups, the school does have classes for larger scale battles and defending large structures. Red Fountain's version of capture the flag is a school wide, week long affair that goes a little harder than it really has to, and gives Alfea and Cloud Tower's healing majors the chance to work along some of the more skilled healers in a reasonably safe crisis situation. (The only Red Fountain students who are safe during this period are their own medics, but even that is not guaranteed. Thankfully no one has died during a game since Codatorta was a student.)
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