#cuz that makes him uncomfortable
offsidekineticist · 7 months
💎💎💎for agria if you're still taking these and it strikes your fancy lol!
I am still taking them! Sorry it took so long, took some time to decide who would be most interesting to answer this one. So here's Giliys's thoughts on Agria (whom he has nicknamed 'Threads' because Giliys can't just call people by their names like a normal person, I'm so sorry).
"Threads? Well. I think I'd have liked her better if we met before the fifth crusade. I know she's got rich family, but she doesn't really count as nobility. I mean, she coulda stayed in Brevoy and tried to blend in with with the fancy Lebedas, sucked up to them, tried to marry up, but she didn't. She went and said she was part of a people with no home scattered all over Avistan, and when she realized their culture had been stolen from them, she went and said she'd steal it back. That takes guts.
"But then Areelu fucking Vorlesh got ahold of her, and - " Giliys stops himself, face taut with rage. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Look. I know most people think I don't have a conscience cuz it's calibrated different than most. But I do know this: the worst, most unforgivale things you can do to someone are the things that hurt the soul. And I know, I know, I done plenty of that in my time, but I also know it's fucked up. What Areelu Vorlesh did was un-fucking-forgivable. And Threads did her best to pick up the pieces and stitch herself back together, but...she decided not to fix what she did to her, didn't she? I don't know if she didn't think it was possible or if she actually thought she was better off for it, but either way - I mean - that's not something you choose if your soul is whole.
"So yeah. It's funny, I don't have a problem with her having magic powers from the Abyss. But the power she has as knight-commander...yeah, that's the kind of thing that twists you up inside, makes you into something else. Something that can't be fixed. And I hope Galfrey rots for pushing her into that when she was already torn up inside by Vorlesh."
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oceanwithouthermoon · 15 days
it bothers me a little when people are like "ugh toritsuka deserved to be written better, he was done wrong" like no, not really, you just didnt get the point... hes literally there to be a foil to saiki, who uses his powers relatively selflessly despite claiming over and over that he only uses them for self gain, and then toritsuka is there to show us what an actual selfish character looks like...
same thing when people are like "i feel so bad for him, saikis so mean to him! he needs better friends.. he doesnt deserve how they treat him!" bro. yes he does. the entire point of his existence is to show the audience that saiki isnt the selfish powerhouse he claims to be, and that there are people out there actually using esp for bad things and there are much worse people that saikis powers couldve been given to...
toritsuka also has some good qualities obviously, the cat tank arc is SO important for him cuz it shows both the worst and best parts of his character but a lot of people like to focus solely on one and erase the other and its ajajkskqksms frustrating for me
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nagichi-boop · 1 year
I have seen occasional discussions on whether Donnie is touch averse or touch seeking and I think the answer is both, depending on the situation. If it’s contact he initiates, he is okay with it. If it’s contact he doesn’t initiate, he is either somewhat okay with it or very uncomfortable with it, even if it’s his family.
Some gifs to highlight what I mean:
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Depending on the situation, his mood, who initiates, etc, he will react differently to physical contact. So I don’t think it’s as black and white as he hates touch or loves it - it’s situational.
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audhd-nightwing · 25 days
headcanon: dick actually prefers wearing baggy clothes in public and is way more comfortable in them because nobody comments on his body when he’s not in form-fitting outfits
and it sucks because he actually really enjoys wearing form-fitting outfits and feels good in them, but any time he does people stare or catcall or even grope him and he just. can’t handle that after everything
plus the villains kissing him as nightwing thing has gotten so bad that he’s genuinely considering getting a mask that covers the lower half of his face
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littlehatmouse · 15 days
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lots of doodles because i forget to post art here most of the time
#lila art#genshin#clorinde#shenhe#kokomi#not tagging arlecchino because that does Not count as an arlecchino drawing LMFAO#He Knows Many Things.#dunmeshi#falin touden#laios touden#sorry that that siblings drawing is so blurry im too lazy to retake it#it has the lyrics to the siblings song below it bc i got it stuck in my head while drawing them#siblings! siblings! siblings! siblings! this is my sister! this is my brother! we are siblings and we care for each other! what we have! we#always share! cuz we are siblings and we have the same hair!!! dun dundun dun dun dun dun dun dundundundundun dun dun dundundun#im actually. rlly proud of those falin drawings on top#and also the clorinde one but i just drew that an hr ago so im probably going to come back to it tmrw and realize its super wonky but wtv#also the kokomi was a request from twt!!!!!#i have. a lot of those to do still#i will do them at some point i just dont have free time a lot#this is the first time ive had to draw in like two weeks i think#and my friends birthday passed and i promised to draw him hkvh so thats my priority#the clorinde was just supposed to be a warmuo#except he called me while i was drawing and we ended up playing sdv#so it was a warmup to nothing#anyway i had fun and i need to go to bed now bye#ALSO i forgot to mention that those shenhe perspectives are meant to look ugly i was trying to draw those perspectives from memory#because i was. in class.#the top down perspective is kindof cute tbh but the Other One.#its ok i love making my faves look dumb and uncomfortable on purpose
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enginator2000 · 10 months
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fleetfinite posting hours, look at my goobers
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cannibalovers · 2 months
btw, if anyone saw that one mischa blog under the "hf!rp" hashtag, just for ur information, we have it blocked and don't interact with it.
we don't recognise them as a part of our group, we find the blog quite weird.
they are one of the people that randomly made a blog and started using the hashtag and interacting with us - some people did it and it was very fun and funny (looking at u tuna guy, ure loved in this household) but... not this time unfortunately.
And yes, we are VERY aware that we share content publicly, we can't really stop people from doing whatever they want, but know that you won't get far if the group doesn't accept you. You WILL get blocked and we will avoid you and not interact with you. We are a group, we work together to create the content and we are also people and have boundaries and things we are willing to accept and things we would like to avoid, things we find funny and fun and things that we don't. That blog is one of them. Have some manners when we ask you to stop using the hashtag. There's the general "hannibal rp" hashtag for a reason
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aq2003 · 2 months
the background piano music ends abruptly on a discordant note when hamlet says his father had died in the past two hours, which is when the idea gets put forward that his own perception of time/events might not be totally reliable
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Whumptober day 26- working till exhaustion, you look awful
Ok this one is honestly a mess but this prompt almost killed me. I did some love at twilight midlink stuff, not connected to yesterdays lol, BUT the others will will connect to day 25. For now, enjoy this little snippet
Midna hopped up the ladder that led to Link’s home. It was early in the morning, and the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon. She expected Link and Kori to still be asleep, knowing that light dwellers slept when it was dark outside, but she was surprised to see Link’s bed empty. She frowned and went to his basement where Kori slept. She peeked her head through, she barely saw anything, but it was enough to hear Kori’s gentle snores. She couldn’t help but smile as he slept peacefully, wanting to hug him but decided to let him rest. She walked back out into the main area, confused. Where was Link?
She left the home and heard Epona whinny. Link and his horse emerged from the trees, and she hopped off the ladder. Link flinched but relaxed when he saw it was Midna, and she ran up to him.
“Link! What are you doing awake? I was hoping to surprise you,” she said with a smile. Link looked down and grinned.
“I couldn’t sleep, figured I could clean Epona in the spring.”
“But it’s still dark out!”
“I get up before sunrise everyday, Midna. It’s the farmer’s life.”
Midna smirked and pulled him into a hug, which he leaned into a little too much. Midna shifted her weight so she could balance herself and pulled away to study Link.
“You look awful,” she noted.
“Thanks Midna.”
“I didn’t say that to be mean, Link,” she scoffed affectionately, but she stared at him in the eyes, concerned. He had dark bags under his eyes, his usual tan complexion was a few shades lighter, and his gray blue eyes looked cloudy and dazed. He looked away from her and guided Epona to his home. “Link, are you ok?” She asked.
“I’m fine,” he quickly said, and Midna frowned.
“Oh no you don’t, you’re sick again!”
Link groaned and turned to look at her. “I’m not that sick.”
“Yes you are! This isn’t some cold, this looks serious!”
“I’m fine, Midna! I’ve done work feeling worse than this, ok?”
Midna made a shocked noise. “You’re still gonna work? Link you can’t! Not like this!”
Link spun around and glared at her. “I have to Midna! Not everyone has the luxury of letting people do the work for them!”
Midna crossed her arms and glared at him back. “Link, you have a family here. Let Rusl or Fado take care of the work today.”
Link shook his head. “They got enough they need to do. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get ready.”
Link turned away and walked over to the ladder. Midna glared harder at him and couldn’t take it anymore. She reached out with her hair hand and grabbed him before he could reach the ladder, and he let out a yelp as he was pulled away.
“Midna! Why are you like this?” He yelled, quiet enough as to not wake Kori up.
“Why am I like this? Why are you like this?” She yelled back. “Why are you so against rest? Rusl and Fado will understand if you need help, but nooooo you need to do it all by yourself because– because you’re an idiot!”
Link squirmed in her hold, trying to get his arms free, but Midna’s grip remained firm. He groaned when he was unsuccessful and finally stopped, glaring at Midna. Her gaze softened and she pulled him closer, cupping his cheek with her hand.
“The Twilight invasion is over Link, you don’t need to push yourself so hard anymore.”
Link’s gaze softened as well, and he looked down. “I really can’t hide anything from you, can I?”
“Nope. I can read you like a book, Link,” She said softly, kissing his forehead gently. “Please, just ask Rusl to cover for you. I’m sure he’ll happily do it.”
Link stared at her, and something in his eyes almost read submission, but he shook his head.
“Put me down, Midna.”
She huffed and set him down gently, releasing him from her hold. He wavered a bit, but turned to the ladder where he started climbing. When he reached the top, he turned to her.
“I promise, I won’t do more than I’m supposed to, ok?”
Midna frowned. “Fine.”
He gave a small smile and entered the home, while Midna stayed standing there. She let out a sigh and decided that she might as well spend the day with her son, and she prayed that Link wouldn’t do anything stupid.
Just as Midna feared, Link did something stupid. She was playing with Kori when Colin came into the house.
“Midna? Um… Link… He…”
Midna sighed, interrupting Colin. “Where is he?”
“At home. He’s not doing very well. He kinda passed out.”
Kori shot up and looked at Midna worried. Midna stood up and walked over to the door.
“Is he ok?”
“He has a fever, but Ma and Pa assume that he’s just exhausted.”
Midna sighed again. “Thanks for telling me, Colin. Come on Kori.” She hid in Colin’s shadow and the two hurried over to Rusl and Uli’s home. When they entered, Link was lying on their couch. Luckily he was awake, but he looked much worse than before. Midna popped out of Colin’s shadow when the door was closed and she gave Link a look. He glanced away ashamed.
“Papa! Are you ok? What happened?” Kori asked, and Link ruffled his hair.
“‘M fine, just sick is all,” he said simply.
“Uncle Colin said you passed out. Why?”
Link glanced at Midna and looked away. “I… I wasn’t strong enough to do my usual chores. I’m sorry Midna.”
Midna’s gaze softened and she knelt at his side.
“Link, next time, will you just listen to me? I only yell at you like that because I hate seeing you push yourself so hard. I hate seeing you… get hurt.” She grabbed his hand and ran her thumb along the back. “I don’t want to lose you because you wouldn’t give yourself a break.”
Link stared at their hands and brought hers to his lips, giving it a small peck. “I’ll keep that in mind, Midna. Afterall, there’s no reason for me to push myself to my limits anymore.”
Midna smiled and pulled him in, kissing him on the lips. He quickly pulled away and gave her a look.
“Midna I’m sick.”
“You just kissed my hand!”
“Y-yeah but… you can wash it off! I don’t want to–”
Midna kissed him again. “Twili don’t get sick, stupid.”
Link grinned and kissed her nose. “Ok, but if you do end up getting sick, don’t be mad when I say ‘I told you so’.”
Midna rolled her eyes and they both giggled. Link’s family all cleared their throats, interrupting their moment.
“We’ll just leave the two of you alone,” Uli said awkwardly, and Midna buried her face in Link’s neck as he groaned in embarrassment. The others laughed at the two and left the house, even Kori followed them out.
“Feel better papa!” He called out, and Link waved at him. Soon the two were alone.
“Link,” Midna started, more serious than before, “I’m serious. About all of this. I know you’re tough, but you’re not invincible.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.”
“I’ve seen you almost die too many times in my life. Just… please. I can't take it anymore.” Midna ran her hand through his hair as he stared blankly at the wall.
“I’m sorry Midna.”
Midna looked at him sadly. “I’m sorry too. I do love you.”
“I know.”
Link kissed her near her eye and rested against her head with his eyes closed. She smiled and gathered him in her arms so she was holding him on the couch, and he drifted off from her stroking his hair.
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vio-lenceee · 1 year
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"Moris watches every move I make with an intense concentration, even if it's just a twitch in my fingers, forever fascinated by me. He will never let the world forget me."
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mistergreatbones · 3 months
I’m always joking about Dick being queer but I don’t actually care that he’s straight in canon. And I always thought I felt the same way about Jason until I saw the spoilers for the Hill and actually felt nauseous at Jason making out with a girl.
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spamsandsuch · 1 year
In my mind i dont think swatch necessarily hates spamton but spamton does think they hate him
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lanaevyssmoved · 11 months
im seeing a lot of complaint about halsin romance but im struggling to see a reason beyond hes poly and thats bad?
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bro wtf is with this guy i swear when will he get the hint that i no longer am and do not want to be friends with his transphobic-in-the-weirdest-way ahh
#he makes me so uncomfortable???#like i ghosted him for 2 months and then when i had my competition he messages me telling me that he went on the site to look at my results?#???? and proceeded to give me unsolicited consolation#um firstly wtf are you even looking at my results for thats weird af and secondly i wasn't even upset + i don't want your pity + wtf???#and i replied really dryly but then he started talking about some project he was working on as if i didn't literally greytick him for 2 mths#and now he just sent me a message again omg stop please. i get the ick thinking about him#okay and there was that time i was in a really depressive episode last year and i wasn't talking to him and on his discord bio it said like#you know ur the worst when a suicidal person wont talk to u or sum shit like that#like what the hell? am i just overreacting or is that the weirdest shit you could say#like are you trying to get me to feel even worse cuz that doesn't exactly make me want to reach out#like omfg how do you even make something like this about you. literally how#also he kept fetishising trans people in his fanart???? like what the hell it was so disturbing#anyway now that I think about it i was friends with him for about 6 months and it's also been 6 months since then and i am completely fine#ugh anyway#we were kinda close so i got him to make a tumblr#to my moot who might follow him his name starts with r lol#and i swear he was vagueposting about me last month#and like. it's kinda creepy.#dude i am literally the plainest person around please why are you so obsessed with me i bet you can't name anything about me you liked that#doesn't include how i gave you the attention you wanted#anyway i don't know how he hasn't gotten the hint when bro he knows i literally avoid all eye contact and pairwork and messages from him#like do you need me to tell it to your face or what#rant#sorry i feel so mean writing this help
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fandom-fae · 1 year
honestly. on one hand. i really really really like the version of peter pan from once upon a time, in the way that the actor does a phenomenal job, the character has great dialogue and is just overall really really enjoyable to watch imo. but then i remember how he kept wendy in a cage for like 300 years and like
i stan him but that is so. AGSJDHJDHDJ. like i feel SO BAD for wendy there. this poor girl honestlyyy. like. that’s so disturbing honestly. like i can’t imagine much things that would mess with someone’s psyche more than that. like if he had just kept her on the island then fine, but constantly in that tiny hanging cage??? big OOF.
like i’m sure she’d need like permanent therapy afterwards and even then how would you even begin to unpack that in therapy???? like??????
#like pan ily but was that necessary?????#the worst part abt liking villains is when they do stuff like that ahdkndkfnfkf#(that part is a joke. just to be clear)#like idk he’s so cool but that makes me side eye him anyway. also cuz like? what was that like?? like was she just kinda there or did he/the#lost boys actually interact with her? on a regular basis i mean. other than giving her like food and whatever. and like if yes. then how did#they interact? was it taunting her? more civil? maybe with some of the lost boys even friendly? or just plain threatening??#like there are things that are way more outright and obviously cruel but this is like probably the worst thing he’s done bc its so prolonged#like abandoning rumple was bad already. but he couldn’t have known that that pain would last for hundreds of years instead of a few decades#and the thing with killian’s brother liam was also not great (i don’t remember the details of that scene so idk rn if he told them about how#the water works exactly or not so idk if he was being a total bitch or if they just didn’t listen) but either way liam’s pain was also not#that long yk? like he died and that was that. sure- killian’s grief was v v long but idk if i’m counting that bc he’s not the one that was#directly hurt yk? anyway yeah. AND THEN THE THING W WENDY. like taking her as a hostage is one thing but doing that for iirc THREE fucking#centuries in such a tiny ass uncomfortable looking cage???????? that’s ridiculous#like i can’t even fathom how much her psyche would be messed up by that irl#moi#fandoms#ouat peter pan#ouat wendy darling#peter pan ouat#wendy darling ouat#once upon a time#ouat#hajshdifjjdjd#sorry for the rant but it was fun and will happen again <3
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skhardwarevers1 · 6 months
when he writes you an entire letter to provide closure (the closure is vaguely mentioning that he messed up a little in the middle of three pages just accusing you of being a manipulative lovebomber): 😨
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