#teal deer
ellaenchanting · 2 years
50 Days of Fetish Day 8: House Special
When I was younger and first started being able to afford to eat in restaurants, a friend gave me some valuable advice: Always get the house special. If a restaurant has a specialty, you're missing out if you're not at least considering eating it. It's usually their special for a very good reason.
I have the same philosophy for new kink partners- especially if I'm doing pick up play. I really love the way people shine when they're showing me their "house special"- the thing they're most attracted to or turned on by or practiced at. Even if the thing itself is not a particular turn on by itself for me, I love watching how people light up when they're doing something they love. If I haven't played with someone before, their "house special" is something I'm always really curious to see.
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lazulisong · 1 year
1. i wanna know why i can cough up 1500 words of nonsense for twitter/tumblr on my phone but it i try to write fiction my brain just gives me a look like i've given it the wrong kibble and it resents me
2. finished mxtx exchange fic, started sumeru msq in genshin, went on an unhinged rant about omegaverse which swerved into me frothing at the mouth about the craft of writing as opposed to the art of writing because i haven't done that one for a while on twitter, spent a reasonable amount of time crocheting
3. worked on the two omegaverse fics im noodling around on but may write at least one of them as a incoherent shaggy dog story hahahaha 🫠
4. reflected on myself and the horrifying amount of paper im convinced is too good to use
5. stopped myself at least three times from getting a new Travelers Company notebook, not because i need one (i really really don't) but because i want a camel colored standard size TN just because it looks nice
6. ended up switching all my brain meds to morning after i clowned myself into an overdose last week -- it's been working pretty well, better than i expected? i thought the setraline would make me foggy during the day but i get a little drowsy around noon and it's much easier to wake up in the morning.
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davekat-sucks · 11 months
Im seeing a lot of transphobic and just bizarre ass takes from you and people in your ask box.
June egbert is canon and that's good. It makes perfect sense for her character. It isnt forced, and people should shut the fuck up about trans characters being "forced" forever. June is not an alternate universe version of John, they're not separate characters at all. Its just who she is. Her complicated relationship with masculinity and her father has been there since page 1. And speaking of her father, he's dead! Maybe he would have been supportive, maybe not, it doesnt fucking matter! Because hes dead as hell! June being canon does not sully dad egbert's charscter at all. June feeling anything for her father that isnt unambiguous joy does not ruin or condemn him. And you're a transphobic piece of shit for saying that june egbert being canon is just as bad as shipping dave, the child abuse victim, with a guy that only screams and never expresses his genuine feelings. June egbert is canon and that's fucking awesome. Stop being an ass about it. And if youre not gonna stop being an ass about it, at least tag your wack ass takes in a way so that it doesnt pop up on my dash when i look up "june egbert" with the "john egbert" tag blacklisted. But HS2 is going to handle june horribly because HS2 is horrible. HS2 is the comic that managed to have one woman impregnate another woman while simultaneously confirming both women as cis. HS2 has a child named after furry porn in it. It will suck.
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It will suck seeing June Egbert being canon in a shitty sequel where a dog dick Jade, a cheating Kanaya, someone named after a furry term, and horrible writing happened. But hey, the bitch got her wish granted. So congratulations, you played yourself!
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nightengaleneedles · 1 year
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It's #ThrowbackThursday !! And for this TBT we're reminding everyone of an old favorite: the Teal Deer! If you've ever talked with any of us at a con you know we can be... long winded... tl,dr we identify quite well with these ultramarine ungulates!
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dorkvania · 2 years
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Teal Deer of Portland
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velvet-vs-politics · 2 years
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plusie · 11 months
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girlboyburger · 10 months
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ref sheet commission for a twitter client 🩵
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deadboystims · 5 months
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lps customs - source - credit if used
nsfw , radqueers , terfs , proship dni
extra :
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markscherz · 1 year
Please behold this blurry photo of a beautiful southern leopard frog I saw on my doorstep today!
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That’s a very froggy frog. Such a good species.
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coconut530 · 4 months
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ellaenchanting · 2 years
50 Days of Fetish Day 7: Slow Dismantling
Slow dismantling. A scene where the bottom just slowly loses control of their basic functioning/thought process. I've done this a few times as a top. I wrote a whole fic about it (that is 90% scene log) here that describes how I've done that kind of scene. What's appealing to me as a top is the power- the idea that I can mess around with someone's thinking so much just through suggestions. I also love watching the responses to it. Additionally, I get to brush up on my neuroscience geekiness in advance and talk nerdy to my subject throughout the scene- both geeky delights.
I've never experienced this kind of play as a bottom, though I've fantasized about it. I would like a gentler, reassuring version of it myself because that's my bottomy jam but- imagining being thoroughly hypnotized. Losing my words. Losing my ability to focus my eyes. Losing a sense of my identity. Not intelligence play in the way it's normally done, but like being slowly, gently dismantled. Deconstructed. Like a lot of lights slowly snuffed out- almost like a sensory deprivation scene but with losing mental functions instead of sight/sound/etc. In my head, the fantasy feels like a methodical, intense scene with a lot of trust- like a slow trust fall where a lot of the enjoyment is knowing I'll be caught.
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lionfloss · 2 years
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Neil Kryszak
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hellishgayliath · 6 months
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Wanted to update my bunsona a bit :D I wasn’t satisfied with how I used to draw my head so I made it resemble a weird mix of hares/bunnies with the addition of darker fur to match with mah roots :3
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And also a red addition cuz I plan on dying my hair soon to match with the custom Raph jacket I have!~ :DDD
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spectrum-color · 1 month
does robin hobb actually doesn't like fitz and fool together? i'm halfway in the series and seem some people speak abt this
This is a tricky question to answer, because we really don’t know where she stands right now. Bear in mind that this answer will have whole series spoilers so I will put it below the cut.
On one hand, the end of Fools Fate featured the Fool leaving Fitz so he can have a hetero happily ever after with Molly, telling him that he’ll never be able to offer him what she can. When people objected to this because of the buildup of Fitz and the Fools relationship through TM and the resurrection scene in particular, Robin Hobb wrote a very angry blog post. In it, she said that Fitz and the Fool were just like childhood best friends, that portraying their relationship as romantic invalidates Fitz and Molly, and people who didn’t like the ending were just angry that they didn’t have sex. She also railed against fanfic and said some pretty offensive things about how for Fitz to be involved with a man, he would have to be gay and it would cheapen his history with women (apparently bisexuals don’t exist.) This got a lot of backlash needless to say and convinced a lot of older fans that she’s homophobic, which you still hear sometimes.
THAT SAID in Rain Wild Chronicles, she put a gay character at the center and gave him a (honestly terrible imo but it has its supporters) romance. This seemed like a possible apology to fans who were angry about the blog post. In the final trilogy, the Fool returns and it’s a mixed bag. On one hand, she portrays Fitz and Mollys life together as lonely, and Fitz misses the Fool fiercely and lacks any true friends without him. On the other hand, when the Fool does return, he’s been horrifically tortured into insanity, is (mistakenly tbf) stabbed by Fitz, rejected by his daughter, and is generally miserable for the entire trilogy. It felt mean spirited and there are people who have theorized it was motivated by spite towards people who didn’t like the separation. idk if I believe that because it came out at a time when grimdark was very popular in the genre, but it is out there.
As I mentioned earlier, Fitz and Molly’s youngest daughter, Bee, is also the Fools child through magic and his successor as White Prophet, which is pretty loaded. Fitz coming to accept that the Fool is her father too and that they should raise her together is actually a major plot point. Their relationship is also repeatedly shown as being Fitzs priority in this trilogy: he writes the Fool intensely emotional letters that he never sends during his years at Withywoods, he leaves Bee behind to save the Fool and then to care for him when he nearly dies, he passes as a couple with Amber while they’re in Kelsingra and Bingtown.
Most importantly, in the end, when he’s dying and carving his memory stone wolf to go into the Skill stream like Verity did, he chooses the Fool to go with him. Not only that, but Bee tells the Fool that she resented him because she thought that Fitz loved him more than he ever loved anyone else, including her. You could def debate if that’s the truth, but it was very charged, and it was on the last few pages, so it was the endgame. It is all very ambiguous and something she hasn’t spoken on outside of the text of the actual book since the TM era. Personally, I just go by what’s in the text, not anything extraneous Hobb said.
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weheartstims · 6 months
a stimbaord based off the yee dinosaur meme, with cutecore stims
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Yee dinosaur (meme) with cutecore stims!
🤎|🦖|🤎 🦖|🤎|🦖 🤎|🦖|🤎
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