#team bullet train and ultra magnus
Goddamn y'all are packing into these tunnels like sardines, you're gonna regret that
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hai I requested the auto bros/train bros last time (absolutley beautiful) and you're ultra magnus and sideburn fic? magnificent. If you have some time could I request another RiD over the trains having a favorite regular human? Or how they feel about all the gossip and stories they hear throughout their work?
Aw, thank you~ Anon, I will always jump at the chance to write some RiD01 for you~
Once again using the English dub personalities.
Word count capping at 1070
“Ugh, my wheels are killing me today,” Rapid Run complained as he collapsed into the seat at the table left empty for him. It was the end of the day, and while there hadn’t been any Decepticon hijinks today, there had certainly been the daily commute Team Bullet Train had to keep up with. Time was approaching a major holiday for the humans and there were more of them riding the trains than any other season.
Railspike nodded his empathy and Midnight Express asked, “Did the schedule change on you, too? I didn’t even realize that this holiday was going to make the station hours change so that we run longer shifts!”
“Yeah! What’s up with that?” the youngest bullet train exclaimed.
“What I gathered from local gossip is: this is the season when a lot of shopping goes on,” Railspike informed. “Apparently, there’s a lot of people who are trying to work the shopping trips into their busy schedules. And it sounds like this schedule shift is a regular occurrence around this time of year.”
“Well, at the very least it makes for getting some good gossip,” the middle train shrugged.
The oldest train raised an optic ridge with surprise. “You’ve got something on the Decepticons from all the commuting?”
“What? Heavens no!” Midnight Express scoffed. “Humans lead such interesting social lives. It’s rather fun to listen in on sometimes.”
Rapid Run nodded. “Like today, I heard one of my regulars complaining that the people running their workplace pretends to care about all of its workers, but the way those in charge regard the office workers versus the warehouse workers is blatantly classist. It’s obvious to all the warehouse workers that they’re not being taken care of, and even though they put in all this effort to get some changes set in place, it doesn’t seem to make a difference.”
“Makes me glad our workplace isn’t like that,” Railspike grunted. “Or at least… I’ve never felt like Optimus Prime has been setting up a classist system in our ranks. You know what I mean?”
The two younger trains nodded.
“Absolutely,” Midnight Express agreed. “I have never doubted that he cares what any of us Autobots have to say or think. He doesn’t hold Team Bullet Train, the Autobot Brothers, the Spy Changers, or the Build Team higher in value than anyone else.”
“Makes it real easy to follow his lead, knowing that,” Rapid Run added before he changed the subject. “Back to the commute gossip, though. Either of you two hear anything interesting?”
The middle bullet train hummed as he thought back on his day. “Let’s see… Oh! One of my regulars was complaining about how she keeps getting hounded by this driverless blue sports car with a flame decal on its hood. It’s really persistent, too. It keeps managing to find her no matter where she goes!”
Railspike wheezed with amusement while Rapid Run slapped a hand to his forehead and howled with laughter.
“Vector Sigma! You’ve got Side Burn’s girlfriend on your route?” the youngest train grinned broadly beneath his mask. “That poor lady! Nothing’s gonna ever get him to leave her alone!”
“Not even Ultra Magnus,” Midnight Express nodded with a smirk. Once everyone had calmed down, the younger two trains turned their attention to the oldest once more. “So what about you, Railspike? Any fun gossip you overheard?”
Railspike shook his head. “If there was, I didn’t hear it. I wasn’t paying much attention today. My regular, an older woman, wasn’t on the commute the past week and I was really concerned. The last time I saw her, she was looking really unwell. But today she finally came back. She was on the evening commute with her son. She looked a lot healthier. Apparently, she’s been in the hospital for the past week due to an illness.”
“Aw, the poor thing,” Midnight Express sympathized.
“It’s a good thing the doctors were able to help her out,” Rapid Run commented.
The oldest train nodded with a warm, sentimental smile. “Very good. In all honesty, she’s my favorite commuter. She’s such a nice lady.”
“We’re happy for you,” the middle train stated. Then he and Rapid Run began recalling further gossip they had heard throughout the day.
Railspike stared through the table between all of them, recalling his time spent with his favorite old lady. ‘Hello, handsome,’ she had greeted as she stepped on his passenger car that evening. The same words she uttered to him every time she stepped in his passenger cars. She had always made it a point to talk to him. She was really sweet like that. He didn’t think she truly knew that he was alive and listening to her as she talked about her life and other things that she felt like talking about. But that was okay. It made him happy to hear from her. To know how she was doing. To know that she appreciated his efforts to get her and all the other passengers where they needed to go in a timely and safe manner.
To say Railspike had been simply worried about her the past week was an understatement. Not having her on her usual commute had really made him feel lonely. Empty. He’d been silently beside himself with anxiety. After all, she was starting to get frail and she was living on her own. What if something had happened to her and nobody knew? So when she stepped on his passenger car that evening and uttered her usual greeting, the relief that had flooded through him was almost overwhelming. He’d wanted to cry out, ‘Welcome back, li’l lady!’ and transform to hold her gently in his hands.
She took a seat with her son and began telling Railspike about her hospital visit and how she was going to be living with her son from now on. Halfway through the route, her son had tried to tell her that the train couldn’t respond. To which she had replied, ‘That’s okay. Mr. Train is my friend. He understands, even if he cannot tell me so.’ It made Railspike’s spark melt to hear her say that.
The old train heaved a soft, dreamy sigh before getting up from the table to leave the two gossips to their chatter while he moved to turn in for the night. He couldn’t wait for his friend to start her regular commute again.
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aecho-again · 1 year
TF ask! 3, 4, 23, 24 aaand 38
3. Favorite Autobot(s) - in no particular order Perceptor - he's a scientist and he's a nerd and that makes him so relatable to me Ultra Magnus - I may have a type and he checks most of the boxes Arcee - she was always one of the coolest characters to me Brainstorm - another scientist bro, threads the line between mad and sane Star Saber - blorbo by proxy, but I don't like him any less for it
4. Favorite Decepticon(s) - in no particular order except Soundwave is 100% my fav Soundwave :-) - the best character in almost every continuity (let's forget about Bayverse, I hate what they did to him there), the coolest guy ever, he ticks ALL of the boxes; in fact, he invented them Dreadwing - such a good character, so much wasted potential Vortex - hehe, crazy 'copter go brrrr- Shockwave - mad scientist, great character Deathsaurus - another blorbo by proxy
23. Favorite underrated character(s) - in no particular order Lord Imperious Delirious - he is just aaaaaa- the second coolest guy ever Rossum - small little mad scientist, he means a lot to me Thunderwing - the third coolest guy ever, wasted potential^2 Side Burn - he is funny and stupid and reckless, but funny Rapid Run - train :-D, he's the best of his team Devcon - he appeared in one (1) episode, but he left an impression Ambulon - I'd say he too, but he's not exactly underrated
24. Favorite class/group(s) - in no particular order Seekers - they're all jets :-O Destrons - cool gang Team Bullet Train - trains :-D
38. How did you get into Transformers My parents got me a DVD copy of the first and the second live action movie. It's embarrassing to admit, but yeah, six year old me became a fan of the franchise thanks to them. Years later, I got the TF Prime video game for the Wii and then I watched the series too, but I didn't know fandom culture was a thing back then. Fast forward to late 2017 / early 2018, I came across fanfiction and it sucked me right into the rabbit hole. It took me three years to start writing fanfiction myself and another year to try my hand at fanart.
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weenwrites · 3 years
For you, I shall tell you a couple of my headcanons for RID 2001!!
If I remember correctly, it takes place after the civil wars. So, that means that Optimus probably has a WHOLE bunch of other Autobots from a fully functional Cybertron that he could’ve brought with him to go fight the Predacons. The question is... Why didn’t they come with him? We only see a handful of Autobots such as The Autobot Brothers, Team Bullet Train, The Build Team, The Spy Changers, Skid-z, and Tow-Line.
Optimus is a well-respected Autobot, who gained a whole lot of popularity from the Civil Wars, Ultra Magnus says so himself. Optimus was even CHOSEN to harbor the Matrix of Leadership and was technically dubbed the leader of all Autobots, so why didn’t more Autobots come with him?
My guess is that they were either sick of war and fighting and weren’t interested in going to Earth to stop the Predacons once in for all, or Cybertron hadn’t yet fully recovered from the Civil Wars and a whole ton of bots had to remain behind to aid the reconstruction efforts. Perhaps a combination of both!!
Also a couple headcanons about FNF.
GF cannot cook.
Daddy Dearest heavily underestimated BF the first time they rapped against eachother. Literally DD sang a fucking nursery rhyme ( Bo Beep Bo ) or something because he thought BF wouldn’t be able to keep up. In Fresh, he still somewhat underestimates BF, but cranked it up a LIIITTLE.
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Midnight Express!!;
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One of the members of Team Bullet Train, Midnight Express is definitely the funniest one of the trio. He’s a bit dim witted, and gets lost rather easily when he gets separated from his team, and is actually prone to getting nauseous while on the track. Having said all of this, he’s got a big spark, as well as respect for his elders. Dude LITERALLY jumped off a cliff to try and save an old train who he affectionately calls ‘Grandpa’. He’s also the Tracks of the team, being the most human social. 8/10. I’d give him more, but this series tends to not let characters have more than one episode to shine. I’m not kidding though, he’s terribly sweet.
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The leader of the Build Team, Wedge is the youngest autobot out of them all. Despite his age however, he’s arguably the most passionate out of his entire team, maybe even out of all the autobots. So much so, his temper often gets in the way of missions, and he’s rather bull headed. I’m not gonna lie, I like how he interacts with the build team (who essentially worship their child), and I like how rather proud this little guy is. All in, 8/10, mainly for his interactions with his boys (mainly Heavy Load).
Ultra Magnus!!;
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Aka Optimus’s brother, this guy shows up a bit late in the series, but unlike his TFP counterpart, this guy makes quite the impression the second he steps in. He is STRONG, a bit of a smart ass, and holy fucking shit everyone can fuck right off. Unless of course, you’re Side Burn. You might think I’m kidding, but Ultra Magnus starts off this series with a sort of lone wolf type personality, only to end with him pretty much doting on Side Burn, and helping Optimus, just because twinky over there asked. His relationship with Side Burn borders on romantic (especially in the dub), and it’s genuinely so sweet, to see how far he’s gone, purely because of Sides here. 9/10, he’s a funny guy when he wants to be, and his story is actually very well thought out. I’d give him more props if maybe we made an episode focused PURELY on his character interactions with Side Burn, and Optimus. A real fluff type thing, honestly. 
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Also known as the daughter of Teletraan, T-AI (or Tactical Artificial Intelligence), is the autobot’s computer, taking a holographic avatar of a young girl wearing a maroon uniform. For a computer program, she’s very full of personality and abilities in general. She can open roads to space bridges, contact any autobot, and keep track of goings on about earth, while simultaneously being able to crack a joke, be sad, or even lose her temper (namely at Side Burn). She’s adorable, and I genuinely think she’s a cute character that means a lot to the autobots. 8/10. 
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Transformers: Robots in Disguise
Hey gang! Today we’ll be talking about a favorite line of mine; it’s Robots in Disguise, the TV show that was on the Fox Box when I was very little. It’s stupid and anime and has a haiku writing shark and it’s just objectively the greatest thing. Hope you enjoy the essay!
   Transformers: Robots in Disguise returned Transformers to its roots, at the same time breaking sharply with the previous Beast Era lines while setting important precedents both in terms of fiction and design. When Hasbro abandoned plans for Transtec, the successor to Beast Machines, they made the decision to import the then current Japanese Car Robots line.(Saix) From a fictional perspective, this would prove to be a taste of things to come. Robots in Disguise has no fictional ties to Beast Wars or the Generation 1 cartoon continuity whatsoever, making the series the first full reboot in the history of the brand. After RID, almost every new transformers franchise would be a reboot of some sort. From the perspective of toy design, RID was much more traditional. Although it still included several characters with animal alternate modes, most of the cast transformed into real earth vehicles, ranging from cars to trains to construction vehicles. For a toy line as small as it is, RID has lots going on. Although the franchise itself is often considered somewhat forgettable, especially when compared with such titans as Armada and Beast Wars, it manages to explore with many intriguing concepts and achieved considerable influence on subsequent lines. 
      The most defining feature of the 2001 Robots in Disguise toyline is its diversity. Although many of the primary show characters were new mold figures drawn from the Takara Car Robots line, many others were redecos of figures from almost every other franchise in the brand; “Robots in Disguise included molds from Generation 1, Generation 2, Beast Wars, Machine Wars, and Beast Machines—in other words, every American toyline that had been produced to that point.” (Saix) What this means is that the line includes a huge variety of gimmicks, complexity, and articulation in its figures. At the simpler end of the spectrum were the Spy Changers, many of which were imported directly from the Generation 2 line. (ZacWilliam) These figures featured 3-4 step transformations from a hot wheels style car to a very simple robot with articulation only at the shoulders. On the more complex side of things, we find the massive Super Class Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus figures, which have very involved, partsforming transformation schemes, intricate weaponry, and also combine with each other.(Derik, ItsWalky) While it makes sense to talk about some overarching features of the line, many size classes don’t have unifying elements. Because of the widespread use of multipacks, for example a pack of two basic figures from Machine Wars and G2 sold at the deluxe price point, it is also difficult to say exactly what constitutes a size class.(Saix) As a result, our basic unit of analysis will not be the size class, but rather the loose groups of toys that share similarities. For example, the Autobot brothers all share real car alternate modes and intricate, shellforming transformation schemes, while their fellow deluxe class toys, the build team, feature similar designs on account of their flexible combination mechanic.(Interrobang, Omegalink) 
      One of the other consequences of the diversity of molds present in RID is a corresponding diversity of factions. Instead of the usual two, there are three factions present in the Hasbro version of the show; the Autobots, the Decepticons, and the Predacons. (Saix) The series marks the first use of the iconic original factions since the end of G1. (Nova81426) In many ways, this return to the origins of the brand is intuitive, as it is accompanied by the aforementioned realistic vehicle modes found on many characters. Although there are more factions, each of them has fewer members. There are a mere five Predacons present, and six Decepticons. (Nova81426) Despite the presence of both Autobots and Decepticons, the initial conflict is between the Autobots and the Predacons, a completely unprecedented pairing. (Nova81426) Moreover, the Predacons and Autobots are completely unconnected with any of their previous incarnations. Although Megatron is a Predacon, his motivations and character are completely distinct from Beast Wars Megatron. (DrSpengler, Megatron) Similarly, none of the other predacons are pre-existing characters. (Nova81426) The use of different factions in RID is an excellent microcosm of the franchise as a whole; it uses old elements and recombines them into something unprecedented. 
       As mentioned earlier, one of the defining characteristics of RID is the return of earth based vehicle modes. Although Beast Machines had reintroduced vehicles to the brand the previous year, all of them were cybertronian.(Monzo) RID is the first time since the end of the initial G1/G2 lines that transformers characters turned into recognizable cars.(Saix) Although much of our discussion of Beast Wars was centered around its lasting influence, it did not manage to fully transition transformers away from vehicles and towards animal based alternate modes. In returning to the more traditional cars and trains and construction vehicles, RID laid the groundwork for what would prove to be a permanent pivot back to vehicle focused lines. However, even in this traditional move, RID demonstrated its characteristic willingness to use successful elements from multiple points in the brand. As we have already noted, RID featured the Predacon faction; these figures were, with the exception of Megatron, redecos of Transmetal 2 figures from Beast Wars. (Saix) RID did not dedicate itself entirely to vehicular figures; rather, it opted for a mix of vehicles and robotic animals, much as G1 had so many years earlier. In many ways, this would prove to set the tone for most subsequent toylines. Although primarily focused on cars and such, lines such as Armada and Universe left themselves the option of including more animal themed characters if that became appropriate. In this, RID’s mix and match philosophy of toy design would prove very influential. 
Like Beast Wars before it, once RID proved successful, Hasbro sought to pad the end of the line with other figures. Unlike Beast Wars, this primarily took the form of exclusives, such as KB Toys exclusive Destructicon Bludgeon, a redeco of G2 Megatron. (Saix) However, RID did employ two of the other strategies Beast Wars used, namely redecoing figures from earlier in the line and revitalizing unreleased molds for which much development had already been done. For example, many of the KB Toys exclusives were redecos of the already released Spy Changers, and figures such as Air Attack Optimus Primal and Megatron Megabolt were Beast Machines figures that had gone unreleased due to the truncation of the line. (Saix) 
    The three ‘Autobot brothers’ are among the most iconic molds and characters to arise from the RID toyline. The three deluxe class molds each employed intricate shellforming to achieve hyper accurate earth vehicle modes. These molds, Sideburn in particular, are notorious for their high level of transformation difficulty.The Autobot brothers represent the first time that the strategy of shellforming had been applied to cars. In some respects, these figures presage the complexity of the subsequent 2007 movie line, and the widespread use of that same technique of shellforming to achieve hyper-realistic licenced vehicle modes. Although influence is often conceived as having elements of a design present in subsequent works, these molds are arguably the most influential in what they caused to be omitted from subsequent designs. Although the Movie figures would rely heavily on shellforming, the highly asymmetrical designs of the Autobot brothers are notably absent. Similarly, one of the most difficult features of the Autobot brothers is that it is often unclear or unintuitive where a specific part is supposed to end up in vehicle mode; later movie figures developed a coherent design language (eg. arms go on the side of the car) that made it much easier to figure out a figure’s transformation simply by fiddling with it. It could be argued that these figures represent Takara’s designers beginning to learn their way around these sorts of designs, providing both the tools and ability to execute the movie line successfully all those years later. Even here, RID mixes two preexisting design elements, namely shellforming and car based alternate modes, to create something novel. 
    After the 1997 Beast Wars line, combiners had been largely absent from Transformers toylines until RID. RID featured no fewer than three different combiner teams. The first of these Team Bullet Train, a set of three robots with shinkansen altmodes that combined into Rail Racer. They were among the last toys to use the Mega price point; after RID, the size class that had struggled throughout Beast Wars and Beast Machines was discontinued entirely as part of a revamp of the size class structure.(Singularity) Even Team Bullet Train themselves were not fully in this size class; “The Bullet Trains, which were developed with Takara's flexible pricing structure, really did not fit into Hasbro's more rigid existing price-points, budget-wise. They cost too much to be sold as Deluxes, but weren't really up to Mega-costs.” (M Sipher, Railspike) They are also one of the vanishingly few novel combiner architectures in the history of the brand; most combiners are of the ‘scramble city’ type, where four interchangeable limb robots are attached to a central body. (Steve-o) Three robot combiners are comparatively uncommon. (Steve-o). 
    The second group of combiners from RID were the deluxe class build team. Three of the four team members shared much engineering, as any two of them could form the legs of the combiner, with the third forming the arms.(Omegalink) This architecture is also extremely uncommon. (Steve-o) It is of particular note that the Build Team represents an entirely different concept of interchangeable combiner, completely distinct from the scramble city architecture. Unlike much of the rest of the line, the Build Team does not turn into any specific earth vehicles; rather, they turn into generic construction vehicles of no particular make or model. 
   The third and final combiner team present in RID were the Decepticon Commandos. (M Sipher, Commandos). These figures are noteworthy for being essentially the only Decepticon characters in the show; aside from that, they are straightforward redecos of the G1 Combaticon figures.
    Aside from the Commandos, there was one other Decepticon figure present in the line. In the cartoon, Scourge was a Decepticon based on Optimus Prime; in the toyline, he was a redco of the G2 Laser Optimus figure. ()Scourge is the earliest mainstream figure to sport a deco that would become infamous over the history of the brand. After the release of this figure, it became common practice to rerelease Optimus Prime and other Autobots in black, teal and red decos to represent an evil version of the character.(Andrusi) 
    Three mildly interesting asides; First, RID is one of the more show accurate toylines around. (williamjames-88) Second, it contains the mold with the most alternate modes of any in the history of the brand; the Galvatron use of the Megatron mold clocks in at 10 official alternate modes. (DrSpengler, Megatron) Third, RID introduced one of very few characters in the history of the brand to become arguably as popular as G1 staples; Sky Byte, the comic relief villain. Everyone’s favorite charmingly inept, haiku composing flying shark has appeared in subsequent franchises and comics, and, unlike almost every other minor character from obscure franchises, continues to receive figures to this day. Not too shabby, all things considered. (M Sipher, Sky-Byte)
    Although Robots in Disguise is not the most famous Transformers toyline, nor the most fondly remembered, it did make its share of contributions to the brand as a whole. RID was able to combine many existing elements of the brand, such as Decepticons, shellforming, tail end exclusives and others, into something new and effective. Although it featured Autobots and Decepticons, it shared effectively no characters with any previous continuity. Although alternate modes were now vehicular, the complex engineering of Beast Wars and Beast Wars Neo found its way into the designs. Indeed, in its capacity as the first reboot in the brand, and because of its tendency to poach successful elements and figures from other lines, RID paved the way for almost every subsequent Transformers franchise. 
     Works Cited
Andrusi et al. “Black repaint” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Black_repaint Accessed 6/13/2020 
Derik et al. “Optimus Prime (RID)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Optimus_Prime_(RID)#Robots_in_Disguise_.282001.29 Accessed 6/13/2020
DrSpengler et al/ “Megatron (RID” TFWiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Megatron_(RID) Accessed 6/13/2020 
DrSpengler et al. “Scourge (RID)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Scourge_(RID) Accessed 6/13/2020
Interrobang et al. “Autobot Brothers” TFwiki.https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Autobot_Brothers Accessed 6/13/2020  
ItsWalky et al. “Ultra Magnus (RID)” TFWiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Ultra_Magnus_(RID)#Toys Accessed 6/13/2020
Monzo et al.“Beast Wars:Transformers(toyline)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Beast_Wars:_Transformers_(toyline) Accessed 4/25/2020
M Sipher et al. “Commando (RID)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Commando_(RID) Accessed 6/13/2020
M Sipher et al. “Railspike (RID)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Railspike_(RID) Accessed 6/13/2020  
M Sipher et al. “Sky-Byte (RID)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Sky-Byte_(RID) Accessed 6/13/2020 
M Sipher et al. “Team Bullet Train” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Team_Bullet_Train Accessed 6/13/2020
Nova81426 et al. “Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001 cartoon)” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_Robots_in_Disguise_(2001_cartoon) Accessed 6/13/2020
Omegalink et al. “Build Team” TFWiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Build_Team Accessed 6/13/2020
Saix et al. “Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001 toyline)” TFwiki.https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_Robots_in_Disguise_(2001_toyline) Accessed 6/13/2020
Singularity et al. “Size Class” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Size_class Accessed 5/5/2020 
Steve-o et al. “Combiner” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Combiner Accessed 6/13/2020
William-james88, “Top 5 Most Show Accurate Transformers Toylines”, Seibertron, https://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/top-5-most-show-accurate-transformers-toylines/43441/ Accessed 4/25/2020
ZacWilliam et al. “Spy Changers” TFwiki. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Spy_Changer Accessed 6/13/2020  
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gekitoutsu-rispba · 6 years
Voice claim ideas?
These are the Draconoids (Autobots) and Serpencieves (Decepticons) of my “series”, Transformers Dragon Storm. Any ideas for what they should sound like would be appreciated!
Optimus (Fire truck/three(five)-headed dragon)
Role: Leader
What is there to say about Optimus Prime that hasn’t already been said? He is the leader of the Draconoids, having taken the position after the death of original leader Ultra Magnus back on Cybertron. He will often get into situations where one of his subordinates would be better suited because he doesn’t want them injured, he’s a sucker for rules and protocol, and despises wonton violence and destruction, or any sort of public attention (something the Serpencieves use to their advantage). For these reasons, he and the trigger-happy Springer don’t exactly have the best relationship.
Sunstreaker (Sports car/Quetzalcoatl)
Role: Scout
Sunstreaker has a desperate need to be in the spotlight. He can be reckless and looks before he leaps, but usually has good intentions. As the youngest of the Autobots, he has a strong desire to prove himself to the others. He eventually (reluctantly) revealed himself to be a Shifter named Tracker. Tracker is not as energetic as Sunstreaker, prone to moping around until the call of duty comes. Unlike Starscream/Mayhem, Tracker is ashamed of his shifting abilities, since he thinks it lowers his true worth as his chosen self (Sunstreaker).
Pharma (Ambulance/Furry dragon)
Role: Medic
Pharma was a former Serpencieve, working alongside Knockout. However, time and distance separated them and Pharma began thinking about allying himself with the Draconoids. He is impatient, temperamental, and silver-tounged, seemingly due to his Serpencieve upbringing. Underneath all of this, he also has a sadistic side that loves inflicting pain on others. He has shown fascination in ripping the humans apart and putting them back together again. Despite this sadistic streak and his unethical-at-times medical practices, he’s the only medic in the Draconoid lineup and is thus a vital member of the team.
Nightbeat (1980s Ferrari/typical Dragon)
Role: Investigation
Nightbeat fashions herself a hard-boiled detective-and in many ways, she is. She is very focused and driven, never stopping a lead until she gets the answers that she wants. This will sometimes lead to her chasing down foes much stronger than she is. She considers herself a lone wolf, with Springer being the only one she was on good terms with from the start. However, when she is assigned to work with a human partner, she begins to open up and work better with the rest of the gang.
Landmine (Motocycle with sidecar/Lindworm)
Role: Mechanic
Landmine fills the “old friend of Optimus Prime” caste that normally belongs to Ratchet. The two of them worked together in missions frequently during the scuffles on their primal planet, both before and after the Techno-Collision that turned it into Cybertron. Landmine has taken an interest in treasure-hunting during his time on earth, and is constantly trying to find new things to add to his horde. This fascination with hunting made finding the Armaments of the Knights and other Quintessonian keepsakes easier. Unlike Optimus, Landmine is a relentless optimist, although he will scold the kids and younger bots.
Skydancer (News Helicopter/Fairy Dragon)
Role: Air fighter
While all Autobots have the ability to fly in dragon mode, Skydancer is most comfortable in the air. Free-spirited and full of energy, she works together incredibly well with Bumblebee. Since she likes to show off her air skills, she will do unnessisary (as Prime puts it) flips and donuts. She hates standing still, and even when she isn’t running or flying, she twitches or fidgets to keep herself active. She is armed with katanas that form her wings in dragon mode and helicopter blades in vehicle mode.
Springer (Muscle Car/Armored Dragon)
Role: Muscle
Springer was heavily inspired by the stereotypical action hero. He’s a strong-willed quipper who hates showing his own weakness. Surprisingly, he doesn’t seem to be compensating for anything, he’s naturally cocky and simply modeled his behavior after the action heroes he saw. He loves the spotlight and public attention, Something Optimus doesn’t approve of. He has also shown to be interested in a romance with Nightbeat, but so far she hasn’t returned the interest.
Falcor (RV/Western Dragon)
Role: Transport
Falcor is, simply put, determined to keep his passengers safe. This all-consuming need to protect his precious cargo means that he is gullible at best and a complete sucker at worst.
Megatron (Bullet train/Chinese dragon)
Role: Supreme Commander
Megatron is another one of those Transformers who needs no introduction. He’s ruthless, cold-blooded, and has a near-perfect blend of draconian ferocity and Cybertronian cunning. He is considered an apex predator-a title he uses with pride. He also has a surprisingly long fuse for someone who is surrounded by the likes of Feedback and Starscream, but he tolerates their existence because of their unique abilities (Starscream’s shifting, Feedback’s cunning, etc.). He was also aware of how Optimus wasn’t complete, and welcomed Scourge to the team with open servos because he thought that it meant he would never become whole again.
Starscream (Jet/Wyvern)
Role: Second-in-command/Air Commander
The always-treacherous Starscream is another Transformers mainstay. What he lacks in competence, loyalty, bravery and modesty, he more than makes up for in confidence, bootlicking, battle prowess and creativity. Starscream has always believed that he was destined for greatness, and he will use any means to get it. It turns out that he is actually a Shifter named Mayhem, with a power similar to Sunstreaker’s-although his is more refined, allowing him to mix and match disguises. Mayhem is incredibly proud of his abilities, although forced to hide them by Megatron (further fueling his hatred).
Soundwave (Frenzy, Ravage, Buzzsaw, surveillance truck/drake)
Role: Surveilence
Is Soundwave a boy? Are they a girl? No one knows for sure. All that’s known for sure about them is that they are logical, stoic, and loyal to Megatron until the end. They’re usually the one who keeps Starscream’s (who identifies them as a “she” due to their feminine voice) struts firmly on the ground. They are also the one who keeps the Serpencieve food chain in line, giving and receiving orders from the top lizard. They are in control of three subunits-the destruction lover Frenzy, the sharp-witted Ravage, and the artistically inclined Buzzsaw.
Knockout (Sports Car/Naga)
Role: Medic
Knockout isn’t so much vain as she is a perfectionist. That isn’t to say she isn’t full of herself-which she most definitely is-but she expects perfect functioning order out of everything. Even so much as a little dent or a scratch is enough to send her reeling. When things fall into chaos, she goes into panic mode. She works decently with Starscream, and tolerates Feedback in a similar vein to him.
Leviathan (Cruise liner/Jumbo Jet/Sea dragon)
Role: “Security”
Leviathan is considered the strong and silent type. He doesn’t speak unless he considers it absolutely necessary-which admittedly isn’t often. He is the Serpencieves’ secret weapon-not only does he have a second vehicle mode, he is one of the largest members of the flight. He’s a cold-blooded killer, seeming to delight in the chaos and murder he causes.
Feedback (Jeep/regular dragon)
Role: Mad Scientist
Feedback is insane, and he knows it. He loves reveling in his own madness, placing himself in his own little world. Sometimes, he gets on his fellow Serpencieve’s nerves, but he barely cares. As far as he cares, he’s a misunderstood genius. His mind is always cooking up hare-brained schemes that seldom work, but his relentless determination and surprising brilliance (plus undying loyalty to the Serpencieve cause) is enough for Megatron to keep him around.
Drag Strip (police car/western dragon)
Role: Assassin
Drag Strip is not a Serpencieve in the truest sense of the word-she sees herself as neutral, and will help the Draconoids if she thinks she can benefit from it. She deals in her own ideas of “justice”-basically, the strong preying over the weak. She deals in absolutes, but if she says she will do something, she does it. Deep down, she knows that the Serpencieves are doomed, something she stews over in secret. While she does admire Megatron’s strength, she does not consider herself romantically invested in him.
Smogg (Garbage truck/Wyvern)
Role: Muscle
Smogg is easily the most beastly-minded of the Serpencieves. He is brute strength, always looking for a battle or something to sink his teeth into. So intense is this desire for battle, he has to be chained onto Nemesis Valley in order to keep him from destroying anything that moves. Unfortunately, his beastly mind keeps him from forming strategies and plotting against enemies moves, which is why he works most effectively merely as a bodyguard or a muscle man. Starscream frequently employs him because he himself is not very physically powerful.
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So Scourge is luring Oppy into a trap, Sky Byte wants Mags to kill one of the trainformers, and I'm pretty sure the autobot brothers are captured somewhere
I'm sure this will end well /s
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Oooh, so if Maggie wants to join the cons (which he doesn't but he's pretending he wants to), he has to commit murder and kill one of the trains.
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Back to rid01, and the Decepticons are just. Absolutely ripping both Sky-byte's plan and Ultra Magnus's plan to shreds by merely existing and drawing the attention of the bullet train team.
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