So many RiD01 requests, I'm in heaven~ Thank you @hotshotsgirl26 and here is part one!
Continuity: RiD01
Characters: Side Burn, Railspike
Requests | AO3
“That jerk… That complete and utter half-clocked piston head!” Side Burn stopped to let out a long, loud scream of frustration, and then flopped backward in the grassy field he’d been traipsing through to glare up at the cheerful blue sky decorated with fluffy white clouds, his lower lip stuck out in a pout.
Prowl had gone too far this time. How dare he accuse Side Burn of not taking his position as an Autobot seriously?! Imply disloyalty, even! Just because he got sidetracked occasionally with little red sports cars… It wasn’t like Side Burn wasn’t doing his job! He always pulled through when push came to shove! And he knew how to prioritize! Prowl was just a stiff who didn’t know how to have fun, so liked to wreck it for everyone else! There was nothing wrong with what he was doing!
His thoughts would have continued down this train of thought a bit more… however an actual train suddenly loomed over him, casting a shadow over him and blocking his view of the sky. Railspike, specifically, had stepped into his line-of-sight and was peering down at him curiously. “Now what’s a car like you doing in a field like this?” the old mech mused.
“I’m not slacking off!” Side Burn snapped impatiently. “This is downtime! I’m allowed to go where I please!”
Railspike raised his hands in surrender before slowly lowering himself to crouch on his legs and put himself closer to Side Burn’s level. “Easy there, sport. I’m not sayin’ any of that,” he soothed. “Just saw ya while I was rolling between jobs. Ya sounded revved up over somethin’. Was wondering if there’s anything I can do to help.”
The blue Autobot brother huffed and considered telling the train bot to just go about his day and leave him alone, but Railspike had made the effort to stop what he’d been doing out of genuine concern for Side Burn’s mood. Noting this, his expression eased up slightly and his tone softened as he addressed his fellow Autobot. “You’re sure you don’t have anything better to do?”
“The station can keep their timetable without me,” the train bot reassured, moving to have a seat beside the sulking bot and turning his head to peer down at him with his full attention. “Now, what can ol’ Railspike do for you?”
“Think you could teach my stick-in-the-mud brother how to lay off?” Side Burn suggested bitterly.
“Another fight, huh?” Railspike put together. “The red sports car thing?”
“He said I’m neglecting my duties! Shirking my work!” the blue Autobot exclaimed with exasperation. “Even said that if I’m not taking my job seriously that I should just hand in my badge to Prime! It’s not like the big guy has any issues with my work or how I do it! It’s just Prowl! And T.A.I., I guess— But this is about Prowl!”
“That does sound a bit harsh,” the older mech admitted. “You’re a goof, sure, but—”
“Gee, thanks…”
“But I’ve never questioned your dedication to the cause,” Railspike finished, ignoring Side Burn’s sarcastic remark. “We all got our own ways of givin’ to the Autobot cause. Just ‘cause you don’t do it the way Prowl does it, don’t mean you don’t care.”
“Exactly!” the younger mech exclaimed, pushing himself to sit up and gesture at Rail Spike with energetic agreement. “You get it! The boss mech gets it! So why can’t he?!”
“You’re both young bots with lots of lessons to learn. Give it time,” the train bot soothed, gently motioning for him to cool his jets. “He’ll figure out how to loosen up, you two will compromise, and everything will be smooth.”
“That’ll be the day… Still… I appreciate it, Railspike,” Side Burn thanked, giving him a faint smile. “I’m still kind of frustrated, but it helped to get all that off my plating and hear that I’m not just living in my head, you know?”
Railspike nodded with a knowing grin. “Trust me, I get how it goes. I’ve bore witness to enough arguments between Midnight Express and Rapid Run.”
“They’re just as bad, huh? Yeah, I can see that,” the Autobot brother chuckled.
“Both sides got points, but usually it’s just that they’re too caught up in how they personally do things that they can’t stand the thought of it being done any other way,” the old mech mused. “Takes an open mind to get anywhere when everyone’s got different personality chips.”
Side Burn’s expression turned into one of deep thought upon hearing this take. “An open mind, huh?” he echoed softly, running through his and Prowl’s argument again. …Maybe there was something he could take away in there. Just maybe. He’d have to do some serious thinking about it, though.
“Fuel for thought,” Railspike said, suddenly pushing himself to his feet. “You enjoy your break, little buddy. I’ve gotta head off now.”
“Oh, sure thing, Railspike,” the young bot uttered as he snapped out of his thoughts to watch the bullet train walk away. “Thanks again!”
“Any time,” he called over his shoulder as he strode away.
Side Burn laid back down and stared up at the clouds drifting through the sky, going back to his thoughts. “An open mind, huh?” he murmured. He could probably do that. It could help him figure out why Prowl was such a stiff about things. “…Yeah. I can do that,” he decided.
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askvectorprime · 11 months
Dear Vector Prime, how do non-vehicle bots get around Cybertron? Secondary vehicles? Public transportation?
Dear Mobility Minded,
As with so many things, the answer to your question varies—but for one example, in universes where Cybertron is ruled by functionist law, Cybertronians designated as members of the transport class are tasked with… well, transforming other 'bots across the planet and through its cities. For instance, Overload's truck form allowed him to carry other bots in a large trailer transport, while Railspike was able to link up with and pull carriages on the "transit tracks" of his native Rodion—experience he would, much later, put to use in coordinating the onboard monorails of the Lost Light.
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Transformers: Mosaic #390 - "Rules"
Originally posted on June 11th, 2009
Story, Art - Seb
deviantART | Seibertron | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez:
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neurosanctuary · 1 year
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Railspike doodle!!!!
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
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autoacafiles · 1 year
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dangus-doo · 2 years
I draw a pen doodle every day until I forget
Day 164: Railspike (Transformers: Robots in Disguise 2001)
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I wanted to draw something blue today, so I picked one of my favorite robots in my collection, Railspike! He’s the leader/head and arms of the Rail Racer team, and he looks so polite!
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The one I have is the Japanese version that I found for a bargain on EBay! (Meaning that this technically isn’t Railspike, but J-five.)
He’s in great shape! And he looks okay with my legends Astrotrain, so that makes me happy!
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His lights still work too! Which is amazing, since this toy has been around nearly as long as I’ve been alive. I guess a little love and care goes a long way!
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Back to rid01, and the Decepticons are just. Absolutely ripping both Sky-byte's plan and Ultra Magnus's plan to shreds by merely existing and drawing the attention of the bullet train team.
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skelekins · 1 year
Peye notes on my way to the store
Since a he’s getting more loves 🥰
Peye is about half a head or so shorter than Fumes and in general is kinda more squat than average. He wasn’t a horror bitty on initial creation. It’s likely he was a classic sansy but he just as well could have been some other close variant.
He’s got a massive hole In the center top of his skull (slightly forward from the crown).
It’s assumed he fell off a train somehow in his initial transport. He was found wielding a railspike bigger than he is that is approximately the same shape as the hole in his head. The interior bottom of his jaw also has some scuffing and gouges.
He’s extremely attached to his old rusty spine. When he was picked up off the streets and taken to a shelter they tried to take it away a few times since it’s a giant rusty spike (in comparison to him). It would inevitably show up in his area again.
He didn’t have it when Kelek picked him up. But then it was there that evening.
Peye doesn’t speak but he does laugh and make other sorts of noises. He also has a tendency to drool but it’s getting better. He’s also got a few other issues but-
Peye is best buds with Fumes who he’s bonded to. Kinda like siblings / extremely close friends and completely platonic. Fumes enjoys helping people and is extremely good at reading them. He very quickly could hold conversations with Peye just using body language and maybe some light magic.
And that’s Peeeeye! :3
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weenwrites · 8 months
Hey I wanted to know if you could do headcannons for team bullet train with a chaos gremlin teenager like you did with cybertron! Vector prime and jetfire?
✎ A/N: You have no idea how much I enjoy writing for rid 2001, especially Team Bullet Train!! Thank you SO much for this request!
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He's not really sure how to really... Deal with you??? He's like a grandpa that doesn't understand the younger generation even one bit, but he learns pretty quickly since he gets to see a lot of people at every station he stops at, and he can observe their behavior, so scratch that.
If you frequently pull risky stunts and whatnot (e.g. leap off high platforms, run at the predacons with reckless abandon, stick around the battlefield even though you could very well get hurt, throw stuff at the predacons) he will age another couple million years with every stunt. That's partly a joke and partly serious, his joints will be left aching for weeks after he sprints half-way across the battlefield either to save you or stop you from doing something stupid.
He's lucky that the rest of his team understands his plight, because more often than not he's had to get someone to cover him while he goes to save you. Heck, sometimes when he's combined with his team, he has to either backtrack a little and un-combine, or drive Ruination into the ground at record speed to then protect you from whatever's trying to kill you this time.
Sometimes to pass the time with you, he'll tell you stories about almost anything under the sun. He'll tell you about his life before the war, any memorable battles he's fought in, heck he'll even tell you all about how Team Bullet Train was originally formed!
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Rapid Run
He's much more chill and talkative, but like Railspike, he'll urge you to get to safety and not do anything stupid against the predacons during the battle. Yet he quickly realizes that just telling you not to do anything stupid works as well as arguing with a brick wall. He doesn't mind a challenge every now and then, and even warmly welcomes them, but when the challenge is to keep you alive while 4 predacons are shooting at him, he gives it quite the cold reception.
It doesn't take him long to consider teaching you self defense, and before you know it you're up early in the morning on a 5 mile jog across Japan. He says that if you're gonna run head-first at the predacons, you might as well improve your speed and stamina—and on top of that, you might as well learn how to wield a weapon, whether it be your fists, a gun, or anything else you can get your hands on. And even if you aren't one for exercise, then target practice is sometimes fun.
Whenever he lets you ride with him on the rails, he doesn't mind playing music and he's willing to let you have free reign over what plays so long as it's something he can enjoy too. He's very easy to talk to and a very good conversationalist, and not to mention that he knows more about humans than he lets on.
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Midnight Express
He initially underestimates how troublesome you can actually be. Severely underestimates. Sure he understands how difficult it can be to keep the predacons away from humans, but he thinks it's easier to keep humans away from predacons. Most humans know that the predacons are evil and dangerous, so surely you'd follow suit and stay away from them, right? RIGHT???
NO. WRONG. He doesn't understand how you can just run at them and throw rocks at them as if they aren't capable of seriously maiming you, and he freaks out. As good a shot he is with a gun, he'd rather not shoot at predacons while you're right there, thank you very much! He's gonna age another quadrillion years and wither away to dust before your temperament ever mellows out... But it's not like he'd have it any other way. You're his friend, after all.
Shenanigans aside, he frequently asks you about many human traditions and cultural things, and it's pretty clear that he's pretty interested in the life of a human. He remembers literally everything you tell him about human culture, you're quick to discover that he seems particularly fond of human marriages.
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Transformers RID Railspike
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hai I requested the auto bros/train bros last time (absolutley beautiful) and you're ultra magnus and sideburn fic? magnificent. If you have some time could I request another RiD over the trains having a favorite regular human? Or how they feel about all the gossip and stories they hear throughout their work?
Aw, thank you~ Anon, I will always jump at the chance to write some RiD01 for you~
Once again using the English dub personalities.
Word count capping at 1070
“Ugh, my wheels are killing me today,” Rapid Run complained as he collapsed into the seat at the table left empty for him. It was the end of the day, and while there hadn’t been any Decepticon hijinks today, there had certainly been the daily commute Team Bullet Train had to keep up with. Time was approaching a major holiday for the humans and there were more of them riding the trains than any other season.
Railspike nodded his empathy and Midnight Express asked, “Did the schedule change on you, too? I didn’t even realize that this holiday was going to make the station hours change so that we run longer shifts!”
“Yeah! What’s up with that?” the youngest bullet train exclaimed.
“What I gathered from local gossip is: this is the season when a lot of shopping goes on,” Railspike informed. “Apparently, there’s a lot of people who are trying to work the shopping trips into their busy schedules. And it sounds like this schedule shift is a regular occurrence around this time of year.”
“Well, at the very least it makes for getting some good gossip,” the middle train shrugged.
The oldest train raised an optic ridge with surprise. “You’ve got something on the Decepticons from all the commuting?”
“What? Heavens no!” Midnight Express scoffed. “Humans lead such interesting social lives. It’s rather fun to listen in on sometimes.”
Rapid Run nodded. “Like today, I heard one of my regulars complaining that the people running their workplace pretends to care about all of its workers, but the way those in charge regard the office workers versus the warehouse workers is blatantly classist. It’s obvious to all the warehouse workers that they’re not being taken care of, and even though they put in all this effort to get some changes set in place, it doesn’t seem to make a difference.”
“Makes me glad our workplace isn’t like that,” Railspike grunted. “Or at least… I’ve never felt like Optimus Prime has been setting up a classist system in our ranks. You know what I mean?”
The two younger trains nodded.
“Absolutely,” Midnight Express agreed. “I have never doubted that he cares what any of us Autobots have to say or think. He doesn’t hold Team Bullet Train, the Autobot Brothers, the Spy Changers, or the Build Team higher in value than anyone else.”
“Makes it real easy to follow his lead, knowing that,” Rapid Run added before he changed the subject. “Back to the commute gossip, though. Either of you two hear anything interesting?”
The middle bullet train hummed as he thought back on his day. “Let’s see… Oh! One of my regulars was complaining about how she keeps getting hounded by this driverless blue sports car with a flame decal on its hood. It’s really persistent, too. It keeps managing to find her no matter where she goes!”
Railspike wheezed with amusement while Rapid Run slapped a hand to his forehead and howled with laughter.
“Vector Sigma! You’ve got Side Burn’s girlfriend on your route?” the youngest train grinned broadly beneath his mask. “That poor lady! Nothing’s gonna ever get him to leave her alone!”
“Not even Ultra Magnus,” Midnight Express nodded with a smirk. Once everyone had calmed down, the younger two trains turned their attention to the oldest once more. “So what about you, Railspike? Any fun gossip you overheard?”
Railspike shook his head. “If there was, I didn’t hear it. I wasn’t paying much attention today. My regular, an older woman, wasn’t on the commute the past week and I was really concerned. The last time I saw her, she was looking really unwell. But today she finally came back. She was on the evening commute with her son. She looked a lot healthier. Apparently, she’s been in the hospital for the past week due to an illness.”
“Aw, the poor thing,” Midnight Express sympathized.
“It’s a good thing the doctors were able to help her out,” Rapid Run commented.
The oldest train nodded with a warm, sentimental smile. “Very good. In all honesty, she’s my favorite commuter. She’s such a nice lady.”
“We’re happy for you,” the middle train stated. Then he and Rapid Run began recalling further gossip they had heard throughout the day.
Railspike stared through the table between all of them, recalling his time spent with his favorite old lady. ‘Hello, handsome,’ she had greeted as she stepped on his passenger car that evening. The same words she uttered to him every time she stepped in his passenger cars. She had always made it a point to talk to him. She was really sweet like that. He didn’t think she truly knew that he was alive and listening to her as she talked about her life and other things that she felt like talking about. But that was okay. It made him happy to hear from her. To know how she was doing. To know that she appreciated his efforts to get her and all the other passengers where they needed to go in a timely and safe manner.
To say Railspike had been simply worried about her the past week was an understatement. Not having her on her usual commute had really made him feel lonely. Empty. He’d been silently beside himself with anxiety. After all, she was starting to get frail and she was living on her own. What if something had happened to her and nobody knew? So when she stepped on his passenger car that evening and uttered her usual greeting, the relief that had flooded through him was almost overwhelming. He’d wanted to cry out, ‘Welcome back, li’l lady!’ and transform to hold her gently in his hands.
She took a seat with her son and began telling Railspike about her hospital visit and how she was going to be living with her son from now on. Halfway through the route, her son had tried to tell her that the train couldn’t respond. To which she had replied, ‘That’s okay. Mr. Train is my friend. He understands, even if he cannot tell me so.’ It made Railspike’s spark melt to hear her say that.
The old train heaved a soft, dreamy sigh before getting up from the table to leave the two gossips to their chatter while he moved to turn in for the night. He couldn’t wait for his friend to start her regular commute again.
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silenthilllz · 2 years
i will now be naming any kids i have Nepeta and Vriska out of pure spite :3c
nepeta is fine but naming ur kid after the worst homestuck character in existence is like a death sentence
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bumblecow · 6 months
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macadam · 2 years
Going to run a worst canon transformers name poll. Here are the runner ups:
Lube, Erector, Valve, Discharge, Spike (honorary), Chromedome, Ultra Magnus, Clench, Thrust, Magnificus, Vroom, Drill nuts, Breastforce (also honorary), Big daddy, Beta, Wideload, Bruticus
Added names: lord imperious delirious, outback, rodimus prime, dipstick, bulge, overload, valvatron, borehole, longrack, enemy, tailgate, sky garry, railspike, shreddicus maximus, joe the micromaster, tentakil, loafer, krok, toaster, deathsaurus, hexadeathimal, guyhawk, killmaster, crankhandle, horri-bull, dirtboss, hurr-gurr, scissor boy, bucket head, flatline, omega spreem
If anyone has any more suggestions please feel free to add it to the comments/tags of this post (or anon me if u r shy). It was surprisingly difficult to gather this list. There isn’t exactly a wiki page dedicated to really bad transformers names, so any help would be very much appreciated.
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robot-reference · 1 year
surviving Lost Light crew
ok this counts as reference right? here is a list of the crew who were on board when they hopped universes, the TF wiki is fantastic but it doesn't actually have this list
(some characters will have "presumably" when the last time they had been seen may have resulted in their death but it's not outright confirmed so they COULD be alive or their alive status may have been a continuity error and other such dubious circumstances)
feel free to correct or add to this !
full list under read more
Blades (presumably)
Brawn (presumably)
Fervor (presumably ?)
First Aid
Fortress Maximus
Groove (presumably)
Hot Spot (presumably)
Red Alert
Sky High
Streetwise (presumably)
Toxin (could be argued not to be a real character)
Turbine (presumably)
Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus
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