#team evergreen
teshadraws · 7 months
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
[Chapter 53]
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After a tense conversation in the cafeteria, Nia and Tobias make plans with Team Evergreen for a team-up mission.
Conversation bubbles up naturally between Team Scarlet and Team Shellshock as they head down the Lexym Tree in search of food. Nia is delighted when Tobias even joins the conversation of his own volition, bantering with Xander about nearly taking him down with dragon rage during their joint training session. When the group stops by the nursery to grab Xander’s siblings to join them, the shinx cubs tackle first Xander and then Tobias with shrieks of excitement, rubbing their faces against the two with loud purrs.
On the cafeteria floor, Xander’s team splits off to the far end of the room to join the other food line, calling that they’ll grab a table. Nia and Tobias enter the closer line, picking up trays and stepping into the queue behind a weasel-like Pokemon balancing on two paws. Her long fur is tan with streaks of darker brown, and her blue eyes are sharp. The Pokemon scowls at Nia as she gets into line, muzzle twitching, before looking forward again.
Nia tries not to let the brief look bother her, but lowers her voice as Tobias plots how to beat Kry the next time the two of them spar. As the two of them chat, the line slowly moves, Nia holding out her tray to accept food from the grass type behind the counter. She hasn’t noticed the fiery chicken Pokemon working as a chef since the first time she ate here. Maybe they were just working here temporarily? Tobias is still the only fire type she sees regularly around the Haven.
The humanoid Pokemon behind the counter today has olives in her hair (or maybe they are her hair?), and plops two large spoonfuls of something onto Nia’s tray. Usually, Nia doesn’t even question the guild’s meals anymore since the cooking is always delicious, but the food today throws her. Rice, paired with what looks like veggies or berries in an orange-brown sauce.
“Is this…curry?” Nia whispers, just loud enough for Tobias to hear. She pulls her tray closer to eye it. The rich smell of the sauce makes her mouth water.
Tobias squints at his own serving, then shrugs. “Dunno. Smells good.”
Nia hums, fascinated, and shuffles sideways to keep up with the line. “Any idea what it’s made of? The smell kind of reminds me of—"
She’s so distracted that she bumps into the weasel Pokemon in front of her.
Before she can apologize, the weasel bares her teeth in a snarl. “Watch it!”
Nia jumps back a step, startled by the animosity in the other Pokemon’s voice. “S-Sorry! Sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you. I wasn’t paying attention—”
“Sorry! I was just, um. I’ll be sure to look out better in the future so I don’t bump into anyone. I mean, I wasn’t trying to right now, of course, but—"
“Just watch where you’re walking, human.”
Human. While Nia is long since used to eager Pokemon running up to ask if she really used to be human, this feels…different. This feels like Ghatha. Like Fort Asra. Maybe there’s a reason why this Pokemon seemed to drop into a foul mood as soon as Nia stepped into line.
“Lay off,” Tobias says, tuning into the conversation. “She already apologized.”
“I wasn’t talking to you, wisp!”
There’s a notable drop in volume from the voices around them.
Tobias’ expression darkens further. “Oh, so it’s gonna be like that. You really want—"
“I-I’ll be more careful!” Nia cuts in, ready for this conversation to be over. “I’m really sorry again.”
“Stop apologizing!” Tobias hisses. “You didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Her being here is wrong,” the weasel snaps. “And if you’re really sorry you’ll go back where you came from and leave us alone.”
Nia takes another panicked step back, nearly toppling both her and Tobias.
“That’s it,” Tobias says, a bit louder. He shoves his tray towards Nia. “Nia, hold my tray.”
“What?! No!”
She doesn’t want this to escalate. Already Nia can hear the quiet murmurs around them growing louder, can feel a tension building in the air as the weasel’s striped fur spikes. So Nia panics and backs out of line, pulling Tobias with her despite his protests. They’re only missing dessert, anyways.
Even if that is her favorite.
The weasel snorts something that sounds suspiciously like coward before continuing forward in line like nothing happened. Nia's eyes stay glued to the weasel’s back as she moves away. Her heart beats loud and nervous in her ears.
She…wasn’t ready for that. Wasn’t ready to for that kind of hostility in the guild. Sure, it was from someone who clearly wanted a fight, but still. The weasel had decided that Nia being human was enough to make her a target. That because she's human, she's allowed to be a target.
Nia thought it was safe here.
They've ran into scared Pokemon taking their fear out on humans a couple of times now, namely in Ghatha and Asra. But not here, where everyone has been neutral towards her humanity at worst. She heard August, she knows the sentiment has been spreading, but…
It isn’t even our fault, Nia thinks, hollowly. Now that she’s talked to Giratina, now that she knows it isn’t anything the humans have done, knows that their displacement is just an unfortunate side-effect of the dimension’s borders breaking down, the accusations hurt even more. They aren’t doing anything wrong. They’re just existing. Trying to fit in and find somewhere to belong until they can go home.
Nia sniffs, blinking back tears. Her throat is tight. She stares down at her tray and the cooling curry. She isn’t so hungry anymore.
Tobias, who had been grumbling insults at the weasel’s back, turns to Nia. “C’mon, you can’t take anything that idiot says to heart. She was a jerk to both of us so she probably walks around everywhere with that terrible attitude.”
That does remind Nia of a beat in the conversation that had confused her more than it had upset her.
She frowns at Tobias. “You mean when she called you…wisp? Is that bad?”
Tobias' expression twists. “Maybe don’t say that too loud. It doesn’t bother me anymore, but it’s, uh…kind of an insult for fire types. Like…saying that we’re so weak our fire got snuffed out.”
Nia’s eyes widen. “That’s horrible! B-But Azami calls you Spitfire. And Andyn calls you flame-brain and stuff—are those..?”
Tobias snorts a laugh and shakes his head. “Nah, those are fine.”
Nia knows she looks as unsure as she feels. Tobias elaborates.
“Seriously, Nia. You’d know if they were actually insulting me. It’s more…playful than that, I guess? They poke at me being a fire type, sure, but they aren’t really implying anything…bad with it.”
“Flame-brain doesn’t sound very nice.”
“Neither does ‘kindling,’ but Arceus themself will not stop me from calling your stupid deerling friend that. It’s not any worse than us just calling each other dummy. Wisp just has…a different tone to it.”
Nia slowly nods, brow knitting. So it’s something about the social context that makes it different. Makes one worse than the others. She supposes human slang is equally confusing, if she really thinks about it.
“C’mon,” Tobias says with a jerk of his head. “We still need to eat.”
Nia takes a breath and nods. Not like they can do much about the weasel right now anyways. They could go tell Maggie or August, she supposes, and August did say long ago to let him know if anyone gave her trouble, but…
“Should we tell August about this?” Nia asks.
Tobias shakes his head immediately. “No. August means well, but all that would do is make that linoone angrier. Much as I’d love to set her stupid pelt on fire, we don’t need to be dealing with a fight on top of everything else.”
“But he could tell her to stop, right?”
“Trust me. When I was younger, telling only made them get better at doing stuff like this quietly.”
And isn’t that a loaded statement. Nia stares at Tobias for a moment, suddenly far more upset about how easily he brushes off any insults thrown his way. It speaks of practice.
She thinks of his aura earlier, of how desperately he wanted to hide it away from her, afraid she would hate him. Does he even realize how much his isolation from the rest of the guild these past eight years has affected how he sees himself?
Tobias raises a brow at her, so Nia gives a weak smile and gestures for him to lead the way. She’d been so excited to come down here to eat with everyone, and now it feels like her heart is hanging heavy in her chest. But they might as well join their friends.
Tobias takes the lead and Nia trails after the charmander to the table, where Xander’s team and the shinx kids are already sitting with their food, talking as they eat. Tobias moves around the table to sit by Laine, giving the cub a noogie as he sits that makes her shriek and duck away.
Nia heads for the empty spot on the closer side, next to Felix. The wartortle is seated oddly on the wooden bench, one short leg thrown over it so he’s perched sideways as if he’d been about to get up. He meets Nia’s gaze as she approaches, his usual jovial expression subdued.
Felix leans closer as she sits, brow furrowed. “You all right?”
Nia blinks, surprised. Is it that obvious that she’s still upset?
“Heard what happened in line,” Felix whispers. His fluffy ears wiggle. “These aren’t just for show. So. You okay?”
The concern make Nia smile a bit more genuinely, some of the tightness wound up in her gut loosening. There may be rude people even here in the guild, but at least there are also sweethearts like Felix.
“I’m all right,” she murmurs. “Thanks for checking in. It just…caught me off-guard, you know? I’m used to the guild being a place I don’t need to worry about that. It’s getting worse, I guess.”
Felix returns her smile, though there’s a crook to his brow that belies his lingering worry. “Well, let us know if anyone starts giving you trouble. Xander and I would be happy to put them in their place—" He winks. “—and I have a feeling we could do it a bit more subtly than your partner.”
Nia laughs and nods. Felix turns back to his food, but Nia sees him send Tobias a covert look, as if to check on the charmander while knowing he wouldn’t want to be fussed over. Nia smiles, warmed by the concern, as she starts picking at her meal—the curry is good, even if it takes her a moment to get used to the soft texture.
Soon enough, both Nia and Tobias are swept into the conversation at the table. Kry is slamming a fist against the wood, the fraxure arguing that yache berries are objectively better than nanab berries, and Avery is fighting an uphill battle against her. The kirlia offers up well-worded reasoning for why nanab berries are superior, but Kry shoots down each argument with counterpoints of, “But they’re pink!” and “They taste like rotten river water!”
Avery stops pointing out that those are subjective opinions after the fourth rebuttal, changing strategies instead to point out the physical benefits of each berry. Xander gives Kry a scolding look (that she promptly ignores) after the third table-rattling slam of her fist, and the shinx cubs laugh and laugh as Felix jumps in to suggest mago berries are actually the best choice, making both Avery and Kry turn to him with offended expressions.
Throughout the lively debate, Nia glances at Tobias to try checking in on him. He seems all right, although Nia can’t help noticing that he isn’t using his flames to cook his berries like he sometimes does. Maybe he just isn’t feeling like cooked berries today, or maybe that Pokemon’s comment got to him more than he wanted to admit.
Eventually, Felix moves the conversation on to regaling both the shinx kids and Nia and Tobias with the daring tale of Team Shellshock’s latest dungeon crawl. Nia has a feeling a few embellishments were made to make their team sound extra cool—Xander rolling his eyes and Kry’s snort all but confirm it—but she enjoys it all the same.
“I wish we could go exploring already,” Laine sighs when the story is done.
“We’ll be a team soon too!” Luca says, little paws on the table so he can stand up in his seat. “Me ‘n you, Lainey!”
“Oh? What about Leor?” Avery asks.
As all eyes turn to the shyest shinx cub, Leor squeaks and huddles down on the bench, wide gold eyes peering over the table.
“He’s gonna be a medic,” Luca says, chin tilted proudly.
“Like Fen!” Laine adds.
Xander looks as surprised about this news as Nia is, leaning down to meet his younger brother's eyes. “This true?”
Leor looks nervous, but glances over at Tobias before giving the barest nod.
Xander grins, one giant paw squeezing the cub closer. “That’s great, Lee! You would be a fantastic medic.”
“Really?” Leor asks, looking unsure.
“Of course! You three can do whatever you set your minds to. And I’m not just saying that because I’m your brother.”
Luca and Laine cheer while Leor leans into Xander’s side. The luxio purrs and nuzzles the top of his little brother’s head.
It’s a sweet moment, but Nia can see the instant Leor’s eyes crack open and he registers most of the table watching the exchange. He squeaks and wriggles free of Xander’s hold. Xander laughs and lets him go, and the cub almost tumbles himself right off the bench.
“Leor’s gonna train under Fen, and Laine and I are gonna make a Seekers team together!” Luca says, little tail lashing. “Team Thunderspark! And we’re gonna be stronger than any other team!”
“Even ours?” Felix goads, grinning.
“Duh!” Laine says. “You’re a water type! You won’t stand a chance!”
Felix laughs, then tilts his head towards Kry. “True, but our team’s also got the meanest ‘mon this side of the continent.”
Kry looks torn between taking that as a compliment and an insult, and eventually just flicks a piece of rice at the wartortle as punishment.
“You’re going to be great Seekers,” Xander agrees, popping a berry into his mouth. “When you’re old enough.”
Laine and Luca whine in unison, the latter plopping his chin down onto his tray.
“Do we have to wait that long? We’re already strong!” Laine protests.
“Yeah! We should be able to make our own decisions by now,” Luca grumbles, batting a berry around his tray.
“Those are the rules,” Xander says, giving them both a stern look. “It’s only a few more years. If you two can stay out of trouble and stop tormenting poor Arlo, that is.”
The kids groan again, and Nia bites back a smile as she chews. Xander is sweet with his siblings. Sometimes he acts more like a father to them than a brother, but Nia supposes that’s to be expected, between how they were brought here and raised in the nursery their whole lives, plus Xander’s protective nature. It reminds her of her own brother, in a bittersweet way.
Nia feels lighter by the time they finish eating and part ways with Xander’s team. Both Avery and Xander give her a hug before leaving, and Felix offers a fist bump and an easy grin. Kry lightly smacks Nia’s legs with her tail as she passes, and outright punches Tobias in the arm. He glares at her back, but Nia thinks the exchange is a friendly one, somehow.
After the stressful morning talking to Maggie and August, aura training with Val, and the moment in the cafeteria—not to mention the exhaustion still present from their journey—Nia is ready for a nap when they finally make it back to their room. Tobias starts unpacking their bag and taking inventory of their items, so Nia forces herself to write back to Hazel before crashing. She thanks the raichu for the offered discount on a human bed, but explains that they’re pretty busy right now and need to save on money. She’ll absolutely be buying one in the future, though! She also mentions meeting up with Beck and asks her to tell the floatzel and his crew hi.
By the time Nia is finished, her letter sealed up and placed back into the mailbox with the flag up, she's practically asleep on her feet. Tobias has moved over to the window, leafy curtain pulled high to let fresh air and sunlight flood the room. He’s propped against the wall and framed by blue sky, guitar in hand as he starts plucking at scales.
Nia yawns. “I’m gonna take a nap.”
Tobias spares her a glance. “I’ll wake you for supper.”
Nia hums her thanks and moves to their nests to flop down, wiggling to get comfortable on the bed of moss and straw. It’s soft enough, not scratchy at all with her fur as a barrier, and her muscles relax.
Quiet falls over the room, save for Tobias’ playing and the whistle of the wind. A gust blows directly through the window and skims over Nia’s side, making her skin prickle with goosebumps. It’s a little chilly, with fall in full swing and winter fast approaching. Over the past few weeks, even sleeping outside hasn’t been a problem, but…well. Usually Tobias is sleeping at her side, and he gives off heat like a little campfire.
Whining, Nia picks up her head and looks at Tobias, squinting against the bright light of the window. Normally she would be more hesitant about being so needy, but she’s tired and she’s cold so she pushes herself to her feet and stumbles over to him, rubbing her arms. It’s even chillier by the window with the wind wrapping around her.
Tobias stops his playing, looking up.
Nia shifts on her feet. Her brain is mushy with fatigue and tantalizing snatches of sleep. All she manages to say is, “Cold.”
Tobias snorts. He glances at the window. “Want me to close the curtain?”
He doesn’t sound upset about the prospect, but Nia can guess that he likes the chill of the breeze combined with the heat of the sun. His orange scales glow in the light, like embers. Even with her fur, Nia just isn’t built to stay warm like a fire type is.
Nia’s mouth presses into a line. “Can I just sleep by you?”
Tobias blinks, and a flush rises to his cheeks. They usually sleep next to each other nowadays, and Nia hasn’t made it a secret that she enjoys the warmth he puts off, but she admittedly doesn’t usually…ask. Out loud. Somehow putting it into words does make it sound more embarrassing.
But she’s tired, dang it!
After a moment, Tobias wordlessly flicks his tail over to make room. Nia doesn’t let herself hesitate before sinking into the empty spot, curling heavily into his side. Immediately, heat seeps into her fur to warm her up.
“Sure, just make yourself comfy,” Tobias grumbles, no bite to his voice even as she accidentally elbows him in the ribs.
Finally, she settles, melted against his side with a happy hum. It’s like falling asleep cuddling a heater. Even lying closer to the window, she’s immediately warmer.
“Why don’t you guys use blankets?” She mumbles. “We had blankets in Asra. I miss blankets.”
Tobias snorts. “We do use blankets. We just keep them in storage until the end of fall when they’re actually needed.”
Nia picks up her head to give Tobias a despairing look. “I could’ve had blankets this whole time?!”
Tobias visibly bites back a smile. Jerk. “We’ll get you a blanket later if you’re that upset about it, you big baby. I didn’t realize it was a problem.”
“Stupid warm fire types,” Nia gripes, flopping back against Tobias. She’s absolutely getting herself a blanket. For now, Tobias’ heat will suffice.
Slowly, sleep washes over her brain like bathwater, soothing and inviting. Before she slips under completely, she hears Tobias start playing his guitar again, shifting his posture just enough to accommodate her. The cords he picks at are slow and gentle.
She’s asleep in seconds.
She feels like she’s only been asleep for seconds when the door to their room slams open with a bang. A harsh note from the guitar follows, as well as a yell of, “Nia!”
Nia bolts up. She blinks away the haze of sleep, cringing at the late-afternoon sunlight painting their room in bright tones and deep shadows. She must’ve been asleep longer than she thought.
“Ever hear of knocking?” Tobias hisses.
Nia rubs at her eyes, following his voice to look at the doorway, where Andyn, Ezra and Jaz are frozen in the middle of what looks like a grand entrance. The sneasel and stufful seem remorseful despite their comically stiff poses. The deerling, on the other hand, seems strangely flustered, gaze flicking from Nia to Tobias.
“Sorry,” Jaz finally says. “Are we, uh…interrupting?”
“Nia was asleep, you idiots,” Tobias says, sitting back and clutching his guitar close.
Nia yawns. “‘S okay. I shouldn’t nap too long or I won’t sleep tonight.”
The trio that makes up team Evergreen still seem oddly hesitant to enter the room. Nia laughs at the shy behavior and waves them in.
Finally, slowly, they do, sitting down in front of the window as well and getting comfortable.
Ezra’s ruby eyes land on Tobias’ guitar and stay there, going wide. “Whoa, you play guitar?!”
“No,” Tobias lies, removing the instrument from his lap and tucking it behind himself.
“Aw, c’mon!”
“I think it’s great to have a hobby outside of Seeker duties,” Jaz says, meeting Tobias’ sour expression with a smile.
Andyn just looks weirded out, although Nia can’t tell if it’s from the idea of Tobias playing an instrument or something to do with how she keeps looking suspiciously between Nia and Tobias.
Tobias crosses his arms. “What do you want?”
Ezra and Jaz turn to Andyn. The deerling jolts. With a stomp of her delicate hoof, she says, “Right! Since someone didn’t even bother to tell us she was back—honestly, Nia, I had to find out from Kry of all ‘mon—we decided we’d come see you instead!”
“We haven’t even been back a day,” Tobias huffs.
Nia shrugs with an apologetic smile. “I figured you'd still be on a mission."
Andyn narrows her eyes, then lifts her nose into the air with a dainty hmph. “Fine. You’re forgiven.”
“Forgiven?” Tobias says, annoyed. “For what? Not checking in? You’re not our mom.”
Andyn gives him an acidic look. “That attitude is why Nia is forgiven and you are not.”
“You have to be trying to pick a fight. Is Kry kicking your tail on the daily not enough for you, you masochistic little—"
Nia claps her hands together with a single sharp sound. “No fighting until I’m awake enough to deal with it!”
Her voice is firm, but she’s more amused than irritated now that she knows Tobias enjoys the bickering on some level. Andyn has to enjoy it too, considering how often she instigates.
“We didn’t come here for Andyn to pick a fight, believe it or not,” Jaz sighs.
“We wanted to see you as soon as you got back!” Ezra adds. “I feel like you two travel a lot more than most low-level Seekers.”
There’s a question in that sentence, subtle enough to decide whether they want to answer it or not. And for a moment, Nia wants to share everything, just like she wanted to with Xander and Avery in the training hall. It would take some weight off her shoulders, to be able to vent about it. To get her friends’ reassurances.
But those same fears hold Nia back. She doesn’t want to be the reason these three lose that playful spark of adventure they bring to every room they enter. She doesn’t want them to feel weighed down as heavily as she does every time she recalls Giratina’s words.
So Nia just smiles and says, “I-I like getting to see more of the Pokemon world, that's all. You know, since I’m not very familiar with it.”
Which isn’t strictly untrue, but the words still leave a bitter taste in her mouth.
“Are you planning on heading out again soon?” Jaz asks, either not catching onto the half-truth or choosing not to call her out.
Andyn sticks her lip out in a pout and drops her ears, giving Nia the most pitiful baby deer expression possible. Oh no. She’s like Bambi but even sadder. How can you be sadder than Bambi?
“We are,” Tobias says, totally unaffected by the face. “We plan to stick around for a few days and do some missions. Then we’re heading back east.”
Andyn’s pout drops for a genuinely worried expression. “Ghatha again?”
Ezra shifts uncomfortably. “Didn’t you two get caught up in that fire last time you were there?”
“Not Ghatha,” Nia says. “We’re going to find Will. The yamask I told you about? We’re hoping he can help us with something. Um. Human stuff.”
Andyn’s gaze slides to Tobias, as if expecting him to protest. He’s too busy glancing over his shoulder to notice, probably debating whether or not to get his guitar back out even with their current company. Nia knows he’s been trying to get comfortable with the basics again and he hates leaving things unfinished.
“Safe travels,” Jaz finally says. “Especially over the sea. The winds have been rough lately.”
“What hasn’t been rough lately?” Andyn groans. “The world’s unhappy and she’s letting us know it.”
Nia swallows against the lump in her throat. “We'll be careful. But enough about us! What’s going on with you three? What have you been up to?”
Ezra sighs. “We've been even busier than usual. Since more and more disasters and dungeons are popping up, it feels like we're constantly on the go.”
Nia gives the sneasel a sympathetic look.
“We’re racking up Seeker points, though,” Ezra adds with a grin. “And cash.”
“We would have more than enough points to reach C-rank if we could just get another team mission finished,” Jaz says, her dark little eyes trained on Andyn.
The deerling looks away, frowning.
“Oh!” Ezra sits up, feathery red ear flicking. “Right! Remember what we talked about last time you were home? While you’re around, you guys should do a team-up mission with us! I know you’re only E-Rank, but you still need both of your team-ups, right?”
“D-Rank, actually,” Tobias corrects, smug.
“What?!” Andyn’s jaw drops, outraged. “You’re already D-rank? How?!”
“Got an upgrade from the second-in-command in Ghatha,” Tobias says, clearly enjoying every second of this exchange. “For helping in the fire.”
Andyn glares at him, looking like she wants to snap something rude. Then her gaze flicks to Nia and she backs down, huffing.
“Well, congratulations then,” Jaz says, giving her teammate an amused glance. “That’s impressive, considering how recently you formed your team.”
“This means you definitely need to do a team-up with us!” Ezra says, leaning forward. “Since we’re the same rank now we don’t need to worry about trying to find a mission ranked somewhere in the middle!”
“We do need to do our team-up missions at some point,” Tobias grumbles, clearly reluctant. “Cordelia wasn’t impressed by our rank and most other ‘mon won’t be either. We need to keep rising so we don’t get turned away from anything important.”
“Awesome!” Ezra says. “We could—"
“I didn’t say we’d do it with you,” Tobias growls.
“Yeah, Ez,” Andyn agrees. “I mean…technically they’re D-rank but they’re still pretty new, so—"
Tobias straightens up at Nia’s side. “You think we can’t keep up with you?”
Andyn scoffs. “I didn’t say that, but if you’re thinking it—"
“You didn’t say it but you sure meant it—"
“Stop,” Nia and Jaz say at the same time, exasperated. Tobias and Andyn shut their mouths.
“Are you really worried we won’t be able to carry our weight?” Nia asks, a little hurt. “I know we’re new, but we are still the same rank as you guys.”
Not to mention Nia and Tobias been through a lot more than most other Seekers their rank. At least from what Tobias has said.
Ezra and Jaz look to Andyn, clearly the one taking issue with the idea. The deerling winces, posture uncharacteristically small.
“It’s not…I do want you there, but it’s just…”
Ezra speaks up. “Andyn’s parents are a bit, uh…tough on her. High expectations. If we ever mess up a mission, then…”
All three members of Team Evergreen shudder.
Nia blinks at them, surprised. “Your…parents?” Honestly, Nia had never given them any thought before.
Andyn nods, looking miserable but trying to hide it. “Yeah. They’re great, really! Just, um. They’re really high-rank Seekers so they kind of expect me to uphold their legacy, you know?”
“Who are your parents?” Tobias asks, brow furrowed. “I’ve been here eight years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them.”
“You have,” Andyn sighs. “Just…not often. And probably not, um. With me. They’re both sawsbuck so they kind of blend in with all the grass types. They’re Team Sequoia.”
The name doesn’t ring any bells for Nia, but Tobias’ brows lift. He almost looks impressed.
“Yeah,” Ezra laughs. “Big prints to fill. They’re pretty strict, too, so we have to make sure we do our missions well or Andyn gets an earful. Sometimes all of us get it.”
Andyn shoots Ezra a look that clearly says to shut up, so he does.
“That…seems like a lot of pressure,” Nia murmurs, doubly glad now that she didn’t tell Andyn anything about Giratina or the dying world. The deerling clearly doesn’t need more things to worry about.
Andyn suddenly seems to register the gloomy atmosphere and Nia’s concerned expression, because she sits up with a strained laugh. “Sure, but it’s really cool, too! Everyone knows my mom and dad since they’re such amazing Seekers.”
Nia frowns.
“But since they’re so great and they expect me to be great too,” Andyn adds. “That means you two have to keep up with us if you’re going to join us on a mission. Got it?”
Nia wants to push, but Andyn is clearly trying to move the conversation along, so eventually she just nods. Tobias rolls his eyes and finally pulls the guitar out to settle in his lap again, but he doesn’t argue. He refuses to look up from his tuning as he asks, “What kind of things do you even do for a team-up mission?”
“Pretty much anything,” Jaz answers. “At least for D to C rank. It can be dungeon work, cleanup, construction, escort missions, foraging, even guild tasks. As long as both teams do the mission together, it counts.”
Tobias gives her a doubtful look. “That seems...”
“Too easy?” Ezra laughs. “That’s what I said. But I guess they save combat missions as a team-up requirement for B to A rank. This is just getting teams used to working with other ‘mon they usually don’t.”
“That makes sense,” Nia says, purposefully not looking at Tobias as he starts plucking at the guitar strings in a scale. Ezra didn’t get the memo and is watching Tobias’ hands like a transfixed cat, his claws twitching like he wants to try it too. “What kind of mission should we do, then?”
“Easier missions would be, well. Easier. But my parents wouldn’t be impressed.”
Something about that sentiment rubs Nia the wrong way, but she doesn’t interrupt as Andyn goes on.
“And a dungeon would look good but that’s a bit of a risk if we aren’t already familiar with each other’s fighting styles. I don’t trust flame-brain here not to char me to a crisp.”
Tobias stops playing long enough to shoot Andyn a glare.
“So something in the middle,” Nia surmises.
“I guess that would work,” Andyn hedges.
“One average mission will be fine, Anne,” Jaz says. “We don’t need to take on the most difficult mission on the board every single day. Even with your parents.”
Andyn visibly stops herself from retorting, probably with something sharp. She sighs. “Fine. Just don’t be late! Meet us at the job boards at dawn, okay?”
Nia snorts. “I wish I could make Tobias sleep in past dawn. He’s a morning person.”
Ezra’s face screws up. “Gross. So is Andyn. Must be a grass and fire-type thing.”
Andyn and Tobias look disgruntled about being on the same side of something for once. Nia laughs.
With their plan in place, Team Evergreen heads out soon after for an early supper. Nia, now wide awake but not yet hungry enough to eat, turns to Tobias with her best puppy dog eyes.
“Blankets?” She says, hopeful.
Tobias seems unimpressed by her pleading expression, but after a moment he sighs and puts his guitar aside to get up. “Fine, fine. Come on. We’ll have to go down to storage to pick ‘em up.”
Nia cheers and hurries to follow him out of the room. They're only halfway down the hall when a thought occurs to her, and she steps up to his side to better see his face.
“Hey, storage is on a lower floor, right? Could we stop stop by the archives on the way back? I bet they have some music books you could check out."
Tobias has been figuring out the basics of his guitar-playing pretty quickly, and she can only imagine he'll want to move on to more actual melodies soon. He just looks so content when he plays that she can't help wanting to encourage the renewed hobby, even with the world teetering on the brink of destruction. Maybe especially because of that. She wants to make sure he takes the time to check out some books before they have to leave again.
Tobias looks thoughtful at the suggestion. Hesitant, but definitely interested. "We could.”
Nia beams.
That night, Nia wakes to the ground rumbling beneath her.
For a split-second, she thinks she’s back in Asra, the desert town cracking like broken porcelain beneath her and bringing buildings down with it. She scrambles to free herself from the net of her blanket. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Tobias doing the same from the wild movement of his tail flame.
But no—the sliver of moonlight peeking out from the bottom of the curtain isn’t right. The room smells of forest instead of dusty desert. The sound is different, too—a distant rumble, a loud creaking, muted cries of alarm from next door that are higher than Granite and Takeo’s voices.
It takes Nia a few seconds while her brain rattles around inside her skull to realize that they’re at the guild, in the Lexym Tree. It takes a beat longer for her to register that the slowing vibrations are, however, still an earthquake.
Slowly, so slowly it’s hard to tell if it has actually stopped, the earthquake stills. Nia, heart racing, looks wide-eyed at Tobias. The charmander stares back in the dim light of his tail, brow furrowed and expression cautious.
“You okay?” He whispers.
She nods. “You?”
Voices start up, quietly, in the hall. Wordlessly, Nia and Tobias stumble to unsteady feet and poke their heads out the door.
Many of the Seekers who live on the floor are standing in the hallway, talking to one another. Some have shaken expressions, while others just look quietly concerned. Nia picks out a few sentences amidst the babble.
“—earthquakes now. I thought the winds were bad enough. How—"
“Do you think there’ll be any aftershocks? What if some ‘mon were down in the tunnels? I don’t—”
“—I’ll be all right. Just scared me, mostly. Terran bumped his head but—"
“What if they get worse? I can’t—"
Nia tunes out the conversations then, everyone else’s nerves and uncertainty only piling onto her own. It looks like in this hall at least there weren’t any serious injuries, but what about everywhere else?
“What should we do?” Nia whispers to Tobias. “Seekers…help, right? Are we supposed to go check on everyone?”
“I don’t know,” Tobias admits. “Nothing like this has happened at the guild before. At least that I can remember.”
The reminder of the increasing number of natural disasters makes Nia’s stomach sink. The linoone’s words from earlier echo in her head. It’s not her fault. It’s not any of the humans’ fault.
(But the other Pokemon don’t know that, do they?)
“Can we go check on Xander and Andyn’s teams?” Nia whispers. “A-And maybe Maggie?”
She won’t be able to sleep if they don’t.
Tobias nods, then leads the way out the door and down the hall. Nia can’t tell if she’s imagining the way some of the other Pokemon send her wary looks as they spot her. She steps closer to Tobias regardless.
Thankfully, everyone seems to be physically fine, save for Felix startling himself right into Team Shellshock's cabinet and knocking off some knick-knacks. The rest of Xander’s team—down one luxio after he ran off to check on his siblings—is unusually quiet and pensive. Andyn, Ezra and Jaz seem equally rattled, trying to cover up their unease with light tones and jokes that fall painfully flat. The tight hug and comforting smile Maggie gives Nia and Tobias helps a little, but not enough.
Eventually, Nia and Tobias try to get a few more hours of sleep before dawn. Their floor of lower-level Seekers was assured by Verene a few minutes prior that the higher ranking ‘mon would take care of checking on the Haven for now. Lower ranks will take the dawn shift.
Nia almost wishes they were asked to head out now. She can’t seem to get her mind to settle despite the exhaustion tugging at her fur and the soft warmth of the blanket around her. From the way Tobias shifts throughout the night at her side, she doesn’t think he gets much rest either.
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floertoer · 7 months
I've had a lot of fairy tail brain rot recently
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captainuranium543 · 1 month
ft characters If they had American names
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raijin-tribe · 3 months
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Artist: OliversAntics Original Post: ⚡️ Thunder Legion ⚡️ Posted with permission by the artist! Do not repost anywhere without proper permission and sources. Please consider checking out their profile and supporting their art if you can!!
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pencilofawesomeness · 2 years
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Team Thunderstorm Naptime
feat. the Babies because they’re part of this found family too
They probably didn’t mean to fall asleep like that, but honestly, they were doomed the moment they sat down. Laxus’ couch is made of magic. 
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phiselene · 23 days
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beep-beep, best night your life get in, loser, for the joyride for @auvo-evergreen's entry for ffxiv writes - Steer!
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Raijinshuu Headcanons:
At this point they are more of Laxus' bullies than guards
Laxus requests that they watch after Levy after finding out she’s pregnant. It took awhile for her to notice that she was always surrounded by the trio during guild brawls
Evergreen sneezes fairy dust. And not like little cute ones. Im talking huge puff of dust that sometimes blows up people
Bickslow will do anything for the bit. If he can make a joke out of it, he’s gonna do it.
Freed can hold his own against Laxus. He can’t beat him but he can keep up long enough to outsmart Laxus
Evergreen is as much of a trickster as Bickslow. She usually frames him for her actions
Bickslow’s babies are actually the souls of his family. That’s how he found out he could collect souls. He watched his family dying around him and was able to move their souls into dolls
Freed is their version of google. That man knows pretty much everything
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selfawarecobalt · 9 months
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ill always giggle at the confirmation the trimen are very much happy to hit on all genders
and also the confirmation that the thunder legion are canonically attractive, but we didnt need confirmation on that anyway
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jils-things · 8 months
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eeeekk hi again everyoneee!!! i'm gonna allow myself today to post one art because i miss sharing my stuff on my blog :]]
red sprites: (x)
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eastbluefive · 16 days
(inspired by a comment i saw on youtube)
i need people to recognize the difference between a good team that complements each other and a strong team that are paired together
the thunder legion, excluding laxus, are a good team and they complement each other but they're not necessarily that Strong their magic doesn't really? grow? it's stagnant. likely because mashima just hasn't developed them more but it also makes sense to me, because they're curses aren't they?? the closest we get is freed and his magic is mostly runes and such that levy can also do for the most part so he's not necessarily stronger than her in that regard, so much as he knows more about it. he has a whole demon side but obviously that doesn't really matter against a literal devil slayer (cough cough) AND he got beat by a mirajane who hadn't transformed in years in that form so like 😭 plus the only reason gray lost to bickslow in the BOFT is because he got distracted yeah they're above like. people like macao and jet and droy but that's because their abilities have longer consequences (turning people to stone, stealing souls, etc).
team shadowgear we have literally never seen fight anyone together so who knows wtf they've got going on. i imagine their abilities complement each other with jet's speed, droy's restrictive plants and levy's script working together BUT WE'LL NEVER KNOW
team natsu is a strong team who don't necessarily complement each other at all so much as they just LIKE working together but they're all individually strong on their own enough that they wouldn't even necessarily need a team
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fire-keys-and-wings · 2 years
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beargyufairy · 9 months
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Erase all sad memories
Hold each other’s hands and smile
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silverxcristal · 11 months
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"Beach episode" concept idea (for fun, fanmade)
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tayloralison · 2 years
i can’t believe we’re getting a new taylor album when i still don’t know what “that word” in champagne problems is
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murder-in-the-woods · 1 month
The Evergreen Mansion . . .
There are little to no record on the 'Evergreen Mansion' as they call it.
No recorded past occupants, no date of when it was built, only known records are that it had not been occupied for a few decades now. However that was excusable considering The Mansion itself is in the middle of a forest, away from most of civilization.
Due to it's mysterious origins, rumours and theories around the neighbourhood spread, calling it 'cursed' or 'haunted'. Claiming anyone who buys or enters the house would be killed.
The public have been unsettled by the death of Lady Jane Smith claiming the rumours are true and are staying away from the forest entirely.
The case needs to be solved quick to assure the public everything's safe. I will be sending the best detectives on the case and expect you to return only when you have solved it.
— F . E .
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I’d love to see any Laxus + the thunder legion headcannons, especially for ever and bickslow i feel like they’re such underrated characters and deserved way more screen time and actual backstories
I've got you! I could talk about them for days!!
Evergreen is so spoiled. Being the only girl in a group of men means you get treated like a queen (especially when having lady problems)
Freed, in particular, cannot handle listening to her whine about cramps and will do anything to 'appease the beast' (his exact words)
The team has a running gag about not liking Bickslow. Obviously they love him, but if they can make a joke about him being the worst they are gonna
Other members of the guild were stressed when they watched them roast Bix for the first time
Bickslow plays along too and his main goal is to be as annoying as possible. If Freed doesn't rub his temples in frustration, then Bickslow's failed
The entire team has one braincell. Laxus and Bickslow have never even touched it. Freed and Evergreen are the only users
They all live together! Evergreen lived on her on as a teen but joined the boys when the guild disbanded
They have movie nights. It's once a week and rotates who picks the movies. None of them like the same movies but they all agree Bickslow's taste in movies is awful
Bickslow knows this and picks god awful movies on purpose
If Evergreen is in a bad mood, they are all in a bad mood. Doesn't matter what the reason is
Evergreen is the biggest bully (playful) in the team. No one is safe, but she tends to go after Laxus the most nowadays (he's just so easy to make blush)
Evergreen is their 'lady expert'. Any issues with a woman gets run by her whether she likes it or not
She also beat all sexism out of them pretty early into joining the team
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