importedmeh · 5 months
I did not know I could upload videos I've made on here. I kinda do some Toontown music on the side. Fanmade, but a lil' something for ya'll to enjoy to. I'm more impressed by how this one came out.
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perichuuu · 3 months
Cousins i think
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chillzygalaxy · 1 year
Toontown OC Encyclopedia
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techbotit · 2 years
PABX System
If you're a business looking for an efficient and reliable way to manage your communications, a PABX system is a perfect solution. A PABX system allows you to manage calls internally and externally, and can even be integrated with your existing ERP system for a seamless experience. Contact us today to learn more about our PABX systems and how they can benefit your business.
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techboterpdubai · 2 years
ERP Software Companies Dubai
If you're looking for an ERP software company in Dubai, you can't go wrong with Techbot. We have years of experience in the industry, and our software is the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.
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afunlessland · 18 days
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spacetimesally · 5 months
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Part I
Invited under false pretenses, Sally pays a visit to a world-famous 'Bots engineer, but his chateau of ghastly souls hides something far more sinister in, "Death at the End of the Rainbow" (with special guest star Vince Nelson as Dr. Leo Carrallas)
Welcome to the Chateau of Dr. Carrallas...
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The Chateau of Dr. Carrallas comes into view. A modified Blast-TechBot is distracted from its gardening work by the arrival of the visitor.
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An augmented P45 LumensBot-turned-GroundsBot takes notice and soon, so will everyone else.
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Greeted by Williams, an arrogant ButlerBot fashioned from a vintage, out-of-production, Damata Hotels ServiceBot. Soon enough, Sally realizes the chateau is populated with modified bots doing jobs they were never meant to do.
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Sally finally meets Dr. Carrallas. He's been keeping tabs on her. Is impressed with her work, both on and off planet. Goes on to talk about his robotics work and his info-node communication system. How all of the bots at the chateau are modified by his design. And how they all contain living brains as processing units. But a robot is so cold and by definition alone, inhuman. The next step, for him, was to forgo the artificial body. But he demanded excellence and not just any body. He has a surprise. Mutual friends.
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Dr. Carrallas summons Annie, Betty, and Christie - Crimson Squadron pilots reported MIA and then declared prisoners of The Malignant, now enslaved cyborgs of a deranged man.
And, unfortunately, he being a Malignant-sympathizer, can't allow Sally to live, but would hate to see such a specimen die.
Dr. Carrallas offers her a challenge: Make it through his Garden Hedge Maze and she gets to live (a lie, he'll turn her into a 'borg no matter what). But, he reveals, the true challenge is that she will be going up against Roy G Biv.
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And before she can think, before she can act- What was once Squadron Commander Peter Avalone and is now a mindless, vicious SecurityBorg- Grabs her!
To Be Continued in Part II...
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lolipoptable · 1 year
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Nearly 2 years ago on Reddit, I posted my concepts of my own spin on a 5th cog type, TechBots. Since then, I have roughly laid out concepts of TechBot H.Q.
These concepts I originally came up with when experimenting with ideas of a 5th Cog type, and with inspiration from Jesse Schell allegedly claiming if there would be a 5th Cog type, it would be technology related, I got to work brainstorming ideas.
Originally, I had posted my initial Cog concepts in May 2021 as sketches, then followed with completing the roster chart and a finalized design for their Cog Boss, the CTO (Chief Technical Officer). I had realized Operation Dessert Storm had also created Cogs of the same name, so I had to experiment with not replicating any ideas and names that ODS had done. I am quite pleased with these ideas so far!
I wanted to go with the same design elements of the original 4 types, with most of them being human caricatures. Their aesthetic is 1980s-1990s tech and office culture, with grey suits with popped collars and the CTO being a offwhite eggshell colored CRT monitor. I wanted to exemplify the boring and mundane office vibe.
Their H.Q. would be composed of 3 buildings, directly in front of the entrance is the Center Of Operations Building, where upon entering the lobby you can take an elevator up to the Administrator's Office, where the CTO resides. To the left is the Side Office Building, where important operations take place and only the most important and highest of level Cogs reside. The Side Office is the hardest facility (in the same vain as The Back Nine).
Closer to the entrance, but to the right is the Intelligence Building, where the Server and Development Branches reside. These are two more Cog Facilities, with the Development Branch being the easiest facility, and the Server Branch being the middle-difficulty facility. Inside these facilities are labyrinths of cubicles and water coolers, cogs can be seen sitting at their desks and some roaming around. You would traverse through the hallways of the Development Branch similar in aesthetic to the DA Offices and occasionally run into cog battles with two roaming cogs (like in Sellbot Factories) and two cogs sitting at their desks. When engaging with the roaming cogs, the two cogs sitting nearby will sit up and approach and also walk into battle. You may also while exploring enter break rooms, where more cogs are residing, ready to be disturbed. At the end, the Branch Developer can be reached. Break rooms may also have Gag Barrels!
The Server Branch is composed of roaming cogs similar to the Sellbot Factory's exclusively, and the hallways are narrow and full of server towers. Running wires are strewn about the floor and the walls and it is a multi "Doom Room" kind of facility until you reach the end. At the end, the Maintenance Manager can be reached. Break rooms can also be found, with cogs and Gag Barrels.
The Side Office is similar to DA Offices where there are multiple floors, combinations of cubicles like in the Development Branch and server towers like in the Server Branch could be seen. Break rooms with Gag Barrels can be found with cogs waiting to be disturbed. Eventually you will reach the 6th floor, where at the end you will fight the Vice-Administrator.
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weenierufu · 7 months
The dnd campaign you've been drawin stuff for is INTRIGUING, would you be willing to share more about the story?
YEAH-- I can try my best to explain what I can remember. I would have to summarize everything, since this campaign has been going on for . I think two years now. KJSHDFGLKJSDFHG And I'm only a player, so I actually have no idea what the DM's are planning LMAO-- but it's still going on--
I also may be incorrect and a little vague with information, so like. Sorry-- KJDSHFGSD
Everything is under the readmore :3c
Couple years into the future, in Toontown, a grand banquet at Bossbot Headquarters is disrupted when mysterious bots attack, capturing the CEO, Robert, and attempting to abduct others, which were all the other Cog Bosses and what not. Faced with a dangerous situation, all of our characters had to fight off bots, discovering they are military-esque and being tracked. The bots belong to a corporation named MECHS. Realizing the severity, Ottoman instructs everyone to meet in Toontown Central in an hour without questions.
Toontown is in chaos, with toons and cogs coerced into working together for MECHS. In Toontown Central, suspicions rise, leading to conflict, but Ottoman convinces them to unite. In a private meeting, Ottoman discloses that MECHS, a ruthless corporation, took over a nearby town, Greytown. To stop the impending takeover of Toontown, our group had to venture to Greytown and find a way to thwart MECHS. We also were tasked on rescuing the other Cogs Bosses while going around, because Ottoman realized they were gone and was just. Help-
We met a lot of NPC's and seen different parts of this world, nearly dying a good chunk of times during the entire adventure. We specifically met two DMPC's named Egosi and Vossler, where we learned things about the two along the way.
We visited three different M.E.C.H.S. Board Committee Headquarters: "TechBot Facilities," "Researchbot Laboratories," and the "Enforcerbot Base." Although "MECHS City Central" existed, we couldn't access the main part, only being on the outskirts during our visits to the other HQs and passing through a "Utopia" on a train in one of the last sessions before everything went wrong.
Our goal was to defeat the bosses of each headquarters, and we succeeded in all three. Enforcerbot HQ was challenging; we were jailed for at least two weeks with collars but managed to escape. We didn't kill the bosses but left the facilities in disrepair. We were menaced by the Board President of MECHS but never met him in person. We also worked with the many resistances that were scattered around Greytown and managed to help them a lot during our time working with them.
Researchbot HQ was the first we visited, and my character got impaled by an exploding trident. (he was fine) Two NPCs died in battle, affecting the main boss and pissed her off. After destroying her, we discovered we were perceived as dangerous individuals through wanted posters and propaganda in Greytown.
Techbot HQ involved psychological warfare, with the boss knowing our past. Some party members broke down, and we faced physical challenges.
Enforcerbot HQ was kind of funny though. Despite being captured and witnessing the Horrors that the MECHS does, and having to go through rigorous BASICALLY TORTURE, and losing a DMPC; Vossler, where he willingly left the party-- When we defeated the boss, he just kind of fell over and initiated a "Self Destruct" sequence that didn't actually work and believed he died. So, we were able to kind of walked out while literally everyone ran away from the HQ, because THEY believed everything was going to explode, so we're not entirely sure how long everything was shut down over there.
We found the cog bosses by the way when going through each Headquarters and rescued them. We did find them, and found V.P. in a cave in some mining town, and C.F.O in a cage in a corner in Researchbot HQ, C.E.O. flunkied at Enforcerbot HQ. but we killed the fuckign C.L.O. in Techbot HQ JKHDSFKLJGHSDF because she was being mean and betrayed everyone lmao-- After concluding at Enforcerbot HQ, we were able to get those collars off of each other and escaped on a train after speaking to a bunch of characters before going off. We traveled through MECHS City Central on a train, only briefly passing through it and being menaced by a giant bot and going into battle briefly before we escaped and went off BACK to Researchbot HQ, because the train just. Took us there.
We got off and wandered around and went into a sewer and found ourselves at some facility. We got cleaned up and was able to stay here for a short while. Our last task we were supposed to do was something related to an investigator, but everything went wrong when we left.
Suddenly, we were ambushed during our next journey by overpowering forces and unfamiliar bots. We faced a choice: fight or flee. Opting to flee required a roll above 12 for a successful escape into obscurity. Choosing to fight meant an unknown fate. If we escaped but stayed to assist others, both players needed a roll above 12. The situation was intense—do or die.
... EVERYONE LOST THIS ROLL. Which lead to capture and imprisonment, except for my character and a DMPC, Egosi.
Here's the text we were given.
If you rolled a 12 or above:
You manage to get away. Run. Run away and never return. Change your name and your appearance and disappear into obscurity. You will never be safe again as long as you live, so you must never come back. You hear your friends' cries fade into the distance behind you as your legs carry you you know not where - your battle is over, and you lost. But you can still live. If you can live with the guilt.
If you rolled an 11 or below: (I summarized this part, because it's long)
The friends who escaped left them behind, and everyone is subdued, handcuffed, and collared, losing their magical abilities. Transported for hours in a cramped van, they arrived at the imposing MCC headquarters. Gagged and surrounded by a military presence, they're all led to a grand boardroom where the Board President berates them for past mistakes, exposing All of our personal details. Despite wanting to kill everyone, he spares their lives in exchange for his beloved's return; Vossler. However, they're all sentenced to a maximum-security prison beneath the castle, with escape requiring a perfect Natural 20 roll. It's a grim fate, but they're alive, albeit in a cold, dark prison.
And I just... Man. There was a lot of in between stuff that happened in between everything, obviously, but this post would be SO LONG. KJSDFHGLKSJDFH
We all basically failed. Toontown is gone and we have no idea what happened to everyone we knew and saved. We were meaning to rescue even More characters and stop the MECHS, but we just... Never got to it. And never will get to it.
We had to roll for new characters--
So, now the new session starts at some point, 12 years into the future. Here's the last thing that was shared, it's basically a copy-paste from everything.
It's been 12 years since the events of Greytown. Since then, Toontown has been completely absorbed by Greytown, and become what is basically a new territory and industrial sector. The once lively and burgeoning town of Toontown has seen the color drained from its streets and buildings and citizens. Resistances have continuously been squashed over and over and over again. A few have popped up in the interim, but none would be as successful as your initial campaign. Your last characters are heralded as martyrs in some circles where their actions are still felt - but in others, where propaganda has taken hold and twisted and skewed the retelling of events, you are seen as pot-stirrers and criminals and terrorists who went out of your way to hurt people, kill innocent bots, and take several cities out of commission for months, and people's livelihoods with them. The Board President essentially used your failed coup as a launching pad to further scare his citizens into mistrusting outsiders - which extends towards the people of Toontown who have not yet "assimilated". His face is now essentially plastered everywhere, and in the years following the last campaign, he underwent a dramatic shift of being silent and mysterious and never seen, to becoming a public face advertised as someone the people could trust. He talked often about how he was scared for his life, and scared for the livelihoods of his citizens, and flaunts his swift restoration of industry and jobs. The people are further dug into their holes of misery and propaganda, and resistance movements nowadays are extremely few and far between, with minimal outward public support. This is where our new story begins. Your characters currently reside in Greytown - whether you are natives or not is up to you, but you live and work here now and cannot leave. Most people who enter Greytown do not leave, as the, now, country of Greytown has very strict border policies and does not openly communicate or accept the outside world - although it is very much out there. You are all located in Mechs City Central - the heart of Greytown, and where the Board President's presence is felt the strongest. Despite that, there is a very small underground resistance movement rippling throughout the city. You know this, as you will be a part of it. Please ensure to create your characters with this in mind. Despite somehow surviving in the most hostile of environments, the resistance knows they are not strong enough to ever realistically come out of hiding, and so there have been whispers that their sights have been set on brighter horizons. You've been summoned to a resistance meeting. Attendance is mandatory for all members. Secrecy is of upmost importance. Don't be late.
He helped, but good lord man, he was just never able to actually Kill someone because my kills kept being stolen, which is okay-- I just find this fact really fucking funny KJSHDFLKGJSHD
But, uhhh. Yeah. That's all I got that isn't me going on a long tangent on every little detail besides the big things I can remember. Redd was there and now he's in jail for the last 12 years--
And my character has just been Out There for those last 12 years, and he's like. 40 when we start up again LMAO--
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Me in The Techbot Server Rooms
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techboterp1 · 1 month
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importedmeh · 4 months
People actually liked my Techbot Composition...want to hear something cooler?
How about an orchestral medley of many songs throughout Toontown's history as a celebration for these crazy 20 years?
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perichuuu · 1 year
An extension of @/prester-virgil 's cog blinkies! here are some other cogs i know!
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dmnsqrl · 7 months
not me stapling the full printout of
to the forehead of every "but poisoning ai would break image description generation apps, you hate blind people!!!" techbro/techbarbie/techbot
(yes me, totally me, I'm gonna need to get more blocks of staples)
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techbotit · 2 years
3CX Dubai
3CX Dubai is the perfect business phone system for companies in the UAE. With features like voicemail to email, call recording, and call routing, you can manage your calls with ease. Plus, our team of experts is available 24/7 to help you get set up and make the most of your system. Contact us today to learn more!
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techboterpdubai · 2 years
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Top Resons to implement ODOO
Are you considering implementing Odoo for your business? Here are the top reasons why you should do so: Odoo is a powerful, yet easy-to-use software that can help you manage your business more efficiently. It is also a cost-effective solution that can save you time and money.
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