#technically this is (what i would assume to be) their first shower together
nefertitisfjordd · 1 year
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that one shower scene (where mulder def doesn't sneak a peek) from One Son (6.12)
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woniverse-writes · 9 months
“Backfired Birthday”
bada lee x reader
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summary: trying to surprise bada for her birthday with a cake and decorations, but it goes horribly wrong
word count: 2.2k
warnings: uhm they shower together but it's cute and wholesome, slight angst?? reader lowkey has a breakdown, not proofread
notes: I FINALLY MANAGED TO WRITE A SHORT FIC LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO- also, the other Bada birthday fic will be posted later, seeing as it's technically ready to post now, but I wanna add a little more spice to it lol
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The week leading up to Bada’s birthday had gone really well- you would even say it was perfect! You had everything set in stone and were determined to give her the best birthday ever, especially since it was the first one you were celebrating as a couple. You two had been friends for the last few years, having met through dance. You were both choreographers and instructors for Just Jerk Academy and got to know each other through another dancer from the studio. When Howl had said he wanted to introduce you two to each other, neither really knew what to expect, you assuming that Bada and him were a thing, and her assuming the same of you and him. So it came as a shock when he set you two up on a date and claimed he was trying to help his girls stop being single. And here you are years later, happier than ever, preparing for your now girlfriend's birthday. 
When you woke up that morning, you made sure to get up a little earlier than usual to prepare an extra special breakfast for your lovely girlfriend. it was storming severely outside and it eventually got so bad that the power went out- cutting the line for your toaster, your fridge, your microwave, and your electric stove. You were so disappointed in your failed breakfast that you ended up just going to lay back in bed with Bada, who gladly accepted your warmth as you snuggled your way back into her arms.
The two of you woke up again, together this time, about an hour later. The power had seemed to come back on at some point, although it was still raining pretty hard outside. You ended up making a simple breakfast and ate together quickly before Bada had to head off to the studio for some lessons today. You made sure not to take on any classes in order to prepare all the festivities and gifts for your girlfriend, in order for her to have the most relaxing and satisfying birthday when she got off work.
The first thing you did was head to the store to pick up some ingredients for a cake, as well as look for a nice champagne or wine that would make the evening even more romantic. After getting the basic ingredients, you spent the next 45 minutes stressing over whether you should get champagne or wine, reeling you knew nothing about your girlfriend’s more refined drinking preferences. Eventually, you decided just to skip the alcohol (even though you definitely felt like you needed some right about now) and move on to the checkout.
After the unnecessarily long shopping trip, you made your way to the floral shop to pick up the arrangement you had ordered a week ago. When you arrived, an older lady who seemed to have been working there a long time was working the front register. You went up to her and let her know you were there to pick up an order. She scanned through her system and looked confused briefly before asking if it could be under a different name. After you shook your head, she asked for your phone number and email address to track your receipt, but nothing came up again. 
You were beginning to panic until a younger-looking girl walked about from the back and the older lady flagged her down.
“Marcia, do you remember if you took this young lady’s order any time recently?” the older woman asked turning stiffly toward the younger worker, who tensed up and flitted her eyes back and forth between you and her manager.
“Uhm… I think so…” The older woman sighed shortly and asked
“Well did you give her any sort of receipt?” to which the younger girl shook her head and looked like she was about to cry, but to be honest you were too. Things were quickly starting to fall apart and you could feel it. After about 30 minutes of searching, they ended up not being able to find any sort of receipt to show your order was taken, but the younger employee admitted to having taken your order earlier that week and not giving you a receipt, so the older lady, who you assumed to be the shop owner, offered to whip something up for you at a discounted price of what you would've originally paid, to which you accepted, then had to immediately decline after hse told you it would be ready after Bada would've already gotten home.
Leaving the flower shop and heading back home, you tried to focus on the tasks at hand, which were decorating and baking Bada’s birthday cake. As you pulled into the driveway, the rain picked up again, soaking you as you got out of your car and grabbed all the groceries from the back of your trunk. While you were trying to walk as fast as possible, a stray cat ran out from one of the bushes in front of your house, startling you so badly, that you dropped the bag with all the decorations in it, spilling them onto the concrete, causing them to get soaked in the rain and some covered in mud, leaving them unusable. You tried to pick them up and quickly make your way inside to assess the damage and hopefully still be able to use some of the decorations, but you had no luck seeing as they were so damp and stained with dirt that there was barely anything left from what could've been saved anyways.
You let out the biggest sigh ever and threw your head back with a groan. You told yourself it was okay, seeing as you still had about three and a half hours until Bada would be home, and in that time all you had to do was bake a cake, seeing as you had no champagne or decorations to prepare. But that also made you realize you hadn’t gotten her a present or even a card. 
In a state of absolute panic, you slipped your shoes on and ran back out to your, starting the engine and swiftly backing out of your driveway. You ran to the nearest store, which happened to be the one you had already visited today for the cake ingredients, and picked up a birthday card. Soon after that, you ran to the mall and spent the next 45 minutes trying to decide between getting Bada a new jersey or a new pair of sneakers. You didn’t feel as if either was enough to showcase how much you loved her, so you just bought both, not even worrying about your bank account at the moment.
Once you made it back home for the second time, you immediately set the oven to pre-heat while you began preparing the batter. You have an hour and a half now before Bada gets home, so it’s crunch time. You still wanted to shower and change into a cute outfit so you’d be all ready for when she got home, but thought that was a bad idea since you were in the middle of baking. The cake batter was coming together nicely until the power suddenly went out again in the middle of you mixing the batter. You let out a mix of a scream and a groan in frustration. 
The power suddenly turned back on a few moments later, which you weren’t prepared for- especially since your mixer decided to turn back on as well while didn’t have a grip on it, sending the bowl flying off the counter and batter to splatter everywhere- all over the walls, the counters, and covering you as well. You let out a shocked scream as it happened and immediately reached to unplug the mixer, frozen in shock afterwards.
You felt like such a terrible girlfriend as you stood in the messy kitchen, wondering how you were gonna clean up the chaos and yourself before Bada got home. She had no cake, no decorations, and You couldn’t even get her the proper flowers. Everything just felt like a disaster, and you couldn’t help but tear up as you surveyed the mess around you.
You didn’t even hear the door unlock, only noticing your girlfriend swinging the door open and walking through after she had already closed the door and locked it behind her.
“Hi baby- woah, what’s going on?” the tall girl giggled and smiled lovingly at you from across the kitchen as she took off her hoodie and threw it on the back of one of the chairs. You looked around in a daze and once you made eye contact with her, you felt your lip quiver as you tried to put on a smile.
“Happy birthday my love” is what you tried to say but couldn’t even finish as you burst into tears. You felt pathetic, covered in cake batter, crying in your messy kitchen in front of Bada on her birthday. It made you cry even harder when you became self-aware and felt you were being selfish since your girlfriend probably had a long day and now here you are trying to take the attention away from her on her day.
Bada wasn’t thinking that at all though. She immediately made her way to the other side of the kitchen to wrap you in a hug and kiss your head, ignoring your protests (“You’re gonna get batter all over you-” you cried into her shoulder. “Shhh it’s okay” she shook her head and pulled you closer). You stayed that way for a while until you calmed down for the most part. When you pulled away slightly you looked up at Bada with puffy eyes and a pout, which she smiled enedaringly at and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You began to tear up again, so disappointed in yourself for not being able to pull off something so simple. But Bada put a stop to it once again immediately.
“Princess- it’s okay” she giggled sweetly, wiping away your tears and caressing your cheek. She tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and began slowly leading you towards the bathroom.
“Why don’t we take a nice shower together, yeah?” the tall girl asked softly, still not letting go of you, making sure to have some sort of physical contact at all times while the two of you made your way around. Neither of you even bothered to grab clean clothes, heading straight for the bathroom. Bada started the shower, holding your hand and softly looking over her shoulder every few seconds to smile at you reassuringly. Once she was satisfied with the water temperature, Bada took her shirt off first, leaving her in a sports bra and cargo pants. then she proceeded to help fully undress you before taking off the rest of her clothes and ushering you both into the shower. 
You relaxed slightly under the warm water and closed your eyes, letting the droplets soak your hair and skin, already slightly cleaning you off. Bada reached behind you to grab the shampoo off one of the shelves and squirted some out into the palms of her hands before lathering it in your hair. She stood in front of you, gently tilting your head back as she continued to wash your hair, you standing with your arms wrapped around her waist, eyes still closed, finally feeling at peace for the first time that day.
After taking a little longer than expected due to getting distracted by some innocent shower kisses, you both finished helping each other clean up and hopped out from under the water which had gotten a little colder than what it was before. You playfully dry each other off, giggling and pressing sweet kisses to random areas on each other’s face, neck, and shoulder; you head back to your shared bedroom wrapped up in your fluffy towels. You sleepily pick out some clean clothes to wear, both of you only grabbing an oversized shirt and a clean pair of undergarments to sleep in. 
After getting dressed and hanging the towels back up, Bada turns off the bedside lamps, and you both snuggle up under your covers.
“I’m really sorry I couldn’t give you an amazing birthday, and that I cried the second you got home” you apologized, staring up at Bada in the dim light with sad puppy eyes. You could barely make out the loving smile on her face as she pressed a kiss to your forehead, then a couple to your cheeks, and then one to your lips.
“Don’t apologize for anything. I had an amazing birthday, simply because I got to spend even a sliver of it with you…” Bada reassured in a hushed voice, pulling you in closer to intertwin her legs with yours under the covers. She kissed you once again softly on the lips before resting her forehead against yours.
“I love you so much, and any moment I get to spend with you is already such a gift, so thank you, my sweet girl.” her sentiment and sweet words made you tear up again, but you were able to swallow it down this time.
“I love you too. Happy birthday, my love.” and you both fell asleep happily cuddled into each other, with the sound of the rain pouring outside.
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permanent taglist: @uwulyn
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“My favorite things.”
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You and Jack had just started dating, it was still fairly new, and you would say you were still in the beginning stages of your relationship. 
You both did your best to make every possible date night special, knowing that the two of you obviously couldn’t go out in public. Jack felt a sense of guilt over it but you never understood why, it’s not like it was technically his fault. You understood the privacy and safety concerns, you truthfully didn’t mind as long as you were together.
Jack had been in the studio a lot lately, and you could tell he was overwhelmed with all of the professional decisions being thrown his way. He had a hard time saying no, which concerned you a lot and you were afraid he was going to run out of steam soon.
Tonight was the first night he’d be sleeping over at your place, it didn’t take a lot of convincing, but your excuse was still the fact that your apartment was closer than his house was from the studio. You thought about it your entire day, in fact, you made sure that you would have everything he could possibly need, knowing that you probably went overboard, but he had already learned that you showed affection through acts of service.
You had set out brand new towels, a toothbrush, deodorant, lotion, new pajama pants, boxer briefs (that you knew he liked- he’s very particular) and some clay face mask sets. You assumed he’d want to unwind, and you encouraged it.
Jack promised you it wouldn’t be a late night but you didn’t count on it, you knew how easily time got away from him. You had already showered, and made dinner, now it was time to wait.
You had just got into the second episode of a new show you started on Netflix when your phone chimed. You answered it immediately, obviously eager to hear his voice. ”Is now a good time to head over? I can pick up dinner?” He said excitedly but you knew deep down he was tired and over his long day.
“I made enchiladas” you replied and he was ecstatic “hell yeah, I’ll be right there.”
When he came in the door, he had just a backpack on. You ran over to him greeting him with a kiss, “hey handsome! How was your day?” He smiled, the corners of his eyes wrinkling.
“Better now, that I’m here” he gave you a few soft kisses, leaning into you. You could feel the heavy energy lifting off him with every kiss, “wanna talk about it?”
He shook his head, “just work stuff.” You leaned against him, holding his body close with your arms wrapped around him. “I got you some stuff if you wanna take a hot shower” you stood on your tip toes to try and get as eye level with him as possible. “You didn’t have to get me anything” he laughed as you grabbed his hand and guided him into the room.
He smiled, you could tell he was genuinely touched by what you did “baby, you didn’t have to do that.” You walked him over to your shower and showed him where you had a wash cloth, his favorite body wash and shampoo/ conditioner for curly hair too.
“You’re too good to me baby” he smiled as he bent down to give you another kiss.
“Hurry, I already miss you” you teased as you left to sit in the living room.
When he got out of the shower the two of you sat down with dinner on the couch. “Thank you for this” he practically moaned as he took a bite which made you giggle.
“You don’t have to thank me, I know it’s your favorite thing that I make” you shrugged.
“What’s your favorite thing I make?” He questioned knowing all to well he only made a total of like three things.
Without missing a beat you giggled “music, that’s my favorite thing that you make.” He threw his head back and laughed, setting his empty plate to the side. “It’s like that?”
“You’re my favorite rapper! That counts right?” You laughed a little too hard at his reaction which sent the both of you into a fit of laughter.
“Wow! I’m actually hurt” he joked, clutching his chest.
“I can do better. Hold on, your eyes are my favorite too” you leaned your head on his shoulder as he grabbed for your hand.
“My eyes? Go on” he smirked, loving the attention.
“The way your nose wrinkles when you laugh, that’s my favorite too” you looked over at Jack who was a bright shade of pink.
“You’re very observant” he smiled, still avoiding your eye contact.
“Or the way I can make you blush, that’s kind of up there too” you kissed his cheek.
“Okay okay, I think you’re my favorite person, that counts right?” He laughed, trying to change the subject back to you.
“Over Urban? Copelan? Now I know you’re lying” you laughed, “I’ll pretend to believe you for the sake of our night though.”
He laughed before smiling to himself, only thinking “yeah, I’m going to marry this girl.”
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mayajadewrites · 6 months
Almost - Levi Ackerman x Reader
Chapter 2 - Sushi Dreams
Summary: You and Levi hang out for the first time outside of the coffee shop.
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Once you park your car in your driveway, it's 9:22. People just started their work day, school day, or day in general. You've experienced about a hundred people with several different attitudes and coffee orders, but only one mattered.
Medium black tea.
You peel off your clothes and turn your shower on, letting the warm water hit your skin. You wanted to take a nap, but the anxiety in your stomach is telling you that you will be up all day thinking about Levi.
Casual dating has been all you've been doing these days, rarely followed by genuine feelings. Levi has been a part of your day to day life for 6 months, even if it's only for 5 minutes. You've cherished those 5 minutes and have mentally begged for more.
Levi's attitude is what drew you in. He never caused any issues, his voice was stern with "fuck with me and watch what happens" attitude, which made you giggle. Your sarcasm bounces off of his so well that other people think you've been friends for years.
After your 'everything' shower (because... duh you're hanging out with Levi Ackerman) you put on a cozy outfit for the time being. A slouchy white sweater, leggings, and your favorite slippers.
You grabbed the book you purchased last week off of your dresser and sat at your chair, drifting into a whole different world through the words on the pages.
Your phone buzzed in your lap so you jolted awake, realizing you dozed off reading your book.
3:45 PM
Glancing at your phone, you see an unknown number has texted you.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: You took too damn long to text me. I'm assuming you fell asleep, your eyes looked tired this morning. It's Levi.
How the hell did this man find your number?
He's the CEO of Ackerman Inc. Of course he found it.
You sigh and start typing, hoping he's not currently watching your text bubbles pop in and out because you don't know what to say.
You: I'll take that as you caring and not saying I looked like shit. I'm awake now.
Levi: Good morning. What time did you want to do dinner?
Dinner? You assumed you would be doing something casual like a walk in the park or something, but dinner?
You're not sure what you expected though - this is Levi Ackerman we're talking about.
Tapping the side of your phone, you look around your room, thinking of what the hell you're gonna wear to a dinner with Levi. You needed to give yourself time to get ready because lord knows you need it.
You: 6?
Levi: Send me your address. I'll be there at 6. You better be ready.
If this was anyone else, you would've text them saying you'll meet them there and you would probably show up 15 minutes late.
But you know Levi, and you know how punctual he is.
You sent him your address and threw your phone on your bed, frantically going through the clothes in your closet. You didn't want to seem like you were trying too hard, but you also didn't want to look like you just rolled out of bed either.
After pulling together an outfit (after 10 other ones) you finally felt satisfied with what you chose. A casual black bodycon dress that hugs your curves, a black long coat, floral black stockings, and chunky knee high black boots.
Your hair is in a half-up, half-down style with your front pieces framing your face. Makeup - simple. A little black winged eyeliner, glowy skin and a nude lip with a clear gloss on top.
After all, you were going out with Levi Ackerman, you needed to look the part.
You look down at your watch - 5:55 PM
Taking one last look at yourself in the mirror, grazing your hands over your curves, you feel your phone vibrate in your purse.
Levi: I'm outside. No rush since technically I'm early.
Deep breath.
You lock up your apartment and see a black Range Rover pulled up in front of you. The passenger window rolled down slowly and you saw a peek at his jet black hair, then his stone eyes.
When his eyes met yours, you felt your heart skip a beat. His face didn't change, but your cheeks flushed pink as you walked towards his car.
Levi got out of the drivers seat and walked to your door, opening it for you. His eyes scanned your body, every inch of it. "Good morning."
"Good morning, Levi." You take his hand as you get into the car, taking in everything about this moment.
His car was in immaculate condition. It was spotless and smelled amazing. No dust or trash anywhere, and you could see a small air freshener in the vent.
"You clean up nice." Levi spoke as he got in the car, putting his seatbelt on. He put one hand on the wheel and started turning it, putting his other hand on the back of your seat.
"Thank you. Where are we going?"
"My favorite restaurant on this side of town. It's quiet and the food comes out fast." Levi glanced at you, making sure his eyes went right back onto the road.
"Can I know what kind of food it is? What if I'm allergic?"
"Relax. We've talked about it before. Sushi."
You smiled thinking about how Levi remembered a small detail about your day-to-day interactions with him.
As you approached the sushi spot, you realized that this is one of the more upscale sushi restaurants in town. You could never afford to eat there, but you loved the pictures people would post on Instagram of their meals.
After Levi parked, you pushed your door handle to open it.
"Not a chance." Levi pulled your door closed, only to get out of his seat, walk to your door, and open it for you. "When you're with me you don't touch doors."
"Mr. Ackerman, it's a pleasure to see you!" The hostess said, grabbing menus. "Oh and you brought a date!"
Levi nodded, pressing his hand to the small of your back to lead you in. "Yes. 2 please."
The hostess lead you to your table, small and secluded, just how you pictured it. Levi pulled your chair out for you and handed you a napkin.
You've never been treated like this on a date. Usually the guys you date want to either watch movies and "chill", or go to some fast food restaurant. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's the exact opposite of what you're experiencing right now.
Your eyes met Levi's, who were already on you. His eyes were half lidded (per usual) and his suit looked impeccable. Like he just got it from the dry cleaners.
"Date?" You smirk, flattening the napkin on your lap.
"We've known each other for 6 months, I think I know you enough to take you out on a date." Levi sipped his water, his eyes still on you.
"I didn't even know you saw me like that."
"Well did you think I just wanted to be your little regular?" Levi's tone changed. His eyebrow was raised but you couldn't help but stare at his lips.
"I don't know." You shrug, tapping your fingertips on your thigh. "You're not very easy to read, Levi."
"So I've been told." He nods, motioning the waiter to come over with his hand. "Can we get the classic sushi platter, please? Do you want any appetizers?" Levi looks to you, pointing at the menu.
"Um, edamame please." You close your menu, handing it to the waiter. "Thank you."
You and Levi could talk for hours. You never ran out of things to talk about, and frankly you wanted to learn everything there is to know about him.
"How was your day today?" Levi asked you, popping a sushi roll in his mouth.
"It was good, I read a bit then fell asleep, as you know. How was yours?"
"The same as every other day." Levi sipped his water. "Reports, meetings, presentations, nothing new."
"At least tomorrow is Friday." You finished eating the last roll on your plate, pushing it away from you. "I'm stuffed."
"What did you think?"
"It was delicious. I've always wanted to come here." You look around the restaurant, in awe of the atmosphere.
Levi paid the check and helped you put on your coat. With heels on, you're about the same height as him. You notice he picked off a piece of lint off your shoulder, smoothing it out with his palm.
Levi said his goodbyes and ushered you to his car, making sure you got in safely. The ride back to your place was quiet, but a good type of quiet. You caught Levi glancing at you one too many times for it to be a mistake.
"Thank you so much for tonight." You smile, taking your seatbelt off. Levi opened the door for you and took your hand to help you out, taking one last look at you.
"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow." Levi nodded, leaning his back against his car.
You didn't know if you expected him to try and kiss you, but you definitely wanted him to.
"See you." You turn around and walk up the steps to your apartment building, Levi staring as you as you lock the door. He waited until you got into your actual apartment door before getting into the drivers seat and driving off.
Was that a date? Are we friends? Are we going to date?
So many questions swirled through your mind.
Levi: Sweet dreams.
You held your phone to your chest, butterflies erupting from your stomach.
You: Sweet sushi dreams, Levi.
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imagine-knb · 5 months
Getting snowed in -> with the Rakuzan team! (idc if separately or together)How they would act and what’s the first thing they do (call someone, make it comfortable, panic,….)
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Glancing up at the window that was on the far end of the gymnasium, Mayuzumi furrowed his brows in annoyance when he noticed that the sky outside looked absolutely pitch black. His eyes slid over to the clock that was on the same wall, noting that practice had technically ended hours ago. Coach Shirogane had left when the sun was still up and the air hadn't felt so frigid, leaving the first string team to lock up themselves.
"Why are we still here?" he grumbled, more to himself than anyone else.
But his teammates had heard him anyway. Nebuya threw one of his large arms over Mayuzumi's shoulder, giving him a grin as he shook his teammate from side to side with his rhythm. "Because we're a team, Mayuzumi. We arrive together, we practice together, and we leave together," the larger man laughed. Far too cheerful at this late of an hour for Mayuzumi's taste.
"We would've left a little sooner if someone didn't take such long showers," Mayuzumi continued to mumble under his breath. Bored eyes slid over to the locker room doors as they opened, watching as the rest of the team slowly made their way out. "You guys ready now? Can we leave?"
"Yes, of course Chihiro," Akashi responded, voice as even and smooth as ever. Like nothing ever bothered him. "Let's all get home for some rest."
Mayuzumi was glad when Nebuya let go of his shoulder, the larger man moving his way toward the double doors that separated the gymnasium from the outside world. He went to follow, glad that he'd finally be able to get back to his home with a warm bed instead of freezing in the confines of the gymnasium with—
Mayuzumi paused when Nebuya gave a confused look to the door. Nebuya pushed on the handle once more, putting just a bit more force than last time, but when it still refused to open, he turned back to look at his teammates.
"I think we're snowed in, guys."
The moment of silence that followed wasn't long enough for Mayuzumi. All at once, his teammates began to make noise; Nebuya had turned back to the door, trying with all his might to get it open as he grunted and groaned; Hayama had started hollering, alternating with Nebuya in trying to get the door open and cheering on his teammate to dip into more of his strength; Mibuchi had started worrying, phrases about how cold the gymnasium was and how the only warm things they had were the now damp towels back in the locker room.
When Mayuzumi had turned around to seek out their team captain, he found Akashi standing near the bleachers, already on the phone with someone — he assumed the redhead was calling for help. He was disappointed when Akashi eventually turned back toward his teammates with a shake of his head.
"The roads are snowed in. Could be hours before someone can reach us."
With a heavy groan, Mayuzumi walked over to the bleachers and slumped down onto one, thankful that the jacket he'd brought along with him had at least some insulation.
"It's so cold!" Mibuchi complained, brows furrowed with worry.
"Let's go see if we've got extra towels we haven't used," Akashi offered, already leading the way back to the locker rooms with Mibuchi in tow.
As they walked off, Mayuzumi heard Mibuchi mention something about everyone huddling together if the towels couldn't be found. His lips pressed into a thin line — he did not want to be shoulder to shoulder with his teammates for an extended period of time. Gaze going back to Nebuya and Hayama, the line of his lips deepened further into a frown when he noticed they were no further into getting the gymnasium doors open.
With a heavy sigh, he pulled out a book from his backpack. "Time to get comfy, I guess," he muttered to himself, praying that help would come soon.
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Find the Holiday Prompt lists here!
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cherrys-writings · 2 years
Summary: Grayson is on damage control, Jameson is drunk, and OC just wants people to stop making innuendos Word count: 1060 Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking
Deciding what to make for the household of a deceased billionaire was proving more difficult than I originally thought. Aside from the immediate family and the Laughlis, there’s the security team and the small army of workers. I wait for the shower to warm, maybe I should have something sent to them instead. Letting the hot water ease the tightness of my neck, I try to put the worries out of my mind.
I wish I didn’t know what Nash had been implying when he said he’s had, “good friends,” too. It’s possible Grayson and I had been thinking of something along those lines at one point or another. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel as I walked across the heated tile and into my bedroom. It’s possible we had been thinking about it at the same time. If Grayson wanted a friends with benefits arrangement he would have brought it up. Right? He has a way of being direct, yet discreet. But, all this would have been before Emily. 
Why am I even thinking about this? Grayson’s grandfather just died. As I pull on my clothes for the day, my mind wanders to the casual contact that has been ever present between us: leaning against each other, heads bowed over shared work, knees touching under tables, idly messing with each other’s hair, and accidentally falling asleep together on occasion. I need to clear my head of this nonsense before class this afternoon. I brush out the tangled mess and set up my study area. There have been times lately where I’ve started to question whether we are genuinely platonic. He’s started whispering in my ear even when we’re alone, guiding my attention away from what’s in front of me and back to him with a gentle hand, and forehead kisses after every embrace no matter where we are. 
I manage to push those thoughts out of my mind for now, settling into my chair and logging onto the college’s portal. Technically I’m a commuter student, but most lectures are conducted remotely and time on campus is saved for lab work. My phone goes off before I can open the class link.
Gray: Jameson is drunk AF, Nash is with Skye who won’t leave her rooms, and I assume Xander went to school because no one has seen him. 
Me: Be patient. Don’t kill Jamie.
Gray: He and I aren’t speaking at the moment.
I have to call the lawyers and begin funeral arrangements. You have class soon.
Me: If you need to vent that’s fine. I know my professor will understand and even if they don’t the webcam only sees a portion of things.
Gray: Do not rearrange your priorities. This is my responsibility and I can handle it. 
I see no point in arguing and let the conversation die for now. I’ll check on him and his family after class.
Barely an hour into class, messages started flooding my phone. I assume a statement was released. Grayson wasn’t kidding about handling things as quickly as possible.
Olive: Make sure you’re available to comfort Grayson *whink* *wink*
It’s obvious you want each other. Tobias Hawthorne probably died to give you two a little nudge
Me: You’re a terrible person
Olive: I don’t hear you denying grief hook-ups
  I exhale forcefully, hoping that I look focused on taking notes and not frustrated that she is the second person today to suggest such a thing.
Me: We are literally in class rn can’t this wait??
“Mx. Davis, you look like you have something to share,” Dr. Richards clearly noticed my frustration, “Given your recent, personal introduction to grieving you must have some insights into the stages.”
Of course everyone had to say where they had graduated from on the first day of class. Of course I, wrongly, assumed no one would care. Of course when Olive asked about grief hook-ups my face said what my voice didn’t. 
“It’s bullshit,” I deadpan, “Yes, the Kubler-Ross model is a reliable foundation that identifies common emotions and behaviors exhibited by grieving people. However, as a society and a field of study, we treat these stages as a roadmap whe-” 
My phone begins buzzing incessantly, Jameson’s name lighting up the screen each time. At that moment my cat launches herself onto the desk, deciding the phone is now her prey. To the amusement of my classmates, I wrestle her into my lap. 
Scratching her head I continue, “when grieving is a prolonged cluster-fuck of overlapping emotions. You can’t accurately predict what someone is going to feel next when helping them through a time of grief. Even if it’s been experienced before.”
Momentary silence followed, my class dumbfounded by either my audacity to attack the respected Kubler-Ross stages of grief model or my horrifyingly unprofessional word choice. 
Dr. Richards collected herself quickly, “That was….well put. And sounds like a great stopping point. Remember tha-”
I shut my laptop quickly. Resting my head against my cat’s I groan. That was not how I should have phrased that at all. I could have said it better; I could have said nothing at all. Good job racking up all that college credit in high school just to give a long winded, unfiltered response to a simple question. Whatever Jameson has to say, it better be important. 
Jameson: Grayson is being mean
                 Please help
               Tell him to pull that stick out of his ass an people respond to things different
Me: Drink water and sleep it off please
Jameson: He keeps talking abou “arrangements”
Me: Oh? Does that mean you want to help?
Jameson: Come fix him
If Grayson doesn’t kill Jameson, I might. During class and the flood of messages, I missed calls from my aunt and uncle. New arrivals at the antique store need repairs, there is a commission for a book restoration, but beyond that, the note on the box stated the contents are for my eyes only.  I put my laptop, textbook, and supplies into my backpack ready to add to my growing to-do list. I'll go to the antique store first and decide how much fixing each item needs, get supplies to make lasagna and blueberry scones, call Grayson, find sources for an animal intelligence presentation, and revise whatever notes I took during this afternoon's lecture. 
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rey-in-red · 2 years
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Summary: Jude Duarte wants a distraction from finals and the mess that was her breakup with Locke. She hooks up with her long-time school rival, Cardan Greenbriar, at a nightclub and gets more than she bargained for.  
Warnings: Language, NSFW,
“Cardan Greenbriar?” Lili repeated.
“Yes, Liliver, for the 174th time, I slept Cardan.” Jude answered around her food. “No matter how many times you ask, the answer will still be the same.”
When she had left Cardan’s place last night, he had given her a box of cupcakes and his phone number. Call or text, no matter the time or day. He had been by her side, like he had promised, when she had called the doctor and booked an appointment for the following Monday. They both had a morning class that day, the only class they had together, so they would drive to the hospital after class.
The moment she had walked into her apartment, Lili had been on her with questions. Jude had simply told her she just wanted a hot shower and go to bed, and that questions could wait until breakfast. After she had gotten into bed, she sent off a text saying ‘thanks for today’ to Cardan and fell asleep quickly due to the drain the day's events had had on her.
Today she had actually managed to keep down most of the breakfast Lili had made, so she had shoveled down the food as fast as she could. Pancakes and bacon. Together. Drowned in syrup. The sweetness from the syrup, combined with saltiness from the bacon.
Absolute heaven.
Jude moaned in joy. “Have I mentioned how amazing you are for cooking me breakfast?”
“5 years of being friends with you and I still don’t get how you can eat that.” Lili gagged before taking a sip of her coffee.
“Hey, it’s not my fault that you don’t know good food, when it’s right under your nose.”
The bacon-pancake-syrup combo was a recurring breakfast discussion. The first time Jude had drowned bacon in syrup, was a sunday morning junior year of high school and she had stared at Jude with wide eyes. Lili had stayed over to work on a group History assignment and Madoc had agreed to let Lili stay over for the entire weekend, as long as they finished the assignment first. They had sat up until 4 am on Saturday morning to finish it and crashed right after.
They had slept on until 12 am, when Oriana had sent in Oak to wake them up because they ”couldn’t waste the day away by sleeping”, even though they had spent the rest of the weekend in Jude’s bed watching chick-flicks. They went through all the classics. Clueless, The Breakfast Club, Dirty Dancing, Grease.
But after Lili had decided she wanted to be a chef, the argument had only started to come up more often. After Lili got a job at a cafe downtown, she had started cooking more and more in the apartment, which Jude was both hated and loved. Loved because it meant less takeout, hated because it meant less takeout. Jude really loved her spring rolls.
“Sure, let’s call it good food.” Lili muttered under her breath, but loud enough so that Jude still heard it. “But back to the whole you being drunk off your ass and sleeping with Greenbriar. Did you figure out what you’re going to do about your, ehm, thing?”
“Yeah, I have an appointment with an OB Monday at 11. We are going there after our shared class.” She answered. “And for the record, I wasn’t drunk off my ass.”
“Really? I just assumed that for the past, what almost eight years, you wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole, so for you to spend the night with Cardan Greenbriar, you would have to have consumed a large amount of alcohol.”
“Well, I wasn’t. I didn’t actually drink all that much that night and technically, it wasn’t only the night.”
- - -
Something was touching her.
Jude had woken up just a few minutes ago, but given how tired she was, she hadn’t opened her eyes just yet. She hadn’t closed her curtains in her room last night so she had groaned and buried her head in her pillow to avoid the Saturday morning sun.
Only to inhale a familiar sweet woodsy scent that wasn’t hers, on a pillow that was way too silky to be hers. She had stilled completely when something had run over her lower left calf. Then something - or rather someone -  next to her, slowly lifted the pillow from on top of her head.
And there he was. Mr. Cardan Greenbriar, himself. Looking down at her with a questioning look in his eyes and nervous smile.
Jude pursed her lips. “So, ehm, morning.” It sounded more like a question than a greeting.
They just looked at each other. Gods, why is this so weird? It wasn’t this weird last night.
After they had finished their feast of Chinese takeout and Jude her cupcake, Cardan had hauled her to her feet, ripped his shirt off of her and taken her against the window. While he had fucked her from behind, her nipples pressed against the cool glass of the window, Jude had had the perfect wiew of Portland at night.
Now, however, the spark from the night before had faded significantly. It was like they were having a competition of who would break first and say something.
Cardan broke first.
But not by talking. No, he crashed his lips into Jude’s.
She was frozen for a good 5 seconds before she responded back in earnest. Her hands moved up to his hair and pushed his lips further against hers. Tightening her grip on his roots, he let out a deep groan and his hard cock pressing against her thigh. They pulled apart for air and he quickly got the question out before she kissed him again. “Join me in the shower?”
Jude could manage to nod against his lips and then Cardan hefted her up in his arms, Jude’s legs instinctually wrapping around his waist, and he walked towards the bathroom.
The bathroom was as minimalistic as the rest of Cardan’s loft apartment. Black tile floor with white tile walls. White marble bathroom counter with a porcelain sink and gold faucet. Completed with a big shower with glass doors.
He stopped by the sink and opened the top drawer, rummaging around while placing open mouthed kisses down her neck. However, the blind search ended with a curse against her neck. Cardan placed her on the counter and looked at her. “I’m out of condoms, and as much as some guys like to think it works every time, pulling out is not an option in my book.”
Jude thought about it for a moment. This was a one night thing, she was gonna have as much fun as  she could. She gave him what she hoped was a mischievous smile. “We don’t need a condom to have fun.”
Jude took off the black Henley she was wearing and threw it over his shoulder. Then she pulled his head back down to hers to plant and used her feet to push down his boxers. She hopped off the bathroom counter, grabbed his hand and walked over to the shower doors. Cardan turned on the water, turning the showerhead so it hit both of them and Jude didn’t even wait for 30 seconds before she pounced on him.
She pushed him up against the tiled wall, the spray of water now only hitting the back of her head and back. She started peppering kisses on his chest. “You know there was one thing we didn’t get to do last night, that doesn’t require a condom.” Jude started kissing lower, her hands sliding along down with her lips and body. Reaching his nipples, she tugged at one of them with her teeth and moved down. Once she reached his hips, she was on her knees. Jude kissed each hip bone and looked up at him through her lashes. “Or rather I didn’t get to do.”
Cardan’s eyes were hooded and his breathing was ragged. Holding his eyes, she wrapped a hand around his cock in a firm grip. His breath hitched when she started moving her up and down, twisting her wrist slightly.
Breaking contact with those beautiful eyes, Jude placed a chaste kiss on the tip and started kissing down the side of his shaft. When she reached up her other hand and started playing with his balls, Cardan let out a groan.
Licking up the side to the, she slowly guided him into her mouth. Jude looked up to catch his reaction, only to find his eyes closed. That wouldn’t do. When she drew head back, mouth off him completely and stopped moving her hands, he opened his eyes once again. “Look at me, Cardan. Look at me on my knees, with your cock in my mouth and your balls in my hand.” She squeezed them for emphasis.
His lips parted when she once again took him into her mouth. She kept going until he hit the back of throat, still keeping eye contact. Jude slowly started bobbing her head, taking him as far as she could each time, and what she couldn’t fit in her mouth she stroked with her hand.
“Fuck.” Cardan muttered softly.
When long fingers slid into her now wet hair, Jude braced her hands on his hips. She exhaled through her nose, relaxed her throat and took him further down. Speeding up the bobbing of her head faster, she noticed Cardan’s face changed into what Jude now knew was the face he made when he was reaching his peak.
“Fuck, Jude.” He groaned loudly. “I’m gonna…”
His hands fell away from her head, probably to give her space to move away before he erupted in her mouth. But Jude had other plans, gripping tightly onto his thighs and waited.
Sure enough with a few more bobs of her head, Cardan came with a loud groan down her throat. Rope after rope of hot liquid ran down her throat. When he was spent, Jude made sure to look him directly in those beautiful eyes and swallowed loudly. She released him from her mouth with a pop and rose back on her feet. Raising her hand to her mouth, Jude used her thumb to wipe the small drop of cum at the corner of her mouth and sucked it off.
Jude took a step back and she went under the spray of hot water. She closed her eyes and leaned her head, let out a satisfied hum and ran her fingers through her hair. Soon she felt Cardan come up from behind, his hands sliding over her hips.
“See, I told you we didn’t need a condom to have some fun.”
He let out a dark chuckle that sent shivers down her spine. “Indeed you did.” One of his hands started moving south. “Now let me return the favor.” With that he pushed two of his fingers into her.
- - -
“Hey, Jude. I was wondering if I…” Liliver trailed off, when she walked in on Jude standing in front of the floor mirror in her room, with her hands running over her flat stomach, turning her body from side to side.
“You know, if I have this baby, I won’t be one of those pretty pregnant ladies, you see on TV.” She thought out loud, pulling her top back down over stomach, from where she had pulled up under her breasts.
Lili walked over to the bed and grabbed one of the million throw pillows on Jude’s bed. She walked back over to Jude, wordlessly pulled out the tank top she was wearing and shoved the pillow under Jude’s top.
“There. Now just imagine it less lumpy.”
Jude patted the pillow on her stomach and looked back up in the mirror. Turning to the side, she tried imagining the pillow was a round pregnant belly. The picture of a pregnant Jude didn’t look right, just very weird. And sort of wrong.
“I think you're wrong.” Lili said, determined from behind her, and Jude’s eyes snapped up to her roommate’s. Lili had a soft smile on her face. ”I think you’re gonna look beautiful.”
- - -
She walked out of the bedroom, a towel wrapped around her body. “Have you seen my shorts?”
Cardan turned from where he was standing at the kitchen counter, gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips. “I think they landed somewhere under the dining table. Your shoes are properly under there as well.”
“Thanks.” Walking over to the table quickly locating her shorts and one of her black heels. Looking around the floor, she found the other halfway under the couch. “What about my top? Did it survive the lamp?”
He winced at the question. “Yeah, it survived.” He jerked his head towards the top that was now lying on the coffee table, neatly folded. Where the broken lamp had been, was now nowhere to be seen. “But unfortunately, I can’t tell if there are any pieces of glass on it. I put one of my shirts on the couch that you can wear.” Jude looked over and saw another neatly folded piece of fabric. “But don’t worry, it still matches with the rest of the outfit.”
Jude blushed at his kindness. “Thanks”
After changing into Cardan’s black billowy shirt, her black sequined shorts and strappy shoes from last night, she walked out of his bedroom and over to raid his fridge for something to eat.
A green apple and a bottle of water would do. Jude now only wanted to get out of the loft apartment as quickly as possible. Preferably before the weird mood from before their fun in the shower returned.
She walked over to collect her purse and jacket and made for the door.
“Can we just-“ She said at the same time as Cardan said “Alright, so-”
He gave her a tight lipped smile and gestured for her to go first.
“Can we just forget that this happened?” Jude said, trying not to sound too harsh. She brushed a lock of damp hair behind her ear. “It’s just that I think we can agree it was a one time thing, and it would be best if we don’t talk about it.” She started backing towards the door, looking at a spot next to his head and not actually looking him in the eyes. “Ever. We should just move on like it didn’t happen. You know, go back to how things were before last night.”
Cardan had the same odd look on his face, as last night when she had admitted she lived close by him. It was only there for a moment, then it disappeared and a smirk bloomed on his face. “Sure thing, darling Jude. It never happened.”
“Good.” She reached blindly behind herself and opened the front door. “Well, see you around, Greenbriar.”
“See you around, Duarte.” He gave her a wink and then Jude was out the door.
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thornstocutyouwith · 11 months
💕 em and finnyyy
Send me a 💕 and a ship: In-depth Edition
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How did they meet? They met while he was warning her about a street being dangerous.
Who flirted with who first? Emma.
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? A slow burn, seeing as they are supposedly at each others throats and messing with each other. lol.
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? They did not start dating right away.
What was their first date? Certainly to a different realm of existence. Finnian would have shown her something unique.
What are their favourite things to do on date nights? I don't know, explore one of the many different areas they would travel to.
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while? Sure, yeah. Why wouldn't they? lol
What is their love language? Being annoying to one another, I'm positive.
Who kissed who first? Emma kissed Finnian first.
Who started the relationship? I'm going to say it's all on Emma.
Monogamy or Polyamory? Eh.
Are they/do they plan on getting married? Eh.
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no? Eh.
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first? Finnian does. Though he wouldn't bring it up. It probably never would be brought up.
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? No he doesn't. And Emma's probably going to be a vampire maybe. So probably not? lol
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? Eh.
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? Finnian is pretty protective, so translated into that, he's very much going to be there for Emma when she's sick or hurt.
How do they like to spend time together? Probably going to other places of existence.
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? Talking about things, they haven't really developed much on this part.
What are some of their favourite things about their partner? Finnian enjoys Emma's curiosity and wanting to know more.
How do they comfort the other when they are upset? Finnian gives her blood imbued food or drink items or tries to do an activity with her.
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts? Finnian certainly would have gifts he would give to Emma spontaneously.
What position do they sleep in? Finnian often sleeps in what is known as the 'star fish' position. While he does often sleep on his front or back, he does as well sleep on his side, with his hands by his head/under the pillow, one leg bent in toward him, which is his preferred way to sleep.
Do they bathe/shower together? Not particularly, I assume.
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? Sure, yeah! lol
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? Technically it would be very kinky as fuck, he's an alien, after all.
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? Eh
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? Eh
What is their favourite sex position? Eh.
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? Eh.
Favourite place to have sex? Probably in a room. Preferably with a bed.
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex? Eh.
How often do they fight? What about? Well they get on each others nerves often I guess, and it's more than likely about the most inane things, since Finnian is insufferable.
Have they ever broken up? Not yet.
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? Probably till death do them part? I don't know lol.
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fereldanwench · 1 year
9, 13, 23 for them <3
Thank you, my love! 💙
9. Are they a "we" couple?
I have some biases with this one, because my actual husband does the "we" thing and sometimes it annoys me, haha. Like he'll say "We started our garden," and I'm like who's this "we" you're talking about? I started the garden. You just water the plants sometimes.
Goro and Valerie do think of themselves as equal partners and as a team, and I think there are times when they will talk about each other as a unit because it does just make sense in some contexts. But I don't think they'd be overly obnoxious or presumptuous about it.
13. How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
Generally, yes, they're very in tune with what makes each other feel loved and appreciated. But they're both very big on providing acts of service, which can sometimes lead to them butting heads a little bit if one is like "Let me take care of you!" and the other is like "I don't need you to take care of me--Let me take care of you!" Usually, they resolve this by having mind-blowing sex.
23. What was their first impression of each other?
Technically, Valerie's first impression of Goro was "Fuck, he's going to find us and kill us, fuckfuckfuckfuck," and Goro's first impression of Valerie was "This is the half-dead, smelly idiot who can confirm my suspicions about Yorinobu?"
But I tend to view their meeting at Tom's Diner as being their proper chance to make first impressions. (You know that saying "you only get one chance to make a first impression"? Turns out head trauma and fighting for your life can give you a second chance, haha.)
And to that end, Valerie's first impression of Goro is that he's dressed and groomed way too nicely for a hole-in-the-wall in Watson, and he sticks out like a sore thumb. She's hyper-vigilant while they're in Tom's Diner, keeping an eye out for anyone who might assume he'd be an easy mark for a mugging based on his expensive clothes alone. She also notices he's very handsome, but it's mostly a superficial observation, not full-blown attraction just yet.
As they talk about their shared interests regarding the Relic, finding Hellman or Parker, etc., Valerie senses that he's sincere and trustworthy, if not a little overly enthusiastic. However, she generally frowns on revenge missions and isn't eager to get entangled in Arasaka family drama, so she's not sure he's her ticket to getting the Relic out of her head. She's also not entirely confident that he can honor the promises he's making--She believes he believes he can, but she knows too much about Arasaka's inner workings to be easily swayed.
As for Goro on Valerie: she's still not in the best physical shape when they meet up--She's got a fresh cut on her forehead from Johnny's midnight assault--and although she's showered (and smells good!), she's just in a wrinkled t-shirt and ripped jeans that make her look a little sloppy. But Valerie doesn't shy away from eye contact, and he subconsciously finds her dark, expressive eyes very magnetic and disarming. Like Hanako will say later: Valerie does have an "honest face" that tends to put people at ease.
While they're talking about their course of action if they work together, Goro gets a flicker of hope that maybe Valerie isn't the incompetent criminal he assumed she would be: she's affable but shrewd while answering his questions, not being deliberately obtuse but also obviously navigating the conversation carefully. She's still far from his first choice for an ally in his quest for retribution, but he leaves the meeting a little less desperate.
[couple questions]
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nanagoswife · 2 years
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Version One *SFW* | Version Two
Summary: Gojo practically kidnaps you because of how tense Nanami seems to be
W/C: 4.4k
Warnings: unedited😅, suggestive themes, technically breaking and entering, praise kink, oral (f receiving), a bit of roughness, overstimulation?, unprotected sex, cockwarming, shower scene, I think that’s it
A/N: Hey👋🏻😅 so, I’m not the best at writing stuff like this. So, I apologize for how bad it possibly is in advance
- - -
A scream tears past your lips as Gojo Satoru suddenly appears by your side. You were in the middle of brushing your teeth, causing you to nearly choke on the foam.
You spit it out, turning towards the man ready to scold him about how you told him to stop doing that. He often did it just for fun because he loved to scare you and tease you about it. Though, after warping in during a… compromising scene between you and his friend, you made him swear to stop it. The teasing about the situation from Gojo was an unstoppable force, though. 
Before you could get the words out though, you notice that his usual smirk is not there. Instead, his lips are pressed into a thin line. If you didn’t know any better, you would think that he’s worried.
“Gojo. What’s going on? I thought-”
“Yeah, yeah, no warping in randomly anymore. This isn’t for my entertainment this time,” he says before grabbing your wrist and pulling you along with him. He better be thankful that the two of you are long time friends and, if that weren’t the case, you’d have punched him senseless by now. Though, it is tempting.
Instead, you try to pull your hand out of his grip instead of going willingly. “What the hell, Satoru?”
“It’s Nanami,” he says, not looking back at you as he continues to bring you to the front door of your apartment.
Worry immediately fills you. Unlike you, Nanami didn’t have a day off and had to tend to the jujutsu world. Though, he did mention that he was just helping around the school and possibly helping out with the students. He never said anything about going out on any sort of mission. Did that change? Did Gojo drag him into his own mission when you knew fully well that he could’ve dealt with it on his own? He is the strongest sorcerer, afterall. You just wanted to know what happened.
“What happened to him?” you ask after he, thankfully, let you at least put on shoes before stepping through the door.
Gojo doesn’t answer you, just continues to pull you along until you see your surroundings change. You nearly stumble, not expecting the surface you’re walking on to change from a flat surface to cement stairs at the Tokyo Jujutsu High. 
That’s when your friend turns around with a smirk curling up the corners of his lips. It’s a teasing look that tells you that you should be disappointed that you’ve fallen for his antics again.
You groan, scrubbing your hand over your face as he begins to chuckle. “Well, at least I knew you weren’t with Nanami this time,” he teases and, if he wasn’t wearing his blindfold, you swear you would’ve seen him wink before turning to walk up the steps.
All you do is roll your eyes before catching up to him. You know that, even if it was to go back to the old ways, he wouldn’t have brought you to the school for entirely no reason. There was something he wanted.
“What is it about then?” you ask, strolling the school grounds with Gojo. You notice he’s bringing you to the field. “I swear, if you brought me here on my one day off to teach the students I will punch you right now.”
He gives you a cheeky smirk. “You can certainly try.”
You roll your eyes before stepping through the arch so you can see the field. The first and second years are all together. Megumi, Maki, and Toge are in the middle of a conversation. You assume they’re discussing some sort of sparring technique as Megumi and Maki both hold staffs. Panda and Nobara are doing their usual ‘falling’ practice. 
Then, you see the back of a familiar blonde head who seems to be discussing something with Yuji. You don’t know what it’s about, but the boy has a smile across his face. It makes you think, despite how much Nanami may deny it, that he’s truly good with kids. You don’t think you’ve ever really seen Yuji in Nanami’s presence without a smile. Plus, if he can deal with Gojo, he can deal with anything.
“To finally answer your question,” Gojo starts as he leans his shoulder into yours, “he seems a little tense. Thought you could loosen him up.”
The teasing lilt his tone takes on makes you scoff. Despite that, you can see there’s actually truth to his statement. Nanami’s posture seems more rigid than usual and you can tell he’s trying to force himself to relax. A flash of guilt flutters through your chest as you think you know the reason.
You and Nanami haven’t seen each other in a week. You had been on an assignment in Sapporo and you got back last night. Sure, there were calls and texts, but you wanted to be able to see him and he wanted to see you. However, Nanami was busy with exorcizing a curse here in Tokyo. By the time he was done, you were already asleep, exhausted from your own time away. You knew he didn’t want to wake you, so he didn’t come over. Even if he had the spare set of keys to your apartment.
Both you and Gojo stop at the top of the stairs to watch for a moment until a pair of brown eyes catch sight of you. The boy’s smile widens as he waves and calls out, “Gojo-sensei, Y/N-sensei, hi!”
Everyone turns at Yuji’s call to look at you and Gojo. Though, it’s one specific sorcerer’s gaze that really has you smiling as you begin to make your way down the stairs. 
Nanami looks at you as if it’s the first time and you have to hide the way it makes your breath hitch. You’d never hear the end of it if the man beside you caught it.
So, you silently wish that he didn’t have his glasses on so you can see the way his eyes glow in the sunlight as you walk down the stairs. Though, the light smirk spreading his lips is enough for now.
It seems like he’s focused on you and only you. Meanwhile, you don’t miss the teasing glances and whispers the students pass around. You roll your eyes as you know they’re joking about the usually serious, stoic man becoming soft every single time he looks at you. If you were being honest, you’d be joking along with them if you could.
“Hello everyone!” Gojo calls out in response, continuing to the group as you stop in front of Nanami. Yuji had followed Gojo which left the two of you alone.
“Hi, Kento,” you say softly, laying your hands on his chest, his hands coming to your waist as you step up to him. 
He sighs contently, smiling a little bigger before saying, “I thought you had a day off.”
“I did,” you start, bringing one of your hands up to brush away a hair that fell out of place, “but Gojo mentioned something about how a certain grade one sorcerer was a little tense today.”
You let your hands trail to his shoulders, massaging them gently and you realize that he’s even more tense than he looks. Maybe Gojo was right to be concerned.
Though, with your touch, you can instantly feel him relax. 
A remark you overhear that’s followed by a few giggles destroys any and all progress you made. Not only that, but the softness your boyfriend once had is now tainted and you can’t help but sympathize for the man. He had just been able to loosen up until the reminder that you weren’t alone brought reality screaming back.
You glance over Nanami’s shoulder to see the others smirking as they watch the two of you. You lightheartedly shake your head before turning back to Kento.
“How much longer do you have?”
He groans. “Too much.”
You offer him a reassuring smile as you continue to massage his shoulders. Thankfully your efforts have allowed him to loosen up enough that he should be able to make it the rest of the day. It didn’t matter that you would have rathered him come back with you now, he would most likely insist that he sees this through.
So, you bring a hand to cup his jaw as you say, “I’ll leave the door open,” before taking a few steps away. Before you could fully turn to leave, trying to ignore the way Nanami’s bright eyes make you feel, you remember something.
“Satoru, you’re my way home. Get over here.”
When Nanami gets to your apartment, you’re in the shower. You had expected him to be here some time after six. So, since it was five, you assumed it would be a good time to shower before he arrived.
However, you hear the bathroom door open followed by a familiar, “May I join?”
You chuckle at the thought of him asking. The two of you were well beyond that point. You knew it and he knew it. Though, this is a little more teasing as you know that, no matter your answer, he’s going to join you. Not like you would ever say no.
“Of course,” you manage to say before you push the curtain to the side to reveal your boyfriend. He’s leaning against the wall as he unbuttons his shirt. A smile splits his lips when he sees you and you think he works faster with the buttons than before. 
He doesn’t take much longer to join you, pulling you against him by your hips, kissing you as the warm water showers over both of you.
It’s all so sudden but all so welcomed. You desperately had wanted to kiss him at the school and you’re sure he did too. However, with the students and Gojo watching, it wasn’t the time.
So, now, Kento wastes no time as his lips move with yours. His strong arms are moving to hold you close, waiting no longer to deepen the kiss.
The tension from earlier is quickly disappearing and you can’t help but smile. You were right.
“Nanami,” you try to say through the kiss as he shows now signs of stopping. In fact, it seems like he’s hellbent on, not only continuing, but taking it further bad his hands begin to roam. 
“Not my name, love,” he mutters as his lips trail from your to your neck. Your breath hitches as his lips brush a sensitive spot in his trail. 
You smile, one hand coming up to comb your fingers through his now wet hair. “Kento,” you indulge and you can feel how he smiles against your skin, “you should be resting. You were so tense earlier and-“
Before you can finish, his lips swallow anything else you were going to say. 
“This is what I want,” he mumbles into your lips before pulling back so that you can see his warm, chestnut eyes that look at you as if you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. “You are what I want,” he finishes before returning to laving your neck with his lips and tongue. 
You can’t help the way you smile at that. He’s always been like this, clingy after prolonged periods of not seeing each other. It’s almost a tradition, him worshiping your body the second the two of you are alone. You’d bet your life savings that, had you been able to drag him away to an empty classroom or dorm, he would’ve taken you without hesitation. 
Now, though, it guarantees that the two of you are alone and can take as long as you want. You know that’s what he's going to do now. 
“Shall we take this to the bedroom?” you ask as you feel just how much Nanami wants this. You know he would take you right here and now, but, last time, that didn’t end too well and left both of you with a couple of bruises and Nanami with a gash on his forehead. 
Nanami doesn’t say a word. He just turns off the water and guides you to where your towel lay waiting. Though, he doesn’t let you dry off for long before he’s lifting you, hands grasping the back of your thighs as your legs wrap around his waist. With your arms wrapping around his neck, you kiss him while he carefully walks in the direction of your bed. 
He gently sets you down, taking no time at all to start kissing a hot trail down your chest, between your breasts, over your belly button, and down to your thighs but avoiding the area you ache for him the most. 
You can’t help the whine that escapes your lips as both hands shoot to his hair the longer he teases. 
“Kento,” you lightly scold, causing his eyes to meet yours. There’s a smug grin crossing his lips as his dark eyes look into yours without saying a word. There’s a fondness in them that you think you’ll never get tired of whenever in this situation. It sometimes makes you wish you would be sent away more often. 
Thankfully, though, he’s not making you wait much longer when his tongue licks it’s way from your entrance, all the way up until it just barely flicks your clit. He does this again, and again, and again, and again until you’re writhing and pleading for him to stop the teasing and give you relief. 
It isn’t until you plead, “Kento, please,” that he groans and dives in, lapping at you like a man starved. 
That being said, no matter how invested he is in tasting you, he doesn’t take long to get you to the point where you're nearly screaming in pleasure. He knows everything there is, the best ways to tease you, how to make you writhe, but especially how to make you scream his name as he sucks your clit into his mouth. 
He knows the best ways to edge you, the ways to make you cum in mere seconds, the ways that make your highs feel the strongest. 
By the way he finally slips one and then another finger into your aching cunt, you find you’re not sure which way Nanami wants to go tonight. You know that, once he’s down down there, he won’t let you do the same for him and the thrusts will be deep and slow and loving. Now, though, is the one time where he will do anything and usually has a plan. Today, you notice he must not because he seems to be going for different outcomes all at the same time. 
Your thoughts are cut off as he sucks your clit particularly sharply, almost bringing you to the high he’s bringing on. 
Nanami’s eyes peer up at you just before your head presses into the mattress. You feel him smile as his fingers speed up and his mouth only pays attention to your clit. Before you know it, your screaming his name into the room as your fingers clench in his hair. His groan vibrates into you and you find your hips bucking up at the sensation. 
Kento chuckles as he leans back, slowly dragging his fingers out of you before licking them clean. “You always taste so good,” he mutters before crawling over you. 
This look of his, his lips and chin glistening with you, his hair mussed up from your fingers, the dark but loving gaze he gives you as his fingers curl into the flesh of your hip, it’s one that you always find so endearing no matter how lewd it is. It’s a constant reminder that he is yours and you are his and you’d have it no other way. 
“Such a good girl,” he says quietly, one of his hands brushing hair from your face as he smiles. You smile before pulling him down to kiss you. “Always… love hearing… you yell my name like that,” he says between kisses. 
“‘S so everyone knows I’m yours.”
That causes him to kiss you just a little bit deeper as his free hand moves between your bodies. He lines himself up with your entrance, eyes never leaving yours as he tilts his head to the side. “Should we continue that theme? Or shall we continue the tradition?”
“Well, you are a man of tradition, are you not?“
He ponders for a moment, leaning in to press a kiss to your jaw. “Sometimes a tradition can be broken,” he whispers into your ear, hot breath fanning down your neck. 
You chuckle. “To think that, just a few hours ago, you were so tense that I thought you’d become a statue.”
“To think that just merely seeing you gave me the motivation and energy to get to the moment.”
You smile before directing his head so your lips could meet. Yes, the two of you don’t always have soft sensual sex, but that’s what it was always like when being reunited. This was the first time he’s ever thought of breaking that tradition and you weren’t really sure which you wanted.
Even though you never answered him, Nanami starts to press into you, stretching you wonderfully. Maybe he’s doing this to elicit an answer from you as you moan from the feeling. Your hands grip his biceps tightly as he works himself fully into you. 
Once his hips are flush with yours, he leans over you, one hand coming to squeeze your breast, fingers rolling your nipple while his mouth works on the other. Your chest arches into the touch which causes Nanami to groan at the shift. You can feel the way his cock twitches inside you and you realize he’s not going to make a single move until he gets his answer. 
“I need you, Kento,” you whine as your hands come to gently tug at his still damp hair.
“Tell me how, baby,” he mutters as he trails his lips from your breast to your collarbone and shoulders. “I need to know. Otherwise I’ll be quite content warming my cock for the rest of the night,” he teases. 
You playfully slap his shoulder, causing him to chuckle as he sucks a mark on your collarbone. Right then is when you realize he’s showing you what you could have with either option.
One, there’s the soft side. Gentle kisses with long, slow thrusts that could last for blissful hours. His worshiping would be accompanied by sweet whispers and light and intoxicating touches that lead to a wonderful climax. 
Or two, a slightly rougher approach where he sucks these marks into your skin. His fingers will dig into your thighs, possibly leaving marks as he goes with a rougher pace. It would lead to him circling your clit, not satisfied to let himself finish until you’ve cum at least twice. It would be accompanied by showered praise as he makes you speechless and reduces you to pants, moans and cries of his name. 
Usually, you would want to stay with the usual. Right now, though, not only does the new option arouse you a lot more, but you can see the way the prospect drives Kento to have a certain glint in his eyes. It doesn’t matter if he’s tired, he would give you anything you want and you can see that it could work out more tension and frustration than your usual. 
So, you pull his head from where he’s kissing along your shoulder so that he can look at you. You lean up, letting your lips just barely graze his ear as you whisper, “Shall we break tradition, then?”
You feel how he shivers from your words before kissing you with force. It caught you off guard for a moment until you melt into it. One hand cards through his hair while the other grips at his muscular back, tugging him down to be as close as possible. 
One of his hands grips at your thigh while the other rests by your head. It isn‘t until you begin to whine and wriggle, trying to get any sensation from the man who’s currently content with staying still, that he’s groaning from the sensations and pressing the shallowest thrust to make you stop. 
“Someone’s impatient today,” he teases, pressing his fingers sharply into your thigh. 
“Says the man who was too impatient for me to finish my shower,” you retort, smiling when he pulls back to look at you. 
His chestnut eyes are beautiful as he smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling adorably. 
The moment, despite the mood, turns soft as you brush a loose strand of his hair away from his forehead. He turns his head to press a light kiss to your wrist, eyes never leaving yours. Your chest warms with just how much you love the man that’s hovering above you. By the way he looks at you now, you think he may just be thinking the same thing as he moves to press one of the softest kisses to your lips. 
“Kento,” you say into the kiss, refusing to part completely, “need you to move. Please.”
His lips curl into a smile as he continues to kiss you. “Anything for you, my dear,” he says before finally dragging his hips back before snapping them back, causing you to whine at how good it feels. 
With the moment you had, you were almost tricked into thinking that he was going to revert back to the usual. However, as he continues to do these long pulls and quick snaps; with the way his fingers are once again digging into your hip, you know that that isn’t the case. 
This continues on for a while longer, causing your moans to grow with each snap of his hips. Though, with the way he hikes your one leg around his waist, you know it’s not going to last like this. 
With one more thrust like this, you find that you’re right. Nanami is leaning over you as his pace picks up, the tip of his cock brushing that spot deep inside of you so wonderfully. 
His head dips to your neck, laving it with attention while you feel the hand that was once on your hip trail between your bodies. Before you know it, he has you arching into him as his thumb circles your clit while his hand presses down. 
It allows you to feel him so much better than before. The sensation has you approaching your high much quicker than you thought as you feel it so tight that it could snap at any second. 
However, as Nanami brings his lips to graze your ear, you swear that his voice as he whispered a, “Good girl,” into your ear was what made you cry out his name as the coil in you snapped. 
You feel the way he smiles against your ear as he continues his steady pace, pressing a kiss to the area of skin just below your ear. He knows what he does to you, and his deep, low, sensual voice doesn’t help when you’re wound up this way. 
Your fingers are curling tightly against his back as he sucks another mark on your neck. His pace picks up a bit, thrusts a little sharper, as he refuses to let you have any sort of reprieve. The most you get is him pulling his hand away, your swollen, sensitive clit getting a break as he licks your juices from his fingers. 
“Mm, you always taste so good,” he breathes out, breath hitching as you press a kiss to his Adam’s apple. 
“Always for you,” you mutter as you give his neck and collarbone the attention he did for you. The groan he lets out vibrates against you as his chest presses down more. You can’t help but smile as he buries his face into your shoulder as you continue your attentions. It makes it even better when you feel how his hips falter when your lips press certain spots. 
He groans with a shiver as one of your hands slide down his back, your nails digging into the skin as one sharp roll of his hips nails the spot inside you. 
“I missed this,” he mutters, nudging your head away with his own so that he can rest his forehead against yours. 
You chuckle. “It was only a week, Kento,” you tease lightly. 
“Doesn’t matter,” he says before kissing you and bringing his hand back to your clit. 
You moan into his mouth, fingers digging into his back again as he makes a small adjustment. An adjustment, you might add, that told you that he wasn’t going to let you for a lot longer than you originally thought. 
Nanami doesn’t spill into you when he makes you cum a second time. No, he doesn’t show any signs of finishing until you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve tightened up around him. That exhaustion you saw on him earlier is non-existent as you’re sure you’ve been at it for at least an hour and a half. Instead, it seems as if he only just continues to get more energy every time you call out his name while your walls clench around his cock. 
It isn’t until you’re begging him for a reprieve from all of this that he smiles before his hips stutter. He’s spilling into you with a heavy groan as he praises you about how good you were for him, his fingers releasing their tight grip on your ass as your leg drops from his waist. 
He doesn’t pull out, not right away. Instead, he stays there, leaning down against you just a little more. You don’t care how hot both of your bodies are, sticking together with sweat. The feeling of him on top of you is one you’ll never grow tired of and you end up pulling more of his weight onto you. 
“I believe I owe you a shower,” Nanami huffs into your ear with a chuckle. 
You giggle in turn, your fingers curling through his hair as he presses light, sweet kisses to your neck and shoulder.
“As long as you’ll actually rest afterwards.”
“If it’s in your arms, then I will.”
You laugh as you roll your eyes. This man, one who’s usually such a realist, is more clingy than you ever thought. If you told anyone, they would never believe you. Yet, you love the way it’s like your little secret. 
“I love you,” he mumbles into your skin, burying his face in your neck. 
The smile on your face grows as you manage to kiss the side of his head. “I love you too, Kento.”
So, as you lay there for a few minutes longer, aching wonderfully, you trace your hand over his shoulders. Any and all tension is gone as he continues to relax further against you. His breathing is steady as he hides in the crook of your neck. You smile, glad that there’s no more need to worry. The two of you are here together and you will be until you both have to work tomorrow. Even then, you’ll be able to keep a close eye on him. 
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 || helmut zemo, bucky barnes and sam wilson x reader
(this is a sequel to 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭-𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞, I recommend reading that first although it’s not 100% necessary... it would make this make a lot more sense though)
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : it was just a matter of time before he upped the ante, all four of you knew that, but taking you all on a vacation specifically for this was a bit over-the-top.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 7.9k (hoo boy)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : smut (foursome/group sex + a scene that’s just zemo/reader, cockwarming, d/s dynamics, brief oral f receiving, a touch of dubcon/cnc but it’s very subtle and the reader is 100% consenting), established zemo x reader, sugar daddy relationship, ‘sir’ kink (with zemo), ‘daddy’ kink (with sam), orgasm control/denial, overstimulation, creampie, praise with light degradation, possessiveness (but also sharing, lol), exhibitionism/voyeurism, choking, brief anal mention, once again technically cuckolding but not in the typical sense, slight corruption kink?, too many robes, latin sokovian (or as I like to call it, serbukromanian), also assume that whenever the reader and zemo are alone they are speaking sokovian even though I write the convos in english for the sake of simplicity
thank you for being my beta @nsfwsebbie​ !!
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                   When your Baron told you he wanted to take you on a vacation, you immediately assumed it would be to the mountains or some European city full of history and culture.  Instead, you were a bit surprised to hear he was interested in a beach resort, a private villa he had purchased in French Polynesia.
And then you found out he wanted to bring Sam and Bucky along too… and you were simultaneously more and less surprised.  More, because who brings tentative coworkers one barely gets along with on a romantic vacation?  Less, because of course he would do this.  Of course he had plans to dress you up in the tiniest bikinis he could find and show you off to the men who had already become pawns in his perverted game of social chess.
Not that you minded; you were the Queen of the board and it didn’t bother you if it was what the King wanted.
You spent the first night in the villa alone with him, which you appreciated.  It had been a while since you two had some real quality time together, and you were craving him more than ever, in every way.
After a beautiful day spent swimming in the crystal blue ocean and enjoying the sights your new temporary home had to offer, you took a shower and tried not to get too excited about how you might be spending the evening with him.  But, of course, you were only a few minutes into washing the saltwater off your body when you began to imagine his tongue on you, god that man could use his tongue to destroy you any way he wanted: with his words, with his kisses, or perhaps best of all with it tasting every inch of your cunt.  It was amazing how he could get on his knees for you and still have all the power.  He liked to make you keep eye contact with him while he did it, make you beg him to let you come, whatever it took to remind you that you were thoroughly and properly owned.
And you loved every second of it, you loved being helpless to him.  He made you feel so safe that being vulnerable with him by now felt like no risk at all.  You could remember early on when your fears and insecurities made you more hesitant to submit to him, and it was only with gentle patience that he coaxed you into it, never pressure or anger.  You weren’t a virgin when you met him but, sometimes it felt like you might as well have been since you were so inexperienced and undersexed then.  In fact, he was the first man, the first person other than yourself to make you come… and he made you come more ways than you had known possible.
Okay, so maybe the plan to not get your hopes up wasn’t going so well… you were already struggling to keep your hands from between your legs. Frankly, you would’ve already done it if you didn’t know that touching yourself was against the rules.
You’d gotten so used to taking care of yourself while he was in prison, at which point he obviously suspended that rule, and it was a hard habit to break at times.
You emerged from the bathroom in the fluffy robe you found on the door, smiling when you saw him lounging on the bed in a matching one, reading Анна Каренина (known by the West as Anna Karenina).  He looked contemplative, as always, and you always thought he looked especially sexy in his reading glasses.  You slipped into the bed beside him, resting your head on his chest as he found a position where he could read comfortably with his arm around your shoulders.
“You must’ve already read that book a thousand times, Helmut,” you sighed.
“And it gets better every time,” he mumbled back, turning the page.
You pouted slightly, nuzzling into his shoulder, and he chuckled.  “Is my little lutka in need of some attention?”
You nodded, and he kissed the top of your head softly.  
“Why don’t you keep me warm while I finish this chapter, hm?” he offered, and you involuntarily clenched your thighs together at his words.  He phrased it like a question, but it felt more like a gentle demand, and you were happy to agree either way.
“Yes, sir,” you hummed as you sat up and straddled his legs, undoing your robe and opening his to wrap your hand around his half-hard cock.
He reached his full potential with only a few slow strokes, and you found yourself absent-mindedly licking your lips as you saw the way your fingers just barely met with your thumb and imagined how your body would be pushed to its limits to take him.  Good thing you were already dripping wet even though you’d just been in the shower.
You indulged in rubbing your pussy over his shaft for a moment, enough to coat him in your wetness, before you lined up his tip to your entrance and sunk down onto him with a sigh, feeling like you could never tire of being stretched open by his thick cock.  
When your hips met his, and the tip of his cock brushed against the deepest parts of you, you had to bite your lip to suppress a whimper.  After so long apart, you were still readjusting to taking him and being on top didn’t make it much easier.
Honestly, you really weren’t trying to move; you just found your hips rocking slightly, seemingly of their own accord.  You moaned under your breath as your clit rubbed against his body, but you were pulled from your trance with a whine as he slapped your thigh.
“No moving, draga, I think I made myself clear,” he reminded you sternly.
“Yes, sir,” you breathed.
You were pretty sure that at some point, you were a patient person. But you couldn’t imagine that now, not when all you could think about was how amazing it would be to just ride him right there, memories running through your mind and making your inner walls ripple unintentionally.  He either couldn’t feel it or didn’t care, stoically continuing to read even as you were struggling to stay still.
Your plan was to be good for a while and then hope that you could convince him later… but you know what they say about best-laid plans, so you ended up cutting straight to the convincing pretty fast.
“Can I move yet, sir?”
“It’s hardly been a minute,” he frowned.
“Please,” you sighed, just barely moving your hips without even meaning to.
“Not yet,” he asserted, sounding a bit annoyed, but you needed this more than anything.
"Please let me move, please; I just wanna ride you so bad,” you begged.
He sighed, clearly irritated, and just when you thought you’d made a grave error, he finally put his book aside and looked up at you with a grin.  "If I had known you would be so whiny, I would have had you keep me warm with your mouth.”
You opened your mouth to respond but let out only whimpery moans when he ran his hands up your body, toying briefly with your nipples before wrapping a hand around your neck and pulling you down into a rough kiss.  Moaning into it, you couldn’t hold back any longer and started to rock your body atop his, savoring that perfect drag of his length along your walls that you’d missed so much.
Before you got a chance to really set your pace, he grabbed you tight and rolled the both of you over, pinning you under his weight as he fucked you in that way that was somehow rough and slow at the same time, moving his kiss to your neck and holding you down by your wrists.
“Fuck, th-thank you, sir,” you sighed, your cheeks warming when he chuckled against your skin.
“You really are too sweet, draga,” he whispered.
Your arms wrapped around his neck while your legs did the same to his hips, keeping him deep inside you while his lips and tongue teased your collarbones, his fingers interlacing with yours.
He spent the entire night somewhere between making love to you and fucking you within an inch of your life, making you come more times than you could count, only taking breaks from fucking you to eat you out like a starving man (and one time for a quick drink sometime around 3 a.m.).  It was no wonder, then, that you passed out just a few moments after he finally came inside you, sleeping soundly in his arms until well into the morning, nearly noon in fact, when the sun was streaming in through the massive window.
After a relaxed breakfast of champagne and fruit (the native pamplemousse was unlike anything you’d ever eaten before), Helmut encouraged you to shower again and meet him at the pool, which was a bit surprising since he normally liked to have you keep his come in you as long as possible.  “Our guests should be here this afternoon,” was his only explanation, and you had a few ideas about what that meant, all of which made your gut sink in an oddly pleasurable way as you were filled with anticipation.
“Wear that bathing suit I bought for you, the new one,” he added finally as he stepped out onto the back patio.
It might seem silly to have a pool on a property right by the beach, but on days like today, where the ocean water was just a bit too chilly, you were thankful to have the heated pool to take a dip in.  Honestly, you were a little surprised that Helmut didn’t make you swim in the ocean to see your nipples get hard through the tight black bikini, but then again, they were already getting there just from sharing a pool chair with him.
He was lying against the cushioned chair; your body sat between his spread legs as the back of your head rested on his chest.  And, this is entirely unrelated, but you really liked how he looked in the round sunglasses he had on.
You hummed contentedly as you reached up behind you to touch him, rubbing his shoulders and pecs.  You wiggled a bit, slowly, and imagined how it would feel if he got hard right against the small of your back.
"Mm, what's gotten into you, lutka?" he purred, rubbing your arms.
You rolled your eyes playfully.  "You know the effect you have on me, don't act surprised."
Just before anything exciting could happen, Sam and James entered through the fence, apparently already having changed into their swimsuits; you wished you had thought to wear sunglasses so they couldn’t catch you ogling their muscular bodies, but instead, you just tried to keep your cool as you waved hello.
“Welcome!” Helmut called out, both of you getting up to greet them properly.  “I hope your flight was alright…?”
“Yeah, it was great,” Sam nodded, “thanks.”
“You really own this whole place?” James added, glancing around.
“Yes, would you like to have a swim?  I hear it should be warm enough tomorrow for the ocean, but until then…” Helmut trailed off.
Sam went right ahead, diving in and smiling wide when he popped back up.  That man had such an infectious smile, you thought he should charge people to see it or something because you felt spoiled seeing it for free.
James jumped in behind him but seemed a little surprised when he returned to the surface to see you back in your chair with Helmut.  “Care to join us?” he asked you.
“Um, no, I already swam a bit this morning,” you remembered, suddenly shy, “I think I’ll stay by the pool a while longer.”
“Aw, I was looking forward to getting to know you better,” he pouted, and everyone else raised an eyebrow at that statement.  “Um, verbally, I mean,” he added, cheeks flushing slightly.
“What would you want to know?” you asked, sighing as you relaxed against Helmut’s chest.
“Well, what’s your story?” he shrugged, swimming up the edge of the pool to hang his arms over the edge.
“I… suppose it’s a rather short story,” you realized, “I was born in Sokovia, but my parents were immigrants.  I was a bit of an ugly duckling as a child, I think.”
“You look like quite the swan now,” James winked, and you hoped Helmut wouldn’t notice how much that affected you.  
“Oh, thank you,” you mumbled.
“Which reminds me, that’s a cute bikini you have on,” he complimented.
“Do you like it?” you hummed coyly.  “Helmut picked it out.”
“Why don’t you give them a better look, darling?” Helmut prompted, and Sam swam up to hang over the edge too as you stood up and fought the urge to cover yourself with your arms.  The Baron motioned his finger in a circle, silently instructing you to twirl so they could see the back, and you did though you felt a bit self-conscious about it.  Finally, once you were sure they’d had an eyeful, he let you sit back down in his lap.
“Cute, isn’t it?” he cooed as his fingers travelled slowly up your sides.  “It’s Chanel.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Sam dismissed, unlatching himself from the edge of the pool and falling into a backstroke.  “This is weird.  I just wanna swim.”
“You didn’t think this was seriously a free vacation, no strings attached, did you?” James shot back, getting up out of the pool and shaking some of the water off of himself before sitting down in the chair beside you two and letting his eyes wander over you.  “So, Chanel, huh?” he prompted, and you nodded.
“Helmut says I should only wear the nicest things,” you explained, sitting up slightly.
“Why does it matter?  You’d look beautiful in anything,” James cooed, and you felt a little dirty for how much you liked his attention.  Good thing you liked feeling dirty.
“And a rare wagyu steak would taste just as good served any way, but you wouldn’t put it on a paper plate, now would you?” Helmut countered.  “Well, maybe you would…”
James rolled his eyes but brushed off Helmut’s insult, returning his attention to you.  “I guess I’m just… hungry enough that it doesn’t make much of a difference.”
You reached up to trace your fingertip over the silver chain dangling off of his neck, biting your lip as you hooked your finger around it and pulled him closer.  “Are you hungry enough that you don’t mind that it’s another man’s meal?”
His blue eyes went wide for a moment before glancing down to your lips and back up to your unwavering gaze, your brow raised as if a challenge while his furrowed as if he were considering accepting it.
“If he’s willing to share…” James whispered back.
“Then kiss me,” you requested softly, pulling him closer by his dog tags one more time until your lips met.
The way James kissed you was… difficult to describe.  Gentle, but with this edge of intensity— like he was restraining himself, like there was so much more passion teeming beneath the surface.  You wanted to bring that out if you could; you wanted to see how far you could push him until he lost it.
As James carefully ventured his tongue into your mouth, only to pull back and nip your bottom lip with his teeth, Helmut kissed you too— on the back of your neck, that spot that always made you wet and desperate right away.  You moaned, and you couldn’t be sure exactly who it was for, but James sure decided to respond to it either way, tilting his head more to let his kiss explore you deeper.
Helmut’s teeth dug into your shoulder right as James nipped at your bottom lip like they had somehow explicitly coordinated to make you desperate; your right hand reached up to weave into James’ hair, your left squeezing Helmut’s wrist at your side.
The kiss ended just a moment too soon, and there was a delay before you blinked your eyes open to look back at James, who seemed quite proud of himself.
“Touch me,” you pleaded in a whimper.
“Where?” he asked, somewhat innocently.
“Y-you know where…” you mumbled.  
He grinned wide, all trance of innocence gone.  “I know, but I want you to say it.”
“My cunt,” you whispered, and he snarled just a bit at the word.  “Please?”
“Of course, which one do you want?” James prompted with a grin, showing you his hands as your eyes instantly gravitated to the metal one.
“I think you know which I’m going to choose,” you mumbled shyly, and he smirked as he reached forward with the vibranium arm to brush his fingertips over your stomach, moving down to the top hemline of your bikini bottom.
You just barely gasped when the metal digits swiped over your clit and began to rub gentle circles, almost too slow as if he wanted to tease you… which, of course, he did.
"Do you like the way he touches you, draga?" Helmut whispered.  His voice in your ear was like honey on your tongue, like honey everywhere.
"Yes, sir," you nodded, looking down at James' hand buried into your bikini.
"Hey, tell me you like it, too," James protested, "I'm the one doing it after all."
"I like it, James," you repeated, looking up at him.  "I… don't have a title for you.  Should I call you something when you touch me like this?"
"You can just call me Bucky from now on, okay?  I think we're well past close enough now for that."
"Okay, Bucky," you sighed, watching the way his jaw clenched when you called him by name, "please put your fingers inside me."
"Yes, please," you breathed.
"But my fingers are thick, they're hard metal, and you're so small and delicate…"
"I want them to stretch me out, just please—"
A loud moan of shock jumped out of your mouth when he pushed the fingers in all at once, and though it reawakened some of the soreness from when Helmut had fucked you the night before, it felt wonderful enough to make your back arch up from the strong body behind you, his erection now digging into your hip.
It was certainly loud enough to get Sam's attention, who suddenly appeared beside the chair while he towelled off his chiselled chest.
"Damn, what are y'all doing to her over here?" he wondered aloud as if he were concerned for your health.
"Just playing with Zemo's little doll," Bucky answered.  "She's really fucking tight, can barely fit two fingers."
"Wait, move over, let me see," Sam insisted, making Bucky pull his fingers out and Helmut holding you more firmly as Sam slipped his hand into your bikini as well, poking his fingers at your entrance before pushing them in.
His fingers were even thicker and longer than Bucky's, just by a slight margin yet enough to make you mewl and arch your back as your eyes fluttered shut.
"Fuck, yeah, you were right," Sam breathed, and you felt more hands running over your body but you couldn't even tell anymore whose they were; you knew one that reached to pull up your bikini top and expose your breasts was Helmut's, because only he would be so bold, but the fingers teasing your nipples, the rough palm running up your legs… they could've belonged to anyone, and that realization made your clit throb.
"Okay, okay, that's enough. I was here first," Bucky mumbled as you felt Sam's fingers slip out and the metal ones push back in— not to mention the thumb reaching up to circle your clit slowly.
He wasn't just exploring you this time; you could tell he had a mission.  The way he instantly curled into your spot, the way he moved quickly yet deliberately, all made your thighs begin to quiver.
Helmut kissed your ear, gently tilting your head to access your neck better where he began to suck hard enough to leave a mark, mumbling something in Sokovian about how good you were being for him and his guests.
You loved being good, and the praise made your hips lift a little so you could rock yourself onto Bucky's fingers; the three men chuckled proudly.
"Feels that good?" Bucky pressed, and you nodded quickly.
He fingered you even faster, harder, and you cried out.
"Ohhh fuck, Bucky!" you gasped.  "Bucky, I'm gonna come!"
"Oh no, you're not," Helmut groaned, giving you a quick spank on the inner thigh as you whined and jolted.  "James, take your fingers out."
"Do I have to?"
"You do if you want a chance to fill her with more than just your fingers…"
That worked right away, Bucky pulling back as you pouted at being empty again.
“Let’s take her inside, and we can continue this there,” Helmut suggested, and Bucky lifted you up into his arms as the Baron led the group back to the master suite.
The convenient thing about bathing suits is that it takes so little time to get naked, which is why the second the patio door was shut, Bucky and Sam were stripping as their hard cocks bobbed up against their stomachs.  As if that weren’t overwhelming enough, Helmut stepped away for a moment (which left you feeling more alone than usual) just as the men began to help you strip; Sam untied the back of your bikini while Bucky knelt and pulled down the bottoms, leaving you feeling exposed as you were totally bare before them.  Bucky smiled up at you and kissed along your thighs while Sam grabbed a handful of your ass and growled a bit under his breath.
When you looked over at Helmut, you saw he had actually dressed in his robe rather than stripping, nearly making you whine with disappointment.  But you couldn’t focus on that long as hands moved all over your skin, both of them still just slightly wet from the pool, and you shivered for both of those reasons.
You gasped when Bucky suddenly licked a thick stripe right over your folds, and if it weren’t for Sam’s arms holding you up, you might not have been able to stay standing.
Looking down at where Bucky was devouring you, he looked back up at you with a lot less dominating intensity in his eyes than you were used to seeing.  Not that you minded; after all, no one could do what Helmut did as well as he could, but maybe Bucky could do something different, and it would be just as enjoyable.  His tongue lapping at your clit was certainly wonderful so far.
Sam guided one of your hands back behind you to stroke his cock, your mouth falling slack, which he took advantage of by turning your face and capturing you in an open-mouthed kiss.  You heard your moans stifle against his tongue, felt his cock flex a bit as you smeared the precum you found at his tip.
“I think that’s enough for now,” Helmut interrupted, and everyone turned to look at him.  “Darling, come here,” he instructed with a curled finger that pointed to the bed, “hands and knees.”
You nodded and pushed the other men away, taking your place on the bed and looking up at him as he held your jaw gently.
"How long has it been since you had another man inside you, lutka?" he asked lowly.
"I can't even remember,” you admitted, “it's been so long…"
“Are you willing to try it?” he asked gently, no hint of domination or pressure in his tone, and you found yourself searching his eyes for the right answer.
“What do you want?” you asked him instead of answering.
“Draga, I’m asking what you want,” he reminded you, but you were afraid he would be hurt if you showed interest in the other men.  Sure, previous evidence indicated that wasn’t an issue for him, but your gut instinct was to deny your attraction.  So, you compromised. 
“All I want is you,” you answered first, “but…”
“But is it awful if… if I want them to fuck me, too?”
He smiled, kissing your forehead.  “No, I don’t think so.  Only as awful as it is that I want to watch them fuck you.”
You looked up at him and smiled back, brimming with gratitude that he was so gentle with you.  It was fascinating how he wielded complete control over you and yet never used it against you.
“I have one rule, draga,” he added firmly, “you cannot come for them.  You only come for me.  Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And stay on your hands and knees, so I can always get a good look at you, yes?”
“Yes, sir.”
He kissed you one more time before pulling away and sitting back in the chair in the corner with his ankle over his knee, looking at Sam and Bucky expectantly.  Every chair he sat in seemed to look like a throne as soon as he was in it.
“Well, get on with it, then,” he instructed, motioning to you.  The men looked at you and looked at each other before some kind of silent agreement took place and Bucky stepped up first.  Sam sat down to watch you as you felt Bucky stand near the bed behind you, flesh and metal fingers running over your back until you shivered.
Then he pressed his cock against you, coating himself in your wetness, and that made you shiver, too.
You braced yourself as he lined himself up, whimpering slightly as he pushed his cock into you as well as hearing him moan lowly.  The hand at your waist tightened as he hissed in a breath through his teeth.
"Fuck," he breathed, holding you still so he could fill you completely.  “S’tight…” he slurred.
“How does it feel for you?” Helmut asked you, raising an eyebrow as he examined your expression, your mouth fallen slack, yet your brow furrowed.
“It feels… different,” you stammered your answer.  You gasped loudly as Bucky started to move, and yes, this was very different.  His cock was curved differently and though it didn’t exactly reach any new parts of you (you were sure Helmut had already touched every part of you physically accessible), it did stroke them in new ways.  
He gained speed rather quickly, clearly too on edge himself to stay patient, and you didn’t blame him although it sent you moving faster toward the edge than you would’ve liked.  At first you wondered if it would even be a challenge to keep from coming like Helmut had demanded… you chided yourself internally for ever being so hubristic.
His legs pushed yours apart, spreading them wider, and he began to really fuck you in earnest, fast and needy and each slam of his hips against your ass harder than ever.  “O-oh fuck,” you choked, forcing your eyes shut and scrunching up your nose for a second when he slammed the tip of his cock right into the deepest spots inside you.  This position left you with nowhere to go, put your whole body on display for him along with giving you no escape from his onslaught of pleasure.  Worst of all was that you were pretty sure he wasn’t even trying that hard to make you feel good, and yet feeling used like that only turned you on more.
"Bucky, please, slow down," you whimpered.
"Absolutely do not do that," Helmut interjected sternly.  "Don't let her tell you what to do."
And, possibly just to spite you, he actually fucked you faster.  You sobbed and bit down on your lip, fighting everything building up inside you.
“You’d better not come,” Helmut warned through his teeth, “you’d better not fucking come.  You know how bad it would be for you if you came for another man.”
“Y-yes, sir,” you nodded.
But Bucky was slamming right into your spot, and he knew it, too. He knew how desperate you were becoming, and apparently, he didn’t mind at all that you’d be punished for it.  He leaned down to growl against your ear, “I know how close you are.  Don’t you think it’d feel so good to just let go and come on my cock?”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks as the force it took to hold back your orgasm became painful.  “No, it would only feel good to come for Helmut…”
“C’mon baby, just stop fighting it and come for me,” Bucky taunted, “squeeze me tight with that sweet little pussy; I know you need to so bad.”
He wasn’t wrong, but you blinked with teary eyes up at Helmut and wanted nothing more than to please him and make him proud of you.  “Please, m-make him stop,” you begged, “I won’t be able to hold back anymore…”
“He’s not going to stop until he comes, lutka, and you need to stay strong,” he explained, his voice soothing you slightly.  “You need to be my good girl.  Can you do that?”
“Yes, sir,” you whispered.
Bucky held your hips tight as he pulled your body back onto his cock, and you forced your eyes shut to try to focus on not coming.  No other man had made you come in your life but Helmut, and you had no intentions of breaking that streak.
“Think you can make me come before I make you come?” Bucky challenged.
“I have to,” you answered breathlessly.  “And I want you to come… I wanna make you come so bad, Bucky, please…”
“Mhmm?” he encouraged.
“Please, I want it, please come for me,” you whimpered.
“Fuck, I will,” he promised darkly, fucking you even harder.
Helmut interjected a brief instruction: “Pull out.” 
Bucky nodded a little, breathing heavily as you felt his cock throb slightly, especially at the base where each movement stretched you out even more.  It was so beautifully erotic and you were tensing every muscle inside you to try not to come, which helped speed him up quite a bit since you were gripping him so tight.
“Fuck,” Bucky grunted, “fuck!” 
He pulled out and instantly painted your back with a roar, sliding his cock over your ass as he pumped stream after stream of come onto you.  You sighed happily, satisfied that you had managed to stave off orgasm with perhaps only a few seconds to spare— you’d never been so happy to make someone come before because this time it brought relief that you had done well for your Baron.
Then again, you always felt that way when you made the man himself come, but this was different because you had been moments away from failing him.
Speaking of the Baron, he stared down at you proudly the whole time, kneeling down slightly to swipe his finger through the cooling spend on your back and bring it to your open lips.  “Mm, you really are my perfect little girl,” he mumbled as you sucked his finger diligently.  But he turned his attention away from you to call out across the room, “Sam!  It’s your turn.”
Your eyes went wide.  “W-wait, Helmut, I’ll come!”
“No, you won’t,” he hissed, eyes darkening again, “because I told you not to.”
And Sam was already behind you, taking Bucky’s place who had already cleaned himself up a bit and returned to his seat, letting the Baron pour him a drink which he gulped down in one go.
When Sam pushed into the end of you, your natural instinct was to arch your back up to try to keep him from going too deep, but he growled and pushed your back down again with a strong hand that made you feel so small for a moment.  “No, baby, no running away… you’re gonna take it all.”
“Yes, daddy,” you breathed, yelping a little when he roughly shoved in that last inch.
From then on, he went much harder on you than Bucky had, spanking you and gripping your ass while he fucked you, and the most embarrassing part was how much harder it made it to keep from coming.  It was clear that he realized making you come would give him power over everyone else in the room for different reasons, and he was determined to gain that power.
“Does he fuck you this good, huh?” he groaned.  
“He fucks me better,” you shot back right away, making Helmut chuckle slightly.
“If your plan is to make her switch allegiances, you’ll have to do better than that,” Helmut taunted, and Sam doubled his efforts as one hand pinched your clit and the other groped your breast.  You almost lost it right there but managed to pull yourself together, your whole body shaking with the effort to keep the pleasure at bay.
“Well, if he can fuck you better then why doesn’t he?” Sam continued his leading questions, even though you could barely keep up a conversation at this point.  “Why does he keep pimping you out to us if he’s fucking you right all on his own?”
“Don’t you understand?” you breathed, your head falling down onto the bed as you were almost able to look back enough to see his face.  “This is my punishment.  He knows I don’t want anyone else; that’s why you’re here.”
Sam smiled, perhaps in pity, and yet you honestly had to close your eyes because his smile was so lovely that it could’ve brought an end to your restraint.  “Poor thing, he’s really got you whipped.  I… still can’t believe I’m doing this, but you feel too good to stop now.”
He yanked your head back by your hair for emphasis, making you yelp as he fucked you brutally.  Your toes curled and your fingers dug into the sheets, and you had to close your eyes because the way Helmut was staring at you made this all much too difficult.  Maybe it was just that he didn’t seem jealous at all, or angry; but he didn’t seem like he was getting any excess pleasure out of this, either.  It was… almost neutral, but something burned behind his eyes brighter than maybe you’d ever seen it, his legs crossed and his fingers interlaced as he waited for you to either hold or break.
With the top half of your body fallen limply onto the bed, you reached out above your head and felt Helmut’s hand grab yours, squeezing slightly, and it helped keep you grounded as you held his fingers.
“Oh fuck, ‘m gonna come,” Sam groaned out his warning, “gonna cover this pretty ass in my come, you want that?”
“Yes, please,” you shuddered. 
“Keep begging for it,” he demanded, rushing his words as you felt his cock start to throb against your walls with his impending orgasm.  
“Please come, please come, please come on me, Sam, please,” you chanted, over and over, struggling not to come and hoping that if you could speed him up, then you could make it.
He grunted through his teeth as hot ropes of seed covered your ass; though your body was left wanting, dangling on the edge so close to your release, your mind was satisfied that you had managed to follow your Baron’s rules.
Sam stepped back to admire his work, finding another spare robe to cover himself with as he rejoined the other men across the room.
“Would you like a drink as well?” Helmut offered to Sam, unfortunately letting go of your hand in the process.  Sam was still catching his breath, running his hands over his short hair as if he was processing everything.
“No, but are those cigars up for grabs?” Sam replied, pointing to the ornate box propped open, and Helmut nodded.
“Of course; what’s mine is yours,” he answered, presenting the box and lighter to him.
“Yeah, you can say that again,” Sam added flatly, the three of them all looking at where you were sitting, covered in come and waiting patiently for your next command.
Just as you feared they’d all have their cigars and whiskey and ignore you completely, your Baron knelt down to look at you face-to-face, smiling proudly.
“You did so good for me, darling,” he cooed, and your insides clenched as if you could come just from hearing that.  “You don't think I'm horribly cruel, do you?"
"No, sir," you smiled weakly.
“I’ll be right back,” he promised with a kiss to the tip of your nose as he stepped away to the master bathroom.  
You glanced at the other men— Bucky with his crystal glass of whiskey, Sam puffing at the cigar stoically— and wondered what, if anything, you could possibly say.
“So, how’s your weekend been so far?” Sam asked you plainly, breaking the silence.
“It’s only Friday night,” you realized, sighing as you tried not to imagine how much debauchery the Baron had in store for you.  Right now you were so exhausted that it sounded like too much work; and you were so desperate only for Helmut that the idea of anybody else being involved intimidated you.
Helmut returned quickly with a washcloth, sitting beside you on the bed and placing it gently on your back.
“As pretty as you look covered in come, I’d rather not make too much of a mess,” Helmut explained as he wiped you down with the damp cloth, your skin tingling and your body crying out for more of his touch.
“Will you fuck me, sir?” you mumbled, somewhere between an honest question and a desperate plea.
“Yes, I will,” he answered, making you hum happily, “and I’m finally going to let you come.”
You bit down on your lip, trying not to moan just from hearing that.
“But I’m not going to let you stop.”
The lump in your throat was impossible to swallow, but you tried anyway as he tossed the rag away and circled the bed, standing behind where you were laying limply.  He grabbed you by your ankles and pulled you down to where he needed you, covering your body with his as he kissed the back of your neck slowly.
“I bet you’ll come the moment I’m inside you, draga,” he whispered.  You nodded in agreement, gasping a bit as you felt his cock teasing your swollen, sore pussy.  Just the tip bumping into your clit was enough to make you think you could come right there, you’d been on the edge so long.
But then he pushed into you in one stroke, not rough yet enough to reignite the soreness of being filled by two men already, and your walls started to pulse around him.  A million words swirled in your mind, words about how perfect he felt and how you’d missed him so much and how no one could fuck you like he could, but none of them made it to your mouth where you could only moan loudly.
He wrapped his arms around you, he kissed everywhere he could reach, and waves of pleasure washed over you until tears filled your eyes.  You lost count immediately, coming on his cock over and over as you became a limp, whimpering mess right away.
“You two really did miss out,” Helmut taunted the other men between his own moans, “it feels so fucking amazing to be inside her when she comes.  She gets tighter every time… blyat, so tight I can hardly control myself.”
It was already hot to hear him speak to you like that in these moments, but for him to speak to someone else, to keep you from forgetting that you weren’t alone and that these men had just fucked you and were watching you come right now?  You hadn’t even imagined before what that would be like.
“Please, please, sir, please,” you chanted, your voice breaking until you could barely whisper.
“What is it that you want, lutka?  Do you even know what you’re begging for anymore?”
“I want whatever you want, sir, please,” you cried.  He reached around your body to rub your throbbing clit, and you all but screamed.
“I know you do, beautiful, I know,” he breathed, kissing your back and shoulder tenderly to calm you.  “I love you so much, draga, you know that, don’t you?”
“Yes, I love you too, Helmut,” you whispered, “more than anything.  I love being yours.”
“Aw,” you heard Bucky briefly sigh.
“Dude, shut up,” Sam corrected him harshly.
“It’s sweet!” Bucky defended.
“It’s weird; this is all so weird,” Sam frowned.
“You didn’t seem to mind before…” Bucky trailed off.
Two of Helmut’s fingers swiped over your open lips and you immediately sucked them into your mouth with a satisfied hum, the taste of his skin always comforting you.  When he rolled you onto your side, it was so much easier for him to touch you wherever he wanted and it only did more to keep you overwhelmed with pleasure until you worried you couldn’t take much more.  But you kept sucking his fingers, tears still falling which he occasionally kissed away, until he took his hand away to wrap around your neck instead.  You nodded a little to let him know it was okay to choke you, and your loud moans fell to sudden silence when he tightened his grip.  
It made your eyes roll back, it made your walls flutter and your toes start to go numb, it made you wonder if you were going to pass out whether or not he let you breathe again because your body was already ready to give in.
You sucked in a gasp when he let go, sobbing his name as a particularly deep thrust knocked you right into your peak again.  He kept one hand on your neck as the other reached between your legs to play with your abused pussy as he fucked it harder than ever.
“I can’t come anymore,” you assured, shaking your head and trying to push his hand away from your sore clit.  “I— I can’t…”
“Yes, you can, draga, I know you can. Just relax and let me keep making you feel good,” he instructed, somehow both gentle and demanding all at once.
“I… I can’t…” you breathed, nearly incomprehensible between thick sobs, but you were already coming again in spite of your words, shocks of pleasure electrifying your body from the inside out.  He choked you out into silence again, praising you all the way through it.
“There you go, shh, it’s all right,” he soothed, “you’re so beautiful, darling, so good for me, just keep going…”
You reached back to lace your fingers into his hair and tug, which did nothing to deter him from kissing your neck just beneath where his thumb gripped it, same as your hand wrapped tightly around his wrist didn’t stop him from quickly rubbing your clit.
Breath filled your lungs when he let go, and you were so desperate for relief that you felt like you weren’t even in control of your words anymore.
"Please come inside me," you begged mindlessly, "please, I need you so bad, please…"
“Is that what you need?” he groaned.  “You need to be full of my seed?”
“Yes, please, want it deep in me— fuck, Helmut, please!”
He growled and bit your ear lightly, mumbling his promise to fill you up in Sokovian— sometimes you thought he spoke Sokovian when he was about to come because he was so distracted that he forgot English, but you didn’t think that at the moment because you were currently too cockdrunk to think about anything.
His low moan echoed right through your body as you felt his cock flex and throb with each pump of come, just as deep as you’d wanted, and you sighed happily at the familiar feeling, finally relaxing into the mattress.
But perhaps you relaxed a little too soon because he made you come one more time after he’d filled you, whispering something about he wanted to use your pussy to milk every drop from his cock, but after that finally he pulled out, and you collapsed face-down onto the bed, ready to pass out even though the sun was only just beginning to set and you’d slept until noon earlier.
“Well, I think we sufficiently knocked her out,” Sam chuckled.
“‘We’?” Helmut repeated, sounding a bit offended yet bemused as he redressed.
“Okay fine, you did most of the heavy lifting, but only cause you wouldn’t let her come for us,” Sam relented with a frown.
“I swear, I was this close to getting her to break,” Bucky interjected, sighing before taking another slow sip of his (third) drink.
“Yeah, what would’ve happened if one of us made her come, anyway?” Sam wondered aloud.  “She seemed pretty worried about whatever punishment you had in store for her.”
“Nothing too terrible,” Helmut shrugged, “I just would’ve fucked her in the ass.”
Bucky choked on his whiskey as Sam tried and failed to suppress a smirk.
“She lets you do that?!” Bucky blurted out between fits of coughing.
“She lets me do whatever I want,” Helmut replied, “I’m surprised that hasn’t become abundantly clear to you by now.”
“I guess we’re still adjusting to it, that’s all,” Sam explained.  “I don’t know about you,” he looked at Bucky, “but this is new for me.”
“I was born in 1917; everything is new for me,” Bucky frowned.
“Well, this is new for us too,” Helmut assured, “especially her, she was so inexperienced when she met me…”
He paused for a moment to reminisce before glancing at you lying prone on the bed and looked totally fucked-out.
“But look at her now!” he finished.  “She takes it all in stride.”
“Yeah, she’s a trooper alright,” Sam agreed.  “Be careful with her, Zemo, ‘cause I think if you hurt her too bad, Bucky here is gonna be waiting in the wings to steal her.”
“I— what?!” Bucky snorted defensively.
“Don’t think we can’t see you giving her googly eyes, not that I blame you or anything… getting deepthroated for the first time will definitely make you catch feelings,” Sam smirked before taking a puff of the cigar again.
“It’s not like that, I’m just… listen, I guess I’m just a bit more conventional than you perverts,” he frowned.  “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful or anything, I just can’t imagine having a girl like that all to myself and letting anybody else lay a finger on her.”
“Not everyone is as insecure as you, James,” Helmut shrugged.  “Women can’t be stolen.  They can only go where they want to.  And she wants to be with me.”
He turned back to ask you if you agreed, but you were already fast asleep.  Smiling slightly, he grabbed a blanket from the foot of the bed and unfolded it to drape over you; you instinctively cuddled up under it without waking up, letting out a quiet sigh.
“Goodnight, draga,” he whispered with a kiss to your forehead.  “Rest well, you’ll need it for the morning.”
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mossybank · 3 years
Hey babes! If you want headcannons what about Kit having a husband? How would he be with a man? 👀❤️
Being Kit Walker's Husband
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Kit Walker x Male!Reader
Warnings: mentions of Kits cancer at the end
A/N: I know you sent another ask about how he'd be in bed with his husband, but I haven't done sfw in what feels like a hot minute so I hope it's okay that I didn't add that.. Might have something nsfw for kitty kat soon tho 😏
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The two of you met at a support club for single parents, it was mostly made up of single mums so you and Kit being some of the only dads there meant that you bonded pretty quickly
Obviously he didn't tell you what had happened to Grace and Alma at the time, just saying that they had died and of course you sympathised with him being in a similar boat with your kids mother
At first when you asked him on a date, Kit was kind of oblivious thinking you were asking to set up a play date between his kids and yours but as soon as he realised what you truly meant he accepted instantly
Being Kit's first real relationship with a man, I feel you'd be making most of the moves at first, Kit too nervous to
Though, by the time it came to you two getting engaged, I feel he'd be confident enough to do the proposal
At first you thought he was joking, and he was surprised to have said it as it wasn't what he'd planned— he'd planned to do it whilst on a walk in the park— and instead ended up blurting it out impulsively whilst watching you play with the kids, enamoured by your nurturing nature
The wedding itself would be small, probably in the garden, and not really religious or traditional either, unless of course you wanted it to be
💞💞 Kit wears white 💞💞 Julia is the flower girl 💞💞 Thomas is the lil ring carrier 💞💞 your kid walks you down the aisle 💞💞 lana is Kits best man.. Woman? 💞💞
The two of you were already affectionate before getting married but it definitely amplifies during the honeymoon stage
You're also now 10x more domestic
The two of you take showers and baths together a lot, not even in a sexual way, the two of you just like the closeness and give each other some top tier scalp massages
Speaking of messages, Kit gives some of the best back messages after a long day
The two of you are very much in love and its clear as day, you do this thing when you have to be separate in public where no matter what you'll be able to spot each other from across the room and make eye contact, smiling bashfully and doing a lil wave before looking to the floor
You've definitely revived shit for being two men married in the 60/70s,and technically you weren't even legally married, but the bond you and Kit have is way too strong for assholes to break
Of course the two of you smoke together, after a tough day with the kids, once they're in bed, the two of you unwind in the bedroom with a good blunt and a shitty made for tv movie
He probably told you about the aliens when he was high, not expecting you to believe it, but with enough explaining and telling him about the asylum ect you came to somewhat understand it
When Kit was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer you did everything you could to help nurse him back to health outside of what the actual nurses could do, but you knew it was most likely a lost cause
When he disappeared you assumed it was most likely the aliens and you were unsure whether to be mad or relived, sure it meant that he may not have died but they also had no right to take him again
Luckily you got Kits wedding ring before he disappeared, taking it from him to get it resized due to him losing weight from the cancer treatments and you never got chance to return it, as such, you made it into a necklace to keep a piece of kit close to you at all times forever
Lana was there to help you with the kids after kit was gone, and once you died too you were eventually buried in a shared grave with Kit
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
March 2021 Part 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. 
This is a LONG ONE, it’s been A WEEK everyone. 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Lovely Writer Ep 5 - a little slow this week, but at least Gene finally flirted back, and very cute flirting it was, too. Also we got Aey’s motivation, background, and love interest. Thank goodness for that. 
Brothers Ep 8 - still pants, what can I say? Clearly I am a BL masochist. Very embarrassing for everyone concerned. 
1000 Stars Ep 9 - the conflict over Tian’s father was REALLY well done. The plot of this drama is excellent, the leads are great together, and yes I totally cried. What, you didn’t? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Word of Honor (China) Ep 16-18 - big battle fighty fighty stabby stabby. Ep 17 switches to “this drama isn’t big enough for two chaotic-neutral godlings!” So what do they do? Drink together and bicker... A LOT. Then in Ep 18 we all get the dubious joy of really freaky puppets. (I HATE puppets.) Also how is China letting this be so SO VERY VERY GAY?  Also, I wanna walk through the forest wearing a smanshy purple robe and waving a big fuck-off white fan around simply because I’m a pretentious fuss monger. And frankly, I feel like this is an achievable life goal for me. 
We Best Love 2 (Taiwan) Ep 4 - not gonna lie, this is looking to be one of my top 3 BLs of 2021. It’s SO GOOD. Big bonus to this ep for treating stalker behavior like the mental illness it is and not as some dumb representation of enduring love. 
The Most Peaceful Place is My Place (Vietnam) Ep 1 - finally dropped (find it under NƠI BÌNH YÊN NHẤT LÀ VỀ BÊN EM on O2′s channel). It’s got actors already comfortable with BL and looks pretty good so far. An angry tsundere uke reunited with his ex, a stoic chef, giving us lots of snap, crackle, and pop out the gate. 
Dear Uranus (Taiwan GL) Ep 2 - I want to love it, but it is just moving too fast. There’s not enough character dev and then they’re throwing flashbacks in? It feels like a treatment rather than a show, and a rushed treatment at that. Bummer. 
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 2 (AKA Ep 3-4) - let the cheesy popcorn continue! Idiot remains an idiot; ingenue remains an ice queen; nice gay guy remains nice and gay; obsessive stalker brother is getting ever more whackadoddle. Of course these last two have the best chemistry. (It’s caregiver codependency and the salvation trope. We got us a Leo/Fiat situation going on.​) Plus lots of classic BL tropes because OF COURSE there are lots of tropes. 
Occasionally, I am tempted to argue that shows like H4 or Cherry Magic or Ossan’s Love aren’t technically BL because of the office setting and age of the protags - but then they all behave like high school students anyway, so *shrug* 
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Stand Alones
Cute little Taiwanese micro BL Friend or Lover dropped, about bisexual realization within a friendship group. Normally these are too short for me, but this one did pretty good with its 15 minutes of charm, plus it’s abad boy + shy softy pairing. 
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Breaking News - Thai BL
Fish Upon the Sky released its actual trailer. The upside-down kiss is gone, which makes everyone sad, and it seems far less rivals to lovers than the first iteration, which makes ME sad. But it still looks good and a more classic BL than GMMTV has given us in a while. New trailer focused more on the makeover trope and they’ve upped Mix’s role (the object of everyone’s affection) now that he’s proved himself. (Or they are using him more to carry the trailer since he has a fan base form 1k*). Starts April 9 on GMMTV in 1K*’s time slot, probably with a 10 ep run. 
2gether the movie is apparently coming April 22 to Thai theaters. F4 Thailand must be having issues or GMMTV just wants to milk the BrightWin cash cow. It’s rumored to be a combination of 2gehter + Still 2gether with some extra scenes and ending. Also, one assumes a lot will be cut out, if it’s movie length.
Call It What You Want released its updated trailer. If anything, it looks more scary than before. What are we in for? April 9th. 
Nitiman got a release date, May 7 on One31. 
I Told Sunset About You 2 got an updated release date of May 27 on LineTV. 
Second Chance the series is coming to LineTV on March 29. I don’t know much about this one. Tons of familiar faces (mostly TharnType side dishes) and some nice looking new talent but a dearth of eng subs. I think it may take on Brothers’ time slot. Line did eng subs for Brothers so maybe they will do 2nd Chance too? 
Close Friend the series is coming April 22. This is a combination of 6 couples with 6 story arcs as music videos (maybe)? It’s an epic fan service with familiar faces like OhmFluke (UWMA), MaxNat (LBC also in Y-Destiny), YoonLay (YYY also in Y-Destiny), KimCop (GenY), and JaFirst (TT2).
Y-Destiny starts March 30, and has starting dropping couple’s trailers. I’m still suspicious given the director but it seems like there is plot (or plots) and a theme. Looks to be a series of 7 single ep vignettes (amended, see comments, might be 2 eps each for 14 eps total), different couple each time, some with supernatural elements, all with decent chemistry and acting chops. 
Sun MaxNat’s tutor/student arc
Mon jaded rich kid meets poor innocent  
Tues sports romance enemies to lovers 
Weds the messy realistic actual dating one 
Thurs hot ghost boyfriend (sad) 
Fri YoonLayPerth coping with loss and finding new love (sad). This one will all rest on Lay's acting so we know it’s in safe hands. Our boy is going to KILL it. 
Sat time-slip memory loss reunion romance 
I’m thinking we can’t expect any of these to end happy or be classic BL. They’re gonna be more slice of life-ish. 
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Gossip - BL Outside of Thailand 
Scholar Ryu’s Wedding Ceremony AKA Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korean historical BL) got a legit teaser (eng sub here). @curriculumvtae​ reports that it’s releasing April 15th on WeTV (Philippines & Thailand) and Idol Romance (South Korea), while Will of Thai Bl says it’ll be on Viki too. It’s a short run of 8 ep built on a fake relationship trope (arranged marriage variant):
Ryu Ho Seon’s (Kang In Soo from You Wish) arranged marriage turns out to be with his expected bride’s brother, Choi Ki Wan (Lee Se Jin from Mr Heart). Ryu tries to undo the marriage, but his ill mother opposes this saying the scandal would be too much. Meanwhile, Kim Tae Hyeong (Jang Eui Soo from Where Your Eyes Linger), a senior at Ryu’s school, comes to congratulate him and falls in love with Choi. Then one day, the original bride disappears.
Okay it seems a bit twisty turny for ONLY 8 EPS, but oh my goodness how excited are we? Our first intentional historical BL out of Korea!
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We already knew Hong Kong was doing a remake of Japan’s Ossan’s Love under the same name (not my favorite Japanese BL but so very popular) but it’s now reported to be coming to Viu in June. Who knows how the CFA will take it. Depends on whether Hong Kong bows before the NO GAY KISSES regs or if they are going to use this as a political nose thumb... things could get cray with this puppy (the original has several kisses and s shower scene). Are we back in Addicted territory only with added comedy and civil unrest?
Speaking of Japan, Absolute BL (AKA Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai vs Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko) dropped sooner than anyone thought, March 27. But being Japanese who knows how/when/if we get subs. Protag finds himself trapped in a world of BL, but being straight he fights against any hot guy that draws near, but the whole world (literally) is conspiring against him. It’s a parody adapted from a yoai.
What with Absolute BL from Japan plus Lovely Writer and Call it What You Want from Thailand, is 2021 the year of BL being ultra self referential? Sure feels like it.
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In Case You Missed It
Faded a gay micro film from Taiwan from 2017 deals with parental acceptance and serves up a ton of BL tropes (piggyback, forehead kiss, etc). I’m pretty sure this was a propaganda piece for legalization of gay marriage, and it’s an interesting nugget of BL history as a result. Yes, it ends happy. It’s cute. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed a day later than actual air date for accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
Man there’s a lot going on right now! Spring has sprung... I suppose. 
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P.S. I cannot believe I missed Absolute BL as a blog name. Numbnuts = me. 
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chainofclovers · 2 years
Assuming some of these might have been asked by others so some options to choose from: Ted x Rebecca, Ted x Beard, Beard x Bex
Thank you, and nah, no one else has sent any so far! And what excellent selections. 😍 Beard x Bex (beloved rarepair of my heart)
Who’s the cuddler? Neither? Both? They don’t really sprawl across each other in a snuggly heap but they always sit very close together.
Who makes the bed? Beard, at first, but eventually he realizes Bex truly does not care about such things so they make the bed together with clean sheets on the weekends for a treat but otherwise it’s just in disarray.
Who wakes up first? Bex, for mother-of-a-small-baby reasons, not because she’s a morning person. But Beard starts getting up when she does, if they’re staying over, and when they move in together they trade off who wakes up first to do the morning caregiving stuff for Diane. Obsessively even works for them—it’s a comforting counterpoint to the chaos/abuse/dysfunction of previous relationships.
Who has the weird taste in music? Beard, mostly, but Bex surprises him.
Who is more protective? I think it kinda depends. I think Beard would be more protective in a “you’ve been hurt before and I’ll never, ever let anyone hurt you again if I can help it” kind of way. But I think Bex would be very protective of Beard’s weirdness, and very sensitive to anyone dismissing him because of it.
Who sings in the shower? Beard, from maybe week two of their relationship onward. By a month or two in, Bex too.
Who cries during movies? Bex, more predictably, but sometimes she looks over and Beard’s eyes are full of tears.
Who spends the most while out shopping? Bex would spend more shopping shopping, like on clothes, but would spend less on a weekly grocery shop because I picture her as someone who’d do things like check out the unit price or store specials and choose accordingly, whereas Beard would get the same standard items each time.
Who kisses more roughly? Beard and his beard :)
Who is more dominant? I think they’re both really stubborn but unusually similarly not dominant, personality-wise.
My rating of the ship from 1-10. 10/10!
Beard x Ted (beloved BFFs who love each other of my heart)
Who’s the cuddler? Whichever one’s had a better day and senses the other needs it.
Who makes the bed? Ted, probably 6 mornings out of 7. Beard would happily share it more evenly but Ted is a little obsessed with being the Most Helpful.
Who wakes up first? Beard, for a little quiet before his extremely chatty partner wakes up and immediately wants to start going over all the things.
Who has the weird taste in music? Beard technically has the weirder taste, but they’re extremely musically compatible.
Who is more protective? Depends on the vulnerability. Ted is more protective of Beard when it comes to outward forces, like the possibility of being taken advantage of. Beard is more protective of Ted’s self-image, the ways he’s his own worst critic when he should be nice to himself.
Who sings in the shower? Beard kind of mumble-sings and Ted belts. Ted also really wants to duet if they shower together.
Who cries during movies? Ted is a more frequent movie-crier but there are a few repeat views in their repertoire that make them both cry.
Who spends the most while out shopping? Neither has fully shaken the Midwestern frugality that was very necessary in their younger years. Ted is more likely to spend a bit more on an impulse buy to make Beard happy; Beard is more likely to plan for a major purchase (while trying very hard to make it no big deal).
Who kisses more roughly? Beard, generally.
Who is more dominant? Hmm. Neither of them are consistently always sexually dominant, but Beard is very experienced and very competent in a way that makes him take charge more often, whereas Ted is more dominant only if he’s working something out mentally/emotionally via sex.
My rating of the ship from 1-10. 10/10!
Ted x Rebecca (soulmates who have to work for it of my heart)
Who’s the cuddler? Ted, when it comes to traditional cuddling like a long night watching movies on the couch. Rebecca, when it comes to spontaneous displays of physical affection for comfort and grounding.
Who makes the bed? From the day he moves in, Ted is literally the only person in that house who makes the bed. But he doesn’t resent it; Rebecca does nice stuff for him too.
Who wakes up first? Usually Ted, and for doofy reasons like wanting to watch Rebecca sleep.
Who has the weird taste in music? BOTH OF THEM FOR SURE, and in totally different genres. Constant music-trading is happening.
Who is more protective? In what is becoming a theme here, it depends! Rebecca is protective about Ted’s time and resources, his image of himself as a father, his connection to Henry, the press coverage about his mental health. Ted is protective of the parts of her that Rupert damaged, like he’s protective of her right to be hurt and to heal. And they’re both very protective of AFC Richmond.
Who sings in the shower? They both do. Rebecca has an incredible voice but just goofs around singing in the shower. Ted has a normal voice and sings whatever song he’s got in his head.
Who cries during movies? They absolutely both do, and laugh at each other when they make eye contact and they’re both crying.
Who spends the most while out shopping? Hahahahahahahaahahah. Rebecca.
Who kisses more roughly? Rebecca when she’s having fun/feeling free/lets herself go. Ted when he’s had cause to miss Rebecca and needs to reconnect.
Who is more dominant? They’re both switches, and no one is asking me to die on this hill but I would if necessary. When they aren’t actively thinking about it—or when they are but want to stick with what’s most comfortable—Rebecca tends to take a bit more control, because the power puts her mind at ease and gives Ted’s constantly-buzzing brain the blissful opportunity to rest. When Ted’s in a more dominant space, it isn’t particularly intense—just fun stuff like dragging things out and making her impatient in a way they both like. When Rebecca’s in a more consciously dominant space, they’re more likely to play with their limits.
My rating of the ship from 1-10. 10/10! Also like a 15 or 20 out of 10. <3333
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
paradox burning ; 1/5 || ernst schmidt x fem!reader
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summary: after the fight between volkov and schmidt, you comfort schmidt in his quarters
pairing: ernst schmidt x fem!reader
warnings: over the clothes touching
word count: 4,666
taglist: @itsametaphorbriansblog
a/n: if you haven't read the preview i would suggest reading that first to understand the vibe of their relationship better!! chapter two will be up tonight!! just wanted to get this out as i've been lacking content these past few days since i've been celebrating my birthday. hope you enjoy and as always if you want to be added to the tag list let me know!
“TAD throttle control, 8636. Line secure.”
Mother Mary be with us...be with Mama and Papa and sissy and Joe.
“Accelerator system status?”
Father give us the strength today, for we have dove into the depths of space to restore humanity as we know it.
“It’s holding for pre-ignition.”
Look after everyone down below on Earth - for times are dark and the sun does not appear to be rising anymore.
“Shepard team, you are go for countdown.”
I pray that you forgive all of our sins, Father, as we have learned our lessons and strive to move forward in honoring thy.
“We’ve all got our fingers crossed here at Mission Control. Let’s make this first one count.”
And help guide us through these troubling times and help everyone remember why we are up here.
“Status boosters?”
Is this Hell, Father?
Have you damned us all to Hell?
“The GNC?”
To pay for our sins?
Tell me, Father...
“Power up.”
Are we damned?
“Commander, Shepard team standing by for your go.”
Perhaps we are and this is where are days will end.
“On my count…”
Among strangers and empty.
Away from family...
Away from friends…
Alone in our own thoughts.
God, help us all.
You awoke with a start. Gasping for air as you tugged at your tank top, as if the thin material was suffocating you. Not giving yourself time to process what had happened, you threw your legs out from under the warm covers and let the cool air hit your bare legs, your elbows resting on your knees with your head in your hands, catching your breath.
This was the second week in a row now that you’ve woken up from a nightmare. Drenched in sweat and tears spilling from your eyes. It was always a reimagine of the previous one. If you dreamt of your father dying one night, the next it would be your mother. This night, it was your own life that you dreamt slipping away. Your finger pads swiped away the tears that fell down your cheeks before sliding onto the cool flooring, clasping your hands together to begin and pray.
“In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…” You began, crossing yourself as you settled on your knees, eyes closed and hands squeezed together tight. “Heavenly Father I ask that you watch over Mama and Papa...sissy and Joesph, and all those back home,” You cleared your throat, choking down the tears as you continued on once more. “We have been onboard for over two years and I miss everyone dearly. I hope to speak with them soon as Joesph is teaching Mama and Papa how to use video call.”
Even with all the photos that you had around your room, all the videos that you had programmed in to watch whenever you pleased, you were beginning to forget simple things - like how they smelled, the warmth of their hugs, and how they always tried to pawn your younger siblings onto you. You were always so mad babysitting them, losing out on time with your friends, but now...now you wished that you had the chance to babysit them, to be with them once again.
“Father, I ask that you forgive me for my sins, guide us through this mission, and take us home. All of us. Let this mission go well, and we can save Earth. Amen.”
You crossed yourself a final time, bringing your cross necklace from your chest where it sat and to your lips, kissing the gold piece of jewelry before standing up from the floor.
This was an everyday routine for you. Waking up, saying your morning prayer, taking a shower, and being down for breakfast by 08:00. It was early, you knew that, but you enjoyed having the calmer moments before everyone else woke up.
When you entered the bathroom, you went straight to the shower, turning the handle to let the warm water spute out. You were tired, swaying gently in your stance as your eyes grew heavy. The sudden spitting of water struggling to get out woke up, making you jump as you watched the water pressure went from weak to strong.
You pushed down your shorts from that night, pulling your tank top above you, and stepped out of your shorts, dropping the tank top on the floor before stepping into the shower. You were pleasantly greeted by the hot water, sighing as it hit your back and began easing the tension in your muscles.
Morning showers for you were always dangerous - either it could go very well and you’d be out in minutes, or it could go bad and you’d end up falling asleep leaning against the wall. On this particular morning, after dreaming of your own death, you did not wish to fall asleep again, scared of what could come from your slumber. You quickly washed yourself off, massaging your scalp as you washed your hair before taking the toothbrush you kept in the shower, opening up the tube of toothpaste, and began brushing your teeth.
It was such a mundane routine - almost finding it boring the longer you were onboard. Perhaps it was your schedule that was down to the second of when you did things. You never were one to be so particular about your schedule, having one so precise, but after a year of pure chaos on board, a mundane routine is what kept your little sanity still hanging.
When you were finally ready for the day and changed into your suit, you slid on your shoes and pulled your hair back into a low bun, tucking some of the loose pieces of hair behind your ear before heading out of your room and down the hall, going towards the common room to join the others for breakfast.
By the time you made it down to the common room, you were only the third to arrive - Mundy and Acosta beating you to it.
“Well look who finally decided to wake up!”
From your spot at the bagel machine, you looked over into the game room where Mundy and Acosta stood playing foosball, Mundy looking all too proud - indicating that he perhaps was winning. On the other hand, Acosta looked tired, almost too tired to be playing a game of foosball so early with Mundy.
Letting out a laugh, you shook your head and turned your attention back to the bagel, sighing once it finished before pulling it out from the machine and placing it on your plate. You truly didn’t understand how half the stuff you consumed was edible, but you supposed it beat other things you’ve seen those in space eat.
Taking a seat in your spot at the table, your back facing Mundy and Acosta, you brought the bagel to your mouth and took a bite, maybe a little bigger than what was more polite, but you didn’t care, you were starving.
It was the Commander who came in next, greeting everyone with a morning as he got his own breakfast before sitting across from you at the other end of the table. When the two of you locked eyes, you nodded, continuing to chew your bagel before looking down, not wanting to draw too much attention to the fact that you had a shit night.
You were pleased when Commander didn’t seem to notice, glancing occasionally into the lounge room where Mundy and Acosta continued to play foosball, Acosta finally gaining the upper hand on Mundy for once.
One by one the rest of the crew began to show: Volkov, Tam, Schmidt, before eventually Hamilton joined as well. When Schmidt came in, walking beside Tam speaking in Mandarian about what you assumed to be something related to the Shepard power accelerator. As the two sat down with their breakfast, Schmidt looked over your way, his mouth twitching into a smile before his attention fell back to the screen pad in front of him that Tam was holding.
You listened in on their conversation, picking out what you could understand through the technical language the two spoke on. As a medical crewman, you weren’t familiar with all of the technology onboard, only the ones related to the medbay that you primarily worked in. You went to school for medicine, exceeding expectations in your classes, and found yourself working for military hospitals since. It came as a surprise to you when they asked if you’d like to be a part of the Cloverfield station. What business did you have going up in space?
When you told your family about the news, they were proud, no doubt, that their eldest child would be going into space to directly help with the ongoing energy crisis. It was evident how proud they were of you, but also how worried with you going into space. You lived with your parents and younger siblings your entire life, leading up until your departure for the Cloverfield station. Separating from your family was hard, and having them not understand how to work even something as simple as a video call hurt more.
Your sister, Mila, would be sixteen now - learning how to drive and preparing for her final days in school before going into higher education, if that’s what she wanted. Your brother, Joseph, would be twenty-three now, doing who knows what with his young man mind. You hoped he wasn’t getting into trouble, or knocking some girl up...although the idea of having a little niece or nephew to come home to didn’t sound all that bad.
But your parents, how were they doing? They were older, growing slower as the days went on. Were they still making it through all of this? You assumed Papa was still running the family shop downstairs, selling candies to the little children of Lapovo - whatever children were left in Lapovo that is.
Mama though, how was she doing? You couldn’t imagine how worried she was, probably baking her troubles away in the kitchen. You missed waking up to her cooking, smelling the sweetness of baklava and sarma. She always wrote you letters while you were away either at school or on the military base that was outside of Lapovo where you worked. Now that you were in space though, sending letters just didn’t happen.
Perhaps tonight you’d try and see if Joseph was online and able to chat.
Everything had been going peaceful that morning, which you enjoyed after the sleep you poorly had. That is until Volkov finally spoke up.
“Six hundred and ninety-four.”
Looking up from your bagel and to your left where he was at, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as Volkov screwed the water bottle back closed, making his way over to the table to join the rest of you.
“Six hundred and ninety-four days I’ve kept our O2, CO2, N2, hydrogen, water vapor and methane at optimal levels.”
Congrats, what did he want, a fucking cookie?
You watched as Volkov stood on the other side of the table in front of Schmidt, almost directly talking to him. There was always something going on between the two of them, and quite frankly it annoyed the living shit out of you. You felt like a mother some days, scolding Schmidt for clearly egging Volkov on - him and his damn anger issues.
It was no different today, as Volkov began his tangent on whatever it was he was about to lay into you all, Schmidt was sitting across from him, a smirk on his face.
“You know how many pressure leaks we’ve had? Not one. No microbe overgrowth, nothing. You know why?”
“This is a long speech, Volkov.” Schmidt quipped, reacting in you rolling your eyes and pushing your plate forward, leaning back in your chair with your arms crossed over your chest, wondering where this would be leading to next.
“Because I disinfect the decks every seventy-two hours.” It was Acosta to interrupt Volkov this time, stating that he was actually the ones to disinfect the decks. He was right, you couldn’t remember how many days you spent helping him, on your knees scrubbing at the decks.
It seemed finally everyone was growing annoyed with whatever Volkov was getting at, Commander Kiel finally stepping in and stating that if he had a point he wanted to make, he should make it now.
“There’s one part of this station. One part that is not working. This is interesting, do you know what part that is? The Sheppard Accelerator.” Volkov continued, not seeming to be in any rush to get out what he wanted to say.
In Mandarian, Tam finally intervened, claiming that eight billion were counting on us and asked what his point was. You could agree, what was this all about?
It was then that Volkov stated that he didn’t have a problem with Tam, but with Schmidt - ‘her German boyfriend’. You couldn’t help but snicker at the comment, clearing your throat just as quick, hoping nobody heard. But someone did, and it was Schmidt, giving you a look that screamed ‘you’re not gonna find that as funny later’.
Everything began to really go downhill from there, nobody seemed to be able to get to Volkov and stop him before he said even more that he would regret. Hamilton directed him to go back to his quarters only for him to snap back that she wasn’t his mother. Commander and Mundy even jumped in, trying to calm him down, but nothing worked.
“Two years on this ship, and this man has delivered nothing,” Volkov pushed on. You hadn’t noticed it until then, but Schmidt had moved from the table and was now standing only feet away from Volkov. You felt your heart begin to pound as you watched the two men. Two men with strong anger issues at only breakfast time, something more than just a disagreement on the way to erupt.
“Volkov, enough!” Schmidt snapped, glaring forward at him. “You need to think very carefully about what you’re saying.”
There was a brief moment of silence, and you thought maybe, just maybe Volkov actually shut up for once. But that brief moment of silence was just that, and he was back to speaking, this time more quiet than before.
“We’ve both heard the reports,” Making his way closer to Schmidt, “Germany is preparing for war, Serbia taking alliances with Germany, and everyday that goes by more and more Russians are starving.” The comment made your heart stop for a moment. That was just a rumor, in all of your messages with Joseph, not once had he mentioned going to war alongside Germany to be true.
You didn’t know why you felt the sudden urge to cry, but you did. Bringing your fingers to your mouth, you began to bite down at the skin around your nails, chewing away at the flesh until you tasted the iron of your blood. Nobody outwardly spoke badly to you, besides the occasional poorly landed joke from Volkov, but you couldn’t help but feel like an outcast, wondering if people really thought you were what Volkov said you to be.
By now Volkov was in Schmidt’s face, the two men radiating their own heated anger off one another, tension filling the room, making you feel like you did in your nightmare, suffocating. You pulled at the collar of your suit, taking the zipper and unzipping the front enough to get yourself feeling less trapped.
“Maybe you’re not in a hurry to get the Shepard working. Is that it? Are you stalling us to help Germany get the upper hand? What about you? What are you doing in the med bay alone, mixing something up for us to take? To slowly kill us?”
He laughed, he actually laughed when he looked at you, a shit-eating grin on his face.
It all happened in a matter of seconds. When Volkov turned back towards Schmidt, it was only half a second before Schmidt’s hand wrapped around Volkov’s throat, pushing him back before sending a punch across his face. Volkov was quick to regain his posture, grabbing at Schmidt’s own throat and shoved him back towards the corner, both men trying to pin one another against the wall.
When the scene unfolded, you stood up in shock, mouth gaped and you took a step to the side to try and do whatever you could to help, but felt someone grab your wrist. Turning, you looked down to see Tam’s hand before looking up at her, watching her shake her head ‘no’ and to just wait. And you did, it took everything in you to stick by her side, but you did wait.
Commander was the one to grab Schmidt, pinning him onto the table with his face squished onto the glass. Mundy, on the other hand, held Volkov in a choke hold, keeping him restrained while the Commander lectured the two men - one of which was still trying to get the last word in.
“Keep your mouth shut, Volkov!” The Commander finally boomed, causing the room to come to a standstill. “We have a job to do.”
The room finally fell silent, both men seeming to be relaxed enough for the Commander to think they were free to be broken from their restraints.
“Now, can you two get along for just one day without us having to pull you off of one another?” Moving back, you watched as Schmidt laid on the table for a moment, almost debating on if he wanted to go at it with Volkov again. He decided against it and finally stood up, fixing his shirt before shooting a glare towards Volkov, knocking past him and out of the common room.
You gave it a moment, smiling over at Tam when you felt her squeeze your hand. You nodded her way, squeezing her hand back before you quietly slipped away, moving down the hall quick to go and find Schmidt.
It took a while for Schmidt to really calm down, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if the Commander didn’t rush the test that you were all supposed to conduct that day. It was bad enough everyone was stressed, but having someone be stressed and pissed off just wouldn’t work. You could almost bet that the reason the outburst that morning even happened in the first place was because of the high tensions on board, especially leading up to the next test.
If this test failed, they only would have enough for three more tests. After that... well, they could kiss humanity goodbye.
It didn’t take long for you to find Schmidt, in his quarters struggling to get his suit on as the zipper seemed to be stuck. He was mumbling something in German and you couldn’t piece together what he was saying other than the occasional ‘fuck him’.
When you stepped inside his quarters, the door shutting behind you, he paused his moments, his hands on his zipper, not wanting to look at you. You took a hesitant step forward, not wanting to be on the other hand of his outburst, before stopping once you were only a foot away from him.
“If you’re here to tell me that I was an idiot, don’t bo-”
“I’m not here to call you anything, Ernst,” His cheeks grew red at the sound of his first name, his gaze glancing up at you, watching as you stared back - only instead of something angry, like he expected, your gaze was more somber, worried even, “I just came to make sure you were okay. Here, let me.”
You gently moved his hands away from the zipper of his suit, taking another step forward to pinch at his suit, tugging the fabric down to help the zipper not get bunched in the fabric. You could feel his ragged breath hit your forehead, his chest heaving as the zipper moved higher until your hand stopped above his heart.
His mouth twitched into a smile, feeling your head fall forward to rest against his chest. You felt his arms wrap around you as he pulled you in tighter for a hug, as if you could get any closer to him. His lips sat on your hairline above your temple, kissing you sweetly.
“You trust me, right?” Schmidt suddenly asked. He could feel you tense up in his arms and he pulled back, his hands resting on your arms, squeezing them, “I just, don’t want you to be wrapped up in the middle of whatever feud Volkov has with me. Tam already gets it enough and I just don’t want you to have that on yo-”
You stopped him with a kiss, smiling into it before pulling away, seeing his own smile on his face.
“I can handle myself, Schmidt...I’m not worried with what Volkov has to say,” You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist, “Volkov likes to get a rise out of anyone who gives him the time of day. It’s how he keeps himself busy on board.”
The joke seemed to land well with Schmidt, earning a laugh before you felt him begin to rock you both side to side. “But what’s this about Tam being your girlfriend?” You teased.
You grinned at the sight of him rolling his eyes at you, “You don’t have to be jealous about Tam, you know that she’s-”
“Who said I was jealous?” You asked, a smirk toying on your mouth. The two of you often were fond of teasing one another, poking at one another until the other grew red - then you’d smother the other in kisses to make up for the relentless teasing. “Do I need to be jealous of her? Is that why it takes you so long to come to my room at night, are you seeing her before you see me?”
You had pulled away from him midway, now seated on his cot. He was red in the face and gaping as he tried to intervene, but you kept talking.
“I mean, wow, Tam? I didn’t realize you were the type that liked to be dominated-”
It was your turn to be cut off, giggling when he moved across the room, pinning you down against his bed. You felt your heart begin to race, your own cheeks turning red as his face sat merely inches away from you, his large hand squeezing your wrist down beside your head onto his bed.
“You really like to get under my skin, don’t you?” He asked, squeezing your waist. Behind his glasses, you noticed his pupils were blown, his eyes dark. “Do you like seeing me mad, liebling? Does it get you hot and bothered when you see me wrapping my hand around Volkov’s throat? Do you wish that was you?” You felt his hand moving up your side, groping at you until his hand wrapped lightly around your throat.
His thick German accent, mixed with the sultry tone that was dripping from his tongue, made your stomach flip, the heat between your thighs pulsating. Biting down on your lip, your free hand moved up to grip at the collar of his suit, panting slightly.
“Maybe it does.”
Your simple quip seemed to do it for him. Feeling his body shift slightly, Schmidt hummed in though, his hand moving from your neck and down, pressing into your lower stomach, pawing almost at your body before squeezing his way down to your thighs, pulling one up so he laid in between your legs.
By now you were hot and bothered. Feeling him grab at you, call you the sweet German pet name adored to call you. You felt his breath against your neck, shivering slightly before letting out a sweet moan when his lips pressed against the side of your neck, his teeth nibbling at the sensitive spot he knew of.
But you knew now wasn’t the time. Right now you two needed to be with the other crew members to initiate the next jump. The last thing you needed was for someone to walk in and catch you and Schmidt doing, well - that.
“Schmidt...моја љубав...my love, we need to get back.” You withered your hand from his wrist and to his chest, pushing him back until he was staring down at you, a disappointed frown on his face. You couldn’t help but smile, shaking your head at how childish he was acting.
“Oh, Ernst - come now, I’ll make it up to you later.” You leaned forward and pecked the corner of his mouth, rolling out from under him before standing up, smoothing down your suit as you walked to the mirror by his closet, looking at yourself in the mirror as you began fixing your appearance.
It wasn’t that you two were embarrassed of each other, no you two were smitten for one another and it was truly sick. You just knew that given the dire of your work, what everyone expected out of the two of you, flaunting your attraction could be seen as distracting.
But that was just it, you two weren’t even dating. You weren’t sure how it all started, but one day the constant pinning became more - and now a year later you were where you were now. Sneaking off at night to see each other, to lay in bed and hold one another. Once this was all over, you knew that you’d return home, would Schmidt go with you?
By now Schmidt was standing behind you, obviously aware of your state of mind, deep in whatever thoughts you were having. When you caught glances with him through the mirror, you blushed and looked away. At that point, you heard him laugh and move forward to help you fix your hair, smoothing the parts that stuck up and tucking the longer pieces behind your ear.
“You look beautiful as always,” He pecked your cheek and wrapped his arms around you, holding you in an embrace, “Do you want to go out first, or me?” He asked against your ear, letting the silence sink in between you two.
You wanted to suggest why not the both of you just leave together, but you knew now wasn’t the time to let a potential argument break out, especially given how sour his mood already was - and it wasn’t even noon yet.
“Why not you?” You finally said, reaching your hands up to squeeze his, “After all, you need to be down there more than me. Acosta and I are just there for moral support.”
Turning in his embrace, you looked up at him and smiled, leaning into his touch when he held your face, “Yes, well, I’d like to think of you as my good luck charm.”
You scoffed, shaking your head at his comment, “If that were true, we’d be off this ship by now.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Schmidt leaned forward and kissed your temple, “Maybe,” He mumbled against you, kissing you once more before pulling back, beginning to make his way towards the door, “Maybe you’re my good luck charm in the sense of keeping me from really doing something stupid.”
Your mouth twitched at the comment, not into a smile, nor a frown, almost like you winced. Besides Tam, you were probably one of the only people on board that completely trusted Schmidt. His temper left him to be rather difficult to be around at times, but perhaps he was right - maybe you were his soft spot, his good luck charm as he liked to say, because never has his temper ever gotten to you.
But there was still that sinking feeling in your stomach, as he headed out of his room and down the hall to meet with the others, leaving you standing alone in his quarters.
If this test were to fail - would Schmidt truly snap? Would you finally feel his wrath?
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Hi!! I need to not forget to leave this idea with a trusted author so I’ve chosen to slide into ur asks w this very nsfw thing: Joon using a dick pump and vixen using a pussy pump. Simultaneously. Then having sex. That is all! I just wanted to share this with someone that could find use of it 😭
Hello, it's officially Joonsday and we're big time celebrating (sorry for the ugly banner I'm on a road trip with the fam) lessgooooooo
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader (Vixen)
Wordcount: 3.5k words
Genre: smut? Pwp? Established relationship? Yes.
Warning: 18+ y'all better be adults if you're going to read this.
Trigger warnings: clearly, swearing, dick pump, pussy pump, vibrating cockring (it's becoming quite the thing for these two???) cumplay (he cums on her chest), creampie, unprotected sex (use CONDOMS PLEASE), DDLG (daddy) kink, making out, touch deprivation (? Kinda?), experimenting, mentions of oral, mentions of exhibitionism/voyeurism.
Here's my masterlist and enjoy 💜✨
Beta read by the one and only super patient golden-hearted wife, @joheunsaram
It was past nine pm when Namjoon entered the apartment, his eyes immediately focusing on your frame curled up on the sofa, under your chunky knit blanket. He needed to get you a pet.
You loved Moni, but he couldn't have him at his place that often since he was more of his family's dog than his.
He should get you something fluffy. Something that matched your personality. Like a toy poodle. Or a corgi.
No, a corgi wasn't fluffy enough…
He was sure he would find something suitable in a shelter. Maybe a cat? Something to keep you company.
Tutting, he shook his head as his mind wandered, trying to distract him from the panic he had been going through only a couple minutes ago. He reminded himself his current anxiety was due to surprising you with an unexpected gift, so he realised that launching himself into planning another surprise — a permanent one — was maybe not the smartest move.
Kneeling beside you, he touched his lips to your temple. “Hello, Vixen,” he spoke gently, his private voice making your eyes open, your arm reaching out of the blanket to hold him to yourself.
“Hi, baby. Did you eat? Tell me they fed you.”
He smiled. “Yeah. I grabbed dinner with Yoongi in the studio.”
You nodded and nuzzled up closer, kissing his neck sensually. “Wake me up?”
He chuckled. “Needy, baby?”
You nodded and frowned. “I'm getting my period in two days. You know I get needy.”
His knowing smile shifted to a loving one. “I know.” He looked at your face for a couple seconds, just taking in every detail. The fullness of your lips and the slight blush on your cheeks, the way you looked puffy after sleep, so soft and delicate and all his.
Oh so his.
Not falling into your temptation was almost a crime. Especially as you stretched your neck, lips lingering just one millimeter away from his.
“Ask, love.” His voice was gravelly against your face.
You looked away and relaxed your shoulders, not realising you had arched up towards him. In return he chuckled and ran the tip of his nose against your cheek. “You don’t like asking, mh?” His lips were velvety against your cheekbone. “Poor little fox.” You turned just in time for his mouth to meet yours, letting him have your sweetest whimper as his hand cupped the back of your neck, holding you. “I have a question for you, babylove.”
You stopped and backed an inch, looking him in the eye. “What kind of question?”
He sat up straight. “It makes me a bit nervous because this is not how we do it normally and… I feel like I went someplace uncharted without you and I’m a bit disoriented.”
You sat up too, feeling the nerves in his tone as he started talking faster, stuttering over his words a little.
“I… We usually shop together but I wanted to try this and I thought… I mean, we don’t have to do this and we can do this alone, or together, or… Or not do this at all or you can use this while I’m away and you need—”
“Joon,” you interrupted him, a hand on his shoulder as you tried to calm him down. “Hold on a second, darling.”
He shut his mouth and took a deep breath through his nose.
“You were shopping, correct?” you asked, trying to find reason in madness. He nodded. “What did you get? Toys, I assume?”
“Yes,” he replied calmly.
“Okay. Show me and then we can talk this out if you’d like.” You knew Namjoon’s brain tended to go a thousand miles a second, so you tried to limit the damage.
He stood and came back with a large box and scissors, opening the package. “It’s kinda scary at the beginning but… I think the final result is not that bad.”
“If that’s a furry mask I’m gonna scream and not in a good way,” you joked, trying to ease away the tension.
“Come on, we discussed that already. Hard no. No shaming, though.”
“No shaming,” you repeated, watching him open the lid and take another box out. “Oh my god.”
He looked at you, trying to interpret your reaction. “Good? Bad? Maybe?”
“Why would you make it… bigger? How do you even think I can handle bigger?” You stared at the… the thing and tried to wrap your brain around that.
“It’s not about getting bigger, it’s about lasting more.”
“We have cockrings for that!” you exclaimed, almost outraged. If anything perplexed and worried. Was he trying to break you? Send you to the ER? Because you much preferred saving yourself the embarrassment. “You’re gonna break me.”
He nodded and put the box away. “Okay, sorry.” He wasn’t even disappointed. After all he did know you were a tight fit on him and no matter how much he would stretch you, there were high chances of you getting hurt, and he obviously didn’t want that.
“No, no hold on,” you said as you realised your first reaction had been fear. “We can do that. Just not… Let’s say we can use that but the final goal is not penetration.”
Namjoon nodded. “That’s what I was thinking too. Plus, we could use that ring for buffering.”
“Yes,” you agreed. “And that should make you feel like… Like I’m sucking all of you, right?”
Namjoon halted for a second. “I don’t know, but that wouldn’t be the point.” He still remembered that one time you had almost had a breakdown because you couldn’t take more than a couple inches of him in your mouth. Since then, he had set the lowest bar in your sex life: not making you cry because you couldn’t deepthroat him. Somehow he was still traumatised by the memory. “It’s just a matter of giving you multiples, Vixen. Just that, Or fucking you feral, however you prefer to put it.”
You nodded.
“Plus it’s more of a… joined fantasy, actually,” he confessed, blushing and looking down.
So there were more surprises in that box. “Define?”
He took one more box out of the larger one. “It looks scarier than it is. It’s also, sort of… convoluted.”
You stared at the second toy, arching an eyebrow at it. “I don’t like things that keep your hands off me.”
“I know,” he reassured you, immediately touching your knee as a way to comfort you. “I know it, babylove. But this doesn’t mean my hands won’t be touching your body.”
Absentmindedly you nodded. “You want to try those now?”
He tipped his head from side to side in a so-and-so motion. “Only if you want to. We can wait till you get more acquainted with the idea.”
You thought about it for a second. “Those… devices technically mean no foreplay.”
“Well, they do the foreplay while we…” He hadn’t thought that far.
“We’ll just make out,” you said, standing up and grabbing your half of the kit. “Let’s take them out and wash them.”
Namjoon grabbed the other half and followed you. In your bathroom, you took out the toys, quickly scanning the instructions while he threw himself at his new object of interest, grabbing the toy soap and lathering everything in foam. “No reading?”
“It’s pretty easy,” he replied, rubbing everything thoroughly before rinsing and drying the tube. “I’ll read while I wait for you.”
He let the toy dry on the ledge and undressed, by now barely shy about walking around naked as he entered the shower and scrubbed himself clean with quick, brief strokes. In a bunch of minutes, you were sitting on the bed, reading the instructions of his device before he rolled down beside you, a towel around his waist. You were lounging in your panties and one of his shirts, his face already skimming the side of your thigh. “Come down here, miss Fox. Studying won’t get you straight As in this one.”
You chuckled and grabbed some lube. “Will you allow me the honour?”
Namjoon licked his lip and undid his towel, arching an eyebrow as he realised he already had a semi.
“Is it for the toy or the ‘fucking the class’s best student’ fantasy?” you teased him, pouring some cold lubricant on him in revenge.
“It’s all about having the sexiest girlfriend in the universe,” he flattered you, his hand squeezing your ass as you straddled him and grabbed the toy.
“You know you’re crazy for this, right?”
He nodded. “That makes two of us since you’re playing along.”
“Suck your dick,” you replied, saccharine sweet as you placed his cock into the plastic tube of the penis pump.
“Not when you’re so much better at that,” he cooed back, hissing a little once you pressed the base against his pelvis excessively hard — call it revenge. You studied the mechanism for starting to increase the pressure inside the cylinder. “Okay, fuck, it’s hot. I love the lube. Slippery.”
You appreciated the feedback. “Tighter?”
“Nah, hold on. We can tighten it later.” He bit his lip. “It’s very good. But… A bit cold.”
You stretched to his face and pushed his hair back. “I’ll warm it up next time. Sorry baby.” You kissed his lips, pampering him a little. He had looked so stressed earlier. And so eager too. He had to be both worried and excited about this. “My big bear,” you murmured, watching him melt for you. After all he was nothing but a tough looking boy with a gooey heart. “You were so nervous about this, huh?”
He nodded and caught your hand, holding it in his. “I love you,” he said with his million dollar smile, his eyes dreamy, his dimple shining on his face.
“I love you too, Joonie bear,” you murmured at him, your affection causing him to slip into the most peaceful of states. Yes, he felt like his dick was being squeezed and sucked, but he mostly felt entirely enamoured with you.
“Please, can you wear the toy too?”
You smiled and nodded. “Would you like to help?”
He stretched to kiss you again. He wanted more kisses. It had been so long since the two of you just made out and he missed that sometimes, just the intimacy of laying side by side, making out without things necessarily heating up. Of course he also loved when you got on top of him mid-session and ground on his thigh until you crumbled against his shoulder.
He loved even more when your hand would graze his lower belly before tracing his erection through his trousers, cupping him and squeezing him until he needed your hand on his length.
But the idea of laying side by side and focusing solely on your face was something too inviting for that night.
He sat up, a bit uncomfortable at the thing between his legs. “This makes it kinda hard to move,” he realised before finding your pvc cup. “Get comfy, my love,” he murmured before kissing your knee, crawling lower. Your legs stayed closed as you placed your feet on his thighs before getting rid of your shirt, letting him stare at the hardened peaks of your breasts. “You're so fucking gorgeous,” he murmured, his hands tracing the outside of your thighs, his frame shifting and stretching until he could reach for your chest, his thumbs feeling your pebbled nipples.
That was before you put the sole of your foot around his neck, pushing him back a little.
He was mesmerised by the gesture, feeling his brain short circuit as arousal hit him.
Now that he was far enough, you lifted your legs and quickly got rid of your panties, Namjoon barely resisting the need to press his whole face against your folds.
“Feisty,” he murmured, placing the toy on you, checking for your reaction. “Does it fit right?”
You nodded. “I'm tiny, it takes a bit more than it should but that's okay as long as it doesn't come off.”
He started pumping some pressure, still looking at your face to spot any discomfort.
“I think that's tight enough for now.”
He nodded and laid down beside you. “You wanna watch porn?”
You thought about it for a second. “Nah.” You rolled to the side, only to feel the toy limit your comfort.
“Maybe a pillow will help?” he mused, passing it to you.
“It feels strange. Static. Dry… Aseptic.”
He nodded. “Not a great feeling.” He also placed a pillow between his knees before cupping the back of your head and scooting closer to you. “Hi,” he whispered, breaking into a large smile.
“Hi,” you whispered back, joining your lips.
You didn't know how long you kissed, only that his hands were everywhere, rubbing your back, on your ass, pulling you closer, then pushing you back a little as he tried to massage your breasts, next tightening the pressure on your pussy pump.
“This good?” he asked, his lips already kissing the sweet spot below your ear. It made you purr and try to throw your leg over his, realising a minute too late that you couldn’t grind on him.
You made a disappointed little sound, Namjoon’s hands cupping your face and smoothening the frown on your brow with his thumbs. “It’s okay, little fox. Focus on me, babylove.”
With the most vulnerable expression, you brushed your lips to his as the tip of your nose played with his, his face glowing with a sudden bright smile before he drew a line of tiny smooches from your forehead to your chin. “I know, baby.”
“I don’t like this,” you whined, hiding your face into his neck. “I can’t feel you.”
He held you closer. “Would you like to take it off?” His hands were skimming every inch of your naked skin, soothing you.
“I don’t want to disappoint you,” you mewled weakly, feeling ashamed of the statement.
“You’re not disappointing me, ____. We’re doing this to know if we like it, my angel.” He caressed your hair.
“I can do this, I just need to get used to the lack of touching.”
“I know it’s a delicate topic for you. You can take it off and grind on me if you want,” he reassured you.
You found his pump mechanism and asked, “Do you want it tighter?”
He hummed and nodded.
You didn’t last much longer after that, mostly because Namjoon knew he was tiptoeing around a soft limit of yours and he could feel you were already vulnerable. He knew a couple tears would come after your orgasm, your body too emotionally challenged for you not to release all the tension in crying.
“Let’s take this off,” he whispered into your ear, the pressure on him too tight, almost unbearable after fifteen minutes with the pump on, three of which on the highest setting. He would make a mess of you. He knew it already. “I'm gonna cum a lot,” he said with a half-embarrassed chuckle.
“Is that an issue?” you mused, blocking his hand as he tried to remove your pump. “I… I want you to cum on me.” It was easier to say after all this time. He was almost used to it. The following request however was unusual. “On my chest.”
He nodded. “Are you sure?”
“I want you to distract me. I want to keep the toy, just distract me from it.” You bat your lashes at him. “Please.”
In his mind, he had opposed your idea for maybe half a second. “Okay. But I want you to use your safeword if need be.”
After he ascertained you remembered it, he waited for your approval on him straddling your waist, your hands immediately touching him, starting from the base and pulling to the tip, a thick blob of precum helping you as both your palms started massaging him.
“You’re so damn good at this,” he praised you. “You’re such a good girl to me.”
You glowed at the compliment, starting to stroke him more powerfully. “Thank you, daddy.”
“You’re welcome, little one,” he replied sweetly before a grunt left his lips, his body waving a little before he propped himself up with one hand. “If you keep it up, I’ll be covering your tits in cum in seconds, Vixen.”
“Isn’t that our goal?” you asked with faux naivety, noticing the way he was starting to swell.
While you angled his cock downwards, to your stomach, he placed a hand under your jaw. He wouldn’t want your face to get accidentally dirty. That was the last conscious act he did before he felt his balls tighten a bit more than earlier, a strong spurt of his semen landing on your neck, the second one between your breasts, and then a third on your left breast, your nipple peaked and glazed in his cum as he slowly came down from an unstoppable high.
“Thank you, daddy,” you said again, truly thankful for the vision of him braced over you, completely ecstatic, head thrown back as he roared in pleasure, his throat beautifully exposed.
Too bad you couldn’t put your mouth on it.
It took him a full minute to come back to reality, and when he did, he inevitably noticed that he was still hard and you were still unbelievably horny right below him.
“Joon?” you called.
“Yes, Vixen?”
“Do you think you can slip your cock inside me and make me cum with a vibrator on my clit?” Your request was posed curtly, efficiently, almost as if you were asking him how a telescope works.
He rose from his half slumber at that. “Sure about the vibrator?”
You nodded. “The mild one, you know. The one from your ring.”
He thought about it for a millisecond before kissing your forehead. “You’re a blessing”. He thought it even more as a cascade of chuckles left your mouth. He took off your pump, a tiny bit distracted by the need to suck on your wet nipple, to draw a hickey where your neck had been stained by his orgasm. Next he slipped in, slowly, whimpering at the way your cunt was soaked and puffy and full. “You feel so fucking incredible?”
“Different from usual?” you wondered, a tiny gasp leaving your mouth as he settled.
“Just very sensitive. Like round three at six in the morning,” he explained, you humming in understanding.
“It feels a bit like that actually, now that I think of it.” You laid back while he pressed the tip of the vibrator to your chest, collecting some slickness before bringing the toy to your clit and switching it on.
Your reaction was immediate. “I am sensitive,” you exclaimed before squealing, your inner walls contracting and Namjoon shifting a little. It was the combo of fullness and clitoral stimulation that made you come apart in three minutes. And then again, five minutes later.
Namjoon was shocked. After the second orgasm, he just pulled out and wore the ring, fucking you in earnest. Your usually difficult third high rolled around like nothing, Namjoon reaching his climax together with you.
He thought he was done but apparently not yet, his back on the mattress while you ground on him, taking a pause from the vibrations before placing them on the highest setting and riding him, sliding back and forth. You knew he preferred it when you bounced, but his hands led you on a rolling motion until you collapsed forward, too exhausted to cry out, just shivering in his arms, trembling as your muscles succumbed in fatigue.
“Goodness,” you exhaled once all toys were out of the picture, your body laying on top of Namjoon’s while you slipped his cock back inside you, enjoying the easy connection coming from the gesture.
“What a night,” he agreed. You were both sticky and needed a shower, but first he needed to make sure you were okay emotionally. And cockwarming was specifically what you both needed. “How are you?”
“Tired,” you replied straight away. “Very fucking in love with you.”
“Language,” he reminded you before holding you closer. The shivering wasn’t stopping.
“Let’s take a bath, mh? You’re shivering. You need to relax.” He rubbed your back energetically before massaging your thighs. “You did amazing, babylove.” He cuddled you some more, staying quiet for a minute before asking, “Do you still not like the toys?”
You shrugged. “Can we talk about that later? I’m not ready yet,” you replied, still too biased about the experience to give judgement.
He nodded. “Sure thing, little fox. Come on, to the bathroom.”
“To the bathroom,” you agreed with a yawn.
Namjoon smiled. He loved aftercare baths. But he loved you more.
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