#technoblades prison escape mentioned
yushox · 2 years
They're both young, basically immortal and best friends. Ofcourse they would do dumb shit.
Kristin is barely containing her laughter as Phil signs the certificate after Techno.
Wilbur looks upset, looking up at his adoptive mom "You're not leaving us right?"
Kristin kisses the teens chocolate hair "Never my little chick."
"But, dadza is marrying Techno... doesn't that mean you have to leave?" The young boy asks innocently.
"No baby, I will never leave you, not for anything. I do have to leave for work, but I'm sure you understand that. But for something like this, no, I love Phil too much to ever consider leaving. Plus, he's happy with Techno, and Techno is our closest friend, I have no reason not to trust him with Phil."
Hearing that whispered to him calms Wilbur considerably.
Years pass, and Wilbur takes another shot "So Dad.. how is your marriage with Techno going? Any intriguing fights or..?"
Phil blushes slightly as he smiles sadly and takes a shot "Just one "fight" that happened a little while ago, he was visiting Dream, gave me a will just in case the worst happened and we both knew the chances of the worst happening. I thought he meant to hit the stasis chamber three months after the visit, but instead he wrote three days. He proceeded to call me all kinds of words synonymous to "old" and "blind" and he even brought me glasses knowing perfectly well that the only thing I have difficulty seeing is glass and transparent objects. They didn't help jack shit and I couldn't even see the lenses in the first place."
Wilbur, drunk out of his mind, bless him, is in tears from laughter at this point.
After his laughter dies down though he asks the one question Phil dreaded this whole evening "Say, where is he? You said he was up and about, surely he would have come by to drink with us by now."
Phil silently takes a shot before speaking shakily, his heart still hurts, even after getting so used to this part of life "...Hes actually.." another shot "..he went to conquer the kingdom of Gods Will."
"Wait, what do you...?" Willbur asks confusedly.
"Wilbur, he only had one life left. And over the years, over the eons, he only told me and Kristin, that he was Ill. And that there was nothing we could do about it except give him more and more minutes," another shot "but eventually, Will, eventually even he would succumb to such illness."
Will stares at his dad "no..."
Phil looks at his son "During his last few days awake he called you, Tommy, Tubbo, and even Ran, his sons, albeit he was more like Ranboos mentor than father." Phil sobers himself up, a benefit of being an angel "He died peacefully last week. I was the one who drifted his boat into the sea. He asked for noone, but me to watch him drift and sink."
The younger man also sobers up quite quickly, tears springing out of his eyes.
After those sobering news both men decide to settle down for the night. The silence cutting the air like a knife.
Philza ends up unable to sleep because of his sons sobs downstairs.
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loud-whistling-yes · 5 months
All i know is the Season 9 of Hermitcraft, hc x dsmp crossover and Tilly do us apart. The rest you mention is foreign to me. So yeah and also I agreed that no person should see the entirety of dsmp history. Like damn... many things have occur in a short period of time?!
Glad you've asked! Here is a list of things part of mcyt history that has happened in the last 4 years:
Hermitcraft season 7 will be 4 years old in a month (February 2020)
The dsmp will be 4 too in a few months (April 2020)
Dream SMP War by Sadist, the video that caused one of the largest surges of popularity for the dsmp, turns 4 in August
Doomsday celebrated it's 3rd anniversary about a week ago (6th January 2021)
Yes. Almost ALL of the dsmp story up to that point happened within the span of about 5 months. From the VERY BEGINNING OF THE DISC SAGA TO THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF LMANBURG. It all took place from July to early January. What the fuck.
3rd life will be turning 3 in April (April 2021)
Penismp turns 3 in May. I cannot stress this enough. Remember the fake smp that predated goncharov BY A FUCKING YEAR AND A HALF and trended 3rd on Tumblr for 2 days straight??? That was almost 3 years ago now.
The surge of popularity for Passerine happens around May of 2021, following Sadist's animation Sunsprite's Eulogy
Empires season 1 will be 3 years old in June
Hermitcraft season 8 will also be 3 in June (exactly one week apart! Esmp started on 12th June while hcs8 started on the 19th)
Yes, you heard it right, the life series and empires predate season 8! Pearl and Gem became hermits roughly a week AFTER the cactus ring.
June 2021 is ALSO the month where MCC Pride 2021 took place. Y'know, the one with Wilbur's office on fire and technoblade getting nicknamed Tech by grian. THIS IS ALSO turning 3 this year. June 2021 was a wild month.
Techno's escape from prison will be 3 years old this year too. September fucking 2021. It's been 3 years since this happened.
The canary's curse has been a concept in the fandom for a little over 2 years now, following jimmy's final death in last life (early November 2021)
Moon Big also occurred around this time frame, which means it's turning 3 this year!
Mangoball becomes a dsmp fandom staple around early December 2021
The 2 year anniversary of @/chrisrin's curses last life animation is in 2 days! (16th January 2022)
Following the end of empires season 1, hermitcraft season 8 and the lore drought of the dsmp, this is where the big Content Drought of 2022 happens. This is where dreamempirescraft became a thing. This is also where that drawing came from.
Hermitcraft season 9 will also be 2 soon (March 2022). Longest season, everyone.
Double life is currently a year and a half old! (June 2022) Every mention of tilly, pearl being the devil, the scarlet pearl, something wicked this way comes, ALL of it, came from a year and a half ago
Yes, this means that season 9 saw the beginning and end of not one, not two, but THREE seasons of the life series. Longest season, everyone.
Speaking of longest season, anyone remember the esmp crossover? This will also turn 2 this year (November 2022)
Qsmp is about to turn a year old soon! This is less of a fact to make you feel old but a fact that makes you think "ALL THAT IN LESS THAN A YEAR?????", and you'd be right! What the fuck! How did this all happen in less than a year!
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dnbcoded · 6 months
King Technoblade and Anarchist revolutionist Dream, are you picking up what i am putting down??
- 🧋🛼
ANON I SEE YOU... I was thinking a lot about this prompt, hence, little drabble. I actually think cTechnoblade would be the most anti-monarchy/autocracy king to ever exist, and it would amuse/confuse cDream, so this has a lot of potential to be fun.
Dream was starting to discover he was less of a prisoner and more of a… undomesticated pet, for the castle staff.
He was followed by the guards, sure, and any attempt of escaping was stopped before it even began. Technoblade’s staff was not only well trained, but truly cared about him, so he wasn’t allowed to get close to him nor leave the castle. 
However, aside from general disruption of peace —such as attempting to get rid of Technoblade, again— he was pretty much allowed anywhere and to do anything. If he wanted to eat, he could help himself in the kitchen or get a full meal by simply requesting. He was allowed to train with the guards, and talk to them freely, even though most of them just ignored any plea of being let go, and aside from that he wasn’t quite interested in them. He was let in the library to spend the afternoons he had to waste reading and writing letters. Hell, he was even allowed to send the letters. It’s like everyone had forgotten he was an actual leader of the anarchist movement in the country, that stood against everything the castle had built. 
It surprised him. But, mostly, it irked him to not be taken seriously. The wonders of being treated like a pest, at best, lasted for a week, and after that he took to hiding himself in his ‘room’ (a cell filled with pillows and carpets, more like), and wait out his sentence until he was liberated by his allies of Technoblade himself deemed him useless and tried to cull him. 
“I want you to explain your ideas to me,” Technoblade said, sitting in front of him with paper and a quill ready to write, a pair of thin glasses on the edge of his nose. “The ones about community management.”
“Excuse me?” Dream blinked, shocked into politeness. 
“In your speech, you mentioned ‘the people should get a hold of not only the means of production but also the distribution of punishment, thus, the power should belong to the people’. I am interested in how you arrived at this conclusion.” 
There is a silence where Dream doesn’t even know where to start.
“... Karl Marx?” He whispers at last. “I mean, I dunno, I think.” 
Technoblde raises his eyebrows. “Are you insulting my intelligence? Of course I’ve read him, they’re fine authors with even more enticing theories. But that’s all they are: theories. I want to know how you plan to introduce them into practice.” 
Dream considers this opportunity. In all of his life, he’s been told by others that at best he’s an idealist, at worst he’s a child without real purpose. And here’s the king of their country, holding him prisoner with no regard for his own safety —while Dream doesn’t think he’s stupid enough to confront him without a weapon, Technoblade is armorless—, and a genuine intent to learn. From Dream. He suddenly feels misplaced warmth. The only question left is—
“Why?” Technoblade as a ruler has no need to listen to his people. Historically, no ruler has had to worry outside of keeping a general sense of stability so that the people don’t starve and, thus, revolt. But Technoblade’s kingdom wasn’t gearing towards a violent takeover feed by starvation; the reason Dream was gathering both scholars and farmers alike was because he knew the aristocracy wouldn’t listen, and he wanted to step ahead from all their neighboring countries into establishing a democracy. Technoblade’s support could mean everything. 
“I haven’t been born into this kingdom as much as I was entrusted with it,” Technoblade says, a little sheepishly, to Dream’s surprise. “I don’t enjoy the autocracy, the lack of counsel. From where I come from, all decisions are given to a certain group of people that, while still privileged, have the town’s best interest in consideration. I would like to establish something similar in this country, but given the sheer amount of people to consider, not even mentioning the nobility that I’m sure wouldn’t be as kind to your folks as I am, I wanted to transition into what the people would like, rather than completely changing the rules overnight and risking an occupation. Am I clear?” 
Dream is still a prisoner, and despite Technoblade’s words, he’s distrusting of anyone that was brought up in a golden crate. However, this might just be his chance to do a less-murderous coup, if it ends up working up. Besides, he doubts his team is getting through the guards soon. He has time to kill. 
“Well.” Dream stars, tasting hubris in his lips and he licks them. He feels Technoblade’s vacant glare turn pointed, precise. “Since I was a kid, my father taught me that chores are better done in pairs.” 
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
heyy do you think you'd be able to do something with c!dream's son or gn child confronting him about all that he did? thankss
Hallo, thanks for requesting!
Ok, I'll tie this one with another similar request about "Daughter!Reader unaliving C!Dream"
So, I hope you enjoy <3
Child!Reader confronts C!Dream
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Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Disclaimer: DSMP finale spoilers & mentions of unaliving
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You've been spending month's talking to the people of the SMP and catching up on all the stuff your father had done to them
Obviously the ratio of "nice things" and "bad things" about Dream were very much unbalanced
Which made you speechless, cause you shared blood with that man you called "father"
Can you even call him that, you wondered
He had spent every living moment away from you, leaving you in the hand of his best friend Sapnap and his two struggling fiancée's
Not even once had he come to see you, talk to you, apologize for being away doing god knows what while his own child was alone
So, in hopes of getting your revenge, you started planning
If he was so fond of this stupid server, instead of his own child, then you had to take it away from him
Make him realize what he really had done and suffer as his precious SMP crumbled right infront of him
After hearing what Tommy and Tubbo had in plan for you father, knowing fully well that him and Punz were most likely 5 steps ahead of the clingy duo, you made your own moves
You made sure to be 10 steps ahead of Dream, strategizing a flawless plan with guaranteed victory in your favor
The moment the due entered the prison was when your plan took action
You joined them a bit later, after making sure that everything was set for the "big surprise"
As you looked down, you glared at the disgusting scene infornt of you
Dream talking about being friends with Tommy, after everything he had done to the poor child and the people in his own server
What a poor excuse of a man.
"It's too late for apologies, father." You said as the trio looked up at you
"Y/N.. what are you doing here?"
You chuckled "Why I'm here to join the party. You didn't think I'd be left out of your life forever now did you?"
The red sirens started going off right on cue, the trio panicking as a grin grew on your face
"What's going on? What did you do?!" Dream screamed, demanding answers.
The panic and fear in his voice was music to your ears, finally you got what you wanted.
You explained your plan in every single detail. How you researched abut him for months, how you fooled the clingy duo into coming here and how you and Jack used Tubbo's nukes to desteoy the server
"Are you stupid?!?" He panicked once more, but his cockiness pushed through one last time as a last act of confidence "How are you gonna get out of this alive, huh?"
You just smirked and pulled out a familiar statue from behind you... the totem of undying. A gift given to you by your good 'ol friend, Technoblade
"How does it feel dad?" You mocked, jumping in front of Dream "To lose everything you've been working so hard for. Do you feel Anger? Fear? Regret? Cause those are all emotions you put me though for my entire life since the moment I was born! And now I'll have the front row seats to you and your dear old server demise" Your laughter scared the Dream and Pun away, quickly in search of a way to escape
Tommy had already given up a while ago, already accepting his destiny
Turning towards the entrance you cane from, you left one last comment for your father to hear "Just like L'manburg..." you smirked
"It was never meant to be."
You relished as ypu watched the world around you blow up into pixels
Not once had the thought of other innocent people lives, who were now gonna be gonw with your father, cross your mind
It was pretty selfish of you
Maybe you really were your father's child
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waitingawhile · 1 year
Peer Pressure Duo loveposting
Coming to the realization that if you take any character on the dream smp and analyze their relationship to c!ranboo or c!technoblade you immediately get this other side of that character or just an interesting pair. Like, what the fuck was burger duo. That was a thing that occured and it had no reason to but it made so much sense and I loved it. Niki and ranboo or Niki and technoblade both offer a great opportunity to learn more about her character and how they may parallel her. Quackity's opinion of Technoblade. Quackity's opinion of Ranboo, especially in NLM. Fucking bedrock bros and the driving influence it had on cTommy's character post-exile. The way these two characters just exist in another person's narrative and immediately become a catalyst of change for them. c!Techno's impact is far more conspicuous as once he has appeared within a narrative the characters begin to talk about and fixate on him as a force of nature. c!Ranboo's impact is more like a fridge horror to anyone experiencing it where their impact is not realized until down the line, or perhaps is only realized by the audience when looking for it. Like. Yeah c!Tommy main character sure yes by way of force. Bro inserts himself loudly into each plotline, but he does not always mesh and becomes more of a cameo in stories that are not his own. He remains an unchangeable force. C!Ranboo is like. Underneath each plotline. They openly receive the meaning of that plot line upon entering it and react quietly and methodically in response to those meanings. He's extremely good at grasping a situation, but no matter how much he is meshed into yet another narrative, he is invisibilized and overshadowed by the other characters involved (and this is by design). There is not a single space that is off-limits to c!Ranboo as dictated by those who inhabit it, but c!Ranboo isn't people's topic of discussion. C!Techno on the other hand tries deliberately to remain on the margins of the plotlines or is explicitly feared in spaces by those who inhabit it, but is constantly involved through mention or incitement to different stories by their respective characters. I don't know man. Like what the shit they're both so incredibly narratively compatible with just about every character on the server (tho not often personally compatible).
The presence of both Techno and Ranboo in Dream's prison escape in combination continued to add such a new and refreshing flavor to Dream lore. And on that note! The way that Ranboo acts around Dream (the real dream) is obviously so fucking *i glitch out of the map*. These twooooooo. ccTechno and ccRanboo really said We Are Writers. We Are LARPers. Observe.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 9 months
I See Stars Upon the Sea
by MythAnnLegend
The pirates,The Blood God, had spared his life and his son’s, but he knew better than to think it was an act of mercy. The captain of The Blood God was a legend of a man. Technoblade’s tales had barely escaped across the waves, as no one usually survived encounters with him. Technoblade took lives, spared no one, and everyone had been taught to fear the sight of a red Jolly Roger. “Why would you spare me?” Phil asked, toeing the line between pushing for answers and staying compliant enough to live. “It would be more fitting for someone like you to kill me in front of my son.” Phil didn’t like the look he received in return, a cold smile with unknown intentions. “It would, wouldn’t it?” Technoblade considered, eyes glancing between Phil and Tommy. “My plans for you aren’t set in stone, Philza, but if your son proves to be a useful hand, perhaps I’d let you live.” Phil didn’t believe that. “Instead of having him kill me to prove his loyalty?” The pirate dared him to say more. “Don’t give me ideas you don’t want implemented.”
Pirate Captain Technoblade has taken two new prisoners. No one is particularly happy about it.
Words: 2152, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Ship in a Bottle
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Mentioned/Cameo->, Sam | Awesamdude, Eret (Video Blogging RPF), Jack Manifold, Charlie Dalgleish | Slimecicle, Grayson | Purpled (Video Blogging RPF), Connor | ConnorEatsPants, Ponk | DropsByPonk (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu, Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Zak Ahmed | Skeppy, Karl Jacobs, Kristin Rosales Watson
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit & Phil Watson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pirate, Pirate Captain Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Power Struggle, Manipulation, Dark Sleepy Bois Inc, Sleepy Bois Inc-centric, Sleepy Bois Inc Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotionally Hurt TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Theater Kid Wilbur Soot, (not really he's just SUPER over the top), Constellations, Sleepy Bois Inc as Found Family, Protective Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Dark Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Soft Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), (yes they go together), Blood and Violence, Threats of Violence, Spoilers->, Siren Hybrid Wilbur Soot, Possessive Kristin Rosales Watson, Dark Kristin Rosales Watson, Siren Kristin Rosales Watson, Minor Character Death, Suicidal Thoughts, Starvation, Possessive Behavior
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theminecraftbox · 2 years
I had someone tell me Dream didn't show any signs of trauma from his experiences in the prison. Do you have a list of clips I could share with them?
I mean. Half of me really just wants to answer this, *gestures at the entire prison arc*, because damn if they watch that and don’t come away with the idea “wow this is pretty traumatizing, that dude seems traumatized,” I’m not sure what evidence I could possibly provide that this person would accept. It’s not that deep, y’know? It doesn’t take a lot of sleuthing. It’s literally onscreen torture.
Nor, indeed, should ~degree of visible suffering~ be the barometer for whether or not someone is suffering, or whether or not a situation is acceptable. The not-so-buried implication in the (presumed) argument by this person is a very dehumanizing one: that people capable of hiding or disconnecting from their feelings must surely be unfeeling. Characters as doggedly internal as c!Dream should not be expected to respond in the same fashion as eg c!Tommy.
that being said, here are some stand-out moments, under the cut. 
Tommy’s first visit: 40:19.
Bad’s visit: 42:05. 
48:55- SAM (on Dream’s throwing himself into lava): “He does that a lot. Usually he just wants attention.”
Prison Podcast: 9:08. TECHNO: “I think you should see a psychologist.” DREAM: “Where?”
Dream expressing what he’s experiencing:
Prison Podcast: 17:35- Mentioning he’s having memory issues. DREAM: “I just—I will write everything down ‘cause it’s hard to remember things sometimes.”
Tommy Trapped: 18:05- DREAM: “I’ve been in here for a hundred times longer than you, and you sit there trying to tell me that it’s sooo horrible and so bad. Yeah, it WAS! But guess what! We have each other to talk to, and we had a cat until you fucking killed it!”
Techno Visits: 38:45- Panic and despair when Techno is first trapped.  
41:44- DREAM: “No no no no no, oh my god, you were my only way out of here, you were my ONLY WAY OUT OF HERE!! … I have been in here for SIX MONTHS!”
Techno’s Escape: 5:25- Dream expresses concern that Sam and Quackity might notice he’s feeling better. DREAM: “I’ll have to act a little less high-spirited because otherwise they’ll be like, why are you higher spirited than you were before?” TECHNO: “Yeah man, mmm, I’m so sad from being in prison, mmm. […]” DREAM: “Well I was. But now I feel like there’s actually hope now, though.”
Sam finds Dream after Techno’s escape: 20:00- DREAM: “What if you let me… […] I don’t know. ANYTHING. I’ve been here for so long, Sam. …Can I go to the courtyard?”
Punz and Dream reunite: 1:12:56- PUNZ: “Being in isolation for that long probably does a number on people. I hope you’re doing alright.” DREAM: “It has driven me absolutely wild.”
1:14:10- DREAM: “I mean, it wasn’t--supposed to be...like that, so.”
Dream and Tommy post-escape: 8:55- DREAM: “Y’know, you FUCKED me, Tommy. You put me in prison. I rotted in there. I was tortured, by Quackity. I’m sure you knew about that. I’m sure you let it happen, I’m sure you wanted it to happen.” 
Dream and Sapnap post-escape: 1:07:45- DREAM: “What do you mean, why did I get out? you want me to rot--? I was getting tortured, you want me to rot in prison forever?”
Sapnap’s entire visit. 1:47:12- One tiny hoarse “yes”.
Every time that Bad and Ant visited him post-torture: 21:46- BAD: “didn’t you hear… the sounds coming from Dream’s cell? Like, the screaming? […] Anytime I’d go and, like, visit Dream he would be all, shaking and he wouldn’t wanna talk!” ANT: “I think it’s just because, he’s like, in prison. Like he never talked to me…”
Other people talking about his trauma:
23:10- BAD: “Every time I saw him, he just looked worse and worse, so when he was escaping, I just—Sam went and attacked Dream and […] I ignored Dream and went to try and stop Technoblade…”
Edited to add:
Quackity comes to Techno’s birthday party: 24:04- QUACKITY: “When in prison, he seems to be a completely different person, so, I appreciate that.”
25:58- QUACKITY: (chuckling) “He’s changed a lot. If you walk in there it’s not—he doesn’t seem like the person he’s always been, which is weird, how a person can change just like that.”
Naked terror/trauma:
Quackity’s torture montage: 3:17- Dream is shaking his head, backing away, scrambling into the water to get away. 
Quackity forces Dream to write to Techno: I mean, literally this entire scene: terror, begging, cowering, appeasement.
1:50- DREAM: “No, please, please… no, Quackity, please…” […] QUACKITY: “Don’t ever reach for any of my fucking weapons ever again, okay?” DREAM: “Yes sir.”
2:35- QUACKITY: “I have to come every day to remind you, otherwise I think you’ll end up forgetting, and I don’t think I want you to forget.” DREAM: “I won’t forget, I won’t forget, no, I promise you I won’t forget!”
8:30- Quackity tortures Dream to get him to write the note. Dream really does not want to, but he obeys. DREAM: (near sobbing) “STOP—PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! I’ll write it, I’ll write it, I’ll write it!”
Techno’s Escape: 14:45- Begging Sam for his and Techno’s lives while Quackity is torturing them. 
16:05- Instantly aware that Quackity’s going to hurt him after Techno disappears. DREAM: “I—I didn’t do anything!”
Sam finds Dream after Techno’s escape: 13:45- Desperately begging Sam not to call back Quackity. DREAM: “Sam, WAIT. Wait. Come back, please, PLEASE. Listen, he’s been torturing me for so long, and then he finally stopped and now he came back! If he knows I’m alive, he’s gonna kill me!”
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liloinkoink · 2 years
emduo fic recommendations would be extremely appreciated <3
sick alright. ive said some of these before im sure, but always nice to have em all in one place, yeah? in no particular order...
can i get you to stay? by acuteroses (complete, 23k). phil dies in his years-long hardcore world and The Powers That Be drop him into techno's lawn to help readjust and recover after extended isolation. it's pretty interesting! a really nice hurt/comfort fic
skin splits to bone by renvember (oneshot, 2.4k). techno meets phil while in the nether and follows him home. first fic in a series
Like a Good Neighbor by dreamdx (ongoing, 18k). phil and techno are neighbors in an apartment complex. wil and tommy are also around, but it mostly focuses on phil's attempts to befriend his reclusive neighbor. starting to make very interesting hints abt techno's past, plus has some real fun drama
It Was a Pale White Horse. by MemeMachine562 (oneshot, 6k). when the butcher army goes after technoblade, phil goes after them. sometimes you just gotta terrorize a bunch of people to save your buddy and that's cool as hell
28 Days of Delirium by AuricAxis (complete, 16k). techno gets trapped in the end and meets phil who has been stuck in the end for a Long Time and been changed by it. they decide 2 heads is better than one and begin trying to escape the end together
Remember Me For Centuries by GracefulLeopard (oneshot, 19k). tftsmp au w phil entering the pit bc techno has been cursed to fight there as a beast and phil wants to bring him home
the lilting dance of binary stars by findingkairos (oneshot, 8.5k) i know everyone knows the "to you i gift the end of things" series but also oh my god to you i gift the end of things series i also just like the reincarnation-ish premise and any fic abt techno's execution ill enjoy
there's a debt or two i owe you by acuteroses (oneshot, 3.8k). smpe edmuo, techno is captured and the angel of death comes to rescue him. once again sometimes you just gotta kill a bunch of people to save your buddy and that's cool as hell
there were dragons when i was a boy by GracefulLeopard (series, ongoing, 14k). httyd au, phil's a dragon and techno's human. the first meeting fic i really enjoyed
don't forget to be polite by ohworm (oneshot, 2.1k). just a cute fic abt techno having a habit of imitating animal noises back to them, to phil's infinite amusement
The Apple of a Lifetime by squidkid11 (ongoing, 29k). phil tries to rob a bastion and gets his ass saved by a piglin, who suffers for it. phil tries to repay the debt, but not quite successfully
lead me into the light by h_mellohi (oneshot, 12k). soulmate au, when you meet your soulmate the world comes into color (and when you lose them it returns to grey). phil's immortal, techno is not
Watching It Become a Problem with a Cold Stare by EmJay_Panziku (ongoing, 23k). humans are space orcs style fic abt human techno and alien phil breaking out of space prison and trying to get techno home
crude little wooden idols by Odaighara (series, 12k words). i mentioned a fic from this series in an ask i got last night. phil's trapped in the tomb of a dead god and reads his diary. what happens next will surprise you! (believe hard enough and not all gods will stay dead)
Take me with you (oneshot, 4k). phil dies and techno does not appreciate having ghostza in his house. emerald duo but make me sad about it
dance, friend by ANTARCTICEMPIRE (oneshot, 1.3k). techno and phil dance together and techno sucks at it. s'it that's the fic its just nice
a hole inside a hurricane by Odaigahara (oneshot, 3.8k). emerald duo orv au... emerald duo orv au. it probably holds up even if you dont read orv--techno and phil in a video game-mechanic based apocalypse, both powerful in their own unique ways--but im Obsessed w this webcomic and thought it was really fun
also uhhh can i rec myself. im doing that. dead and undying by me (complete, 7.5k). techno character study also doomsday speedrun
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fluffallamaful · 3 years
oh? what’s this? fluffallamaful is actually posting that darn prison fic?? my goodness!! and before dream actually gets broken out,??
Continued on from “Ticklish Dreams (and George’s)”
With concepts from “Crying Giggling Obsidian”
Summary: Betrayal is a sickly feeling, as is regret, as is loneliness. Dream is unfortunately feeling the pains of all three in his prison cell, after being abandoned by Technoblade. But what better way to deal with these demons than by having a god appear and tickle them out of you?? :D CRAZILY PLATONIC
Warnings: tickling, XD has 4 arms, prison angst, the 3 ugly feelings mentioned in the summary
he/him pronouns for Dream
he/they pronouns for DreamXD
Word Count: 5060
enjoy ☺️
This fic is dedicated to @covenofwives , who has kept me completely sane while i’ve been trying my darnedest to write this. And has ultimately heard me talk about how i want to finish this fic for a months straight 😅
Cool obsidian pressed against Dream’s cheek, his eyes dull and hazed as he aimlessly traced the divots of the blackened magma in front of him - hot liquid frozen in time. He didn’t know how long he had been lying there for - pinned to his prison floor under a weighted blanket of misery - but it had been long enough that the unforgiving surface had begun to weld bruises into his hips, his heart resting well below the blocks of his cell, swaying along with the elder guardian’s mournful calls.
He had been left behind.
And honestly, while his past self might’ve been ablaze with fury and malice right now, the only feeling that his brain could muster up, was one of pure regret. The type that twisted into his chest until his lungs had no space to breathe. That froze his body solid and numbed the muscles in his face, constantly whispering critiquing comments into his ears.
What had he expected? Had he really thought that Technoblade would sacrifice himself over him? That his now ex-cell mate would bring the cure to this nightmare? That his problems would just, magically disappear in the presence of another being? He had been a fool, a moron in fact. And the worst part about it all? He didn’t even blame Technoblade for a second. He only blamed himself.
Not only had he stupidly assumed that his pathetic little friendship with the piglin-hybrid would somehow break them out of prison, but he had also assumed that they’d do it together. And he had been so wrong.
But thankfully he still had the hole in the toilet that he could continue digging through right? He still had a chance to escape on his own… right?? No. He was a fool for that too, carelessly hiding from the blaring sirens in the exact location that he was trying to hide from his warden.
He slammed his fist into the obsidian, frustrated tears gathering in his eyes when the blow did nothing to chase away the anger that should be there, but instead just hurt… really bad. He hated it. He hated it all so much. He hated how the gurgling lava that kept him imprisoned laughed at his shame, he hated how the smell of his own prisonwear taunted him with the memory of the hole that was no longer there. But most of all, he hated how vulnerable he had become. His thoughts were practically eating him away, feeding him a strict diet of his past mistakes on loop, and then plummeting him into a well of self pity.
In fact, he had become so entangled in his own intrusive thoughts, that he had not even registered that he was no longer alone in his cell. It was not until the familiar low voice echoed out from behind him that he realised.
“Dream.” Dream’s eyes widened for a moment, his body flinching at the sudden company.
“E-ex Dee?” He murmured, voice tentative and barely more audible that a whisper. He lifted his head to rest his other cheek onto the hard floor instead, eyes being met with the sea of green fabric that now flooded his cell. DreamXD stood crouched before him, white porcelain mask lifted to reveal a comforting smile, and head dipped to avoid hitting his ceiling.
Dream could not deny the warmth that suddenly bloomed in his chest upon seeing the deity, however it was quickly chased away by the bitterness of betrayal that still laced his body. He was helpfully reminded that the god - just like Technoblade - was not the solution to his problems, nor did they care about his problems, they were simply here to satisfy their own motivates. He turned his head back away again.
“Did George send you again?” He asked, albeit a little more sourly than intended. But honestly if George really cared then he’d just come see him himself, instead of making XD do all the work.
Dream blinked. His question had mainly been rhetorical, and yet XD had provided him with an answer that not only caught him off guard, but also managed to threaten the constructs of his miserable narrative. He frowned, flicking at his formidable floor, and watching as tiny fragments of it pinged across his cell.
“But- but I didn’t summon you...” He confirmed, turning back to face the deity again. His mind screamed at him to not let his guard down so easily, but he managed to wrestle the warnings aside, the curiosity that DreamXD always seemed to evoke taking its place instead. He propped himself up on his elbows, grimacing at the extra pressure it put on his hips, but looking up to the god regardless.
“No. I came on my own.” XD explained, his voice even and smooth, cloak shifting with them as they moved.
Dream braced himself, half expecting to be bundled up and whisked out of his cell like in XD’s other visits. However much to his surprise, the deity simply took a step back, seating himself down against the prison’s obsidian wall. He watched as they made themselves comfortable, the sound of familiar shuffling fabric muffling out the taunting gurgles of the lava fall, silencing any of Dream’s leftover tantalising thoughts and allowing for the bloom of warmth to reappear in his chest.
“You seemed sad.” XD elaborated. Dream quickly hung his head, reaching for his previously discarded mask and placing it over his face. Of course the god had witnessed him in such a vulnerable moment… Though he was undoubtably touched by their concern.
“H-how much did you see..?” He asked, tentatively lifting his head to address them again. He was met by two outstretched arms, the gesture - along with the deity’s warm smile - being a clear offering for a seat beside him against the blackened wall. A smile flickered across his lips, gingerly peeling himself off the floor to accept.
“I saw enough.” XD confirmed. Dream huffed at his honesty, but shuffled himself across the floor towards the guiding arms regardless. As soon as he reached them he was pulled into the deity’s side, warm arms wrapping protectively around him as he melted into their deep green cloak. It was a substantially different feeling to the cold obsidian floor.
“Sam will be back you know.” He warned, fiddling with his mask to allow for him to nuzzle further into the comforting fabric. XD hummed his understanding.
“Mm, I’ve dealt with him.” Dream frowned at his response.
“You’ve dealt with him?”
“He’s alive.” They shrugged, arms tightening reassuringly around him. “Not for you to worry about. You’ve got more important matters.”
Dream followed their pointed gesture, surprised to find a purplish blemish forming across the edge of his palm, a sudden reminder of his previous frustrations.
“Oh.” He muttered sheepishly, pulling the bruised hand to his chest, however XD gently guided it out again, examining it with down turned lips.
“You need to be more careful.”
“What are you my mother?”
XD let out an unimpressed hum, but his lips turned up from his frown, flattening out Dream’s hand with his own. “I can fix it if you’d like.”
Dream looked up at him in surprise, a small head nod following his interest. He was not aware that the god possessed healing abilities, but he supposed that if they could give literal dreams, then a little healing spell would be nothing.
He watched as they began to rub a thumb gently over the bruised area, wincing a little initially, but quickly discovering that the gesture did not hurt in the slightest. In fact he melted to the touch, a smile pulling at his lips when a tingly sensation - that oddly resembled that of the fizzes and flickers from his crying obsidian walls - began to trail each swipe, assuming it to be the healing aspect.
“Does it feel nice?” XD’s gentle voice rumbled. Dream felt his cheeks warm, realising that he had practically disappeared into the deity’s soft green garments. He reshuffled himself, clearing his throat and muttering out a small ‘yes’ to the question. DreamXD chuckled, running a reassuring clawed hand through the blonde’s tangled hair.
“Good.” He crooned. Dream’s sheepish smile melted into a fond one at the deity’s usual pride. He allowed for his eyes to flutter shut, a content sigh leaving his mouth as he was lulled into relaxation by the god’s simple affection. However with his mind now free of trouble, it opened up space for curiosity, the tingling over his palm prompting a burning question to swell in the back of his mind.
Would DreamXD be sensitive to the crying obsidian like he was? Could a god like him be ticklish?
He lifted his head, eyes flickering over to his cell walls. Royal purple sparks danced over its surface, other flakes spiralling down from his ceiling, and the gentle hum that the blocks emitted adding to the ambiance of the prison. He knew all too well how it felt to touch the wall, and a shudder travelling up his spine would remind him of how it felt to have one of its occasion bolts coursing through him, but would the sensation be the same for XD?
“Do you have any other bruises?” Said deity’s voice brought him back to reality.
“Uh… y-yeah, on my hips...” Dream answered, his voice wavering and distant as he attempted to form the best possible phrasing for his question. “W-when- when was the last time you touched crying obsidian?”
The god’s tracing stopped, their lips remaining still and emotionless, and his head titling up in apparent thought. Dream found himself holding his breath as he watched their reactions play out.
“Why..?” XD finally spoke, mask meeting that of the smaller’s, but only before Dream quickly averted his gaze. He readjusted his mask, a blush creeping up his cheeks as his mind fumbled to come up with a coherent excuse for wanting to know the specific information.
“I j-just wanted to know what it felt like for you..?” He managed, though his tone tilted up at the end. He winced as XD’s lips slowly formed into a cheeky grin.
“You want to know if I’m ticklish.”
Dream felt his stomach drop, his eyes widening and voice disappearing in his throat for a moment at the deity’s unbelievable accuracy.
“N-nO! No! No, it’s not that I-”
“You were going to make me touch one of the walls.”
“n-nO!! No I wasn’t! I wahasn’t!!” He assured, although his thumping heart pointed out that that was in fact exactly what he was going to do. He felt XD’s arms shuffle around him, gasping when he was lifted from his obsidian flooring, and grasping at the shifting sleeves for support.
“You’re a liar~” The god sang, his sudden playfulness causing a nervous smile to twitch over Dream’s lips. It was easy to forget how cheeky the deity could be, a giddiness forming in his gut as he was pulled in close to their chest bridal style.
“Stahp!! I’m n-not!!” He argued, pushing at them lightly while simultaneously pressing his mask firmly to his face. “What are you doing??”
DreamXD only hummed, however Dream’s question was graciously answered in the form of deja vu once he was gently lowered into their lap, the position sparking a wave of familiarity to twist inside him.
“Waihiit nOHo!!!” He yelped, the sudden protest being peppered with eidetic giggles, curtesy to XD’s last visits. His hands instinctively grasped at XD’s as clawed fingers began to pinch at the hem of his prison shirt, wide, mirthful eyes shooting up to the deity’s mask. “Whahat are youhu dohoing?!”
“You said you had bruises on your hips yes?” XD’s tone was now innocent, but a contradicting, mischievous smirk was curling beneath his mask. Dream gasped as they gently lifted up the worn fabric of his prison wear, revealing his bruised skin to the dense air of his cell. “Ah yes! Here they are.”
“NOho!! Ehehex dehehe dohon’t!!” Dream pleaded, squirming in the deity’s lap as large fingers fluttered over his hip bones. His smile was quick to widen, seeping out either side of his cracked mask as the giddiness in his gut expanded to intertwine with the warmth still lining his chest.
“Relax Dreamie I’m only healing them.” XD smiled, their warm tone matching that of the lava fall perfectly. Dream whined, flushing at the nickname and squirming more when the deity’s thumbs began to slowly graze over his bruised skin, their touch light and feather-like. He immediately puffed out his cheeks when the healing aspect from before began to trail the their fingers again, finding the feeling comparatively more maddening to how it felt over his palm.
“Did you think that I was going to tickle you?” Dream gasped, spluttered giggles erupting into the back of his mask at the deity’s teasy question.
“s-stahap!!” He squeaked. XD smiled proudly at the response, the mortal’s sensitivity to the word never growing old.
“You thought that I’d tickle you for trying to tickle me?”
“E-ehex Dehehe!!”
“Mmm, well I suppose that it would serve you right… You did lie to me after all… Perhaps I’ll have to follow through once these are done.” The deity hummed, smirking down as Dream kicked out in his lap, admiring the red hue that dusted his cheeks. Both of the mortal’s hands were wrapped around his own, the smaller fingers coiling uselessly around them in attempt to gain some sort of control.
“Although it already seems to tickle quite a lot. Is this another bad spot of yours?”
“nOHoho!!” Dream denied, squeezing the fingers harder, and shaking his head in attempt to chase away his ever-growing fluster. However instead of easing the colouring in his cheeks, he merely dislodged that of his own protective mask, letting out a gasp as it toppled down to the prison floor behind him. “Wahahihit Ehehex-”
“Was that another lie~?”
“No!! Nohoho mihihy-”
“Oh it was! Look at that smile! You have ticklish hips!”
“STAHAP!! Ehex dehehe mihihy mask!!” Dream desperately explained, his now visible cheeks darkening to a cherry red, and the corners of his lips wobbling as he attempted to fight away his wide smile. While he would be unable to deny that he had looked forward to these moments with XD nearly daily, the idea of it showing so clearly on his face was not something that the mask-wearer was so thrilled about.
“And you’ve been so kind to allow me to see it!”
“nOHo!! Ehex Dehe cahan yOHuhu get ihit baHAck plehehease?!” Dream whined, briefly gesturing towards his runaway mask, before planting his head firmly into XD’s green garments. The god chuckled.
“Mmm, no I think I’m enjoying seeing your pretty smile.” They crooned, scratching either side of Dream’s hips with one set of arms, while spidering another set gently over the back and sides of the boy’s neck in attempt to coax him out of hiding. “It suits you much better than the frown you were wearing earlier.”
Dream squawked, sweet bubbly giggles following closely behind as he buried himself further into the deity’s cloak, scrunching his neck up to block out the skittering fingers. If possible his smile grew even wider, driven by the giddy warmth that now surfaced from his chest from the the deity’s words, its overflow wrapping him in a cocoon of pure bliss.
“Nahahaha ihit- Cahahan- Ehehex Dehehe wahahihit- cahahan ihihi- mihihihy mahahask…”
“You can get your mask back by yourself! I’m not stopping you.” XD pointed out gently, smiling fondly at the blonde’s disjointed, slurred speech.
Dream groaned, lifting his head from his burrow to assess his situation. XD’s large hands were crowded around his seemingly small frame, each finger tip still leaving behind tiny sparks of healing, and his own coiled fingers doing very little to dampen their effects. The sight alone was already flustering enough, and the idea of abandoning his albeit, poor defences just seemed undoubtedly far-fetched.
“I cahahan’t!!” He pouted, dropping his head back with a defeated whine, and curling his fingers tighter around XD’s. His giddy smile was quick to return as the god’s other set of fingers fluttered under his chin, squeezing his eyes shut to avoid the doting smile that rested below the larger’s pushed up mask.
“Ohh yes you can~ It will only take a few seconds Dreamie, what are you worried about?” XD teased softly, smiling when Dream nuzzled back into his cloak with another whine.
“sTAHAhap!! Stohohop cAhAHalling mehehe thAHAht!!”
“What, Dreamie?? But that’s what Georgie calls you!” He defended, unable to hide his slow-curling smirk as the boy’s blush bled out to his ears, flustered cackles pouring into his fabric burrow.
“STAHAP nohoho he dohoesn’t!!” Dream detested, uncoiling a set of fingers from XD’s to help soothe the uncovered side of his burning face. Only his arm almost immediately came crashing back down once long nails were felt skittering up his bare side, the god apparently making the most of his freedom.
“NOHO DOHON’T!!” Dream yelped, his hand flying down to wrangle up the rogue fingers. XD allowed him the satisfaction of his defence, slowing his skittering down to light scratching, and chuckling at the soft bubbly giggles that spluttered out of the boy.
“That was too easy~” They cooed, smiling as the muscles on Dream’s sides twitched under each scritch. “All I had to do was mention George and you let go! Might as well just grab your mask Dreamie~”
“nOHOhoho!!” Dream giggled, kicking his legs out to counter the heat in his cheeks, a fleet of butterflies carving out a pit in his gut at the deity’s accusation. He hated that they could read him so easily. “Juhuhust gehehet ihit fOHOhor mehehe!!”
“Because you’re just sooo easy to fluster so it’s bound to happen again!”
“Just look at those blushy cheeks!!”
“nOHO!! XD STAHAP THEY’RE NOHOHOT!!” Dream argued, his hands twitching as he fought down the urge to cover his cheeks again, rolling himself towards the concealing safety of his burrow. Although despite his valiant efforts in hiding his flushed cheeks, XD still managed to find a way to trace over the blotchy red skin, evoking muffled sniggers from beneath the fabric.
“All on display for DreamXD to see.”
“s-StaHAhap gehet ahahawahehey!!” Dream demanded, instinctively batting at the hands that now tapped over his cheeks, settling the hand over his face as a makeshift mask. However just as before, as soon as XD’s remaining, healing fingers were left unattended, they too scuttled up his side, producing a surprised squeal from the mortal.
“NAHAHA EHEX DEHE!!” Dream screeched, immediately latching onto the scuttling hand, but squealing again when instead of slowing down like before, the hand sped up, squeezing sporadically up and down his side. “NOHO STAHAHAP!!”
“Should’ve got your mask Dreamie~ What was stopping you?!” The deity critiqued playfully, allowing for the healing affect to fade away. He watched in delight as the mortal boy revealed himself from his garment den, admiring his deep blush in its entirety.
“Y-YOUHU!! YoUhuHu’rE StOhohoPping MeHE!!” Dream accused, cackling when XD’s thumbs kneading into a particularly sensitive spot just above his hips.
“How am I stopping you? All you have to do is let go of my hands and reach up there!” Dream shook his head, the god’s nonchalance evoking a frustrated growl from him, although it came out as more of a whine.
“Youhu’re gohonna mohove!!”
“Ohh I see...” DreamXD hummed, bringing a finger up to his chin to ponder over the boy’s proclaiming statement. “Yes with your arms above your head I would be able to get to your ticklish ribs and armpits.”
Dream gasped, squeezing his eyes shut and tugging vainly at the deity’s fingers. He could feel the warmth in his cheeks returning again at their purposeful choice of words. “dOHOn’T SAY ThAHAt!!”
“Oh! But I could also go to your ticklish tummy!! The decisions!!”
“sTAhAHap!! EHEX DEHE DoHon’t dOHo EiHiThER!!” Dream cried, slamming his face back into XD’s cloak. He let out another squeal when the hands on his sides slowed to tracing, soft giggles being engulfed by green fabric.
“Just be quick and I won’t be able to~” XD’s sing song voice chorused from above, matching the volume of the blonde’s softer laughter. Dream only giggled more, weighing up his options from the safety of the cloak.
He attempted to tame his giggles, managing to reduce them to only the occasional wheezy huff - once it became clear that the deity’s hands weren’t going to move from his sides so long as he kept his hands on them. Then with a final deep breath, he craned his neck up to eyeball the mask. It was most definitely in reach, all he had to do was reach up and grab it before the deity’s hands could move. That was all.
And so, in one swift motion, his hold on the XD’s fingers was released, outstretched hands shooting towards the white battered mask, before abruptly being pulled back to his middle with a shriek, as fluttering fingers were felt over his stomach.
“NOHO EHEHX DEHEHE!!” Dream screamed, his face immediately heating to a temperature close the lava fall, and squeaky giggles tumbling out of him as XD traced shapes into his lower belly.
“You were so close!!” The god praised, wrapping an affectionate arm around Dream’s body to pull him in close, migrating his scratches in circles around his belly.
“Nahahah Ehehex DEHEhe miHihiHy mahask!!” Dream whined, desperately clawing at the tracing hands, before throwing his head back in flustered cackles. His legs kicked out briefly, but were quick to go limp once the rest of his body melted back into XD’s, writhing left and right as he attempted to escape the torturous tracing fingers. “Ihihihi cAhAHan’T!!!”
“Would you like my help?” The deity offered, a dangerous smirk flickering over his lips briefly, but him quickly managing to swallow it down. Dream nodded his head gratefully, XD’s ingenuity going unnoticed as a result of his eyes being squeezed shut tight. Though they were immediately pried open by the wave of panic that washed over him once a warm hand wrapped around his wrists, tugging gently at his defences.
“w-wAHAhHihit nOhOho!!”
“We’re going to get your mask together, are you ready Dreamie?” XD crooned, voice dripping with delight at the boy’s giggly panic.
“NAHA!! XD tHaHAt’s nOHot what I meant!!” Dream wailed, a swarm of anticipatory butterflies flooding his gut as the god’s plan became clear, trailing XD’s fingers from his insides as they still traced around the surface of his bare stomach. He gasped again when XD’s began to lift his hands. “NAHA E-EHEX DeHe!!”
“You wanted my help!!” The deity teased, countering the boy’s sudden panicked struggles easily, and tearing away the coiled fingers from their respective hands. “And without these in the way I have your ticklish stomach alll to myself!!” He grinned, upping the pace of his scratching as the boy’s hands were slowly lifted away from his body.
“NAHAhO NOHO!!” Dream screamed, ducking behind his slow moving arms as his blush drained down to his ears, breathy panicked giggles leaping out of him.
“There, look at that! We’re already over a third of the way there!!” XD praised, pushing up the rest of Dream’s rippled prison tshirt to access the top of his stomach. It would never fail to amaze him how adorable humans could be once you found the right spot to tickle them in, and Dream’s belly had proven multiple times to be one of these spots. He was just grateful now that he could enjoy the reactions without the pesky fingers getting in the way.
Dream squawked as the deity laid their nails over the surface of his stomach, sucking it in to the best of his ability, but falling back into flustered cackles once they started scratching again.
“HURRY UHUP!!” He demanded, tugging at his arms once he realised the excruciatingly slow pace that they were approaching his mask. XD’s grin doubled in width.
“Of course Dreamie.” He stated deviously, fulfilling the boy’s request by quickening the pace of his scratching, skittering and pinching along he tensed muscles of his belly.
“NAHAA-!!” Dream yelped, voice disappearing into a wheeze, before returning in panicked cackles. “NOHOHO NO!! I DIHIHIDN’t mEheaN- EHEHex dEhEhe I cAHAhan’t!!!” He cried, desperately attempting to lunge for the mask, but the XD’s strong grip prevented it.
“Yes you can look! You’re so close!!” The god encouraged, running a hand through crazed blonde hair in attempt to calm the boy’s panicked flailing.
“Nohohoho!!” Dream whined, visibly melting to the touch, allowing for his cackles to flow out more freely, and a sense of pride to radiate through XD. Despite his obvious embarrassment, Dream had made no real attempts at escaping from the deity. In fact his smile had never been wider, complimenting the fiery hue over his neck and cheeks.
“You love this.” XD cooed softly, continuing his petting, but slowing down his tracing to give the boy a breather. Dream shook his head, hiding behind his raised arms.
“nOho Ihihi dohohon’t!!”
“Ohh yes you do! You’ve melted in my lap little Dreamie~”
XD hummed fondly, allowing one set of fingers to start subtly circling the blonde’s belly button. Though Dream caught on almost immediately.
“NAHAhOho nOHo!! EhEhex DeHehe nohohot thehehere!!!” Dream pleaded, kicking a leg out and prying weakly at his arms that were still being pulled slowly toward his mask. XD’s devious grin returned, humming again but this time in mocked concern, sending a shiver down Dream’s spine.
“Mm, I wonder if we’re going to reach your mask in time…” He pondered, gesturing to his circling with a few quickened scratches. “Wouldn’t that be a shame if you didn’t..?” Dream gasped as XD presented him with an extremely cheeky grin, craning his neck down to gage how much time he had until the swirling finger reached his middle. However as soon as he caught a glimpse of the finger over his stomach he immediately squeezed his eyes shut, dropping his head back as more flustered giggles tumbled out of him.
“nOHoho I cAhAhn’t!!” His arms were over half way to the mask now, elbows pulled in tightly together to protect his armpits that were slowly being exposed. If he was thinking more clearly he’d be able to determine whether or not the god would be as cruel as he was letting on or not, however his mind was nothing but a foggy flustered heap.
“You can’t what? Reach your mask? Or stand your tummy tickles?” The deity teased, adding to the flustered state of Dream’s mind.
“nAHAHOHO DOHONT!!” He screeched, wriggling as the twirling finger began to close in. His stomach quivered and jumped beneath the touch, each circle unloading another wave of sporadic giggles into his smoke scented cell.
“So flustered!! You blend right in with the lava!!” XD announced gleefully, cooing as Dream’s blush spread down to his neck. “I’m gonna get Dreamie’s ticklish giggle button~!”
“NOHO STAHAHAP!!!” Dream cried, the sudden tease kicking his struggling up a notch, shaking his head as tears of mirth pricked in his eyes “PLEHEHEASE I CAHAHANT!!”
He gasped as something hard was suddenly felt in his palm, only needed to briefly fiddle with it before recognising it completely as his lost mask. He immediately slammed it over his face the minute his hands were released, gratefully allowing the cool porcelain to soothe his burning cheeks, but wheezing hard when XD suddenly began kneading into his belly.
“EHEHEHEX DEHEHE!!!!!” He wailed once his voice returned, thrashing and kicking as another finger wiggled into his belly button.
“You did it!!” XD praised, wrapping a set of supportive arms around the flailing mortal, lifting him up while his other set of arms focused on kneading and wiggling.
Dream wheezed again, arching is back out of his previous melted state, but quickly falling back into the deity’s arms as loud cackles boomed out of him. XD watched over him carefully, monitoring the boys enjoyment and safety, and pulling him in close whenever his flailing became too wild.
He stopped once his laughter disappeared altogether, admiring the loopy smilie and pink cheeks that peaked out from beneath the retrieved mask. Dream breathed deep, residual giggles still tumbling out of him, but another gentle head pat from XD served as a silent lullaby, easily pulling him into a giddy sleep.
His cold obsidian flooring felt much more forgiving once he woke. In fact Dream barely felt the usual pains of pressured bones once he turned onto his side, the flooring’s usual cool bite feeling oddly cozy. He had a moments thought that he had been left, suspended in his lava fall, it’s oddly soothing gurgles seeming so close that he was sure that he was surrounded by it.
Only once he woke further, and managed to pry open his sleep filled eyes, he realised that he wasn’t on the ground at all. He was still in the arms of DreamXD, their gentle purrs now being clearly distinguishable from the distant gurgles from the lava fall. He gasped lightly, it was unlike the deity to stay this long, he was usually lulled into sleep and then abandoned. He could say that he hated it though.
He didn’t even bother fighting away his crawling smile, automatically timing his breathing along with the deity’s slow breaths. The gurgles from the lava intertwined with XD’s purrs, now building on the glowing warmth in his chest instead of competing with it.
“You’re awake.” The deity’s voice was rough and low, Dream wondered if they had slept too. He couldn’t help the pang of sadness that struck him, knowing that now that he was awake that they would be leaving soon.
“Y-yeah.” He murmured, unable to hide the wobble of misery in his voice. XD laid a hand over his head, smoothening through his hair with his thumb. Dream leant into the touch.
“I’ll stay.”
Dream felt his chest lift, his lips gliding over his teeth as his smile widened.
“For a bit.” They elaborated. The blonde’s grip tightened happily around their sleeves, noticing the absence of the coloured skin in his palm.
Perhaps the company of another being could solve a few of his problems after all.
i cannot actually believe this is out before dream was broken out 😵
hope you enjoyed!!! another long one sorry 😅
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cmyknoise · 4 years
So...No one is really talking about it. Tubbo is alone now too. 
The members of L’manburg were: Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, Karl, Jack, Ranboo, and Niki. 
These are the members who were there when Tommy was exiled- who Tubbo was protecting when he exiled him. 
Quackity and Karl were the first to leave, and it was immediately after. They seperated Mexican L’manburg, changed its name to El Rapids. They have their own country now with George and Sapnap. 
Now we’re down to Tubbo, Fundy, Jack, Ranboo, and Niki, 
Jack has been building himself a secret bunker and hasn’t really been present in L’manburg. 
Another one down. 
Fundy and Niki today decided to make their own country. In Tommy’s stream, it’s revealed to be at least 6000 blocks away from the Dream SMP. This is further than Tommy’s exile, and further than even where Technoblade lives.  They asked Ranboo to join them. 
That leaves Tubbo. Just Tubbo, in a country he built and swore to protect. The people of whom he made, according to him, a huge huge mistake over, have left. He’s alone. 
Now, unlike Tommy, who is very good at PvP, gained himself items back, and can easily stand up against even Dream....Tubbo has none of that? He told Dream today that he has no items. Dream said “interesting”. He told Dream the disc was not in his enderchest, Dream said “interesting”. He’s opened himself up- and he has nothing to defend himself with. If he wanted help from Fundy, Ranboo, or Niki they’re thousands of blocks away. George and Sapnap don’t like L’manburg. Quackity and Karl may be neutral. The Badlands is going through the Crimson problem. Techno and Phil are nomads and not around often. Tommy is exiled. Tubbo has no one. 
May I mention that Dream has built a prison, and almost everyone is gone. He didn’t tell Tubbo what it was- he didn’t tell him it was a prison. Just that it was a “redstone project”. Everyone else who has been told about it has been told it is a prison. He didn’t tell Tubbo that. 
Tubbo is alone, and unless he makes a move, escapes, does something, I fear he’s left open and vulnerable to anything
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feelingsoworn · 3 years
// dsmp , mentions of torture
i always try to stay completely neutral on the dsmp lore, right, to the point where i'll see two contradicting takes right after eachother and go "oooo, good point good point !!" to both of them. i like to see both sides.
saying this, i'm having immense levels of trouble trying to find concrete reasoning as to why c!dream would stop c!sam from breaking the bell other than the fact he's grown attached to it due to it's connection with c!techno. (implying that c!dream has, indeed, grown attached to him, even to the smallest extent, after he has repeatedly been shown ridding himself of attachments.. that's like, his whole thing, after all.)
like. throwing himself in front of the bell, while sam was mid-swing and already angry at dream? that was a dangerous move on his part - who knows how sam could've reacted by his act of defiance. sure, you could definitely argue that dream already knew sam wouldn't kill him because he's still got the revive book, and could argue that dream knew sam well enough to know he wouldn't be angry enough to hurt him over it, sure, i've thought of that too. but that doesn't stop any other punishments from happening. that doesn't stop it from being a possible contributing factor that leads sam to attack him until he's low, or cutting off his food supply (and taking the stash dream and techno were revealed to have), both very real and threatened possibilities. why would dream risk this over a bell he hated in the first place? a bell that rung continuously for hours as he hit obsidian raw for months straight? what are his motivations to keep this stupid bell???
i don't see how his motivations could be impure or selfish in this scenario. the only person who liked the bell is technoblade. if techno was still there, in the prison, watching, i could 100% see the argument that dream risked saving the bell to get further on techno's good side, which he desperately wants because techno is one of the only people (if not THE only person?) he sees as equal to him (plus, escaping the prison, but that was already guaranteed by dream having the favour over techno). but techno's not there to see this. and, at this point of time, he also views dream positively, and hates authority and the warden, so even IF dream let them take the bell i very much doubt there's going to be even a single negative thought towards dream regarding it. if anything, it'd just make techno angrier towards the prison - which would work in dream's favour.
even the small parts of the scene support the attachment theory, man.
the fact that sam started breaking the bell right after dream mentioned techno would ring it as he worked? they established (re-established?) a connection between techno and the bell for the viewers and then proceeded to show dream first being apathetic towards it "well, that's going to take you a while" (although, that line can ALSO be interpreted as either a snide comment OR dream trying to discourage sam from breaking the bell) to saving it at the last opportunity he can, trying not to make a big scene out of it and swiftly changing the topic. the fact that they made the connection to techno first, intentional or not, lead to me seeing this whole ordeal as some weak sort of symbolism for techno and dream's relationship inside the prison.
you could ALSO argue that dream isn't attached to techno, per se, but the hope that techno brought, and that by saving the bell he was saving the reminder that there is finally, after so long, hope. however, even then my first point still applies - dream is still risking his well being for a physical item, an attachment. one that, in the grand scheme of things, seems awfully useless, and could only be used for sentimental value.
if saving the bell put dream at risk AND the only person who actually cared about the bell wasn't there to experience it & likely wouldn't care too much when told dream saved the bell for him, what else could his motivation be??
so, i truly don't understand c!dream here. this really doesn't fit in with how most dsmp viewers see his character. if anyone, either c!dream antis or apologists, happen to see this - please tell me your thoughts on the scene?? i'm really intrigued.
(also i am so sorry this is so messy it's more of a dump of thoughts, really. also if i have missed something stupidly obvious pls go easy on me </3)
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wrenqueenisboss · 3 years
DSMP Angsty Imagines - React to Your Death pt. 1 --- George
Part 1 to my series of “dsmp boys react to your death”:  Pronouns used: they/them (if mentioned) Warnings: cursing, death, grief, arguing, yelling, panic, weapons Words: 1.2+
The list: 
c!George - (you are currently on this post)  c!Bench Trio (platonic) - (coming soon!) c!Wilbur - (coming soon!) c!Dream - (coming soon!)  c!Technoblade - (coming soon!) 
George was finally done with the fighting. So much warfare, so much death and destruction. It was too much. Even his former best friends, Dream and Sapnap had been swept up into the chaos. Well, Dream had actually been the cause of a lot of the deaths. 
George Not-Found was done with the fighting, though. He wanted to keep you, the love of his life, safe. For so long, you had been begging him to move out of the SMP lands and live in the unoccupied lands outside of normal civilization. Your boyfriend hated the idea of leaving.
“All of my friends are here!” He’d protest. “George, all of your friends are either dead or criminals!” You couldn’t stop yourself from shouting back. It was true. Sapnap’s whereabouts remains ambiguous but Dream’s were well known. He had been locked in Pandora’s Vault. The notorious prison, made of mostly obsidian and Blackstone, was built with a seemingly immeasurable amount of traps. And yet, people still feared Dream’s escape.
George knew his former best friend was too far gone, but he hated it. He hated knowing the person he thought would be there through everything, was gone; had left for his own selfish gain.
Your shoulders slumped when you saw your boyfriend’s lip start to quiver. “George... I’m sorry. But I really do think we should move. It’s not safe here anymore.”
He took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, we’ll move.”
That was three months ago. Now, the two of you were living happily alone in your cottage. The two of you built it together and it was perfect. It surely wasn’t the biggest or most impressive dwelling on the whole server, but it was charming and suited both of your needs quite nicely.
“George, my love, I’m going to collect berries for breakfast. I’ll be back soon,” you announced, collecting your gear. You walked over to where your - now fiancé - was napping on the couch.
You scoffed playfully at his sleeping form, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. Grabbing a random pen and post-it note off the coffee table, you wrote a note. The note explained where you were going, why, and when you expected to be back.
“I love you, George. Sleep well.” You added at the bottom with a smile.
Basket for berries swinging on your arm, light cloak on your shoulders, you left your charming house to go collect breakfast. 
You did now realize that it would be the last time you’d see him.
Three hours later...
George Not-Found woke up with a start, tumbling ungracefully off the couch. Rubbing his elbow as he sat up, he looked around the house. It was empty. 
“Y/n? Love?” he called into the empty air. He looked around some more, standing up and walking around.
A note on the table caught his eye. Your handwriting was spread over the small piece of paper. The message scrawled gracefully. “I’ve gone out to gather berries for breakfast,” he read aloud. “I should be back in an hour.” His heart began to drop. “I love you, George. Sleep well.”
His grip on the note went slack and it fluttered to the ground like a leaf. George frantically whipped his head around to look at the clock. It had been three hours since he fell asleep, and you weren’t in the house. Something was wrong.
George grabbed his sword, goggles, and some extra health potions off of the shelf by the door.
But as he closed the front door, a dagger with a note pinned to it stuck into the wood of the door caught his eye. The dagger was familiar, a polished silver handle set with diamonds and emeralds. The handwriting was even more familiar. But it wasn’t yours. It was Dream’s.
He ripped the dagger out of the door to read the note.
“Hey, George.
As you might have guessed by now, Y/n is gone. I’ve taken them. You shouldn’t have betrayed me, George. You knew that wouldn’t end well. Meet with me at the ruins of the community house tonight. Or else.”
George was so shocked. He knew something was wrong, but he really hadn’t expected Dream to be the cause of it. He hadn’t even realized he was on Dream’’s hit list - or list of enemies - to begin with.
The night was dark as the moon was only half full as George waited for Dream. The ruins of the community house sat still behind him. You could still see the burn marks on the pieces of the house that hadn’t been destroyed.
He was running his hands over a burned piece of wood when a voice made him turn around.
“Hello, George.”
He whipped around. “Dream.” 
The man with the porcelain white mask visibly froze in surprise. He had never heard his former friend this serious before. Honestly, it was kind of terrifying. But the master manipulator pulled himself together.
“You seem thrilled to see me.”
But George wasn’t having it. He only wanted to know where Y/n was. Were they okay? Could he save them?
It was as if Dream could read his mind. 
“You want Y/n.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement, a fact. Something so obvious it made no sense for Dream to say aloud.
“No shit,” George growled. “Where are they?”
The most wanted man on the server didn’t need to take off his mask for George to know he was smiling cruelly. His heart sank to his stomach, preparing for the worst. And the worst was what he got.
“They’re dead.”
Those two words, and everything seemed to stop. The world went quiet as George tried to take in the news. The words just didn’t seem to absorb into his brain. It made sense. What were you supposed to do upon hearing that the absolute love of your life had died? Just nod and move on with life? Hell no.
“Go, Dream.” George’s voice was hoarse, cracked with grief. 
Dream tried to say something, but he was cut off.
“Just fucking go.”
So Dream left and George was left to process his feelings amongst the ruins alone.
Tears finally began to fall. His knees buckled and he crashed to the ground, bent over on the ground. The torrent of emotions - anger, frustration, grief, emptiness - cascaded over him. 
He let out an earth-shattering scream. His throat burned but his sobs simply couldn’t carry the weight of his grief alone. 
Holding himself in a tight hug as he rocked back and forth, George came to terms with your death. 
You were gone. The love of his life was gone. Dead. Killed. Taken away from him. Your own life ripped away. And all because he hadn’t just agreed with you and moved away earlier, before the fighting and the wars got really bad. 
“I’m sorry, darling.” his voice was carried with the wind. So heartbreaking that even the sky began to cry. The raindrops fell softly, as if they were keeping a vigil.
“You were right. We should have moved earlier. I should have listened. But I didn’t, and now you’re dead.”
He was cut off by his own sob, a wretched sound that echoed slightly off of the burned ruins of the community house.
“I’m so sorry, darling.” He took a shaky breath. “I love you.”
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starwither · 4 years
dream smp 12/05 event breakdown
here is a quick breakdown of the important events that happened on the dream smp on december 5th. if i messed anything up or missed something, please comment so i can change/add it! I wasn’t really actively watching their streams so I probably missed some things :(
(breakdown of yesterday’s set-up, 12/04)
Tubbo turns on the decision that he, Tommy, Fundy and Quackity made and exiles Tommy.
Tommy leaves with Wilbur and creates a new land called Logstedshire. Technoblade briefly meets them.
Quackity is made official Vice President and Fundy is made Secretary of State.
Quackity, Tubbo and Fundy plan on taking down Technoblade and decide to wear Quackity’s butcher uniforms.
Today’s events
Dream paid Sam a stack of diamond blocks to build an escapable prison with redstone, not knowing why exactly he wanted it. He spent his stream gathering materials for it.
Wilbur redecorates Logstedshire :D
Bad tries to give Tommy gifts but Dream makes Tommy get rid of the items
Tommy debates jumping into lava in the nether, but Dream stops him.
Dream: “It’s not your time to die yet.” Tommy: “It never is...”
Technoblade tries to get Vikkstar and Lazarbeam onto his side. They are openly not all that supportive of L’Manberg
Honorable mentions:
Wilbur released the lives that each character canonically has left on his Reddit.
Dream: “Wait guys I have a wedding to attend [his own]!” Tommy: “Oh, I also have a wedding to attend.” Sapnap: “I do too!” Wilbur: “I HAVE A WEDDING TO OFFICIATE.”
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yandere-mc-yt · 3 years
Can I have c!Dream and c!Technoblade (platonic) getting super protective and pissed after Quackity hurts the reader? Maybe the reader is their brother or something like that
Aight. Since you're signing with an emoji I'll give you a name. I'll call you Wheat Anon
Warnings: Yandere Themes, possessiveness, obsessiveness, platonic sibling relationship, harm mentioned, violence mentioned, canon character death
Despite claiming he's didnt care for anyone or anything, there was pne thing he was still attached to: his brother.
Dream did his best to make it not obvious but Quackity was keener than most of the others on the server. He decided to use this to his advantage during one of Dream's prison torture sessions.
Quackity had kidnapped them and beat them into a bloody pulp. He takes a blood stained shread of their clothing to tub into Dream's face when he visits him that same day.
Dream is of course angry but he also feels so.... useless. It scares him more th an any of the torture Quackity has put him through before.
For the first time since being imprisoned he's actually realized that he can't be there for his brother- how unprotected his poor weak sibling is without him there to run the server like before.
This time he won't be begging Quackity to stop hurting him. He'll be begging him to not hurt his brother- in exchange for any information the shapeshifter wants.
Technoblade was a very very over protective brother before anything on the server transpired. After establishing his home on the icy tundra, his silbing wasn't allowed to wander to far from the cottage unless he or Philza was with him.
He was so sure that since he was retiring, Techno and his brother was safe right? Clearly wrong when the Butcher army shows up.
When the altercation between Techno and the butchers happens, instead of grabbing his horse, Quackity holds Technoblade's brother hostage. And despite his first instinct being violence, the look of fear on his brother's face and the axe against his throat made him hesitate.
He absolutely could never ever risk one of his only family member's lives. They both were taken back to Lmanberg for Technoblade's execution.
Thankfully, things go like they do in canon and Technoblade is able to escape with his brother but not without Quackity following them.
Unlike in canon, the damage Technoblade does to Quackity is far worse and with no hesiation whatsoever. His only regret is that he may have come out fsr more bloodied here... and perhaps terrifird his poor sweet brother.
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tobi-smp · 2 years
Hi! I was reading one of your posts about the lore stream yesterday and you ended it with “of course no one is allowed to speak about Tommy today” I took it as kinda sarcastic but I’m not sure what your referencing. Could u explain it?
tommy was, seemingly, deliberately avoided ! not to say that anyone expected him to be the center of this stream (the few posts before hand were like, "can't wait for the one c!tommy mention"), But tommy is central to sam's motivations leading up to this stream and is Obviously a very important character to tubbo with a lot of history with techno and eret.
sam wasn't able to properly defend his actions because the fact that ranboo played a role in tommy's death wasn't mentioned. tubbo forgave techno and even Defended the fact that freed dream despite the fact that dream killed tommy and is dangerous to him. tubbo saw tommy's grave (a clear symbol of how much sam cares about him and how much he grieved him) with logstedshire as the backdrop and just, Laughed. they said that people locked up in the prison deserved to die, paused, and then clarified that Techno didn't. techno, when it was tommy who died.
we can't know what happened behind the scenes, but it inevitably comes off like they were deliberately ignoring tommy to make this stream work. to make locking sam up an unambiguous moral good (when he's one of the few people that want to protect tommy now that dream has escaped), to make tubbo and technoblade reconciling and becoming friends with no real build up be swallowed down easier. it's just all around a Very strange vibe
more posts on this here: [Link 1, Link 2]
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resonating-kitty · 2 years
Soft Dreambur fic.
Post Prison Dream (with injuries) and Revived Wilbur weeks after Pandora Vault escape.
This was a draft that I decided to finish so it's not correct with what happened in canon but it was still too good to not finish and post.
Snow was steadily falling, blanketing the land in an even thicker coat. It was crisp and cold. Quiet too.
Wilbur basked in it as he leant against the stone foundation of Phil's cabin. A cigarette hung between his lips, the nicotine keeping him warm.
Another day living and it was a good one. Everyday away from that train station platform was a good day as far as Wilbur was concerned.
Light footfalls sounded to his right, signaling that Wilbur was no longer alone. He was expecting Philza, expecting to have to dodge yet another attempt at conversation from his father. He turned his head, a flash of dark green catching his eye and the tension creeped out of his shoulder. It wasn't his father that had joined him.
"Pretty sure Techno will have a fit if he finds you out here," Wilbur says, his voice soft as he stared at Dream.
Dream, who was just a week out of Pandora and who still wore heavy bandages that hid the multitude of wounds that he had suffered there. He'd been in bad shape when Techno came riding in with him draped unconscious across his saddle.
Dream hummed in acknowledgment of his words but showed no signs of heading back. He tipped his face back to welcome the steadily falling snow.
Wilbur watched for a moment before he gave a half shrug and focused his attention back over the landscape. If Dream wanted to catch pneumonia and face the wrath of Technoblade then that was on him and not Wilbur.
"It feels nice." Dream's words were raspy, his voice shredded and quiet. It's the first words that Wilbur had heard him say in a weeks time.
"Nice?" Wilbur echoed as he rose a questioning brow and exhaled a puff of smoke in the opposite direction, like a gentleman.
"The cold. It feels nice compared to... that place" Dream clarified, his voice hesitating on the last words.
Wilbur watched silently as the other paled silently at the mention of the prison. He wondered what transpired in there between his revival and now. Awful things, if any of the wounds he'd overheard his father talking about. But the Dream that had pulled him from the train station, it had been the one that he'd known before he died. He'd been the strong confident warrior that had the whole deck in his hand and every move played well in advance.
"The cold reminds me of the train station," Wilbur muttered and felt Dream's emerald gaze focus on him from under his hood, "There was always a chill there and nothing I did could ever warm me but that chill was different that this one. I suppose it was just part of being dead, who knows. This chill reminds me that I'm alive and I'm grateful for that," Wilbur met Dream's gaze, "and to you for reviving me. I do sometimes wonder why you did so. Was it just to spite Tommy?"
Dream's lip quirks up just slightly before he grows serious, "You're the only one I could think of at the time that could match their ruthlessness. I was desperate because they'd been visiting me everyday for a while by then and then Ghostbur showed up and I saw my opportunity."
"They? I suppose one of them is Quackity and the other I'm guessing is Sam?" Wilbur asked and Dream tensely nodded. Wilbur huffed a humorless laugh, blowing smoke into the crisp night air. "I always knew that Quackity guy was trouble. That's why I didn't let him into L'Manburg when he tried to join. I could tell there was more to him that met the eye."
Dream made a noise of agreement, shifting closer. Wilbur eyed him curiously as he reached up with bandaged hands for the cigarette hanging from Wilbur's lips. Wilbur made no move to stop the other as his fingers pinched around the stick and slowly pulled it away, bringing it to his own lips. He inhaled deeply, embers licking up the rest of the way to the filter, before exhaling slowly.
Wisps of smoke floated up in Wilbur's direction and he could help but inhale, not minding at all the second hand exposure. Dull, slightly glowing, green eyes regarded him from under the deep hood and Wilbur could see the twinkle of amusement and something else that danced there. He smirked.
"Well isn't this just great," he teased, crossing his arms across his chest, "That was my last cigarette."
"Pity," Came Dream's dry reply. He tilted his head up and Wilbur would see the mirrored smirk on his own scarred lips, "Smoking is bad for you anyway."
Wilbur leaned forward, closing the distance between them even more until there was a mere inches of space between them. His voice was low, gruff, when he asked, "So? Yolo, am I right?"
The chuckle that it drew from Dream had Wilbur's pride soaring. "You've already lived once Wilbur," was Dream's reply before the bandaged hand was being raised again and deft fingers were tracing over the curve of Wilbur's lips. Dream's gaze grew hooded as Wilbur swiped his tongue along the exploring fingertips, "Besides," Dream's voice dropped to a gravely purr, "I can think of a much better use of your mouth right now."
Wilbur's response was cut off by the echoing sound of a door slamming open. Dream and Wilbur both flinched and their heads shot up and around.
A very angry Technoblade stood in the door of his cabin. His blood red eyes were blazing and his bellow was abnormally loud when he yelled.
"Dream! Get back in here and out of the snow you idiot! Philza and I did not spend all that time saving your life for you to go out and freeze to death!"
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