#ted lasso continues to wreck me
safesoundxswift · 1 year
now that colin is canonically queer his repetition of “i am a strong and capable man” hits so much harder. he repeats it when he leaves michael’s house and when he’s made a sub. he has to constantly remind himself that having a relationship with a man does not make him a worse footballer (and he’s likely spent most of his career feeling like less of a man because he never saw other out, queer football players). i can’t stop thinking about his possible reaction when dr sharon first says that line to him. it was never just a throw away bit of comedic dialogue, it was his mantra, put there by the writers to anticipate this storyline
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calzone-d · 2 years
Close Call
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pairing: Ted Lasso x fem!reader
warnings: car accidents, near death experiences, hospitals, surgery, angst
word count: 5.5k
summary: Ted gets a phone call no one could've prepared him for while at work.
a/n: this one's angsty, y'all! always a happy ending though! requests are always open, send stuff in anytime :)
“Hi, is this Mr. Ted Lasso?”
“Uh, yeah. This is him.”
“Mr Lasso, your wife has been in a car accident and is currently under our care here at Richmond Royal Hospital.”
Everything stopped.  “I-is she okay? What happened? Oh god, is she al-”
“Mr Lasso, your wife is currently in surgery, but we really aren’t supposed to give patient information out over the phone. We’d be happy to assist you further at the hospital. We’ll be able to give you more information at our admission desk.”
His hands began to tremble, and his voice was nowhere near steady. “O-okay. Thank you.”
Ted turned to look at his other coaches, unable to form words. Not like he needed to, they all heard his responses to the call. With a nod and a, “We got it, you go.” from Coach Beard, he grabbed his essentials from his desk and booked a cab to get him to the hospital.
In the backseat, it took everything in him to calm his breathing. He imagined your voice, how soothing it was, and how you always knew how to calm him down.
Oh god. What if this morning was the last time he’d get to hear your voice?
He quickly shook the thought from his head and jumped out of the cab as soon as he could do so somewhat safely. 
His feet took him quickly to the admitting desk, “HI, my uh, my name is Ted Lasso? My wife Y/N Lasso is here, y’all called me and said she was in an accident”. 
“Give me one second, let me take a look.”
Ted wrung his clammy hands together nervously as more horrible thoughts ran through his mind. He was spiraling, imagining every worst case scenario. 
“It looks like she’s still in surgery, sir. You’re more than welcome to have a seat in our surgical waiting room and one of the doctors will come for you when they have more information to give you”, she gestured to the bleak waiting room behind him. “Thank you”, he nodded.
The room was scattered with distraught people, and his anxiety didn’t decrease as he sat down.
Would you ever come home?
Would you remember him when you woke up?
What if you didn’t wake up?
Tears formed in his eyes as he remembered the way you snuggled closer to him after silencing your alarm this morning. If he knew this was how your day was going to go, he would’ve kept you in that bed for a week just to be safe.
By now, school was about to be let out, and he sent a quick text to Roy asking him to pick up Henry when he picked Phoebe up. 
Roy: “Want me to let him hang out at my place until you figure something out?”
Ted, still imagining the worst, was torn on what to do. He could send Henry home with Roy, but if things went south and Henry wasn’t here, Ted would forever feel guilty. He also knew you’d be wanting to see the blonde-haired boy if you woke up. On the other hand, he didn’t want to traumatize Henry by bringing him here. 
He decided to have Roy bring him, as he was old enough for Ted to explain what was happening and have an understanding of it. It was winter, and it got dark pretty early in the day. By the time Roy made it with Henry, it was practically dark, and the crease Henry’s brow matched Ted’s. 
"Dad what happened?"
The boy hugged his dad as soon as he was close enough. The hug was enough to make Ted’s calm-ish facade break, but he held it in, trying to stay strong in front of his son. “Well buddy, Y/N was in a wreck.”.
“Is she going to be okay?”
Ted looked up to meet Roy’s gaze before continuing, “I-I don’t know, Hen. All I know is she’s in surgery right now.” Tears filled Henry’s eyes and a few managed to escape. Before he could say anything else, Ted crouched down and pulled him into a strong hug. Ted let a few tears of his own shed as he buried his face into Henry’s hair. After a few minutes Roy cleared his throat, “I need to call Keeley”, and walked away with his phone to his ear.
Henry sat down next to Ted in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs. The pair sat in a fearful silence, not knowing what to say, or ask, or do. Henry’s small voice broke the silence, “Dad?”
“Yeah, bud?”
“Do you think Y/N knows I love her?”
Ted let out a watery chuckle, “Oh, Henry. She knows, and she loves you so much more than you know.”.
Henry silently nodded. “Loves you more than anything else, little buddy. You’re her favorite kid.”
Roy walked back through the doors and took a seat on the other side of Henry, “Keels will be here within the hour.”, Ted nodded. 
Before their conversation could continue, a surgeon entered the waiting room, “Lasso family?”.
Henry stayed in the chair beside Roy while Ted shook the surgeons hand. “I’m Dr. Oren, I operated on your wife.” 
“How is she? W-what happened?”, Ted was a nervous wreck, preparing himself for the worst while trying to hope for the best. “Well, Mr Lasso, your wife was in a pretty severe motor vehicle accident. She was driving through an intersection and her car was hit by an oncoming driver who was texting, and didn’t notice the red light.”
Ted’s eyes filled with tears for what felt like the millionth time tonight. “The other vehicle was going about sixty miles per hour and hit the driver’s side door of Y/N’s vehicle. The airbags deployed, but the airbags in your vehicle were ones that had previously been recalled, so when they deployed, so did a few pieces of metal. She has mostly superficial injuries, but one lodged into her neck, and barely missed her carotid artery. We had to do an exploratory endoscopy to ensure there was no internal bleeding and that the carotid was truly intact.” 
“Is she okay? Was it intact?”
The surgeon nodded as she continued, “Yes, sir. We have had to place her into a medically induced coma to attempt to reduce the swelling of her brain, but we expect to wake her up from it within the few days. She is currently being moved to a stepdown unit to recover from surgery and her injuries, but after her wound heals and our physical therapist sees her, we expect her to go home to make a full recovery. She’ll be in room 4209 on the fourth floor,”
Ted let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. 
“Your wife was very lucky, Mr Lasso. Most neck wounds of that kind don’t have the same outcome. The hospitalist will be in to see her as soon as she is awake and re-oriented, he will be able to answer the rest of your questions.” she nodded as her pager beeped, and she walked out of the room.
Before he turned to Henry and Roy, Ted took a deep breath to steady himself. When he turned around, he was already there. “Is she okay?”
“She, uh- She has a room.” Henry walked up and wrapped his arms around his father. 
“Let’s go see her, guys”
The three boys made a beeline for room 4209. Roy stayed with Henry outside, wanting Ted to scope out the situation before exposing Henry to anything too traumatic.
The nurse in the room turned to Ted as he shut the door behind him, “Hi, are you her husband?”. Ted smiled weakly, “That’s me”.
“Hi, I’m Josh, I’ll be Y/N’s nurse for the rest of the evening. We just got her settled in from surgery, and all of her vitals are stable right now.”
Ted remained silent as he took in your appearance; you had a breathing tube down your throat, a feeding tube down your nose, and what seemed like a million wires surrounding you. 
The nurse could sense Ted’s worry, “The breathing tube is breathing for her, and the tube down her nose is providing her nutrition since she can’t eat right now. The hospitalist wants to extubate her and let up on her sedation in three days, so assuming that goes smoothly, that’s when you can expect her to begin waking up.”.
He let out a breath at the mention of you waking up. You were pale, but looked so peaceful with your eyes closed in the bed. Ted didn’t know whether or not to be relieved at the sight of your chest rising, considering it was the ventilator doing the work. Josh finished re-adjusting the wires of your heart monitor before grabbing some hand sanitizer off the wall, “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to come to the nurses station or use the call button. We’re monitoring her vitals at the desk, so don’t worry about those.”
Ted slowly nodded, “Thank you.”
As Josh walked out, tears filled Ted’s eyes once more. He timidly approached the side of your bed and extended a hand to rest on your cheek. “Honey-”, he choked out before the tears finally fell. He sat down in the chair at the bedside and allowed himself to cry. His other hand grabbed your cold one, and he laid his head down to rest softly against your shoulder as he cried. 
What would they do without you?
It was hard to stop himself from thinking of the worst case scenarios, but he knew he needed to be strong for you and Henry. You wouldn't want them worrying over you. He chuckled weakly as he imagined how dismissive of your injuries you’d be. 
Would she want Henry to see her like this?
He brushed a hand over the top of your head and decided your son would be better off not seeing you with tubes keeping you alive; not when you had such a high chance of waking up. As the door opened again, Ted quickly spun around to see Keeley walking in. She looked distraught, and brought your favorite flowers to sit on your windowsill. No words needed to be spoken as Ted brought her in for a comforting hug, both of them longing for their best friend. 
Ted sniffled as he pulled away, “I’m gonna go talk to Henry. S’it okay if he stays with y’all tonight? I just planned on staying here and I don’t want him seein’ Y/N like-”
“Of course, Ted”, she gently smiled. He returned it as best as he could before slipping out in the hallway to find Henry and Roy.
“How is she, dad? Is she okay? When can I see her?” His eagerness to see you made Ted smile. He crouched down to Henry’s level, “I think it would be best if you went home and spent the night with Uncle Roy and Aunt Keeley tonight, buddy”
“But I wanna stay with Y/N”, his pout was hard to resist. 
“Y/N has a lot of medical equipment helpin’ her out right now bud, she isn’t awake or talking yet. It all looks real scary, but the second it’s gone I promise that you can see her all you want”
Henry’s voice went up a few octaves as tears formed in his eyes, “But I need to see that she’s okay, Dad”
“C’mere Henry”, Ted pulled the boy into a tight hug as he began to cry softly. He missed the comfort of the woman who’d practically taken over as his mother. Ted was a wonderful dad, but right now he needed to be held by Y/N.
“I promise you that right now, she is okay buddy. Her body’s restin’ while all those machines do the work for her, and the doctors plan to start wakin’ her up in three days.”
Henry held on to him tightly and shook his head in the crook of Ted’s neck.
 “No”, he whined, “She needs to come home.”. Ted’s heart broke as he pulled back to look into Henry’s eyes, their tears mirroring each other’s, “She can’t right now, Hen.”, now his voice was breaking too.
Henry began to cry harder, so Ted pulled him in to hold him once more and softly rocked him. He was racking his brain trying to imagine what Y/N would do in this situation. 
“If she could, I promise you she would be curled up on the couch watching bake-off with you right now, and y’all would be actin’ like y’all are the judges or somethin’.” his weak attempt at a joke did nothing to soothe the boy’s cries. Ted decided to just hold him until his cries weakened, occasionally pressing a soft kiss to the top of his blonde hair. When he settled down, Ted pulled away a bit. “You’re gonna go have a sleepover with Uncle Roy and Aunt Keeley, and hang out with them since it’s the weekend and you don't have school.”, Henry nodded. Tomorrow, we’ll figure out the quickest way for you to see Y/N okay? I know she’s gonna be lookin’ for you the second she wakes up.”.
The mention of seeing you made Henry break into the lightest smile. Ted and Henry said their goodbyes before Roy took him home. Ted popped his head back in your room to tell Keeley he was going home to get a change of clothes and a few more things, and to text him if anything happened while he was gone.
His heart broke a bit more as he looked around your shared home, seeing all of your items and pictures together. By now, he’d finally been able to quiet his spiraling thoughts, and was now primarily focused on taking care of you until you woke up. He gathered clothes and toiletries for himself, before moving to pack some of yours. He packed your favorite warm socks, pajamas and toiletries for when you woke up. On his way out the door he also grabbed your favorite fuzzy blanket and a family photo with Henry before loading up your (now only) car. 
Keeley left when he returned, wanting to be home in case Henry needed to talk to someone better at dealing with emotions than Roy. After she left, Ted pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and got to work on setting up your room. He turned the TV on for some background noise, swapped the hospital socks for your favorite ones, and draped the blanket over you. This time of year, you were always complaining about being cold. On your bedside table, he put the family photo you had insisted on having taken.
Ted pulled out the pull-out sofa and made his own makeshift bed with some pillows and a blanket from home. When the nurse came in to swap out your tube feed, Ted made small talk with him, and thanked him for taking such good care of you. He sent Roy a quick text and pressed a kiss to your cheek before falling asleep on the uncomfy couch. 
The next morning, Ted was woken up by a high pitched beeping. He immediately jumped up to see what was happening and make sure you were okay. Before he could get to the call button a new nurse came in and introduced herself.
“Hi, I’m Leah, and I’ll be taking over for Josh this morning. The fluids in her IV are just ready to be swapped over, that’s what the beeping’s for.”
“So she’s okay?”
“Yes, her vitals are actually looking much better this morning. The doctor may try to extubate tomorrow, because the ventilator is showing she’s attempting to breathe on her own. Don’t hold me to that, though. We’ll wait and see what he says when he makes his rounds.”
Ted spent the morning making small talk with you and eating crappy hospital cafeteria breakfast. Around lunchtime, he decided it was time to try and brush your hair. It was still matted from the aftermath of the accident. He was gentle as he slowly worked the knots out, and when he was finished he put it in his best attempt at a side braid to keep it from getting tangled any further. 
He showered quickly and brushed his teeth, then called Roy to update him.
“Hey Roy, how’s Henry?”
“Alright, a bit down but Keeley’s trying her best to cheer him up. How’s Y/N?”
“She’s doing better actually, they might try to take out her breathing tube tomorrow, just depending on how things go. Don’t- uh, don’t tell Henry though, I don’t want to fill him with any false hope.”
“I won’t. Beard’s updated the team about what happened, so don’t worry about that. Want to talk to Henry?”
There was shuffling on the other end before Ted heard his son’s voice, “Dad? Is Y/N okay? Is she awake?”
“Not yet, buddy. She’s doin’ a little better though. How you holdin’ up?”
“I’m okay, just worried about Y/N”
“I know, buddy”, Ted looked at the door as it opened to reveal the doctor, “Hey, bud, the doctor’s here so I’m gonna go talk to him alright? I’ll call you a little later, I love you”
“Love you too dad”
Ted put his phone in his pocket before shaking the doctor’s hand. “I’m Dr. Holt, nice to meet you. You’re her husband?”
“Yes sir, that’s me.”
“Your wife was in a pretty serious car accident, I’ve heard the surgeon explained all of the details to you?” Ted nodded. “We’ve put her in a sort-of medically induced coma because her MRI showed trace swelling of the brain, and this is the best way for us to keep the swelling down. Her ventilator is signaling that she’s attempting to breathe on her own, and as long as her oxygen saturation stays where it’s at, I’m comfortable extubating her tomorrow afternoon.”
“What about the swelling?”
“Her repeat MRI showed it's gone down, we just don’t want to move too fast. After we extubate her, we will still keep her pretty heavily sedated, but we’ll slowly start to decrease it.”
“Why are we keeping her sedated?”
“Well Mr Lasso, she had quite the traumatic experience, and in cases such as these, being woken up with a breathing tube in place and not being able to do anything only stresses the patient out, but can also prolong healing time and sometimes causing further issues. Once she is breathing on her own and has woken up, then we’ll move to taking out her feeding tube and beginning physical therapy. She’ll likely be very weak because her body is not used to being in bed for such a long period of time. Do you have any other questions for me?”
“I can’t think of any.”
“Great, we'll see you tomorrow afternoon, Mr Lasso. Here’s my card, please reach out to me if you need anything.”, the man handed him a business card before leaving. 
After the doctor left, Ted pulled up a chair to sit as close as he could to Y/N. He grabbed one of her cold hands, “I don’t know if you can hear me but, we need you to get better, darlin’. Me, Henry, Keeley, everyone. We weren’t made to be without you. You’re my best friend, Y/N, I need you.”, his voice was thick at this point.
“Henry misses you like crazy. Thought he was gonna punch me in the face for not lettin’ him see you like this”, his chuckle was weak. “Need you to get better and come home, sweet girl. I’m so, so sorry this happened to you.”, he cried into his free hand and wished for some sort of sign that you’d be okay. He swore he felt your hand twitch, but he was afraid it was just his imagination. He spent the rest of the day making small talk with you, the nurses, and sending out texts to update his Richmond family. 
When he woke up and was readjusting your blankets the next morning, he almost fainted when he saw your eyes barely flutter open. 
“Y/N? O-oh my god-” he immediately hit the call button and the nurse was in there within seconds. “Sh-she opened her eyes, I was just fixin’ her blankets and then-”, the nurse cut him off. 
“Her heart rate shot up on the monitors, we think she may be trying to wake up.”, he stepped aside as the nurse began an assessment. As soon as the cold metal of her stethoscope pressed against your chest, your eyes shot open. They were wide and frantic as you looked around the room, and your heart rate only continued to rise as you felt all the equipment on, in, and around you. 
“Mrs Lasso, I’m Leah, your nurse.”, she put a comforting hand on your shoulder. Ted wanted to touch you, but it felt like he was frozen in place. “You were in a pretty bad car wreck, do you remember that?”
You nodded the best you could. “You’re in the hospital, we have a breathing tube inserted into your lungs right now, so try and relax the best you can so that it remains in place. I’m going to call the doctor now, and he’s going to be here to remove it, hopefully within the hour”, she glanced at her watch. Your eyes filled with tears as you took in your surroundings and registered the immense pain you were in.
Ted stepped into your view while you tried your best to stay still, scared of disrupting any of the invasive equipment. Tears rolled freely down your cheeks at the sight of him. He looked so distraught; cheeks scruffy from not shaving, bags forming under his eyes, messy hair from his hand constantly running through it. As you locked eyes, he stepped closer and took one of your hands to hold in his own. “Baby-”, his voice grew thick, “I’m so glad you’re okay. We were all so damn scared.”
You tried to speak but it was no use, your voice was shot from the combination of the tube and not speaking for a few days.
“Shh, it’s okay. Henry’s with Keeley and Roy, as soon as we get that tube out, he’ll be here.”, you weakly nodded as you winced in pain. Your heart rate wasn’t going down, between the pain and anxiety it wasn’t going down any time soon. Not being able to speak made you anxious, and your breathing quickened as you became dizzy. Before Ted could attempt to calm you down, the nurse came in with a syringe filled with medicine. 
“We’re gonna give her this, her heart rate doesn’t need to be this high, so this’ll calm her down.”
She pushed the medicine through your IV and stayed in the room until your heart rate decreased. As it decreased, your breathing evened out and you fell asleep again. Although it felt so nice to see you awake, Ted couldn’t stand the thought of you feeling so worried or in pain. 
The nurse informed Ted that Dr. Holt planned on extubating her at 3pm, so he called Roy to ask that he be prepared to bring Henry. 
When Dr. Holt arrived, he had a team of respiratory therapists with him, and a crash cart in case the event took a turn for the worst. The sight of the crash cart and the defibrillator pads being placed on your chest as a precautionary measure made Ted uneasy. His hands felt clammy and his own breathing quickened at the thoughts of the cart being used. Just as everyone had entered the room, you had begun to wake up again. This time, your heart rate stayed at baseline as Dr. Holt explained the situation to you, and told you that if you started to panic, he’d be unable to extubate you today.
It took everything in you not to panic, you had machines keeping you alive and you had so many questions, but the idea of holding Ted and Henry after this helped you to stay calm while the doctor prepared his supplies. The nurses had been slowly weaning you off the ventilator, so you felt little change as they powered it off. You had been breathing on your own for quite a while now.
When he pulled the tube from your lungs, it hurt more than you could’ve ever imagined, and as soon as it was out you began throwing up from the pain. Luckily a nurse had an emesis bag ready nearby, and it didn’t get all over the bed. Ted’s heart broke as he watched you, unable to reach you or comfort you as he stood behind the team of people there to make sure you could breathe. As your vomiting subsided, the doctor began asking questions and checking your vitals, ensuring you would be okay breathing on your own. When he was confident that you would be okay, he and his team left the room. 
Leah turned to you, “How are you feeling?”
“In pain”, you rasped, “Everything hurts”. 
“I’m sure, Mrs Lasso. I’ve brought you some medication that won’t sedate you, but should help with your pain. A speech pathologist will be in soon to do a swallow study with you, just to make sure you’re able to swallow efficiently before we let you have anything to eat or drink. Once she signs off, then we’ll be able to get that feeding tube out. Physical therapy wont see you until tomorrow, but if you’d like to try and take some small steps later that’s fine.”
“O-okay. Thank you”
She pushed more medication through your IV before leaving. 
As she left, Ted immediately took you into his arms. You held each other tight while you both cried. He pulled away and held your face delicately in his hands, “I’m so glad you’re okay Y/N, I was so worried.”
“I was so scared, Ted.”, you cried. “I remember lying there, but I couldn’t move, or breathe, and everything looked fuzzy-”, Ted sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you into him while you cried, grabbing handfuls of the sweater he was wearing. 
“I didn’t know if I’d see you or Henry again, Ted. It was fucking awful”, you sobbed into his neck. He was sitting so that you didn’t have to move much to lean into him, not wanting to put any strain on the wound on your neck. 
“You’re here, darlin’. It’s okay, you’re all okay.”, he whispered into your hair in an attempt to reassure you both. The two of you sat in silence while you held each other, just needing to feel one another there. Warm, breathing, and alive. 
After an hour or so of Ted answering your questions, the speech pathologist came in. She introduced herself and explained the process of the swallow evaluation to you before you got started. Ted stepped aside to call Roy and give him the okay to bring Henry.
When you had passed the evaluation, the nurse came in to remove your feeding tube. Ted watched, feeling guilty he couldn’t make you feel better.  It felt so nice to finally get to drink water, your throat had felt so dry. She brought you some applesauce to snack on before dinner, and Ted assumed his previous position on the side of your bed. You brushed out your hair, and brushed your teeth, wanting to look somewhat presentable. Ted helped you walk to the bathroom to wash your face and stretch your legs before you returned to bed.
As you got settled back against the pillows, there was a gentle knock on the door. Before you could respond, it opened to reveal your favorite blonde-haired boy and grumpy assistant coach. Your voice was weak as you exclaimed, “My Henry Bug!’, and opened your arms wide as he ran straight to your bed. He climbed up immediately and hugged you. You internally winced from the pain that came with moving, but didn’t want to do or say anything that would make him pull away. After he was satisfied with the hug, he didn’t pull away, he instead chose to stay in your lap and snuggle into you as you relaxed against the pillows. It was clear he hadn’t been sleeping well, just like his father.
His head laid on your shoulder, and he whispered a soft, “Missed you, mom. Glad you’re okay.”. Your eyes began to water, you had both of your boys here and you were awake. You held Henry tightly against you, and he relaxed in your hold as he let his eyes flutter closed. While you pressed a gentle kiss to his head, Ted pulled his phone out and snapped a quick picture. Once he returned it to your pocket, he sat on the other side of you and pulled you both in close for a big hug. You made small talk with Roy as Henry fell asleep against you, and he informed you that Keeley would be stopping by tomorrow. 
When visiting hours were over, it took everything in you to wake Henry up and send him home with Roy. As much as you wished he could stay with you, you knew the pull out couch was uncomfortable and he’d have a much better weekend with his favorite aunt and uncle. He stirred softly in your arms as you whispered his name, “It’s time to go home, lovebug. You’re gonna go back home with Uncle Roy”.
He nuzzled back into you, “Don’t wanna”
His stubbornness made you chuckle, “I know, Hen. But phoebe is so excited to see you, and your dad and I will pick you up the second we leave okay? It should only be another couple days.”
He sadly nodded against you before getting up and going to hug his dad. Ted held him tightly, and reluctantly sent him back home with Roy, but he didn’t leave without giving you another hug and warning you to “Not get hurt again”.
“Well I definitely don’t plan on it, Henry”, the two of you shared a laugh. That little boy had your whole heart. Once he left, Ted settled in next to you on the bed, and pulled you in for another hug. He took a deep breath and kissed your head. 
“We love you so much, sweetheart. Can’t imagine this life without you.”
You looked up at him with eyes full of tears, “I don’t want you to”.
Finally, he pulled you in for a kiss. Your lips were slightly chapped, but he didn’t care one bit. He wrapped two strong arms around you as you allowed yourself to melt into him. You felt safe in his arms, and wanted nothing more than to be at home with him and Henry. Quietly, you whispered, “Ted?”
He sleepily replied, “What’s up, buttercup?”
“I-”, you took a deep breath, “I want to try for a baby”.
Ted remained silent as he sat up straighter, pulling away to look you in the eyes. The two of you had agreed on trying for a baby at some point, he just wasn’t expecting right now. Not after the dramatic turn the past few days had taken. He would be lying though, if he said watching you hold Henry didn’t make him want an entire team’s worth of kids with you. His mind reeled with thoughts like these often; you pregnant, having another newborn around, Henry getting to be a big brother. There was no doubt in his mind that he didn’t want those things with you.
You weren’t exactly scared by his silence, you guys had this conversation many times before. Though, before it was just to make sure you were both on the same page. Now, it had direct intent behind it. 
“Y/N you are going to make me have a heart attack, and end up in one of these lousy beds.”, you both chuckled, “All I want is to expand our family. I’d love nothin’ more than to do just that.”, his eyes held nothing with love and desire for you as you nodded up at him. 
“Just, anything could’ve happened you know? Life is short, and I know for sure that I want more kids with you. I think Henry would be such an amazing big brother, and I am beyond happy with our marriage, I just don’t want to wait any longer.”
Tears had filled both of your eyes, and Ted cleared his throat. “But-”, you pouted, “After you get better. We need to let your body heal from all this, then we can have all the kids you want.”
There was no point in arguing with him, you knew he was right. “Even if I want 12 more?”
“Well then we’d be needing to talk mascots and team names”, you both laughed as you snuggled back against each other. 
As you fell asleep leaning against him, you knew you’d never take him or Henry for granted ever again. You were so thankful for your boys.
Thanks for reading!
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
School Daze pt. 4
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AN: okay so there will also be a part 5 lmao but I think that will be the end!
Rating: Teen
Tags: Michelle Lasso, Henry Lasso, Second Chance Romance, Alternate Universe - College/University, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Time Skips, Ted and Beard have the purest friendship, Ted Lasso Deserves Love, Getting Together, Angst
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Fic Masterlist
Ted tried to sneak back into your room an hour later and he did an admirable job, but when he sat gently on the edge of the bed, you opened your arms to him and he fell into you with a chuckle. You stroked a hand along his bare back and he hummed. 
“How’s Beard?”
“Better when he left. I actually sent him to my place. Jane is…intense and it’s better if he can’t easily be found.” 
“That bad?” 
Ted tucked himself even closer, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. “Beard said she’s the closest thing he’s had to drugs since he quit ‘em.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go stay with him?” 
“Nah, I made sure he was okay. Well, as okay as he could be.” 
You smiled to yourself in the pitch-black room before pressing a kiss to Ted’s forehead, “We should probably go check on him tomorrow, don’t you think?” 
Ted sighed, a sound of contentment instead of exasperation. “Well, I won’t speak for him, but I think that might just work. Let’s get some sleep darlin’.” 
When you woke up Ted was across the room making coffee for both of you. “Ted, how are you functional right now,” you groaned, knowing he got even less sleep than you did. He made his way to your side of the bed, setting coffee on your nightstand. You sat up for the coffee, but what really woke you up was Ted in his boxers, his dress shirt on but still unbuttoned.
“Mornin’ handsome,” you flirted, pulling the sheets up to your chest and grabbing your coffee. Ted settled on top of the covers next to you with a chuckle. 
“Oh, you keep that up and we’re not makin’ it anywhere.” 
“Don’t foil my plans,” you whined, but you knew you weren’t going to make Ted choose between you and Beard. 
You and Ted spent the day with Beard, the three of you checking out a few landmarks none of you had managed to visit yet, and though you could tell he had a hard time accepting kindness he didn’t make a fuss. By the evening Beard was ready to be on his own again, and you and Ted insisted that Ted should continue staying with you and Beard could keep staying at his. Something about the joint decision-making, the way you fell so easily into Ted and Beard’s dynamic made everything feel more domestic and permanent. And that made you sad because nothing about this was permanent
Ted picked up on the change as soon as the two of you were alone, but he was hesitant about pressing. Sure, you weren’t Michelle—in a lot of ways—but he still didn’t want to ruin this new, fragile thing by forcing solutions to your apparent sadness. Instead, he matched your energy, sitting quietly on the couch, offering his hand instead of just touching you and when you had thought about how to express yourself, you opened up on your own. 
“I really like being here. And it's not just about you—though it is a lot about you. But I like Richmond. I like walking on the green and watching people watch soccer and befriending people in the neighborhood. And I just know it’s going to wreck me when I leave.” 
Ted nodded, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing you sweetly. “Darlin’ it’s going to wreck me too. I’ve had more practice with it, what with Henry and all, but it doesn’t get easier to leave or to watch people go.” 
Ted wanted to offer you something. He wanted you to stay and his coaching job paid him enough that he could probably make that happen, but he didn’t know the first thing about citizenship. He knew he’d be crazy to offer to marry you and he didn’t even know if that would solve the problem. So instead he asked something that surprised you. 
“What did you do for work? Before you got laid off?” 
“Oh, uh, nonprofit events, why?” 
Ted looked at you, a cheeky glint in his eye. “You ever planned a gala?”   
Rebecca and Higgins jumped at the chance to get help running the nonprofit avenues of AFC Richmond, and, nepotism be damned, what was one more American on the payroll? You did still have to earn your spot though and the next week in Richmond was a whirlwind of interviewing, dating, vacationing, sex, and planning how to uproot your entire life to London. It was both convenient and a little depressing that there wasn’t much life to uproot, but you still had to go back and take care of the American side of things. 
Ted and you both shed tears in the airport without a hint of embarrassment. “I think I’m afraid you’re going to get on that plane and I’m gonna lose you again,” Ted whispered, holding you tightly against him as the intercom announced you’d be boarding shortly. 
“I hate to tell you that your fears are unfounded, but the fact that I’m looking at you right now means you didn’t really lose me the first time.” 
Ted pulled back with a teary smile, and you shared one last kiss before you got in line to board. 
22 Years Ago. 
On the last day of theater, you were working up the nerve to ask Ted to get coffee after class. Coffee was a light ask, in fact you’d already had coffee many times when rehearsing your Gone with the Wind scene. But this was coffee with no reason, no purpose, besides spending time with you—and you were sure he’d turn you down.
As the last group did their scene and the professor thanked you all for a great year, you talked yourself out of it and into it and out of it again, so by the time class ended you were ready to hustle out of the door. But Ted was there, waiting for you, his back against the wall across from the classroom door. 
“Ted,” you said with surprise, but you couldn’t hide your nervous smile. 
Ted looked a little nervous himself, adjusting and readjusting his hair and then drumming his fingers against his folders arms. “Y/N, glad I caught you. I know the semester’s over but I was hoping I could get your number? And we could maybe hang out again before you’re gone for the summer?” 
“I’d like that,” you grinned, “do you…have something to write on?” Neither of you had brought backpacks to class since it was the last day, but Ted quickly patted all of his pockets and came up with a single red pen and a smirk. 
“No paper, but my Dad always taught me to keep a pen on me.” Ted went to hand it to you and held out an arm, but you laughed and handed it back. 
“I’m not going to write on your skin! I’m sure there’s paper somewhere around here.”
“Fine, I’ll do it. Go on, hit me,” Ted held the red pen poised above his forearm and you gave in, reciting the number to your dorm along with your extension. You could tell his handwriting was large and loopy, but he held his arm up close to his face so you couldn’t see exactly what he wrote, had no idea he had written a 1 that looked suspiciously like a 7. He tucked his pen in his pocket and tapped his arm twice like he’d done a job well done. 
“Talk soon?” 
“Talk soon,” you agreed. You grinned the entire walk back to your dorm and nearly considered kicking your heels like you were in a cartoon. When you returned to the dorm, you allowed yourself a little jig, a private moment of joy. Then you noticed you had a missed call. 
It was your mom. And just like that, you forgot everything you were happy about. By that evening, you were back at home three hours away from campus, holding your mother’s hand in a chilly, unadorned hospital room. There were now more pressing things to attend to than tracking down the cute boy from theater to tell him you actually couldn’t hang. There was no doubt in your mind that you’d be back in the fall and you’d explain it all then and hopefully he’d understand. He seemed like he would. But when your mother didn’t get better, your whole life changed and Ted became nothing more than a pleasant memory that crept up on you from time to time.
<- Part 3 | Part 5->
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oldfashionedmorphine · 7 months
is there anything in a fic you've written that you're just dying to tell the backstory/inspiration for???
hi :)
for the most part, i’m pretty transparent with what inspires my stories overall—like how i watched frequency last year and then decided to write an au based on it lol…and i also don’t know how to shut up, so sometimes i flat out say what’s inspired me in the author’s notes of the fic/chapter.
off the top of my head this is what i could think of…
(though some of you are probably already aware of these things, because again i don’t know how to shut up lol)
mike and will’s falling out in “i’m a wreck (without you here)” is 100% inspired by the falling out i had with one of my best friends (the whole moving away to another state abruptly and then being cut off and then told off in a letter—though for me it was via facebook messenger)……unfortunately for me, i haven’t seen her since and we’ll likely never reconcile :(
ch 12 of iawwyh was again inspired by my life with mike’s loss of his grandmother…holly making her a ‘get well’ card was something my younger cousins did while my grandfather was in hospice
taking a continuing education course for infection control and then being reminded again of a high profile hiv/aids case in dentistry (they always use it as an example) that just so happened to fit nicely in the timeline of my story for ch 13 of iawwyh
making mike and will obsessed with warcraft because i was obsessed with world of warcraft for a time lol
writing a karaoke scene + using never gonna give you up was inspired by me watching ted lasso
i also wanted to write a chapter that featured nancy as a ballerina and it just so happened to be christmas time when i had the idea so that’s why i went with the nutcracker
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erosia-rhodes · 3 years
My (probably very wrong) Ted Lasso Season 3 predictions
Even though I failed spectacularly at predicting what was going to happen on Wandavision and Loki, I'm going to post my speculations about Ted Lasso Season 3 because I just can't get enough of being wrong :) These aren’t spoilers because I don’t know what will happen, but I put them behind the jump anyway, just to be safe.
Ted promises to shave off his mustache if Richmond wins the trophy. The team refuses the offer, claiming the mustache is the source of his powers.
Richmond will defeat Nate and Rupert’s team in the semifinals, not the final match, because we need another episode or two after that to complete Nate’s redemption arc. Richmond will defeat Manchester City in the finale to win their club's first trophy. Manchester City relegated Richmond in season 1 and humiliated them at Wembley Stadium in season 2, so that makes them the final boss fight, the hardest opponent to beat tactically, even though defeating Nate’s team will be the hardest emotionally.
After his defeat, Nate will scream at his team and physically assault someone (maybe throw a chair Bobby Knight style?); a video of that will go viral. Twitter will label him "Nate the Ingrate" or "Nate the Not-So-Great." Rupert will fire him. Nate will be abandoned and alone. Ted will reach out with kindness. He'll suggest Nate see Dr. Sharon. Nate will initially reject the help, but eventually come around and be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. He won't be hired back at Richmond. He'll end up in a lower-ranking gig somewhere else with fresh new humility.
Roy will become a Diamond Dog. He just will. It's inevitable.
Trent Crimm will spend the season embedded with the team and write a best-selling book called "Believe: The Lasso Way." In the movie adaptation, Ted will be played by Ed Helms.
Roy and Keely will be ok, though they have a rough patch as she's torn between work and home. Keely gets pregnant and Roy becomes a stay-at-home dad so Keely can continue to grow her business. The yoga moms already love Roy, so the stay-at-home moms group will too. Keely and Roy don’t get married but are committed partners.
Trent will be Hamilton-level great at the rhyming game Ted and Beard play.
It will be strongly implied that Trent has a crush on Ted, but Ted will not reciprocate because 1) Apple TV isn't going to make the lead character of their flagship show bisexual, and 2) If they did, morons online would say, "See! When men talk about their feelings it makes them gay!" and 3) LGBTQ characters don’t exist in Richmond.
Jamie Tartt and Roy will hug without headbutting first.
Ted will go back to Kansas to be with his son. After winning the trophy, his mission is accomplished and he can go home without being a "quitter." The only way this will not happen is if Michelle dies in a car wreck and Henry moves to London to live with his dad.
This is also why any Ted/Rebecca pairing is doomed. I've seen some strong arguments that they're endgame, but I don't see Rebecca moving to Kansas and I don't see how Ted would stay away from his son any longer than he has to. Sorry Ted/Rebecca shippers! Transcontinental relationships don't work.
The team will plan some sort of epic, cheesy good-bye gesture for Ted. Maybe they all give him toy soldiers to protect him before he leaves? They do a really amazing *NSYNC dance performance? The entire town spells out the word BELIEVE together? Whatever it is, it will make us cry.
Someone will call Ted a wanker, but in a nice way.
And that's all my crystal ball is showing me right now. I guess we'll see how wrong I was in 2022! 
Feel free to speculate more in the comments, particularly about characters I didn’t mention since I’m not sure where everyone will end up.
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professortennant · 3 years
happy birthday @theodore-lasso​
thanks for sharing the same weird kinks as me <3
Ted Lasso has been shaving since he was seven years old (well, he was rubbing shaving foam onto his cheeks and wiping it off with the handle of his hairbrush while he stood next to his father, but the point stands). 
It’s a daily act of self-care, a moment for him to stare himself in the mirror, take deep breaths, and shape the person he wants to be that day--literally. 
Rebecca, it turns out, is equally as fascinated with this daily ritual. She watches him carefully from her side of the vanity, mouth foaming with toothpaste as she finishes brushing her teeth and watches him fill the sink basin with warm water and lay out his razor and foam.
“Can I do that?”
The request seems to surprise them both and he blinks at her in surprise. “You want to do what?”
She spits out the last of her toothpaste and dabs at her mouth demurely, time used to cover the slight pink in her cheeks. He’s touched every inch of her body, heard her hiss filthy demands in his ears, and she’s seen him come apart while he’s buried inside of her, but this--this--makes her blush.
Rebecca sidles over to him, insinuates herself between him and the bathroom counter and he automatically puts his hands on her hips, a new second-nature instinct he’s no longer fighting. 
Her fingertips dance along his stubbled jaw and tickle his mustache before brushing over his lips, fingers spreading over his cheek to cup his jaw. "Let me?”
His mouth goes a little dry and his heart races. He’s still learning how to let go, how to let others care for him, how to lose control and trust in those around him to catch him if he stumbles. There’s no one he trusts more than the woman in his arms, the one who has become such an integral part of his life.
He nods and is rewarded with a soft kiss and a murmured, “Thank you.” 
She perches herself on the edge of the bathroom counter, just needs to barely lift herself onto her tip toes and settle back given her height. 
“Come here,” she sighs out affectionately, pulling him between her legs by his worn and thread-bare Kansas City BBQ shirt (the one she normally steals on his away games--the sort of thing she never thought she’d catch herself doing, preferring silk to cotton, but as is always the case with Ted, he is the exception).
"Don't go shaving my mustache now," he warns playfully, hands splaying and settling atop her thighs, squeezing gently. 
"Wouldn't dream of it.”
(He knows she wouldn’t, not when he knows she likes the way her skin reddens when he gets particularly focused on one area of her body--her neck, her thighs, the inside of her knee.)
A thick tension permeates the room as she gently lathers up the shaving cream and spreads it over his cheeks, her fingers strong and sure and certain and gentle. It’s the gentleness that surprises him, the act of such deliberate care. Something warm and heavy settles in his chest as he finds himself the focus of her attention, each act an act for him.
“Okay?” she asks, dipping her hands into the water to rinse the foam off. He nods, unable to speak past the lump in his throat, unable to explain that this one simple act--something no one has ever done for him--is slowly undoing him.  
She touches his abdomen, a fluttering moment of reassurance and contact, and it makes him suck in a breath, makes him shuffle imperceptibly closer. She keeps her palm flat on his belly with one hand as the other reaches for the razor, dipping it into the sink and shaking it off. The combination of her manicured hand wrapping around the cool metal has him feeling off-kilter and aroused.
With her tongue between her teeth in concentration, she carefully drags the razor down his cheek. He shivers unexpectedly, the combination of sharp metal, warm water, and the knowledge that it is Rebecca taking care of him in such a simple way hitting him all at once.
His cock twitches in his pants when she leans forward, her breath hitting his freshly smooth skin, and he gets a whiff of her shampoo as she repeats the motion over and over again: razor, rinse, shave. The hand on his stomach stays there, anchoring him to this moment, her fingers curling into the soft fabric and bunching the material, nails scratching against him. 
He sucks in a sharp breath at the unexpected surge of arousal he feels, needs to touch her and tightens his hands on her thighs.
"Ted?" she asks worriedly, fingertips probing at his cheek, looking for cuts. "Did I nick you?"
Ted swallows hard, shakes his head; too embarrassed to admit the simple act of her shaving him is making him hard and needy and desperate to touch her. 
"No, no, I'm fine.” He can hear the roughness in his voice, can hear the lowness. “You're doing great. K-keep going."
She gives him a look, like she can hear the neediness, the desperation for her to not stop, but nods, continuing. Once more, she shakes the razor into the pool of warm water in the basin. Again, the drag of the razor excites him and when she nudges at his jaw to encourage him to look up, exposing his neck to her, he groans softly.
"Just--uh--enjoying this more than I thought."
Rebecca’s eyes drift to where he is now fully hard, cock straining against the front of his sweats. He sees her mouth open, her breath come a little more shallowly. "Sorry," he mumbles, embarrassed. "Just feels good, can’t quite explain it myself."
She kisses a patch of freshly shaved skin near his Adam's apple and the simple pressure, the gentle touch, makes him jerk forward, hissing. 
"Don't be sorry for that, Ted. Let me take care of you,” she insists softly, trailing her fingertips over his neck and shoulders and jaw. He shivers, wills himself to let go, to let her catch him as he falls apart in her arms.
In between swipes of the razor, Rebecca occasionally dips her hand between their bodies, strokes her palm over this cock, squeezes and palms him in a way that makes him shudder and shake. "This seems like a safety hazard," he rasps, eyeing the razor in her hand.
"Don't you trust me?"
She maneuvers the blade around his jawline, takes care of the last few swipes of shaving cream, leaving his face clean-shaven save for his mustache which she swipes at with the pad of her thumb.
Ted grabs her wrist, stopping her motions, eyes dark, intense and serious. "I trust you more than anyone I’ve ever known, Rebecca."
His hands slide up her wrists and forearms, press into the sculpted muscles of her arms and shoulders and settle on either side of her face. He presses his forehead against hers, just breathes her in and tries to calm his racing heart and mind, the way he feels out of control and small and vulnerable and—
The razor clatters to the counter as shaving is forgotten, her mouth pressing against his eagerly, sloppily. He groans against her, his tongue brushing against hers, hands ghosting over her body—grazing over the curves of her breasts and hips and thighs, pushes them apart and pulls her to the edge of the counter, fingers dipping and pushing at the waistband of her sleep shorts to touch her.  
Rebecca’s hands mirror his, curling against him and tugging at his shirt, pushing it up and getting her skin against his, nails scratching through the hair on his stomach and chest, dancing back down to loosely cup his cock, hot and heavy and thick in her hand. 
“Fuck,” he pants against her, mouth latching onto her shoulder, nuzzling her shirt out of the way. When his teeth graze the jut of her collarbone, she groans, drops her forehead to his shoulder and strokes at him while he works her up into an equal state of frenzy—not that she’s far behind him, can feel herself wet and ready. 
“Here?” she asks, pushing at his sweatpants and scooting forward to the edge of the counter, legs spreading for him. 
He grins wolfishly at her and for a moment, she is breathless at the sight of him: hair wrecked and mussed from sleep and her own fingers, cheeks smooth from her earlier care with the razor, chest heaving and the pulse in his neck pounding. She did that to him. 
“Bedroom’s next door,” Ted reminds her, eyes dark and blown wide with a reckless desire. With confidence, he drags his hand down her body, settles it between her legs and easy pushes the fabric of her shorts and panties aside, slides his thick fingers through her folds where she’s almost embarrassingly wet and ready. 
“Too far,” she murmurs, kissing him frantically and pushing his sweats down around his ankles. “Now.”
Everything after that is a frenzied rush—he grasps her hips and pulls her to the edge of the counter, has just enough leverage to slide into her, both of them pausing and gasping at the sensation of coming together. Her legs—long and lean and smooth and beautiful—wrap around his waist, those manicured hands, the ones who so expertly, deftly, gently wielded his razorblade, now dig into his back, urge him closer as she pants in his ear, “Yes, there. There. Fuck me.”
He buries his face into her neck, licks a stripe there and grazes his teeth against the tendons straining beneath the skin, thrusts in and out of her, savors the feeling of her heels pressing against his lower back, her breasts pressing to his chest, the feel of her body slick and hot against his. 
Her fingers scratch at his back and shoulders, slip up into his hair and tug gently, cradling him against her, encouraging him to plaster himself to her body. She clenches around him as he fucks her, tightens her muscles around him and grins, pleased with herself, when his rhythm stutters. 
“Almost there,” he pants, nuzzling at her jaw and ear, mustache tickling her skin. 
“Me too. Me too.”
Ted’s thumb dips between their bodies, presses against her clit and rubs in quick, tight circles that has her jerking against him, groaning and keening. When they come—Ted first and Rebecca right after—they slump against each other, Rebecca’s legs still wrapped around his waist, Ted’s palms smoothing over her thigh and knee and calf. 
He catches his breath, eyes screwed tight, the aftershocks still rushing through him, overwhelming him. Rebecca’s lips brushed along his hairline and over his cheeks and smooth cheeks. “You’re alright,” she soothes, hands running through his hair and cradling him against her. “I’ve got you.”
“I—” He pulls back, kisses her softly but can’t quite bring himself to step away from her, still craving the closeness and warmth between them. “I didn’t know it would be like that.”
She huffs a small laugh, kisses his forehead and slides her hands over his chest like she can’t stop touching him either. “We’ve done that more than once,” she reminds him coyly. 
“No one’s ever done that for me, taken care of me like that. It just—” He tangled their hands together and lifted their joined hands to rest on his chest, right above his heart. “It hit here. Like a bullseye.”
Rebecca’s expression softens, twisting a lock of his hair gently around a finger. Ted’s eyes go unfocused at that and he growls like a sleepy puppy, tilting his head into her touch. “Quite a start to our day,” she murmurs, continuing to stroke him. 
“You’re tellin’ me. Don’t know how the heck I’m goin’ to look at shaving the same ever again…” He grins and adds, “For that matter, don’t know how the heck I’m goin’ to look at this countertop again.”
Their laughter reverberates in the bathroom as they clean themselves up and prepare for the day, relaxed and loose and happy and cared for and safe. Together.
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sluttyhenley · 3 years
Thanks @nevermindirah for tagging me!
Three ships:
Book of Nile (The Old Guard)
Joe x Nicky (The Old Guard)
Spock x Uhura (Star Trek AOS/TOS)
(I definitely have more but these are the ones I most actively read and write fan fiction and consume media for)
Last song: Tin Man by Miranda Lambert (which just absolutely continues to wreck me and you should absolutely not listen to that song while thinking about Booker; i may have been trying to exorcise some of those emotions with my last BoN set and it did not work)
Currently reading: I just finished the Empirium Trilogy which is definitely a roller coaster of emotions and now I’m doing a reread of Persuasion for reasons (Andy x Quynh related reasons)
Last movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It’s just a comfort movie for me what can i say?
Currently watching: I’m trying to get into Black Sails but it regularly crosses my threshold on violence so we’ll see how it goes. Oh and rewatching Ted Lasso because people weren’t exaggerating about how good it is
Currently consuming: coffee with a bit of honey because it’s kind of a weird blend
Currently craving: it’s that vague sort of thing where i want something but i’m not sure what
Tagging @ongreenergrasses, @redbelles if any of y'all feel like it! and anyone else who sees this and wants to 
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