#currently on a bit of a break from stranger things so i think that’s part of the reason
oldfashionedmorphine · 7 months
is there anything in a fic you've written that you're just dying to tell the backstory/inspiration for???
hi :)
for the most part, i’m pretty transparent with what inspires my stories overall—like how i watched frequency last year and then decided to write an au based on it lol…and i also don’t know how to shut up, so sometimes i flat out say what’s inspired me in the author’s notes of the fic/chapter.
off the top of my head this is what i could think of…
(though some of you are probably already aware of these things, because again i don’t know how to shut up lol)
mike and will’s falling out in “i’m a wreck (without you here)” is 100% inspired by the falling out i had with one of my best friends (the whole moving away to another state abruptly and then being cut off and then told off in a letter—though for me it was via facebook messenger)……unfortunately for me, i haven’t seen her since and we’ll likely never reconcile :(
ch 12 of iawwyh was again inspired by my life with mike’s loss of his grandmother…holly making her a ‘get well’ card was something my younger cousins did while my grandfather was in hospice
taking a continuing education course for infection control and then being reminded again of a high profile hiv/aids case in dentistry (they always use it as an example) that just so happened to fit nicely in the timeline of my story for ch 13 of iawwyh
making mike and will obsessed with warcraft because i was obsessed with world of warcraft for a time lol
writing a karaoke scene + using never gonna give you up was inspired by me watching ted lasso
i also wanted to write a chapter that featured nancy as a ballerina and it just so happened to be christmas time when i had the idea so that’s why i went with the nutcracker
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wriothesleybear · 1 year
Protective Warden
~warnings: x wriothesley, unwanted touching by stranger (grabbed on arm), otherwise just fluff.
~a/n: thank you @harlekin6 for the idea🥰 i hope this satisfies your request❤️
You step off of the elevator, relieved to finally be off of it. Even though you've taken it for the past three years, it still gets tiring from the long ride. You check in at the entrance of the Meropide Fortress. It's a quick check in as usual due to you being known around here by the employees. You were known as the Duke's wife. You were a cute, bubbly, talkative, and outgoing person. The complete opposite of your husband. The workers sometimes wonder to themselves how you two ended up together. You didn't mind their questions, laughing them off because to you, you knew who your husband was. Only you saw his softer and teasing side, the part of him you fell in love with.
You planned to surprise your husband with his favorite lunch today, wanting to spend time with him due to his work schedule keeping him busy. He would usually return late at night after you've fallen asleep and leave early in the morning before you woke up, giving you two no time to spend together. While walking to his office, you greet the usual employees and notice Sigewinnie down the hall. Her eyes shine as she sees you, happy to see you again. After a little small talk, you ask her the whereabouts of your husband. She tells you that he was currently in a meeting, busy interrogating new prisoners. You planned to wait for him in his office, but Sigewinnie excitedly asked if she could show you some new stickers she recently made. How could you say no to that face.
You follow her to her little infirmary. She excitedly shows you all of her new stickers while you give her your full attention, happy to see her like this. You enjoyed spending time with Sigewinne as did she. She was like a daughter to you. She saw you and Wriothesley like parents to her. After a while of listening to Sigewinnie talk about puffy stickers, you both were suddenly interrupted by a rookie guard entering the infirmary.
"Miss Sigewinnie, I have a prisoner who is feeling unwell. Could you take a look at him?"
"Of course! You can bring him in." She said, getting her medical instruments ready. A tall man enters the room. He didn't look scary or dangerous so you thought nothing of it. Sigewinnie tells him to sit on the infirmary bed so she can check him out. You notice while he walks over to the bed, he keeps looking at you. You pay it no mind. It takes a few minutes for Sigewinnie to figure out what was wrong and she goes into an adjacent room to make some medicine for the inmate. The whole time, the inmate keeps watching you which begins to make you a bit uncomfortable. He begins talking to you, giving you compliments on how beautiful you looked. You were polite and thanked him but continued to be uncomfortable. You hoped the visit would be over soon so he could leave. Suddenly, he gets up from the bed and walks over to where you were sitting, deciding to sit in the chair next to you. He was a bit too close causing you to scoot away from him. You ask him politely to leave you alone, not wanting to piss him off by being rude, but he ignored your request and continued bothering you. He began to say more inappropriate things to you while eyeing you up and down. You had enough and got up from your seat, planning to talk to the guard waiting outside the room. But before you could leave, the inmate grabs your arm harshly.
"Where do you think you're going. It's rude to ignore someone where they're talking to you. It's not everyday I get to see a beautiful chick like you."
You try to break your arm free, sternly telling him to let you go. He laughs and doesn't let up his grip. You begin to push him away causing him to get mad. He pulls you towards him, his grip tightening causing you pain. You yelp. Suddenly, theres a loud crash as the infirmary door is slammed open. You both look over to the doorway and see your husband. He notices the inmate's hand on you and quickly moves over to him. Wrio roughly grabs the man's shirt, moving him away from you and getting the man to remove his grip on you. He slams him against the wall. Anger is evident on your husband's face while he silently glares at the prisoner. The room begins to get a bit chilly due to your husband's vision.
"Why are you putting your hands on my wife." Wrio coldly asks.
"Wrio." You put your hand on his back and gently call his name, wanting to stop him before he beats the prisoner to a pulp. He relaxes a little. He calls the rookie guard in and orders him to take the prisoner into solitary confinement.
"Y-yes sir!" the guard nervously says before he quickly takes the prisoner away. Once they're gone, Wrio turns to you with a soft look.
"Are you okay?" he asks as he walks closer to you. You gently smile at him and nod your head. He looks down at your arm, noticing a red mark forming where the prisoner grabbed you. His anger flares again but he stops himself, focusing his attention on you. He pulls you into a hug, wrapping his arm tightly around you while he strokes your hair.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you. What are you doing here anyways? I didn't know you were going to visit."
"I wanted to surprise you with lunch and spend time with you. It's been a few days since we've spent time together and I missed you." You tell him as you nuzzle into his chest. He chuckles from your cuteness of being honest with your feelings.
"I'm sorry I haven't been able to spend time with you lately. I promise I'll make it up to you by spending the whole day with you on my next day off."
"Deal." You giggle.
"Come on. Let's go eat." While you two walk to his office, he has your fingers intertwined, walking close to you to make sure you are protected. You arrive to his office. He sits in his chair while you go get another chair to put beside him.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"I'm looking for a chair."
"Don't need one. Come here." He pats his lap. You blush, walking over to him. Even though you've sat in his lap many times before, you still get a bit bashful.
"But you can't eat if I'm in your lap Wrio." Without another word, he pulls you onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you so you can't escape. He nuzzles his face into your neck, leaving a quick kiss on it, making you squirm.
"Wrio." You shyly say. He chuckles at your cuteness.
"What did you bring me for lunch?" He asks, changing the subject.
"Your favorite. Steak with a side of vegetables and mashed potatoes." You say as you take everything out.
"Smells good. I bet it takes great. I always enjoy your cooking."
"Yeah, I don't explode the kitchen when cooking." You tease.
"Hey, that just means it's going to taste great."
You laugh. "I will give you that. Your food does come out tasting yummy even thought you ruin the kitchen. But I suppose it's worth it." You cut the steak, taking a piece on the fork and holding it out for him. "Here. Say ahh." You tease.
He sighs. "I'm not gonna say ahh but I'll still take a bite." He eats the piece of steak. "Delicious." You feed him the rest of his meal, taking some bites for yourself here and there. Once you two finish, he kisses you and thanks you for lunch. Even when his work schedule gets in the way of your time together, special moments like these make up for it.
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lcriedlastnight · 20 days
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lost the breakup | charles leclerc
○tw: alcohol, swears, charles is a proper dick, silly reader, this is the most angsty thing over ever wrote. to celebrate charles win today!○
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : w/c: 4.3k of pure hell.
"this would be so much easier without you!" it felt like those words flitted around your brain in a loop ever since that night in charles' flat. you hadn't intended it to turn into a massive fight, all you said was you couldn't wait for summer break to finally spend some time with your boyfriend. but seemingly that was all it took for charles to go off on one, roaring at you as if you had actually done something wrong.
you had stood, staring at the man after he had stopped ranting about how being with you only brought him down and how life before you was much easier on him. you couldn't believe that was actually what he thought of your relationship. i mean it wasn't perfect, but who's was? all that you thought mattered was that you tried to make each other happy, and up until today you had thought that you were succeeding in that, clearly not.
"do you mean that?" there was an obvious wobble in your voice that you had tried to disguise but it didn't matter, charles didn't care anyways. you knew that now.
all it took for you to scramble to find somewhere new was that singular nod of his head. you knew he wasn't sure if he meant it but he nodded. he fucking nodded. you could've forgiven him if he took it all back then and there, he didn't even have to beg for your forgiveness you would've just given him it. but he didn't. you didn't mean as much to him as he did to you and he had made that oh so clear tonight. so you did what any sane person would do, you grabbed a pair of shoes and a jacket and left. a part of you thought that maybe he had said all that just to get a rise out of you and to create a fight between the two of you, for whatever reason? you didn't know but you had a nagging feeling that was why he did it. or maybe your brain was just trying to soften the blow of your boyfriend secretly despising you for god knows how long.
so yeah, that was how you ended up rotting in your bed. at this point you really shouldn't still care about him anymore but your heart refused to let him go. and it annoyed you so much. how was it fair that you sat here mourning your relationship and what it could've been while he was out there winning grand prix's and clubbing every other night, seen with a different girl every single time. while he was out picking up girls you were picking up your heart, that had gone straight in the journal as soon as you had thought it.
the fans had realised something was up by the second day of your breakup. you hadn't even collected all of your things from his yet and they were already trending you both on twitter. it honestly felt like the last thing you needed right now but you smiled through the pain and tried to make your instagram feel as normal as possible until charles put up a statement about it, so that you could too. then you could finally put this relationship to rest.
being with charles had given you a following of sorts of your own and you felt like you owed them something, seeing as they only liked you because you were dating- used to date charles. your best friend and current roommate (for the time being, seeing as you were living with charles full time before the breakup) jess had told you millions of times that they were just random strangers and you didn't owe them anything. it never eased the weight you felt though.
one night after the third night in a row of summer break (that very same summer break that you were longing to spend with charles) that charles was out and had been pictured taking some random girl home was the night where jess had tried to snap you out of it.
"i think it hurts more that literally none of them look like me? like if any of them resembled me at least i would know that he missed me, even a little bit. even if it was subconscious, you know?" you had ranted, staring holes into your phone that had showed you the dreaded pictures of the three girls who all looked alike in regards to each other but nothing like you. in fact they were the complete opposite of you in every single way.
jess had swiped your phone off of you and slid it into the back pocket of her jeans.
"look, you technically broke up with him but it doesn't matter. he clearly doesn't care so why the fuck should you?" ever so blunt, jess was.
"i don't mean to be mean, you know that. i mean this in the nicest way possible but you have to get over yourself. this isn't the end of the world as much as it feels like it. the world has continued to spin this past week and it will continue to do so no matter what so you need to get up and live your life. you're wasting your emotions on a man who literally doesn't care whether you live or die at this point."
although it was filled to the brim with all the shit you didn't want to hear, jess knew exactly what you needed and she gave you the wake up call you had been needing since that night. that night she helped you wash your bed sheets and tidy your room up, moving the furniture while blasting taylor swift's breakup songs. jess was still letting you grieve the relationship because she knew better than anyone, that you can't just hear one inspiring speech and finally stop caring about him. even though she knew that you would stop caring sooner rather than later with the way he was acting.
"you better not wear that skirt with those heels!" jess' girlfriend, hailey had shouted over the thrumming bass of someone's getting ready playlist. you weren't too sure who's it was but you knew for certain it was not the usual music that was played in the flat.
'the inchident' (which you thought was a particularly cruel play on words) had happened almost a month ago and jess had invited your closest friends for a night out in monaco. as well as her girlfriend, she had also invited sophie, probably your second best friend.
"why?" sophie asked back, brows down as she moves the skirt in her hands, looking for an issue with it. "it looks good, no?". three shakes of heads are her answers.
"soph it looks so fugly." jess said, trying to pull on a pair of doc martens. you had burst out laughing at that and it had set everyone else off too. you knew pre-drinks were a great idea. the group had already taken three shots already and for a lightweight like you, this was the perfect state to go to the club like. drunk enough that the night seemed endless, plus you would save a fortune on drinks while you were there too, seeing as you were almost on your way to being absolutely smashed. exactly what you needed after this past month.
as you all clamber into the taxi to take you to the club, the group chatters with each other while jess is chatting away to the driver. she got so talkative when she had alcohol in her system. the ride to the club wasn't long so when you all arrive and after you had all given about a million thank you's to the driver you head into the club.
you and sophie find a table to sit at while jess and hailey head in the direction of the bar, hailey offering to buy the first round in celebration of you finally going out with them for the first time in months.
in the taxi ride over, sophie was telling you all about the boy she was speaking to and how he may or may not be a famous athlete. after a joke or two from you about watching what she's getting into she tells you that she had been on a few dates with him and they were days away, as she put it, from becoming official. with all of this in mind you still had no idea why, when you were both on the hunt for a free table, scouring around the very back of the club, she suddenly stops in her tracks, grabs your arm and turns to face you. the poor girl looked like she was about to pass out. surely she hadn't had that much to drink already, you had just gotten here, you had thought to yourself before she spoke up.
"that's him! he's here?!" sophie whisper shouts as she kind of just stands there, almost like shes lagging. you look at her, confusion plastered all over your face.
"who? who's here?" you ask her. it's easy to tell she is annoyed at your question but she's much too preoccupied to tell you off for it in her usual sophie manner. like her fight or flight kicks in at that very moment she suddenly pulls you towards the large booth filled with people, seemingly all men but maybe a few girls from what you could make out. it was actually really dark in this part of the club.
"my man." the blonde girl whispers to you like it was obvious, nothing was obvious to you when you were sober never mind this tipsy. you recognise a man at the end of the row but it doesn't sink in your muddled brain until you are standing directly in front of near enough half of the grid.
you stand like a deer in headlights as it clicks in your brain. the weight of a thousand busses suddenly weighing down on your chest. oh this was so not good. you hadn't looked to see if he was here but did you really need to? it seemed like he was going out at any chance he could find since the two of you last spoke. you avert your attention to sophie who was standing very closely to the man at the edge, who you now could see what carlos. you had no idea that was who she was talking about.
you hear someone in front of you call your name, one of the drivers, maybe lando? he had always been nice to you any time you and charles went out together and ran into him. you don't reply, not that you get the chance to because an arm is gripping yours from behind and at first you swear your heart falls right to the ground and is so very close to taking you with it but you look over and see it was only jess and hailey with your drinks. this was not how tonight was supposed to go.
jess says something you can't hear to sophie and the blonde nods back before you feel your best friend pulling you away from the table. you still feel frozen as she drags you to a free table you and sophie must have missed on your own hunt. you felt like you were having an out of body experience. there was no fucking way in hell that just happened. no way he was here. why couldn't he just let you have this one night to yourself without ruining it? he had already ruined your life, what else does he want?
hailey slides you your drink of choice and heads back up to the bar to order another, knowing you'll need it. jess could see the look in your eyes even if you couldn't feel it yet. what stage of grief was this you were in now? because all you wanted to do was to get the ground to swallow you whole. maybe depression. jess' soft voice pulls you out of your daze.
"hey, drink it. i'm not encouraging drinking to numb your feelings but tonight is not the night to deal with whatever the fuck that was." jess says, her voice as comforting as she could make it. you really appreciated it so you downed your drink and waited for hailey to come with your next.
"we'll process this tomorrow but tonight, we drink." hailey says as she returns. you swear you hear her curse sophie under her breath as you drink. you didn't blame sophie though, she didn't know he would be there and clearly didn't think before she acted. you think that maybe hailey and jess are mad at her now. great, another thing in your life falling apart. you were so getting shitfaced tonight.
the drinks blended into one another as you danced with your friends after sophie had joined you, after promising to carlos she would leave with him.
you were swaying to one of your favourite songs when carlos come over to distract sophie, you just smiled at the two 'couples' that surrounded you. even if there was a clear favourite, nothing against carlos but c'mon. it was jess and hailey. speaking of they had signalled to tell you they were off to join the long line for the toilets. they had asked of you wanted to come but you didn't need to pee so you said no. you should've went though, you probably would need to pee by the time you got to the front of the line but your drunk brain was not in the mood for rational thinking.
that's why when a man slides his arms around you don't protest it and instead lean into him. it had nothing to do with the familiar scent flooding your nose or the hums you heard every single night in your sleep, nope. nothing to do with that twat.
"This one is your favourite, no?" his accent fills your ears and you can literally feel the tension from the past month ease out of you. you lean further into charles as you sway a little to the beat. you were far too drunk to dance properly, the way you were when you first stepped foot onto the dance floor.
"mhm." you nod as your hands slide down to rest on his clasped ones, which were holding your stomach to keep you close, you hoped. charles moves his head to right behind your ear, just so you can hear him better. there was no way he didn't hear or even feel your breath hitch at the feeling of his breath on your ear. if you weren't this plastered then you would be so embarrassed at how easily you let charles do this again. you could even hear the rational part of your brain screaming at you, asking you what you were doing but you could barely even see at this point so of course you ignored it in favour of being the girl in his arms again.
"then why'd all your friends leave you, sweetheart?" charles asks, it feels teasing and maybe even a little mocking but there is no way you would be able to tell the difference in this state, so you just respond, dumbly. "they went to pee."
charles laughs in your ear and it sends goosebumps throughout your body and puts a sappy grin on your face. you hadn't heard his laugh in a while and it felt so good to hear it again. it felt like home to you and god had you been homesick.
you would've done anything the man asked you to when you were like this, well maybe sober too but when you were sober you would've definitely put up more of a fight about doing it. maybe charles was taking advantage of this as he practically moves you both to the next song that plays. it's a good job that jess and hailey come back when they do because you would've done anything for him. it felt like he actually wanted you again. you had missed him like this and here he was acting like he couldn't get enough of you. every part of you hoped to remember this in the morning as both girls pulled you away from his grasp (without any fight from charles, which told the girls everything they needed to know) and took you home, without as much as a goodbye to sophie. safe to say she was not going to be invited round again after tonight.
the next morning consisted of waking up at three pm with the sorest headache you think you've ever experienced and a blurry memory. turns out your hoping and praying last night had worked because the only thing you can remember is the way charles held you. the words he said weren't one hundred percent clear but god if this didn't set you back three weeks. jess was furious with sophie and hailey had literally cut her off in every single way possible. jess tells you over dinner that night that hailey had blocked sophie last night when you had gotten home and it did make you laugh but now you had to mourn the end of two relationships. you knew it was for the better but it still killed you, ripped you apart from the inside.
the thing that hurt you most was charles. you reflect on it in the shower after dinner. he knew how drunk you were and he still came over, clearly because he knew it was the only time you would let him back in without any fight. did that mean he missed you like you missed him? or was he just doing it because he could, showing you (a drunk you, mind you but still you nonetheless) that no matter what he still had his claws in you? your questions were answered as you scrolled through a gossip page and seen that charles left with another girl who looked nothing like you last night. you really had to stop looking through those pages, it did nothing but bring you down.
nothing prepared you from the instagram dm from the quiet australian mclaren driver about another month after the club incident. he had never really spoken to oscar a lot before back when you were a regular in the paddock but it was still super nice to hear from him. it didn't mean you were prepared for him to ask you if you wanted paddock passes to be guests of mclaren at the next race. when you had asked what you had done exactly to deserve this gift, oscar had responded with 'i know your birthday is coming up and i also know how much you love f1'. you cried to jess before texting him back that you would take them. he was such a lovely boy.
you knew how bad ferrari were doing because you were an f1 fan way before you had even met charles so you of course kept up with the sport even after the breakup. even though it killed you to see his face on the screen. and you would never admit this to anyone, not even jess but seeing ferrari do so badly did make your heart ache for charles.
a few days before the race jess takes you shopping to find the outfit that makes charles beg for you back just so you can let him down harshly. her words of course, you would never even think that. as much as he's hurt you there wasn't a bone in your body that wanted to hurt him in return.
"i'm not drinking today, or tonight." you inform jess as you enter the paddock, the cameras immediately snapping in your face. you had not been in the eyes of the media for a good few months and now coming back to this made you feel dizzy but you powered through it because you had missed attending races so much. you found yourself beating up past you for not appreciating the privilege you had, getting to attend all those races.
"mhm, sure you aren't." jess doesn't even try and entertain you. you roll your eyes at her words.
"we both know what happened the last time alcohol and a certain ferrari driver mixed and i, for one, don't feel like going back down that road again." you try to make a joke out of it you're sure it would've worked if it was anyone but jess, she knows you far too well.
oscar greets you not long after and has the audacity to thank you for accepting his invite, he was literally the sweetest boy who's ever walked the earth and jess was sure to let him know of that fact. it left him with a big grin and rosy cheeks.
you and jess both cheer on the mclaren cars, which you have to admit, was one of the weirdest things about the full experience. you couldn't help but let your eyes wander to the red of the ferrari cars every now and then. you will your eyes to shift in the opposite direction every time. no way was anyone catching you lacking today, not on jess' watch that was for sure.
lando and oscar end up both on the podium so it was a great finish for the papaya team. oscar comes over with lando this time, after the podium and they both thank you and jess for coming again and this time you give them both swety, champagne covered hugs, unaware of the eyes peering into your soul.
said boy catches you on your way out, again when you're alone while jess makes a quick pitstop at the bathroom. you were hanging around across the hall, waiting for her to come out.
"hey, didn't know you still came to races." charles tries to make casual conversation with you. like the months you two were together didn't mean anything and like he hadn't just used you as a player in his game when you were hammered last month. this man has no dignity you swear. you had thought a few nights after the night out at the club that night.
"oscar asked me." you take a page out if jess' book and stick to the blunt responses. you knew you had moved on from the boy in front of you because as soon as he made his way over you weren't nervous or excited, you were annoyed. it made you feel happy and a little healed. charles seems surprised at your bluntness so he cuts to the chase.
"i miss you." he utters your name. "i miss you so much. i keep dreaming about us, and every morning, it feels like I've lost you all over again." you don't even look in his eyes to see if he's telling the truth. you used to be able to read him for filth, like he was your favourite book that you had read and re-read a million times, a book you had scribbled all your thoughts onto. now he just feels like a book you used to love when you were a child and as much as it helped shape you into the person you are now, you have new favourites now, that you read over and over and write inside, for someone else to read your thoughts and feelings.
you do though, see it hitting charles that you won't let him walk all over the top of you anymore. you see it register on his face and he makes a move to leave you be. maybe the you from a few weeks ago would've cried at the thought of this happening but whatever has happened to you in the past couple week has helped you grow mentally and helped you know your worth. charles walks away without so much as a goodbye, and you hope it kills him.
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dduane · 2 months
I am currently getting excited about visiting my first WorldCon.
So I wondered if you'll attend? And if so, what's your protocoll for being accosted by strangers (aka me 🙈)?
Also, do you have any tips for a firsty? 🥺
Hi there!
Unfortunately @petermorwood and I can't make Worldcon in Glasgow this time out. We will be guesting in a week and a bit at the International Discworld Convention in Birmingham (to which we committed last year).
We were open to the possibility that we might be able to do Glasgow as well. But a combination of financial and health issues—the "health" issues meaning the arthritis in my hips and the disc trouble in my lower spine—have over the last six months made it plain that trying to do two conventions in one month wasn't going to work out. (shrug/sigh) Them's the breaks. Sorry about that: we'll miss you.
Meanwhile, you should have a great time there! And a first time at Worldcon is always a blast.
Some advice in passing:
(1) First, and maybe most important: strategize. This is quite a large event compared to other conventions you might have done (besides media megacons like SDCC or similar).
There'll be multiple programming tracks with all kinds of things going on. So take your time, spend some time examining whatever downloadable form of their program that the con may be making available, and see what interests you most.
Make a list of what you want to see. Do some ranking of items. Add a few interesting alternates in case items get changed or delayed.
(2) Once you're on site: get clear as quickly as you can on how long it will take you to get from wherever you're staying to where the programming is happening. Take note of how long it takes to get around from one part of the convention centre to another. Once you have this basic data, be aware that you'll probably need to add time to account for slow elevetors (in hotels or at the con venues) and to deal with lines that may form up outside of busy popular events.
(3) Don't forget to set aside some time to see both the dealers' room(s) and the art show. I never did get to see the art show in Dublin in 2019, which continues to drive me a bit nuts (as I have a long history of volunteering at Worldcon art shows).
(4) Keep an eye on your food and drink intake. Make sure to eat. Make sure to stay hydrated! ...It is surprisingly easy to forget to do one or both of these at a Worldcon when things start to get exciting.
There are usually places in the venue itself where you can grab a sandwich and a soft drink if you have no time for anything else. Seriously, make sure you take time to do this.
Also. if you've got the spare cash to do it: Watch out for people who need feeding but don't have the cash. Do what you can to assist them. There are routinely some folks around who've spent every penny getting to the con, and as a result have shortchanged themselves on the money they need to eat. Feeding the hungry is a good thing to do.
(5) Make sure you sleep. Cons are not pleasant when you're so tired you're hallucinatory, or microsleeping without warning and falling down stairs and escalators and things.
(6) If you like to dance, try to make it to John Scalzi's dance party! These are always memorable. John does the DJ-ing, and does a great job of it.
(7) Go outside and breathe the fresh air occasionally. While doing so, please do your best not to fall in the Clyde. :)
(8) Go to the bars, whether you plan to drink alcoholically or not. UK conventions have a long tradition of Bar Cons, where writers routinely congregate between program items, sometimes in surprising numbers. At this one in particular, since George R. R. Martin seems to not be on any panels, he has said he's going to be "in the bar" meeting people a lot: so that's something to think about.
(9) Other than that: meet people, talk to people, be excited about stuff, learn about new stuff to be excited about! That's always been the great joy of Worldcons for me.
And have a great con!
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
Grocery girl: Ken Sato x Reader pt. 4
You were a delivery girl who was frequently dispatched to famous baseball player's Ken Sato residence, you were a nobody that anyone hardly paid attention to, until you found the legendary baseball passed out on his front steps looking like hell, being a bit of worry wart you help him inside and that things took a HUGE turn when you find yourself playing mommy for a giant baby dragon….
Part 1, Part 2,Part3
The thing about being new parents is they go into it not thinking how much it'll change their life. as they build a routine around the baby's care that they often forget that they're still people, and need to take of themselves and each other wise over time the stress will start to boil over. And Ken had reached that boiling point as he came home from the game furious cos he got chewed out by the coach and he took his frustrations out on R/n as soon as he walked through the door.
The aftermath of the argument that ensued left Kenji with a sore cheek and even more bruised ego as R/n stormed out of the house in tears her parting words being "You have no right coming at me like, Sato! I'm not who took in giant baby and forced a stranger to uproot her life, because he's too proud admit that he bit off more than he could chew." Kenji made his way downstairs and felt his legs shake as he made his way towards the baby's containment chamber feeling even more frustrated.
He finally breaks down crying grieving over the stress and trials that came with parenting and driving off the only person that had been trying to help him and what was worst...even if he did go after R/n, he wouldn't know where she would go! in the month that they've lived together; never once had they ever sat down and just have a real conversation that didn't involve the baby. That, and he hadn't exactly been the nicest guy since she moved in with him either.
Mina asked if Ken would like to hit some balls as that usually helps him feel better and started up a simulation of the dodger stadium. Unfortunately Ken's frustrations seem to grow as he missed every pitch thrown his way, Baby watched him curiously and started giggling thinking he was being silly; He eventually got sick of everything and retreated to his room.
He kicked the mini fridge in his couch open finding a single can of coconut water. Ken snorted tried to kick the drawer shut but it was being stubborn after the fourth kick it finally locked and Ken buried his head into his hands. Mina approached him concerned, she explained that Kenji was experiencing a breakdown due to stress, no surprises there. She asked if he would like to participate in a counseling session simulation. Ken didn't want that.
"I need to talk to someone, not something...offense Mina."
"Then perhaps you should call someone, a friend? "
"A friend...Well I just chased out the closest person I could call a...."
Ken had an idea who to call he ended up calling Ami Wakita for help hopefully she can help him sort his head out and maybe help fix things with R/n, but first he had to come off as subtle as possible so the reporter doesn't suspect his current living situation. Ken waited a rings for Ami answer. "Miss Wakita,. It's Ken, Ken Sato, I need to talk to you." Ami panicked a little thinking Ken calling to complain about her most recent article she'd done on him. "Oh, Mr. Sato. If this is about what I wrote, I'm sorry but I solely write based on what I see-" Ken interrupted her assuring that the reason for him calling had nothing to do with her article, he just needed a minute to talk.
Ami cut him a deal; five minutes of talking and he gives her an exclusive interview, Ken reluctantly agreed her her terms and began talking. He wanted to know how she does make it work? How does she juggle her job while also caring for her family at the same time? "I mean, how did you did not lose it on your partner or resist the urge to throw your kid out a window?" There was a slight pause on the other end and Ken was worried he said too much before Ami spoke. "Ken, do you have a secret wife and child? cos that would make one heck of a story.~" Ken felt his cheeks burn as he firmly denied it Ami snickered assuring him that she was joking.
She told him that parenting was difficult even with two people but it's a rewarding journey and though it can seem bleak and stressful at times, but there's always that awe that comes with these little lives are relying on imperfect you to guide them through it all, even teaching you a few things along the way the feeling you get from experiencing it is... "Incredible..." Ken said in awe as he watched the baby trying to copy him from watching some of his old games.
He asked Mina to lower the kaiju's containment field and managed to get a hold of a giant baseball bat he just randomly had lying around and handed it off to the baby. "...And your five minutes are up!" Amy stated Ken hadn't heard her right away as he was trying to Baby how to swing her bat. "Ken, are you still there?" The baseball players eyes widened as remembered her was on call with her. "Oh, yeah. thanks!" Ami said his thanks can be the exclusive interview he promised. "Ah, right. Let's meet tomorrow at Tonkatsu Tonki in Meguro, around 7?" He hung up before Ami agreed and Ken returned to teaching Baby how to play baseball he had Mina bring up a simulation a baseball field from his childhood complete with his mom cheering him on front the stands.
Ken showed the baby how to hold her bat and went to pitchers mound the first try didn't go so well as Ken had accidentally nailed her in the forehead causing baby to started crying; Ken went to calm her down and reassure her. "It's okay, it happens. We'll try again. this time keep your eye on the ball." Ken went to pitch again and this time baby hit a homerun! Ken and Mina cheered and ran up to the kaiju. "C'mon girl, time to run your bases!" the the baby laughed and chirped giddily as she followed her daddy.
Cut to an hour later the baby has fallen asleep though with some difficulty, Ken learned that R/n would sing to the infant kaiju; which was news to him(he was usually K.O.'d or fighting Kaiju while R/n was on duty.) According to Mina R/n has lovely singing voice. Lucky the teddy bear R/n got Baby combined some Music box melodies playing on the speakers was enough to calm the infant dragon down. Now Ken had different matter to attend to: Apologizing to R/n. it's been an hour or so and she still hasn't come back...
He did relax a little knowing they were on an island so she couldn't have gone far, she would've had to borrow one of his cars to leave (There was a Baby incident with R/n's car.)..."Mina did you give R/n a watch?" he asked in an anxious tone Mina confirmed that she had. "Bring her location up." Ken brows furrowed in concern as R/n location showed her off the shore in the ocean. "She probably walked onto a shoal path and got trapped on on a rock something when the tide came in." Mina theorized that didn't calm Ken's nerves as he told Mina to keep an eye on baby while he went to look for R/n he turned into Ultraman left for a swim out the airlock.
R/n was cold, sore, wet and pissed off and worst off trapped on this rusty-ass buoy that she managed to grabbed onto as the current pulled her away from the shore, R/n scratched her arms and legs up from climbing onto to it as the ocean came more restless with each passing minute, and all she could do was sit there and berate herself. "Because you let it get to you, You let the stress and Ken get to you and that's you how you drowned in the sea...." R/n eyes widened horror as the realization dawns on her "Holy crap, I'm going to drown in the sea" Her complexion turned ashen as she last out a small gasp. "..Just like Meimei's card reading said." R/n said thinking back to her last shift.
*R/n was sitting in the DN6 break room eating lunch while Meimei sat across from her giving her a Tarot card reading with Digimon cards??? R/n looks at cards then at the teen skeptically. "...And how exactly would I drown in tea?" she asked while taking a bite of her sandwich.*
R/n thought it over for moment then shrugged "Eh, close enough..." And this was All be cause she just wanted a few minutes to herself and to be far away from Ken as possible! But being stuck out here made R/n realize she couldn't really blame him for lashing like that. He was stressed out they both were, neither of them haven't had a moment of peace in what seemed like forever! Hell they've barely spoke to each other since R/n moved in...One of them was bound to snap from the pressure eventually!
R/n looked across the pitch dark bay at the distance of the Ultrabase and wondered if she should risk it and try to swim back? The delivery girl looked down at her scrapped hand and legs then snorted. She'd never make it, R/n was by no means a profession swimmer and even if she was there was a risk of riptides; that with all the blood she was leaking she'd be inviting every predator in a near mile to a free dinner! 
While was stressing over her current predicament she failed to noticed the two blue lights under the waters surface searching around until they looked up, they seem brightened up when they noticed her sitting at the water's edge, R/n let out a panicked yelp as tried to hang on to the buoy for dear life as the waves caused by the unknown entity crashed against it threatening to send R/n tumbling out to sea! *Oh, Great...now I'm gonna get eaten by a kaiju!* The delivery girl thought as the unknown creature broke the waters surface but what greeted R/n wasn't some aquatic monster wanting to eat her but instead the towering figure of Ultraman standing over her.
"R/n." He said with a relieved sigh as he leaned down to get better look at her. "Are you okay?" The delivery girl hugged the buoy tight as his movements caused the water to shift around. "I'd be happier if I was on land!" the delivery girl whined as the buoy shifted violently Ken reached out and held the buoy still while he held out his free hand out for R/n to climb on to. The tiny woman reluctantly hopped on and expected Ken to just walk them back to the base but instead he suddenly cupped his other hand over her. "Hey, take a deep breath for me, ok?" R/n looked up confused at what Ken was doing. "Hold my breath? what for-" her voiced echoed of into the distance as Ultraman suddenly flew off into the sky.
R/n felt like her stomach was yanked into her feet as Ultraman flew them somewhere when he finally stopped and set her down R/n needed a minute to get her bearings before looking around her eyes widened in awe as she took in the white sandy beach and untamed jungle in the distance. "Where is this?" she asked looking up at the silver giant who rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "It's just a random island my dad used for training, it's small enough not show up on any maps and completely uninhabited." he explained as the [y/hc] woman looked out into surroundings she could see some parts of the the island were all kinds of torn up and in the pale moonlight she could see areas of the beach were glassed over like it had been hit by a lighting strike or say an alien energy beam...
"Why did you bring me here-....Are you going kill me?!" Ultraman looked at her startled "What the hell makes you think that?!" R/n goes on a rant on how she knows and seen too much, she could go to the press! Which she wouldn't actually... but still she's a liability to his life! "Would you calm down? I'm not gonna kill you...I brought you here to talk." Ken reassured as he sat down, it was kinda funny seeing Ultraman sitting so casually in that sand as R/n reluctantly joined him...
the two of them relaxed to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach and crickets chirping in distant the jungle as Ken finally spoke up. "I'm sorry freaked out at you like that, It's just this whole thing with the baby and my jobs-" His timer started blinking R/n put her hand on his thigh. "Hey, It's okay. I get it..." Ken didn't seemed too convinced.
"No, what you said earlier; about uprooting your life... I never thanked you once for that did I?" The giant asked looking down the human his eyes dimmed somberly as R/n removed her hand from his thigh and looked down at her lap. "It wouldn't hurt to hear it every now and then...." The giant moved his hand so it was rested behind R/n who leaned back against it. "Well thanks, for everything." he said as the two sat in silence for a few moments enjoying the silence before R/n spoke up.
"I'm curious why haven't you switched back to human, don't you have 3 minutes or something?" Ultraman looked down at her oddly. "Uh...What? I don't have time limit, why would you think that?" he asked with sight laugh R/n's mouth opened but closed again when she couldn't come up with an answer. "I'm not sure...maybe I read it somewhere?" Ken was curious now and went to press where she had read that from? but was interrupted by Mina calling informing that the baby was waking up soon and she won't be happy seeing both her parents gone.
 "Welp, looks like break time over, let's go home" He held his hand out for R/n to hop onto this time delivery girl was ready for take off as Ultraman jumped up into the sky, when they got back to base Mina chewed Ken out for not bringing straight home to have her scrapes treated before the deciding to run away for an hour.
{Ultraman didn't turn back into Ken cos he knew they weren't going to be staying on the island long.]
{Also: Did you catch the Archer reference?}
@oh-kurva, @mashiromochi,
@boogiemansbitch, @ok-boke
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mercurygguk · 2 years
if it’s not you · kth (m)
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↳ summary; Kim Taehyung grew up watching his parents fall more in love for each day that passed and he always longed for that great, passionate love himself. But if it’s not you? Then he doesn’t want it.
pairing; taehyung x f. reader
word count; 8,582
rating; 18+
content; exes to lovers!au, smut/angst, a bit of fluff
warnings; making out, dirty talk, nipple play, oral sex (f. receiving), hand job, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, cream pie, possessive/jealous and slightly insecure taetae <3
chapters. part one | part two
↳ listen to the playlist here.
author’s note; it’s here!!!! the taehyung fic i’ve been wanting to write for SO long ughhhdjsk i really hope you like it and that you enjoy it despite all the hurt and angst heh – please let me know what you think! comment, reblog, send me an ask – whatever you feel most comfortable with!! everything is greatly appreciated <3 thank you sm for reading muah
ps. a big thank you to @kookingtae​ once again for beta-ing for me and for helping me brainstorm for the smut scene <33 ur the best ily thank you for your support and help!
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Kim Taehyung is not sad.
Sadness is not what he feels when he goes out with his friends and spots two people all over each other, happy and in love. Sadness is not what he feels when he sits at home, watching a movie by himself. Sadness is not what he feels when his friends tell him they’re engaged and are having an engagement party to celebrate.
No, Kim Taehyung is way past sadness. 
If anything, what he feels is most likely something more akin to a feeling called ‘I don’t care anymore’... a certain, unexplainable emptiness. He doesn’t care that everyone around him is falling in love and getting engaged, he doesn’t care if two strangers are all over each other when he’s at a bar. He doesn’t care that all of his one-night-stands give him a nasty look when he tells them to leave in the middle of the night after having emotionless – I don’t care who you are or what your name is – sex with them.
Taehyung just doesn't care anymore. Or that’s what he thought, at least.
He thought that he wouldn’t give two shits when he saw you walk through the door, arriving at the engagement party his friends are currently throwing. He also thought that he wouldn’t care that some unknown guy was trailing right behind you, his hand tightly wrapped around yours.
But Taehyung should’ve known better. 
He should’ve known his mind would play tricks on him and pull up flashbacks to the day he lost all belief in love.
Two years ago…
“Kiss me,” he pleaded, voice barely above a whisper as he spoke. He begged you, the unsteady tone of his voice giving away that he was on the brink of breaking down if you didn’t connect your lips with his within the next few seconds. He was desperate, breathing heavily as he tried his best to keep the tears from welling in his eyes.
The last few weeks had been absolute hell. The apartment has been empty beyond measure, most of your stuff gone by now. You haven’t been in the apartment since the day you left and the only reason you were back tonight was because you forgot a few things. Taehyung knew you’d come, you had texted him to let him know just so that you wouldn’t be barging in on him at a random hour. One thing he didn’t realize though when you texted him was how much he genuinely hated all of this until you stood in front of him with a small, sad-looking smile on your face.
How you ended up in the bedroom, cuddling and now almost kissing, was unbeknownst to him and you as well. Taehyung had been sitting on the edge of the bed, watching as you packed your remaining things in utter silence. When you were finished and wanted to give him one last goodbye hug, he had made the first move to urge you onto the bed with him. It’s not that he had bad intentions with it. He just needed to hold you one last time before you’d move on for good. Cuddles then turned into him pulling you on top of him to straddle his waist, begging and pleading for you to kiss him.
“Taehyung…” You softly let his name fall from your lips in a sigh as you looked down at him from your straddling position on top of him, “we shouldn’t-”
“Please, ____,” he tried again with pain laced in his words, sitting up with you still perched on his lap, “please, just kiss me.”
[end of flashback]
Two years since he last saw you and talked to you. Two years of losing every ounce of belief he had in ‘the great love’ of life. Why continue to look for love when he already had the love of his life and lost her?
In Taehyung’s head, there was no reason to look for love when the person he loved more than life itself left him with only half a heart to live by two years ago. Even if he wanted to find another great love, it simply wouldn’t be possible. He lives with only half of his heart and you can’t love someone with just half a heart.
Not when someone else has the other half.
“Hey, isn’t that ____?”
Taehyung is pulled from his thoughts by Jimin, his best friend since high school and the only person who would be able to recognize his ex-girlfriend from miles away – even after two years have gone by.
“Yep,” Taehyung curtly replies and brings his drink to his lips, taking a long sip. The heavy, dark taste of whiskey burns his throat on the way down but he welcomes it, suddenly in desperate need of feeling something that isn’t the tug on the strings of his half heart.
Jimin’s face scrunches up in confusion, “who’s the guy?”
I don’t know, Jimin. Does it look like I’ve stayed in touch with her since she walked out on me? Do you think she’d be across the room, in another man’s embrace, if I had stayed in touch with her?
Instead of saying that, Taehyung shrugs ‘carelessly’ and takes another sip of his drink, eyes following you as you and your date move towards the newly-engaged couple. 
He can’t take his eyes off you.
You look so different and yet the exact same. 
Every move of your body and expression on your face twist in the most beautiful, hypnotizing way as always. Your hair is shorter, he notices, but it suits you. You’re glowing from across the room and your smile lights up the entire apartment when you throw your head back in laughter.
It travels across the room and reaches Taehyung’s ears, cutting straight through the music flowing from the stereo. The pretty sound causes his chest to fill with a familiar warmth. Except this time it isn’t him who’s on the receiving end of your smile and gentle touch; your date is. As much as it bothers him, Taehyung can’t stop watching you as you talk with the hosts, wishing them congratulations on their engagement, and handing them the gift you brought along. And then you introduce the man next to you, a bright smile on your face as you watch them shake hands. 
Something vile rises within Taehyung at the sight. He knows he has no right to feel like this but something about the way you’re introducing this random guy to you and Taehyung’s shared friends doesn’t sit right with him. It used to be you and him, attending every get-together together. You always arrived hand in hand, all smiles and good vibes because nothing could stop the two of you from touching each other, from being attached at all times – from being in love.
“Jia didn’t mention anything about a new boyfriend,” Jimin mutters from next to Taehyung. The annoyed glare he shoots at his best friend causes Jimin to shrug innocently, “I mean – I think, of all people, she would know if ____ was seeing someone.”
Jia is a shared friend between you and Jimin. While Jia is one of your best friends, Jia and Jimin are more than friends but not quite enough to be considered a couple. They will get there eventually – Jimin just needs to get his head out of his own ass and ask the poor girl on a date instead of only showing up at her doorstep for some fun in bed. Jia is waiting patiently for him to make the next move but Jimin isn’t that smart when it comes to serious relationships.
“Don’t you have something else to do rather than talking my ear off about my ex and her date?”
The bitterness on Taehyung’s tongue feels odd but he can’t help it. He hasn’t seen you once in two years after you left that night and now you’re here, looking beautiful as ever with another man by your side. 
Jealousy has never been something Taehyung cared much for. He never had a reason to but as you let your date wrap an arm around your waist to pull you closer, the jealousy washes away every rational thought he’s had since he saw you walk through the door.
Jimin mumbles something under his breath before he disappears from Taehyung’s side, leaving him to stand there while rolling the glass of whiskey in his hand, dark and glaring eyes shooting daggers at the man you brought along tonight.
However, it seems his glare from across the room also grazes you as you turn your head to look around. Taehyung’s breath hitches in his throat when your eyes meet his and he can tell you let out a gasp once you realize just who exactly you’re locking eyes with. Your date asks you if something’s wrong and you shake your head in response, telling him it’s nothing.
Taehyung’s body heats up with a familiar tingling feeling that feels all too normal and yet it’s a strange sensation. He hasn’t felt what he just felt in two years, the different women he’s slept with or been out with have never once caused warmth and excitement to spread through his entire body as the ones he just felt. Not a single woman has managed to trigger Taehyung’s interest in more than just a one-night-stand.
But, of course, it’s you.
Who else would light a fire in his soul but the same woman who blew it out a few years ago?
The irony almost makes Taehyung huff out an unimpressed chuckle. He fights it and pushes it back but it's no use as you decide to raise your hand and give him a small wave, a hesitant smile on your lips as you do. Taehyung lets the chuckle leave him, shaking his head in disbelief, watching your smile falter into a soft frown.
You left him.
You walked out of the door two years ago and dropped off earth’s surface until tonight. Taehyung only knew you were alive and well thanks to social media and your circle of shared friends, not that it was much help. His so-called friends weren't very cooperative every time he’d ask about you. Especially when he would visit Jimin and Jia would be there – that woman kept all the news about you behind locked lips whenever Taehyung was around.
So, when it really comes down to it, Taehyung has no idea what you've been doing for two years. All he knows is that you went overseas to live and work there, making the distance between you and him bigger than he’d expected when he watched you walk out of the home you once shared. Taehyung doesn’t understand why you bolted out of the country as soon as you could – what you went looking for, he doesn’t know. Probably no one knows – except for your parents maybe. 
All Taehyung is hoping for is that he wasn’t the reason.
Thoughts like ‘how long have you been seeing this guy’ and ‘did you even think about me once while you were overseas, living a brand new life’ fill Taehyung’s head as he downs the rest of his drink. He steals one last glance at you, catching your eyes for a split-second before heading towards the kitchen of this penthouse apartment he currently finds himself in. He can feel your eyes on him as he slips his way through other guests but he keeps his own eyes focused on the whiskey bottle he spots on the kitchen island.
Once he reaches it, he uncaps it and pours himself another glass. He takes a swig of the brown liquor, sighing deeply as he feels the strong and burning sensation in his throat. 
“Slow down there, tiger.”
Taehyung freezes in his spot, his glass of whiskey halfway to his lips to take another slurp when a familiar voice fills the kitchen. His chest tightens for a split-second before he turns around to face the person he’s been thinking about non-stop since she left. 
You’re flashing a smile at him when he turns around, one that doesn’t really reach your eyes as your real smile would. He notices because he always notices. It’s one of the many things you can’t hide from him. No matter how much you try to plaster on a fake smile, he’ll always know when it’s real or not. 
When he doesn’t reply to your teasing comment, you pull your lips into a thin line as you cautiously step closer.
He can’t stop staring at you. 
When you left your shared home two years ago on the worst night of Taehyung’s life, he had no idea when he would see you again. Back then he had hoped you’d regret your choice of moving out and come back to him, tell him that you made a mistake, that not being with him was the only thing you couldn’t get yourself to do.
But it never happened – and two years passed.
“How have you been?” You ask, voice small and careful as if you’re afraid he’ll scream at you and throw all his pent up anger at you as the first thing.
Taehyung finally manages to take his eyes off you, shifting them to look at the glass of whiskey in his hand. He swirls the liquid around a few times before looking up again, a faint and slightly sad smile on his face.
“Okay,” he responds. “Given the circumstances, that is.”
He can tell that you know exactly what he means, the frown on your face giving it away. It makes a short chuckle leave his lips because it’s kind of comical how you haven’t seen each other in two years and the first time you meet again is at an engagement party – the type of party you were both so sure you’d throw sooner or later had it not been for the fact that the universe wanted it differently.
“You brought a date,” Taehyung breaks the silence hanging over you.
Your lips part in surprise. You did not expect your ex-boyfriend to ask about your date, but then again, you should’ve seen it coming. 
“Uh, yeah, he’s–” you begin, not sure what or where to start. Taehyung watches you intently, curious to hear your response. You feel a strong urge to explain yourself to him, why you don’t know. “It’s nothing serious– it’s very new, so…”
“I see,” Taehyung hums and takes another sip of his whiskey, the alcohol still burning and strong on his tongue.
“Hey, about–,” you begin but the shake of Taehyung’s head causes you to stay quiet.
“We don’t have to do that,” he simply says. You frown deeply as he glances over your shoulder at your date. “I’m over it and it seems you are too.”
“It’s good to see you again, ____.”
With that Taehyung grabs the half empty bottle of whiskey off the table and leaves the kitchen, a breath of relief escaping him. It’s gonna take a lot of alcohol to get through tonight with you being in the same room, so close yet so far – not his to touch or hold, the only thing that is his are the memories of doing exactly that in the past.
And nothing has ever left a more bitter taste in his mouth before.
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As the party carries on, Taehyung has been drinking more whiskey. He’s not drunk per say but he’s definitely tipsy and it shows as he stands in a corner alongside Jimin and Namjoon. He’s not paying attention to their conversation, too busy watching you and your date mingling. 
Taehyung is not much for admitting it but he’s been keeping an eye on your date all night, watching how he acts around you. He’s not afraid to touch you, that’s for sure, the constant placement of his hand on your lower back is a giveaway. However, he hasn’t seen the two of you kiss or anything of the sort ever since you arrived. It’s odd because, of all people, Taehyung knows that you’re not one to shy away from PDA. You were never big on it but you never despised it either.
“Tae, stop staring,” Jimin’s voice penetrates his focused thoughts. Taehyung tears his eyes from you to look at his best friend. Jimin gives him a look, one he can’t help but laugh at. Taehyung pushes himself up from his leaning position against the wall, standing to his full height. Jimin grabs his arm. “I’m serious, whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”
“Relax,” Taehyung smirks. “I’m just gonna introduce myself, that’s it.”
Namjoon shakes his head, taking a sip of his drink, “sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Exactly,” Jimin pointedly agrees with him. “Don’t ruin it.”
Taehyung shrugs off Jimin’s hand, shooting his friends a glare, “I’m not gonna ruin anything.”
Before his friends can try and talk him out of it again, he wanders off towards you and your date – a dark-haired guy who seems friendly, boring even, and nothing like the type of guy Taehyung had imagined you’d go for.
You don’t notice Taehyung’s presence until he’s standing right next to you, offering a hand to your date. Your eyes widen in surprise, eyes shifting between your ex-boyfriend, his offered hand and your date for the night. You can’t help the small sliver of panic within your chest as you watch them interact.
“Hey man, I don’t think we’ve met before,” he greets him, “I’m Taehyung.”
“Jinyoung,” your date replies, giving Taehyung’s hand a weak shake without much thought. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Taehyung smirks, eyeing Jinyoung up and down for a moment, wondering where on earth you managed to run into this guy and why you thought of bringing him to your friends’ engagement party. The majority of the people here know you and once this guy isn’t part of your life anymore, you’ll spend your energy explaining why at the next event.
“Taehyung is, um…” You begin, turning to Jinyoung to provide some information as to why he would suddenly come over and introduce himself like this. “He’s my, uh–”
“Ex-boyfriend,” Taehyung finishes for you. He watches in satisfaction as Jinyoung’s eyes widen in surprise, the faint hints of intimidation evident in them. “We broke up two years ago.”
“Oh, well, I had no idea there was an… ex-boyfriend,” Jinyoung trails off, glancing at you in confusion.
Your attention, however, is aimed at Taehyung, “Tae, can we talk–”
“Did you know ____ fled the country after breaking up with me?” Taehyung lets out a sarcastic laugh, watching how Jinyoung almost squirms in discomfort. Bet he didn’t sign up for a meeting with the ex-boyfriend when he said yes to join you tonight. “Is that where she met you or?”
Your jaw tightens as you place a hand on Taehyung’s arm, catching his attention. He glances at your hand and then you, eyes meeting yours. He notices the desperation in them, the grip you have on his arm.
“Can I talk to you under four eyes? Now, please.”
He smiles at you, a tipsy smile but endearing nonetheless.
“Absolutely,” he tells you before glancing back at Jinyoung. “If you’ll excuse us for a moment.”
Jinyoung looks confused and awkward as Taehyung flashes him a fake smile before allowing himself to be dragged away by you. It isn’t until you’re in a secluded corner of your friends’ penthouse, you let go of his arm. Taehyung leans against the wall, a small smirk on his face as you stare at him for a moment before your face morphs into disbelief.
“What the hell was that all about?”
He shrugs, “I was just introducing myself.”
You let out a chuckle, crossing your arms over your chest, “oh, is that what it was? How silly of me to think you were trying to measure your dick with his!”
He huffs out a scoff, rolling his eyes, “oh, sweetheart, I don’t have to and you know it.”
Your mouth falls open at his cocky behavior. Whoever this man in front of you is, you don’t know him. He is not the man you broke up with two years ago, he’s not even a shadow of the man you were hopelessly in love with once. 
Taehyung watches your expression fall as if realization hits you square in the face. His ego covers it up perfectly but it hurts seeing the realization on your face, his heart sinking to his stomach as he realizes himself what you just realized –neither of you are the same people you were two years ago. And for some reason that realization hurts more than he thought it would because change is supposed to be good, right?
“Maybe breaking up with you wasn’t a mistake after all,” you tell him, eyes filled with disappointment and hurt. Taehyung frowns as the words leave your lips. “You’re an asshole.”
“____, I–”
You shake your head before turning on your heel, heading back to Jinyoung who’s been watching the two of you with worried eyes. Taehyung catches Jinyoung’s gaze over your shoulder, the judgemental look he shoots at him bruising his ego. However, the sight of your hand slipping into Jinyoung’s bruises his heart as he watches you and your date bid the engaged couple goodbye before leaving the penthouse.
Hand in hand.
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Loud knocking wakes Taehyung up the following morning. He squints an eye open, the bright light coming from the morning sun hitting him straight in the face. He lets out a low groan, dropping his head back into the softness of his pillows. He forgot to pull the curtains when he came home last night. It happens too often after a night out – a bad habit, really.
The knocking disappears for a moment before it returns, more persistent this time around. With a sigh, Taehyung gets himself out of bed, slipping on a t-shirt and sweatpants before sauntering towards his front door.
Who in the world could be rapping their knuckles on his door this early on a sunday morning? 
He glances towards the kitchen, eyes squinting to read the red numbers on the oven. His eyebrows lift in surprise. It’s not morning anymore, it’s past noon and someone is very persistent on the other side of the door. Once he reaches the door, he sneaks a peek through the peephole, breath hitching in his throat when he realizes who’s on the other side. His forehead connects with the surface of the door as a low ‘fuck’ leaves his lips.
Inhaling sharply, he grabs the door handle and pulls the door open.
“What are you doing here?” He asks.
Taehyung sees no point in greeting you first, the question flying from his mouth before he can process it properly. He’s surprised to see you on his doorstep after what happened at the engagement party last night. When he came home and plopped into his bed, he had been thinking about whether or not he should seek you out to talk things through. He never got the chance to think further about it before sleep overtook and pulled him under.
“We need to talk,” you tell him, pushing past him, shoulder bumping his.
Taehyung closes the door after you before following you further into his home. You stand by his bookshelf, several feet away from him. He watches you as you look around, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants to keep them from feeling restless. 
“How do you know where I live?” He decides to ask after a moment of intense silence.
You turn to face him from your new spot by the big window, the view from it being of a park with endless rows of trees and bushes, the colors of them ranging from green to brown to orange to yellow. 
“Jimin told me,” you tell him, “but that’s not important – what the hell was your problem last night?”
Taehyung shrugs, “nothing… I was just introducing myself.”
A sarcastic laugh escapes your pretty lips, a look of amusement on your face.
“Bullshit, Tae,” you protest. “We haven’t seen each other in two years and you pull a stunt like that? It’s not like you.”
He can’t help but scoff.
Not like him? 
It’s not like him to spend two years watching women come and go in his home. It’s not like him to let the woman he loves leave him and not do shit about it for two years. It’s not like him to not care about love at all. It’s not like him to lose all faith and belief in the great love of his life but he did and it’s your fault. You made him what he is today. You up and left, leaving him because ‘things weren’t the way they used to be’. He accepted what you wanted because you were so certain that was what you wanted at the time. He shouldn’t have but he did because he loved you and he’d rather love you from a distance than keep you in a place that didn’t make you happy.
Blaming you isn’t right but it’s always easier to blame someone else than yourself.
“I pulled a stunt?” The anger that’s starting to boil within him laces within his voice as he moves closer. Your eyes are locked with his as he slowly moves across the room, nearing you. “You’re the one who brought a fucking date, _____! You knew I would be there and yet you thought ‘hey, let me bring a date and introduce him to everyone there while my ex is in the same fucking room’!”
You let out a frustrated groan.
“It’s been two years, Taehyung! For all I know, you could’ve brought someone too!”
The frustration is seeping through his veins as he steps closer, only a few feet from you at this point. You’re close and he can touch you if he just reaches his hands out to you but you’ve never felt farther away. Had he known two years ago that it would come to this, he wouldn’t have let you walk out of the door that night. He would’ve fought for you, told you that you would figure things out together. That he would do his utmost best to make you happy – no matter the sacrifices he would have to make.
“Do you know how fucking miserable I’ve been for the past two years? Do you know how many times I’ve asked about you only to get no answers from anyone?”
The guilt is evident on your face as he takes the risk and steps even closer. He can feel the warmth radiating off your body now, the close proximity doing nothing to calm his thundering heart.
“Have you ever, just for a second, thought about how fucking hard it’s been after you left and fled the fucking country?”
You let out a shaky breath, “I didn’t–”
Taehyung can’t fight the dry laugh leaving him, “I begged you to stay, ____. I was begging you but you left anyway and for what?”
He watches as you shrug helplessly, mouth opening and closing while you try to decipher what to say, how to explain. He would appreciate an explanation – ‘things aren’t the way they used to be’ isn’t enough anymore.
“I… I had some stuff I needed to figure out,” you mutter.
“We could’ve figured it out together!” He argues, hands thrown out in pure frustration.
The shake of your head has Taehyung frowning deeply. You look away, unable to watch the way his face falls as the words leave your lips, “I couldn’t love you the way you deserved. I had to leave. It was what was best for us back then–”
“No,” he mutters, voice soft and filled with sorrow, “you don’t get to decide what’s best for me.”
You feel him step back, taking his warmth with him. He sits down on the couch, running a hand through his hair as an exasperated sigh leaves his chest. You cross your arms over your chest; the act doing nothing to comfort yourself but doing enough to keep yourself warm after he removed himself from right in front of you. 
Unsure, what to do, you sit down on the window pane, watching the man you used to be inseparable from. He looks tired and not because you forced him out of bed by knocking on his door. He looks like the past two years have been nothing but hell for him – and you believe it. Leaving him was one of the hardest things you’ve ever done but it was necessary in order to find yourself.
“I didn’t tell you everything,” you quietly tell him, eyes dropping to look at the wooden floor instead of him.
You feel his eyes on you, heavy and filled with longing, hurt and love.
“I knew you’d never let me go if I told you everything,” you continue when he stays silent. “I lost myself, Tae… And I knew as long as I wasn’t at peace with myself, I wouldn’t be able to love you the way you deserved.”
You take a chance and look up, your eyes meeting his in an instant. You feel your heart skip a beat, a pain so strong it’s almost unbearable shooting through your body. Taehyung’s eyes are glossy as he watches you make your way to where he sits on the couch. You kneel in front of him, your hands finding his in a weak attempt to comfort him but you know nothing could possibly remove the two years of pain and anger he’s been through.
He stays quiet, eyes skimming your face as you sit in front of him.
“Leaving you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” you softly tell him and feel a tightness in your throat. You bite back the tears but your voice betrays you as you speak up again. “And while… While trying to figure my shit out, I realized that you and I–”
Taehyung’s hands engulf yours, fingers slipping through yours to intertwine them. Pain is etched onto his face as you sniffle, one of his hands reaching up to wipe away the one teardrop that managed to escape just now.
“I realized that you and I were the only thing in my life that actually made sense but it was too late.”
“Baby…” Taehyung begins, the nickname leaving him before he can think about it and the appropriateness of it.
You shake your head, “I left you, Tae. I left and, like you said, I fled the country like a coward when all I had to do was talk to the people around me and find another way.”
The tears won’t stop coming at this point and it’s then Taehyung realizes that it was never about him. It has always been about you and how you felt; not your feelings for him but for yourself. If only you had talked to him, reached out to him and asked for help – he would’ve stepped in and done whatever it would take to make you happy again.
“I’m really sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you,” you cry, the sheer realization of just how much unnecessary pain you’ve caused him seems like the worst thing you ever could’ve done. You hurt the man you love and now it’s hurting you – well-deserved one might say. “God, you must hate me so much.”
“No, hey,” Taehyung calls softly, cupping your face and wiping your tears away. You look up at him, tear-filled eyes meeting his glossy ones. He smiles at you through the build-up tears in his dark brown eyes. “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.”
He shakes his head, “sure, I’m pissed at you for leaving. But I could never hate you, _____.”
The way he says it with such tenderness and softness makes your bottom lip quiver, fresh tears coming to the surface but it’s not an issue – Taehyung wipes them away with the pads of his thumbs, smiling softly at you. Why he’s comforting you rather than kicking you out of his home is a mystery to you, one you probably won’t ever solve. But you’ll take it, the feeling of his hands touching you again similar to the feeling of finally drinking water again after spending days in the desert. Or when you finally get to sleep after a really, really long and stressful day.
Comforting. Healing. Loving. 
“I’m sorry,” you softly say, voice so quiet and soft as if the atmosphere would break into a million pieces if you spoke any louder. Your heart is beating hard, thundering at 110 miles per hour. Taehyung is leaning closer, a magnetic pull between him and you causing him to do so. It’s impossible to stay away, especially after you sat down in front of him.
Taehyung huffs out a soft chuckle, the air brushing your lips. He whispers, “stop apologizing.”
“Sorry,” you whisper, causing Taehyung to let another chuckle escape before softly, carefully pressing his lips to yours. 
The world stops spinning and your heart stops beating for a second, the feeling of Taehyung’s lips on yours so familiar you might start crying again. It’s like returning home after years of chaotic traveling, the familiarity of it so comforting and perfect. You sigh deeply, melting against him, hands gripping his forearms as if to support yourself. Then a soft moan escapes you and Taehyung tilts his head to deepen the kiss, tongue brushing your bottom lip before slipping inside and touching yours, warm and wet and so addicting.
In need of more, you get up and push him back on the couch. He welcomes you onto his lap, pulling you closer, hands gripping your waist tightly, fingertips digging into your sides. The kisses you share are soft, passionate, and filled with words and affection you’ve kept inside for two years. Things you never got to say and affection you never got to show – all of it being poured into the kisses, deep and scorching hot.
Your arms lock around his neck, pulling him so close your noses are squishes together. He moans against your lips when your hips sink down on him, grinding against him. He feels himself grow harder, blood rushing to his cock in seconds as you continue your movements. 
“Tae…” You whimper softly when his hands slide underneath your top, warm palms sliding over the expanse of your back, nails digging into your skin. “Need you– please…”
In reality, you’re not his to touch and kiss. You haven’t been for two years. When this weekend is over, you’ll both go back to your everyday lives, return to reality – realities where neither of you are in each other’s. 
“What about Jinyoung?” Taehyung can’t help but ask, pulling away just enough to look you in the eyes.
“He went back home this morning,” you tell him, your words causing a sliver of hope to appear in Taehyung’s chest. You smile softly, fingers playing with the curly strands of black hair at the back of his neck. You shrug with a sigh, “he asked about us, I told him the truth. He left.”
“What truth?”
The question is careful but Taehyung needs to know.
“That I’m still in love with you,” you quietly admit.
If you can’t feel the harsh beating of Taehyung’s heart, you surely must be able to hear it. It’s pounding against his rib cage, making it hard for him to breathe as he stares at you. A million thoughts are running through his mind but the only thing he can focus on is the overwhelming urge to kiss you like the world is ending, worship you and make up for lost time.
“I don’t blame you if you can’t forgive me for what I did,” you softly say. “But I hope you’ll give me a chance to-“
Taehyung cuts you off by crashing his mouth to yours; desperate, needy, eager and rushed. A whimpering moan escapes you and travels into his mouth, goosebumps rising upon his skin at the pretty sound.
“I forgive you,” he says between kisses as he pushes your jacket off your shoulders. You help him get rid of it, lips never leaving his as you continue to kiss. You have two years to catch up on – two years equals a lot of kisses and a lot of making love. You inhale deeply when he pulls away, hand gripping your jaw to make you look at him. His eyes stare into yours, dark and filled with so many emotions you can barely keep track. “Don’t make me regret it.”
You shake your head, “I won’t. I promise.”
“Good,” he whispers before pulling you back in for more, unable to stop for long.
The next clothing items to go are your top and his t-shirt as you tug it up and over his head, throwing it to the floor along with your jacket. Taehyung lets out a breathless moan against your mouth when you slide your hands up his abdomen, fingertips brushing over his chest and nipples. He groans as your nails dig into his skin, hands tightly gripping onto your thighs in a wordless response.
“Lay down,” he tells you, voice raspy from making out.
With one last soft kiss to his lips, you do as told. You lay down on the couch, watching him as he gets up on his feet, getting rid of his sweatpants. His eyes roam your body, grazing your skin and curves, taking it all in while feeling a wave of memories washing over him. It brings a feeling he can’t quite pinpoint to his chest, heart tightening as you offer him a soft smile.
That’s what he feels.
He finally feels at home again after two years of feeling like he didn’t belong in this new apartment of his; an apartment he found a few months after you left. He couldn’t stand being in the one you used to share because it didn’t feel like a home anymore. It’s when you sit up on the couch, your hand reaching for his to bring him back to you, that he realizes that no place will ever feel like home unless you’re there.
You’re his home – he belongs with you.
And you belong with him.
“Come back to me,” you whisper softly when he crawls onto the couch, hovering over you. His eyes shift between yours, three words he hasn’t said out loud to anyone but you at the tip of his tongue. “Tae…–”
“I love you.”
Your words get trapped in your throat, heart beating wildly in your chest as the three magical words bring a new kind of warmth to your entire body.
“I love you too.”
The rest is a blur – the way he kisses you deeply and passionately like it’s the last time, the sound of your pretty moans reaching his ears like a melody he’ll never get tired of, the feeling of his hands on your body, caressing you, taking you in and remembering everything about you; every dip and curve of your body. Every uneven texture of your skin, every dimple and small spot that makes you you.
“You’re mine,” he rasps against your chest as he trails it with kisses, your bra no longer covering you, giving him free access to all of you. His lips brush your nipple, another delicate moan escaping your lips at the feeling. “You’ve always been mine, haven’t you?”
“Yes– Oh my god,” You gasp, surprise shooting through you as he wraps his lips around a nipple, sucking. Your back arches into him as one of his hands cups the other breast, squeezing and caressing it in the most caring way possible.
That’s the thing about Taehyung – he can be rough both verbally and physically but he knows how you like it and he never strays far away from it. He’ll caress your body and worship it like you’re a goddess while arousing you with his words, dirty words falling from his lips without a struggle. It’s the perfect mix of everything; the best of both worlds basically.
You whimper softly when he tugs at your nipple with his teeth before letting go, leaving it wet and swollen as he moves further down your naked body. Your legs spread automatically when he reaches your core, his mouth hovering above your heat as he glances up at you. A small smirk spreads across his face as he watches you run your hands over your stomach and all the way up to cup your own breasts. You bite your lip, eyes closed as you await his touch.
“Tell me, baby,” he hums, leaving a soft kiss on your hip bone. “Did you miss this?”
You hum in response, fingers pinching your nipples as you feel his breath on your core.
“Words,” he reminds you, “I need your words.”
Your eyes peep open to glance down at him, the sight of him between your legs, messy and curly hair and swollen, plump lips twisted into a teasing smirk enough to cause you to let out a soft moan.
“Yes,” you tell him, breathlessly. “I missed you, missed your touch– please, Tae…”
The sound of you begging for him to touch you causes a feeling of pride to fill his entire body, the smirk on his face turning into a grin. He hums in satisfaction, leaning down to press a soft, careful kiss to your folds. You whimper softly, the hints of whine following.
“I’ll be honest,” the air from his words brushes your soaked core, a shiver running through your body. His hands tighten around your thighs as he brings them over his shoulders to pull you closer to his face. “I missed having you like this, too.”
Before you can even think of a response to his confession, his mouth is on you. You gasp in surprise, hands reaching for him to grab his hair, the couch, his hand – anything. Taehyung offers one of his hands, locking it with yours. Your fingers slip between his, your grip tight as he eats you out, his tongue licking your folds. You’re whimpering above him, the feeling of his tongue flicking your clit over and over again before he sucks it causing your moans to become higher and more whiny as he works you closer to the edge.
“Fuck,” you cry, thighs trembling as you feel your orgasm coming. Taehyung keeps your legs spread open with his free hand, his grip on you so strong you’re unable to escape the overwhelming feeling of an orgasm. “Tae, I’m close– fuckfuckfuck–”
An immense wave of pleasure washes over you, a guttural moan leaving your pretty lips as you tumble over the edge, abdomen tightening as you come. Taehyung moans against you as he continues to help you through it, licking up your juices, the slurping noises lewd and explicit enough to bring a heat to your face.
You’re trying to catch your breath, a smile on your face as Taehyung crawls back up. You sigh deeply as he leans down and presses a row of kisses onto your jaw and cheek, one of his hands sliding up your thigh.
“You feeling okay?” He asks, face inches from yours as his eyes meet yours.
You nod, smiling, “I feel great.”
He smiles softly as he leans down, connecting his mouth with yours. You’re able to taste yourself on his tongue as it brushes yours, the taste arousing and dirty but so hot, you might lose your mind.
“Wanna be inside you,” he groans as he grinds against you, the only thing keeping him from slipping inside being his boxers. His cock twitches in its confinements, eager to be let free, eager to be buried deeply within your warmth. “Wanna make love to you, baby– show you how much I’ve missed you…”
“Do it, Tae,” you urge him on, hands reaching for the waistband of his boxers, “show me.”
With his help, you manage to free his hard cock, his boxers ending up on the floor with the rest of your discarded clothes. Your hand wraps around his length, a soft groan escaping his lips as he drops his head to your shoulder. You pump him a few times before guiding the tip to your entrance, softly gasping when you feel it nested between your folds.
Taehyung takes over, replacing your hand with his own. Your arms snake around his neck, pulling him closer, lips catching his in a kiss. He takes this as his chance to slip inside, pushing against your entrance until he’s past your folds. You both moan against each other’s mouth as he sinks inside, the length and girth of him stretching you out. He moves slowly, sliding further inside inch after inch, carefully.
“Fuck, baby,” he groans once he bottoms out, every inch of him engulfed by your warm walls. His breathing is ragged as he stays still for a moment. “I’ll never get used to this.”
You smile at his comment, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“Well, you better,” you tell him. “Because this time it’s forever.”
His heart skips a beat in his chest before he huffs out a strained laugh, the feeling of your walls tightening around him making it difficult for him to get words out.
“Is that a challenge or a promise?”
You shrug and smirks playfully, leaning up to kiss the corner of his mouth, “a challenging promise.”
He scoffs in amusement but doesn’t say anything in return. Instead he pulls out, leaving just the tip inside before thrusting back inside of you, hard and precise. The action leaves you gasping, back arching as he hits a sweet spot within you. He continues the action, pulling out and thrusting back in over and over again, fucking you hard but slow, his shaft brushing against your clit for every thrust.
“Fuck– feels good,” you whimper as he hooks a hand underneath your leg to change the angle of his thrusts. Your mouth falls open as he slides in even deeper, his tip hitting that sweet spot repeatedly.
“Yeah?” He watches you nod, teeth digging into your bottom lip as you suppress a moan. “Did he ever have you like this, huh? Did he ever make you feel like this?”
Taehyung knows expecting you to not have been with anyone since you broke up is a long stretch. The only thing that bothers him is if you’ve been with the one man he met and talked to last night. The thought of you and him together brings a bitter taste to his mouth and he just needs you to deny it.
The sudden possessive tone of his words has your heart beating faster. He doesn’t have to mention any name for you to know who he’s referring to. Like you said when you first talked to Taehyung at the party, you and Jinyoung’s relationship was nothing serious, very new and not intimate at all. You had barely kissed him properly – something held you back every time it would take a turn into something more.
The look in Taehyung’s eyes tells you he needs to know. He needs to know if you ever gave that part of yourself to Jinyoung.
“No,” you tell him, keeping eye contact as you answer him, hoping it’ll give him the peace of mind that he needs. Taehyung’s face softens as he lets his forehead drop to yours, his breath clashing against your face. You cup his face, thumbs brushing over his jawline where faint stubble is starting to appear. “He didn’t.”
The relief that runs through Taehyung’s body is evident in his kiss as he connects his mouth with yours, his free hand reaching up to grab one of yours. He intertwines your hands, bringing it above your head as he returns to the task at hand – getting you both to the edge. 
The constant touch of his tip to a certain spot within you has you reaching another orgasm faster than you’re prepared for. It washes over you in huge waves, running through your body with such force your walls tighten around him. Taehyung moans deeply, his thrusts becoming uneven as he, too, reaches his high. Soft words of encouragement reach his ear as he drops his head to your shoulder. Your fingers slide into his thick, black hair while your other hand tightens its grip around his.
He lowly groans as he stills within you, spurts of hot and white cum painting your walls as he comes, “shit–”
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Hours later you’re watching Taehyung’s fingers play with yours as he holds your hand up in the air, both of you watching it as a comfortable silence surrounds you. It’s nice – to be cuddled up with him again after so long. You didn’t realize just how much you had missed him until you saw him last night. But despite the blissful atmosphere, there’s still an underlying tension of something that you need to talk about. Whether it’s your guilt for leaving or his regret for not fighting more is unknown.
“I wish I could go back in time,” you suddenly break the silence.
“Why do you say that?”
Taehyung brings your hand down, intertwining them instead as he leaves them to lay on top of the blanket covering your naked bodies. You continue to stare at your intertwined hands, wondering how it’s possible to match so perfectly with someone only for you to leave for two years despite them being where you belong.
“I wish I could go back and do it differently.”
Taehyung stays quiet for a moment before speaking up, “you can’t change the past, baby.”
His voice is delicate and soft, comforting.
“I know,” you sigh. “I just hate that I caused you so much pain. It was unnecessary and uncalled for. I should’ve just talked to you about it instead.”
“I think a lot of things could’ve been avoided if we had just talked about it but like I said… You can’t change the past,” he carefully grabs your chin to make you look at him. “Besides, we found our way back, right? We got a second chance at this, at us. Let’s make the best of it, yeah?”
A smile spreads across your face as you lean up and kiss him, the kiss soft yet deep and filled with the things you still haven’t said; apologies, I love you’s, promises and everything in between.
Taehyung sighs deeply against your lips, cupping your face, “I missed kissing you.”
You can’t help but grin against his mouth, “keep doing it then.”
“Oh, I’m planning on it,” he tells you, a squeal escaping you as he rolls over, trapping you beneath him. He dips down and kisses you again, this time with more force and eagerness.
That great love in life that everyone keeps talking about is really not worth much if it’s not with the right person. Taehyung used to believe that there was only one true love for everyone. Two years ago, he lost all belief in that. There was no point in looking for that great, true love because he already had it and he lost it. And even if there is more than one true love for everyone, he wouldn’t want it if it’s not you.
It seems his beliefs have been restored.
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all rights reserved © mercurygguk, 2022. copying and/or reposting any of my work on any platform is NOT allowed. translations are NOT allowed.
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kel-lance · 5 months
JJK Mafia Au (JJK x Reader) PART 2
Part 1
Warnings:- TW: Dead dove dont read (DDDR) Minors do not interact (MDNI): SA, Physical Assault, DubCon, NonCon, Mindbreak, Public Humiliation, Breeding, Ownership, Gaslighting, Multiple manipulation, RWORD, PTSD, a lot more toxic sh.
Premise: Reader lives in a city where the two biggest gangs keep things line until the third gang showed up. That had nothing to do with you though, until dumb luck just happened to favor you one day. Basically You’re picked up and used by every dangerous criminal within the clans due to some alliances they had to create due to some members messing up the previous alliances. ((Almost everyone’s gonna have a turn 🤗)) ( i have 11 more chapters planned out right now meaning after i write those ill still be writing more.)
“We’re done for today.” The large man reaches for his robes. You don’t bother to move. Just breathing hurt. It was his off day and he was deciding to break you in, deciding to keep you for however long you were durable. He was amused with your reactions. He liked it. He found it interesting how you were also trying to survive. He’d play along as your god now. 
You lay in the bed and his finger prints stained your skin, each strike created blots of purple and blue and green. You liked bruises before, it showed how you fought for it. 
You apparently woke up two days later, and he lets you rest. Your body finally turns off survival mode for a second, just a second to adjust to the warm room. Four walls, the nice smell, it was just another thing you weren’t used to. Stillness. It was boring. But under these circumstances you were glad to have your own padded room to deal with this.
The time you were left alone, you didn’t know how long that would be. Another hour or so you’d think he’d come back in, hearing as you’re up. Time for more torture, though do torture victims get a bed and tended to? It felt more like you were a sacrifice, meant to appease him, though no one handed you over. 
You were brushed, scrubbed raw, and even felt a bit of shame for the way you were living compared to the two ladies who were taking care of you. But you didn’t know how long they’ve been in this line of work. Hell they honestly looked like they were born into it with the cold looks in their eyes. They could care less about your well-being, though they found and scrubbed every inch of you. Of course you didn’t want strangers to look at you, especially after such a moment that brought you here. To be real, these twins are probably the only people who knew you more than anyone you currently knew. 
Friends? You had a few, some to help you out sometimes, some to let you crash at their place. It was all fair game to the people you knew. Life was never easy for them and they knew of you being a free spirit. You didn’t leech off of them for you’d always show up with something in exchange, usually something you stole but it would never get traced back, it was either too common (but useful) or just something that would never be brought out of shown off. 
You weren’t a bad friend for it, if anything you were the perfect guest, though this time you didn’t mean to give yourself away for a few nights stay.
“I gotta get out of here, but where would I go? These people have already seen my face and I can’t tell how many more there would be. I can’t request anything to learn the layout of this place and no one will talk to me. If I leave I’ll have to run further and faster than I already have been…” You ponder more, sitting at the table placed in front of the window. 
They’re smart enough to know what I’d do if I wanted to pick a fight with their lord, of course there are guards at more doors, even under the window out your room, and it’s safe to say that there’s even a guard at each vent that’s connected to your room. 
“Why does it seem like I’m so special?” You sit and open the window, the guard below moves from his post to observe you on the same side has the other posted to view you. You look down at then and offer a wave, saying you’re not doing anything stupid, but you just wanted some air. One of them leaves, probably to get Sukuna. 
“I bet he’s just a lonely loser and I just happen to fall into his lap, or maybe I was one of many and was the newest. The girls here looked like they could be in the same position as you, though why weren’t they? They didn’t look like they were his blood, and there was no way that he could be their dad. That would make things even worse since you’re close in age as the twins. 
You see the guard go back to his post, nonchalantly. “Weirdo.” You thought. Not even a second later your room door whips open. Jumping from your place at the table, you turn and see who other than the man with the unpredictable entrances. “Finally up?” He leans on the door frame. “Honestly, you’re so dramatic for that.” He teased, being strangely familiar to you.
“Dude…” You caught yourself about to tell off this stranger. All you’ve known from him is that he’s having fun taking you and making you a toy, that his name was Sukuna and how everyone seemed under his control. Not that they enjoy it, but it didn’t look like anyone, even in their numbers, would stand up to someone like him. 
It still wasn’t apparent for you. He only told you his first name, his last could tell you that you were in even more danger than any “normal” man doing this to you. It could be such a metaphor but you’re literally trapped in the best place you’ve ever been. Was that just life? all the bad comes up when you’re supposed to be happy, and realizing how good you’ve had it as it gets ripped apart in front of you? The balance of it all only comes with ignorance, which was also why you wouldn’t get attached. You didn’t run to one person for everything you didn’t need more than what you’d ask for and that wasn’t much. If they were lucky you’d be there for 3 days at most. 
You lost your voice, his presence set in, bringing you out of your (if you can all it that) relaxed state. He notices you tense up, the look in your eyes begging him to give your body a break. He huffs and saunters into the room, taking a seat at the end of the bed, the side that’s facing you. “You had some time to clear your head, now tell me what was your intention. Playing dumb suits that pretty face of yours… But that’s not why I’m here.”
You sure knew nothing about this guy. Other than his name and how his body looked. How he felt was different, it just happened so fast that you could only remember how it lingered in your belly after he left you the second time. It wasn’t something you can forget, those were the best orgasms of your life. “Sukuna… I’m serious.” 
“You expect me to believe that? Did I hit you too hard?” You almost wanted to laugh, you saw stars and colors you couldn’t before his knuckles contacted your skull. Lifting his hand from his side to place under his chin made you flinch, a bit too hard for his liking apparently.  It took a lot for you to muster standing up on your own, much less realize you had to get to the table by needing support from the wall. It was like you were in an ice skating rink and had to hold onto the walls for dear life, except there was no ice, it was just pain in your body not letting you level yourself out.
“When you’re ready to talk, I might hear you out. My patience is thin you already know.” He stands and closes your door, sent a shiver down your spine. Him not being close to you, or hurting you, having this quick visit was so unsettling. 
It haunted you for hours. He didn’t touch you. The edge of the bed where he sat still held an energy, like he left a part of him right there to keep watch over you. 
He definitely hit you too hard, you were thinking more outlandish things to go with this scenario. Like why didn’t the touch you? You thought he was going to keep a pattern, that maybe after this he would come in periodically to taunt you. That maybe his patience has worn out and he was going to get rid of you any minute now, or to use you again. 
The trauma you got from this certainly messed with your self soothing methods. Every time you catch yourself hitting your peak of your self imposed orgasms, you were almost wishing you had more than just your fingers. You didn’t want him, but seriously its already been 2 weeks. You were gonna go crazy in here. The girls kept bringing you your meals, and a bathroom is attached, though you couldn’t do much by yourself. 
You were to let the others feed and bathe you, and you honestly hated it. It was way too weird, you never talked to them, and they never tried with you so it felt like there was an agreement to just not speak about it. That none of you were here willingly. That gave you some insight. Your body healed itself enough that you didn’t need the wall to walk anymore, making your trips to the table in front of the window more frequent. 
You notice some sort of schedule Sukuna follows, as well as a few other noticeable men in this kind of gated community. Whatever he has gong on here, it felt like you were almost a stolen princess locked away in a tower or something. “You have GOT TO get a hold of yourself.” You didn’t need to see a doctor or someone, you were fully aware that these thoughts were just you daydreaming to escape reality, yet again. Though this time it was getting boring, you couldn’t help yourself, literally. 
At this point you wanted to even ask one of the guards if they wanted to come in and help you out, but you didn’t have to do that, because a day later you decided to act. Rolling around night time, you decided to open your window a noticeable amount. By then the guards usually leave one guard to patrol the grounds in each quarter. 
The ones outside your door either end up sleeping or one leaves the other for a bathroom break, some nights they both go, probably to blow each other you thought. It wasn’t any of your concern, they did it before when you could barely move, but now you were agile again, enough to move around without hissing at each moment.
 Placing your ear to the door, you heard light snoring through it. “Okay, just find his room you thought. You knew that it took about 60 steps to reach a stair case, then that would be about 24 steps down. You could hear his footsteps through the pairs of others who followed him, as his echoed with pace, and the others almost scuttled behind them like bugs.. 
You find your way slipping past heavy wooden doors, making sure it wouldn’t creak, you saw the walkway in the garden. You looked up and saw your room, you knew it was yours as it was the only one with the window open. you knew that the guard just left this fourth of his grounds. You were searching the area for his room. Peering through the windows, it would have been hard to tell if it was him, but his tattoos were honestly unique. 
None of them were him, you go back to the walkway, going down the opposite end, just blindly working your way through. You couldn’t just walk through any door, it could be your last mistake, it being Sukuna or not. But it just had to be him, you wanted so badly to find his familiar face and just, you don’t know. 
You decide to be more ballsy, there’s surely no way he’s be in the same quarters that has this many people,” you decide to take your chance with the left corridor. “I wouldn’t take him for a cuddly guy anyway.” 
Listen, you know it sounds crazy, but if you even got to escape, you’d be hunted like a fox, unnecessarily, and as a spectacle for others to watch. But if you could find him, and do it yourself, “I mean, at least I’d die with something, and what a funny way to go.” You loved to joke about these kinds of things. Anytime it seemed dark, you’d find yourself cracking a joke or going off an other tangents from the barrage of thoughts coming your way.
You hold your breath as you set your fingers around the doorknob, you pull it back slowly, and turn it, to silence any squeaks it may have. After turning it fully, you let it go back and unclenched your fingers to let it go a second time, making sure there was no noise from the metal trap, and decided to go in. 
What fucking luck you had as if you broke into another room you’d think your breathing would start to give you away. As you head towards the bed, the raising figure laying there was him. Your eyes had adjusted to the dark, so much so that you could just stand in front of him. 
Looking down at him you wondered what you should do. You’re not going to kill him, that’s one thing, though you had nothing to lose, you still liked your life and you enjoyed whatever adventurous you got yourself into. It was always just one thing after the next and you’d rest when needed, but you loved it. 
This was totally different though. Before it was like you were born into this work and have to abide by its rules. As of right now you could do /anything/. What else would you do? 
You look down at him, kneeling at the edge of the bed to face him. Looking at his face like this, completely defenseless, his harsh eyes weren’t poking at you or telling you exactly what he was thinking. No he was just, he looked human. Like if you were to have met him at any other place it would possibly be on a magazine cover or an army recruitment booth posted wherever. 
“Damn bastard is beautiful.” You thought. “I didn’t get this far to stop now. Fucking 2 weeks you keep me here and don’t do anything? Do you know how boring that is? You can’t just keep me here and forget.” All that time alone had gone to your head, did you forget how he treated you the time you met? 
Tbh it fades in and out, your memory’s cut up pieces of film that randomly plays an old memory, and since you can’t recognize it, you call it a dream. 
Nothing could take you away from where you were now. Looking over him, still not a care in the world. Nothing could wake him if he’d allow it. You cocked your head to align your eyes with his, and reach out and brush your fingertips across his jawline. 
How much of this could you enjoy before he kills you for breaking out? Just that thought had you slowly leaning in, your hand before tracing his face was leaning onto the bed to support your intrusion. 
First, you kissed his forehead. The poor fuck probably hadn’t felt the touch of a real lover in ages, he just finds and uses whatever and whoever he wants, whenever. Of course you didn’t pity him, but does he even know what being loved properly was like? You’re really one to be asking. 
You peck the smooth, hot skin, and kissed a line across his cheek, getting more sensual with the next. His touch, even sleeping was still so manly. His body was so, honestly the words seem odd, but he looked so edible. Like you almost couldn’t keep your lips off of him. He was so yummy when you get a good look at him. 
Cupping his face, your lips reach his, beginning to lightly stimulate the connection. You lean in further, applying yourself onto him, guiding open his mouth with yours as you lick his lips. This shit was getting you so excited, considering all that he’s done to you, having this moment, where you’re in control and he was at your mercy, and only you know this.
Continuing to make out with your kidnapper, you moved yourself to get on top of him. His lazy reaction of kissing back had you think he was a deep sleeper, god you really wished. 
You opened your eyes just to make sure he was still asleep, but his eyes were staring back at you, with the same look he always has. You didn’t have time to even make a sound before he had you under him. His hand grabbed your waist and turned kept you parallel to him as his leg pushed his body to get on top. 
You could feel his erection, he was basically stabbing your thighs with his head. His hands pushed your wrists into opposite sides of your head, and he has you immobilized as he sat on your legs. Most you could move was your toes and neck, but he had pressed his face up against yours. 
“I don’t even know where to start with you. If you wanted to kill me, you would’ve already. Maybe I can believe you’re just some random, …but you wouldn’t have come to my room.” He lets a wrist go to reel back and strikes your face as a warning. Seriously, no sane person would just come straight back to him in your situation.
“The guard fell asleep?” Nothing gets by him. You can’t tell if he was just prepared for everything or if he planned this out. The excitement you were feeling before was being clashed with the sudden shock to your face. “Depending how the rest of the night will go will determine his punishment.” 
Keeping everything in place, he moves your chin up by his nose, giving him space to start attacking your neck. “We’ll just start with yours.” His grasp tightened around each wrist, so much so that he was pulling on the tendons in your forearms, making your fingers involuntary curl. 
Your luck may have run out, but you weren’t as scared. Trying to enjoy the moment as much as possible, knowing fully well that you’re about to be eaten alive, and god, youve been waiting. His teeth grazed your collar bone, making their way back up, making themselves a known threat to your neck. 
“Speak.” He orders. “Who sent you?” 
“You still think I’m a spy?” The spot where he hit you was pounding, but it didn’t hurt. Other parts of your body were just pulsating along with your heartbeat, you knew he was going to take that as a sign of fear. 
“Hurry up, we have a meeting tomorrow so I’m trying to be considerate for everyone else.” 
He’s still not listening. You weren’t either at this point, finding his roughing up sort of endearing. Maybe he didn’t want to get blood on his bed, or maybe he did care about that stupid meeting. All you could feel was vigorous pulsating from your wrists, your face, your heart, and more than anything else, your pussy. 
This was literally what you came here to do, this was why he even took you with him wasn’t it? Seriously whatever big shot he thinks he is… this shit wasn’t legal; You were serious on going out with a bang, raising your hips to create some friction on his hard on. 
Sukuna seemed to notice the look in your eyes and gave you another firm slap. “Focus, doll.” He adjusts his hips a few inches too far down your liking, his hands being the only thing touching you. 
“Put it back.” You got this far, now he wants to start questioning you immediately after waking up? He picked you up after meeting and ignored you for two weeks, you’re about to do what most others would. Especially if they’re in the same situation with the same circumstances.
“You’re not the one to be giving orders, much less to me.” 
You raise your hips back up to his head, having it dip into you, crossing your clit but unable to enter fully. His tip could find its way in no problem, it was just his call, and that almost drove him over the edge. You’ve stopped fighting back, for something like your freedom and what’s better for you. 
What you were after now was just one more orgasm brought by that monstrous mf. He doesn’t drop his guard, or change his face at all as he accepted “your bait/distraction”. In this position, you’re still straight legged, laying in his bed as he has you held down, arms pinned, palms up, and legs trapped as he sat on your thighs. 
He could easily kill you now, but it would honestly leave a bad taste as no one’s been killed in his room before, much less even entered without permission. You both didn’t know what to think really. 
To you he’s some strange and strong asshole who’s been unclear if you were his sex toy or if you were “invited” and he was just being a terrible host. Honestly, it felt worse to you to have everything you needed; Without your freedom, you were honestly thinking it’d be better to be dead. 
To him, you were dangerous. You got it all right. From the room, to the person to bump into, to the alley. You could have been a spy laying low, from whichever gang he thought you were from, he thought it would be good to hold you off to send a message to see who would come collect you first. They wouldn’t send someone if they didn’t have something to say. 
At first he did just want to keep you until one of them sent them back another message. It didn’t matter what happened to you, honestly he got bored. He’s a busy man, there was really nothing else to say. 
So imagine his surprise how you came crawling all over him tonight. He knew an assassin would’ve done it before he even knew the door opened, they were to make sure it was quick. The attack would have had to been fatal, whether they succeed in one shot or have them die as they’re leaving. And how quick they leave is how desperately they want to live. 
You, just came in to stare at him and decided you wanted something else. And it didn’t seem like revenge. That was a first, especially for him. Right now he was allowing it, letting you go. There was no way you could harm him, he concluded. 
Looking down at you squirm and pout, upset on how close you were to getting what you’ve been aching from and for. He won’t drop his guard, but he sure as hell was silver platter served. Really how badly did you want it?
He connects your wrists at the top of your head with one hand, the other has its index finger and thumb at the base, controlling himself with those two fingers. He raises his erection and knocked it against your clit, the strikes sent waves of pleasure from your core to the top of your head and palm of your feet, having you whimper out. 
Your aching hole needed him, it was taking him so long. Seriously you wish he’d kill you now because this so actually torture. The only thing you could do was start to cry, tears leaving their corners and running into your hair. You were more than frustrated. Angry, horny, needy, powerless, you wanted it so bad you were losing control, it didn’t matter, no one else could judge you, and who would be worse than Sukuna?
“You came in here, climb all over me, just to cry now? You’re so pathetic.” 
“Please,” You whine. “I want you to put it in.”
His face changed, from laughing at you beg, to sharpening his focus. Even after all this, getting caught, threatened, insulted, you’ve started to beg for it. He takes his legs up from pinning yours, putting them to your sides as he aligns himself to your front hole. “Say it again.”
“Please Sukuna, put it in-“ He lowers his hips and dives deep into you. He watches as your head writhes. Instantly youre spread apart, the sudden plunge casted a warm blush across your face and electricity towards the tips of your fingers. “Oooh,” 
“Fuuuuuck.” He finished for you. He continues to grind deeply into you, quickly using his now free hand to gag you from waking everyone up. Good thing too as you were messy, fucked silly couldn’t cover it. You gave up control a long time ago. He wouldn’t kill you, not right now anyway, you especially wouldn’t let him without trying to get one last nut. It was diabolical how down bad he had you. It was more of your unhealed trauma and he just happened to be the best person to help you out, willing or not.
You lay there as the base of your back ached. Every part of your body was bruised again, you could only imagine to move again as you tried catching your breath. You had lost count on just how many times he’s forced an orgasm out of you, mind numbingly rich euphoria every time. Nothing else mattered, you were more than thrilled the first 2 times but started to wonder if he ever got tired. 
It wasn’t until after your fifth orgasm that he managed to get his first one in. You were honestly almost regretting climbing into his room but his second had him pinning you on your back as he lay on your lower torso and legs. You couldn’t feel anything but your pulsating cervix, half feeling good from the pain and lingering pleasure, the other half making you know that this was a mistake and the nausea was on you. 
Raising your free arm, you weakly start to pat his head. It was over, you insatiable perverted needs were fulfilled, so what were you going to do now? It’s not like you’re in love with the guy, you don’t even know if you’ll get to wake up tomorrow with this stunt. “It was worth it.” You thought. Running your fingers thorough his hair, and tracing his back, you fall asleep holding him, accepting that this is it.
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soobnny · 2 years
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after hours — athlete!nishimura riki. strangers to lovers. university au. fluff.
synopsis. when practice gets overwhelmingly exhausting, nishimura riki finds that staying at the field after hours can be such a calming past-time. apparently, you go there when you need to think too. an awkward friendship ensues. (7.5k words)
note. i’ve missed writing long fics in general so i hope this satisfied!
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Over the years, Nishimura Riki has come to learn that there was something serene about a football field without any players practicing, playing – without an ear-piercing audience, without the pressure of winning. 
Everything is instantly calmer, grass bathed in the moon’s glow, the air peaceful. At this time, the sun would’ve just been traitorously chased away by the moon, taking over the skies, and stirring crickets awake.
Back in high school, Riki would never admit the thrill he got from football, choosing to hide behind straight faces and unfazed facades, but now he’s given himself a break.
He finally allows himself to recognize that the field is filled with potential from promising players who poured their heart out into the sport. What he convinced himself as merely a club back in high school has become a huge part of his life (though he isn’t sure he’s ready to fully admit that yet).
So naturally, staying late for practice wasn’t anything new for the boy. It’s how he came to find out about the serenity of the field. And what stemmed from late practices became a routine for Nishimura Riki. It’s one of the few appeals to signing up for added hours after university.
Playing football was a commitment, but he’s grown to actually enjoy it - as long as he gets to witness the calm after the storm, the same serenity that explains why he’s currently standing in the middle of the field, eyes scanning the empty seats and trying to be engulfed by the solace that surrounded the empty space. 
He liked how it felt, as if the entire world had stopped spinning for a moment and time wasn’t chasing after him, even though he’s pretty sure he isn’t supposed to be in the university field this late at night with the amount of homework he has to do the next day. 
And on most days, he’d feel embarrassed to be caught in the field in the middle of the night (he was too prideful to admit he has passion for something for the fear of failure and disappointment). He supposes it’s alright though, as long as he comes prepared as to not be caught by—
His head whips at the sound of another person at the field. 
It’s on rare occasions that you find Nishimura Riki startled, but he gives himself a pass. He’s allowed to be startled (and a bit panicked) if it meant he’d been caught and the quiet of the after hours would abruptly be taken away from him, without being able to say a proper goodbye. 
He’d only ever come to meet it for a few days, and he doesn’t find it fair that one of the few things he’s allowed himself to treasure can be easily ripped away. 
It’s generally against the rules of the campus to be out so late in the night at the field without the permission of the coach or the assigned personnel of the Sports and Athletes Unit.
Riki supposes he could try to make a run for it, but that would mean he’d have to run past you and risk being caught in a way more embarrassing way (which would ultimately violate his pride). 
If he played his cards right, he could try his hand at words. He’d been told many times he’s quite the silvertongue, but could he really risk accidentally insulting you and earning a few disciplinary points? He doesn’t wanna have to be pulled away from playing in the next season. The school always takes the athlete’s behavioral cases very seriously. 
Though, just as easy as panic seemed to settle, relief arrived when he noticed you were in a similar state of horror as he was.
“Who are you?” His tone intimidated you right away, his voice was careful and oddly calculating. Though it was dark, you could still tell his gaze was sharp, and just as intimidating as he sounded. You could barely make out the rest of his features from where he stood due to the lack of lights and the moon’s poor luminance. 
You don’t think you’ve seen him before, but you’re sure it wouldn’t be very difficult to recognize him in daylight. Not a lot of students are blessed with an overtowering height like the boy standing meters in front of you.
Deciding it’s alright to talk back when you’re at least 80% sure it’s not one of the people who could get you in trouble, you try to counter back at the boy.
“I don’t know, you tell me who you are.” You crossed your arms as if you were also allowed to be in that space right now, as if you also hadn’t trespassed to spend a few minutes of calm in the field. It was always easier here after hours of exhausting lectures and homework. The field reminds you back to the time from when you were a kid and carelessly running around, not having a single clue on the future. 
And it’s almost comical the sight of two university students who can barely hear each other, trying to communicate. 
“I asked first.” He jested, taking a few steps forward. Only then are you able to make out his features, and fuck. Heaven couldn’t compare if it tried to.
His black hair swept a little past his eyes, just a little messy to give him the I’m-attractive-but-I-pretend-I’m-not-aware appeal. The hoodie he’s wearing compliments his frame so perfectly, and you’re left to think if someone can even be this proportionate. There’s a slight pink hue on his nose from the cold and he looked so pretty with his glasses.
For a moment you’re convinced you’d wronged God for stepping into the same air as the boy. 
However, you try not to back down from the conversation just yet (even though the tall boy with his hands in his pockets looked terrifyingly intimidating and so painfully attractive). It was obvious he was trying to push your buttons with the smirk that was gracing his face, and the way he looked down on you as if he was always in the right. 
If there was one thing Riki was good at, it was turning a situation around to benefit him. You didn’t know that yet.
“Doesn’t mean anything if you asked first or not.” You meet his eyes, breath getting caught in your throat as you gauge the levels of his attractiveness for the second time.
It’s only when you catch sight of him furrowing his eyebrows that you realize you’d mumbled out your words like an upset child, and he probably didn’t understand a single thing you had said.  
You scrunch your face in embarrassment. 
This definitely isn’t one of your proudest moments, and you’re only glad Karina isn’t around to smack you in the back of your head for sounding so stupid around someone who God clearly took time making.
You crumble in defeat just as easily as you thought you could one-up the boy in front of you. You don’t think you can handle talking to him much further, and you supposed you could just come back at another time. Besides, the pair of you had equal share of the trouble for visiting the field without permission, so he couldn’t report you for being there (just like you couldn’t with him). 
“Sorry. You just sort of freaked me out, nobody’s usually here when I come.”
He’s silent for a moment, lungs filling up with the cold evening breeze. He’s apathetic at how you squeak out your words, it might be because the look of resignation dawning on you is too wholesome. 
He doesn’t know why he introduces himself, maybe it’s because he knows you’ll never see each other again. 
You will, but he doesn’t know that yet either.
“Riki?” Your voice is soft, riddled with confusion. What is the connotation of throwing a random name in the middle of a conversation? 
It takes you a while to realize that he had just introduced himself.
“Oh… oh! That’s clearly your name, sorry.” He nods his head, stepping a little closer to where you’re standing. 
You think it’s unfair that he looks even better up close - and you’re suddenly embarrassed by your appearance, especially with how good he looks, even in just jeans and a hoodie, as if he was always meant to be kissed by the ethereal blue of the moon.
“Why are you so nervous around me?” He quips, raising an eyebrow down at you and your face quickly heats up. You pray to Whomever is Above that the moon is just dimly lit enough that he doesn’t have to see you with blown-up cheeks.
“I don’t know. You intimidate me.” You retreat, looking down at the grass. It’s damp, must be due to the slight drizzle of rain a few hours ago. 
You can hear a quiet chuckle leave his lips as he follows where you’re looking, taking a few steps so he can stand beside you instead of in front of you. “You never told me your name.” 
“________.” You risk a glance back at him to give him a small smile, but when he stares at you with a blank face, you dart your gaze back at the ground. 
Jesus, why does the hoodie he’s wearing give him the perfect shoulder-to-waist ratio. You think it must be God’s turn to apologize for casting him here with you right now, out of all the places he could’ve been in, or people he could’ve been with.
“Well, I should probably get going.” You nervously play with your hands behind your back, looking up at him but not quite looking, gaze fixated at the space just beside his face. The air feels way too suffocating for you to continue to stay here. 
“So soon? Didn’t you just arrive?” He asks, taking his hands out of his pockets in favor of crossing them over his chest instead.
“Uh, yeah. I just don’t want to bother you, and I… have homework?” You don’t mean for your words to come out as a mumble, but it’s enough for him to hear you anyway.
“I don’t mind. Besides, the field is a little further from the dorms so you probably took some time out of your night just to come here. Don’t let me ruin that for you.”
Your face is contorted in admiration (though if someone else were to comment on the look you were giving him, they would’ve mistaken it for confusion) whilst you move your gaze back to stare at him. This elicits a cold laughter from him. 
“What? Why are you so surprised?” He prods, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I guess I just expected you to be a little meaner. I’m sorry for judging you by appearances, I swear I don’t usually do this. You just… yeah… you just look kind of mean.” 
“Do you want me to be?” 
“No.” You’re quick to answer, shaking your head as you rock yourself back and forth, staring at anything but his eyes. There’s a moment of silence after that, and it’s just the two of you standing beside each other in a huge field in the middle of the night. 
That was your first encounter with Nishimura Riki. It was odd, the way he seemed amused with everything you did or the way you couldn’t even look him in the eyes. It wasn’t excessive, or grand. It was simple - just two people experiencing the quiet of the field together.
You almost forget about Nishimura Riki a few days later as you rush towards the Publishing Team and Journalism room, scrambling to make it in time for your weekly meetings. You hadn’t seen him around campus, and you found it useless dwelling on the attractive boy you had met nights prior. You’re not even sure if he existed, could it be that you had just dreamt him up? 
“_______, you’re late.” 
You grin sheepishly at your organization president, bowing slightly and muttering a quick apology. “I’m sorry, my professor kept me late after classes had ended.” 
Karina looks at you like she’s about to laugh, with her cheeks puffed and a hand over her mouth – a poor attempt at concealing her giggles. You don’t look back at her. You might be a little airheaded sometimes, but you were rational enough to know this was definitely not the time to burst out in laughter at the face of your best friend. 
“It’s alright.” 
You sigh in relief at her response, smiling shyly at your president before rushing towards the seat next to Karina, not-so-subtly shoving her in the process. 
The meeting goes on rather smoothly as you discuss the soon production of your school paper for the current academic year. That is until someone notices the absence of Jang Wonyoung. 
And you think you’re safe from running late, you really think so, until Yujin decides to speak up.
When no one volunteers to find Wonyoung, you think they’ll leave it at that. However, Yujin has other plans when she volunteers you to look for Wonyoung – as a consequence for being late. You normally wouldn’t have a problem with doing tasks for the team, plus, you had been late on your own accord. But you hear your heartbeat quicken in pace at the mention that Wonyoung was probably at the football field finishing her sports feature article.
You think the world is onto you, and have somehow found out that you sneak into the field sometimes at night. You know, however, that this is just another case of your overthinking and fear of receiving disciplinary points. 
When the attention of the whole organization is put onto you, you’re quick to stand and oblige with the task given to you. Your ears don’t fall deaf to Karina’s teasing laughter as she urges you to be quick so she doesn’t have to suffer through the meeting alone. 
As soon as you walk out of the building, the scorching heat of the sun hits you. The university is filled with people going about their days, stopping by the coffee shop at the corner to do some studying, cramming their lessons as they rush to their next class, some chattering with their friends as they head back to the dorms. 
Shoving your hands in the pockets of your hoodie, you quickly make your way towards the football field where you hope to find Wonyoung. You find yourself arriving earlier than you had expected, but you reason it’s due to the routine of habit. You had gone down this path multiple times to the point that you were convinced you could get there with your eyes closed. 
Wonyoung isn’t hard to spot, not with her towering height, standing by the benches of the field as she writes rather intensely in the notebook she’s holding. You sigh out in relief, absentmindedly making your way towards the girl.
You really should’ve paid more attention to where you were heading. 
“Look out!”
Your head snaps towards the sound of the sudden shriek, only to catch sight of a football hurling towards your general direction. You’re utterly convinced someone is actively praying for your downfall. In a very poor attempt to shield yourself from the ball (as you figured it was far too late to move), you shut your eyes and bring your arms up to cover your face.
And then there’s nothing.
You open your eyes slowly at the lack of impact, and you’re surprised to be greeted by the sight of broad shoulders and a toned back. You think he must’ve caught the ball, or it must’ve harshly collided with his chest. You hope it wasn’t the latter. Either way, you feel embarrassed for causing a ruckus. 
With your ears still ringing and pulse hammering from the sudden sitch, you lower your head to thank the boy who had saved you a trip to the nurse’s office. After getting over the initial embarrassment and wanting to get away as soon as possible, you bring your head up to thank him one last time. 
The sight of the boy leaves your feet planted to the ground.
Black messy hair swept to the side from the sweat of playing, straight lips and piercing eyes. You’re hidden in the shadow of his towering figure. 
Riki from the football field a few nights ago! 
You feel dizzy at the familiarity, and mostly because you were so convinced you had dreamt him up that the reminder that he was real felt so… unreal. 
He throws the ball back at his teammate with ease. Slowly, he turns his attention to you, skimming over your frame to check if you’re okay. His eyes widen slightly when he recognizes who you are. 
“_________?” You laugh rather sheepishly as you scratch the back of your neck. “Riki!” 
“What are you doing here?” His hand lands on the small of your back as he moves you towards the direction of the bleachers, away from imminent danger similar to that of a few minutes ago. 
You tell him that you were tasked to look for a member of your club who was apparently here. 
Riki sighs, running a hand through his hair as he sits you down. “Be careful next time.” You gulp at the stern tone of his voice, nodding your head as your cheeks flush crimson. His pointed look softens a bit as he hands you the water bottle he had just bought for himself. 
“That’ll help you calm down.” He blinks at you one last time, staring a heartbeat longer than what was necessary. You feel heat creep up your neck and your stomach twist at his gaze. And then, he’s gone to go back to his team.
You’re left seated at the bench, desperately clutching onto the water bottle he had given you. You’re only snapped out of your daze when a concerned Wonyoung jogs towards your spot with so much urgency. 
“Oh my god, _______, are you okay? That was a close one!” She has both hands on your cheeks, moving them from side to side to check for any possible injuries. You laugh at this, taking her hands and peeling them away from your face. “I’m alright!”  
Wonyoung asks why you were there in the first place, and you tell her that you were tasked to summon her towards the meeting. Her cheeks flush in embarrassment at forgetting about the weekly meeting, and the pair of you walk back towards the building
Your mind is stuck replaying Riki’s broad shoulders and pointed look on the way back.
You see Riki again a week after your second encounter. 
“Hello?” You say, quietly, walking towards the tall frame sitting in the middle of the field. 
When you had seen he was there before you, you were tempted to haul yourself out of there and call it a day. However, you’re reminded that he had quite literally saved you from a bruised face and a bloody nose the last time you met.
While embarrassed, you think you owe it to thank him again. So, you muster up the courage to walk up to the boy — even when all he does to acknowledge you is look in your general direction before facing away again.
You hesitate if you should sit next to him, but when you start crouching down and he doesn’t seem to reject your presence, you allow yourself to fully sit next to him. 
He’s staring at the field, eyes narrowed in concentration. You want to ask him what he’s staring at, but you don’t wanna disturb him any more than you already have. Although, that was easier said than done when the awkward silence was slowly engulfing your entire being. So, you muster up the courage to slightly nudge his arm. 
He turns to look at you.
“Thanks again, by the way. For, you know.” You gesture the ball hitting your face, and pretend that you’re blocking it. You don’t really realize how stupid you look until a smirk forms on Riki’s face. 
“It’s whatever.” 
You nod your head with a shy smile, resting your chin on your knees. You don’t understand how you ended up in this situation in the first place, in the middle of the field with the tall boy for the second time.
It’s just that, making friends was never something that came easy to you (if you could even consider Riki as a friend, hell, you don’t even know his last name). It wasn’t so smooth sailing with your natural awkwardness around new people, but the boy seated next to you didn’t seem to mind. 
“Did you end up finding your friend?” Your head quips at Riki, surprised he chose to continue the conversation. You hum in response. 
“Yup! She wasn’t really all that hard to find, she’s really tall. Just like you. Like a titan.”
“Like a titan, as in Attack of Titans?” 
“Pretty much.” 
“I should’ve let that ball hit your face.”
You let out an exaggerated gasp. Since when was he capable of joking? Or… did he really mean that? “Didn’t your mom teach you to be nice to strangers.”
“Quite the opposite actually. She told me not to talk to any.” 
“Oh.” You’re not so sure if he was joking or not anymore, not when he still kept a straight face. Was this his subtle way of saying he didn’t wanna talk to you? 
As if he could read your mind, he continues. “You’re not really a stranger though. I know your name, and you know mine, so we’re technically past that stage.”
You smile at this, risking a glance at the boy, and when he gives you a questioning side glance, you dart your gaze back on the ground. 
“Friends then.” You mutter almost to yourself, but he hears you anyway.
His face contorts to a barely recognizable expression. His lips are twitching and you’re not quite sure you can decipher what he’s feeling or thinking at the moment, but he nods. His face doesn’t show one of grimace (unlike the expression you were met with earlier in the evening), so you assume that whatever he was trying to do with his face, it was a good thing - genuine. 
“Since we’re friends now, you don’t mind talking to me, right?”
“Maybe a little.”
“I was kidding.” 
“You really need to work on your tone more.”
The fourth time around, the awkward air shifts to something more comfortable. 
That night, the two of you walked around the empty seats, telling stories about his best and worst football games. You admit to him in guilt that you aren’t much of a football fan and had never really seen any of your university’s team play. 
He asks you what led you to the empty field after hours, and you tell him you just so happen to stumble upon it when going home late once after a night class. It was one of the many stressful nights in college, and you found that you liked the quiet in the field. 
“What about you? What got you into it?” You interrogate, standing on a seat to make you taller than him, mumbling a quiet ‘this must be how it feels’. Riki hears you very clearly and chuckles more to himself. 
“Being here at night or football in general?”
“Oh, just football in general.” 
He hums, placing his hands behind his back as he thinks carefully for his answer. “A match I had back in high school. Nothing has come close to beating the number one ace of the prefecture. And I guess that did the trick because… well, I’m still playing now.” 
You smile at this, jumping down from the seat to stand in front of him. You miss the way his hands instantly hold out for you in case you fall. “I bet you were a tough player. Probably still are!”
“I’m hardly any of that.”
“You’re just being humble, if we played against each other, I’d probably say those exact same words.” You say proudly, smiling up at the boy before continuing to move forward against the empty bleachers. Riki follows quietly behind you. 
“That’s because you don’t know how to play.” 
“Uncalled for.” 
Riki smiles when he knows you can’t see.
“Do you have to be attractive to play football? I mean, all the girls probably swoon for you… all of you. All of you. They swoon for all the football playing boys who are all very attractive.” You’re quick to correct yourself, spinning on your heel to look at Riki again. He coughs out loud at this, using the back of his hand to try and cover the unexpecting blush that’s creeping onto his cheeks. 
Only now does he realize you’re standing too close for comfort. You had unexpectedly stopped as he was moving to continue to follow you, and the proximity doesn’t go unnoticed. He feels close enough to trace every feature of your face, close enough to tuck away the loose strand of hair that’s covering half of your face. 
He doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean the thought doesn’t stick the rest of the night.
After what seems like hours talking and roaming around the football field, Riki proposes that the pair of you call it a night. You nod your head, but not before joking that he probably didn’t want you around anymore. Riki doesn’t say he noticed your sleepy eyes and yawns every couple minutes. 
“I didn’t even know it was close to midnight already.” The two of you exit the doors carefully, looking around to see if there was anyone around. When no one comes in sight, you’re quick to run out to the sidewalk and pretend you were never even there in the first place. 
“Well, I’ll see you… when I see you.” You wave at the boy with a smile. 
“I’m walking you back to the dorms.” 
You feel the tip of your ears turn pink. “Oh, it’s really fine. It’s late, and you probably need to head back too.”
“Exactly. It’s late. I’m not letting you walk alone.” He persists, walking by your side. 
“Okay. Uh, thank you.” You reply as smoothly as you can, because as much as you hate to admit it, the small basic act of human decency has you blushing and smiling to yourself. Especially when you know Riki isn’t the type to spend an extended period of time with someone. 
Since your second encounter when he had saved you from taking a ball to your face, you had managed to be more observant towards him on campus in general. And in the little time of your personal investigation towards the boy you’re spending a lot of your nights with, you find out that he’s known for just being around his close circle of friends. 
While he’s capable of joking around in class, he only looks like he’s genuinely enjoying himself when he’s around his little group of seven. And maybe that’s why it strikes you as odd that he chooses to spend time with you, that he doesn’t just walk out immediately the moment he sees you walk into the field. Notorious for not being so friendly, you wonder why he engages in conversation with you from time to time.
You think he might just be trying to be polite now that he has to share his space with someone else, but does being polite come with shy smiles and eye contact that lasts a little longer than it should?
“Penny for your thoughts?” 
You blink. “Huh?” 
“You look like you’re in deep thought.” He shrugs, looking down at you to wait for your answer.
“Oh. It’s nothing important, really.”
His nosy quip at your thoughts starts another round of conversation on your way back to the dorms. This time though, the little monster called curiosity doesn’t leave you alone. It stays in the back of your head, asking you why conversation comes so easily with him now. It asks you if you’ve noticed Riki’s sincere and shy smiles directed at you. It asks you if he’s ever willingly joked around like this with anyone else aside from his friends.
On the walk back home is when you see Riki genuinely laugh with his heart for the first time since you met. When you mentioned your building was just around the corner, he stupidly suggested racing towards there and running immediately without a countdown. He thinks the look of betrayal partnered with your pretty face is funny.
So, he laughs.
And you would go through a hundred more biased races to see him laugh more.
He apologizes for cheating you in the race with a promise of ice cream the next time he walks you home after hours. The next time. You don’t catch the latter part of his sentence when you’re grinning widely at the mention of ice cream.
Your smile makes him beam with pride. 
“This is me. Thanks for walking me back, Riki.”
He nods his head and smiles back at you, much to his disappointment. In all honesty, he didn’t want the night to end. He was having fun as you chatted your lungs out about the time you had given yourself a horrendous haircut at the age nine or the time you had cried because you didn’t want to go home from the pet shop.
As he listens to you, it’s easy to forget about the exhaustion of the afternoon’s practice.
Riki waits for you to walk in the building before sending a final wave in your direction. When he’s sure you’re safely inside, he turns on his heels to start his own walk back home. 
And the whole way back, he genuinely smiles to himself. It’s something that doesn’t need to be taught, he has smiled multiple times before – but it does need to be relearned. Riki doesn’t remember the last time he’s felt this way before.
Riki’s friends were starting to get a little suspicious as to why he’s been sneaking off after football practice. Every once in a while, he would turn them down on their invitation to buy something at the convenience store. They don’t really think it’s anything. Jake would reason that he probably had homework, Jay would say he was probably tired.
Jungwon, however, is suspicious – but it’s not like he meant to accidentally catch the two of you several nights ago when he had returned to see if he had left his earphones on the benches of the field. 
You must be the reason for Riki’s sudden attitude change. While subtle, Jungwon prides himself in knowing his best friends really well, and he knows this must be why Riki’s been acting a little soft in general. 
Soft. Riki would laugh in his face if he ever said that out loud. Soft wasn’t exactly the type of word that came to mind when thinking about Nishimura Riki. Sure, he was relaxed and cool, but never soft. 
The side of Riki he saw, smiling and laughing at the empty bleachers and looking at you was so foreign to Jungwon. No matter how many admirers came Riki’s way, he was always just unfazed. The unrecognizable smile of adoration in his face was what made everything click for Jungwon.
The reason Riki always seemed to be looking for someone in crowded rooms. The reason he would walk a little slower when going past the school paper club room. The reason he would politely decline on invitations to stay a little longer in the field. The reason for his sudden smiles and overall livelier mood during practice.
It all stemmed back to you. 
When Jungwon tests his hypothesis and asks about you to Riki one late afternoon, he wasn’t really expecting a clear response other than a raised eyebrow or a change in topic. He definitely did not expect the shy smile and the shifting eyes from the tall boy as he mumbled under his breath.
“She's… someone I feel most human with.” The volume of his voice drops when talking about you, and the pink on the tip of his ears doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungwon. Jungwon feels his heart about to burst when Riki doesn’t even avoid the topic of you – doesn’t ask why Jungwon knew about you. He simply answers.
This was a breakthrough in Jungwon’s hypothesis. The connotations of you and the relationship you had with Riki (whatever it was), Jungwon knew it was good. You made Nishimura Riki, his best friend, feel most human. 
And on top of all that, you made him want to do better in games. You made him want to attend practice without a looming feeling of negativity and exhaustion. You made him want to get ice cream? (Riki always refuses to go out for ice cream, so Jungwon wonders why he stops by the nearest ice cream parlor to buy two cones of ice cream). You made him feel warm.
With you came new possibilities for Riki.
Jungwon is continuously proven in his hypothesis when he notices Riki talk more during practices. And it wasn’t like Riki didn’t talk at all. He was just someone who valued his silence. And Jungwon continues to be right with the subtle and meaningful ways in which Riki changes in the following months.
Two months after always meeting each other in secret, you’ve grown more comfortable acknowledging each other outside the late hours of the field. 
You send a small wave Riki’s way as you walk towards an empty seat beside Karina at the field. She had wanted to watch their practice in support of the guy she was seeing and asked you to tag along. Even from a distance, you could tell Riki was biting back a grain as he waves back at you. 
Karina looks at you accusingly. 
“Excuse me, since when were you and Nishimura Riki friends?” 
You feel blood rushing to your cheeks at Karina’s sudden interrogation. 
“Since a few months ago.” Karina swears she’d never seen your features this red before and she gasps at the realization. “Is he your boyfriend?” She basically screams in your ear as she continuously rocks you back and forth.
You’re quick to shoot her down, shaking your head and telling her to lower her voice. “No, no. We’re just friends.”
“Just friends, my ass. How come you never told me about him?” There’s a look of betrayal in her eyes as she crosses her arms. “It never came up?” At your response, Karina rolls her eyes. 
“You like him, don’t you?” There’s a teasing hint in her tone, but you know she was genuinely curious. Your lack of response, the blush on your cheeks, and the way you look at Riki are enough to give her an answer. “This is perfect, then. I wouldn’t have to suffer watching a game alone when you’re with someone on the team too!” 
After their practice and what seemed like hours of gossip with Karina, she excuses herself to go to her soon-to-be-boyfriend and you spend the time observing the field. It felt so different to the field you knew at late hours. And it was almost funny that the space where Riki’s practicing with a straight face is the same space where he’s joking around and laughing with you at night.
Deep in your thought, there isn’t much time to process that Riki is standing in front of you, pointing at you with an accusing finger. “What are you doing here? Come to get smacked in the face again?”
“I did not get smacked in the face last time!”
“Thanks to me, you’re welcome by the way.”
“I have thanked you a million times for that already.” 
He laughs as he sits beside you, and Riki’s friends stare in shock at the scene unfolding in front of them. By their reaction, you don’t think Riki has mentioned much about you to his friends either. 
The conversation with Karina earlier feels like an itch you can’t scratch. You’ve always known you enjoyed Riki’s presence, but you haven’t gone out of the way to confirm that you had feelings for him (not that it needed much confirmation). You knew the way you felt, but you were afraid that if you acknowledged it, your feelings would only grow stronger.
You start to wonder if maybe he liked you too. 
“Oy, Riki.” Heeseung calls onto the young boy, beckoning him to come over. Riki excuses himself from his conversation with you, muttering a brief ‘see you later’ paired with a boyish grin. With an arm draped around his shoulder, Heeseung starts his sentence carefully. “You and ______.” 
Riki hums in acknowledgement. 
“Are you two like… a thing? Like dating?” 
Jungwon watches Riki freeze at the sudden and rather straightforward question, and he stays frozen for a while as he tries to arrange his train of thought. Jungwon doesn’t say anything.
“No.” His response is short and blunt, almost bitter even. There was something in the way Riki’s eyes changed at the realization of his own answer that confirmed his friend’s lingering suspicion (they had finally caught onto it).
Sunghoon laughs teasingly, pushing the young boy around. “You don’t have to sound so miserable.” 
“Yeah, just ask her out. It’s not that complicated.” Jake says as if stating the obvious. “Hey, give him time.” Sunoo and Jay are quick to jump on Riki’s defense as they relentlessly tease the boy. 
Jungwon doesn’t say anything. He understands in the way Riki falls into a daze that he was just gathering up enough courage to actually tell you how he feels. 
That night, as he was waiting for you to come back to the field, he ponders on the previous conversation he had with his friends. 
Riki liked the way he was with you. Jungwon once told him that strangers had an easier time interacting with him now that Riki had known you, and it bewildered him how something as simple as a small wave and a smile from you has his blood rushing to his cheeks. 
He always knew he liked you. 
Ever since he had walked you home from the first time, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He doesn’t really have to say anything when he’s with you – somehow, you already know. He likes it. He likes things with you. 
He likes it best how he’s able to make a home out of memories with you. How nothing has to be too grand and extravagant. Just simple and easy. 
The thought used to make him want to puke, the realization of how whipped he actually was, but still found himself staying late in the field, waiting to see if you’d be there that day.
The thud of the ball is loud as it drops to the field. Tonight, the two of you decided to play a little football. Riki didn’t mind. Besides, he found it cute how you didn’t seem to know what you were doing yet you were still willing to play anyway. He’d play goalie, and he’d intentionally let the ball go in to see you jump up and cheer for yourself. 
When he throws the ball back to you, he doesn’t realize the strength he put into it, not until you’re on the floor clutching the ball in your hands. He’s about to apologize when you start howling in laughter. You’re clutching your stomach and tears are forming in your eyes, and Riki has the compelling desire to do whatever it takes to make you laugh like that again.
He helps you up, still apologizing, as he asks if you’re okay. “You know what, maybe this is our full circle moment where I actually get hit by the ball instead of you catching it.” Riki laughs, and he doesn’t notice how he still hasn’t let go of your hand until your cologne fills up his nose, and he steps back upon the proximity. 
Riki coughs. “At least I didn’t aim for your face.”
“You would never.”
His eyes shift towards your lips for a split second, he’s thinking that it probably wouldn’t take much to just move an inch and kiss you right there, in a way that he’s wanted to for a while, but he chooses not to for now. So he lets his eyes, glinting with the light of the moon, trail over something else while you dust off the dirt on your clothes from falling down. 
Ever since that night, Nishimura Riki has made it a point to run into you on the campus. Now, apart from after hours on the football field, you had small meet-ups on campus too. 
He’d greet you “good morning” if you happened to pass by each other in the halls, he’d sometimes invite you to eat lunch with his friends which you always declined because you couldn’t betray Karina like that, and his friends were a little intimidating (you tell him, maybe next time). He’d tell you ‘hi’ or give an encouraging ‘fighting!’ while you worked on an article for the school paper. And then, after class, you’d find yourselves hanging out if he didn’t have practice. 
While he was someone that rarely smiled despite having the prettiest grin, he isn’t uncomfortable showing you his perfect set of teeth. 
You didn’t really know what to expect from the boy. You definitely didn’t expect what came next.
Around another two weeks of time spent with Riki, he approaches you with a newfound hesitation. 
With the field bathed in a kind of silver glow, he composes himself under a full moon. “I have a game in a week.”
He doesn’t say anything after and you nod your head at this, pausing as you try to think of what to say.
“Good luck!” 
“I want you to go.” 
Riki has always stressed how he didn’t really invite anyone to his games, not his family, not his friends outside of the football team. So, his sudden invitation surprises you and you have no clue on how to respond. Your lips parted, staring at the boy.
“Sure. I’d love to.”
“And I want you to watch the game after that too. And the next. And then maybe a date after I win too.” While he says it with so much ease, you can see the panic in his eyes at the straightforwardness of his invitation. 
“Did you… a date?” You ask him again, unsure if he heard you right. 
“I like you.”
At his sudden confession, you feel a laugh bubbling in your throat and you sigh out in relief. “Oh my god, I thought I would have to suffer through an unrequited crush.” He visibly calms down at your response, until realization hits.
“Wait, so does that mean…?” 
“I like you too.” As cocky as he was when you first met, you’re continuously amazed at the new sides you see of Nishimura Riki, with his cheeks flushed a bright red and a girlish giggle escaping his lips. A warm grin breaks over his face and he uses his palm to cup your cheeks. 
“Since you like me, and I like you. Does that also mean I can kiss you?” You smile at his uncharacteristic shyness, eyes squinted as his face breaks out into the biggest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Does it?” You tease playfully, leaning in a little at his touch.
His nose brushes against yours, and his lips hover just right above yours, as though he’s waiting for your permission. “Okay, maybe you can.” At that, he moves slowly and inches forward to steal your lips in kiss, the way he’s been wanting to for the past months. The kiss felt bashful, reserved, with his lips moving gently against yours.
Riki couldn’t have possibly imagined it’d be possible to kiss you, to the point that the kiss felt like an out of body experience. He was there, he felt himself kiss you, but it felt like he wasn't. He was up in the clouds, too far lost in the way it felt to have you in his arms.
When you pull back after a reasonable amount of time, he presses his forehead against yours, and you’re too shy to maintain eye contact that your head drops to his shoulder, and he hugs you with no hesitation. 
“I could do that again and again.” Riki mumbles to himself and you nudge him as if to tell him to stop because you’re blushing too much and you can’t believe that this is actually happening, that it’s real that Nishimura Riki likes you back. 
Riki’s eyes glint with happiness for the rest of the night, even when he walks you home. How can you easily bring the solace he seeked for in the field with just your presence?
“Goodnight!” He doesn’t let you go without pulling you in for another hug, chin resting atop of your head as he quietly whines. 
“What if I don’t wanna let you go yet?”
“We’ll see each other tomorrow.” You untangle yourself from him, afraid you wouldn’t be able to let go if it went on much longer. With a fond smile, you look up at him to send him one final wave. It doesn’t take much observation to spot the same admiration in his eyes. 
“Alright. Goodnight.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“One more kiss?”
“Goodnight, Riki.” 
“Sooo… it’s a no for one more kiss?” 
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
synopsis: you attempt to come to terms with the way cyno feels about you, not realizing you’ve completely misinterpreted his feelings
characters: cyno x gn!reader
wc: 1.1k
warnings: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, misunderstandings, insecurity
notes: so this is very loosely based on a dream/nightmare i had like week ago with this person i’ve liked for about 2 years now. it was an incredibly vulnerable dream and i’ve been wanting to write for cyno for a little bit now so i felt like this was a perfect opportunity :D
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It’s all you could focus on as you walk next to the General Mahamatra. The burning sensation stinging your eyes. Not even the painful silence holds your attention.
Neither of you were speaking. And if you were being honest, you were glad. Not because you’re mad or upset with him or don’t want to hear his voice. No. It was just too painful. Your head is hung toward the floor and your eyes are half shut to help keep the tears at bay. Cyno couldn’t see them, you think. You don’t want to make him feel bad.
You wince when a sniffle leaves your nose abruptly, almost uncontrolled. If Cyno hadn’t realized you were silently crying to yourself before, he was bound to notice now. It’s okay, you think in a pathetic attempt at reassuring yourself, he was going to notice at some point.
Part of you hoped he wouldn’t, but you knew it was inevitable. You only wished that it could have been closer to your house. That way you could just run off if things got too embarrassing and cry yourself to sleep in the comfort of your own home.
How unfortunate for things to not work out that way. Although it seemed things often didn’t for you. Nothing new.
“Tissue?” He offers quietly.
You aren’t sure where he pulled it out from — maybe he had already known this was coming when he offered to walk you home, you hoped not though. You take it anyway.
“Thank you,” you whisper quietly, just quiet enough to disguise the sadness in your voice.
“So, do you want to tell me what’s wrong now or should I just ask around later?” he asks bluntly when you’re done. You notice he hadn’t been looking at you at all. Maybe your mood was ruining his too.
“I’d rather not,” you say.
His voice changes when he speaks again, almost as if it’s breaking away. It’s more vulnerable and you don’t like it. It isn’t something you’re used to, it’s unsettling almost, and reaffirms your feeling that something is wrong, “Please, just tell me what’s wrong.” His voice drops to an unusual whisper, like you aren’t supposed to hear what he has to say next, “I hate seeing you like this.”
“I’m sorry.”
It’s the the only thing you can think of to say to him. In your current state, with a clouded mind devoid of any logic, you don’t know what else you could have said.
“…Sorry? What could you possibly be sorry for?” Cyno switches tones in an instant, more interrogational like he was just a general and you weren’t his friend. Like you were strangers. Like he couldn’t see what’s right in front of his face.
You go quiet again, save for the occasional sniffle and the rustling of your hands desperately trying to keep those pesky tears off your face. You never answer his question and Cyno doesn’t utter a word. His patience had always been both a blessing and a curse.
When your house appears up ahead, Cyno stops without you realizing. He catches you by surprise when his hand reaches for your own and pulls you back toward him. It’s dark outside and the city lights aren’t doing much to illuminate the area around you, but Cyno’s serious expression is as clear as day.
You won’t be able to avoid his questions this time.
His hand doesn’t leave yours, but it’s gentle and he’s careful not to hurt you or make you feel pressured in any way. The last thing he wants to do is scare you off, something he’d done since he met you.
He pulls you a little closer to him and your chest is almost touching his as he speaks, “I know I can be intimidating and I’m not the gentlest person alive but, you know you can tell me when something is wrong, right? We’re friends and if I did something to upset or hurt you, I want you to tell me so I can fix my wrongs.”
Your eyes don’t meet his as you sigh and attempt to pull back, “No, I just— it’s not fair, okay? If you’ve already made up your mind then I don’t understand why you’re still hanging around me! I get it, there’s better people out there and it was stupid for me to think I ever had a chance with you, but you don’t have to pretend to like me when you really don’t.”
It’s silent again and somehow it’s more uncomfortable this time around.
“What?” Cyno asks out of shock, uncharacteristically stumbling over his words at your sudden outburst, “I don’t- I don’t understand?”
Your bottom lip starts to tremble again and the burning sensation returns once more. This time you can feel a lump building at the back of your throat. With a defeated whisper, you drop his hand and walk back toward your house, “Forget it.”
Cyno catches up to you in a heartbeat and stands directly in front of you, blocking you from getting to your house, “Will you please just explain all of this to me? I’m not sure if there’s been some sort of miscommunication between you and me or someone else but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Someone at the Akademiya told me to give up on you! That you liked someone else and were just keeping me around until you could make a decision,” you explain, tiredly giving in to his questioning.
“Who told you that?” his tone changes. It’s angry, bitter even, but he tones it down when he notices your freaked out expression, “I want you to listen to me. There isn’t anyone else. There never has been, never will be. I know I’m stoic and people have a hard time telling when I’m being serious or when I’m joking, but I’m being serious when I say that you are the only person I’ve ever had real feelings for.”
His confession catches you off guard.
“Cyno, I-“ you stop to swallow the lump in your throat, “You really mean it?”
“I swear on my life,” he says firmly and a small smile appears on your face. Cyno feels his heart rest peacefully in his chest at the sight of it. It had felt like an eternity since you last smiled around him.
The light hanging over your porch shines carefully over his features and illuminates the softness of his crimson eyes as he stares at you.
“May I?” he asks, staring down at your lips.
You nod and, just like that, his lips are pressed against yours. He can feel you smiling into the kiss, and as he pulls back, he’s smiling too.
“Don’t ever doubt my love for you again.”
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vladajwrites · 1 year
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Razor’s Edge
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four
Summary; Reader moves to Woodsboro for her senior year of high school. This story take place in the setting of the Scream 4 movie. This story is dedicated to all of the girls living through the current Rory Culkin revival. I love and see you. <3
Also available to be read on AO3 here
It's imperative for me to mention MAJOR trigger warnings for this story; blood, violence, sexual content, alcohol usage, and mentions of abusive situations and suicide. I will add and edit tw's as needed.
WC; 5,043
Part 3 should be available soon. Thank you for any and all support! It truly means the world to me. Check post comments after reading chapter for additional statements.
As you had anticipated, Irina was truly overjoyed to learn how your first day of school had gone. She asked so many questions; the conversation went well into the night after she had returned home from work. 
“Could you see yourself becoming friends with any of the other students?” Irina asked from the kitchen table as you cleared remnants of dinner from the counter. 
You set a plate down in the sink and contemplated her question. Thinking back on the people you met over the course of the day, a few names came to mind. Kirby seemed kind. You had exchanged numbers after film club had ended. Her other friend, Jill, seemed a fine enough person as well, though a bit more reserved. 
You thought back to any of the other conversations you had throughout the day. Robbie’s awkward invitation played over, albeit a brave gesture, it didn’t seem like likely grounds for a friendship. Your thoughts then shifted to Robbie’s counterpart. 
Charlie seemed to keep much more to himself. It felt special to have someone, practically a stranger, come to your defense in any sort of situation. Charlie could be a friend, possibly. A half smile slipped up your lips. What did you know, though? Maybe it wasn’t really a possibility at all.
“I don’t know, maybe. I think it’s too soon to tell.” You spoke over your shoulder, holding your hand under the kitchen faucet, waiting for the water to warm. 
“Hmm,” Irina began, you peered over at her. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth, concealing a knowing smile. “Well, I have hope for you. Don’t count anybody out just yet.” 
You nodded, loading glasses and silverware into the dishwasher. 
If it were meant to happen, you figured it would. The only real matter of importance to you at the moment was pushing through your classes, giving yourself an opportunity to move you forward in life. It wouldn’t be long until college applications and standardized testing would be consume most of your free time and thoughts. 
The next few weeks passed by as most did when beginning a new school year. The teachers, thankfully, kept most assignments and quizzes simple to build back the tolerance towards regular class work that had been lost over the summer break. 
As you had also expected, the introductions and sudden interest other students had towards you started to fizzle out as they fell back into their usual routines. Although Kirby had become a welcomed energy in your space. She went out of her way to speak to you in classes you shared. She had even recently began to invite you to join her and her small circle to leave campus during your lunch period. It felt nice to be included, even if you had yet to be around them outside of school hours. 
Charlie had continued to walk with you to film club most days. The two of you shared very little actual conversations. Most moments were filled with a comfortable silence. 
You really began to pick up on things in the club. You’d write yourself small lists of the movies mentioned during that hour and return home to watch as many as possible while you worked on your homework. It was nice to have things to fill your time, distractions to push any memories away from before your return to Woodsboro.
The air had started to chill and change as September crept its way to the present day. It was a cloudy Friday, nearly two full weeks had passed since that first day of school. You were walking your usual route towards room 120A, Charlie in step beside you. Just before you were able to make it through the classroom doors, you heard your name called from the opposite end of the hallway.
You looked up to find Scotty Anderson gawking his way towards you. ‘Shit,’ you rolled your eyes. You had done a pretty good job of avoiding him and his group since the sports equipment bag debacle. You glanced over at Charlie. His frame was unusually rigid, no discernable emotion in his expression. 
You sucked in your cheeks, debating on just turning into the classroom. It was better to just get this over with than put it off; you decided. 
You took a few steps forwards, meeting Scotty in the middle of the hallway. You held both hands in front of you, tapping your foot as you thought of what he could have to say to you.
“Hey, I know we haven’t had the opportunity to speak.” Scotty began, moving the same bag of equipment up onto his shoulder. “I just wanted to apologize for running into you the other day. Definitely not cool.” It was clear in his tone he didn’t actually mean a word of what he had just said. 
You nodded, biting the tip of your tongue. You never expected an apology, and after as much time had passed, you really didn’t care to have one. You were more confused about why he had apologized now, after days had passed. 
“It’s fine man, don’t worry about it.” You replied, turning on your heel to head back towards the classroom. Scotty’s hand gripped its way around your upper arm, spinning you back towards him. You were visibly taken aback by the sudden motion and intrusion into your personal space. 
“Look, let me make it up to you. Give me your number, I’ll take you out sometime, show you around Woodsboro.” He practically demanded, a sly cocky grin plastered across his face. He was just plainly handsome, the athletic and popular type you imagined some girls would go for. You might’ve given him a chance too, if things hadn’t started out the way they had. He was still somehow able to make his chances even worse though as he continued to talk. You weren’t the least bit interested. 
You glanced over your shoulder. Charlie was still standing in the doorway, his eyes flashed quickly between you and Scotty. A disgusted frown clung to his lips as he watched the situation unfolding before him. 
You looked back up at Scotty, shaking your arm out of his grasp. “No thank you,” you replied, barely above a whisper. 
His eyes widened in disbelief, as if he’d never heard those words before. “What?” His mouth hung agape. 
“I said no. I’m just not interested.” You replied, this time more sternly. 
Scotty scoffed, surely attempting to conceal his bruised ego. He stomped his way down the hallway like a toddler. “Ugly bitch.” You could hear him mutter as he grew further away. 
You slapped a hand over your mouth, trying to conceal your shocked laughter. You turned back around. Charlie was gone from his spot. A stupid smile plastered on your face as you entered film club. If Anderson truly felt that way, he would’ve never made an attempt to come onto you in the first place. You found your seat next to Kirby and looked up at Charlie, believing he’d be laughing with you too over the situation, only he didn’t seem amused at all. He wouldn’t even look up to meet your eyes. 
His cold shouldered treatment continued into the next week as well. You figured things would just be as they were before as the last bell rang that following Monday. Before you had the chance to grab your things, Charlie had brushed past you, disappearing into the crowd of students in the hall. 
You weren’t sure why it hurt your feelings so much. He didn’t owe you anything. You were perfectly capable of making it to the club without him. But still, you couldn’t help but feel anxious as the next few days unfolded in the same way. He’d barely look at you, let alone speak to you. You were trying to wrap your head around why he was acting this way. You had done anything wrong to your knowledge, but then again, maybe you had. You couldn’t bring yourself to push the matter, though. You had no idea what to say to him. 
That following Friday, during your second to last period, your biology teacher announced the outline for the first heavily graded project of the semester. It was a group project. He’d assign the groups and specific topics each trio would be required to present. The classroom mumbled and huffed at the announcement. 
You listened carefully as the teacher made his way down the list of students he held in his hands. You glanced around the room as the group of prospective partners grew smaller. You hoped you would be paired with people you at least vaguely knew.
The teacher then called your name. Your head snapped to meet his finger dragging across the list he held in his right hand. You waited intently for the next names to be called. 
“You’ll be in a group with Mercer and Walker. Your topic is genetic pedigree.” You sunk down in your seat. Eyes flashing towards Robbie, who gave you a smile and thumbs up. You couldn’t bring yourself to look towards Charlie, who sat beside him. 
You dropped your head into your hands, letting your hair cover your face. You knew you’d have to muster the courage to say something to Charlie. The project was important, and you didn’t want any made-up qualms to affect the way you all worked together. 
As class concluded, Robbie stopped you in the Hallway. You watched Charlie walk past without looking behind him or waiting for his friend. You followed his frame carefully until losing him as he turned down the hall. 
“Hey, if it’s alright, could I grab your number?” Robbie asked. You’d nearly forgotten he was standing there. “For the project, of course. We’ll have to work on it outside of school, and just if you- or I, have any questions..” You watched as his cheeks turned a soft shade of red. 
You tried your best to give him a reassuring smile and nodded. “Of course Robbie, yeah, that makes sense.” 
“Awesome!” He sighed in relief, handing you his cellphone to type in your contact information. “See you in film club?”
You nodded again, watching Robbie turn on his heels and vanish into the crowd of students headed towards their next class. 
Your last class of the day felt like torment, the minutes passed by so incredibly slowly. It seemed as though the second hand on the clock was frozen in place as you waited and listened for each tick it made. 
You could feel eyes stuck to you as you sat, unfurling the hem of your sweater. You glanced behind you. Charlie met your eyes, he was mimicking your own movements, heel tapping on the floor below him. 
He looked absolutely miserable, pained even. He looked down at the ground as your eyes lingered for just a moment longer. You suddenly felt incredibly guilty. Maybe there was something going on with him completely outside of school, outside of you, and you had been so entirely selfish to believe his change in demeanor was a direct result of anything you had done. 
You sat at your desk now braiding, unbraiding, and rebraiding the same three strands of hair near the front of your face. How could you have not attempted to reach out to him sooner? You felt like an absolutely sorry excuse for an acquaintance, let alone a friend. 
You had your belongings packed and together before the final bell rang, you’d make sure to catch him this time. As soon as the clock rang to dismiss the class, you were up from your seat, headed to the doorway to catch him in the hall. 
He was quick to step past you, head fixated on the crowd in front of him. You worked faster, grabbing the strap of his backpack and pulling him through the doorway of an empty adjoining classroom. 
He looked shocked as he spun to face you, his mouth held agape, before snapping his lips into a tight line.
“What is wrong with you?” You asked, surprised even by your own hasty actions. As soon as the words left your lips, you regretted them. What’s wrong with you? Really? There wasn’t a better way for you to ask what was going on? You silently scolded yourself. 
“What?” He asked, taking an immediately defensive tone, understandably so. 
“I mean, what is going on with you? Is everything okay? You’ve gone through quite the effort to act like I don’t exist this past week.” You replied, amending your original question. 
He looked you over, scoffing. You brought your hands up over your chest, suddenly feeling incredibly self-conscious. 
“Look, if it’s attention you’re looking to get from somebody, don’t bother me about it.” He spoke just above a whisper, as if he could barely get his own words out. 
His words made your eyes prick up. You felt your body heat flush as your jaw grew increasingly tense. What was wrong with him? His glare faltered for a moment, his hands dropping to his sides.
“I just mean…” He paused before continuing, “you’ve got Anderson. I don’t understand why you’d want me around.” 
Your eyes widened in shock, realizing he hadn’t stuck around till the end of the conversation you had with Scotty the week prior. This was really the reason he had become so cold towards you? It was ridiculous. He was so-
You couldn’t hold back the astonished laughter, the absolute nerve. Charlie’s expression morphed into confusion. He seemed almost hurt to have you laughing in his face. Good. 
“You really thought I wanted anything to do with that asshole? I didn’t even give him my number.” You exclaimed, throwing your hands back towards your thighs. 
Charlie’s face bore the full front of sudden guilt. Your hurt turned to anger. He could’ve asked, but he just assumed. Even then, what issue could he possibly take with you speaking to or seeing another man? 
You took a step forward, closing the distance between the two of you. Charlie took a deep breath, eyes glancing between you and the pointer finger you now dug into his chest. 
“I thought you were a friend, you fucking prick.” You whispered just beside his ear. You could feel his heartbeat wildly pound against your finger, could nearly hear it from the proximity you shared. Or maybe that was your own heart you were hearing. You couldn’t have been sure. 
Before giving him a chance to respond, you stormed your way out of the room. Making a beeline to your car. 
Fuck. Fuck that stupid fucking film club. And fuck Charlie Walker. 
You sped home, slamming the front door behind you. You rushed up the stairs, hearing your aunt call your name from the living room. You stopped in your tracks, shouting down to her, “I’m fine, I promise. Just need a moment alone.” 
You waited for a second to hear her response. You were surprised she was home from work so early. After a few moments, Irina responded, “Okay.” She didn’t sound entirely convinced, but knew better than to pry. 
You shut your bedroom door, falling flat onto your bed. It didn’t matter, none of it mattered. You didn’t need him around. 
An hour passed by, and then another before you heard your phone ringer buzz twice.
You scrambled for your phone, which was still in your bag on the ground beside your bed where you had thrown it earlier. 
Two text messages from an unknown number flashed on the screen.
“Hey, didn’t see you in film club. Everything good?” Your heart skipped in your chest. Could it be-? Your question was answered by the second message. “Robbie btw.”
You sighed, rolling onto your back, holding the phone above your face. You thought for a moment before responding. “Wasn’t feeling well, all good, though.” You added Robbie’s name to his contact info before setting the phone down beside you. 
Another minute passed before your phone buzzed again. “Cool. Would you be down to meet up later to start on our project?” Robbie’s message read.
You thought about it for a moment. The idea didn’t seem particularly great, but it would be nice to just get it all over with. You responded with a simple, “Sure.”
Almost instantly, a new message was sent. You opened it to find another phone number beside Robbies. In a new group chat Robbie asked, “Where and what time do you guys wanna meet up?” The other number had to be Charlies. You rolled your eyes, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
Your fingers hovered above the keyboard as you thought up a response. You knew Irina would be more than happy to host, and it’d save you a trip from going elsewhere in town.
“My place, 7pm?” You replied. 
“We’ll be there.” Robbie responded. 
You sent your address to the pair and locked your phone, shoving it in your back pocket. 
You figured it was time to face your aunt, let her know people would be coming by the house later. You called out to her, hearing her reply from her bedroom. You stopped in her doorway, watching her pack clothing into a small black suitcase.
“Where are you going?” You asked, walking up beside her. 
She looked up from her work. “I have a few meetings in Sacramento this weekend. I fly out tomorrow morning. I should be back by Monday though.” You nodded your head in response. She was always so busy, always had places to be. 
“I’m sorry for slamming the door earlier.” You said quietly, picking up a t-shirt on the bed and folding it over for her. 
Your aunt looked over at you, waiting to see if you’d continue. 
“I’m okay. I just-” You paused, trying to find the right words. The entire thing wasn’t really worth getting into or being upset about, as you thought about it.
Irina’s eyebrow raised. “Boy troubles?” She said half-jokingly.
You smiled then, handing her the folded shirt. Yes, to put it plainly, just boy troubles.
“You know what I think about men,” Irina began.
“Better off without them.” You answered in unison, laughing with one another. 
You stopped in the doorway, hand wrapped around the frame as you left Irina’s bedroom. “Oh, by the way, I’m having a few people over in a couple of hours to work on a project for school. If that’s okay, of course.” 
Irina peered over her shoulder, a wide grin on her face. “Of course. Let me know if you kids need anything.” 
It was hard to keep your nerves in check as the next few hours passed by. It would be fine, you reminded yourself over and over again. It wasn’t going to just be you and Charlie. Robbie would serve as a much needed buffer. 
You heard your phone buzz on your nightstand; you picked it up quickly, reading the message aloud. “Pulling up now.” You quickly made your way down the stairs, kicking a pair of your shoes further down the entryway.
You swung the front door open without recalling whether you had heard a knock yet. You were met by Robbie and Charlie on the front porch. Charlie’s head was towards the ground, his hands in his pocket. Robbie looked around himself, mouth agape. 
“You were totally right dude,” Robbie said, elbowing his friend in the side. “This was her house.” 
“What?” You asked from the doorway, not sure you had heard him right. Robbie looked flustered, as if he were surprised to see you standing there. 
“Oh. I meant Charlie recognized you on the first day.” Robbie tried to clear the confusion by simply adding to it. You looked between the pair. Robbie immediately cowered in response to Charlie’s shocked glare. 
You waited for Robbie to continue. You couldn’t possibly understand what he meant by that. To your knowledge, you had never met either of them before that first day of school. 
“Charlie’d make me ride circles down your street for hours. He said you had to be the same girl we saw when we were kids. We totally thought you just died one day after you stopped appearing in the window every summer.” Robbie said laughing, pointing at the sun bay window. 
You were frozen in place; the air seemed to be sucked out around you as you thought hard back on those memories. Certain things suddenly started to click and piece themselves together in your mind. You glanced over at Charlie. He was looking at you almost pathetically, knowing there was nothing he could have done to stop Robbie from spilling any of that information. 
Robbie began a string of ‘I’s and Um’s’ as he noticed your expression. You willed yourself to pull it together for a moment; lesson the deafening, horrible ringing in your ears.
“Oh, I think I remember you two, actually.” You stated. You had always had a distinct memory that fell in line with Robbie’s sentiment. You weren’t sure you’d have ever been able to place them both in that memory without Robbie’s over-share. You’d let yourself process this information at a later time. You watched as both boys relaxed a bit more into themselves, awkward glances still passed between the three of you.
“Would you guys like to come in?” You stepped aside, motioning towards the entryway. 
“Please.” Robbie replied and stepped past you. 
Charlie nodded, following behind him. You caught and held his gaze for a moment as he slipped in so close beside you. 
“We can just hang out in the living room, if that’s cool.” You said, motioning towards the living room couch. The two men followed suit. You took a seat on the sofa, Robbie sat on the opposite end, while Charlie took a seat on the floor by the coffee table in front of you. 
It was quiet for a moment as everyone pulled out their laptops, notebooks, and pens. You weren’t sure who would be the first one to break the silence. To be completely honest, you didn’t mind it. You were terrified that Robbie would somehow dig himself another hole, and you had absolutely nothing to say to Charlie. You hoped you’d be able to just get the majority of the project finished tonight so that the remaining meetings would be minimal. 
Just then, you heard your aunt’s light footsteps coming from down the stairs. You sighed a heavy sigh of relief as she entered the living room. She wore a bright smile on her face as the boys rose to their feet to greet her. 
“Robbie Mercer.” He held out a hand to her. “Good to meet you, Robbie.” She replied in her usual sing-song voice.
Her smile faltered for a moment as she turned to shake Charlie’s hand as well. “Charlie Walker, thanks for allowing us over.” Charlie said, giving her a courteous smile. 
You looked between your aunt and Charlie, watching the corner of her lips twitch into a small frown before she replied. She looked almost off kilter. You took careful notice of your aunt’s unusual etiquette. “Anytime, Charlie.” She replied, placing her left hand over their conjoined right hands. 
The gesture didn’t seem to phase Charlie much. 
“If there’s anything I can get for you all, please don’t be afraid to ask.” Irina spoke before heading back up the stairs. The three of you responded in a short chorus of ‘thank you’s.’ 
The next few hours went by as well as you could have hoped for them to go. Once you were all busy at work, the awkwardness slowly dispelled itself. It was nearly midnight, and you were all beginning to experience the early stages of screen fatigue from your work. You all mutually decided to try to wrap everything up tomorrow. 
As you led the two out, Robbie spoke over his shoulder. “I honestly think it’ll only take another day to finish this. Maybe one more after that for revision.” You and Charlie both nodded. “But, honestly, if I have looked at another fucking punnet square after this project, I think I’ll kill myself.” 
You laughed as you turned the door handle. 
The boys filed onto the porch. Robbie was quick to make his way towards his car that was parked halfway in the driveway and halfway onto the street. He stopped after realizing Charlie was still standing on the porch. You glanced between the pair.
“You coming man?” Robbie asked, fishing for his keys in his back pocket.
You watched Charlie, waiting for his response. 
“Nah, I feel like walking.” He responded. 
Robbie cocked an eyebrow, looking at his friend. He seemed slightly surprised, but didn’t bother trying to convince him to come along. 
“Alright, I’ll see you two tomorrow.” Robbie said, as he opened his driver’s side door. You watched him pull all the way down the street before turning around to face the closed front door. Your hand had just started turning the handle when you heard Charlie speak up.
“Can I talk to you for a second?” You turned your face, dropping the handle. 
You really had almost no interest in anything he had to say at all, at this point. 
“Make it quick.” You replied, stepping in front of him. Your words clearly hurt him, and he did little to hide his grimace. 
“Look, I’m sorry.” He started softly, eyes flickering between your own. You sucked in your bottom lip, leaning on your hip as you crossed your arms in front of you. You scanned his face in search of sincerity. 
“It’s fine, Charlie. It’s done with.” You replied.
He took a step closer to you. You fought the urge to take another back, to keep just a bit more distance from him. You held your ground.
“No, I’m being serious. It was horrible for me to just assume…” his voice trailed off for a moment. He glanced behind you at the window bay to your left. He met your eyes again. “And the whole attention thing. I never really felt that way. Regretted it as soon as I said it.” His hand flexed at his side as he shook his head. 
“Okay.” You replied breathlessly. It was all you wanted him to say. You both stood there for a moment. The sound of crickets filled the air. There always seemed to be something filling in the lapse of conversation you had with Charlie, in a way you had never noticed with anyone else before. 
You were the one to speak up. “I can give you a ride home if you’d like.” 
A small smile crept up his lips as he followed your gesture towards your car parked in the driveway. 
“It’s alright. Thank you for the offer. I just live on the next street over.” He motioned towards the road. 
“It’s really not any trouble…” you began. You weren’t sure why you felt such a need to insist. 
He reached up then. His thumb ran across the small braid in your hair that had been forgotten about and left to slowly unravel since last period. You left out a breath of surprise at the sudden contact. He was so incredibly close. That pounding in your heart returned rapidly as your hands dropped to your side. 
Your eyes darted wildly across the features of his face. His eyes were stuck on those strands of hair between his fingers. 
There were no more crickets, no rushing blood, just silence. 
He had pulled away before you could process the proximity. He was headed down the front porch steps in a matter of seconds. “Goodnight, I’ll see you here tomorrow.” He called, turning over his shoulder to say goodbye. 
You refused to let yourself watch him make his way down the street. Your feet carried you mindlessly up the stairs until collapsing you onto your bed. You stared up at the ceiling, reaching for the disheveled braid. Your fingers traced themselves along the same spot he had. You had just about pulled the braid apart when your aunt called your name from the doorway. 
You shot up in bed to face her, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“Didn’t mean to surprise you,” Irina began. Her face was splotchy and red in ways that it never was. “I just wanted to tell you goodbye, in case I didn’t get the chance to before I left in the morning.”
You nodded in response. You rose onto your feet, walking over to give her a hug. You pulled away as she began to speak up again. “He looks so much like him.” Irina seemed to say more to herself than you. 
“Hmm?” You urged her to explain what she meant. 
“The Walker boy. He looks so much like his father had at that age.” She began trailing off, looking at the wall behind you before meeting your eyes again.
“You knew his father?” You asked. This shouldn’t have been surprising information to you, Irina seemed to know everybody who had spent any amount of considerable time in Woodsboro. 
Irina nodded. 
“Just be kind to him, if you can be.” She said so softly, you barely caught her last words. This took you aback. You were sure your confusion was apparent on your face. “It’s only been a few years since he passed. I’m sure it’s been difficult for Charlie.”
Her amending statement made your heart sink low into your chest. A resounding buzz quickly filled the space between your ears. 
“I am.” You replied. You thought you were, at least. 
Irina nodded, seemingly satisfied with your response. She turned to make her way to her own bedroom at the end of the hall. Just before she disappeared through the door, you called out to her.
“How? How did he die?” You asked. You immediately felt bad for even asking. It wasn’t necessarily anything you needed to know. 
You could tell, even from where you stood, that your aunt’s eyes began to well with tears. “Suicide,” she whispered without looking back at you. It only took a single moment before Irina stepped into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. 
You weren’t sure how long you stood stuck in the hallway. It was a horribly long night. 
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moddymoon · 4 months
Introduction Update...
This is going to take a while to write I think:
Look at current introduction.
Add some stuff that currently gets frequently asked:
Add some stuff about parts that get missed:
Add some stuff about contact:
I won't pay you.
I love talking if it's a conversation
Feel free to send me asks
Things not to tell a stranger on the internet.
That's most of what I want here.
Previous Introduction
I have an old introduction post from April 5th (that's not that old just over a month old, but it was probably a bit of a brief introduction. I'm just not very good at doing that, and at that time I had nothing that I could find in my backlog as to what would be considered to be an introduction, so I wrote something up quickly.
The first thing that we talk about there is plurality. I'm not really going to go much into it right here, because I plan on talking more about it further down, but yes, we're a plural system.
And oddly the next thing is our age, (which we keep getting asked about, so it means these people have not read the pinned post). I'm not going to repeat that (but I'm not removing the old post either).
In that it talks a bit about disability. Including neurodivergence, specifically autism.
The next thing I talk about is incontinence. Which sort of extends to ABDL stuff.
Then basically we say that people are free to contact us (there will be more at the bottom of this about that). So, that's just going over what I have already said.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Here's some questions I get asked and while some of these get asked in a combined form I'm going to break them down to the component parts...
Are you a sissy? (why is ### unsuported?)
I'm trans. I was assigned male at birth. I am non-binary. The "Are you a sissy?" type quiz things often will say that yes I am a sissy.
My problem? Well I'm not quite sure if that's an identity I fully would embrace, or if it's a "play" thing.
Are you a slave?
Briefly, if the answer to that is, "yes" then either you are someone closely associated with me and my role in that position, or you shouldn't be answering that.
I am interested in the submissive thing. I've explored lightly the idea of "slave" and would like to explore it further with the right person/people.
Chances are, if you're asking that, you're not going to be the right person.
I guess maybe if you've shown that you've read what I've had to say, and you'd like to confirm what my current status is, and make it clear, then I get it. But... I've not had anything close to that.
And as to whether I would... I'm already in a long distance relationship of some similar nature, and I'm OK with exploring with others, or more with that person in that direction.
Are you a submissive?
Yes, though... I tend to be more than just a submissive, and if you're asking that, then your sense probably isn't what I mean by that.
Here's the thing that I want to say, most people who have asked, don't seem to have a sense of this being a relationship that is built, and that is built on mutual respect and understanding.
If you're one of those people, then probably we're not going to get very far. And while it's not asked, it comes out of these above questions.
Are you a switch?
YES ABSOLUTELY... Part of that is not really being able to define things in black and white, but for example, the "Caregiver/little" role (the relationship mentioned above), overall I feel I'm more of a little, but I end up taking a Caregiver role more often when it comes to a relationship. And I'm fine with that.
Parts that have been missed
I want to write a bit about some stuff I think is missing overall here.
What about programming?
I ended up checking out the tag, "programming" in relationship to hypnosis type stuff, and ran into stuff like "Python" which I was, "dang I can get people talking about that too?" So yes I do programming, I'm not that great, some people have told me that I shouldn't (they might be right, but that's not a useful thing to say).
So yes, I do computer programming.
OK, as I just mentioned, I also am into hypnosis, and I guess a lot of other "mental health," or "psychology" type topics. I don't really want to go into detail, but it's relevant to just say yep...
Gender identity stuff...
I've mentioned it above, and probably will more so below. We're non-binary. We tend to present more feminine, than masculine.
What about the incontinence?
Yeah, I have some incontinence, I would say it's mostly urge related, but trying to figure it out, we've not really got a clear answer. Most of the time, if we're on top of things, it's more a matter of "barely making it to the bathroom in time" but there have been some seriously notable accidents... I might talk about them in private once I get to know you (or on some other platform).
But aren't you ABDL?
Yes, as I say often, "Why not both?" There's two things here... Many people who do have incontinence, actually discover that diapers can make their lives incredibly better, and they fall in love with being able to wear, and use diapers...
That literally makes them diaper lovers, and part of the community. Even if it's just really that they love what it does for them on a personal level.
ABDL does not have to be (and often is not sexual), and that's part of the reason that people don't want to associate with it.
And also, people think that ABs and DLs "must go together". Which also not true. Yes, I'm both, but you can be one, without the other (you can even be an AB, who has none of the DL stuff).
Communicating with me
OK, this is where I run into some stuff that I'm often not sure about... Not that I'm not sure about what people are doing, more about my response.
Will you pay me to be your ... whatever?
No, I won't. Especially not if you contacted me first. My following you is not contacting you. My messaging you, because you asked... Is not contacting you.
If you really are just looking to get paid, then save your time, go find someone else to contact.
Will you talk to me?
Absolutely, I love a good conversation. If it's a good give and take (and yes it can take a bit to get there) I'm all up for it.
I'm up for it also if it does take a while to get there, and even if you want to talk about stuff that I'm not really interested in.
If I say something along the lines of, "I won't answer that," or "I won't do that with you where we're at in our relationship." It's not that I'm saying no to the conversation. It's that I'm stating that that particular thing is not OK at least right now.
If you still want to talk, I'm still up to it. Just not in that direction.
Can I send an ask?
I've had some great asks, and I love them. If you want to do that, go for it. I don't know what sending an anonymous ask does on, well either end, but I hope that it will show up in your activity when I answer. So feel free to send me an ask. So far, I've answered every one I've got, on any platform. The answer might be "no I'm not interested," but I haven't had one that I'm feeling even the asking is not OK.
Do you have things you won't answer?
This is the "Things that you should not tell a stranger on the internet," section.
Yes, there's things that I won't answer, at least while you're a stranger:
Where are you located?
What's your age?
What's your sex? (these are what were called ASL questions, and while often asked, have never really been considered appropriate)
What's your real name?
Are you ??? when the thing being asked is a really complicated thing with no yes/no answer?
What is your phone number?
Can you contact me on x other platform (maybe, but most of the time I literally can't I've tried, and people have gotten mad at me for saying no)?
That's not the whole list, but it's enough for now.
Take care everyone... I wasn't sure I was going to get this in a form I was happy with, but here we are.
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osleeplessflowero · 4 months
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"Don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms.."
Time for some more Dust appreciation. :)
Oneshot Masterpost * Notes: - Gender Neutral Reader - Part of the Bad Sanses collection
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Alone With You
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It's truly a lovely night. The stars twinkle overhead in the sky, the moon shining its natural spotlight over Nightmare's castle. A mission had gone quite well a few hours prior in the day, so you suggested the idea of having a little party to celebrate such a feat. With slight reluctance, you managed to get the others to agree.
So here you are, currently decorating the living room while Killer lifts you using his magic, your soul covered in a pretty shade of blue that illuminates the space around you. With a smile, you finish taping up a banner, and give him a thumbs up so he puts you back down onto the ground. Your legs wobble slightly as you land, adjusting yourself by grabbing onto one of the various couches.
"alright, you got this area pretty much covered. like i genuinely can't find a spot you didn't overly decorate." Killer grins, looking at your handiwork. Well, he's right: the room is covered from head to toe with party decorations, a few boxes of supplies now empty. Nightmare shakes his head at your antics as he watches from his favorite chair, legs crossed.
"And you'll be the ones to clean it up when this is over. Right?" He silently warns, a challenging smirk on his face. Killer gulps comically, letting out a sheepish laugh. You nudge his shoulder, before nodding at Nightmare.
"Yes, we will." You smile, the ruler's own relaxing a bit when your eyes meet. Dust and Horror enter the room from different directions, the latter going over to get a drink from the small table you set up. Dust leans on one of the walls, occasionally glancing off to the side and muttering things to..well, as far as you know, no one.
You find yourself glancing over at him from time to time, before Killer claps his hands, a sign that you're finally done decorating anywhere you could think of. "mkay! let's get this party STARTED- i'm feelin' up for some karaoke..HIT IT HORROR-"
"no." Is all he says as he lifts his drink to his teeth, taking a sip. "oKAY!" Killer goes to start up a song himself. You let out a snicker at their shenanigans, Nightmare rolling his eyelight in response. Some upbeat music begins to play as Killer grabs a mic, posing dramatically before the lyrics begin to pop up on screen.
Your gaze shifts from him to Dust when you see the other skeleton moving a hand into the darkened depths of his hood, your brows furrowing in worry. He steps outside after a few minutes of Killer's performance, needing a break..you look over to the others who seem to be distracted at the moment before opening the door leading outside as well, closing it gently behind you.
You spot him leaning against a wall of the castle, holding his head and wincing, muttering again..
"i know, i- fuck, stop being so loud. it's too much. too loud. it hurts my skull. please." There's a short pause, and he seems to calm down.. lifting up a small box from his pocket and taking out a magic infused cigarette, lighting it and taking a puff.
You frown as you walk over, stopping in place when his eyelights drift over to you. You smile a little at being acknowledged, but your worry is still obvious due to your furrowed brows.
"Hey, stranger. You feeling okay? You left all of a sudden..just wanted to make sure you're alright." You continue walking until you're by his side, leaning on the wall next to him and crossing your arms. He lets out a slight huff, looking up at the stars.
"just kinda..overstimulated. needed some quiet to calm down and killer singing california girls in there was not helping."
You let out a slight laugh, the skeleton beside you smiling a bit at the fact that it was because of him. "Yeah, I get that. If it helps..I could stay out here with you for a little bit."
He turns to look at you more directly.
"Ah- um-" You start to backtrack, getting a little nervous. "Of course, if you'd prefer to be alone I totally get that, I can go back inside and wait for you-"
"i'd like that. you don't have to stay out here if you don't want to, though. you spent all that time in there.."
"I do want to spend time with you, though..we've got all night for the party. I want.." You trail off when you realize how close he's standing now, leaning over you and looking down. You can only see his eyelights within the darkness of his hood thanks to your dark environment, the sun usually causing his eyes to be shrouded in darkness as well. His gaze is constant..he barely blinks, his eyes relaxed since he's in your presence. You clear your throat. "I want to stay with you as long as you're out here."
"well, alright then.. if that's what you really want." He backs away from you, dropping the cig after a few more puffs and crushing it with his shoe, walking along a path and motioning for you to follow. You do, hurrying a little to stay behind him as he makes his way over to the large stone fountain by Nightmare's rose garden.
You both sit at a small distance from each other on the fountain, Dust leaning back to stargaze and you fiddling with your thumbs. It'd been a hot minute since you could be alone together..and while you're not exactly happy with the fact it's because he was overstimulated, you are glad you can spend some time with him anyway.
"you know.. i don't think it ever gets old." There's a fondness to his voice as you look over. "the stars, i mean. looking at them reminds me of the first time i got to see them.. things're a lot different now, but..i know they'll always remain the same. a nice view on nice nights."
"You really like them, huh?" You smile, looking up yourself.
"yeah..one sight i could never get tired of." He smiles, even though you can't see it from where you're sitting.
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" You look up at it as the skeleton's eyelights drift over to you, his eyelights softening.
"yeah..it really is."
You look over at him, your face beginning to feel warm upon seeing his expression. He puts his hand on his forehead, letting out a chuckle.
"you have got to stop looking at me like that."
"It's not like I mean to, you did this to me." You frown, furrowing your brows. He lets out a laugh at that, shifting his position and putting his arms around you..you freeze in place, knowing fully well that Dust is not usually one to initiate contact.
He's warm..the magic within him gives you warmth, despite his bones being so cold. You rest your head on his shoulder, looking vacantly into the distance. His arms rest comfortably around your body, holding you as comfortably close as possible..his chin resting on your head.
"sorry..just..need this for a little bit. i need to be a little selfish from time to time."
You sigh, hugging him gently. "I don't mind it at all, Dust. You can hold me whenever you want." You smile when you hear him chuckle again, closing his eyes.
"that's the thing..can't really say that if it's all the time." "Dust.."
The music inside changes, and you can't seem to hear Killer's muffled voice anymore. He must've decided to stop for a little bit.
Hearing one song in particular, you slowly move away from Dust..holding out your hand with a smile. He tilts his head to show confusion in response, looking between you and your hand.
"C'mon..let's have a little party of our own." Your smile shifts into a grin, and after a moment of contemplation, he agrees. He takes your hand, letting you pull him up off of the fountain (with a slight struggle because he's a big guy).
He seems to realize what you want to do, placing his arms around your waist before abruptly pulling you towards himself. You feel your face flush a bit darker as you look up into his eyelights before rolling your eyes at his now faintly visible smug grin.
You raise your arms and put them around his neck, the two of you beginning to slowly sway to the beat of the song playing inside. Someone slightly cracks the door so it's louder before disappearing back inside..you have a feeling you know who it is.
"What on earth are they doing out there?" Nightmare glances out the window from his chair, Killer standing a little closer to it to watch.
"they're having a moment, boss- i gotta give 'em a good setup."
"My my..I'd expected you to want to sabotage their time together, due to how jealous you few tend to get." Nightmare raises a browbone.
"well..we're all their partners. so we should all have time at some point." Killer rests his chin between his hands, smiling as he observes the two of you.
"..thanks for sticking with me. i didn't really want you to go." Dust averts his eyes, and you let out a little laugh.
"I know. I could tell. I wasn't gonna go anyway.. I'd prefer for everybody to be together, the party wouldn't be the same without you." You smile, seeing a bright shade of purple illuminating his hood and revealing his face.
"..you're too sweet for me. i don't deserve you."
"Untrue. You're perfect for me, and I'm perfect for you in..some way."
He chuckles again, a fondness to his eyes as he leans down and steals your lips with a kiss. You slowly close your eyes, leaning into it and holding still..savoring the moment. Magic fills your senses, a sour taste that you don't mind all that much hitting your tongue.
Eventually you have to break the kiss to breathe, taking a few light breaths and pressing your forehead against his. It's peaceful for a few seconds before he whispers to you.
"i think i'm ready to go back in now." You smile and nod at his statement, taking his hand and leading him along the path back to the door. Killer jolts in his spot, going back to pretend he was doing something while waiting on you both.
"heeey! glad you guys are back, who's up for some party games?" He grins, holding up some board game boxes. The two of you share a glance, before nodding in his direction.
"You can pick, Killer. I don't mind. You guys wanna play anything in particular?" You sit down, Killer sitting on your right and Dust on your left. Nightmare remains where he is, and Horror sits across from you.
"he can pick anything except for candyland. i'm sick of it." Dust rests his arms on the table, his chin resting on top of them.
"you're just salty i beat you last time." Killer taunts, earning a scoff from him. "you wanna go there? okay bet, let's play candyland."
You roll your eyes as Killer quickly begins setting up the board, smiling to yourself as you think of how the evening's gone so far.
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maximotts · 1 year
rereading ph and i was wondering…what would happen if like one of them went too far? like they actually scared/hurt the reader like very seriously?
Interesting that you ask such a thing! I have draft currently where someone asked something similar and it's got a scenario where Nat goes too far with Wanda, but I have yet to approach the subject with reader involved.
I apologize, this is going to be a bit long, but I guess it's more of a set of headcanons than a fic so uh.. bon apetit, hurt/comfort situation lovers
private hire au masterlist.
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Honestly, it would depend on a lot of things: how close Wanda and Natasha are to reader when it happens, where they are (i.e. is it a public scolding that's more emotional or is it something in private/the bedroom), and who it is that actually hurts them.
Assuming they're in the current place ( game night ) when reader gets hurt, Wanda and Natasha would care a lot and want to right it as best they know how. Which.. is still not always the healthiest.
If it were Wanda...
Say she was tearing into you so harshly in front of other people that maybe you break down and cry or even just run away depending on the setting because really, who wants to cry in front of strangers, she would feel terrible.
Devastated honestly, Wanda's much more afraid of you pulling away than Natasha is; she needs you to see her as a constant safe space for anything and always wants to be the one you run towards, never from.
If it was during a meeting she couldn't immediately leave, Wanda would handle everything as quickly as possible, but in the meantime she's getting someone to check on you. Preferably Nat, but if she's too far, most likely it'd be Bucky or Sam. Anyone who she knows would keep you out of harm's way, but continue to keep an eye on you for her.
Because you never really have a chance to slip away.
As soon as possible, Wanda'd get to wherever you fled, putting on her gentlest demeanor, hoping you're not upset enough with her that she has to apologize.
But when she sees you're shying away from her, Wanda's heart breaks.
Again, we've seen it before a bit in forgive and (don't) forget, but Wanda hates thinking she's upset you enough to push you away.
She'd get you the world if you asked, anything to coax you into talking to her and helping her understand where she went wrong because she needs to fix it. It'll eat away at her if you don't at least start to forgive her by the end of the day.
But then if you get hurt during sex with her...
She's apologetic instantly, but much more in tune to your physical and mental state than if it was just verbal like above.
Wanda's such a touchy person she'd want to hold you so bad, but understands if you need time to come back to reality.
There's tons of reassurance though, especially while she's cleaning you up and getting you into a cozy space, "You did so well, dove. I should've checked in earlier."
And there's not a second where she lets you try to take the blame; she won't hear of it.
Speaking of blame, even if it were a pure accident Wanda would take on so much guilt. She struggles a lot with knowing whether or not she's making the right decisions (as best you can as a mob boss) and tries very hard not to hurt anyone.
Seeing you hurt by her own hands makes her lose so much trust in herself. So much so that she might not trust being around you without someone else around.
Wanda would only get close with Natasha around and even if both of you try assuring her you'll be okay in time, she's terrified that she hurt someone she cares so deeply about.
For Natasha, it's a bit of a different story...
Nat says hurtful shit all the time, it's just a part of dealing with her.
If she's the one who notices you upset, she'll ignore your reactions easily, knowing you're not brave enough to outright leave. Even if you did, she's tracked down much worse targets than a young girl with nowhere to go.
She'll wait it out as long as she can, hoping you'll give up and leave your room once you calm down so you can both move past it.
But god forbid, Wanda talks to you while you're still upset because then Nat knows she's in for it and now not only does she have to apologize, she has to deal with her angry wife.
Part of her apology entails her awkwardly telling you to brush it off because you know she didn't mean it and even though what she said still hurts, you've got to nod and say okay. Nat's not going to give you a better apology than what she's already offered.
Natasha sees you shying away from her just as quickly as Wanda does, but it doesn't bother her and she'd rather wait until you judge her as harmless yourself instead of coaxing you back to her like Wanda does.
If it's a physical incident...
Natasha tends to be notoriously terrible with words, but when it comes to actions, she'll make sure to right her wrongs.
Not much horrifies her besides hurting someone helpless and removed as she can be with you at times, Nat cares for you a lot and she's well aware of how much power she wields over you.
Consequently, when you get hurt on her watch, by her own misjudgment, she's the most protective you've ever seen her.
She'll bandage any wounds, even ice bruises you shyly insist you don't mind, shushing you each time you even try to diminish the pain you're in.
Because you fully expect her to tell you to brush it off like she does when she says something mean, even speaking up to tell her you're hurt is a struggle, having been scared she'd advise you to suck it up.
And Natasha hates that. So much.
After that, she tries her hardest to be gentler to you. Helping you along as you recover, fetching you whatever you happen to mention you need even faster than Wanda can... the whole nine yards.
Anything to show you she never relishes in causing you real harm.
This doesn't really mention how much it'd affect Wanda to see you hurt, but she'd be livid with Natasha, her own possessive nature wanting to huddle you away from her wife while she nursed to back to health.
But after some persistence, you convince Wanda to let Natasha help which does honestly surprise Natasha given how attached she knows you are to the brunette.
Even just that little bit of reassurance renews Natasha's confidence that she hasn't completely fucked up her relationship with you which yes, is something she worries about whenever accidents happen.
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chocojae · 2 years
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘  — jeong jaehyun (teaser)
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summary ▸ jaehyun had always thought that parting ways with you would have made his messy life a bit easier, but why is it that he so often finds himself all lost and your absence only makes his heart clench in loneliness? inspired by ▸ forever only — jaehyun
genre ▸ idol! Jaehyun x female reader | exes to lovers au | angst | fluff
word count (teaser) ▸ 667 estimated word count (fic) : 4k
release date ▸ tba
warnings (teaser) ▸ profanity
network ▸ @kflixnet​
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He should have known that cleaning his apartment on a sunday morning just because he wanted to be “productive” and get his shit together would make things worse for him.
He stares awfully long at the lavender coloured album titled “her”, which he had found on one of his shelves, sitting pretty and eating up dust. He gulped harshly as memories of you flooded his mind.
With his hand practically shaking, he mustered up the courage to flip to the first page of his once loved album, pupils dilating as his eyes landed on the first pic of you under a street lamp, the soft light illuminating your features and thus enhancing your appearance. You were smiling for the camera, pearl whites on full display.
He remembers that day vividly; when you both pretended to be strangers in your own hometown so that you could get lost in the familiar streets— a simple excuse to be in each other’s company for a little longer.
You were wearing a white top paired with a denim skirt, hair gently blowing with the breeze. Jaehyun stared at the photo a little longer than he would like to admit. You looked beautiful, as you always did.
He doesn’t understand. It was he who had suggested parting ways since his schedule was taking up a toll on him and the relationship just added to it, but then again, why is he the one who so often finds himself lost and subconsciously wishing your warmth would return to him, engulfing him like a cozy blanket?
Jaehyun’s not sure either. But what he is sure of, is the fact that there might be a tiny part of him that still longs for you. 
It’s been a little over two months since your break up with Jaehyun. And now the sweet memories you left behind seem to have left a sour taste on his tongue. 
Jaehyun sighed as he slumped back on his bed, the album falling on his chest with a soft thud. His orbs blankly stared at the white ceiling above. He misses you.
Hell, he had missed you the day he had shown up at your apartment door just to call it off, and he had hated how you knew his intentions before he could have uttered a single word.
The last kiss you shared at the door, the tears that flowed down those pretty eyes of yours as you held onto him tight, knowing that he is going to leave you; all those haunted his mind, playing like a broken tape.
Jaehyun thought he would finally get the much needed rest after the break up, but as each day passes by, he just found himself being more relentless than he was before. He admits he was selfish. He was selfish in calling off the beautiful relationship because he was too tired with his schedule to spare you some time. 
He opted to give up, and not fight. He should have moved on from you, it was supposed to be easy after all. But here he is, seeing you in his dreams, in his everyday life and as soon as he inches closer to touch you, it all vanishes — it turns out to be an illusion.
His heart gets filled with deeper longing. He wants you back and it drives him crazy. Jaehyun isn’t supposed to be a coward, but he became one when he let you go, and now he became a greater one when he chose to not accept that he in fact, still loves you.
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luna’s note ▸ here is a preview of what i am currently working on! i have always wanted to write this fic since forever only came out but after seeing an english cover of this song in feb (i think) my brain was finally ready to work.
if you want to be added to the taglist of this story please send an ask or comment under this post ♡ 
you can find my posted works here and more fic ideas here!
© chocojae 2023
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twstjam · 1 year
And if I were someone else (would this be easier?) - Part 1
If you woke and I was gone From the house that we made our home Would it bend you, break you, overtake your heart Like it did my own? (Easier by the Crane Wives)
Ship(s): Friends to Lovers Malleyuu
Word count: 3k
Summary: Your fae friend Tsunotarou had cursed the King. If you want to live, you're going to have to kill him.
Or: Actually, this one is pretty straightforward I think.
AO3 Link
Tsunotarou is fae.
You'd known this the moment you set eyes on his pale face. The sparkling magical lights lingering around him had made your unexpected company visible to you even in the inky darkness of the abandoned manor's grounds. Despite what he evidently was, you didn't turn him away.
Curious about his presence, you had greeted him like anyone would a stranger. You knew of course the conflict currently going on between the humans and the fae, but you also couldn't imagine that just saying "hi" to someone could hurt anyone.
"Hi." led into "Who are you?" , which then turned into "Good evening." s, and then "How are you?" s, followed by "Did you know that gargoyles have a function as drainage spouts?"
You probably should've stopped before things got to that point, but the world didn't end the day after so you didn't see any reason to. In fact, you only saw more reason to keep meeting up with Tsunotarou. As a fae, he had interesting views you were unused to hearing and seemed equally intrigued by yours as a human. He was also significantly much more intelligent than you, but instead of looking down on you, he eagerly taught you anything you didn't know. His knowledge was all book-smarts though, and when it came to something like social cues, he was suddenly the oblivious one.
Despite how objectively terrifying he should be as a tall figure draped in all black that seemed to manifest out of the shadows, you found yourself being endeared to him more and more with each night. You always ended up returning home with a big smile and a skip in your step. Even with your line of work restricting you to the grounds of the Rosehearts estate, Tsunotarou helped the world feel just a bit bigger with his unique mind and boundless knowledge.
But of course, as everybody knows; nothing lasts forever. You shouldn't have been foolish enough to think this would be an exception to that rule.
Tensions between humans and fae inevitably rose and with it your responsibilities in helping manage the Rosehearts estate. Things became busier and more hectic than ever, pulling you away from being able to enjoy leisure time and with it, nights with Tsunotarou.
That wasn't the only thing that slipped from you, though. At some point during all the chaos, wagons of rations caught fire— blue fire. In your overexerted state, you'd gotten too distracted to keep watch on Grim. Being beheaded by Riddle became the least of your worries when your menace of a monster cat was subdued and caged at the king's orders.
A part of you wanted to leave him to his fate. He got  what was coming to him. But the softer and undeniably bigger part of you twinged painfully at the thought of standing back and doing nothing to try and save your friend.
Curse you and your bleeding heart.
So you'd requested to meet the King. Though the mere thought made you want to hurl, once you were before him you got on your knees and touched your forehead to the carpet that no doubt cost more than everything you've ever owned combined.
And then you took the blame.
There, on your hands and knees before the king, you spun an impassioned plea from the heart, strung together with all the fancy sophisticated jargon you could possibly dig out of your brain.
The King wasn't swayed.
But of course, he was swayed by something a king like him could never miss nor pass on: opportunity.
Even from afar as you entered the grand room you were able to notice it. Sickly pale skin, bloodshot eyes, sunken cheeks, and glowing green veins beneath the King's skin that were most definitely unnatural. All of it stemmed from a bandage wound around one of his arms, stained an unnerving black and glowing green.
You'd heard about it of course—Everyone had. It was the sole reason for the drastic increase in tension between human and fae relations after all;
A fae had cursed the King.
And just like how he wasn't willing to forgive Grim's transgressions so easily, the King was hellbent on hunting down that fae. And so came his demand—and at his words your heart had sunk with realisation.
"Kill the horned creature. Avenge me... and you and your pet shall be pardoned."
Your fae friend Tsunotarou had cursed the King. If you want to live, you're going to have to kill him.
The King's words rewound in your mind—Over and over and over, like a broken record. Your eyes look ahead of you, but you don't realise you've reached the old ruins until your feet come to a stop on their own. After your audience with the King, you had returned home to the Rosehearts estate and pondered your options. Though you hadn't enlightened them on your new dilemma, even Ace and Deuce had left you alone when you'd asked them to, so you really must have looked like you'd seen Death himself when you showed up at the estate again.
You had a choice to make—Tsunotarou's life, or yours and Grim's. After what felt like hours of holeing yourself up in your room and thinking restlessly, you finally gave in. The King's terms had begun to repeat in your mind then, as if to remind you of the betrayal you've been ordered to commit despite it having been branded into your brain alongside the faded smile of an old friend from the dark.
The shadows of the mansion's garden welcome you with its fingers of overgrown weeds and branches that form ominous reaching shadows in the moonlight. The familiarity brought a strange sort of comfort, but the King's voice in your head chased it away as soon as it came. The light of both the moon and your lantern help guide you to the worn pavilion of crumbling stone where you and Tsunotarou have spent countless nights talking about anything and everything.
The lack of green lights around the area is apparent as you swivel around to find them. You can't help feeling a bit disappointed even though the rational part of you knows that even Tsunotarou wouldn't come and wait for you after so many times of being stood up. You hope he isn't too mad at you.
You set your lantern down on the bench so that you can cup your hands around your mouth and call out.
The name you call him by is a nickname. He'd seemed amused by you not knowing his true identity in an unexpectedly endearing, childish way, so you'd indulged him. At this point though, it's hard to imagine him having any name other than "Tsunotarou", but still, using it now leaves the taste of bile in your mouth each time you force it out of your throat.
"Tsunotarou!" you yell hoarsely. " Tsuno —"
"You return."
You startle at the sudden deep timbre of Tsunotarou's voice. You swerve around and sure enough, your fae friend stands there, tall and proud and dressed in robes of night as always. His black hair shimmers like silk in the moonlight and his reptilian green eyes pierce you as he looks down at you impassively, face glowing an ominous green as the glitter of magic lingers in the air. Even in all his tall, sculpted, flawless fae glory, Tsunotarou wouldn't be complete without the long horns that curve proudly atop his head like an onyx crown.
"So. How is life with the humans?" His tone is as stony as his gaze, giving off the impression that he holds complete disinterest and was merely being polite. You can tell though that he's upset by the slight downturn of his lips that hint at the beginnings of a pout.
Fondness suddenly swells in your chest and an unwelcome smile tugs on the corners of your own lips. You resist it and refocus on the matter at hand.
"I came to warn you," you begin, straight to the point. "The king's after you, Tsunotarou, because of what you did to him. He won't stop until you're dead."
You watch his face closely for his reaction. It doesn't change much in response except for the slight raise of his eyebrows.
"I see." He sounds more thoughtful now. He's even looking at you instead of through you, and whatever goes through his head softens his gaze to something that you're more familiar with. "This was something I foresaw when I cursed him. Regardless, it was inevitable that that foul man would search for a reason to slay me like a common beast, and yet..."
His expression eases into something warm, changing completely from its stoic countenance into something you might call affectionate. Tsunotarou steps forward and reaches for your hand. You allow him to hold it and the tension in your body unwinds, unbidden, at his touch.
"...you still came to warn me of the potential threat." His smooth, thin fingers rub over yours carefully, as if he is feeling the exact construction of your fingers down to the flesh and bone. An amused chuckle, a sound not unlike the darkest of chocolates, escapes his smiling lips. "My dearest child of man... I assure you that I am in no danger. Do not despair. I will ensure your journey here wasn't for naught."
You blink up at him dumbly. His smile lifting further contributes to your confusion.
"I..." Stunned as you are, it takes you a bit longer to string words together. As you struggle, Tsunotarou gently guides you to sit down next to him on the bench as if the past few minutes didn't just happen. As if the past few weeks didn't just happen, when you'd stopped seeing him without a word despite being his friend. "...You're not mad at me?"
"Mad?" Despite the question, Tsunotarou doesn't sound surprised, the easy smile remaining on his face. "Whatever for?"
His expression stays unexpectedly at ease, but it occurs to you then that, for whatever reason, your friend has a tendency of (badly) hiding his hurt feelings behind a facade of contentment for politeness . You once again feel that immense guilt weighing in your chest.
"You don't have to act like you're not upset," you sigh, gaze looking downward shamefully. "It's alright. I want you to be upfront with me. I don't blame you if you're mad. I'm sorry I stopped talking to you and didn't tell you anything, I—"
You cut yourself off with a squeak when Tsunotarou's hand on your back suddenly pushes you towards him, giving you a faceful of his built chest.
"Hush now," he tuts, fingers threading through your hair while the other rubs your back as if he was soothing a fussy child. "As I have said, please do not despair. There is no reason to. I admit that I was... disappointed in your constant absences, but I understand that you have many responsibilities as I do, so I forgive you."
Tsunotarou's embrace is unyielding and borderline suffocating, but you smack his chest (to which he is completely unfazed by) and he lets you up to breathe and also look up at him in disbelief.
"You do...?"
You'd thought you'd be happy to hear those words from him, but instead dread further eats a cavity inside your chest to be filled with heavy, unwavering guilt.
Tsunotarou's smile is tooth-rotting, soft and sweet like cotton candy, completely oblivious to your inner turmoil as he ghosts the backs of his fingers over your cheek.
"But of course," Tsunotarou hums as he eases back on the bench. He pulls you along with him and this time you find yourself half-sprawled on top of him. "We are friends, are we not? And friends forgive each other."
His words are genuine. Innocent. The fondness in his eyes even more so. Nothing about the fae sitting beside you indicates he was a horned monster you were meant to kill.
You don't meet his eyes as you swallow and force yourself to relax against him, to which he makes a pleased sound and rests his head atop yours.
"Yeah. Friends."
The two of you remain sitting in the pavilion together in that position, your head tucked beneath his as he holds you and talks the night away like he always does. The days you spent apart fade into nonexistence, and things return to how they were before.
Or at least, it was easy to imagine they do.
Tsunotarou's dark robes are silky soft beneath your fingers. His hands' motions combined with how comfortable you feel against him and listening to him speak would be enough to lull you to sleep if your mind was calmer.
Tsunotarou clears his throat and you startle out of your thoughts.
"Ah, I apologize," he says with a slight rasp to his voice. "I appear to be losing my voice. Heh. I hadn't realized how much I've spoken."
He carefully runs his fingers through the tangles in your hair. When you look up at him, your gaze is caught by his hooded one. You feel yourself go pale. Not out of fear—You don't think you could ever be afraid of him, even if you've seen proof that he can easily decimate you—but a sick feeling that twists your gut at the unrestrained affection on his face.
"Time seems to fly by even faster when I'm with you," his voice is quieter, the softest puffs of breath from his lips fanning over your own.
You sit up. Tsunotarou leans after you as you pull away. Your fingers fumble with the satchel you'd brought before pulling out a waterskin.
"I brought some water. Here."
The contents of the waterskin slosh quietly as you present it to Tsunotarou. The fae blinks, his hooded eyes widening  as if stunned by your offer.
"Ah." He recovers quickly, his smile creeping back onto his face. "Thank you. You're quite vigilant."
Your fingers are stiff as Tsunotarou accepts the waterskin. You smile, strained, as he uncorks it and takes a swig.
"Hm," you hear him hum, brows furrowing slightly. His eyes linger on the receptacle so briefly that you think you might have imagined it. His smile is the same as ever as he returns the waterskin to you.
You don't resist when he pulls you close again completely unprompted. He shifts slightly so he's able to comfortably lower his head onto your shoulder. One of his horns bumps the side of your head and his pale cheek squishes against yours.
Tsunotarou's touch is as careful as ever as he embraces you, his long sleeves draping over both of you like a blanket as he huddles in close. With a lump in your throat, you hover your arms awkwardly, unsure where to place them before reaching up and tentatively trailing a hand down the side of his face. His eyes droop closed. You can hear your racing heartbeat in your ears.
Your friend's weight grows heavier against you. He turns his head ever so slightly and his face is buried into your neck. You tense at the indentation of his fangs behind his lips resting right against your pulse.
You wait for something that doesn't come. Instead, Tsunotarou sighs, heavy and slow—content—and completely eases against you.
A beat passes. Another. Tsunotarou doesn't move.
"Tsu—Tsunotarou...?" you whisper shakily. You shove his shoulder. "Tsunotarou!"
He doesn't respond.
The cavity in your chest widens further. You feel hollow as you lift the fae off your shoulder and he's limp in your hold.
His head is a bit heavy, no doubt from his horns, but you manage to lift him up enough to respositon him so that he's instead lying on his side. You rest his head in your lap. An apology is caught in the tightness of your throat, instead spoken silently through fingers lightly brushing dark hair out of a peaceful, sleeping face.
Your fingers linger on Tsunotarou's face and you quickly pull away before you indulge yourself too much. Instead, you reach into your satchel again for the iron dagger you'd brought. It glints in the moonlight and you can't help but feel like it's taunting you.
If it could speak, you imagine that it'd be calling you a coward. It doesn't say anything though, and instead the only sounds that accompany you are your own rapid heartbeat, Tsunotarou's level breathing, and the squeaking of bats hiding in the night.
Another apology goes unspoken, instead coming out as a choked sob. Your fingers tremble around the hilt of the dagger as you raise it high with the blade pointing down. You resolutely do not look at Tsunotarou slumbering in your lap, blissfully unaware of your betrayal, but the effort proves to be useless.
Your hands shake. You scream. You bring the dagger down and it skids the side of the bench's seat as you fold over Tsunotarou in your lap, your shoulders shaking with unshed sobs.
Bats screech and take off into the night sky, but all you can hear is your own deep breaths as you try to calm your racing heart.
"I'm sorry," you whisper breathlessly into your friend's chest, who remains unaware of what his trust had led to— almost led to. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry—"
The dagger falls to the dirt with a thud, deceptively harmless. Tears finally flow from your eyes as you hold your friend and weep quietly. You're no doubt ruining his fine silk robes, but it's hard to care when you've come to terms with the fact that you'd just attempted to kill your friend to save your own skin.
What were you thinking? How could you have even considered killing Tsunotarou, who, despite very well having the ability to, (the King's ailment being clear evidence of this) never laid a hand on you or attempted to hurt you? How could you have been at the receiving end of his earnest smile and affectionate gaze and still almost gone through with the King's horrific demands?
You feel overwhelmingly ashamed of yourself. You cry harder into Tsunotarou's still sleeping body, uselessly rambling apologies between your sobs.
Your tears don't ease up, especially not when you realize that you're fully resigned to accepting the King's full punishment and that, as a price, this is the last night you'll have with Tsunotarou.
Come dawn, Malleus wakes up alone.
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staybabblingbaby · 2 months
Felix Tinder AU (First Date Part) A2 D3
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: You match with what you think is a Stray Kids fan account on Tinder. You get along great with the account's owner, and think it's probably your most successful match to-date. Little do you know who's actually behind the screen...
Word Count: 1,580
Notes: So this will probably be the actual beginning. Maybe. Some version of it, anyways. idk, the formatting for this one is a bit... And I still have to figure out how to make fake Tinder stuff without photoshop. I do not own adobe products. This may actually end up being the first writing part in a hybrid SMAU, so it might not be the first part at all. We'll see. I didn't read this one back for any editing notes bc This entire fic is fighting me rn and I don't wanna look at it lol
Warnings: None as far as I'm aware
Leave me comments or questions or anything! Love hearing from folks <3
Masterlist | Next Part (Coming soon!)
You nervously tap on your steering wheel, anxious gaze glued to the side door you were parallel parked directly in front of. You felt sketchy as hell, but this was the manager-approved pick-up method apparently. Or at least leader-approved. You weren’t really clear on the details.
You were still sort of processing that this was your life, actually. Details were a bit secondary to the big picture here, you thought.
At last, the door creaks open and the blond head you’d been waiting for pops out. After a brief cautious sweep of his gaze, his eyes lock on your car. You roll the window down to offer him an awkward smile and a little wave.
Then, with a bright smile that made your heart do stupid little summersaults, Yongbok Felix Lee is sliding into your beat-up little jeep. You’re shamefully distracted by his (very) pretty face for a solid 10 seconds before you roll up the window and start moving to a proper parking spot.
You may be dazed by his presence, but by all things good in this world you were not carting off a (sort-of) stranger without talking to them first.
“Hi!” He’s the first to break the momentary silence, sunny grin on full, blinding, blast in your passenger seat. Your brain stalls a second time as your (again) realize that Stray Kids’ Felix is in your car. Like right now. Currently.
“Wazzup?” You greet back with a cheeky little smirk. You feel a bit bad for Felix. Making light of things was your one and only coping mechanism. You hoped he hadn’t been expecting a serious candle-lit dinner from you.
Well. Candles, maybe. Depends on how late the two of you ended up staying out.
Luckily Felix seems delighted by your overly-casual demeanor, bumping your arm with gentle playfulness. It almost feels like you’re two close friends meeting up after a long time instead of (sort-of) near-strangers.
You know that if he spends enough time with you the shell of confidence you’re currently wearing will become transparent, but hopefully the façade would carry you through tonight.
“We’re just moving so we can talk without being in the way before we head out.” You explain, pulling into a shaded parking spot in the corner of the lot. You’ve pulled hopefully far enough away to not attract attention from the doors, but also not far enough to be creepy.
Felix nods, tilting his head curiously at you. “Sure, what are we talking about?”
You put the car in park and laugh a bit at his cuteness. “Just expectations and whatnot,” You say, unbuckling so you can turn and face him properly.
“Before all that, though, are you a hugger?” You hold your arms open a bit, not enough to actually touch him, and making sure you’re not leaning forward, letting him take the reigns of contact.
You worry you may be being a bit too forward, but you were trying for normality with all of this, and you really did open most interactions with hugs when you could. You were touchy like that.
Fears once again unfounded, Felix grins widely and quickly reels you in for as tight a hug as the two of you can manage whilst still seated. He reels you in so quickly, if fact, that your arms become trapped between the two of you and you struggle for a moment to wiggle them free and wrap them firmly around his waist.
As you settle in, you rock the two of you to-and-fro, and Felix lets out a content little sigh that has you melting into the embrace.
You sort of feel like giggling madly and tearing up at the same time. You feel a bit like you need to vomit, as well, but you hold all three urges back. It’s just that Felix holds you so warmly and delicately, you feel a bit like you might shatter before the night even begins.
You reluctantly pull back before you cross the bounds of appropriateness for a first meeting, skootching around so you can bring your legs up into your seat in a weird pretzel and start the conversation properly.
You want to coo at Felix as he imitates you and gets himself comfy as well. You’re down bad for this man already, unfortunately. IT’s best that you don’t let on quite how badly if you can help it. You don’t know if you can.
“So!” You start with a clap, “First of all, allow me to welcome you to our humble city.” You do an awkward showman’s bow, gesturing as grandly as you’re able when you’ve crumpled yourself into the world’s cringiest ball.
You’re so damn lucky that Felix seems so charmed by you so far. You’re begging with everything you can that your innate silliness will guide you through tis interaction without you panicking too hard.
“I’ve been here for several days now, first of all,” Felix starts, eyes twinkling with amusement and mischief. You play right into his hands, squawking with offense and playfully swatting at him.
You both dissolve into giggles as he tries to catch your hands to keep them from hitting him, and you loudly begin to complain, “Oh well, I’m sorry someone was too busy playing two fabulous shows to come see little ol’ me before now!”
“Oh, come on now, you wouldn’t let me get you seats, you deserve this ribbing!” He retorts back, finally catching your hands and putting a stop to your flailing. He pauses then, and you can practically see the gears in his head turning.
“Wait.” He tugs you forward by your hands, staring you down with an expression of delighted disbelief. “Fabulous show? Were you there?”
You quickly turn your head to hide the mirthful smirk on your face, replying only with a drawn out “Maaaaaybe.”
Felix gasps loudly, letting go of your hands only to lightly slap your knee, “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have gotten you backstage or something!”
You wave your hands in front of you, both warding off Felix’s playful attacks nd waiving off his words.
“No, no!” You deny him, continuing on to confess, “I actually had the tickets before we even started talking, I got them right as they went on sale.” You pause and duck you head a bit to hide your blush, “Besides, our first real meeting should be our first date, right? That’s how this works.”
To your slight mortification, you can very easily tell that Felix is trying his hardest not to coo at you, so you quickly rush to move on before he can interrogate you further.
“But we’re getting off track!” You exclaim, pointing at him in gentle threat. He holds up his hands in surrender, but you can tell by the smirk on his face that he wouldn’t let it go that easily. Still, he lets you move the conversation forward for now.
“So, I’m a bit paranoid,” You suddenly confess. Felix’s brow creases with concern, but you continue before he can get any weird ideas into his head, “I just wanna make sure we’re on the same page before we actually go anywhere.”
Felix makes a noise of understanding and gestures for you to continue.
“So I just want to make sure we’re both expecting this to be a romantic date and not, like, a platonic one.” You explain. Felix tilts his head a bit in confusion but nods along.
“Yeah, we’re on the same page there.” He agrees. His gentle smile feels a bit like he’s humoring you, but you plough on regardless.
“And I know we’ve already talked about this, but I don’t put out on first dates. I’m not into hookups, so even if you’re leaving tomorrow I’m expecting this to be the first of many or the first and last date.”
Felix seems to be cottoning onto the intended severity of the conversation, despite its relatively light tone. He nods along, seeming pleased about something. You pause to let him interject, but he just gestures you to continue.
You hesitate a moment, but then finish with, “That’s all, really, I just want both of us to be happy with things at the end of tonight.”
Felix smiles so fondly at you that you think you’ll combust, so you quickly reach across him to open your glove box to pull out a couple of papers, to Felix’s utter bafflement.
“Moving on!” You exclaim, pretending that your ears aren’t burning with the force of your blush, “I also have these!”
You present to Felix a paper with an address and your vehicle details as well as a map with a certain area circled.
“Ok, so, keeping as much a secret as I can,” You begin to babble as Felix examines the papers with confusion painted over his delicate features.
“But I was thinking about what we could do that didn’t involve being in public much and wasn’t expensive or anything, and I came up with a plan. A friend of mine owns some forested land with some nice hiking trails, so I thought we’d start there, but it’s a bit rural and I know it’s weird, so I brought both the lot address and coordinates and my car details so you can tell your people exactly where you’ll be and if phone service dies or anything no one freaks out and-”
You cut yourself off, realizing that you’d probably said way more than you needed to
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