#teen wolf 5x19
winnie-the-monster · 14 days
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whitedahlia13 · 1 year
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2x01 || 5x19
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so-long-soldier28 · 4 months
liam looks so annoyed every time theo talks and i love him more for it
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taiturner · 2 years
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#twaw2022: favorite episode (alt) ↳ SEASON 6, EPISODE 18: “GENOTYPE”
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haletostilinski · 6 months
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capricornsicle · 2 years
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Teen Wolf 5bx09/5x19 "The Beast of Beacon Hills"
How stupid are we to be doing this? We're not stupid, we're desperate. ... How desperate?
You can request gifsets! Drop an ask to make a request, and I'll do my best to fulfill it or refer to someone more capable. I'll accept any request except those for Derek, Stiles, and Peter, since they already have so much content in this fandom.
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bittersweetremains · 3 years
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letthestorieslive · 2 years
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Asked by @ksbbb : Mason + purple, white and gold
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usermischief · 3 years
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Theo Raeken in The Beast of Beacon Hills (5x19)
You have the entitlement and narcissism typical of your generation. In that, you are a profound success. But your failure taught us one thing. The banality of evil. That you were and would always be an ordinary evil. You think I’m ordinary? We believed that to resurrect the perfect killer we had to start with the perfect evil. From you we learned true evil only comes by corrupting something truly good.
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twlr98 · 3 years
Alternate Marrish Scene/Story:
Short explanation: Ok so the build up and scenes between Lydia and Parrish are so ridiculously beautiful. It would have made sense for them to kiss in almost every scene they had together in season 5. And after rewatching the series, I have to say, out of all the secenes the perfect moment would have been when they tried to stop Parrish from leaving in season 5 episode 19 (after Parrish saved Lydia in Eichen from screaming herself to death and Lydia was there for him when Gerard & Chris triggered his Hellhound side in that freezer object thing). So to make a point, to show how the scene could and should have gone, here it is, shortly written:
Season 5 Episode 19 - „The Beast of Beacon Hills“
Parrish turned towards his car, when he heard another car arriving. It was Lydias.
Lydia stepped out of the car, running. She stopped a few steps away from Parrish.
He looked angry. "You're out of your mind, you know that?"
"You can't leave" - she said, breathing heavily. She tried to look strong, but it was hard to hide her panic.
"I cant stay! Enough people died. The last thing you need is another harbinger of death."
"Yes, we do. We need you."
He didnt know what to say. He was trying to come up with another good reason to leave.
After a brief pause, Lydia finally found the courage to say: "I need you."
Parrish looked bewildered, like he couldnt believe what was happening.
She overcame the short distance that was left between them, whilst she ran and stumbled into his arms at last, and kissed him.
She kissed him with all her passion and love. She didnt want to lose him.
After standing there paralyzed for a few seconds, Jordan eventually realized what was happening.
He put his hand around her waist and pulled her closer. She held his neck. Everything felt right.
With each kiss they melted more and more into each other.
Parrish almost set himself on fire, controlling it, knowing he would never want to hurt her. He caressed her face.
After a while they slowly pulled away while looking at each other. "Is this another dream?" he asked, with both a small amount of fear and hope at the same time.
Lydia smiled, figuring that he probably already had dreamed about this happening.
"No. This is real." she said softly.
She felt their supernatural connection now more than ever, she knew she was the one person who could convince him to stay.
"Stay, Jordan. Fight with me. Fight with us. We have to be united to win this battle."
He was in awe of her radiating energy, inspired by her every word and action. It was much more than just their supernatural connection.
He loved her. And she loved him.
Without having to say a word, he smiled at her confirmingly, with his eyes glowing like a flame. He was ready to fight with her. To fight for her.
Sheriff Stilinski silently stood waiting by his car, awkwardly, but visibly happy that Parrish would stay.
"The Hellhound and the Banshee, fighting side by side." The Sheriff said, relieved. "Im finally not worried anymore."
He was opening his cars drivers door. "Now lets get this beast."
- The End.
Note: But the things they say in the original scene also arent too bad, especially for the plot and for him understanding his hellhound side, so I had in mind that there could be a scene afterwards in the car where they drive back into town and talk about those things. So...
Bonus: Car ride (scene afterwards)
Parrish was playing around with his deputy badge the sheriff gave back to him.
"Remember back when you started working at Stilinskis sheriffs station?"
Parrish nodded.
"You said you felt drawn to Beacon Hills."
Jordan looked up from the badge, listening attentively.
"I think you're here for a reason." Lydia said with sheer confidence.
"And its not do predict death, like me. I think its... to protect everyone."
Jordan had a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"I think that I predict, so that you can protect. You protect the superatural."
Jordan looked down on his badge. "To protect and serve."
Lydia smiled, she felt it. He did it. He is at peace with his identity, his true self. Both sides of it.
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eusuntgratie · 3 years
my laundry game was off on monday, so please enjoy some bonus wednesday teen wolf ramblings
5.19 The Beast of Beacon Hills
hmmm maybe we should’ve let scott help, eh boys?
noooooo bby no!!!
OKAY ACTUALLY NO. Fuck this stupid ass “stiles is flaily and drops the gun” dumbass fucking scene. are you serious with this shit? papa stilinski is the fucking sheriff, has been a cop stiles’ whole life. his dad has had his service weapon ON HIM for a huge chunk of stiles’ life. no decent parent who has a gun and a kid in the same house doesn’t teach that kid about guns. stiles would know how to handle a gun. he would know how to unload it, to check the safety. stiles wouldn’t be so suprised by the sight of a pistol that he drops it on the fucking floor. wanna know how stiles would react to guns? read Safety. fucking teen wolf. christ.
well that was gross and unnecessary
theo is the worst. also can we bring back characters i give a shit about, instead of all the gross ones? BRING BACK BOYD AND ERICA oh wait you killed them you assholes. GIVE ME DEREK AND ISAAC AND CORA NO ONE CARES ABOUT THIS CRUSTY BITCH
mmm yes big fan of stiles’ outfit yes
oh this bitch i keep forgetting about her. we don’t have time for you, ma’am.
holy fuck i’m so attracted to braeden oooooooof put me in a braeden/derek sandwich HHHNGHHHH
bitch why would they help you?!?! the fuck???
oh heyyyyy daddy argent 🔥
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winnie-the-monster · 14 days
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elizabeth-forbes · 4 years
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Scira scenes 58/?
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stilesedit · 5 years
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scottstiles · 6 years
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Someone get this man his sword
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stuffwolfies · 7 years
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like or reblog if you save, please ♡
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