#teeny tiny writing snippet
babyjakes · 2 months
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… oh? 🥺
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
Inject sugar yelling at Eddie into my veins
one injection of sugar yelling at eddie coming right up (below the cut)
His face goes through several revelries before he settles on an emotion, mouth agape as he shakes his head slowly at you, brows furrowed and all his creases exposed, “Are you seriously pissed off right now that the rockstar wrote songs about you? That I wrote about you, which is what I do for a living?” 
“Your job isn’t to write about me!” Thank God for soundproof studios. Your voice is rising, tone cracking with emotion, “I’m not fucking mad that you did that, I’m mad that you never called-”
“I did call!” he yells back at you suddenly. Not out of intimidation, not even out of fury. He has to do it – he has to match your volume just to be heard. “I called hundreds of times. Before the tour ended, when I got back, when I saw you were gone. I did fucking call-”
“I’m mad that you fucking left!”
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violaceumx · 4 months
"It can wait..." a deep sleepy voice emerged from underneath the sheets. His large masculine hand hovered over her smaller hand and beat it to the vibrating cell on the nightstand. He then pressed the 'end call' button and turned it over. He lastly intertwined his fingers between her's and gently pulled them back under the sheets.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
"You will beg for me, xxx. You will beg only for my touch, my mouth, my every indulgence. And when I decide you have earned it, I will give you the pleasure you so desperately crave."
I am now very turned on by this and will cease writing immediately because brain be weird like that.
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pistachiotalenti · 2 years
june 2023
Smiling, George pulls his eyes away from chat and shakes his head. Then after a quiet moment of hesitation, he speaks. "Happy June, Dream."
Over Discord, Dream scoffs. George scoffs with him and presses a hand over his warming cheek; it's weird, finally knowing the face behind the sound.
"Happy June, George," Dream wishes back, warmth spilling from his words and curling close to George, like a well-loved cat, or the yellow Floridian sun. "Happy middle of June."
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captainrufflebanger · 4 months
Hey *scratches neck like the drug addict I am*
I was wondering if *unholy sounds*
You got anymore of them *panicks*
Alcina in a suit pics *cries*
I FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS ASK FROM WEEKS AGO Hi sorry I don't have much that's presentable to the public but take this messy sketch dump I did after writing a teeny tiny fic snippet last year.
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Lady Dietreschcu
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pretzel-box · 1 month
Can we get an update about your Sebastian x read enemies to lovers?
Sure! I have the whole storyboard finished and started to write the first chapters. Might publish the first one in the coming week.
The whole thing will be called : As above so below
so you will find my works under #AsAboveSoBelow if you search it up on my profile!
I kinda was unmotivated because of the whole Zerum drama but it makes me happy to see people interested in my work!
A warning to everyone tho: This won't be a sugarcoated fanficion. Sebastian will be mean, kidnapper-behaviour, gaslighting, etc. warnings will be put at the start of each chapter. It's an enemies to lovers with some dark elements.
Chapter 1 snippet below
Unedited, non proof read.
The time on the wall clock displayed that it was barely some minutes after twelve in the noon. The warm sunlight creeped gently into the waitingroom by shining through the tall panorama windows of the building. A quick gaze to the side, to take a glimpse of the clock, was enough to tell you that it would surely take a few more moments till it was time to move away from the comfort of the leather chair you sat on right now. Your fresh desinfected hands clinged nervously onto your phone while swiftly scrolling through the list with the contacts that you had saved over the time you owned it. You were so concentrated that it slightly startled you, when another caller ID popped upon the bright screen of the phone, displaying the picture of your fathers face.
This particular man called you a lot lately, pushing his nose into your business after you dared to ask him for a teeny tiny favour, and you prayed that he wiould help since you are his beloved only daughter. But one of the things you didn't expected from him in that specific moment, was that he would take the oppertunity to call you, remembering that he was somewhere on the ocean.
He works as a high-class business man, sponsoring mainly a company called Urbanshade. You didn't knew much about them but your dad mentioning something about how they specialized in underwater mining with some high-tech inventions.
This explained his temporary stay on one of Urbanshade's ships, the testing and showcasing of another new underwater mining robot of some sort, called Trenchbleeder. Your dad funded the whole project in the past few months, so he was more than excited to see how his money is getting used for good reasons.
"Did they call you yet?" Despite the slightly static, the seagulls and the waves in the background, you were able to make out the strict tone in his voice. Of course he was curious. You have asked your dad if he knows someone who would hire you, his daughter. And of course, the first thing that he applies you for is one of Urbanshades research facilities. They didn't really looked for new employes in first place, but your dad was really close to the higher ups, so he bought the job for you. The fact he paid the company to take you made your stomach twist in an state of uncomfortableness but it was too late to turn back and say no." risked a lot by doing that for you."
He refers to the payment he has done for your sake and you can feel the pressure he dumped onto your shoulders.
You nod, even if your dad couldn't see it on the phone. "I'm at their building, sitting in the waitingroom. We sign the contract today." You tried to sound confident but you knew your dad saw behind your facade already. "They should be calling me into the office soon."
Your name gets loudly called through the room before your dad was able to reply to you, he would probably would give you another warning not to mess it up for his reputations sake. "Sorry dad, it's time."
You ended the call with a swift push on the red button, turning your phone ultimately on mute so nothing will distract the meeting you will now have with one of the higher ups at Urbanshade. The lady at the receptionist, told you where to go and another employee guided you to a glass room, showcasing a middle-aged man in an expensive looking suit. His arms were crossed and the way he scanned your application papers made your stomach turn.
The man must have noticed your little stare from the other side of the glass wall, since his head looked up from the file and it wasn't hard to miss the the coy smile on his lips. The previous expression on his face already replaced with a more welcoming one. "Ah, we finally meet. Your father told me already a good share abour you, little lady."
"I am grateful for the chance to work for your company, Mr.Wiltshire." The first impression counts, especially at a company as Urbanshade. And so you took the oppertunity to present yourself from the best side that you could possibly bring up, even if it means pretending to be something that you are not, in this case motivated and interested. Your hand almost raised up on it's own to offer a polite and respectful handshake.
"I assure you, we are the ones that are honoured to welcome you in our team.. Welcome to Urbanshade."
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myownwholewildworld · 12 days
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chapter 9 | main masterlist | series masterlist
out: friday 13th aug (p.s. i love fridays the 13th) pairing: outbreak!2003!joel x f!reader. (it's actually 2004 now) a/n: hello there! this week has been emotionally draining and it's only wednesday wtf 🫠 but writing this chapter has been therapeutic in a way so there's that! (also it's free unlike actual therapy lol) i'm leaving here a teeny tiny snippet of chapter 10, hope you guys like it! 🥺 thank you everyone for reading and overall being amazing <3 see ya! x snippet warnings: angst. buckets of it?
You suddenly groaned and Joel’s alertness went through the roof. He held you in his arms as you stirred, trying to get away in your haziness.
“Cold, so cold”, you mumbled, your eyes fluttering open for a brief second, your trembling hands looking for something to hold on to.
Joel captured both of your hands in one of his so you wouldn’t hurt yourself.
“I know, I know, baby, but I need to cool you off. You have a fever”, he reasoned with you, but your neurons were firing up so much with pain that your brain could not really register his words.
“Joel, it― it hurts, please make it stop”, you begged, more unconscious than awake.
The lump in his throat grew bigger at your plea. He knew he had to do it but couldn’t find the strength. Was he a coward? Was he so afraid of solitude that he would put you through such hellish torment?
“I will, darlin’, I will. Just gimme a minute, please”, Joel murmured against your temple, holding you tight, his breath shaking with anticipated sorrow.
He did not want to say goodbye. Joel was fucking scared of bidding you farewell ― his heart racing so fast, the pain in his chest returned worse than before.
taglist aka the drama wagon (let me know if you want to be added/removed from the list pls!):
@yesjazzywazzylove-blog @pedrospurplerain @missladym1981
@fancyyoouu @smolbeanzzz @thepalaceofmelanie
@guelyury @bishtrouille @harriedandharassed
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lexirosewrites · 5 months
Did I finish my fic today? Nope! But the better question is: did I redo my quote board on my writing desk?🤠
Anyway, here’s a teeny tiny snippet of “Keep Digging (UYFMHBNTYITG)” and part of the real title since the whole thing wouldn’t fit💛
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I really need to post a full updated photo of my steddie shrine soon. I think I have like 50 pieces of art, around 35 Funko pops, all sorts of keychains, plushies, 3 backpacks, numerous stickers and zines. It’s funny how deep I still am in this hyperfixation for how little I’m writing!!!
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iwanthermidnightz · 8 months
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This was a very good article! I loved hearing Kristen’s (and Jodie Fosters) perspective as a queer trailblazer. Inserting some snippets below 🤍
To get to this point, Stewart’s weathered more than a decade of unrelenting media scrutiny, first about her straight relationships, then about her gay ones, as she figured out her own identity. She leveraged her global stardom from the “Twilight” franchise not to become a superhero or a lifestyle guru, but to fuel an astonishing run of acclaimed independent films, including “Clouds of Sils Maria,” “Still Alice,” “Certain Women,” “Personal Shopper” and the Princess Diana drama “Spencer,” for which she earned an Oscar nomination.
“Whenever I hear that she’s doing something new, I’m so curious to see what it is, because it’s going to be a movie that hasn’t been made before,” says Clea DuVall, who directed Stewart in one of her only Hollywood films during this period, Hulu’s 2020 release “Happiest Season,” the first lesbian Christmas rom-com backed by a major studio. “She really is so herself. And I think that’s why so many people respond to her the way they do — because she is so authentic.”
By the time Stewart stepped on the stage of “Saturday Night Live” in February 2017, she’d spent the previous two years trying to convince the press that it was OK to write about her relationships with women, rather than resort to the vexing practice of referring to her girlfriend as her “gal pal.”
“It wasn’t even like I was hiding,” she says. “I was so openly out with my girlfriend for years at that point. I’m like, ‘I’m a pretty knowable person.’”
But even with that posture, the media’s “gal pal” dog whistle triggered a deeper, more painful history of intrusive curiosity about Stewart’s sexual identity. “For so long, I was like, ‘Why are you trying to skewer me? Why are you trying to ruin my life? I’m a kid, and I don’t really know myself well enough yet,’” she says. “The idea of people going, ‘I knew that you were a little queer kid forever.’ I’m like, ‘Oh, yeah? Well, you should honestly have seen me fuck my first boyfriend.’”
It’s worth dwelling on this point: For almost the entire history of Hollywood, queer actors dreaded the public discovering who they really were, and that fear kept the closet door firmly closed. “Because I was gay, I really retreated,” says DuVall, who came out publicly in 2016. “Even doing a teeny tiny movie like [the ’90s lesbian cult favorite] ‘But I’m a Cheerleader,’ people immediately were like, ‘She’s gay, how can we out her?’ I wanted to stay small.”
Stewart, though, went big, with a monologue on “SNL” about how President Donald Trump, in 2012, obsessively tweeted about her relationship with Pattinson. “Donald, if you didn’t like me then, you’re really probably not going to like me now, because I’m hosting ‘SNL’ — and I’m, like, so gay, dude,” she said to wild cheers from the audience.
“It was cool to frame it in a funny context because it could say everything without having to sit down and do an interview,” Stewart says before running through the kind of questions queer actors have had to consider before coming out publicly: “‘So what platform is that going to be on? And who’s going to make money on that? And who’s going to be the person that broke it?’ I broke it, alone.”
A few days later, I mention Stewart’s “SNL” monologue to Foster over the phone, and she lets out a big laugh. “I never knew that,” she says. “What a wonderful, funny, wry, modern way to be honest to the world. That’s just awesome.”
As Stewart talks about her “SNL” experience, I think about how no stars of her age and stature ever came out when I was growing up as a gay kid in the 1980s and ’90s. So to have her professional trajectory not skip a beat feels like real progress.
When I tell her as much, she takes the conversation in an unexpected direction. “Because I’m an actor, I want people to like me, and I want certain parts,” she says. “I have lots of different experiences that shape who I am that are very, very far from binary. But I did get good at the heteronormative quality. I play that role well. It comes from a somewhat real place — it’s not fake. But it’s fucked up that if I was gayer, it wouldn’t be the case.”
I try to clarify what she means: “So your career maybe would have suffered after coming out had you not affected a performative femininity …”
“… that I know works to my advantage,” she admits, nodding. “That’s why I’m fucking stoked about ‘Love Lies Bleeding.’”
Stewart didn’t let that scandal, as intense as it was in the moment, stifle her. Instead, she grew to fully embrace her queerness in her public life — like bringing her girlfriend, screenwriter Dylan Meyer, to the Oscars in 2022. “It’s not that I wasn’t scared,” Stewart says. “It was just that there was no other way to live.”
She’s even started to recognize that the most ostensibly heterosexual thing she’s done, “Twilight,” has its own queer sparkle. “I can only see it now,” she says. “I don’t think it necessarily started off that way, but I also think that the fact that I was there at all, it was percolating. It’s such a gay movie. I mean, Jesus Christ, Taylor [Lautner] and Rob and me, and it’s so hidden and not OK. I mean, a Mormon woman wrote this book. It’s all about oppression, about wanting what’s going to destroy you. That’s a very Gothic, gay inclination that I love.”
I ask Stewart if she understands how much her decision to come out has also made her a role model for LGBTQ people. She cackles. “Oh, you have no idea,” she says. “Every single woman that I’ve ever met in my whole life who ever kissed a girl in college is like, ‘Yeah, I mean, me too.’ I’m constantly joking with my girlfriend. I’ll be sitting there and be like” — she whispers — “‘She’s gay too. Everyone’s gay.’”
It can be easy to forget just how rare this still is, a giant movie star living such an openly queer life. “It feels like a generational thing, where I’m watching somebody make the leaps that I didn’t think I could ever do,” Foster says.
After fiercely guarding her privacy for decades, Foster came out publicly at the 2013 Golden Globes, and has just now played her first explicitly gay character in the 2023 biopic “Nyad.” Talking about Stewart has put Foster in a reflective mood. As our call is coming to an end, she offers this unprompted insight: “I get a lot of questions about who I was and what I represented in the industry, and was I — I don’t know …” She exhales. “Was I helpful in terms of representation? I’m sure there’s a 12- or 13- or 14-year-old when I was making movies as a young person who said that I had something to offer to them in their life as a queer person. I had to do it my way. I had pioneers to help the way, who I’m grateful for. And now people can be grateful for Kristen for being the pioneer. I’m just — I’m grateful to her.”
This sense of communion with the wider LGBTQ tribe is why Stewart has dedicated herself to embracing the fullness of who she is as a bro-y, butch-y queer woman in her work as an actor and, come hell or high water, a director.
“I was like, ‘I would like to be on that team because we need each other,’” Stewart says. “I didn’t want to be left out anymore. It was this whole world that I didn’t realize I could explore.”
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meloms-ao3 · 7 days
Teeny tiny dialogue snippet from the Destiel Kinktober Fic I'm working on at the moment :)
Wanted to share this very fresh-out-of-the-oven draft, tweaks and corrections will be made when I finish writing the whole fic!
His eyes shot open. Castiel stood before him, looking as monotone and unbothered as always.
“I’m here.“
Dean huffed, he remembered now why the angel hadn’t been his first choice when calling for help.
“I-I know. I can see you… being here.“ 
Castiel nodded and looked down onto the floor.
“Good, you have salt. But it’s not going to help you for long.“
“No shit Sherlock. That’s why I called you.“ 
“Dean, Sherlock Holmes is a fictional figure made by Conan Doyle. What does he have to do with this?“
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rist-ix · 2 months
Sorry for asking again, since I ask every time, but is there maybe somehow maybe a small little teeny tiny sneak peek for TBHTBH?
Sorry it’s just I love your writing soo much!
Do NOT worry about asking too much. I don’t tend to answer those asks unless I really wanna show something off, but they do always make me happy!
No snippets this time either I’m afraid, not because I don’t have anything to show but because I’m THIS close to finishing the chapter. It’s happening this week guys, I can feel it!
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apassingbird · 4 months
i've been tagged in various wip things by @neverevan @glorious-spoon @madneywedding and @smallandalmosthonest but i haven't really had anything to post until now so here we are! a teeny tiny snippet of that one buddie fic i started weeks ago and didn't touch again until last night:
Buck's presence is evident not only when he's physically here, but also on the few days he's not; it's in the way a pile of his newly washed clothes lies folded in a neat pile in one of the drawers in the dresser in Eddie's bedroom or the way his toothbrush keeps Eddie's company in a glass on the bathroom sink or how his collection of weird smoothies suddenly take up space in the fridge.
Then there's the touching.
The fleeting brushes of Buck's fingers against Eddie's waist when he walks past; Buck's knee knocking gently against Eddie's when they're in the fire engine, once, twice, before staying there, tethering Eddie to the ground; the way they have started to gravitate towards the center of the couch, shoulders to hips to thighs pressed together, whenever they watch a movie. Each night, they both linger for a few seconds, but Eddie still sleeps alone his bed, and Buck still sleeps on the couch. They never talk about it. What it means that Buck's all but moved in, or that Eddie, for once, doesn't feel anxious about sharing his space like that or that it's going to fast. With his exes, it always felt so rushed, like he just wanted to get it over with. Not that Buck is his- he's Buck, is all, and it's always been different with Buck.
i'm pressurlessly tagging the same people that tagged me plus: @bewilderedbuck @mandycantdecide @wllbyers and whoever wants to post a snippet of their own writing! <3
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poppypickle · 4 months
Half-Finished Fic Fest - Chenford
So I searched high and low for any snippets of Chenford fic that I never published, and I didn't find much. Then I remembered that I originally had the idea to write a strip poker chapter of Come a Little Closer, and I found this teeny tiny bit of dialogue. Someone should write strip poker Chenford if it hasn't already been done!
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“Want to play a game?”
“Isn’t that what we’ve been doing for a couple of weeks now?”
“I meant a real game.” She tossed the box of playing cards at him and Tim caught them in one hand. He flipped them over and stared at them for a second.
“You want to play…Old Maid? War? Hearts?”
“I was thinking poker.”
Tim lifted his eyebrows. “You came here to play poker?”
“One bet isn’t enough for you?”
“I guess not.”
“I…don’t have any cash. Or poker chips.”
“I was thinking we could wager something different.”
“Something different. You want to share your idea with the class?”
“We could wager…clothes.”
“You want to play strip poker?”
“I do.”
“I played a lot of poker during my army days.”
“Are you insinuating that I’m going to lose?”
“All I’m saying is…it might be easier to just get naked now.”
“Haven’t you already underestimated my skills enough during this bet?”
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roomwithanopenfire · 5 months
Six Sentence Sunday
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Thanks for the tags @monbons and @hushed-chorus, I love seeing what you're working on and I'm so excited to read the new chapter of Those Glowing, Magickal Years later today!!
I've actually done a little bit of writing today, added a scene to the eighth chapter of Proof of Life and did a teeny tiny bit of editing on that chapter (I'm rapidly catching up to myself I fear, a pause in posting is nigh 😭).
But good news! I only have one week left of school! It's finals week but I don't have too many tests and papers to work on and no classes to go to, so hopefully I can mix in a little writing into my day. And then after this week, I'm done with my first year of college—which still feels kind of insane to me.
I'm posting the newest chapter of Proof of Life (my Natasha Lives AU) tomorrow and this one is going to be good! You all will like it, I know. It was super hard to pick a snippet because less than halfway through the chapter [redacted] shows up and you guys aren't allowed to know about that yet, so enjoy some Penny and Simon dialogue.
Snippet and tags under the cut.
Penny considers this. “You really think Baz is hurt, don’t you? That it’s something serious.”
“Well, it’s either that or he’s plotting and, you know, innocent until proven guilty.”
Penny snorts at that. 
“Nothing,” Penny shakes her head. “Just, that’s pretty funny coming from the boy who’s convinced Baz is a vampire when there’s no proof.”
“There’s plenty of proof,” I splutter. 
Penny holds up a hand. “Please, spare the monologue, I’ve heard all of this before”
“You’re the one who brought it up.” I cross my arms, feeling a bit like a petulant child.
Tags and Hellos:
@facewithoutheart @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @run-for-chamo-miles @raenestee @onepintobean
@artsyunderstudy @prettygoododds @noblecorgi @angelsfalling16 @thewholelemon
@shrekgogurt @brendughh @a-maisie-ng @hertragedyconnoisseur @beastmonstertitan
@valeffelees @horsesarenotdeer @drowninginships @supercutedinosaurs @fiend-for-culture
@rimeswithpurple @cutestkilla @alexalexinii @ileadacharmedlife @arthurkko
Also I keep adding new people to this tag list and if you ever don't want to be tagged let me know 😭 tagging people will probably always make me a little nervous adlkfjadf
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drpeppertummy · 11 months
Can we have a Dan with a very gurgly tummy?
made teeny tiny little snippet of writing instead of drawing Forgive Me
[stuffing/liquid bloat, brief burping & belly rubs, light & silly burst teasing]
Jesse wondered sometimes how Dan managed to fit so much into her tiny belly, but there was never any wondering where it all went. Her tummy stuck out round and tight, fully exposed under her little crop top, and somehow, she was still going. Soft gulping sounds punctuated the ambient noise of the car, and Jesse could hear her belly rumbling as it filled up with more and more smoothie.
"Don't you feel sick? Your belly looks about ready to blow," he said, reaching out to give her distended tummy a cautious pat. It was stretched tight and hard, and he could feel it gurgling under his hand.
"Not really. Just full," she said, sipping on her shake. Jesse chuckled.
"That seems like an understatement."
Dan finally finished the enormous smoothie, and her stomach felt exactly how it looked: overstuffed and ready to pop. Smoothies were a weakness of hers; when she was drinking one, she just couldn't stop no matter how full she was, and she was regretting having gotten such a big one. Her bloated tummy grumbled and gurgled as it strained to process the enormous quantity of liquid that had been forced into it. Jesse glanced warily down at her bulging belly as it groaned and bubbled.
"Sheez, you even sound like you're gonna pop," he remarked, only half joking.
"Ooh, I think I might," Dan groaned, rubbing her drum-tight tummy. "Don't let me get such a big one next time." Suddenly, a big pocket of air bubbled up under her hand with a loud rumble, and she let out a long burp. Jesse laughed.
"Bet that felt good," he chuckled, taking one hand off the wheel to rub her belly. It was still remarkably bloated, but didn't feel quite so pressurized anymore.
"Yeah, it did," she giggled, letting her head fall back against the headrest.
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