#telenovela's wish they were them
I can't think of a title for these clone wars headcanons
Ahsoka does this thing that never fails to get a laugh out of the people around her and it’s the fact that she calls herself an angel whenever someone calls her out for doing something bad or reminds her of something she’s done she’ll look around before going “Who me? I’m an angel”
Which has the whole group bent over laughing hysterically sometimes they’re able to choke out a sentence that sounds like “Jedi aren’t supposed to lie” or something along those lines 
So I’ve had this idea for a while but I feel like something along the lines of sign language would be necessary for the troops to know if they’re on a stealth mission 
And even tho the Jedi don’t need to sign with each other it’s kind of common practice for them to learn some to communicate with the troops
Some signs can differ from troop to troop but they’re close enough that they’re easy to understand and it’s very rare that the other troop will get confused 
Sometimes those signs will leak off the field and into their day-to-day lives most of the time the troops will use signs to be kind to their Jedi who have migraines after a difficult battle but the signs are used the most around Anakin
I feel like it would be pretty easy for Jedi to get overstimulated especially if they’re as powerful as Anakin so it’s not uncommon for him to go nonverbal after a battle or if he’s in a force rich place
If he’s only kind of overwhelmed he’ll use Ahsoka and Obi-Wan as his interpreters and talk through their bonds but sometimes even that is too much so signs like “please” “thank you” “sorry” “hungry” “thirsty” “more” or “I’m okay” become pretty commonplace
It’s not enough to hold an in-depth conversation but that usually works in Anakin’s favor because drawn-out conversations tend to make him nonverbal for longer periods
When Anakin Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are stressed it shows up when they’re asleep 
Anakin sleep talks whenever he’s even slightly worried about something he’s woken poor Ahsoka and Obi-Wan up more times than the duo can count by saying stuff like “Hey hey are you awake?” while he’s out like a light
It freaks the duo out because he’s weirdly eloquent in his sleep bro is holding entire conversations do those conversations make sense to anyone but him? No but they’re conversations nonetheless
Ahsoka sleepwalks it doesn’t matter what happens during the day if it even slightly stresses her out she’s up and out of bed the second she’s slightly asleep it scared the force out of Anakin the first time she sleepwalked in their quarters because she was just standing over him menacingly 
The first time Obi-Wan was introduced to Ahsoka’s sleepwalking was during a sleepover that the trio was having and he had just drifted off to sleep when he heard the buzz of two lightsabers in the other room
Both he and Anakin walked into the kitchen to find Ahsoka standing with her sabers activated she wasn’t in a fighting stance by any means so they could easily disarm her but all Anakin did was ask “You want water snips?” and she nodded while holding out her sabers which he easily grabbed
Only after Ahsoka had a nice glass of water and laid back down did Obi-Wan ask questions the main one being “Is that normal?” and Anakins replies “Well the sabers are new” like someone talking about the weather 
It wasn’t until morning that the trio discovered Anakin and Ahsoka’s kitchen table was cut in half the togruta was incredibly apologetic but Anakin was just impressed that she managed to do it without waking them
Normally Obi-Wan snores like a lawn mower but when he’s stressed he grinds his teeth the real kicker is he grinds them so hard that it’s just as loud as the snoring and the only difference is the poor man wakes up with a sore locked jaw
One time Anakin heard a shiny say that they could never tell what Ahsoka was thinking and the other commented that she’s “like a vault” which had him doubled over in almost painful laughter 
When one of them finally gained the courage to ask him what was so funny he just said “If you wanna know what she’s thinking look at her face” and he’s not wrong girly has the most expressive face it’s like looking at glass
But the people who love her hope that trait never changes cause there’s nothing quite like seeing her face twist as she has to talk to some dirtbag or light up when she gets a compliment 
Recently I got some ideas when it comes to Clone Wars characters and baking
Anakin is one of the best damn cooks in the galaxy he’s also really good at making a meal out of virtually nothing it’s scary impressive but on the other hand the man can’t bake for shit
Cause with cooking measurements aren’t really needed in fact on Tatooine people would scoff if you asked for them but it’s kind of the opposite for baking unless you’ve been doing it for a very long time
So Anakin “Just pour it until it looks good” Skywalker hates baking with a burning passion which is funny because he’s got a sweet tooth the size of a gundark
Ahsoka’s only really used to cooking by Anakin’s side which results in her only really remembering half the recipe like girl can mince like no one else but she can’t make a full dish without calling Anakin to ask for help 
But baking is where this girl thrives she loves to bake and try new recipes which works out because Anakin’s the human equivalent of a garbage disposal with the aforementioned sweet tooth
Cody is pretty proficient at cooking and baking he doesn’t do anything fancy and he doesn’t really like doing either he mostly learned out of necessity cause
Obi-Wan and Rex can’t cook or bake for shit and they’re perfectly fine with that fact like they’re a-ok with living off government rations if it means they never have to step foot in a kitchen 
Padme sweet angel lovely girl thinks she can cook and bake can she….. No
But the thing is she tries so hard and puts her whole heart and soul into her cooking and baking so everyone tries to act like she can it’s the galaxies best kept secret and it’s one that everyone’s happy to keep
There was one time when that secret was almost spilled on Ahsoka’s birthday when Padme offered to make her cake and no one could warn the poor girl cause that would spoil the surprise party
All Anakin could do to rectify the situation was buy a cake from his and Ahsoka’s favorite bakery and hide it in their quarters after the party
During the actual party Anakin pulled her off to the side to warn her just before the cake could be brought out and from an outsider's perspective it looked like a sweet moment between the siblings 
But in actuality all was going on this “Soka you know how you said I was the best master you could ask for” “Yes I said it when I first walked in are you finally going senile” “Well remember all that love when I ask you for the biggest favor” “which is?” “Padme made your cake” “No” “And I need you to act like you love it” “Anakin please if you love me at all” “If you love me you’ll eat the cake and tell her you love it and once the parties over you’ll get to eat your favorite cake in the whole wide world”
And they kind of just sit there and Anakin swears a few tears fall before Ahsoka says “Fine” and he hugs the everloving force out of her before they walk over to eat a slice of the galaxy's prettiest abomination 
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
got bored so here's
Characters in BBC Merlin that i think had potential to add even cooler story arcs to the show if they didn't die/get ignored for the most part
in no particular order
Tristan & Isolde
Cornelius Sigan
or you know, we just got more with the Ladies of the Lake
Mary the barmaid
Leon, Percival, Gwaine, Elyan, Lancelot
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goodlucktai · 2 months
a bigger heart grew back
rise of the tmnt post-movie characters: leo & splinter, raph & splinter word count: 5k title borrowed from no hell by cloud cult
read on ao3
Splinter thought he had lived through all of life’s worsts already.
Losing his mother, estranging himself from what was left of his family, moving to the States as an orphan of his own making, falling in what he thought was love and losing his freedom as a direct result—
Years spent underground where he was forced to fight like a dog, an unwanted mutation that guaranteed his exile from society, that first bleak night in the sewers with nothing but the clothes on his back and four infants who depended upon him entirely and the utter conviction that he was going to fail them—
The resurrection of the Shredder, the collapse of Splinter’s home and the exodus of his children, the fear he had become unfortunately intimate with in those fraught hours—that his boys would become orphans, too—
Raphael’s escape pod opening and Leonardo tumbling out, eyes glassy and chest heaving with panic—sweet, sensitive Red covered in a fleshy pink parasite and forced to attack the siblings he loved more than life itself, those little turtles he had fussed over and carried and kept safe since he was just a little turtle himself—
But nothing compared to hearing the voice of his second youngest child as he prepared to end his own life.  
His precious Blue, who could sell water to a fish, bravely trying to convince his siblings that it was right for him to go. Already pulling away, beginning the vanishing act, even as Raphael begged him not to do it. 
All for that tiresome, nebulous greater good. As if any happy ending could possibly exist with Leonardo removed from the narrative. 
Splinter had thought he knew what pain was, but his heart, patchwork, secondhand thing that it was, had never broken like this before. He crumpled to the ground, and listened to Blue’s line on the comms explode into a strange whine and then static and then nothing, and it was over. 
His Blue would never crawl into his armchair for late night Spanish telenovelas again, Splinter realized. Would never wheedle and bribe and coerce him into chess matches, because he didn’t seem to know he could just ask and Splinter would play as many matches with him as there was time in a day for. Would never run from a successfully antagonized sibling and fill the lair with his ringing, infectious laughter. Would never fall asleep at the kitchen table over a medical textbook he pretended to be too cool for in the daylight hours. Would never effortlessly argue his twin out of the lab for dinner, would never lift Orange up on his shoulders to get a hard-to-reach mixing bowl because teamwork makes the dream work, would never painstakingly stitch together a ripped teddy bear for the brother whose fingers were too big to handle needle and thread ever, ever again. 
There is not a word for a parent who has lost a child. There is not a word for that particular flavor of grief that carves you empty at the same time that it fills you to the last hopeless, drowning inch. 
April sobbed openly beside him, her small, strong shoulders shaking. She had always been exactly what Splinter would have wished for in a daughter, and so the Hamato curse didn’t spare her, either. It takes and it takes and it takes. 
And then Michelangelo turned his back on despair and handed his family a miracle. 
Splinter could feel his remaining sons’ ninpo stir and then surge together, and the sheer forceful brilliance of it staggered him from all the way over on the other side of the city. He knew better than to hope—but he also knew that nothing existed in this world or the next that could possibly outstubborn his children, or strong-arm them into abandoning each other, or quite frankly make them do any single thing they adamantly as a group did not want to do. 
“Guys,” April choked out. “Talk to me, what’s going on? Hello?”
Thudding footfalls announced Casey approaching at a run. He jumped over one of the pinned Krang’s flailing tentacles as if he dodged ballistic alien parts every day of his life and skidded to the ground beside them on armored knees.
“I felt it,” Blue’s child from another life gasped, face tacky with half-dried tears. “That’s Uncle Angie opening a door. No one else could do it but him.”
Casey had a familiar katana at his side, blue and gleaming. His fingers seemed like they wanted to linger on the hilt but he handed it over to Splinter agreeably enough. The lingering ninpo in the blade usually welcomed Splinter warmly, eager to be of use, a telling mirror of the way Leonardo himself was so anxious to please and be praised. But this time the tool that Splinter picked up was an innate, lifeless thing. 
He prodded tentatively with his own qi. The runes flickered once, half-hearted, in the manner of a dog waking at the sound of a key in the door, ascertaining the person there was not the one it belonged to, and laying its head back down to sleep. 
Splinter would not be able to follow the whims of his son’s ninpo to create a portal while it lay dormant. His own uselessness crushed him. 
“Raph mentioned Staten Island earlier,” April said, wiping her eyes with the heel of her palm and pushing herself to her feet, business-like and brisk because she couldn’t afford to be anything else. “I doubt the ferry’s running, and the bridge is going to be a gridlock nightmare, so it looks like we’re stealing a boat.”
“If your mother asks, I did not condone this,” Splinter said hoarsely. “That said, the marina is too far to run to, so first we are stealing a car.”
They were halfway across the river in a cruiser that probably wasn’t meant to sustain the sixty miles an hour April was pushing when that startling shout of their family’s ninpo finally started to fade into a soft-spoken susurrus. 
Before it was too quiet to make out clearly, he felt it: that achingly familiar mischievous blue energy, like a playful breeze flying above everything. Much smaller than usual, less spirited—giving more of the impression of a tiny tide pool creature hiding inside its shell than a smartmouthed sixteen year old boy with the whole world in his corner—but present. 
“Sensei,” Casey whispered. 
“They got him,” April said, a ferocious, not-to-be-trifled-with look in her eye, all but daring the universe to try to make her a liar. “They saved him somehow, I know it.”
They were both Hamato enough to feel it as certainly as Splinter did.
But the boys hadn’t thought to include anyone else in their immediate, hard-won victory—and in fact, the call Splinter, April and Casey finally received some ten minutes later was one of outright panic. 
“Dad, dad, are you there?” Orange’s voice warbled. He sounded all of fifteen years old and frightened in a way that set Splinter’s fur on edge instantly. “Dad, Leo’s hurt bad. He was awake a second ago, and talking even, but then he stopped making sense and just—just fell—”
“I don’t know what’s wrong,” Purple added, high-strung and liable to start biting if one more thing went catastrophically wrong within a mile of his person. “I’m scanning him but I don’t—I’m not a doctor I don’t know—”
“Send the readouts to me,” Casey said quickly, pulling his mask down, its lenses glowing green as the interface came to life. “Sensei trained me in field medicine, I can help with anything short of an open-heart surgery.”
“You take after your father,” Donatello replied. “Irredeemable overachievers.”
That faint thread of gratitude in his voice would go unheard by anyone who didn’t know him, but Casey huffed a near-silent exhale, having heard it loud and clear.
What Future Boy had to share with them wasn’t great, but it wasn’t the worst it could have been, either. Leonardo had sustained a number of broken bones and soft tissue damage, the cartilage in his right knee was torn as if the joint had been viciously twisted, one of his cheekbones was fractured, and even his shell had suffered a few hairline cracks. Altogether, he was looking at a long recovery, not unlike what the survivor of a traumatic car accident might have had to look forward to—but he would recover. 
It wasn’t enough to prepare Splinter for actually seeing him. His Baby Blue, a tiny little thing in Raphael’s arms, with a face so beaten it was hard to make out the bright red stripe on one side. 
“Okay,” April said, voice thick with anger and hurt and love. “Okay. Everyone on the boat.”
And finally they were home, after the longest day in history. Casey confirmed his initial diagnosis, with the caveat that they would know more when Leonardo woke up. He insisted to an audience of grim faces that it was a very good sign Leonardo had been awake and coherent in the first place, however briefly. 
So Blue was disinfected and splinted and bandaged and medicated and then tucked safely away in the infirmary bed. Everyone else was seen to in short order. It was an easier task than it usually was, since none of them were remotely willing to leave just yet. 
Splinter made a mental note to call Draxum to double-check that Michelangelo hadn’t pushed himself too far in creating a gateway—the glowing lines on his hands had faded, and beyond an occasional tremor, he promised his family up and down that he was actually fine. Donatello’s shell was a quiet source of concern, but the only person alive who could harass him into a checkup without getting maimed for his trouble was currently very much out of action. Raphael’s eye was definitely infected, and blood vessels had burst when he’d ripped the parasite away, coloring the sclera an alarming red. 
The rest of the clan watched in some unspoken, exhausted wonder as Casey unthinkingly maneuvered around Leonardo’s infirmary as if he’d spent part of every day of his life there, knowing which drawer to find compression gloves for Orange in, locating topical pain reliever for Purple that he could apply himself and medicated eyedrops for Red in quick succession, before ultimately offering a bottle of extra strength Tylenol to April, who accepted it gravely. 
“You’re a weird kid,” she said. From her, it was a declaration of approval. “You better plan on sticking around.”
“Oh,” Casey said at length, surprised. Clearly, he hadn’t thought ahead to what the after of his mission would be shaped like. His gaze lingered on Leo’s little bundled-up figure in the bed, so full of love and grief for a man who didn’t yet exist, and Splinter thought to hell with it. The kid was as good as his grandson if you squinted. 
“We’ll find a bed for you,” Splinter said, some tiny corner of his mind free from screaming worry and bone-deep exhaustion already plotting where to make room for another subway car. “In the meantime, the sofa is yours.”
With that, five out of six children had been packed off to sleep. It took April and Michelangelo combined to pry Donatello’s hand from Leonardo’s, and subsequently his entire person from the infirmary. Raphael pulled a chair up to Leonardo’s bed and Splinter didn’t try to argue him out, knowing when to pick his battles. 
Red had a familiar look on his face, an elephant in the room that often went unacknowledged for both their sakes. That look that said you’re his father but he’s my kid, too.
He had earned the right. No one could argue that. Late night vigils were his wheelhouse and had been ever since he was about nine years old. When Splinter didn’t have to be quite so present—when he started to let the tired gray encroach more and more, when he stopped getting out of bed right away at the sound of a child crying—Red quietly learned how to tend fevers and stomach bugs and bad dreams. 
Soon enough, the boys stopped calling for daddy when they were hurting and started calling for Raphie instead. And their Raphie always came when they called.   
Which was why it must have hurt like a blade piercing clean through his ribs when Leonardo finally stirred at something approaching two o’clock in the morning, blinked muddy gold eyes open slowly, looked up at the familiar shape of his biggest brother beside the bed, and flinched. 
The world hadn’t ended yesterday. It was happening now instead.
Splinter had thought he knew what pain was. But life did not seem to ever run out of brand new lessons to teach. 
“Leo,” Red whispered, heartbreak obvious in every inch of him. His hand was frozen in the air between them, arrested right in the middle of reaching out. 
“No,” Blue managed, twisting around like he would attempt an escape the second he figured out where his limbs were in relation to the bed, IV be damned. The lines on the heart rate monitor started to crest dramatically. 
“Leo it’s okay it’s—it’s me, I’m not—I’m not going to—I would never hurt—” 
His voice strangled itself into silence. After all, at least some of those grisly black and blue marks around Leonardo’s neck were from him. 
“Papa,” Leonardo cried out, the call reaching directly into Splinter’s heart with hooks and yanking him out of his chair. “I want papa, please, please—”
Clambering onto the bed, minding all the hardware, Splinter placed a careful hand on his second-youngest’s feverish head to soothe him. 
He felt like an imposter, especially with Red still frozen like a statue behind him, but that part of his heart that had been smothered once, allowing his children’s cries for him to go unanswered and someone else to pick up the slack, was the loudest part of him now. 
There was physically nothing else he could do but stroke that bruised forehead with the pad of his thumb and tell him, “Hush, Baby Blue, your papa is here. You are safe. You are home.” 
Leonardo turned his face into Splinter’s hand, hiding as much as he was capable of. Raphael took one staggering step back, then another, then turned on his heel and fled the way Splinter had no memory of him ever doing before, infirmary door crashing behind him. 
Torn completely in two, Splinter summoned conviction from those ancient spirits housed in his soul and forced himself at knife point to be strong for his family for once in his goddamn life. 
“What are these tears for, silly turtle?” he murmured, the same way he had when Leonardo still mostly fit in the palm of one hand. Back then, all Leonardo wanted was to be held. He wondered if that was still true. “You are the safest little turtle who ever lived. There is no one left in this world who is stronger than the people who love you, don’t you know that? Your baby brother pulled down the stars for you. Your twin did not let go of your hand even once. And your big brother carried you home. You are safe. You are so loved.”
It was a nonsense litany for the most part, all true things said to someone who clearly was only absorbing every third word or so. But Blue stopped hiding his face at some point, eyes wet with tears he is even now too stubborn to let fall. 
Splinter felt as though he was looking at a childhood memory of himself, trying to be strong when it would have been better—kinder—to allow himself a much-needed moment of weakness. 
“You think you’re too grown-up to cry in front of this old man?” he said, gently pinching Blue’s cheek on the side of his face that hadn’t been crushed beneath a monster’s fist. “Try again in about a hundred years.”
Blue blew a tired raspberry at him. Splinter laughed, surprised at the show of spirit, his heart doing cartwheels at this proof of his irrepressible little boy unchanged by the close brush with tragedy. Winning a laugh from his father was enough to coax the ghost of a smile across Blue’s face. 
“How are you feeling? We have some water for you here. No, don’t sit up. Let me help.”
He really ought to let everyone know Blue was awake, but they had just gone to sleep. His other kids needed their rest, too. It had been a truly terrible day. 
And now that Red was out of the room—that thought dripped with oily, unpleasant guilt—Blue seemed to be in a more solid state of mind. He had winced as he tried to sit up for water, but if he didn’t have whiplash after a psychotic alien flung him around like a terrier would its chew toy, Splinter would eat his tail. There were none of the red flags Casey had warned him to be on the lookout for. The only thing Draxum had done right in his life was develop a mutagen that made these boys all but indestructible. Splinter would have to find the mental fortitude to choke out a thank you to him for that. 
“It has been a long time since a sick little turtle has called for me,” Splinter murmured, stroking Blue’s forehead around the bandages. “Normally you are all ready to fight each other to the death to monopolize Red’s attention.” 
It was only partly a joke. Leonardo gazed up at him, eyes glassy. It was hard to gauge how much of their conversation was sticking the landing and how much was somersaulting straight over his sluggish head. 
Then Leonardo said, “He hates me.”
“Pardon?” Splinter said stupidly. 
His son blinked, and finally fat tears rolled down his cheeks, soaking into bandages on one side, unchecked on the other. 
“He hates me,” Blue insisted. “He’s right. It was my fault.”
“No one hates you,” Splinter said, reeling. He’d been right here the whole time and yet somehow he was suddenly flailing about two miles behind. 
“You didn’t see his face. You didn’t see—and his eye—all because I—I couldn’t—” He sobbed, an awful sound, and turned to press his face into his pillow. Once he started crying he couldn’t seem to stop. The rest of his words stumbled out thick and choked and terribly sincere. “I couldn’t just—be what I was supposed to be. And he—and it was all my fault.”
There were few things Splinter regretted more than his fumbling of the leadership role. He had always known that Blue was too clever for his own good, that he had a head for strategy—as evidenced by his early mastering of chess, entirely outpacing Splinter’s own skill level by the age of eleven. 
Acknowledging that in theory and learning to trust it in practice were two separate beasts, but watching from the front row as his baby outsmarted Big Mama of all people left little room for doubt. 
On the other hand, Red was as solid and dependable as they came, the foundation his siblings built their whole lives on. As far as they were concerned, the sun only rose in the morning because Raphael hung it up there. 
But Splinter’s eldest son was prone to anxiety that tended to fall on him like a guillotine, a kill switch to his rational thought. The twins floated terms like ‘panic disorder’ and the entire family was well-versed in helping him through his episodes, but if even an ounce of the burden on his shoulders could be reduced, that could only help. 
Red would be happier and function better in a support role, where his top priorities would be to protect his little brothers the way he always had protected them, and to smash whatever Leonardo pointed him at. 
Splinter should have sat them both down and explained it. He shouldn’t have left Red to feel as though he had done something wrong, that he had failed somehow. And he shouldn’t have let Blue believe he would be shoved into the deep end and left to sink or swim.
His boys were little gremlins who thrived in chaos and learned best on the fly. Splinter had thought the surprise announcement would have been an utter shock at first and the new normal by dinnertime. They were always so much on the same page, so in tune with one another, that he couldn’t have guessed it would turn into the tangled mess of hurt and frustration and miscommunication and blame that it did. 
He should have stepped in the first time Red punched through a wall in a fit of anger and Blue laughed as though his biggest brother’s good opinion of him didn’t matter in the slightest. Instead he was a coward, unable to face them and admit his wrongs. He left his children to resolve it themselves and suffer in the meantime. 
He should have done better. Maybe one day he would learn. 
For now Splinter held Blue’s face in one hand and wiped it clean with a cloth in the other, patient with every new flood of tears. The last time he had seen Blue cry was the night the Shredder destroyed their home and killed Karai. There had been no time to comfort him then. 
He takes after his Gram-gram, Splinter thought, and tried not to resent her for it. 
“No one hates my sweet Baby Blue,” he said, willing the stubborn child to hear him. “Especially not my other sweet baby Red. You are a very confused turtle, that’s all. You will see. No one hates you.”
“You don’t,” Leonardo mumbled. “You’re not allowed to. You’re my dad. You don’t have to like me, but you’re not allowed to hate me. S’in the—the contract. You signed it. Legally binding. No arbi-arbi—”
“Arbitration. I would like to study your mind under a microscope. Maybe then I will have a hope of understanding these twists and turns it takes.” 
Splinter’s voice sounded nothing but fond even to his own ears. 
His children were all incredible people worth knowing, worth living for, and it was a very special joy to still be surprised after all these years by how much more he loved them today than he did the day before. To think about how much more he would love them tomorrow, even though it felt impossible to love anyone more than he loved them right now. 
“You are so important, Leonardo,” Splinter said gently. “To me, and to your siblings, and to your friends. We would miss you so much if you weren’t here. We all want to see you get well.”
“It’s not about me,” Blue said, wobbly and miserable and matter-of-fact. “I know it’s not. I have to make up for it. I’ll prove—prove—”
“You have nothing to prove. It was not your fault.” Splinter pressed Leonardo’s chin gently to close his mouth when he inevitably opened it to argue. “Hush. You did not steal the key. You did not open the door. It was not even your responsibility to stop either of those things from happening. You are a child. It cannot be any one person’s duty to save this planet on their own. That doesn’t even make sense.” 
Blue’s expression was becoming thunderous, which was silly and endearing, because his cheeks were still tacky with the remnants of his tears and half of his face was a swathe of bandages and without his mask he looked years younger than he already was. Splinter felt affection unfold in his heart like one of those absurdly big tropical flowers with petals the size of dinner plates, taking up more room than it was allowed and spilling out the sides and going on forever. 
“Can I tell you something else? Your brothers aren’t allowed to hate you either. It’s in the contract as well.”
“They do,” Blue said tearfully, face still screwed up beneath Splinter’s hand. But his eyes drifted in the direction of the door, and the wanting in them was plain to see. Splinter took matters into his own hands. 
“If I’m right, you must finish watching The Strange Return of Diana Salazar with me.”
His son took a moment to digest that, slower on the uptake than usual. Finally, he asked, “Don’t we have like a hundred episodes left?”
“I said what I said,” Splinter said sagely, then patted his cheek and hopped down from the bed. 
He found Raphael exactly where he expected to find him, sitting just outside the cracked infirmary door, a hunched over shape that seemed unwilling to take up a single unnecessary inch of space. 
Red stared up at him, unbandaged eye wide. 
“I don’t hate him,” he blurted. “I could never—I wouldn’t even know how.”
“I know, my dear.”
“Even if he’d done it on purpose,” Red went on. “Even if he stole the key and took it to the Foot and opened the door with his own two hands, I wouldn’t have done a single thing differently.”
Splinter had worried when the turtles were very young that Raphael would frighten one of his siblings accidentally. He was so much bigger than them and toddlers were not well known for their self control or emotional regulation. It was a lingering fear that Red would say or do something he did not mean in the heat of the moment, and alienate himself. That something would happen in a split second that would cause his brothers to grow up wary of him. 
It was an unfounded worry. Raphael was a quiet little boy, the last of the four to start talking, and as sweet as an American dessert. Splinter’s little apple pie. Even as he got older and started playing rougher, testing his strength and raising his voice, he never forgot when he needed to be gentle. 
His brothers never ran from him unless they were avoiding bedtime or a well-deserved grounding or really did not want to go watch wrestling, Raph, it was boring. Otherwise he was their North star. 
Even now, Leonardo would rather hide himself away than face a world in which he no longer had a Raphael to run to. 
“How could he think that?” Red asked desperately. “He was going to die back there and he thought that’s what I wanted.”
Splinter cupped Red’s face in his hands and told him, “Blue was trying to do what his hero would have done. All of my children are so quick to sacrifice for each other. It is a wonderful thing to love someone so much, but consider the example you are setting.” Red’s good eye filled with tears, and Splinter was powerless to do anything but kiss him firmly on the forehead. “As empty as our lives would have been without him, they would have been just as empty without you. You are fundamental to us. Please remember that.”
“I know, pops,” Raphael whispered. “I’ll remember.”
“It is not always possible to win without losing but we must fight tooth and nail anyway. Abandon honor and heroism. Do what it takes to bring yourself and your brothers home. I would much sooner tell the great Hamato clan where they can stick it then let you join them before your time.”
It coaxed a shy smile from his eldest son, the barest exhale of a laugh. Still his sweet apple pie, no matter how big he got. 
“I’m gonna go see him,” Red said bravely. “I’m missing out on premium Leo time while the gremlins are asleep.”
“Very wise,” Splinter said, patting his cheeks in approval.
Leonardo had managed to drag the blanket up over his head while no one was around to stop him, and only one golden eye peered out at them from his makeshift shell. 
Raphael snorted and leaned over to peel it back down, heedless of his smaller brother’s protests. He let one hand linger on Leonardo’s scuffed plastron, and the other cupped the back of his bruised head. 
“You’re so dumb,” Red said. “I love you more than anything. If you ever try to go anywhere without me ever again, I’ll make your life a living hell. Capiche?”
Blue stared up at him. It’s very possible he didn’t understand every word of that. But the tone seemed to get through. 
His hand drifted up slowly, as if it weighed a thousand pounds, to cover the one planted on his chest. When the world didn’t end and his big brother continued to smile down at him like nothing between the two of them was any different than it used to be, Blue risked a smile back. 
“I capiche.”
“You’re not alone, okay?” Red went on, playfulness gentling into sincerity. “We’ll figure it out. I’m in your corner, right where I’ve always been. But for now let’s get some sleep, big man.”
He didn’t move his hands even after Leonardo had dozed off. He just hooked his foot around the leg of his chair and scooted it closer to the bed before sinking into it. 
Splinter joined him, and felt both aged by the last hour and rejuvenated. He needed a good pair of running shoes to keep up with these kids.     
“He never asks to play chess with anyone else you know,” Red said suddenly. 
Thrown by the non sequitur, Splinter could only offer an intelligent, “Huh?”
“Leo only learned how to play because of a comment you made once about—I don’t even remember what you said. But it stuck with him. He wanted to impress you. And he started learning Spanish because of those weird soaps you guys watch. He drove us crazy practicing every day but he never let up.
“I know that it seems like he does whatever he wants without rhyme or reason, but I think he just tries really hard to make it seem that way. Otherwise we’d all clue in to the fact that every single thing he does is just—him trying to get closer to us somehow. And then his cool guy cover would be blown. And god forbid that.” 
Raphael brushed his thumb over the crown of Leonardo’s head, much like the way Splinter had earlier. 
“He doesn’t love you for no reason, pops,” Red went on, not looking at him. “None of us do. Even when getting out of bed was the hardest thing in the world, you came running when I needed you. Every time I needed you. I learned all my moves from the best.”
Splinter had seen the worst of the world. He was no stranger to pain. 
It was only occurring to him now that the opposite was also true. 
His life was so full of impossibly good, underserved things; every day a little brighter, every night a little richer. 
Four little creatures tumbled into his world by chance and then filled it to the brim with mayhem and color and laughter and pride, and he would not take a second of it back. He would not change a single painful part. 
If only he had known as a young man where he would end up someday. It would have made those earlier years so much easier to survive. 
Pretending his own eyes weren’t wet, Splinter said, “It will be hell on earth in the morning when Orange discovers we let him sleep through Blue waking up. You had better rest while you can.”
Smiling to himself, Red folded his arms on the side of the bed and rested his head in them, tilted so that his brother was within line of sight of his good eye. He had capitulated to the changing of the guard without complaint, but he was still tense. Primed for danger. Anxiety no doubt at play. 
But Splinter was not without his tricks. He stroked Red’s carapace between the spikes, humming an old TV theme song under his breath. He did this for upwards of an hour once, back when Red was still small enough to be held in his lap, fussy and clingy after a bad dream. 
Sure enough, with a great, shuddering sigh, Raphael’s shoulders went slack, and his breathing evened out—asleep within moments after the day he’d had.  
“I’ve still got it,” Splinter murmured, and let himself have the win, as small as it was. If nothing else, he could give his children a safe place to rest. 
And that really was no small thing at all. 
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averageallogene · 1 year
Resubmitting because my WiFi weirded out when I was posting.
Jean convinces Diluc to dump you for her, because you are, in her own words, 'Not noble enough'.
With nothing holding you back in Mondstadt, you return to Inazuma to take up your Clan duties.
Less than a year later, you receive Diluc and Jean's wedding invite and you attend with Ayato as your plus-one.
At the reception, Eula instantly recognizes your Clan crest on your obi belt.
Jean proceeds to mock you as she makes her rounds to greet her wedding guest and Eula defends you, stating that your Clan is the overseer of the Tri-Commission *and* the First Clan of Inazuma, out-ranked only by the Raidan Shogun and Yae Miko. And you are its Clan Head.
Diluc ♡⊹˚ Not Enough (SFW)
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fem. reader (3rd person) ; angst. cw for jealousy, heartbreak. Implied Ayato x reader.
4k words.
notes. Alright I am back with a bag of piping hot telenovela drama! I had a lot of fun writing this, even if I fear my Jean and my Diluc turned out a little ooc? Oh and Ayato is a petty menace. Well, suffice to say I took some liberty with this one- I hope we can just slide past through it and I’ll get better at their portrayals  eventually <3. Enjoy!✧˖°
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The tranquility of Mondstadt, accompanied by the welcomed breezes it brought daily, was enough for anyone to fall in love with the country. The land of the Anemo Archon was blessed with peace, as well as a beauty to behold as its people were one of the most welcoming [F/N] had ever come across. It had been enough to compel her to stay a little longer when she’d begun traveling around Teyvat, with it bringing something more that urged her to remain there.
Diluc Ragnvindr, an otherwise very well known bachelor of Mondstadt, had certainly caught her eye. The feeling seemed to have been mutual, for [F/N]’s appearance and Inazuman style of clothing definitely stood out amongst the usual crowd. It had begun friendly enough, the winery tycoon seeking information regarding the Inazuman palette when it came to alcoholic beverages. Of course, as a businessman Diluc had plans of expanding to other nations, with  or without vision hunt decrees meddling in the middle. During that time, [F/N] had remained in Mondstadt, visibly stressed with the fate of her country. Thankfully, she had a friendly shoulder to rely on on the same wealthy bachelor. It turned out Diluc wasn’t all appearances, his very being burning with a gentleness that was enough to swoon the young woman off her feet. 
[F/N] was far from her family during said time, and exchanging letters was difficult. She’d never been exactly too open when it came to them, yet no one wished to pry. With the borders closed, she had next to no possibility of returning without possibly being detained, regardless of status. War reeked with personal vendettas after all, and to someone of high status as herself, many would indeed covet to take what was hers amidst the chaos. Unbeknownst to her, it had been these early signs of trouble that had helped her in convincing her father of letting her seek out the world whilst she could, sending his only daughter off to the land of the free before she too were to be caged down by duties and unfortunate circumstances.
Homesickness was terrible, but thankfully she had Diluc to aid her. Together they’d spend time together, whether that was in Angel’s Share as the bustling tavern closed its doors for the night, or whenever he offered her to have a tranquil walk through the Dawn Winery. His estate had quickly become one of her favorites, the scenery and the sound of the rustling leaves bringing an inner peace strong enough to temporarily wash away her worries. With the more time they spent together, they found more in common that they had, including dreams, plans for the future, even hobbies. It wouldn’t be difficult to find the pair reading by the fireplace, or even discussing various topics while enjoying a game of chess, hence many murmurs of Diluc’s sweetheart beginning to circle throughout Mondstadt. 
Still, he was a traditional man when it came to such affairs. Diluc was one to take things slowly, yet it was more than noticeable the way he held her hand gently, the way he’d open doors whenever they arrived somewhere, the way his hand would linger on her lower back as they walked through the streets. It wasn’t as though they were official yet, but to [F/N], it was more than apparent she was being courted. And truth be told, her heart couldn’t leap any higher.  Sadly, her expectations would come crashing to the ground, coincidentally just as the climax of the vision hunt decree took place miles away in Inazuma. 
Diluc had grown hesitant, a little distant even. He was a man to remain firm in his beliefs, yet with the right approach and from the right people, even the most determined man could falter. He’d told [F/N] of stories of his childhood, of happier times when his father was around, of times he and Kaeya got along well. Of times he had friends over at the winery, when his mind would only be preoccupied with fantasies he’d construct with his friends at the height of their innocence. [F/N] had listened to him happily, content with the idea of him having a good childhood, of having good friends. Good friends such as Jean Gunnhildr. [F/N] had noticed the way her glance would sparkle at him, yet they were only friends he’d reassured her, and it would’ve definitely seemed as such before it no longer did. The young lady wasn’t ignorant; the way Jean eyed Diluc paralleled the way she did as well, yet she had confidence in the chance she had with him until he’d taken the first step backwards.
He’d been calm, gentle with her upon shooting her down. His heart was murky, he had too many responsibilities. He had a lot to take care of between his tavern and his winery, as well as other responsibilities she wasn’t aware of. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to commit, and he was most sorry for leading her on. [F/N]’s heart broke with the way she was shot down, yet she gracefully smiled still, thanking him for his honesty. Even though she was the one being rejected, the woman placed a friendly hand on his arm, ensuring there were no harsh feelings, as well as wishing him the very best. Wishing that he soon find himself, reassuring that she would always support him. The urge to cry was strong, more so with the way his often gentle gaze shifted away from her. Yet, [F/N] persevered, pushing back any theories her mind crafted as the man she’d grown to love was swept away from her fingers. 
A gut feeling whispered to her that Jean had been the instigator, yet with no concrete proof, [F/N] was left out in the rain as Mondstadt grew less and less picturesque. The winery didn’t feel welcoming anymore, the once bustling streets of the main city were now noisy instead of charming. The mere sight of the crest of the knights of Favonius irked her, for it reminded her of the woman she knew was the reason Diluc had grown distant. In all her years of education back in Inazuma, [F/N] had grown to know when a rival struck through the shadows. She’d grown to realize the subtle signs, yet she’d held on faith for her beloved’s friend. It had proved futile, and now, bitterness replaced the fondness she’d held for the city of freedom. 
[F/N] held a letter that had finally reached her from her home country, bags being packed by the few escorts that had arrived to retrieve her. She’d arranged for them to only move at night, lest she wished to have unwanted attention on her as well as the Inazuman samurai her bedridden father had sent for her. Her duties ripped her out of her wishes to remain in Mondstadt, reality beckoning her back as her dreams were left behind with a broken heart, swept by the breeze. 
Ironically enough, Kaeya, of all people, had been the only one to notice her that night. There was the faint scent of wine on him, yet he was still sober enough to have a coherent speech. He’d waited for her by the city walls, a small expression of regret as he inquired if she really had to go. The relationship between the brothers was brittle to say the least, yet Kaeya would’ve been a fool to deny how Diluc seemed happy with her. How he liked seeing his brother happy. The Cavalry Captain voiced his wish for her to stay, explaining how he enjoyed her company, how Mondstadt did. It stung [F/N], yet with a sad smile, she told him she couldn’t stay even if she wished to. And without explaining further as to why she had to leave, Kaeya suddenly let out with a bitter chuckle.
“Is it because Jean sees you as not noble enough? I can assure you [F/N], no one here really cares for such superficial reasoning.”
It had struck a chord in her, for her suspicions were confirmed. All of this heartbreak had stemmed because [F/N], no matter how hard she tried, would never be one of them, the children of the wind. She was from the land of lightning, and apparently to some, appreciating and learning of their history wasn’t as good enough as being directly related to it. Her hands grasped her coat tightly, and with a curt response of how it was due to other things, she’d thanked Kaeya for everything before leaving the city in the middle of the darkness.
The voyage back to Inazuma had been long, but even more so bittersweet. She’d just arrived in time to say a final goodbye to her father, too sick to even get up from his bed as he held her hand one last time. He could see the heartbreak in her eyes, yet he was too weak to inquire on who was the monster to hurt his beloved daughter. All he could say was that the future of their clan lay now on her hands, the pressure nearly suffocating her. Amidst the conflict with the vision hunt decree, her eldest brother, who’d sided with the rebellion in secret, had been murdered, his drink poisoned. And even as justice had been served, life needed to move on, leaving the seat of Clan Head now to her. 
Days in Inazuma were vinegary. Her homecoming had been filled with heartache, having lost her brother, and soon after her father as well. Days, weeks, months, they all passed in a blur, [F/N] focusing on the heavy task of overseeing the tri-commissions as she donned her clan’s crest with pride. 
Not noble enough, it kept repeating inside her head every day, every time she put her obi on. The young woman hated to admit it, but the pettiness of it all had become her drive, fueling her as she surpassed her father in more aspects than one. In a short amount of time, she’d proved herself as a worthy ruler of her clan, an iron fist masked with elegance and grace as her name grew more and more respected by all the other clans. 
Despite her secluded life filled with responsibility, as well as her still distrusting heart, [F/N] allowed very few people in. She could count her friendly acquaintances with solely one hand, but amongst them were the Kamisato siblings. Businesses aside, they were able to lay down their crests for an afternoon every once in a while, enjoying each other’s company over finely brewed tea as they watched the sunset together, recounting stories to one another as time flew by during such leisure moments.
It had been during one such rare occasion, that [F/N] found herself enjoying tea with Kamisato Ayato, his sister busy with her own set of duties whilst the Commissioner took a much needed break. His trained eye could see how she was tense, eyes lowered as they remained narrowed with a bitterness he’d known all too well. Gently, he’d inquired if all was well, and with a quick glance, [F/N] debated if she should burden the already busy head of the Yashiro Commission with her petty bickering.
“You should know by now that I’m not one to ask things out of courtesy, [F/N].” Ayato had calmly stated, an enigmatic smile dancing on his lips as she took a sip of her tea. “I’m genuinely inquiring about your well-being, for I do in fact care. So please, if something is troubling you, do not hesitate to say.” 
And with a heavy sigh, the woman placed her cup down, before finally coming clean. From her large sleeve she revealed to him a sealed letter, one with a wax stamp of nothing more than the Ragnvindr clan displayed on it.
“It seems one of my acquaintances back in Mondstadt is about to get married, and has decided to invite me to his wedding.” Ayato hid his grin of amusement with the way she spat the word acquaintance with such distaste. It was enough for him to have an inkling of what could’ve transpired during her stay in the land of the Anemo Archon. “I suppose it’s his way of voicing his wish of letting bygones be bygones, but I cannot help but taste the sweet irony of it all.”
“Oh? Has he, perchance, hurt you deeply?” He’d inquired, watching as she lowly nodded her head.
“I was under the assumption he’d been courting me,” [F/N] revealed to her friend, remembering the way her heart clenched upon first reading its contents. The fact he was marrying after such little time apart, and to Jean no less, still filled her broken heart with such indescribable bitterness. “But then… Nevermind. I was needed to return, regardless. One way or another, it would’ve ended in tragedy.”
“My deepest condolences.” Ayato spoke softly, his hand gently resting atop hers before holding it cordially. “Do you intend on skipping the wedding? Just know there is no shame in doing what’s best for you.”
“I’ve thought about it.” She sighed, holding his hand back with a thankful squeeze. “Yet, I can’t bring myself to shut him off entirely either. He was, after all, someone who had helped me a lot during my stay in Mondstadt.”
“Ah yes, the heart is a most complex little thing…” Ayato breathed out, a faint smile on his face as he offered her an understanding glance. “When is it taking place?”
“In about three months.” [F/N] had nearly sulked, still glaring at the letter as if her sheer glance could burn the whole thing. Ayato had simply nodded, before insisting she take a little longer to reflect on what would be best for her.
In truth, Ayato decided to free up his schedule for three months into the future. Not only could he be a little petty when it came to his own allies, he truly did care for the well-being of his friend. In all honesty, perhaps it was best he didn’t know the full details of how she’d been shot down, lest he make an even bigger, yet still elegant, ruckus. In the end, he’d offered his company were she to decide on going to the celebration, and against all odds, [F/N] had accepted. With Ayato by her side, the young woman felt a sudden surge of confidence. Perhaps it was the idea of her being accompanied by a kind, and well accomplished man, that had her feeling that way.
And with her confirmation letter being sent with the intent on bringing a plus one, time was the only thing between [F/N] and her return to Mondstadt. Diluc was surprised she’d accepted, but he couldn’t deny he was happy. In all honesty, he truly wished for them to start over, for her friendship was deeply valued to the man. Jean on the other hand, was a little flabbergasted she’d accepted. To her, it had solely been a courtesy to send an invite, yet she’d be lying if she hadn’t predicted her decline of attending their wedding. Despite the slight disappointment, the Lionfang Knight was already stressed as it was; perhaps it would be best to just ignore it, and prepare for their big day as best as she could. 
The day for their voyage had arrived, and true to his word, Ayato accompanied her on their ship. Everything had been prepared, their duties being fulfilled by others for the duration of their trip. It was a much needed breath of fresh air, a small vacation he’d joked, smiling with eloquence even when he wasn’t one to enjoy large group gatherings. He’d insisted that he and [F/N] both dress in their finest clothing, for they were representing their Clans on foreign lands, and by extension, representing Her Excellency as well. Their crests displayed proudly on their clothing, made of the finest silks and brightest tones, arms linking together as [F/N] held her fan to her lips as they finally disembarked at the docks. 
Ayato had surely made a statement with the entire entourage he’d organized for the two of them, it almost seemed as though he indeed knew of what had been the reason given for their breakup. Then again, [F/N] thought, perhaps he did know. Ayato was a man of many means after all, who was to say he hadn’t read her bitterness like an open book? The way [F/N] looked at him smiling in that knowing way of his didn’t help her case, either… Well, it was too late to go back, anyway.
The way they’d arrived on Mondstadt had certainly caused an uproar, citizens watching in curiosity as the samurai escorted them to the hotel where they would stay until the day of the festivities. Most of the Knights of Favonius were busy as per usual, away from their arrival save for the guards stationed at the city gates who had warmly welcomed them upon confirming their identities and the purpose of their visit. Gossip was quick to follow, yet Ayato paid no mind, calmly chatting away with [F/N] as they were led to their rooms.
News of wealthy guests from the east reached the couple’s ears, yet neither Diluc nor Jean paid much mind. After all, Diluc had many wealthy acquaintances, most of them stemming from his businesses within the wine industry. All he cared for was to ensure all their confirmed guests had indeed arrived, including [F/N]. And upon being told she had in fact, he only nodded his head, not inquiring any further. Him and his bride were much too busy making the final preparations after all, and unbeknownst to him, Kaeya only watched in the background, an amused grin on his face as he patiently waited for the big show.
The bells rang with vigor on the big day, [F/N] jolting inside her room as she wasn’t exactly used to the way their Church would announce anything so loudly. Ayato had already finished preparing, smiling her way before offering his help in adjusting her obi. 
“You look positively beautiful.” He’d stated in a matter-of-fact tone, watching as she smiled at him with an honest, thankful gleam. “Ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” She had sighed, nodding her head as she inwardly psyched herself up to go forth with the day. And without much issue, the pair left their hotel and made haste for the sight of the ceremony. 
Amidst the sea of guests, their presence had gone mostly unnoticed. It was best as such, [F/N] gazing ahead as she watched the man who she’d once thought would be the one marry another woman. Her heart still clenched slightly at the reality, yet Ayato’s presence helped her in grounding herself as she took a deeper breath. Her arm remained around his, admiring how beautiful they looked, how happy they gazed at one another. Even if Jean forever held a deep stain in her eyes, she couldn’t deny how radiant and gorgeous she looked in her wedding gown. The warm glow of the church veiled around them in a romantic manner, the union finally being tied as the main ceremony came to a close. For the first time in a while, [F/N] found herself smiling at the sight of Diluc with another. Perhaps, she thought, she would eventually get through this. Even if it still hurt, even if she still thought back on how she hadn’t been enough. 
Customs between Mondstadt’s weddings and Inazuma’s weddings differed, yet she and Ayato found themselves easily following along as everyone moved on to the reception. It was during this time that the guests began conversing more freely with one another, finally having a look around as they noted who had come to support the happy couple, who had come with whom. It was during this time that [F/N] could feel eyes on her, glances of surprise to herself and her partner being shared as she commented on how the food was delightful with Ayato. 
“Is that… [F/N]?” Eula had commented with Kaeya, who had nodded his head with an amused grin on his face. Despite the elaborate way she dressed when in comparison with the way she did when she had stayed in Mondstadt, nothing could escape her eye as a noble herself. “She looks radiant. And the man beside her…”
[F/N]’s voice could be heard not far, Ayato relishing in the way his comment had brought a laugh out of her. He patted himself on his back for having gotten the willpower to deal with such a packed event, for the way his friend seemed more relaxed had been more than worth it in his eyes. They kept on chatting together, a select few female acquaintances of [F/N]’s joining them as they soon found more company to converse with.
“[F/N]! It’s been so long… How have you been?” 
“You look amazing, [F/N]! I heard you’ve returned to Inazuma suddenly, is everything alright?”
“Who’s your friend there, [F/N]?” Followed with a knowing wink, causing the woman to blush before denying their accusations any further. 
Despite everything, the attention directed to a corner of their reception definitely wasn’t unnoticed by the happy couple, more so by the bride as her violet eyes gazed around. Jean found herself surprised upon landing her eyes on [F/N]’s face, recognizing her rather quickly despite the intricate ornaments she wore on her hair and the delicate makeup. She looked stunning, she thought, before stopping herself and clearing her throat. 
Her wandering gaze hadn’t gone unnoticed by Diluc, whose eyes followed before landing on [F/N] as well. It took him a moment to register who it was, and when it did, his shifting expression caused a stir of emotions deep within his bride.
“[F/N]?...” He’d muttered, Jean squeezing his hand lightly to return his attention to her.
“Come Diluc, we have to thank everyone for coming.” She’d hastily led him to the table where the rest of the Knights dined, all raising glasses of champagne and wine as the couple approached them. 
“Ah, Diluc, Jean! The ceremony was wonderful,” Lisa had smiled their way, a giggle following. “I nearly teared up at the vows. Goodness, weddings always make me so emotional.”
“The food is also delectable.” Kaeya grinned, his glass rising slightly above the others as he gave his brother a nod. “Congratulations to the both of you.”
“Congratulations! May your years be blessed with happiness and good fortune!” Amber smiled brightly.
“Yes, congratulations.” Eula complemented, smiling softly as Diluc held Jean close.
“Thank you everyone for coming. It is an honor to share such an important day with you all.” Diluc said with the utmost sincerity, smiling softly as Jean rested her hand on his chest.
“It’s a great pleasure.” Eula’s gaze narrowed as she could sense an unnecessary comment bubbling within Kaeya’s chest. The way he grinned spelled trouble, and just as she predicted so, the man swirled his glass of wine before he continued. “Of course, we wouldn’t miss your wedding for nothing! But perhaps it’s to those who’ve come from the furthest you should extend your greatest gratitudes.”
“Of course, we intend on thanking everyone as we go around every table.” Jean huffed with a small smile, still not following where he was headed. She rested a hand on her hip as she raised an eyebrow softly, Diluc too eyeing his brother as if expecting more.
“Oh, that’s great! I was beginning to think you were rounding around [F/N]’s table on purpose. But then again, you must still be thinking about how to properly thank her, no?”
“Kaeya!” Amber sighed, shaking her head as the mood slightly shifted around the table. The man simply shrugged, sipping on his wine before sighing with content over the wonderful undertones, as he explained. 
“Ah, Diluc! Congratulations, you lucky bastard!�� Varka’s voice roared across the reception hall, hands plopping down on his shoulders as he laughed loudly. Diluc could only remain awkward as he quietly thanked him, the Grand Master practically whisking him away as he further congratulated him and gave him lessons on how to ensure his wife’s happiness.
“Honestly, I was surprised to know she’d be coming.” Jean watched her husband not stray too far, finally letting out a small sigh and folding her arms across her chest. “I’m still not quite sure how we’re going to address this, as her presence seems… Rather ill-intended.”
“Oh?” Kaeya’s gaze turned to her from the corner of his eyes, finding her choice of words amusing as he let her ramble on. 
“Diluc had voiced his wish of inviting her, and thinking it was just a formality I decided to agree with it. But for her to actually accept and show up seems bitter.” It was clear the stress was racing to her head, the table listening awkwardly as she rambled on. “While I understand it still must hurt given the circumstances, we would’ve hoped she would’ve let bygones be bygones. I simply find her actions to lack in-”
“Nobility?” Eula scoffed quietly, eyebrow raising quietly before watching Jean hesitate if she agreed with her or not. It was her turn to cross her arms, speaking directly to her. “I find it quite the opposite. I think that accepting and coming by to show her support shows just how noble she is. After all, for the head of her clan to not show up would’ve been scandalous. Do you know what kind of rumors that would start up, Jean?”
“Wait- Did you just say head of her clan?” Amber repeated, her eyes widening as Eula nodded her head.
“Yes. Haven’t you all realized? Look, notice [F/N]’s obi.” The group found themselves rather indiscreetly gazing towards [F/N]’s table, the crest displayed with pride as she enjoyed Ayato’s company. “It’s the crest of the first clan of Inazuma, otherwise known as the overseer of the Tri-Commissions of the nation. Basically, it’s the oldest still standing clan of the nation, only surpassed by the Archon herself and their Guji.” 
The table slowly digested the information, Eula proving yet again just how well educated she was not only to what concerned Mondstadt, but aristocracy of other nations as well. Her legs remained crossed as she finished explaining herself, leg bouncing lightly as she battled with herself to remain cordial despite not having quite liked her friend’s statement. Even if Jean was overly stressed, or their situation with [F/N] hadn’t been ideal, it had most definitely been an unnecessary comment. 
“Besides, the man next to her is none other than the head of the Yashiro Commission. Their Commission has many duties, including overseeing ceremonies and rituals that do include weddings. So, her choice of companion can most definitely be seen as yet another layer to her virtuous acceptance of your invitation.”
Kaeya found himself grinning unabashedly at the way Jean glanced away, clearly embarrassed with the outcome of the situation. She still held her arms crossed around her chest in a defensive manner, the Cavalry Captain thinking it would just be best if she left to avoid any further hits to her pride. For the first time in a while, he found himself agreeing fully with Eula, letting her take the reins of the situation as Jean’s ego was put in place. Sure, Kaeya liked Jean. Yet still, he couldn’t deny he thought [F/N] would’ve been a better match for Diluc. Call him petty, but he was enjoying the situation. 
“Sorry about that,” Diluc sighed as he returned to their side, his hand resting on Jean’s waist as he gazed around the table. “Erhm, everything alright? You all look, how should I put it…”
“Nothing to worry about.” His brother grinned, waving his hand dismissively as everyone began eating their food. “You go and thank everyone for coming by, yeah? Enjoy yourselves, after all it’s your wedding day!”
Despite the confusion with his sudden upbeat tone, Diluc simply nodded, leading his bride to continue on going through table to table. Needless to say, now that it was he who took the lead, they soon found themselves at [F/N]’s table, the man surprised to see her so intricately dressed and in the presence of someone of such stature.
Nonetheless, and despite the sudden lump of awkwardness that lodged itself in his throat, Diluc took his time to properly thank them for coming, [F/N] simply gazing at them and replying it was their pleasure. Ayato was the one to take charge in their response, smiling cordially as he basked in the way his bride seemed to avert her gaze from them. If looks could diminish someone’s presence, Jean would’ve been long gone, reduced to atoms. And Ayato would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying it, holding [F/N]’s hand with such delicacy as if they were more than friends.
And as they left, he carefully leaned over her ear, watching as she met him halfway to hear what he had to say.
“Well, that was amusing. Perhaps next year we should invite them to our wedding. A fun retaliation, no?”
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hamletshoeratio · 1 year
"But no new content 😭!!" that means jack shit. We have several literal decades worth of content we can watch or rewatch. The writers and now the actors too are not only fighting for their livelihoods but for the futures and the soul of their industries.
Fuck new content, fuck the executives and producers and powers that be who make millions upon millions while the people, who create the content that make them rich, can barely make ends meet.
Here's some suggestions to anyone who doesn't know what to watch;
Nostalgia rewatch; watch old favourites, shows and movies you haven't seen in years but that stayed with you, the ones that mattered to you.
Watch the shows your parents didn't let you watch growing up because they thought the show was "too mature" for you.
Watch the shows and movies people have recommended to you that you never found time for before.
Watch indie films!!!
Look at different genres than what you've watched before and give them a go.
Try films and shows from other countries and/or in other languages. There's dubs and subtitles available and these shows and movies can be just as good if not better than their American and/or English speaking counterpart.
And remember when watching shows, that you do not have to binge them all at once, you can have your own personal tv schedule and watch say an episode a week like you would've done when/if they aired before streaming
Look at some older films and shows, why does it matter if it's in black and white or the camera quality is lower than 4k and hd, so long as it's good? And so many of those shows and films, while not perfect, have aged better than shows that have come out in the last decade, like the golden girls for instance has aged so much better than say glee (ok many many many shows aged better than glee but let's be real for a second, music was better when artists were terrified of the Glee cast doing a better version of their song on the show. I do still wish it was a show my mom didn't let me watch tho, lmao glee was fine but no, her twelve year old being obsessed with Les mis and rewatching it religiously was cause for concern 😂😭 I was just as obsessed with glee for seasons 1-4 especially).
It's ok to indulge your inner child and rewatch the classics tm. The shows and movies you grew up with. Rewatch the shows that got you through sick days from school, the tv movies you remember watching premiere, the cartoons that MADE your Saturday mornings, etc.
On the topic of animation, that's literally an unlimited genre you can tap into, which rarely gets the recognition and respect it deserves.
Don't be afraid to watch the one season wonders, the shows that networks and streamers cancelled after one season in spite of strong reviews and good ratings. Or the shows that ended abruptly around the season 3 or 5 mark because networks and streamers cancelled them because they didn't want to negotiate contracts and have to pay the actors and writers more. Get angry, remember what the actors and writers are fighting for.
The privilege of older shows that either concluded naturally or that writers were given a heads up on might be on it's last season is that you get closure, unlike with the above. That might not mean an ending is good but a bad ending is better than a cliffhanger. There's always fix its fics for a bad ending. And if the ending is good, it's typically GOOD in my experience. The fear of a cliffhanger and zero closure has already turned many against watching new content until the show is renewed for another season or is fully wrapped (and fans don't hate the ending).
Watch the shows that were in their day or are popular or critically acclaimed, they usually hold up to the hype.
Watch the old shows and movies your favs were on/in before they were your favs.
Try a soap or a telenovela, they can be entertaining af (holby city my love, Tuesdays have never been the same since the BBC robbed me of you).
If you liked a reboot or a revival of a show, try the original (in certain cases, the og is even better, see boy meets world v girl meets world).
If you like period dramas, try shows and films from other countries based on their history. A lot of times when people are telling their own history it goes far better than when Hollywood tries it (see the many times Hollywood has actors brought in because producers think they're good for box office and they then go on to butcher the accent their character should have, see Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep and so many others who have absolutely butchered the Irish accent over the years for instance. There's also many many instances even recently of just blatant whitewashing see Matt Damon as the last samurai...).
Listen to recommendations, watch the shows and movies you know your family and friends loved but you never got around to watching.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
can u write clingy gavi where he has feel day and he won’t let go of the reader allllllll dayyy
I only imagined Gavi hugging and not letting me go either for a pee for this so... Here you go anon! Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think, please!
Babyboy -P.G
Summary: After a moody day, all he wants is you
He was free today but you knew his mind was in yesterday's training, he wasn't in his best form and that was something that didn't went unnoticed by Xavi, who called him out for it and ever since, Pablo has been moody. He hated not giving his all and he was trying to but it seemed not enough and when he failed, instead of getting angry he got sad.
He tried to not show it to you but you knew your guy very well just by one look. You managed to get it off of his mind when he came home but now you had gone to your University, he was alone and his mind reflected back on his actions yesterday. He sighed feeling the need of you being in his arms, you always took care of him and he was in desperate need of forgetting his coach's words.
He spent his morning watching some tiktok's but he was wishing you were beside him in bed so he could smell your coconut and jasmin scent mentally counting the hours where your classes started and ended.
When you came home, he ran from the couch to the door and engulfed you in a big hug that had you almost fall backwards, laughing. You closed the door with your foot.
"Mi niño lindo" You said happy "missed me that much?" He nodded against the crock of your neck.
"Missed you so bad" He said shaking his head as you laughed feeling his kisses on your neck "How were classes?"
"Pretty boring, same as usual" You said shaking your head moving you both towards the couch "You?"
"At home alone and in need of my girl" You laugh softly.
"Venga, Pabs. I'm here" He got on top of you, his chest with your front, his arms around you and yours around his shoulders. You gave kisses to his hair and ran your fingers through it.
"You look so pretty today" He mumbled after a while when you were just watching an episode of a random telenovela, your eyes danced down to his and smiled.
"Thank you, mi amor" You pinch his nose and watch how his face scrunches up. Your smile increased after watching that. "Wanna eat something?" You ask softly as he nods with his eyes closed "What do you want?"
"Strawberry jelly sandwiches are sounding so good to me right now" He said "What about you?" You hum nodding, your eyes again in the TV screen
"Sounds great. I'm gonna go and do them" He hums and nods but doesn't make the attempt to move "Pabs?" You ask and he hums back his eyebrows up but still eye closed "Can you stand up so I can make the sandwiches?" He shook his head
"You're comfy" You smile, your head going up as you look at the ceiling and blush
"¿No tienes hambre?" (Aren't you hungry?)
"Un poco pero si eso requiere que te muevas pues esperaré" (A little bit but if that requires for you to move then I'll wait)
"Venga, Pabs. It's just for a few minutes. 5 minutes tops" You said shaking your head as he shakes his too
"Too much" He mumbled
"I'm hungry too, amor"
"Eat me" He said and you blush shaking your head
"Venga, Pablo. A comer de verdad" (Let's actually eat something) You pushed him off of you and quickly stood up but then you felt him on your back, his arms wrapped around your front and you laugh walking with him as he follows you towards the kitchen.
You pull out the bread package and the jelly, you also put out a bottle of water, drink of it and then offered it to Pablo who unwrapped one of his arms and drank from the bottle as well.
You decided to move to grab a knife to spread the jelly on the bread when you feel Pablo tightening his hold on you.
"Uh-uh, uh-uh" He did a negation sound with his throat.
"Pablo! I'm just spreading the jelly, I'm not going anywhere!" You exclaimed a little surprised "What's up with you today, baby?" You ask softer this time looking at him, he shook his head dismissing his emotions but you sighed seeing through them.
"Is it because of yesterday's training? Because of what Xavi said to you?" He looked at you without saying anything "Oh, amor" You turned around hugging him tightly.
"I'm not feeling like I'm doing my best but I am trying to and it's still not enough"
"Don't say that, Pablo" He sighed "Everyone has bad days and not because of them you are a bad football player. You're amazing, you give your everything in and out of that pitch, on those training grounds and on everything you do" You said shaking your head softly "You're human, you're allowed to feel good and bad, to have amazing days and also having off ones, yesterday was one of those and it doesn't mean anything"
"It did for Xavi"
"Because he's your coach and highlights your mistakes for you to get better, maybe he was a bit rude or harsh, but he is glad for you and with how you play, he only does it for you to get better and be successful but he also was a young player like you and he must know how having an off day is and feels like, that's why he let you come home earlier, didn't he?" Pablo nodded.
"But don't overthink his words, Pablito. You're an amazing player and an amazing person, I know it, he knows it, your teammates know it, your family knows it, the world knows it and you should know it too. Don't put pressure on yourself, work hard doesn't exactly mean to overwork physically and mentally yourself out..." He sighed softly.
"You block everything and everyone when you have a ball on your head or feet, that's your passion, you do it because it's a nice escape for you from reality, it's something you love" You said "it doesn't have to become something forceful for you, something that you have to do at perfection. It doesn't"
"You just be you and that'll be more than enough for everything" He smiled leaning to kiss your forehead.
"You truly know how to make me feel better" You smile kissing the mole at his jaw.
"I try" He laughs softly as you turn around and make the sandwiches.
"I still want you tho" You smile nodding. He was still feeling a bit off but your words calmed the storm in his head, you knew Pablo was clingy when upset but you weren't complaining, in fact, you loved to be able and take care of him.
"And that's fine" You looked at him "You want some lemon juice?" You ask as he nods, you move with his hand on your back to the fridge and pull out the lemon juice as he grabs two vases for you.
"Te quiero" He said suddenly as you were closing the fridge, you turned around before letting out a small smile.
"Y yo a ti, mi niño" You said pecking his lips quickly, you gave him the plate with the sandwiches and you grabbed both vases with juice sipping from one "What about we go and keep watching what happened with María and Oscar?" You asked as he nods with a smile on
"You love telenovelas"
"Hombre, que están muy buenas" (They are good, man)
You started walking towards the couch when you felt Pablo's arms around you again
"¡Pablo!" You exclaimed as he chuckled
"We're not getting out of each other's arms for the rest of the day" He said kissing your cheek as you smiled "Nor anytime soon" He murmured in your ear
"No, we are not"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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A Little Too "Daddy"
It was a typical summer day after work for Joseph in his aparment. He typed away on his computer talking to his boyfriend, Carl.
Carl: Saw a really hot guy today while walkin' home today babe
Joseph: Oh yea? What body type
Carl: A total Daddy!!! Like damn... wish he was my boyfriend. Not to say you're bad but like... you know. Joseph: Haha... I see.
Carl: It's whatever anyway lol he was with his kids and clearly banged a woman.
Joseph: You can't say that for sure-
Carl: He was every stereotypical dad trope in the book bro. I know my stuff!!!
Joseph: If you say so... but like are you trying to say I should try and bulk up?
Carl: Maybe...
Joseph: Aw Carl, You know that's difficult.
Carl: Yea but imagine me calling you daddy haha
Joseph: You're lucky I love you.
Carl: Yea i know! Anyways Gotta go now. My favorite telenovela is about to start. Love you babe!
Joseph: Bye. Love you!
Joseph closed the messaging app with a sigh. He did a "bicep" flex and yup still skinny.
"Ugh. This sucks! Why can't I be what he wants?" Joseph slammed his face on his keyboard in despair.
"I should really talk to someone about this- oh wait! Joseph recalled the therapist hotline stapled onto the breakroom pinboard at his work.
"I guess I'll text it right now..." Joseph was quick to turn on his phone and with a bit of help he eventually texted the codeword to activate the automatic transfer.
Thank you so much for being here we'll get you to one of our members immediately!
"Oh great... this'll take a while hu-"
???: Hi my name is G3NI3 how can I help you, today?
Joseph: G3NI3? Did your parents hate you?
G3NI3: Nah dude it's a CODENAME. Gotta keep some sort of confidentiality
Joseph: Ah right fair enough
G3NI3: Alright so what's your name and why did you text us today?
Joseph: Joseph, and I'm here because of my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Aww did you break up?
Joseph: No... it's more... he saw a hot dad today and said "i wish he was my boyfriend"
G3NI3: Oh i see... was the dude straight?
Joseph: Yea why do you ask?
G3NI3: Just wondering... Anyways so I'm guessing the dude was like super buff and stuff? Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 20's...
G3NI3: I see I see... so what you're saying is that if you were an older "daddy" you'd be happier?
Joseph: Yea. Atleast it'd appease my boyfriend...
G3NI3: Alright then, say Joseph why don't you tell me about your life and how you met your boyfriend maybe this'll help
Joseph: Uh... sure. Okay so like... we met in highschool and we REALLY hit it off so we started dating pretty soon after and now we're here.
G3NI3: Makes sense. Though... based on your talks I feel like you'd be more bros than boyfriends
Joseph: Huh? what makes you say that?
G3NI3: Idk just got the vibe.
Joseph: How WOULD you say that you only know him as my boyfriend.
G3NI3: Yea but like for people your age, not sure i'd go randomly say "hey this man my age should be friends with me!"
Joseph: What are you talking about? My boyfriend is like 24 and the dude seemed 40.
G3NI3: Nah man, didn't you say you were both in your 40's?
Joseph: No... I said 20's
G3NI3: Pretty sure I saw 40's
Joseph: Yea well!! I can just scroll up and see!!
G3NI3: Suit yourself.
Joseph was getting furious at this "G3NIE". He 100% told them he was in his... 40's? Joseph read the text again.
"Joseph: Yea... meanwhile I'm a scrawny man in my 40's..." Joseph couldn't believe it, but then it dawned on him oh wait... he IS in his 40's haha imagine actually being in my 20's again that would be WILD.
Joseph: Sorry about that. You're right me and my boyfriend are in our 40's.
G3NI3: Told ya. Though you never told me your boyfie's name.
Joseph: Oh it's Carl. Pretty normal name.
G3NI3: Weird... I feel like he would be more a Carlito.
Joseph: Uh... What makes you say that?
G3NI3: Isn't he from Mexico?
Joseph: Uh... yea? But how did you know that?
G3NI3: Lucky guess. I mean... imagine having a mexican hottie like him as your bro.
Joseph: Not sure what you mean. We're DATING and he's skinny like me. Even though we're both in our 40's...
Joseph paused for a second. Wasn't Carlit- Carl in his 20's and skinny? but then he "remembered" the last pic his boyfriend sent him.
"Get ready to some farm work for my bonita~ What do you think?"
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Wait... Bonita? Carl- No... Carlito would never call Joseph that. Not to mention his boyfriend never looked like that! Or... did he? Joseph scrambled through his memories and every memory he had of Carlito was him as jacked af Mexican man. Guess he forgot how lucky he was. The bonita bothered him but he just ignored it for now.
Joseph: Sorry nvm yea he is all that. We're dating though so we're not just "bros".
G3NI3: nah man, you seem like bros to me. Don't you remember he married Maria and got like 2 kids.
Maria??? who is- Oh right. Maria is Carlito's "Bonita" He rants about her all the time to you at your weekly bar hangouts. Joseph remembers how his two kids Mateo and Juanita would call him Uncle Joseph! Ah he loves those little rascals. Wait.. something felt off to Joseph.
Joseph: How do you know all this? Isn't this our first session?
G3NI3: What are you talking about dude? This is like our 20th one together
"W-What???" Joseph could not believe what G3NI3 was saying. This was definitely his first using the hotline. Joseph could prove it he just has to scroll up a bit and- Huh?
To Joseph's amazement, G3NI3 was right they've been talking for months. And what do you know they bring up everything about Carlito too. Guess that's that mystery solved.
Joseph: Oh man, you're right guess my age is starting to show...
G3NI3: Don't count yourself out yet old man. You have a kid to care for!
Joseph: Kid??? You must be joking I'm single and could never get a kid! I'm gay!
G3NI3: Oh come on don't be like that just cause you had a divorce with Kate doesn't mean you gotta deny being straight as an arrow or deny that kid you helped make! Joseph: Okay now you're crazy! No way I got married to a LADY. I was never into them!!
G3NI3: No need to get worked up big guy. Your son is following in your footsteps as a bodybuilder! Bodybuilder???? What kind of insanity is G3NI3 spewing now! Joseph was skinny as stick. Always has been.
Joseph: You must think I'm crazy if you want to believe I'm anything but a stick! It's a miracle Carlito even wants to hang out with a single skinny guy like me!
G3NI3: Oh don't be so shy! I know you love flexing in front of Carlito to show how you can attract the ladies! Your libido is off the charts bro.
Joseph had enough of this. He'd crush his phone with his big strong hands if he didn't have the money to replace it.
Joseph: Now listen here! I know I love a good flexing or two but I wouldn't say I have a high libido! Besides... I'm not manly enough I don't got a beard or any cool tattoos...
G3NI3: Come on, Josef! You're the manliest they come! With a luscious ginger beard and a tattoo of a cross between your tits AND one on your left arm you're peak masculinity! And you even married a WOMAN. Sure it didn't last but it's something!
Josef: You really think so? Aw shucks. Maybe if I was a faggot we could've dated... as if! The only thing I love more than muscles is a good looking women to take home and fuck silly.
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G3NI3: Focus Josef. Use that bald head of yours for once and think! You came here because you didn't think Carlito doesn't want to hang out with you right?
Josef: Yes... we might've been bros since middle school but idk ever since me and the divorce with Kate it just doesn't feel like the same...
G3NI3: Puh-lease. You guys are two peas in a bro-pod. Do you really think Carlito would send you this if you weren't bros for life?
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Josef: Ah I remember that! Carlito made those fags think they had a chance with him when he and Maria been fuckin' for years! Got a good laugh out of that!
Carlito: Exactly! Who would send that to a straight friend otherwise!
Josef: You're right... What did I have to worry about? Me and Carlito? We're buds for life!
Just then a knock came at the door.
"Dad! Carlito's here!" "Coming, Son!"
Josef: Welp, looks like Carlito's here. Thanks for the talk G3NI3. Always appreciate ya!
G3NI3: No problem! and remember... you asked for this
Josef: W-Wha?
G3NI3: Nothing! Bye
"And to think that's my therapist... Anyways gotta get ready for my bro!" Josef got up from his seat and left his bedroom stationed at the 2nd floor of his house. Gotta thank Kate for that child support money. But before he could enter the hallway...
"Son! I told you no underwear and caps in the house! Put some damn clothes on!"
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Sorry pa, I just loveee my muscles. Do you mind if a girl comes over tonight? I think it'll work this time!"
"'Course Son. The Women will love ya! You get it from your old man!" Josef flexes to make his point clear.
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"Thanks dad!" Josef's son flexes back before getting ready for his date.
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"How did I get lucky enough to get a son like that?" Josef chuckled. He might not got much but at least he has son and his bro Carlito.
"Oh right! Carlito!" Josef almost forgot to get ready so he grabbed a fresh set of clothes and went to go change in the bathroom.
Before he changed Josef did one quick flex in the mirror.
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"G3NI3 wasn't kidding. That libido of mine is ready to go!" Josef was proud of his physique. But now's not the time for that he has to go meet his bro.
Josef adorned his massive figure with a tank top saying "BEAST" and some killer designer shades he was ready to finally answer that door. With a strong force Josef opened the door to find the man himself, Carlito.
"Hola amigo. Have you seen that faggot Josef anywhere? Haha!"
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"Oh come on Carlito, you know I'm as straight as an arrow!" Josef said back in a playful tone.
"Would you change your mind if I were to... do this?" Carlito took his shirt and removed his shades and did a flex right in front of Josef.
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"..." "GAHAHAHA" The two large man laughed in unison.
"Nah bro, you're my bro forever and always." Josef smiled.
"As always mi amigo, now let's rapido we're gonna be late for our gym sess!" Carlito put his shirt and shades back on and headed for his luxury car.
As for Josef he didn't have a car as cool as Carlito but had a car from the 2000's and it was like his second child but don't tell Josef's son that. But before he got in his car Josef took a moment to feel his masculinity in the car window's reflection.
"I look damn fine."
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And So Josef and Carlito went to have grand old brotime together. Working out together like true bros, hanging out at the bar like true bros, and of course trying to get Josef with a woman for the 30th time this month. You'd think they were a couple but nah they're both straight as arrows no doubt about that. Josef lived a happy life despite his circumstances and that meant more time to flex flex FLEX!
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Safe to say he was a real... daddy. He's even got the kid to show for it.
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thesithdiaries · 2 years
Monster (Aemond Targaryen imagine)
Monster (Aemond Targaryen imagine)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x female Strong!reader
Requested: Yes, but @astraljedi and I modified it a lil
Warnings: angst, cursing, lets say rhaenyra and laenor get married two years earlier than in the show (everything else is the same), im trying to make this timeline make sense, spoilers for episode 6, 7 and 8, aemond channeling his inner daemon, typical westeros violence, awkward dinner, very telenovela fight after the dinner A/N + additional warnings: i normally try to avoid this but i will be mentioning hair descriptions in this. sorry about that
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Aemond was hugging his mother, resting his head on her shoulder. He had just lost an eye but he gained the biggest dragon in Westeros. 
He watched as his betrothed, Y/N Velaryon, held onto her younger brothers. Many years ago, Alicent had agreed to an arranged marriage, all because Viserys thought it would be a good idea. Aemond always got along with Y/N, she was the only one that did not antagonize him for not having a dragon. He did expect her to take his side and comfort him, but he was a fool to think that.
“This marriage,” Alicent started, pointing at her son and Y/N, “is off. I do not want your daughter near my son.” Rhaenyra smirked as she was walking away from the hall. After what had happened in the past weeks, she also did not want her daughter with Aemond.
Six years later
Y/N sat in the gardens with her younger brothers Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys. She was reading to them but they fell asleep. Life at Dragonstone had been peaceful, being away from King’s Landing was the best for everyone, especially after what happened after Laena’s funeral. 
Part of her wishes to be in Harrenhal with her brothers, looking after their father’s castle. Harwin's death was devastating for her. Rhaenyra and Laenor got married sooner than expected, after the news that she was with child. Everything was perfect until Y/N was born without silver hair. They tried to dismiss it, claiming it was because of Princess Rhaenys’ mother. The speculations about who their real father was were growing more as Rhaenyra gave birth to three boys, all with dark hair. Y/N found out at a very young age that Harwin was her father. He always treated her differently, and part of her knew it was not because she was a girl. Rhaenyra had no other choice but to admit it, knowing her daughter was stubborn and would not drop the matter.
Ser Harwin knew he could not act like a father in public, yet that did not stop him from treating Y/N well. He would give in to her many child-like demands, which consisted mostly of getting savory cakes and being carried around. He would also give her a single flower whenever they were alone during their walks along the Red Keep. Harwin would say “Here you go, Princess,” as he placed it on her hair. Y/N kept all of them in a small jewelry chest, along with many other gifts he gave her through the years. She treasured them all. 
Daemon was quietly approaching her after noticing the three young boys laying around her. “Darling,” he whispered. Y/N carefully got up, trying to not disturb them. Daemon grabbed her hand and pulled her away.
“What is it, father? Did something happen?” She asked, noticing he had a worried expression.
“We have to return to King’s Landing.” 
“Why?” Y/N sighed with annoyance. 
“Y/N,” Daemon warned, causing her to roll her eyes. “Vaemond has decided he wants the Driftmark throne. By doing this, he will also bring up Lucerys’ legitimacy.”
“What about grandfather? Can he do something about it?” Daemon shook his head.
“The greens are the ones making the decisions,” he pointed out. “We need to be there and prevent Vaemond from taking what he wants.”
Y/N nodded, now scared at the possible outcome. Daemon noticed immediately, caressing her face as he gave her a reassuring smile. “It will go our way, I promise.”
Every fear Y/N had was solidified the second they arrived at the Red Keep and nobody was there to greet them. Her parents went to see the King, while she went to the training yard with Jace and Luke, who was getting nervous from all the stares they were receiving.
“What’s your problem?” Jace asked him while looking at all the weapons that they had for training.
“Everyone's staring at us,” Luke replied, fidgeting. 
“So?” Y/N scoffed.
“No one would question me being heir to Driftmark... if... if I looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong.” Y/N stared at him in disappointment. She understood what he felt and how Vaemond’s claims made all of them look yet that did not make her feel less sad.
“It doesn't matter what they think.” Jace reminded him before Y/N could say anything. 
Their conversation was interrupted by the cheering crowd behind them. As they approached in curiosity, they saw Ser Criston fighting with a man with long silver hair. In all honesty, it was impressive.
“Well done, my Prince,” Criston congratulated him. “You'll be winning tourneys in no time.”
“I don't give a shit about tourneys.” The man turned around to face them, it was Aemond. Y/N felt Luke grabbing her hand, it was something he did when he was very nervous. “Nephews, niece... have you come to train?”
Aemond was staring at her, she was more beautiful than he remembered. Y/N was avoiding his gaze, making him smirk. If only things had gone their way, they would have been married at this moment. They could have been happy.
The air in the throne room felt tense. 
“I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.” The King had appeared, surprising everyone. Y/N smiled at her grandfather’s strength, she knew he was in so much pain but he loved his daughter and his grandchildren. “And, in addition, I declare that Prince Aemond and Princess Y/N are still betrothed and will be wed before the next full moon.”
Y/N felt her heart drop to her stomach. Daemon and Rhaenyra looked at her with worry. They knew what Aemond had become, they knew what he was capable of. On the other side of the throne room, the Prince’s chest filled with pride at the King’s command. He gazed over at his future wife, who was also looking his way. Her expression was unreadable, he did not know if she felt happy or sad. They were both so concentrated on each other that a yell from Vaemond Velaryon snapped them out of their thoughts.
“Her children are bastards!” Y/N held onto Jace’s arm, knowing that he was capable of throwing himself on top of Vaemond to beat him. “And she... is... a whοre.”
The crowd behind them gasped. This was the highest of treasons and he said it all in front of the king. “I... will have your tongue for that.” Viserys threatened him, but Daemon had other plans.
He sliced off his head with Darksister. Y/N flinched, hiding her head on Jace’s shoulder. “He can keep his tongue.”
Aemond looked for Y/N, only to see Jace shielding her from the graphic scene in front of them. He had his arms protectively around her, despite knowing Daemon would never hurt them. He felt his blood boil. If anyone should be comforting her during a moment like this, it should be him, not her bastard brother.
Viserys had requested to have a family dinner. 
Y/N entered the dining room behind her parents. Alicent and her children were already there, waiting for them. 
“Y/N, dear, you can sit here.” The Queen called for her. There was a seat next to Aemond’s. Y/N flashed a look of absolute fear to her father before walking towards them. Aemond was once again staring at her every move. She sat next to him quietly. Helaena grabbed her hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze. Lucerys was right at the other end of the table with Rhaena. They both smiled at her as if to say everything would be alright. 
“You look beautiful,” Aemond whispered in her ear. Y/N finally turned her head towards him, flashing a quick smile. He hummed at her shy behavior.
Y/N was not focusing on what was being said during the toasts. The fear she had felt the previous day was returning. She still did not understand why Viserys wanted her to marry Aemond, he knew why it was called off. However, she did not hold it against him, she knew he was very sick. She would do this for him, as a final wish.
A hard bang on the table made her flinch. Jace had stood up in anger, trying to control himself. Aemond also stood up, daring him to do something. He gave a toast in honor of his uncles. Luke was biting his cheek to hold back his laugh, all the memories of them being children filling his mind.
Helaena stood up next. “I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena. They'll be married soon. It isn't so bad. Mostly he just ignores you... except sometimes when he's drunk.”
Y/N’s eyes widened at what she said. She felt pity for her, Helaena was kind and she did not deserve to be married to Aegon. He was not a good man. Aemond was carefully studying Y/N. Her expressions, her movements, the subtle shake of her hand when she reached for her cup. It had been so long since he saw her last and he wanted to make up for the lost time.
Jace stood up again, asking Helaena to dance with him. Y/N smirked at Aegon’s expression, but it quickly dropped when he glanced her way to lock eyes with Aemond. Luke was next to her out of nowhere, grabbing her hand. As they danced, Aemond felt the anger rising in him again. Seeing Y/N dancing with the same boy that took his eye was driving him mad. 
A servant sat a cooked pig right next to Aemond. Luke was giggling quietly at this. 
Aemond hit the table before standing up. "Final tribute. To the health of my nephews: Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... hm... strong. Come, let us drain our cups to these three... Strong boys.” The room fell quiet after this.
“I dare you to say that again,” Jace threatened him. 
“Why? 'Twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourself Strong?”
A hard slap echoed through the room. Y/N stood directly in front of Aemond, her body was shaking with fury. He stared at her in disbelief but before he could even move, Jace was in front of her. She held his gaze over her brother’s shoulder.
“Wait, wait!” Daemon warned, softly pushing his children away. 
“Go to your quarters. All of you go, now.” Rhaenyra ordered.
They all walked out, Y/N getting ahead of her siblings, not wanting to speak about what had happened. Aemond had followed them out, quickly spotting her in the distance. He took a shortcut, appearing right in front of her in another corridor.
Y/N scoffed, attempting to walk around him but he grabbed her forearm tightly. “Let go.”
“No,” he retorted. “How dare you hit me, in front of everyone.”
“You know why I did it, Aemond,” Y/N hissed, still struggling to get away from his grip. 
“I was speaking about them,” he told her.
“You insulted them, and me,” Y/N corrected him. “Whatever insult you throw their way still includes me.”
Aemond stammered, he truly did not wish to include her. “That was not my purpose.”
“No? And what was it? Just antagonize my brothers for fun, as revenge for what happened years ago? I still remember what you said to Luke, how he would die screaming in flames just as our father.”
He just stood there, bewildered, without saying a word. He still remembered that night perfectly, the look on her face when he said that. Y/N kept trying to remove his hand but he had other plans. Aemond grabbed her other forearm, leaving her completely at his mercy. 
“Let me go,” she ordered him again. He scoffed, shaking his head. 
“You are to be my wife, you will listen to me.”
“Aemond, I will only do it for the King. If he wasn't the one asking, I would be on a ship to get away from you,” Y/N confessed. 
He finally let her go. Her confession stung, the Y/N he remembered would not have said that to him. Aemond did want to marry her, but the feelings he felt when he was a child had not changed. They stared at each other, no words being said. 
Y/N started walking away. Her steps echo through the corridor. Her thoughts wandered, thinking about what could have been of their life if that night at Driftmark had not played out the way it did. Would they be happy right now? As she turned a corner, she looked back. Aemond stood in the same spot, he had not moved. He stared at the ground in disbelief, still replaying the conversation in his head. He truly felt like a fool for saying those things in front of her.
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chaiiitime · 1 year
It Happened One Summer Night
Summary : A broken car. A sleepy little village. It was a scary feeling to see all the excuses you made to hate each other slowly crumble away. Wild curls. Inked skin. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to let go.
Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x OC!Fem
Warning : Sexual themes, 18+
Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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Chapter 3
Adriana knew exactly where she was as she slowly woke up.
A light breeze was ruffling the lace curtains at the window, the sun creating intricate patterns on the floor as it shone through. 
The space next to her was rumpled and empty. Daniel had already woken up, which meant she also had to get up.  
At the back of her mind, Adriana knew they had a lot to do if they wanted to reach Jerez any time soon, but she felt so heavy, her body languid against the cotton sheets.  She turned around, burrowing into Daniel’s custom-made travel pillow, the material soft against her cheek.  It smelled of rain and forest, so unlike what she would have expected.  
She thought back to his apology of last night.  She had to give it to him — it took a lot of self-awareness to admit to being wrong.  
She threw off the covers, padding barefoot to the bathroom, looking at herself in the little mirror above the sink. She cringed, covering her face with her hands as she remembered the way she’d all but exploded at Daniel in the car. She never lost her cool like that — she’d always been the calm and collected older sister. So she didn’t know why she’d acted like that with Daniel. 
Maybe, she had to accept she was the one who had created the resentment that was brewing between them. She was the one who had been cold and rude the first time they’d met when Daniel had been nothing but nice.  Even if he’d been overly flirty. She’d looked at him and  judged him just because he had reminded her of her ex. She’d accused him of being arrogant and self-serving, but yet, he hadn’t once made any recriminations against her when she was the one responsible for essentially stranding them.  He hadn’t made any snide comments. Instead, he’d been — very understanding. 
She needed to apologise to him. That was the only right thing to do. 
She pulled on the white shirt and linen shorts she’d picked out last night. The material was creased and the Spanish humidity had turned her hair in a frizzy mess. She wished she had packed one of her power suits and her favourite pair of Louboutins — because God knew she needed the armour if she was going to be apologising to Daniel.  
She smoothed out the creases as much as she could and gave up on trying to tame her hair. Time to face the day. 
Daniel was right — she’d been sitting on her high horse all this time and it was time to get down before she face-planted on the ground. 
Adriana drifted down the hallway, following the voices coming from the back of the house — a mixture of broken English and Spanish, intercepted with the unmistakable sound of Daniel’s honking laughter. 
The hallway opened into the kitchen. 
It looked like it had been plucked right out one of the old telenovelas Adriana’s grandmother used to watch — the uneven terracotta floor made dull with wear, the little pots of herb lining the window sill and the big old farmhouse table at the centre of the room, its wood scarred with age.  
There was a rickety old door that opened into the yard and from where she stood, Adriana could see the clothes gently swaying on the clothesline. A flock of chickens were running freely in the yard, some of them pecking at the scattered seeds near the doorway. 
Daniel was sitting at the table, gesturing wildly with his hands, Cayetana appearing enthralled with whatever he was trying to say, the pot she had bubbling away on the old-fashioned stove completely forgotten. 
“Ah!” Cayetana exclaimed, spotting her in the doorway. “Bueno Dias! Come in, come in.” She gestured for her to take a seat at the table.
Adriana gratefully accepted the cup of coffee Cayetana handed her, murmuring her thanks as she took a sip. The coffee was sweet and milky — just how one should take their coffee when on holiday. 
“Tu novio es tan encantador.” Your boyfriend is so charming.
Adriana had to hide her smile behind her cup at the way the older lady was blushing as she literally batted her eyelashes at Daniel. 
Of course, he would have worked that charm on her already. 
She’d been very careful not to look at him as she had sat down. She peeked at him now, and was surprised to see him looking at her with hooded eyes. He looked well-rested and fresh. He’d somehow shaved in the morning without waking her up and all that delicious stubble was gone. 
Pity that. 
“Slept well?” He asked as he took a sip of his coffee, the delicate cup looking positively tiny in his large hand. 
“Uhmm.” She nodded non-committedly as she buttered up a piece of bread. She hadn’t slept well at all. She’d been excruciatingly aware of him next to her all through the night, the heat of his body singeing her skin even with the pillow between them. And from the smirk on his face, he seemed to know it. 
Daniel had to bite back a smile as Adriana diligently avoided his question. He was a very light sleeper and he knew she had spent most of the night tossing and turning. It gave him a kind of perverse satisfaction to know she wasn’t as immune to him as she liked to pretend. Oh, he knew that whatever tiny bit of attraction she had for him was liberally mixed with contempt for him, but he’d found a little crack in her facade and he was going to drill till it all but crumbled. 
“So,” Cayetana wiped her hands on her apron as she sat down. “How did you two — “ she gestured between the two of them, her English faltering “— meet?”
Adriana cleared her throat, attempting to sound matter-of-factly, “We met through mutual friends.” 
She was pretty proud of herself for coming up with that on the spot. It was simple and sweet — easier that way for her and Daniel to keep their stories straight. 
“Come on, baby —“ 
Adriana shot Daniel a look. What was he doing now? He had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned back in his chair and draped his arm over the back of her chair.
 “Tell Cayetana how we truly met.”
“Actually —“ He turned to Cayetana who was looking at them expectantly. “We met at a friend’s party. Adriana saw me across the room and of course, fell in love with me at first sight.”He smiled, looking all bashful as he pointed to his face. “I mean, who can resist all this beauty?”
“I wasn’t really on the market for a relationship at the time, but you know —“ His arm was around her shoulders now, “— she kept chasing me and I finally succumbed.” He tipped his head towards her, giving her a little squeeze on the shoulder. “Isn’t that right, pookie?” 
Adriana flashed him a sardonic smile, her goodwill to apologise forgotten for now. 
Two could play this game. 
She leaned forward, whispering conspiratorially in Spanish to Cayetana. “He was unemployed when I first met him, you know.” 
He indeed truly had been unemployed. 
“All this beauty —“ Adriana motioned to her own face, “but up here —“ she said, tapping her temple, “he’s not exactly the brightest bulb, bless him. But what do you do? Love doesn’t judge and all of that. He just needed someone to believe in him and look where we are now!” She looked up at him, giving his arm that was still around her shoulders a tiny squeeze. “Isn’t that right, pookie?”
His eyes were teasing as they looked down at her, his lips quirked up in a tiny smile.“I hope you’ve been telling our host what a spectacular boyfriend I am.” He said with the kind of easy-going lightness that only he could pull off. 
Their gazes held for a moment and just like in the movies, Adriana’s heart stuttered. 
“Ay you two!” Cayetana broke the moment between them, Adriana blushing as she looked away. “This is how my Miguel and I were when we were younger. Always teasing one another!” 
DANIEL INSTANTLY KNEW they were in trouble as he watched Adriana’s expression fall at whatever the mechanic was telling her. Miguel had gone with the village mechanic to retrieve their car early in the morning and he’d dropped them off at the mechanic’s workshop before he’d gone off. 
Adriana thanked the man and turned around. She was gnawing at her bottom lip, the worry clear on her face. 
“He said that the branch has badly damaged the underside of the car.  He’ll need to replace parts but —“ She let out a harsh sigh, “He doesn’t have them handy, so he’ll need to order them from the next town over and he’ll only get them, maybe tomorrow.”
She turned around, walking out. Daniel followed her out, bringing his hands up to shield his eyes from the bright sun. 
“What are we going to do?” Adriana sounded dejected. “There is no way we’ll make it to the wedding in time now.” She said, her voice wobbling slightly. 
“Hey, it’s ok —“ Daniel hoped she was not about to cry because he didn’t know what he would do if she did. “We’ll work something out.” He didn’t even sound convincing to himself. 
“Like what?” She asked despairingly.
“Uhhh…” Daniel scratched the back of his head as he tried to come up with something.  Anything. “We could hire another car?” He said, lifting his shoulders and motioning towards the workshop, “and pay someone to go drop this car off at the nearest car rental office once it’s repaired.”
“Look where we are!” Adriana gestured. The mechanic’s workshop opened onto a dusty street, a lone scooter leaning against the wall opposite. “I don’t think we’re going to find a rental agency in this place! This might as well be a ghost village!”  
She kind of had a point there, Daniel acquiesced to himself with a shrug. The village was pretty remote, bordered as it was by the sea on one side and the mountains on the other. There was only one way in and one way out, and at one point in time, the little village used to be only accessible by sea — a fact that the locals seemed to be proud of, but which also meant it wasn’t exactly hopping with tourists, even during summertime.
“I am sure we’ll find something.” He said softly, patiently. If someone ever asked Daniel what his biggest flaw was, it was definitely being overly optimistic even in the shittiest of circumstances. “Come on.”
With a sigh, Adriana followed him down the pebbled street that winded down towards the coast. She wished she had his glass-half-full attitude because then, maybe she would have at least been able to appreciate the quaintness of the little white-washed houses lining the streets, with their colourful shutters and the riot of wild bougainvilleas climbing over their walls. 
They passed under the archway of an old building, Daniel turning to watch her carefully pick her way down the roughly-hewn steps to the village square. Little cafés and shops sprawled out in a semi-arc around the square, an old fountain lazily splashing water in the centre.  Right across the street, the Mediterranean Sea stretched out to the horizon, little fisherman boats bobbing on the surface. 
There were only a few people milling around the square, which was as busy as it got, Adriana guessed. They went into the first shop they saw. The old man behind the counter had no idea where or if they could hire a car. And it was the same with the shop next door, and the shop next to it. 
Frustrated, Adriana crossed the street. There was a ledge that ran along the road, with steps leading down to the beach.  The mid-day sun reflected off the pristine surface of the water, almost blinding her. She sat down on the ledge and tipped her head back, trying to release the tension in her neck. 
It was going to be fine, she repeated to herself. Okay, even if they were not going to make it to the rehearsal dinner, they might still make it for the ceremony. 
And things could have been worse. 
They could have been stranded in far worse places than this little village. It was the sort of place where everyone knew everyone, where people lived off the land and sea, where the days simply stretched out and slowed down. 
It was the sort of place where people came to find themselves. Or to find love. 
She could see the spire of the village church in the distance, shining like a beacon against the backdrop of the Pyrenees mountains, vibrant green vegetation softening the harshness of its rocky facade. 
Little houses with terracotta roof-tiles dotted the foothills — Adriana could only guess that the view from up there must be spectacular. The little road by the square sinewed along the coast, dropping out of sight around a bend. Further out in the distance, she could see rocky bluffs stretching out to the sea, the waves gently lapping at the rocks. 
Adriana looked up. Daniel was standing over her, a bottle of water in his hand. She gratefully accepted it, murmuring her thanks as she took a sip.
“Listen,” Daniel cleared his throat as he sat down next to her. “I know this is all very frustrating and you’re worried you’ll not make it in time for the wedding, but —“ He picked at the label on his bottle with his nails, the paper crumpling easily with the condensation. “I promise you, I’ll get you there on time. Hopefully the car is ready before Friday and I promise you, we’ll be there before the welcome dinner.”
As he’d come out of the shop and seen Adriana sitting so forlornly on the ledge, Daniel had realised he didn’t like seeing her so defeated. He preferred it when she was throwing darts at him with her words. So, it gave him a rush of pleasure when she smiled and gave him a tiny nod. Then, that rush of pleasure didn’t feel that pleasurable anymore, because it left him wanting more, left him wanting to see her smile a bit brighter and that was a road he didn’t want to go down.
“I think we should find a hotel for the rest of our stay here.” He said as he wiped the condensation from the bottle on his shorts. “Miguel and Cayetana have been nice enough to put us up for one night, but we can’t exactly stay there for longer than that.”
He started to get up but Adriana caught his elbow, stopping him. He looked back, perplexed. There was a little furrow between his brows and Adriana itched to reach out and smooth it.
It was her turn to be nervous now. 
“I —“ Her tongue timidly flicked out to wet her lips. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and tipped her head up to meet his eyes. “I wanted to apologise. I was rude to you the first time we met. And, and …”
Adriana stuttered, her breath catching for one moment. Serious-faced Daniel was intimidating — his eyes so dark, the bump on the bridge of his nose standing in stark relief against the sharp planes of his face. His lips were pressed in a tight line, but even that couldn’t entirely disguise the fullness of his bottom lip. 
“I shouldn’t have exploded on you the way I did in the car. The things I said were uncalled for.”
He was quiet for a moment and then he softly murmured,“I’m sorry too.” 
He still had that intent look on his face as he stepped closer to her, crowding her in, the clean earthy smell of him washing over her. “Whether you were rude to me or not, I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m sorry for hurting you.”
Adriana nodded, ducking her head for a moment to gather herself. “It’s okay. Let’s just pretend we’re starting over — clean slate, yes?”
Daniel surprised her by sticking his hand out. “Hi, I’m Daniel. My friends call me Dan, Danny or you can call me whatever you want. I’m not picky.” 
“What?” Adriana asked in confusion as she stared at his outstretched hand. 
“Well,” Daniel shrugged, his hand still outstretched towards her. “You said you wanted to start over. So I’m re-introducing myself.”
Bemused, Adriana placed her hand in his, his long fingers wrapping around her wrist, his warmth engulfing her. “I’m Adriana. Just Adriana.” She said wryly.
“Well, just Adriana —“ He flashed her that damn smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
She couldn’t help it but laugh — not a wry snicker or a bemused chuckle but an actual full-out laugh that lit her whole face, the sound surprisingly innocent and childish to Daniel. 
CAYETANA WOULDN’T HEAR anything about them finding another place to stay. Instead, she fed them lunch, even if they weren’t particularly lunch people.
Daniel had gone out to explore the village and when he’d asked if she wanted to come, Adriana had used the excuse of catching up on her work emails to stay back at the house.
She’d scrolled through her inbox and promptly gave up to sit on the window sill in their room. It felt like one of those lazy afternoons during the summer holidays, back when she was a kid. 
Cayetana and Miguel’s house was higher up on the piedmont and from the window, Adriana could see the little houses and winding pebbled roads as they cascaded towards the coast. The sea looked irresistibly blue from up here and Adriana could almost feel the salt on her skin, the little sting in her eyes if she would dip her face under the surface of the water. 
Fuck it, she was going down there. She hurriedly threw a few things in her beach bag — a towel, some sunscreen and that novel she’d been meaning to read for ages. It wasn’t difficult to find her way back to the village square, because all the roads seemed to lead towards the sea anyway. She went down the steps to the beach and of course, Daniel was there. 
He’d somehow ended up playing football with a group of kids. He lifted a hand when he saw her. She waved back, settling down on her beach towel not too far from where they were playing. She tried to get into her book but her eyes kept being drawn to Daniel. 
She envied the way he seemed to throw himself into every new interaction without inhibition, soaking up everything in that moment, like there was nowhere else he’d rather be. She watched as he let himself be tackled by the kids, laughing as one of them stole the ball from him. He threw his hands up, pretending to be upset before running after the kids, making them laugh at his antics. She wondered if the kids knew who he was. He hadn’t once played the ‘I’m famous’ card, which was unexpected, and yet the more she got to know him, the more she realised Daniel was Daniel — utterly charming, utterly confusing. 
“Hey” Daniel dropped down next to her on the towel, their shoulders almost touching as he laid back on his elbows. He sprawled his legs out in front of him, his shorts riding up to expose the tattoos on his thigh. The colours intrigued her and Adriana wanted to reach out and explore them. 
“Done playing?” She asked. 
“Yeah nah. Can’t keep up with those hooligans.” He joked, his accent coming on strong. He was smiling and he looked achingly adorable with his dimples and his curls sticking slightly to his sweaty forehead. 
Daniel had to tip his head back to look at her from where he was lying. He loved the way her curls framed her face, all wild and loose — it hinted at all that fiery passion she kept hidden beneath her cool surface. He wished he knew enough about Greek mythology, because then he would have been able to compare her beauty — or attitude — to one of the goddesses. His eyes darted to the beauty mark just above her lips and the desire to dapple his tongue there, taste the salt on her skin stole over him. 
“Good book?” He asked. 
That little hmm was so self-contained, it drove Daniel mad. He wanted to know everything about her, what her favourite movie was, what her favourite colour was, what made her tick. He wanted to burrow beneath her skin and see who the real Adriana was. He hated that, in that moment, she made him feel unsure of himself, made him feel like the Daniel with the unruly Afro and crooked teeth trying to impress a girl in high school. 
“Want to go for a walk?” His voice was almost rough when he asked her. He could see for a moment she was about to refuse, then she surprised him as she nodded. So they got up, Daniel bending down to pick up the towel, shaking the sand from it, folding it carefully and handing it to her. 
SHOES AND SANDALS discarded, toes sinking into the sand, they walked till the sounds of the village became faint, till the little houses and shops along the coast gave way to the rocky cliffs of the Costa Brava. 
Daniel kept a steady stream of consciousness between them — it was impossible to not be charmed by him, to not laugh at his silly little quips. It was revealing to look at the world through his eyes, how he noticed things Adriana wouldn’t otherwise have, how he had her guessing whether the tidbits he was telling her about the sea were actually facts or stuff he had made up. 
Adriana wanted to make him laugh too. She felt like a little girl desperate to impress her crush, but she couldn’t come up with anything remotely funny. So instead, she kept the shells he’d been handing her softly cradled in her palms, letting herself bask in his — magnetism. 
They reached an outcrop of rocks that looked like they had been randomly stacked one over the other by nature. They climbed over the rocks, Daniel holding both of their shoes, patiently guiding her where to place her feet, sometimes holding her hand to steady her over some of the sharper edges. She was still holding his hand when they made it to the other side — her a bit out of breath and Daniel barely winded. 
Adriana was breathless. “Oh my god, this is —“
“Beautiful.” Daniel said, his eyes roving across the horizon to land on her face. 
It was truly beautiful. 
The rocky bluffs curved out to the sea, creating this secluded cove detached from the rest of the world. The water here was so clear, the waves lapping languidly against the rocks, becoming a deeper blue further away from shore. It felt like Daniel and her had the whole ocean to themselves. 
“Want to go for a swim?” Daniel asked. He grabbed his shirt by the neck, pulling it off. Adriana’s pulse flared as she took him in. 
His body was compact, all sleek muscles stacked over more sleek muscles — his body just a machine designed for him to go the fastest he could in a race car. 
“You go ahead.” She felt self-conscious to strip  down to the modest black one-piece she had on underneath her linen shirt. Daniel hesitated for a moment, looking like he was about to convince her to join him, then he shrugged, giving her a mock salute, all dimples and smiles as he turned around and walked towards the water. 
Adriana watched him go, intrigued by the play of muscles on his back. She watched as he swam further out, his strong arms gracefully cutting through the water. She watched until he was a speck on the horizon, then she quickly discarded her shirt and shorts. She slowly stepped into the water, first to her calves, then her knees, letting her body get used to the temperature. Then, when the water was up to her waist, she ducked down, quickly setting out into an easy freestyle stroke. She swam a bit further out, feeling a kind of joyous freedom she hadn’t felt in a long time. 
She flipped onto her back, letting herself be buoyed by the sea, letting the water flow through her fingers and seep to the roots of her hair. The sun pressed intriguing shadows on her closed eyelids and for one brief moment, there was nothing but the silence of the rushing water in her ears. 
Suddenly, she felt a tickling sensation on the heel of her feet and before she could react, there was something warm clasping her around the ankle. She went under, the salt stinging her eyes and nose as she came back up. 
“Daniel!” She sputtered as she heard him laugh before she could even see him. 
As soon as he had hit the water, Daniel had felt his muscles loosening with each stroke, the usual aches and pains from constantly pulling Gs easing. 
He’d always had a somewhat odd relationship with the sea for a Perth boy, thanks to his mother instilling a healthy fear of sharks into him. He had only started feeling more comfortable in the water when he’d started spending time in LA. So, he’d been pretty relaxed when he had seen Adriana get into the water. All he could see from where he had been were flashes of golden limbs, but he’d been bewitched by her graceful movements. 
He’d swam closer, enticed by the curves peeking out of the water.  Like the sailors from the old tales, falling into the lure of the siren’s song.  
He laughed now at the indignation on Adriana’s face. 
“Oh you bastard!” She said as she splashed him. Daniel splashed her back, worried this might anger her more. Instead, she laughed, splashing him with renewed vigour, creating a lot of waves but none of them really having that sucker-punched effect on him. She was still laughing as he caught her by the waist, her hands automatically slipping around his neck. 
The water lapped around them, pressing their bodies together, their legs tangling together, her smooth ones rubbing against his hair-roughened ones. They were so close together that Adriana could see the grain of his stubble, how the water clung to it. Each breath that she took pressed her breasts even tighter against his chest. His eyes looked like molten honey in the afternoon sunlight, filled with temptation. 
Daniel looked down at her, the dark of her pupils had almost consumed the green of her eyes. He could see her lips quivering, that peak of her pink tongue driving him crazy. He leaned in, his breath barely a whisper against her skin. 
Adriana felt the press of his mouth against her skin just where her pulse fluttered at the base of her neck, almost like a sigh. He trailed sweet deadly kisses to the corner of her mouth, stopping there just for a moment before he nipped at her bottom lip. His tongue laved the sting away, then swiped into her mouth, tangling with hers. She moaned as Daniel deepened the kiss, desire stealing over the both of them. His hands flexed on her waist, moving over the curve of her hips to her warm bare thighs, hooking them up and around his waist. 
Adriana could feel him right there, pressing into the soft core of her. She didn’t stop to think — somehow this felt right, the feel of his warm skin under her hands, the rough rasp of his tongue against hers, the prickly sensation of his stubble against her skin. 
Daniel cradled her against him, their hips rocking to the rhythm set by his tongue as he consumed her mouth. His hands moved almost reverently over the flare of her hips, his thumbs rubbing slow circles over her hip bones. He was so hard in his shorts, he desperately wanted to sink further into her softness, wanted to grind into her, wanted to feel her wet heat around him. 
They broke apart, breaths choppy, a line of spit connecting them. It broke as Daniel tipped his head back, droplets of water running down the slope of his thick neck, the muscles bunching. 
“Fuck.” His voice was guttural as he tried to catch his breath, his throat convulsing. 
Adriana couldn’t resist it. She leaned into him, her teeth scraping over his Adam’s apple, her tongue snaking down to delve into the divot at the base of his throat.  She traced the constellation of freckles on the side of his neck up to his ear with the tip of her tongue, giving him a mischievous smile as she tugged on his earlobe with her teeth, sucking it into her mouth. 
She caught the hot glint in his eyes as his hand went to the nape of her neck, his long fingers twining into the wet strands of her hair and tugging her head back. His mouth came down on hers, but this time around, she didn’t give him control so easily. She reached out, cupping his face, slowing the kiss. She played with him like he had with her earlier, biting his bottom lip, sliding her tongue lazily along his. 
Daniel was done being toyed with. He growled low in his throat, his mouth leaving hers to lick and kiss his way to the tantalising valley of her cleavage. He nipped at the swell of her breasts spilling over her bathing suit, pulling the straps down her shoulders, following the path with his mouth. Adriana gasped as he gave a sharp tug, her breasts coming free from the cups of her bathing suit, her nipples puckering as they touched the water. 
Daniel had a smug smile on his face as he boosted her up, bringing her tits almost at eye-level with him. There was nowhere to hide now. With the straps of her bathing suit around her arms restricting her movements, all Adriana could do was hold onto his shoulders as Daniel lowered his head. He dragged his tongue over one taut nipple, his other hand coming up to plump her other breast, his thumb brushing over the other tight peak. 
Adriana fisted one hand in his curls as Daniel sucked one nipple into the wet heat of his mouth, teasing, taunting, taking his fill as his teeth scraped over the sensitive nub. Each tight pull of his mouth felt like an echo at the pulsing core of her, making her slicker and wetter. She tightened her legs around his torso, her body undulating desperately against him in search of that fragment that felt slightly out of reach.
The desperate sounds that fell from her lips spurred Daniel on. Head thrown back, lips parted, her carefully composed veneer stripped away and abandoned — there hadn’t been a more beautiful sight to him. The fact that he had managed to turn her into this wrecked mess, that he could play her like a fiddle — it  filled him with a heady rush of satisfaction, one he usually only got after winning a race. He was so high from that feeling, he could come from that alone. 
He slipped his hand between their bodies, finding and pressing into her secret spot. In that moment, he wished there was no barrier between them because he wanted to know if she was bare down there or if there were dark curls shiny from her own wetness that would hide her from his view.   
Her breath hitched for a moment and Daniel felt the sting of ruptured skin as she let go. Wave after wave, Adriana came. She tried to muffle the sounds she was making, but it felt like they were reverberating off the cliffs around them. 
And Daniel revered in each desperate gasp of his name.
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sundove88 · 7 months
Hi! Can ya headcanon info dump these guys (and can ya also provide one angst headcanon also for each)?
Pure Vanilla Cookie
Hollyberry Cookie
Dark Cacao Cookie
Golden Cheese Cookie
White Lily Cookie
Ancients in General:
They all have a fondness for gardening- whether that be planting flowers, growing herbs, etc., they all love it the same!
They all deserve a vacation from their jobs because they have absolutely earned it and the right to be happy.
Telenovela nights are their favorite times to be together- they all gather around a tv and binge the newest telenovela (They bring lots of ice cream in case they ever cry)!
Pure Vanilla:
All of his subjects, Black Raisin and her villagers plus Strawberry Crepe included, see him as their dad.
He has done hundreds of weddings for desserts across Earthbread, and enjoys a good celebration or two.
He still has nightmares and will never forgive himself for letting White Lily become Dark Enchantress.
Unlike the rest of the Ancients, Hollyberry was BORN chubby and chonky- meaning that she was huggable from the very start!
Whenever someone like Pitaya Dragon crashes her parties post Episode 12, she just asks them to not cause any trouble or steal any cake.
She drowns her sorrows in Berry Juice, which is self explanatory.
Dark Cacao:
He is a fan of macarons, which were once originally hard to come by in his kingdom, but now are abundant in the thousands.
He’s a legend in the horseback riding community, with him and his stallion Jakada (Which was a cheer up gift from The Creme Republic) being a natural riding pair.
He still has nightmares of the time when his family fell apart (His son Dark Choco’s very messed up history when he got the Strawberry Jam Sword; and his wife ChocoPearl temporarily leaving him to help other cookies) and often wakes up screaming, crying, or both.
Golden Cheese:
She’s a genuine philanthropist who wishes to see others happy, and would rather give up everything she ever known than see her kingdom suffer again.
While in the sarcophagus, she didn’t eat ANYTHING for years. Hence why I headcanon her to be very skinny- as in like her bones are showing. This was before she was treated to her daughter Mimi (OC by @thetropicalfairy) and her massive feasts in order to get her strength back up.
When she saw her kingdom destroyed, she recounted not just the names of her most precious treasures, but the names of EVERY casualty.
White Lily:
After the events of Beast Yeast episode 2, she got her own fairy wings- although they’re a little small for the time being, she still takes extra care of them.
She saw Elder Faerie as a father figure to her, and when she told him that she’d do anything to atone for her actions; Elder Faerie simply responded, “White Lily; you’re more of a Faerie Cookie than anyone I’ve ever met.”
Whenever she sees articles of the damage her other half Dark Enchantress caused during the Dark Flour War, she starts bawling remorsefully.
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Aeon Headcanons because i have many thoughts about them
-Yaoshi is vain as shit. Particularly about their mission and Path.
-Lan is one of the Aeons who has a more favorable opinion on humans and mortals. They don’t bother mortals much but will jump to their defense.
-Nanook despises everything and has made several attempts to break Qlipoth’s wall, all of course ending in failure and a very angry rock-god.
-Yaoshi’s extremely obsessed with Lan. The obsession began when Lan first started hunting their beautiful creations and gifts. Is mad at Lan for taking a vast majority of their old followers (Xianzhou Alliance) and makes it a point to slander Lan any chance they get.
-“I hate Lan.” Yaoshi says, as they hang numerous pictures of Lan on their wall.
-Qilpoth is the tired dad of Aeons. Xipe is the mother.
-Nanook was once human, was crossed by the humans and made it their life mission to destroy every single trace of humanity from the universe. From then on they became an Aeon due to their immense desire for humanity’s death.
-Yaoshi and Lan are like divorced parents, enemies to lovers, and Lan took the kids.
-Nous and IX are surprisingly good friends, or at the very least in each other’s good spirits.
-Nous is that one friend that says “i know” to everything you say.
-Ouroboros and Nanook are also kinda ok with each other? They both strive to destroy everything but that’s also why they’re a little hostile to the other. Rivals?
-Nanook is that feral little child that everyone hates.
-Fuli likes to watch human memories like telenovelas.
-Yaoshi isn’t actually that bad. They wish to spread eternal life and, yes, their means of accomplishing that are twisted but their looking for those select few mortals who would push through the ugly to get to the beautiful. So far no luck, but Yaoshi will continue to hope.
-Akivili and Qlipoth were the oldest Aeons before Akivili’s disappearance. They were buddies.
-Qlipoth knows of the Sky People for HI3 and they are one of the many other possible threats that inspired Qlipoth to build.
-Qlipoth knows or at least has an inkling of the existence of the Imaginary Tree. Perhaps they strive to protect their universe from others…
-Aha most definitely is self-aware. Definitely knows about alternative universes and Imaginary Tree, not that the others will listen to them.
-IX is the quiet kid in the back of the class that always has an AK in their bag.
-IX is just a little baby and almost all Aeon’s agree that IX should be protected despite knowing that IX could easily eradicate everything that comes against them.
-Nous has movies. They like movies.
-Nous does not have information on Welt Yang or Void Archives. They are out of Nous’ reach of knowledge due to them being not of this universe. Nous has acknowledged both of their existences to be a challenge.
-Lan’s body is literally just a fancy horse. Horse anatomy. Centaur mf.
-Xipe has a very positive opinion of mortals. They love them little things.
-Usually the one the Aeons go to when a dispute happens is Xipe due to their Path and their indifferent personality.
-Mythus is the weird uncle that everyone has a love-hate relationship with.
-Ouroboros will gnaw on other Aeons if given the chance. Nanook is usually the victim.
-Yaoshi has this big ass tree surrounded by a golden sea of energy. This tree is how they spread their Path’s ideology. Seeds and fruits of this tree are the basis of the Xianzhou’s mara. The tree is covered in little cocoons that hold the bodies of those inflicted with Yaoshi’s gift and failed Yaoshi’s trail.
-All the Aeons are one big dysfunctional family and when placed in the same room it’s just chaos.
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delusional-mishaps · 2 years
How would error and nightmare react to their S/O who doesn’t celebrate their birthday?
well... they don't get the whole birthday thing ANYWAY so it's... not really a big deal?
they also don't celebrate their birthday. i mean, they don't exactly remember when they were born... so they just. don't celebrate?
maybe a little confused. they thought birthdays were... important to humans? are they not?
their telenovelas make birthdays out to be better than they are 9 times out of 10
overall, doesn't really matter all that much to them. they may get/make you something small if they know what day your birthday is on, but otherwise they don't do much about it
nightmare also doesn't celebrate his own birthday.
he sees no point in doing so. it only brings up bad memories from when he was young and naïve and weak. brings up bad memories of his brother.
so, he doesn't pry why you don't.
you are the partner of a king. a very powerful king. he likes to spoil you in luxuries and gifts.
of course, if you dont want that, he won't push. he'll make you two a nice dinner, as he often does, and may treat you to one or two of your favourite indulgences, but that's it.
however, if you would let him...
man, you'd be rolling in expensive gifts.
he already gives you nice things on a regular basis, he'd jump at the chance to shower you with things.
giftmas always leaves your house cluttered until you figure out what to do with everything he gives you
however, if you strictly tell him to not give you anything, he wouldn't. he may be a little sulky about it, because he loves to spoil you, but he won't go against your wishes </3
he does still make a point to make himself free for the day. you know, in case you want to do something.
he knows you treat it as just another day, but he sees it as a reminder that you'll age out of existence some day. it's a reminder that he's fallen in love with a mortal, and he doesn't have eternity with you.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
What is shank's reaction to cross guild getting together or any of the ex-Roger pirates like reyleigh or crous
Do you want the reaction I think he has in canon or the fanon, gayer one? Because I can do both. And both are pretty gay, ngl. Shanks is not even trying to hide in the glass closet he's just, out of there. Gay little man. Anyway-
Realistically, I think Shanks is happy Buggy is making a name for himself. The fact that he's joining forces with these other two is, uh, weird to say the least. He's honestly more surprised about Mihawk accepting to do this rather than Buggy having this organization, honestly. But I'm 100% sure he saw the poster and went all nostalgic. You know that bittersweet smile of "I'm happy for you but I wish we were together for this/We could've done this on our own"? Well, something like that. But I think that, even if he hasn't moved on from Buggy (never will. Gay little pirate) the whole point about Shanks with him is that he does see Buggy's potential and I don't think he's surprised about this. At least not in the way Luffy is, for example. It's a weird choice of business partners and Shanks doubts that he's the leader but damn his best friend (ex best friend. He has to remind the lil two letters that go before the term) is becoming even more important. I think that's also what makes him want to go look for the One Piece, besides Luffy, too. Like, things are definitely happening and changing and he needs to go after his dream too. Basically, I think he's proud of Buggy but he regrets not being able to be with him right now, and even could resent Crocodile and Mihawk a little bit. We'll see how that goes!
In a more fanon, self-indulgent concept, I think he wants to die. I think he's worried because what the actual fuck is Buggy doing with these two? And I think that, even if he's proud of him, he looks at Crocodile and Mihawk with so much jealousy,,, He'd be complimenting Buggy on his achievements and then turn around at the two of them like "grrrrrrrrrrrr *protective dog noises*". Thing that Buggy absolutely fucking hates because he can take care of himself, thank you very much, and does not need a reminder of how he has to be protected by Shanks. Not that Shanks is going all jealous ex on them, but he kind of is and Cross Guild is so fucking done because he has no right to act like this anymore. Beck tries to talk with him but Shanks is all like "hahaha why would we need to talk about this :)??? I am perfectly stable by the way where's the rum?" and his alcoholic self-destructive ass can't take the fact that Buggy is happy (could you consider that being happy? Not really. In a position of power. Kind of) without him. I don't remember the name of the fic but I read something about Shanks going to them and wanting to help Buggy because his Vivre Card was getting burned to ashes and Buggy refusing to be helped because he's tired of always getting saved by Shanks and he can protect himself and Shanks was going all worried boyfriend on him and aaaaaaaaaaaaaa great fanfic.
On the other hand, I think in general the whole thing is a surprise for everyone. I mean. It's not really the fact that Buggy is in a position of power because okay, he's still their little clumsy clown and it's weird seeing him like this, but he's been making a name for himself for a long time, and being even more powerful isn't surprising. What is surprising is that Crocodile and Mihawk are choosing to work for him (because that's what people think, and it's hilarious). I think they either laugh at this or are like "what the fuck??" but proceed to laugh anyway. I mean, the oldest generation is just watching these things happen like a telenovela. Also, I think Rayleigh is dying to see Shanks and Buggy again and talk about these things. Please Oda let them meet with their dad I am begging you-
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The beauty🌹 of Shadamy
Isn't it just wonderful how my dear Amy Rose gets paired romantically with every Sonic Rival in the fandom? Even Blaze! And fortunately not much with Jet 😂😂 My favorite one obviously is Shadamy, followed by Surgamy and finally with Metal Sonic but seriously, to me nothing beats THE Shadamy❤🖤🩷.
So the BEST thing about this ship to me is that it was born out of a single interaction 😆 and I don't mean the moment she colorblinded mistook him for Sonic and hugged him nooooope I mean the moment she reminded him about Maria Robotnik's 🥺 true wish by giving him a similar speech of hope and second chances and after that he said: I have to fufill my promise for Maria... And you... Me after seeing that👇👇
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(Funny this gif, casually she was also fangirling about a... SHAMY 🤣🤣 only the ones who know the show will get it)
Seriously, is fascinating how popular this ship became of that single interaction that led fans to write a HUGE amount of fanfiction of them and is always so romantic or so passionate or so angsty God I never get tired of it, one of my favorite portrayals of Shadamy is when Shadow is kind of a emo simp towards her, like he is simply adoring her even when she only looks at Sonic who is not looking at her 😭... Ah drama. 😂 I remember a few stories back when I was a pre teen... Like "el blog de Amy Rose" That's the only written fanfic name I remember and it was a total soap opera, a total and absolute telenovela full of all kinds of drama like Silver was their son and Sonic and Shadow were lost brothers 😂. Then I remember I few comics like Ternion that was an insanely passionate and angsty story with an excellent art that to contribute to my torture it was never finished... And boy I know the author had a secret smut chapter that she never posted anywhere... We know it exists because there were a few hot scenes in a video... 😭 but never happened the story didn't even reach half of what I think it was going to be🥲. In Chaos universe there's a double story in one Sonic and Amy had a daughter named Sonia but in an alternative universe we have María Rose who is Shadow and Amy's daughter... Is another tragedy were Amy is dead in both universes 😭 and of course I'm totally biased with Maria Rose's universe because the way her dad remember Amy's just hits different, seriously is way more enjoyably painful 🥲 and then the most current comics I'm addicted to of course IDOL AMY portrayed Shadow exactly how I said I like him the most 🥺 and the last one I saw is one apocalyptic where obviously Shadow survives and mourns a dead Amy: Future's Shadow... Girl this hedgehog can't catch a break they like to see him suffer 🥲🥲🥲
Now let's focus in the official interactions:
The Archie comics before the reboot kinda mistreated Amy portraying her in an annoying way most of the time just like in some games... And I wasn't a fan of a certain interaction she had with Shadow... (Those issues had a bitchy evil Rouge portrayal that I didn't like one bit🤬) I mean shadow actually kicks her in the stomach and hits her with her own hammer and... That just felt so wrong, you see I can't picture an scenario where Shadow would lay a hand on Amy in such a way as he did in those comics but I had a little comfort in this interaction at least 👇👇
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She puts her faith on him when he doesn't have much faith on himself and that is something she also did in the games, like in Shadow the hedgehog own game. Then there was a reboot and we got better interactions, here we have Amy teasing him and he pouting adorably (and finally they dropped the Rouge is a bitch portrayal thank you😤)
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We also see that they can make a good team
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Hey Shadow how it feels to be hammered by her? 🤭😇, then we had the marvelous IDW reboot but we still don't have proper interactions (and this is the best Rouge💜)
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Though honesty? This look like a romance novel scene... You know, with the bad boy being stubborn with the kind sweet girl 😂. Well Sonic IDW is still ongoing so we'll see if we get something more juicy... But I think I will be happy if they simply team up in a fight again.
And now let's talk about Twitter... Well, well, well have you noticed this tiny details in Sonic's Twitter takeovers? Someone asked "Shadow, will you marry me? " And they made Amy voice be the one reading that question 🧐, not only that the things Shadow described about what he wants in a partner for marriage were things that Amy totally would do perfectly (and to add some spice they made Sonic voice sound kind of upset to tease us with some sonadow too😂😂) and then the most precious and hilarious thing... SHADOW AND AMY ARE BOTH SWIFTIES 😆😆
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And look! He got her ticket's 😭😭 and they went together!!! 😭😭😭(that's a DATE) and then in another Twitter takeover she tells about how they had fun and got shirts and then Sonic got jealous 😭😭😭 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and look what SEGA IS DOING 👇👇👇
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Pop Star Amy and Rock Star Shadow I can't... 😭😭 and paladin Amy and knight Shadow AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY MATCH!!!!!
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I'm telling you... Sonic team is indulging us with oficial Sonamy but they are also shamelessly teasing us with SHADAMY (and sonadow juju)
And seriously fellow comic artists, feel free to keep drawing Shadamy comics forever... We don't get tired... 😇 and SEGA... Don't be shy... We conform with little teasing details you don't have to confirm or deny anything but for future games... A little Shadamy won't hurt 🥺🙏, we want Shadamy in games too! IDW that goes for you too... If you are teasing Sonamy and Sonadow you can tease Shadamy too! (And Knouge too! 😫)
And all this reminds me that we should demand SEGA to reboot the Sonic Adventure games with new modern animation and also so it's playable in modern consoles! I want to play it with the Nintendo Switch!! 😤😤😤
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thehistoriangirl · 3 months
my mexican twin.... I DEMAND MORE LATINX READER X VIKTOR!! (politely) i think its just fun to see representation even in lil silly fics hehe
For now I have some headcanons I would love to write into fics but I haven't had the inspiration to do it as prettily as I wish to 😭😭 I hope you like them 💛💛💛
Okay so the headcanons:
Viktor x Latinx gn!Reader (SFW)
TW: These are Mexican-related (bc I'm Mexican lol), but some can apply to different Latin cultures! :3
He DEFS gains a few pounds once you two start dating
Like either because YOU feed him (sometimes against his will bc he's """soooooo busy""" (shoving him a torta de milanesa during his lunchtime)
Or because YOUR FAMILY feeds him once you present him over. Imagine your cool grandma/cool aunt inspecting it with 😱😱😱😱 faces because MY MAN IS SO SCRUNKLY. It's a family's duty to up some pounds on those bones
And he enjoys to be being pampered you know, I imagine him like the classic "Oh but I'm full already 🥺" when you put another bowl full of pozole in front of him, and then he says he's only eating it for peer pressure around the table--but that's. a LIE!!!!
Yall can't tell me he doesn't get a round bump after a particularly yummy party. He's like starting to doze off on the table like a baby after eating his fourth tamal during your cousin's XV años.
Even if at night he's like 🥺🥺🥺 "my love my tummy hurts" (for the spice, idk why i headcanon he can get gastritis really easily lkfhjdklfjf) and here it goes the milk remedy winkwink
Also pan de dulce 👀👀👀 he falls in love with pan de dulce istg, and he can eat it with milk????? sign him the fuck up. The same with pastel de tres leches
Also he starts to mumble songs in bad Spanish--an idea @apuwu had talked with me over Discord before JKDJHDFJKFJH. My man is just vibing without knowing the grisly lyrics behind a seemingly happy tune
But you prefer not to tell him because he just looks so adorable mumbling it mindlessly while working <3333
He doesn't dance much bc his legs hurt if he keeps putting pressure on it during too long, but you can definitely coarse him into dancing one or two.
Otherwise he just likes to watch you dance, even if you don't really know how to/are a lil bit clumsy. You look very happy dancing with your family/friends that he gets smitten all over again
He's kinda scarred for life once he saw kids breaking a piñata during one of your nephews' birthdays & un bolo during a baptism (where the hosts throw money so the guests could pick it up) (iykyk)
He started to watch telenovelas by mistake. Like maybe you were watching one or just putting it like white background noise while doing something else.
And at first he was like 🙄🙄🙄 "if the characters would do X thing or Z, this problem would be easily resolved/this problem wouldn't exist", and you tell him that it is for the 💥d r a m a💥
As it happened to the best of us when you're hanging out in the living room and your mom is watching a telenovela---Viktor just gets HOOKED. He doesn't know when it happened or how but he is invested
Sometimes you arrive home from a date with your friends and find Viktor and Jayce watching a telenovela on the couch
[For context, in my lil derange mind, in a contemporary AU Jayce is Latino. No i will not elaborate thank you]
He helps you make the Día de Muertos ofrenda <3333 he just loves to gets all craftsty and he's so interested about the concept that he even brings a photos of his passed family members. May even cook something they liked to put it in there alongisde yours :3
For now that's all! I hope to make some short fics with these soon! Like during Independence's Day KDJFDJKFJHF <3
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cyber-skeletons · 5 months
hiiii:> (for ask game) 💤🫂📓🌟 for Megatron and/or Optimus
💤 A headcanon about their sleep
Megatron used to sleep like the dead back in his mining days because he was constantly worked to exhaustion, but when he ended up in the fighting pits of Kaon he learned to sleep light because a sleeping gladiator was an easy target. Then Starscream existed, and, well.
Optimus, meanwhile, snores like a Peterbilt going uphill from how damaged his frame is constantly
🫂 A friendship headcanon
Megatron, for the vast majority of his life, only had one (1) friend at any given point in time. First it was Terminus, then it was Soundwave. In Earthspark, he hits the jackpot with two: Dorothy and Optimus.
Optimus in contrast went through life with a hundred acquaintances as well as a loving inner circle of close friends. The Belle of the Ball, as it were.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
Megatron is a massive bookworm. He has a secret collection of literature that he loves to lose himself in, and he also genuinely finds writing to be fun (barring the universal author woes, that is). He often guilts himself into staying within the realm of non-fiction, but he allows himself cheesy romance novels as a treat or comfort material.
Optimus is a big fan of human "ball game" and sports in general. He in general loves to play around with his human friends or play with his younger soldiers. In private, he loves watching telenovelas and cries over them regularly.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
Megatron, throughout his entire life, has always sought absolute control over his own frame and his own destiny. This eventually extended into absolute control over others' frames and destinies, because to him that was the only way to keep himself (and others) safe. If he makes it to an era of rehabilitation/recovery — and forgive me for getting a bit kinky here — he likes to be submissive in berth to explore and toy with the idea of control, play with the illusion of being powerless while also holding all the power in a scene... so long as his partner is someone he trusts, and the act itself further develops that trust.
Optimus meanwhile used to desire a life of adventure and travel as Orion, but millions of years of war and the weight of the Matrix all but snuffed out his ornery adventure-protagonist streak, as well as his self-esteem. He finds meaning in doing acts of service, working to better communities, helping with projects, comforting mechs he sees struggling, etc. All he really wants is for every living being to be free, provided for, and happy. This comes at the cost of him forgetting/neglecting himself, even in berth.
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