#but I could feel the creative juices flowing as I edited this
I can't think of a title for these clone wars headcanons
Ahsoka does this thing that never fails to get a laugh out of the people around her and it’s the fact that she calls herself an angel whenever someone calls her out for doing something bad or reminds her of something she’s done she’ll look around before going “Who me? I’m an angel”
Which has the whole group bent over laughing hysterically sometimes they’re able to choke out a sentence that sounds like “Jedi aren’t supposed to lie” or something along those lines 
So I’ve had this idea for a while but I feel like something along the lines of sign language would be necessary for the troops to know if they’re on a stealth mission 
And even tho the Jedi don’t need to sign with each other it’s kind of common practice for them to learn some to communicate with the troops
Some signs can differ from troop to troop but they’re close enough that they’re easy to understand and it’s very rare that the other troop will get confused 
Sometimes those signs will leak off the field and into their day-to-day lives most of the time the troops will use signs to be kind to their Jedi who have migraines after a difficult battle but the signs are used the most around Anakin
I feel like it would be pretty easy for Jedi to get overstimulated especially if they’re as powerful as Anakin so it’s not uncommon for him to go nonverbal after a battle or if he’s in a force rich place
If he’s only kind of overwhelmed he’ll use Ahsoka and Obi-Wan as his interpreters and talk through their bonds but sometimes even that is too much so signs like “please” “thank you” “sorry” “hungry” “thirsty” “more” or “I’m okay” become pretty commonplace
It’s not enough to hold an in-depth conversation but that usually works in Anakin’s favor because drawn-out conversations tend to make him nonverbal for longer periods
When Anakin Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are stressed it shows up when they’re asleep 
Anakin sleep talks whenever he’s even slightly worried about something he’s woken poor Ahsoka and Obi-Wan up more times than the duo can count by saying stuff like “Hey hey are you awake?” while he’s out like a light
It freaks the duo out because he’s weirdly eloquent in his sleep bro is holding entire conversations do those conversations make sense to anyone but him? No but they’re conversations nonetheless
Ahsoka sleepwalks it doesn’t matter what happens during the day if it even slightly stresses her out she’s up and out of bed the second she’s slightly asleep it scared the force out of Anakin the first time she sleepwalked in their quarters because she was just standing over him menacingly 
The first time Obi-Wan was introduced to Ahsoka’s sleepwalking was during a sleepover that the trio was having and he had just drifted off to sleep when he heard the buzz of two lightsabers in the other room
Both he and Anakin walked into the kitchen to find Ahsoka standing with her sabers activated she wasn’t in a fighting stance by any means so they could easily disarm her but all Anakin did was ask “You want water snips?” and she nodded while holding out her sabers which he easily grabbed
Only after Ahsoka had a nice glass of water and laid back down did Obi-Wan ask questions the main one being “Is that normal?” and Anakins replies “Well the sabers are new” like someone talking about the weather 
It wasn’t until morning that the trio discovered Anakin and Ahsoka’s kitchen table was cut in half the togruta was incredibly apologetic but Anakin was just impressed that she managed to do it without waking them
Normally Obi-Wan snores like a lawn mower but when he’s stressed he grinds his teeth the real kicker is he grinds them so hard that it’s just as loud as the snoring and the only difference is the poor man wakes up with a sore locked jaw
One time Anakin heard a shiny say that they could never tell what Ahsoka was thinking and the other commented that she’s “like a vault” which had him doubled over in almost painful laughter 
When one of them finally gained the courage to ask him what was so funny he just said “If you wanna know what she’s thinking look at her face” and he’s not wrong girly has the most expressive face it’s like looking at glass
But the people who love her hope that trait never changes cause there’s nothing quite like seeing her face twist as she has to talk to some dirtbag or light up when she gets a compliment 
Recently I got some ideas when it comes to Clone Wars characters and baking
Anakin is one of the best damn cooks in the galaxy he’s also really good at making a meal out of virtually nothing it’s scary impressive but on the other hand the man can’t bake for shit
Cause with cooking measurements aren’t really needed in fact on Tatooine people would scoff if you asked for them but it’s kind of the opposite for baking unless you’ve been doing it for a very long time
So Anakin “Just pour it until it looks good” Skywalker hates baking with a burning passion which is funny because he’s got a sweet tooth the size of a gundark
Ahsoka’s only really used to cooking by Anakin’s side which results in her only really remembering half the recipe like girl can mince like no one else but she can’t make a full dish without calling Anakin to ask for help 
But baking is where this girl thrives she loves to bake and try new recipes which works out because Anakin’s the human equivalent of a garbage disposal with the aforementioned sweet tooth
Cody is pretty proficient at cooking and baking he doesn’t do anything fancy and he doesn’t really like doing either he mostly learned out of necessity cause
Obi-Wan and Rex can’t cook or bake for shit and they’re perfectly fine with that fact like they’re a-ok with living off government rations if it means they never have to step foot in a kitchen 
Padme sweet angel lovely girl thinks she can cook and bake can she….. No
But the thing is she tries so hard and puts her whole heart and soul into her cooking and baking so everyone tries to act like she can it’s the galaxies best kept secret and it’s one that everyone’s happy to keep
There was one time when that secret was almost spilled on Ahsoka’s birthday when Padme offered to make her cake and no one could warn the poor girl cause that would spoil the surprise party
All Anakin could do to rectify the situation was buy a cake from his and Ahsoka’s favorite bakery and hide it in their quarters after the party
During the actual party Anakin pulled her off to the side to warn her just before the cake could be brought out and from an outsider's perspective it looked like a sweet moment between the siblings 
But in actuality all was going on this “Soka you know how you said I was the best master you could ask for” “Yes I said it when I first walked in are you finally going senile” “Well remember all that love when I ask you for the biggest favor” “which is?” “Padme made your cake” “No” “And I need you to act like you love it” “Anakin please if you love me at all” “If you love me you’ll eat the cake and tell her you love it and once the parties over you’ll get to eat your favorite cake in the whole wide world”
And they kind of just sit there and Anakin swears a few tears fall before Ahsoka says “Fine” and he hugs the everloving force out of her before they walk over to eat a slice of the galaxy's prettiest abomination 
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idiotmf · 2 months
omg please write a piece about reader getting fucked by a ghost i neeeeed it
Hey, anon! Fear not, I shall deliver. I wasn't sure whether you wanted afab or amab, so I went with the usual afab. I'm happy to rewrite it into amab, if anyone wants it!(^ω^)
Edit: Here is the amab version!
Feel free to send me asks and requests or little imagines, I'm always happy to expand upon it, it gets the creative juices flowing a little. ^-^
NSFW, Minors DNI, I can see you.
TW: dub-con
Anyway, enough talk. Here's Reader getting not-so-respectfully railed by a ghost:
When your grandma left you a house after she passed, you assumed your troubles would finally be over, and for a while, they were. When you moved in, things were amazing. You didn't have to worry about rent anymore, and the utilities were surprisingly cheap. It's like you hit the jackpot, finally able to live with a few less worries.
Obviously, when you weren't working or hanging out with the odd friend that came over, you spent your time at home, keeping yourself occupied, mostly by either watching something, playing something, or masturbating out of boredom.
Things continued like that for a while, until you found a rather cryptic note from your late grandma that explained in unnecessary detail how there was a ghost living in the house. She strictly referred to the ghost as "him" and mentioned he was fairly friendly, unless provoked, and even then he would only play pranks on you.
Being the rational person that you are, you chalked it up to grandma being senile and that she was just keeping herself entertained since she lived in the house all alone. It would have been fine if that's where it stopped.
One night, your old friend came over, and you did your usual routine of watching something, and then halfway through, you ended up fucking. That's where it really all began.
The next morning, things were on the ground, not like someone had ransacked the place, but it was noticeable enough, though of course you thought it must've been just your old friend who had knocked some stuff over while leaving in a hurry. When you went to bend over to pick some things up, you could feel something grabbing your ass, and without hesitation, you turned around, only to be faced with nothing. Maybe you were going crazy, you thought; it wasn't an awfully strong grip, so maybe it was something your body did.
This excuse became increasingly less effective as time went on. You felt hands everywhere and at the worst times. Caressing your arms and legs, tracing your stomach and back. Eventually it got to the point where you could feel a hand slipping into your pants, playing with your clit. Of course, you were scared at first. Something was clearly there, and it reminded you of the letter your grandma left you.
You began shouting at the ghost. Telling it to stop fucking around and leave you alone. However, the ghost didn't really care; you broke his one rule that he had agreed on with your grandma, and even if you didn't know, he was going to punish you. How dare you bring another man into his house and have the audacity to fuck him?
His touching escalated the more you allowed him. Eventually you noticed a mouth and a wet tongue licking your neck, tracing down to your breasts. It seemed strange, considering you were usually clothed when this happened, yet it felt like it was touching your skin directly. The licking felt nothing like what your old friend would do, although in truth the sex with him wasn't all that good and really just a way to get fucked every once in a while.
Before you knew it, multiple hands were all over you, joined by at least three tongues licking you. This made no sense; you wondered if there were multiple ghosts. It became increasingly difficult to even find the logic in this when you were constantly being groped and licked. One tongue had found its permanent place on your sensitive nub, flicking and sucking it with every move you made; one was carelessly sucking on one of your nipples, alternating with one hand that usually played with the other one. The third mouth seemed to like making out with you, its tongue constantly shoved in your mouth, wrestling yours.
Despite feeling all these ministrations as if they were real, when you looked at your reflection, there was nothing there. Your mouth was gaping, but nothing was in it; your panties were soaked beyond belief most of the time, yet nothing seemed to be there. But truly, the worst part about it all was that it wouldn't let you finish. Whenever you were just about to cum, the mouth disappeared before continuing its torture. It took about two days before you couldn't take it anymore, pleading with the ghost to let you cum. It didn't listen, though it did use more hands to restrict you when you went to touch yourself before shoving something inside of you.
It wasn't much of a sensation, and you felt it curl, so you naturally assumed it was the finger of another hand. “Please,” you began whimpering every other minute, your tone getting more needy with every ruined orgasm that he put you through as minutes began to feel like hours.
“I'll do anything,” you finally managed to choke out through tears as he played with your sodden pussy for what you could only register as an eternity again, bent over the kitchen counter, legs held apart, wrists gripped tightly by the ghost. For a moment, there was nothing but stillness; all the mouths stopped what they were doing, and most of the hands disappeared too, except the ones keeping you in place.
“Anything?” A shiver ran down your spine as you heard the noise that you assumed to be the ghost's voice. It sounded distant and more like the wind howling than a human voice, yet you knew immediately who it was. You nodded, the tears running down your face falling onto the kitchen counter, your twitching cunt trying to feel any sort of stimulation now that the mouths and hands were gone.
“Yes, anything.” The words came out before you could even attempt to stop them, accompanied by a howling sound, which made you wonder whether it was meant to be a laugh or not.
Another few moments passed before a loud noise forced itself out of your mouth at the sensation of something stretching you open. It was long and thick, covered in strange bumps, providing nothing but the most torturous pleasure as it thrust into your hungry cunt at a punishing pace.
Despite your mind still questioning whether this was okay and logical, your body was writhing against the kitchen counter, hands still held still by him, your legs forced apart as he fucked you from behind. No matter how much you attempted to stop it from happening, desperate, high-pitched mewling sounds escaped your lips at a rapid rate as you felt another orgasm approach, hoping this would be the one to finally let you cum after two days of torture.
“What a willing little slut,” the ghost taunted with his howling voice, making him sound distant yet all around you at once. The insults made you mewl louder; something about being used like this by a ghost made your pussy clench harder.
In a small moment of defiance, you glanced back at what might be behind you, but just as expected, there was nothing. Despite your pussy being stretched to an almost painful level, gaping around air, no figure was there to account for it.
Just as your orgasm threatened to spill over, something was shoved into your mouth, making your jaw hurt, before it found its way down your throat, drowning out your mewls and desperate groans.
“Be quiet, whore. I'm not done with you yet.” With those words, your eyes fluttered closed as you let this torture continue for another minute or two, pussy and throat both stuffed full with invisible cocks, bigger than any human's you've ever had. The thought alone was enough to trigger your orgasm, finally sending you over that sweet edge with a loud groan that only came out as a hum. Your body went limp from the impact, and you saw stars in front of your eyes, the ghost holding you up by your wrists as if it were nothing.
Without a word or even a moment to spare, he kept slamming into you, the bumps rubbing against your insides, making you feel like you were stuck in a never-ending orgasm for a moment before it did finally subside, though you could feel the cocks twitch, their movements becoming more erratic and aggressive. You tried to say something, but your throat was simply too stuffed to make any worthwhile noise.
Suddenly, you felt a hot sensation in both of your holes, almost making you gag and cry in pain, as the sheer amount of ectoplasmic seed forced its way into your womb and down your throat, spilling back into your mouth, even running down your chin. Before you could fully register what happened, you were dropped, the ghost probably leaving you to deal with the aftermath. As you lay there, the sheer amount of cum almost formed a small puddle on the ground, your fucked-out pussy leaking more as you desperately tried to swallow the remnants in your mouth.
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stormberry-12 · 2 months
you look like your name is daryll ~ lando norris x reader
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pairing: lando norris x fem!artist!reader
warnings: none...? not edited ig
notes: random blurb to try to get the creative juices flowing. last part of faceless is on its way, just want to make sure it has all the details and is legible lol. have a good one! :)
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You stood off to the side in the crowded art gallery, offering tidbits of information to random people. Some asked logical questions about the pieces of art you were selling but most just wanted to know where the nearest bathroom was.
This wasn't the way you planned on spending your weekend but your boss had invited some top dog, rich athletes to promote the museum and insisted you come and help.
It hadn't been all that bad, you were finding a few people who weren't just there for the free champagne, that you could sell some of your work to, making some extra cash here and there. However, you slowly grew bored of standing there waiting for somebody, who actually appreciated the purpose of the gallery, to pass by.
As you slumped onto a bench and pulled out your phone you heard footsteps approach you, looking up at what looked to be an avid sports fan you pointed to your left and said, "Bathrooms that way,"
He gave you a confused look and stared up at your art on the wall, "Uhm, I don't need to go, thanks though."
That made you feel stupid and you felt your cheeks heat slightly, "Sorry, I didn't think you would actually be here to look at art."
"Why?" he asked sassily. Along with the sass he had a British accent, which made your heart flutter slightly.
"Well," you sighed, "you look like your name is Daryll and you wore a smiley face bucket hat to an art museum."
He laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "Try again, it's even more lame than Daryll."
"Uhm, Eugene?"
"Do I look like a Eugene?" he questioned with a small smirk on his face.
You laughed, "Not really,"
He shook his head, laughing with you, "If I can guess your name can I take you out to lunch?"
You looked up at him confused, this was not how you saw this conversation going. Oh, who cares, "Go for it Daryll."
You looked at him with wide eyes, "Okay, that's not even funny,"
"You have nice handwriting," he put one hand in his pocket, pointing at your signature on a painting with the other.
"Anyway, I got to get going," he gestured behind him, "can I find you later?"
You chuckled, "Sure Daryll,"
He grinned wider and walked off in a rush.
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After your lunch break, you returned to your post. There weren't as many people wandering around anymore. Magnified voices blasted from around the corner, followed by a crowd of people laughing. You followed the noise and shifted into the crowd, looking up at the platform of speakers.
Oh shit. It was your new friend that you had tried to chauffer to the toilet. He was the famous rich guy who was supposed to be giving this place a lot of money.
"What would you be, Lando, if you weren't a Formula 1 driver?" the interviewer asked, the two men pulled out their whiteboards and started scribbling down their answers.
"Okay- actually Oscar let's start with you," he walked over to the other guy who turned his board around. "What would he be?"
"I said a golfer being beaten by Carlos Sainz,"
The crowd groaned and laughed at his answer as the question continued, "And Lando says... a golfer, an artist, or..."
"Only fans," He grinned, and you couldn't help but laugh with the rest of the group.
He had a nice name too. He caught your gaze and winked.
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morgana-larkin · 3 months
So about a month ago @winters-witch24 and I talked about what if Melissa secretly loves Disney movies and so I wrote a fic about it. I tried to include as much songs from Disney movies as possible, mostly the classics. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I’m almost done the Chessy one and I got like 5 others that I started. I guess meeting a girl really gets the creative juices flowing, lol.
Once Upon A Time
Warnings: just a bunch of fluff and Mel being a big Disney lover
Words: 2.15
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“So I was thinking, for date night tonight, we could watch a Disney movie.” You suggest to Melissa and she looks at you with a smile.
“Which one?” She asks as you two are sitting on the couch in the break room before school starts. You two have a date night every Friday night, always a perfect end to a long week.
“Just the best classic one, Cinderella.” You tell her and she shakes her head and blushes. “What’s wrong with Cinderella?”
“Nothing Tesoro. Growing up with 8 younger siblings, I watched a lot of Disney movies and I love them.” She tells you and you put your head on her shoulder.
“So which one is your favourite?”
“Surprisingly, Cinderella, so your choice is perfect. But I also like Snow White, Lady and the Tramp and Beauty and the Beast.”
“I love those too! But just like you, my favourite is Cinderella. I also like Sleeping Beauty, the little mermaid, the lion king, Aladdin and Hercules. Oh and who could forget Mary Poppins.” You tell her and she wraps an arm around you.
“It’s Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” She starts to sing and a smile forms on your mouth. “Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious.” She continues and then you lift your head off her shoulder and turn to face her, then you both start singing.
“If you say it loud enough, you’ll always sound precocious! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!” You both sing and then the trio and Barb walk in. “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!” You both continue singing and then she brings you closer to her as you both giggle.
“What’s going on in here?” Barb asks with a smile at seeing her best friend so happy.
“Nothing, just singing Mary Poppins.” You tell her and everyone smiles at you two.
After school you head over to your place to change out of your work clothes and into some comfier clothes. You slip on some leggings and a loose t-shirt and then head over to Melissa’s place.
You and Melissa have been dating for about two months now and you both couldn’t be happier. You both were attracted to each other for a few months until Melissa accidentally blurted it out right to you. You didn’t tell anyone but they figured it out quickly, especially since Melissa can’t keep her hands to herself. Ever since you both got together then Melissa always has her hands on you, either hand holding, cuddling, arm around your waist, hugging you. She did ask when you started dating if you were ok with PDA and physical touch, which you told her you were more than ok with.
She opens the door and you both kiss each other before you bounce over to the tv to go into Disney+. Melissa giggles at your eagerness and joins you after grabbing the plates with dinner that she made. You put on Cinderella while you dig into the dinner. The combination of Melissa’s food, watching Cinderella and sitting next to the woman you love is enough to know that you feel this is where you’re meant to be and it’ll put a smile on your face for days.
“A dream is a wish your heart makes.” Melissa starts singing and looks at you with a smile. It’s enough to make you feel a hoard of butterflies in your stomach and make your heart flutter.
When you finish your dinner, you both place the plates on the coffee table and then cuddle each other. You wrap your arms around her waist and rest your head on her chest and continue watching the movie. Melissa wraps an arm around your shoulders and brings you closer to her and then places a kiss at the top of your head.
“If I was Cinderella then I would have punched one of them by now.” You say and she laughs.
“Ya? I definitely would have already done that too.” She says and you smile.
You both continue watching and then the scene with the fairy godmother comes and you both sing along to bibbidi- bobbidi-boo.
“Salagadoola menchicka boola, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Put ‘em together and what have you got? Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! Salagadoola menchicka boola, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. It’ll do magic, believe it or not. bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!”
“Now salagadoola means menchicka boolaroo. But the thingamabob that does the job is Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!” Melissa continues to sing while you just enjoy watching her have fun singing along.
When the movie ends, Melissa is sitting with her back on the side of the couch with you cuddling on her. You have your arms wrapping around her waist and she’s lightly scratching your scalp, you’re both very relaxed after a stressful week of grading.
“Wanna watch another one?” You suggest and she looks at you with a smile.
“How about The Little Mermaid?” She says and you smile excitedly.
“Oh I love The Little Mermaid!” You say and quickly grab the remote and put it on.
You both watch the beginning and you just watch Melissa sing along to ‘Part Of Your World’.
“Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun! Wanderin’ free, wish I could be, part of your world.” She sings and you just stare at her with a smile. “What are you staring at?” She asks you.
“You. Staring at you singing along to Disney movies. I wouldn’t peg you for a Disney lover.” You say and she chuckles.
“Not many people know so don’t go around saying anything. Got a reputation to keep.” She says and you laugh.
You get to the part when Sebastian is trying to keep Ariel from being closer to humans and then under the sea starts playing.
“The human world, it’s a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there!” You sing along and then you stand up as you can’t resist dancing to it. “Come on get up! Let’s dance!” You tell her and she immediately giggles and gets up. “Such wonderful things surround you. What more is you looking for?”
“Under the sea, under the sea. Darling it’s better, down where it’s wetter, take it from me! Up on the shore they work all day, out in the sun they slave away. While we devotin’, full time to floatin’ , UNDER THE SEA!” You sing as she spins you around and then get back to just excitedly dancing together.
You both sit back on the couch and watch the few minutes until ‘poor unfortunate souls’ comes on and Melissa can’t resist.
“I admit that in the past I’ve been a nasty, they weren’t kidding when they called me well a witch.” Melissa starts singing to you. “And here lately, please don’t laugh, I use it on behalf of the miserable, lonely and depressed, pathetic.” She says and gets up. “Poor Unfortunate Souls!” She sings and starts creepily circling the couch and stops behind you. “This one longing to be thinner this one wants to get the girl, and do I help them? Yes indeed.”
You watch her have fun and you say Ariel’s lines. She keeps smiling at you and you can’t help but smile back at her.
“Yes I’ve had the odd complaint, but on the whole I’ve been a saint to those poor unfortunate souls. Have we got a deal?”
“If I become human, I’ll never be with my father or sisters again.” You say when Ariel does.
She continues to circle the couch while she continues singing and stops when she’s right beside you. “But they dote and swoon and fawn, on a lady who’s withdrawn, it’s she who holds her tongue who gets a man. Come on you poor unfortunate soul. Go ahead! Make your choice! I’m a very busy woman and I haven’t got all day. It won’t cost much, just your voice!” She continues and walks until she’s right behind you and you turn to look at her. “If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet then you got to pay the toll, take a gulp and take a breath and go ahead and sign the scroll. Flotsam, Jetsam, now I’ve got her boys. The boss is on a roll! This, poor, unfortunate soul!!” She finishes and joins you back on the couch and you’re both giggling.
You both continue cuddling and kiss the girl comes on. You don’t know it but Melissa has always wanted to kiss someone while watching this and she finally has her chance. She hums the song while you sing it and then it gets to the part that she’s been waiting for.
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la the music play, do what the music say, the song say, kiss the girl!” You sing and then she strokes your cheek and you look at her. She gently grabs your chin and pulls you into her. Your lips connect and you both kiss as the song is finishing up. When the song ends is when you both pull apart and you both look at each other with a smile.
“I’ve always wanted to kiss someone while that song plays.” She tells you and you blush.
“So have I.” You say and she grins.
“Well I guess both our fairytale dream came true.” She says and you nod in agreement. The movie ends and Melissa is back on the side of the couch with you laying in between her legs and her arms wrapped around you.
“I love you.” Melissa suddenly says and you move your head and look up at her.
“Really?” You ask and she nods with a smile. “I love you too.” You tell her and then you both seal it with a kiss.
On Monday morning, Melissa drives you both to work as you stayed there all weekend. You sing some more Disney songs on the way and Melissa can’t be happier.
“Heigh-ho, heigh-ho it’s off to work we go!” You both sing and then whistle to the beat. Melissa looks at you with a fond smile, you catch her looking at you and you smile back at her. She reaches for your hand and you hold hands for the rest of the drive.
“When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s Amore.” Melissa begins singing and you look at her and listen to her sing the song.
When you both get to Abbott, you get out of the car and begin the walk to the break room.
“Can you feel the love tonight. The peace the evening brings. The world for once in perfect harmony. With all its living things. Can you feel the love tonight! You needn’t look too far. Stealing through the night’s uncertainties.” You both sing and then you bring Melissa closer to you, face to face. “Love is where they are.” You both sing as you stare at each other with a smile.
“Hop a carpet and fly to another Arabian night!!! ARABIAN NIGHT LIKE ARABIAN DAYS!!!” You sing as you spin Melissa around and she laughs.
“Though honey it may seem impossible, that’s the gospel truth!” Melissa sings as you both spin around.
“Don’t you disrespect me little man!” You say as you look at Melissa, who quirks an eyebrow at you. “Don’t you derogate or deride! You’re in my world now, not your world. And I got friends on the other side.” You say and she smiles.
“Be, our, guest, be our guest. Put our service to the test. Tie your napkin ‘round your neck, Cherie and we’ll provide the rest.” You both sing as you reach the break room.
“When the cold wind is a-calling, and the sky is clear and bright. Misty mountains sing and beckon. Lead me out into the light, I will ride, I will fly. Chase the wind and touch the sky.” You sing and then Melissa picks you up and spins you around. “Chase the wind and touch the sky!” You finish as she puts you down and you both turn around and see everyone there staring at you both in shock.
“You two are in a good mood.” Jacob says as he pours some coffee in his mug and goes to sit down.
“Ya, did you two get freaky this weekend?” Ava asks.
“Ava!!” Barb says.
“What? When have you known Melissa to be this happy?” Ava defends herself.
“It’s because they’re in love.” Janine says and you both blush. You and Melissa both go and sit down with Barb at the table.
“We did tell each other we love each other on Friday for the first time.” Melissa says and holds your hand and she smiles at you.
“Well congratulations to you two.” Gregory says.
“Who was singing a bunch of Disney songs in the hall?” Mr. Johnson says as he enters the break room.
“We also watched a shit ton of Disney movies.” You say and you both burst out laughing.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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williamswifey · 1 year
hiii i love all of your fics! could i request a bella ramsey x reader where the reader is part of a well known film like stranger things or a marvel movie and everytime bella and them are in an interview they gush about the reader’s character in the other film, which fans notice and think is adorable😭
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pairing ; bella ramsey x fem!reader
summary ; bella thinks you’re a fantastic actor and rants about it 🤷‍♀️
content warnings ; none, intense fluff
a/n ; sorry for the filler posts lately, i’ve been lacking in the creativity department for actual plots, so plz send in asks to get my creative juices flowing
stranger things season four recently came out, and being one of the main characters, you had been extremely busy with interviews and premieres.
it was all so exciting, you loved seeing fans reactions to the show. you loved being tagged in fan edits, and you loved replying to dm’s and tweets.
just when the buzz from the recent dropping of the season began to die down, you and bella had been invited for an interview by vogue, to give a tour of your shared apartment while answering questions.
you had gotten the email from your manager while you had been finishing up a load of laundry, and you we’re static. you and bella’s relationship had gone public about a year ago, even though the two of you had been dating for longer.
there wasn’t much content out from the two of you, aside from social media posts. now that you thought about it, you and bella had never actually been in an official interview together.
sure, the two of you had been interviewed during premieres together, and the paparazzi took photos of you two together all the time—you had never actually sat down with them for an interview.
you excitedly walked downstairs, seeing bella curled up on the couch with a book in their hand. their head peeled upwards when you came into their line of vision, a small smile tugging at their lips.
“hi, darling,” they said in a soft voice, patting the spot next to them.
you grinned and laid besides bella, your head resting on their lap. bella began to play with your hair, successfully beginning to lull you into a gentle sleep.
just before you allowed yourself to slip into unconsciousness, your brain reminded you of why you went to find bella in the first place.
you opened your eyes, and rolled over to face bella. you gently pried the book out of their hands, placing their bookmark you bought for them on the page they left off at.
you yawned before you began to talk, causing bella to chuckle at you, poking your cheek.
“i thought you were a sleepy girl,” they said, tilting their head to the side.
“i am,” you said, rubbing at your eyes, before sitting up straight, “but i had something to ask you first.”
“oh?” bella said, their interest suddenly peaking as they leaned forward slightly.
“nothing bad,” you assured, taking their hand as you fiddled with their rings, “but i got an email from my manager, asking about a vogue interview with us. we’d have to answer a few questions about each other while showing them our apartment. i think it’s an awesome idea, but if you don’t want to it’s totally fine and—”
bella noticed you beginning to ramble as they placed their free hand under your chin, your eyes meeting theirs.
“i’d love to.”
you smiled, and made a mental reminder to email your manager back. in the meantime, you resumed your previous spot on bella’s lap, feeling their gentle hands against your hair as you fell asleep.
two weeks and days worth of cleaning later, you and bella were sitting on your couch, waiting for the camera crew and interviewer to arrive to your apartment.
your apartment was in the heart of los angeles, so traffic was always pretty intense, especially in the late afternoon. you were attempting to mentally prepare yourself to answer questions while bella scrolled aimlessly on their phone.
eventually, you grew bored of staring into space and looked over bella’s shoulder to see whatever they were doing on their phone. you giggled when you saw bella staring at a photo of you from your most recent press event.
“…bella my love, what are you doing?”
bella grew startled as their phone nearly flew out of their hands, face pink. however, bella wasn’t embarrassed about the fact they were looking at photos of you—in fact, they were proud.
“just looking at photos of you, reminding myself how lucky i am.” bella replied, and your face now turned the shade of pink bella’s was moments ago.
bella was such a sap sometimes.
“you’re cute, you know that?” you said, pressing a few kisses to bella’s face.
you two began to play fight, and a few seconds later, bella had pinned you to the couch, and was kissing your neck playfully while you giggled.
your fun was cut short by the doorbell. you groaned, sliding out from underneath bella as you made your way to the door, quickly fixing your hair and lipgloss.
the interviewer arrived with a camera crew, and you and bella began the tour.
after a brief tour of your apartment, the camera crew and interviewer got settled on your couch as they began to prepare you both for the interview.
they promised nothing too invasive or intense—but you weren’t worried. your manager promised your assistant had reviewed and approved every question on the list.
bella seemed to be a bit more jittery, and the obnoxious interviewer clearly took advantage of that—as they decided they’d ask bella a few questions first.
“so, bella,” the interviewer began, turning her attention towards bella, “have you gotten the chance to see stranger things season four yet?”
bella shifted in their seat. you honestly had no idea if they watched it or not, and their reply was a complete surprise.
“i have!” bella replied enthusiastically, beginning to fiddle with their rings the way they did when excited, “y/n was absolutely fabulous, as always. and her character? my god. i’ve never rooted for a protagonist more. y/n’s acting is incredible. sometimes i’d be watching the show in our bedroom while y/n was in the living room reading…and i’d just be like—holy fuck. i live with this person.”
bella’s response to you and your character had you blushing manically. your cheeks were bright pink as you fought back a smile, intertwining your hand with bella’s.
their eyes met yours.
“do you really mean that, bels?” you asked softly, heart fluttering as bella nodded.
“more than anything. but i have to admit, your character is way cooler than you,” bella joked, ruining the moment as you gently shoved their shoulder and playfully stuck their tongue out at them.
bella giggled, the both of you completely forgetting that the interviewer was still there, and the camera was still recording.
the two of you were quick to pull it together again, professional as can be.
“but, yeah,” bella said after a moment, “i saw stranger things and it’s probably my favorite tv show at the moment—but i might also be biased.”
this made a chuckle slip past your lips.
you rested your head on bella’s shoulder as the interviewer glanced at the pair of you.
“now y/n,” the interviewer began, “now i guess it’s your turn. i assume you’ve seen the last of us, so what did you think of it?”
your grinned was so large you felt your cheeks widen. as you opened your mouth to speak, you knew your words would rival bella’s previous in an instant.
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milktei · 1 year
Woah I'm new here in Tumblr but I'm glad I came across your blog! Not sure if you're accepting requests but thoughts on Angst/Comfort where trust issues comes after Atsumu (or Kageyama 🙇‍♂️) does something that upsets their s/o??
Man of Many Words
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Miya Atsumu x gn!Reader
Genre: Angst with some fluff at the end
Warnings: none(?)
Requests: Closed for now :|
not edited
a/n: First of all i’m so sorry this took so long anon but I hope that this somewhat fulfills your request ;-;. Writers block is crazy I was pumping out one shots so easily and then bam I hate everything I write. The ending of this one in particular was difficult for me but i hope it suffices :’). anyways requests are still closed for now but i’m hoping to write something that will help the creative juices flow again
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It is well known among Atsumu’s friends and family that he tends to talk. A lot.
It was something you found endearing about him when you first started dating. Whenever you were with Atsumu, awkward silences were few and far between. There was always something he could talk about it.
For the most part you were happy to listen and talk about whatever it was he rambled about that day. His limitless passion was part of why you fell in love with him.
Still, the habit of his had some drawbacks.
“Oh, congratulations by the way!”
You turn your gaze away from the restaurant window and look at your friend in confusion.
“Congratulations on what?”
It was your friend’s turn to look confused, “On the big promotion silly!”
There was a pause as you took in their words. “How do you even know about that?” You spluttered. “I just got the news a couple days ago. I was planning a big announcement and everything.”
“Oh I ran into Atsumu at the grocery store yesterday and he told me!” their gaze softened when they saw the defeated look on your face. “I’m sorry I thought he would’ve told you”
You waved your hands in front of you, “no no it’s not your fault… I’m not very surprised at this point. I was just hoping to wait for all the paperwork to go through before telling anyone.”
“Well if it’s any comfort I’m proud of you y/n.”
The smile you gave them was bittersweet, “thanks.”
Needless to say, you were a bit peeved when you got home that day, though your boyfriend didn’t seem to notice.
“Hi babe! how was lunch?” He called from where he sat on the couch.
You stared blankly at the back at his head for a moment, “fine.”
“That’s great! I was thinkin’ for dinner we could order out ya know? This commercial came on and-“
“Why did you tell f/n about the promotion?”
He paused and finally turned to look at you. Taking in your frustrated state, still, he shrugged, “it seemed like a good time.”
You let your bag fall to the ground before fully stepping into the living room “Atsumu I told you that I wanted to wait, it would have only taken another week.”
Now standing up from the couch, the confusion that was evident on Atsumu’s face only served to fuel your anger.
“But this is such exciting news y/n! There’s no time like the present!”
“Atsumu that’s not for you to decide! That was my news to tell!”
“Like you said, you were gonna tell them eventually!” He raised his hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry but you know that this is just how I am! I was just so excited for you I couldn’t help myself.”
You left that fight defeated that night, unable to think of any comeback, because yes, you did know Atsumu. You knew how your life was never your own being with him. You knew the extent of just how stubborn he was and how ignorant he could be to the world around him. Trying to wrap his mind around something could feel like pulling teeth sometimes.
After managing to get through a tense dinner, life went on. You did end up celebrating with your closest friends and family and soon after you began to take on your new responsibilities.
Unfortunately, Atsumu continued to act as if he hadn’t completely crossed a boundary you had set. He continued to talk about your lives with his friends it seemed that you couldn’t go a full week without somebody asking you about something you never told them about.
The pure helplessness you felt that day remained lingering within you as you carried on with work. You found yourself almost dreading going home, and contemplating not telling him anything.
But how could you when everyday without fail he would grace you with that smile, oozing with love and fondness before sweetly asking you, “So how was your day?”
You were in a bit of a mess with yourself, trying to figure out how to get your concerns through his thick skull. The new role you had taken on further adding to the stress you had been feeling. While you loved your job You were both physically and mentally exhausted.
It was only a matter of time before everything became too much.
To the horror of you colleagues, you had ended up fainting at work. You had finally succumbed to everything in your life that had been piling on top of you.
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you regained consciousness, surrounded by your colleagues you sat up and slowly and rubbed the back of your head sheepishly.
At that moment some paramedics had rounded the corner and while you insisted you were completely fine, you allowed them to check you for injuries and give you some fluids, it wasn’t until they were sure you were stable and didn’t need any further help that they left.
As embarrassing as the entire situation was, you were glad that your boss let you have the rest of the day off, it was near the end of your shift anyways. So you grabbed your bag and left, still mortified at what had just transpired.
As you rode the train home, the events leading up to you losing consciousness replayed in your mind, you thought about everything that had led up to that point. How your coworkers reacted. As you sat in the quiet train, your mind still struggled to process what had happened.
Even with your spiralling mind, everything led to one conclusion.
You couldn’t tell Atsumu about what happened, at least not today.
Because you knew him. You knew exactly what would happen.
It would start with the texts from worried friends, calls from both of your families, and end with people mentioning off handedly, “I heard you fainted the other day. How are you feeling?” and you would be left to do damage control as your boyfriend continued to live his carefree life.
You could tell Atsumu “don’t tell anyone this” but you knew better. You knew better than to trust him and his big mouth. How could you have any other option when he’s never proven that he could listen?
So you would stay quiet. Long enough for you to recover from your lingering headache, long enough for you to process everything that had happened and figure out how to prevent it from happening again.
Long enough to be able to finally relax without worrying who you were going to get a text or call from.
Even with your mind made, the universe seemed to laugh down at you, and make life much more difficult for you than it needed to be.
You nearly cursed out loud when you saw his car in the driveway. He was home early too.
You sighed as you slowly unlocked your front door. The sounds of the TV growing louder as you stepped in.
Atsumu turned back and gave you a look of confusion as you took off your shoes. “Hey babe, wasn’t expecting you ‘til later.”
You smiled at him “I could say the same for you.” you slid your feet into your house slippers “I got a lot of work done today and my boss let me go home early, why are you home?”
Atsumu shrugged “Practically the same as you. Been makin’ a lot of progress at practice lately.”
You walked in front of where he sat and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. even with how your relationship had been going, at least this was something you hadn’t lost.
Atsumu wrapped his arms around your waist and looked up at you, “did you eat yet?”
No. I was so busy at work that I kept postponing my break. You thought to yourself bitterly.
“Not yet, I decided that I might as well eat at home if I was leaving early.”
Atsumu hummed, “I haven’t either. We could order something and then watch some movies? Take advantage of our free time.”
You smiled down at him, a relaxed movie day with him was exactly what you needed. “I would like that a lot ‘Tsumu.”
You pulled slightly away and he whined, causing you to laugh softly.
“I’ll go take a shower and you can order whatever you want, ok?”
His pout grew back into the loving smile of his as he nodded, “Can I use your phone? You always have coupons.”
You nodded and he allowed you to fully pull away. Reaching into your bag you pulled out your phone and handed it to him before making your way to your shared bedroom.
It had been maybe 20 minutes of Atsumu scrolling through the various restaurants (he’s very indecisive when it comes to food) before a text from who he recognized as one of your coworkers popped up.
“Hey! Hope your feeling better. We managed to get everything done so there’s no need to worry for your next shift.
Also remember to seek medical attention if anything feels off. I know you were cleared but you hit your head pretty badly.”
He froze as he read the text over and over. He didn’t even realize how much time had passed until you came walking out of your bedroom with a relaxed smile on your face.
“Soo, you decide on a place yet?”
You were met with an extremely uncharacteristic silence, your brows furrowed as you looked at your boyfriend staring intently at your phone.
The next thing you knew, Atsumu flipped the screen to you.
“y/n what is this? Medical attention? Did something happen?”
Your eyes skimmed the message and you froze.
“…O-oh there was a bit of an incident at work that happened before I left. No need to worry!” you tried to wave his hand away and mustered the calmest smile you could.
He looked unconvinced.
You felt your resolve crumble where you stood. The accusatory look he gave you full of worry, and worse, anger.
You sighed shakily, “ever since the promotion I’ve been finding it hard to find time to really relax so…” you looked away, unable to look him in the eye due to your guilt. “I ended up fainting.”
Atsumu shot up from where he sat, “You passed out?!” his hands frantically grabbed at your shoulders, trying to get you to look at him “You should have told me right away! I could have picked you up! Who knows what would have happened if you fainted again on the subway. I can’t believe you lied, you were just going to keep this from me? Why? Why didn’t you tell me-“
You pushed yourself out of his grip, “Because I didn’t want to!” you huffed, tired of his tirade, “I admit that I was fully content with not telling you.”
His hands dropped from your shoulders and you almost broke at the sight of his crestfallen face “Why?”
You took a deep breath, “I was…scared that you were gonna tell someone.”
There was a moment of tense silence. “You…you could’ve just asked me to not-“
“Could I Atsumu? Could I really? I’m not sure if I believe that, especially after you told me that that’s just who you were and that it was unavoidable.” You paused as you realized you were raising your voice, you looked away in shame. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just that sometimes I wish that our business could be our own Atsumu, even for a little bit.”
You took his silence as a cue to keep explaining yourself.
“I needed time today to finally relax for once and process everything. I can’t do that if I have someone new calling me every five minutes to make sure that I’m okay. I want to be able to worry about my own wellbeing, without having to manage other people’s. I can’t do that if you tell everyone you know what’s happening in my life.”
Atsumu’s continued silence began to worry you. “Atsumu?”
Without warning you were pulled into the familiar strong arms that could only belong to your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry y/n.” he mumbled into your hair “I thought I was being supportive. I just love bragging about to to everyone and letting people know how we’re doing. I never really thought about how that would affect you. I’m sorry I made you stress out so much.”
You smiled into his chest and hugged him back “I’m happy that you understand ‘Tsumu. There’s nothing wrong with gushing about me, I just need you to understand my boundaries.”
You felt him nod “I’m sorry again I’ll do my best.”
You could already feel yourself relaxing again into his arms “that’s all I’m asking for Atsumu, thank you.”
You let out a sigh of relief as you held each other. It felt as if a massive weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
The tender moment was interrupted by the sound of a stomach growl. There was a stunned silence before the two of you burst into a fit of laughter.
Atsumu looked down at you with a gaze that filled you with an indescribable warmth, laughter still evident in his face. “How ‘bout we order and finally relax for the night? Just the two of us?”
You smiled fondly up at the man and nodded “Just the two of us.”
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prolix-yuy · 8 months
Writers' Iron Chef #13: Lovesick
[PROMPT] Patching up a wound
[ADDITIONAL PROMPT] “Why would you put yourself through something like that?”
[TIME LIMIT] Optional, 10 minutes prep. time 30 minutes writing time Optional, 10 minutes editing time
Pairing: Joel Miller x GN!Reader
Rating: M, descriptions of wound care and blood, allusions to dubcon due to drinking and drug use. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ so MINORS DNI.
Summary: You've been greedy for Joel for too long.
Notes: Written for Writers’ Iron Chef Prompt 13
I've had a Joel story idea bouncing around in my head for several months now, but it's not much more than disconnected scenes and a vibe, you know? I decided to try and exorcise a part with this prompt. This was imspired by a scene in the movie Foe with Saoirse Ronan and Paul Mescal (which was excellent, btw) that got the creative juices flowing.
Thanks to @writersironchef for always giving the best prompts!
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The blood that runs into the sink isn’t yours, but it is Joel Miller’s and that’s hardly better.
Laying the needle and scissors beside the sink, you dry your hands on a towel that doesn’t make you feel much cleaner. There’s probably still blood under your nails, half moons of frenzied memories you can look back on when you’re in bed tonight.
“Joel, what the fuck?”
“I need…”
He didn’t have to say much more, and your stomach sours for it. Joel could say he needed you to balance on the edge of a razor and you’d do it just for the fact that he needed you. Pitiful, lovesick, desperate you.
He’d shredded his back coming back into the QZ scrambling away from patrol lights. Tess split off from him, trades to be made and deals best done without her loyal attack dog. So he’d stumbled back to his apartment, stopping just long enough to knock at yours across the hall.
“Jesus Christ, how did you fuck yourself up this badly?”
“FEDRA’s patrolling our usual spots, think they’re onto us…fuck!”
You salved his wounds with apologies as you cleaned grit from long scrapes and worried at the beads of blood that melted across your fingers. The worst was a gash you had to close, infection too present a worry. Hardening your gut, you tried to disassociate how much like sewing leather it felt. Joel bit down on his belt and stuffed his face in a pillow, but fists still slammed on walls around you at his ruckus. 
“I’m done, I’m done, it’s finished.”
“Jesus ‘n Mary, there ain’t much left for you to piece back together at this rate.”
Walking back to the bed, he’s disheveled but alive. He asks for booze, which you find in a high cabinet. He asks for pills, reluctantly revealed to live in a false drawer bottom. You don’t have to say he can trust you with these secrets. Vices were too expensive for you most days. Once he downs both he lays back, injury padded with the cleanest cloths you could find. His breathing hitches, pants in pain, then slows as the drugs and drink take effect. 
And then it’s just you, sitting next to your neighbor as his body releases. 
You should go. Tess would be back any time now and you didn’t want her to see your longing. There are whispers about if Joel is hers, and while you know they belong to each other in a way drenched in darkness, you’ve never been sure if the claim is on their hearts as well. It’s just vague enough of a partnership that when Joel has a good day and shares an extra ration card, your heart flutters. 
But it’s too dangerous. He’s too dangerous, the both of them. You can’t get mixed up in whatever they have going on. Why would you put yourself through something like that?
It’s not the first time he’s come home bloodied, and not the first time you’ve pulled him back together. There’s trust there, but also foolish hope that life could march on and a man could desire you again. Maybe even care for you enough to break teeth and bones. 
A brush against your arm turns you back to Joel, eyes half-lidded but trained hazily on you. One large hand skims over your shoulder, down your arm and lands heavily in your lap. 
“Joel?” you ask, looking down at his thick fingers splayed across your thighs. He hums, low and rumbly as his lips part. 
He’s surely too far gone to know you’re even here. It would be best to slip out unnoticed, talk to Tess tomorrow about checking his injury for infection. 
But you don’t. You’re frozen as the calloused skin of his thumb catches on the worn fibers of your jeans. It’s a caress you haven’t known for years. 
He doesn’t know it’s you.
“Joel,” you say again, and enough courage bolsters you to slide your hand into his palm, the other circling his wrist. He’s so warm, thick-skinned against your fingers. You start to lift from the bed, intending to place his hand where you sat, when it makes a drunken path to cup your chin. Pressure against your jaw turns your face to him spread out on the bed beside you. His chest is bare, light perspiration beading along the cut of his collarbone. He licks his lips slowly, the slip of tongue drawing an ache up from the deepest well. 
“Hey there,” he drawls, and god, you could shatter from it. Tears build in your eyes but you can’t move, his hands drawing you down to him. 
“Joel, it’s…I’m not…” you choke out. It’s a final defense. He’ll hate you tomorrow, but you’ll have said something. His lip quirks, not quite a smile. 
“I know,” he husks before leading your lips to meet his.
You’re not sure he does, but you’re too greedy to say more.
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Discord Server Fall Event Starting 15th of September- 31st of October!!
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Hey there, chimichanga lovers! This Fall Event kicks off September 15th and runs all the way through to October 31st, so you've got plenty of time to get your creative juices flowing!
We’re talking fanarts, edits, vids, fics, moodboards, cosplay—you name it. Oh, and we’ll keep you updated with cool stuff along the way, like a possible AO3 collection for all you fanfic aficionados.
Now, a quick reminder: This is just for fun! No pressure to do everything—seriously, no one’s going to send Deadpool after you if you skip a square or two (…yet). If you manage to cross off a full line of 4, you might even win something snazzy! Don’t be shy if you have questions, either. Just reach out and I’ll answer—probably with too much enthusiasm and way too many emojis.
So grab your pumpkin spice whatever, your coziest hoodie, and dive into the madness! It's gonna be fall-tastic! I'm going to share the respective bingo prompt cards (the NSFW one will be available in the ⁠spicy-writing channel! I'll also post some prompts here (I have like a dozen maybe but will update with more prompts in waves!).
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[Here are 3/4 Bingo cards (the NSFW one is available in the server)] Halloween/Fall Bingo Rules:
Welcome to the Spookiest Bingo Ever! Get ready for a fang-tastic time as you dive into our Halloween/Fall bingo game. Here’s everything you need to know to join the fun!
How to Play:
Pick Your Bingo Card: Choose a bingo card from the provided list. Each card is filled with Halloween and Fall-themed word- prompts.
Complete the Activities: For each square on your card, complete the corresponding activity. This could be fanart, edits, videos, music, gifs, writing, songs, moodboards, aesthetics, cosplay, or anything else that fits the theme. Feel free to be as creative as you like!
Document Your Entries: Share your completed activities through the specified channels (e.g., social media, forum, or event page). Make sure to include a caption or description for each entry to explain how it fits the bingo prompt. (You can even add in your AO3 note a ref to the server's bingo!!)
Mark Your Card: As you complete each activity, mark off the corresponding square on your bingo card. You can use emojis or any creative method to highlight your progress.
Lines and Patterns: Aim to complete lines of 4 (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) or any specific patterns indicated on your card. Winning and Prizes:
Partial Wins: If you achieve a line of 4 completed squares, you’re in for a treat! Share your progress, and you could win a special prize or recognition!
Full Card Wins: Complete every square on your bingo card to be in the running for our ultimate titles!
Spooky Title: For those who complete the entire Halloween card, you’ll be crowned with a “Haunted Master of Fall” title!
NSFW Cheeky Title: For a playful twist, you might also earn the title of “Frightfully Frisky Fangster” if you complete the NSFW Bingo Card! This title is for adults only and is meant to be cheeky and fun.
Additional Notes:
Participation is Optional: You’re welcome to join in and try any activities you like. It’s all about having fun, so there’s no pressure to complete everything!🧡
Creativity Counts: Feel free to interpret the prompts in your own unique way. Whether it’s a spooky song, a chilling moodboard, or a fang-tastic piece of art, your creativity is encouraged!
NSFW Content Warning: The “Frightfully Frisky Fangster” title is for adults only. To keep things respectful and safe for everyone, please skip the NSFW Bingo if you're not 18+. We’re all here to have fun, but let’s make sure we follow the rules and keep it age-appropriate. Thanks for understanding!
Updates and Announcements: We’ll keep you updated with progress and announcements. Make sure to check in regularly for new updates and to see how everyone is doing!
We also shared some fall poolverine AND X-Men themed prompts in the server, so feel free to hop in to get access to them!! If you want to join our server, please send a direct message (not an ask) and we'll provide you with an invite!!🧡🧡🧡
_ Maul from the Mod Team
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pkmnirlevents · 1 month
How do you go about getting ideas for arcs? I’m struggling to figure out what I want to do with my character :(
Great question! This happens to be one of my absolute favorite parts of writing and pkmn irl itself. I've always been more of an ideas guy myself. I hope you don't mind but I decided to turn this into a bit of an overall tutorial for planning and writing arcs. Feel free to ask for any specifics because I could delve into my personal process for arc brainstorming, but I was admittedly writing this before getting ready for work and this post was getting kinda long haha
Knowing where to draw inspiration from can be a good place to start. It's wonderful to be inspired by music, a movie or tv show, a book, or even other people in the community and their writing. Ask yourself what elements of that thing draw you in. What do you like? What would you maybe do differently? I must mention though to be respectful of the work other blogs have put into their writing. Being inspired is a wonderful thing, lifting exact details or passages is not. If you're unsure, there's no harm is asking!
The most helpful thing I can tell you right off the bat is that you want to find out how to brainstorm. In schools they'll often try to teach you ways of brainstorming and outlining to structure your essay writing, if you're lucky they might even mention that there are multiple ways you can do this. The ones in school never worked for me personally, so for a long time I assumed brainstorming and outlining was a complete waste of my time and would launch straight into my writing drafts. But as I wanted to write more complex things and I wanted to indulge in more creative writing, I found myself getting stuck all the time. The truth is brainstorming is a helpful tool, but you have to know what type of brainstorming works best for you. Flowcharts, bullet points, stream of consciousness, word clouds, moodboards, drawings, whatever it is that gets your creative juices flowing. In my experience it works best to remember that not every one of these elements will make it into the final arc. You want to get your ideas down first and trim the excess later. I personally pay for a program (Milanote) that allows me to brainstorm in the methods that work best for me, but by no means do you have to pay for a program to do this. Pen and paper works just fine.
The next thing you wanna do is establish what you want your arc to do. Not every arc has to be a grand character development, but all arcs do something. No matter how small that something may be, something has to change as a result. Maybe your character meets a new person, obtains a new Pokemon, gets a new scar and a story to tell their friends, or maybe all they got was a t-shirt. If you already had a loose concept for your arc this can help you hone it. You can start asking yourself, "how does my character reach this point?" and work up to that. Map out what you think your character would do when dropped into a particular situation. This can also help you to establish the tone you want your arc to take. Is it silly and lighthearted or is it more serious and high stakes? Refer to the stakes tag post about proper tagging.
It can help to conceptualize your arc as a series of events rather than a single event. This allows you to understand how many posts you may need to split the arc up into, how much time the arc may take, or other hard to sort details.
These things ramp up when you start to incorporate more people into your arcs. Planning with your fellow writers is extremely important and that requires a lot of communication. Some writers prefer to do what we call pre-writing, which is typically you and the other writers get together and write out the posts in advance. This gives people the chance to look over each other's writing and make edits before the posts go live. Planning discords are useful for keeping things organized, but google docs or other collaborative writing programs can work just as well if those better suit your needs. Organize who is posting what and generally at what time, especially if the post involves other people's characters.
Remember all of this is for fun! These are not hard rules you need to follow. You should not force yourself to write things you do not like for the sake of others or for an imagined audience. Write what you want to write.
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My Old Man
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Pairing: Elvis presley x Black!Female!Reader
Summary: FLUFF! The reader and Elvis watch their grandson’s interview and listen on as he explains why he’s excited to get married.
Warnings: Mention of pills(the kind elderly people take), reminisces, Very breif mention of race issues (like, you’d miss it if you read too fast). I think that’s all but please let me know if there’s more!
A/N: I really like how this one turned out. It took me longer than i thought to read and edit. Plus when the creative juices are flowing i just keep adding. I’m rambling, happy reading!
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I’m excited! Tonight, our grandson, Daniel, is being interviewed for one of these late-night shows. I settled into bed and turned the tv on. Elvis is finishing his nighty routine in the bathroom as I search for the right channel. When I find it, he still hasn't made his way out, "Honey, everything okay? You're gonna miss him!" He lets out a huff and mumbles, "Yeah, baby, I can't see the labels on the pills; we've gotta go and get new containers."
I roll my eyes and get up to help him; As I poke my head in, my face connects with my husband's pajama-clad chest "you have no faith in me, woman, alright, come on" he grabs my hand and walks me to the bed. Elvis shimmies under the covers in front of me. "I want to be the little spoon baby," I can't help the chuckle that escapes my chest.
"That's alright, E, but your daddy wasn't no glass maker; you're covering my grandbaby's face" My husband rolls his eyes and scoffs, "well, he stole it from me, Sugar" he stops his grumbling as our grandson's face graces the screen. The interviewer, James, asks him about his new movie and how he's been handling the success. We watch on proudly as he flies through question after question. Soon enough, the topic shifts to his personal life and his fiancee.
"So, Mr. Presley, you're getting married soon. Are you excited?" For the first time in the interview, we see this is where he really engages. He sits up straight, and there's a sparkle in his eye as he begins to speak.
"Please, Daniel is fine. And to answer your question, yes, I'm elated. I've met the woman I want to give my all to. She's the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I close my eyes at night." Elvis shifts and wraps his arms around me, smiling as he kisses my temple.
James continues, " She sounds like a lucky girl. If you don't mind me asking, when did you know you wanted to marry her?" This question seems to stump Daniel; Elvis and I are invested now. We both sit up like kids listening in on adults gossiping. He starts again, "Well, if I'm, being honest, I knew the moment I met her."
James raises an eyebrow "really?" He questions, and Daniel nods.
"Yeah. Actually, It was my granddad who helped me figure that out." Elvis and I exchange a quizzical look.
"See, a few years ago, when I was like, fifteen, I asked him how he knew my grandma Y/N was the one. He told me that for him, the world stopped spinning, she took his breath away, and at that moment, she became the only woman he could see."
"Only woman, huh? I'm something special," I say as I nudge E with my elbow. His chest rumbles as he laughs "you sure are, honey, you sure are" James takes a moment to process what our grandson said. "Mrs. Presley is a lucky woman,"
Daniel laughs " Yeah, she tries to pretend that she could live without him, but you should see her when theyre apart, just miserable..." I can feel the smug look plastered on Elvis’s face without having to look, it only lasts a moment though "...Papa E ain't no better. I think he might be worse," He laughs.
James doesn't miss a beat. "Are you hoping for your marriage to play out like theirs?"
Daniel hums, "Oh absolutely, I mean not the struggle..." he says.
"…They had to fight even to be together legally; I think that's why they love each other as much as they do. One time I caught them slow dancing in the kitchen, no music or nothin'. They have such a strong bond, and I want to create something similar with my wife. Just two old souls in love." he says with a smile.
I feel my heart swell, and my eyes water a bit as I realize just how far we've come. Of course, Elvis has to go and ruin the moment. "Who's that boy callin' old?" I wipe my face with a smile "oh, hush up, El."
Daniel continues, "I just hope I get to be as happy as they are when I'm that old" Elvis can't help himself. "He said it again!" I hit him in the chest this time. "He's praising us, and you're worried about him saying we're old,"
Elvis chuckles at my disbelief. "That's 'cause we ain't, mama." I shake my head.
They begin to wrap the interview up " well, I'm sure I speak for all of us here at the studio when I say I wish you the best at this milestone and the ones to come. Unfortunately, that's all we have time for, so this has been Daniel Presley! Goodnight, everybody!"
Daniel and James wave goodnight. As the outro plays, I start to think about everything E and I have been through, and my lips start to curl into a smile as I look up at him.
"We did good, El" I murmer, he nods in agreement. "Damn right, baby, I love you," and the war begins, but I try to get ahead of him. "I love you more. Goodnight."
Before I even have the opportunity to roll over, he grips me tight flipping me so im facing him, " Uh Uh. Nice try, Honey. I love you most now Goodnight."
"Oh please, Impossible. I love you most, E" he raises a brow "you do now? You love me so much you'll do anything for me, right?" He questions. I wonder where he's going with this. I cave and respond, "Mmm, yes, E," I can see the mischief in his eyes " Then admit that I love you most, sugar," He says. Sigh, I've been beaten. I refuse to go out without a fight, though.
"Okay, only because it's you. My old man." He shoots up quickly "HEY-" I duck under the covers and close my eyes.
"Goodnight, baby!" I laugh . He huffs and pulls me close. "Goodnight, my old lady."
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Taglist: @tacozebra051 @elvisshowusyourpelvis @thatbanditqueen @sunnyx07 @18lkpeters @thesweetestinspiration @pennyroyalcreep @marriedtopresley @jen6832 @kendralavon7
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Hey can u do something with Gavi
He falls in love with a singer but they can’t be together because she’s going on tour.. and he can’t let go easily😅🫣
WC: 2.1k
Being a singer has always been my dream since I was little so I worked tirelessly taking singing lessons for many years and now I've made it. I was lucky enough to have one of my songs blow up on tiktok and since then I have only grown in popularity. As much as this is something I wanted growing so much fame in such a short amount of time and only at the age of 18 is a lot to handle, I have had to grow up really quickly as everyone always expects so much of me and I don't want to disappoint. It all means I don't really have much of a normal life I am always away from home and I don't have any friends anywhere near my age as I just don't have time for them and don't even get me started on relationships my love life is literally nonexistent. 
As much as there is a lot of pressures in my life there are times that I really enjoy myself and the last few weeks has been one of those times. I have spent the last few weeks in Barcelona exploring, writing and recording songs for my next album. My management suggested that I go somewhere more peaceful than busy London to write so I chose to go to Barcelona as I've always wanted to go and I thought that being somewhere new and exciting would help inspire me. Being here really has helped I've never written such good songs so quickly it's like just being in the city has got my creative juices flowing like never before. I wrote so many songs I had to have multiple meetings to decide which ones to actually put on the album, which ones to save and other ones we could offer to other artists as there is no way I could use them all. 
Sadly now my quiet time has come to an end as I am doing a whole load of interviews to promote my new album and the new single from it which is due to come out first. As I didn't have any say the schedule is pretty hectic so my alarm woke me up at 6am this morning to be ready for my first interview on morning tv at 7. From there I had a few radio interviews before finally getting a bit of a break to eat lunch which I desperately needed. On my break I went on tiktok like I often do but my for you page was just filled with edits of Barcelona players. It is partly my fault as I keep liking them but still they started popping up as soon as I got here without me even doing anything. I must admit some of the players are definitely hot but watching the edits has got me into watching the games on tv at the weekend and I'm really enjoying them. 
My break didn't last long as I had to head to film a few videos with a company the first of which was just a little Q&A which I've done plenty of so I pretty much know what will be asked. When I arrived I was asked if there was anything they weren't allowed to ask so I said no as I don't mind sharing most things. They fit me with a microphone and then we got started pretty much straight away. To begin with it was all just simple things like how I got started in music and things about my life but then we moved on to more juicy questions.
"So everyone wants to know are you single?" The interviewer asked 
"Yes I am despite all the rumours I'm still single now is just not the time for a relationship as I'm so busy" I said
"Then what do you think about what Barcelona player Gavi has said about you?" She asked
"I haven't seen what he's said actually" I replied
"In an interview yesterday he was asked who his celebrity crush was and he said you" she explained 
"I don't think anyone has ever listed me as their celebrity crush so that's pretty cool and being honest Gavi's pretty attractive so it feels good that he likes me" I admitted 
"So can we expect to see the two of you together at any point?" She asked 
"Well I've never spoken to him but I'd love to go to a game before I leave so maybe one day we will meet each other" I said 
I was asked a few more questions but the whole time I was thinking about the fact that Gavi actually knows who I am and called me his celebrity crush. Out of everyone he could pick he chose to say me which makes no sense to me but I can't lie I quite like it. 
Gavi's POV
Just as I got out of the shower after training I had about 5 phones shoved in my face and all the boys were talking at once so I couldn't understand a thing they were saying. Eventually they stopped freaking out and Pedri handed me his phone so I could see what had them so excited. In front me me was a video of y/n being asked about me after I stupidly said she was my celebrity crush in an interview but to my surprise she said that she thought I was attractive too. That's when I started freaking out just like the boys I mean it's not every day that the most attractive girl you've ever seen says she likes you too especially not a famous one. All the boys were trying to encourage me to dm her and I wanted to but what do I say and what if she never sees it I mean she must gets thousands of dms a day. 
"Come on bro just do it what could go wrong" Pedri said 
"What if she never sees it and even worse what if she sees it and ignores it that would be so embarrassing" I said 
"You have to dm her this is your chance she's here in Barcelona and she just said you're attractive in an interview this is your chance to get the girl" Ansu encouraged 
"Ok fine I'll do it but what do I say?" I asked 
Pablogavi: hey I know you are in Barcelona at the moment and you said you wanted to attend a game could you make it this weekend I'd love to show you around 
Your POV
When I first saw the dm from Gavi I freaked out for ages before being able to think of a reply that didn't sound wrong but eventually I managed it. That weekend he got me tickets to their game and then afterwards we met so we could actually speak to each other for the first time. He was so incredibly sweet and even more attractive in person which I didn't think was even possible. After talking for a while he showed me around the stadium quickly before inviting me out to celebrate their win with the team. 
Since that day we have spent quite a bit of time together, when I can I go and watch his training sessions and then at the end of the day I go to his place and we spend the evenings watching movies together. I have had the best time but sadly it must come to an end as I leave to head back to the UK in a few days to continue doing more media. The worst part about it is that Pablo has an away game this weekend so when I leave he won't even be here to say goodbye which means today is the last time we will see each other until one of us has some free time. Even the thought of leaving him is making me really sad as I've really enjoyed every second I've spent with Pablo but that's not it I've really developed feelings for him over the last few weeks and to leave that behind and just forget about it will be hard. Part of me wants to confess my feelings tonight but the rest of me knows it's a bad idea because us being in a relationship could never work as we would never get to spend any time together. 
As it's my last days here I made sure I had nothing to do so I could actually enjoy my time plus Pablo has a free day too so we can spend the whole day together. Even though I wanted to sleep in I got up as Pablo said he wanted to go for breakfast together so I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. By the time I was ready I already had a text from Pablo telling me he was on his way to the apartment I've been staying in. Having got to know Pablo I knew he would be forgotten to text me and would've text while stopped somewhere so he was probably almost here so I grabbed my bag and shoes and waited by the door. Just as I finished tying my shoes the doorbell rang and the second I opened it Pablo engulfed me in a hug. As he pulled away he quickly kissed my cheek which I learnt is just something he does as the first time it took me by surprise but it still makes me blush every time.
After breakfast Pablo took me to back to my apartment so I could get changed as he wanted to take me to the beach. Once we arrived we walked along the waters edge together until we found a spot to sit that was quiet and where we would hopefully not be disturbed at all. Just as I finished putting on sunscreen and went to lay down in the sun Pablo picked me up over his shoulder with ease and ran towards the water. Before I knew it Pablo had thrown me into the cold water but luckily my reflexes are quick enough to allow me to grab onto him so that he came down with me. As we came up from the water we were slightly further in than I anticipated so my feet didn't reach the floor which meant I went back under the water for a second but before I could begin to keep myself afloat Pablo put his hands on my waist to hold me up. 
Blood rushed to my cheeks in an instant and butterflies formed in my stomach as I felt Pablo's hands on my skin. Time seemed as if it was standing still as our eyes were locked together and a pink tint was evident on our cheeks. I have never felt so strongly for someone like I did in that moment it just felt right having Pablo's hands on me and I couldn't picture being in that moment with anyone else on earth. 
"Y/n" Pablo whispered bringing me back to reality 
"What is it?" I asked
"I know you are leaving soon and I can't let you go without telling you that I've really fallen for you in the last few weeks" he admitted 
"I've fallen for you too but it's never going to work out" I said 
"Why not?" He asked desperately 
"Because we are never going to see each other my management are already talking about a tour and you are always away playing and I don't want a relationship where we only see each other when we happen to both have a spare moment" I explained 
"Then it won't be like that I know any chance I get I would come and see you wherever and any breaks you get I know you would come and be with me plus we can talk on FaceTime everyday in the meantime" he said 
"Please I've never felt like this before and I can't just let you go you can't tell me you don't want to at least try and give it a go" Pablo practically begged 
"You're right I need to not be so scared and give this a go, so does this mean we're dating now" I said 
"Absolutely it does I don't want another second to go by where you're not mine" he said 
As soon as he finished talking Pablo pulled me in and pressed his lips against mine in the most magical kiss I think I've ever experienced. In that moment I knew I made the right decision as when something feels so right I don't see how it could go wrong. I trust the universe to make sure things work out for us and to help us get through the hard times that are bound to arrive. Who knows maybe soon I'll be able to write a love song that actually means something to me about the unexpected romance I have found myself in. 
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
Hey, this is just a suggestion but maybe you could use ChatGPT to create he rest of your twisted zoo series, lining out the plot for each chapter and just letting it do the writing for you, where you can edit any inaccuracies? I was just thinking this would be a good way at pleasing the fans whilst also freeing you up to write what you want to write, so everyone’s happy? Also hope you’re doing well, your an amazing fan fiction writer and I’m sorry if this feels in any way insulting as I just want to give you ideas for how to make your life easier, and this in no way is meant to say you’re replaceable with AI, but hopefully this will open you up to using it as the creative tool it’s meant to be?
While I have used it and those story prompt generator sites to generate ideas to get my brain juices flowing before, I don't really feel comfortable using AI to write/create much of the story, since I'm the writer responsible for it. I know it's disappointing to wait so long for updates, but the story is actually almost over so there isn't much more plot outlining to do.
I feel as though, since anyone could plug my story into ChatGPT and it would finish it up for them, so it wouldn't really be special if I did that, if that makes sense? I'd just prefer to keep my writing as my own.
Also, I don't want anyone arguing over the ethics of ai in general in my inbox, so please don't
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amadwinter · 7 months
Making of Monday - Theme Weeks
I actually made a post last Monday. I wrote an emotionally-charged, nonsensical rant about how much I hate writing, because I was in the middle of editing a very long chapter and I needed the catharsis. But I deleted it because I needed it to be written, but I didn't feel it needed to be seen. Sometimes, writing is like that.
But! Anyway! Something completely different now.
Last year, I participated in 3 different theme weeks (Stewjoni Biology Week, Blasphemous Week, and Sith Obi-Wan Week), resulting in me writing 60k+ over 15 fics! Some people write their fics for theme weeks or theme months (Kinktober, Flufftober, etc.) day by day. I do not.
This is what I do instead.
Step 1: Make a list and brainstorm
Whenever the prompts for each day of the theme week are revealed, I write them all down in one document along with their dates. Having them all together in one place is great for my own reference. Then I start writing down different ideas that could fit on each prompt. Some are short, one-sentence ideas. Some really get the creative juices flowing and include little snippets of dialogue.
Step 2: Create individual documents
After letting these ideas marinade for a time (a week, a month, etc), including thinking them over, playing them out in my head, getting a feel for where these ideas will go, I create an individual document for them. Hopefully, this stage occurs at least a month out, or preferably two+ months before the posting date.
Step 3: Fluctuating creativity
Over the course of the remaining time, I flip back and forth between each of my documents. When inspiration on one wanes, I rush back to another. What's extremely helpful is having each one at different stages. One fic still needs to be outline, another two need to have the rough draft written, one needs to be edited, etc.
Step 4: Panic
You see all that time I've given myself to write? Yeah, usually I don't use it to the fullest extent. About 2 weeks before the theme week kicks off, I don't have anything finished. Everything is in various stages of progress. But that deadline coming up? Yeah, that really gives me the motivation to power through and do most of my writing in those last two weeks.
But I wouldn't be able to do that without thinking over the fics so much over a few months, and getting the outline down. It's all part of the process, and it doesn't work without all of it.
Step 5: Posting
If I'm lucky, I'll have the fic finished the day before I'm set to post it. Once or twice, I haven't finished until the day after. But if I'm far enough along, I will push through and finish it no matter how much I regret it.
Should I have a different process for getting all this done? Maybe. Might save me some stress. We'll see how any of the theme weeks of 2024 go.
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lahooozaherr · 11 months
Life Update + Where I’m at with updating fic
Welp. I’ve been through a lot this past week, to say the least.
Last Tuesday my husband and I traveled down to FL to meet up with my family for our vacation. Part of it was spent at the Disney parks. Which was super fun!
Although, things happened that I’ll elaborate under the cut and leave a CW in the tags. (Also face reveal)
Unfortunately, on Thursday, we had found out our sweet Odie (one of my cats) had passed away. We are heartbroken and were very much devastated at the time. He was battling an infection the past month. We left him in the care of my sister in law, who discovered him that morning. Odie had FIV, which makes a cat’s immune system very fragile. His little body did not survive the infection. We were rest assured by our vet that we had done everything we could have and were supposed to. It was very hard coming home to one less fur baby yesterday. We’re very grateful that my sister and mother in law were here to help care for and preserve him. Part of me feels like he chose to wait for us until we were with my family so they’d be with me. Either way, it hurts. We miss him so much. But we’re happy he passed peacefully at home in his favorite bed with our other cat, Jeej, watching over nearby.
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I was happy I got to spend time with my family though. We had tons of fun! I’ve had an interesting situation dealt to me in life. Both of my parents are passed, as well as my maternal grandmother that raised me, who I was very close with. When I was 16 I was taken in by my paternal aunt. She has her husband and three boys, who I call my brothers. I’ve never gotten to go on a family vacation so this was a real treat for me. Experiencing Disney with them was everything I could want and more. My husband and I were like kids on Christmas, especially at Galaxy’s Edge.
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I sadly didn’t get to meet Din 🥲 it rained that day and they had to put him away. My husband tried to keep an eye out on the app but it didn’t happen. But it’s ok! I’m sure there will be other opportunities in the future. I had fun regardless. And plenty of merch.
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I loved being with my family and all of the fun things we did. It was a very good trip and I’m grateful.
As far as fics go, I’m going to get onto editing my Joel fic and I’ll have that first chapter (or two?) out soon. Life has been a lot and I’d hoped to start my next chapter of IWAFY but my brain has denied me. I hope after some time settling back at home and into my routine I’ll be able to get those creative juices flowing.
In the meantime I’m excited to sit down and read everything I’ve saved. I’ll be around!
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hi! it’s me the new blogger lol. do you have any tips on how to start a one shot/story? i’ve got plots but i don’t know how to go into them… once again feel free to ignore this <3
Hello new blogger! Welcome back! 😃
Honestly, best piece of advice I have is to just start writing about whatever idea(s) you have. Even if it's just a sliver of an idea. Even if you don't start at the beginning. Even if you aren't sure how it might end. Doesn't matter. Start by breathing life/words into the ideas you do have.
I've found it's so much easier to start by drafting out whatever you possibly can first, and then circle back to edit it. If you try to edit as you go, or try to have a full-fledged plan for a story before you even start, then you likely won't get very far. In fact, you probably won't know what exactly you're writing until you've already written it! Creativity likes to be spontaneous like that.
Fanfic is cool in that it gives you space to play around with things, too. You can write one shots or drabbles or whatever... little scenes that don't need to connect to a bigger plot, or even have a plot at all. It could simply be a snapshot into a character's inner world, or a description of a person or place, or a brief conversation, or filling in the blanks of a story. You can always share whatever disjointed scene you want, and never and not have to worry about anyone being disappointed or confused.
And over time, as you get your creative juices flowing, you may find ways to connect your scenes, or ways to expand them into something more. Or you may find those snippets were never meant to be bigger stories, but they'll have given you inspiration for another idea that is.
And if you ever feel like you don't have ideas but still want to write, you can always ask for requests or get a prompt book or something and see what comes from that.
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iron-touch · 2 years
Author's Notes: Chapter 31 (Chicago IX)
Here it is, the start of the ever fabled beach episode! It took a bit to get here (I was kinda dead all February lol), but it's finally time to start this arc I've been hyping up so much in the Discord server
For as much as I've hyped up the Iron Touch beach episode, this was not at all how I originally envisioned this arc. Originally it was going to be much shorter and just take place in a generic marketplace or something. The beach aspect came about after some readers joked about an Iron Touch beach episode on Discord, and I thought "wait, that's actually not a bad idea." Of course, it's not a beach episode in the traditional sense of being tits out with beach volleyball and shit, but its an arc that takes place on the beach. It counts!
Another thing I didn't plan about this arc (and part of the reason this chapter took so long to come out); Chicago IX being this safe haven for Stand users wasn't part of the plan, either. That came about through reader feedback, specifically from JoJo's Bizarre Fanworks, one of the Discord servers Iron Touch is partnered with. Lots of people there are disappointed by the lack of original Stands in Iron Touch, so this is my tongue in cheek response to that. In this arc, literally everything is a Stand! Once I had the whole thing outlined, I looked at each event that happens and thought "how can I turn this into a Stand encounter? How can a car wash be a (maybe) Stand? How can valet parking be a Stand? How can buying a bathing suit be a Stand? Blah blah blah. It was challenging, but I think this line of thought really let me get my creative juices flowing on how to represent Chicago IX as a unique location similar to Tonio's restaurant from part 4, which I'm proud of.
This is the longest chapter of Iron Touch to date, and so one of two to be longer than 10,000 words (the other is Chapter 4). I really tried to edit it down more to at least get it under 10k, but I am complete dogshit at editing. I did ask readers on Discord whether they wanted to split the chapter, but the general consensus was that people wanted it to keep it as one big thing. So, here it is. You're not allowed to complain about it.
Believe it or not, that Pokémon scene at the beginning of the chapter was one of my biggest headaches while writing it. I just could not think of a good bit of casual banter between the group besides that. It bugged me because I thought it felt very not-Araki, which meant that it felt very not-JoJo. That's no good! All of my betas loved the scene, though, so it stuck. Seeing Jodio with a Nintendo Switch in chapter 2 of JoJoLands has given me newfound confidence in this scene.
So, Meatloaf. What the fuck is Meatloaf? I have no idea. I like the idea of keeping it open ended, kinda like Mikitaka's whole "is he an alien?" shtick. Originally Meatloaf was unambiguously a Stand, and the user was the car wash itself. But that felt boring and not very Standish. I liked the idea of making its true nature more ambiguous and up to reader interpretation, it makes Meatloaf feel more like some weird monster from Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan.
I'm very proud of the term "Lonely" for people who don't have Stands. Since Stands are named that way because they always stand by your side, I figured that someone without a Stand would be pretty lonely by comparison.
Random Access Memories is probably my favorite Stand of the batch here, even more that the Stands that will be debuting later in the arc.
I really want to establish the theme of Stand users that are reliant on their Stands in their day to day lives in this arc. We've kind of seen bits and pieces of this already through Depeche and Policy of Truth, but this is where I'm really starting to drive this theme home. Get used to it—this is going to be a prominent theme for the rest of the story.
While his personality and role in the story were obviously handled exclusively by me, Firework's design was made by AllShaftsFall, who you should recognize as "Ryan Shafterson" from the last chapter. I didn't know what I wanted Firework to look like, and Shaft expressed interest in helping design characters for Iron Touch, so I gave him a small list of criteria I was looking for in Firework's design and let him go crazy. This was his original sketch (as you can see, I didn't tell him the character's name lol):
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The design of Michelle's bathing suit also came from Shaft via a piece of "beach episode" fanart.
Music references: I told you to prepare your anuses, didn't I?
Chicago IX, the name of the chapter and the hidden resort the gang stays at, gets its name from the ninth studio album by the band Chicago. From what I can tell, this is their bestselling album, which is why I chose to use it.
Chicago IX's beta name was Bourbon Street, after a song by Jeff Tuohy. I changed it because I learned that Bourbon Street is actually a very famous part of New Orleans and I didn't want to mix up irl locations.
The car wash is called "ROYCE," after American R&B group Rose Royce.
Meatloaf gets its name from Michael Lee Aday, better known by his stage name Meat Loaf, an American rock singer.
Funnily enough, Meatloaf's beta name was Firework lol. Back when it was a Stand it was named Bottle Up and Explode, after an Elliot Smith song.
Random Access Memories is named after a Daft Punk album of the same name.
Firework gets his name from the Katy Perry song of the same name, which I'm sure needs no introduction.
Firework actually had quite a few beta names. Originally it was Jimmy, after the band Jimmy Eat World, but meh. "Jimmy." So basic. Then it was Taco, after a singer who famously covered Puttin' on the Ritz, but that swung the pendulum the complete opposite direction. Naming a character Taco felt like I was writing some racist caricature of a Mexican person, even if that's not his character at all. I settled on using Meatloaf's beta name instead—it fits him much better, anyways.
Puttin' on the Ritz is named after a song written by Irving Berlin in 1927. It's been covered god knows how many times, but these days, the version by Taco is probably the most well known, so that's the version I'm using on all of the reference playlists.
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