luuletus-ee · 1 year
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- Tarmo Selter
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divinum-pacis · 1 year
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April 6, 2023: Kathmandu, Nepal Tamang people stand in a queue to offer prayers during the Temal Jatra festival at Boudhanath Stupa
Photograph: Niranjan Shrestha/AP
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bevy-obeyme · 3 months
I know you're super busy but if you have the time, I wanted to request a Trans FtM MC with the brothers, mostly headcanons or cute shenanigans! Like asking the brothers helping MC recover from Top Surgery!!! Please it would make my year!! Thank you so much for reading!
Of course! It’s no problem and I’ll try to get all my asks done today!! :))
I really appreciate requests that give me different prompts because I myself as I have stated numerous times am a cis female and being introduced to other perspectives is really intriguing for me!!
Shenanigans with the brothers as a Temale to Male MC
Lucifer - Top Surgery.
- No doubt, going into surgery was a nerve wracking thing. He could only admire your bravery to do so.. and hold your hand in comfort as you walked in.
- You got registered in and sat in the doctor’s office, Lucifer was sat besides you rubbing your knuckles absentmindedly and pressing kisses against your cheek, reminding you that you’d do great.
- Post surgery - he could see your delight, your newfound comfort in being more masculine. He couldn’t help the tiny smile that dotted on his face at your happiness.
- He did notice the scars and was always careful when admiring you. In fact, he seemed to be even more enamoured. Those scars were a sign of strength. A sign of resilience.
‘’No matter what you look like, you’ll always remain mine. And that’s all that matters.’’
Mammon - A lower class demon misgendering you.
- You bet, he would be hella pissed.
- You both were walking through the town square, hand in hand when suddenly his demonic hearing picked up on snickering.
- Snickers about you and transphobic comments.
- How dare they make such comments about you? So he yelled out to them.
- If that didn’t work, he would literally square up on them. Give them an intimidating glare and go up to them with his hands on his hips, you behind him as he rambled off, insulting the inferior demon’s intelligence and what not.
- At one point, you had to literally hold him back as you could swear he was about to throw hands.
‘’Yea’, yea! Walk away, I dare ya! Stupid scum! Next time I see ya bastards hangin’ around, insulting MY ____, yer gonna regret it!’’
Leviathan - Cosplaying to combat body dysmorphia.
- Levi noticed just how sad you looked in the Ruri-chan cosplay.
- Sure, you agreed to cosplay with him but he still felt bad about taking up your time.. he should’ve known a stupid otaku like him would only take up your time.
- However, then the realisation dawned on him. Ruri-chan was a girl and you were trying to transition… oh. OH.
- To say he felt horrible was an understatement, and he immediately offered to switch cosplays. He reassured that you still looked masculine and that a gender-bend Ruri-chan wasn’t that bad of an idea.
‘’Y-You look so cool as Ruri-chan! Who cares if she’s a girl? C-Cosplaying is all about the fun of it!’’
Satan - Helping insecurity and deep rooted inferiority.
- Satan could see it. Even if you never stated it, that you held a lot of gender envy towards him and his brothers.
- He sympathised with you. Feeling like you were born in the wrong body was awful no doubt. And the fact that you would always feel inferior to ‘real’ men.
- But Satan always countered that - what defined a ‘real’ man? Sure, anatomy might be one answer, but the second was identity.
- Gender was nothing but a social custom. Dresses being feminine? An opinion. Suits being masculine? Also an opinion. Mindsets, emotions and thoughts didn’t have a set gender and Satan made sure to express that clearly, hell, you’ve seen his brothers haven’t you?
- His tone was logical and firm. Reassuring you that you were justified in being who you were and that labelling yourself as a man was okay.
‘’Don’t let other people drag you down to their levels of simplicity. I’ll love you no matter the form you take ____.’’
Asmodeus - Help diminish masculine stereotypes.
- He too noticed your gender envy. But the avatar of lust had a different way of dealing with it.
- Any time you two went out, he’d make sure to apply makeup, wear skirts, high heels - any ‘feminine’ thing you could think of just to show you there was no harm expressing yourself in a ‘girly’ manner even as a man.
- He also did it to place the attention on him. He didn’t care for the confused looks or admirers. He strutted like he owned the place and he wanted you to do the same.
‘’Confidence is a lifestyle darling. Once you begin living it, people will love you for the amazing man you are.’’
Beelzebub - To feel more masculine.
- Beel was a regular at the gym and his clubs, that was fact. And so, you could argue he was the most masculine with his chiseled form.
- When you came up to him and requested to attend the gym with him to build muscle, he was more than happy for you to accompany him. It did get a bit lonely going by himself at times.
- He helped you bulk on calories and encouraged what foods to eat and to avoid when building muscle.
- However, he also reassured you that you didn’t have to gain muscle to be a ‘man’ and that you were handsome enough as is.
‘’I know I don’t say it often but.. I love you how you are ____. Don’t feel the need to change for other people. But, I won’t stop you if you truly do it for yourself.’’
Belphegor - Comforting you after being deadnamed.
- Belphegor knew that you still had issues transitioning. It was normal - your whole life would change as people viewed you differently. But not him. In his heart, you were still the little human that got him to love the quirks of humanity again.
- However, after being woken up by your cries and hearing of what happened, he immediately came to reassure you that people like that were idiots and random nobodies. Why bother putting up with self-conscious fools who had nothing better to do than hate you for being happy?
- He pulled you close to his chest and snuggled into you, all the while asking about the low class demons that deadnamed you - you didn’t want to know what he would do to them.
‘’I’m telling you ____, don’t bother time with idiots.. they’re all mindless demons that somehow Lord Diavolo hasn’t eradicated yet.’’
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mayday-melody · 7 days
ROUGE!? HOT TEMALES A LATINA?!?!?!😍😍😍😍 okay im sorry.
warning for women anatomy and sparkles
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i love her i love her so much, Okay, so idk if i LIKE the finished peice, I think i prefer the sketch
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her face is better in this one..
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i love SA2 rouge.. shes the best one.. her and her.. One polygon.. ALSO wanted to mention, Yes her eyeshadow is blue, her eyes are green i dont like that, so i make it teal. *deal* with it
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two extra rouge drawings bc i told you so.
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nikethestatue · 10 months
I'm on my little mission to give some love and gratitude to my favorite fic writers because you're all amazing. You are authors who don't get paid for your great works. You are the reason I am still in this fandom. 💕💗🤍
I came across your blog through @fawnandshadows and I remember roughly how. Cait answered a question about what you love the most about the other person's fics and she said something like 'page over page of wing sucking'. Yeah what can I say this smutty girl was immediately interested and holy I was not let down 🔥. I love your smut. It is truly hard to choose a favourite but Possesion is one of my favourites because omg you wrote the intimacy so good at some point while reading i was like 'Am I disturbing you somehow? Am i am suppose to be here. It was just so intimate and private. I also love The Agreement because Historic AU Victorian England + Elriel + smut = perfect. (and of course the wing sucking haha). Overall your writing is great. I adore the children you gave Elriel. Temal and Sannai are still on my mind but also Darius was just adorable. Which is ironic because you once said that you don't really like writing about children if I remember correctly.
This is one of the nicest things I've ever received. Thank you so much.
It's actually funny to me that I am kind of known for smut writing, but most of my one shots and even shorter series are smut-less? :) I think that I write it pretty intensely and maybe differently from others. Raw and intimate and sexual.
I actually consider myself the queen of slow burn. I can drag things out forever and ever. LOL But I love the build up. The tension. Wing sucking is fun, but I like writing the pre-wing-sucking stuff even more.
Small dogs, weird animals and children--I like writing those. I love giving personality to unexpected characters and make them an organic part of the story. And I know many readers hate babies/children/pregnancy stuff, and I say, let me change your mind! :)
But I am so happy you are enjoying it! Thank you so much for this message. It made my day.
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year
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Diane Arbus
Three temale impersonators, N.Y.C.
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Altmer names together with Polish names
Agari Aicantony Alaudalf Alcalek Aldir Alenar Alina Alqualina Alrenya Alwae Amanwirie Amare Amenski Anaaimer Andomil Andulye Andus Angenim Aniak Anikaron Aninaanel Annislas Anque Antel Antkowski Antonowski Anyonwe Aonurdawen Aralime Aralinski Arano Arcinia Arczak Ardril Arnil Arnin Arranya Artalamen Arutowski Aurande Avalatare...
Bajacek Bajewski Bertaker Bodzelidur Borka Borne Buczartosz Buraamaire Burzy Caemo Calicja Calingur Calita Calus Camion Camwille Candusky Caralinski Caril Carne Casar Casencana Castrzec Celendinwe Celmion Celmo Chalojzy Chrombin Cichan Cienkowski Cient Ciminski Cious Ciryetina Connuwae Cornyeril Coror Corriil Corril Corrinei Corrire Corrona Cuilas Cuileisse Cuilesnion Culak Culdanya Curomiusz Cymbacko Cymbalinwe Cymbatorm Czernire Dalire Dezyk Dobrame Dombin Domil Doremski Dubian Dwoderil Dzwona Earrinque Egula Elanfirion Eldhonak Eldil Elinanwe Elion Elquickie Elski Endarubel Enderedalf Enotil Eronik Erratil Errowski Estast Estyna Esulien Esurnas Ewalski Fanwe Fanwen Farie Farin Farite Farman Farritende Farwuniel Faryon Fasea Fenack Fenlastak Ferdire Ferlulma Ficelan Figur Finana Finwe Firil Firri Firtorith Franyare Froma Galsawka Ganrion Gasierdalf Ghire Glaanek Gorwe Goszewski Grankowski Graythelel Grazmudalf Grudil Grzynski Gwoznowicz Gyrnika Haerel Hecka Hecki Henindwik Henlethey Henski Heremon Highorne Hyancemek Hyire Iladia Ilewski Imposse Inaama Indil Ingenian Irion Izabowski Jaczynski Janko Jarodski Jarollia Jaszki Jedril Joanand Joannisha Jorin Jovronirwe Jowincanir Jowski Julie Julin Kaladyslaw Kalana Kalimeril Kanir Kapuscik Kaziarski Kazmiel Kelka Kiewski Kingo Klime Klopolski Kloski Kolanwen Kordrystyn Korian Koril Korski Kowski Kozinski Krawinski Kryski Krzewski Kubrimon Kwiec Laczyk Lainanarel Landras Langwen Laril Larnek Larosowski Larure Lasic Latha Layne Lecki Leriil Lerula Lilas Lilion Lillara Litale Llius Lonwe Lorek Lovicki Lovilarek Lovilia Lovirwe Ludolarie Macier Macil Mackowski Maculek Magdannin Maksymia Maleia Malendil Mangarski Marchow Martil Maslaw Maziminde Mazurenwe Meire Melewski Merel Meryare Mieja Minia Minor Mithrom Moczkowski Modleslaw Modzynski Mostic Motha Mrowski Myslaw Naano Nafwe Nalcornen Nalinski Natur Nawen Nawendor Nelarne Neranaire Niirona Niranyon Nirmiloril Nolime Nolowicz Nonra Noraszek Norilina Norinko Notis Nowelon Nowski Ogowski Ohoutek Ohtandir Olquufwe Oltinar Oraisse Oroon Pades Panya Parmuutian Pasion Paszczyk Pellon Pelock Penuudil Pitka Plachnik Pokoloski Polszewski Ponirwe Prendur Przyk Ptasiel Qamowski Qualdil Quendil Quenya Rafalinwen Rafarmilon Ravindil Rinwe Rolandaran Rollyon Ronadiusz Ronia Rudzislawn Rulisse Rulla Rulny Rybinaire Sakov Salonduski Salorel Sandrasion Sangolan Sarek Saurme Selllon Seluuriela Selyas Serion Sevillanas Simifwe Simon Sinlocki Skowski Skyrime Sobos Solintur Solmo Solmorski Sonlock Sorie Soril Sorlan Sorlarie Sorlo Staarelle Staken Stanek Stasililas Stefanire Storion Stormura Stowen Strek Strowen Suniewski Suronczak Swanski Szczygmon Szyca Szymkowski Szynski Taaleisse Tabakar Tanduldur Tania Taure Telawen Telcarimon Teldalda Teldarien Telong Temale Temend Temeritir Tengonil Tenwe Tenya Tenyamee Tenyemar Teraamen Teratil Teril Thalomeja Thius Tillas Tilondil Tinaamon Tinya Tirwion Tolabel Traldor Turczyk Tusak Umbaline Umbenine Unchaldil Uncil Undworski Urbancaril Urbartyk Uririe Valtar Valtil Vanuriwen Vaste Vatosse Velandel Vinieslaw Voraruril Wajchrzak Walandur Wargwen Whetin Witowicz Wojcicha Wolhil Wozdz Wysoch Yarne Zabel Zabris Zagomon Zajak Zajski Zebski Zenolonra Zenot Zmuda Zozowski
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Festival Temal al Bauddhanath Stupa a Kathmandu, Nepal
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meiesiinkaugemal2 · 5 months
Kolmekesi Sileesias II
Esmaspäeval anti meile ülesanne disainida ümber poster rahvusvahelise projekti jaoks, mille peakontor asub siinsamas. Selle koostamine ja juhandajaga nõupidamine edenes hõlpsasti, saime valmis prototüübi, mida järmiste päevade jooksul täiendada. Peale selle, võtsime osa ülijuhtide loengust, mis oli informatiivne ja jäi õnneks ka meie arusaamistasandile. Peale loengut kinkis projektijuht meile ülikooli seljakotid, veepudelid ja kohvitassid.
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Õhtupoole õppisime kuidas ühikas pesu pesta, pidime kõigepealt infolauapersonalilt pesuruumi võtme hankima, see oli tükk tööd, sest ta oskas inglisekeelt just nii palju, et tere ja headaega öelda.
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Teisipäeval töötasime edasi postri kallal, jõudsime uue prototüübini ja õhtupoole käisime Tychy-s ujumiskeskuses. See oli suuruselt sarnane meie KalevSpa-ga, aga seal oli ka lainebassein.
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Kolmapäeval tegime lõplikud viimistlused koos projektijuhiga ja saatsime plakati printi, projektijuhil oli hea meel, et saime temale algupäraselt mitte meeldiva plakati kujundada ümber meeldivaks plakatiks. Õhtupoole käisime Guido söekaevanduses, mis on Euroopa sügavaim külastajatele avatud kaevandus. See asub Zabrze-s 320-meetri sügavusel, giid rääkis meile selle kaevanduse ajaloost ja kuidas üldse sütt kaevandatakse.
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Neljapäeval eksperimenteerisime laboris magnetite ja kõrgtemperatuuri ülijuhtidega, nende nimes võib küll olla "kõrgtemperatuur" aga nende kriitiline temperatuur on toatemperatuurist palju madalam, nende jahutuseks kasutatakse tihti vedellämmastikku.
Reedel oli ülikoolis avatud uste päev, käisime mööda ülikoolilinnakut ringi ja vaatasime, mida pakutakse. Peale seda viis meid projektijuht Krakow-i tuurile, kuulasime keskpäeval Püha Maarja basiilika trompetimängijat, käisime Wawel-i lossis, ronisime Poola kõige suurema kirikukella juurde, pärast nägime draakoni kuju, mis ka vahest (kui münte pakutakse) tuld sülgab. Leidsime ka Püha Florian-i kuju lähedalt Eesti aukonsuli.
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Laupäeval käisime Wrocław-i loomaaias, seal oli hästi suur akvaarium, mille alt sai läbi kõndida, nägime igasuguseid armsaid ja huvitavaid loomi.
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Sipelgaõgijad koos tudumas :3
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Kirjutas Ethan N Meedia minu, Tauri T ja Janar N poolt.
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luuletus-ee · 1 year
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- Tarmo Selter
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divinum-pacis · 1 year
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April 5, 2023: A Tamang man lights a butter lamp during the Temal festival at Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal. During this festival people of the Tamang community gather in monasteries or stupas to light butter lamps to pay homage to loved ones who have passed away. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha)
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morkedisblog · 6 months
Çok zor ve acılarla dolu bir o kadar da sıcak insan ilişkileri -güçlü aile bağlarının olduğu yıllardı darbe yılları yeniliklere gebeydi! Sahte arap sevgisi yazdım filmin ismi: Ebu Zeynep düzenledim ama pirpirikliyim belirtmezsem rahat etmen çünkü bir tek bana özel yayınlandı film yok canım ben insan olmam😠işte aklıma geldi Temel birgün Cemal ve Dursunla balığa çıkmış ama güçlü bir fırtına çıkmış ki tekneyi fena sallıyor Temel başlamış Allaha yalvarmaya Karadeniz şivesiyle" uyyy Ellahum bu firtunayı atlatırsam sağa bir hamsi kurban edeceğum daaa" Cemal " ula Temal hamsi paluğundan kurban olur mu daaa" Temel cevap vermiş" ula sus uşağum Ellahu kandırıyorum daaa" benimki de o hesap gine gb alırsam yarın da merhaba derim internet paketleri çok pahalılandı paketim haziranda bitiyor 230 tl şu an, haziranda 370 tl gel de yaz konuş😤😠😈
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444namesplus · 7 months
Achau Achenpon Achgaro Achok Achoton Achto Achvoutot Achzochok Aiarfech Aifotke Aiou Aitanron Akcho Akda Akoch Alan Alcho Aleiou Aljetger Altobon Amal Amel Ameror Amha Amkaiam Amwevan Anal Anes Anesen Anfak Anfo Anjetal Ankoou Anol Anosren Anpe Anzan Arak Argehet Arnoon Arou Arta Asaigo Asken Astaek Atel Atorchou Atve Atwatot Auheu Auochje Aupe Bakde Bakwehat Baldapo Baos Bejagon Bekaol Besenlak Bocha Bodo Bomo Bonmam Bopo Boukor Bozanpen Chadas Chagamgon Chalaol Chammar Chasasoch Chata Cheija Cheljech Chobeha Choen Chokenal Chotoive Chowo Daauhal Daeiel Dagone Danen Daraken Deeu Deiem Dekbewe Dekzava Dena Dennepe Depame Derbonro Deretda Desakdo Dobom Dochvan Dofo Dolezon Doolnan Dopoai Dore Doso Echhomor Echkeche Echlaor Echpa Echzor Eichoufak Eiem Eijauze Einamat Eion Eireos Ekanam Ekhonos Ekmanen Ekosan Elat Eldeneu Elfo Emchen Emdok Emgol Emmaes Emnetgol Emok Emva Enantem Enatfom Enau Endame Enla Enosre Erar Erascha Erchechvoch Erchotto Erelsech Ergoch Erpoem Ervome Erwaseu Esenas Esenom Estaisei Estombe Esveer Etarnat Etenot Etol Euai Eual Eudan Euesos Euha Euon Eupar Faam Faas Fameno Faszar Fawol Fean Feat Fego Feiboeu Femos Fesgo Fesparet Fochojan Fodena Fomo Fonerech Fonou Gaas Gachpek Ganlomkom Garechwak Gavo Gechasna Geetas Gefei Geiam Geor Gerelre Geusazot Goiko Gomo Gorjola Gote Haaioi Hachtoto Haja Haleol Haltokat Hansen Harchacho Harekho Hargan Haro Hedaha Heichat Helchot Henochas Henwak Heor Hessei Hokfa Hopek Jaampa Jahe Jamalber Jamam Jaumaai Jelvatwa Jepefa Jesomam Jeuol Jobolou Joipar Jolerer Jonamva Jookba Josba Jouor Kaalzau Kanmendech Kaol Kekso Kemen Kemmeu Keoi Kesokau Ketrarlo Kobokwo Koereu Konach Lachse Lanes Lanposai Laouwa Larlal Leisa Lenom Leollal Leuzo Lochoch Logauar Lotanvom Lozaon Malto Medena Meiasan Mennachot Meras Mesar Meseilo Mesem Meuratet Mewetpou Moiha Mokat Mokau Monrau Nachrotrech Naech Naidon Naloch Nausoma Neipo Nenen Nengok Noboume Nochbam Nochzaza Nodoch Noesel Nolfeu Nonaet Nonpa Nospenas Nozoneu Ocheiou Ochla Ochonak Oijenach Oijo Oilenjech Oiolbo Oireet Oiwemau Okei Okjona Oklel Okmalor Okmou Okno Oksak Okvesoch Okzalau Olai Olge Olno Omaklo Omer Omze Onanen Onasbai Onauve Onbe Onfomon Onkes Onnel Onwa Orban Ores Orsan Osche Osek Osetga Osnan Otemna Otoi Ottech Ouhas Oumozal Oupo Outachnes Ouvo Paitonei Paja Pamnaot Pampe Panzoklek Patha Pavalga Pavofe Pawachtam Peanok Peau Pelwobe Penda Peokou Pepachat Perreda Peso Petvake Peudochrok Peure Poal Pochnech Poen Porne Raaiom Raau Rade Ranla Rape Raroch Refokmeu Rekolon Rerkarmer Ressombe Reta Roeten Roetet Roian Romau Saan Saatko Sanolzen Saol Seive Selas Sengar Senseuen Soal Soda Sojafa Sojembak Somal Somokech Sotat Tachetfau Tachna Taem Takdeten Tankaol Tanonai Taon Taspaugem Tauwei Tavaon Tawai Taze Teeroch Teha Telach Temal Tenan Toljero Toonot Vaach Vachfek Vaemchon Vamnan Vauchemrar Vaueigak Velber Velmoel Vetan Voan Vomzapa Vonon Vonwoi Vornasfo Votor Waaivem Walhan Waou Warem Wawau Wazech Webe Wekol Wetajat Wofaho Woiekpos Woma Womem Zaen Zaoilen Zarboten Zechje Zedaan Zehem Zekvoche Zeno Zeondo Zerzos Zeufat Zezo Zoje Zordolhok
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doggirlhen · 7 months
temale hysteria
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baitermale · 11 months
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ghanashowbizonline · 11 months
Watch full video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY4CEPiJZtM 🚨 Editor’s Pick – Top 5 Spotlight Top Five Sports in the World When it comes to the world of sports, there is an abundance of options available for enthusiasts and athletes alike. From the adrenaline-pumping action to the camaraderie developed among teammates, sports have a way of capturing our hearts and engaging us in ways like…
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