#tempest trial teams
katfreaks-hidyhole · 6 months
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The Tempest Trial Team for “Life and Death III”
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 5 months
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Look at her!!!!
(She was already +10 but now she's got updated skills from the Hall of Forms)
She's got 2 builds because I think the dragonskin one is technically a little better, but... Flared Mirror lets Grima set things on fire and that just feels so good and right for her.
Also A/S Rein Snap makes her super fun to use on a team with the armored Grimas. Imagine 4 fell dragons rushing towards you all at once. That is what happens when they all get +1 movement :::)
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youryurigoddess · 2 months
Maggie’s pendants and good omens
Yes, you’ve read it right. This post is going to deal with some literal good omens, not just title drop! But first things first, let’s take a closer look at the topic of this analysis.
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A toucan
The top necklace is a lovely design involving a crowned toucan — believed to be a messenger of gods able to travel between the spiritual and the physical world, often associated with rain and rainbow (a Christian symbol of divine love, grace, and mercy, a reminder of the covenant between God and humanity to spare the latter from future trials like the Flood) — encircled by a gold band (a symbol of infinity, eternal love and promise) spun by a small butterfly (a symbol of transformation, hope, and rebirth). All three symbols combined seem to deliver a divine message of hope for rebirth, possibly resurrection, and the eternal life. Very fitting in the context of the Second Coming.
The fact that toucans were revered by the native South Americans as rainbringers strengthens the symbolic meaning of another type of bird we can spot on Maggie’s clothes in the very first episode, as her character introduction — a swallow. Swallows flying low are also believed to be harbingers of rain and bad weather. If you see one close to Earth or a building, it means that there’s a storm — or a certain biblical tempest — on the horizon.
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In Ancient Greece and Rome swallows were representing Aphrodite, goddess of love. In Christianity they were considered to be of God and symbolized hope, awakening, and revival of life as messengers of spring and protectors from winter colds. Also helped Jesus on the Cross — according to a Christian legend, a group of swallows was supposed to take out the thorns from the Crown of Thorns and alleviate His Passion on the Cross. Humans banding together in the name of good have been a big theme in the series ever since The Them made an appearance, and from what we already know about the unpublished Good Omens sequel, we can assume that Jesus is going to take the spotlight in the upcoming season.
Maggie definitely attracts sudden inexplicable weather changes, like a thunderstorm with weirdly localized lightning strikes or a sudden downpour. And we’re still waiting for some vavooming (and the following happy ending) to happen in S3.
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A heart with an eye
Now, the more nuanced clue hidden in the bottom necklace. I know that some of us were trying to tackle the concept of Maggie’s eye in a heart pendant suggesting her Masonic connotations, but this symbol (or the Eye of Providence in general) isn’t strictly Masonic, it isn’t even limited only to Judeo-Christian art. And while it is used a lot in Christian iconography, we should focus on a very specific example of it already referenced in the show.
Buckle up, we’re making a parachute dive into S1.
It seems like our old friend, Agnes Nutter, still has our backs.
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Prophecy 4020:
Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts enjoin, there are othere fyres than mine; when the whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another.
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If you look closely at the bottom right corner of this frame, you will see that as an illustration for the above prophecy the production team chose a 1611 engraving titled The Minde should have a fixed Eye On Objects, that are plac’d on High first found in Gabriel Rollenhagen’s Nucleus emblematum selectissimorum.
In 1635 it was published in A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Moderne Quickened With Metrical Illustrations, both Morall and Divine, Etc by George Wither with the accompanying hymn:
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A Heart, which bore the figure of an Eye
Wide open to the Sunne; by some, was us'd,
When in an Emblem, they would signifie
A Minde, which on Celestiall Matters mus'd:
Implying, by the same, that there is nought
Which in this lower Orbe, our Eyes can see,
So fit an Object for a manly thought,
As those things, which in Heav'n above us be.
God, gave Mankinde (above all other Creatures)
A lovely Forme, and upward-looking Eye,
(Among the rest of his peculiar Features)
That he might lift his Countenance on high:
And (having view'd the Beauty, which appeares
Within the outward Sights circumference)
That he might elevate above the Sphæres,
The piercing Eye, of his Intelligence.
Then, higher, and still higher strive to raise
His Contemplations Eyes, till they ascend
To gaine a glimpse of those eternall Rayes,
To which all undepraved Spirits tend.
For, 'tis the proper nature of the Minde
(Till fleshly Thoughts corrupt it) to despise
Those Lusts whereto the Body stands inclin'd;
And labour alwayes, upward to arise.
Some, therefore, thought those Goblins which appeare
To haunt old Graves and Tombes, are Soules of such,
Who to these loathsome places doomed were,
Because, they doted on the Flesh too much.
But, sure we are, well-minded Men shall goe
To live above, when others bide below.
And hey, guess what 4020, i.e., the number of the prophecy, symbolizes in Strong’s Concordance? Periergazomai, a Greek word meaning “to waste one's labor about something” — to meddle, going beyond proper boundaries (where a person doesn't belong); to fixate on what others are doing, instead of doing what the person himself is supposed to do.
It appears only once in the Bible:
2 Thessalonians 3:11: We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.
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To make things slightly more interesting, in the Hebrew version of Strong’s Concordance 4020 has another meaning — migbaloth, meaning “twisted things, i.e. cords”. Which doesn’t make much sense until we read the actual passage:
Exodus 28:24 and two chains of pure gold, twisted like cords; and you shall attach the corded chains to the settings.
And compare it to the most recent post on the topic published directly by Word of God:
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What if all these clues didn’t apply to Maggie and Nina, but Aziraphale and Crowley instead? What if Maggie served as a messenger — consciously or not — just like the toucan, delivering the prophecy to those who need it most?
“When the tempest comes and darkness and great storms, and the dead will leave their graves and walk the Earth once more and there will be great lamentations for the end is near, don’t lose hope, hold hands and look up.”
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Basically what Aziraphale and Crowley already did when they performed the 25 Lazarii miracle, only with no interference from Gabriel this time around.
And, if both Strong’s Concordance and Maggie’s personal addition to her second pendant are to be believed, with a wedding band somehow involved in the process.
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darknesseddiem · 2 months
hi babe !
can i request some older eddie x reader please ? pure fluff and comfort like you had a long day and everything and he just take care of you ? (you can add some tiny angst if you want but please please please comfort at the end)
Love you
𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: After a day weighed down by the burdens of the world, where every step felt like trudging through treacle and every moment an uphill battle, you find solace in the sanctuary of your haven, and there, in the warm embrace of your refuge, stands Eddie, a beacon of unwavering love and understanding.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: None, just pure fluff.
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As the sun dipped low on the horizon, its golden rays stretched across the sky, blending hues of warm orange and delicate pink, casting a breathtaking panorama as you finally returned home. The day had been a relentless marathon, leaving every fiber of your being heavy with fatigue, your eyes aflame with exhaustion.
Stepping over the threshold, you barely closed the door before Eddie emerged, his face aglow with a radiant smile that faltered upon seeing the turmoil etched in your expression.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" His voice carried a melody of concern, resonating deep within you.
For a moment, you grappled with the weight of your emotions, but Eddie's unwavering gaze melted your defenses.
"It was one of those days," you confessed, your voice a fragile whisper.
Eddie's tender eyes softened as he drew nearer, enfolding you in a cocoon of his embrace. "Tell me about it," he implored, leading you to the welcoming embrace of the couch, where you both sank into its plush familiarity.
And so, you poured out your heart, each syllable laden with the burdens of the day, hanging in the air like a heavy mist. Eddie listened with unwavering attention, his eyes never straying from yours, as if he sought to absorb every iota of your pain.
As the torrent of words finally ebbed, drained from the emotional deluge, Eddie's gentle fingers brushed away the tears that adorned your cheeks. "I'm sorry you had to endure that," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm.
Before you could respond, a wave of exhaustion crashed over you, pulling you deeper into its embrace. Nestling against Eddie, you sought solace in his warmth, his scent, his very essence.
Eddie held you close, his arms a sanctuary amidst the tempest. And as sleep beckoned, his whispered words of love and reassurance were a lullaby to your troubled soul, easing you into the embrace of dreams.
Wrapped in his embrace, you found respite, knowing that with him by your side, you could navigate any tempest.
But even amidst the tranquility, a twinge of guilt tugged at your heart, burdened by the thought of burdening him. Yet, his steadfast embrace offered solace, a silent promise of unwavering support.
"You never have to apologize for needing me," Eddie whispered, his breath a gentle caress against your ear. "We're a team, remember? Together, we face every trial."
His words ignited a spark of hope within, guiding you through the shadows of doubt. With Eddie, you felt fortified, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.
As minutes melded into hours, the world outside faded, leaving only the two of you ensconced in a sanctuary of love and warmth. And in that fleeting moment, cradled in his embrace, you found peace.
Eventually, succumbing to the pull of exhaustion, you surrendered to slumber, nestled in Eddie's arms. And as you slept, a sense of tranquility enveloped you, knowing his love would be your guiding light through the darkest of nights.
Beneath the silent canopy of stars, Eddie pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, a silent vow echoing in the stillness. With his love to illuminate your path, you were prepared to weather any storm that dared to cross your horizon.
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fehtism · 3 months
Hello! I just reinstalled FEH after a few years (I dropped off during Book 4), and someone pointed me to your blog for help with figuring out the newer skills because DEAR GOD
I’m going to start digging through your posts, but if you take requests(?), I’d really appreciate a breakdown of how Smol Chrobin’s kit works because it consistently takes me 2-3 teams to take them down in Tempest Trials, my old blue mage haters don’t seem to work on them, and I have no idea why or what I should be doing better.
hiiii thank you for your ask!
you seem to have encountered the problem of duo f!robin being Unfair.
luckily you have some things going for you !
1) the youngins cannot counter at 1 range, if you smack with a strong melee unit you should be able to take em out
2) a good far save can take One hit and get some good damage on duo robin
there are also quite a few things against you
1) threat range is larger than you think due to getting another action after using reposition + orders warping
2) has after combat healing + healing with flare
3) hits like a truck
4) stupid fast ... if you haven't played for a while most if not all of your units will get doubled
the tldr of young chrobin kit
after using reposition buffs self. gets atk/spd stat stack , extra damage , and canto 1. also after reposition debuffs any of your units within 3 rows and 3 columns . has tempo to make sure you get pranked by special. also has a really stupid "solve for X" stat stack formula which in short gives more stats if foe is equipped with low cd special. also gets bonus damage from multiple parts of kit.
for the long explanation ...
duo chrobin prf weapon has a stupidly long description so lets see if i can break it down in a way that makes sense
duo chrobin has a exclusive debuff called "hush spectrum". the effects of hush spectrum are as follows:
1) afficted units get -5 to all stats in combat
2) afflicted units get affected by scowl at start of combat. (scowl is special cd +1 at start of combat. this happens before your first attack and regardless of who initiates. this means even if you attack with a pre charged special you will not be able to activate it on your first attack. scowl does not affect aoe specials or defensive specials)
hush spectrum is a mid turn debuff and activates after duo chrobin uses an assist skill. this will occur practically every turn in practice due to duo chrobin getting a second action (similar to legendary chrom's "to change fate") after using an assist. using an assist will also grant special cd -1 to duo chrobin allowing them to easily precharge specials.
as for other effects of the weapon, duo chrobin gets 30% pierceable damage reduction on first hit (similar to skills like remote sparrow) as well as a bonus to all stats.
feh is making you do algebra here so the formula for the stat bonus is as follows:
X = 16 - (foes maximum special cd x2) min 8
in practice the stat stack is:
+14 to all stats vs foe with 1 cd special , +12 for 2 cd , +10 for 3 cd and so on.
important to note that the current weapon description is incorrect and states that this formula is for stat debuffs on foe rather than in combat stat buff for duo chrobin. the feh twitter account stated that this would be corrected in a future update.
as for the rest of the kit...
reposition is a standard movement assist
flare is a relatively new infantry mage locked special (released with brave soren in ... august ?) it has a dynamic effect based on the user's hp when special activates.
if hp is at or above 70%, increases damage based on 60% of foe's res stat. if hp is below 70%, increases damage by 40% of foe's res stat AND heals for 30% of max hp. unlike skills like sol and aether which heal for a percentage of damage dealt, flare heals a flat 30% regardless of amount of damage dealt.
the damage increase from flare is incredibly variable making it less reliable than specials like glimmer. however, flare is a high scoring special in arena and the healing has some use case.
duo chrobin has a prf A slot skill called "Fell wyrmscale." this skill has a bunch of effects that only trigger if units hp is at or above 25% at the START of combat. (meaning that if you start below 25%, heal to above 25% with flare, you still do not receive the effects). the effects of fell wyrmscale are as follows:
1) grants unit +8 to all stats in combat (woo ! no solving for X this time)
2) deals bonus damage = 15% of unit's atk (in practice this is generally around 8-12 damage)
3) fully pierces damage reduction when special triggers (does NOT apply to flat damage reduction from sources like laguz friend 4 or brave dimitri's weapon refine. also does not apply to defensive specials or to damage reduction from specials like armored floe/beacon. also does not apply to the damage reduction provided by emblem ike's engage effect)
4) heals 7 hp after combat
i miss when prf skills were simple...
duo chrobin's b slot skill is atk/spd link 4 which provides buffs to unit and minor debuffs to foe in combat after using a MOVEMENT assist (will not apply after using rallies) the effects granted by atk spd link are as follows:
1) grants visible atk/spd +6 buff. (this visible buff means that after receiving it, unit is ineligible to receive additional atk/spd buffs provided by sources like rally atk/spd+)
2) grants canto (1) to unit and ally targeted by the movement assist
3) inflicts atk/spd -4 and def/res -2 on foe in combat
4) (more solve for X sorry) grants + X bonus damage where X = highest bonus on atk+spd among unit and allies with canto (1) active. (in practice, X usually = 12) (bonus damage does not apply to aoe specials)
luckily, the C slot skill is rather simple in comparison. inf. null follow 4 grants null follow up effect to unit and infantry allies within 2 spaces. also grants unit "orders" warping (orders warping gets its name from the skill "ground orders" allows unit to warp to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces.)
i am sorry that this unit is Unfair and i am sorry for the current state of feh. i hope this explanation is thorough but if there are any terms that i did not explain feel free to comment or send another ask.
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moe-broey · 10 months
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My Askr and Co. team!!!!!!! Sometimes I switch one of them out for story stuff (full immersion lmfao), but!!! It's them it's the OGs 🥺🥺🥺
Alfonse is still pretty much the same, but since the Dragon Flower limit was increased, I feel he no longer needs Fury! Which, removing it does synergize better with Florid Cane anyway, beyond the Canto gimmick (having an Atk/Spd bonus if kept healthy).
Biggest thing I needed to figure out though was who I was giving the special skills to (from an extra Acsended Mareeta and Felix). I WAS tempted to give them to Alfonse (head empty he means everything to me) but I came to the conclusion that Ruptured Sky works too well on him. I even think it's fun from a storytelling standpoint, where he's consistent almost to a fault -- can result in him being reliable, or juuust missing the mark (he's still adaptable as well though!). PLUS! Both are speed based skills, and even With my speedy Alfonse build, AND even with all those Dragon Flowers, Sharena outspeeds him at lower investment.
So it did come down to trying to decide which would work best between Sharena and Anna.
Sharena absolutely needed to be completely revised, since I realized I accidentally doubled up on Null Follow Up on her weapon and B slot (and her C slot was a wimpy Threaten skill lmfao). Ultimately I felt Felix's kit synergized better with Alfred's Arcane I gave to her -- espp Bulwark keeping her healthy! In this way I think I accidentally made her a tank. Especially with all the stat bonuses coming together, on top of a damage reduction special. Really my ONLY bit of grief here is she no longer has her special attack voicelines........... I'm SO sad about that 💔💔💔 (HOWEVER. IT. IS REALLY FUNNY.)
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She's just standing there..... Menacingly........... (quite literally with the Menace skill too from the Summer Dimitri manual that's up for grabs. I'm not so sure if it Suits Her storytelling-wise but tbh it's funny. GO GIRL START KILLING‼️‼️‼️)
As for Anna! I actually haven't touched Anna's build in years, she's not a unit I ever use outside of the once a month free orb and sometimes for story... last I left her was with Life or Death 3, Vantage, and a Spur skill. I wanted to keep in line with this initial build though... bc I feel like it suits her.
Outside of this one time (very early on, before I really put a lot of thought into things) I Never use Life or Death (I'm too cautious HAHAH) so I was comfortable giving her a Life or Death 4 I had laying around. BEYOND THAT. IT WAS. SUCH A NIGHTMARE. To figure out What the rest of her kit should be. A Lot of trial and error, testing, troubleshooting, everything. Because the BIGGEST THING is I wanted to keep Nóatún on her. She gets INSANE movement from it, and I felt like if I could Just Get This Right, I could pull off something as gimmicky as my Hit and Run Canto Alfonse. You have to trade SO much power for that movement, and she's already made of glass and paper the way I'm building her (but I am SO committed to this idea bc it's EXACTLY how I conceptualize her character in my mind -- strong starter, hard hitter, high movement = speedy and lots of experience on the battle field!! And SOMETHING in her C and Seal slots to communicate teamwork and commanding.)
EVENTUALLY. WHAT I THINK WORKS. Spurn helps her Not Die As Much/As Quickly (thank you damage reduction), and I think the balance between Oath/Solo skills gets the idea across.
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LOOK at this. LOOK at how STUPID this is. How by giving Alfonse Odd Tempest HE IS. SO POWERFUL. HE MAKES A KILLER OPENING (EXACTLY AS HE ALWAYS SAYS HE WILL‼️‼️‼️). Reposition into Canto into look at him fucking go. He's fucking gone. Halfway across the battlefield. AND ANNA HAS FANTASTIC SYNERGY WITH THIS!!!!! Being able to get That One Extra Space thanks to Nóatún!!!!!!!! (Unfortunately this was a terrible matchup and she died instantly, but this is more for demonstration purposes 🫡)
I am a little sad that Sharena gets left on the back lines when this works out but. I think she's still doing her part. Esp since I'm testing out Ardent Sacrifice on her, where I typically exclusively only use Reposition and always have a healer. On top of eating hits, she also covers for her allies as well! Making sure they're okay :)
Finally! Takumi! I. Have no idea how he fits in here tbh I don't even know how Pathfinder works. But I love him so much so dearly and he's here because he's a highly respected veteran member of the Order of Heroes. Also everyone say thank you Alcryst for fucking finally giving him a usable weapon and decent skills (I have gone through SO MANY ideations of base Takumi builds and they have NEVER been on the level of stronger units he was ALWAYS WOEFULLY OUTCLASSED. Which is DEVASTATING bc I really like using base forms sometimes!!!!). I'm SO happy he's finally on par w stronger units now!!!! OH. AND. THE MAJOR THING ABOUT HIM ACTUALLY. Is once he gets the ball rolling he is procing Deadeye every fucking turn. Just like in Fates... 🥺🥺🥺 (killing and maiming and violence complete with a cheeky attitude and bravado!)
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rubyisms · 9 months
need help naming an upcoming comic i’ll be working on (slowly but surely) so i’m doing a poll to see what people like better!
the comic is vox machina set in the avatar universe, hundreds of years after aang and korra and following keyleth as the avatar with VM as her team avatar. the aesthetic itself takes heavily after the steampunk of korra's time, as opposed to a more modern interpretation.
if you’re a critical role fan and have CR mutuals or followers, please reblog! i would love the extra feedback on titles.
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ro-botany · 2 months
the thing with teambuilding in heroes that's hard right now is that like. the only strategy i know is BIG MOBILITY BIG ATTACK NUMBERS. my primary team is four high attack cav units, two of whom are chroms with their fancy reposition-then-move-again assist skills, and my aim with every map is to either A) stampede in and murder everyone in two turns maximum, or B) nuke a guy and run out of enemy range until the map is cleared.
and to be fair this DOES work most of the time. the chroms + freds are all hard hitters, and they've gotten me thru most story content and a fair amount of other maps like champions.
but also that is my One And Only Trick. so if they end up dying, say, in tempest trials; or if i ever want to actually go try squad assault maps that force you to use like 5 different teams; i have no fucking clue what to do. i have no back up strats. the best i can do is "sort heroes by rating, pick one of each colour, pray"
eventually i'll look up information about proper team composition, figure out some good builds for some of my older units i'm attached to, all that jazz... but hoogh does reading things about this game ever tire me out fast. the way they write skill descriptions is so unnecessarily complex.
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MiqoMarch'24, Day #7: - light -
A bit of a different take on this prompt, today is all about sin eater D'nyr from the point of view of an alternate timeline where he really did become a Lightwarden!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀- observations log. 1/5/XX, day.?? - ……..thus the creature was bestowed the title of Forgiven Temperance by its former allies, following the meaning of self-sacrifice and asceticism; excessive restraint/repression of one’s self for others benefit. At his core, one can suppose that this was both his fatal flaw and driving virtue! The poor soul… To date, nobody knows for sure what the beast fully looks like, not even those who fled the site of its transformation at the depths of The Tempest! It has scarcely budged from its initial location a few moons ago… obvious logistical reasoning aside, only a scant few exploration teams have had the wherewithal to venture down there past the safety of the Ondo's dwellings. Reports have led us to believe that the creature is covered in sharp spines and has monstrously large "claw-hands" (as it was described), or possibly some sort of scorpion-like tail as well? Its profile is unclear and hard to make out in the murk from such a distance, but one thing is unanimously clear; all of our teams have fled after seeing what they claimed to be "horrifying gold eyes" staring back at them! Yet the beast has not once given chase upon sighting our researchers, which is just as unsettling as it is perplexing… Due to the unique constraints inherent to its location, we are at present unable to cull the Lightwarden and return the night to the region of Kholusia. Mercifully, its light has not pierced anywhere else due to the sheer distance from the water's surface acting as a convenient attenuating filter, but one could surmise that if the beast were to emerge then all of Norvrandt would be under light pall again… its effect on the populace is quite clear: residents have responded with equal levels of fear and also apathy to this situation, as while some are content to live their lives as they had been before (with the beast effectively "out of sight and out of mind" and therefore not a problem), others are starting to become fearful of the ocean entirely (a complicated notion, due to their relative proximity at all times to it)! Disquieting rumors have started to spread amongst fishermen and sailors alike, that if you venture too close to the ocean you'll be dragged under by the Lightwarden, never to be seen again… though one would hope most people would question how bogus this sounds-- if you'll excuse me interjecting my own personal opinion... at this juncture I simply cannot see the Lightwarden ascending from the briny deep just to prey on hapless passersby when it has showed absolutely no inclination towards moving from even just one single spot-- it has nonetheless had a noticeable impact on the region's imports and exports of fish, so now we must find an effective way to quell the people's terror to rectify the economic impacts alongside dealing with the creature too………..
------ (as a bonus, have the rough draft of his Lightwarden trial encounter under the cut! because I am sad it will never get to see the light of day otherwise and I was proud of the concept years ago lmao)
CONCEPT: . Overall theme is “the breaking down of appearances to reveal what was always there, but hidden away”-- stage and boss both change per phase to reflect this, going from a more idealistic “this is what the WoL as a sin-eater would look and fight like” to a “ohhh god what is that that’s not the WoL anymore” . Mechanics are based around D’nyr’s repressed feelings towards others (loneliness, anger/the need to lash out sometimes, not always saying how he feels, his dislike of others putting him on a pedestal, etc.) and the world at large (eg. the fragility of life, futility of some things, etc.) and his unfulfilled hopes and wants (to live unfettered by responsibility to the world, to settle down with a family of his own someday, etc.)
PHASE 1: . Certain mechanics grant a stacking buff to the boss (Fervent Denial), which is necessary to progress the fight! These mechanics have an interrupt bar and represent the feelings and things that D’nyr has repressed-- if the cast is interrupted, the buff will not be given, increasing the flat % of damage taken from the ultimate attack at the end of the next phase [it's calculated based on the damage dealt to the boss in the first phase (% thresholds that indicate how much it weakens the overall ult damage by), as well as the actual phase progress bar (below 80% is no extra damage, at 80-90% it is +3% extra damage, 90-99% an 5% extra damage, and 100% a flat wipe)] . In a meta sense, the only way to put him down for good is to damage him when he is at his most vulnerable (ie, his final form), and the only way to get him to show that is to let him go berserk and not deny him the things he’s been disallowing himself all this time-- as D’nyr at his core would never allow himself these actions, it causes a “breakdown” of the mask (literally, the bosses’ one too [he has a blank slate mask with a golden kintsugi X like D'nyr's scar, for context]) and internal walls holding him back, fracturing his perceived sense of self and causing him to shift into a form that represents all of these denied things, which is what truly needs to be destroyed/purified! . Normal mode has 7 chances to grant Fervent Denial giving some leeway for mistakes (the buff stacks cap at 5 however, so it is not possible to get 7 stacks despite there being opportunities to do so), but Extreme only has the exact 5 chances needed to progress! If players have not let the boss reach at least 5 stacks by the time the hard-enrage longcast goes out, the party will wipe. . Fervent Denial also slightly increases damage dealt by the boss, so he will gradually hit harder and harder over time, plateauing right before the phase change. . After the boss uses its phase-shift move (what would normally be the yet-unnamed hard-enrage longcast), the stacking buff will disappear and the boss will become untargetable, beginning the DPS check phase.
DPS CHECK: . Unfinished from here on out-- but basically beating up… some kind of add, and while you do that the boss' mask slowly cracks with bright light before shattering into his second form and unleashing his ultimate attack (he becomes more agitated and spiny-looking but I never finished designing any of his forms so just imagine the possibilitiiiiies)
PHASE 2 & 3: . To be continued……. or not! maybe someday :')
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armoredisopod · 5 months
Arknights Spring Festival 2024 PVs
New Operators
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Wanqing, 5* Welfare Standard Bearer Vanguard
If you come across farmland, be sure to watch your step.
Grain Buds, 5* Decel Binder Supporter
I used to manage the animals back at Dahuang City, so of course I'm in charge of you here.
Zuo Le, 6* Soloblade Guard (formerly known as Musha branch)
Good talents should be put to good use, by those who are most capable. Zuo Le will do his best.
Shu, 6* Limited Guardian Defender
You and I, we are but a drop in the basin that is our world.
Operator Skins Update
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Total of 7 new skins, 5 new additions for the Made by 0011 brand and 2 new additions for the new Unveiling of Devotion brand
Made by 0011
Highmore's The Land With Me
Honeyberry Saturated Within Rain
Lin's Heavenly Mirage - L2D skin
Chongyue's Alighting - L2D skin
Purestream's Yearly Present - Event Reward skin
Unveiling of Devotion
Harmonie's Decoration
Arene's Dangerous Invitation
Purestream's skin is a reward from Trials for Navigator #4
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Announced skin reruns
Series II 0011/Tempest skins (Ceobe, Waai Fu)
Series VII Vitafield skins (Pozëmka, Proviso, Mousse)
Nian's Unfettered Freedom
Manticore's Under A Veil
~104 other skins as part of Goodbye to the Old, Welcome the New edition of Rhodes Fashion Review
Operator Modules Update
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All the new operators being part of branches with modules immediately get their modules
GUA-X module base effect increases Shu's healing amount by 15% on targets below 50% HP
MUS-X module base effect gives Zuo Le 25% Sanctuary when below 50% HP
DEC-X module base effect makes Grain Buds recover SP faster when there are enemies in her range
BEA-X module base effect makes Wanqing give +1 block count to the ally in front of him when his skill is active
Fighter Guard branch gets 2 module types
Module 1 given to Chongyue and Jackie
Module 2 given to Mountain, Indra, Flint, Dagda and Beehunter
Events and Stories
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Here a People Sows, the next installment of the Yan-Sui storyline taking place in the agriculture city of Dahuang
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Trials for Navigator #4, scheduled after Here a People Sows
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Operator Archives update for Shu, Qiubai, Wind Chimes, Cliffheart
Record Restore update for An Obscure Wanderer and Guiding Ahead
Misc Stuff
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Annihilation #24 - New Hotel Avenue, annihilation mission with So Long Adele enemies and mechanics
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Surtr, April and Arene added to recruitment
CN dialect voices for Shu and Zuo Le
CC ops/skins and past login event skins will start to be rereleased via side story event shops
Ops and skins available in the CC shop will not be removed, they are simply making them more accessible by giving players more options on how to get them
Bibeak and her tokens along with Hibiscus' Night Watcher skin will be available for purchase in the Here a People Sows event shop
When the event shop closes, the listed ops and skins will be moved to the certificates shop and will not be put in future side story event shops
Livestream Stuff
Showcased Shu, a 6* Guardian Defender Sui Sibling with a decent amount of support options in her kit
First talent makes her heals sow seeds on the tile the target ally is on and the 4 adjacent tiles which grants passive healing per second and a certain % of Sanctuary
Second talent increases all operators Max HP if there are 3 ops of different classes deployed, increases all operators ASPD if there are 3 ops of the same class deployed, and increases all operators ATK and makes them gain 1 SP every few seconds if there are 4 [Sui] operators in the team
Skill 1 is a generic "next attack heals nearby ally if below certain % HP"
Skill 2 makes her stop attacking to focus on healing 2 nearby allies at once with a modified attack interval, increases her ATK and block count, and boosts the power of her first talent
Skill 3 increases her healing range and her ATK and allows her to heal and attack at the same time, during skill duration seeded tiles grant allies an ATK and ASPD boost when there are ground enemies on the seeded tiles, additionally enemies walking on seeded tiles will be marked and have the following effect: after going a certain distance away from the first seeded tile they walk on, the marked enemy will immediately be teleported back to that tile
Showcased Zuo Le, a 6* Soloblade Guard that focuses on SP recovery and activating his skills as much as possible
First talent grants him a unique Tenacity effect, giving him more ASPD and SP recovery as his HP lowers
Second talent gives him a chance to gain 1 SP when attacking and the chance increases when he is below a certain % of HP
Skill 1 increases the damage of the next attack, when below a certain % of HP this skill hits twice and when below a lower % of HP this skill hits thrice instead, able to hold charges
Skill 2 makes him immediately lose a certain % of current HP and gains a certain amount of Barrier upon skill activation, during skill duration he has increased ATK and block count and attacks all enemies equal to block count, loses the Barrier when skill ends
Skill 3 makes him immediately perform a number of slashes attacking enemies on the tile in front of him and ends the skill with a big slash that deals more damage and stuns the enemies, any healing gained from the trait during this skill is instead converted into a Barrier
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Showcased the event mechanic, agriculture water tiles that can be polluted by enemies and deals damage to your allies, pollution can spread to adjacent agriculture tiles
The water tiles can be purified by pumping clean water into the polluted tiles and placing ops behind the pumps can help purify water faster, but at the same time take care not to let enemies pollute the water source as the pumps can also pump out polluted water
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Announced a new anime tie-in bundle that contains various goodies including interactive furniture that can play music and a new Ch'en skin, also announced a rerun of the Exusiai anime tie-in bundle
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Showcased some of the new RA2 stuff
More in-field stories and major UI changes throughout the whole gamemode
Ability to catch wildlife with special equipment and put them in your base
Certain nodes adjacent to your base can be entered to construct buildings in without needing to spend action points on said nodes, also showcased the ability to undo your placements before saving it
Food buffs are no longer permanent and can wear off after a few days
Ability to load saves from previous days
Teased plans for Originium Slug Racing to be added in a future update
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Showed the Trials for Navigator #4 boss lineup
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Showed some collab items for the R6 side in the upcoming Rainbow Six collab event
Announced a small Arknights × Ex Astris collab where you get skins in Ex Astris and furniture in Arknights
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 1 year
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The Tempest Trial team for “Togetherness”
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houseofbrat · 1 year
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I'm still on DivorceWatchMarch2023, and last I heard they were living separately and barely seeing each other, but we will have to see what happens. If not this month, then I believe it will be by May, but this is based solely on my prediction when they married that it wouldn't last five years.
I've not been really keeping up with the Markle goss for a while, so sorry to all who look forward to tea time. I haven't gotten any updates from my brother lately either for that matter other than we will be seeing more of Harry and Meghan on South Park at some point. I think they will be repeat secondary plot line characters next time though, like Satan and Jesus are. I was told that the South Park team was amused at how butthurt Harry and Meghan got.  Other than that, I've got nothing new.  I think something big is about to come out that will destroy them from a PR perspective, but I got that from Lady C.
I think Meghan threw down the title card for the children to try to get ahead of whatever this big thing is. Apparently they've known since the funeral that the children were Prince and Princess, but deferred on the announcement for some reason. Probably to create just this precise situation where everyone loses their shit. I personally don't think it changes anything or that Charles was wrong to give them the titles.  I DO think Charles should have just announced it back then and cut off the current Meghan shitstorm at the pass. That was his weakness, just not coming out with it from the beginning when he announced the PPoW. Maybe he didn't want any outrage to overshadow his mother's death, because really Harry and Meghan's kids' titles shouldn't even be given the opportunity to compete with mourning the late Queen.  There have been six other months though that he could have announced this and he should have. Now we've got a huge tempest brewing in a teapot, but again, I think this stunt was Meghan trying to get ahead of something. I mean, Christening Lilibet has nothing to do with her having the title of Princess, but Meghan threw that in for some reason. I think the Christening was solely to get Tyler Perry's alliance with her, whether real or imagined, cemented as Lili's godfather.  Again, something big is coming and she may be trying to tie him to her in case this scares him away.
Anyway, I'll start trying to keep ahead of the Todger Gossip again. I took a break from them for the Murdaugh trial. Meghan was really wearing me down, and I needed something uplifting /s, but I guess I need to get back to it. I will get to the bottom of this Tyler Perry alliance if it's the last thing I do. I've got a theory, but I want to have more than that because I'm certain that he had them removed from his house because The Wife was abusing the staff and refusing to accommodate others that Tyler invited to stay there for a few weeks.  He is also a very kind man by all accounts, so... other than his money, he's not really Meghan's type
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I think this is really a non-issue. I remember now that Lady C said ages ago that they were already Prince and Princess and that the website and Prince Charles had nothing to do with it.
If Charles were going to do away with their titles, he would have had to issue new Letters Patent, which we know he has not done, so really this is nothing new and we are playing into Meghan's manipulative hands by even acknowledging this.
I think the titles are a red herring and we need to stop focusing on them and start focusing on why she has chosen NOW.  She orchestrated three things to try to rile people up over the course of 24 hours:
The Christening- that Meghan had acted like the Christening is what MADE Lilibet a Princess. It didn't. She doesn't have to be christened to be a Princess. Why a Christening for a 2-year old AND a title announcement at the same time?  I've got a theory, and I think the Christening is all about Tyler Perry and cementing him to her because she knows something is coming that could make him run away.
The titles. We now know the titles have been in place since the death of the Queen. She's been holding this card for six months, has had all of is playing will-they, won't-they about the titles for months and has chosen to play it now. Why? Has the National Weather Service updated the  DivorceWatch to a DivorceWarning? Is she trying to drum up goodwill by announcing her kids have titles that she has said she didn't care about? If so, that misfired, but Meghan always does misfire when it comes to generating goodwill, so...
The What's-her-name race-baiter interview. Why dredge that up right now? It's definitely not a coincidence and it's definitely at Meghan's command that this woman stirs the shit pot because the last time we heard from her it was around another big Meghan trifecta to deflect from Earthshot. Meghan miscalculates here because the woman is saying the Royal Family is racist at the same time as Meghan is announcing her children are fully titled members of that family, but we know Meghan always fails at every scheme to generate goodwill for herself, but she succeeds at getting everybody all worked up. Still she's been silent for months. Why now?
Regardless we are all doing what she wants us to do by getting outraged about this.  Whatever her reason for creeping out of her swamp to piss everybody off, the children's titles aren't it.  I'm curious about what actually IS it. Regardless, I'm eager to hear Lady C's take today.
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Getty falling through may totally screw up the timing, but she is done with Harry and it is merely a matter of time before she publicly jumps ship. Harry is broke and she blames him for their being a laughingstock. Meghan really thought she had Getty locked down, but Getty's family has now reportedly successfully intervened, and I don't know what effect, if any, that will have on the future of the Todgers.
At one point, I heard Harry was the one who was leaving. At the Queen's funeral he was pulled back into reality enough to be done with her, but he is too crazy and drug-addled at this point to make a decision or act one way or another. However, whether or not it is publicly or legally acknowledged, they are separated. They don't live together. They are only seen together for staged publicity. She is, however, still in control.
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oldestenemy · 1 year
“It’s pointless not to test it with a full team.” The wizard says, “The point of recreating dungeons is to push both the teamwork and combat and problem solving aspects, otherwise a normal monstrodome and a dueling circle would suffice.”
“Okay but if it collapses, one person is easier to heal than four.”
“Ceren, I drew up this recipe myself, and Regina is a very precise crafter, and I am not going to let anyone get hurt in there, which is why I’m taking the first group through, it’s just a tomb from Krokotopia, it’s nothing any of you can’t handle—” And if it collapses they’ll have bigger issues than physical injury. The Monstrodome mechanics were somewhat based on magic and technology the Professor used, which Monstrologist Burke had explained could be—volatile. So if things went sour it could end up throwing everyone into the void between worlds—or worse, just compress them into nonexistence—
“—I’ll go in.”
“Grimwater—just because you want to show off—”
“Thank you, Duncan.” The words feel heavy on their tongue with the last time they were said.
Duncan still looks at them like he wishes his gaze could set the wizard on fire.
“And Ceren, if you’re so worried, come through with us. I don’t care who else comes as long as it’s not Nolan.” The wizard adds, eyeing the doorway to make sure he doesn’t appear. Duncan’s hostility is founded, they can deal with it. What they cannot tolerate without trouble is Nolan Stormgate’s constant best boy attitude. If they aren’t careful with how much time they spend enduring it then he’s going to end up crushed under a humongofrog.
In the end, it’s Duncan, Ceren, and Suzie who go in.
Regina doesn’t like hands on work that involves using her hands to fight.
She hasn’t changed much in that respect.
But she’ll keep an eye on the dome from the sidelines, making sure the viewing angles all work properly and that nothing goes too horribly wrong on the construction side of things.
The Temple of Storms is a breeze.
For all of them, though the wizard takes a back seat for the most part, lets their classmates do the heavy hitting. Picking up that handful of balance spells from Niles had seemed pointless back then (how many years ago was that? how long have they been here?) but it was certainly an aid now, being able to boost any school of their choosing.
They notice again that Duncan is using a new staff, it’s not as though he isn’t allowed, but something about it is just… familiar.
Suzie has gotten ruthless with her usage of Tempest, and it becomes very quickly evident that it’s a bit of a crutch, though the wizard can’t say they don’t have the same problems. Orthrus makes up the majority of their deck when they want things to be over. They barely need to snap to summon him forth anymore—the words and movements are so innate, their mind can call him up almost instantly.
Still, she drowns everything before Duncan even gets the chance to—as Ceren had put it—show off.
Maybe that’s why he demands to do the trial of wisdom alone.
They all let him, it’s simple enough.
The wizard wonders what it’s like to hear those books read without Raven’s voice.
It’s always there.
Those things that live must shine bright.
“How old were you when you did this?” Suzie asks them as the quartet make their way towards Krokopatra’s sarcophagus.
The wizard frowns slightly, “I wasn’t in Krokotopia for long… a few weeks maybe. So, eleven? Twelve at most? Not really any older than when we first met.” They don’t like the silence that follows those words, so they add: “It was easier back then, nothing felt real yet, I was just—”
Just a kid who was still elated to discover magic was real.
To be given so much power and responsibility felt like a dream instead of a curse.
The Dungeon-Dome is considered a success.
The wizard thinks it fits well here, in Dragonspyre, where magic is treated as an implement of war, as a combat art before all else. They think the ghosts who first set them the trials that barred entrance to the Academy would approve.
Currently it holds options for every world through to Zafaria. They make an excuse about needing to pester Milos for more empty knowledge crystals if their classmates want anything further beyond that. It’s not true—there is still a hearty pile of them waiting to be filled with the experiences that came after—but the wizard isn’t keen on reliving anything beyond Zafaria just yet.
Their classmates will have to be content to experience Mirror Lake.
The mirror will break.
Only a handful of people try to ask them questions. Most are content just to hear it’s over or she’s dead. They manage to dodge with surprising ease until—
It’s Duncan again. Their body siezes up again, it keeps doing that every time someone gets close.
“I’m not here to start a fight—don’t look so much like a startled cat—” He’s got his hands raised in surrendur before he even finishes speaking. “—just wanted you to know that I forgive you for last time.”
The wizard raises an eyebrow, it’s not that they don’t want to believe him. “I really didn’t have any choice. Any wasted time was too much.” Anything else Duncan might have said is broken off though, by the soft hum of a contact sphere appearing in front of the wizard’s face.
Dear Wizard! It is I, your pal Dworgyn!
The wizard just blinks, a little caught off guard. Usually it’s only Ambrose or Cyrus calling on them, the other professors tend to keep to their own—
Come visit me in Nightside as soon as you have the courage!
Duncan is trying to incinerate them with his eyes again. Is it jealousy? Does he know they would give up this mess in an instant if it meant being like him? Belonging here? Being a normal student who wasn’t expected to hold up the whole spiral alone—
There is a momentary flash of rage accompanying these thoughts, and before they can stop the words, the offer tumbles out. “Why don’t you come with me—he’s your professor after all.” They can taste starlight on their tongue, it’s become so much harder to hold everything in after—
“Yeah fine—quit doing the creepy thing with your eyes—I’ll go.”
“I see you came with backup! Delightful!” Dworgyn is always… interesting. He’s very chipper for someone who has been stuck primarily alone in a half-collapsed building for several years. He explains to the five of them—Malorn and Penny had seen the wizard leaving with Duncan and immediately glued themselves to their friend’s side. Marla had been telling a new group of younger necromancers about Grubb outside the school, and had followed the group in at the mention of a ‘special message’—that he had received a message from Mortis, and that it was to be delivered to the wizard.
Mortis speaks of a ‘Shadow’ landing in Darkmoor.
The Exalted Lord of Death—
“Malistaire the Undying.”
The world around them fades out.
The eyes of Mortis suddenly alight in sickly green, and the spectral face of Malistaire, as he had been on Xiabalba, appears in the glow. The wizard takes a step back. Another. The voice of Malistaire’s spectre, or corpse, or projection—whatever it is—follows them the whole way. They cannot back down from it. It doesn’t get quieter even as they hit the cobblestone path.
Their head is swimming.
They don’t know what Kan Davasi is, or why Malistaire’s spirit hadn’t returned to the afterlife when they had finished off Morganthe—
“He’s alive?” All four of their necromantic companions are staring.
“No.” The wizard shakes their head, wrapping their arms around themself just for something to grab, nails digging through the fabric of their robes. “No, he’s not, it’s a spectre it’s a minion, it’s a projection Morganthe dragged to life in Azteca to distract me—”
“—it sure looks like him!” Duncan shouts, “You’ve known for months that he’s been alive? And you told none of us?!”
“I—” it’s a lie they keep telling themselves. That this isn’t Malistaire. That he’s still at rest. They know better but they don’t want to. “—he’s not, it’s not—” The other three are looking at them in confusion, Malorn even looks a little hurt. Duncan is matching them for every step backwards they take.
They can’t be here right now.
They can’t do this.
They run.
Read the rest here <3
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sieglinde-freud · 4 months
i think that when/if severa and inigo ever get more alts in heroes they should always come in a package deal together a la early feh takumi and camilla except unlike them theyve always got the craziest beef and no one really knows why and i think it should be the next overarching plot of the tempest trials event that ultimately cumulates (after like 4 months) into “inigo ate severas portion of dessert and theyve been beefing with eachother ever since.” they’re wearing team rocket costumes for this one
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iheartgod175 · 1 year
Second Styles - Darkness Rewrite Explained
NOTE: This post details a plot point of what will be coming in Chapter 4 of Darkness Rewrite, a few entries in the Gaiden series, and the sequel, Chaos’s Revenge. Read at your own risk!
Writing up the fourth chapter of this story led to me creating a new concept that I’ll be introducing throughout the Gaiden series up until Chaos’ Revenge hits. And that concept is called “Second Styles”. I basically wanted to explain it so that readers won’t be wholly confused when they get to the parts featuring them.
What is a Second Style?
As the name implies, this is a superhero’s second fighting style, which often features stronger techniques and forms not present in their main fighting method. The term was coined by Mother Goose herself, who in this universe was not only the chief founder of the Super Readers, but also an efficient fighter herself—to give context to this, she was one of the first guardians of the World Tree, and she was Jeremiah’s mentor. Let that sink in for a moment.
Having fought many battles, Mother Goose knew that there were many powerful villains who had no qualms about harming or even killing the Super Readers. The concept of a Second Style was built around this grim reality, and she wanted these kids to have a fighting chance. Though the first branches she started followed this practice, later branches of the Super Readers would disregard her words, which led to them getting eliminated by villains, including the Evil Reader/Chaos.
With the new age of Super Readers, Jeremiah remembered his mentor’s words and wasted no time in teaching them this. Months after Chaos’ defeat, he took it upon himself to help them develop into stronger heroes. In addition to giving the team a new brace that allows them to transform outside of the Book Club, he and other members of the Council (those that he personally trusts, anyway) begin to train the kids to utilize their upgrades effectively and develop new fighting styles. Though training helps them stabilize their powers, it’s through trials that causes them to awaken their Second Style to its full potential, as seen below in the breakdown.
In an interesting case, the Super Readers technically have three sets of powers—their regular reading powers; their base upgraded forms, which allows them to do a little more damage; and the Second Styles. It would be accurate to call it “Third Style”, but I didn’t like the way that sounded, haha XD
In any case, the Second Styles are somewhat modeled off of Honkai Impact 3rd’s battlesuits—and obviously, there are NO fanservice elements! In these forms, the Super Readers’ elements are either emphasized or changed completely, as well as their color schemes and weapons/fighting methods being completely changed.
These are the list of characters who currently have a Second Style as of the writing in chapter 4, and its breakdown!
Super Why
Second Style: Azure Tempest (@blazing-shadows, you’ll get the reference XD)
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Inspired by: Palatinus Equinox from Honkai Impact 3rd, The Evil Reader/Jackson Flatts from the original SRBA
Super Why’s Second Style had a few names—Blue Blaze, Azure Blaze, and Azure Flamechaser—before he eventually settled on Azure Tempest. This Second Style is an answer to the oft-asked question of whether he will follow in the steps of Jackson Flatts, who was on the same path as him at one point before his fall from grace. Indeed, it mirrors Jackson’s fighting style in that it appears flashy, but it is not to be underestimated in battle, as for what it lacks in quickness (some attacks take time to charge) it more than makes up for in destructive power.
The wielder of the azure flames will light the way in the inky darkness.
Super Why’s costume is black with azure highlights in this form, and like Woofster, has no additional armor on his costume. He combines light and fire—with the latter being the dominant element. His main weakness in this form is its time limit, as he can only use it at full strength for a full seven minutes before facing blowback. Any longer will result in him losing consciousness, which can be exploited by his enemies; as such, he’d need effective backup when using this form in combat because of this.
Princess Presto
Second Style: Retribution/Divine Retribution
Weapon of Choice: Divine Lightning (two-edged sword)
Inspired by: Herrscher of Thunder/Origin from Honkai Impact 3rd, She-Ra (‘80s version), Iris’ Shanila Form from LoliRock
Princess Presto’s Second Style takes an element from a painful experience—namely, the time when the Evil Reader possessed her and forced her to fight her friends and father. Having come to terms with that experience, she decides to make one of the weapons saved from that battle—Divine Lightning—a part of her arsenal. She trades her light and magic in favor of the element of lightning, and while not nearly as experienced in sword fighting as Muse or Super Why, she can still hold her own in combat.
White and gold lightning tears the heavens asunder, saving the innocent and smiting the wicked.
Princess Presto’s costume is white and gold, and one stark transformation brought about her is her hair, which trails behind her in a long ponytail and streaked with white and gold. Similar to Alpha Pig, her form comes with additional armor and gear that covers her legs and arms, which allows her to deflect attacks. While she can hold onto her form longer than Super Why, her main weakness is if an opposing element challenges her (such as water).
Alpha Pig
Second Style: Juggernaut
Weapon of Choice: Rocket Fists/Cannons
Inspired by: Herrscher of Reason/Herrscher of Truth and Sweet ‘n Spicy from Honkai Impact 3rd, Hibiki Tachibana from Symphogear, J.A.R.V.I.S.
Alpha Pig’s Second Style is unique amongst the other Super Readers in that he built a lot of it himself, rather than being a relic from the Fairytale World (in the case of Whyatt, Muse and Woofster) or weapons that were meant to harm them (in the case of Red and Princess Pea). Pig intended to use it with his upgraded fighting style, but the team’s journey with Santiago and crew led to him learning a surprising fact about his family, and he ultimately pursued a new fighting style that honors his family’s legacy. Originally the weakest in terms of physical combat, his Second Style would transform him into a miniature powerhouse capable of taking on bigger foes, thereby making the name of his Second Style all the more meaningful.
Determination, like a flame, blooms in the young hero’s heart, erasing his fear and fueling his desire to carry on the legacy he’s inherited.
Alpha Pig’s costume is dark blue, silver and black, making him look eerily similar to his counterpart, Material-B. His Second Style makes use of both his creativity and imagination, as well as a few of his powers as a Super Reader—inspired by his vast array of tools, he can transform one or both of his rocket fists into any weapon of his choosing. Similar to Super Why, his main element, light, is often a second player next to the pure physical power he can dish out. This Second Style comes with a built in operating system that appears to have its own personality, and does “the hard stuff” (such as calculations) for him. Its secondary mode, known as the Imperium Form, allows him greater power at the cost of both speed and higher energy consumption. While his Second Style lasts the longest out of the Super Readers, its long cooldown period and high consumption rate means that this is often saved as a truly last resort.
A few notes…
The idea for Second Styles came about when I was racking my brain for a way to continue the PP, AP and Davit vs. Materials B and S fight (and yes, I DO know what that looks like, LOL XD). A secret weapon was cool, but then I went back and reread some of SRBA for inspiration. Thank God I did! Because after working on Princess Presto, all the other Super Readers got a chance to shine!
As of this writing, Woofster and Wonder Red currently do not have Second Styles, though there are in-universe reasons for this. Woofster was in the process of developing a Second Style, but his disastrous fight with Material-D hindered that. Wonder Red, however, did not develop a Second Style because she believed that her own power would be enough to defeat the Evil Readers and any other threat that came their way; in addition to her own upgrade, she also has the extremely powerful yet ultimately lethal Berserker Mode that allows her to tear through enemies at the cost of shortening her life. After the events of this chapter, she and Woofster would start developing their own Second Styles…which will be revealed in Chaos’ Revenge. I know, I’m evil 😈 LOL 😆
That Super Why/Santiago of the Seas crossover IS still happening, and is canon in this ‘verse. The end of that crossover kicks off Alpha Pig’s arc into finding his Second Style.
Muse has a Second Style, and so does Jackson, which is revealed in one of the side stories before Darkness Rewrite. I’ll eventually work on how they got their forms in another post!
Most of the Super Readers haven’t seen each other’s Second Styles due to the fact that since these have less limits than their first upgrades (in terms of controlling how powerful their attacks would be), and knowing that they would probably knock each other into the hospital. They often train one-on-one with the other Superhero Councilmen or Jeremiah when he’s available, hence why many of them are shocked to see each others’ Super modes in battle in the chapter proper. The only person who has seen the other’s Second Style is Whyatt seeing Pig’s, which is explained in-story and in one of the side stories that takes place before DR.
If the first upgrades were inspired by Nanoha, then these were inspired by Honkai, with a little bit of Symphogear. Whyatt’s was inspired by Dudu’s recent suit, Palatinus Equinox, in terms of color scheme, while Pig’s was heavily inspired by Bronya’s most powerful suits, namely HoR and HoTr, and Carole’s suit, Sweet n’ Spicy, in terms of weaponry and color scheme. The initial idea for Pig’s suit also came from viewing a Symphogear XDU card of Hibiki wielding large, robotic gauntlets in game; I thought it’d be funny to add in Bronya’s weapons to make it truly stand out. Princess Presto’s…I can’t say for sure what inspired hers, but I realized she’d basically be this story’s HoT in terms of sheer DPS. And you know the Disney Princess’ Gold outfits, right? Well, I’ve loved them ever since I was a little girl, and I figured it’d be awesome for Princess Presto to have a dress similar to that in coloration!
Whyatt in-universe is basically a nerd, who in addition to liking superheroes is rather fond of giant robots and mecha. As explained in DR ch. 4, he fanboyed over Pig’s Second Style when he first saw it. I pictured his reaction as similar to Nanoha learning about Einhart’s fighting style in ViVid. XD
As of now, I’m still working on pics with the kids’ Second Styles, though it’s giving me a bit of trouble at the moment! I hope to have them out following the release of this chapter!
I hope you all liked this post, and look forward to the releasing of chapter 4!
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fe-heroes-things · 8 months
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Tempest Trials team this time around 💪
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