katfreaks-hidyhole · 9 months
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The Tempest Trial Team for “Life and Death III”
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saviourkingslut · 1 year
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chrobin team!!! made it very easy. however i have a grand total of 16 units from marth's games and half of them are demotes/ghb so i had to put in some work for that one lmao. wolf and medeus carried fr
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daniemblem · 2 years
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"I'm Myrrh. Legendary Hero? What's this all about?"
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darkflierliesel · 8 months
everyone on the magvel banner looks pretty cute (though i wish myrrh got the same artist as her legendary alt instead of That One yet again) but i would've liked more characters who don't already have multiple alts, like i love selena but she does not need to be here mooning over vigarde lol. one of the reasons fe8's my fave bc it has so many great familial relationships and i was really hoping for garcia & ross or tethys & ewan to make an appearance here, bah. i mean i also would've gone nuts for vanessa & syrene but they got in too recently lol and i figured they wouldn't put in franz & forde bc they can't leave out kyle and that is Too Many Boys. anyway i've got nearly 1000 orbs saved from barely playing aside from log-in bonuses and the bare minimum of event participation so i might try to get everyone bc they're still my darlings, and if i get the eirika/lyon duo i'll ofc immediately support them with ephraim/lyon bc do not separate them.
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orthodoxydaily · 5 months
Saints&Reading: Thursday, May 2, 2024
Holy and Great Thursday
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Saint Matrona’s life began not in the bustling streets of Moscow but three hundred kilometers south, in the heart of the Tula province. Here, on the eastern edge of the legendary Kulikovo Field, where the Russian army defeated the Mongol-Tatars in 1380, on the right bank of the River Mokraya lies the quaint village of Sebino. It whispers of even older times, echoing the “Sebinskii Les,” a primeval forest that once belonged to a noble Tatar named Sebin Bibik, according to local lore. The Bibikov family, it is said, traces its lineage back to him. Sebino embraces a beautiful Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, with a chapel dedicated to the revered Prince Alexander Nevsky.
he Assumption Church has a rich history marked by significant events. During World War II, the village faced destruction at the hands of the Nazi Germans. Today, the exact location of the house where the revered Mother Matrona spent her early years remains unknown. According to local elders, Matrona’s parents, Dmitry and Natalia Nikonov, resided near the church at the heart of the village. A monument now stands at the presumed site of her family home. In 2002, a second chapel was consecrated at the Dormition Church in honor of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.
Matronushka, as she was lovingly called, was a late child. She was born in 1885 and was a late child in a humble peasant family already blessed with three children: Maria, Mikhail, and Ivan. Initially considering placing the unborn child in Prince Golitsyn’s orphanage in a neighbouring village, Natalia had a dream one night. A white bird with a human face and closed eyes landed on her right hand. Interpreting this as a divine sign, Natalia, a God-fearing woman, kept the child when she was born blind.
The mother’s love for her “unfortunate child” only grew when she noticed a cross-shaped protrusion on the infant’s chest, believed to be an uncreated protective cross. During the child’s baptism by Priest Vasily Troitsky, who named her Matrona in honor of the ascetic Matrona of Constantinople from the 5th century, another sign of the girl’s divine election occurred: a pillar of light mist rose over the font, accompanied by a fragrant scent, leaving everyone present in awe. The astonished priest remarked, “I have baptised many children, but this is the first time I see such a thing; this baby will be holy.”....Continue Reading
Source: St Elizabeth convent
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Hieromartyr Paphnutius of Jerusalem was a bishop. He underwent many sufferings from the pagans and, was tortured by fire wild beasts, and finally, was beheaded by the sword.
Some suggest that the hieromartyr Paphnutius was an Egyptian bishop and suffered together with many other Egyptians, exiled to the Palestinian mines during the persecution by Diocletian (284-305).
The myrrh-streaming relics of the hieromartyr were glorified by miracles. The Canon in his honor was composed during the Iconoclast period (before 842). In the final Ode is a petition for the hieromartyr to put an end to the heresy disrupting the Church.
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23 For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, "Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me." 25 In the same manner, He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes. 27 Therefore, whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. 30 For this reason, many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world.
JOHN 13:1-11
1 Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. 2 And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him, 3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, 4 rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. 5 After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. 6 Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, "Lord, are You washing my feet?" 7 Jesus answered and said to him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this." 8 Peter said to Him, "You shall never wash my feet!" Jesus answered him, "If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me." 9 Simon Peter said to Him, "Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!" 10 Jesus said to him, "He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you." 11 For He knew who would betray Him; therefore He said, "You are not all clean."
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fehtism · 8 months
I love Alfred but can’t seem to get him to work well. Do you have any ideas to make him the best unit he can be? :)
hiii thanks for your ask
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here's what i would consider the ideal alfred build :3
i'd recommend pairing him with a good far save unit (i.e duo byleth, brave corrin, valentines myrrh) due to his low res stat
since arcane qiang is inheritable rather than prf it can be refined to increase a stat, i showed it here refined for increased mt but you can refine it to increase def if you would prefer.
no quarter is highly contested fodder which makes alfred the perfect candidate for it. as a rearmed unit he can duplicate no quarter and other units can inherit no quarter and arcane qiang at the same time. reminder than when you merge arcane units they regain the ability to be foddered again. no quarter is the only way for a cav unit to get damage reduction piercing without it being outsourced from either legendary alear or legendary camilla.
no quarter is currently only on winter dimitri however it will most definitely be released on other units at some point soon. winter dimitri will be rerun soon on one of the 7th anniversary special heroes banners so you can try to get him then. until you get no quarter he can run bonfire which is in his kit.
self improver is his prf skill which gives him a hefty visible atk and def increase with the drawback of -5 res (similar to solid ground)
flow desperation is an upgrade from the flow n trace he has in his kit. it has the same half null follow up effect but he loses the canto rem+1 effect. however, in return he gains the desperation effect (follow up occurs before foe can counter). with the extra special charges from arcane qiang alfred is able to trigger no quarter on his follow up before the foe can counter which will most likely kill them : )
flow desperation can be inherited from tea ayra who similar to winter dimitri should be rerunning soon on a 7th anniversary special heroes banner
alarm atk/def gives him extra stats as well as providing him with the canto 1 effect since he lost canto by replacing flow n trace with flow desperation. the condition is pretty easy to meet and if he starts the turn with 2 adjacent allies he gains a visible +6 atk/def buff and the canto 1 effect and if he starts the turn with 1 or 0 adjacent allies he will get the previous effect as well as an addition +3 atk/def in combat.
alarm atk/def is only available on summer ephraim who similarly to winter dimitri and tea ayra will be rerunning soon
if you cannot get alarm atk/def you can run a tier 4 smoke skill
hope this helps !
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aspelladay · 2 years
Interview With a Corpse Spell
An old Greco-Egyptian spell for questioning corpses is reminiscent of the spell used to create the legendary golden of the Prague Ghetto.
Create ink from red ochre, burnt myrrh, fresh wormwood juice, and either powdered evergreen leaves or the essential oil of an evergreen species.
Write the following on a flax leaf: “AZEL BALEMACHO.” (This is the English transliteration. Ideally the formula is written using the Greek alphabet, so that it will have twelve letters.)
Place this leaf in the mouth of the corpse.
Ask your question. Listen patiently. Modern literal minds may expect the corpse to start speaking. Although nothing is impossible, this isn’t necessarily the way answers are received. Allow yourself to receive spontaneous mental revelations. In addition, the response may come from another person, who may or may not realize that they are serving as an oracle.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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panatmansam · 2 years
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It was dusk when the traveler was spotted riding a small donkey led by a boy. The man was old. His hair was long after the style of the Greeks and he wore a long gray beard. His robes were also of gray. His face wrinkled from a lifetime in the sun and the backs of his hands were as brown parchment. He wore a broad hat of wool of a style unfamiliar in this land.
The children of the house of Eli the stonemason were the first to see the man approach and they ran shouting "grandfather, grandfather you have come! What have you brought us?". Eli's wife Sarah upon seeing the man ducked into the house and started the bread cooking upon the hearthstone. Eli emerged and stretched his back and lifted two of the children into his powerful arms. He said "grandfather, welcome, we have been expecting you".
The man was not the grandfather of any of those present. Grandfather was a title given to any wise elder. This man, whose name was Beltron was a magi, a magician, scholar and astrologer in residence in the great library of Alexandria. His powers were legendary. Every year at the time of the winter solstice he paid a visit to the small village of Bethlehem in Judea. 
Beltron entered the humble home of the stone mason with several bundles under his arms. His young apprentice likewise was burdened with bundles, gifts for the children. He sat in a place of honor as supper was served. Roast lamb and bread with wine. A feast. After the meal Beltron distributed the gifts, dolls, a singing mechanical bird, a flute made of dragon bone and many other such wonders. The children gathered at his feet and asked " tell us a story grandfather, the story of the star".
Beltron laid back and tugged on his beard and began:
"Many years ago when I was an apprentice in the great library in Alexandria in Egypt a star appeared overhead. It was different from other stars because it glowed purple and did not move as the stars moved but remained in one place just above the library and was visible even in daytime.My master was Balthasar, known as the wisest king in all of the world. He gazed at the star and later said this star signifies the birth of a king. 
Then came two men from the East. Their names were Melchior, king of Persia and Gaspar king of India. They rode alone without retainers upon strange two humped camels of a kind unknown to us. They met with my master and said how they had followed the star to Egypt. The night of their arrival the star began to pulse. Then a beam shown down pointing to the north to the land of Judea. The men assembled upon their mounts and our king rode alone without his soldiers. Only I accompanied him that day. The three kings began their journey and as they moved so also did the star move spinning now with five rotating points.
We traveled for fourteen days along the old silk road until we reached the village known as Bethlehem. The star seemed to lower and hover over a small house. We approached. In the hillside next to the house was a cave where the animals sheltered in winter. Within the cave in a feeding trough lay a boy child on a bed of straw. The child was a newborn. His face shown with a holy light. Silent was this child and he did not cry. He looked upon the three men with bright interest his dark eyes sparkling with intelligence.
Beside the child was his mother a girl of about fifteen. She too glowed with a luminescence not of this world. Gentle she was with kind eyes. She showed no fear. The three men bowed to her and presented her with gifts of great price. Gold and the sacred incense of myrrh and frankincense which was burned in the temple as a pleasing offering to God. My master Balthasar asked if they could anoint the child with holy oil and she nodded. A flask was produced and scented oil was applied to the baby's forehead. Thus did the child become Christos the anointed one a king in the line of David. Just as the child was anointed we heard a roar from above and the star shone brightly then as an arrow it shot up into the sky and was lost among the stars."
With that the story ended as Beltron nodded in his seat and fell fast asleep.
๑ Samsaran ๑
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rosecelebi · 11 months
Posting my favorite FEH Meet the Heroes art every day
Myrrh in her Legendary alt
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emblemxeno · 2 years
I mean, I like Shez well enough. But I have Brave Chrom already and I don’t really want L!Myrrh that much, so summoning blue on that legendary banner isn’t that special to me lol. Good luck to the people who want her tho.
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sacred-stanning · 4 months
Chapter 19 Part 8: I've got too much stuff already!
After chasing off the remnants of Grado's army and Riev, everyone goes and checks on Rausten's Sacred Stone.
"This is the Sacred Stone passed down through Rausten's generations...
Its radiance matches my own!"
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Everyone resolves to go to the Dark Woods where they expect to find Riev and the Demon King. Myrrh tells them that it is the place where long ago the Demon King was defeated.
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Mansel is sad to see L'Arachel leave so soon after she got back home, but she reminds him that defeating evil is her duty as a Holy Princess.
(And I've always thought it was funny that Mansel doesn't seem very worried for L'Arachel's safety. It seems more like he's lonely about her galloping off to fight evil. The poor guy just wants a buddy to hang out in the castle with!)
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"Once we have defeated evil, I promise we all will return!"
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And Mansel gives us another pair of Sacred Twins. One is Ivaldi, a Light Tome, and the other is Latona, a staff.
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Here's Ivaldi. It has 10 weight, which is ok, 17 might, which is pretty good, and 90 accuracy, which is quite nice. It also adds 5 defense to the user.
Of course, I don't have anyone who can actually use it. Moulder is my only active light magic user, and his tome rank is still only C.
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Here's the Latona Staff. It...has no description of what it does.
But what it does is, it fully restores the HP of everyone, and cures any status effects that any of them have.
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L'Arachel wonders out loud if it's really okay for them to take the legendary Latona Staff with them. Mansel agrees that, yes, it is prohibited to take it out of the castle, but the potential end of the world is special enough a circumstance that an exception can be made.
He does make us promise to bring it back though!
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And after all that, it turns out that enough green units stayed alive that I receive an item from them as thanks. It's the Light Brand, which is a magic sword with 1-2 range.
...but, my convoy is totally full, and the Light Brand seems less useful than any of the items in Ephraim's inventory, so with regrets, I have to toss it.
(And yes, Reginlief is very broken, but I also still have a Hammerne Staff that can repair it.)
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And we're off to the Dark Woods! Another map with a huge deployment limit, so everyone will get to come along!
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The battle finished as suddenly as it had started.
Lute had just left the castle library and was starting to look for Syrene when she had heard the shouting. Before she knew what was going on, Seth had come running down the hall announcing to everyone to get ready for a battle.
Now that the battle was done, Lute was feeling annoyed by the unexpected interruption. One part of her felt silly for being annoyed. After all, they had just gotten through an unexpected invasion of the castle. If anything, she should be feeling relief. But Lute also didn't like being interrupted when she had a task to complete, and right now, she had two very important tasks.
1: Talk to Syrene. Make sure that she isn't upset at me and maybe get advice for how to ask Vanessa [content of step #2]. 2: Talk to Vanessa and find out how she feels about me.
Lute hurried through the halls after securing her horse for the remainder of the night. Seth had told them all that, in recognition of how tired everyone was, they would not be immediately pursuing their enemies into the Dark Woods, aside from a handful of scouts. So they still had the remainder of the night before they had to depart the castle.
Lute had seen Syrene leading Tana to a room that was being used for healing the injured. Tana had pushed out ahead during the assault on the enemy commander, and she had been hurt pretty badly.
"Syrene is a knight of Frelia, and Tana is the princess of Frelia, so surely Syrene will be tending to Tana now," she thought to herself.
Lute turned a corner and arrived at the door to the temporary infirmary. She saw Syrene standing outside, leaning on her lance, with her head turned down.
"Syrene" Lute said, to get Syrene's attention.
Syrene looked up. Something about her face looked different...
"She's looks upset" Lute realized. Lute wasn't sure how to react. Syrene's expression was distraught.
"Oh, Lute! I'm sorry, are you here to see me? Princess Tana..."
Syrene sighed and stood up straighter. "I...I can't believe she went out in front like that! We almost lost her!"
Lute tried to think of what to say. She thought to herself, "Syrene is clearly upset. I should do something to make her feel less upset. Maybe there is some way I can help..."
Lute thought of something. She had been in such a hurry to search for Syrene that she had come without putting down any of her equipment, and she had her healing staff with her.
Lute took the staff from the sling over her shoulder. "I am not as experienced as Moulder, but I can help to heal her."
Syrene smiled weakly. "Thanks, Lute. But she's already been healed up and is resting now. I appreciate the thought though."
"Oh. You had a very despondent look on your face, so I thought that Princess Tana was still hurt." Lute spoke, but then she wondered if that was the right thing to say. "Perhaps I misjudged your expression?"
Syrene shook her head. "No, sorry if I made you worry more. I'm just upset because I should have been there to protect her. I'm a captain of the Pegasus Knights. Protecting Princess Tana, especially when she flies with us, is one of the most important duties I have. I feel like I failed her, like I failed Frelia!"
Lute shifted her weight from one foot to the other and grasped the heal staff with both of her hands. She recognized this situation. She needed to reassure Syrene somehow. But she was never sure how to do that. She had figured out a while back that giving too much advice didn't usually seem to work. Maybe there was something else she could offer to do? Syrene seemed to be upset about her inability to protect Princess Tana, so maybe she could address that insecurity with the facts of the situation...
"I do not think it is accurate to say that you have failed Frelia," Lute started to speak. "You cannot control what Princess Tana does. Furthermore, I have seen you fight in two battles now, and while I am no expert on the mechanics of flying a Pegasus, I have been observing Vanessa for a while now, and I can tell that you are extremely skilled. So I am sure that your efforts in the battle contributed to Princess Tana's safety. In the end, she is still here, so that is one measure of success."
Lute felt awkward trying to reassure Syrene, so she had said all of this without really looking at her face, in order to not to get distracted. Now that she was finished, she looked up. Syrene was smiling.
"Thank you, Lute" she said and then paused, as if considering how to word the next part. "I appreciate your honest assessment of the situation. And you're right that I'm being too hard on myself. I can't control everything that happens around me."
Syrene paused for a moment, then she seemed to realize something. "Oh, and thank you so much for your part in the battle! I heard that you were out in front, and that you took out the commander after he attacked Princess Tana! Really, I can't thank you enough for helping to keep her safe! All of Frelia is in your debt!"
Lute squeezed the staff in her hands harder and looked away again. "I was just doing what I was commanded to do. General Seth told me to move out front because of all the enemy mages. It was a reasonable strategy because the enemy mages' skills were no match for mine. I was never in any danger. I know all about magic." Lute felt uncomfortable at the sudden focus on what she had done in battle, but she spoke with confidence about her magical ability.
Syrene placed her right hand on her heart in a salute. "You're too modest. Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart.
"She seems to be feeling a bit better," Lute thought. "Maybe I can ask her about Vanessa now..."
"Syrene?" Lute asked. "Were you upset at me when you thought that I had given Vanessa a Pegasus Pledge?"
Syrene's face betrayed her surprise at the abrupt topic change. "Upset? At you? No! No!" She shook her head as she spoke. "I was just surprised! ...And I guess I was upset at Vanessa for not saying anything to me! You didn't do anything wrong! I mean, you didn't even know about all of that!" She laughed, "It's a Frelian tradition, and you're not Frelian, so why would you? It was a silly assumption on my part!"
Lute thought about this. It was definitely true that people usually informed their family about marriage plans, so it made sense that Syrene would have been upset at Vanessa over that.
"I..." Lute started to continue, but felt embarrassed. "What if...in the future...what if I did perhaps...give Vanessa a Pegasus Pledge?"
Syrene's eyes opened wide. "Wait...so you do like my sister after all?"
Lute stared at the floor, at a spot where two tiles met, but a crack had developed. The conversation felt awkward, but she had made a decision! She had thought about it, and she knew for sure. She liked Vanessa! There was no turning back now.
Lute muttered quickly "I read in the book of Frelian customs about Hippolyta marriages, like you said I should, and I had not heard of something like this before in my own village, though I did recently hear about a similar arrangement from someone from the Ide area, which is very close to Frelia, so perhaps there has been some transmission of customs--It's not uncommon for regions near each other to share customs. And after I heard about this, I became interested in reading about social customs in different areas, and that is why I started to read about Frelia, though I did not admit to myself why I was interested at first, and it was only after you talked to me and told me to read about Pegasus Knights in the book that I thought about it really hard and analyzed my feelings. So, in conclusion, I have decided that I find Vanessa attractive in a romantic way. I would like to initiate...a relationship with her, but I was worried that maybe you did not approve of me because I have found in the past that many people do not understand me well, and also I am not from Frelia, so I do not know if I fit into your traditions."
Syrene stared at Lute for a moment. It was her turn to feel unsure of how to respond. Lute had just rushed through a whole lot of information in a mumbled tone.
"Have you...told Vanessa?" Syrene finally asked.
"Not yet. I wanted to confirm that you did not disapprove of me first because I was worried that you would tell Vanessa not to interact with me anymore."
"Oh, Lute, I'm so sorry!" Syrene suddenly moved forward and put her hands over Lute's, which were still grasped around the staff that she had been idly holding the whole time. "I didn't realize that I had given you such a harsh impression! But here's the thing, Vanessa is my sister, and I'll always look out for her and give her my opinion, but you don't need to get my permission to talk to her! I promise you, I'm not some sort of over-bearing family member like that!"
Syrene hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Is that what Vanessa says about me? Does she think I'm over-bearing?" She looked suddenly very uncomfortable.
Lute didn't quite process what Syrene had said at first, but she turned the statement over in her head for a bit. "Oh...no. Vanessa did not tell me that you were over-bearing." She paused. Syrene looked visibly relieved at what she had said. Lute then continued, "I apologize for making you worry about what Vanessa thinks of you. I came to the conclusion that you might not approve of me on my own. This is due to the fact that I am not a pegasus knight, and I cannot even ride a pegasus, so I am not sure if I am an appropriate partner for Vanessa..."
Syrene's relieved expression turned to a concerned one while Lute was speaking. "Well, I'm glad to hear that Vanessa isn't calling me over-bearing. But Lute, whether or not you're a good partner for Vanessa has nothing to do with riding a pegasus!"
"But..." Lute spoke uncertainly. "Is it not a requirement that the two members of a Hippolyta marriage both can ride each other's pegasi?"
Syrene snorted. "Ha! Yeah, that's the ideal, I suppose. That sounds like how people describe the ceremony when they talk about it. But realistically? People fall in love with who they fall in love with." She shrugged as she said this. "I've known knights who married non-knights. One of the older commanders when I was just starting out as a new recruit had a wife who had been a tailor. She lived in the barracks with all of us, and she kept our gear repaired."
Syrene smirked and continued her story, "The way I heard it, for the ceremony, she got on the commander's pegasus and nudged it to step forward one step, and since she didn't get thrown off, that was good enough!" Syrene laughed. "But it's just a ceremony. In the end, knights with Hippolyta wives do the same thing as the knights who bring their husbands along. They find a way to integrate them into the barracks life."
"At any rate, you're getting ahead of yourself talking about marriage. You haven't even told my sister how you feel yet." She paused and thought for a moment. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm guessing that you've never been in a relationship before?"
"I have been in many types of relationships before," Lute responded.
Syrene chuckled slightly, "Sorry, I should have been more specific. Have you been in a romantic relationship before?"
"No." Lute shook her head.
"Ok, well, if you don't mind, I'm going to be an older sister to you too for a moment. You need to tell Vanessa how you feel, not me. I've never heard her speak a word about romance before, so even though I'm her sister, I have no idea how she'll react, but it sounds like you gave this a lot of thought, and you really mean it." Syrene smiled, "Just tell her how you feel."
Lute nodded silently. Syrene's statement, "I have no idea how she'll react", had concerned her. While Lute had considered the fact that she didn't know Vanessa's feeling towards her, she hadn't yet thought about what she would do after asking Vanessa, especially if Vanessa did not share the same feelings.
Lute decided that she needed to think about her strategy for the next step. She looked up at Syrene's face again and said, "Thank you, Syrene. I appreciate that you have listened to me. I have a lot to consider." Then she turned and walked off to find somewhere where she could be left alone.
Syrene watched Lute walk off. What a strange character she was! Syrene wasn't entirely sure what to think of her, but she had seen how happy Vanessa seemed to be around her, and that was something she was very glad to see. "I wonder if Vanny is a Hippolyta too?" she thought to herself. "To be honest, that wouldn't entirely surprise me."
Next time: Party in the woods
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kannaujheaven · 5 months
Exploring the Historical Forces Behind Luxury Attar Evolution
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Discover the classic charm of luxury at Kannauj Heaven. Enter a world where classic customs blend with modern elegance, where each scent embodies ageless knowledge mixed with the seduction of contemporary luxury.
Take in the generations-old artistic skill of attar-making as you set out on a sensory adventure that is unmatched. Experience the enchantment of Kannauj Heaven and push the boundaries of luxury and sophistication with your senses.
Explore our collection today to learn what real engaging is all about. Kannauj Heaven, where every drop represents a hint of paradise.
Illuminating the Historical Path of Luxury Attar Evolution
Luxury attars, with their rich scents and storied histories, are more than just perfumes; they encapsulate cultural heritage and centuries-old traditions. 
History, trade routes, and cultural exchanges have all had a significant impact on the evolution of luxury attars. 
This aromatic journey will take us on a deeper exploration of the fascinating historical influences that have shaped the development of these beautiful fragrances, looking into the detailed tapestry of their origins and evolution.
Tracing the Historical Evolution of Luxury Attars
Ancient Origins:
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Luxury attars originated in ancient civilizations like Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India, where fragrant oils were valued for their sacred and medicinal properties.
Perfumery was considered an art form in ancient Egypt, with priests and nobles using fragrant oils in religious ceremonies and daily life. 
There is a legend that the legendary Queen Cleopatra preferred Attars made with exotic ingredients like frankincense and myrrh.
The Silk Road:
The Silk Road, which spanned 6,000 kilometers from China to the Mediterranean, enabled the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between East and West. 
Luxurious attars, such as priceless oud and delicate scents with rose notes, were among the highly sought-after goods exchanged over the Silk Road. 
These scents represented wealth and status in addition to captivating the senses.
Islamic Golden Age:
During the Islamic Golden Age (8th-14th centuries), perfumery flourished as scholars and scientists made significant advances in the field.
Prestigious Persian scholar Avicenna wrote a great deal about distillation methods and perfumery, which established the basis for the Islamic world's manufacture of high-end attars. 
Perfume houses in Baghdad, Damascus, and Cairo became famous for their exquisite blends and intricate bottles.
The Renaissance and European Influence:
During the Renaissance, there was a renewed interest in perfumery in Europe, with luxury attars becoming sought-after by the aristocracy and royalty.
European explorers traveled to faraway lands in search of exotic spices, herbs, and aromatic woods, which were then blended into luxury attars, enriching their olfactory profiles and broadening their appeal.
Global Trade and Colonial Expansion:
The period of colonial expansion in the 16th and 17th centuries opened up new avenues for perfumery as explorers discovered aromatic treasures in the Americas, Africa, and the Far East.
Luxury attars benefited from the introduction of exotic ingredients such as sandalwood from India, vanilla from Mexico, and patchouli from Indonesia, which added new layers to their fragrant compositions.
Contemporary Innovation and Globalization: 
Modern chemistry and technology have transformed the manufacturing of luxury attars, enabling perfumers to craft intricate and enduring scents.
Due to the cross-cultural exchange of fragrance trends and techniques brought about by globalization, there is a wide range of luxury attars available to suit the tastes and preferences of a diverse clientele.
Kannauj Heaven: A Fragrant Legacy in the Heart of India's Perfume Capital
Amidst this journey through time and aroma, the captivating charm of Kannauj Heaven is irresistible. Known as the "perfume capital of India," Kannauj Heaven is the epitome of artistry and craftsmanship, embodying attar-making traditions dating back centuries. 
Here, among the bucolic scenery and rich cultural legacy, expert craftspeople painstakingly create opulent attars utilizing traditional methods that have been passed down through the ages.
As we experience the wonderful aromas of luxury attars, let us honor Kannauj Heaven for its steadfast commitment to maintaining the essence of perfumery. 
Each bottle of attar from Kannauj Heaven offers evidence of the region's rich history, capturing the essence of India's aromatic treasures in every drop.
Navigating the Historical Evolution of Luxury Attars with Kannauj Heaven 
“Experience the magic of Kannauj Heaven and discover the true essence of luxury attars”.
Beyond simply being fragrances, luxury attars are representations of culture, heritage, and artistry. 
From their ancient origins to the present day, these fragrances have been shaped by a wide range of influences, each contributing to their distinct character and attraction.
So, as you embark on your fragrant journey, immerse yourself in the history and culture that Kannauj Heaven represents. 
Let the intoxicating scents transport you to a world of timeless elegance and indulgence, where every fragrance tells a story steeped in tradition and heritage. 
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thebeautycove · 10 months
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MAISON REBATCHI - MYRRHE & MUSC - Eau de Parfum - Novità 2023 -
A different take on a sacred resin, the legendary myrrh by renowned House of Perfumes Maison Rebatchi.
Myrrhe & Musc reveals a very intriguing accords defined by swinging contrasts between past and future.
Myrrh seems to glow in a candid opaline light through the fluffy powdery veil of musks. A dazzle of light and freshness flows from the ethereal olfactory texture, pink pepper and juniper open the breath with a subtle anisette nuance, iris and ambrette play their dreamy delicacy and, finally, patchouli and ambroxan seal with refinement an overdose of sensuality.
Last but not least, this fragrance has been recently prized as ‘Niche Fragrance of the Year’ at the prestigious Beautyworld Middle East Award 2023. My heartfelt congrats to Mr. Mohamed Rebatchi and Mr. Ilias Ermenidis (master perfumer). Absolutely well deserved!
Eau de Parfum 50 e 100 ml. Online qui
©thebeautycove   @igbeautycove
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bettybeautylicious · 11 months
Elegance in a Bottle: Iconic Perfumes That Define Timelessness
Perfume, often referred to as "liquid emotion," has a unique ability to evoke feelings, memories, and atmospheres. Among the vast array of fragrances that have graced the market, a select few have transcended time and trends to become iconic. These legendary scents are not just perfumes; they are symbols of sophistication, style, and the art of perfumery. In this exploration, we will delve into the world of iconic perfumes, uncovering the magic behind their enduring appeal and the olfactory tales they tell.
The Essence of Iconic Perfumes: Timelessness
What makes a perfume iconic? Iconic perfumes are those that have stood the test of time, captivating generation after generation. They possess a timeless quality, remaining relevant and desirable in an ever-evolving industry. The key to their longevity lies in their ability to encapsulate a particular era or ethos while maintaining an enduring relevance.
Iconic perfumes are characterized by their intricate and memorable compositions. These fragrances are expertly crafted, often featuring a harmonious balance of top, middle, and base notes that create a multifaceted olfactory experience. Their complexity makes them versatile, suitable for various occasions and moods.
Coco Chanel's No. 5: The Pinnacle of Elegance
One of the most revered and timeless perfumes is Chanel No. 5. Created by the legendary Coco Chanel in 1921, it is a paragon of sophistication and luxury. The name "No. 5" itself has become synonymous with elegance and refinement. Its complex composition, featuring notes like aldehydes, ylang-ylang, jasmine, and sandalwood, captures the spirit of modernity that Coco Chanel embodied.
Chanel No. 5's iconic status is further cemented by its association with Hollywood. The legendary Marilyn Monroe famously declared that she wore nothing but Chanel No. 5 to bed, catapulting the fragrance to an even greater level of allure. To this day, it remains the epitome of classic style and sophistication.
The Timeless Elegance of Guerlain's Shalimar
Guerlain's Shalimar is another iconic fragrance that has mesmerized perfume enthusiasts for nearly a century. Launched in 1925, it's a rich and seductive oriental scent that marries notes of vanilla, iris, and tonka bean. Shalimar is an embodiment of timeless elegance and sensuality, inspired by the love story between Emperor Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal.
This legendary fragrance has retained its allure, evolving with the times while preserving its essence. Shalimar's iconic cobalt-blue bottle with its fan-shaped stopper is a symbol of luxury, and its scent continues to captivate wearers with its blend of sweet, powdery, and oriental notes.
Joy by Jean Patou: The Essence of Luxury
Joy by Jean Patou is an embodiment of luxury and opulence. Launched in 1930, it's known for being one of the costliest perfumes in the world due to the high concentration of floral absolutes. Joy is a symphony of jasmine, rose, and ylang-ylang, creating an exquisite floral bouquet that is both radiant and long-lasting.
This iconic fragrance was created as a response to the economic challenges of the Great Depression. It aimed to bring a sense of happiness and optimism to the wearers, and it has succeeded in doing so for over nine decades. Joy remains a symbol of luxury, representing the enduring power of beauty and grace.
Opium by Yves Saint Laurent: A Bold Olfactory Statement
Yves Saint Laurent's Opium, launched in 1977, is an iconic fragrance that dared to be different. It's a bold and spicy oriental scent, featuring notes like mandarin, myrrh, and patchouli. Opium is an olfactory masterpiece that captures the essence of the 1970s, with its sensuality and mystique.
The fragrance and its striking bottle, inspired by Asian art, created a sensation upon its release. It was a daring departure from the more subdued scents of the time, and it continues to be an iconic symbol of boldness and individuality. Opium proves that iconic perfumes aren't confined to tradition; they can also be avant-garde.
Conclusion: The Legacy of Iconic Perfumes
Iconic perfumes are more than just scents; they are emblems of style, sophistication, and timelessness. These fragrances have the ability to transport us to different eras and evoke emotions that transcend the limitations of time. They serve as a reminder that true beauty is enduring and that elegance knows no age.
From Chanel No. 5's timeless elegance to Shalimar's enduring allure, Joy's opulent luxury to Opium's bold statement, iconic perfumes hold a special place in the world of fragrance. They are living legends that continue to inspire and captivate, proving that the art of perfumery is a powerful means of storytelling and emotion. In the world of iconic perfumes, elegance, style, and sophistication reign supreme, and their allure shows no signs of waning.
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childofaura · 1 year
I don't know why I slept on Legendary Myrrh but that art just screams to me?? Gonna have to pull later thanks
No worries, lol. I really enjoyed Essual’s work for B!Corrin too, it was a welcome change.
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canhavetoday · 1 year
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