#myrrh was fun too
katfreaks-hidyhole · 9 months
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The Tempest Trial Team for “Life and Death III”
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Sad that there’s no valentine fragrance for Rollo or Fellow or even Neige and Chenya. For fun, what do you think their hypothetical fragrances would be like?
[Referencing this post!]
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Oooh, what a fun question! I'm a fragrance fiend (I have sooo many little perfume samples lying around) so this ask got me super excited.
I'm going to give my thoughts on Gidel as well, since he comes as a pair with Fellow~ Cheka is here too. Let's include the little guys in on this!
Che'nya - creamy sugar, larkspur and clover, dark musk and myrrh
The top note is “creamy sugar”, but it’s not something overly heavy. Think like super fluffy, slightly sweetened whipped cream, something that easily melts on the tongue… like how Chenya’s UM allows him to vanish from view. He’s also known for stealing Trey’s desserts, so I imagine he has sticky, sugar-crusted fingers that give him away as being guilty of the crime.
Larkspur and clover are green scents that are not very strong; I felt that these match Chenya more than more intense smells. It gives the impression of someone who has been lazing around in trees or rolling around in an open field, leaving just a subtle hint wash of chlorophyll and sunshine on him.
The base notes are dark musk and myrrh. Chenya is by no means a sinister person, the musk and myrrh are moreso to ground the wistfulness of the fragrance make it more mysterious. I feel that it suits his ambiguous way of speaking and his Cheshire Cat inspiration very well.
Fellow - whisky, popcorn and coffee, tobacco and 1-pentanethiol
First up is whisky. Why? Well, firstly: Fellow strikes me as a guy that wears cheap cologne to give off the impression that he’s put-together, and one of the giveaways of cheap fragrance is a strong alcohol smell. The character Fellow is based on, Honest John, is depicted drinking and smoking in Pinocchio. The whisky note is also a throwback to that particular scene.
Popcorn and coffee dominate in the middle notes. The two work well with one another; the butteriness of the popcorn enhances the bold caramel tones of the coffee and results in a unique richness. Coffee is what I think Fellow drinks when he’s on the job and needs something “appropriate” to help him cope when dealing with his difficult boss or victims. The popcorn, meanwhile, is something served at Playful Land so the smell has buried itself on his clothes. It’s also the one smell that has a “childish” air to it, a small piece of hope and fun that has yet to be lost.
Finally, we have tobacco and 1-pentanethiol. As I previously said, Honest John is shown smoking in the film so the tobacco present here is a reference to that. 1-pentanethiol Crowley has “fatty aldehyde” so let me have this provides a smell similar to cigarette smoke, which deepens the overall aroma.
Altogether, it’s a very mature smell which hides a hint of playfulness in it. The fragrance characterizes Fellow as an adult with a dream he still wants to recognize.
Rollo - cotton, lavender and red flowers (rosewater + red lotus), oud and birch
This fragrance is one I would describe as layered and complex, as well as something that reflects his own twisted character. We open with cotton, something very try clean and fresh—like freshly washed linens. This makes sense for someone who stresses tidiness, and as a Noble Bell Student, who values cleanliness.
In the middle we have flowers, which I stress must not be overpowering or cloying. There is lavender (for protection and spiritual enlightenment), red lotus flower (symbolizing purity and virtue, as well as a reference to the crimson flowers/fire lotuses), and rosewater (represents devotion, and a substance used in religious ceremonies to banish evil. The flowers selected have meanings related to Rollo’s ambitions—and furthermore, it makes sense that he may smell of flowers, given where he lives and his skill in gardening.
At last, we have oud and birch woods. A whiff of these, and your mind will conjure the image of smoke and ashes, something burning. It’s very different from what you were smelling before; all the flowers have faded now, leaving you only with your sorrows.
To summarize, the scent changes from clean to floral to… the aftermath of a fire 💀 When we first meet him, Rollo gives off a very prim and proper aura, only for it to devolve into reverent madness later… The fragrance is designed to emulate that evolution.
Side note: I thought about including grape and orris root (a butter-y smell), but they both sounded too “foodie” and indulgent for someone like Rollo and didn’t make as much sense with the other notes.
Gidel - candied apple and cotton candy, popcorn, cedarwood
Since Gidel is notably younger than Fellow, his fragrance is a more juvenile one. There is a lot of focus on the sweets the park offers here, opening with notes of candied apple core and cotton candy. I don’t think he and Fellow can afford to eat that many luxuries, so they take Playful Land’s treats when they can.
As you can see, Gidel shares a popcorn mid-note with Fellow. This is here to show their relation to one another. After all, Gidel also helps out with luring people to Playful Land. The popcorn smell could very well also cling to him.
Cedarwood has a slight citrusy profile to it despite being a wood. It keeps the smell from being super sweet while also making it feel a little… clumsy? Like you’d expect it to be all sweet but then there’s that little something that keeps it from completely toppling into that categorization. I think it suits Gidel with his mismatched socks, untied boots, patched clothes, and oversized sleeves.
Neige - apple blossom, gardenia with some citrus, white musk and amber
When I think of Neige, I think about something soft and approachable yet also bright. I of course had to include some variant of apple and chose the blossom form for something flowery with a subtler apple scent. It’s a cuter and more innocent flower to go against Vil’s opening note of cassis.
The middle is gardenia, a white flower that is similar the “white bouquet” in Vil’s fragrance. Gardenia is delicate and sweet, much like Neige’s personality, and it has a slight citrus twist to help uplift the flowers without making him smell like a whole orange. The citrus could be a little leftover (like, lemon dish soap/detergent?) from the cleaning he does around the living space he shares with the Seven Dwarves!
Amber is calm and relaxing while white musk is often used in “wintery” smells to achieve a crispness. The white musk is a nod to the “snow” origins of Neige, since he is twisted from Snow White, while the amber is there to soothe and comfort all who gaze upon him. This makes Neige’s fragrance an airer alternative to Vil’s… cuz they’re rivals in the entertainment biz www
Cheka - sweet citrus, neroli, dirt and moss
I imagine Cheka’s scent as a more youthful version of Leona’s. They both have neroli in the mid-note, perhaps a nod to their royal lineage and/or just to their savanna homeland in general.
Cheka’s fragrance opens with sweet citrus (think tangerine or mandarin!), which reminds me of his enthusiasm. Now, citrus is not something that readily grows in the savanna but it does have a loose tie to the film. In The Lion King, Timon and Pumba serve Simba grubs. When certain bugs die, they release a fatty acid that warns other bugs of their kind to not come near—it’s a signal of danger. Most of the time, these acids smell rancid as heck and are not suitable for perfumes. I did find some bugs that release a citrus-like smell though, so I went with that since it’s the only smell we wouldn’t turn our noses up at.
The last notes are dirt and moss, meant to imply Cheka’s adventurous and bold nature as the type of kid who sneaks away from his guards to see his ojitan 😂 The earthy dirt is a smell that sticks with him from the kingdom he will one day rule, and the moss is a little bit of green to brighten things up. The moss is also meant to allude to the jungle that Simba grew up in along with Timon and Pumba—the world beyond what Cheka will one day rule.
I really REALLY wanted to somehow include “Cheka smells like crayons” somewhere here, but that ended up not fitting and I couldn’t find what the “crayon smell” is. I see Cheka writing notes and drawing to his uncle every so often and then being sad when he doesn’t reply…
This was a fun creative exercise ^^ Hope you had as much fun reading about my thoughts as I did writing them out. Maybe I’ll make up fragrances for some other NPCs except Rollo is no longer a NPC later?? We’ll see.
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dark-corner-cunning · 2 months
Crown of Glory: A Hair Growth Working
This is a simple working that is meant to be a fun addition to your hair care routine. I am using this as a weekly hair oil treatment. Feel free to use all of it, parts of it, or none at all. It’s your hair journey, so make it your own! Go wild and create your own working if you would like, too. I will post updates in the next few months of the results.
Hair, that crowning glory atop our heads, has long been revered as a symbol of power, vitality, and spiritual connection. It is said to be an extension of the self, a tangible manifestation of inner strength and identity. In bygone eras, hair was so cherished that its loss was often seen as a sign of misfortune or a weakening of the spirit.
This working is a form of Wortcunning, where magick and medicinal plant knowledge intertwine. This hair growth oil is infused with herbs known to help stimulate hair growth, combat hair loss & thinning hair, breakage, and nourish the scalp. It is essential to remember that while magick can be a potent tool, it is not a replacement for proper hair care and a healthy lifestyle. Nourish your body from within, and let this working be a catalyst for transformation.
As with all workings, approach this spell with reverence and intention. Harness the power of nature and your own inner strength to cultivate a Crown of Glory worthy of royalty.
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Ingredients for the Crown of Glory Hair Growth Oil:
To harness the power of nature for lush, thriving hair, I have carefully selected a blend of potent herbs and oils.
Rosemary: Renowned for its hair-growth-stimulating properties, rosemary has been shown to rival the effects of commercial hair growth treatments.
Nettle Root: Rich in nutrients, nettle root helps combat hair loss by inhibiting DHT, a hormone linked to thinning hair.
Saw Palmetto Berries: Traditionally used to address hair loss, Saw Palmetto Berries offers support for overall hair health.
Garden Sage: Stimulating blood circulation to the scalp, sage encourages thicker hair growth and pairs beautifully with rosemary.
Horsetail (Herb): Packed with silica, this herb strengthens hair strands, preventing breakage and promoting growth.
Evening Primrose Oil: Nourishing both new and existing hair, evening primrose oil contributes to longer, healthier locks.
Safflower Oil: A lightweight carrier oil, safflower oil aids in absorption of the herbal properties while also stimulating hair growth at the cellular level, and nourishes the scalp. Liquid Coconut Oil can also be used.
To maximize the potency of the ingredients, the oil infusion process spanned a full 30-day moon cycle. However, a rapid infusion method can also be employed for those seeking a quicker remedy. There are plenty of resources and videos on YouTube on both of these methods.
Ingredients Used For Working:
I painted my workspace with chalkboard paint, but don't worry if you can't! Any flat surface or even paper will work as long as your candles are safe and sound in holders while burning.
Hair Growth Oil or Your favorite hair growth oil
4 green candles ( I used chime candles)
Green chalk (white is a good sub)
Blessing oil (I use a mix of Frankincense & Myrrh with clear quartz crystal inside the bottle... all charged by a full moon)
A Bluetooth speaker
Frankincense & Myrrh Incense Cones
Steps For My Working:
First, let's get your space ready for magick! Cleanse everything up, and give your candles and tools a little cleansing & consecrating. I love burning Frankincense & Myrrh incense for this part.
Next, you can write "Hair Growth" or whatever phrase/keywords work for you on your green candles, starting from the bottom and going up. Put them safely in their holders and drip your blessing oil on each candle.
Next, draw a spiral with green chalk, starting from the outside and working your way in. Then, draw little arrows pointing from your candles to the spiral. This is like focusing all the candle magick into one powerful spot!
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Now at the spiral's heart, position the speaker and place your bottled hair growth oil on top of the speaker. I used a hair growth frequency to pulse through it, like a sonic energy spell to charge and attune the oil.
Then you will want to turn on the music and light those candles. Remember to light them going clockwise – it's like winding up the working.
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Now as the music plays and the candles flicker, close your eyes and picture your Crown of Glory! While you’re visualizing your dream hair, say this:
By the power of nature's might, May my hair grow strong and bright. Roots deep, strands long and free, A crown of glory, wild and free. Grow, my locks, strong and deep, Let ancient powers your spirit keep. With every drop, a potent spell, To break the bonds where tresses dwell. Crown my head with growth anew, May hair flourish, strong and true. Let follicles awaken, deep and sound, As vital force is richly found. As this oil is blessed and shaken, May hair growth be fully awakened.
When all the candles are finished burning, you can clean up your space. You can throw away or recycle things as you normally would.
May the Gods, Goddesses, and Moon bless your workings, and may the universe conspire in your favor. Happy Casting Seekers!
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chthonic-cassandra · 2 months
So! I'm having my first BPAL experience. I have no idea how serious perfume people see the company, but I'm having a lot of fun.
I bought myself a bunch of samples as a vampire-birthday present last month. Part of my goal is to broaden my perfume palette, since historically I have worn only very simple single note florals, and tend to get a little scared off by more complicated things. To this end I bought the 'most beloved' set of popular samples, hoping that it would give me a representative range to experience, and also a few that specifically appealed to me.
I enjoy almost all of them, but my uncontested favorites have been among the ones I picked for myself, which tells me that I actually do have a sense of my own tastes:
Twilight - this is like the florals with which I am already comfortable, just a little more complex. I have been wanting a good jasmine perfume, and it balances beautifully with the lavender and honeysuckle. Totally within my comfort zone, but worth it.
Athens - I was intrigued by this because it's based on a classical perfume. It feels very pure and dignified to me, mostly amber and myrrh, very golden and gleaming.
Katharina - This felt like a bit of a discovery because it has a significant musk component, about which I felt uncertain, but apparently white musk really works for me, which is cool. The musk combines with apricot and orange blossom and it feels sensuous and elegant, but with a bit of sharpness.
I also like quite a bit, and am using for everyday wear, but am not quite as intensely enthusiastic about:
Alice - quite soothing, tea-like (milk, honey, bergamot, rose), feels pretty appropriate to my professional persona.
White Rabbit - also has the tea feeling, but with this clean peppery edge; this one also feels good for work
Maenad - I like the floral notes in this (poppy and carnation) but the strawberry is just a little too much. Wearable but doesn't feel quite me
These are gorgeous but intense and I'm not sure they feel like me; probably saving them for particular occasions:
Morocco - I like the spiciness of the carnation a lot, but the musk and sandalwood are a little much
Bastet - like a lot of the notes, especially the saffron and cardamom but again, just a lot of musk for me
And these, alas, did not work for me:
Blood Kiss - I was so interested in this! But the cherry came out really strong on me, which I didn't enjoy, and especially with the clove it's just not me
Kyoto - I need to retest this one, but it just felt a little generic perfume-y for me
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foxdrabbles · 1 month
😸 ooh ooh!!! If ur accepting drabble prompts again can I ask for myrrhleaf with the prompt "unexpected feelings"
The feelings can be whatever u want them to be c:<
"I'm heading down to the training rooms."
"Alright, have fun, love you!"
Myrrh continued brushing through her hair, squinting into the mirror above her dresser, until it dawned on her exactly what she had just said.
The hairbrush clattered to the floor as she whirled around to see Frostleaf frozen, one hand on the door handle, staring at her with a look she couldn't in a million years hope to interpret correctly.
"Um! I mean! I did - didn't - I didn't mean it like that! I'm - I'm sorry! I just wan - wanted to - wanted to say that I hoped - hoped you - I want you to have a good day! But not that I - I lo - not like that! I'm so - sorry..."
Frostleaf's head was slowly drifting to the side, staring unblinking as Myrrh desperately tried to recover. "So, you... don't feel that way about me?"
"No! I mean, maybe? I mean, I - you're always so pret - so pretty, and maybe I'm jealous of that? And sometimes I wonder wh - what - I wonder what - I - "
Myrrh flapped her hands, harder and harder, trying to get the words flooding out of her mouth back under control.
"SometimesIwonderwhatkissingyouwouldbelike!!!! But I know you do - don't - would - I know I would do something wrong, and I don't want to mess - me - mess up another friendship, and I'd have to - to - to find a new roommate, and I don't - I just - arghggrhgrgghhhhh!"
Myrrh buried her face in her hands, sinking into a crouch, trying to force herself to breathe, to do something, anything to stop this morning from getting any worse.
A hand came to rest gently on her shoulder, and she looked up, meeting Frostleaf's gaze as she... smiled?
"I love you too."
Cold lips pressed themselves gently against her forehead, and Myrrh felt herself flush bright pink. Frostleaf pulled away, beaming down at her.
"I need to go or I'm going to be late. We can talk more at lunch, ok? Figure things out together once we've had some time to think."
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
So weird thing in my head here, but the beetlejuice musical has INSPIRED me so have my weird discombobulated ideas
• Buggy as half demon, but he's largely human-presenting. Only things that could possibly clue you in are the fangs, pointed ears, nails, pupils and nose - but luckily he just passes as a weird ass clown and diva.
• mood ring hair my beloved. Or mood ring eyes. Just. Smth colored on a body that changes around with emotions, and I have a weird soft spot for it.
• he has horns and a tail - kinda, at least. He HAD a tail, but the situation leading up to him being taken in by the Rogers resulted in a loss of those. His horns are hidden away usually by charms or magic.
• SPEAKING OF MAGIC - comedic instances of hammerspace. He uses that and a mix of sleight-of-hand tricks to pull the most random yet thematically appropriate things from freaking nowhere. Nobody knows how he does it except maybe Shanks who helped him figure it out when they were kids.
• Committed To The Bit - but in both a good AND bad way. Buggy's the type of demon to feed on hedonistic tendencies, not a specific sin. It literally boils down to People Enjoying Themselves, preferably in excess but normal amounts are fine too. He thinks himself so sneaky and schiesty by ensuring his crew and people are happy and taken care of. "I'm going to enforce everyone to do self care because I'm so evil mwahaha-" type of deal.
• his Devil Fruit is fucking WEIRD because he's half demon but he also hasn't Realized That Yet.
• sea water is effectively holy water. It doesn't burn him or cause wounds, but he does get a rash and breaks out in hives. It's annoying. He copes.
• his metabolism is frankly HORRIFYING but he doesn't clock that. Fun fact, Ds are usually Otherworldly Beings too so Roger and Buggy just gave little nods of acknowledgment before eating the ship out of house and home. Buggy is not like.... genetically a D by actual blood ties, but Roger declared he was a D anyway. Buggy D. Clown, he'd joke, spinning his tiniest cabin brat around with a grin. The name stuck.
• There are certain herbs that can make him sick, stuff like angelica root in any forms, myrrh, argue root at any maturity, and he's got a mild allergy to garlic. It's hilarious, too, because there's no actual correlation of being of demonic descent and having an issue with those herbs despite what so many people believe, Buggy's just out there living an accidental cliché
• oh and on the cliches topic, he does not like churches or "hallowed ground". Not because of some supernatural element, he just finds it boring.
• he does not broadcast his heritage, but he will disclose it to trusted individuals - until he has reason to capitalize on it.
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thecluehunt · 9 months
welcome to the clue hunt!
how does this thing work?
to join the search for the 39 clues you will need to concoct a serum that will make you(r branch) all-powerful and set for world domination. follow this blog and/or like this post to register:)
this is an online clue hunt based on tumblr inspired by the 39 clues series. you do not have to have read the series to participate, although it might be more fun if you have!
a list of 39 elements, each with an associated number to account for its quantity in the final serum, has been determined and will soon be circulated across the threads of the interwebs. the goal of this clue hunt will be to collect all of these clues for your branch!
there will be four branches the participants will be loosely divided into based on their interests (will elaborate on this in a bit). the lucians (red, the cunning branch, think codes and logic and conniving), the ekaterinas (yellow, the stem branch), the tomas (blue, the athletic branch, which in the context of this clue hunt translates to gamers/shit that requires good motor skills) and the janus (green, the artistic branch)
each participant will be given a few clues at the start of the game. you will randomly be alloted into branches UNLESS you send an ask to this blog with a preferred branch. to make sure each branch has more or less equal numbers, asking for a specific branch will mean you will be given less clues than other participants at the start of the game (i.e. there is an advantage to random branch assignment).
you will be told your final branch privately and will not be revealed the branches of any other participants.
you will be required to hide the few clues given to you across the interwebs (there won't be many clues don't worry) in internet trails, using codes, links, metaphors, required tasks you need to complete to attain the clue, etc etc. this will largely be up to you and you will be allowed to use your creative license - but you will have to send your trail to this blog to make sure it is workable and not too vague lol. i will edit/fine tune everything and if you can't think of anything i will make a trail for you
if you pick your own branch, you will be required to incorporate the core values of your branch into your trails. so for the janus this means hiding clues in art, for lucians this means codes and cryptography related things maybe, etc etc.
write your tumblr url somewhere near where you leave the clue so people know you left it there!
a map will be provided with the location of each clue around the world, colour coded. so for example, myrrh, a clue from the original series, is an ekaterina clue native to north africa. so, a yellow dot representing myrrh will be marked in this region. this can be used to find out what branches other members are in. for example, if you find out a fellow participant hid the clue myrrh, you can deduce they are from the ekaterina branch because there is a yellow dot in the region it's from. if you are also an ekat, this means you can trust them with your clues because you're on the same team:)
a certain number of clues will not be given to any participants and will be withheld as madrigal clues. these will be hidden by me:)
you can recruit members who haven't registered to help you with your hunt well into the game! however, you need to have registered at the beginning (i.e. be following this blog and like this post) to receive your own clues
any/all forms of cheating and backstabbing will be allowed (for everyone except me/the madrigals that is):D
to help with organizing if you don't want to participate, you can join the madrigals! we are a neutral team who cannot by definition win and are just having fun organizing all this lol
more details including duration, prizes, etc will be shared/updated later!
happy hunting!
tagging people who interacted with my post about this: @the39cluesian @iankabra @yakalll @angelkat-x @icamebackfromnarnia @39addict101 @manicpixiess @bilhert @mediodedios @toiletpotato @39starrygurl @gaslighting69 @nimonaaaa @dinatela @amianislovely @fandom-oracle @sarasanddollar @carpe-astrae @ghost-in-a-cup @cosmo-babe @kadalakari
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ddlcbrainrot · 3 months
Yuri would ABSOLUTELY burn incense, I think [specifically Frankincense and Myrrh, not for religious purposes of course though] [[mainly I choose that scent because, like, that's what I have burning currently, and I think she'd like it]] oh yeah, I burn incense, it's very calming, my room does smell, immensely like it though like sometimes I'll walk out of my room, come back and just get blasted it kinda fades a bit once it burns out
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I also have a flip top lighter that I use to light it it's fucking banger, I don't have to pulverate my fingers just to light something! [I swear to you, the triggers they use to make other lighters hurt, so much] [[I got soft hands man! I can't handle that!]]
didnt know what incense was in English so i looked it up and YOU LIGHT THAT STUFF FOR FUN??? THE LAST TIME I SMELLED IT I WAS READY TO PASS OUT TF
but yeah yuri would...
also flip top lighters are so cool i need to get one too
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angel-of-the-moons · 2 months
Nothing Is Lost
Khonshu xFem!Reader
TW/CW: Angst, Reader is very frustrated in more ways than one, mentions of incestual marriages (it was ancient Egypt, I'm gonna keep reminding y'all of that) some historical inaccuracies, mixed with some personal speculation on Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten, Nefertiti and a few royal consorts/wives.
A/N: Woo! Getting there, you guys! The mystery is beginning to unravel!
Taglist: @drinkingwithkhonshu @astrosphereblog @themostegotisticalgirl124 @patchesofwork @lialiwasneverseen
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Chapter 13:
The Before
Thankfully, Khonshu only ribbed you out lightly, trying to worm details from you. But when it was obvious you were so adamant about not telling him the rather intimate details of your most recent mental trip.
Not only were you confused and frustrated... now you were confused, frustrated, and horny. You knew you couldn't exactly relieve yourself; the old man would undoubtedly know, and proceed to mock you for it. Smug bastard. Had gods no vices of their own?
You laid in your bed, the sun bleeding through your curtain and bathing you in a warm glow. You sighed deeply, wiping your face.
Time was ticking on your paid leave... If you didn't get yourself sorted out soon, you were in danger of losing your job. What then?
You were fucked, that's what. And not in the fun sense.
You stared back up at the ceiling, your brows furrowed in frustration.
There was one person who might know. One person who might be able to explain the "magic" Khonshu said you were "blessed" with.
You needed to go see Jezebel.
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The older woman smiled warmly at you, her eyes creasing at the corners as she welcomed you into her store; "Ah! I was wondering when I'd see you again, dear. Come, come!"
Zephyr crowed at you, his head tipping back and forth as he hopped along the countertop, chasing your steps as Jezebel stepped down from behind it.
"I need--"
"Help, yes I know, sweetie." Jezebel finished for you, patting your hand as she side-stepped you, moving to flip the sign on her shop door to say "Be back soon!".
She turned back around, and pressing her hand to the curve of your back, she gestured for you to walk with her past her shelves of various "witchy" items and to the back room where she performed her "readings".
You swallowed as the beads parted and she tugged out a chair for you to sit at her little table, "It's all right. I won't hurt you. You need my help, remember?"
"Yes..." You said tensely, taking your seat. You watched curiously as Jezebel allowed Zephyr to climb on her arm so she could pull him past the curtain and let him perch on his special spot; before grabbing a small clay pot from a shelf nearby.
She went around the room, dipping her fingers in whatever contents were within the pot, apparently smearing it in patterns you didn't understand at every point of entry in the room. You could very faintly make out the scent of the substance. Oil, obviously. Containing hints of something soft and flowery; rose oil with some kind of spice, perhaps. Something about it made your nose tickle with familiarity; gave you a small sense of comfort.
Jezebel replaced the jar on the shelf and too kthe seat opposite of you, grabbing the box of matches from the middle of the table and lighting the small cones on the plate in front of you.
"Apologies, dear... this is--"
"Myrrh." You interrupted softly, your eyes transfixed on the incense as the flames flickered out, the scent thickly cloying the air of the cramped space. Jezebel smiled again, nodding slowly.
"...Yes. It is." She adjusted her posture and rested her hands on the table, looking at you; her eyes shifting from mischievous to something faraway--ancient and haunted.
"Why did you... Do all of this?" You asked, looking around the room.
"I understand you've been frustrated with a... mutual acquaintance."
You snapped your head to look at her, "You... You know that--"
"That Khonshu is being rather abrasive with you? Yes," She leaned back in her chait with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "Please don't take it personally. He's like that with everyone. He means well, truly, but he's sort of... lost the ability to display his concern and curiosity in a more... gentle manner."
"Pfah!" You scoff, throwing your hands up. "He's a nosy bastard who won't give me privacy!"
"Yes, he does have an issue with... boundaries." Jezebel sighed softly.
You looked at her again, looking at her suspiciously; "How do you know about Khonshu?"
"I am one of the very few and scattered followers he still has in the world." She explained, "He saved my life. Gave it a real purpose after he saved me from Ammit's cult."
"Cult of--who?" You ask, your face twisting. "What... How did he do that?"
Jezebel pulled her sleeve and bracelets up further on her forearm; revealing a strange tattoo. It was faded, old, but still there. The image pertained that of some sort of scale, the edges of the beam containing twin heads of a crocodile, the platform scales dangling from their jaws.
"I was a... misguided follower of Ammit. Khonshu redeemed me, and freed me from a fate worse than death." She replaced her sleeve and jewelry, "I placed wards to prevent Khonshu from spying... And eavesdropping. I figured you would appreciate it because he has been rather invasive of your private life, as of late."
You nodded, giving her mumbled thanks.
"Now. You have questions?" She quipped.
"Yes." You breathed, leaning forward. "The dreams are getting worse. Or--or more vivid. I'm seeing some more detail, but that goddamn doctor said it was all a figment of my imagination! I can't take it! The old man won't just leave me alone! I don't understand why--"
Jezebel chuckled sweetly, her hands in the air to calm you, "Hush. Slow down... What doctor?"
You took a deep breath, exhaling through your nostrils. "Well..."
As you explained, taking moments to pause and reflect as you explained to Jezebel what was happening; you noticed how surprisingly annoyed she seemed with the doctor you'd gone to see. And mostly with how she dismissed your visions as daydreams and fantasies.
She hummed, frowning deeply as her eyes narrowed at the incense as it burned.
The silence had you wanting to chew off your nails with anxiety, until she finally spoke, "Your visions are disorganized. Fragmented. Not in order, at all. This is... troubling." She brought her thumb and forefinger to her chin, thinking deeply.
"H-how is it troubling?" You swallowed thickly, that knot of anxiety coiling within your belly once more. You wrought your fingers beneath the table, trying desperately to focus.
"It may have something to do with the magic emerging within you." She explained. "Your visions may be getting more detailed based on a... a buildup of sorts within you."
"I... I don't follow."
"The way some people who are born with natural magic, it's... almost like..." She grunted, trying to find an analogy.
"Imagine it like a cyst; or an infected wound. How it will well up with pus if untreated--drained--until it begins to weep or bleed. The magic is kind of--"
You cringed, your stomach unhappy with that comparisons, "It'd be less gross if you compared it to like... a rotten watermelon."
Jezebel laughed, "Apologies, dear. But yes, like how the watermelon may begin to foam and get soft before bursting... your magic is slowly leaking from you. Without a way to channel it, to focus it--it will only continue to cause you problems."
"But that doesn't explain my "visions", Jezebel." You groaned, leaning back in your chair in frustration.
Infuriatingly, she nodded, smiling that patient smile of hers.
"You're right. Those visions were always inside of you, dear." She said, "With or without magic, they would have surfaced. The magic is very likely why they began as vague nightmares, at first. And when you invoked Khonshu, that opened the first incision in the cy--er--the watermelon. Your magic began to bleed from you, ease up on your mind and body, allowing for things to become clearer."
"But... but what does that mean?" You pressed, leaning across the table, staring at her, your jaw tightening at her cryptic phrasing.
"What do you mean that I was always going to have these visions?"
Jezebel sighed deeply, still patient despite your rather impertinent behavior.
"Do you believe in reincarnation? Rebirth? Heaven, the afterlife?"
That floored you.
You dropped back into your seat, blinking dumbly at her. You couldn't help it; you laughed, the sound coming from you in a bark as you ran a hand through your hair. "Are you serious? You're saying that I'm... I'm some person from thousands of years ago? Do you know how crazy that sounds?"
"As crazy as Egyptian gods being real and invading your personal space, or actual magic?" Jezebel grins. You wilt at her remark, looking down at your lap as you scuffed the toe of your shoe on the floor.
"...Good point..." You admit bashfully.
The older woman chuckles, smiling fondly at you. "I understand your frustration, dear. Now... let's try to put a focusing stone--a magnifying glass onto some of your visions. Namely, the one you had when that "doctor" hypnotized you. Who was in it?"
"W-well..." You think, recalling all the details.
The atmosphere, the emotions heavy on the breeze--you could almost feel the weight of the baby you had held in your arms. "There was... a baby. I was holding her, and..."
Your heart ached, and before you even realized it, your arms moved, cradling something that wasn't even there. You shook your head, ignoring the sense of grief that had strangely begun to rise inside of you.
"A baby?" Jezebel asked, her eyes growing wide. "Tell me, what was her name?"
"Heba," You answered quickly. "Her name was--was Heba. She was--" You chuckled softly through your nose. "She was a very chubby baby. ...Why do you ask?"
Jezebel hummed, licking her lips a moment. "It will all help us focus your mind. To shine the light on the little details; the scribbles in the margins, as it were. Who else was there?"
"A... a man. He came up behind me. Hugged me..." You said slowly, your eyes going distant as your mind went back to that place. The warmth of the sun on your skin, the baby in your arms; the strength of the arms that wrapped around you. The love that stretched on, bridged the gap that your physical bodies couldn't articulate through soft touch.
Jezebel was very interested. She leaned forward again, resting her arms on the table as she peered at you. "Did you... catch his name?"
"No, but... I had another dream last night with him in it." You blurted without thinking.
She nodded, rolling her wrist, "And? What happened?"
"Well... it started with me walking in... a temple."
"A temple? To whom?" She inquired.
"Well..." You groaned, rolling your eyes. "The cranky old bastard."
Jezebel snorted, covering her mouth with her hand; coughing into it to swallow her jubilance. "Ah... ahem. Continue, please."
"It was at night... couldn't see much. Just the paintings on the walls that were lit by the torches." You sigh, closing your eyes for a moment as you recalled the vivid scene.
"I was looking at them, at the sky... and the, the torches went out and I couldn't see. Then, the man came up behind me again, and..." Your eyes snap open and you feel your face heat up as you looked off to the side, rubbing the back of your neck; a flush overtaking your cheeks.
Did you dare reveal the details of your rather blasphemous tryst in a holy place like that? If you really were that woman who you've been dreaming about, you can imagine Khonshu wouldn't be very happy when he found out--if he found out--that you and your dream lover had defiled one of his temples with your rather carnal affair.
"What happened next?" Jezebel urged.
You didn't answer.
She noticed the tone of color in your face and a smile ghosted her lips. She was restraining herself. You yourself didn't notice the playful twinkle in her eyes as you cleared your throat, still averting your gaze out of shame, "W-well, uh... It's... It's sorta... p-personal?"
"Oh... I see." She chuckled, "I won't pry. But did you see his face? Catch his name?"
Her smiled melted away like ice in the summer heat. Her brows furrowed deeply, "What? You can't see his face, or recall his name?"
"I... I can't explain it, I'm sorry, I..." You sigh, running a hand through your hair again as the shame of "your" thousands-of-years old sexual encounter faded away. "His name never comes up. It hasn't. Well, not yet, I mean? And... His face is..."
"...Yes?" Jezebel asked softly.
"The split second I caught of him, it was... blurry."
Jezebel cocked her head to the side. "Blurry?"
"Yeah, like, uh... like when ink gets wet on paper, almost. The torch went out, but..." Your brows furrow as you recall one crucial detail.
"His eyes. They had almost a... a glow? It was faint, but I definitely saw them glowing." You looked back at her, seeing her thoughtful expression. "Jezebel?"
"I... think that, perhaps, you can't recall his name or face because you aren't meant to. Not yet." She told you. There was something else in her eyes, something deep.
"What... was the woman's name? Do you recall that?"
"Yeah, actually." You replied with a nod. "Merit. My--her name was Merit."
You see Jezebel visibly stiffen; her jaw tightening a fraction as her eyes focus on yours with a burning intensity that has you wanting to look away. But something swirls in the depths of her gaze that keeps yours trapped with hers.
"Merit." She repeated slowly, as if she were tasting each syllable, each letter on her tongue. "You're sure that was the name?"
"Yeah, it's all they called her. Why?" You asked suspiciously.
"It's... it's nothing. But knowing that name is a very big step to remembering it all, indeed." She relaxed, her posture becoming once again casual as she reclined in her seat.
"That's--Jezebel, you're lying to me." You told her, narrowing your eyes. "Tell me, why is her name important?"
"I'm sorry." She apologized. You could tell by the inflection of her words that she menat it. She was well and truly sorry that she wouldn't--or perhaps couldn't--tell you more. "But... You have to discover the rest of Merit's story for yourself, dear. I cannot help you with everything."
You rub your temples, feeling the beginnings of a migraine coming on. "Jezebel..."
"However," She said, her voice low and full of warning. "You mustn't tell Khonshu of your dreams. Not until you feel you are ready."
"I... What? Why?" You asked, your head reeling back a bit in confusion.
"Well..." She tilted her head, her eyes softening a smidge, a small smile on her lips. "I can imagine if he were to find out you had a rather... clandestine meeting with this mystery man of yours in one of his temples; his overbearingness may become... worse, for you?"
You wilted once again, feeling like a little kid who got caught telling a fib. "...Fair."
Jezebel smiled, and stood up, walking over to another one of her shelves full of baubles, and pulled out a small jar. Clay, like the pot of oil, but definitely smaller. More like a vial, if anything.
She turned, and walked back over to you, "Now. There's one more thing I need to try with you. I need to see how these visions affect you myself."
"What's in that thing?" You ask, leaning away from her.
Jezebel swirls the small jar around idly, looking at it. "Oh, it's just some oils, some incense ashes... it's a concoction that I learned to make on my own when I was younger. It helped me... remember things. I thought it may do the same for you, too."
You eyed her with suspicion once more. But Jezebel had never given you a reason to distrust her, before. Well, she did hide the fact that she and Khonshu were all buddy-buddy, but she explained everything--or, well, almost everything--to you rather truthfully.
So... fuck it. Anything helps, right?
"Okay. You said to her. "What do I do?"
Jezebel smiled and uncorked the jar, "Breathe deep."
You did.
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You were walking through the halls of the palace, humming to yourself as the springtime breeze whistled through the halls and large rooms. Servants and bowed out of respect to you; your father was here meeting with the Pharaoh. He was sick and frail, and your father, being the good friend to the king that he was, would come to visit him constantly.
After all, it was on a hunting trip with the Pharaoh that your father sustained his injury with one of the powerful lions they were so fond of tracking. Your father had to retire, no longer able to join the ruler on his hunts or lead incursions against the enemies of Egypt. Instead helping advise his son, Amenhotep, named for his father, in his absences. It was no secret that your father had been in talks with the Pharaoh Amenhotep to suggest your hand as one of his son's wives in the past...
His son's marriage to the beautiful Nefertiti had only concluded two weeks before, with you a member of the bridal party. She was young, certainly. Younger than you by nearly five years, she was wiser than you'd anticipated. As she was being prepared for the wedding procession, you and the princess-to-be had engaged in a few philosophical discussions on what could be done to alleviate the Pharaoh of his ailments; of which gods to leave offerings to...
You were a bit older than most would suggest for a wife, but close enough in age to Amenhotep that it was acceptable. You were still of your fertile years, after all, (and would be for some time as of yet) and a future Pharaoh needed heirs to succeed him.
The Prince had been ruling as coregent ever since his father had fallen ill with the horrible pains in his mouth and teeth. The poor king could barely eat; only able to dine on broths and very finely mashed foods that he could easily swallow, fed lovingly by Queen Tiye.
You liked Tiye. You and your mother would spend a lot of time with her when you were young; as one of her handmaidens this was how she had met your father. Tiye was always very kind to you, taking you into her lap as she would do with one of her daughters whilst your mother helped attend to one of the other wives, or their children.
She even allowed your mother to recline in one of her special chairs when she was pregnant with your little brother. The latter of whom had stayed home with your mother, today, focusing on his schooling.
You sighed deeply as you trailed your finger across the murals painted in the plastered and ivory walls while you walked. Today was rather sad for you; Amenhotep was likely to not remain in this world for much longer. His son, close in age to you, would become Pharaoh in his place, since his elder brother Thutmose had passed away some time ago.
Your father had even proposed that your hand be given to the late Prince, but the offer changed once he had passed on to the afterlife.
You refused both options, quite vehemently of course--much to the chagrin of your parents. You weren't ready to be weighted down by the bearing and raising of children to the next Pharaoh; you wanted to study, to learn. To become the scholar that would teach generations even ages after you passed on the next life.
The Pharaoh had asked to see you, personally. You sat alone before this mortal god, nervous that you may have offended him in your youthful bravado...
But instead, he smiled at you, and laughed. He had made a bargain with you: if you could beat him in a game of Senet you would not be wed to anyone that was not of your choosing or desire.
You had won. And it was by his decree that, if you did not accept the terms of a proposal, you would not be wed.
Your father had balked at the idea, the very notion. While he would respect your wishes should you decline any men he suggested, (the most prominent one being Amenhotep. Repeatedly.) he would always sigh and shake his head, telling you he only wanted you to be cared for when he passed on, that--
"Merit?" A soft voice called out to you.
You turned, seeing Nefertiti cradling a bouquet of blue lotuses in her thin, young arms. She walked up to you, and smiled. You could see always why her name meant "the perfect one has arrived". And truly, she was a beauty to behold. Whenever she stepped into a room, heads would turn and breaths would stop.
Her gaze looked up to meet yours, and she smiled again, "I heard your father was visiting the king?"
"Yes. I got restless. The musicians and dancers are all very fine to watch, but..." You sighed.
"You wanted to explore?"
"Well, I doubt there is an inch of this Palace I have yet to see, given I practically grew up in it." You replied fondly, running your hand down a smooth column, your fingers dancing over an image of Thoth, one of the gods you focused your worship on.
You looked back down at the princess, smiling, "And what are you doing, my lady?"
She rolled her eyes with a scoff, "Ugh. Don't call me that! You're older than me, it makes me feel old. You can just call me by my name, Merit."
"But that would be improper..." You grinned playfully at her. "...my lady."
The girl snickered, taking one of the lotuses and whacking you on the head with it, having to stand on her toes to do so, "You will call me by my name! As future Queen, I demand it!"
You bowed deeply with a flourish, "But of course! My Princess Nefertiti..."
She hit you with the flower again, sending a petal to stick into your wig. You both laugh, giggling amongst one another girlishly.
"Well... I hear your father is trying to convince you to marry, again?" She asked you with a smirk.
You sighed and shook your head, your jewelry tinkling along the breeze. "Yes. He is wanting to marry me to Amenhotep... I refused."
"Again." Nefertiti giggled, brushing a lock of her wig behind her ear. "Although, if you accepted, I would not opposed to you being with the other sister-wives. You could even teach our children, with all that you know!"
"As enticing as the thought is, Nefertiti..."
"You aren't ready. I understand." She smiled patiently. Truly, wiser than her own years.
"But I promise, should you accept, I will welcome you happily. You're one of the first friends I have made here, after all. And your experience with the Pharaoh and Queen and court would be most welcome."
You chuckled as Nefertiti sticks the stem of one of the lotuses into your wig, "Thank you. I will keep the idea in mind."
"That is all I ask." She nodded.
Her smiled faltered for a moment, as she looked down the hall. As if checking to see if anyone was near.
"Nefertiti? What is it?" You asked her.
"Merit." She whispered to you, her full lips turning into a pout, her meticulously traced eyebrows pinched with worry, "At times, does Amenhotep seem... odd, to you?"
You looked to the floor, not entirely sure you wished to say, "Nefertiti..."
"Please, tell me." She asked, taking hold of your hand, looking up at you hopefully. "I love him, dearly, I do. But..."
"He does seem a little... Odd." You relented. "When we were younger he would... Engage in conversations with himself. Get angry very easily."
"That is not recent? He has always done this?" She gasped with worry. "I woke up a few nights ago, and Amenhotep was... was whispering to himself. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but... he returned back to his normal, charming and adoring self when I touched him."
"Then perhaps you are the calming influence he needs?" You said, tilting your head. "He will be Pharaoh, one day. And ruling jointly with his father has been heavy on his mind, I am sure. Perhaps, with you with him at his side, the weight will ease?"
She twisted her mouth, wiggled it about. A rather cute physical display of her thinking, you were sure. Finally, Nefertiti nodded. "I'm sure you're right, Merit. Thank you so much."
"We are friends, are we not?" You suggested, hooking your little finger with hers; the both of you giggling once again.
You both turn your heads sharply to see Amenhotep, staring at the both of you with a quirked brow. He reached up to toss his sidelock of hair behind his ear, sauntering over to the both of you with a cocky smile. His appearance was a tad more slender than that of most men, but many women (his wives included) fawned over him when he smiled.
Some say the sun itself would gleam from his eyes when he smiled.
The young Prince slipped his arm around his wife's waist. Nefertiti's nose crinkled almost imperceptibly, and you could smell why. In such a close distance you could smell the scent of sex as it clinged to his body. He had likely just finished a heated carnal encounter with one of his other wives.
"My love, you could have bathed." Nefertiti sighed, smiling hopelessly at him as she batted a lotus playfully to his cheek.
Amenhotep laughed, taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles, "Of course, my love. I apologize."
He looked to you, then, and you did not fail to notice how his eyes had raked over your figure, and the lotus in your hair. "My apologies to you, as well, lady Merit. I understand that not all enjoy the smell that comes after trying to create a new life."
You smiled thinly out of politeness, "Of course, my Prince. It does not bother me overmuch. What would bother me was if you had spoken with two young ladies after spending a day out riding and tending your horses without a bath..."
He laughed, the sound loud and barking, "Ha ha! Of course! Ah, may your humor never dim, Merit. May it stay as bright as the sun always." He grinned at you again, tugging Nefertiti closer to him once more. "Your father is visiting mine, yes?"
"As always." You sighed with a smile, "I originally came to see Queen Tiye, but it would seem she was tending to the Pharaoh today."
He nodded with a serious expression, "Yes... yes. I fear my father may not last but a few more years, at this rate. My poor mother... I fear how it will hurt her when he passes on."
"As long as she has you, and her family to support and aid her, I am sure her grief will only be temporary. She will see him again." You said with a bow of your head.
Amenhotep nodded, a rather predatory smile on his lips as he flashed his teeth at you, "Thank you, Merit. Your sentiment is very, very appreciated."
As he and Nefertiti turned, he kissed her forehead affectionately. When they began to walk away from you, you once again did not fail to see how the Prince had glanced at your body; the shine in his eyes.
A cold sweat broke out in your palms, a queasy feeling swimming around in your gut.
You could only silently pray to the gods in thanks that the Pharaoh himself had decreed you have the right to decline marriages. You feared that Amenhotep would have taken you in some way, regardless. Even as children, he would always hover around you; even to the point Tiye would have to scold him and remind him to go play with his brothers instead.
However... at least He seemed to adore Nefertiti, and she him. Where you could tell much of his attention on you was lust-driven... There was a bit of fanatical love in his eyes for Nefertiti.
You could only pray some more that Nefertiti would be the calming influence he so desperately needed.
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You awoke with a gasp, the sound of thumping snapping you out of your trance. You look around to see Jezebel holding you upright.
"I would ask what you have seen, but... It appears Khonshu is rather annoyed that I locked him out." She said, slipping a piece of paper into your hand. "Here is my number. We can chat safely there when we can't speak in person."
You barely had a moment to speak out when she took a rag and wiped away the sigils she had written on the walls in oil. Almost immediately after, Khonshu appeared in the small space, his body hunched over.
"I can only begin to wonder what you two were chatting about." He groused, "That it required keeping me blind from such things."
Jezebel smiled patiently up at him, "The poor dear needed someone to talk to, my lord. About rather... womanly things."
You were thankful he bought her lie.
"Feh, fine." He scoffed, sighing a bit. He looked at Jezebel with a cock of his head. "I sense you now have something to discuss with me, Jezebel."
"Yes. Khonshu," She began, smiling patiently up at him. "You need to teach this young woman how to hone her magical skills."
"What?!" You gasped, shooting to your feet. You were apparently unsteady on them, as Jezebel had to reach out to stabilize you. "Why can't you do that?!"
"Because my magical talent isn't like yours. The kind of magic you possess is best taught by someone who has mastered such things. Such as..." She swept her hand to Khonshu, "The God of The Moon himself. What better teacher for such methods than one who has seen millennia of humans attempt magic?"
Khonshu hummed, silently peering at you. The opportunity to unravel the mystery surrounding you was too tantalizing to ignore. Perhaps that is the true reason Jezebel suggested it.
You, however, we backed into o a proverbial corner on the matter.
"Very well. Assuming she is a quick study." He said with a wave of his hand.
"Well, I guess I have to be. I have only a couple of weeks until I have to go back to work. If learning magic from this dusty asshole helps me," You said, jerking your thumb at the deity in question, "Then I'll do it."
"You little--"
Jezebel giggled, cutting you both off with a patient smile, turning to go back out into her shop, "I will leave the two of you to sort this out, then."
Khonshu lightly smacked you with his heavy staff, "If I am to be saddled with your tutelage, then so be it. You first lesson starts now, little mage."
"Asshole." You muttered, rubbing your head.
"What was that?"
You speak louder this time, and with microscopic amounts of enthusiasm:
"Right. Yeah. Let's get this magic schoolbus rolling. Woo hoo."
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Chapter 14: Link
15 notes · View notes
Summoner duels have been way too crazy and admittedly annoying at times but I still find it fun, I think about these situations more positively.
“oh no that Felix is going to kill one of my units and kill the other”
-Ha ha Shez and Freyr can take him out, he can’t kill both in one turn
“fuck there’s an Emblem Ike who can kill everyone”
-not everyone as long as they can’t counterattack so uh *shoves my captain in front of Ike* don’t worry Julius can take one hit (as long as the special isn’t charged)
“Celica’s warp effect is bullshit”
-so what? She kills one unit and now she’s just extremely vulnerable (she doesn’t have canto, if she had canto recall that would be a nightmare) If I use my captain to kill Celica I get 3 points while she only gets 2 (no she won’t kill my captain I dunno why, no one has targeted him, they always target Shez) Even better if Celica is the captain, so what if she gets 3 points, I get 4.
“I hate Myrrh’s warp bubble/ savior”
-Just smack her with a melee unit, Christmas Dimitri usually takes care of that. Warp bubble isn’t a big deal if your whole team doesn’t rely on it in the first place.
“Attuned Micaiah debuffs too much I can’t do anything!”
“summoner duels is too hard”
-then play with different settings
all this is from someone who plays summoner duels a lot (one of the top ranked Morgan players)
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ottpopfic · 22 days
It's been two and a half weeks since Leo died last
Jason is positive he's not handling it well. He's never handled any of them well, but the fact that he heard Leo die this time makes it different
Every other death there had been no sign of the other, just Piper and whatever bullshit they have gotten themselves into. But the last time, standing at the exit of the Sphinx's maze listening to Leo get crushed to death just out of his sight line had been horrible . Piper had had to hold him back from running in after him
So Jason taking off right after he had his sob fest might have been an asshole move to Piper on his part, but he couldn't stay there. They are getting closer, he can feel it. The spacing of the deaths is getting shorter, and that little window where they are both alive at the same time allows them to get closer to each other each time. Jason can feel that they are in the last push, that it's any day now and he might actually see Leo
Can he handle that, he doesn't know. It doesn't matter anyway, he's still going to keep trying
Currently, Jason is trying to reverse tree the other man. Zuse has turned so many people into plants that Jason is pretty sure it can be done in reverse. He spent over a week in research and flying about, finding the original trees people have been turned into and taking cuttings. He's hoping that he can draw energy from them and have Leo detreed back to life somehow
He's made a home base at the Baucis and Philemon shrine to his father. The place is set in a lovely grove of Oak and Linden, with the two lovers' trees twinned together behind the temple. The temple is guarded by what feels like half a million Canadian Geese, and Jason once again hates that he speaks bird
Like there's nothing wrong with birds per se, but they are loud, and opinionated, and rude. And also most of what they talk about is food and fucking, at great length and volume, which is not the most fun to listen too
Jason is down in the wildflower patch under the temple, a big clearing made by a long-ago flood. He's carefully flatted down the Jewelweed and Forget-me-nots like that one documentary on crop circles he watched with Will forever ago, bending the plants but not breaking the stems, it's a holy site after all 
Around him are the cuttings of the people plants he's been arranging into piles. Hyathsenth, Fig, Apple, Myrtle, Olive, Fir, Weeping Myrrh, Cypress, Walnut, Laurel, Popular, and of course Oak and Linden
“Godling, that bad place for nest,” a goose says as it toddles up to Jason through the wildflowers “Gramcracker can show you water if you need. Gramcracker built good nest with Cheerio by water, hatch many eggs”
“It's not a nest,” Jason tells the waterfowl
“Look like nest” Gramcracker observes, tilting his head “Sticks in circle. Not good nest, need better structure, try layering sticks not in piles”
“It's not a nest,” Jason explains “I'm trying to bring someone back”
“Back from where?”
“The dead”
“That fool errand”
“I've done it before” Jason sighs “I just gotta try something new this time”
“Ah” the goose nods “Lucky mate then”
“He's not my mate”
“Don’t, understand “ Gramcracker questions “Why build nest if not for mate?”
“It's not about him being my mate,” he sighs again “He can go have a life with someone else if he wants to, I just want him by my side”
“As mate?”
“Yeah,” Jason looks over at the goose “But he doesn’t have to be if he doesn’t want to”
“Make no sense then,” Gramcracker questions “Why build nest not for mate, no do dance yet?”
“Yeah, we haven't done a dance yet,” Jason snorts out a chuckle “But I'm making this so maybe he can come back and we can do the dance”
“Nest first then dance smart move,” the goose complements, sitting down next to him and tucking his little bird legs away “Did same with Cheerio worked very well”
“Are you happy with your Cheerio?” Jason asks him
“Very much!” Gramcracker flufflels himself out in contentedness “She's good mate, we hatch many eggs”
The goose sits with Jason as he works, simply watching his apparently atrocious nest-building 
“Why this one as mate” Gramcracker eventually asks “Many other birds on lake, less crazy godling work”
“Because he's, everything at this point,” Jason says back “We have been doing this for so long, I don't think I can stop now”
“Sunk fowllacy” 
“It's not just that, it's that he does it back. We haven't known each other for so long , but every time I go he calls me back again. He doesn't have to, but he does. It makes me want to do the same in return”
“Because love him?”
“Yeah” Jason smiles to himself “Because I love him”
“how long since been with mate”
“Three years”
“Three years ” Gramcracker squawks “That too long”
“You don't get it, you're just a bird” Jason twirls the cutting of Apple in his fingers “I heard him the last time, in the maze as it collapsed. He was there ”
“Gramcracker may be just bird,” the waterfowl ruffles himself in discontent at his answer “But Gramcracker know how to be good mate. If mate is in there you go to them”
“This is me going to him,” Jason tells the bird “If my ‘nest’ works I'll be closer this time. This time maybe I can actually see him”
“All this just to see ?!“
“We get closer each time,” Jason says, looking down at an intertwined twig of Oak and Linden “And the deaths are getting sooner. If we keep at it we might make it”
Gramcracker gives a contemplative honk “Strange curse on your mate godling”
“Yeah” Jason checks his notes again “but we'll break it eventually, we have to”
“Here idea,” the goose tells him ”Gramcracker know where good berries are, good roots. When break curse, come to Gramcracker. You two hatch many eggs then”
“Thank you friend,” Jason says laying out the last of the twigs “I might take you up on that”
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devskindawritingblog · 10 months
Dating Van Palmer Christmas HC’s (1996)
She also likes Christmas quite a bit
Again, not about Christmas, but Van seems like she has a few siblings
I feel she spent most of her time taking care of others, either her mom or if she had younger siblings
Her mom was there for Christmas, but she wasn’t really fully there
I feel Van would always try to have fun with Christmas, regardless of the circumstances
Unlike Jackie, I feel she loves snow, all aspects of it
She loves snowball fights, snow angels, making a snowman, shovelling snow to a certain extent, and going sledding
You and her have a snowball fight, and she’s so overly dramatic about it 
She falls over on the ground, clutching her chest like the nerd she is
Tackling you in the snow after she has been “revived” 
Making like a whole snow family with her
Walking out to a hill near her house and going down on a sled together
Type of person who, while your walking down the sidewalk, to push you into a snowbank (I definitely haven't done this to anyone)
I feel Van is not super hot or super cold at anytime
It’s nice when you sleep with her because you will never too cold or warm
Likes fudge
I feel she also likes mint flavoured stuff
Like candy canes, those peppermint patties, and not Christmas-related but like mint chocolate chip ice cream
Big fan of Christmas sweaters
Definitely the ones with the dirty jokes on them
Just in general, I know Van has funny ass shirts
Or, like really specific niche subjects on them
Christmas movies!!!!!
We can all agree that she is a huge movie buff
Older her owns a freaking video store, for fucks sake
She would be all over the holiday movies
Rewatching all the classics every year
Buying her a VHS tape of her favourite movie so she can watch it whenever she wants 
Type of person to talk all the way through a movie and quote it even though she has watched it a million times
Makes so many Christmas puns and dad jokes
“Hey, you know what's different about the Christmas alphabet?”
“It has noel”
“ wait ! I have myrrh puns”
And she laughs her ass off, no matter how stupid it is
She’s the type of person to not be able to hold her laughter in while she’s trying to tell you the joke, only for the punchline to not even be that funny
I feel like Van really likes Christmas trees
Loves setting it up each year and decorating it
If the place you live has a huge Christmas tree, lighting she would be very excited to go 
(Do people actually do these ? My town doesn't do that stuff; I only see it in movies)
Also loves making gingerbread houses, but is way less serious than Shauna
Your trying to build it and look over, and she is eating that icing straight from the bag and any candy or chocolate you have to decorate it 
She is very bad at wrapping presents
They are all very messy and folded, and you can see part of the gift
But it's the thought that counts
She smiles as she hands you a present horribly wrapped with a mountain of tape around it 
Or she would be the type to get you a gag gift for a joke and then give you the actual present 
Like the box inside the box thing
But in the end, the gift is so sweet and thoughtful
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difty-dift · 6 months
Favorite and least favorite character from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones :3c
(you have no idea who this is I bet)
hmmm oh who could it be~...
Favorite Character (both as a unit and character): Myrrh
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yeah yeah the overpowered dragon is my favorite unit what a shock. but also she's very sweet and kinda tragic and i think her story is endearing~
Favorite Character: Lute
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Obviously. Cause she's perfect in every way. Everyone else needs to get on her level. She's just a bit slow in battle though :/ (maybe for me lol)
Favorite Units
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Garcia as a Warrior is just super fun, so much attack, he pretty much kills everyone in one hit. And with access to bows he just has so much more utility. That's why he kept dying on the front lines :D Artur was just surprisingly useful n fun, moderately fast and strong so he would double and kill, helpful with clutch healing, took hits decently and could avoid too, just a well rounded boy
Least Favorite Character (as a unit and character): Rennac
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He's a dick and I hate him Had to play that chapter over again cause i couldn't hire him with Eirika's funds, and when I did recruit him with L'Arachel I used him like once? and i didn't even like him to begin with. what a waste of time
Least Favorite Unit: Knoll
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At least Rennac can hit enemies and not die
Least Favorite Enemy: Reiv
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I wanted to spend more time on that Rausten map you stupid bastard you goddamn coward fuck i hate you
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Honorable Favorites: Innes, Tana, Gerik, Ewan, Gilliam, Ephraim, Eirika, Franz, Ross (after LOTS of training), Joshua, and Dozla. Varying degrees of appreciation in regards to character and as a unit for all.
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feytouched · 7 months
Do you have scents picked out for Lyra/A station/any other companions? I feel like it would be fun to think about
OHHH you just blended my two beloved topics into one..... this is a fun one!! these ended up mostly being indie scent picks bc that's where i've found the most interesting, out-of-the-box note combinations.
lyra: since she's very much into herbalism and also a druid, my in-canon scent description of her would be that she smells of weavemoss, musk creeper petals, and a faint scent of animal fur. irl, this would translate into oakmoss, dead leaves, lavender, tonka, and musk. something like sleepy by lush, bacchante by alkemia, or loup garou by hexennacht.
astarion: he makes it easy because he describes his own perfume blend as 'bergamot, rosemary, and brandy'. people have made perfumes following this already, but on a less literal sense, i think he'd also wear caveau des innocents by alkemia, wilde by bpal, or vicomte de balmont by bpal. the former is a perfect den of debauchery in perfume form, and the other two are attractive dandyish colognes.
shadowheart: 100% deadly nightshade by alkemia. this is what a night orchid smells like to me - violets and leather. selûnite shadowheart would also wear amyris femme, i think. it has a citric, clean vibe, and iirc there's in-game text mentioning 'lime soap' for her. and dark justiciar shadowheart would be a dior hypnotic poison kinda girl imo.
lae'zel: nevertheless, she persisted by bpal has a funky metallic edge to it that's an acquired taste, much like our favourite githyanki. somehow i also think she'd suit bastet by bpal (myrrh, cardamom, almond, lotus) - it shows her softer side. bpal fighter might be on the nose, but it's another perfect choice.
karlach: if you wanna go literal - smokestack by bpal will have that industrial, smoky edge to it. however i'm not a fan of it, and i like karlach too much to give her a scent i dislike. she could also rock by the fireplace by maison margiela; it's smoky, but comforting, like her whole vibe.
wyll: incantation vanille by alkemia! it takes simple vanilla and dips it into layers of intense smokiness and it emerges transformed, much like the blade of frontiers. incantation by bpal would also work (peppery, slightly smoky cologne).
gale: whispers in the library by maison margiela is a no-brainer; it smells like books. i think impossibility, like wine by alkemia would also work for him. anathema by bpal (opium, vetiver, honeysuckle) makes me think of the netherese orb so i'm adding it to the list.
halsin: robin goodfellow by bpal (mossy woods, musk & herbs) or miel de sauvage et tabac by alkemia. actually the latter is just perfect for him since he does smoke pipe tobacco + the linden honey note suits his sweet tooth for honeycomb.
jaheira: elf by bpal... it smells like a sunlit pine forest + berries! or eden, also by bpal, which is fig (fruit and leaf), honeyed almond milk, toasted coconut and sandalwood. she'd be a sandalwood girlie, i know it.
minsc: another cop-out but it's gotta be bpal's ranger... pine + buckskin + patchouli, it just works for him
no minthara as of yet bc i didn't really interact much with her in this playthrough! :') maybe next one i'll revise this
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Haikyu! Karasuno Thoughts/HCs:
content: personal HCs and thoughts on each Karasuno member
Daichi is likely really good at math. i say this because he’s so logical and thinks things through. he has to be a left brainer.
i feel like Daichi isn’t good at cooking but isn’t bad either.
Daichi is reliable because of something in his past. There had to be a time where something went wrong and he had to step up, a time where he WASN’T reliable and he lost someone important to him (doesn’t have to be death), or he didn’t have someone there for him when he needed it.
Daichi secretly wants to be in on the chaos, but because he’s the Captain he feels like he has to set an example for the first years.
Daichi prefers savory foods. He doesn’t really like to eat sweets as often but every now and again he’ll snack on some homemade foods.
Daichi is either a minimalist, a plant dad, or both.
Daichi is very, very cleanly and his room is organized.
I feel like his clothes are color coded and by season.
Daichi owns romance manga/ slice-of-life manga.
Daichi secretly loves dramas and soap operas.
Daichi was a band kid; played a wind instrument or the drums. Likely joined marching band.
Probably works part time at an animal shelter bc he loves animals.
HAD to be a theatre kid
Suga loves musicals and romance anime/manga
Suga secretly wants to be like Daichi/ looks up to Daichi
Suga is like Noya and Shoyo at heart
Suga desperately wants to join in on their shenanigans but is torn between setting an example for them and being the chaos he (and the other third years) knows he is
Suga gives THE BEST hugs and cuddles- no one can convince me otherwise
Suga smells like coffee, peppermint, and a hint of myrrh incense
Suga believes in a higher power
Suga owns a ton of scented candles, incense, bath bombs, smells goods
Suga doesn't really like to wear cologne
Suga is really good at baking and cooking
Suga is the wine aunt that gossips at family gatherings
Suga has a strong moral code
Suga gives really, really good advice
Suga doesn’t think he’s very good looking
Suga has soft hands, even with the callouses
Asahi probably owns a few stuffed animals. like the really cute plushies
indie rock/90s rock/classic rock enthusiast
Asahi is insecure about his appearance. all of those comments about him being a delinquent and scary have made him more timid
Asahi cuddles his pillow at night
Asahi is low-key a hippie
Asahi loves hiking/kayaking/anything to do with nature and being outside
wears those pendulum necklaces
Asahi was a band kid as well- probably played a wind instrument
collects rocks, seashells, etc— is a plant dad too
Asahi is really knowledgeable on plants
Asahi wishes he could man up and ask Kiyoko out on a date.
Asahi cares very deeply about his friend and the team.
Asahi still feels guilty about leaving the team and dedicates most of his free time to studying/practicing
Asahi loves volleyball with all his heart
Noya was a leash kid and got in trouble quite often
Noya was a menace. since he wasn’t afraid of anything, he would scare his peers and friends by picking up spiders and snakes and chase after them.
Noya is a hopeless romantic but has no rizz whatsoever.
Noya would be a wonderful boyfriend but he just wouldn’t know what to do.
Noya doesn’t care how long a piece of food has been on the floor- he will eat it.
Noya cares about the team very dearly. they’re essentially his family
When Noya isn’t able to save the ball, he takes it to heart. he often beats himself up for it.
Noya blames himself for Asahi leaving the team.
Noya loves fruit.
Noya sometimes wishes that he could be a better influence on the first years but then remembers that he wouldn’t have any fun and ultimately decides to just be the physical embodiment of chaos.
Noya is really sweet and thoughtful when he wants to be.
Noya is very observant.
Tanaka was probably beat up by his sister as a kid and bc of that he’s good at wrestling and shit.
Tanaka, if someone could take him seriously, has hella rizz.
Tanaka loves christmas.
Tanaka values his friends and family and holds them very close to his heart
Tanaka feels incompetent on the court quite often but suppresses that feeling so his insecurities don’t affect the game.
Tanaka really, really enjoys hanging out with the first years.
Tanaka looks up to Daichi.
Tanaka loves fucking with Tsukishima.
Tanaka thinks Shoyo and Yamaguchi are precious babies and thus, gives them the same tough love his sister gave him.
Tanaka is good at makeup because his sister made him learn.
Tanaka does face masks.
Tanaka wears cologne that will absolutely make you fall in love with him, but doesn’t spray enough for it to last through the day.
Tanka is a huge foodie, but can only cook the basics; he’s learning though.
Tanaka low key does face masks on his head.
Tanaka has an inferiority and big brother complex.
Kageyama is seriously insecure with everything- even volleyball. that’s why he practices so much.
Kageyama has self sabotaging tendencies.
Kageyama likes bubble tea.
Kageyama uses expensive shampoo.
Kageyama has really, really soft hair and skin.
Kageyama thinks of Shoyo as his best friend but will never admit it because of his pride.
Kageyama cherishes the time he spends with his teammates (minus that bastard Tsukishima).
Kageyama can’t cook to save his life.
Kageyama also has an inferiority complex but hides it under his stoic expression and harsh words.
Kageyama eats like twice his weight everyday (an exaggeration ofc, but he does eat a lot of food).
Kageyama is envious of how easily Shoyo gets along with the others and secretly wishes he could do the same.
Kageyama also feels immensely grateful for all the times Shoyo has stood up for him and come through.
Kageyama is bisexual with a heavy female lean.
Shoyo is a wonderful older brother and plays with his sister in his free time (which includes outside of practicing volleyball).
Shoyo was also a leash kid and his mother had the backpack that had a leash attached.
Shoyo got lost often as a kid, so he tries his best not to get lost.
Shoyo thinks of Kageyama as his best friend too.
Shoyo uses girl shampoo and body wash because he thinks it smells really good.
Shoyo is the type to wear a maid outfit for the fuck of it.
Shoyo wants Kageyama to acknowledge his growth.
Shoyo knows Kageyama sees him as a friend which is why he teases him so much.
Shoyo wants to be closer with the third years and the other second years.
Shoyo is so pure and dedicated to volleyball that he hasn’t had his first kiss or even thought of having it.
Shoyo is decent at cooking.
Shoyo is kinda religious.
Shoyo wants to become a professional volleyball player alongside Kageyama so they can be on the same team.
Shoyo can’t imagine not being on the same team as Kageyama.
Shoyo reads romance manga and watches the anime versions of it.
Tsukishima Kei:
Tsukishima admires Shoyo’s resilience and dedication but will never admit it to anyone.
Tsukishima’s love language is insults and quality time.
Tsukishima secretly wishes he could communicate normally (without insults) to everyone else on the team.
Tsukishima cares for his team and hopes they care for him too.
Tsukishima is the type of person to be good at hacking.
Tsukishima wears light cologne, but the Adidas kind (adidas moves and adidas strk)
Tsukishima is good at baking.
Tsukishima listens to alternative and soft music sometimes, but typically listens to rock.
Tsukishima watches horror, supernatural, and action anime.
Tsukishima wishes he could mend things with his brother but doesn’t want to because of his pride.
Tsukishima thinks Yamaguchi is cool as hell and holds their friendship very close to his heart.
Tsukishima’s body language gives him away, but no one can read it since the signs are nearly impossible to read.
Tsukishima has a hard time trusting people because of his brother.
Yams listens to soft music, lofi, and alternative
Yams loves all anime and manga genres.
Yams uses a sound machine to sleep.
Yams uses a weighted blanket.
Yams loves mochi and sweets.
Yams also loves spicy food.
Yams thinks of Shoyo as a potential best friend.
Yams wishes Tsukishima would come of out his shell and interact with everyone else.
Yams looks up to Sugawara and Shimada.
Yams is very socially awkward and shy so he has a hard time speaking to people.
Yams has a MAJOR inferiority complex.
Yams has many phobias including, but not limited to, public speaking, failure, being alone, spiders, and losing his teeth
Yams still checks under his bed at night for monsters.
Yams sleeps cuddling a body pillow.
Yams was the one who got Tsukishima into anime.
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hallow-moons · 2 years
Names in Last Legacy and their meanings
I made a post like this a while back but didn't go into too much detail and only did the names of the main 3 plus Rime, Lucan and Elowen.
So here's a more in depth look plus more characters.
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Sage - Latin for "wise" or "healthy" or English for the sage plant.
Lesath - 1. Greek meaning "foggy." 2. The name comes from the Arabic las’a, meaning “pass (or bite) of a poisonous animal.” Also one of the stars in the Scorpio constellation.
Tulsi- Hindu meaning "basil"
Ain - Arabic meaning "eye" or Estonian for "Yahweh is gracious." Also one of the major stars in the Taurus constellation.
Anisa - Arabic for "pleasant companion" or a possible play on the star anise plant.
Anka - Hebrew meaning "grace" or "favor." Ankaa is also a star in the Phoenix constellation.
Felix - Latin for "happy" or "lucky."
Iskandar - Arabic variant of the name Alexander.
Escellun - Son of Escell.
Elowen - Cornish for "elm tree"
Lucan - Italian for "light" or the Irish variant of the name Luke
de Bhaldraithe - An Irish surname
Rime - English meaning ice or frost. Or Old English for a poet or minstrel.
Solano - Spanish & Aragonese for "place exposed to the sun."
Varela - Galician meaning "belonging to the sea."
Saaros - (Saros) Greek meaning "sweep" or The Saros Cycle - A period in which eclipses repeat themselves.
Azimuth - (noun) 1. the direction of a celestial object from the observer, expressed as the angular distance from the north or south point of the horizon to the point at which a vertical circle passing through the object intersects the horizon. 2. The horizontal angle or direction of a compass bearing.
Orion - Greek meaning “rising in the sky” and “dawning.” Also "The Hunter" star constellation.
Vega - 1. Spanish meaning "dweller in the meadow" or "one who lives on the plain." 2. The name is a loose transliteration of the Arabic wāqi‘ (“falling” or “landing”), from the phrase an-nasr al-wāqi‘, meaning “the falling eagle.” Also a star in the Lyra constellation.
Florian - German form of the Roman/Latin word for "flower" or "blossoming."
Valerian - Latin meaning "strong" or "healthy." Also a type of plant.
Anguis - Latin meaning "dragon" as in the Hydra constellation.
Scylla - Greek meaning "tear", "rip", "smash to pieces." A sea monster in Greek mythology.
Escella - daughter of Escell
Balsam - German occupational name for a seller of spices and perfumes or Latin balsamum 'balsam aromatic resin'
Celena - Greek meaning “the moon.”
Escell - no name meaning found
Mirun - Greek meaning "myrrh"
Ayanna - Swahili origin meaning "beautiful flower."
That's all the characters from the actual VN, but below I wanted to include my two LL MCs as well. Just for fun.
Aura - Latin for "wind" or aura as in spiritual energy.
Gallagher - Irish/Gaelic meaning "foreign helper."
Ris - Bosnian word for the Lynx cat.
Alcyone - Greek meaning "kingfisher" (a type of bird), and the name of the brightest star of the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus.
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