0range-flames · 2 months
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I made this couple days ago so here you go an unexpected crossover lol XD
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izztreme-art-n-stuff · 18 hours
Here's the second preview for the second chapter:
This scene. This fucking scene. This has to be the funniest scene I've ever written. In anything ever. It's even better with the context that everything before this was (at least partially) serious. This is the Mood Whiplash of the century and a perfect view into how this fic treats itself.
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iheartgod175 · 1 year
Second Styles - Darkness Rewrite Explained
NOTE: This post details a plot point of what will be coming in Chapter 4 of Darkness Rewrite, a few entries in the Gaiden series, and the sequel, Chaos’s Revenge. Read at your own risk!
Writing up the fourth chapter of this story led to me creating a new concept that I’ll be introducing throughout the Gaiden series up until Chaos’ Revenge hits. And that concept is called “Second Styles”. I basically wanted to explain it so that readers won’t be wholly confused when they get to the parts featuring them.
What is a Second Style?
As the name implies, this is a superhero’s second fighting style, which often features stronger techniques and forms not present in their main fighting method. The term was coined by Mother Goose herself, who in this universe was not only the chief founder of the Super Readers, but also an efficient fighter herself—to give context to this, she was one of the first guardians of the World Tree, and she was Jeremiah’s mentor. Let that sink in for a moment.
Having fought many battles, Mother Goose knew that there were many powerful villains who had no qualms about harming or even killing the Super Readers. The concept of a Second Style was built around this grim reality, and she wanted these kids to have a fighting chance. Though the first branches she started followed this practice, later branches of the Super Readers would disregard her words, which led to them getting eliminated by villains, including the Evil Reader/Chaos.
With the new age of Super Readers, Jeremiah remembered his mentor’s words and wasted no time in teaching them this. Months after Chaos’ defeat, he took it upon himself to help them develop into stronger heroes. In addition to giving the team a new brace that allows them to transform outside of the Book Club, he and other members of the Council (those that he personally trusts, anyway) begin to train the kids to utilize their upgrades effectively and develop new fighting styles. Though training helps them stabilize their powers, it���s through trials that causes them to awaken their Second Style to its full potential, as seen below in the breakdown.
In an interesting case, the Super Readers technically have three sets of powers—their regular reading powers; their base upgraded forms, which allows them to do a little more damage; and the Second Styles. It would be accurate to call it “Third Style”, but I didn’t like the way that sounded, haha XD
In any case, the Second Styles are somewhat modeled off of Honkai Impact 3rd’s battlesuits—and obviously, there are NO fanservice elements! In these forms, the Super Readers’ elements are either emphasized or changed completely, as well as their color schemes and weapons/fighting methods being completely changed.
These are the list of characters who currently have a Second Style as of the writing in chapter 4, and its breakdown!
Super Why
Second Style: Azure Tempest (@blazing-shadows, you’ll get the reference XD)
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Inspired by: Palatinus Equinox from Honkai Impact 3rd, The Evil Reader/Jackson Flatts from the original SRBA
Super Why’s Second Style had a few names—Blue Blaze, Azure Blaze, and Azure Flamechaser—before he eventually settled on Azure Tempest. This Second Style is an answer to the oft-asked question of whether he will follow in the steps of Jackson Flatts, who was on the same path as him at one point before his fall from grace. Indeed, it mirrors Jackson’s fighting style in that it appears flashy, but it is not to be underestimated in battle, as for what it lacks in quickness (some attacks take time to charge) it more than makes up for in destructive power.
The wielder of the azure flames will light the way in the inky darkness.
Super Why’s costume is black with azure highlights in this form, and like Woofster, has no additional armor on his costume. He combines light and fire—with the latter being the dominant element. His main weakness in this form is its time limit, as he can only use it at full strength for a full seven minutes before facing blowback. Any longer will result in him losing consciousness, which can be exploited by his enemies; as such, he’d need effective backup when using this form in combat because of this.
Princess Presto
Second Style: Retribution/Divine Retribution
Weapon of Choice: Divine Lightning (two-edged sword)
Inspired by: Herrscher of Thunder/Origin from Honkai Impact 3rd, She-Ra (‘80s version), Iris’ Shanila Form from LoliRock
Princess Presto’s Second Style takes an element from a painful experience—namely, the time when the Evil Reader possessed her and forced her to fight her friends and father. Having come to terms with that experience, she decides to make one of the weapons saved from that battle—Divine Lightning—a part of her arsenal. She trades her light and magic in favor of the element of lightning, and while not nearly as experienced in sword fighting as Muse or Super Why, she can still hold her own in combat.
White and gold lightning tears the heavens asunder, saving the innocent and smiting the wicked.
Princess Presto’s costume is white and gold, and one stark transformation brought about her is her hair, which trails behind her in a long ponytail and streaked with white and gold. Similar to Alpha Pig, her form comes with additional armor and gear that covers her legs and arms, which allows her to deflect attacks. While she can hold onto her form longer than Super Why, her main weakness is if an opposing element challenges her (such as water).
Alpha Pig
Second Style: Juggernaut
Weapon of Choice: Rocket Fists/Cannons
Inspired by: Herrscher of Reason/Herrscher of Truth and Sweet ‘n Spicy from Honkai Impact 3rd, Hibiki Tachibana from Symphogear, J.A.R.V.I.S.
Alpha Pig’s Second Style is unique amongst the other Super Readers in that he built a lot of it himself, rather than being a relic from the Fairytale World (in the case of Whyatt, Muse and Woofster) or weapons that were meant to harm them (in the case of Red and Princess Pea). Pig intended to use it with his upgraded fighting style, but the team’s journey with Santiago and crew led to him learning a surprising fact about his family, and he ultimately pursued a new fighting style that honors his family’s legacy. Originally the weakest in terms of physical combat, his Second Style would transform him into a miniature powerhouse capable of taking on bigger foes, thereby making the name of his Second Style all the more meaningful.
Determination, like a flame, blooms in the young hero’s heart, erasing his fear and fueling his desire to carry on the legacy he’s inherited.
Alpha Pig’s costume is dark blue, silver and black, making him look eerily similar to his counterpart, Material-B. His Second Style makes use of both his creativity and imagination, as well as a few of his powers as a Super Reader—inspired by his vast array of tools, he can transform one or both of his rocket fists into any weapon of his choosing. Similar to Super Why, his main element, light, is often a second player next to the pure physical power he can dish out. This Second Style comes with a built in operating system that appears to have its own personality, and does “the hard stuff” (such as calculations) for him. Its secondary mode, known as the Imperium Form, allows him greater power at the cost of both speed and higher energy consumption. While his Second Style lasts the longest out of the Super Readers, its long cooldown period and high consumption rate means that this is often saved as a truly last resort.
A few notes…
The idea for Second Styles came about when I was racking my brain for a way to continue the PP, AP and Davit vs. Materials B and S fight (and yes, I DO know what that looks like, LOL XD). A secret weapon was cool, but then I went back and reread some of SRBA for inspiration. Thank God I did! Because after working on Princess Presto, all the other Super Readers got a chance to shine!
As of this writing, Woofster and Wonder Red currently do not have Second Styles, though there are in-universe reasons for this. Woofster was in the process of developing a Second Style, but his disastrous fight with Material-D hindered that. Wonder Red, however, did not develop a Second Style because she believed that her own power would be enough to defeat the Evil Readers and any other threat that came their way; in addition to her own upgrade, she also has the extremely powerful yet ultimately lethal Berserker Mode that allows her to tear through enemies at the cost of shortening her life. After the events of this chapter, she and Woofster would start developing their own Second Styles…which will be revealed in Chaos’ Revenge. I know, I’m evil 😈 LOL 😆
That Super Why/Santiago of the Seas crossover IS still happening, and is canon in this ‘verse. The end of that crossover kicks off Alpha Pig’s arc into finding his Second Style.
Muse has a Second Style, and so does Jackson, which is revealed in one of the side stories before Darkness Rewrite. I’ll eventually work on how they got their forms in another post!
Most of the Super Readers haven’t seen each other’s Second Styles due to the fact that since these have less limits than their first upgrades (in terms of controlling how powerful their attacks would be), and knowing that they would probably knock each other into the hospital. They often train one-on-one with the other Superhero Councilmen or Jeremiah when he’s available, hence why many of them are shocked to see each others’ Super modes in battle in the chapter proper. The only person who has seen the other’s Second Style is Whyatt seeing Pig’s, which is explained in-story and in one of the side stories that takes place before DR.
If the first upgrades were inspired by Nanoha, then these were inspired by Honkai, with a little bit of Symphogear. Whyatt’s was inspired by Dudu’s recent suit, Palatinus Equinox, in terms of color scheme, while Pig’s was heavily inspired by Bronya’s most powerful suits, namely HoR and HoTr, and Carole’s suit, Sweet n’ Spicy, in terms of weaponry and color scheme. The initial idea for Pig’s suit also came from viewing a Symphogear XDU card of Hibiki wielding large, robotic gauntlets in game; I thought it’d be funny to add in Bronya’s weapons to make it truly stand out. Princess Presto’s…I can’t say for sure what inspired hers, but I realized she’d basically be this story’s HoT in terms of sheer DPS. And you know the Disney Princess’ Gold outfits, right? Well, I’ve loved them ever since I was a little girl, and I figured it’d be awesome for Princess Presto to have a dress similar to that in coloration!
Whyatt in-universe is basically a nerd, who in addition to liking superheroes is rather fond of giant robots and mecha. As explained in DR ch. 4, he fanboyed over Pig’s Second Style when he first saw it. I pictured his reaction as similar to Nanoha learning about Einhart’s fighting style in ViVid. XD
As of now, I’m still working on pics with the kids’ Second Styles, though it’s giving me a bit of trouble at the moment! I hope to have them out following the release of this chapter!
I hope you all liked this post, and look forward to the releasing of chapter 4!
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fountainpenguin · 11 months
I want to share my favorite series of Super Why screenshots because this scene has been an in-joke in my family for 10 years.
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normalgoalie · 11 months
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Bobby hits his 20th home run of the season
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forsty · 2 years
im not even gonna do my daily games today im just gonna draw werewolf rooster RIGHT AWAY
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al-val-meadow · 1 year
Six of Crows Characters as Super Why
(my friend and I were talking about soc as six the musical and I said k howard as wylan? musician “chemistry” and severe manipulation? super wylan and my friend replied super why and I replied super wy so this is how this happened)
Super Why-Super Wy(lan)
Woofster-Jesper (because woofster and whyatt are besties and historians will call them close friends besties roommates colleagues anything but lovers history hates loves)
Princess Presto-Kaz (no explanation pure vibes)
Alpha Pig-Inej (once again vibes)
Wonder Red-Nina (little red bird)
Now where’s Matthias? He’s little boy blue-not one of the main cast but red’s friend
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inkydavinkygal · 9 months
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Don't worry guys! Pig and Woofster aren't gone; they're just on vacation/taking a break. Being a Super Reader can be an exhausting job, especially for the youngest member! They aren't going anywhere :)
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Have you seen this childhood show: Super Why! (2007-2016), Canada and United States (English)
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Commentary/Context/Memories: No user commentary.
[Mod A: I love how many preschool shows had superhero teams haha. This superhero team’s goal was to improve kids literacy skills and they did so by introducing kids to various famous stories and characters. The team is made of fairytale characters that each have a literacy power: Littlest Pig (power of alphabet), Princess Pea (power of spelling), Red Riding Hood (power of words/rhyming) and Whyatt Beanstalk (power of vocabulary) and Woofster (power of dictionary/word meaning). Together, they have to solve a “super big” problem, question or mystery; they go inside a famous story to solve it. As they move through the plot-line, they use literacy skills to overcome obstacles, which gets them “Super Letters”, which they rearrange at the end of the episode within their headquarters to spell out the answer to their “super big” problem/question/mystery. They also discuss why that word fits the problem/theme of the famous story. I was a huge reader as a little kid (still am!), so I wonder if I would’ve been into this show!]
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lavalamp-juice · 5 months
Do you have any headcanons for Super-Why and the super readers?
Only a couple! I'm not very creative lol
They have board/card game night! It's always so fun to imagine characters playing UNO together lol. Red would have a winning streak fr
When they are older they rant to each other about the different books they have read.
They have "Potlucks" (just snacks lol) from time to time.
Red brings PB&J sandwiches cut into triangles
Princess Pea brings tea snacks like small finger foods
Whyatt brings chips (lays)
Alpha Pig brings peanut butter cookies and apple juice :3
Woofster brings dog treats (he's very proud of himself)
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capnmachete · 10 days
OC Interview Tag
Great thanks for the tag, @winglesswriter ❤
I'll be answering for George from Ugly Sweaters and Dodgy Oysters
Are you named after anyone?
My father, unfortunately, the treacherous old prat
When was the last time you cried?
Oof. I'm trying to recall. Probably when the old Baron passed away, a little; we were very close when I was a boy
Do you have any kids?
No. Wish I did.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Who, moi? Perish the thought.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes. Not so much their color and that; it's more a matter of how they look at people. It tells you a lot.
What is your eye color?
Greenish-grayish-blueish. I'm sure there's a proper name for it, but I'm not certain what it is.
Any special talents?
I'm still an excellent marksman, although it's not a skill I have much reason to use anymore. Good at restoring antiques, which -- along with appraisals -- is currently paying the bills.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings -- I'm an absolute fool for them -- but let's keep that between you and I, shall we?
Where were you born?
Do you have any pets?
Three dogs -- Jeeves, a St. Bernard, Woofster, a bulldog, and Fergus, a Yellow Dog of Very Little Brain and Uncertain Provenance.
How tall are you?
Not very LOL Shortish; 5'8"
What was your favorite subject in school?
None of the above. Despised all of it. Wait -- that's not entirely true. I enjoyed English literature class, but only for the actual books; the rest was complete shite.
What is your dream job?
Not sure I have one? I'm fairly fond of what I'm doing already.
No pressure tag for @katwritesshit, @todaysrat, @lexywrite, @bouncydragon, @elskiee, @morganxduinn
@morning-alfie; @x-w1ng, @justhallucinating + OPEN TAG!!!
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0range-flames · 8 months
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Pov: you're hanging out with the super readers but Red was raging over uno at the book club
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Chapter one of Super Readers and The Spark of Red is now released!
Pay no mind to the cover, it's just a little silly
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iheartgod175 · 1 year
In No Hurry - Part 2
Here’s part two of the Super Why snippet! For the full, un separated version, that’ll go on AO3!
"Welcome back," he said, cracking a small smile. "You had me worried for a moment there."
"U-Uh, yeah. Sorry about that," she muttered, the heat on her face becoming an inferno. She was sure she was redder than her helmet by now. Drat, and double drat. Now he'll think you're a weirdo. "Thanks for the save."
"Any time," he replied. "But you've gotta be careful next time."
"Trust me, that'll be the last time," Wonder Red replied. "I'd like to make it to my eleventh birthday, after all."
That brought about a chuckle. "I'd like that too, Wonder Red."
She swallowed nervously. Any more time up here, and she'd probably pass out from overheating. "W-We'd better get back down to the ground..."
There was a pause. And then, in a small voice that she'd never heard from him before, he said, "Actually, um...I'm in no hurry..."
Well. If his earlier comment made her overheat, then this made her heart skip a beat. Or several. The red tinging his face and the shyness that was present in his eyes told her that yes, he did just say what she thought he'd said, and no, this was not one of her silly dreams, this was very much real. She gulped, and opened her mouth to say something...
...only for a voice that was not her own to spill out of it.
"THERE you two are!"
Both Super Readers nearly jumped out of their skin as Alpha Pig and Princess Presto flew up to them, both of them filled with relief. Initially startled, Super Why barely managed to keep both of them aloft, leading her to wrap her arms around his shoulders. They barely got a word out before both of them were mobbed by hugs from their friends, which almost sent them tumbling out of the sky.
"We were so worried!" Princess Presto exclaimed.
"You weren't the only one," Super Why said, and it took everything she had in her to not blush.
After letting her go, Princess Presto faced Red with a small glare. "Please promise me you won't run off like that next time," she said.
"Yeah. Super Why gave me the heads up on that."
"You're not hurt or anything, right?" Alpha Pig asked.
"Other than having the daylights scared out of me," Wonder Red admitted, "I'm fine."
"Good. We were wondering why you two were up here for so long," Alpha Pig noted.
That annoying heat reached her face and ears again. This time, she wasn't alone, as Super Why's face was reaching a similar shade. Alpha Pig looked between the two in confusion, while Princess Presto looked at them with a knowing look.
They were spared from answering when Woofster shouted, "GUYS, YOU'VE GOTTA GET DOWN HERE, QUICK!"
The panicked tone in the Golden Retriever's voice kept their questions at bay. With one last shared glance, they dove through the clouds, muscles taut with tension as they prepared to deal with whatever monstrosity awaited them below...
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yuilovesundertale · 1 month
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⪩⪨ vol 1.5 woofster and yui adventure episode ⪩⪨
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So, in Baccy's city what are the regional sodas and restaurant chains available? Like, I tend to have problems when traveling too far from my home state in finding Cheerwine to drink or a Bojangles to eat at.
So its sorta Virginia/north carolina inspired, based on the cities I drew inspo from. SO that means Coke and Pepsi abound. Mountain dew? heck yeah. everyone drinks the go-go juice. cheerwine also is there, since it is popular in the Carolinas and can be found in a lot of the southeast. Bojangles is around, but so are Popeyes and Moes. Woofster's is a riff on some of the chains I know for those states. Smithfields bbq I think?!
Theres also a seafood restaurant that i cant recall if it is a chain or just a local thing. oof.
They do have a Cook Out. That's where college kids go on Friday nights. lol.
Side note, I have been stuck places with no Coke before. It was so terribly sad. Ive also been stuck places with no Mountain Dew. I was planning to riot/j
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