#am happy to use rinkah too :3
katfreaks-hidyhole · 9 months
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The Tempest Trial Team for “Life and Death III”
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auburnflight · 4 years
Why Rinkah is amazing and underappreciated:
Rinkah is such a wonderfully complex character, and I appreciate that. In terms of both appearance and personality, she creates a very strong, particular first impression, as a “hardened warrior” and as the sole representative of the Flame Tribe among the game’s major characters. The other characters and the game itself often view her through these two lenses, but I find it intriguing to delve into just how many layers are beneath that impression.
Keeping others at a distance by default and being cautious about the connections she forms, when she’s from a small, highly individual tribe that has also suffered marked breaches of trust in the past, makes sense. As she describes in her supports with Corrin, it tends to be outsiders who extinguish the eternal flame that her tribe keeps burning; sometimes these outsiders do so out of malice, and sometimes out of simple insensitivity. This policy of keeping outsiders at a distance is often described in dialogue as a “law,” but other times as more of a “guideline.” And indeed, Rinkah seems to understand it (even if not on a conscious level) as a way of framing one’s thinking, rather than an absolute to which one should adhere. She is described on the surface as “aloof,” but I think it’s more complicated than that: more that she dedicates her entire heart and being to whatever she does, wherever she decides to be, and she demands that same level of respect and seriousness from others.
Clearly, Rinkah has a very strong sense of self. And she invests a lot into whatever pursuits she’s focusing on, and into herself as a person. Whether it’s food (as in her conversations with Hayato), free time (in the overworld and one-on-one interactions), or other people (in her supports with Saizo), she doesn’t like wasting; once she decides something is important to her, she strives to treat it with the utmost value. As a result, she isn’t interested in idle chatter or superficial connections. Perhaps this is one reason that she is so cautious of Corrin at first, in spite of owing them a debt: the Nohrian noble has apparently earned a widespread reputation for being naive, and Rinkah reads their initial attempt at conversation accordingly. Maybe this means in some cases, she’s predisposed to forming preconceptions about other people, which may or may not prove true later. But part of this is also holding others to the same high standards to which she holds herself: she naturally invests considerable energy in wherever she decides to focus, and she wants to make sure this energy won’t go to waste on someone who is only interested in surface-level interaction, who won’t respect her for entire self.
And perhaps because she aims to be treated accordingly, she may not be comfortable with what she perceives to be her own weaknesses. For instance, her supports with Kaze reveal that she actively hides her sweet tooth, arguing that it’s not something everyone needs to know about, and she responds defensively when he shows concern. Even though her love for sweets isn’t inherently a weakness, she sees it as something that could potentially cause others to treat her differently from how she would prefer (for example, doting on her or seeing her as childish). Kaze points out that she seems focused on maintaining false appearances. But it’s not necessarily that Rinkah wants to lie to herself or other people. It may be that, opposite of her initial impression, she is actually quite sensitive to others.
Not so much in the sense that she would change who she is based on what others think. And in fact, as we see from supports such as Oboro trying to convince her to eat with utensils instead of her hands, she generally refuses to compromise on who she is just based on others’ ideas, unless they can frame this change as advantageous to her in some way. Rather than letting fear of others’ opinions control her, it’s more that she wants to make sure others understand who she is and how highly she thinks of herself (if this isn’t obvious from her very first instance of dialogue in the game, in chapter 3: “I am Rinkah! Daughter of the Flame Tribe’s honorable Chieftain!”). She sees herself as independent, unafraid and unwavering, and strives for others to have this same impression. She even admits this directly in her parent-child supports with Velouria, who is very physically affectionate: when Rinkah accepts a hug from her daughter Velouria, she says to herself, “I hope no one thinks I’ve gone soft...”
But as proud as she is, Rinkah is not entirely too stubborn to admit her own weaknesses when the situation prompts it. Contrary to her outward feelings about her flaws, for the most part, she demonstrates that she’s actually very good at confronting them. Like anyone else, sometimes she suffers lapses in judgment, acting impatient towards others when they don’t listen to her initial requests to leave her alone, responding quite defensively when others comment on her temper, or being more critical of others’ perspectives than maybe the situation warrants. But given space, she consistently realizes this: she returns to the issue, apologizes, understands others’ perspectives, and seeks to set things right. 
Therefore, her sensitivity also comes in the form of being an active listener and an excellent communicator. Exactly because she holds herself in such high regard, she knows when her actions are inconsistent with who she is. She knows when she needs to speak with others about overstepping boundaries, whether her own or someone else’s. And even if it means momentarily swallowing her pride, she uses her mistakes as opportunities for growth wherever possible. 
And I think that’s one of the most respectable things about her. She doesn’t let her strong ideas about herself keep her from growing--if anything, this only furthers her desire to constantly improve, to meet and expand her own expectations of herself. She’s painfully aware of her temper as one of her most immutable weaknesses, but even so, she’s able to obtain the skills to better grapple with it when, in their supports, Ryoma begins to teach her the art of meditation. Such developments occur not only emotionally, but in her physical self as well. Her support conversations (for example, with Hinata and Kagero) often detail her acutely picking up new ideas and fighting techniques from her allies.
How does this all interact with the values of her tribe that she so persistently upholds? The Flame Tribe is said to particularly value their individual identity and independence, and therefore to interact with outsiders as little as possible. But as one finds fulfillment and meaning in forming bonds with others, and as by nature it would be near impossible to participate in the war effort alone, does this mean that Rinkah’s involvement with her allies beyond what is necessary to fight is in opposition to her tribe’s policies? Not necessarily. Rinkah explains in her supports with Keaton that to the Flame Tribe, to be independent means “We are committed to walking our own path, despite what others say or do. We do not compromise, we do not beg for aid, and we do not sell our loyalty.” And thus, the ways in which she so rigidly maintains her sense of self in her interactions with the other characters closely follows these ideas. It’s not about refusing to interact with others or even preferring to be alone; it’s about knowing, at one’s core, who one feels they are as a person, and not going against that core sense of self for the sake of others. 
So I would venture that one of Rinkah’s primary motivations is creating a space where she can uphold that sense of self. This may also be why she potentially reads as closed-off and unwilling to show vulnerability: she places enormous importance on maintaining her own space, both physically and mentally. She does open up to others, given the trust that they will take her just as seriously as she takes herself and them, and given the space to make her own decision to do so. Going back to her conversations with Kaze, in their later supports, she is happy to eat the sweets he offers if left by herself in peace. (Kaze’s decision to go along with her blaming her obvious hunger on an imaginary “mouse,” by simultaneously taking Rinkah’s words seriously and finding an avenue to get her to her to listen to him, is very perceptive.) I think this is also the reason that being imprisoned in the prologue is one of the most significant challenges Rinkah could possibly face in her character arc: all of her power and freedom to make decisions for herself is taken away, no less as a result of obeying her father’s orders to join Hoshido’s war effort--something she had her own reservations about to begin with, and went along with anyway.
Kaze is also highly perceptive in realizing that Rinkah is concerned in keeping up an appearance of being independent and perhaps difficult to approach--though as I’ve already summarized, I would argue this is more just the facet that she wishes to show of herself foremost than it is entirely “false.” Though it’s only a subtle part of her initial read, there is kindness, even gentleness, in her greetings to Corrin as they travel around the castle, in the phrases that she uses when supporting other characters in battle (“No need to be afraid”), and in her concern for others’ safety (which is what starts off her supports with Subaki). And this kindness grows to be a more visible part of her mannerisms as she builds trust and grows closer to others. She’s more comfortable making light banter with the other characters, like Charlotte and Kaden, in their later supports. She goes from using the somewhat rough-mannered third-person pronoun omae to calling Corrin by their name. And if the player marries her and Corrin together, it’s clear that she speaks and uses other qualities of her voice in a completely different manner with someone she’s very close to: she speaks in a somewhat higher pitch, in contrast to the low-toned, sometimes almost growling voice that she favors in other contexts. Clearly, it’s not that she cares little for other people, as her outward demeanor might suggest to those who aren’t familiar with her. It’s that she’s very intentional about to where and to whom she dedicates her energy and trust. Realizing that some people may pose a danger to her tribe and that keeping her distance is one of their policies is a part, but not the only aspect, of this. 
(I think this makes her an interesting contrast to Corrin, who is freely kind to everyone; because of this trait, others fear that Corrin is far easier to manipulate or take advantage of. Corrin’s kindness is related to their sense of self in a very different way from how it is related to Rinkah’s.)
Clearly, Rinkah has a very impactful initial read as a character, yet she is also highly nuanced, and her psychology as a character certainly facilitates deeper exploration. I feel this complexity is particularly apparent in contrast to many characters in Awakening or even some others in Fates, who have distinctive quirks but can sometimes fall short of being developed further as characters beyond that initial read. (I delve more into why this might be the case in another piece linked to in the “source” section of this post.) Could she read as short-tempered, stubborn, and hard to approach? Of course. But she can also be seen as passionate, loyal, perhaps surprisingly sensitive, and dedicated wholly to maintaining her sense of rightness and her sense of self. She’s a formidable warrior with, like any other well-executed and likable character, her own moments of vulnerability and internal conflict, even if she doesn’t always readily allow them to surface.
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yukiwrites · 7 years
Surprise, Ryoma!
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @xpegasusuniverse! This one was so much fun to write, I hope you like it! :D
Summary: Ryoma had been out of contact for months during his stay with the Chevois resistance. Now that everyone is together again, how is he going to react to all of his siblings’ choices in marriage partners?
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Dusk was finally covering Cheve like a blanket, a day of fighting over. The nohrian army had retreated thanks to the combined forces of the chevois resistance's knights, their concealed tactician and the hoshidan army, led by their lost prince, Corrin.
After the battle was done, Corrin approached the blonde wyvern rider who ambushed the nohrians, forcing them to retreat at the last minute. "Thank you stranger. I'm not sure what would have happened if you hadn't arrived."
The knight jumped off of her wyvern and grinned. "No problem. I'm Scarlet, by the way."
The woman named Scarlet then explained that she was part of a resistance against Garon's oppressive reach, despite them living in nohrian soil. The knight who helped her and guided their swords simply crossed his arms beside her and silently chuckled.
"Heh, heh..." He couldn't help himself -- everyone was acting as though he was a stranger and were all so polite: even his retainer Saizo was mostly keeping to himself, though his watchful eye certainly looked for his master.
Noticing the low laugh, Corrin approached the knight, feeling somewhat closer to him than before. "Oh, and you're the brave soldier who was first on the scene. You weren't scared at all, were you? I wish I could say we were as brave."
The knight laughed louder this time. "You still don't know who I am, do you?"
Corrin tilted his head to the side in confusion, though his siblings and servants behind him all widened their eyes and covered their mouths in surprise. Before they could voice their reaction, however, the knight took off his helmet.
"Haha! Thanks for coming all the way here to my aid, Corrin." Ryoma smiled, wiping the sweat off of his face with the back of his arm, huffing with delight for finally being free from that suffocating helmet.
"Ryoma!" He gasped in surprise, "boy, are we glad to see you!" He meant to hug his brother instinctively, but his sisters were faster.
Sakura threw herself into Ryoma's arms, tears fresh in her eyes. "B-big brother! We were s-so worried about you!" She sniffled. Hinoka put both hands on her waist.
"Don't go on scaring us like that, Ryoma." She scowled, but then smiled. Ryoma disheveled her hair with one hand as he patted Sakura's back with the other.
"Forgive me for worrying you both so, Sisters. However we now have our way into the nohrian soil, as well as trained guides! Come, let us head back to the resistance's base." He nodded to Scarlet beside him, who gestured back and turned to her soldiers.
"Men! Clean this mess up and let's meet back at our base! Tonight we eat and drink 'till we drop!" She laughed, raising her spear. That rared the men into a loud cheer.
"Hah, for a nohrian, it's surprising that she knows how to rally her men" Takumi remarked as he crossed his arms, following his brother's lead. He wasn't particularly worried about him, mind, but it's always good knowing that he was okay, after all.
"Ugh, too true. I don't even see what's so great about it all." Oboro concurred beside him, both talking in whispers as they started getting used to in the past few months. "Your leadership is never gonna be toppled, Takumi-- I-I mean," she blushed for a second, coughing so as to clear her throat. "Lord Takumi."
The prince covered his mouth with his hand, trying to hide his own red cheeks. "Gee, yell it all to the world, will you?" He looked away, slightly embarrassed. Their relationship wasn't really a secret, but they didn't go out of their way to tell everyone, either.
But Takumi knew he had to inform his brother, at least. As High Prince and all, Ryoma was the one responsible for his and his siblings' betrotheds.
Such thoughts occurred to every one of the siblings -- even Azura, if she might be so bold to think of herself as family as they insisted to -- for they all had already chosen their significant other.
Hinoka stole glances behind her back towards Silas, who was possibly the most nervous man alive at that moment: He was bright red and his entire body was stiff, making the walk a strenuous one at best. The eldest princess snorted after their eyes met, then turned back to her brother.
"Hm? What's wrong, Hinoka?" Ryoma asked, in the middle of his two sisters. The red-haired princess shook her head.
"I'll tell you later."
Sakura, being the youngest one, felt her palms sweat and her heart beat uncontrollably inside her chest. She didn't feel like she did something wrong, no, because she loved her Hayato very much, but agreeing to marry the future Leader of the Wind Tribe behind her brother's back? What if it was too big of a diplomatic measure? What if he didn't allow it because she was too young (despite already having had her coming of age ceremony)? What ifs, what ifs... Her head was spinning.
Suddenly, she felt someone grab her hand. "Forgive me, Lord Ryoma, but may I borrow Princess Sakura for a bit?" Hayato approached from behind, knowing his beloved too well. The moment she turned to him, his fears ended up being true: she was on the verge of an anxious attack, but seeing him filled her chest with warmth and strength.
"Of course. Hayato from the Wind Tribe, was it? I have heard how much you've helped my siblings and I would like to thank you in their behalf." Ryoma gave Hayato a head nod, which was reciprocated. "I am in your debt."
The young man smirked, glancing at the shivering Sakura before turning back to Ryoma. "We'll see who's indebted to whom later, my Lord. Now, if you may." He bowed and pulled Sakura by her hand.
Ryoma watched as they went to the rear of the march, then simply turned back to leading the way. They look like they're the same age, he thought with a far-off smile. I'm glad little Sakura managed to make a new friend.
"You weren't hurt, right, Rinkah?" Corrin walked close to the warrior, nudging their shoulders. Her entire face reddened.
"Wha- Don't get so close to me like that in public!" She whispered gravely, taking two steps back. "How shameless!" She coughed, turning her head away.
Corrin smiled, never getting tired of how ironically reserved a woman from the Fire Tribe was. "Forgive me, I was just worried."
"Well, worry no more." She crossed her arms, resuming the walk. "Do you think I'd lower myself to be hurt by nohrians again? I'm stronger than I was when we first met!"
"Of course, I believe you." He nodded, then slightly covered the gap between them, staying at a reasonable distance away from her. "I just can't help it."
Rinkah blushed ever more, unable to tear her eyes away from that stupidly cute and puppy faced prince she promised her future to. "A-alright, alright! But I'm fine, see? So stop worrying and... get... farther." She stuttered, pressing her lips into a thin line. "I can't concentrate if you're walking so close to me."
For someone so passionate when they were alone, Rinkah was very reserved whenever there were people anywhere near their sights. It was something Corrin had also grown to love about her, so he respected her wishes and walked a bit farther, the smile never leaving his face.
Azura walked in silence behind them, glad that her beloved didn't have a chance to battle that time. She held her lance with one hand, the other one tightly clutching her heart, a bubbly happiness filling it just from being close to him.
Though Kaden was walking amongst the younger soldiers (and just pestering Hayato in general, making Sakura laugh), it reassured Azura that his smile was so carefree. It somehow freed her from her own worries and anxieties; making her even dare to hope to live a life after the war alongside him.
As though being summoned, Kaden looked at her in the distance and waved, the big smile splattered across his face. Azura giggled, covering her face with one hand before shyly waving back. She would protect that happiness with everything she had, and hopefully Ryoma wouldn't pose a threat to it once he found out about all other proposals their siblings had accepted.
Unaware of the small hints of his brothers and sisters all around him, Ryoma led the way with a confident smile and a level heart. His family had been reunited and the wind of that war was finally blowing in their favor. Everything couldn't be better.
"Welcome to the Cheve Underground. This is where the resistance meets. We should be safe here for the time being." He opened the door to a well0lit and clean facility; it was made out of stone and covered in nohrian decoration. Both Takumi and Oboro groaned between themselves.
"If we stay here for more than one hour I might vomit." She said, then added: "No, if we stay here for more than one day I'll take it upon myself to redecorate this entire thing."
"I'll leave it to you." He nudged her arm, both of them smiling. Then they giggled amongst themselves.
"Hum. Not bad." Rinkah crossed her arms and looked up. "We have our share of underground bases back at the Fire Tribe, but this one looks like it could hold any attack from aboveground."
"Indeed it can, Rinkah." Ryoma turned to her after formally introducing himself to a stunned Scarlet who had been unaware of his royal status until that moment. "It is also connected to a myriad of tunnels, making our movements easier and unpredictable for the nohrian forces."
"That sounds pretty good." Hinoka nodded, then patted Silas on the shoulder. He had just walked in and tried to avoid her general location (since she was close to Ryoma), but she couldn't help it. "We also have someone who knows the territory deeper in Nohr, so I'm sure we'll put an end to this war even quicker now."
"Ah, so you are the nohrian knight who followed Corrin." Ryoma spared Silas a head nod, still not fully comfortable with the man's presence, but acknowledging his loyalty, at least. If both Corrin and Hinoka vouched for his competence, Ryoma could be more at ease, though still no less mindful of the man.
"Ah, um, y-yes, I'm Silas, my Lord." The poor knight blushed and bowed his head as Ryoma turned to lead them to the mess hall, then puffed his cheek as Hinoka nudged his arm. "That was mean, Hinoka! I'm still not ready for this..." He breathed out, putting one hand over his chest.
"Haha, it'll be okay, Silas. I'll hold your hand." She winked, then followed her brother.
Soon after, they were sitting around a large table with Ryoma at the leftmost corner, being able to watch how everyone chose their seats.
It was then that he couldn't help but find it strange how their siblings weren't just sitting around themselves, but had other people between them as well. Namely: How strange it was that Hayato and Sakura had their shoulders so close to one another and shared their sweet side dishes with each other. How odd that Oboro sat beside Takumi and not behind him as she usually did. She was simply his retainer, after all, right? And why was Corrin having so much fun putting his own sweet side dishes over Rinkah's plate and smiling so much after she scolded him with the reddest face Ryoma has ever seen?
Kaden sat so close to Azura he used the tip of his tail to take a bit of food that stuck on her face, as though that was the normal thing to do. Ryoma frowned at all these unthinkable displays of intimacy right there on the dining table, like they were used to it. But the most upsetting thing, apart from all of the others, was that Hinoka, as the elder sister, sat at Ryoma's left and somehow had pulled that knight from earlier, Silas, he believed, to sit right beside her!
What was going on?!
Sure, he had made an alliance with the chevois, who were nohrian people, but he didn't start sharing their table, their seats and the head of their families' inner circle! What was that audacity he was witnessing?
Ryoma felt his heart rilling up with these small gestures, his hand shaking the chopsticks he held, almost breaking them in half.
Hinoka laughed beside him, having fun at how Silas still haven't mastered how to eat with chopsticks yet. "We're in Nohr, you know. You can eat with the forks they have around here if you want." She teased, taking a mouthful of her own food. Silas' hands trembled as he tried to do the same, almost failing in putting the food into his mouth.
"I... must be able to do at least this... if I want..." He was so focused on the task at hand he momentarily forgot her was at Ryoma's earshot. "If I want to ask your hand and make you happy." He said, then smiled when he managed to eat without dropping a single rice grain.
"If you want WHAT?" Ryoma got on his feet, instantly disgusted at the words and the vile intention of that nohrian of simply considering asking for his sister's hand.
Silas dropped chopsticks, food and his chin altogether, the color leaving his face. "I, um, I mean, Lord Ryoma--" He stuttered, also getting up. Hinoka did the same.
"What is the meaning of this?! First you," Ryoma pointed to Silas, then gestured to the rest of the table, "then you, and you and you all." He huffed, feeling the rage go up to his head.
"Brother," Takumi got up, followed by Corrin, Oboro and Rinkah. Sakura weekly grasped at Hayato's sleeve, her eyes glued on her enraged brother. Azura avoided the scene altogether, looking at her food with her head down. Kaden wrapped his tail around her, patting her back, his smile never leaving his face.
"Stop this, Ryoma." Hinoka protectively put one arm in front of Silas. "You might be my brother, but I won't let you get in the way of my happiness."
Ryoma choked. "Your- happiness?! With this... nohrian?" He clenched his fists so hard his hands were trembling. "We're at WAR with them, Hinoka! This isn't the time for such bridge-gapping play!"
"This is EXACTLY the time for us to get along with them! Aren't we doing so at this very moment? We're under the care of good nohrians who also want this war to end."
"This and that are two unrelated things, Hinoka." His voice sounded deep and controlled, taking all he had not to jump at Silas' throat at that very moment.
"I know, and I understand." She returned his piercing gaze with fire in her eyes. "I know of my own responsibilities as a princess, as well as of our differences as hoshidan and nohrian. At first, I didn't know how to react to these feelings, but after we talked things through, we realized we could take it slow: we'll both get used to each other's customs, and we'll talk it over with our families -- meaning you too, of course."
"You're talking it over with me now, and my answer is no."
"And I won't accept it so readily." She took one step closer, lifting her chin. "I know you're the High Prince and future King of Hoshido, but you have no right to command my heart. We were never a kingdom to force marriage to their royals and I won't let you bring your duties as King as an excuse to do so."
Before Ryoma could breathe in to reply, Sakura shot herself up. "I-I also agree with big sister!" She said boldly, though no less shakingly. "I m-might not be the oldest nor the wisest, or even have any value as a marriage partner, b-but I still want to follow my heart, too!" She squeezed Hayato's hand with everything she had, her face bright red.
Ryoma felt the ground open under his feet. "Sakura?"
Hayato got up, holding her hand and showing the rings both of them wore as necklaces. "There's no debt between us now, is there, Lord Ryoma? I'm the heir to the Wind Tribe and even if you wanted to marry your sisters off to some noble house, mine would be near the top."
Ryoma couldn't disagree with that logic, but that was his baby sister. His brain started to hurt when someone else also spoke up.
"I might not be from a noble house, my Lord," Oboro lowered her head, "but I can assure you that no one else in the world will serve and love Lord Takumi better than I ever will."
"Hey, you stole my cue!" Takumi helped his beloved raise her head, then turned to his brother. "I wanted to let you know, too, Brother, and that I'm willing to fight to follow m-my own heart." He stuttered, holding the hand in which Oboro wore the ring he had given her.
Ryoma hadn't noticed it.
He hadn't noticed at all.
Dumbfounded, he looked carefully across the table and he could actually see them: Hinoka, Silas, Takumi, Oboro, Corrin and Rinkah all wore engagement rings on their fingers. Azura had a tribal kitsune necklace around her neck, alongside her usual pendant. Sakura and Hayato shared necklaces of the rings -- engraved with the Wind Tribe's seals, no less!
How... how could they? They schemed everything behind his back while he was simply trying to help his kingdom by undergoing a secret mission? True, he purposely avoided contacting them so his cover wouldn't be blown, but he didn't deserve to be bombarded with so many news all at once.
He couldn't use his authority as older brother to stop them; he couldn't use his authority as future King to stop them; he couldn't even physically fight them so they could win the honor of his siblings since he already knew how good of a fighter everyone in that table was.
The hole under his feet widened until it covered the entire room in black, his heart plunging deep into it as well.
First, his face was red with rage, but then as his siblings spoke, it started losing its color, until he was white as a sheet, the strength gone from his limbs and body.
However, he still managed to slam the table with his fist before turning his back to it, leaving the mess hall at large steps.
"Brother-" Hinoka reached out to him, but his voice rared from afar:
"I need some time alone." And then he left.
He walked all the way back up to the ugly nohrian sky, at least feeling the cold wind on his tired bones. He was devastated. He couldn't believe the GALL of his siblings -- how could they hide everything from him like that? "Ugh," he massaged the bridge between his eyes, sitting under a tree, close to a stream.
"Haha, rough night, huh?" Scarlet laughed from behind the tree, holding two bottles of sake.
"Scarlet, please." Ryoma tried to shoo her away. "I need to be alone."
"The hell you do!" She sat beside him, handing him one bottle. "You need to drink and loosen up! Let your siblings be happy, man! You seriously didn't notice anything?"
"What do you mean?" He was forced to hold the bottle, but didn't look at her, trying to focus on the moon hiding all the way up in the sky.
Scarlet snorted. "They were all lovey-dovey from the moment you all were reunited. You were just really that blind, huh? Well, not that it matters now, you just gotta live with it."
Ryoma groaned, taking a large gulp of the sake. "Even my baby sister..." He leaned his head on the trunk, once again clenching his fist. He would need to get used to it, she says? How could he even begin to? How could he even FATHOM the fact that his family grew up and are about to lead their own lives despite of the war around them?
He sighed. Maybe he would never get used to it, after all.
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fanfictionlive · 6 years
Looking for: folks to give feedback on romance fic (no fandom knowledge required)
So, if you've been following my posts in Daily Discussion, you'll probably know that I've been working on a Big Bang fic for the past month or so! I think I'm entering the endgame-ish of this fic now, and I could really use some folks to read over and give me some pointers. There is still a decent amount I need to write, but the deadline is September 26, so I thought I had better start looking early...
Title: Apply Some Pressure (tentative)
Fandom: Fire Emblem Fates
Main Pairing: Charlotte/Saizo
Other characters and pairings: Kagero/Orochi, Rinkah, Benny, Ryoma
Projected length: 40k, give or take
Summary: [This is also tentative.] Superhero AU. Charlotte is a professional Hero in Hoshido with her best friend Benny. When he's seriously injured in an explosion, she goes undercover in a Nohrian nationalist organisation to track down the "Black Bomber", the person selling this powerful new explosive on the black market. Along the way, she and Saizo find out that they have more in common than they thought - but will their cooperation be enough to defeat a plot against the royal family?
Readers to give small comments primarily on the development of the romance between the characters. These not be in any great detail, literally just "this seems too fast", "could you expand on this part?", "I like their banter and would like to see more of it", etc. A secondary concern is doing justice to the supporting characters, so other comments like "more Benny here please", "where did Rinkah go?" are also helpful.
A fast turnaround. I can link you to the first 25k or so now, and then follow up with the rest later, but I need this to be done fast, as I don't envision finishing the writing until maybe September 10th or even a little later, and then will obviously need to edit before the fic actually goes up. Therefore ideally you should be able to send the full fic back with comments no later than September 16th. Sooner is better. (I'm hoping that if I send out the first part early, this shouldn't be too difficult.)
As this is an AU, no fandom knowledge is required.
I am NOT expecting detailed line editing or plot help or etc. Of course I totally welcome any additional comments you may have and I'll do my best to do something nice for you if you do go that extra mile! But primarily my focus is on getting the romance and the characters right (in terms of balance in the fic; if you're fandom blind, obviously you can't help with characterisation, lol).
Reading and reviewing a fanfic. I can't promise I would be able to keep going if I'm fandom blind, so you might want to discuss this with me beforehand.
If we share fandoms in common, I'd be willing to write a oneshot about a character (potentially pairing) of your choice. Fandoms I'm familiar with include Pokemon (games); Naruto; Fire Emblem (6-10, 13-15); Persona 3, 4 & 5; Harry Potter; My Hero Academia; Horizon Zero Dawn; some of the MCU (have yet to see Black Panther and Infinity War); Power Rangers 2017. This isn't an exhaustive list so feel free to ask about your fandoms lol.
Betaing for fics of ~20k (my betaing style is quite in-depth, which is why this is half my total fic length). Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to find time for this until October.
Got another suggestion? I'd be happy to hear it!
Anyway, thanks for reading this enormous post! I realise this is quite a big ask, so I've tried to make it worth people's time. Needless to say, you would also earn my undying gratitude if you were able to take me up on this!
submitted by /u/holliequ [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2PfokvP
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four-loose-screws · 7 years
FE Fates Ghostly Gold DLC - Character Quotes Translation Part 2
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
お前たち、化け物なのに金が欲しいのか。 変わった習性なんだな。▼ それは集めるのか? 売るのか? それとも…食うのか?▼ 目的は知らないが、 遺跡荒らしはもうやめろ。▼ おかげで今日は眠くてたまらない… 力ずくでも止めさせてもらうよ!▼
Rinkah: So, you guys are ghosts, but you want money, huh? That’s weird. Are you going to hoard it? Or sell it? Or maybe… you’re going to eat it? I don’t know what your intentions are, but stop pillaging these ruins! I’m exhausted today, no thanks to you… I’ll stop you, even if I have to use force!
す、すごいです、この場所…! とても神聖な空気に満ちています。▼ 神が君臨したという話も頷けますね… この遺跡は静かに眠らせておくべきです。▼ わ、私だって、この場所を守るために… 頑張ります!▼
Sakura: T-This place is amazing…! It’s filled with a holy aura. The story about it once being ruled by gods must be true… We should allow these ruins to sleep peacefully. I-I’ll do my best… to protect this place!
きたわね! さあ勝負! 悪いけど今のあたしは絶好調なの。▼ なぜって…徹夜して、 自分の眠気に打ち勝ったんだもんね。▼ 言っておくけど… 自分に勝つことって一番難しいのよ?▼ あなたもお金ばっかり集めてないで、 自分の欲望と闘ったらどう!?▼
Hana: They’re here! Let’s fight! Unfortunately for you, I’ve never felt better! If you want to know why… it’s because though I may have stayed up all night, I have overcome my exhaustion! I say that, but... Winning against yourself is most difficult of all! Do you think that you would be able to resist hoarding money and fight your greed!?
今日は完璧に徹夜しちゃったけど、 全然、眠くないよー…▼ 俺が眠気に負けるだなんてこと、 あるわけないじゃないかー…▼ うん、ないない。 ありえない…▼ …………▼ …! い、今のは寝てないよ! ちょっと…考え事してただけー!!▼
Subaki: I stayed up all night, but I’m not tired at allllll… There’s no way I’ll lose to exhaustionnnnn… Absolutely impossible! There’s no way… ………… …! N-Now’s not the time for sleep! That’s… the one thought on my mind!!
ふん…皆、寝ずの番程度で 眠い眠いと情けない事を。▼ 一晩ぐらい眠らずとも死にはしない。 二晩三晩と続けば堪えるかもしれんが…▼ 俺ほどの忍になると、 五晩ほどなら余裕だ。▼ …まあ、試したことはないがな。▼
Saizo: Hmph… Everyone, it’s embarrassing to be so sleepy, no matter how many times you’re assigned to night watch. One night won’t kill you. You could probably endure two or three assignments in a row… If you become a shinobi of my level, you’ll be able to withstand five! …Not that I’ve ever tried.
ふふふ…夜明け前の皆は、 なかなか見られぬ顔で面白かったのう。▼ 気合だけで目を開けている者、 体をつねる者、▼ 遠くを見つめている者に、諦めて眠る者、 そして白目をむき始める者…▼ 思い出し笑いが止まらんわい! 寝ずの番も、たまにはいいものじゃな。▼
Orochi: Fu fu fu… Everyone, your faces looked so funny, half-blinded by the dawn. Those who woke up with a single loud noise, those who pinched themselves, those who stared into the distance, those who gave up and slept, those who woke up with their eyes rolled in the back of their heads… I can’t stop laughing at the thought! Sometimes, even night watch is great!
気を抜くな…ヒノカ。 眠気が何だ。睡眠が何だ。▼ 白夜城の兵たちは寝ずの番をしていたのに、 王女の私がこんなことでは示しがつかん!▼ 布団は恋しくない! 横になどなりたくない!▼ よーし、この勢いで敵を倒すぞ!!▼
Hinoka: Don’t lose focus… Hinoka! What is sleepiness?! What is sleep!? I, a princess, can’t set a bad example for the castle guards on night watch! I don’t long to be in bed! I don’t want to lay down! Now let’s beat up these ghosts with gusto!
はた迷惑ですね… 化け物なのに財宝に興味を示すなど。▼ 使えないものを持っていることほど 無駄なことはありませんよ。▼ 仕方ないので、皆様の目を盗んで たっぷり眠った私がお相手しましょう。▼ 私は幸い、このような顔ですので… 寝ていることはばれませんでしたよ。▼
Azama: What a nuisance these treasure-loving ghosts are… There’s no need to possess something you won’t use.  I’ll be your opponent, the one who got a great night’s sleep behind everyone’s back! But if I look happy… then everyone will know I was sleeping.
すごいすごーい… この子たち、お金いっぱい持ってる…▼ なんか一気に目が覚めた… 倒したら全部、私のもの…?▼ そうじゃなかったら… ちょっとやる気無くすかも…▼
Setsuna: Wow… these guys have so much money… That woke me up in an instant… If I defeat them all, will the money be mine…? If not… then I’ll probably lose all will to fight…
さあ、参るぞ。貴様を倒すなど、 文字通り朝飯前の話だ!▼ …なに? 徹夜をしたのにやけに元気そうだと?▼ わ、私はその… さっきまでしっかり寝ていたのだ。▼ 屈辱的な話だが、 子供は寝ていても良いと言われてな…▼
Hayato: Here I go! I eat guys like you for breakfast! …Huh? I’m full of energy, even though I was on night watch? About that, um, I… was sleeping until just a minute ago. This is really embarrassing, but they said it was okay for the children to sleep, so…
はあ…来たのね… あくびしてる場合じゃなかったわ…▼ 頑張らなくちゃ…財宝を守ることが、 今日のお仕事なんだもの。▼ そういえばさっき水場の底に 金塊が沈んでるのを見たわ。▼ 一つぐらい持って帰っても… なんて、思っちゃダメよね。▼
Oboro: So… you’ve come… I haven’t yawned at all… I must do my best… to protect the treasure… for that is our job today. Now that I think about it, earlier, I saw a piece of gold at the bottom of the spring. If I could just bring home one… no, I shouldn’t think that!
おうおう、朝の空気が清清しいぜ! 朝っぱらの戦闘、いいよなー!▼ 丑三つ時を過ぎた頃は死ぬかと思ったし、 人生で一番口数が少なかったけどよ…▼ 明るくなると目も覚めるってもんだ! これでこそいつもの俺!▼ おお、丁度いいとこに敵がいるな。 んじゃ早速、手合わせ願うぜ!▼
Hinata: Ahhhhhh, the morning breeze is so refreshing! There’s nothing like an early morning battle!! Around 2 or 3 AM, I thought I was going to die, and I was quieter than I ever have been in my entire life… But when the sun rose, I woke right up! I’m back to my good old self! You enemies couldn’t have come at a better time! Let’s get this battle started!
来たね… あんたたちが遺跡荒らしか。▼ 僕は交代でさっきまで寝てたから、 そこそこ元気なんだよね。▼ 闘ってたら大金持ちになるとかいう、 我ながらせこい夢まで見てしまった。▼ …そんなこと、実際にあるわけないのに。 寝ぼけてないでさっさと闘おうっと。▼
Takumi: They’re here… So, you’re the ones pillaging the ruins? I worked in shifts, and was asleep until now, so I’m feeling alright. I had this stupid dream where after we fought, I became really rich. …Even though that would never happen in reality! Let’s hurry up and fight while I’m not half asleep.
カゲロウ推参致した… これ以上の無体は許さんぞ。▼ …このような者たちでも、 財宝に目が眩むのだな。▼ 美しい物を集めるということは、 こいつらには美醜がわかるということか。▼ ならば私の絵を見せてみたいな… 卒倒すれば、戦が楽に終わる。▼
Kagero: You surprised me without warning… I cannot forgive your cruelty! …I say that, even though I, too, wish that I could have the treasure. If they collect such beautiful things, these guys know true beauty. In that case, I want to show them my paintings… If they faint, then this will be an easy fight.
あらまあ…やっと見つけましたわ。 さあ、早く闘いましょう。▼ 私、夜通し考えていましたのよ。 遺跡荒らしがどのような方々なのか。▼ さぞかし目の覚めるような死に様を 見せてくださるんでしょうね…?▼
Reina: Ah ha… I’ve finally found you! Let’s stop wasting time and fight! I was up all night. So, you’re the kind of beings that would pillage a ruin? Would you like me to show you the most spectacular way to die…?
やあ。キミたちが持っている、 ぴかぴかのモノはなんだい?▼ もしかして、カムイたちが持ってる オカネってやつなのかい?▼ なんだかとても美しく見えるよ。 すごく気になってしまうよ。▼ うう…我慢できない! ボクにも少しだけ分けておくれ!▼
Kaden: Hey guys! What’s that sparkly stuff you’ve got there? Is it like the money Corrin and everyone else use? It looks kinda pretty! I’m really interested in it! Oh… I just can’t resist! Let me have some!
待っていたぞ…夜を徹してな。 夜明かしなど、俺にとっては何でもない。▼ 武士であるならば、寝ずとも食わずとも、 万全の態勢であるべし。▼ 俺の前に現れたことが 貴様の運の尽きだと思って…▼ …潔く諦めろ。▼
Ryoma: We waited… and stayed up all night. But such a thing is easy for me. As a samurai, even if I do not eat or sleep, I am always in top form! The fact that you appeared before me means that you are out of luck… …Admit defeat.
へえ…! この場所、最高にいかしてるね!▼ 水場に財宝が眠ってるってのは、 なかなかロマンがあっていいと思うよ。▼ キラキラは心を癒してくれるからね。 集めて持って帰りたい気持ちはわかる。▼ でも、本当に光り物を愛するのなら… こんな風に奪ったりしちゃいけないよ。▼
Scarlet: Wow! This place is the best! I think it’s so romantic! The way it sparkles is so calming! I want to collect all the treasure up and take it home with me! But, if I really care about sparkly things… then I can’t steal this treasure like that.
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