#ten days of lawlu
silversoulstardust · 1 year
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rereading my fav lawlu doujinshi bc I want to make myself cry to sleep
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Can you rec me the lawlu must-read classics?
Also, thank you for creating this!! You rock!! ❤️
Hey there, thank you for your aks! We actually collected some classics already so here you go:
Into the Sea by shishiswordsman (E)
He looks around, but the Sunny and their broken off battleground are both vacant. His crewmen and the Straw Hats are far away already, probably congratulating each other for their triumph, which means… No one else saw it happen. No one else knows that Luffy’s — Luffy’s sinking. And Law can’t swim.
talk without speaking by trell (qunlat) (G)
They’ve been fighting for days, in that complicated sort of way where everyone wants to be on the same side and can’t be.
Not a Ball or a Chain by HollowIsTheWorld (T)
Trafalgar Law grew up hoping he would be one of the handful of people to never develop a soulmate mark. Now that that hasn't panned out, however, he's willing to settle for just never meeting them. Unfortunately for him, Monkey D. Luffy is a hard person to avoid.
Your Pain on My Skin by GinnyRose (T)
In a world where you share your pain with your soulmate, Law had spent many years believing his soulmate probably hated him. And he wouldn't have blamed them – Law had been sick, beaten, shot at and had gone through hell not just once, but several times from when he’d lost his family to when he lost Corazon and in the struggling years after that. But now, at 24 years old, he knew better. Not only did his soulmate hate him, they were bound and determined to pay back every scrape, bruise, and cut ten times over. When Law finally found the bastard, soulmate or not, he just might kill them himself.
Luffy's Law by JadedCoral (G)
Law thoughtlessly starts a rumour about himself, and it doesn't take long for it to boomerang right back to him in the form of a bloody-nosed Luffy.
The Twillight Phone by huliganships (T)
Ace has a shitty handwriting. Is that a 9? A 0? An 8? Who even knows. Certainly not the person that Luffy accidentally texted.
Acclimating by justira (E)
There are things that Law learns the hard way. One is that, if you involve yourself in Luffy's life, the Strawhats will involve themselves in yours. The other is that he is allowed to want, sometimes. In which Luffy is goodness, and light, and love, and the Strawhats all saw it coming.
no matter how much everything hurts by Tsume_Yuki (T)
In a universe where you can accept half the pain your soulmate is feeling, Luffy wishes he could take it all on.
Curiouser by xairylle (E)
Law wondered whether there was any sense to doing this—reading to a younger pirate stripped down to just wearing boxers straddling your equally as naked self. And expected to be turned on while doing so. [LuLaw]
and all the things that keep us here by trell (qunlat) (G)
In which there is an invitation, and Trafalgar Law gets a second chance. (Or: the one where they get married, in secret, at someone else's wedding, and make Usopp late to his.)
My Love For You Is Choking Me by ObsidionWingsofMidnight (T)
Hanahaki disease: an illness born of one-sided love that causes flowers to grow within the infected patient’s lungs. If left untreated it will suffocate the host and kill them. The growth can be removed through surgery, but it will also remove the feelings along with the flowers. It can be cured without side effects if the feelings are returned. Law wished he had died back under Doflamingo’s gun more than ever.
Dots by petiteneko (T)
It all started out as a joke. But, there was some legitimacy to it too… (Soulmate [AU] where your tattoo shows the first thing your soulmate thought when they saw you, but same universe)
What's A 'Closed' Sign Between Friends by teaandtumblr (G)
A tired, hungry surgeon drops in after hours once and Sanji doesn't have the heart to turn him away. What he doesn't expect is for his friend and this doctor to fall in love right under his nose. A 5+1 story.
heartstrings by hopipp (fancy2na) (NR)
A retelling of events had the Ope Ope no Mi given Law a little more than he bargained for. AKA: the red strings au that's probably been done already
Meat Cute by marimoes (T)
“Meat? I’m hearing you correctly? Your dog is named...Meat?” Law asks putting together everything for the first time. His mind swimming much like his dignity at the moment. The man laughs ruffling Meat’s ears, “Yeah. Meat. Because she’s red and white like a good marbled piece of meat.” “And your name?” Law asks, twisting water from his shirt. “Luffy.”
Stow Away Captains by xairylle (M)
Law sneaks into the men's quarters of the Thousand Sunny. Zoro contemplates on how to deal with it. And Luffy, well, Luffy is just Luffy.
Sating Hunger by xairylle (M)
At the end of the day, even with all the major blunders that almost cost him his life, Law decided that this alliance had been worth it. Until he fucked it up by not being able to hold himself back from kissing Monkey D. Luffy.
This Is What Personal Looks Like by JadeFlicker (G)
So Law had thought the Straw Hats had taken the battle with Kaidou as a personal vendetta for all the tears shed by Momosuke and all sorts of new Wano friends. The Hearts captain had been badly mistaken. Apparently, this was what personal looked like. (In which, Law and the Straw Hats will get angry for Luffy when he's not able to.)
Exchanging of the Hearts by KivaEmber (G)
Post-Dressrosa AU. All they did was exchange hearts, just to make the alliance 'til death did them part. It wasn't as if they were married or anything.
Falling by chenziee (M)
The timing for Law's heat couldn't have been worse; their attack on Doflamingo was just days away, and here he was, too busy fighting tooth and nail against hormones and disgust. Law would really rather jump into the sea and drown than deal with one minute of this.
-Mod Raiya
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chenziee · 3 months
The Heart in the Cage
I'm so sorry for the delay! Work and life in general's been a total dumpster fire the past two weeks 💀 I'll try to get the next one asap but I sadly can't promise anything concrete OTL
Written for: - @truffyfest Summer of Lawlu 2024 - Week 2: CONFESSION | HEART SWAP | “I thought I’d lost you.” - OP Bingo 2023: Volcano - @opfluffzine Wheel of Fluff event: Communication
“You want to do what?” 
Luffy snickered at Law’s question. He did expect him to protest the idea but his shocked tone and horrified expression was just something else and Luffy just couldn’t help it. It was too funny, okay?
“Stop laughing, do you realise how serious what you’re asking is?” Law hissed, his frustration more than apparent.
“Sorry, Torao.” Luffy gulped, forcing his mirth down.
For a few seconds, Torao just continued glaring at him, as if to make sure Luffy wasn’t going to start giggling again… and maybe to try and convey how very unimpressed with Luffy he was. But finally, he sighed. 
“Tell me why exactly should I go ahead with this stupid idea?”
“Because you love me!” Luffy answered immediately with a wide smile on his face, leaning forward to peer at Law’s face. There was a complicated look in his sharp, beautiful eyes, a look that told Luffy that he was fighting with himself over it.
Clicking his tongue, Law shoved Luffy’s face away. “That has nothing to do with it. In fact, it’s all the more reason why I shouldn’t do it.” He narrowed his eyes at Luffy, pointing his finger at Luffy and poking at the centre of his chest. “If my heart is in there and something happens to me, you’re dead, Luffy.”
“So?” Luffy asked, a pout making its way on his lips.
Law inhaled sharply, and it looked like he was counting to ten in his mind before he replied, “So, I’m not going to do it. It’s too fucking risky!” He paused, closing his eyes for a second before shooting Luffy a look. “Why do you want me to switch our hearts anyway?”
With a small huff, Luffy slumped against the backrest of the aquarium bar’s couch, watching as the dim light reflecting off of the water dances across Law’s skin, his face, his hair. There were still some barely visible scratches and bruises, a bandage tightly wrapped around his left forearm where his soulmark was. Covering the deep, long slash Torao got from Blackbeard days ago. Chopper said it was likely going to scar, marring his skin forever.
Leaving a mark where only Luffy’s presence should be…
All the while Luffy was on Egghead and completely unaware anything was wrong until after the crew and everyone else got to safety and he thought to check Torao’s vivre card.
They were lucky Bepo was able to get Law to safety before anything worse happened to him, or any of the Heart Pirates.
“It’s just…” Luffy gestured with his hand vaguely. “We’re gonna go our separate ways again. I wanna have something to connect to you.”
“You have my vivre card. I have yours. Pretty sure Nami-ya still has Bepo’s. We have literal soulmarks. You even made us get fucking tattoos,” Law pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
Luffy groaned and looked away, turning to study the fish swimming happily in the aquarium. “It’s slow, okay? If your heart is with me, I’ll know immediately that I need to check your vivre card.”
When Law didn’t say anything for a while, Luffy glanced back at him. He was surprised to find Law’s own eyes boring into him, studying Luffy’s expression and searching his eyes for something. What that something was, Luffy had no idea… but he decided to wait until Law found it—or gave up. 
It took a long while for either of them to say anything; they quietly looked at each other, the silence hanging around them heavy but somehow, it wasn’t uncomfortable. Rather, it felt like a sense of understanding connected them, an invisible string that tied them together and linked them and their thoughts. Somehow, Luffy wouldn’t mind sitting here like this all afternoon. For some reason, he didn’t think he’d even get bored.
… Okay, maybe not the whole afternoon but he could definitely do a few minutes no problem!
But that wasn’t the point.
“What is this really about, Straw Hat-ya?”
Luffy froze at the question, blinking at Law blankly. What was it about? He didn’t really think about it when he suggested the heart swapping, didn’t bother searching for a reason. Thinking wasn’t his strong suit, after all; the idea occurred to him and it felt right so he just said it… But well—
“I don’t know! Does it matter?” Luffy asked, tilting his head to the side. “It’s not a big deal, and I know you’ve done it already two years ago!”
Law startled at the revelation, obviously not expecting Luffy to know. He stared at Luffy with wide eyes for a moment, before a groan escaped him. “It was Penguin, wasn’t it?”
“Yep!” Luffy confirmed with a laugh. “He also said you told him you’d toss him overboard if he ever told me.”
“Why am I not surprised,” Law grumbled, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. “It was a temporary measure to help with treatment. You basically had a volcano erupt in your lungs and you’d have died if I didn’t do it. There’s no medical reason now.”
“Was there one back then though?” Luffy teased, poking Law’s shoulder. “I mean, you could have used anyone’s heart. Or just left me be!”
Seeing the scowl Torao gave him, Luffy couldn’t help but burst out laughing. That only seemed to make Law more annoyed… which in turn made Luffy laugh harder. 
“You’re right, I should have just let you die,” Torao grumbled, rolling his eyes at Luffy’s amusement.
With one last snicker, Luffy shuffled closer, pressing a quick, loud kiss to Law’s cheek before he poked Torao’s side again. “I think your reason was the same as mine is now,” he said quietly.
“I’m not lying on the operating table with a hole in my chest, connected to a ventilator and on the verge of total heart failure,” Law shot back, his voice completely flat and entirely unimpressed.
“Maybe, but when I saw your vivre card, I still thought I’d lost you for a moment. I never wanted to feel that way again after Mingo almost killed you.” Luffy shrugged.
When Law didn’t say anything, Luffy hummed, looking at Law questioningly, only to find a complicated expression on his face. Did he say something weird? He didn’t think he did but seeing how Torao was staring at him…
“What did I say?!” Luffy cried out defensively, only for Law to heave a deep sigh.
“You’re saying that? Did you forget you actually died not three weeks ago?” Law said, narrowing his eyes at Luffy.
That only served to prove Luffy right! “See?!” He grinned victoriously. “We’re thinking the same thing!”
“We are so not,” Law hissed.
Waving his hand dismissively, Luffy shuffled closer still, throwing his legs over Torao’s lap as he made himself comfortable in his personal space. Law didn’t seem to mind, automatically placing one hand over Luffy’s knee. Luffy’s smile widened at the gesture.
“Torao~” he sang. “Let's do it.”
“You’re such a brat.” Law sighed, shooting Luffy an annoyed look and Luffy grinned victoriously—making Torao click his tongue. “Wipe that look off your face, you won nothing.”
“But you’re gonna do it so I win!” Luffy announced, sticking his tongue out.
As Law rolled his eyes at him and a Room formed around the two of them, Luffy felt warmth pooling in his chest, spreading throughout his entire body. Wow, he really loved this man, didn’t he? It was ridiculous; it felt like every day, he was falling deeper—soulmate or not, it didn’t matter to him.
The birdcage he carried on his thigh didn’t matter to him—it was crushed anyway, just like Law’s chain was snapped, just like it should be. They didn’t need their soulmarks. They didn’t need fate.
And seeing Law’s heart, watching as it beat strongly in his hands, feeling its warmth as he inserted it into his own chest…
He was never more sure of that.
Never more sure this was where he should be.
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Just had my first lawlu thought as a lulaw main I feel like I'm having an existential crisis lol
Gonna dump a nsfw blurb here to get it out
Anyways the first time Law tops it's cuz Luffy is pushing his buttons just a bit too much, teasing and being a general menace.
And maybe Laws been tolerating it all day. He's bothered and frustrated in a way that feels like a lit fuse.
But he thinks he's just high strung today, he'll just shower and go to sleep early and he'll be fine.
Enter Luffy who sees he's grumpy and wants to bang it out and is actually surprised when Torao growls into his kiss. He's shoving at Luffy's clothes and backing the younger pirate towards the bed.
Luffy huffs an amused chuckle at Torao's enthusiasm which seems to piss him off more. Ten minutes later his cocky retort is being interrupted by Toraos dick rubbing up somewhere that has him letting out a startled moan. Torao looks vaguely annoyed that Luffy looks so pleased and amused by the discovery rather than a gasping mess like he himself usually is but he'll settle for the breathy sounds he's punching out between Luffys laughter. And they make out a lot and Luffy is still cocky and annoying and Law does feel better after etc etc
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purplehairedwonder · 1 year
LawLu Week 2023 Roundup
I wrote something for nine of the ten days of LawLu Week 2023. Here’s a recap:
“Hold Fast to Dreams” (PG-13 | 3K for the prompt “Soulmates”): Law was nine the first time he had a dream that wasn’t his own. He was in a forest on an island he’d never seen before—the plants and trees were the wrong color for one thing—and he was running from an old man he called Gramps, only the man had looked nothing like either of Law’s grandfathers.
“A Fleeting Moment (When the Sun Can Kiss the Moon)” (PG-13 | 4.3K for the prompt “Sun and Moon”): Once upon a time, the Sun fell in love with the Moon. Fairy Tale AU.
“The Heart Asks Pleasure – First” (PG-13 | 2K for the prompt “Promise”): When Luffy was certain Law was looking at him, he said, “Take my heart.”
“What?” Law asked dumbly. There was no way he’d heard that correctly.
“Take my heart,” Luffy repeated, leaning forward. Though they were still a few feet apart on the balcony, Law suddenly felt like Luffy was looming over him. “And I’ll take yours.”
“Hurricane Heat in My Head” (PG-13 | 2.9K for the prompt “Possessive”):  Five times Luffy didn't like the way someone was looking at Law and one where he did something about it.
“Healing Hands and Healing Hearts” (PG | 1.4K for the prompt “Healing”):  Law might be a doctor, but Luffy, Law realized with a sudden flash of clarity, was a healer. Law had put Luffy physically back together after Marineford, but Luffy had put his own soul back together. And, two years later, he’d taken one look at Law’s pain and had extracted the poison from the wound that had been festering in Law’s soul for the last thirteen years.
“My Heart in Your Hands, My Hands around Your Heart” (PG | 1.9K for the prompt “Hand Holding”): In Luffy's lowest moment, Law takes Luffy's hand and promises that his story will not end.
In Law's lowest moment, Luffy takes Law's hand and promises the same.
“Your Heart, Broken in My Chest” (PG-13 | 3.6K for the prompt “Hurt/Comfort”): Luffy was far from an expert at having someone else’s heart in his chest, but he was pretty sure what was happening with Torao’s heart wasn’t normal. Follows “The Heart Asks Pleasure -- First.”
“My Heart, Fragile in Your Hands” (PG-13 | 2.3K for the prompt “Reunion”): “I failed them,” Law whispered, and it felt like a confession—like at church in Flevance. Confession was supposed to absolve someone of their sins, right? He doubted there was a god anywhere who could absolve him of his. And yet, he confessed at the altar of Luffy. “They were my responsibility, and I failed them.”
Or, Law wakes up in the Sunny's infirmary after Winner Island. Follows “Your Heart, Broken in My Chest.”
“Our Hearts, Made Whole in Each Other” (PG-13 | 2.3K for the prompt “Confessions”): Luffy cupped Law’s cheek with his hand, softly grazing his thumb over a yellowing bruise. “Torao is so pretty,” he said quietly, a note of awe in his voice. Law flushed. “Torao’s heart is beating so fast.”
“Yeah,” Law agreed, swallowing. “It is.” Luffy’s, despite a few flutters, was beating steadily in Law’s chest. Law, on the other hand, felt pinned to the spot, one hand holding Kikoku and the other in Luffy’s grip.
“You should stay.”
Law blinked. “What?”“
You should stay,” Luffy repeated. “On the Sunny. With me." Follows “My Heart, Fragile in Your Hands.”
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lerya-fanfic · 2 years
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Thanks @theladygia for the tag, sorry I’m responding so late! 1. Wanted: Nakama (chapter 33/100)
One Piece || diverse pairings (more of a ficlet collections really)
Dragon didn’t know what pushed him to come to shore this time around. No matter how many times he was close to his home island, he feared stepping foot on it. Just to make sure that Luffy was safe, that Luffy wouldn’t be connected to him but instead enjoy the protection of having a vice-admiral Grandfather.
2.  I always dreamed of this moment, to see you all again after we parted (chapter 3/25)
Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin || Eren & Zeke, more to follow
After that traumatic experience was over, all three former shifters did wonder why Carla didn’t remember anything from her previous life. They were happy about it too, especially Grisha and Eren, as neither wanted her to remember being eaten.
3.  Once an Ootsutsuki, always an Ootsutsuki (chapter 41/60)
Naruto || Indra & Asura, Indra & Asura & Bijuu
Kiri was healing, even just a few weeks after Yagura handed over the hat to Mei, it was clear that things were changing. That their people were realising something was going on that made it all better, made sure to give them all another chance at life.
4.  When a King revives his throne (chapter 19/25)
Bleach || Kisuke Uruhara/Ichigo Kurosaki
Feeling someone approach before the door is opened again, Ichigo’s didn’t even break the kiss as a gasp sounds from whoever is standing in the door opening. He doesn’t feel like moving, but relents when he noticed Kisuke stops kissing back. Leaning back to finally turn to the door, only to bling at the man he finds standing there.
5.  Favored by Fire
One Piece ||  Ace & Sabo & Luffy
In the aftermath of Wano, and apparently awakening his devil fruit, Luffy didn’t tell his crew that he was feeling different from before. It wasn’t even a bad thing, even if the recuperation time he needed after using gear 5 was much more than all of his other gears combined.
6.  Forever and a Day, A Nakama Fanfic (chapter 44/50)
One Piece || LawLu, MarAce, SaboAla, ZoSan
Getting onto Zunisha proved a lot less difficult if you knew what you needed to do. Between Katakuri, Law, Luffy, Ace, Sabo and Marco they had everyone up there in no time, tilting up an eyebrow when the little Mink at the gates tried to stop them. At least until he saw Ace and Marco and waved them on as if seeing legends for the first time. With how small he was, that might have been the case too.
7.  Of course we're doing this together again.
One Piece || LawLu, MarAce, SaboAla, ShanksBenn
Law had a feeling he should be expecting this when he opened the door to the restaurant they had booked for their Valentine’s date, rolling his eyes when Shanks and Benn looked up from the table no doubt close to theirs as the older men were sitting.
8.  It was there all along, growing in the background
One Piece || ZoLu
It grew from every interaction they had, ever since Luffy came to get him in Shells Town and asked him to become his nakama. He never expected to develop feelings for his childish captain, who when it mattered was a force to be reckoned on. A true captain as the word suggested. More than able to stand up to foes that he should have fallen against.
9.  Counting down until the moment I get to meet you
One Piece || Esuka
Isuka cherished the counter on her wrist, even more once it was just her. When her mother and brothers had been killed in the fire caused by pirates. She had a hard time accepting that she was alone. Wouldn’t accept it either, not as long as she still had that counter running to the moment she would meet her soulmate.
10.  Happy Birthday, Little bird
One Piece || Ace/Marco/OC
Ray groaned as the light from the one window in their room steadily became brighter, and awareness came slow. Only fully waking him up when he realizes there are no other bodies in bed with him.
Tagging, if they want to do this: @phoenixkaizen-writes @cyborg-franky @arielxlazarus @xamaxenta , have fun if you choose you do this! 
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khepiari · 2 years
First Raindrops Always Taste Bitter
[LawLu Week 2022 Day 2]
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Prince Luffy was a blessing born in a human body, a secret hidden from the population of the kingdom of Goa. Being the third prince and much younger than his siblings, this prince grew up healthy, often spotted in the shadows of the castle’s crypts and garden. The prince was mostly found creating havoc in the royal kitchen or chasing the royal horses and spreading joy and laughter. He had no interest in politics nor in gaining a name for himself, things the prince cared about, were running away from his lessons and playing around and having good food.
He was born on the seventh year of the long draught that had followed after a long winter, the queen and the king had prayed to the gods for a blessing; to grant the kingdom with rain. The day Queen Luna went into labour, was the day the grey clouds gathered, and after a thunderous night long struggle Prince Luffy was born, he laughed instead of wailing! With his first laugh, the rains began to fall. The kingdom of Goa respired; the farmers rejoiced, the sailors wept, fisherfolk wailed and everyone cried. Cattles bleated, the plants thrived, flowers bloomed, and the dust settled down.
The blessing was discovered a month later, Prince Luffy was giggling in his crib and people around him began to giggle without any reason. The more they laughed, the lighter they felt, by the time the news of the laughing mania spread, King Dragon’s face dusted with anger and laughter and the entire castle was drunk on giggles. In no time, it was understood, Prince Luffy was blessed! His joy was contagious and if he had made too many people laugh, rain would fall. King Dragon thanked the gods again! He bowed to the gods for days to have sent them a blessing of rain!
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lawssword · 4 years
Day Six: Solitude
Law and Luffy sometime after Luffy finds the One Piece
Word Count: 918
Law had never hated being alone. Not before Luffy. Before he met Luffy, Law found solitude peaceful, welcoming, and comfortable. Solitude was the most valuable thing Law had ever experienced.
Then Luffy came into his life. He came like a storm, bringing chaos with him. Law didn't realize he was in love with Luffy until he watched Doflamingo get his ass handed to him by Luffy. And Law thought he'd never get the chance to tell Luffy how he felt when they fought Kaido.
Wano had scared Law senseless with all the chaos that went on there. Even in Wano though, Law preferred his solitude over anyone else's company. After Wano though, nothing could keep Law from telling Luffy how he felt. Not when he watched Luffy almost die for a second time.
Law felt the mattress move beneath him before Luffy wrapped his arm around him.
"Morning," Law murmured with a small smile.
"To-ra-o!" Luffy squeezed Law in his arms, squeezing the comforter in his fists. "Morning!" Luffy pressed his head against Law's back and against Law's tattoo. Law found the back of Luffy's hand and drew circles on Luffy's skin.
"Did you sleep alright?" Luffy asked before kissing Law's back.
"Mhm." Law rolled over in Luffy's arms to face him. Law tilted Luffy's chin up and left a lazy kiss on Luffy's lips. "Do you really have to go today?"
"We gotta sail before the log pose resets," Luffy pointed out. "Nami said so."
"Nami-ya can suck my cock," Law retorted in poor taste.
"That's my job!" Luffy huffed. He frowned at Law.
Law snorted, trying and failing not to laugh. He kissed Luffy's forehead. "And you do a great job."
"Shishishi." Luffy smiled at Law. "Besides, I don't think Nami would want to do that."
"Probably not," Law agreed.
Luffy sat up and stretched his arms up. His shoulders popped.
"You're not leaving already are you?" Law asked. He wasn't quite ready to be left alone yet.
"Nope," Luffy chirped. He twisted around and leaned over Law, kissing him and pressing his body against Law's. Law wrapped his arms around Luffy.
Law pulled away just enough to talk. "When do I get to see my little Pirate King next?" Law murmured, he ran his hands down Luffy's sides.
"I dunno," Luffy replied with his voice just as quiet. "I maybe I can catch you at the next island."
"I sure hope so," Law said. "I don't want to go months without seeing you again."
"You missed me, huh?" Luffy said with a smile. Law sat up, pulling Luffy into his lap he kissed Luffy again.
"Yeah, didn't you miss me?" Law asked.
"Of course!" Luffy chirped. He wrapped his arms around Law's neck and Law kissed Luffy's cheek and down his neck.
"Oi!" There was shouting in the hall outside their inn room. "Luffy!?"
Of course, it was one of the damned Strawhats. Law could never really have Luffy all to himself for even one day.
"Oh, that's Usopp," Luffy muttered.
"Tell him to go away," Law muttered. He rested his chin on Luffy's shoulder. and hugged him tighter.
"Luffy!?" Law could hear Usopp knock on the door next to theirs. At least he wasn't Law's problem yet. Law decided to steal kisses from Luffy while he could. It wouldn't be long before Usopp was banging on their door. Luffy gladly obliged, meeting Law halfway with every kiss.
Then there was the knock at their door.
"It's not time yet," Luffy pouted as he pulled away from Law.
"Luffy!?" Usopp called yet again.
"Maybe if we ignore him, he'll go away," Law said.
"Torao, that's mean," Luffy muttered.
"Law!" Usopp yelled. "I know  you guys are in there, Bepo told me you were here and this is the last room!"
"I'm going to decapitate him," Law whispered between kisses.
"That's mean too," Luffy pointed out.
"Huh, I don't recall promising to be nice."
They shared another kiss with the banging on the door.
"I'll break in if I have to!" Usopp yelled.
Luffy sighed and climbed off of Law's lap, he pulled on some clothes before he answered the door.  "What is it?"
"Zoro got arrested last night for fighting a bartender and he broke out this morning and ran back to the ship and now the marines are on our ass and we gotta go!"
"What!?" Luffy ran his hand through his hair. Zoro was a drunken bastard set on stealing Luffy away from Law and Law was going to make him regret it.
"Luffy we gotta go," Usopp said. He grabbed Luffy's wrist and pulled I'm into the hall.
"Hold on!" Luffy yanked his arm back and ran into the room. He jumped onto the bed next to Law.
"I love you, Torao," Luffy said. He kissed him again. Law smiled at him.
"Love you too, Law muttered, need any help kicking ass?"
"No way!" Luffy stuck his tongue out at Law.
"Alright, alright," Law muttered. "One more."
They kissed again and this one was long. Law made sure it was. He wanted to make Usopp as uncomfortable as possible. When Luffy pulled away, Law bit his lip to try to keep him there a little longer. Luffy grabbed his shirt on the way out closed the door behind him. Law was alone again.
He might as well go back to his crew, he had his own plans to follow through on after all.
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iprincezzinuyoukai · 5 years
LawLu 2k19 Week, Day 10: Free Day
I’m gonna be sincere, I had sworn that I did post this — I guess I’d deja vu...
Anyway, I hope you like it, it's a very short one, in my opinion, besides it was originally something I did for my oc’s.
It was a funny week, thanks for reading my stories (・∀・)
Notes and Warnings: Post-apocalyptic. Powers
Luffy wasn’t the type to stay up late at night, maybe when television and the Internet were something he’d be watching videos on youtube or movies online. But that was long before Gaia had its effect on all of them.
Other than that, there wasn’t much to keep him awake for... Not even after Ace’s death.
So, what was keeping him awake?
It wasn’t hunger. “The food must have been well rationed.”, Sanji said, but that didn’t mean the former waiter would let them starve.
The lack of sleep was something much deeper.
Luffy took off his blanket and walked to the fire, watching his friends sleep, and the other group too.
A figure sitting in front of the fire made him walk faster, at least he wasn’t the only one awake.
“Torao!” Luffy caught the other one giving him a hug from behind.
The other man didn’t scold him as usual, but instead took his wrist and gently rubbed it with his fingers. “Good morning, Luffy.”
“Silly, there are still stars.” Luffy stretched his arm like rubber to the sky.
“No, in a few minutes you’ll see the Sun rise from this side.” Law moved Luffy to put him in front of him, and sat him down, bringing him to his own chest.
Luffy liked the kind of gestures that Torao had with him, in front of the others the surgeon looked cold and tired, well he was always tired, but he always seemed to have time to spend with Luffy.
“You should sleep.” Trafalgar said, thinking at the same time that he must have brought a blanket at least.
“I say the same thing. But I remembered you said you’d be on call.” Luffy wanted to assume that the reason he couldn’t sleep was because Torao was alone, at least part of him wanted to think that.
“You look worried.”
“Am I?” Luffy turned to see him.
“What were you thinking last time?” Trafalgar was no expert on emotions, but Luffy was an exception, he was always the exception to all his rules.
“Sabo.” Luffy uttered the name of his older brother, “I didn’t get to say goodbye to him last time.”
“Are you afraid for Sabo because you’re afraid of what happened to Ace?”
Luffy didn’t like to talk much about Ace’s death, not after he finally found him to end up losing him. And meeting Sabo had made him think of a thousand things...
“Sabo will be fine.” Luffy said, it was more of a consolation to him than a confirmation, “He managed to survive all these years safely.”
Law looked at the black-haired boy. Luffy was worried about his older brother, only he was so dumb about his emotions. Maybe before Gaia, Luffy was the kid who always smiled and only cried when he was hungry, and that, ten years later, hadn’t changed.
Trafalgar watched the fire, the fire dancing in front of them both.
“You want to know what I was thinking?” Law asked, and at the excited look of his partner he couldn’t turn back. “I’m glad Gaia happened.” Law could see Luffy’s confused gaze, no one in their right mind would have said that about the gas that changed the fate of the world. Not when he also lost family because of that experiment. “Because that’s the only way I got to know you.”
Luffy went silent for a few seconds, like he was analyzing what Trafalgar had said, “We could have met under different circumstances, you know?”
“Maybe yes, maybe not. Ten years ago I didn’t think of falling in love with someone like you — ”
“Ah! Torao, you said it!” Luffy turned around, leaning in front of him, a huge smile adorned his face, “You do love me.”
Law blinked a couple of times, surprised, didn’t he say so? He was sure he did, well maybe he forgot, but he was sure Luffy had no doubt about his feelings for him.
Trafalgar nodded and put Luffy back in his old position, “Of course I do.”
Luffy felt that nasty pressure on his throat evaporating... Felt light again, so light it’d be easy to fall asleep.
“You will not see the sunrise.” Trafalgar said.
“We’ll see it tomorrow, together.”
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lawluaficionado · 2 years
Can I get more LawLu family snippets?? Pls!
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Luffy is 100% not willing to discipline his kids. Not that say that he isn't above "grounding" them. But he's more of a 'learn through fun' type of dad. He fully believes his kids have the right to say when they are uncomfortable around weird adults [TREBOL: that vile nasty snot nosed disgusting phlem]. He loves giving them a voice. Something that was not respected when he was a child.
Luffy can and will punch someone who dares tell him how to raise his two boys. He doesn't take criticism thank you very much. Unless it's from Law.
Can't cook for shit, fact, but he loves trying new dessert recipes with his kids. They both have his love of food!
He likes to play pretend with his kids. Most favorite is playing pirates. He's got a crew of ten stuffed animals, Ace and Cora in their own crews fighting the evil narwhals which threaten to take over their play area.
Law is a bit strict with his kids, most of the time because he has to be the one to tell them when it's time to stop. He does not like yelling at them, hates it in fact. He will only yell if there is danger, such as something being too hot or they are being reckless. But he will not yell at them for punishment. If he's had a bad day, he only needs to hug them and immediately he's feeling so much better.
Law taught his boys how to flip off certain people upon greeting them. Sabo, it's at least after they say hello. Kid? It's on sight, no questions asked. Law has never been more proud.
Loves taking his kids to his work place on the days he does not have surgeries.
He was the most reluctant to have them sleep in their own rooms after they were born. He wanted them to be by his side at all times. Any sounds he'd hear, he'd have to go check on newborn babies instantly. Luffy found it too cute.
One thing about them as a parenting unit is they absolutely can't say no to their kids. Now, Cora and Ace are not spoiled, but they have more than they need.
Toys? Ace gets new toys all the time, but the compromise is he needs to have some donated before they get new ones.
Books? Plenty to read. At least they know that any books they get, Cora will go through them instantly. He loves telling his papas about the dumb characters actions.
Arts and Crafts? Terrible artists, the both of them. They've inherited the terrible art skills (lack of) from both dads, but they enjoy it. So they have so much paint, crayons and coloring books.
Night lights? Both boys can't sleep without a night light. They liked the ocean themed ones that shine a baby blue light on the room.
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lawlu-week · 2 years
Have you given permission to this group to host ten days of LawLu 2022?
I unfortunately haven't spoken to anyone running that account, but I am trying to reach out to them.
It's my understanding that they're celebrating the 10th anniversary of LawLu, which seems to be how they came to the same dates and numbers we initially did when we made this event.
I understand that the names are similar and it may cause some confusion. If you would like to follow this accounts Twitter, it's here https://twitter.com/LawluWeek
Thank you
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Poll Vote March Mutual Pining Slowburn
Hi readers! I hope your weekend is going well <3
Blinded by Sakuya_Serenity_Kira (E)
Strawhats and Heart Pirates are traveling together after the events on DressRosa, Zou and maybe even Wano. Kizaru pays them a visit and as a result Luffy is blinded.  Now he is not allowed in the sun for days. And where would be safer for the freedom-loving captain than in the cabin of a grim, silent surgeon...?
Storge by Sketched_Ink (M)
“Ok!” Luffy grinned brightly, “You help protect Ace, and I beat up a flamingo? Easy” “Not a flamingo, Donquixote Doflamingo, my adoptive father”, Law tried to stop the venom seeping into his voice. Luffy nodded solemnly, “Ok, I beat up your father, the flamingo, and you protect Ace?”. Law supposed this was the closest he was going to get to total understanding. “Yes”, he ground out.   Or, the self-indulgent Bridgerton-style AU nobody asked for.
The Greatest Adventure by Kaatosade (E) [incomplete]
It was even more absurd to hear Luffy talking about marriage.
I was a God once! by KhepiAri (M)
I was a god once; no one believes it when I tell them now. I had tall shrines, devout followers and piles of offerings. My first shrine was made in the hollow of a tree. It was a little boy who had built it; he had killed a wild boar with a stone, that blood covered stone was my first form. He, along with his mates, he concluded the stone was a miracle. A notorious boar had rampaged around his village for months, destroying their crops and killing three elderly. The boy at the stupid age of 12 had taken matters in his own hand and ventured into the forest after his brothers and grandfather had returned injured. He had no skills and zero sense of self-preservation. With bow and arrows slung on his back, two long knives tied on thin his waist and a spear in his hand; he marched out of home at break of dawn. While his mother and father were busy nursing the injured and grandmother brewed the medicinal soup, he sneaked out. A pining god recites how he fell in love with a mortal. From bickering god and a devotee they become friends, but can god and human be together? Law is a young god and Luffy his devotee. SWITCH COUPLE: LawLu/LuLaw Lawlu Week 2022 day-6
And Like This, We Eclipse the Universe by riverofnara (G)
He knows his name. He knows the lullaby of the ocean and the press of warm sand against his toes. He knows the straw hat on his head is sacred, a treasure of unspeakable value. And he knows that he’s missed Law, a cavernous ache in his chest that would normally swallow one whole, but not here because Law’s presence alone is enough, a gentle balm to dull the pain in increments. - The universe grants two hearts longing for the other a chance to reunite. And even when they don't recognize each other, they don't let the moment go to waste.
Mon Trésor by bimarian (G)
Luffy wonders if Law will get mad once he finally admits it; will Law walk away from him once he lets all these wishes and prayers out in the open? Maybe. And that’s one doubt too many. Ten things that he wants to confess to his ally now that he is already the Pirate King.
Lost and Found by too_addicted_to_fiction (E)
“I’m not here to play hide-and-seek with you, Mugiwara,” Law spat out, hot and tired and annoyed. “I’m here to take you back. I promised your friends." In which Luffy runs away, and Law is sent after him.
When You Hug Me It Feels Like Home. by KhepiAri (G)
Unlike how his family had feared that Luffy would go wild at the first taste of freedom, Luffy was drowned in the first taste of college existential crisis, being good at something practically didn’t mean he was good at in theory. The first three weeks of Luffy’s freedom were spent studying things he had no understanding of. When assignments came another week later, the young student couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed and began crying in the middle of the library. Fellow students didn’t make things awkward for him by staring; it was common to find crying first years at every nook and corner of the university. It was entirely different from high school, if you fell no one was going to pick you up, you had to pick yourself up, clean your wounds and keep walking. “Are you okay?” A firm hand gently tapped a wallowing Luffy’s shoulder. “No…” Luffy tried to control his sobs. College AU. Fresher Luffy/PhD student Law. No Smut. One kiss. Law finds Luffy crying in the library, so he offers to buy Luffy a drink and help him out for a while, but he soon finds himself flirting with Luffy, who is a bit slow when it comes to matter of hearts. LawluWeek 2022 Day-8
Why won't you kiss me already? by Katia_Anyway (M)
Luffy is in love with Torao. And he knows Torao loves him back. So why won't Torao kiss him already!?
If You Need Me, I will by BasicallyACat (G)
Luffy can't find the words to describe all the things he feels, couldn't say them even if he found them. He knows people don't understand him usually and doesn't really mind. His nakama understand and that is all that matters. When he meets Law, suddenly there are far too many things to say even when he can't and Luffy prays Law can understand anyways.
The Curious Case of Monkey D. Luffy by lampalot7 (T)
Monkey D. Luffy was cute. This much was known—this was an undeniable, immutable fact. It was also largely suspected to be a ruse of some sort. The squishy-cheeked, beaming face on the wanted posters was largely considered by the more discerning members of Law’s profession to be incapable of the infamous, impossible deeds that Straw Hat Luffy has committed. Or: Luffy is cute, Law has incorrect assumptions, and then a crisis.
If you think we missed a work that you think deserves to be added, don't hesitate to reply with the link or send a message <3
-Mod Raiya
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chenziee · 2 years
The power of a Revolutionary Army top executive
@lawluevents 10 Days of Lawlu 2022 Day 7: Free day
 Alternate summary: you know you just cannot win against a drag queen, Shachi, come on
Alternate summary 2: what happens when you recycle ideas you had at 2am half a year ago
Seeing the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard pirates very up close and personal wasn't really a choice Shachi would have made by himself. However, when your pirate captain gives the order, you follow, and Shachi had never seen a reason to argue with Law.
Not until now at least.
But how do you walk up to a man and tell him, "Hey, I don't think risking your entire crew's lives because of this cute guy you met a week ago for a grand total of ten minutes is really smart?" Shachi didn't know and he sure as hell didn't want to try and figure it out either.
Not when Law had that determined look on his face, a look Shachi had seen only twice before. First, when he had announced he was forming the Heart Pirates. Second, when he decided it was time to enter the Grand Line.
He was going to go, with or without Shachi, and like hell was Shachi letting him do this alone.
And so, the whole crew had found themselves running away from rapidly growing icebergs and unrelentless beams of light, diving deeper, deeper,      deeper,     just to survive while the Captain was busy saving the lives of people that had no real connection to him. Because 'he felt like it.'
Ever since they had left Sabaody Archipelago, the crew had been whispering; speculating, asking questions, wondering. Why? Why were they doing this? For what purpose? Not questioning the Captain's decision but simply curious.
And then there was Shachi, exchanging knowing, gloomy looks with Penguin.
In this case, he honestly might have preferred being as clueless as the others.
It felt like an eternity until the Heart Pirates finally felt safe enough to surface once more. No one was happier about it than Bepo but even Shachi had to admit the fresh air felt great—if it didn’t come with the fucking navy battle ship right in their faces.
That alone took away about eight years of his lifespan.
But seeing Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress, the most beautiful woman in the world, stepping onto their deck, blessing their measly little submarine with her dazzling presence, beauty, and charisma, well… that alone added about sixteen years of his life back. He would absolutely take this deal again.
Ah, if only he could take Bepo’s place and be her personal servant… Or better yet, Straw Hat’s place and have her worry about him like this.
The pirate was so damn lucky.
Suddenly, Shachi was ripped away from his fantasy by words spoken by the… person whose presence Shachi had been trying to ignore.
“By the way, who are you? Straw Hat boy’s friend?”
Shachi did a double take at Ivankov’s question. What was this, a woman’s—Drag Queen’s—intuition? He hadn’t even seen Law and Straw Hat interact. He hadn’t been subjected to that sorry excuse for flirting that they had going on since Law’s first ‘Straw Hat-ya’ and yet, he still knew they were one unsupervised moment away from kissing each other stupid—
“Please tell me you misheard him say ‘Straw Hat’s boyfriend’ too and it’s not just me,” Penguin whispered into his ear, begging.
Shachi startled, blinking once, twice, before he realised what Ivankov had actually said. Way to make it sound misleading. Heaving a deep sigh, Shachi’s shoulders sagged as he nodded. “Sure did.”
The two of them looked at each other, two identical, tired gazes meeting before they simultaneously turned to look at their idiot Captain, both having the sense of absolute and utter defeat descend upon them.
And really, how could they not feel completely resigned? Looking at Law, seeing him all fidgety and glancing at the door leading into the Tang every few seconds like he was dying to go back even while in the middle of a conversation with Boa Hancock, Emporio Ivankov, and Knight of the Sea Jinbe—in other words, three insanely powerful and scary people—and well…
They were fucked.  
Law was admittedly the one who was the most fucked out of all of them but the rest of the Hearts were still doomed to getting dragged into this thing that Law and Straw Hat had going on anyway by simple association.
As soon a Law disappeared back inside, a large shadow appeared right behind Shachi and Penguin. Slowly, Shachi turned his head around to look, only to come into an uncomfortably close contact with a huge face covered by a thick layer of make up, impossibly long and thick eyelashes, and a toothy smile so wide it made Shachi’s cheeks hurt just looking at it. Seriously, did this guy—was it even right to call him that?—ever close his mouth fully or did he just walk around with his teeth exposed 24/7?
Shachi wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to that.
"I saw you exchanging that look earlier,” Ivankov said slowly with his strange intonation and, even though his smile didn’t falter at all, Shachi had never felt quite so intimidated in his life. “Tell me, why did Doctor boy save Straw Hat boy?"
For a moment, no one moved. Shachi and Penguin just stared up and Ivankov’s face hovering above them, making it obvious he wasn’t about to let them get away. But that didn’t mean they shouldn’t at least try… right?
“Why—” Shachi gulped before attempting to speak again. “Why should we tell you?”
Ivankov raised an eyebrow, regarding Shachi with a critical look before replying, "Because! I need to know if I can trust him with the boy's life!" he said, his voice unyielding as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Shachi and Penguin exchanged a look. Shachi had hoped Penguin would have an idea on how to get the hell out of this... situation but he could see it in his eyes that his partner was exactly as clueless as Shachi himself.
This didn’t look very good.
Quickly glancing around himself, Shachi tried to look for a way out—a door, a mouse hole, a person to save him. But there was nothing. Nothing but the Pirate Empress peeking shyly inside the the Tang and mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like ‘Luffy,’ Jinbe sitting on the deck looking like he was about to fall asleep, and Bepo who was actually asleep, enjoying the breeze.
In other words… there was no escape.
Shachi took a step back. “Uhm,” he could barely let out, looking anywhere but Ivankov’s face.
“Well,” Penguin said, his voice weak and uncertain as he mirrored Shachi’s attempt at retreat.
“Come on!” Ivankov insisted, quickly filling up the space the two Hearts had managed to put between them by merely tilting his giant head.
“We can’t!” Shachi said, trying to keep his voice steady and firm. He wasn’t sure if he had succeeded—especially not with the four quick steps back he took.
“It’s not our place to tell you!” Penguin joined in.
Three more steps back.
“Tell me!”  
Two more steps—
Shachi’s back hit something.
He cursed internally, pushing his back against the Tang’s wall as he tried to get as far away as he could, possibly far enough to phase through the metal and disappear inside the sub.
“Hm?” Ivankov drew out, his face getting closer… closer…
Shachi’s eyes widened so much that he wouldn’t have been surprised if they just fell out of their sockets. He could only stare as the Drag Queen stabbed himself in his face, glowering down at him and Penguin from further and further up as his already huge face inflated more and more and more.  
Shachi couldn’t do it.
“Captain! Save me!” Shachi screamed, not even trying to hide how terrified he was anymore.
“He’s not going to help us,” Penguin piped up, voice so weak that Shachi could barely hear him from where he stood right next to him. “He’s too busy with Straw Hat.”
“Shit,” Shachi cursed as he closed his eyes and prayed for a miracle.
A gust of wind blew past Shachi then and he dared to peek through his lids… only to regret every life decision that had led to him ever bearing witness to the Queen of Drag Queens, head half the size of the entire Polar Tang, twirling in place at great speed, before he suddenly stopped, striking a pose with a deafening cry of ‘WAAHOO!’  
It was such a bizarre sight that for a second, Shachi had thought, oh, just a dream…  
But his mind could never—never—come up with this. Which meant it was real, which meant the cold grin and impossibly giant eyes that were now inches away from his face were real, too.
And then…
Shachi screamed.
"Ahhh I give! I give!! We'll tell you, just stop please!"
"For the love of god, don't tell him we said anything!” Penguin yelled right along with him, waving his arms in front of himself to try and keep a semblance of personal space.
Ivankov hummed, nodding at them both in approval. “You’re doing great, Candies. Go on, don’t be shy!”
Shachi took a deep but shaky breath.
He felt Penguin tense next to him, knowing what Shachi was about to do.
And Shachi simply closed his eyes, mulling the words over in his mouth; he felt like he was preparing for death instead of saying a few simple words. Just stating out loud what anyone could see if they spent two minutes with Law and Straw Hat in the same room…
Fuck it. "The Captain’s got a crush," he muttered quietly.
One could hear a hair falling in the silence that had settled over the deck at his words. It was like the sea itself was dreading what was to come, a retribution in the form of an absolutely livid Law or maybe a lightning striking from the cloudless blue skies above.
Yet, nothing came, no matter how long he waited.
“Ohohoho…" the sound of Ivankov’s quiet, impressed chuckle was the first sound that Shachi had noticed.
Cracking one eye open after what felt like an eternity, Shachi was relieved to see Ivankov’s face back to its usual size, the ever-present grin having turned to something calmer, more thoughtful as the Queen studied Shachi’s expressions and body language.
And then he finally nodded, seemingly reaching a satisfying conclusion in his mind as he turned around, thanking Shachi and Penguin before strutting away.
Immediately, Shachi’s knees gave in and he slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor, completely lifeless; at least Penguin was in exactly the same boat, right next to him on the floor.
“So this is the power of a Revolutionary Army top executive,” Penguin muttered after a while.
Before Shachi could muster the strength to say anything, a deep calm voice spoke up instead. “I’m pretty sure that’s just Ivankov.”
Shachi heaved a sigh at Jinbe’s words. The man was right. But putting it like that didn’t make Shachi feel any better about spilling one of his best friends’ secret like that.
Law rubbed at his eyes. Not only was he in a sore need of a nap after spending the whole night on Straw Hat’s and Jinbe’s operations, now he couldn’t even enjoy his damn coffee in peace.
“Hey, Doctor boy,” Ivankov said, sliding into the chair opposite of him in the kitchen.
Who had even let him inside? Law was going to have a word with them. He didn’t even bother to reply; he simply stared back at the Drag Queen impassively for a moment before sighing and turning his attention back to his steaming cup of coffee, completely ignoring him.
Ivankov seemed unphased, however. “Wanna come with us to Kamabakka after Straw Hat boy recovers? We can teach you a lot!”
Blinking once, twice… Law tried to process whatever the hell the idiot had just said.
But, meeting Ivankov’s eager eyes, seeing his suggestive wink… Law felt a chill run up his spine. Now he was positive he didn’t even want to know.
Without a word, Law picked up his coffee and left the kitchen, heading right back to the OR. He needed to check on Straw Hat—it was nothing short of a miracle that he had survived the operation in the first place, he was most certainly not out of danger. He needed to be there in case something went to shit.
Law shook his head, chasing all thoughts of that possibility away. He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to imagine a world where he would never be able to watch this reckless idiot punching a Celestial Dragon again.
Or be able to see his bright, carefree smile, or the warm spark of quiet determination in his eyes.
No; that wasn’t the reason. He was simply going there to check his vitals because he had a lot of pride invested in that half-dead body, as a surgeon. Nothing more.
Or to be precise—as he slammed the door to the OR closed behind himself, finally shutting out Ivankov’s giggling, he reminded himself; if nothing else, in his current state, Straw Hat certainly wasn’t going look at him like he was waiting for the first opportunity to put him in drag.
~ one unsupervised moment later ~
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ghost-kitty · 4 years
Another prompt! And why the hell am I writing prompts when I have two fics that I should work on instead?! Oh well... I have no self-control
Pairing: LawLu
Warnings: none, just fluff :)
The prompt: Them getting a puppy/kitty and arguing over names
(I'm sorry I tried to make a cut but it just wouldn't let me... sure cost me like ten years of my life 😩)
Luffy is pouting. And he's doing it on purpose, the little bastard, because he knows that it always works. Not this time though. No, this time Law can't give in. It's just too... ridiculous.
"But why not," comes the whine from the teen and Law has to suppress the urge to kiss his pouty lips.
"Because," he starts and he can't believe that he even has to explain this to his boyfriend, "you can't just name a cat 'cat'."
Luffy furrows his brows together, clearly not satisfied with his answer. "But why not? He's a cat after all!"
Law sighs long and heavy. He should be used to Luffy's simple way of thinking by now. And he's sure that in Luffy's head it makes perfect sense. But he's still not going to name the cat... cat. "Look what would you think if your parents had just named you 'human' instead of Luffy? Doesn't make sense, does it?"
His boyfriend's eyes turn comically wide at that, his lips forming a small 'o'. "Whoa you're right. You're so smart Torao!"
Well yeah, he is. But this, he would rather describe as common sense; something that his boyfriend clearly is lacking.
Why is he with him again?
Luffy lets out a small giggle then, a blinding smile on his face. Ah yes, that's why. He just loves his little sunshine way too much. And right now, he can't deny that the sight of Luffy with the tiny white kitty cuddled up in his lap tugs at his heartstrings and makes him feel all warm and jittery. That however doesn't mean that he will let Luffy get away with the silly names he has come up with so far. That's where he draws the line.
They had found the little animal on the street two weeks ago, weak and almost starved to death. Of course they had taken it with them and now that the search for possible owners had turned out to be fruitless, they even decided to keep it.
Law had made a big fuss out of it first, naturally, but eventually gave in when not one, but two pairs of big eyes had stared him down.
It had been a farce to begin with of course. Law wanted to keep the little fur ball from the beginning. But Luffy doesn't need to know that, now does he?
Anyway, they need to agree on a name now and that's not as easy as it sounds. Not with Luffy at least.
"What about Snow?" He asks and from the look on his face it seems that he is really proud of his new suggestion. Law shakes his head fondly. "Okay let me think... oh what about Marshmallow?"
He rolls his eyes. "Luffy we don't have to name him after something that is white just because he has white fur." Seriously, Law has a reputation to keep. He can't go around and call his cat Marshmallow.
At this rate Law thinks that they will argue for the rest of the day until they finally come to an agreement.
"Toraoooo you're so mean," he whines. "Oh, I know! I'll just give him a name that I like and you too can choose whatever you like best!"
He claps his hands together, waking the still unnamed cat from his slumber, luring a confused 'meow' out of him. Luffy pats his head softly as an apology and Law just rolls his eyes even harder.
"That's the dumbest shit that came out of your mouth so far."
Luffy gasps loudly and covers the kitty's ear. "Torao, don't curse in front of the baby!"
"He- he can't understand me Luffy..."
"Yes he can!"
Law buries his face in his hands and groans. Should have just agreed on 'bacon' and get it over with... "Okay look, can we just agree on a normal name please?"
Luffy ponders for a while. He's tapping his lips with his index finger, apparently deep in thought, until he suddenly beams up at Law, his big eyes shining and jesus... Law feels his resolve crumble to pieces. He knows that he will agree on everything Luffy says now, no matter how stupid.
"I have the best idea Torao!" Uh-huh. He has his doubts about that but lets him continue anyway. "You remember last week when you watched this documentary about the polar bears," he giggles happily and Law feels his cheeks heat up, "you were so fascinated by them. So cute!"
His face flushes and even deeper shade of red. "I did not watch it! It was just on by chance when I was working." It's true, he had just sat down on the couch and turned on the TV to have some background noise while checking his mail. And he did answer his mails... for all about five minutes before he had cast his laptop aside to watch those majestic creatures and their adorable cubs with their cute snouts and paws and wait... what were they talking about? Ah yes, a name for the kitty, right.
Luffy chuckles knowingly. "They showed a rescued cub who had been abandoned by its mother and was brought to a zoo. They named him Bepo, remember? That's a cute name don't you think?"
As Law looks into Luffy's expectant eyes he can't find it in him to argue further. And he's right: it's a good name. He nods shortly and can't help the fond smile at seeing the delighted expression on his boyfriend's face. Leaning in, he steals a sweet kiss from his soft lips and then goes to ruffle the little kitty's fluffy fur.
"Alright. Welcome to the family Bepo."
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inkmonster69 · 5 years
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Day 1: Plans made and Ruined
10 days of Lawlu has finally begun! I will be bringing the comedy and the heartbreak these next ten days so look out!
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purplehairedwonder · 2 months
Ten Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @katia-anyway!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 146
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently, One Piece. But I have also written for Dark Rise, Yu Yu Hakusho, Harry Potter, Fruits Basket, Inheritance Cycle, Code Geass, Ouran High School Host Club, Vampire Knight, Kyo kara Maoh, 07-Ghost, Avatar: Last Airbender, Supernatural, Glee, Chuck, Vampire Diaries, White Collar, and Arrow. (Some of those only live on FF.N and will never see the light of my AO3 😂)
4. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I try to, though I've been a bit slower at it lately because I've been sick/busy. Comments mean the world to me, so the least I can do is offer the same consideration to someone who took time out of their day to tell me they enjoyed my work. Love you, commenters ❤️
5. have you ever had a fic stolen?
A couple of my stories were in that recent Wattpad incident.
6. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not. It would be fun, though!
7. what’s your all-time favourite ship?
All-time? Oh boy. Lawlu (OP) is definitely at the top at the moment, but Bangel (BTVS) has been one of my longest-lasting ships (besides Tommy/Kim from MMPR, which I was shipping before I knew what shipping was 😂). Seblaine (Glee), Captain Swan (OUAT), St. Kempen (Dark Rise), AvaLance (LoT), Nyssara (Arrow/LoT), and Kurameshi (YYH) all have a piece of my soul as well.
8. what are your writing strengths?
I like to think characterization, flow, and dialogue are some of my strengths.
9. what are your writing weaknesses?
Action sequences. Oh, how I hate writing them. I suck at them 😂
10. first fandom you wrote for?
Yu Yu Hakusho back in the mid-2000s.
Tagging @rimetin @hyperbolicreverie @quackquackcey @lawsbbygirl @unacalluna and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet
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