#tenchi muyo fanart
misslisamiray · 2 months
Hi, Tumblr folks. For the first time ever, I'm opening up emergency comms via Ko-Fi. Long story short, less hours at work, but not less expenses in life, is a BAD combination of things. Any & all help is appreciated, whether that's thru commissioning or reblogging!
I've never taken commissions, and I'm not exactly a prolific/active artist, so I don't have a comm sheet or any idea what to charge, soooo the current plan is: tell me what you want & make me an offer, then we'll go from there.
A few quick rules:
1. No proship content and no sexual stuff of underage characters. You ask me for this, your message is getting deleted and you're getting blocked.
2. No "draw a real person or animal from this photo in *insert cartoon or anime* style" requests, please. If you have a reference image of an already cartoonified version of say, yourself or your pet that you'd like art of, THAT I can work with.
3. I don't draw explicit content, but suggestive/some NSFW is on the table. It's on a case by case basis, and I will refuse anything I'm uncomfortable with. But generally speaking, if it's something you'd see in say, the non-edited versions of Tenchi or Outlaw Star, I probably can & will do it.
4. Please don't try to take advantage of the "name & negotiate your price" thing by, for example, offering me $2.00 for an idea with multiple characters, full color + shading & a complicated background. Please just... don't.
Now that the rules are covered, let's talk contact & payment info! My Ko-Fi link is above, and you can either message me there or send me an ask here on Tumblr. 😊 If you prefer sending payments through PayPal, Venmo or CashApp, those are as follows:
PayPal: @ MissLisaMiray
Venmo: @LisaMirayHayes
CashApp: $MissLisaMiray
If you've read this entire long-ass thing, THANK YOU. Your uh, reward is me shutting up & showing you some examples of stuff I've drawn/what I can do. I apologize if downloading stuff from my not-updated-in-4-years deviantArt account then uploading it to Tumblr kills the quality. I am currently away from home (where my original drawings and the files on my computer are), so I'm working with what I've got access to. 😅
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lynnmint8 · 3 months
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wanted to draw ryoko in my style 🩷
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Crossover Ship-Shockwave x Pearl Plus Extra (2023)
[Note: do NOT reblog without permission.] 
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro & Takara
Credit for Transformers Animated goes to Sam Register & Matt Youngberg
Credit for Steven Universe goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
Credit for Red Vs Blue Series goes to Burnie Burns
Credit for Halo Series goes to Bungie Studios
Credit for Tenchi Muyo Series goes to Masaki Kajishima & Hiroki Hayashi
Credit for Fallout Series goes to Bethesda Softworks
Credit for Mass Effect Series goes to BioWare
Falere is a Ardat-Yakshi, a Ardat-Yakshi is a rare genetic condition that is in Asari...
one could view a "Ardat-Yakshi" as being kind of like a Succubus. it might be a weird idea, but what if in a Crossover between Fallout x Mass Effect, Ghouls are Immune to the deadly powers of a Ardat-Yakshi.
I mean even there could be some people who are Immune to Succubus's full powers, like how someone who could be part human, earth angel and succubus...
who wouldn't just be in danger from a full succubus or incubus but also humans as well.....which is why it is good to make sure to have gems to protect you when you sleep. I'm still not sure if that would work for everyone, but maybe it is still possible that it can work for others.
it be interesting if Falere and Hancock were ship together, it would be 100% Fanon and not 100% Canon.
my wanting to Crossover ship Shockwave and Pearl, had to do with being inspired by a drawing by Blitzy-Blitzwing, that I saw.
it was of the Hazformers version of Shockwave, and because what he says in the drawing, made me think of Pearl....
and well here we are, a Crossover ship between a Gem and Cybertronian.....which the drawing is in two, one where it's just them and in another drawing I did...
so in other words, I had copy the drawing I already did, and placed it into a separate form, and still worked on the other drawing as well...
it be interesting in a Crossover Timeline, The Gems are creations of Primus & Unicron's Little Sister....be funny if Unicron gets really scared if he hears that his and Primus's Little Sister is mad at them.
and the first Gems that their little sister had created would be White, Yellow, Blue and Pink Diamond.
also in my own weird way, I can't help but view the Autobots on Cybertron in the TFA Universe, as being like the Homeworld Gems...
while the Decepticons from TFA Universe, being like The Crystal Gems.... I mean come on, if Autobots are the ones who try to make something like the  "Project Omega" that is suppose to be a dangerous weapon of mass destruction....
ya can pretty much tell who the true bad guys are, because they made Project Omega to be a dangerous weapon, and it wasn't even made by Decepticons. so Megatron was being truthful about the Autobot Tyranny, sure Cybertron wouldn't be any better with Megatron ruling it, but besides making Project Omega...
Autobots have misused their own Planet's Sonic Canyon's own living metal to make protoforms, and those protoforms don't even get a chance to grow up and are made to age to probably to 16 Ano-Cycle Old.
plus Sari and Wheelie are possibly the only ones that have been born from Cybertronian Asexual Reproduction in their generation, with it being possible that Wheelie could be a One Ano-Cycle Older than Sari.
I still think that Megatron could be Sari's Cybertronian Father, and who was in the lab that Sari's baby self was found in, and since her Human DNA comes from her Human Dad Isaac Sumdac...
her CNA must come from her Cybertronian Parent, and that would 100% be Megatron, plus it couldn't be Optimus or anyone from his team, because they were under water and still in stasis.
I think the reason why the Autobots who live on Cybertron haven't went through the "budding stage" in so long, might have to do with their corrupted leaders who run Cybertron.
one of those corrupted leaders would of course be Ultra Magnus.
 Frag The Autobot Elite Guard! 
The Allspark is the cure for the Autobots being sterile!
a Protoform could have a spark given to them by either The Allspark or Vector Sigma, but for all we know, the TFA Universe's Vector Sigma may have been corrupted to cause sterilization.
Autobots off Cybertron on one of the Autobot Commonwealth Planets, could of still make new sparks for their future children, by not only the budding stage, but also having a piece of their spark placed into the new protoform.
plus all the planets that are part of the Autobot Commonwealth, are most likely the original homes of organic life, but the Autobots took them over and most likely got rid of all the organic life that originally lived there.
so yeah, Autobots from TFA Universe, are likely like how Homeworld Gems use to be, taking over organic worlds and making new gems.... and the Decepticons from TFA Universe, are like The Crystal Gems, but of course slightly different....
yeah I'm weird, viewing The Autobots on Cybertron as "Homeworld Gems" and The Decepticons as "The Crystal Gems" in the TFA Universe.... the Project Omega from TFA could be seen as a Counterpart of The Cluster from Steven Universe.
even both Omega and Cluster were made to be weapons by The Autobots of Cybertron & The Gems From Homeworld...
but that doesn't mean they have to be weapons, because Omega was able to form a type of Father & Son bond with Ratchet, with Ratchet being the "Dad" of course...and Steven formed a friendship with the Cluster.
Tucker from Red Vs Blue, should of kept that armor that originally belong to Maine, the idea of him adopting Ryo-Ohki as his daughter, just seem like a adorable idea.
even if it would be more of a Fanon Crossover Timeline, but it would mean that Tucker doesn't just a daughter, he also gets his own space ship. XD
and when Ryo-Ohki isn't being a space ship, she's on top of Tucker's head or on one of his shoulders, being all cute and adorable.
this would also make my first fan art of Chazwick, I gave him metal shark teeth and a eye-patch as well as a T-Shirt that says “Tuna-Himbo” in that drawing.
also gave him a Robot Earth Angel Girlfriend, who is possibly more of a one-shot type OC and I decided to name her Charleen.
Chazwick is also suppose to be drinking some kind of soda in that drawing as well.......if I had to say what Charleen’s Halo and Wings are made out of it, it would be Ethereal and Technology of The Feminine Energy.
and in theory the known Seven Rings or Circles that is ruled by like Lucifer, Asmodeous, Mammon and others...
use to belong to a type of Feminine Earth Angel Princesses, who if my theory is correct are the true rulers of those Rings that were part of the Earthly Mother’s Earth Kingdom, until those guys took it over when they fell and made half of it a part of what is known as “Hell.”........once again, you can’t leave Masculine Angels alone for a few minutes without them causing some kind of trouble....
I mean it is just a possibility, and it’s okay that not everyone takes that theory seriously....even if it could be possible.
also even if the drawings of this post isn’t really mature, but just in case I am placing “mature audiences only” and “not for kids” for the tags.
also I hope some like the idea of Chazwick with metal shark teeth and a Eye-Patch, some might understand why I gave him metal teeth.
even if Chaz is a bit of a perv, he is kind of a funny Tuna-Himbo.
and it’s okay if it is just me and maybe a few others who view him as a Tuna-Himbo.....once again, the nickname “Tuna-Himbo” make into my head when watching the episode that he appears in, it was of course my first time watching that episode when it came out on the day when I found out it was uploaded.
and of course when watching it, the word Tuna-Himbo came into mind.
and of course that episode is for mature audiences only, like 18+...
anyway I will sign back on here later, to check out some more fan art.
also I want to say that if I put “do not reblog without permission” and you see it, like it being both mentioned at the very top and even in the tags.
please do NOT ignore it, I can understand if it might of not been seen at first, and I can allow the reblog if it was a accident.
but if it was ignored on purpose or if I am being lied to about it not have been seen, just so they wont get in trouble, and I hope NO one does that, because I don’t think I can forgive if that were to happen....
just try to keep a eye out for the words that say “do not reblog without permission.” and anyway, hope some like these drawings that are being post together in this one post.
and it’s okay that not everyone ships Shockwave x Pearl.
my shipping those two was inspired by a Hazformers drawing with Shockwave’s demon form in it, and what he says in the drawing had reminded me of Pearl.
I’m weird and I’m weird shipping Shockwave x Pearl.                                  
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pandaartzz · 2 years
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I'll See You Space Cowboy~
*Art done last year*
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lynxnickromancer · 2 months
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リョコ <3
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calvinsimsart · 8 days
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Ryoko - Tenchi Muyo
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reimidy · 1 year
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titan luz redraw
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y97dgu · 1 year
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i had to draw baby thorin bc thinking about his childhood makes me emotional (i also headcanon that he had a one of most impressive collection of toys as a child but loved his ponies and dolly most). also, thorin's mom!
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vagoonabeach · 1 year
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was ryoko from tenchi muyo formative for anyone else?
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lfoxi-draws · 3 months
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My wiiiifeeee <333
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tangerine-haus · 1 year
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misslisamiray · 6 months
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OK, here we go! As promised, here's 10 of my favorite pieces of Tenchi Muyo fanart I've ever made. And considering I've drawn more Tenchi stuff (mostly Ryoko), than anything else, that's really saying something.
These were drawn back in late 2004. I was in school for graphic design, and the final project for one of my favorite classes was to do something with a monochromatic color scheme. It could be created either on the computer or in traditional media.
Because I love Tenchi so much, what I decided to do was redraw several images from the series, using only shades of blue for the color, and make them into a book. I call this series Memories in Shades of Blue.
About 8 years later, these would be the first pieces I uploaded when I joined deviantArt, and now, over a decade after that, I am so happy to share them with you, Tumblr friends! I hope you enjoy them. ❤️
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0tacat · 11 months
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Tenchi Family
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allisonperryart · 4 months
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#ThrowbackThursday to my #SixFanarts - can't believe this was... four years ago already!? 🤯 Which one is your favourite? 🤔
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chromaclopse · 1 year
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id in alt!
problematic women my beloved........
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digitalrum · 5 months
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