#tenten you deserve so much better
ev-moved · 1 year
i want tenten to win that naruto poll solely because the OPs caption is so very clearly biased against her
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rikustarlight · 1 month
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A little sweetness of my babies 💜 The twins really do love their little sister and they hug all the time no matter how old they are 🥹 they’re such mushes like their father! Neji can’t keep his hands off of Tenten some times LOL
Hizashi on the left and Nozomi on the right and of course little Meiten in the middle.
Nejiten kid designs | Nejiten Family headcannons
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Post war/coma comic about Gai struggling with his recovery
Since tumblr hates long form comics, I have to split this into 2 bc its 36 images. This is the first part, part 2 i'll either do as a reblog or a separate post right after this, stay tuned! Links to support me in pinned post <3
tw: s*icidal thoughts, injury, a little blood
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Bisuke: Gai's Back!
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Kks: Im home Gai: Welcome back Kks: [wheels rolling] Hey,
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Kks: Ga-!? Gai: Im fine. The tile is cool on my face. Kks: Wanna go lay down in bed? Gai: I am so /sick/ of lying down. Kks: Ok. What do you want for supper?
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Gai: You're not going to comment? Kks: I already know what happened. You overdid it again. I should be able to keep up with chores, kakashi. Kks: You can. Just don' bull through it all in one go. Do you want to end up in the hospital again? Gai: Please don't. Kks: I know sitting still is hard for you, and "too much" is in your DNA, but you have to take this slow so you don't exacerbate your injuries, Gai. You went from hyper-aware to pretending your body limits dont exist. Gai: Like you haven't done the same.
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Gai: You've proved your point. Kks: It's not about that. And you've dragged me to bed and out of bed repeatedly when I needed it. You were burning alive from the inside. Tsunade told you your immune system is out of whack. You need to take it easy. /I/ know you're capable, but are you trying to prove to /yourself/ you are? Gai: You want me to admit my embarrassment? Kks: If something serioud happens, You'll be even more embarrassed then
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Gai: How could you possibly know how I FEEL?! How could you EVER KNOW HOW I FEEL?! Kks: I DON'T! But I've /been/ the one ouking and sobbing on your bathroom floor because I couldn't take living anymore! And I don't want that for YOU!
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Kks: I'm sorry, Gai. Gai: I'm sorry
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Kks: I can't stand knowing you're in pain, and I can't get you help. If there was a way, I'd do anything. Gai: You do so much to help me already.... And I yelled at you Kks: I've screamed at you so much, that was pretty tame. I wish I was like you with things like this. Not great with what to say...... But I can listen.
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Gai: I hate feeling so weak. I'm tired all the time, in constant pain, I can't even walk-..... I can tell tenten and the boys worry despite my efforts to appear positive. Kks: They're just not sure how to react. They know you hate being babied, but don't want to push you into hurting yourself. You hate being told you can't do something. They love you. You get stronger everyday, everyone is cheering you on.
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Gai: I know it's irrational, but... I feel like you gave up the Hokage position to take care of me. Kks: Haa!? I'm grateful if anything. I'd be retired too if I could. That'd be amazing. I'm dreading just helping Tsunade but as long as you're by my side, I'll be fine. We're still equals, rivals, friends, partners
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Gai: Even if I can't- Kks: /Always/ wil be, dickhead. Gai: You worry about me hurting myself? Kks: I know you think about it
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Kks: We're the same in that regard Gai: I would never act on this, please believe me, these thoughts are rare........... Kks: It's ok, Gai. Gai: Sometimes I think i should have just died. I feel so out of place on the streets I used to feel so at home at. I never asked to live. I didn't plan to. I just don't know how to-...
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Kks: I understand that. Though, dying didn't feel any better. Gai: I know I didn't fully pass like you did. I didn't see papa. Just for a moment, I wish I could have seen him.
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Kks: As much as I'm sure he wants to see you again, It's too soon. Dai'd slap the shit out of you for wanting to waste your youth just to see him. Gai: [chuckle] probably. Kks: I have those thoughts less and less now, but they're still there. "why am I the one who survives?" "Burden" "Gai will come to his senses eventually"
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Gai: FALSE!! None of my grief is with you! I love living here with you! My love for you only burns hotter each day! You're so lovely inside and out! Kks: Maa What did I do to deserve such praise from teh mouth of the hottest man in Konoha?? Gai: YOU STILL THINK I'M HOT?! Kks: YOU-! [CACKLE]
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Kks: Your bad taste is the only reason I had a chance before someone snatched you up. Gai: The worst. Kks: Thought we'd irritate eachother, but it's been pretty smooth. Even though you still get played by the dogs. Gai: You really wanna throw those stones?
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Gai: They play you just as easily. don't lie. Kks: My point is, whatever you need from me, you have it. No questions asked. Even if you yell and scream, i can take it. You held me together when I was unraveling, and I'll never forget it. Didn't trust anyone else to see me like that. Broken
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Gai: I never saw you as that. Kks: I'll never see you as that
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
I pick number 7 - dealers choice!
I ❤️ you babe!
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7 - envy. hello, my dear. <3 @anubisthe1 also requested this number!
Gai might not have been a particularly good sensor. Hell, most people with any sort of chakra control could sneak up on him without much difficulty.
(That didn't mean he wouldn't take them down with a single punch if they did.)
But Gai was also no fool. And he knew his friends and loved ones so well they could not escape his notice even if they possessed a genius level intellect and understanding of how to mask their chakra.
Which was precisely how he knew Kakashi Hatake had been sitting in a tree near the training fields all morning as he and his team practiced their kata.
The fact that Kakashi had not left the tree to greet them made Gai uneasy.
Kakashi knew Gai was aware of his presence. It was obvious in the way the other man kept throwing what he thought were casual glances over his shoulder while his students were engrossed in their sparring.
Gai was not a subtle person, but it seemed neither was Kakashi. Because he hadn't even bothered trying to disguise his presence. He knew it was useless, anyway; Gai would always find him even if he didn't want to be found.
When he'd woken up at that morning, Kakashi had not intended to make his way to the training grounds. In fact, he'd been solely focused on going to the Hokage Tower to demand a high-ranked mission that would take him away from Konoha for as long as was feasible.
The training grounds held too many painful memories. Too many ghosts of Team 7 laughing and squabbling and generally being a nuisance.
He'd avoided the place ever since Naruto departed to train with Jiraiya because it made Kakashi ill to see the post where he'd tied the boy during the bell test, to bear witness to the crater Sasuke had punched into the earth during their final week of training before the Chunin Exams began.
It was the same reason he'd begun taking a more circuitous route to the Konoha Cemetery in the mornings--seeing the Hospital, which used to only make his stomach churn because he hated the sterile smell and the invasive questions the medics asked, now reminded him that the only one of his students still within the village walls had found a better mentor.
Sakura and Tsuande. Naruto and Jiraiya. .... Sasuke and Orochimaru.
Kakashi could admit to himself he was not a perfect man. Could attest within the privacy of his own heart that he had not been a perfect teacher.
But for a job he had never wanted, Kakashi had also strived to be a sensei worthy of his students. Even when they argued or turned his hair from silver to grey with their asinine and unending questions, he he tried to be patient. Tried to provide them with the training and education they needed to not only survive as shinobi, but to succeed in a line of work which demanded violence and strength.
And now, instead of nursing a Naruto-induced headache or redirecting Sakura's attention from Sasuke's brooding stare to her incredible aptitude for genjutsu or trying not to think about how much the young Uchiha reminded him of Itachi, Kakashi perched in a tree like a spy, observing Gai and his team train through the fluttering leaves.
Jealousy, cold and cruel, curdled in his belly as he watched Neji haughtily correct Tenten's technique and Lee step between them, his good nature too much of a shield for their vitriol to continue.
Why did Gai get to keep his students while Kakashi was left with nothing?
It was a stupid thought, one that made Kakashi grind his lower lip between his teeth in frustration until he drew enough blood to stain the front of his mask.
Of course Gai deserved to be a sensei. He excelled in the role; had been made for it, really. Kakashi could never have been deserving of another team, not when he'd so horrifically destroyed his own. That he had allowed himself to believe he migth be was his own folly and no one else's.
Kakashi lingered until Gai dismissed his students, trying not to sneer at the hearty hug Lee gave his sensei, the curt nod Gai received from Neji, the broad smile and wave Tenten gave her teammates as she jogged away. Then, he climbed down from his perch and began to make his way home through the sparse woods around the training fields.
Gai's heavy hand on his shoulder stopped him in his tracks a few moments later and Kakashi cursed internally at not having departed sooner.
"My dear Rival," Gai said, his voice unusually hushed, "I wonder if you would honor me with some company."
Kakashi sighed, in no mood for whatever nonsense Gai might have devised in an ill-fated attempt to cheer him up. Before he could answer, however, Gai had used his incredible strength to push Kakashi to the ground. Kakashi protested, legs folding beneath him until he was kneeling in the dirt and leaves.
"What the hell, Gai?"
Gai said nothing, just settled beside him, legs crossed and hands balanced on his knees as he was about to meditate.
Kakashi sighed, resigned--and, if he were honest, too exhausted to protest--and readjusted his position to match his friend's. They didn't look at one another, but their knees just touched in a familiar show of closeness. Silence stretched between them, but rather than uncomfortable, it was soothing--a reminder that they had known one another long enough and well enough for there to be no requirement to fill each moment with words; that saying nothing could as powerful as one of Naruto's overly long monologues.
At the thought of Naruto, Kakashi felt his throat tighten and he made a small, strangled noise behind his mask as he attempted to hold onto his anger and envy.
It was easier than what lay beneath them, the sadness and disappointment which threated to break through the dam of Kakashi's jealousy and wash him away.
Gai turned to look at him, but Kakashi couldn't return the gesture. So Gai simply reached out and patted his friend's back, never uttering a word.
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chattegeorgiana · 1 year
Just wanted to say congratulations on Kaika Sasei. Just read chapter 2 and I'm hooked.
I have to admit it to you, I'm a loyal and devoted sasusaku. But that's not an impediment to read your story, you guys are really talented and you deserve recognition.
What I'm most interested about is your view of Sakura, I noticed the little hint about her promotion and I loved it, I missed moments like those from Kishimoto really.
So my question is, can you indulge me a little? Will you respect some canon events? One of my favorite things is inosakutema, I'm pretty sure you don't follow Boruto but they're an awesome trio! I was hoping you kept that? Haha sorry.
Another thing, one of my favorite things about narusaku (as my brotp of Naruto, otp for you) is their jobs. Hokage is the most important person of Konoha and the Head Medic is the boss of the most important Konoha department. Will you keep it that way? They're the most valuable and important duo, as friends in Boruto (or barely friends?😭) but a couple in Kaika Sasei.
Hope you cover Sakura's clinic too, her job in Cypher Corps too with Shikamaru (another brotp of mine) and Tsunade with Sakura in the clinic's creation. I need Sakura Hiden to get animated.
I'm so hooked about the kunoichis too. What will you do to Ino? Please don't do like Boruto and put her in Sensory she's awfully useless. Maybe follow her father's steps? I always thought she was a nepo but I can't help it because she's Sakura's best friend. Temari the Ambassador is great too. I don't care about Hinata though, Hanabi head of her clan?
I'm so excited to read more of Kaika Sasei💗
Hi there, fellow Sakura fan! :D
Also, like I always said, you guys ship whatever the hell you want to. Just because I don't like the writing because I have certain views and preferences, doesn't mean YOU should do the same.
Plus, as I said, I USED to be a multishipper, and it includes shipping SS too.
But anyway, let's get to the point.
First of all, thank you for your kind words for Kaika Saisei. Glad to see you enjoyed the little nuggets, hahah. I'm trying my best to stay as close as possible to Kishi's writing style. :D
Also lol, don't apologize for asking those questions. Now, I don't think I'll do a 1:1 on the canon events, but there might be some similarities?
I'm not familiar with Ino/Saku/Tema dynamics too in depth, but Ino is Sakura's best friend after all and I've already started writing more on the dynamics of those two in the written version of Kaika.
As for Temari, I also have a Sakura-Temari thing in mind given that there is something specific I want to do with Sakura in Suna, or better said in the whole wide shinobi world, and given that I will go the ShikaTema route, too, you'll probably end-up with a similarity in that sense.
However, I also have an adjacent development that includes logistics so to speaks, with Karin, as well as a certain aspect with Hinata as part of the Hyugas subplot.
I'm trying my best to keep this as original as possible because I've had with people accusing us of copying Boruto, when certain important elements in Boruto have been concepts that were first created by NaruSaku fans, but alas.
As for Naruto & Sakura, OF COURSE I'm going to keep that going on for them. I cannot see them as anything else besides Hokage/Head of the medical department. I like to keep consistency.
As for the clinic thing, well, we as fans of NaruSaku been talking about this idea of clinics for children years before the ending, so I'm going to have that one as well, just under a different route, maybe? I already started this in the written version of Kaika Saisei.
I have 11 chapters of Kaika Saisei written already, the manga is barely catching-up to the written version haha.
As for the kunoichis, I do have certain paths mapped out for them, especially for Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Karin and I have something in mind for Tenten too!
For Temari I admit I didn't give it so much thought because she had her fair share of spotlight that gives her proper treatment, so I focused more on the areas that I thought are lacking.
As for reading more of Kaika, well, there's always the written version if you want to read. Because the translation from written version into manga is quite different from what I've learned.
So it'll take a little while until I get to all the things in manga format that I have already written.
Besides, not even the written version is yet ready lol. I barely have just begun.
Anyway, hope I clarified these things for you.
Thank you for such a thoughtful question and for your interest in Kaika!
All the best, Chatte
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dualityvn · 2 years
I finally caught up and... Where do I begin???
First off Nightnare the art responses are amazing as always and really happy for the tag now thank you for you hard work!!
And second
Keith my sweet petal I am so sorry you had to go through that and after there wasn't really much talk about your feelings it just kinda jumped straight(heh) to horny with a lil emotional talk. Are you feeling better doll?
And Tenten my adorable BerryBlue I am so proud of you for doing your best after being forced into the adulting role so suddenly you did a fantastic job keeping everything together
Both of you are in need of a good meal, long soak, a hard fuck or 7 and atleast 12 hours of snuggle/Nap time EACH
The bestest boys deserve all the lovings
(Unhinged was hawt af 1000/10 would find a way to breed just not at his expense the poor dear)
Thank you thank you
"I uh... didn't really wanna talk about it. But I'm doing better now." - Keith
"Alright, 12 hours!!" - Tenebris
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This Year has been full of a lot of cheer and way too many changes, but I’m glad it has happened. I’m hoping that 2023 is a little kinder on the world and that there’s a lot of changes for the better.
Until then, this year has been good. I’ve pushed through a lot of struggles and made my way back home. Spent time with family for the first time in three years, and written so many fics.
The mskt important part of this year, though, is all the friends I’ve made or the friends who have stuck by my side. So i want to say a huge thank you to all of them.
@shinobimagpie who always lets me gush about fic’s at her and is the absolute sweetest person
@crypticsummons who spoils me with gifts and lends me a shoulder to cry on over fic’s or life in general
@wind-becomes-lightning who makes every day a little bit sweeter with her kind personality
@yamanaka-shin who is there to push me and let’s me vent about dumb things
@animetrashmuffin who reminds me to give some love to KakaIru and draws me the prettiest commissions 🥰🥰🥰
@whatshernameis who i haven’t talked to as much as i wish, but is still one of the most amazing friends i could ask for.
@konoha-interrogation who always has cute Ibiki and Ibikashi headcannons to share and supports my unhealthy love for the god of storms au.
@alumort who is just the sweetest tbh and deserves all of the cute nejilee
@spellcasterlight who reminds me to give Tenten and Shinoten the love the deserve and lets me sneak in some Kakagai for extra fluffyness
@kankuroplease who’s just so kind and make’s such beautiful art of wonderful OC’s
@kakashihasibs who always has top tier opinions and let’s me chuck some random GaiYama content at him
@skykashi who is always talking to me about our boy Kakashi and giving him the love we both think he deserves
@bougiebutchbitch who i don’t speak to a lot but gives us top tier good Kakagai content AND seems to be having the time of their lives as they should 💜💜💜
And every single other person i speak to, on anon or off. You’re all beautiful and I hope you have a Happy Wonderful New Year.
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Poll runner, I just want you to know that you're a gem. Sasuke haters will do what they do, so I'd recommend just ignoring them at this point - it's to be expected in this fandom anyways. Those of us who appreciate him are all having a ton of fun and holy shit we stay winning on the multiple, adorable fanworks this poll has inspired! Literally only your beloved Yahiko can rival that feat :)
Sasuke means so much to those of us who hold him dear and nothing can take that away (the propaganda list for him alone highlights this). If the haters get a kick out of making a tired meme, then that's their prerogative. What can you do? And by the way, just so it's said, I hope the actual Tenten fans have not been discouraged by their behavior either. You guys deserve to love your fave without all the mockery.
Just hope you're doing alright and still having fun with this. I hope it isn't getting too out of hand and I'm sorry things have gone in this direction. We appreciate all the work you've put into this!
ANON YOU’RE SO SWEET THANK YOU ❤️ I am doing my best to ignore it all, but I’m sure you can understand how hard that is for me especially. You’re right, we have gotten some AMAZINGGGG work today from so many lovely artists and writers (THANK YOU TO ALL THE ARTISTS WRITERS!!!!) and I’m really truly honoured to be a hub for inspiring so many people to create. Many have said that they haven’t done so in a while too, which makes it even sweeter! (And once again thank you to all the Yahiko artists too… I will NEVER forget that and it’s a very special memory to me.)
Very true, us Sasuke lovers will always still hold him just as dearly in our hearts, and we know how wonderful and special of a character he is. I know multiple people earlier on pointed out just how much seeing all the love in his propaganda meant to them, so if we do end up losing keep that close to your heart! I hope that the Tenten lovers won’t take any negativity there has been too roughly either!
It’s a lot to take right now just because my notifs and inbox are getting flooding with some less than pleasant things right now, but messages like this truly make it worth it! I appreciate you anon! This honestly made me feel a bit better :)
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animeomegas · 2 years
I voted for Choji, I hope you write a wedding drabble with him someday. But the drabble with Neji was so cute 🥰. I liked the speeches of the guests, especially Tenten. And of course poor Neji is so tired, weddings are always hard he deserves some sleep after such a hard day.
I'm glad you liked it! I originally wrote out all the speeches for the wedding, but it didn't like the story, so I deleted it and included snippets of the speeches instead, which I think turned out much better!
Part of what I cut out was Sakura and Tenten coordinating so they can seriously embarrass Neji and his alpha as successfully as possible in their speeches XD
And yeah, Neji was very tired. He tried to dress in his sexy dressing gown, but he sat down to rest his eyes for a few minutes and then he was asleep, oops.
Don't worry, they have plenty of time to make up for that on their honeymoon 👀👀
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whitelilynh · 2 years
NejiHina week 2022 Day one: Choose me.
Prompts used: Choose me.
Several months had been gone since the day Hiashi-sama finally agreed to allow him to propose to Hinata, nine to be exact. The Hyuga patriarch, who was initially reluctant somehow, now seemed upset at the delay.
Even the council of elders would every now and then ask him when was he going to finally propose. Even Tokuma and Ko had made their annoying bet on how much longer it would take him to gather the courage.
What was more upsetting, even the people of Konoha was gossiping about when and if the Hyuga pair was tying the knot. Last month the wedding of Lee and Tenten was celebrated, and the next month Sai and Ino’s wedding was to be held, making him and Hinata the only ones on their age group (besides bachelor Shino) that remained unmarried.
But as much as he tried to think of the perfect way to ask her, he could not come up with a good idea.
He was so stressed at this point he accepted Lee’s invitation to go for some drinks. Well, Lee had invited him, but he knew quite well his teammate was not drinking (unless they were ready to stop the fuss) yet the other guys would be making the heavy duty. Desperate, he took the chance that was offered; it was so improper of him to ask for advice, but at this point he would do whatever it takes.
Naively, Neji thought that having the other guys distracted by their drunk chat would give him the perfect opportunity to ask to sober Lee about the matter, but of course even a genius forgets sometimes, and he forgot who he was going to ask for advice.
-So… how did you ask Tenten to marry you? –The hyuga tried to seem uninterested as he even added a mumbled “not that I’m curious or something like that”.
-Hmm? –Lee tilted his head backwards as if remembering –Did I asked her, or did she ask me? How could I say it…
-Didn’t you propose? –Neji was irritated. It was beyond his comprehension that a man would not have the delicacy to propose to his intended wife.
-Well, well, Neji, is Tenten we’re talking about! –Lee held his hands open to the front in a defensive gesture –You know how she gets, is not like I had much of a choice…. -Embarrassed, Lee scratched his head showing an apologetic smile –Oh! Are you going to propose to Hinata-san?! –Lee’s eyes sparkled.
-Wha-what are you talking about? –Neji switched his face to the side, eyebrows furred and mouth pouting, to avoid the question. He clenched his fists, this was too embarrassing.
So drawn on his own embarrassment was the genius ninja, that he forgot this was Lee, and Lee had never characterized by being a low-key person. At his effusive question and facial expression, the other shinobis picked an interest on the topic.
-Woooah! Neji Hyuga is trying to propose! –Annoying as always, Kiba was ready to make a fuss out of it –You better do that right Hyuga! Hinata will be very disappointed if you don’t –He tried to sound menacing.
Neji’s eyebrow started tremble in irritation. As if he didn’t know Hinata deserved the best.
-Yes! –Lee agitated his fists on the air, overexcited –Let’s give our best to aid our friend in need! Let the bright flame of young love burn!
-Tssk, poor fool! –Shikamaru chuckled at Neji’s current situation.
-You are right into asking us, Neji-san, that is…because we are your friends –Shino added.
-Whoooa! Don’t suddenly appear like that, Shino! –Naruto scolded him, but in truth it was him the one that had forgotten the Aburame was next to him.
-The best way to get to a woman’s heart… is by the stomach! –Choji exclaimed as he was pilling food on his plate –You take her to a nice place to dine, have some chat over the appetizers, enjoy a delicious entrance, follow with a tasty main dish and when dessert comes… voila! The ring is in the middle of the cake! –He started munching his own food –She’ll be sweetly surprised!
Neji, who felt a bit nauseous at the way Choji gobbled up all that food, refused –Yeah… I don’t think so.
-Listen, Neji –Naruto hung his arm on Neji’s neck while he used his remaining arm to magnify the space in front of them –Go big or go home! You should project the big question with lights all over Konoha!
Lee’s eyes burned like flames with excitement as he joined the suggestion –Better yet, write it as a message on the sky!
-That is…scandalous –Neji took Naruto’s arm off of him –Something more private would do.
Disappointed, both hyper-energetic shinobis lowered their faces in defeat.
-Nothing better than your furry friend! –Kiba intervened –Akamaru could take an envelope with the question and the ring straight into Hinata’s hands, right Akamaru?!
-Wouldn’t it seem like the proposal comes from you then? –Questioningly, Shikamaru remarked.
-Is that genius? Then what would do you suggest? –Angered, Kiba challenged Shikamaru.
-Ugh! How troublesome –The aforementioned sighed –What if you record it on a video and give it to her?
-How…boring. –Everyone looked at Shikamaru in contempt at his lack of creativity.
-What about art, Neji-san? –Sai said, getting everyone’s attention –You could paint a masterpiece depicting your intentions, a house, a family and a pet… books say girls find that romantic… -Neji lifted an eyebrow… how was that this book-freak was going to marry Ino, while he wasn’t able to think of a good way to propose?  Maybe Ino proposed…
-If you want privacy… -Shino started, and Neji felt kind of hopeful. There was no doubt that Shino knew about being low-key… -The best way to do it is in the nature. When you are both in the forest, you can take advantage of the season and take her to watch the Anoplophora glabripennis… such interesting view might distract her, so she’ll be surprised when you propose!
Neji’s gaze showed his disgust. Now he knew why the Aburame remained as the only one single among them –I… don’t think Hinata would appreciate bug-watching…
Walking back home, Neji sighed in defeat. Not only everyone had found out about his intentions to propose, but it all had resulted futile. He was surrounded by such freaks, it was hard to imagine how they were all married or soon to be.
The next morning, when he walked in front of the Yamanaka shop on his way back from the Hokage’s office, Neji was intercepted by an enthusiastic blonde.
-Hey, Neji! –Ino waved her hand effusively at him –We were talking about you!
No, please. This couldn’t be happening to him.
-I’m sorry… I’m busy. –He tried to flee.
-So… won’t you hear the feminine opinion on the proposal matter? –Ino lured his curiosity intentionally –What a waste! –She shrugged.
-Well then –Unwillingly, Neji joined the girls gathered.
-To be honest, I was surprised you were openly asking for advice, Neji –Tenten casted a questioning gaze at him –Well, I guess even you can have your doubts.
-I wasn’t openly asking –Irritated, Neji tried to defend himself –It was Lee’s lack of discretion!
-Well, whatever. Fear not because we are now here to your aid! –Ino’s eyes were sparkling.
-Oh really? –Neji sarcastically remarked –What do you suggest?
-A trip, of course! Take Hinata to some beautiful thermal baths! –Ino held her pretty face with both her hands –Fill your room with lots of floral bouquets, lay some red rose petals on the ground leading to the bed where they will form a heart shape, have it lit by aromatic candles… -She looked at him intentionally –Just set the mood for after she accepts. Have the question written on the mirror, so she will jump in your arms! –The blonde jumped on her place, so confident on the geniality of her idea.
But Neji’s face flushed at her suggestion, and what was implicit on it. That was not going to happen! He would not disrespect Hinata!
-Isn’t that too much? –Sakura criticized Ino and Neji was glad by the help. Ino’s face dimed.
-Yep! The best way to do it is with music! Have a string quartet to play some romantic music for you two, then surprise her with a bouquet of flowers and some chocolates and pop the question! –Tenten closed her eyes while smiling sweetly, convinced she was such a romantic creature.
-Is that how you proposed to Lee? –Playfully, Neji asked her.
-Tssk! Look how you thank my help –She grumbled –That’s none of your business!
The remaining girls laughed at the former teammates subtle fight.
-Still, knowing Hinata, I think something simpler would suit her better. She’s a shy and romantic person –Sakura reflexed, catching Neji’s attention –I think you should take her to the place where you first met and propose there…
Neji raised an eyebrow –At the gates of the Hyuga main house in front of the clan? –Sarcastically, he remarked.
-Oh well, I forgot this weird clan of yours… Maybe the place where you first confessed to her? –Sakura modified her suggestion.
Neji tilted his head to the side, remembering. It would be complicated to recreate the scene, but actually, for once, this idea wasn’t as bad.
-Mmm –Ino looked at his focused face for a few seconds before getting inside the shop and out again, holding a single red tulip wrapped in cellophane –Here! –She smiled politely at him, handing him the flower.
-Uh?! –Neji took the offered flower but still was confused by it.
-Endless love and devotion, sincere love –She closed her eyes deepening the smile –You’ll know what to do!
Neji wandered nervously from side to side, walking down the hall over and over again while he awaited for Hinata.
It was the hall on the back of the dojo on the Hyuga main house, the same exact spot where many years ago his young self had vowed to little Hinata to protect her with his life when in need.
He smiled. To think that four year old Neji had it all figured already… it was bittersweet to remember all what they had been through from there up to this point, but he was certain of his decision and could only wish she was ready to accept him too.
It was dark and chilly, a full moon grazing the sky. Under its light, Hinata looked even more mesmerizing on her pale lavender yukata once she appeared. Neji had to remember himself how to breathe. He was about to scold her for wearing only a yukata on a November night out, but he was wearing the same, except his was on gray color.
Hinata smiled at him. –This place is…all those years ago, you made me blush as well –She remembered the scene –You know, Neji? This is embarrassing… That day I felt like a fairytale princess! You making an oath and all, it was so sweet! –She took her hand to her lips and giggled in a cute way.
-Is that so? –He shortened the distance between them and held her cheek on one hand –So that makes me your prince? –His voice was soft and low.
-Ajam! –She nodded –Who else would that be? –She blushed slightly.
He smiled.
-I hope you’re sure of what you said, Hinata-hime, because you won’t be able to get rid of me! –jokingly, he placed the free fist over his chest, imitating the way a knight would talk to his princess.
-Of course I am! I’d choose you forever! –She giggled again.
-Will you? –Neji looked at her, tenderness and indescribable love in his eyes –Will you really choose me forever?
Hinata’s lips parted but she could not find the words, her mind wandering far away as she was caught on the sweet way his eyes were focused on her.
Neji let go of her cheek and swiftly kneeled in front of her, taking the red tulip Ino had given him and an elegant white gold ring with a single, discrete raw-cut diamond in the middle, out of his yukata.
-If you allow me to be your knight, I promise I’ll not only give my life to save yours, but I will deliver it to you to do as you please. To make you happy every day for the rest of your life is going to be my most important mission, my princess. –He felt the embarrassment fill his body all the way up to his face, but he held her gaze –Please, Hinata. If you choose me forever, please, be my wife.
-Yes… always yes! -Hinata started crying tears of joy and the biggest, sweetest smile lit her face.
Neji smiled wholeheartedly as he raised on his feet and placed the ring on Hinata’s fine left hand, on her ring finger.
He would never say, but he shed tears of joy as well.
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hotmonkeelove · 1 year
Naruto Tag Game (New Addition)
(I did this years ago and my opinions have evolved)
Tagged by: no one, I saw it here.
How far are you in the series?: I never got past Ino-Shika-Cho and Kakashi fighting Hidan and Kakuzu. It was tiresome.
Do you prefer the anime or manga?: I don’t really read the manga, but it’s definitely better as far as Boruto is concerned, since the anime is so bent on making Mitsuki simp for Boruto.
Favorite movie: Road to Ninja
Least Favorite Movie: Of the ones I’ve seen, The Stone of Gellel was kind of dull. Couldn't follow it.
Favorite filler episodes: Most any of the ones with Lee, the Bikochu beetle arc, and Ino Screams: Chubby Paradise!
Least favorite filler episodes: The Land of Tea arc is boring! Though Aoi was cool.
Favorite male character: Orochimaru
Favorite female character: Anko
Second and third favorite male character: Gaara, Mitsuki
Second and third favorite female character: ChoCho, Tenten
Character(s) you Dislike or Hate: Boruto, Danzo, Hiruzen.
Favorite Village(s): Otogakure
Least Favorite Village(s): Konohagakure
Favorite and second favorite clan: Akimichi, Inuzuka
Favorite Sannin: Orochimaru
Least Favorite Sannin: Tsunade, but I actually love them all. I used to hate Jiraiya, but he grew on me. The pervy bastard... Now I'm hot for him! Heeheehee!
Favorite Kage: Gaara
Favorite Hokage: Tsunade
Least favorite Hokage: Kakashi himself said he was the worst, though Hiruzen was an arse.
Favorite Jinchuuriki: Gaara
Favorite tailed beast: Shukaku
Favorite Summoning: Manda
Favorite Jutsu: Orochimaru’s permanent tongue stretching jutsu. So hot and so much potential!
Favorite kekkei genkai: Either Haku’s or Kimimaro’s.
Favorite ability of Pein’s: Almighty pratfall, heehee!
Favorite Jounin or Anbu: Gai
Favorite Filler Character(s): Suzumebachi
Least Favorite Filler Character(s): Those ninja postal carriers. They’re creepy!
Favorite canon couple(s): Choji x Karui
Favorite almost canon couple(s): Orochimaru x Anko, Mitsuki x ChoCho, Zabuza x Haku, Gaara x Matsuri, Neji x Teten.
Worst canon couple: Sakura's parents are pretty lame.
Least favorite fanon couple(s): Boruto x Mitsuki, Anko x anyone other than Orochimaru (though especially Kakashi).
Favorite yaoi couple(s): Zabuza x Haku
Favorite yuri couple(s): Oddly enough, I don’t really ship any yuri pairings from Naruto. Tsunade x Mei is pretty hot, though. And sometimes Sakura x Ino.
Couple(s) that you ship romantically and as friends: Orochimaru and Tsunade
Favorite protagonist: Gaara
Favorite antagonist: Orochimaru, though I consider him the real hero!
Favorite Akatsuki member: Orochimaru!
Favorite Akatsuki couple: Sasuke x Karin, if they count?
Favorite member of Team Taka Hebi: Juugo, though the retcon his character creates really irritates me.
Least Favorite Member of Team Taka Hebi: Sasuke
Favorite member or weapon of the 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist (including Zabuza and Raiga): Zabuza and his kubikiribocho!!!
Which character do you think deserves more appreciation: Anko, the real Anko. Not the ridiculously sanitized version shallow fans have to make her more palatable.
Which character do you think deserves less appreciation: Kakashi, he's way too op.
Which character(s) didn’t deserve to die: Neji, Asuma, Jiraiya.
Someone who should have died or you would not change their death: Gaara’s father. My god, did he have it coming!
Who do you ship Naruto with: Hinata; they’re boring as a married couple, but I imagine they have a secret kinky side.
Who do you ship with Sasuke: Karin, because all the biting is hot. Mmm, hurt me! Also, I like their chemistry.
Which character do you think looks good with everybody: I don’t ship characters because they “look good together.” That’s fucking stupid.
Which character out of Teams 7(don’t forget Sai),8,10, Gai would join the Akatsuki: Um, didn’t Sasuke join?
Hottest female character: Though I think Kurenai’s the prettiest, I’ll go with Mei. I will not say Anko, because that just feels like wanking.
Hottest male character: Orochimaru
Would you eat Ramen: I have. Dango is better.
What would be your ‘ninja way’: To serve a great master.
What is your opinion of the ninja world (like how Jiraiya discusses in his book): It’s cruel and corrupt.
Which character would you have liked to see drunk: Always Lee! More drunk Lee!
What do you think Kakashi’s book Icha Icha really says?: Whatever nasty filth Jiraiya wrote.
Pro-ending or anti-ending: It could’ve been better, but there are some good points.
How would your version of Naruto ending and Boruto play out (don’t be shy, make it VERY LONG, out touch the smallest details):  Orochimaru and Anko reconcile and marry, we get some backstory for Choji and Karui’s love, as well as Lee and Metal’s mom, Log gets more scenes, Mitsuki is the main protagonist, and Boruto gets the shit kicked out of him till he learns to behave. And maybe we could bring Jiraiya back to life…?
Tags: Ugh, do I have to?
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bananaman-mp3 · 1 year
so we meet the suna gang, but also team 9, or “guy’s treasured brats” (lmao) as the proctors called them. neji noticed sasuke was an uchiha just glancing at his clothes, and tenten asked him if it bothered him. honestly, knowing now they came from the most important(?) clans in konoha, their rivalry seems natural. especially bc of nejis little superiority complex at this point, and sasuke taking interest in any guy who seems to him like a strong fighter.
i still think lees crush on sakura is super cute, and its crazy how much better their friendship has gotten since they first met. sakura was so mean >:[
on another note, the fight between him and sasuke is so much more meaningful niw that i understand how much lee worked on becoming so strong. he deserved all those wins. and more. im sorry naruto but underestimating lee made that instant knock-out all the more satisfying. i genuinely hope that guy gets a satisfying ending….
also the random turtle makes sense now. guy summoned it. i was as confused as naruto back then.
lee entering the chunin exams just to beat neji feels so right knowing how he treated him. im now frustrated they didnt get to fight :[ and lees not gonna be available for a while. maybe.
oh damn! despite not even seeing the fight, naruto was the first one to acknowledge how it was lees effort and training that got him to beat sasuke. he knows. he gets it. ans narutos right about calling that perception people have about the uchihas out. its the training that makes a great ninja, not just your inherited abilities.
holy shit i cant believe how good kabuto was at his acting. making himself look incompetent and just like a nice senior. holy shit.
wait! did kabuto also pretend not to know about gaara or was that genuine?
“maybe you didnt bully him hard enough, lee” HSGDGHSKWYDHSKAKAK
fuck its late, that last bit with kabuto and the otogakure ninja still confuses me but im p sure orochimaru just didnt clear some things up at. that point. aight, im going to bed-dattebayo.
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rikustarlight · 3 months
1, 14 and 19!
The first fandom I ever developed a ship for was actually Naruto. I was in a few fandoms like Prince of Tennis and Ghost in the Shell, but for some reason Naruto resonated with me the most lol
14. In Naruto, it was a tie between NejiTen and LeeSaku. Upon first view of Neji and Tenten I was like THEM. But then, I saw how Lee went out of his way to protect Sakura in the Forest of Death the way he did and how much of a dick Sasuke was to Sakura is was like Lee is here and ready to love you girl! Sasuke isn't ready yet for your love!!!
19. I can usually be convinced with good fan art and fanficiton... but I'd have to say NejiHina is my top no-no ship. I find their familial ties a bit of a road block for me their fathers are twins, which genetically they are half siblings/cousins. Neji did have a lot of growth as a character, but I saw his acts of service to Hinata being a way to make up for being such an asshole to her for a situation he had very limited information about until he got clapped by Naruto and Hiashi spoke to him. I think Neji felt guilty and wanted to make it up to Hinata to fill that role of protector, not really a romantic kind of love. An during the war arch, he does show that he is filling that older brother vibe with Hinata and she is absolutely delighted that he has stopped hating her and the main branch. Also, Hinata was basically written for Naruto specifically, they were always going to be end game. In Naruto SD/Rock Lee and pals, it was hard for me to watch; Neji was a bit out of character and I understand that it was supposed to be a comedic rendering to break up the seriousness of the war...but it also wasn't cannon either, it just followed the timeline. Neji's love for Hinata was overly played and a bit cringey to what was already established for his cannon character; especially in pre-shippuuden Neji tries to support Hinata in going to see Naruto before he leaves for training for a few years. To me *holds up hands in defense* that's familial love, not really a romantic thing.
InoSasu- absolutely not. LeeTen- I used to like this idea, but Tenten treats Lee like crap as a gennin according to the flashbacks, and she is written like the babysitter for Lee/"mom" friend for Lee and Gai in the games and anime. They give big bestie, sibling energy to me. KibaHina- also a ship I considered, but Kiba teases Hinata too much like a brother.I have a love-hate relationship with SasuSaku; hear me out. Sakura deserved better writing, she deserved better character development, and she deserved a bigger apology from Sasuke. This girl busted her ass to love this man for her whole life and he treats her like basura the majority of the anime. Yes he does show hints of caring for her, but when I read the soft novels, it was implied that Sasuke only got with her because she was persistent with him. I love that Sakura followed her heart and was dead set on Sasuke, but I hate that she tolerated that disrespect for so long. Sakura is good for Sasuke to teach him how to love and she is his light, but I just hated how it was written that she was so smitten by him it became her whole personality! Sakura is such a great character with a lot of growth potential but she was used a ploy for Sasuke.
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mahoushojoe · 3 years
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dualityvn · 2 years
Nah, I’m kidnapping the boys (and Keith’s plants, I would cry if I left them to die)
Fuck you I’m going to mentally, physically and financially take care of you shits and there is nothing you can do about it.
You’re gonna get more love then you can handle, I won’t stop till you know you’re the most important things in my life.
I’ll do my best to make you acceptable meal! And you will eat enough everyday. My specialty is breakfast <3
I’ll work my hardest to make enough to buy you all the things you want, you both do so much for me and put so much effort forth, and you deserve the world for it. Any gaming console or pc you want, any game you like!! Any book or new plant you could desire Keith!!!
I’d gladly play games with one of you, or sit and read a book with one of you.
I guess if you want Keith you can help me take care of the greenhouse, but only because you enjoy plants as much as I do.
I really wanna get better a Guitar TenTen so if you wouldn’t mind helping me I would appreciate it so much.
That would be their dream come true. Though they'd also try not to let you do everything by yourself. They wanna show they care too.
Keith would be overjoyed to help with your greenhouse and Tenebris would gladly teach you how to play guitar.
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ex-bisexual-crybaby · 4 years
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look at them, they’re so perfect for each other. they deserved more. ugh i love them so much it hurts ;-;
alexa play when you look me in the eyes by the jonas brothers
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