rawliverandcigarettes · 6 months
One thing that becomes clearer and clearer every time I dare to dip back into The Empire of Preys, is that it's a story for... almost nobody.
(beware: I express a ton of feelings regarding the series under the cut, not all of them positive --and I talk a little bit about my current relationship to the Mass Effect fandom)
Don't get me wrong: I adore it, I am still extremely puzzled at how my brain even began to conceive a story like that, and the first chapter is a complete banger in my honest opinion, and the characters are uncomfortable in a very interesting way, and the worldbuilding is extremely dense with things I hope are meaningful, but.
It's also... pretty hostile to readership? By that I mean: I don't think it can be read passively. A big part of reading TEoP is, first, to understand how systems function normally; and then, understand how these systems interact altogether, how they can be abused, how they are actually abused, and what chain of events these systems will lead to. I am really proud of this interconnectivity --at the same time, it is incredibly dense and demand work. For all the fun and games I can try to inject in there, there are basic principles that can't skip being understood well for the plot to make sense; it's a politically driven story in the dryest possible way --with disaster bisexuals and fashionistas sprinkled on top to lush it up a little, but at heart it is a story about systems interconnecting from the bottom to the top, and it's a tangled mess in there.
So it's... If I'm being honest, and in spite of my genuine love of it, I have to admit it is a little hard to dedicate myself to pushing it further to the degree of polish that it needs. Not to say I won't do it --I will-- but it's impossible not to notice how *barren* the Mass Effect community has gotten in the last couple of years, this year being particularly bad. The readership was barely there anymore when Halfway Home got out, and I'm like... who's even left in there to read 200k worth of words of salarian/turian/asari politics in excruciating detail? Who's even interested in peeling up that toxic system of governance and how soft imperialism manifests in that universe? I still am, because I am invested in that version of Mass Effect and the characters I have put together in that context. But who else?
Of course, there's always this thing of "don't write for an audience, write for yourself", and I'm an absolute follower of that mentality. However.
(oops here comes a condensed version of that Halfway Home post-mortem I promised six months agoooo)
Halfway Home was *hard work*. It's work I decided to go through on my own, and I knew from the start it wouldn't reach that large of an audience --on virtue of being stupid long, about an OC (and a salarian at that, who cares), and having a trigger warning list longer than most people would find reasonable. I am happy that I did the work, and that I chewed the text over until I was absolutely sick of it --but it was basically the best version of what 7 years worth of change and growth and experimentations could get to before absolute burnout. And I am even happy about the readership! I had wonderful comments and I am truly honored that some people invested in that story to the degree they did, and I am fully aware that stories that take much more work get even less attention on the daily. But I would lie to say that I kind of felt... drained, when I saw that I had, indeed, taken too much time to complete it, and the fandom was basically dried up when I finally released it. Watching seven years of my life disappear down the Ao3 drain felt... Well, I won't lie. It felt kind of bad. It felt kind of like grief.
At the end of the day, it is true that nobody ever cares more about your story than yourself --and again, I am neither fishing for attention nor am I really complaining, even. It is a difficult story to sell and to read through, and I always knew the readership would be extraordinarily slim (and it did find it, and I am beyond uwwuuuuwuwu about it, truly ;;). I knew all of that going in. But I also won't lie that fandom timing was... horrendous --and it is even worse today. The fact that I have *barely* seen a hint of speculation on my dash from the latest N7 trailer does kind of say something as well. Sometimes, things come and go. And I suppose that's okay.
But what of The Empire of Preys? What of my deep care for the characters? What of my (I think, understandable) reluctance about jumping in to the next installments, knowing *for sure* that I'll be lucky if I graze 500 hits on Ao3? And that's me being beyond generous, honestly? I wish I didn't care about that, but I guess I do, a little. I also think it's understandable, wanting to work on things and see an impact from whatever you do --even if it comes from love and care. I'm glad I got to do it once, but do I want my literal masterpiece (I know the wording is strong, but I genuinely think TEoP is the best thing I ever did, counting my professional work that will be experienced by a *much* larger audience, and I have zero ideas how I could top it off conceptually given it felt like everything was being served to me in a trance-like state) being sandwiched between futanari porn and a story about a... certain main pairing being plastered absolutely everywhere and tending to suck all the oxygen in the room. No hate to either concept in particular, I actually like the coexistence of everything, it's part of what's cool about fanfiction! But, also. Also.
I suppose it is the curse of having a brain that works best creatively in the context of fandom --and daring to believe in the importance and necessity of creativity for its own sake, without monetary gain. But also, the very human entitlement thing of... not wanting to pour all of its life energy into a black hole.
It's complicated. I do not have a good answer as of now, at least regarding TEoP. I will keep on working passively on it as of now, once in a while, rediscovering it's genuinely really good from time to time and then moving away from it somewhat, until next time. I'm still doing Zelda stuff as of now, which... has been way more rewarding creatively, not gonna lie. It's a fandom full of lifeblood, with ideas bouncing around, people wanting to meet up, boundless creativity. I have written a micro-trilogy this year (it's here if that interests you), and, while in the same ballpark of attention than Halfway Home, it was undeniably more rewarding. I think I also needed to change mediums --I am currently experimenting with animatics, visual storytelling and extremely humble 2D animations, and I'm having a blast.
So... Yeah. I am fairly certain I will complete The Empire of Preys, because I love it deeply and I want to complete it, for its own sake if anything. But in regards to a timeframe... I'm not promising anything. It will happen. Not sure when! I'm following where creativity feels the more urgent at the moment.
But one day, this is a story that will exist, at the very least, and I think I'll love it deeply as well no matter how it's received. But I think I need a little bit of a positive feedback loop right about now, and so to work on projects that like... will be read. Or watched. Or played. Or experienced. And I'm not positive The Empire of Preys will be that for me, at least right now.
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locklaicy · 4 months
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orel from comment c'est loin/bloqués and ocs sketcheesss
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himbo-jackson-avery · 5 months
It's soooo overdone on Greys, so this is basically crack BUT do you know who totally could have a secret sibling floating around out there? You know who I'm going to say. I'm just saying there's A LOT of unaccounted time for Robert Avery. It could even be a child he actually didn't know about. I'm just saying- it's possible.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 7 months
perhaps I have found a title for the animatic project................ I'm thinking Thralls of Power?
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corvigae · 8 months
Me: Not all of my OCs have to be autistic and/or ADHD. Some could have other mental health struggles - for example, Ori has severe social anxiety.
Also me: Hm. Okay, but have you considered - he has severe social anxiety because he's autistic?
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starlight-archer · 1 year
Okay so I need there to be a steddie fic maybe with Kas!Eddie based on Resurrect The Sun by Black Veil Brides
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kleiner-ghost · 6 months
I was just scrolling on reddit, not looking for anything, I swear, but there was a post about adoption in fanfiction and I just ... urgh ...
No because I remember reading a WinterFrost hitchhiker AU years ago, and it hit me just right (pun intended), and I have been meaning to write something similar for years.
And like, my the characters I'm currently obsessed with have trauma, their dads have trauma, and one their dad's boyfriend has trauma.
Okay, so picture this:
And if to that I add those tropes, I get very cool angst and found family fic idea.
Roadtrip AU, except it's not really a road trip, Colt, Frank, and kid!Julie are running away from the government.
Colt has just escaped from the asylum, Frank was released from prison, and they got Julie out of foster care (where she ended up when Lila was admitted to the hospital full time for her condition).
Now, Julianna is sad because her mum is dying and she can't see her anymore. The two men are low key panicking because they have nowhere to run.
Now, Frank is loaded from the royalties from all his songs, but he can't cash any of it out because then they'll be tracked. So they have to make money here an there, and neither music nor piloting are really transferable skills.
On his way back from a gig Colt finds another kid on the side of the road. She's beaten up, and almost stabbs him to death, but he convinces her to come to camp with them.
Now, kid!Billie's story is equally sad. She was training as an assasin under Daud, when she abruptly found herself on the streets after an altercation with Daud about her morals.
She feels bad, and sets out to find him again to apologise, but he's vanished without a trace. The streets of whatever city she's in are far from safe, and she just about survives alone.
Cut back to the present where disaster fathers now have a second child on their hands. And to make things worse, it seems the overseers are after them too now.
So yeah that's the base premise. They'd pick up Daud along the way too eventually. Lila would die.
It would all end with Colt and Frank being invited to blackreef taking Julie with them, and Daud and Billie staying behind on the Isles.
I'm thinking of adding the kid!Outsider to this as well, to keep the parent/child ratio even (also cuz I'm a sucker for him Daud and Billie being a family).
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mil-group7 · 9 months
Information and Media Literacy as a tool for Civic Responsibility and Nation-building
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"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice." These profound words by renowned author and educator Donny Miller encapsulate the heart of our digital era. In a world where knowledge is at our fingertips and information flows ceaselessly through the channels of the internet, the consequences of ignorance are more evident than ever before. Media and Information Literacy (MIL) emerged as a beacon that guides us through this complex world of information, enabling us to make informed choices, take up our civic responsibilities, and contribute to nation-building.
Every day, we are bombarded with an avalanche of news, opinions, and data. Yet, as German writer, poet, and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe noted, "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." It's not enough to merely absorb information; we must apply our critical thinking skills to determine its authenticity and importance. In an age where misinformation and fake news escalate, MIL equips us with the tools to discern fact from fiction, to question the sources and biases present in the information we consume, and to assess the credibility of those who provide it.
MIL goes beyond empowering individuals; it emphasizes shared responsibility. As the African proverb says, "If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." MIL encourages us to work together in the pursuit of truth and accuracy. This helps bring people closer and makes our society stronger.
Media has truly made a big contribution to people's life specially nowadays; during 21st Century Period (currently). With the use of this, it became a way for the people to express themselves, to give their opinion, and to be informed with the arising issues or trends. Therefore, the world of media is now enormous. In addition, as time flies, many more types of media are being invented. The most arising type of media is the social media. Social Media has many branches: such as, the famous - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Messenger, Telegram, etc., which people frequently used. With these social media platforms, people can express themselves freely, they can share their opinions and connect with their friends, loved ones, family and other people. However, as an advantage of media to society; as media connects people, this will also serve as a way on building the nation, where people will have unity.
Civic responsibility and nation building are two crucial aspects that contribute to the development and progress of a country. It is the recognition that we are not just individuals living in isolation, but members of a larger community with shared goals and aspirations. By working together towards common goals, citizens build strong and resilient communities that can withstand challenges and promote the well-being of all its members. A nation cannot thrive if there is widespread inequality and injustice. It is the responsibility of every citizen to work towards creating a society that is fair and just for all.
How can we, as media and information literates, help our community foster a sense of civic responsibility? As students and good citizens, we will properly apply our knowledge first in ourselves. As the saying goes, “If you want to see change, start with yourself first.” One of the best things to do is to inform them of the advantages of media and information literacy development. To persuade individuals to use media and information in a responsible manner, demonstrate to them the proper way to do so. We'll use the media to improve our country and make it a better place.Because we are media literate, we can enlighten others and spread the word about the laws set forth by our government. With this, we are able to behave responsibly as civil citizens and contribute to our community in the most effective way possible.
We can all make a difference in our communities and in our country by just being literate and using the information the media provides, but we must infuse in ourselves the idea that great learning comes with tremendous responsibility. We must remember that knowing how to use media and information effectively does not suffice; we also need to know how to do so in an ethical and proper way. To genuinely develop our country, we need to use media literacy, information literacy, and awareness of what is happening in our society.
The employment of media and information literacy as a tool for civic responsibility and nation-building is highly effective. Citizens' use of technology makes their jobs easier. Because we rely on technology so frequently nowadays, we are all aware that practically everyone uses it. We as students may contribute to the advancement of our nation by stressing to everyone in our community that media is not just limited to television. Another great approach to advance the nation would be to teach the people how to handle the media and information.
Overall, there are significant relations between information and the media. Undoubtedly, effective use of it will result in a better world. The world deserves us as individuals if we can successfully employ media, information, and technology. So, all we have to do is to be united and become media and information literate. Our lives will become more meaningful if we have an impact on other people's lives. As Marian Wright Edelman says, "Service is what life is all about."
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i am a rare pair aficionado! when i go through ao3 tags do NOT give me the most popular
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kennys-parka-jacket · 8 months
Stichael, dip, stanman, and candy
Gonna keep it brief-ish.
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Sticheal- Turning goth and listening to edgy music is not therapy. But there are a number of reasons why someone may not go to therapy, and these guys feel like they understand each other. Also it's cool that Micheal still hung out with Stan even after he stopped being fully gothic. Micheal absolutely jams out to Crimson Dawn at 2am.
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Dip- I've seen a lot of fan art depict Pip as this happy sunshine child who sees the beauty in everything paired with Damian an aggressive pessimist who thinks that everything sucks. I can get behind that dynamic. I also like any version where Pip fucking snaps and goes ape shit. It also checks a few boxes in the classic teopes category: angel x demon, light hair x dark hair, etc. It's a rare ship that I prefer them as children just cuz they're so cute that way. (You'd never know I have thoughts about them though cuz I never reblog posts about them lol. I should fix that. Some day.)
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Stanman- TBH I prefer stanman as a part of poly main 4 (+ butters). I think all of them have kissed each other due to party games, dares, drunken compulsions, and genuine attraction. As for stanman on its own, I don't have a ton to say. In canon Eric's mentioned having affection for Stan, and a few moments prove this. Stan gets along with him well enough. Yeah, that's about all I got.
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Candy- Rivals ships just aren't my thing. I'm gonna leave it at that.
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rawliverandcigarettes · 8 months
(hey) (I'm officially back on the Empire of Preys grind 👀👀👀)
quick notes:
so SO grateful for past me who wrote a fucking 25 pages long worldbuilding document on the STG, including little graphs to help future me understand military ranks, internal organization, relationship to the government, history, current tension points, etc. It pulled me back instantly in what I should care about, and it's probably the most useful piece of writing I've done regarding worldbuilding
similarly grateful for the Aeon Timeline timeline I worked on a year ago, which helped me not be completely lost re: dates and when people were alive/dead and at which point, and also when specific treaties either I or the games made up happened historically
I think I managed to push past the initial bump, which was chapter 2; and by pushing past, I mean doing a new outline for a v2 since v1, while serviceable, was very meandery and didn't do a great job introducing the salarian cast that deserved something a little bit sharper to make a strong first impression. So I just cut through the meanders and "restarted" (aka: ripping through some parts of the old chapter and rearranging them in a newer one that is shorter and know what it's doing a little more). Not properly started on that yet, but the groundwork has been laid so that's good
there are so many salarians all of the time
I have done some thinking about each important member of the Liron dynasty (to the story at least), and yeah. No wonder they are all Like That
ouch???? I have reread my first attempts at the last chapter of the story and it's. It's a lot. I have not been in the TEoP headspace for a long time and it kind of tore my heart apart regardless, so! I cannot imagine how fucked up it will make me feel in due time!!
It's a smart story!!! I am sorry for saying this everytime I return to it and becoming insufferably smug, but seriously where the fuck did it come from conceptually, I don't feel capable of holding this in my brain, like I feel too dumb for some of the concepts and yet here they are. the sociopolitical worldbuilding feels very legitimate? why + how
I will probably (ughh) need to have it checked by someone who actually is very familiar with finance, just to make sure what I have written makes sense, because I'm confident about 70% of the jist, but there's 30% of like, niche regulations and attitudes and things you'd know if you have spent time in the stock market that I just couldn't guess even with a decent amount of research. which, yea
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spookkismookkis · 8 months
yro'ue poop and stupid die now iojanjsfuohso grrrrrrrrrrr
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eulchu · 2 years
I feel like almost every dnf meetup fanfiction teope was in that vlog. Like marriage joke, Flustered Georgenotfound, Good friend Sapnap, Thirdwheel Sapnap, Whipped Dream, Whipped George, Heatwaves playing in the background, literal sleeping together.
hwat waves playing in the background of them going in for a kiss reads like the mcyt version of the dan and phil with the pride flag copypast
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444names · 1 year
italian and spanish forenames
Abriscifo Adel Adest Adré Aforia Agna Agosa Albata Albelia Aledalè Aleena Alia Amacacio Amapif Amarda Amaries Ambanio Ambatizia Amelfordo Ameriela Amerna Amilomé Amio Amirge Ando Angelia Angero Anian Anicolaso Anta Antia Anxélició Aquencino Aquina Aratevano Arnatina Arneli Arnino Arquelony Arra Arsusenzo Artona Ateronal Atta Baldoldo Beatonca Bela Beniecte Beppardomó Berandra Beriedes Berio Berita Berocia Bierosa Bies Blalita Braia Brís Bàrbero Calena Calte Camo Candródo Cane Carigo Caris Carmina Casimonzia Castro Cefeo Cela Chana Chelisio Chor Chriomás Cibino Claita Clena Cona Conelinge Cones Cono Consa Conzo Coredel Corgella Cosa Criando Criandro Crifinte Cruno Daminarata Damini Danquarita Danç Della Delo Demardo Dempifina Deona Deoniata Deri Dieno Doldint Doma Domance Domoncil Domé Donio Dorte Dámanate Ebana Ebetola Edello Ederis Edesús Efre Efria Elberta Elido Elin Elinasothe Eliva Eloremue Emesto Emia Eminoca Enella Engel Eral Ermedorio Esdelma Esmino Espe Esto Eterseja Ettanna Eudio Evatra Even Fabelagda Faulca Fauracca Faurra Favia Fedeleta Fedo Fercè Filia Fioresulio Floia Flomalia Floren Floria Flos Fori Fornáng Fray Gaberto Gabiovi Gadina Gadio Galèrioel Gastito Gena Geniccio Geonzio Gería Gheligia Giano Gios Giusteodo Gonso Gonstía Grano Grao Gualoi Guandoria Guigia Guiseiana Hecia Hecio Hereaspo Herna Hertelaira Hill Hippola Homilio Hugapolo Huleyka Iardola Ifina Ifirco Igia Igioviel Igna Ignardo Ignata Immolò Iola Irescuana Isan Isana Isand Isarto Ivagda Ivaltho Ivanino Jaca Jació Jación Jairnalén Jano Jasio Jaudo Jaïs Joany Joaqualda Jonoro Jorto Josa Josmian Julicio Julico Julvieus Jusebata Laitanda Lanardo Lauato Learo Leatra Lenio Leocís Leofael Leono Lida Lies Ligio Lita Lizio Lore Loro Lución Lucra Luierioi Luimar Luimelio Lídina Magdalo Magdat Maldoria Mancina Maracul Marcè Mard Mardo Mare Marenzarni Margarna Mariere Marinamó Mariniana Mariolça Marizele Marizio Marlos Marmuntina Maro Mate Mauriso Mela Mene Meretavia Meric Merierna Mimenniana Mira Moisteu More Mèlimir Mèliova Nació Nara Naria Nario Narso Naruno Natana Natto Natàlin Nazioleste Nazza Neangro Nelkino Nicetalda Nicia Nilado Nilla Nola Nolio Noric Noro Nuerpo Nuncarco Nuncena Nura Nèfinamí Nélia Nélio Nélipardo Núrido Olintin Olippa Onatuo Onésalista Orianila Orin Orián Orleixa Orlestí Orlia Orliana Orliente Orlo Orto Ottantoria Otto Ovio Pablila Pabro Paciana Pació Pano Paolany Pasquita Pasta Pastres Pate Pato Pauste Penzia Perrelada Perter Petro Piel Piella Pierio Piestrán Piesuè Pieu Pric Prino Prunzo Quelmino Querenès Quistavio Rafina Ramia Ramín Rebano Rebato Reida Reme Remunza Rencenèlia Renealda Reyka Riceta Rini Rito Rodercolo Rodo Roistacio Roleni Romet Romó Rosaaci Rosablore Rosanera Roso Rosolfina Rossisardo Rosuetta Rufemo Rufore Sabià Salio Salta Samo Sana Sannano Selago Selfra Sello Serana Sermela Sero Serto Seva Sevella Siliol Sima Sino Sisola Sotez Stela Stenvi Sònice Tacià Tajambat Tajano Talfo Tarito Teofia Teope Tercis Thonda Timobete Tinacia Tizio Tora Torena Trelida Ubasiso Ughel Ulrio Ulristino Urbio Vanto Venge Viració Vivia Xaia Xavidaleno Xesusto Xoaresús Xoari Xulio Yarita Yunicuad Yvesla Zenia Ánxa
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natlysblog · 6 days
WIP ask game, artist edition! (writing welcome too)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thanks @drawingpotatopenguin for th tag ^.^
sw64 gotta gotta get gotta get to the bottom of this WIP slash COMPOSITION (05-11-2024)
alike a like
WIP where is your rider (volo)
WIP byakuya
WIP rylie octo
WIP slash CONCEPT curses (ranchers)
[composition] angler
WIP yeah the plot bunnies are endless
hermit herobrine au.txt
teop ten worst things that have evr happemnd to me (in progress 05 13 24)
WIP where is your rider (magolor)
wip ut au and awful time in the caves
WIP MY son
WIP soul melter ex
WIP kindness is an action
i tag whoever sees this <3
anyway. just as a bonus. take this pearl meme
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maxdibert · 4 months
My favorite teope is the female lead being a certified chaos conductor, utterly lost in the labyrinth of life, turning everything around her into a symphony of disorder fueled by her expertise in eating, drinking, and messing up with a side of terrible attitude while the male lead is the control freak extraordinaire, a paragon of practicality and structure, whose nerves are constantly on the brink thanks to her antics. As she unleashes yet another catastrophe, he feels like his sanity is hosting a farewell party, but strangely, he's irresistibly pulled into the whirlwind of her chaos. Soon, he discovers her colossal flaws as delightful quirks, but alas, he's as romantically articulate as a fish attempting interpretive dance – cue the silent suffering.
And yeah, this is the result of watching kdramas and indie movies directed by women.
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