6em4k · 29 days
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Ohhhhhhh absolutely not. Nope. No. Nooope. hate this. Bad. terribad. Super bad. He's crumpling it up and tossing it aside. Maybe burning it cuz that looked like blood.
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yuusaris · 9 months
Reblog for larger sample size.
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fugitivehugs · 6 months
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tepperzart · 2 years
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Hello!! Would you like artwork from a ~~~published author~~~???? I’m a freelance artist that would love to draw for you! I will draw OCs, fandom characters or original content, backgrounds, single page comics, and more! 
I’m not experienced with furries or mechas, but I’m usually willing to give them a try. Anything beyond pg-13 requires discussion. Paypal or zelle are my go to payment options!
If you have any questions, please message me! I also have a TOS and more examples of my work on my website! that would be Tepperzart.com :) Hope to see you soon!
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pyro-sea · 11 months
happy hawwo weemb
Twick ow tweat? You twick ow tweat pywo for hawwoweem???
Fanawt. Fanawt fow teppews.
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One phone doodle fow youwu
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mondaybear21 · 1 year
Artfight revenge for @tepperzart that I should've done a long time ago but finally got to :_)
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smokedoutcoldstar · 2 years
i would love to hear a rant from you about maximum ride's ending. i always saw it around and never picked it up, but from the little i saw of it, it kinda seemed to be all over the place. i'd love the inside scoop from an old fan
Under the cut because I went off. Fair warning, it's a little scattered. But the thoughts are there ✌️
This is a rant I have held within me since I was in elementary school. This is a rant that is over a decade old, eternally-contained, only given in small pieces to a couple folks over the course of my life. Because i've never known someone else to be aware of Maximum Ride, let alone want a single-digits child's take on the series end. I have not reread any of the Maximum Ride books, but I did read them all. The Angel Experiment all the way to Nevermore. If for some reason there were MORE after Nevermore,,,,,,,,,,, really, really clearly a beat the dead horse until there's no horse left situation. Sometimes, ending a series before you have too many books to carry is the smart and credible choice. I'm absolutely being petty rn. This is a disdain i've held for a long time.
In my opinion, the story lost the plot / got too big for its breeches right around either Angel or Fang (I forget which book comes first. Whichever one has Angel going lowkey godmode crazy). The ending of Nevermore, however, was the WORST way to end the series.
Everyone dies.
No seriously. The entire end plot is everyone except 1% of the population dies to a genetic virus designed to kill everyone except the chosen genetically superior 1% (most of whom are experiments like Max, or people who bought their way into the saved 1%. Yeah no really. Really actually.). Max is trying to stop that from happening the entire book. She fails. And she fails because the adults in her life (iirc she was like 16 or 17 at that point?? I forget. Remember these are over a decade old thoughts) (JEB. FUCKING. J E B. HISSSSSSS) actively sabotage her and her ragtag gang. And because James Patterson decided to write Max failing to stop a Secret Conspiracy Eugenics World Takeover Plot.
Oh yeah, and she's kept alive so she can repopulate the new earth with her genetically-engineered to be her perfect mate Dylan - WHO SHE DOESN'T WANT TO HOOK UP WITH. She 'surrenders to her fate' at the end, after almost two books' worth of the adults in her life pressuring her and telling her she cannot change her destiny to have a bunch of babies with the guy she doesn't want babies with, when everyone else on earth fucking DIES.
Not to mention, making Angel into this weird I Am The New God type character SO LATE INTO THE SERIES seemed like such a Ah Fuck I'm Out Of Ideas And My Manuscript Is Due thing. At first i was cautiously interested, and then ANGEL. The ACTUAL CHILD. Starts telling Max the voices in her head are saying 'Max you will have a mate perfect in every way and you have to bone him, there's no other future for you except your fate to bone your newcoming perfect match!!' and then I decided I HATED what Angel was now written as.
And here's the thing. I don't hate Dylan! I don't really feel anything towards Dylan one way or another, except that he seemed really immature (probably because, as it says in the book, he's only three years old, just with a teen's body. Like, when Dylan is first introduced, the book makes a REALLY big deal about that. Brings up REPEATEDLY that Dylan is 3 years old in a teenage body). And I don't hate Max's clone Maya either!! She has an interesting side thing going where she's trying to be her own person instead of Max's clone, after being sicced on Max to kill and replace Max in the gang and then failing to do that. And good for her!! A little weird that Fang left Max for her, but Fang's choices aren't a reflection of her!! Fang was super wishy-washy on which girl he was going to be loyal to that entire time. Which wasn't cool of him!! Max was his ride or die!! Ride or die my ass by the end of the series, apparently!!
But like, the early books were so good! (To elementary school age me. I cannot speak to how they hold up now, because I have not and will not reread them) Max was such a badass and she had the support of her found family! And her struggles and her flock's struggles were real! They were a group of outcasts who just wanted to live normal lives in everyday human society. And there was so much joy from them doing everyday people things, like going to school and trying makeup and making friends. And the longer the series went on, the more and more it seemed like it curved waaaaay off-field and out into the parking lot. Down the road and then off a fucking cliff.
Like, i'm sure there's stuff wrong with the book politically. Remembering how Iggy's blindness suddenly Disappeared Under Certain Conditions felt really, really questionable even at childhood age. And I never liked the makeover scene with Nudge, where she gets her hair straightened and her makeup done, but I will be honest. It was because I didn't like tomboy makeover scene type stuff. I wasn't yet aware of how icky it is to write a black character hiding their natural curls and calling them more beautiful for straightening their hair. I know now!! Yet another reason I really don't like Nudge's whole makeover scene. I forget what book that happens in. Pretty sure it's either The Angel Experiment or School's Out Forever. (This dislike of Nudge's makeover scene is also influenced by the manga, which I read volumes 1-3 of)
The long and short of it is, the ending of Nevermore felt really cheap. 'Oh everyone dies and that's a good thing because now the earth will be repopulated by Max's coercion-born animal-human hybrid babies and none of those genetically defective regular humans'. >:( I was so mad and felt so cheated by the ending that I stopped reading James Patterson's works entirely (which honestly wasn't that hard. I had been reading Witch & Wizard at the time too, and stopped halfway through The Fire. Which was not hard to do. The characters who were once interesting became utterly insufferable)
Okay while looking up how to spell character names, I found out two things. One, Nevermore had a sequel and the Wikipedia plot summary is just as nonsensical as I expected. No interest in reading it, as far as I am concerned literally nothing can come back from And Everyone Died The End ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there's no saving it at that point. Write a new series. You've shot the old series between the eyes with an ending like that.
And two, apparently Nevermore was astronomically received NEGATIVELY by literary reviews / critics. Which. VINDICATIONNNNN. Baby me knew what was up!! Baby me knew a shit ending when they saw one!!!
Anyway. Immediately after reading Nevermore, I walked away from Patterson books, was convinced that I in my wee ripe age could write better stories than him, and proceeded to First Draft an actual novel and a half of Human Experiment Teens Save The World. It's been a side project of mine to revamp it every time I notice a sharp increase in my writing skills (it's actually due for a revamp again, but I haven't finished the rewrite of the Second Draft, so really want I want to do is reevaluate the plot using the knowledge I know now. Gotta dust away all the unknowing child ignorances and biases and really make it a story worth telling.) And for the record, it will NOT be ending with goddamn Everyone Died The End.
But anyway. That's my rant against the ending of the Maximum Ride series. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk ravings on this corner of the bar counter.
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peachsunset · 6 months
Thank you! My thanks to you and everyone else who let me relentlessly boop them to get here 😆 And congrats on your max boops as well!
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kevlar01 · 3 years
kaiba anthro 25 for the smut meme? :3
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Yes. Yes absolutely.
Blue Eyes White Wings (Might have to do an extra spicy version but I really wanted to include the tail cause that was fun.)
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kiichu · 5 years
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rain for @tepperz​! it’s been a while since i read this manga! thanks for the nostalgia! :)
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Art Memes for the Friend!
I’m always down for either a music meme or an OC meme. (Might have to ask some questions of your OCs if we do one of those, but I don’t mind learning more about them! 8O )
Simple draw-the-same-thing meme: https://www.deviantart.com/laniusrios/art/Double-meme-base-298692996
Draw something with the same theme: https://www.deviantart.com/glitchpirate/art/Double-Theme-Meme-289264547
Coloring style meme: https://www.deviantart.com/sir-erdgeist/art/Colouring-Style-Double-Meme-276010306
Draw a mirror world: https://www.deviantart.com/wezenbeesje/art/mirror-double-meme-269642191
Writer’s double meme: https://www.deviantart.com/starlightlovesya123/art/Writer-s-Double-Meme-Blank-215248840
Double music meme: https://www.deviantart.com/mouseluva/art/Blank-Musical-Double-Meme-177329285
OC double meme: https://www.deviantart.com/z-pico/art/OC-Double-meme-298411304
Another OC one: https://www.deviantart.com/cktherat/art/The-OC-Double-meme-BLANK-167103474
And another (with 12 characters!) https://www.deviantart.com/yureisamurai/art/Double-Meme-OC-Remix-Blank-351199389
Random double-ness:
Random double meme: https://www.deviantart.com/darumarchen/art/SS-Double-Meme-191044020
Single memes ({we can split or alternate or something):
Pokemon moves meme: https://www.deviantart.com/philby17/art/Show-us-your-moves-meme-189742067
Crack pairing/baby meme (we can each pick 5 characters maybe?) https://www.deviantart.com/artbyflan/art/Crack-Baby-Meme-157521952
Lyrics meme: https://www.deviantart.com/taligale/art/Random-Lyrics-Meme-template-131538603
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6em4k · 29 days
im gonna rizz this monkie. special event time. (this can be a special au for like a day or whatever xD)
[My husband is gunna try seducing Macaque. Let's see how it goes.]
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yuusaris · 6 months
Boop 🐈
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fugitivehugs · 1 year
#fun!!#see my problem is#i love all the manga characters while also thinking they've got big wasted opportunities LOL#dnangel
lmao so trueeeeeee my wife did it and just put everyone into wasted opportunities LOL i almost did it myself too
Lmaooo that's the true DN experience
"lalala here's a silly magical thief series!
With deadly curses spanning centuries and tormenting young teens trapped by the expectations of their family at the cost of their own hopes and dreams.
Now look at these cute animals! :>"
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dnangeled · 6 years
julegacy replied to your post “I feel like circus is a really common theme, but hey, who doesn’t like...”
Where are the raws coming from?
deadseafestivalofdreams replied to your photoset “karaiel: D.N.Angel returned in Asuka today, I can’t believe it ^o^)/”
I've been lookin Everywhere for the chapter pages
tepperz  replied to your post “bleak-resilience: wheezes gently as I screenshot all the Hikari...”
Were the raws released? I cant find them :0
I’ve posted a link now!
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pyro-sea · 2 years
also yami marik
Ask and you shall receive.
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