#teraphobia au
cookiepop-cat · 1 year
Teraphobia AU [Moon character profile]
Cw: ommetaphobia, scopophobia, eyes, spooky
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So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my new AU, so here’s what I’ve done recently!
(NOTE: Sun and Moon have separate bodies in my AU)
Moon is nocturnal twin brother of Sun, and is a parasitic creature that sustains itself from the energy of others.
He does so by sneaking into your room at night and nesting in your closet or under your bed. He’ll stay there for a very long time (weeks/months) and slowly leech off of his victim’s energy, until they eventually die of exhaustion.
In most cases, Moon can live in someones room for months going completely unnoticed.
He usually targets adults, since they’re fully grown and provide the most energy. Despite this, he sees no moral issue in targeting children either.
Moon is soft spoken and reserved, and due to past experiences, Moon avoids forming bonds, especially with humans. Despite his timid nature, he’s quite merciless, and feels no remorse in harming others.
The only person he feels comfortable around is his brother, who, despite their differences, he cares for deeply.
When his eyes meet his victim, he sucks the energy out of their body (this is a slow and subtle process). The more eyes that he opens, the stronger his ability is.
When Moon closes his eyes, he becomes invisible and phantom-like, meaning people can’t see nor feel him. The more eyes he opens, the more visible he is
Moon thrives in the dark. This is because he’s nocturnal. In the dark, his eyes preform and see a-lot better
Moon is also quite comfortable in dim-lit areas, such as street lamps, sunsets, sunrises, etc. he enjoys these places, since it’s the only environment where him and Sun can exist together
While his ability to go invisible is very useful for hiding, it’s not very practical. When he shuts his eyes, he obviously can’t see, and will usually have to hang around idle to avoid tripping or bumping into walls. For this reason, he only uses this ability when he’s not planning on traveling far
Light is his biggest weakness. He always avoids daylight and well lit rooms as eyes are very sensitive to light, and since his body is ridden with eyes, light is a very painful sensation. Light causes him to shut and shield his eyes, putting him in a state of blindness and distress.
Quiet spaces
The dark
Watching the sunset with Sun
Street lights
Late night walks in the woods
Busy areas
Most foods
Touchy people
Extra trivia:
Despite not needing to eat, he loves candy! candy corn is his favourite
Moon purrs when comfortable
Moon rarely likes physical affection, and enjoys his personal space
Moon will often create a little nest of clothes and pillows in your closet to get comfy
If moon closes most of his eyes when around you, it means he likes you. It’s to avoid draining your energy, and should be taken as a kind gesture
Moon’s naturally smells of lavender, and humans often find themselves feeling a sense of calm and sleepiness when near him
The big, toothy smile on the crescent of Moon’s face isn’t his actual mouth. It’s simply the pattern of his shell. His real mouth is on the black side of his face
Moon spent a majority of his childhood being raised by a human (not Y/N)
Him and Sun were born from eggs. They’re technically twins, although Moon hatched seconds before Sun, and still takes pride in that to this day
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If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading!! I plan to post a lot more about these guys at some point. Up next will likely be Sun’s concept art and profile. It may be a while until I make that post though. Sadly, school exists and I have stuff to do.
I got lots planned for this though! And I may have given the bois a lil too much backstory
Anyways, thanks for listening to my ramble! :3
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severallizards · 1 year
Cookie come get yo mans pt.2
(Took this long to post cuz Tumblr is being an ass)
He's going to commit violences, but that's why we love him <3
@cookiepop-cat @teraphobiaau <- idk which one to tag :p
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myot0 · 1 year
Drew @cookiepop-cat ‘s teraphobia oc monster moon, check out their tumblr and teraphobia comic!
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sp-teraphobia-au · 3 months
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Prologue - New Blood (PART ONE)
Leopold was running through the woods, panting heavily as loud sticks and leaves were snapping under his feet. He stumbled every so often before picking himself back up, determined to try and get away from the hunter swiftly chasing after him.
Suddenly, Christophe raised his crossbow, stopping in his tracks as he carefully aimed the crossbow and pulled the trigger. The arrow shot through the wind before sharply piercing through the back of the vampire’s leg, causing him to immediately stumble to the ground, face planting into the dirt.
Leopold groaned in pain as he tried to push himself back up before the rough sole of Christophe’s boot dug into his back, keeping the vampire from getting up. He scoffed.
Christophe: “Don’t move, vampire.”
Christophe knelt down, his boot digging deeper into Leopold’s back as he aimed the crossbow directly at the vampire’s head, his finger hovering over the trigger, ready to finish the job at any second.
Christophe: “Make this easier for the both of us…”
This project has been in the back of my mind for a while now, especially with recent hyperfixations I’ve started developing, so I’m really glad that I officially got to start working on it now! I haven’t fully written out the prologue yet, but I’ve had this specific page sketched out for months now so I decided to just draw it digitally so I can finally start this new au!
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(repost because I forgot something sigh)
Damn it's really been a whole year for this ship I randomly put together and now love and cherish
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First picture: @/stardust.zone on insta
Second picture: @/c0smicallyk1ssed
And everything else was @/thekarlshow_tm (insta) or @/sp-teraphobia-au (Tumblr)
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sir-subpar · 2 years
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I made a au where everything was erased and all that was left of the reality was this person
Void Walker Alice's main attributes:
She's insane and if she sees something out of place in the Void;
- she'll kill it if it's alive
- she'll destroy it if it's a object
She hallucinates a messed up version of her dead friend Phoenix.
Age: ???
Height: ???
Phobias: Automobile, Isolophobia, or Eremophobia, Monophonic, Anthropophobia, Atelophobia, and Teraphobia
Au plot:
Void Walker au:
Everything was erased from existence the corruption won-
Alice sat in a single chair alone in a massive white Void-
She couldn't even sense the library-
Alice is driven to pure insanity from this
She began to hallucinate and see Phoenix-
But the two would bicker and fight-
Alice soon came accustomed to the void and if there was anything different other than her and the single chair...
I wouldn't get a chance to stay-
Alive or dead-
It had to perish...
Ooo, nice ghostly appearance!
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qftim-dreamcatcherau · 7 months
What's the girls biggest fears?? :<
Blairlana's biggest fear is being cheated on and her auntie, twisted alice [to be exact lol]. Being cheat on is her biggest fear because she caught her ex boyfriend cheating on her when they were both in highschool, which makes her feel extremely upset. For the auntie part, it will be explained in her backstory and AU story.
Breeda has teraphobia, meaning fear of monsters because when she was little, the ink blobs that were attacking her home traumatized her so it leads to her having a big fear of monsters, including creatures that are unfamiliar to her.
Coco's biggest fear is failure because during childhood, she was mistreated by King Dice and he does her to be a perfection to society but however, every mistake, leads to him angry over it so she always tries her best to make sure everything is perfect for his satisfaction, ballet is the example.
Angel's biggest fear is her mother because she is controlling and toxic towards her, ever since her father's death. She cannot be able to confront her or go against her because knowing her mother is always stronger than her and she knows where to press angel's buttons so she would break down easily. This is why she stayed away from her mother as far as possible.
Chole's biggest fear is their father because he is apart of a cult and he also killed their mother for sacrificing reasons, which they fear to be his next victim and ever since, they ran away from him and never want to hear from him again.
Alt's biggest fear is losing their loved ones, which unforunately happened when their house was abducted, result both of their parents killed and years later, it happened again but this time, it's their boyfriend and son. Till this day, they are always seeking revenge for their loved ones.
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cookiepop-cat · 1 year
Fun fact, monster Sun is a bit of a chef! 🫶
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Sorry guys, imma be inactive for probably the next 2 weeks, so have this for now PFFT
[side note, I decided to change my AU’s name from “monster under the bed au” to “teraphobia au”
Since I felt the old name was too much of a mouthful]
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cookiepop-cat · 1 year
Ok ok imagine y/n getting used to Sun and moon in your spOopy boys au okay?
and one day Moon comes up trying to scare y/n and they scream ofc ofc and they throw something at him! That something was a massive bar of soap. . . He has not recovered
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Slight scopophobia warning under cut
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Looks like they both have some apologising to do
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cookiepop-cat · 1 year
Teraphobia AU [Sun character profile]
Cw: coulrophobia, teraphobia, blood, spooky
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(NOTE: Sun and Moon have separate bodies in this AU)
Sun is the diurnal twin brother of Moon who feeds on the emotional distress (fear) of humans
Sun typically chooses one target at a time, often choosing those who’d be described as “scaredy-cats”. He sustains himself with the fear of others, and induces this fear in his victims by taking the form of their deepest, darkest fears
He’ll stick with one victim as long as it suits, only leaving them if they become boring or desensitised
Sun strictly targets adults, as he believes that scaring young children is immoral. He’d hate to be responsible for someone’s childhood trauma
Once Sun has targeted you, its VERY difficult to get rid of him
Sun never kills anyone, as he has no reason to and finds no joy in hurting people
Sun is energetic and fun-loving! He enjoys annoying people and creating mischief. He’s also a little bit sassy 👀
Unlike his stealthy counterpart, Sun enjoys toying with his prey, often playing pranks and spooking them throughout the day
He rarely forms bonds with his targets. He believes that humans and monsters are incapable of coming to mutual understanding of one another
Sun can smell fear. This helps him find potential targets. In fact, he overall has a great sense of smell in general, which allows him to have a great sense of his surroundings without even having to look!
Sun has the ability to sense your biggest fear, and change his appearance to match
When Sun’s rays retract, he becomes invisible. When invisible, he becomes phantom-like, and can phase through just about anything.
Sun performs best in the daytime and dim-lit areas, Since this is the only time when he’s visible, and can scare his victims.
Sun doesn’t perform well in the dark. He can’t be seen when in the dark. He can walk around and interact with his surroundings just fine, but can’t be seen, which makes it harder to scare people
Sun’s ability to shape-shift has its limits. Although he can resemble your fears, he’s restricted by his natural form, and cant stray far from it. Because of this, he can’t remove his rays or crescent face. No matter what form he takes, he’ll always resemble his original form to an extent.
Sunsets and sunrises
Human foods
Crowded areas
Extra trivia:
I always draw monster Sun as a clown. This is because my version of Y/N has a fear of clowns. But Sun can have all kinds of forms depending on your fears (So feel free to imagine and draw Sun however you like!)
When shapeshifting, Sun often unintentionally mimics Moons jester outfit. Reasons are unknown
Sun’s favourite movie is Hotel Transylvania
Sun basically has the time perception of a dog. One hour feels like ages for him. This explains why he gets bored so easily
Sun loves physical affection, and will gladly accept hugs and cuddles!
Although he rarely interacts with kids, Sun enjoys the idea of befriending them. He’s fascinated by their childlike wonder, and believes that if he were human, he’d probably be some kind of childcare worker. Maybe a daycare attendant perhaps?
Just like Moon, the crescent on Sun’s face isn’t his actual face, and is only an outer shell
In present time, Sun and Moon have a love-hate relationship for unspecified reasons. Sun doesn’t like to talk about it.
Sun has no reason to eat, since he lives off of fear. Despite this, he loves human food, and will eat just about anything you hand him!
Thank you guys for being patient! It took a long while for me to get this out cuz of a mixture of school and getting distracted with other drawings
My plans for this AU is to eventually make a separate blog and start making comics! I have a-lot of story thought out for these guys!
That will take quite a while though, so the blog probably wont be out for another while. Until then, I’ll just be posting little concepts and doodles :3
I’m so happy to see people enjoying my AU, so thank you so much!! Okok I’m rambling so imma leave it off here. Bye guys! 🫶
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cookiepop-cat · 1 year
I'm gonna be posting comics and other art for my DCA Au on there :D the first comic is already posted!
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cookiepop-cat · 1 year
quick question abt Monster Moon:
Which eyes are specificlly in one spot, and which ones can just be put wherever there is space? i have recived intense brainrot from your spooky bby and i want to draw hims *grabby hands*
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Sorry for the late response! This is pretty much all the rules to the spooky boi
Also I'm so glad you like my AU so far!! :D
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severallizards · 1 year
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When the crechur in your closet steals your Halloween candy 😔
@cookiepop-cat THIS DESIGN FOR MOON AND THIS AU?!? 🤌✨
I want to (respectfully and with his consent) cuddle him so bad fhdhwhfhfhehdn 💖💖💖
Expect more sub-par art from me 👁👁 this bby is welcome in my closet any time
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severallizards · 1 year
Come get yo mans (pt. 1)
(Scopaphobia Warning!)
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Hands are the bane of my existence 💀💀
I'm so Damm normal about these skrimblos
(Lie. Im Frothing at the mouth)
Sneak peak of the other blorbo <3
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severallizards · 1 year
@cookiepop-cat your brainchild has stolen my brain.
Congrats on the new brain :’D
(Do you have a ref for Sun? :0 I wish to draw the other skrunkly <3)
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cookiepop-cat · 1 year
just wanted to put it out there that if you ever want help coming yp with ideas for the teraphobia au id be happy to help! i am completely normal about this i swear
Eee sorry for the super late reply but thank u sm! If u have any cool ideas feel free to let me know :D
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