#teresa cristina
alicentsultana · 4 months
The way we see mothers in fiction reflects our relationship with our own mothers.
Unless we're going mommy dearest and similar works that show narcissistic mothers and problematic/toxic relationships and portrayals, those are undeniably horrible and bad.
However, when we talk about general mothers portraiture we're going to immediately judge also through what we live and experienced.
I have a wonderful relationship with my mom, though she had me hours after she turned 18, and of course, have committed errors, she still succeeded in parenting and raised me with the best of her abilities. Therefore, I tend to see mother-sons/daughters relationships in a good light, as as depth and development goes by, I can change and adapt my initial opinion.
Therapist and Psychology Professors oftenly remarks that mothers, in a way or another, have some parcel of guilt over how her kids will develop and turn out, some more, some less. Relapse mother? Troubled kids. Distant mother? Insensitive kids. Overbearing/Overprotective? Kids learn to lie, omit, rebel. So on and so forth.
Mothers do have a hand on how you deal with your life. But a loving mother, a zealous mother, a young mother, an older mother, a religious mother, a free spirit mother... All of them doesn't have to justify themselves beyond maybe acknowledging where they went wrong, because, after all, aren't all of them also bound by expectations, morals, time and beliefs? And weren't all of them doing what they thought was right? Weren't all of them dealing with motherhood differently and in their particular ways? With or without support, they did what they could.
But take a look at these mothers:
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They made mistakes, do they have to justify themselves and ask for forgiveness? Because they did what they have to? To survive, to attend demands, to protect, to ensure their safety and success...
There are mistakes, and there is also another even greater problem: you have to grow up and learn how to deal with this pain yourself, talk, digest, transform it, but no one but yourself will have to learn how to deal with it, even when it was done with such toxic and cruel behaviors, you will have to deal with it. To love or to hate.
Now, let's focus on the love part.
Mary, Elizabeth, Isabel, Januaria, the Bennets girls, Khadija, Alicent, Hürrem and Rhaenyra's children, all of them wouldn't even ask for their justification, ask why they did what they did, because they all know their mother loves them no matter what, they did what they had to do. Distant or not, overbearing, hysterical, insensitive, and doomed by the narrative. They know, and eventually recognize that those actions were done by love.
So yeah, go on, ask your loving mother to justify herself, I dare you all. Ask your grandma and aunt too. Ask that one mother who pissed you off online too.
Also, don't forget that maybe, that parenting style was all they came to know about. And unless one breaks a very long and, shockingly, difficult to recognize cycle, they will unknowingly perpetuate it.
Anyway. That's how I see it. Because oh boy, I wouldn't even ask my mom to explain herself to me, no matter my grievances. But that's a me thing. How do you see it?
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juliopison · 4 months
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CONCIERTOS (Brasil) Teresa Cristina O Mundo é Meu Lugar
Para ver el Concierto pulsa el Link: https://artecafejcp.wixsite.com/escenario-cafejcp/post/teresa-cristina
Café Mientras Tanto jcp
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mariana-mar · 6 months
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desejosedesabafos · 1 year
Teresa Cristina e Grupo Semente - Meu mundo é hoje - Eu sou assim (Paulinho da Viola)
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faz-o-l · 2 years
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Teresa Cristina
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art · 1 year
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Automattic Presents: Under Pressure with Ana Teresa Fernández 
For Climate Week NYC, we’re hosting a panel discussion on September 20 in our Noho Space. Artist and activist Ana Teresa Fernández will be joined by Cristina Gnecco (Co-Founder of HOPE Hydration) and Whitney McGuire, Esq. (Director of Sustainability at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum) in exploring how art and innovation can catalyze positive change, inspiring us to take newfound insights into the world and encourage collective action.
The panel will be held against the backdrop of Ana Teresa Fernández’s provocative series, Under Pressure—a multi-disciplinary work comprising video, photography, paintings, and sculpture that engages with questions of responsibility and response in relation to the climate emergency and rising sea levels.  Tune in to the livestream of the Under Pressure panel discussion on September 20 at 6:45 PM ET! Right here on Tumblr.com.
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roehenstart · 1 year
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Teresa Cristina of the Two Sicilies, Empress of Brazil.
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“I like to think that the "Thérèse" in Princess Madeleine's name is in honor of Empress Teresa Cristina of Brazil.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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dedoholistic · 4 months
Wunderschönes Italien: Besuch der venezianischen Villen mit Maria Cristina Buoso
von Maria Teresa De Donato
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bulkbinbox · 2 years
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imperatriz teresa cristina do brasil retratada por abram-louis buvelot, por volta de 1855. 
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tratadista · 9 months
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Teresa Cristina do Brasil, por Vicente Mallio
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if ur trans then whats your real name?
Teresa Cristina Maria Josefa Gaspar Baltasar Melchior Januária Rosalía Lúcia Francisca de Assis Isabel Francisca de Pádua Donata Bonosa Andréia de Avelino Rita Liutgarda Gertrude Venância Tadea Spiridione Roca Matilde de Bourbon-Duas Sicílias
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cristinabcn · 4 months
PERUVIAN CUISINE: RECIPES AT A GLANCE “THE PICARONES” En esta segunda entrega de COCINA PERUANA, un verdadero tesoro culinario que merece ser compartido con el mundo (véase artículo anterior aquí : https://agenciamundialdeprensa.com/2024/05/30/la-cocina-peruana-importancia-platos-tipicos/ ) Gastronomía, cuya diversidad, sabores únicos, riqueza cultural y su potencial para el desarrollo económico…
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Santa Teresina di Lisieux: una Storia d'anima lunga 150 anni
150 anni dalla nascita di santa Teresa di Lisieux: una ricorrenza che anche l’UNESCO ha inserito nelle celebrazioni ufficiali del biennio 2022-2023, preferendo alla maestosità della Torre simbolo di Parigi, l’umiltà di una santa che si definiva una “pratolina”, un piccolo fiore del prato.
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diarioelcentinela · 2 years
La posible candidatura presidencial de Cristina Fernández suma apoyos
La posible candidatura presidencial de Cristina Fernández suma apoyos
Foto: Fernando Gens. La presidenta del bloque de senadores bonaerenses del Frente de Todos (FdT), María Teresa García, afirmó que la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner es la persona “que más adhesión concita” en el espacio de cara a las elecciones de 2023, aunque aclaró que una candidatura será “una decisión” que debe tomar la exmandataria.”Hacía falta en nuestro espacio político que…
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 11 Reaction
Well, Julio is unsurprisingly getting his ass beat for having no chill when confronting Genaro about his dealings with Cristina. Oooh shit they beat him unconscious, good thing Dagoberto and Atala were already there.
The journey of finding Serapio Ayala even more endearing continues. Dagoberto woke Julio’s ass up with cold water and Ayala’s like “what the hell man you could’ve been way nicer about that!” I really do like him fr fr.
Ok Ayala is starting to have more and more grandpa energy by being surprisingly kind and patient w/ Julio. He DID notice Julio’s got a little crescent moon tattoo on his bicep that gave him pause!! I wonder what the significance of that is! (Other than being excellent fuel for my Vampire/Werewolf fanfic idea).
OK, Benjamin (the head butler) having a son he wishes he could visit much more often absolutely tracks with how fondly he treats Andrés. Of course Teresa is rude about it 🙄. Mercedes continuing to be ridiculously awesome and endearing and leaving Felipe in the dust like “bitch I’m a military brat you think I don’t know how to ride a horse?! Watch me!” I love her!!
GOD you know what I do actually feel bad for Alfredo, he’s not totally innocent but it’s not like he intentionally knocked Sofía down the stairs. His biggest crime so far has been ignorance. All he wants to do is well by his wife and future child, the remorse is very real. But Sofía is fully under her mother’s thumb and almost just as scared of Alfredo’s mother as she is of her own.
Noooo 😭 not Isabel and Andrés frantically asking each other “where’s Julio?” at the same time goddddd. They’re seriously so alike, pobrecito Andrés is like “he didn’t come back last night 🥺” I’m normal I am NORMAL I promise I’m normal!
It’s so weird when you can’t stand a character but love to see how she’ll be awful next and not even like a fun villain way but in a “oh god what is she up to NOW?” way. Literally all Ángela did was ask Natalia if Belén had dated anyone else and Belén is all “I’m feeling SO bullied rn” and tries to sick Teresa on her??? Like, girl, really?! Teresa only wants your baby, she doesn’t care about your ass!
Matilde is here! She really went “surprise bitch, let’s go to the pool Isabel bby! 😎” meanwhile Jacinto out here swallowing his tongue because he ain’t got the guts to tell Isabel what Diego has ordered him to do.
Sooooo 😤 Teresa is making Belén Ángela’s new assistant in order to keep her from going after her and DAMN that “we punish others for the mistakes we can’t forgive ourselves for.” Line is so RAW. Teresa is such an intriguing character, she’s awful but she acts unusually human around Ángela, it’s fascinating. And as much as Ángela is on the money about Belén being Extremely Awful, Teresa is also RIGHT, ugggggh 😍
Aw! Hell yeah, Jacinto sticking his neck out and going to search for Julio personally since Isabel and Matilde can’t take the car. Guess it’s time for poor Isabel to get dragged into Sofia and Alfredo’s marital disputes, maybe she can talk a little sense (maybe even strength) into Sofia… or not 😬 but you know what? Isabel is being a good sister anyway even tho she’s really worried about Julio. Matilde is like “girl you are out here giving too much of yourself.” I KNEW I was gonna frickin like her!!
Ah I see, it’s time to replace Dr. Santamaría since Teresa kicked him out for trying to be honest. Oh of COURSE promoting Belén gets her a raise, honestly that’s probably what Señorita García was looking for in the first place when she went to Teresa, she’s a sly vixen for sure. Ooh! Nice fake out but I still don’t think Teresa knows Diego is Belén’s baby daddy but knowing her she’ll probably find out soon 👀
OHHHH okay! The little moon tat is an anti-Profieran thing ok ok ok ok. Ayala is letting Julio off with a warning but THIS type of thing must’ve been what the actors/show runners were talking about when they said o e of the unique changes they made from the original Spanish Gran Hotel was adapting the story to Mexico’s history at that time. Oh my goddd the little historian in my brain is eating this shit up!! I have so much to look up later!
Matilde smacking Isabel upside the head with logic like “lemme get this straight, you’re engaged to that asshole Montejo, so how are you gonna juggle that and going back to school AND this lil’ crush you got” MAN Isabel NEEDED somebody who isn’t out to get something from her who’s like, on her level! This is gonna be such a good character dynamic I was getting sooo bored of the only other decent person she got to banter with being Julio. And like, Andrés a little but Andrés has all that internalized classism shit going on and won’t speak with her like she’s his equal (at least not yet).
?!?!?? Ok ok ok SOMEBODY just paid the telegram guy for information (reporting Teresa and Diego’s appearance in town and the telegrams they sent) we don’t get to see their face or hear their voice and Pascual is dead OMFG what if it’s CRISTINA?!?!???!
Okayyyy, new character just got introduced that makes my blood run cold about things that I know happen later. We’ve got our new doctor and I’m making some new, disquieting connections in my head. Never trust anyone directly on Teresa’s payroll, not ever 🤐 Dr. Lazaro has quite an iconic voice tho, I feel like I’ve heard him somewhere else. Okay so Doc Lazaro recognizes Diego’s last name and Diego’s hackles went up. So many shady motherfuckers up in here! 👀
Okay so we’re getting some implications that Jacinto miiiiiiiiiiiight be Violeta’s baby daddy?? I don’t think so though considering he didn’t behave as though he recogiese her in the market a few episodes ago. Regardless, his weird possessiveness of her when he doesn’t know her is starting to verge from tragic to creepy and I hope some stuff happens to make it Not That. Julio has returned to do thing the more reasonable way. Genaro’s information on his sister… for more fighting *SIGH*
And according to Genaro, Cristina stole raw materials from the hotel to sell to him and that she did indeed get fired for stealing but even if that is true I have the sneaking suspicion that isn’t the whole story or Genaro has good reason to fuck with him.
Oh WOW we are already implying Matilde has a thing for old men I had HEARD she and Serapio are a thing but that side comment about Doc Lazaro being handsome is amazing foreshadowing if true.
Isabel is so relieved Julio is back and Andrés is doing the whole “I’m gonna be mad about something else but really I’m angry with you for scaring me” thing. Aaaand yet again we have resident porcupine Julio taking out his fear for his sister onto Isabel, the only totally innocent Alarcón in this entire god dang family because, and I can’t emphasize this enough, he’s an idiot (affectionate and derogatory).
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