#terminated pregnancy
I don’t know who needs to hear this but…
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Indiana attorney general pushes to disclose terminated pregnancy reports
Indiana Public Access Counselor Luke Britt released an informal opinion last December stating the information gathered by Terminated Pregnancy Reports, or TPRs, could be used to identify patients — “especially in smaller communities.”
Attorney General Todd Rokita released an advisory opinion Thursday that said the decision to not disclose the individual reports complicates enforcement of Indiana law.
Rokita said the reports have been publicly available since the 1970s, but there was “an abrupt change” in policy following the public access counselor’s opinion.
However, with fewer patients receiving abortions following the near-total abortion ban, the Indiana Department of Health raised concerns that releasing the full individual reports could violate patient confidentiality — especially with increased reporting requirements added in 2022.
Britt’s opinion said the statute requires IDOH to provide aggregated data in quarterly public reports, which suggests the individual forms are “non-public.”
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pushing500 · 2 months
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Against all odds, asexual Buckeye and reduced-fertility-gene Magic Man have managed to make a baby! However, because Buckeye is Animakin, she needs to plant the baby in soil... And there is no soil in the ocular forest where Monster's Basin is. Only red sand and red dirt and other nasty red stuff, which apparently doesn't count.
So, we have unexpectedly had to up and move in order to give this new baby the best possible chance of survival! We were hoping to be able to prepare a bit more first, but desperate times call for desperate measures. We'll leave everything behind for the sake of one of our own if we must.
However, moving means it's time for another (rather rushed, I'm afraid) colony tour! Presenting: Monster's Basin!!
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Here's the whole thing from above. If I had to describe it in one word, I would say "red".
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Here is the central room, the kitchen/dining/ritual room. Next to it, we have two bathrooms and our freezer. Magic Man is already packing some of our human leather kneel sheets, as you can see.
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Some bedrooms: Top left is Vasso and Laursen's room, top right is Euclid and Socks' room, bottom left is Dire Wolf and Pro (and formerly Bella's) room, and bottom left is Magic Man, Buckeye, and Dopey the razorjack's bedroom.
We also have a small, utilitarian hospital.
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Up above the bedrooms and the main room are our dinosaur museum (we can't go without a dinosaur museum) and our research laboratory. Also a better view of the freezer.
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Our farms and a huge stack of red bricks that we'll never get to use.
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Here's a nutrient-paste barn that we got from a prefab some traders sold us. Mostly so we could see what it was, but our animals seemed to appreciate it.
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Bella's room that she was given when she grew up into an adult, the sauna, and Blackdragon, Duchess, and Night Stalker's room.
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The wardrobe, the chemfuel room, the miscellaneous devices room, the hot spring, and the small place where we attempted to plant Buckeye's sapling child before we realised it didn't work in this biome.
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Finally, our animal pen/archery range. We were very fond of the moose named All-Powerful (she fell out of the sky), but we'll probably release her into the wild (along with a self-tamed hare and three baby wolfchickens some traders gave us) to help us conserve food on our abrupt journey.
And that concludes the tour of Monster's Basin! I wonder where our caravan will take us. Hopefully, somewhere with plenty of fertile soil for a growing sapling child...
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 months
I'm sorry, and I say this as someone who loves a lot of books with an accidental pregnancy in them, but like...
If you're writing a contemporary romance set in the now times, and your heroine gets knocked up in like a one night stand, and she isn't like, specifically crazy and attempting to get pregnant by a random, if she's genuinely not at all trying to get pregnant or planning on a pregnancy...
I'm not saying you have to have her consider an abortion, but the idea of her being like "this is all hunky-dory", even if she wants a baby in the long term, is INSANE
Like... in this economy? In this current world? In a reality wherein even if you don't typically support abortion, you know you can't have one even if it threatens your life depending on where you live? Not second-guessing your accidental pregnancy or having negative feelings at all is INSANE and to me it makes your heroine unrelatable, even if she was knocked up by a random billionaire who later swoops in and takes care of her
I mean, I know someone who recently got pregnant by accident, and she was with a man she was planning on marrying and kids with in the long term, they lived together, they had a dog together, the proposal was discussed and right around the corner... and she wasn't happy and she wasn't immediately sure she was going to have it. She decided to in the long term, but she was like, SOBBING when she found out. Because it's a big deal and even if, after some contemplation, you're super happy about having the kid, it's at min OVERWHELMING.
idk I just... that's bad writing imo.
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jay-wasreblogging · 3 months
Violet girl Ik you got lots of things that just got revealed to you but ain't no way you holding onto Zach crying after what he did? Like that is CRAZZYYYYY, stand UP.
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Also still referring to Zach as 'baby' and begging 'please'? BABY GIRLLLLL YOU ARE IN DENIAL OR HAVE INTENSE TRAUMA!!
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Why do people in this show seem to not consider abortions for unwanted pregnancies? They live in Colorado
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djservo · 1 year
Incredibly un-based that there's juicy bro drama happening off screen...
ur so right, apologies:
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wonderlandleighleigh · 8 months
Saw this on a prompt list and thought it seemed like something you'd do well: "i'm not the person you need to apologize to."
Joel glowers at his ex-wife drunkenly. "I'm not apologizing to her."
Midge huffs as she follows him to the back office. "Joel."
"After what she did-"
"Mei did what she thought was the right decision for her!" Midge cries. "It's her fucking life, Joel. Her fucking body. She isn't ready to be a mother so she did what she thought she had to. I know you're sad. I know you wanted that baby, but you're not the one who would have had to lug it around for nine months. And what about after the birth? If Mei is pushing through a medical school residency, and you're focused on the club, who raises the baby?"
Joel clenches his jaw, slumping down into his chair. "I thought she'd come around....be able to do both. Like you."
Midge huffs and slumps against the wall. "Mei and I are not the same, and raising kids during the day while slinging dick jokes in clubs at night is a lot more work than you seem to think it is. I can't imagine trading the jokes for a scalpel."
"Yeah..." he glances at her. "We...you and me, we always talked about a third kid."
"Three before thirty, that was the plan," Midge mutters. "God, who was I and why did I get talked into being a fucking baby factory."
Joel shrugs helplessly. "I like our kids."
Midge takes a breath and nods. "They're good kids. I just can't picture myself having any more."
"If the right guy came back around?" Joel asks quietly, obviously still drunk, gazing at her longingly.
She stares back at him for a long, quiet moment. "The right guy would put what I wanted before his ego," she tells him, her voice quiet but firm. She pushes off the wall. "Take some aspirin and go home."
She trudges up the stairs to the sidewalk and shivers as the cold air hits her face. It's late, and she moves to hail a taxi.
Midge feels like she needs aspirin of her own.
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glompcat · 1 year
ngl the most disgusting thing Yellowjackets has ever had on the show is a character who deeply wanted to have an abortion last season and went so far as to hand a friend of hers bra underwire and asked her to end it right until the stark reality of how likely she was to die hit her, state that she is sooooo happy she was forced to carry to term and loves the baby more than anything. The fact it was part of a hallucination she had while miscarrying actually does not improve on it for me tbh, nor does the episode ending on her sobbing over the stillbirth. Not giving a pass to any of that at this current political moment, thanks.
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
I love when people who claim to be pro-choice start quibbling about when abortion stops being okay to appeal to anti-choice fucks. Like, "Oh, nooo, abortion at this point is bad! We can agree on that point, so let's compromise and find a point where we're both anti-abortion together!"
There is no point in gestation where abortion is wrong. Your own bodily autonomy never becomes murder. Just as refusing to donate your kidneys to a fully fledged, fully formed human being isn't murder, refusing to donate your uterus, nutrients, blood, life to a baby isn't murder.
I understand that as we get later into a pregnancy, the more iffy it may *feel* but the point remains the same. And I don't think we even need to get into appeals to emotion by going "Well, any pregnancy termination after *x amount of weeks, months* MUST be a wanted pregnancy, so we should feel bad for whoever is seeking to end it. It must just be about the carrier's health or maybe it the pregnancy is no longer viable." The reasons don't fucking matter.
There are some people who want to end their pregnancy the second they find out but find out late or need time to raise money or need time to get away from an abuser. There are people whose circumstances change--not just health circumstances, either. There are people who simply change their mind.
And they all deserve to exercise bodily autonomy to end said pregnancy.
But if we want to avoid later-stage terminations, make abortion free. Make all prenatal care free, too, so that health issues can be caught earlier and wanted pregnancies are more likely to be carried to term. Make sure there is a way to access abortion everywhere, not just one place per state. Make pregnancy tests, including early pregnancy detection tests, free and more widely available. Make birth control and plan b more accessible (and more well tested, funded, so that ALL people who need it have access to something that actually works for them and aren't hindered by weight limits).
Codify more maternal leave. Codify pregnancy leave and better protections for people who can't work while pregnancy. Financially support pregnant people. Financially support new parents who shouldn't have to work while wearing post partum pads. Support PATERNAL leave as well, so parents who just gave birth aren't forced to effectively be single parents right out the gate.
Like... the solution to "Oh no, abortion after X point feels ICKY!" is not cutting off abortion access or saying "Only if you're gonna die" or whatever. It is making early abortion more accessible. It is making birth control more accessible. And it is making it so that people who WANT pregnancies but cannot afford them can actually afford them.
The number of abortions after 20, 30 weeks will never be zero. And that is fine. That is not a moral failure, no matter the reason they are happening. But if you're really gonna stress about them... this is the path to reduce those numbers.
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behirahbee · 17 days
sometimes i'm just sitting minding my own business and then my brain goes "hey, remember when you chose to be awake for your abortion? like some kinda idiot? remember how badly that d&c hurt? let's relive that for a few minutes"
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marc--chilton · 26 days
one hilson omegaverse scenario i cant get out of my head is house being pregnant when he gets shot. like he doesnt know beforehand but some subconscious part of his mind knew before he did and manifested it into his hallucination. i would imagine it involves a lot of him subconsciously grappling with the concept of him being pregnant when that was something he thought he would never want, and despises adhering to his secondary gender. I think he would be really opposed to the idea of keeping it up until the point of the episode where his stitches ripped in canon, where instead he would lose the pregnancy. I think it would really be a case of only realizing how much he actually wanted it until he lost it against his will, so realizing the whole thing was in his head was a real relief.
im still figuring out exactly where wilson would stand in this, i figure probably an opposing opinion to house's desire to not be pregnant. and maybe house's subconscious would make him be really upset and not be there for house after the miscarriage? idk. double whammy of "wow i DO want this child" and "wow i NEED wilson with me"
i just woke up dont do this to me
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identitty-dickruption · 11 months
reproductive justice is always going to be much stronger and much better than just pro-choice
the problem with pro-choice is that it pretends we live in a world where there is choice when there really is not. it fundamentally frames some choices as rational and other choices as irrational. and, most importantly, it tends to get way too focused on the abortion issue… often leading to racist and ableist justifications for why abortions are necessary
reproductive justice is powerful because it calls for real justice. yes, that includes abortions. but it also includes giving people the resources to make informed decisions about reproduction. it intersects with racial justice and disability justice in its approach to reproductive healthcare. it’s about real justice
it really is time to move away from pro-choice rhetoric and move towards justice
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glassfullofsass · 11 months
The way Straight people talk about children is fucking horrifying and I know it's a systemic social/cultural issue but it fucks up individual people deeply and permanently. Yes, things like neurodivergence and physical disabilities should be considered when you think about having kids. But what got me onto this today is gender.
Do you know how many conversations I've heard from expectant mothers about how "oh, everyone in my family has girls, but I really hope it's a boy" and "I don't want to know until it's born because then I'll just have to love it, but if I know it's going to be a girl I'll be upset." Like??????? Jfc. "Oh, my husband wants a boy but I want a girl. She can still go fishing with him if she wants." How fucking progressive of you.
If your love for a child. Is going to be conditional. Maybe. You shouldn't fucking be a parent.
I say Straights not to mean cishet people, but the specific class of people who buy into the social expectations of the patriarchy and heteronormativity. This can (and does!) include gay people. This includes people who would be fine with a gay kid, but treat an autistic kid like their personal marketing campaign.
And I would say, you know, if you don't trust genetics, adopt. But actually?? Fucking don't. Because what happens the first time that boy you picked comes home in eyeshadow? Or your darling daughter doesn't want to confirm to your narrow boundaries of femininity? If your love for a child. Is going to be conditional. You should not. Raise children.
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acuar-io · 4 months
My sim getting pregnant by the man she met in a sim week was not part of my plan…now, I’m moving my sim to a bigger house but I refuse to move her new bf into the lot right now bc it feels like im rushing into the relationship. wHICH I GUESS DOESNT MATTER ATP BC HE GOT HER PREGNANT KSKSKSKSKS THIS GAME MAN 😭
They have amazing compatibility n they’re so cute 🫣 I’m just sad that my plans didn’t go accordingly bc these sims are crazyyyyy 😭👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼
Eleanor was at her dads house while all of this happened too like…💀 I though Eunice would be fine bc she’s on birth control 🧍
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bulletsgirl · 2 years
i took totally fucking pregnant off but you guys should see this
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