#but I was not thrilled that it meant we had to move out so quickly
pushing500 · 3 months
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Against all odds, asexual Buckeye and reduced-fertility-gene Magic Man have managed to make a baby! However, because Buckeye is Animakin, she needs to plant the baby in soil... And there is no soil in the ocular forest where Monster's Basin is. Only red sand and red dirt and other nasty red stuff, which apparently doesn't count.
So, we have unexpectedly had to up and move in order to give this new baby the best possible chance of survival! We were hoping to be able to prepare a bit more first, but desperate times call for desperate measures. We'll leave everything behind for the sake of one of our own if we must.
However, moving means it's time for another (rather rushed, I'm afraid) colony tour! Presenting: Monster's Basin!!
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Here's the whole thing from above. If I had to describe it in one word, I would say "red".
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Here is the central room, the kitchen/dining/ritual room. Next to it, we have two bathrooms and our freezer. Magic Man is already packing some of our human leather kneel sheets, as you can see.
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Some bedrooms: Top left is Vasso and Laursen's room, top right is Euclid and Socks' room, bottom left is Dire Wolf and Pro (and formerly Bella's) room, and bottom left is Magic Man, Buckeye, and Dopey the razorjack's bedroom.
We also have a small, utilitarian hospital.
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Up above the bedrooms and the main room are our dinosaur museum (we can't go without a dinosaur museum) and our research laboratory. Also a better view of the freezer.
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Our farms and a huge stack of red bricks that we'll never get to use.
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Here's a nutrient-paste barn that we got from a prefab some traders sold us. Mostly so we could see what it was, but our animals seemed to appreciate it.
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Bella's room that she was given when she grew up into an adult, the sauna, and Blackdragon, Duchess, and Night Stalker's room.
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The wardrobe, the chemfuel room, the miscellaneous devices room, the hot spring, and the small place where we attempted to plant Buckeye's sapling child before we realised it didn't work in this biome.
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Finally, our animal pen/archery range. We were very fond of the moose named All-Powerful (she fell out of the sky), but we'll probably release her into the wild (along with a self-tamed hare and three baby wolfchickens some traders gave us) to help us conserve food on our abrupt journey.
And that concludes the tour of Monster's Basin! I wonder where our caravan will take us. Hopefully, somewhere with plenty of fertile soil for a growing sapling child...
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seventeenpins · 3 months
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a slight miscalculation - pt. i
pairing: Joel x F!Reader
word count: 8.3k
summary: Sarah is off to college, and Joel is about to be living in an empty nest. They road trip out together, and as she spends her first night in her new apartment, he's staying in a nearby hotel. Letting go of his inhibitions for the first time in a long time, he tumbles into a one night stand that becomes very complicated, very quickly.
content/warnings: smut, age gap, mycologist!reader, dick sucking, implied pussy eating, fingering, no outbreak au, reader likes to hike, reader also infodumps, joel miller has a big cock, he also has anxiety, reader has anxiety too, and a cat, reader is in early 20s--exact age not established, one (1) use of daddy, alcohol and weed consumption, joel is a diligent condom wearer, set in present day, discussion of girl scout cookies, joel is sweet and soft and hasn't been eviscerated by the death of his daughter
a/n: I'm intending this to be about five parts. This may change, but right now it's looking like five. I've been struggling to write for a while, unable to focus, but I think I'm back at it? as always, your feedback is hugely appreciated, and i'm kissing all likers and commenters and rebloggers deeply and with tongue 🩷
check out pt. ii
For the first time in nineteen years, Joel is completely adrift. Sarah's starting college in just two months.
It's the kind of realization that hits him like a bucket of ice water, a sudden shock and then an unpleasant trickling of anxiety wrapping about him in nasty tendrils. And then he feels guilty, because he's so, so happy for Sarah because he knows that she's thrilled, but fuck she's gonna be two time zones away and now what's Joel meant to do on Thursday movie nights when he's here without her?
It's terrifying, and it's new. And it's not that he's new to anxiety. He's usually anxious, and he has the Sertraline on his bedside stand to prove it. But if his general anxiety baseline usually hovered around a 6.4, where he was at now far surpassed a 10. It felt exponential, and totally exhausting.
When he voices his fears to Tommy, to Joel's horror, Tommy just doubles over in laughter.
"Jesus, Joel," he wheezes, wiping fake tears from his eyes in exaggerated movements, "You looked so serious I thought you were gonna say you'd killed someone."
Joel scowls. "The fuck you laughing for?"
"She's going to college, it's not like she's dying!"
"How'm I gonna be there for her? What if she needs me? What if-"
"Joel-," Tommy pats him gently on the shoulder, "She can always call you, and you can always call her. And we both know she's got a good head on 'er shoulders."
Joel snorts in concession. "Yeah, yeah. Better than yours and mine put together, and then some."
"Exactly." Tommy agrees, "And if there's ever anything that really goes wrong, you got me. We can drive out together and make sure she's okay."
Joel nods and feels the tiniest bit of tension leave him. One step at a time.
Just over nineteen years ago he found out he was about to be a dad. Suddenly, he had a purpose. Having a kid at twenty-two wasn't something he'd ever intended, but somehow he knew he loved his baby girl from the moment he knew she was a possibility. He spent a solid seven months running around, hustling, doing everything he could to get the very best for his kid. He'd take on doubles, working himself to the bone to make sure they had the best crib, and the best stroller, too. He was thrilled and terrified and so, so green.
Now, his heart feels so big he doesn't know how to handle it. His baby girl is an honest-to-god adult, moving out and going to college, and he has no idea what he's gonna do with his time now.
He has work, of course. But beyond that? He's really gotta to widen his circle, he realises, because who's he gonna hang out with? His brother?
He'd only just turned forty-one and had absolutely not come to terms with an empty nest--the few friends from high school he'd kept in touch with were so much further behind than him. The ones that had kids had them later in their twenties and thirties, and now they're raising middle schoolers while Joel's kid is a real fucking person, leaving home and everything. All the scrapping and saving he'd been doing since before Sarah was born–for his little girl to be able to follow any dream she chose–it was finally paying off. The precocious young woman she is, she graduated early and spent nearly a year working retail to save up some cash. She'd applied to colleges all across the country, and a few international ones, too. Joel had been crossing his fingers for months, hoping she'd choose something near Austin, but cheered with her all the same when she got her acceptance letter from Oregon State University. The previous summer, just before she'd started her applications, she and Joel and Tommy spent a miserable, wonderful week hiking round the Pacific Northwest. She fell in love with it, and the university offered a few of the majors she wanted to consider.
Joel didn't know what he'd do with his baby girl so far away, his life, his reason, but he sure as hell wasn't gonna tell her that. He will not clip her wings. His baby's gonna change the world and he's not gonna hold her back. He is, though, gonna require regular phone calls and check-ins and god they grow up so fast.
"Y'all should road trip out there," Tommy suggests one night over the dinner table.
Joel knew the conversation of how Sarah would get to the West Coast would come up, and it oughta be sooner rather than later. He was half afraid that she wanted to head out on her own, that she didn't need her dad anymore. Worried she would say she wanted to get a plane ticket, or take the Amtrak all the way to Corvallis. But he knows he needs to loosen his grip a little, so he braces himself when he turns to her.
"What'dya think, Sarah? You wanna be stuck in a car with your old man for a cross-country trip?"
Sarah rolls her eyes, but her face breaks into a grin. "Can we, Dad?"
This was too good to be true, he knew, but he wasn't gonna give up one last opportunity to spend some time with his girl till winter break.
"Course, baby," he tells her, and that flicker of anxiety quells just the tiniest bit.
The next few weeks fly by, and the knot of anxiety in Joel's chest feels like it's consuming him from the inside out. He's taken some time off, more than Sarah or Tommy can remember, but he's constantly trying to suggest ideas for activities to Sarah. For the most part, she's a good sport, understanding how much it means to her dad. She took pity on him, and let him drag her to places that ideally she would've gone to when she was little, but she humored him and he appreciated her dedication. He did his best to step back when she was heading out to spend time with friends--her time here was limited, after all, and she was always a social butterfly.
There are five weeks till classes start, four weeks, three, two, and in the blink of an eye, they're loading up the truck with all of Sarah's things, and Tommy is hugging Sarah goodbye, teary eyed. He gives Joel a hug, too. Joel would never admit it, but fuck he had really needed that hug.
They would take the scenic route. Make a memorable trip of it. Joel would make sure she settles in safe and sound, and then he'd head home.
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6am Sunday.
You wake with a start. It's just over a week before term starts and your entire body aches. Fuck, you think to yourself, definitely overdid it with that last hike.
(The hiking part wasn't itself a problem, but one of the trails had washed out. You thought you'd found your way, but the "easy" three and a half mile hike took about five hours, leaving your calves bruised and your heels blistered.)
You roll over in your hotel room bed and, at the sound of a slight yelp followed by a gentle thud, realise with a sudden start that you just catapulted your cat off the corner.
"Shit, sorry goblin," you tell Spatula, who glares up at you with disdain as he licks at his paw. You reach down and, despite your inadvertent cat launch, he immediately rubs up against your fingertips and lets you scratch behind his ears.
"I'm sorry, baby," you soothe.
He meows, loudly. Howls, really. You take it as an apology accepted.
You sit up properly and look at your phone calendar. Nothing immediate. You don't need to get keys to your new apartment till tomorrow, nor do you meet your roommates till then–they're both moving in today, and moving is already horrible without having to navigate around the belongings of two other people. No, thanks. You can afford one more night at the hotel, and it'll make everything go that little bit more smoothly tomorrow. Besides, you have a bit of reading you'd like to get through, maybe stock up on non-perishables till you have a full-sized fridge, and get to know the city just a little.
You move gingerly, testing the ache in your muscles as you unfold yourself from the position you've been sat in and pull yourself from the bed. It hurts, but not something that won't be fixed with a little movement.
A plan forms. First, a walk, to try and loosen up your tight muscles. Then, errands. You have a whole list, with everything categorised by store, but then you enter IKEA and exit fifteen minutes later, only to find that five and a half hours have passed and it's evening now.
How was it that IKEA harnessed such a malicious power. How could anything harness that?
You need a fucking break. And a goddamn drink.
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"Hey Dad," Sarah calls from the adjacent bedroom as Joel sweats, hauling another box towards her. The drive has been good, but it has been long. His legs ache. His back aches. There are parts of him that he didn't know existed that now ache.
"Yeah?" he calls back.
"Are you sure you're okay with me staying here tonight?"
Joel lets out a breath. He wants to be okay with it. And there's no way his nineteen year old would want to hang out with her dad when she could be spending the very first night in her brand new apartment. But he also wishes she wanted to spend one last night, hanging out in a hotel room with her dad. They could watch shitty movies together. Make the most of the final night before this cataclysmic shift.
But no.
That'd just be him being selfish. He can handle a night by himself. He's gotta handle a whole lotta them soon enough.
"O'course baby," he nods, hoping the smile he's plastered on his face looks totally genuine. "But we're still doin' breakfast in the morning, right?"
She nods, vigorous, and then waves her phone around. "I was looking up places! There's a diner called Tommy's," she laughs, "Wanna try that? 9:30?"
"Let's do it," he smiles, and this one is a little less forced.
"How much more do we have?" Sarah asks, nodding towards the box Joel's still holding.
"Last box," he grunts, "What else can I help with?"
He places the box down and lets out a slight, almost silent whimper. Sarah catches it, though.
"Maybe you should take it easy the rest of the day, Dad," she tells him, "We both know you have old man back."
He rolls his eyes but nods. "Guess you're right," he shrugs, "That my cue to take off?"
Sarah blushes but turns to him sheepishly. "Yeah, I-"
"No need to explain," Joel assures, "I know you must wanna get unpacked and settle in, get to know your roommates an' all."
She jumps up and, almost startling him, wraps her arms around him in a bear hug.
"Love you, dad," she grins, and she squeezes just a little tighter than usual.
He squeezes back, and they both pretend there aren't tears in his eyes.
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As you step through the doors of the hotel bar, you decide you like it. The lighting is comfortably low. It's not loud, but it's not quiet, either. Colorful bottles line the shelves, the light of the filament bulbs glinting off the glass in rainbow prisms.
You take a seat at the bar and give a nod of thanks as the bartender passes you a small menu. It's unsurprisingly extortionate, hotel bar and all, but it'll do.
"Old fashioned, please," you tell the bartender, who nods in response. A minute later, he hands you a glass, delivered with a twist of orange and a cherry on top.
With your first sip, you feel your shoulders start to relax and some of the tension loosen from your body. The warmth of the burn envelops you and your stress starts to unravel, leaving only the buzz feeling good.
You order a second, and as the glass is handed to you, a voice to your right catches your attention.
"This seat taken?" a man asks.
You shake your head and offer a quick smile, gesturing towards it, "All yours."
"Much obliged," he nods, and slips into the backless stool next to yours.
The bartender comes over and passes him the same menu, but without looking at it he asks, "Could I get an old fashioned?"
You smile and catch his eye, tipping your glass towards him. "An excellent choice," you praise, "Though if you don't have a sweet tooth, I'd recommend asking Jeff there if he can go easy on the simple syrup."
"Oh yeah?" He asks, and then he leans in conspiratorially. "T'tell you the truth, I do have a bit of a sweet tooth."
You raise an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
Suddenly, he breaks into a grin and it's dazzling.
"Yeah," he laughs, "I've got cookies stashed in secret locations all through my house."
You raise an eyebrow. "If I keep 'em in my pantry, my brother'll find 'em and eat 'em all," he explains, "But ever since my kid was a girl scout, I always get cravings for girl scout cookies, so I buy an armful o'boxes and try and preserve 'em throughout the year, till I can replenish."
"What's your favorite girl scout cookie?"
"Caramel deLites, hands down."
"Oh yeah?"
"Absolutely," he nods.
The bartender, Jeff, sets the man's drink down with a clink. You catch one another's eye and both erupt into a fit of laughter.
You're not even sure what's funny. Maybe it's just been a long day? Maybe the whiskey was getting to you?
Whatever it is, it feels good.
The man takes a sip of his drink and lets out an aaaahh and it's goofy and charming and then he extends his hand.
"Joel," he tells you, "Joel Miller". You shake his hand, introduce yourself, and then take a sip of your own drink.
"So, tell me about yourself," you smile, "You coming from out of town?"
"Yes ma'am," he nods, "Come up here from Austin."
Joel nods.
"That's a long trip."
"Yeah," he laughs, "It really is."
"So, you're a nice Southern boy, huh?"
"Well," he swishes his glass and tries to bite back a smile, "I don't know that I'd go quite so far, but my mama did raise me to be a gentleman."
"That so?" you ask and his blush deepens.
"I... have been known to get up to some trouble, but I like to think I've mellowed in my old age." He gestures at the beautiful little smatterings of silver at his temples, and you cackle.
"Okay, that's hot," you tell him and he chokes, but you keep going, "Old age, though? What are you, like, forty?"
He exhales, chagrined. "Forty-one."
You roll your eyes. "That ain't old."
"It feels it sometimes," he smiles, "My kid is grown. My little brother's married with a kid of his own on the way. My back hurts, pretty much all the time."
You snort. You also notice, without trying to look, that he doesn't have a wedding band. Doesn't have a tan line for one, either. Interesting.
"But more than that," he continues, "I guess I feel- I don't know. A little... aimless?"
"Yeah," you nod, and you let the moment sit. "I get that."
He lets out a little breath, and then turns back to you, focused.
"What about you? Where're you from?"
"Oof," you exhale, "All over. Spent a bit of time on the East coast. The Midwest. Lived a few months in the South, even," you tease as you bump your shoulder into his and he laughs. It's a surprisingly familiar gesture, but miraculously comfortable.
"Ever make it to Texas?"
"Naw," you shake your head, "My time in the South was all in Mississippi. After that I moved out to California, and I've been slowly working my way up the West Coast."
"And what have you been enjoying about the West Coast?" Joel asks.
"The mushrooms," you grin, and Joel frowns.
"Like, the kind you get in a little baggy from the dealer down the street, or-?"
"No," you laugh, "Or, well- Okay, sometimes. Gotta say it is great out here for that, too. But I mean fungus as a whole--mushrooms, mold, yeast, lichen. But I'm most interested in mushrooms. They're just really fuckin' cool, and there's so much we don't understand about them. And, they're delicious."
"Huh," Joel ponders, "T'tell you the truth, I've never thought much about mushrooms, besides enjoying 'em as a pizza topping."
"Most people don't," you agree, "But fuck, like-- Okay, so we know there are over five million types of fungi on Earth, but we've identified less than two percent of them. Some fungus aids decomposition. Some fungus is bioluminescent. Some are known worldwide for their delicious flavours, and others are known by the slow, horrible ways they kill you."
Joel raises his eyebrows, and suddenly you feel a little self conscious.
"Sorry, I do this," you laugh, rubbing at the back of your neck, "I get very excited about fungus and manage to alienate everyone around me."
You half expect him to stand up and walk away.
Instead, though, he leans in closer. "Don't apologise," he tells you, "I'm learning something new. Tell me more?"
"No, I should stop. Otherwise I'll never stop talking," you wince.
"How about just one more fungus fact?"
You sit for a minute, pondering. "This is- well, I guess this is one of the reasons I find fungus so fascinating. So, fungus can't photosynthesise the way that plants do--they can't produce their own food from sunshine, and water, and carbon dioxide. Instead, their mycelium-- they're these thread-like networks--they branch out beneath the earth, seeking out food, growing in the direction where it can find the nutrients it needs and breaking down organic material all around them, sometimes living organisms, as a parasite, and sometimes dead organisms as a decomposer, or both. And it's just- It's this hidden world, that exists right beneath the surface even in some of the extreme places on earth, temperature-wise. And most days, we don't even think about it."
You punctuate your thought with a large swallow of your drink, which is half-watered down now that the ice is melted, and doesn't hit quite as hard as you'd hoped, but then you look up at Joel and he's smiling at you, pensive, and--
"That's- That's actually really interesting."
Before you can respond, though, Joel glances at his watch and balks. It is getting late. "Shit," he shakes his head, "I think I oughta call it a night," he says, pulling back. "Early morning tomorrow, and if I stay at the bar I'll just keep drinkin'."
Fuck. That's a dismissal. Of course you went on too much about mushrooms. You'd fucked this up. You'd thought this was going well, but now it felt like a bucket of cold water was dumped over you. "Oh," you nod, matching his posture, and try to swallow down the sudden wave of disappointment. "Of course. Have a good night, Joel."
Joel stands up and then looks you up and down, considering. It's not brazen, but it isn't shy, either. And then understanding flashes across his face.
"Wait- Sorry, that's not how I meant it." He reaches out towards you and you melt into his touch. "I'm messin' this up." He chuckles, but it sounds pained. "Now look, I don't wanna make any presumptions. And I'm really hopin' I'm not coming off as some--dirty old man. Jesus, I haven't done this in a while. But I'm in room 308."
Your eyebrows shoot up. What you'd taken for disinterest was just--nerves?
"I reckon I'll be awake for a while yet. You're welcome to... drop by."
The disappointment melts, making way for a fluttering in your stomach.
"Twenty minutes," you assure him, "308?"
He nods and he brakes into a sheepish grin, shedding what you now realise had been something of an anxious wince. "308."
You watch him leave. When he's out of sight, you toss back the rest of your watery drink and go to pay your tab, but Jeff tells you it was already settled. You thank him and tuck your shaking hands in your pockets. You feel an electricity running through you as you take the elevator up.
When you get back to your room, you hop into the shower, just to freshen up--you keep your hair dry but scrub your body. Once you're clean, you brush your teeth.
Stepping back out of the en suite, you survey the hotel room. Spatula is lounging on the corner of the bed, entirely uninterested in your movements. You top up his dry food bowl and place a kiss between his ears before slipping out.
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When you knock at Joel's door, you hear a slight rustle and clatter and then the door swings open, Joel's staring a little wide-eyed, like he didn't actually expect you to show. He's wearing grey sweats and a Johnny Cash t-shirt that looks like it's been around nearly as long as you have. He shifts his weight from foot to foot, an anxious tell that's desperately endearing.
"C'mon in," he smiles, and you step in, closing the door behind you.
You reach out to cup his face, delighting in the feeling of coarse stubble beneath your fingertips. Your first kiss is chaste. You both lean forward and press your lips to one another gently, exploring.
Then, you let out a little moan and Joel shudders. Heat surges between you, and his hands are cradling your head and brushing your cheek and he's pinning you against the closed door. You're kissing again, nothing chaste remaining, learning the taste of him, his rhythm, the crashing waves of give and take between you.
You wrap one leg around him and smirk when he lets out a throaty groan as you grind against his hard cock. You're pretty sure he's not wearing underwear, the thick bulge seemingly unconstrained in his grey sweats, the whole length pressing against your thigh.
Your head falls back and you let out soft, breathy noises as his lips trace along your collarbone, up your throat, and against that tender little spot behind your ear. When he puts your earlobe between his lips and presses his teeth gently against the skin, your knees go weak and he chuckles, strong arms wrapping around you, holding you up.
"Bed?" he asks, and you breathe yes and then, with a yelp and a throaty chuckle, you're lifted up and spun around and both tumbling into the duvet.
You're grasping at each other, desperate to keep your hands on one another. The only times you part is when you undress, and even then, you're helping each other--pulling the hem of his shirt over his lifted arms, pressing into him as he reaches around and moves to unhook your bra, but then he realises you're not wearing one and lets out a groan, his thumbs brushing alongside the tender skin along your ribs, moving gently as if to cup your breasts, but then he pulls back.
Normally you might wait, do this part slowly, draw out the tease just a little bit longer.
Tonight, though, you're ravenous.
As you fiddle with the buttons of your pants, you tug at the drawstring keeping Joel's sweats on his hips. The bow comes loose in one smooth motion, and he lifts his hips and you pull the sweats down.
Your mouth immediately waters seeing him bare, laid out for you. You watch a bead of precum drip down the head and pool on his belly. The coarse hair of his happy trail glistens with it. He's thick, uncut, and looks painfully hard, his cock head ruddy. "Fuck, you're beautiful," you tell him, and his cheeks redden but he grins. It's boyish, the way he grins, and devastatingly charming.
And, what you're saying is true. His body is gorgeous, something you wish you could sketch. Soft flesh over hard muscle, visible tan lines where his chest and shoulders are noticeably lighter than his arms. The muscles and veins along his throat are driving you absolutely fucking insane as he swallows and looks up at you.
He's got freckles on his shoulders, too, and without thinking, you lower yourself down to kiss at his shoulder. He shakes, just a little, and lets out the most beautiful gasp. It's addictive, pulling these noises from him. You follow the curve of him, giving him a taste of his own medicine--tracing feather-light kisses along his collarbone, up the tendons of his neck, behind his ear. You can feel the blood pulse in his veins as your lips brush along him. Joel goes from panting lightly to full on groaning, rutting his hips up towards you and, frustrated, meeting only air.
"Can I taste you?", you ask, and Joel lets out a half-strangled sound and nods, vigorous.
You scoot back, lower yourself, poke out your tongue and, without any preamble, lick at the slit of his head, tasting the salty, tangy precum.
Joel tips his head back and groans and you decide to be kind. You grasp onto his hips and take him in your mouth, slowly sinking down, inch by inch by inch and now you can feel him at the back of your throat, your saliva dripping down the shaft and collecting in the hair between his thighs.
You bob your head up and down, taking him deeper with each thrust, but your throat is full and there are still inches to go. You relax, doing everything you can to take him deeper, and he starts to thrust up gently.
You let him fuck into your mouth but release one of his hips, allowing him to move as freely as he needs and freeing up your hand, which you shove into your underwear, rubbing furiously at your clit.
It doesn't take much to lose yourself in it, to focus only on the sensation. You're so wet, slick coating your fingers, making the glide that much smoother as you touch yourself. Joel tastes so good, too, the intrusion of his cock the most delicious thing, feeling the way he shudders when you moan, the way he moans when you shudder.
"Fuck-" Joel gasps, and then there's a hand guiding you gently off of him.
You raise an eyebrow. "You okay?"
He swallows, hard, and nods. "More than okay. Felt too fuckin' good."
"Oh yeah?" and you lean down, as if to take him back in your mouth, but he chuckles and pulls you back again.
"It's been... a while. For me. And-" He drags his palm down his face, wearing an almost pained expression. "Christ, you just look too fuckin' good down there, mouth stretched 'round me while you touch yourself. An' it feels too fuckin' good, too. I ain't ready for this to be over yet but if you keep lettin' me fuck your throat like that it's gonna be over real quick. And I wanna feel that pretty pussy myself."
You sit back up and he pulls you towards him so you're straddling him.
"You gonna fuck me, Joel?"
"Yes," he breathes, "Yes, baby, please-"
You do an awkward wobble and then stand up, shedding your pants and letting your panties drop, stepping out of them, one foot and then the other, and the way he's watching you is addictive. He watches you with beautiful eyes, drinking all of you in, and suddenly the moment has changed into one of those quiet, intimate moments where you both exhale a laugh.
You straddle him again, and lean down to kiss him, and the electric current surges up. He grabs you by the jaw, meeting your desperation. His lips on yours are exactly the balm you need and you can taste the whiskey on his breath.
"Feels fucking good," you tell Joel as you slide up and down his length. He's not penetrating you, not yet, but the lips of your pussy are spread and you're gliding along him, feeling his head at your clit and thrusting back till you're nearly seated on his balls.
He watches you, nearly unblinking, drinking it all in. Then, he lets out a groan, and half-sits up, suddenly focused.
"Shit," he closes his eyes in frustration, "I don't have any condoms. Shit shit shit-"
You push him back down and kiss him again. Then, you hop off the bed and sift around in your jean pockets.
"Ah-ha!," you exclaim, once you've found your treasure. Joel raises and eyebrow and you wink. "Saw they were selling them in the lobby. Figured it might be a good idea."
"Shit," Joel laughs, and presses his lips just to the side of your mouth. "Clever girl," he tells you, and a shiver goes up your spine.
He leans to help, but you shoo him away and he watches, entranced, as you neatly open the condom wrapper and, with a small amount of difficulty, roll it down his cock.
"Feeling okay?" You ask him, "Shit, I shoulda gotten the Magnums. Is your dick okay? It's not being choked to death by an inappropriately sized rubber, is it?"
Joel snorts. "We'll manage," he says, and then he grips you by the hips, lines himself up. He draws his knuckles along your cunt and groans, "Fuck, so goddamn wet for me-" and, the moment you look at him and nod, he holds the head of his cock against your drooling lips and presses into you.
It's a big stretch as he lowers you down onto him, the intrusion almost painful, but before you can even take a breath, it melts into absolute pleasure. You've fucked people with longer cocks before, and you've fucked people with girthier cocks before, but never have you fucked someone with a cock that's both this long and thick and it feels like you're being split in two and it's perfect and you realise, with a sudden flip of your stomach, he isn't even fully seated inside you yet.
Then, you manage to focus on the words Joel is saying-that had really just been background noise for the past ten seconds or so-and suddenly you're tuning back in for "Tha's it," his voice low and hoarse, surprisingly gentle, "Good girl, takin' this cock so well, look at you."
His brow is furrowed and he's looking at you with such dark eyes, nearly black, the pupils are so blown. "Just a little more, that's it, just one more inch, you can do it, christ, look at you, takin' all of me."
His tone is reverent and it sets a fire through you. You can feel more slickness build and drip out of you, and from the way he moans, you're certain he can feel it too despite the condom.
"So fuckin' wet," he groans, "Soakin' my cock- grippin' me so nice-Fuck--"
He leans towards you and cradles your head in his hand, kissing you hard.
When you both pull back, you know your lips must be kiss swollen and red. His are--they're soft and bright, and you want to eat him whole.
"You're gonna be the death of me, woman."
He's thrusting into you lazily, holding you in place, but you need more, you need all of him.
You push forward and move his hand from your waist to your clit. As you manoeuvre him, his nostrils flare, and you'd wonder if he was angry, if not for the way you felt his cock stiffen even further inside of you. You start to move your hips, to rub up against the thumb on your clit, and to feel every fucking inch of him.
Urged on by the way he groans, you start to ride him, properly. Holding each other close, you fuck down onto him and he leans back, awed.
"Enjoying the show?" you ask.
"Damn- right- I- am-," Joel breathes, every word punctuated with a shuddering breath after you drive back down onto his cock, "Jesus- you- look- so- good- like- that."
You like being watched. Being admired. It sent an extra thrill through you, and your hips stutter, just a little, and now you're following a new, faster rhythm.
"Fuck, that's it, baby-" he praises, "Shit, yes- bounce on it."
You lean forward and kiss his throat, and then he makes this noise, half-strangled and beautiful.
"Shit, honey-- honey, honey, hold on-," he holds you still and you're glad he has, because your brain hadn't quite processed his words.
He's looking at you so earnestly.
"Baby, if you keep ridin' me like this I am gonna blow my load in the next twenty seconds and I don't wanna end this quite so soon."
You hum, a moment of consideration. You stare into his eyes, and part of it is calculated seduction, but another part is getting genuinely lost in the way he looks at you. The crinkles round his eyes. The way he seems able to focus on you, in a way that feels as frightening as it is exhilarating.
"How about this," You smile, "You get yours, and then you can eat me out till I get mine. And if you're ready to go again by the time I've come, we can see where we're at then. Hmm?"
You see a bead of sweat trickle down his temple, and take a moment to appreciate how much he's clearly trying to control himself.
After a moments of avoiding your eye, he looks at you again and he looks utterly wrecked. "You- talkin' like that?" He shakes his head and tries to even his breath. "Fuck, I nearly came right there."
"It's okay," you soothe, and you cup his jaw and resume you movements, riding him like you had before. "You can come if you need to-" your fingertips stroke the stubble of his chin, "You're close, huh? It's okay, daddy, you can let go."
Joel lets out a strangled noise and busts immediately.
You savor the way it feels, the pulse of his cock as he spills into you. No, into the condom, you correct yourself, but you can always pretend-
After his balls relax and you can feel him start to get soft, you hold the condom down as you pull yourself off, and you're nearly unseated when there's a sudden squelch noise that sends you both into tumbles of laughter.
It takes a while to calm down, and you find yourselves heaving, tangled in the sheets, and wrapped up in each other. The condom is hanging limply on Joel's now-soft cock and it's oddly cold and gooey as you accidentally roll against it, and that sends you both off again.
"Fuck," Joel snorts, and tugs at the condom, starting to roll it off his length, "I'd almost forgotten the weird texture of a used condom. Fuckin'... Slug-like."
"That-" you declare, "Is visceral. And I hate it. Thanks."
He snorts, and you suddenly have a question.
"Condoms not making too many appearances in your life?"
"Not many, no."
"What, you usually fuck raw?"
"Just haven't been sleepin' with anyone," he shrugs, nonplussed.
"Well, I gotta say, the good people of Austin have been missing out."
Joel shrugs again, and it comes off as casual, but you notice the way his ears tint pink. "Just- not been something I did. But now, I guess, I can. And with way less guilt."
"Why guilt? Are-" you venture, dread pooling in your stomach, "Are you married?"
His eyes flit up to you sharply, and then soften immediately. He lets out a breath and shakes his head. "No. Nothin' like that. I was married, but I've been divorced nearly twenty years now."
The tightness immediately uncoils and you realise how tense you were only a moment ago. I am not a cog in the machine of a collapsing marriage. Thank fuck.
But now your curiosity is piqued. "So... why the guilt?"
"Sorry, I- I really didn't mean to get into it. I'd rather not get into it. It's- complicated."
"Of course," you shrug, and it isn't a problem because this is just a hot fantasy hookup that you'll remember fondly, and it'll be wonderful masturbation fuel for probably the rest of your life, but you don't wanna make the poor guy go into his life's trauma, especially when he's looking at you so fucking earnestly and you are actually really fucking fascinated but no, you would not let this become a problem.
"Thanks," he says, and then steps out of the room. You hear the clang of the bin as he steps on the pedal, then drops the condom, takes a piss and washes his hands.
"You hungry?" He asks, and you realize very suddenly, you're absolutely famished.
"Yes," you jump up and he laughs when you run, bare-assed and shameless, over to the corner of the room filled with brochures and traveller info and finally, you raise it in triumph when you find it, the list of nearby takeaways.
"Okay," you look at the list, "There's one place at the top of the list here that's apparently highly rated, but I actually have plans there soon and I wanna wait till then to eat there. Hope that's okay."
Joel comes over to you and rests his head on your shoulder. "No problem."
"But... alright," you continue. "There's pizza. Or... more pizza. Or, look--there's a Southern-style place, that'll make you feel right at home!" Joel pokes you in the side and you swat at him as he grunts a laugh.
Suddenly, a warning sound starts playing on loop in your brain. It was dreadfully domestic, wasn't it? This was an absolute stranger you'd just met in a hotel bar? But... it also felt... nice? And it felt nice in ways that you'd never found yourself enjoying before. Even with long-term partners. Maybe because this was so low-stakes, you reasoned, such an inevitably temporary situation, so you weren't putting the same kind of pressure on yourself.
As soon as you think that, the eternal curse of overthinking shows itself and you suddenly feel desperately self conscious. Before you can pull away and make some excuse, though, Joel's arm wraps around you and his thumb starts rubbing little circles into a tender bit of skin between your hip and your tummy. The anxiety spiral you'd been teetering on the edge of suddenly vanishes.
"How about-," he nods at the list, "Pizza?"
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After Joel calls in your order, the pizza delivery service tells you to expect your food in about thirty minutes. You remember you have a little box of edibles. You ask Joel if he minds if you take one, and he doesn't. You offer him one, and he automatically declines, but then as he starts to explain, he pauses and pivots, goes "Wait, actually. Yeah. Why not?"
A freckled kid who looks no more than sixteen pulls up with a short stack of pizza boxes and a two liter bottle of root beer. He raps awkwardly on the door after exactly thirty five minutes, and it swings open.
The room looks utterly wrecked, clothing strewn along every surface. Joel answers the door wearing a robe, his entire face smelling of sex, and his moustache still shining with the slick of your release.
"Thanks, kid," Joel nods, and hands him a small wad of cash. The kid eyes him and shrugs. "Keep the change," he tells him, and the door swings back shut.
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The edibles have hit beautifully. You're both blissed out, comfortably hazy, lost in the sensation of bare limbs on bedsheets and the flavors of the pizza and it's assorted sauces. You lay together on the bed, paper plates strewn between you. In the background, an X-Files rerun plays.
"Ooh!" You sit up as you catch the premise of the episode, "I love this one! See the goo? There's a giant fungal... entity.. that's working on digesting them, and giving them hallucinations as they die."
"You and mushrooms, huh?" Joel laughs, but then looks back at the episode and contemplates the viscous yellow goo. "Jesus christ," he frowns, and sniffs, now contemplating the mushrooms on his pizza slice.
You spot his glare and snort. "I think you're safe."
He takes another bite and shakes his head as if to clear it.
"I'm getting tired," he admits.
"Me too," you agree.
"No pressure, but in case it wasn't clear, you're welcome to stay the night here."
"That's sweet," you tell him, and think it over. "If I took you up on that, would you be offended if I slip out early?"
Joel raises a brow.
"I have a cat," you explain, "And I'm working on moving into a new place, and meeting a friend for breakfast, and then I need to check out after breakfast because I won't be able to get my keys for the new place until the breakfast but I can't take my cat to a diner-"
You take a breath.
"Basically, I've got a bunch of things I need to do in the morning, but if you don't mind me slipping out around, maybe, 5-ish, then I'd love to stay."
He stares at you.
You regret saying as much as you said. You don't need to over-explain yourself to this actual stranger. He doesn't care. There's no reason for him to care. He's probably in it just for the fuck, and it was fun and if you stay then there's a chance the two of you will wake up at some point in the night, still horny and lustful and you might fuck again and you'd be lying if you said that wasn't part of the draw. You realise, though, you'd also be lying if you said you didn't care what he thought of you. All of a sudden, you are overwhelmed with caring what this man thinks of you.
How fucking inconvenient.
"I wouldn't be offended at all," Joel chews, swallows, wipes the corner of his mouth with a napkin and speaks again. "What's your cat's name?"
You don't know what you'd expected he'd say, but it wasn't that. You buffer for a moment. "It's- Spatula."
"Yep." You feel foolish.
"Huh. Spatula."
A silent moment between you.
"Got any pictures?"
You weren't expecting that, either. "I... do? Do you want to see them?" He nods. You pull out your phone to scroll through.
Joel, suddenly scrambled around for his phone, too. It was late and he hadn't checked it for hours. Had it been on silent? What if Sarah had called and he'd missed it?
His panic eased when he saw he had only two notifications. Both from Sarah, but neither were bad. He hadn't been neglecting any crises. The first text was a selfie of Sarah and an unfamiliar person, which she'd texted to him with the caption New roomie!! The second contained an address to the place they'd have breakfast tomorrow along with Just wanted you to know I've invited a friend to join us tomorrow morning! Is that okay? Realized I should maybe have checked with you? 😬
There was an ache in his chest. He wanted to keep her to himself, get to spend one last day, just the two of them. It was the start of a whole new chapter, but more than anything, he wished he could hold onto the moment for just a second longer.
But Sarah was stressed, he knew this, so he wasn't gonna make it worse and put this burden on her. He could handle it. He had to handle it. He typed back- No problem, baby. Can't wait to meet your friend.
After a moment, he followed up with another text. Gonna turn in now. Good nite!
The less he texted right now, the better. He did not want Sarah to know anything about the night he was having.
His screen lit up a moment later. Night Dad! He takes a deep breath and wills some of the tension away.
He slips his phone aside and you scoot into bed next to him.
"This," you announce, "Is Spatula."
Joel scrolls thru, his brows raising higher with each image.
With a single nod, he opens his mouth and instead of speaking, he collapses into laughter. It comes out a wheeze- "I-- I know this won't make any sense, but your cat looks just like my goddamn brother."
You're laughing now too, both of you almost hysterical, even though you have no frame of reference. You cherish the absurdity.
Then, Joel pulls up a picture on his phone and shows you, and now you're doubling over again because his brother looks exactly like Spatula.
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You don't remember falling asleep. You curse your body's internal clock because you wake up right at 5am, and even though you know you should get up and leave, you wish you could have just a little bit longer.
It's such a comfortable way to wake up. One arm is folded under your pillow, and the other is slung over Joel's hip. He's asleep, snoring softly, and strands of his hair are mussed along his forehead. Your hand is holding his tummy, but you realise there's something pressing against the heel of your hand, and then realise, with a delicious jolt, that he's hard and straining against his boxers.
It's so fucking hard to get out of that bed, but with enough barely-effective reminders--you're gonna fuck up your whole day if you're late, gotta make a good impression, Spatula's gonna be so disappointed if you're late with his breakfast--you manage to bully yourself out of the warm and wonderful bed containing blankets and absolutely fantastic dick, and you tiptoe through the room, dress quickly, and, after making a note and leaving it on his bedside stand, you slip out.
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Joel wakes up with a jolt, and then rolls over to see that the alarm clock (which he dared not contemplate the number of times he must have snoozed) was telling him it was 9:13.
He was late. Really fucking late. And then the panic made his brain spin faster and that's when he noticed the note on his bedside table.
I had a really good time If you're in town for a little longer, don't be a stranger?
It's followed with your name and phone number, and a rather detailed mushroom sketch across the page. He wasn't sure what kind of mushroom it was, but it was beautiful, and clearly hand-drawn, and for whatever reason you'd decided to tear it out of, presumably, your sketchbook? And you gave it to him, and he's gonna read that note and replay last night for the rest of his fucking life. It felt incredibly precious. He placed it in a book so it wouldn't get creased or folded. Made sure it was all contained and neat, totally flat in between the pages.
Then, he dragged himself out of bed and into the shower.
After scrubbing the smell of sex off of his entire body, he dresses quickly and checks his watch again. 9:28.
He texts Sarah and lets her know he's a few minutes behind. She responds with an eye roll emoji.
Joel settles in his truck and pulls up directions. It's only a few minutes away. He won't be too late.
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When Joel steps into the diner, he's charmed by it. It's old school, with a checkerboard floor and bright red vinyl seats. He scans the room till he spots Sarah in a booth in the corner. She's laughing over a hot chocolate, and her friend must be in the seat opposite her.
He catches Sarah's eye and she grins at him, waving him over.
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You've been at the diner about fifteen minutes, and you and Sarah are already getting along beautifully.
You'd met on a university message board and had become fast friends, but meeting someone in person was always a little terrifying. On top of that, you'd already committed to spending at least one (academic) year with this person, so you were damn sure gonna make it work.
Sarah waves over her dad. You can't see him yet, the back of the booth too high.
But then he's standing right there.
You already have a hand outstretched, but when he sees you and you see him, your stomach flips and dread runs through you. All the color drains from his face. He looks like a deer in headlights, and you'd be surprised if you didn't look the same.
Sarah looks between you, not quite concerned, but definitely confused. Sarah smiles and tries to diffuse the situation.
"Hi dad!" She grins, "This is my new roommate! Well, the other new roommate--the one in the picture, their name is Ellie, they weren't able to make it this morning. BUT. Breakfast seemed like a great time to hand off keys!"
Joel is still frozen and white-faced. Your brain whirs, and you know you've just fucking catapulted yourself into a disastrous mess, but you do your very best to save face.
Reaching your hand out further so he can't possibly miss it, he gives into some familiar social instinct, takes it and you shake. You think of his hands, how they dragged along your body last night, touched you, felt you, wrecked you.
You introduce yourself. He nods, avoiding eye contact.
"Joel." He grunts. "Miller."
Sarah frowns at him, but turns back to the menu.
This- was unexpected. Problematic. Arguably, really fucked up. All of those things and more. But it'll be fine.
All throughout breakfast, you repeat that to yourself, letting the words bounce around your head. It will be fine, you repeat your mantra, it will be fine, and you try not to feel too hurt at the way Joel's avoiding eye contact as if simply looking at you will cause him unimaginable disgust.
Everything will be fine.
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Note: The fic's premise is loosely based on the book Mistakes Were Made which is a fucking excellent sapphic romance novel that utilises this trope. Would strongly recommend the book if you're into smutty queer stories.
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briefalpacashark · 3 months
~The Rally Driver~
Warnings: A bit of swearing. Death. Guns.
Synopsis: You and the 141 get in a car chase. You're the driver.
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Perfect song to listen to while reading.
You rarely had a mission in the heart of a city. But there you were, in the heart of London hauling ass down a street, the boys hot on your heels. You all tuckered yourself around an alleyway hiding from the array of bullets. 
“This is a shit show,” Price grunted as he checked the nick on his arm. 
“Yeah no shit,” you chuckled nervously, going to reload only to find you were out of ammo. 
“I'm out,” As you chucked the empty magazine to the side, your head snapped up at the sound it made. Your eyes took in what you assumed was a car under a fancy-looking tarp. 
“Hold on, I've got an idea,” you announced. The boys barely spared you a glance as you walked up to the car, yanking the cover off. A low, impressed whistle left your lips as you took it in. A 1969 Dodge Charger painted in a sexy navy black sat in front of you. You almost cried as you slammed your elbow into the window, smashing it. Slipping in, you worked a little magic. (Stabbing a small knife into the ignition and turning it). The engin roared to life, gathering the boy's attention.
“Get in bitches!” You called excitedly. Quickly, they piled into the car. Simon in the passenger seat, Price, Gaz and Jonny in the back, left to right in the respective order.
"Seatbelts on," you called.
"Nows not really the time to be worrin about taht love," Jonny chuckled.
"Seat belts save lives. Put them on or I'm turning this car around," you threatened.
"Were not even moving," Jonny grumbled but they all obeyed. As soon as you heard all four clicks you took off. You slammed the gear stick forward and put the pedal to the metal. You gave all the boys whiplash as you tore out of the alleyway. 
“She's got a bit more of kick then I though,” you chuckled excitedly, ignoring the boy's desperate need to get there seat belts on. Guessing your position in the car the enemies got off a few shots, the glass from the rear window shattering and running down upon you all. You shoot through the gears, zooming down the street. Gaz let out a strangled scream as his body was pushed into the back of the seat. Now the streets of London weren't necessarily long, they were a maze of old and new architecture. Which meant there were a lot of sharp turns. With expertise you skidded, turned and slipped around every corner with ease, rarely losing the speed you were building up. 
“You're crazy!” Jonny yelled.
“Don't worry, crazy people can still drive,” you shoot back. As the group held on for their life, you couldn't help but smile at the thrill driving gave you. 
“PEOPLE! PEOPLE! PEOPLE!” Price yelled, pointing to the group of drunken club goers crossing the street.
“Dont fucken back seat drive. I can see them” you yelled, swinging the car to the side, missing the group, and using the sidewalk as your new road. You took a sharp intake of breath when you saw the restaurant that had seating set up on said sidewalk. The road next to you was filled with cars so you couldn't move. You slammed your hand down on the horn, the few occupants quick to scramble out of the way as they saw the car barreling maliciously towards them. The car plowed through the seat tables and food. Simon stared at you as you casually flicked the wipers on, cleaning the window from the wine and food.
“Oh that smells lovely. We should get dinner there next time,” you suggested casually as you returned the car to the actual road. 
“TRUCK!” Simon yelled as he spotted a truck pulling out of an alleyway. Jerking your hand break up, you turned quickly, slowing just enough for the corner of the truck to scrape along the driver's side of the car. The screeching sound of metal on metal filled your ears as the side mirror disappeared in the near miss. 
“That didn't sound good,” you  mumbled, hanging half out of the window to look at the damage.
“Alright, I think everyone just needs to calm down,” you said gently, turning around to face the panicked passengers. As you did so she caught the look of a certain pissed of enemies pursuing you in another car. 
“KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!” Simon yelled. He looked hilarious, propping his large body the best he could in the corner of the seat. “Hey don't tell me how to drive. Why don't you be useful and use your little toy on our little friends” you asked slowly turning back to the front to return to driving. The boys turned round, spotting your pursuers. Simon threw half his body out the window as he started to fire, and they fired right back. The rest of the boys quickly joined Simon's efforts. 
“Does anyone have a map?” you asked casually through the gun fire. Simon cursed as his gun ran out of bullets. 
“No, we don't have a fucken map,” Ghost growled as he slipped back into his seat, throwing the gun down. Coming to a roundabout you smoothly drifted the car round Gaz struggling to understand the physics of a car driving sideways.
“Should you even be driving?” Gaz yelled. He had given up returning fire and handed his gun to Jonny. He was much more focused on the danger in the car. 
“I don't think so. You know I think there should be a law that if you fail your driving test ten times, then you shouldn't ever get one,” you chuckled, half jokingly.
“YOU FAILED YOUR DRIVING TEST TEN TIMES!?” Gaz screamed just about to pass out from the fear. “Of course not,” you reached back, patting his knee comfortingly.
“It was more like eighteen,” you stated. 
“Oh lord help me,” he whispered. The boys grinned at the interaction.
“I'm out,” Price announced. Jonny got off a few more shots before repeating his words. The poor night  inhabitants of the town were plunged into confusion at the cars that drove through there streets like rally drivers. A rally driver would be the only way the boys could describe your driving. It scared them shitless. But they had to admit, you were good, really good. You were quickly forming distance with the other car. Ghost reached across you where you usually held your gun.
“Lieutenant, so forward?” you chuckled. 
“Gun,” the simple word was meant to explain what he was doing. 
“Safe word?” you asked teasingly, making him look up at you with a small glare. A glare that momentarily faltered due to your close proximity. He hated to admit it, but his body flushed in attraction. You pose having one hand on the wheel, the other on the gear stick and the annoying smirk sent his heart racing. You chuckled at what you assumed was an are you serious look. You grabbed his hand and moved it to your lower back, sliding it down to meet the gun you had tucked into the back of your pants. Clearing his throat, he pulled the gun free, returning to the window, firing another shoot. 
“Drive straight!” he yelled struggling to keep his balance.
“You shoot straight,” you shoot back but tried your best to steady the car. Steady enough for him to land a hit dead center in the driver's head. To your shock, the passenger kicked the man's body out the door and continued driving.
“Shit,” he hissed, firing off more shots failing to see the fast approaching wall. You did, however. Reaching out, you grabbed onto the first thing your hand landed on. Which just so happened to be his belt buckle. Yanking him back into the car, he narrowly missed decapitation. His eyes snapped down to the grip you had on his belt, your hand pulling the material taunt.
“Close one, lieutenant,” you spared a grin at him, releasing his belt buckle. Simon was surprised, yet not entirely against it. Dare he say, even slightly aroused? 
“This place is like a maze,” you mentioned, taking her time to look at the signs.
“You are way too calm for this,” Simon huffed, going to fire again only to find that he was out of bullets. “Shit,” he whispered. Luckily, after another quick turn it seemed like you had lost them.
“Well, there's no point in panicking. Sure he's firing at us but there a terrible shot. Ain't that right boss?’ you asked, glancing back at Price that for a man with great composure looked like he was about to lose his shit. 
“Please focus on the road!” Price begged.
“Alright well.I feel like I'm taking a tour through this town. Where am i doing?” you asked.
“Head west,” he ordered. “Alright cool,” you nodded, pausing for a few moments. “Which way is west?” you asked.
“Left!” he snapped. Jokingly, you held up your hands. Holding your thumb and index finger into L shapes.
“SARGENT!” Price snapped.
“Ok ok, sorry!” you whispered back, making a quick left turn, a quick left turn that had them headed in the west direction, a direction that put them directly in line with an all too familiar car. The enemy. They had cut you off.
“Shit,” you whispered. Slamming into the break. The car came to a screeching stop. Almost sent Ghost through the windscreen. The driver in the opposite car gave you a shit-eating grin as his allies poked themselves out of the windows.
“Get down!” You yelled. Everyone did so, including you as you slammed the car into reverse, taking off just as fast as you had before. Gritting your teeth, you prayed for luck as they opened fire. Snapping up, you placed your hand on the back of Simon's head rest and not to toot your own horn, but drove like a boss ass bitch. Backwards. At full speed, weaving and jerking side to side doing your best to dodge the bullets. The chase was back on, with you doing your best to drive backwards. Waving and dodging cars as perfectly as you had done before. There just wasn't any room to turn the car around. And your near miss count was going up with every passing second. 
“Oh my god we're gonna die,” Gaz stated simply as he watched you. 
“Not today, bud,” you stated. You saw it, you slammed the hand brake up, throwing the car around barely losing any speed as you returned to forward face driving. Your eyes searched for your exit, anything. Then you saw it, A Little bridge in the distance.
“How long can you guys hold your breath?” you asked.
“What?” Jonny asked.
“Answer the fucking question!” You snapped.
“A long fucking time!” Ghost yelled.
“Alright, everyone, windows down seat belts off,” you ordered.
“Um fuck no,” Gaz stated, simply holding tighter onto his life line.
“Do it now!” You snapped. 
“Wanna fill us in on your plan?” Price asked.
“We're going for a swim. Everyone brace yourself,” you ordered, cutting the lights off. You took a sharp turn at the building, cutting off the view of the car behind. And in one quick jerk, you threw the car off the side of the walkway. You cut the engine just as the car hit the water under the bridge. The car was quickly submerged as you all clambered out. Well, almost all. You grunted as something caught on your ankle. You assumed it was the seat belt. Your hand reached for your knife as it pulled you deeper and deeper into the depths. Only your knife wasn't there. It was in the car's ignition. You reached for it, trying desperately to rip it out to no avail. Shit. You were running out of air as you struggled to untangle your foot. Only you had no light, and you couldn't figure out how it had snagged itself on you. You felt your body getting tired, panic started to set in. Your limited vision started to fade and your lungs burnt for air. Shit, you thought. As you started to acknowledge your possible death, your body went limp as you fought for the last remained of your consciousness. You didn't want to die. There was still so much you wanted to do. God and the boys would never let you down if this was how you would die. They would tease you shitless in the afterlife. You were about to let it go when a set of hands grabbed your shoulders. They gave you a yank, quickly discovering you were caught on something. Their hands patted you down till they found the culprit slicing the seat belt. They swam you back to the surface, you gasping like a fish out of water at the much needed oxygen. Sighs of relief sounded as you briefly caught a glimpse of the skull mask on the face eof the man who kept you afloat resting your upper back on his shoulder.
Ghost had saved you.
“Fucken hell,” Ghost whispered. You couldn't really tell due to the lack of oxygen but you could have sworn you felt him pull you closer to him, his chin pressing against your head in an awkward hug. Price swam over to you, taking your face into his hand.
“You alright, Sargent?” he asked. After a few more gasps of air, you nodded, pulling a thumbs up. 
With deep breaths you all waded in the water waiting as you heard the other car approach. As it drove over the bridge and off into the distance. You had lost them.
“Well, personally, I think that went well,” you said with a cheerful grin. The boys all chuckled as they somewhat relaxed. 
“Do you even have a license?” Gaz asked.
“An Australian one, yes,” you nodded.
“But then again, the police officer doing my test was drunk when I drove him home,” You shrugged casually, earning another set of chuckles. Reaching up you hugged Simon arm tightly. “Thank for saving my ass big guy,” you whispered.
“Don't scare me like that again, you hear me?" he grumbled holding you impossibly closer.
"No promises," you stated.
"Hey what was that bout seat belts saving lives again?" he asked as he sawm you to shore. You simply chuckled shaking your head.
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thewulf · 1 year
Sir || Aaron Hotchner
Request: Do you think you could do a Hotch x ADHD reader where they are energetic and talkative all day since Aaron came back from a tough case. With the constant questions and comments Aaron gets irritated due to stress and says something like “can you be quiet for 5 seconds please” or “enough with the stupid questions, it’s annoying” and the reader ends up talking less with him and only responds with short answers and they try to suppress their ADHD ticks around him.
A/N: Well, I couldn't sleep on the plane home yesterday and I found a surge of inspo! Had so much fun writing this one. I just adore Hotch! Thanks for the request! @ghostridrr
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.9k +
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You’d never expected to be dating an FBI agent nonetheless fall hopelessly head over heels for the guy in a matter of months. Coming from humble beginnings in a small southern town. Not many people made it out, but you did. You were determined. Determined to get the hell out and never look back. So, you did. You made it happen. Working your ass off through college becoming a civil engineer and finding a job at a firm in Washington DC you quickly found your groove. You worked your way up from an engineer to a manager to a project manager within ten years. Loving your job meant giving your all which didn’t leave much time for your personal life nor a love life. It’s not like you hadn’t tried you were just busy.
 It all hit you on your birthday that you wanted more. You wanted a partner. You wanted to have a life with somebody. For years you put in effort to try. Dating good guys and shitty ones alike. You were about to give it up for good after the years of trying. But the universe had a different plan for you.
It all started so casually on a sunny Monday morning at Quantico. Your firm had been contracted out to completely renovate the old Quantico offices and bring them into the 21st century. You’d absolutely fallen in love with your job, the project manager, over the course of the six months. Between working with the clients, budgeting, staging, and executing the demo and construction you’d found loved. It was the perfect job that kept your busy brain occupied and constantly moving. Always showing up to work with a big cheesy smile on your face and ending the day with an inevitable streak of dirt across your shirt or jeans.
Everything went so smoothly until your crew moved up to the sixth floor. The BAU. Whatever the hell that is. Apparently, nobody had warned the boss man and he wasn’t too thrilled to say the least. You were used to working around the residents of the floor, but this wasn’t starting out to great considering your crew would be working on the floor for the next few months.
“What the hell is all this? Why is there tarp in my conference room?” A strong voice broke you from the planning board you were reviewing with your construction Forman, Eric.
Snapping your head around you made eye contact with possibly the most handsome man you’d ever seen. Of fucking course he had to be hot as hell. This was certainly going to make things way more interesting for you.
Putting on your best smile you slowly walked over to him, hardhat and high visibility vest and all, “I’m so sorry sir. I thought somebody from your leadership would’ve informed you. My crew is starting some demo and renovations on this floor today. We’ll do our best to keep the noise down, but we might have to kick you out of a few spots every now and then.” Trying your best to charm the man with a big smile you only felt intimated when he simply just looked at you. As if he was studying you. Not frowning, not smiling, stoic as hell. You involuntarily took a step back. Intimidating the hell out of you.
He must’ve picked up on your discomfort as his straight-faced gaze softened ever so slightly. He pinched the bridge of his nose as you cocked your head to the side observing him. He must’ve been choosing his words very carefully.
“I don’t have time for this today. I’m sorry.” He sighed in clear frustration. A real frustration you’d seen time and time again on the job.
You frowned. Annoyed at his leadership for failing to tell him you were about to ruin his next few months as your crew worked through the floor. You had to think quick. This was your job after all, “I’ll tell you what sir. We’ll start over on those conference rooms this week. Hopefully that gives you time to sort it out?” You pointed to the rooms on the other side of the office, not the large one his team clearly needed.
He gave you a curt nod. His gaze almost fully softening as you tried to compromise with him still with a genuine smile on your face. Even he had to admit that smile was breaking him down far faster than he would’ve thought possible. He had yet to even look at a woman since Haley’s death, that was years ago now. It freaked him out a little. He’d been so fine on his own. Figuring out a good routine with Jack and Jess. Getting too complacent. He knew it wasn’t fair to Jack. Especially since he was getting to an age where a mom was crucial. Jack needed somebody to lean on and it certainly wasn’t fair to Jess to pick that up.
“It won’t mess your plans up?” The handsome stranger asked you. Your smile grew as you knew he was going to be willing to work with you. More often than not you’d have to get into with whomever was arguing back with you, often the government trying to shut you down. But you knew better. You always had all the permits you needed and knew the rule book like the back of your hand. That’s why you excelled. You never let anybody get the better of you. ADHD was a curse and a blessing at the same damn time.
Shaking your head you continued, “Not at all! That’s construction. You plan, and then it changes 45 times before you actually start. It’s no big deal at all. Really.” You tried to reassure him. He looked embarrassed that he was so upset only a few moments prior. The last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable. You knew you had at least two months of face to face with the guy. Starting off on the wrong foot was the worst thing you and the crew could do.
“I’m sorry. If you wouldn’t mind. We have a crucial case involving some kids…” He stopped himself before he divulged too much. He didn’t want you to get kicked out on his own accord. He knew you only had a clearance to enter the building. Nothing more, nothing less. He wouldn’t risk that at your stake.
“No explanations necessary sir. We’ll find a better day to demo.” You never dropped your smile as you maintained eye contact with him. You found that making sure to look whomever in the eyes always met you with better than looking around, looking scared.
“Aaron. Sir is too formal. Aaron Hotchner. My team, whenever they get here, will call me Hotch. Call me whatever.” He stuck his hand out for you to take. Gently you set your hand in his. You’d always been taught to go for the death grip when shaking hands. It established dominance or some bullshit like that. Especially since you were a woman in such a male dominated field. Working in a man’s world was exhausting. But something struck you as different with the man. So gentle it was.
“Nice to meet you, Aaron. I’m Y/N.” He shook your hand just as gently as you set your hand in his. You weren’t sure if he felt the pull that you felt but you simply couldn’t take your eyes off him.
“It’s nice to meet you to Y/N.” The handshake when on for a little too long. You were positive Eric was going to give you hell for this when you walked back over, “And again, I’m sorry for the outburst. These cases get stressful.”
You laughed a giggle that shouldn’t have come out of your mouth at work. His stoic expression tweaked into a soft smile after hearing your laugh, “Believe me when I say that was tame. The yelling matches I’ve gotten in with men twice my age are too plentiful to count.”
He laughed this time finally dropping your hand, gently of course, “I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”
You shrugged, “Part of the job. Plus, it’s fun to yell back sometimes.” His small smile grew into a much larger one, eyes crinkling and all. You’d done it. You’d charmed him.
“Hotch!” A female voice came yelling out of the conference room, “Round table, let’s go.” The pretty blonde-haired lady smirked at him before turning back to the room. The two of you failed to see his team file in during the conversation.
He broke his gaze turning around to see his agent vanishing from the doorway, “Got to go. Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.”
You nodded your head, “Likewise Aaron.”
The rest was literally history. He ended up bringing you some sort of coffee or baked good every morning he was in the office, which you learned very quickly wasn’t all that often. He and his team seemed to be away more than they were actually there. You took advantage of that and fixed their office spaces and conferences rooms right as they left for their trips. You’d check in with Penny to make sure you weren’t in the way when they got back.
Small chit chats in the morning turned to lunch “dates” as Eric so kindly called them. You’d refused to call them as such, not ever truly able to gauge whether he was actually interested in you or not. You tried to make it as blatantly obvious as possible, but he was Aaron. Calm, cool and collected. The two of you had even been the butt of office jokes as you got closer. You didn’t seem to care though. It felt too good with him to give whatever you had up.
Lucky for you those lunch dates turned to dinner dates and before you knew it you were meeting Jack and spending time at his place. Weeks turned to months, and you were spending almost every night at the Hotchner’s. You and Jack were getting along as thick as thieves. Aaron even trusting you to watch him while he was gone. You made Jack promise not to tell his daddy that you gave him ice cream almost every night. It was a secret between the two of you.
Jack was off on a summer camp, and you’d just wrapped up the Quantico project leaving you far too bored sitting at Aaron’s place. So, you did what you always did when you had nothing to do. You cranked up the music and started cleaning. It was a Tuesday morning, and you really weren’t expecting Aaron to get back from his case. It was a long one out in Colorado. He never gave you the specifics, but he sounded horribly upset each night when he was on the phone with you. Distracted and distraught.
You hadn’t heard the door open and close as you were upstairs cleaning. But when your music abruptly stopped you hightailed it downstairs to get it going again. To your surprise your boyfriend was standing at the kitchen island rubbing his temples. You should’ve known there that he wasn’t going to be in the best of moods.
“Hon.” You grinned ear to ear seeing him standing there, “Your home! How was the trip? Happy to be home? I missed you tons. Especially with Jack being gone, I haven’t had anybody to talk to.” You wrapped your arms around his front, hugging him from behind. You were usually really good at picking up on social cues, but you must’ve been too damn excited to see him to pick up on his mood.
“Y/N.” He gave you a half smile before squeezing your hands tightly but gently. Like he was afraid of losing you.
“Aaron.” You let go of him brushing the now overgrown hair out of his face, “Are you alright? Was the trip okay? I just missed you so much. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad. I’ve really gotten used to having Jack around. I wish you didn’t have to go so often.” You admitted.
He sighed a deep one, “It was a tough case.” Was all he gave you. You should’ve known there that he wasn’t going to give you much else. But your stupid ass brain decided to ignore the cues. It wasn’t really your fault that it bounced around so quickly. You’d even taken your meds today. It was something about Aaron that seemed to break anything those meds were holding back.
“Want to talk about it? I know you never do but it could be good for you. You know? It’s not great to hold that kind of stuff in. It’ll eat away at you.” You just wanted him to be the Aaron you knew. Not the ball of stress standing before you.
He shook his head, “Not this time.”
“You sure? You look upset hon. I don’t like to see you like that.” You continued not noticing him closing his eyes. Surely more than irritated with you at the moment. But were you going to catch that? Nope.
You nodded, “Alright. If you say so. Are you hungry? I can whip you up some lunch…”
He interrupted you before you could go on whatever long winded rant you had built up, “Y/N, can you be quiet for five seconds please? I’m trying to think.” You were turned away from him and didn’t see the immediate regret that washed over his face. He didn’t really mean it he just needed you to stop for a moment. He wasn’t expecting you to be home and wasn’t ready for the bombardment of questions. After cases that involved so many deaths it took him a moment to come back around. He needed a second to himself. The job was hard and you knew that.
And with that you felt your heart deflate right then and there. The smile that hadn’t dropped since he came home immediately vanished without a trace. Your happy eyes immediately dropping and filling with hot, wet tears that desperately wanted to spill over. You’d been with him for almost half a year and that had yet to come out of his mouth. It took you by surprise, to say the least.
“I’m so sorry.” You squeaked out before walking out of the kitchen hastily. You weren’t good with conflict. Always running away from it.
He knew he fucked up. You weren’t overly sensitive, but he knew what he said was over the line. Especially since you were simply trying to help him. But he also needed that moment. So, he shamefully let you sit upstairs with your thoughts. You had an issue of letting things ruminate in your head for far too long.
Letting the tears fall you continued to clean the bathroom in silence. Why were you like this? As soon as you got comfortable with someone you seemed to ruin it with your dumb ass brain. You should’ve known he was exhausted. He’d been gone for nearly two weeks. Cases never ended well when he was gone for over a week let alone two. You should’ve backed off the second he started giving you short answers. Stupid stupid brain ruining everything.
Once you finished you thought it best to spend some time back at your own apartment. The last thing you wanted to do was annoy him into breaking up with you. Tip towing downstairs you found him asleep on the couch. Biting your lip, you scribbled a note letting him know you went home making a dumb excuse that your friend needed you. As much as you wanted to spend the night with him, he clearly needed it alone.
It wasn’t long after you got home that your phone buzzed. Looking down you saw Aaron was calling. Deciding it best to give him space you decided not to pick up. When it rang for a second time you answered, “Hey.” Why were those stupid tears threatening to spill again?
“Sweetheart where are you?”
You frowned, “Home. Emma needed some help with a dress.” You partially lied. Your friend Emma really did need help hemming her dress, something you were oddly good at. But she wasn’t coming over until the weekend.
“Oh, are you coming back after? We can make Spaghetti, your favorite.” You knew this was his attempt to apologize. Quickly realizing in the relationship that Aaron was a quality time kind of guy, his true love language.
Should you? You weren’t feeling great about the whole thing and a night away might make the heart grow fonder, “I don’t think so Aaron. I’m tired and she’ll be over for a while.” Another lie. You hated doing this to him but you just couldn’t confront it head on. It just wasn’t something you were ready for.
“Oh, okay.” He sounded sad. It made your heart lurch just thinking about it, “Come over tomorrow after work?”
“Yeah, sure.” You knew you were being short with him but God, you just didn’t want to annoy him. A specialty you’d seemed to master.
“Everything alright sweetheart?”
Everything was not alright, “Yeah, just a bit tired. I should get going, she’s almost here.” You hardly heard the confirmation on the other end of the phone before you hung up on him.
You didn’t sleep well nor work great the next morning. Aarons comments ringing in your ears over and over again. When it came time to go home you took his route home. Knowing you had to confront this at some point. Aaron would make you. He always did. As bad as he was with words, he always made sure to talk things out.
Somehow, his black SUV was parked in the driveway. You had an inkling feeling he was going to beat you home no matter what. He might’ve even taken the day off today. Walking through the front door you found Aaron in the kitchen cutting up some tomatoes.
“Sweetheart.” He smiled while dropping the knife and walking over to you. Wrapping you in a tight hug he made sure to give you an extra squeeze. He was a profiler after all, he knew something was amiss.
“Hi.” You mumbled in his chest. Breathing him in completely you let your eyes close as you leaned into him. He was clearly trying to make it up to you now, might as well let him.
“Have a good day?” He asked while prying you away from his chest.
Shaking your head you decided to answer honestly. The little white lies you told yesterday making you feel gross, “No, not really.” Yawning you leaned your head back into his chest.
He starting brushing through your hair with his fingers having an inkling as to why, but he needed to know for sure. He hated hurting you. You were nothing but sweet to him and he returned it by snapping at you? He’d done it to Jack as well. He knew it was something he needed to work on even if he wouldn’t say it out loud.
“And why’s that?” He asked softly making sure not to startle you.
“Didn’t sleep great. Then my boss decided to put me on the worst project. Pipes.” You sighed. It wasn’t an attack on you, every project manager had to have a hellish utility job. You were just next on the list. It couldn’t have come at a worse time though. Pipe work meant constant oversight, and anything could shut the project down. Tedious and annoying but necessary, you knew it.
“I’m sorry honey.” He confined brushing through your hair.
“It’s fine.” You signed closing your eyes as you listened to his heartbeat. You weren’t in the mood to talk which was strange for you. You always wanted to talk. To dive a little deeper. Understand him a bit more. But you weren’t feeling it. Was it actually your mood or were you just terribly self-conscious now? You refused to ask that question as you shoved it to the back of your mind.
“You sure it’s fine? You’re awfully quiet. I miss my chatty girl.” He knew he needed to apologize. He should’ve just spit it out already. But he wanted to see if he could see if it was anything more. He’d never seen you so down and out. You were always there with a smile and seeing you so sad had him worried. Had he done that to you? Did you not sleep because of him?
You nodded into his chest, “Yeah, ‘M just…” You paused. Was it really worth not telling the whole truth? Aaron would figure it out. He probably already had. He was doing that profiler shit on you now. As annoying as it was you grew to love it. It was him. You loved him. Everything about the man intrigued you, “Tired.” You finished. Not the whole truth and you knew it.
“Honey.” He kept brushing through your hair knowing how much it calmed you.
Feeling a little surge of bravery, you looked up to him, “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dismiss you yesterday.” He paused giving you a brief kiss on your forehead but not giving you enough time to respond before he continued, “I love all your questions. I really do. It’s just this last case was rough. And I know that’s no excuse to treat you like that. It’s just… this guy. He targeted women that looked just like you. It’s been an awful two weeks. I just miss you. Please stay?”
“Oh Aaron,” You frowned but squeezed him tightly, “I’m so sorry. If I had known…”
“I should’ve told you. Don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing.” He kissed your forehead again holding it there. Just holding you in his arms.
Feeling so safe and secured in his arms made you feel every emotion all at once. Thrilled that he still felt the same about you. Embarrassed you took it so personally. Scared you would mess this up. So in love with the guy who recognized so easily what was bothering you. It was all too much for you. You couldn’t try to stop the tears that flowed down your cheeks even if you tried.
Aaron pried you away from him taking your head in his hands. Softly he wiped away the tears with his thumbs with a sad look on his face, “I’m so sorry sweetheart.” His eyes searched your face for anything. His heart breaking just a little more seeing your hurt expression across ever feature.
Nodding, that’s all you could do. Absolutely you accepted his apology. He was so sincere with it you know he meant everything with his entire heart, “It’s okay.” You managed to choke out between breaths. After a moment the tears finally stopped. You’d normally be horrified by the sudden outburst but with him you weren’t. You knew he had you.
“It’s really not. I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again.” He assured you wiping away the final tears.
“Thank you, Aaron.”
He pulled you back into him, “I’m not perfect but I promise you I’ll try.”
“I know that.” You beamed up at him. You felt so much better. Words always helped, running away never did.
“I love you, my dear.” He smiled down at you while rocking you back in forth in his arms.
“And you know, I love you too.”
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Taglist: @twilightlover2007 @morgthemagpie @ashie-babie @buckybarnessweetheart @wendy234678 @adhdannieedison @emilykolchivans @aurabambi @pipecleanerweyesfp @simp4f1 @ghostridrr @sunflowers-4
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imababblekat · 1 year
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Anon Request, “Funny ask here! An expert free runner (jumping from building to building) catches the turtles on camera. The boys planned to do the same intimidation act like with April but are shocked when they jet off managing to keep a good distance. Then once they think they have them cornered on a construction site the boys fall through the building roof landing in waist high wet concrete. Looking down at them the runner blows them a kiss before taking off. (P.S. their cool though and just keep the photo as a momento)How do the 4 react to seeing them again when they literally bump into each other on the rooftops?”
 ◌ Part Two ◌
You hadn’t intentionally meant to take a picture of the turtles. If anything it was their fault they ended up in your shot. After finishing a course you’d been aiming at for over a week, you thought it’d be a great moment to capture, but hadn’t expected to catch anyone else in the background of your roof top photo. Much less those anyone’s being four mutant ninja turtles. It was the squak of surprise at the sudden flash of your mini Polaroid that alerted you to them.
Seeing the turtles left you somewhere between an intriguing shock and confused fear, even if seeing one of them rapidly rub at their flashed eyes while over exaggerate about how they burned did indeed give you a little giggle. There wasn’t much time to process the whiplash of emotions however, as one of them, clad in red and quite burly out of the bunch, came marching your way. Not a word had a chance of making its way from their lips, as your body did what it was trained so hard to do, making a mad dash across the old market roof top. Just like that, the four brothers found themselves in a sudden grand chase. “Great job, Raph!”, Leo snapped at said aggravated terrapin, making easy work of hopping over a fenced roof. “I ain’t even do anythin’! It’s your fault!”, Raph retaliated, vaulting over some exterior vents. “Oh, and how is that exactly?!” “You’re the one who gave us the all clear!” Bouncing from wall to wall as the group followed you down into an old parking garage Donnie interjected between the two argumentative brothers. “Guy’s is now really the time?! We kind of have something urgent on our hands.” “Yeah! Like how I can’t see their sick moves because my eyes are still having a disco party!”, Mikey continued to blink rapidly, nearly missing the open edge if not for Donnie giving him aid with his staff. Rolling his own eyes, Leo brushed off the youngest, keeping track of your movements as you scaled your way into a construction building across the way. “Come on, let’s get this over with. There’s no where to go past that building, we’ll catch them there.” All the years of free running across New York, you’d never felt as thrilled as you did now. Sure, it was still terrifying in a way being chased by four giant creatures who were quite nimble despite their enormous size, but you had to be honest in the way their pursuit brought on an adrenaline like no other. They put your skills to the test in a way you could never personally do yourself, and as you swung from a bar into another construction building, you felt elation rush through your body. At least, till you found yourself caught in between a rock and a hard place, staring at a concrete solid wall with no where to escape. Hearing the collective sounds of heavy foot falls, you quickly turned around to find the four beings surrounding the only path you’d have of escape. Seeing the glares upon their faces, your racing heart now beat rapidly for a different reason. Taking a moment to even his breathing, Leonardo stepped forward, watching your reactions carefully. “We’re not going to hurt you. Just. . .don’t scream.”, he spoke as calmly as he could, hands raised to show he had no misleading intentions. You said nothing, just continued to take control of your own breathing as your eyes shifted between him and his brothers. “I’m Leonardo, and these are-“ “I’m Michelangelo, but you can just call me Mikey!”, the orange banded turtle cut in, shoving past his brother and winking at you. “The guy in purple is Donatello, and the one in red who mean mugged you is Raphael! What’s your name angel? I say angel, because there’s no way you could have crossed those alleyways so eloquently without a pair of wings~.” “Mikey!”, all three other brothers shouted in unison. “What?!” With a light groan, Donnie reminded him of their current objective. “We’re here to get the photo. Not you a love interest.” “Oooooh right, the photo!” Your eyes shifted from Raphael, back to Mikey as he moved closer, three fingered hand reaching out. Sifting into your pocket it didn’t take long to pull out the small square picture. Despite it being exposed and grainy in some parts, the tangibility of the photo and the story it now held caused a surprising sorrow in your heart to have to depart with it. Yet, gazing back up to the four mutants before you, you understood why they’d want it. With the way you reacted, who could imagine how others might to their discovery. You met Mikey half way, extending your own hand to give him the small photo, fingers lightly brushing the other. All of a sudden, a loud crack was heard, and all five of you stood frozen. Before anyone could blink, the floor caved in, the four brothers descending down into dust and debris, and you with quick reflexes pressing tight back against the concrete wall. Once the clouded air had settled, you quickly peaked over into the newly established hole, a surge of worry for the ninja quartet. Relief washed through as you caught sight of the brothers who had landed in a mucky puddle, most likely sore from the fall but seemingly fine otherwise. As the boys groaned and started another round of arguing with one another, you suddenly remembered the photo and quickly checked your closed fist to find it still there. Carefully bringing the picture before you to look at once more, a thought had emerged. This was the most fun you had in long time, the most alive you’ve felt in a while. Recalling the kind smile Mikey had given you and Leo’s mindful approach as to not frighten you, you considered the growing idea in your mind even more. Making up your mind, you gently tucked the photo back into your pocket with a gleeful grin. You swore to yourself that night to never show anyone that picture, but as long as you held on to it, you knew you’d eventually wind up seeing the turtles again. With that, you skipped from the tiny ledge along the wall, and whistled to catch the turtles’ attention. “Bye boys! It was nice meeting you!” Loud shouts and scrambling could be heard as each one clambered over the other, slipping back and forth into the deep puddle in an effort to get up and to you, but by the time they’d get themselves straightened out, you’d be long gone with anticipating hope of the next chase.
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harrysfolklore · 5 months
new year's wish - blurb
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a/n: happy happy new year loves ! wrote this little blurb about one of my favorite tropes and i hope you like it, let me know your thoughts <3
gif by @harryisart
It was a tradition between your friend group at this point.
For the last two years, you've been celebrating New Year's Eve at Jonny's place, all of you getting together to celebrate and reminisce about your memories together.
You loved your friends to pieces, your group wasn't exactly huge, but you've made a bond so special over the years that no one could easily break.
However, you surely had a different and deeper connection with your best friend, Harry.
You met Harry the first day of middle school, and ever since your first interaction you've been inseparable. As time passed and you got closer to Harry, you began noticing some changes in how you felt. His laughter made you feel happier, his support meant a lot more, and being around him felt different—like something special. Sometimes, you found yourself admiring him in a way that went beyond just being friends. You started to realize that your feelings for Harry were growing into something deeper than friendship, something you hadn't felt before. It was like a secret you kept in your heart, waiting for the right time to figure out what it meant and terrified that making a move would ruin your friendship.
"Hey! I was looking for you." Harry's voice interrupted your train of thought, making you move from the fireplace you've been standing for the last few minutes.
"I got cold outside, wanted to catch some warmth." you said, looking at your curly haired best friend.
"The countdown is about to begin," he let you know, "Let's go with the rest."
You followed him to where your friends were hanging out, sitting next to him.
"What's on your mind? You're really quiet."
You took a moment before replying, "Just thinking about how everything's going to be different next year, we're barely going to see you."
"What do you mean?" Harry asked, a frown appearing on his face.
"You know, the band is taking off and you're going to be so busy," a confused look took over his face, "Don't get me wrong, I'm so proud of you, we all are. I'm just going to miss all of us here together, at Jonny's place."
"Come on, none of that," he said as he noticed a pout making its way to your face, throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you to his side, "I'm always going to be around, you won't get rid of me that easily," you laughed at this, "Next year we're all going to be right here together and nothing's going to change."
And as the clock counted down the seconds till midnight you wished for one thing: I wish he doesn't forget about me
"Hey, stranger."
"Hello to you too, miss"
Harry's voice echoed through the speakers of your car, making you laugh as you drove the streets of Holmes Chapel, heading to your favorite wine shop.
"Are you coming to Jonny's place for New Years or are you going to spend it with your famous friends." You joked, and even though you couldn't see him you knew he was rolling his eyes.
"Of course I am, that's every year," you smiled at his words, "Besides, I need to see you so I can tell you all about this girl I'm seeing," and just like that your smile quickly faded, and you were glad he couldn't see you because you could swear your face dropped along with your heart, "I'm super thrilled, we hit it off right away and I honestly can't wait for you to meet her."
You weren't sure how many seconds passed in silence from you,but soon enough you heard Harry's voice asking if you were still on the line.
"Yeah, just got distracted by the traffic," you lied, "I can't wait to hear all about it, I'm glad you're happy."
New Year's was days away but you already had your wish in mind: I wish to be the girl for him someday
There was just one thing in your mind as you sat on the bar stool with a drink in your hand: this year sucked.
That year, Harry had a super busy time with lots of success. He kept in touch, but it wasn't like before, your talks became shorter, and you didn't hang out much. You understood he was busy, but it felt different, you missed him and the fact he didn't show up for New Year's hit hard
On top of that, the headline "Spotted: Kendall Jenner and Harry Styles Getting Handsy on a Yacht" was the first thing you read in the morning, and it hurt.
You weren't even celebrating at Jonny's place, which made the night even more depressing for you, your friends insisted on trying something different and celebrate at a rooftop bar instead.
Maybe you held on to nostalgia too much, but you missed the old days when everything was simpler and you had Harry next to you.
"Hey! Countdown is about to begin, what are you doing on your own?" Ellis, one of your closest friends, called for you making you hop off the stool and join them.
"Everyone has their wishes for the new year?" Jonny asked the group, and you knew exactly what was the only thing you were going to wish for: I wish things would to go back to how they were
"Look who finally showed up!"
Jonny's voice made everyone turn their heads towards the door, where a cuddly looking Harry stood with a bottle of wine.
"Hello to you too, mate." Harry said, making his way toward his best friend and giving him a hug.
After letting go of Jonny, he locked eyes with you and wasted no time to pull you close and wrap you around his arms.
"I missed you," he mumbled against the crown of you head, where he placed a small kiss, "I'm sorry I haven't texted, you know how chaotic album releases are."
You smiled with a tingle of sadness, Harry had just released his second album 'Fine Line', one that he described as having sex and feeling sad and that mainly talked about his most recent breakup.
A breakup that you helped him get through even though your own heart was being obliquely broken by him once again. But at the end at the day, he was still your best friend and there was nothing in this world you wouldn't do for him.
"It's okay, you're here now." You let go of him and squeezed his arm one final time before joining the rest of your friends in cheerful conversation.
Like every year, the night flew by and before you knew it you were a few minutes away from midnight, so you took that as a cue to look for Harry who had been absent from the room due to his phone ringing.
"H? Are you done with your phone call?" you asked, getting close to him, "Is everything okay?"
"It was Camille," he said, turning to look at you and showing you a small smile, one that gave away his contentment about it, "She said she wants to talk in person, to work things out."
"Oh that's, that's good I guess." You tried your best to give him a fake smile.
"It's more than good, this is great!" his smile widened as he moved from his place and wrapped an arm around your shoulders to give you to where your friends were calling for both of you, "Never thought this year would end like this."
His words echoed in your head as you stood with your friends who counted down the seconds until midnight, and a single wish came to your mind: I wish loving him didn't hurt so much
The familiar setting at Jonny's place made you feel comfortable and at ease, no matter how busy your lives had been that year, your friends would always show up to celebrate the new year together and that was something you deeply cherished
This year had been extra special, with every aspect of your life blossoming, but there was a certain thing that made 2023 a great year: your relationship with Harry.
You two had become even closer that you were before, you had always been best friends who shared everything but things felt different now.
Maybe it was the way you exchanged looks that lasted a bit too long, the accidental touches that sent shivers down your spine, or the things you both didn't say but felt.
You couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, Harry finally felt something more too. But your intrusive thoughts, the fear of ruining your friendship and the amount of times you've been heartbroken over the years kept pushing these thoughts away every time they popped up.
"Praying to the God's above that Harry finally kisses you at midnight?" Ellis' voice almost made you jump on your spot on the couch, she plopped next to you with a beer on her hand and a cocky smile.
"Ellis! What are you on about!" you complained, making her roll her eyes.
"Come on! We all know that's what you wish for every birthday, and we've noticed that he can’t keep his hands off you tonight, walking in hand in hand and all."
It was your turn to roll your eyes, but you could feel your stomach twist at her words.
After a few more drinks and not so subtle teasing from your friends about you and Harry, you slipped away for a bit, needing a break from the noise. Soon enough Harry spotted you by the window, looking up at the stars.
"Hey," Harry said standing next to you, you smiled as you felt his arm wrap around your waist, "The countdown is about to begin."
"Let's go join them then." You moved from the window and tried to head towards the living room, but Harry's hand grabbing yours made you stop on your tracks.
"Actually," he avoided your eyes, focusing on the scenery outside for a moment, "I've been wanting to talk to you about something, I don't even know if this is the ideal time but-"
"Hey," you cut him off, finding his eyes and giving him a tender smile, "It's okay, you know you can tell me anything."
"I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, about this year and everything that changed, especially between us," he began, his voice soft yet determined, and your face full of confusion and anticipation.
"These past years have been a whirlwind," Harry continued, "But in all the chaos and changes, there's been one constant, You. And I've been blind to not recognize what that means."
Your breath caught in your throat and you could swear you felt your palms drench in sweat.
"I've wasted too much time not acknowledging it, not admitting it to myself and hurting you in the process," Harry spoke again, his voice laced with a tingle of sadness. "I cherish our friendship deeply, but I've come to understand that what I feel for you goes beyond just friendship. It's something deeper, something I've been too oblivious to see clearly for my own selfish reasons."
His words hung in the air, you could hardly believe what you were hearing, the words you'd secretly longed for so many years, spoken by the person who meant the world to you.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you, I've loved you for longer than I realized, and I don't want another year passing without telling you."
Tears welled up in your eyes and without a word, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. It felt like the weight of the years of unspoken emotions was finally lifted, and in that moment, everything felt right.
"I love you too," you whispered, your voice filled with a all kinds of emotions. "I've always loved you, Harry."
From afar, you could hear the cheers and celebrations of a New Year, the clock had reached midnight and your friends already made their wishes.
And as you finally kissed the man you loved after he confessed that he loved you too, there was nothing else you'd rather wish for.
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mint-yooxgi · 7 months
Depravity - Yandere!Wolf!Bang Chan
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Yandere AU & Wolf AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Bang Chan X Implied Chubby!Fem!Reader
Words: 2,024
Warnings: Establish relationship. Predator/prey dynamics, and implications of consensual non-consent (cnc). This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I honestly had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy it, too! It's feral, but sweet? At least, in my opinion lol... Anyways, Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Fourteenth of The Feral Drabbles
I can smell you.
Oh, Baby Girl, knowing you’re as excited for this as I am just makes needing to catch you all the more sweeter. The pull you have on me is even stronger than that of the moon itself, and tonight, you’re mine.
I’ll admit, when you first suggested that I chase you around the woods like this, I was a little hesitant. Surprised would be an understatement, considering I thought I was dreaming again. There was no way you were letting one of my deepest fantasies come to life. Yet, here we are.
I wouldn’t want it any other way.
The mental image alone of how your eyes lit up in excitement after I agreed to this fuels every movement I make. I need to get to you. I need to have you. There’s no escaping your fate, Baby. I’ll catch up to you, and when I do, you better be ready. After all, it was you who told me to unleash the beast.
He craves you. I have always craved you. Since the first moment I saw you, I knew that we were meant to be. I did everything in my power to ensure you only ever saw the best of me, but you’ve secretly wanted me to let loose. All this time, and I thought you were perfectly content with me being nothing but a gentleman.
Oh, how wrong I was.
You seek the thrill of the hunt, too. If only I had known sooner, I would have gladly made your heart shudder as it is now while I chase you through the foliage, creeping closer with each step. 
I can hear everything, you know. I can hear the way your breath hitches with every snap of a twig. You heart stutters each time my footsteps approach you. I can tell you’re trying to be sneaky, but there’s nothing you can do that would throw me off your trail. Your very being calls to me, and like hell am I letting you slip away.
Though, I’m not unreasonable. I even gave you a head start, just like you wanted. The goal is to end in our little cabin, deep within the darkness of the woods. No one to disturb us; I can have you all to myself. 
I plan to make you scream tonight, Baby Girl; only you, me, and the moon.
Tracking you has never been easier. I’m already attuned to your every move. I have to be. I care too much about you to not know every little detail I can about the beauty I plan to spend the rest of my life with. Our story will be timeless, as will our love. I’ll make sure of it, even if it’s the last thing I ever do. I’m never letting you go, though from the way your excited giggles fill the air, I can tell you don’t want me to, either.
With every passing moment, your scent becomes stronger. I could end this quickly, but you wanted to draw this out. Besides, I want to give us a satisfactory prelude to the night I’m about to give you. You told me not to hold back, and the longer I spend hunting you, the more that burning desire within me swirls and builds.
Fuck- I can’t wait to have you spread out beneath me, naked and trembling in ecstasy. I want to see your eyes roll, and your thighs shake. I want to hear you scream my fucking name, praising the moon for bringing us together just as it has always been fated to be. I plan to take everything from you, and give everything of me in return. I won’t stop until we’re both satisfied, Baby Girl. I’ll show you just how insatiable I can be…
I’m getting closer, I can tell. I wonder if you’ll be able to see my golden eyes cutting through the darkness. You told me not to hold back, and I don’t intend to. Of course, I promised not to chase you in my true form, that’s just unfair. There wouldn’t be a chase if I did that, and I swore I would never hurt you. Though, it would be fun to see your reaction when a large, handsome wolf comes bounding up to you, only for it to shift into me in the next second.
Perhaps next time…
Just wait until you see how strong I can be. All those times I’ve held you close, I’ve cut back on how tightly my arms would wrap around you. Now, I don’t have to. You want me to lose control. You want me to claim you, just as I’ve always desired. By the time I’m done with you, all you’ll be able to think about is the way my hands feel all over your body. Your mind will be so consumed by the pleasure of it all, the only thing you’ll be able to remember is my name. My fingers will leave marks all over your skin, igniting a fire over your body just as your touch does to mine. Tonight, as with every other night, I serve you. I will always serve you.
Fuck- just thinking about the way my fingers are going to sink into your plush skin makes me quicken my pace. I want to feel you beneath me, squirming and begging for more. I want to make your hips buck into my mouth as my tongue explores every dip and crevice of you. I already know you taste amazing, but tonight, it’ll mean that much more.
Oh, Baby… I can’t wait to feel you dripping all over me. My fingers ache to be buried in that tight little cunt of yours. My lips long to be pressed against every inch of your body. A body which brings me to my knees every single goddamn time I look at you. If only you could have heard the way I whined for you when this whole thing started. I’m desperate, Baby, and you should know that it’s all for you. All because of you, and once I’ve unleashed him, there’s no turning back.
I’m going to have you fucking begging me for more as my tongue buries itself in that precious cunt of yours. I can’t wait to taste you, and have you dripping down my chin like you usually do. I want to feel your thighs squeezing around my head as I drown in that addictive nectar that flows from between your legs. I’m gonna fucking lose myself in you, just like I always do.
Hmm, I wonder how many times I can make you squirt? Five? Six? …Seven?
No matter. I plan to lose count, anyways.
I’m almost there…
With every step I make, there’s a steady crunch of leaves beneath my feet, and I can heart your heartbeat growing louder and louder. Even you can tell I’m close, and that only makes the thrill rushing through my own veins that much stronger. Once I catch you, I’m dragging your ass back to that cabin and having my way with you. There’s no escaping the monster lurking in these woods. He belongs to you, and he always will.
Oh, you cleaver little minx…
You purposely threw me off with your scent. You left a little gift for me to find, and at the giggle I can hear drifting through the air, I can still tell you’re close. Only now, I’m not holding back. My Baby is walking around these dark, cold woods without a shirt on. I can’t let you weather the elements like that alone. What type of beast would I be if I let My Girl get cold?
Your playfulness might just be your downfall.
I’m coming for you, Baby Girl. You ain’t seen nothing, yet.
Alright, then…
Ready or not, here I come…
Every sense I have is honed in on you. Your scent, your breathing, your heartbeat. I can feel you surrounding me, and even I can tell my eyes are getting darker with each passing moment. The beast is lurking beneath the surface, just waiting to come out. I can practically taste the desire and excitement rolling off of you, and it only makes me move faster.
I need to get to you. Now.
Low growls escape me, my teeth sharpening into fangs as my claws extend. I know you can hear me using the trees to propel myself towards you, leaving my marks on them just as I’m going to leave my marks all over you.
My eyes scan the woods frantically, low snarls escaping me with every breath. I can hear you. I can smell you right in front of me, yet you’re not-
My breath hitches, and I look up, a wild grin pulling at my features as pride swells in my chest.
Clever girl.
Have I ever told you that I love it when I make your heart skip a beat? You seem to enjoy it when I grin like this, but I never thought I’d get this type of reaction from you. Perhaps I should do it more often… There truly is no greater feeling than knowing the effect I have on you.
That’s it, Baby Girl, let me hear your heart race as you attempt to climb further up the tree you’re in. It’s cute that you think you can escape me now.
It takes me no time at all to race up the tree, appearing right in front of you in the blink of an eye. The way your breath hitches is music to my ears. And that spike of arousal? Divine.
I’ve got you now.
Struggle all you want, I’m never letting you go. Though, it’s quite amusing to feel you attempt to break free from my hold, even as I jump down from the tree. I always told you that I could easily carry you if I wanted to, and getting to prove that fact now only makes this moment that much more sweeter. Your body was made for me, and mine for you. See how well we fit together?
The warmth of your skin against my shoulder only makes my own heart race that much faster. Fuck, Baby- you said anything goes, but just being able to hold your ass in my hand as I carry you towards the best fucking night of our lives is making my head spin. Always so plush and soft… 
Can’t wait to have my hands all over you… 
You’ve already made me so fucking hard from all the thoughts about what I’m going to do to you. From your intoxicating scent that surrounds me, I can already tell you’re fucking dripping, too.
Do you like the fact that I’ve been stalking you around these woods without a shirt on, letting you see all of me as I hunt you down like the precious little prey you are? Do you feel the electricity between us as your bare skin touches mine? Can you feel the way you make my own heart race, aching for you inside my chest? Everything I am, everything I do… Do you know that it’s all for you? That I’ve always been all for you?
No matter. Tonight, I’ll show you. There’s not an inch of this plush body that will go untouched by me. Lips, hands, cock, tongue… everything I am is yours tonight, Baby. You’re mine, just as I am yours.
That’s it, Baby Girl, go ahead and whimper my name like that all you want. Beg for me… It’ll only makes the beast inside that much more desperate to claim you. I’ve kept him at bay while the chase was on, but as soon as we step through that cabin door, you’ll see a whole new side of me. 
I would never hurt you, though. Even I have my limits. That being said, I’m not finished tonight until you’re either begging me to stop, or you pass out from the pleasure of it all. 
Finally, the beast is going to claim his prize.
It’s you. It will forever and always be you.
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punkshort · 5 months
look what we've become - ch.8
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Chapter Summary: Your POV from captivity. You learn some interesting information about the Fireflies and run into an unexpected person from your past.
Chapter Warnings: language, graphic depictions of violence, blood, torture, one teeny tiny 'daddy' reference (couldn't help myself, more of a nod to the fandom than anything), infected, reader gets roughed up, description of injuries and pain
WC: 4.7K
Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
"You said take the girl, so I took the girl!"
"I meant the fucking kid, not her!"
You stifled a groan, your eyes still shut tight, unable to handle the brightness from the overhead lighting. Your head was spinning, and if you moved too much, your stomach heaved, so you laid as still as possible, hoping and praying whatever was going to happen would happen quickly.
The smell didn't help, either. You had no idea where you were, but your cheek was pressed up against a cool, tile floor and the entire room smelled like rot. You heard a muffled, rhythmic thumping against a wall in the corner of the room. It felt damp and humid, like maybe you were in a cabin or a basement. And you definitely were not alone. Once you woke from whatever drug they had slipped into your neck, you did your best to still appear asleep, hoping that maybe you could find out some helpful information while your captors still thought you couldn't hear them.
The two voices continued to argue - a man and a woman - about the mix-up. Ellie. They were after Ellie, not you. That frightened you even more.
How long has it been since you've been taken? Hours? A day?
Joel would have made them leave. He wouldn't have kept her there after he realized what happened. If not to protect her, he would have moved to try to find you. As much as you didn't want him to come looking for you, to put Ellie in harm's way, you knew he would. You had no idea how many people were part of this group that took you, but it was definitely too many for Joel to handle on his own. And he wouldn't waste time going back to Jackson for help.
You needed to get out of there before Joel got himself killed trying to find you.
The voices continued to talk, the volume increasing, the words becoming clearer. They were getting closer to where you were tied up on the floor. Why did the one voice sound vaguely familiar? Did you know these people?
"We sent another crew out to fix your fuck up," the woman said, her shoes squeaking on the tile. "You better hope they find her, or it's your ass."
"Yes, ma'am," the man's voice said weakly.
"I know you're awake," the woman's voice said icily. Part of you wanted to remain still and call her bluff, but her boot was too close to your already tender head, and you didn't want to risk another hit. You allowed one eye to crack open, the light like an icepick in your brain. You brought your hands up to shield your eyes as you struggled to sit upright with your wrists and ankles tied together.
When you finally sat up, you leaned your head back with a sigh, trying to get your bearings and calm your churning stomach before forcing both eyes open to look at your captor for the first time.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," you croaked, surprised at how rough your own voice sounded.
Amy laughed and jumped up on a gurney behind her, swinging her legs back and forth over the edge, the motion making you nauseous the longer you watched.
Amy. Joel's ex-fiancée and the woman who helped lead the group of animals who took you both in long before you found Jackson, under the guise of it being a safe community but failing to mention that community ran on a very primitive form of currency.
"Yeah, thought you'd be happy to see me," she said with a chuckle, flicking her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder.
"Elated," you said dryly, sliding your eyes back closed.
"If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't exactly thrilled to see you, either."
"That does make me feel better, thank you," you snapped, opening your eyes again to glare at her.
"You do realize I hold the key to your release, right? Maybe treat me with a little respect," Amy said, the fake smile slipping from her face.
"You and I both know I'm not getting out of here," you replied, but she shook her head.
"Not necessarily. If we can't find the girl, you're our contingency plan."
You narrowed your eyes, the rage beginning to burn deep in your chest. Knowing you would regret it, you asked the question anyway.
"What do you mean?"
Amy smirked as she slid down from the gurney and bent down to look you in the eye.
"What I mean is, he would do anything to get you back. Including giving up the kid."
Something in you snapped. You lunged forward, swinging your head and smashing it directly into her nose. You heard the distinctive crunch right as the blood began to pour out of both nostrils. She stumbled back in shock, clutching her face while she howled in pain. Even though your head felt like it was splitting in two, you grinned. Worth it.
Once the pain subsided, she dropped her hands, her face smeared with dark red blood, her nose turning purple and swollen, clearly broken.
"You fucking bitch," she muttered. She took one step forward and swung her leg back, the toe of her boot coming in direct contact with your cheek. You squeezed your eyes shut, refusing to make a single noise indicating you were in any pain, not giving her the satisfaction. But the blood that was pooling in your mouth told a different story.
Amy laughed as she watched you spit blood on the tile next to you.
"You're gonna regret that," she said, walking backwards towards the door. "Your people really had us chasing you all over the goddamn place, even lost a few friends. I got some guys outside who would love to break a few of your bones for all that."
As the door slammed shut, you finally allowed yourself to take a shaky breath in and look around. Even though you were alone, you still heard the thumping coming from the corner of the room. You leaned forward, trying to see what was causing the noise, but all you saw was a small room with a stainless steel door sealed shut. There were gurneys everywhere, some of them broken, some not. Between you and the door there were six flat, stainless steel tables in front of what looked like refrigerators. Chancing a look up at the lights, you noticed some appeared to be the type you might see in a dentist's office or an operating room. Then it dawned on you.
You were in a morgue.
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You couldn't be sure how much time had passed. You lost consciousness a few times. Amy wasn't kidding. The men she employed were pissed, and they took it out on you with every punch and kick. Each time you woke up, you felt a new pain somewhere in your body. A new broken bone or a new cut. Eventually, Amy returned, and even in your wrecked state, you still found a sliver of pleasure seeing her nose taped up and the dark bruise blooming under each of her eyes.
"Had enough yet?" she asked with a smirk. You snarled in response and spit more blood on the ground.
"What do you want from me?"
"I want you to tell me where Joel and the girl are," she said, holding her hands out to her sides like it was obvious.
"I have no idea," you said truthfully, struggling to sit up.
"Okay, why don't you tell me where home is, and we can start there?" she offered, and you laughed.
"You should just go ahead and kill me if that's what you want," you told her, glaring at her with one eye, the other swollen shut already.
"Don't think we won't," she said, tilting her head to the side as she regarded you silently for a moment, her thoughts clearly drifting to something else.
"What?" you asked her through gritted teeth.
"Don't you think he's a little old for you?" she finally asked, her eyes raking up and down your body. You knew it would always boil down to this. You knew she could never see past your relationship with Joel. What he was willing to do for you, what he has done for you, what she lost and would never have.
"What, do you have daddy issues or something?" she asked with a scoff.
You smirked as more blood trickled down your chin, the cut on your lip refusing to heal.
"Sometimes he likes it when I call him daddy, if that's what you mean," you told her. The face she made was worth the kick to the head. You giggled and coughed, the pain and the smell and the insanity of everything happening finally hitting home.
"He's gonna kill you, you know," you said with a grin, leaning up against the cool tile wall. "Even if you kill me. Especially if you kill me, he will find you, and he will kill you."
Amy was smirking at you, but you saw the look in her eye. It was fast, but you caught it. She knew you were right.
"We'll see," she said, backing up so she could lift herself up on one of the stainless steel tables. She watched you for a moment, blood trickling out of every wound, bruises deepening in color with each passing minute. You were pretty sure your arm and a couple ribs were broken and you most definitely had a concussion, but you refused to show any weakness. You glared at her from your spot on the ground, waiting for whatever was going to happen next.
"Do you know what we do here?" she asked you. The question took you off guard.
"Other than torture people? No."
She laughed at that.
"We're trying to make a fucking vaccine," she told you, like she expected you to be grateful. You already figured that much out, but you didn't say so.
"How's that going for you?" you asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"It would be a lot fucking better if we had that goddamn girl," she told you. Her emotions were getting the best of her. You could hear it with every word, and it put you even more at ease. They were desperate.
"Oh, yeah?" you said. "That's a shame."
"Do you have any idea how many people sacrificed themselves for this cause?" she asked, her brows furrowed. You shrugged.
"Enlighten me."
"Countless," she said, jutting her chin towards the room in the corner. You looked over at the closed door. The thumping was fainter when you were alone, but now that Amy was talking, the noise started up again.
"There's a lot of people who are immune, you know," she began, and you felt your muscles tense. "So many of them gave their lives to help us find a cure. We are so close. Our doctor just needs one more, and that kid is the answer." You began to put the pieces together, and the noise in the corner was starting to make sense. You felt your stomach roll.
"Sounds like a really shitty doctor if they let so many people die," you told her, and she scoffed.
"He's brilliant. You have no idea how difficult it is to extract DNA in this type of setting, and - I don't even know why I'm bothering," she said, shaking her head. "The point is, that girl could save us all."
"You said it yourself. There's a lot of people who are immune," you mumbled. You could feel yourself fading but you fought to stay awake. "Find someone else."
"Fuck that," she said, jumping down from the table and crouching in front of you. "Where is she?"
"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you," you whispered, your good eye sliding shut.
"Don't you dare pass out!" she shrieked, slapping you across the face. The adrenaline perked you up for a few seconds, but the blood loss ultimately won, and you slipped back into darkness.
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You woke up to the sound of gunfire coming from the floors above you. The noise was faint, but it was distinctive. Pop, pop, pop. How long were you out for this time? Was it nighttime? There were no windows, you had no semblance of time other than the hunger that gnawed at your insides as more hours passed without food or water.
You blinked and looked around, confirming you were still alone before trying to sit up. The blood loss was too much, your head was pounding, and your side felt like you had been hit by a bus. Slumping back down, you took a few deep breaths before trying again. The gunshots were getting closer, and your adrenaline was spiking, giving you the little boost you needed to force yourself up. You looked down, trying to assess the damage to your body. Your upper thigh had a big, weeping gash, probably the culprit for the majority of your blood loss. Your one eye was still swollen but you could crack it open just a bit now if you really had to. Your cheekbone felt like it might be broken, and a few ribs were definitely broken, but at least your knees and ankles were good. If you could cut the ties, you could run. Or stumble.
As the gunfire got closer, the thumping against the door in the corner of the room got louder. There was no doubt in your mind at this point that they kept infected in there, and you just hoped you weren't still tied up if they got out.
Your brain was foggy, you were having a hard time staying focused, but the panic began to set in. Why was there gunfire? What was happening? Then a hazy thought drifted by in the back of your mind. Joel?
There was no way he could have found you this fast. He wouldn't have put the pieces together. You barely could keep up with what was happening. But then the door handle jiggled and a small form snuck into the room quietly and you thought you must have been dying. Surely, you were hallucinating, your brain short circuiting as it began to shut down, because there was no possible way Ellie was actually crouching in front of you, repeating your name urgently as she tugged on your restraints to no avail.
"Shit, hold on," you heard her mutter, setting the familiar looking hunting rifle on the floor next to her so she could fish her switchblade out of her pocket. Yes, you were most definitely hallucinating. Joel wouldn't have given her his rifle. Unless...
"Is he dead?" you rasped, finally finding your voice. Ellie paused with her switchblade hovering over your ankles and frowned at you.
"Joel? No," she said, shaking her head as she began to saw on the restraints, freeing your legs and then moving to your wrists.
"What's..." you tried again, but you could feel yourself fading and all you could hear was that fucking thumping in the corner of the room and the gunfire down the hall.
"We're getting you out of here," she said, tucking her shoulder underneath your arm and hoisting you up with a grunt. You muffled a cry at the pain shooting down your side, blood gushing down your leg again now that you were moving.
"Oh, fuck," she whispered, leading you over to a gurney so you could steady yourself before she dug into her pack for an old shirt. She bent down and wrapped it around your thigh as tight as she could, wincing as she double knotted it before she stood back up.
"Can you move?" she asked, her eyes wide with panic. You nodded, but you weren't sure. If Ellie had the rifle, where was Joel?
As if an answer to your question, Joel burst into the room and slammed the door shut behind him, frantically looking around before pulling a table over to barricade it. You must have looked worse than you thought because when he finally turned around to look at you for the first time, his face crumpled for a moment before he quickly collected himself and rushed over.
"What'd they do to you?" he murmured in your ear as his arms came up to wrap around your middle. You winced and leaned back, your hand coming up to your ribs to tenderly cover the spot he just squeezed.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," he whispered, his eyes raking down your body, trying to take stock of your injuries.
"It's okay," you said. His eyes flicked to the corner of the room where the noise was reaching a fever pitch.
"Oh, shit," Ellie muttered, her attention also pulled to the locked door.
"We gotta get you outta here," Joel said, seemingly making the connection much quicker than you did. "Can you walk?"
"I think so, but I can't go fast," you said, bending over and holding yourself up with your arms braced on the gurney. For the first time, you noticed the blood. He was covered in it. Splashed up his jeans and boots and all over his hands, some even sprayed on his neck.
"That's fine," he said as he began to push the table away from the door. The noises from the locked room got even louder as the table legs screeching on the tile floor.
"There's too many of them, Joel. We can't-"
"Yeah, we can," he said, cutting you off. He was turning to look at you, still in disbelief while he opened the door, not paying attention as someone pushed their way in, knocking him to the ground with the stock of a rifle.
He fell with a groan, his hands coming up to clutch the side of his face as Amy quickly locked the door behind her. She aimed her rifle at Joel's chest, and he dropped his hands to the side, staring up at her like he was seeing a ghost.
"What the fuck?" he whispered, and she smirked.
"Nice to see you, too, baby," she snarled, her nose still taped and her eyes still black.
"Who's she?" Ellie asked under her breath at your side, but you just shook your head. Amy glanced up and let out a shaky laugh when she saw Ellie.
"After everything you did, Joel, you still lost," she said. You looked between them, confused and barely holding onto consciousness. What did that mean?
"What the hell happened to you?" Joel asked her, his voice laced in disgust.
"I got with the fucking program, Joel! That's what!" she yelled at him before taking a step back, the rifle still aimed at his chest.
The door handle began to rattle violently with all the yelling. You could see it being pushed open a crack from the other side, then hands wrapping around the edge of the door until the lock broke and it finally swung open.
Joel scrambled to his feet and grabbed his revolver from his side while Ellie shouldered the hunting rifle as infected came pouring out, their screams making you wince.
Gunshots rang out, a few infected fell, but Amy's gun jammed and a runner knocked her down. She rolled off to the side and kicked it in the chest, sending it flying backwards right into Ellie, the gun falling from her hands.
You picked up Joel's rifle as quickly as you could in your weakened state, but right as you took aim at the infected's head, you watched its teeth clamp down around her arm. You both screamed, Ellie in pain, you in fear as you lodged a bullet right into the back of the runner's skull, its body falling limply to the side. You dropped the gun to the ground, too exhausted and weak to hold it anymore. Ellie scrambled up and swiped frantically at her arm, watching as the blood trickled out.
"Are you okay?" you asked, reaching out to her. She nodded and looked up at you, her eyes suddenly going wide.
"Look out!"
You ducked just in time to avoid getting hit in the back of the skull with Amy's rifle. She fell forward on her hands and knees, then scrambled to grab Ellie's ankle, yanking her down and pulling her against her chest.
You vaguely heard Joel's gun still firing behind you, taking down infected, when you watched Amy's arm wrap around Ellie's throat, her face going red while she gasped for air. You didn't even think, you just reacted. Ignoring the pain, you surged forward and pounced on top of her, yanking her arm off of Ellie's neck with every ounce of strength you had. Ellie rolled to the side, kneeling and coughing with her hand gingerly touching her red skin while your fingers gripped Amy's neck. She clawed at your hands, panic filling her eyes as she looked up at you helplessly. You put all your weight into it, squeezing with all your might and praying you didn't pass out before ending this once and for all.
In one last ditch effort, Amy dug her thumb deep into your wounded thigh, making you cry out and loosen your grip. She tossed you off of her and you collapsed next to Ellie with a loud thud. Forcing herself to her feet, Ellie stood over you protectively, her switchblade held shakily in her hand as blood trickled slowly down her arm and dripped onto the tile floor next to your head.
The room finally seemed quieter. You chanced a look towards Joel. He was standing on the other side of the room, surrounded by dead infected and panting for air. When he turned to the three of you, you finally noticed the huge gash on the side of his head from where Amy hit him. His blood dripped down his neck and below his collar, his shirt absorbing the dark red drops.
Amy grabbed the rifle you abandoned and swung around, aiming it at the pair of you as she walked backwards. Joel kept his revolver trained on her as he slowly made his way over to your side of the room.
"You just ruined all our chances at having a fucking life again, Joel," Amy seethed, her eyes boring into his.
"Should've thought about that before you took what's mine," he grumbled angrily, standing next to you now. You curled into a ball on the floor, the pain too much to handle.
"If you'd have just brought us the girl in the fucking first place, none of this would have happened and we wouldn't have touched her," Amy retorted, jutting her chin in your direction.
"The hell's so special about the kid?" Joel asked, but before she could answer, a telltale click, click, click echoed in the room, and you all froze. Your one good eye popped open as you watched a clicker stumble from the room in the corner, snapping its teeth and swiping mindlessly at the empty space in front of it.
Joel glanced down at your state, knowing he wouldn't be able to pick you up and get out of there in time. Ellie gripped her knife tightly as she watched the clicker get further into the room.
You could see the look in Amy's eye. She was glancing around frantically, trying to figure out a way to use this to her advantage. But lucky for you all, you thought of it first.
Carefully, you reached out in front of you, your fingers picking up the bullet casing on the floor from when you shot the runner. Before you had time to overthink it, you tossed the casing to the other side of the room, the metal clinking right between her feet.
The clicker turned towards her and shrieked, its arms flailing wildly. Amy panicked and backed up, but her sneakers squeaked on the tile and that was all the clicker needed. You watched as its hands gripped her shoulders to hold her steady while its mouth ripped violently into her neck. Blood gushed everywhere, puddling on the floor and causing her to lose her footing. Her screams reverberated in the room. You covered your ears, trying to muffle the sound until her screaming eventually stopped.
While the clicker was still distracted, Joel snuck up quietly behind it and lodged a bullet in its head, and the room finally filled with silence again.
Joel turned around as Ellie was helping you back on your feet. He noticed the blood dripping down her arm and his body stiffened.
"You were bit," he said, staring at the blood seeping through her shirt. Ellie looked down at it and then looked back up at him, shaking her head and backing away slowly.
"N-no, it's fine, really-"
Joel held up his gun, pain flickering across his face.
"Joel, don't," you said, but he shook his head.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. She's bit, we can't-"
"Put the gun down, Joel, and listen to me," you told him, taking a few shaky steps to the side so you stood between him and Ellie.
His arm immediately dropped when you blocked his shot, and he looked at you with despair in his eyes.
"There's nothin' we can do, I'm sorry kid, but -"
"She's immune, Joel!" you yelled, cutting him off again. He froze, stunned, as his eyes flicked back and forth between yours and Ellie's.
"What?" he finally whispered.
"It's true," Ellie said from behind you, then she pulled up her sleeve and showed him her old bite. "Got it a couple months ago. See? It's all healed."
Joel stumbled back a bit, catching himself on the edge of a table as he tried to follow what was happening.
"Wh- how?"
"I don't know, some people just... are," she said, her gaze dropping to the floor.
"It's why they wanted her so badly. They were trying to use her as a guinea pig to make a vaccine," you added.
"You knew?" Joel asked, looking at you with hurt in his eyes. You nodded, your lip trembling.
"Listen, I would love to tell you everything I know, but can we do it in the fucking car?" Ellie asked, growing impatient. You could tell Joel was still struggling with this new revelation, but he knew you were in desperate need of medical care.
"You so much as twitch -" Joel said, storming over to her now and letting himself trail off.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Can we go now?"
If you weren't in so much pain, you might have laughed at how cavalier she was about the whole thing.
Joel found a beat up looking wheelchair and helped you into it. He instructed Ellie to push you while he led the way down the hall. He picked up an assault rifle from one of the dead bodies as he made his way to the elevator. You glanced around at the carnage as you waited for the doors to open, then looked up at him by your side.
"Did you do all of this alone?"
He looked down at you, his eyes lingering on your one open eye for a moment before nodding curtly. As you filed onto the elevator, you tried to examine him for any injuries, but aside from the hit to his head and a few minor scratches and bruises to his knuckles, he appeared fine.
The doors opened up on the main level and you gasped. If you thought the basement level was bad, it was nothing compared to the main level. Ellie pushed your wheelchair through the blood on the floor, her footsteps and the wheels leaving imprints as you went. Joel went up ahead to push some bodies out of the way and make a clear path for you to get to the front door.
"Truck's right out front," he said.
"Joel, how did you... do this?" you asked, still hardly believing what you were seeing.
"What'dya mean?" he asked, his hand on the front door, ready to push it open. You looked up at him and swallowed the lump in your throat, unable to comprehend what you were seeing. He let his hand drop to his side so he could kneel in front of you and pinch your chin between his fingers, giving you a gentle kiss.
"I did what I had to do to get you back."
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skywalker1dream · 13 days
title: the mystery
note: so i just watched Serendipity and i had this idea, but i changed things. hope you like it, hoping you are having good day or night. drink water and eat healthy <3
seabstian vettel x reader
Warnings: None?
The train to Italy rattled along the tracks, its rhythmic clattering a soothing backdrop to the journey. The summer sun poured through the windows, casting warm, golden beams across the carriage. You were immersed in a book, the pages a welcome distraction from the monotony of travel. As you turned a page, a flicker of light caught your eye. You glanced up, and your breath hitched.
Sitting across from you was a young man, not much older than you, with tousled blonde hair that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. His blue eyes were fixed on something outside the window, lost in thought. You couldn't help but stare, captivated by the way the light played in his hair, making it glow like a halo. He looked like something out of a fairy tale, and you found it impossible to look away.
Your gaze must have lingered too long, because suddenly, those blue eyes shifted and met yours. A small, knowing smile tugged at the corner of his lips, but he said nothing. Embarrassed, you quickly returned to your book, cheeks flaming. The silence between you was thick with unspoken words, but neither of you made a move to break it.
Minutes stretched into an hour, the train speeding through the picturesque countryside. You tried to focus on your book, but the presence of the boy in front of you was a constant distraction. Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, he spoke.
"Do you always stare at strangers on trains?" His voice was light, teasing.
You looked up, surprised by his sudden approach. "Only the ones who look like they're glowing," you replied, your tone matching his.
He laughed, the sound warm and infectious. "I suppose I should be flattered then. What's so interesting about a guy on a train?"
You shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "Maybe it's the mystery. Who are you? Where are you going? Why are you on this train?"
He leaned forward, eyes twinkling with amusement. "Mystery, huh? He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Alright, mystery it is. How about we choose nicknames for each other instead?"
You nodded, liking the idea. "hmm you look like a 'Sunshine' to me," you said, thinking of how his hair had caught the light.
He laughed softly, a pleasant sound that made you smile. "Sunshine, huh? I like it." He looked at you thoughtfully. "I'll call you 'Vögelchen' then."
You blinked, unfamiliar with the word. "What does that mean?"
He grinned. "It's a secret. You'll have to figure it out on your own."
You pouted playfully. "That's not fair. At least give me a hint."
He leaned in, conspiratorial. "It’s something small and precious."
You raised an eyebrow, your curiosity piqued. "Alright, Sunshine. I'll figure it out."
For the rest of the journey, the two of you talked about everything and nothing. You shared stories, dreams, and laughed over silly jokes. You felt an instant connection, a bond that seemed unexplainable. Every time you called him "Sunshine" his smile grew brighter, and every time he called you "Vögelchen" your heart skipped a beat, even though you had no idea what it meant.
"Do you travel often?" he asked, leaning his chin on his hand as he listened intently.
"Whenever I can," you said. "There's so much to see and experience. What about you? Have you been to many places?"
He nodded. "Yes. But it's always a rush, you know? I never get to stay and really experience the places I visit."
"That sounds exciting, though," you said, imagining the thrill of traveling for a living. "Always on the move, new places, new people."
"It is," he admitted. "But sometimes, I wish I could slow down and just enjoy the moment."
You looked out the window, the scenery a blur of greens and blues. "Maybe you should take a break sometime. Enjoy a place just for its own sake."
"Maybe I will," he said, his tone thoughtful. "Where would you recommend?"
You smiled. "Italy is a good start. There's so much history, so much beauty."
"I'll take your word for it, Vögelchen," he said with a wink.
He occasionally switched to Hase or Liebling, each nickname making you laugh and wonder about their meanings.
"So, Sunshine," you began, leaning back in your seat, "where are you headed in Italy?"
He shrugged casually. "I'm going to see some friends and take a little break. What about you?"
"I'm visiting family," you said. "I haven't seen them in a while, and they live in this beautiful old house by the coast."
"That sounds amazing," he said, his eyes lighting up. "I've always loved the coast. There's something calming about the ocean."
You nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. It's like all your worries just wash away with the waves."
He smiled, a soft, almost wistful look on his face. "Do you think we'll meet again after this train ride, Vögelchen?"
You felt a pang of sadness at the thought of parting ways. "Who knows? Maybe we will, maybe we won't. But isn't that part of the adventure?"
He nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess it is."
As the train approached its final destination, a sense of melancholy settled over you. You didn't want the journey to end, didn't want to say goodbye to this mysterious boy who had brightened your day. When the train finally stopped, the two of you gathered your things and stepped onto the platform.
As the train began to slow down, signaling the approach to your destination, a bittersweet feeling settled over you. You didn't want this journey to end. When the train finally stopped, you both stood and gathered your things.
He turned to you, his expression serious for the first time. "Will I see you again?" he asked, his voice hopeful.
You looked into his eyes, feeling a strange sense of destiny. "If we're meant to meet again, we will," you said with a mysterious smile. "Let's leave it to fate."
He chuckled, shaking his head, looked disappointed but nodded in understanding. "Alright, Hase. Until we meet again."
You shook his hand, feeling a spark of something unexplainable. "Until we meet again, Sunshine."
You walked away, your heart light, and your mind filled with the memory of a boy with glowing hair and a captivating smile. As you stepped off the train and into the bustling station, you couldn't help but glance back, hoping to catch one last glimpse of him. He was watching you, his expression a mix of curiosity and longing.
With a final wave, you disappeared into the crowd, leaving behind the mystery of the boy named Sunshine and the promise of a future meeting.
You found a quiet corner of the station and pulled out a notebook from your bag. Inspired by your encounter, you began to jot down your thoughts, capturing the essence of the magical journey you had just experienced. The words flowed effortlessly, and before you knew it, you had filled several pages.
Just as you were about to close the notebook, you noticed a small piece of paper tucked between the pages. Curious, you unfolded it and found a note written in elegant handwriting:
Meeting you today has been an unexpected delight. I hope our paths cross again soon. Until then, keep shining bright.
~ Sunshine"
You smiled, your heart swelling with warmth. Carefully, you tucked the note back into your notebook and stood up, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. You had no doubt that fate had something special in store for you and Sunshine, and you couldn't wait to see what
weeks later, whenever you saw the sun shining just right, making someone's hair glow like a halo, you thought of Sunshine and that magical train ride. And you hoped that someday, fate would bring you back together.
Year had passed since that fateful train journey. You often thought about Sunshine, wondering where life had taken him. You had moved on, building a career and living life, but the memory of that golden-haired boy never quite faded.
One sunny afternoon, you found yourself at a motorsport event, the roar of engines filling the air. You were here on a whim, dragged along by friends who were fans of the sport. As you wandered through the crowd, you felt a strange sense of déjà vu. The sunlight was just right, casting a warm glow over everything.
You stopped near the paddock, watching as a group of drivers chatted animatedly. One of them caught your eye, a tall, blonde man whose hair glowed in the sunlight. Your heart skipped a beat as memories of that train ride flooded back.
He turned, as if sensing your gaze, and for a moment, time stood still. Those same blue eyes met yours, filled with the same twinkling amusement. He walked over, a slow, confident stride, and stopped in front of you.
"Do you always stare at strangers?" he asked, the same teasing tone in his voice.
You smiled, your heart pounding in your chest. "Only the ones who look like they're glowing."
He laughed, the sound warm and familiar. "It's been a long time, Hase."
You felt tears prick your eyes. "Too long, Sunshine."
"And now we're here, in this chaos," he said, gesturing around. "Who would have thought?"
"I certainly didn't," you replied, still in disbelief. "Are you racing?"
He nodded. "Yeah, I am. It's been quite a journey since that train ride."
"Wow," you said, genuinely impressed. "I always knew you'd do something amazing."
He smiled softly. "Thanks. And you? What have you been up to?"
"Mostly work, travel, living life," you said. "But I never forgot that train ride. It was... special."
"It was," he agreed, his eyes softening. "Maybe we were meant to meet again after all."
You laughed, a sound filled with relief and joy. "Maybe we were. So, what now, Sunshine?"
He took your hand, the touch sending a jolt of warmth through you. "How about we start with catching up properly? And maybe this time, we'll keep in touch."
You nodded, a smile spreading across your face. "I'd like that, Sunshine. I'd like that a lot."
And just like that, the mystery was gone. You had found each other again, just as you always knew you would.
~ sent from my ipheon
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hi! can you make something uuhhh... kinda spicy..? the side characters reaction to getting catch making out/ kissing mc hard?😳
Hi there, anon!
This is by far the spiciest thing I've ever posted here (ETA: lol), but I would still say it's only slightly spicy. They ended up a little longer than I meant for them to, but you know when inspiration strikes, I tend to go with the flow and not question it. Anyway, I hope the spice level is okay and that they're not too cheesy, but either way I enjoyed writing it!
Thank you for the request!
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side characters make out with GN!MC and react to getting caught
Warnings: making out, kissing, touching, etc, but everyone stays clothed lol
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You had received a message from Diavolo earlier that evening asking you to come see him at the Demon Lord's Castle. Although he hadn't said what it was he wanted to talk to you about, you were pretty sure it was regarding an upcoming event that you were helping him plan. So you made your way over to the castle quickly.
He had been at his desk in his office, working away, when you arrived. He looked up at you as you entered the room, putting down his pen and actually standing up to greet you.
"Thank you for coming, MC!" he said, taking your hand and leading you to a seat in front of his desk.
You sat down as he passed several papers to you. A glance revealed that you were correct - they were about the event at RAD that you were planning. You had some ideas about it already and the two of you launched into a discussion about logistics and such things.
When your talk finally came to an end, you nodded firmly. "Okay," you said. "I'll have all this ready in the next couple of days."
"That would be wonderful, but don't overwork yourself, MC," Diavolo said.
"Don't worry, I can handle it," you said. You stood up from your seat and smiled at him. "Good night, Diavolo. I'll see you at RAD tomorrow."
You turned and walked toward the door. You were about to open it when you found that somehow Diavolo was already standing in your way. How did he get there so fast? But you didn't have time to wonder too much about that.
He frowned, but it was more like a pout and you could see the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Must you leave so soon?"
You folded your arms and looked at him. "We both have a lot of work to do."
Diavolo couldn't keep the smile off his face. He moved closer to you, settling his hands on your waist. "I know, MC," he said. "But can't we take advantage of these few moments alone? I promise I'll be able to work twice as hard later."
You scoffed at this, but you also felt a smile creeping onto your face. You couldn't exactly refuse those sparkling gold eyes. "I guess I have a few minutes…"
Diavolo pulled you closer, kissing you as your hands rested on his chest. The heat from his soft lips spread throughout your entire body as you felt an electric thrill run through your stomach.
Diavolo began to move forward, causing you to move backward until you ran into his desk. You felt him lift you to sit on his desk and you let out a small sound of surprise, nearly breaking the kiss. Your concern quickly fled as he moved in further, one hand leaning against the desk beside you and one cupping your cheek.
You could feel the flush warming your face and neck as his hand moved from your cheek into your hair. Your own hands gripped the front of his uniform before sliding up to clasp behind his neck.
The hand in your hair slid down your spine slowly before stopping on your lower back. You couldn't help but arch into the touch. This broke the kiss, but Diavolo's lips were now on your neck. You bit your lip as he trailed kisses down your throat.
The door to the office opened with a slight creak.
You froze. Diavolo pulled away, hovering over you, but clearly not willing to completely let you go.
You looked over his shoulder at Lucifer, who stood in the doorway holding a stack of papers in one hand, his other hand still on the doorknob.
Lucifer cleared his throat. "Forgive me for interrupting," he said, his voice full of sarcasm. "I'll just leave these here." He put the papers on a nearby table before exiting immediately, shutting the door sharply with a snap.
You looked back at Diavolo, who was staring at you in surprise. Then he laughed, standing up straight and running a hand through his hair as he did so.
"I'm so sorry, MC," Diavolo said, a light blush across his cheeks. "I'm afraid I got carried away and forgot that Lucifer was coming by. Can you forgive me?"
You sighed. The pool of warmth that had settled in your stomach still lingered, fueled by Diavolo's cheerful response to having been caught like this. "I'll forgive you on one condition."
"Anything for you," he said.
You slipped off the desk, fixing your clothes and hair as you did so. Then you straightened his tie, which had gotten skewed. "Next time, invite me over when you aren't working so we can have the whole evening to ourselves."
"I promise," he said, smiling brightly.
It was a rainy day in the Devildom and for some reason you found yourself craving one of Barbatos's signature cakes. When you asked him about it, he offered to come over to the House of Lamentation to make one for you. That was how you found yourself in the kitchen, watching as he expertly mixed various ingredients to create cake, frosting, and filling. You helped where you could, but really it was best to just watch the master at work.
He had removed his gloves and RAD uniform jacket, rolling up the sleeves of his green shirt. It was really quite enjoyable to watch him as he made the batter or piped the frosting. Barbatos was always smiling and content while he was baking. He was in his element and you couldn't help but stare at him as he moved about the kitchen.
When the cake was finally ready, you waited in anticipation as Barbatos cut you a slice. He placed it on a little plate before using a fork to scoop up a bite. You watched curiously, thinking he was going to sample it himself before allowing you to eat some. Instead, he held the fork out to you.
You blushed instantly, but you held his gaze while you leaned forward and ate the cake off the fork. He waited, watching you.
"It's delicious, of course," you said. "You don't… you're not going to feed it all to me, are you?"
Barbatos smiled, placing the plate on the counter. "Did you think I hadn't noticed the way you were staring, MC? It was quite distracting."
"I couldn't help it," you said. "If you could see yourself, you wouldn't blame me."
Barbatos moved closer to you. He leaned in, not quite touching you. "I came here this afternoon to satisfy your craving," he said quietly in your ear. "But your keen attention has caused a different craving in me, I'm afraid. Won't you indulge me?"
You knew he was waiting for some kind of confirmation from you. He was so close, you couldn't quite focus because your heart was pounding too hard. You opened your mouth, as though you were going to say something, but found that no words came out. So instead you closed the remaining space between you, put your hands on his cheeks, and kissed him.
You felt Barbatos's arms wrap around you, pressing you to him. You kept one hand on his face, but let the other one fall to grip his arm, your fingers coming in contact with his rarely exposed skin. You gently nipped his bottom lip and he opened his mouth for you. Your whole body was warm, a giddy feeling bubbled up in your stomach, and the taste of him was so much sweeter than any dessert.
You felt his hands moving slowly but deliberately up and down your back. The sensation of heat was almost overwhelming you.
You tried to stop yourself, but it was no use. "Barbatos," you moaned his name into his lips and you felt his grip on you tighten.
Your knees were weak and just as you thought you might not be able to stay standing, there was a clatter at the other end of the kitchen.
"Ohhh MC! Barbatos! Why didn't you invite me to this make out party?"
You felt yourself blush intensely as you pulled away and saw Asmodeus walk into the room.
Barbatos smiled at you before letting you go and turning around. "Asmodeus," he said, perfectly composed. "Would you like some cake?"
Asmo pouted. "Are you really going to try to pretend that you guys weren't just making out?"
"Asmodeus," Barbatos said again. He was smiling, but an aura of black and purple had sprung up around him. "Would you like some cake?"
Asmo shuddered. "That cake looks divine, of course I'd love a piece!"
Barbatos began to cut another piece of the cake for Asmo while you picked up your own plate and took another bite. It was as amazing as it always was. Word spread quickly around the House of Lamentation that there was cake to be had. There were no leftovers, especially after Beel showed up. Barbatos was more than happy to make another cake so everyone was satisfied.
Later on, you stood by the front door as Barbatos prepared to return to the castle. He was back in his full uniform, white gloves and all. He paused in the front doorway, taking both of your hands in his.
"Should you wish to enjoy that cake again, I must insist that you come to the Demon Lord's Castle," he said with his usual smile. "Allow me to treat you to a full tea party as well."
You leaned in a little closer and kissed his cheek. "I would love to," you said. "Especially if it's a tea party just for two."
You lingered outside the door of the home economics classroom, waiting for Simeon to come out. Many delicious aromas wafted out as the other students filed past you, chatting about the various things they had made during class.
You had just come from seductive speechcraft, where you had received a message from Simeon on your D.D.D. After working out a couple of the typos, you realized he was asking you to meet him here at the home economics classroom so you could have lunch together. He had made something tasty and wanted to share it with you.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Simeon emerged from the classroom with a small box in his hands. He smiled when he saw you.
"I'm sorry if you were waiting long, MC," he said.
"It wasn't that long," you said. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes," Simeon said, still smiling. "I was thinking we could eat outside. It's a nice afternoon."
"Sure," you said.
You and Simeon made your way through the halls, down the front steps, and through the grounds to a mostly secluded spot surrounded by trees. You both sat down at the base of one of the trees. Simeon carefully opened the box he'd been carrying to reveal a couple of his famous BLT devil sandwiches.
"I made a lot of these today," he said. "I gave most of them to Beelzebub during class, but I saved these for us to have for lunch."
You pulled two devil crush super spicy mango juices from your bag. "I brought drinks," you said.
"That's perfect," Simeon said. "Thank you, MC."
It didn't take the two of you long to eat your lunch, laughing and talking the whole time. When you were finished, there was still time left before you needed to go back to class.
You sighed and leaned back against the tree. "This is so nice," you said. "I wish I could just stay here with you forever instead of going back to class."
Simeon laughed and leaned toward you, taking one of your hands. "Forever? Are you sure you would want to stay with me that long, MC?"
The bright smile on his face and the way his blue eyes were shining caused you to lean closer and say, "Yes. Forever."
Simeon blushed and raised your hand to his lips, kissing it softly while looking up at you.
Your heart began to race. You turned your hand in his and cupped his cheek.
The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before you simultaneously moved closer together, your lips meeting. Simeon shifted so he was on his knees before you, one hand on your thigh and the other still covering yours which remained on his cheek. You could feel his skin flushing beneath your touch.
You opened your mouth without thinking about it clearly, eager for more of him. He responded instantly, if tentatively. You ran a hand through his hair, letting the soft, smooth strands fall through your fingers.
You pulled away briefly for some air and found yourself looking at the soft brown skin of his throat, peeking above the high collar of his shirt. You kissed it and you couldn't resist continuing down to his exposed collarbone and one of his shoulders.
"M-MC-" Simeon's grip on your thigh tightened as he said your name.
There was a rustling in the tree above you and a loud thud nearby.
Simeon sat back and stood up in one fluid motion, clearly surprised. You looked up to see Belphie rubbing at his eyes. He seemed exasperated.
"Can't a demon take a nap in a tree without being disturbed around here?" he asked, giving you both a sleepy look. "You guys better stop making out and get back to class or you'll get detention for skipping."
Simeon sighed and held out a hand to help you up. You accepted the offered hand, letting him pull you to your feet. You saw that he was blushing only slightly less than you were.
You were ready to get on Belphie's case for sleeping in trees, but he was already on his way back to RAD. You turned to Simeon bashfully. "Thanks for lunch," you said.
Simeon laughed and shook his head. "You're welcome, MC. We should do this again. We'll just have to make sure the tree we choose to sit by doesn't have Belphegor napping in its branches."
You couldn't help but laugh, too. It was embarrassing to get caught, but Simeon still looked like he was happy just to be with you. He held your hand all the way back to RAD.
You had been in the library at RAD with Solomon for the last couple of hours, reading through a stack of books. He was researching some minute details of a certain kind of spell involving a magic circle, but it was an old spell and there was limited information about it. So you had to look through many old books to see if you could find even a small mention of it.
You closed the book you were currently looking through as you reached the end and realized that you had no more books in your to-read stack.
The library was quiet at this hour of the day. Across the table from you, Solomon was engrossed in whatever book was in front of him. The look on his face was one of serious concentration.
You didn't want to disturb him, but he seemed to sense that you were watching him. He looked up at you, smiled and leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head for a moment.
"Are you done already?" he asked.
"I've gone through all of these," you said.
Solomon nodded. "Come on, there are plenty of other books to look through. I'll help you get more from the shelves."
You got up from the table and followed Solomon. You frowned when he passed by the books you thought he was going to stop at.
You jogged a little to catch up to him. "Um, weren't the books back there?"
"There are more over here," he said. "I think we might be more successful with these."
He stopped in front of the back wall of books and indicated the top half of the shelves. "You can use this step stool to reach them," he said, pulling a little step stool from nearby. "If you want to hand them down to me, we can take back a stack of them."
You stepped up onto the first step and knew immediately that the stool wasn't balanced right. It tipped slightly and you stumbled, throwing out your hands in an attempt to catch yourself.
Fortunately for you, Solomon was there to catch you. However, you then found yourself with your back pressed against the shelf and his arms wrapped around you. You knew he saw the blush that you could feel suddenly spring to your cheeks.
Solomon seemed reluctant to let you go. "Are you all right, MC? I'm sorry I almost caused you to get hurt."
"I'm fine," you said. "It scared me a little, though."
Solomon reached up and brushed back some of your hair, which had fallen forward into your face when you fell. "Let me make it up to you," he said, leaning in closer and pausing, lips inches away from yours.
You took the invitation and kissed him, letting your arms wrap around him, your fingers clinging to the back of his RAD uniform. He responded by pressing into you, keeping a hand behind your back to prevent you from being pushed uncomfortably into the bookshelf. His kiss was hot and heavy, his touch needy.
You felt dizzy, ready to get lost in him and forget about the old books for a while. A twinge of butterflies fluttered through your insides as you felt yourself flushing in response. The heat around you increased, Solomon's body pressed up against yours, one of his hands tracing lightly down your arm.
You gasped as Solomon broke away long enough to move to your neck. You tangled a hand in his hair as he made his way down to your collarbone, biting gently at your skin.
And then someone cleared their throat loudly.
Solomon reluctantly pulled himself away from you, turning to look at whoever had interrupted while straightening his uniform.
Satan stood there, arms folded, looking like he was about to go into demon form on the both of you. "Solomon. MC. What are you doing? This is a library. And I need one of the books you're so blatantly making out on."
You blushed, covering your face with your hands. "Sorry," you mumbled into your palms.
Solomon laughed and took your hands away from your face. "Sorry about that, Satan," he said. "We were just leaving."
Solomon led you back to the table where the books from earlier remained stacked.
"I thought there were more…?" you said.
Solomon shook his head, still smiling. "I think we're done for the day, don't you? We can pick up again another time. Let me walk you home."
You nodded, then stopped when something dawned on you. "Solomon, couldn't you have just used magic to get those books down from the top shelves?"
Solomon laughed again. "I suppose I could have."
You laughed, too. Like he really needed to make up an excuse like that to kiss you. You let him walk you home and made sure he knew as much before you parted ways.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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daceydeath · 1 year
Hi! I just recent found your page! I was wondering if you could do a story where y/n sprained her ankle during dance practice and how the boys take care of her. Scold her a bit too? Lol thank you 😊
Hi, I am glad you found me 🥰 I can absolutely write something like that for you, I just hope you like it and I don't disappoint. DaceyDeath xx
When you Fall and Hurt Yourself While Dancing - Hyung Line
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Word Count: 3.1K Genre: Fluff, Angst Warnings: Swearing, injuries (obviously) Requested
Maknae line can be found here
Chan You had dropped by JYP to have lunch with Chan, he had been so busy over the past week that you knew it was going to take every spare moment you could squeeze out to see each other. As usual he was in his studio on a work call so you wandered over to the dance space to visit the others. Opening the door you were confronted with chaos, like usual really, Minho was monitoring how Innie was dancing while Seungmin and Hyunjin dicked about to annoy Changbin.
"Hi noona" Felix called excitedly skidding over to give you a hug.
"Is he still on a call?" Han laughed as you sat yourself down against the wall to watch them practice while you sipped from your water bottle. After a little while they all got back to seriously practicing blocking out the choreography for the new song that would be to title track for the new album.
"We can't get anymore done until Chan gets back" Minho sighed looking disappointed as he glared at the door in the mirror.
"Why not" you asked tilting you head confused.
"It's really hard to start the choreography practice if we don't have where each of us will be for the start point, we can't get the spacing right otherwise" Minho explained as you nodded along.
"Why don't you just have someone stand in for Chan?" you asked like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"We would need someone who isn't doing anything else for an unknown amount of time no one is just sitting around doing nothing" Hyunjin added frowning deeply as Felix laughed loudly and ran across the room to you.
"What is so funny?" Han asked looking at Felix as he took your hand and pulled you to your feet.
"Who else is sitting around waiting for Chan?" Felix asked bringing you to stand beside Changbin where Chan would be for at least the start of the choreography.
"Genius" Minho grinned turning back to the mirror as he started to instruct each of them what they were doing. You had no idea how long you had just been moving where ever Minho instructed you to, or at what point you started following along with the choreography but once the run through had happened half a dozen times you were following along just fine until Changbin went right instead of left and took you out.
"Fucking shitting hell" you groaned in real pain after you had gotten tangled with Changbin and ended up on the floor. "Bin you're heavy get off".
"Yah I'm sorry" he yelped getting up quickly as the others watched in amusement before noticing your face was actually screwed up in pain.
"You were meant to go left not right" you whimpered as he pulled you up making Minho cut the music to help you.
"Shit you're actually hurt" he gulped looking slightly alarmed.
"It's just my ankle and I have two" you tried joking and Changbin helped you limp to the couch to sit. "Just don't tell Channie".
Chan came back a few minutes later and was thrilled to see how far they had gotten without him and after another hour of practice they finished up. Still in pain from when you fell you didn't get straight up to kiss Chan or mention lunch instead trying to hide your grimace when Han flopped down next to you.
"Baby what happened? Are you ok?" he instantly caught your expression and tensed up.
"I had a tiny accident while I was waiting for you. It's nothing just my ankle is a little sore" you explained vaguely attempting to get up and put all your weight on your other foot.
"What tiny accident?" he narrowed his eyes looking at you suspiciously
"I fell over dancing" you admitted sheepishly biting your lip.
"I have told you dozens of time the boys mess around too much and you will get hurt" he scolded you halfheartedly swinging you into his arms "You aren't a professional baby girl"
"I'm sorry Channie, I was only trying to help with blocking out your spot while the guys practiced and I was helping before I got taken out" you pouted.
"You're lucky you're cute baby" He sighed kissing your forehead.
"Chan" you squealed as he made for the door the others following behind the pair of you.
"We are going to get this checked out, then you are going to tell me which one of them took you out" He grumbled although you could tell he meant it softer.
"I'm no snitch Christopher Bang" you snipped making him chuckle.
Lee Know In order to hone his ability to choreograph different styles and types of dances you had agreed that, even though you were not a very good dancer, you would help your boyfriend out. He had been thinking up how to choreograph a couples dance for weeks now and once he had inspiration you were going to be going to the studio to learn and practice it.
It was currently 4 am and you had been practicing for three hours now, not that you were going to complain this was his passion and you would do anything to support him. You had nothing to do the next day so you could sleep then, suppressing a yawn you got back into your starting position.
"Did you want to try it with the heels now kitten?" he asked softly looking at you with excited eyes.
"Of course love" you smiled tiredly going over to sit and change into the pretty heels that he had asked to wear when he filmed the final product, he had been very specific about the look of what he was going for you after slipping into the new shoes you took your place back beside him on the floor.
"Alright from the top. Five, six, seven eight" He counted the pain of you in and you started the first one was a little more difficult with the heels instead of sneakers but you managed not to fall on your butt.
"You did that really well kitten, do you want to try it one more time and we will go home?" he asked his grin bright as he panted slightly the sweat gleaming on his forehead. Nodding you returned to your start point even though your feet hurt and you were tired one more wouldn't hurt to make him happy. He spun you one last time moving to go into the final chorus when his foot knocked the heel you were still holding all your weight on making you crumple like a house of cards, your ankle rolling in the process. You shrieked loudly as you landed the pain in your ankle obvious before you even moved.
"Kitten???" he shouted loudly as he ran to turn the music off and then help you up. You were slipping the shoes from your feet when you noticed your ankle was already slightly swollen.
"My ankle" you whimpered sniffling a little.
"Oh shit, kitten I'm sorry I will get you some ice and I will take you to the hospital" he mumbled seeming quite lost. "I can't believe I hurt you so badly, I'm so sorry kitten". His face was pained as he looked at you tears starting to pool in his lashes.
"You didn't hurt me it was an accident" you sniffed "I'm sorry I stuffed your choreography up" you took one of his hands in yours squeezing it.
"Don't be silly kitten you're more important than a stupid dance" he huffed as he helped you hop to the couch before texting Chan who was still in his studio to help him get you to the car. You knew Chan was fast but when he burst through the door a good minute or so before Changbin and Han you knew he had properly sprinted from the studio. You were sitting with your leg up on Minho's lap he had strapped ice packs to it to keep the swelling under control.
"Shit" Chan frowned coming over to look at your ankle before clapping his hand on Minho's shoulder squeezing it "This isn't your fault, stop blaming yourself accidents happen".
"We can grab your stuff" Han swatted your hand away from trying to pick up your bag "Minho and Chan will get you to the car".
After being treated like you had broken both your legs and would never walk again, bundled into the car by the two worried looking boys and driven to the hospital where embarrassingly the others all turned up to you were diagnosed with a sprained ankle, not an incurable injury as they were all treating it, making you laugh at Minho for his dramatics about the whole thing.
"I hope you learned a lesson here kitten" Minho scolded lightly "You are never dancing in heels again, ever".
Changbin Changbin had always adored that your were so close to his members, swapping recipes with Minho, join in on the online games with the younger members and, much to everyone's relief the one that now learnt all the TikTok dances with Felix.
You were currently laughing loudly at the over the top version that Minho and Han were dancing to imitate Felix teaching you whatever this stupid one was called. Hyunjin was trying his best to give you tips and pointers on your moves but you had told him the fact that you were a crap dancer added to your mystique making them all crack up again.
"Seriously you aren't that bad a dancer" Hyunjin insisted through his giggles.
"I'm never going to be graceful Hyunjin, I'm not built for grace I'm built for falling on my face" you joked as Felix slid down the wall laughing.
"Ok, ok, we need to get it together so we can get back on track" Chan grinned trying to stop his own laughter.
"One more practice then we will record it and were done" hiccuped Jeongin who had promised to film for you today. Chan nodded as you and Felix got back into your positions and did one last run through you trying not to make a total arse of yourself before you grabbed the two over sized black hoodies and hats that you needed to disguise Felix and yourself for the clip.
"Now I know we didn't practice the jump but I know you can do it I've seen you jump on Binnie before" Felix grinned and you nodded knowing you could do it without too much issue.
"I'm heavier than you think though Felix, you sure you want me to?" you asked cautiously not wanting to seem like you were doubting his strength.
"Yeah should be easy" he reassured you pulling the hat all the way over his face and you grinned in response as you got into position to record. You put more effort into the actual video than you had playing around with Felix and Changbin was proud to see Hyunjin actually look impressed with how you moved your body. You finished up with jumping and wrapping your legs around Felix's waist as the routine needed, Felix catching you easily except he hadn't been expecting you to move with such force so you both moved out of the view of the phone.
"Shit" Felix grunted softly as he tried to maintain his balance, and failing, as you started to drop your legs you both hit the ground hard making the others laugh loudly and Jeongin stop recording.
"Fuck sorry" he chuckled until he moved and you shrieked your ankle popping loudly, he froze watching the tears run down your cheeks freely as the laughter stopped and Changbin was at your side helping Felix to move you off of him and off the floor.
"Baby! Shit I knew you shouldn't be doing stupid shit like this" Changbin yelled his worry over coming him more than anger.
"M'sorry Binnie" you cried as you felt your ankle pop again this time making the pain lessen slightly but not much.
"Changbin, take a breath it was an accident" Chan pushed him to sit beside you as Felix looked at you from across the room where he was being hugged by Hyunjin tears in his own eyes. Swallowing thickly you let Chan and Minho put ice on your ankle as they called their manager to get you to the hospital. Changbin continued holding you his concern obvious to the others.
"I'm so sorry" Felix repeated again and again watching you wince and whimper as they moved you around.
"It's not your fault Felix" you tried to reassure him.
"You shouldn't be doing these sorts of things baby, you could have hurt yourself worse or you could have hurt Felix" he muttered into you hair his voice shaking slightly.
"I'm sorry" you mumbled miserably as their manager came in with the first aid kit to help you bind your ankle before you were moved to a car to go to the hospital.
The manager took you by yourself to the hospital and you texted Felix and Changbin non stop to tell them you were alright, it was your fault and you were sorry, once you were bandaged up properly and given crutches to get around on the manager brought you back to JYP where the others were now almost finished for their day. Limping back in on the crutches they all crowded around you to cuddle you.
"What's the verdict?" Chan asked softly patting your head.
"I dislocated and sprained my ankle" you mumbled "I'll be on crutches for weeks.
Hyunjin You had been seeing Hyunjin in secret, secret from the fans at least, for about six months. Both of you being idols had put a huge amount of pressure to not let either of your fandom know, not because either of you thought your fans wouldn't be happy for you, because the company was happier just not having to deal with any sort of drama at the time. You had agreed to abide by the rules they had set for you both and so far you had managed to keep everything under wraps.
It was the second night of your groups concert and your family and Hyunjin's had made their way into Seoul to see you perform, you had obviously invited Hyunjin and his members too in order to make it less suspicious that he was there and since you shared the same company it wasn't to strange and idea that they would be supporting your group.
The show had been going well, you had performed in your duo units, done all of your crowd pleasing hits and had been interacting with the crowd making you so happy that when the encore stage started and you were all ready for your last song you didn't notice on of the streamers that had gotten caught around one of the fold backs on on the far end of the stage, going into the chorus of the last song you slipped landing hard and almost falling into the wings of the stage where you remained sitting as your ankle throbbed painfully. Your members were quick to notice when you missed your line quickly making their way over to you and cutting the song short as they helped you from the stage.
You told them to start the last song over and apologize on your behalf and, to their credit they did, but not before you hear Hyunjin's voice calling for you down the corridor.
"Go, apologize, I will use the back stage mic to apologize as well" you instructed quickly your leader agreeing and hurrying the others back to the stage.
"Princess?!?" he almost shrieked as he, Chan and Felix made their way into the room.
"Just let me make this announcement first" you swallowed the lump forming in your throat "Hi again Love Bugs, I'm sorry I could not finish the show but lets take it from the top one more time" you cheered hearing the crowd from the stage as the music started once again. The backstage microphone was taken by staff before either of you spoke.
"Princess, I have told you to always look where you are going" Hyunjin scolded lightly "What if you had seriously hurt yourself? you could end your dancing career so easily, then what would you do?".
"She knows that Hyunjinnie no need to be harsh with her" Chan soothed gesturing for Felix to give him a hand wrangling their dramatic member "Can you get your shoe off?"
"I don't know it's really painful" you sniffed your eyes watering as the members and your manager came back in after finishing the final song.
"You still need to be more careful, what if you broke something!" Hyunjin continued as he sighed worryingly.
"I'm sorry Hyunie" you whimpered
"Do you think you could stand for the final photos?" your manager asked carefully noticing how agitated Hyunjin was and how Chan was trying to ease your high top off without hurting you.
"She needs a doctor pretty quickly I would say it's already turning black" Chan interrupted looking at Hyunjin who looked at your leg wide eyed.
"Alright lets get some of the security to get you out of here and to the hospital, obviously your guests will be told and looked after and can meet you at the dorms" you manager nodded organizing two of them to carry you to the car Hyunjin in tow with Chan while Felix went back to the others to update them.
Hyunjin didn't speak to you again until you were sitting in your private room waiting for the x-ray results as Chan kept your members, family and his members updated knowing that Lee Know and Changbin would organize to take both sets of parents for a meal with their remaining members to keep them occupied until you were released.
"I'm sorry I was mean princess" Hyunjin whispered his hand squeezing yours "I just get so scared when you get any type of injury, I know you worked so hard for your dream".
"I know Hyunie" you smiled at him softly squeezing back.
"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting Miss" your doctor bowed walking back into your room "The x-rays are clear so it looks like it is just a sprain so we will wrap it for you and give you some pain relief but you will need to come back in a week for us to examine it again".
"Thank you doctor" Chan thanked him as the nurse who had followed him smiled gently and began strapping your ankle to keep it from swelling further.
"Just ice it continuously and use the medicine and you will be back to dancing in no time" she instructed kindly before also taking her leave.
"Let's get you some dinner the guys aren't far from here with your parents" Chan smiled as Hyunjin quickly leaned in to kiss you softly before helping you up.
"I'll be coming round to help you whenever you need me" he whispered helping you to get the crutches right.
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz, @armystay89, @damnyouficc, @roamingpolar, @bakedlilgoonie, @krishastumblernow,
849 notes · View notes
simpforrooster · 1 year
don't you dare.
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pete 'maverick' mitchell x f!reader
summary: you are sick of your captain not making a move. reader's call sign in Queenie.
t/w: age gap, sexual tension, allusions to smut, cursing
“You smile like that because you think it’ll get you attention,” a deep voice murmurs into your ear. Your body reacts the way you want it to, but you shouldn’t want it. Everything about this little crush is dangerous. 
“My tactic seems to have worked,” you shrug, your shoulder brushing against his body. He's standing so close. “You came over.” 
You don’t need to turn around to imagine the crooked smile that’s fallen on his face. He brushes the back of your neck as he brings his beer to his mouth. Goosebumps rain over your arms. 
“Queenie, you don’t have to put on a show to get my attention,” he admits. “You’ve had it since the first day I walked into that hangar.” Now you’re the one with the crooked smile. 
“But you haven’t done anything about it.” The five seconds of confidence from earlier has faded, and is replaced with the desperation that laces your last sentence. The only thing worse than not knowing how someone feels about you, is knowing they feel the same but can’t act on it for one reason or another. 
In both of your cases, he’s your captain. 
Maverick takes another swig of his beer. Your back is still to him, but he brushes against you again as he does this. 
“You think I don’t want to?” he all but growls into your ear. Just as quickly as his mouth is to your ear, it’s gone again. 
To hell with keeping up appearances, you swing around to look at him. How did he expect you to not react to that? Regret weaves through his features, like he hadn’t meant for that to come out. Like he wanted to keep it in because he knows it won’t change anything. He can’t give Cyclone a reason to ground him.
“Of course, I want to,” the words are barely a whisper. “You have no clue how much I want to do something about this.” 
This. This being whatever the tension between y’all is. Too many things are up against the two of you. Him outranking you. Him being the one to put together the dagger team. Let’s just go ahead and mention the elephant in the room. The one that is a little more obvious to onlookers.
The damn age difference. 
“I think I have an idea,” you admit, shoving aside every reason you shouldn’t say this. “Because I have been dying for you to make some kind of move.”
Maverick’s eyes fall closed. His jaw works back and forth, fighting an inner battle. Most likely to grab your hand and pull you out of here or to walk away. 
You’re hoping for the former because his hand reaches out for you, lightly brushing against your arm. He jerks his hand back, seemingly coming to his senses. Like that one touch would be his undoing. The thought of Maverick having such a reaction to you thrills you way more than it should. 
“We can’t,” he croaks out. His voice is strained and so very sexy. It has to sound like that after a hot makeout session too. 
“When have you ever followed the rules?” you press. 
This catches his attention. His eyes pop open, and they are sparkling with mischief. You may not have met Maverick before this deployment, but you’ve heard all about him. Just the other day, you passed by Cyclone’s office and heard him giving Mav a verbal beating. 
“Come on, Queenie, it’s not just me being your captain,” he murmurs. “And you know it.” He searches your eyes, silently saying don’t make me say it. 
Here’s the thing. You want him to say it. You want to hear him admit the thing that is holding him back is something as a meaningless age difference. The amount of fucks you give about him being older than you are nonexistent. 
“Say it, Mav,” you push. The flirtation you felt earlier has quickly morphed into something between annoyance and anger. Annoyed that he’s having a moral debate about dating you, rather than the way he flies his damn F-18. Angry that he came over here guns ablazzin’ calling you out and acting like he was finally going to lay a kiss somewhere on your body. You don’t even care which part at this point. As long as he fucking does it. 
The mischief in his eyes has flickered out to pain. “You know you should be with someone like Hangman or Rooster.” Rooster? His pseudo son? 
You move in closer to him, craning your neck back to look him in the eyes. Those gorgeous eyes. “Don’t you dare tell me who I should be with, Pete Mitchell.” 
His pupils dilate when he realizes you’ve used his name and not his callsign. He doesn’t speak, seemingly in shock, so you keep going. 
“In our line of work, I don’t want to be with someone you think I should be with. I want to be with someone I want and it’s you I want,” before you can think better of it, you add, “sir.” 
Maverick must lose that moral battle, because he grabs your hips and pulls you flush against him. “I am not going to be able to handle hearing you call me sir,” he growls in your ear. “At least not outside of my bedroom.” 
The words, his breath, and the adrenaline send a sweet line of pleasure down your spine. It feels like a lifetime, but Mav finally brings his lips to your jaw, testing the waters with a brief kiss. His expert hands are placed just where they need to be. He slowly runs one up from your hips to your waist. Meanwhile, yours play at the top of his jeans, seeing how far you can push him. 
“Shit,” he whispers, “I need to get you out of here before I really get us in trouble.” 
“Good, I didn’t want our first kiss to be in the Hard Deck,” you admit. “Take me home, sir.” 
Maverick groans, and pulls you from the bar. 
“Our tabs!” you giggle at his urgency. “We can’t skip out.”
Maverick leans into you against his motorcycle. “A bar tab is the furthest from my mind at the moment, Lieutenant.” His lips are a breath away from yours. 
“Come on, Pete, kiss me already,” you challenge. 
“I don’t know what’s better, when you call me Pete or Sir. It shouldn’t be that provocative,” he says. 
“You’re such a simp,” you mutter, pulling him down by the collar of his bomber jacket. Taking charge like you did in the bar, you place your lips against his. The intensity is everything you hoped it would be. He slowly drags his tongue against yours, you immediately grant him access. 
When he pulls back, he says, “You’ll have to explain what that means later.” He voice as sexy as you predicted it would be. 
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honeyedmiller · 11 months
Fate, After All | Joel Miller —
Part Five (Finale)
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warnings: tooth-rotting fluff (of course), no outbreak!Joel, Joel and reader are literally so in love it makes everyone SICK :’) , smut (fingering, unprotected piv [wrap it up y’all], f oral receiving, tongue fucking, spitting, literally just rough dirty sex [don’t look at me omg]), no use of y/n. 18+, minors dni.
word count: 9.8k (I'm so sorry omg)
series masterlist
Not long after you and Joel confessed your mutual feelings for one another, the older Miller brother had asked you to move in with them. Sarah couldn't have been more excited, because that meant instead of talking to you on the landline when you weren't around, she could just walk down the hall to her dad's bedroom or downstairs and you'd be there.
She never really spoke about it aloud, but she was thrilled to finally have a mother figure around in her life. She loved her dad so dearly, but there was just some things that she couldn't talk about with him. She was sure his 'papa bear' mode would kick in if she ever even mentioned boys or wanting to use tampons or anything of the sort. Not only that, but just having a woman around to guide her in life as well was something every young woman should have, and now, she had it for real.
Joel on the same hand was eager for you to start moving your stuff in. You sold a lot of your furniture pieces because you wouldn't be needing them anymore, and truthfully, you being sort of a minimalist made the move-in process easy for everyone. You always kept your space tidy and de-cluttered frequently. Joel's heart swelled at the fact that his double vanity in his bathroom and master bedroom was finally taken up halfway with someone he loved so much. He literally smiled at the sight of your toothbrush every morning, as a reminder that this was all real—you're here, you're his, and there's no one on this planet he'd rather be with than you. You were his dream woman. He'd thought he lost out forever after he chickened out and failed to ask you out in high school, you leaving for college and not keep in touch with him. Boy was he glad to find out he was terribly wrong.
It'd been a couple of years after your initial move-in, and you'd just gotten home from a long day of work. You closed the front door softly, slipping off your heels to the side of the entryway while hanging your coat on the coat rack. Hushed whispers were coming from the kitchen, as if you weren't supposed to hear the conversation that was happened.
"You think she'll like it?" Was all you caught before Sarah smacked her dad lightly on the arm as she heard your footsteps approaching, luckily not seeing the two of them and how quickly Joel had to slide the velvet box over to his daughter, to which she tossed in her backpack.
"Hey you two." You beam, taking your hair down from your claw clip as you approached them.
"Hey honey." Joel smiled, pulling you in for a hug and a kiss. You moved to Sarah as you kissed the top of her head as she greeted you, moving to the fridge after to get a bottle of water.
"What were you two talking about before I came in?" You ask, eyebrow raised quizzically.
Joel's face nearly turned beet red, but Sarah stepped in before he could come up with a lame excuse.
"We were just discussing if you'd like takeout for dinner, or pizza." She shrugged, and you narrowed your eyes for a split second. A headache was already brewing in your frontal, so you decided to let it go and nod.
"Either's fine. Don't really have the energy tonight to cook, truthfully. I have a headache I can already feel." You sheepishly smile, and Joel's lips formed into a small frown.
"Go lay down for a bit honey. We can wake you when dinner's here." Joel encouraged. You untwisted the cap to your water bottle, taking a gulp before recapping it and nodding.
"Alright." You nod, smiling softly as you move past them both to make your way upstairs.
"Alright, give me the thing back before you lose it." Joel whispers when he thinks you're out of earshot, but again, the headache you have is growing by the minute so you couldn't be bothered to even think twice about what he just said.
You plop yourself down on your side of the bed once you reach your shared bedroom, right after changing into a long sleeve and some sleep shorts. You snuggle under the brown comforter, drifting off into a much needed rest to alleviate the your headache. It felt like you'd only closed your eyes for five minutes before you heard Joel's rather heavy footsteps—loud enough even if he was trying to be quiet—approach the bedroom door.
He shuffled to where you laid, peaceful and silently begging him in your mind to let you rest just a little longer. "Baby, wake up. Food's here." Joel softly brushes loose strands of hair out of your face, cupping your cheek gently. Your eyes flutter open to meet his, and he has a sincere smile on his lips.
In a sense, Joel was grateful that you went to go lay down. He was disheartened that you were in discomfort, but glad he had enough time to elaborately plan out the night he was going to ask you to marry him. He'd already talked everything through with Sarah—you and her were going to have a 'girl's day' to get your nails done and have her help you pick out an outfit on Saturday, and then Sunday, if all went well and according to plan, he was going to take you to surprise you with three things before he popped the big question.
Sarah'd helped him pick out the ring about a month prior while you were at work, and they both came to an agreement that the beautiful teardrop ring with tiny diamonds surrounding the front of the band was the perfect ring for you. Classy, elegant, and beautiful.
You sat up from the bed slowly, breaking Joel from his thoughts. You stretched and yawned, the feeling of your headache significantly subsiding.
Joel stood up to his full height to offer you his hand, and when you took his, he brought yours up to his lips to kiss the back of it. You smiled sleepily and dragged yourself up, bones cracking in the process.
You both silently made your way downstairs and into the kitchen, where Sarah was starting to pile her plate with the yummy local Chinese takeout down the street.
“So, I was thinking,” Sarah starts, looking at you pointedly. “What do you think about a girl’s day Saturday? We haven’t had one in awhile.” She offers, and you realize it’d been a few months since you’ve had one with her.
“I’m in.” You nod, and she grins at your agreeance.
The three of you ate dinner with Sarah chatting for the most of it, but you never minded. You loved to hear her talk about her day or the funny things that happened at school. She was a junior in high school now, and you just couldn’t believe how fast time flew. She was sixteen already and on the varsity soccer team. She had really good grades, a good group of friends, and had a boyfriend (with a little protest from Joel, but you had to remind him of how you two were when you both were her age).
She was a really good kid with a good head on her shoulders, and as you’d told Joel multiple times he did a wonderful job raising her, he insisted on saying you helped to contribute. He told you that she saw you as a mother figure, and she couldn’t have been happier with who her dad had picked to start dating those few years ago.
It’s funny, because Joel did always think you were the most mesmerizing person, even back in high school. He always thought you were smart, sweet, funny, and just downright beautiful—and if someone told him he’d been planning on proposing to said person in just a few days? He would’ve never believed them. He always thought he’d pretty much just end up alone, which of course made him a little sad, but he’d finally accepted that truth. And then, you came into his life. Just when he was content with being alone, you showed up and bewitched the older Miller brother mind body and soul, and he fell head over heels fast.
A few hours after dinner, Sarah had gone to bed and you and Joel were enjoying some time to yourselves in the living room. You were laying down on the couch with your legs tossed over Joel’s lap, as both of you read in silence—you, Pride and Prejudice, and him, a potential new client and their contract they’d want to discuss with Joel sometime within the next week. Joel and Tommy’s contracting business really took off after a big investor saw their handiwork and what they could both do, and started giving them bigger projects to work on in Austin. Financially it was amazing for both him and Tommy, but sometimes Joel would be gone for nearly the whole day. You and Sarah both missed him dearly the times he was gone longer than usual, but you both understood that his bigger clients needed his full, undivided attention. He was working on hiring more people to take over some of his responsibilities so he could free up his calendar, because every time he was on the job, he’d open up his wallet to look at the picture of you and Sarah he’d taken one winter day when the three of you decided to go ice skating downtown. His heart would ache with the fact that he couldn’t just be with you two all the time, and he knew you both understood his disposition, but he still missed you both so much nonetheless.
Joel was running his fingertips softly over one of your shins when he cleared his throat, and you dog-eared the page you were on before closing your book to look at him.
“Would you ever want to have any kids?” Joel asks you, and you sit up on your elbows to look at him. His eyes were soft yet curious, and his hand movement on your shin halted so he could rest it on you.
“Sarah feels like my own kid too.” You explain, and he chuckles.
“I love that you feel that way, baby, but I meant have another one. A baby. With me.” His grip on your shin tightened in the slightest, gaze never wavering from yours.
“Oh,” You paused, thinking it over for a second. You pictured yourself having a kid or two when you were in your early twenties and figured you’d have them by now, but given your previous track record for dating before Joel, nothing ever worked out. Since Joel came into your life and introduced you to Sarah, having a kid of your own hadn’t ever really crossed your mind… until now. “Yeah, I would.” You answer, sitting up completely now and setting your book on the coffee table.
“You don’t sound so sure.” Joel smiles softly, but you can tell there’s a sort of sadness in his eyes.
“I just really hadn’t thought about it recently, until just now.” You move your legs off of Joel to maneuver yourself, taking the contract gently from his hand before setting it down on the coffee table next to your book. You swing a leg over his lap so you’re straddling him, and his hands instinctively rest on your hips. He starts to rub small circles into your skin, and you push your body flush against his so your face is mere inches away from him.
“Is that something you want, Mr. Miller?” The playfulness in your tone seems to shift his mood into a slightly happier one.
“Yeah, actually, I’ve been thinking about it and I really do miss having a little one running around.” He kisses the corner of your mouth, before pulling back to gaze at you once more.
“Do you think Sarah would be okay with it? That’s a big age gap. I know she’d be the best big sister, but you know.” You say, raking your hands through his soft curls.
“She’s been hinting that she wants a little sibling for some time now. Not sure she’s hinted to you, but to me, she certainly has.”
You laugh at that piece of information, because it’s something Sarah would definitely do.
“Alright then. I guess when the time comes, we’ll talk to her about it.” You nod, moving down to kiss him. He immediately responds to you by molding his lips to yours, hands moving up so they press against the small of your back.
“I love you, sweetheart.” Joel murmurs against your lips.
You smile softly, cupping the side of his face. “I love you too, handsome.”
Saturday had seemed to have come at a snail’s pace, but when it did, Sarah wasted no time in getting you both up and out of the house in record time. It was ten in the morning when you both got to the nail salon, and since it was rather early for the weekend, you and Sarah got taken in right away.
The kind nail technician asked what design you wanted for your nails, and just as you were about to pick a color, Sarah piped in.
“You should get your nails round with a French tip.” She suggested, and you contemplated. You’d never gotten French tip before, but it was cute and looked nice. You went along with her idea, and the nail tech got to work. After an hour and a half, you were both done and out of the chairs. You were about to pay when Sarah stopped you.
“Dad said this one was on him.” She smiled, pulling out a card that she used for a joint account between him and her.
“That’s very kind of him.” You say to no one in particular, putting your wallet back in your purse.
After she swiped the card, she looked back at you with a grin. “Let’s go shopping for a new outfit!”
Her ecstatic nature made you smile, loving that she didn’t think she was ‘too cool’ to hang out with people older than her. She had many friends, yes, but she also valued spending time with Joel, Tommy and you as much as she could.
After driving to the mall, she insisted you both go into a fairly new boutique with gorgeous clothes that were unfortunately on the pricier side.
“Sarah, honey, this place is a little out of my budget.” You confess sheepishly, because you didn’t like to tell her no. Joel told you it was okay to say no to her, but she genuinely never asked you for anything ridiculous or out of the ordinary.
“I know, but let’s just look around for a bit to see if we can find anything.” She smiles softly at you, and those green eyes of hers were so bright and hopeful that you couldn’t resist.
You’re such a sucker for her, Joel’s words rung in your head. You shake your head slightly, looking through a couple of racks before your eyes landed on the most beautiful dress—floor length champagne color that flowed beautifully. It had a slit where the right knee was, and it was fitted on top with spaghetti straps.
Sarah caught you staring at the dress and nodded in encouragement. “You should try it on.” She suggests, and you break your gaze away from the dress to look at her.
“Honey, this dress is over a hundred dollars. I don’t know…” You trailed off, never to be one to spend that much money on one piece of clothing.
“I just wanna see what it looks like!”
“Fine.” You knew you couldn’t argue with her because she was always firm on her stance.
You took the dress off the rack and went into the dressing room, trying on the delicate material. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t fit like a glove. The dress was perfect, like it was made for you. You couldn’t help yourself, so you fished your phone out of your purse to snap a picture (which was poor quality, of course, given the technology of flip phones), and sent it to Joel with nothing but a heart emoticon.
Joel rarely checked his phone while he was on the job, so you hadn’t anticipated a speedy reply. You tossed your phone back into your purse and stepped outside of the dressing room so Sarah could get a look. She gasped in awe, motioning for you to do a twirl.
“You look so beautiful. Wow.” The look in her eyes was telling you to get the dress. You suppose it could be worn for a fancier date night out with Joel, though you could literally be wearing a burlap sack and he’d still think you were the most beautiful person in the room.
“It does fit me good, huh?” You ask, gnawing at your lip. You sigh, giving in and deciding to get the dress. You change back into your regular clothes before bringing it to the front counter to check out. You were about to get your wallet out of your purse, but again, Sarah beat you to it and swiped her card instead.
“Sarah!” You gasp, looking down at her with furrowed eyebrows. She looked up at you sheepishly, shrugging.
“Dad said!” She held up her hands in defense, and you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Please don’t be mad,” She started as you thanked the sales associate as they handed you a bag with the dress inside. “Dad told me he wanted to treat you.”
“I’m not mad, just… he shouldn’t be spending this kind of money on me.” You sigh, getting back to the car. You were definitely going to have a talk with Joel, because he loved to spoil you and Sarah both, but you felt bad when he spent a lot of money on you in general. You and Sarah both got lunch, which you made sure you paid for, before driving home. To your surprise, Joel’s truck was already in the driveway.
You both entered the house, only to find Joel in the kitchen once you both made your way through the living room.
“Hey dad.” Sarah greets him, giving him a hug.
“Hey babydoll. How was girl’s day?” He asks, looking between the two of you. The Millers both gave each other a certain look, as if they had a secret to hide, but you figured it was another insider between them so you brushed it off.
“It was great. Got our nails done and found a pretty dress for her,” She poked your arm, causing you to smile. “But I’m tired. I’m gonna head upstairs and take a nap.” She bid you both goodbye, before marching herself upstairs and closing her bedroom door.
“I have a bone to pick with you, Mr. Miller.” You cross your arms over your chest and raise an eyebrow at Joel, who’s looking at you with a smug smile.
“And what would that be?” He trapped you between the kitchen counter and his body, both arms flexing to cage you in on either side.
It was hard to concentrate when his tall, broad frame was just yearning to be touched in front of you. He had already taken a shower, so he smelled like fresh pine, cedar and mint.
“Why’d you spend so much money on me? Sarah tricked me twice and swiped her card before I could even get my wallet fully out of my purse.” You huffed, gaze never wavering from his.
“What, I can’t spoil my woman?” He asks, dipping his head to kiss you on your exposed collarbone.
“That was a lot of money, Joel. I love you and appreciate you wanting to spoil me, but–”
“No buts. I wanted to pamper you a little and make sure you had an outfit for our date tomorrow night.” The smug look he had on his face never faltered.
“We’re going on a date?”
“We’re going on a date.”
Sunday evening rolled around, and as promised, you and Joel went on said date. Joel took you to the nice Italian restaurant you two had rekindled at. You’d realized then that you hadn’t been there since that day, so you thought it was sweet he was bringing you back there. Although you were enjoying the food and the company you were with, you felt a bit overdressed. Joel even swapped out his usual plain t-shirt or flannel for a nice black button-up shirt with some slacks. You’d never seen him so dressed up in all the years you’ve known him.
He seemed to be really fidgety too, like he was nervous. His eyes kept averting every which way, and when you asked if he was okay, he’d just say “‘M fine, darlin’.”
After dinner, Joel took you to your favorite street market where they had the best crepes. He ordered you both one to share, and luckily, you were able to capture the moment he had whipped cream on the corner of his mouth with a huge smile, looking so handsome under the warmth of the string lights above. You’d brought your digital camera with you just in case you wanted to capture memories like that one in particular.
After dessert, you and Joel took a stroll down to a little gazebo overlooking the creek. This time, though, you noticed there was rose petals on the ground that led to the gazebo. This couldn’t be for you and Joel, could it?
“I think someone decided to have their romantic evening here.” You laugh, and Joel closes his eyes in bliss at the sound, but also in nervousness as it coursed through every part of his being. Joel’s hand was in his pant pocket fidgeting with the velvet box restlessly.
“Let’s go see.” Joel pulled you gently into the direction of the gazebo.
“Joel, I don’t think—” You were cut short when he pulled you up on the platform, engulfing you in such a loving and heartfelt kiss. You were weak in the knees when he pulled apart, and the look in his soft, loving brown eyes held so much emotion you couldn’t even begin to comprehend. If it was anything similar to what you felt for him, then, well, you’d definitely have a clue.
“My sweetheart,” Joel started, taking a small step back as he intertwined both of his hands with your own. “Out of all the years I’ve known you, from when we were just teenagers until now, I’ve gotten the absolute privilege of get to know what a wonderful person you are. You’re so kind, caring, loving, and god, so patient. I always thought I’d never get to have a love like we do, but then just when I’d about given up on love, you walked into my life. You’re the love of my life; my soulmate; the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know bein’ with me hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows, but you’ve loved me through and through nonetheless. I want to spend the rest of my waking days for the rest of our lives showing you and telling you what a beautiful soul you are and how much you mean to me.”
Tears were already in your eyes at his speech, and when he let go of one of your hands to dig out a velvet box from his pocket, you lost it. He got down on one knee, and with teary eyes and a hopeful smile, he asked you the big question.
“Will you marry me, sweetheart?” His voice trembled ever so slightly, and truthfully, you didn’t even look at the ring because you were nodding your head vigorously, tears flowing freely down your cheeks.
“Of course I’ll marry you, Joel.” You choked out, and he stood up again to slide the ring onto your finger, embracing you into a tight hug. You kissed him feverishly, raking your hands through his neatly done curls.
You sobbed against him, trembling from the adrenaline. He kissed the tears off of your cheeks and cupped your face with his hands.
“I love you so, so much darlin’.” He kissed the tip of your nose, and your hands moved to slink together around the back of his neck.
“I love you too.” You sniffled, pure bliss overtaking your features.
You stared into each other’s eyes for a few more seconds, not wanting anything to ruin the perfect moment. Right now, you two were the only ones that existed.
“Wait, let me take a picture.” You smiled softly at him, and he nodded in encouragement. You got your camera out of your purse, holding up your hand with your engagement ring. You sported a huge smile with teary eyes, and Joel kissed your temple as you snapped the photo. This was definitely a memory you both would never forget.
About a year later
The wedding was nearing in just twelve hours. Your parents had kindly offered their couple-acred backyard for the ceremony and reception which was perfect, because a small intimate wedding is exactly what you and Joel wanted.
“Can you believe in less than a day I’ll be able to call you Mrs. Miller?” Joel murmured into your shoulder, kissing your soft skin a couple of times before moving his gaze to you.
“It seems so surreal,” You caress his face, shifting your weight on top of him. “You’ll be my husband.” Your heart rate picked up at the thought, butterflies soaring through your stomach.
“I don’t wanna say goodbye for the night.” Joel fake pouts, embracing you even tighter. You’d been lazing with him in bed all day, enjoying each other’s company before you both had to get ready for your bachelor and bachelorette parties. Joel wanted nothing more than to just have a few beers with his brother and closest friends (which funnily enough included your father and brother) at the house, while your mom and sister were throwing you something cute and intimate at your parent’s house. Sarah was coming with, and although Joel was a little apprehensive, he figured he needed to loosen the reigns a bit. She was turning eighteen soon and heading off to college, so he figured if she was going to be around any ‘adult’ things, he’d rather it be with you.
“I don’t either, honey. But you’ll have fun tonight. Hopefully my dad doesn’t give you too much of a hard time.” You sweep the curls off of his forehead, and he grins at you.
“C’mon baby, you know your dad loves me… now.” He teases you incredulously, earning an eye roll from you.
“Yeah yeah, Miller. You and that damn Southern charm, hm?”
“Got you to where you are with me now, didn’t it sugar?” He rolls you both over, grinning boyishly down at you before moving to leave a trail of soft kisses down the pulse point on your neck.
You sigh in pleasure before gently grabbing his face and holding it before yours, “That’s right.” He leaned down to you to capture your lips with his, pleasuring you one last time before he can call you “wife.”
Today was the big day, and fuck were you nervous. Not nervous in the sense that you were getting cold feet, but it was moreso having multiple people’s eyes on you watching you walk up an aisle and marry the literal love of your life. Little anxieties also crept up as well, like tripping while walking down the aisle or not being able to say your vows correctly.
You were surrounded by your bridesmaids and your mom, as they were putting the finishing touches on you. You felt like a literal princess—you had the dress of your dreams, all of your family and friends around you on yours and Joel’s day, and the man of your dreams waiting for you at the end of the aisle.
“You look beautiful, honey.” Your mom said, holding you at arm’s length with tears in her eyes.
“Oh, mom.” You chuckle, bringing her in for a hug.
“I love you baby. I can’t believe you’re getting married today.”
“I can’t believe it either. It’s finally happening.” Tears start to form in your waterline, and Sarah fans your face.
“None of that! Can’t ruin your makeup.” She exasperates, making everyone laugh, though she had tears in her eyes herself.
“You ready, babydoll?” Your dad knocks on the door, pausing to take you in. A proud and sad smile forms on his lips. “My little girl. Can’t believe you’re gettin’ married today.” He sighs, and you move to give him a hug.
“You and mom are two peas in a pod.” You offer him a soft smile as your bridesmaids line up, moving downstairs to meet the groomsmen.
“Let’s get you married, babydoll.” He offers you his arm, which you take before you hear the music start to play—a soft, sweet melody to introduce the groomsmen and bridal party. Your dad led you down the stairs before Sarah and Tommy could walk down the aisle, and you took a deep breath. This was it.
The melody you chose for when you walked down the aisle started to play, and your dad led you to the beginning of the soft white runner. Your eyes immediately locked on Joel’s, who was already teary eyed with the widest smile on his face.
It’s like your feet were floating off the ground as you made your way to him. His tall and broad stature was clad in a crisp tux, hair neatly combed to the side, sporting an unwavering smile on his face. You kissed your dad on the cheek as he presented you to Joel, who took your arm carefully and led you to the very end of the aisle before the officiant.
Joel kissed you on the cheek, lips lingering by your ear for a second. “You look absolutely breathtakin’, my love.” He kisses your cheek one more time before standing straight up, looking down at you with nothing but love and pure adoration. Those big brown eyes that held a galaxy of emotions in them have captivated you for eternity. You smile up at him, tears forming in your eyes again.
“You all may be seated.” The officiant says, and you and Joel join hands as listen to his ‘we’re gathered here today’ speech. Truthfully, almost everything in the world was drowned out to you in this moment. It was just you and Joel.
“I believe the couple has agreed to exchange vows.” The officiant said, turning to Joel who curtly nods before clearing his throat. He gave your hands a small squeeze before smiling down at you.
“Sweetheart,” He starts, a slight nervous edge to his voice. “When we were just teenagers, all I could think about was how pretty you are every time I was around you. You always lit up a room without even trying. Always had me at a loss for words, which is why I never spoke much around you to begin with,” He chuckles, shaking his head. “Just like you lit up a room when we were measly teens, you did the same thing to my life once you walked right back in it all those years later. Though I never had the courage to ask you on a date in high school, I’d say things worked out pretty well considerin’ the fact.” The audience before you both laughed, and a happy tear slipped from your eyes.
“You’ve been such a light to not only me, but to Sarah and Tommy as well. Thank you for loving my girl like she’s your own. Thank you for teaching me such patience, making an honest man out of me, and provin’ me wrong when I thought I’d be alone for the rest of my life. You’ve changed my life for the better, have bewitched me body and soul, and there’s no one else I’d rather be standin’ up here with right now. It’s you, darlin’; it’s always been you. I vow to love you for eternity in this crazy thing called life, until my last dyin’ breath. Through thick and thin, trial and error. I love you, sweetheart.”
You wanted to sob like a baby at his words, but kept your composure as you sniffled and took a deep breath. The officiant turned to you, signaling it was your turn.
“If anyone told me four years ago that I’d be standing at this altar right now with the love of my life, I would’ve laughed right in their faces. I was so content with being independent and ready to give up on dating, until you showed up at that restaurant in all your glory. From that point on, you’ve turned my life around in the best way possible. You had me hooked from the start. You’ve been nothing but kind, supportive, nurturing, and most importantly, you showed me how to truly feel loved. I thought I knew what true love was before, until you proved me so wrong. I’ll spend the rest of my waking days thanking you forevermore. I was half the person before you came back into my life, and now I feel like you’ve made me whole again. You’re my person, Joel. My soulmate. I’m so grateful that that one blind date ended up not showing up, ultimately working out in my favor after all. Thanks Ma,” You glance at your mom, and everyone chuckles. “I love you, Joel Miller. Today, tomorrow, and for the rest of eternity.”
The glint in his eyes was nothing short of pure love, and you were certain they reflected the look in your own.
“Joel, repeat after me,” The officiant starts. “I, Joel Miller, take this woman to be my lawfully wedded wife.”
Joel repeats his exact words, gaze never wavering from yours.
“I promise to love you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to have and to hold for as long as we both shall live.”
He repeats the words once again.
The officiant says your name, and tells you to repeat after him.
“I take Joel Miller to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to love you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to have and to hold for as long as we both shall live.”
Joel pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your waist. The ring bearer presents the rings, and you slide Joel’s ring onto his finger. He replicates your actions as he slides your ring onto your ring finger, giving your hand a small squeeze.
“By the power vested in me and the state of Texas, I now pronounce you as husband and wife. Mr. Miller, you may kiss your bride.”
Joel wastes no time as he dips you down softly, kissing you so gently yet passionately. You had your hands wrapped around the back of his shoulders, clinging onto him as he continued to kiss you. The guests cheered for you both, and he pulled away to murmur “I love you, Mrs. Miller” against your lips. Heat flooded your body at your new name.
Mrs. Miller.
Mrs. Miller.
“I love you too, Mr. Miller.” You reply breathlessly, a tear slipping down your cheek. Joel was quick to wipe it away as he stood you upright again, pecking your lips softly.
“Why are you cryin’, baby?”
“I’m just so happy. I love you. I love you so much.” You cup his face, kissing him again. You nearly forgot about the people that were watching you both in this intimate moment, so you shuffled back a little until he grasped your hand and you both made your way down the aisle.
You stepped back into your parent’s house with Joel, both of you laughing breathlessly. You take a second to stop and look into his eyes, enjoying your first moment alone as husband and wife.
“I’m the luckiest woman in the world to be able to call you my husband.” You murmur, running your hands up his biceps.
“I think you got it twisted, sweetheart. I’m the lucky one. I’ll remind you of that every single day until it’s my last.”
The next day, you and Joel hopped on a flight to Hawaii. As a wedding present, your parents gifted you an all-inclusive trip to a beautiful resort. The only thing your mom said when you asked her how you could repay her was ‘give me some grand babies!’
So that’s why Joel carried you over the threshold to your resort room just mere minutes ago. You made your way to the balcony which overlooked the resort, and the Pacific Ocean. After Joel got the bags from the bell hop, he caged your body between the balcony and his own.
“It’s so beautiful.” You whisper, nodding your head out to the ocean. The bright sun was glistening down on the ocean, making it sparkle.
“Not as beautiful as you, darlin’.”
You huff a laugh at Joel’s words. “Ever the sweet talker, Mr. Miller.”
“Only for you, Mrs. Miller.”
You turn around so you’re facing Joel, a beaming smile on your face.
“I’ll never get tired of hearing that name.” You reach up and run your fingers through Joel’s soft hair, hands knitting together at the base of his head.
“Good, ‘cus I’ll never get tired of saying it,” He pulls you in for a soft kiss, cradling your face gently. “Now c’mon baby. Let’s get ready for dinner.” He ushers you back inside, and you rummage through your luggage that you brought for a pretty, bright colored dress to wear to dinner.
You spent a bit of time doing your hair and makeup, wanting to make sure you looked good. You wanted to make yourself irresistible to Joel, because you’ve been secretly pining to have your hands all over each other. You both held out last night and didn’t have sex, mainly because you both were dead tired.
Joel had the same thing in mind when he got dressed for this dinner in some khaki pants and a white linen shirt, leaving the first few buttons undone. He was planning on having some mind-blowing sex with you, and he was getting restless just thinking about it. He had to keep himself in check though and remind himself that you both also came here to enjoy the romantic side of being newlyweds. All those thoughts went straight out of the window and drowned in the Pacific when you stepped out of the bathroom.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away—you were simply the most breathtaking woman. The dress you’d put on hugged your curves, and with slits that exposed most of your legs, it made Joel even weaker. He wanted to drop to his knees now and worship the ground you walked on. Your makeup enhanced your features more than it usually would, but it looked stunning. You had a certain glow to yourself that Joel couldn’t get enough of.
You felt the same way about him, too. You stopped in your tracks when your eyes landed on the man you loved, khaki pants fitting him perfectly with the white linen shirt that purposefully had a few buttons undone. The white cloth contrasted beautifully against his smooth, tan skin. The shirt clung to his biceps in the right places, easily showcasing the muscle that he had. He was wearing nice brown boots too, which added an inch or so to his height. You could feel yourself nearly drooling, panties dampening the longer your stared at him. He looked delicious. You almost wanted to cancel dinner and just jump his bones right then and there.
“You look…” He trailed off, moving to stand in front of you.
“Yeah, you too.” You said breathlessly, and you both chuckle.
“Let’s get outta here. Dinner starts soon.” Joel takes your hand after double checking he has the room key card, and you both make your way downstairs.
Dinner ended up being really delicious with a beautiful show, and to your surprise, Joel asked you to dance with him after. Joel wasn’t much of a dancer, and this wasn’t slow dancing. This was more like being in a club, so he had your body pressed up against his and your back met his front. His strong hands held your hips firmly as you swayed them to the beat of the song, and Joel could feel himself getting harder by the minute.
Truthfully, you were grinding yourself on him to tease him, but he knew exactly what game you were playing at so he did the same to you. You nearly moaned as he pulled you into him, the feeling of his hardness evident through his pants. Usually, you’d both be stubborn to see who would break first, but you couldn’t wait anymore. You spun around in his arms, eyes filled with lust and body buzzing with sexual tension.
“Joel,” The tone in your voice was surprisingly not as needy as you expected it to be. He looked down at you, eyes nearly black as he studied your features. “Let’s go upstairs.”
He didn’t need another word of confirmation as he clasped your hand and practically dragged you up to your room. You had to nearly jog as his long strides to the room didn’t let up. He fumbled with the key card, opening the door to the room swiftly before you both stumbled inside. He wasted no time as he tossed the key card and his wallet onto a table near the front door, grabbing your face and smashing his lips to yours. He pushed you up against the door, moaning into your mouth. Your hands found purchase in his soft curls, tugging teasingly.
He moved his hands to the back of your thighs, signaling you to jump. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he caught you, bringing you over to the bed. You traced his neck with hot, wet, needy kisses before he set you down. He released you, and looked down at you as he towered over you. The look in his eyes was very telling that you two weren’t going to get very much sleep tonight.
Your chest was heaving up and down, body nearly trembling with need as Joel loomed over you, taking you in. You reached out for him, wanting to feel his body on top of yours. He happily obliged as he slotted himself between your legs, caressing your cheek before kissing you again. Your hands trailed down the front of his chest, nails slightly scraping his hot skin. You unbuttoned the rest of his shirt before discarding it onto the floor. You ran your needy hands all over him until they made their way down to his belt buckle.
Joel chuckled at your eagerness before pushing your hands away. You protested with a small whine before he nipped at your neck, just below your ear. “Let me take care of you first, darlin’.”
Joel slid the dress slowly up and over your head, making sure to trail his hands over all of your curves as he did so. He moaned at the sight of the pretty white lace set you had on for him.
“All for me baby?” He asks, dipping his head to kiss the soft flesh of your breasts right above the bra you were wearing.
“Yes.” You’re breathless. It would be embarrassing to you in any other instance, but fuck’s sake, you needed your husband desperately.
Joel’s eyes trail down your torso until they settle on the thin white lace underwear that covered you. His hooded eyes looked back up to yours as he rubbed circles into your thighs.
“I promised myself I’d say my vows twice. Once at the altar, and once with just my tongue buried in your pretty pussy. Word. For. Word."
You gasped at Joel's bluntness, feeling your arousal pooling quicker into the only thing that separated you from his sweet tongue. You stared at him, doe-eyed and wanting, just waiting for him to take the leap. Maybe you should make the first move. Your arms could move quicker than your brain could process your own actions, and you started to reach out for him.
"Mm mm, baby." Joel stops you, grabbing both of your wrists in one of his hands, holding them above your head.
"Fuck." You whine softly, hips involuntarily bucking up into nothing.
He wickedly grins at you as he moves down to kiss you, easily moving his free hand to cup your mound before pressing his thumb to your extremely sensitive clit. You inhale sharply at the feeling, instinctively closing your eyes.
"Look at me, baby. Wanna see those pretty eyes on me when I make you feel good." Joel's voice is soft and loving, but has a stern edge to it. Your eyes peel open to look at him as he moves the thin lace of your panties to the side. He looks down, seeing you already covered in your slick. He groans at the sight and takes his middle finger, swiping up and between your folds. He moves his slick-covered finger to his mouth, eagerly tasting you. He hums in pleasure, and you can see clear as day that he's rock solid in his khakis.
He releases your wrists from his hand, but you don't dare to move. He skates his hands down your body gently, kissing your soft flesh along the way before grabbing either side of your panties. He gently taps your hips, so you lift them up for him as he slides the white lace down your legs. He discards them somewhere on the floor behind him, his focus solely on you.
He maneuvers his face between your legs, biting some spots on your inner thighs softly before kissing the spot after. He continued to move at a slow, torturous pace, making his way up to your aching pussy.
"My beautiful wife. I love you." He says, and you run your fingers through his hair as you look down at him.
"I love you t-oh," You start, but were cut off by Joel poking his tongue out to circle your clit, dragging it down to your entrance, then back up again. "Fuck!" You gasp, gripping his hair slightly. He moaned into you as he got to work, and god, he wasn't fucking kidding when he said he'd say his vows twice. His tongue moved slowly, carefully finding a rhythm that drove you insane.
You started to grind your hips upward, writhing beneath him. He hummed into you, moving a hand to press down on your abdomen to keep you from moving.
Joel shifted himself in the slightest to bring his ring and middle finger up, slowly entering you as his skillful tongue never broke contact. A broken cry left your mouth, eyebrows threaded together and breathing labored. His tongue flicked your clit continuously as his fingers languidly pumped in and out of you, reaching that sweet spot every single time. If he kept this up, you knew you wouldn't last long.
You felt the crescendo of your orgasm building up rather quickly, heat in your lower abdomen tight with anticipation. Both of your hands flew into Joel’s hair when the his hand on your abdomen pressed down, applying more pressure. He truly went to work on you and ate you like a starved man, not letting up once. He wanted you to come all over the lower half of his face, wanted to feel your legs shake as you cried out his name for mercy.
And oh, what Joel wanted, he got.
Your orgasm rushed over you, internal flames licking you from your head to your toes. Joel lapped you up, fingers slowing down until they came to a halt. He pulled them out of you slowly, but his tongue was unforgiving as he kept slurping and licking at your sensitive heat. Your body jerked in overstimulation, trying to wriggle away from him, but he clamped his hands down firmly on your hips.
“Jesus Christ, Joel– f-fuuuuck.” You whined loudly, tears springing to your eyes. Just as quickly as your first orgasm came, a second one was already building up. Joel felt it with the way your body was tensing, and to add to the pleasure this time, he moved his tongue down to dip inside of you, moving at a deliciously torturous pace. He moaned against you, feeling you flutter around his tongue. He brought a thumb over one of your thighs, rubbing tight circles over your clit.
If you thought you were seeing the stars above before, you were seeing the whole fucking galaxy this time around.
“C’mon sweetheart, give it t’me. Let me see my beautiful wife cum on my face again.” His dirty words came and went quickly as he got right back to tongue fucking you, your release right on the edge.
You moaned so loudly as your second orgasm coiled tightly and snapped like a cable right through you, your whole body shaking with pleasure as Joel’s name rolled off your tongue like a prayer on Sundays. Joel cleaned you up once more, kissing your oversensitive pussy before dragging himself upwards. Pure lust clouded his eyes and his overall expression. His pupils were blown, eyes seemingly’ve gotten darker.
He moves a hand up to tug your chin down. “Open your mouth.” His demanding tone sent tingles down your spine, only adding fuel to the fire. You obey him immediately, and he spits directly into your mouth.
“Swallow.” Was all he said, and you complied. Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head with how dominating he was being right now. You tasted yourself as you swallowed what he’d given you, eyes glossy as you awaited his next move. He stood up from the bed briefly, only to discard his shoes, pants, and boxers.
His erection sprung free and hit his torso, precum smearing as his tip was leaking and begging to be touched.
“My handsome husband.” You praised, only mirroring his words of affection to you earlier. He offered you a soft smile, climbing over you again. He rested his elbows on either side of you, face hovering mere inches above yours.
“Tell me now, baby. Do you want to make sweet love? Or do you want to be fucked roughly? You choose.” You laugh softly that he’s giving you an option, but there was all the time in the world for sweet love making on this trip. You wanted to be fucked senseless and take advantage of this domineering side of Joel.
“The latter, baby. Into oblivion.” You flash him a wicked smile, and that’s all you need for him to get off of you and reposition you so you both were facing the mirror that hung on the wall.
“Want you to see yourself getting fucked, sweetheart.” His voice is dangerously low. He climbs onto the bed as you arch your back, giving Joel a perfect view of your plump ass. He leaned down to kiss you on one cheek, before his hand cracked down on the other, giving it a fairly harsh slap. You gasped, eyes wide and mouth agape as you stared at his hungry expression in the mirror. The sting of the slap only added to your arousal, making your toes curl in the slightest.
“You ready, darlin’?” He asks, rubbing your ass tenderly. You nod in the mirror, but he shakes his head.
“Words, honey. Lemme hear you.” He presses, and you swallow thickly.
“I’m ready Joel. Please, fuck me.” Your begging alone nearly made him come undone, but he sucked in a breath as he positioned himself with your slick entrance.
He grabbed your hips, sliding into you with ease, courtesy of your arousal. You both moaned loudly, being filled up from this position always hitting deeper than usual. Joel’s cock felt heavy inside you as he gave you a minute to adjust to him. After all these years together, it still took a little time to adjust to his size. In doing so, this was the first time you both didn’t use any form of protection, so you could feel every single ridge and vein on his swollen member.
Joel had to concentrate on not cumming right there as he was buried in your tight warmth. The feeling of no protection was heavenly. You started to move your hips forward, giving him a silent signal he was good to go.
Joel moved almost all the way out of you, before snapping his hips forward to fill you completely again. You cried out at the pleasure as he set an unrelenting pace, fucking you senseless into the mattress.
“Look so fuckin’ pretty getting fucked dumb on my cock like this, sweetheart.” Joel grits, voice strained with pleasure.
“Feels—” You gasp for air, choking your words out. “Feels s’good. Y’feel so good, Joel. So good.” You praise him, fists clenching the fabric of the white comforter beneath you.
“Eyes up here, honey.” He moved a hand away from your hip to wrap around the front of your throat, pulling you up while applying the tiniest bit of pressure. Your eyes met his in the mirror, and you’d truly never seen such a pornographic sight in reality. You both looked so fucked out, so ravenous, so hungry and desperate for each other as his hips collided with your ass at an unrelenting, brutal pace.
Joel had an idea to add more pleasure to the mix, but it was borderline teetering a limit for you. You told Joel awhile ago that you’d try anything (well, almost anything) once, and if you didn’t like it, you’d let him know. He knew what he was about to do was truly obscene and filthy, but it was worth a shot. He moved his hand up your jaw and ran his thumb over your bottom lip, tugging at it. His thumb made its way into your mouth and you eagerly sucked on it, giving him the lubrication he was seeking. After a minute, he let his thumb out of your mouth with a small pop.
He looked into your eyes through the mirror, and then looked down, where your other hole was completely exposed to him. He was hesitant for a moment, but bit the bullet and spit right onto it. Your eyes widened and you gasped, wondering what the hell he was going to do… but then it clicked. He moved his hand down to your ass, resting it tenderly on your cheek as his thumb swiped over his spit there.
“Can I? If it feels like too much you can tell me to stop.” He said, thumb hovering right over the spot you both became so curious about. You trusted Joel and knew he’d never do anything to intentionally hurt you.
What the hell, you thought. Worst thing that could happen is you tell him to stop. You nodded slowly, and heat rose to your cheeks as he kept bucking his hips into you. His face displayed pure concentration, eyebrows threaded together as he slowly pushed his thumb into you. It felt really odd at first, but that bit of pressure alongside the weight of his cock pounding into you was pure fucking bliss. Your pussy clenched down on him, and you both moaned in unison once more.
After Joel gained his full concentration back, he used his other free hand to wrap around your throat once more. You couldn’t believe how much Joel was holding back before you two got married, because fuck, this was truly some of the most mind blowing sex you’ve ever had.
The only sounds heard in the room was his hips slapping into your ass repeatedly, the wet squelching noise of you taking him so well, and your heavy breathing mixed with a couple of scattered moans. Your head was completely empty from every thought you’d ever had, except for Joel. Your mind was just Joel Joel Joel.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good around me. You were made for this cock,” Joel groans. “I’m gettin’ close.”
He moved his hand from your throat down to your clit, rubbing tight circles again. You cry out at the sensation, one of your hands moving to grip Joel’s forearm. You dug your nails into him unintentionally, causing him to hiss. He truthfully didn’t mind the slight pain that it brought though.
“Fuck Joel, I’m gonna cum.” You choke out, and he moans in response.
“Me too, baby. Y’gonna cum with me?” He rasps, but before you could even answer, you were clenching down on him as your orgasm shot through you once more.
“Fuck, sweetheart, where do you want me?” He asks, his own release just seconds away. He removed his thumb from you to steady himself against you with his hands, his face contorting into absolute pleasure.
“In me, please, baby– fuck.” Bliss takes over the course of your whole being as you cry out his name. A string of curses comes out of his own mouth, mixed with your own name, as he painted your insides with his seed. Your eyes were trained on him the whole time, so turned on by your husband blissed out because of you, that it elongated your orgasm. Your legs were shaky and done for as he stopped moving completely, his tan chest rising and falling rapidly to catch his breath. He wrapped his arms around your torso as he slowly pulled out, making you groan at the loss of fullness.
He brought you down on the mattress with him, tucking your head gently beneath his chin. You both spent a few minutes trying to catch your breaths, enjoying the peacefulness of being wrapped into each others arms.
“You did so good for me. I love you, baby girl.” Joel kisses the crown of your head, thumb stroking a spot on your arm softly.
“That was incredible, my love. Didn’t know you were holding back on me.” You chuckle as you kiss his chest, nails scratching his beard.
He huffs a laugh, clasping his hand around your wrist gently. He kissed the palm of your hand, resting it over his heart when he was done.
“I’m so fuckin’ happy, darlin’. So happy I get to call you my wife, and so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so, so much.”
You tear up at his kind words, pulling his face down for a sweet kiss.
“I love you too, my sweet husband. Forever and always.”
You’ve thought it and said it a million times before, and you’ll think it and say it a million times again—the universe really had a funny way of aligning things in life.
It really was fate, after all.
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zabimarushoney67 · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to known if I could request slow sensual sex with Shinji Hirako???
Oooomgosh omgosh yessss! This is gonna be so good 🙏🏼 Highkey have been waiting for a NSFW fic with Shinji 💀 Thank you so much! for the request and I hope you enjoy! (I went on a blind hiatus during this im so sorry lmao it’s done tho!)
🔥Under Fire🔥
Shinji Hirako x Fem!Reader
Summary: Shared but masked feelings, making love wasn’t apart of the agenda. For you though, Shinji is ready for anything.
Warnings: Modern alternative universe, strong language, sensual lovemaking, praise kink, marking(hickies, bite marks), fingering, oral!sex (reader receiving), vaginal!penetration, hand holding, sweet talk, supple kisses, blunt smoking, friends with benefits turned serious, budding romantic feelings, fluff throughout.
Authors Notes: AH FINALLY I HAVE WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS 😩 SHINJI WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME AND I AM OKAY WITH THAT! Also! Bad Omens reeeeaallly set the mood for this thing, like ONG absolute perfection!😭🤌🏽
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Loud music bumped over the nightclub speakers, rumbling through the wooden floors with everyone’s moving feet. Flashing lights colored the hundreds of bodies that were crammed together like sardines on the dance floor, Shinji’s gentle hands were on your hips, he watched them sway in time with the movements of his fit body.
Drunk and feeling the music, the beating vibration warmed your body up against Shinji. A feeling like sparks igniting, consuming you in his spiritual flames. Shinji flowed with your body on the dance floor. Shifting his hips, he pressed them up against your frayed denim shorts, groaning to himself as he felt your body press, and relax back into him.
He swallowed hard as he peered down your body, his steely eyes devoured the slick and shiny skin under your halter-neck tank top. Feeling your hand wrap around his neck and grip him there, finally had him leaning into your ear to speak up. “Hey, you wanna get outta here soon darlin?” His voice reverberated something needy and demanding. Shinji teasingly licked the shell of your ear, nibbling down the side of your neck as you rolled your hips across his quickly hardening groin.
Leaning your head back on his shoulder speaking into his ear, “Sure, yeah that sounds good! But I have to finish my drink first,”. Rolling his eyes, he released his grip on you. Holding your hand softly he followed closely behind you as you lead him back to the table where Lisa, Kensei, Renji, Izuru, and Shuhei sat.
Hoping you two could slip away unnoticed, Shinji huffed. Now in a forced position to say goodbye and come up with a reason for disappearing yet again, at a friendly get-together, Shinji was less than thrilled. Not an outcome he was hoping for, but if it meant he could leave sooner with you without a bickering match, it would be worth it. Moving to the quieter, darker part of the club where your table was, y/n grabbed the air toward her drink, lazily leading Shinji behind her.
Renji passed her the drink, as she finally anchored herself at the front of the table. Bringing the cute, yellow bendy straw to her lips she sucked down the blue fruity cocktail, bobbing her head in time with the music.
“Looks like you two are having all the fun,” Renji commented, “We are, but,” y/n started saying before taking another sip of her drink, “We're actually gonna head out early for the night,” she said tightening her grip on Shinji’s hand, silently asking him for some back up if her unplanned plan backfired.
Everyone's heads turned at that comment and landed on both you and Shinji, Shuhei caught Shinji’s hand being held captive by yours and only nodded in his direction. The rest of the gang sighed outwardly, “Really? Already?” Renji questioned with a grimace, “But we just got here!” a drunk Lisa sang out. “Oh let them go, they'll just disappear somewhere anyway,” Kensei huffed, taking a languid sip of his old fashion.
The rumor was true. You had secretly been seeing Shinji on the side for a while now. He established a friend-with-benefits situation a few months back.
On that day, running some errands with him, Shinji had bluntly come forward with his attraction toward you. It seemingly came out of nowhere, but you had been so fond of him already that you even held your suspicions, that he felt the same. The sex has been a reliable release for you, it sated a need you didn’t even know you had until you started seeing him regularly during the week.
The both of you had tried to keep it down low and out of sight, trying not to start any gossip. It seemed everyone eventually caught on, since every time you all got together, you and Shinji always ended up disappearing.
Usually off somewhere alone for a quick meet up and then return to the function, but the longer the agreement went on the more often you two went off just to be together, sexual or not.
“Are you guys leaving already?” Izuru chimes in with the rest of the crowd, walking up behind you and Shinji with a handful of shots. “Yeah…” Shinji replied slowly, blatantly fronting his irritation at the current embarrassing circumstances. “That’s lame,” “take one before you go,” Izuru rolled his eyes, pushing a shot into both y/n and Shinji’s free hands.
Just as y/n finished her cocktail, she threw the shot back like a champ, before anyone else had even lifted their shot. Shinji would stand corrected if he thought he was the one who wanted to leave this god forsaken club first.
Walking back to y/n’s downtown apartment not far from the club, y/n held onto her shoulders. Chilled, after leaving the heat of the nightclub and into the late summer night. “Jeez. Woman,” “This is why I told you to bring a jacket,” Shinji sighed.
Wrapping you in his brown leather jacket he remarks “And who said chivalry is dead?”. “I didn't know it would be this cold,” y/n muttered quietly, gripping the sides of his jacket and enclosing herself in its warmth. “You’re half naked, with your hair in that... Cute messy bun style you know I love so much on you,” “Of course, you're gonna be cold, sometimes I think you do it on purpose,” he smiled to himself as the words left his mouth. “Absolutely not!” y/n spat back defensively, knowing deep down that he was... Well, he was kind of right.
Something has been different lately. Even before leaving for the club, Shinji had ran through a whole checklist before he would even allow you to step out of the door. ‘Have you eaten yet?’ ‘Do you have everything in that purse of yours?’ ‘Are you sure you don’t wanna bring a jacket?’ just to name a few examples. There was a new profound softness in all of Shinji’s actions that pertained to you, it felt good, natural even, like it should’ve been this way the entire time.
Needless to say y/n was rather enjoying the new treatment, it made her heart patter ever so lightly allowing more room for her fondness to grow for the infamous jokester, who now turned out to be an infamous gentleman as well.
Finally arriving back home in the safe confines of Y/n’s apartment, y/n shook off her heels and threw his jacket on the coat rack while Shinji carelessly strolled in behind, removing his shoes. The beginning steps of y/n’s ‘time for bed’ ritual took place, and Shinji got comfy removing his tie, loosening his shirt a bit and rolling up his sleeves. Y/n stood in the mirror, wiping off her makeup in the bathroom, closest to her bedroom. Shinji sat on the bed, rolling up a blunt for the both of you. One of his many playlists lulls over the sound system, filling the bedroom with a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Once cleaned up and dressed down in some of her comfy shorts and an oversized T-shirt, y/n joined Shinji on the plush mattress, sitting crisscrossed with a glass of iced water. “Man, nightclubs are not my thing anymore,” y/n said rubbing her eyes, groaning softly from the slight headache she received after the few hours of drinking and dancing.
“So, let me get this straight,” “You’re saying,” “You would rather be at home,” “Chilling… and smoking weed with me… in your bed?” Shinji drawled out turning his head in your direction, with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. “Shut it and light it, goofy,” y/n sneered at the blonde man, smacking him lightly on the shoulder and breathily laughing at his stupid, dumb remark. So stupid it left your face catastrophically red. Seriously, what was up with this guy? His smooth words, and even smoother hair. None of it made sense, or it did… just why now? Shinji was the adamant one on the, ‘this is nothing serious, I just want to have fun with you,’ part of the agreement.
Putting his hand upon your upper thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. Shinji places the blunt between his lips, it hangs so artfully from them as he goes to light it. Pulling out an engraved zippo lighter, he flips it open. The bright blue flame quickly engulfed the tip of the tobacco paper, and a sweet aroma of the white grape drifted through the air while the paper burned to ash, quickly followed by the delightful smell of weed. These night are always the best when shared together, y/n thought. Allowing her mind to wander through the current moment, a sudden swell of emotion had begun overflowing her body.
A few passes and over half a blunt later, the two leaned against the wooden headboard, their bodies heavy from the weed that swirled through them. Y/n laid her head on Shinji’s shoulder, while his arm encompassed her close against his warm, slumped body. Shinji puffed on his handiwork, relaxing further into y/n’s weight. Rolling waves of smoke lingered in the air and filled the dimly lit room, while the two lay together sailing through the clouds. The entwinement of their bodies and limbs being the only thing that kept them grounded in reality.
“Earlier…” “Walking back here,” “You said, you loved when my hair is up,” y/n said softly, pausing before continuing, “What are some other things you… ‘love’ about me?” She asked curiously, with her breath hitching in her chest.
Shinji’s eyes widened at her question, breathing a heavy hit from his nose, he hurriedly took another, sucking it deep into his lungs. “Well…” he said as the smoke poured from his mouth. “There’s lots of things…” “like the way you’ll scrunch your nose up at my gross jokes,” Shinji said chuckling to himself. “Or the way you’ll blush and look away whenever I compliment you…” “Or my favorite…” he paused again. “the little dance you do when you’re eating something you like...” he stopped there smiling to himself, but not wanting to dredge any further into that topic.
Y/n lay on his shoulder dazed, “Oh..” she breathed, blushing from his words. “I was fully prepared for you to say something along the lines of,” “I love the way your lips look around my cock darlin’,” she said, trying but failing to do an impression of Shinji.
“First of all,” “I do not sound like that,” Shinji laughed heartily at y/n’s endearing impression of him. “Secondly, I love it when you look like that,” he corrected, taking another hit before handing it over to y/n. “Oh yeah?” She said giggling, “Oh yeah,” Shinji said before his soft fingers slid up the side of your cheek and turned your face towards him.
Leaning down to capture your lips in a gentle kiss, he pulled away ever so slightly, blowing his smoke into your mouth and kissing you again after. “I love it a lot,” he said, inches away from your face. His words sang, traveling through y/n’s ears and making them ring with their sweetness, flowing down her body and resting comfortably in the pit of her stomach.
Blinking softly at Shinji, y/n exhaled the smoke. A soft shade of pink stained her cheeks as she stared into his grey hooded eyes. A crafty smile plastered across Shinji’s face as he caressed your cheek under his thumb. Y/n leaned into his touch before bringing the end of the blunt to her lips.
Glancing down at y/n’s full lips encompassing the tip of the blunt, Shinji drank your expression in full. He mimicked your blushing shyness as he pulled his hand away. “Goddamn…” “You are so fucking pretty,” “You know that?” He said biting his lip, he shook his head in disbelief and scoffed. “It makes me wonder why no one’s snatched you up yet,” insecurity silently started weaving itself into his usually unwavering confidence.
“I mean, I’m not complaining,” “More fun for me after all,” Shinji said going silent afterward. “For me, I think maybe...” “it's because I have you in my back pocket, and everyone knows it,” y/n stated blatantly, “We haven't exactly been hiding it,” shrugging her shoulders, she put the roach out in the ashtray. “Or maybe...” “it's because I would rather have you…” “So I decline everyone who’s tried,” a hefty blush returned to her face as y/n avoided eye contact with the blonde man lying next to her.
“Oh yeah?” Shinji said with a side smile and raised eyebrow, cocking his head down at you. “...Yeah,” y/n murmured after a moment of diligent thinking. Shinji’s hand cupped your chin softly, begetting your stare back in his direction. His face grew hot all over again when he peeked at the soft, lustful eyes of y/n as they peered down at his lips. Flashing quickly back to his eyes, y/n leaned in and molded her lips gently against Shinji’s.
Her sudden emotional ministration left Shinji blinking widely, the blush on his face crept up to the tips of his ears while she kissed him deeply. Melting into her kiss and releasing a breath from his nose, he pushed firmly back into y/ns wanting mouth, groaning as she parted his lips with her sly tongue.
Twisting his torso, Shinji slowly pushed you into the pillows, as he climbed on top. Supporting his weight on his forearms, y/n’s plush thighs hugged his waist while he got comfy between them. Her soft hands held his face, gently stroking the short stubble on his jawline, keeping him over her mouth as their tongues played and explored one another.
Soft moans roused from y/n when Shinji shifted to his knees, pushing her thighs up and over his. Rising to his palms, he gazed down at you, his face flushed and lips parted. Quick, broken breaths left his mouth, and Shinji felt his heart thump against his sternum. A strange, foreign feeling washed over his body. Arousal, lust, and something else... Passion? maybe. Y/n’s fingers tentatively reached for the first button of his shirt and slowly pulled each of them apart, staring intently at the buttons as they came undone and revealed his smooth skin underneath.
Sitting back on his heels, Shinji shrugged off his shirt and tugged it free of his jeans, tossing it to the side of the bed. Returning to his position over you, he caught your mouth in a greedy kiss. Awash with his need for you, his hand clasped your still-clothed breast gripping and kneading it underneath his palm. Y/n’s hands explored the expanse of his now open back. She remembered every flowing line of tensed muscle and the way they seem to relax under her hand that softly caressed each spot.
Shinji’s lips smashed against yours, nibbling at you playfully, and sucking your lower lip. With the intense feeling of being engulfed in everything that was Shinji in this minuscule moment, the heat started quickly swallowing y/n’s breath underneath the man's lanky form.
His needy mouth traveled from your lips down your jaw, pushing your head away, and giving the feral man access to your supple neck. Y/n’s head spun violently under his frantic, but somehow artful duress. Her body begged to feel his warmth, begged for him to give her what she needed.
Y/n found herself lost in the present moment, stuck in some places of her past, but somehow still excited for the future that was to be paved, and hopefully with Shinji by her side. Releasing his grip on your chest, both of his hand's fumble around, trying to find yours. Enterlacing his fingers within yours he pushes your palms into the bed, pinning you underneath him.
Shinji continued his crusade down your neck, licking and softly kissing the sensitive skin that lay vulnerable to him. Y/n can feel a smile form on his lips when she wailed out from the sharp feeling of his canines pinching her skin.
Covering the small welt with his mouth, and running his tongue over it Shinji sucks the skin of your neck. Grunting lowly when he feels you arch your back into his unrelenting torture. Releasing you from his mouth, he continues his play time to the other side of your neck. There, he kisses down to your exposed collarbone where he begins to repeat the same teasing ritualistic behavior, marking you with a large purple hickey.
At his total mercy, and laying completely helpless underneath him y/n bucks her hips against him. Trying, and trying again to find some friction to sedate the growing arousal between her legs. The flimsy cloth of her shorts and her lacy panties discouraged any true form of relief. They numbed her sensation just enough that it became a nuisance trying to do it herself. That was until Shinji finally understood what you were after. Freeing a hand from your grasp, he lowered it to your slick heat.
Surpassing the confinement of cloth, he delves in between your plump lips. Massaging the wetness that collected there, he hummed in appreciation at how worked up you had become with just some sloppy kisses and heavy panting. Two fingers rubbed in gentle circles around your clit. “You’re such... Ah!” “A goddamn tease!” y/n said forcibly.
She desperately wiggled her hips against his fingers, wishing he'd hit the spot he knew she loved. Shinji’s slender fingers always left y/n in a full trance. The way they magically danced across her skin, and brought about the most helpless of whimpers from y/n. The sounds Shinji knew, he was the only one who could force from you. “C’mon darlin’” “You know I love the way you sound,” “Let me hear you,” Shinji breathed against your skin before snatching you into another soul-devouring kiss.
“Let me feel you then,” y/n pulled away from him and retorted in frustration. Grabbing his wrist she pushed him further toward her dripping, needy heat. “Don’t be like that baby,” “I was gettin' there,” he smirked against your mouth. Sinking his fingers into your mess of a hole, he slowly pulled his fingers against the spongy pad on your upper wall, massaging in little circles.
Positioning his thumb he pressed on your swelling clit, rubbing and prodding the sensitive bundle of nerves in time with his curling fingers. “That's such a good look on you y/n,” Shinji smiled greatly as he peered down at your pleasure-contorted face.
“Faster..! Please!” y/n begged, shooting Shinji a needy glimpse and biting her lip to egg him further. “Nah,” “I want to enjoy this...” he said softly as he continued his sermon of repetitive motions. Y/n whined loudly, bordering on a temper tantrum. “Goddamn.” “You're so fucking cute when you're frustrated,” Shinji confessed in admiration, softly smooching your cheek before traveling feather-light kisses toward your ear. Taking your earlobe in between clenched teeth, he shoves his fingers into your aching core, reveling in the shout y/n released from his perfectly timed and careful actions.
Feeling your body convulse and twitch underneath him, was most certainly egging him on, more than ever before. His cock raged against the tight confinement of his jeans, throbbing in time with all the little jolts that ran throughout y/n’s body. “I think that'll do,” Shinji said before removing all stimulation away from y/n. “W-what?” y/n protested as she tried grabbing his hand to keep him posted in their position. Sitting up, Shinji unbuckled his belt letting it fall open. “Take your clothes off,” he demanded, his voice sounding a lot like how it did at the nightclub.
Blinking dumbfounded, y/n obeys and starts removing her shirt. Shinjis's hands helped lift it and pull it over your head as he discarded it with his shirt on the side of the bed. Y/n hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and pulls them down her thighs. Shinji pushed your legs up straight and pulled them off. “Keep the panties on,” “They're cute,” he remarked. He peeked down at the floral red lace tanga-styled panties that sat high on your waist, accentuating your curvy hips and pillowy thighs. His strong hands grab hold of your ankles and kept them in the air, “Bend your knees so they touch your chest,” “They don’t leave that spot until I say,” Shinji warned, his tone sounding serious as he positioned and instructed you on how he wanted to take you for the night.
Y/n hummed happily, lulling her head to the side roused a questioning look upon Shinji’s face. “Somethin' funny doll?” He asks, his palms pushing your thighs up to your chest. “You’re just so sexy when you’re in charge,” y/n explained with a grin. “Do it more often,” she said, silently challenging him, and staring directly into his eyes.
Shinji didn't respond with words but rather with his actions. Running his fingers over the lace of your pussy lips, a small smirk draws on his face once he saw your eyebrows draw together slightly from his touch.
Peering down at you and your position, his face suddenly softens. The position he wanted you in left you exposed to him, vulnerable almost. Somehow your words spoke of the trust you had in him and the confidence you held for him, knowing that he knew how to take care of you in every regard. It took Shinji by complete surprise the more he thought about what you said. Maybe he was thinking too much into it but something felt different from you, about you, he only understood that he couldn’t let you down now.
Quickly removing his black jeans, Shinji crawled back onto the mattress. He laid on his elbows while his face took place over your dripping cunt, his cock throbbed at the sight before him. The cotton insert of your panties drowned in your juices, scarcely containing your folds as it stretched thin between your plump lips. Like a ripe peach that hung from a branch and was ready for the picking, Shinji stared mesmerized by your intimate beauty. The aroma of your lust and the warmth that waited inside, made Shinji’s mouth water intensely as he steadied himself before taking a dive back into your depths.
Lightly pushing the cloth away to expose you completely, Shinji places his hands near your waist and leaned down and kissed your glistening lips. His hair swayed from side to side as he got to work. The soft gentle kisses he started with slowly turned into long sucking kisses, as he took each lip into his mouth and pulled on them. Tugging ever so gently before releasing it with a sucking pop and repeating this motion until he made his way up to your clit.
Taking the swollen bud into his mouth and sucking it, the pressure from the motion left y/n’s thighs trembling, and her toes curling at the ceiling. With her eyes shut tightly, her jaw dropped as she mewled loudly from Shinji’s unrelenting maw. The lewd noises that spewed from y/n’s mouth were unlike anything Shinji had ever heard before. His body reacted physically, singing with lust as every nerve, every pore on his body stood at full attention, just for her.
He fisted at the sheets under his palms as he started absentmindedly grinding into the mattress. Shinji repeatedly pushed his twitching cock into its soft fullness, desperate for any attention he could get while he waited to finish you first. Shinji grunted as his cock slid against the soft, stretchy spandex of his blue boxer briefs.
Removing her hands from the underside of her thighs, she placed them on Shinji’s forearms. Tightly gripping onto them, y/n felt the cool metal of his tongue piercing swirl around her clit, and up and down her sensitized labia. Y/n’s knees failed to stay directly over her chest and slowly drifted to her sides, resting there and spread completely open for Shinji’s hungry mouth.
Y/n finally caught a needed glimpse at the handsome man that lay in front of her. Visually taking in the way he ate her out like it was the last thing he’ll ever do on earth. So turned on by her noises and arousal, that he’s resorting to fucking the mattress. That’s a first, y/n thought gazing down at the touch deprived man between her thighs. His tensing muscles, soft whimpers, and all the incredulous sucking noises created such a delightful picture for y/n’s eyes and ears to take in and memorize.
The image of this moment, and the feelings that danced and swirled around her body, doubled by the pressure of her orgasm winding up in her core was almost too much. Tears pricked at the corners of y/n’s eyes, as her noises got louder with each swipe of his tongue. Noticing that you had broken the position he placed you in, his arms slid under your thighs and hooked you in his full grasp. Too horny to care, Shinji tugged you harshly down to his mouth. Making you jolt and gasp from the tightness of his arms as they held you harshly in position against his face.
Releasing a thigh, his fingers journeyed down to your twitching hole. His eyes peered up at you as he slowly sunk his middle digit into its wetness. Rubbing the pad of his finger against your G-spot, his tongue ravaging your clit. Expertly flicking and prodding your bud with careful consideration to get you to release. Never breaking eye contact, he sped up his finger's pace. Feeling your walls swell and clench around his finger was a sign you were close, pulling his finger out he glided another finger in with ease before pushing up on your G-spot. The repetitive pressing of her fleshy button, in time with the fast-flicking of his tongue, sent y/n over the edge drowning her deep within her pleasure and forcing out her full release.
“Oh, Shinnnjiii!~” She wailed his name out in ecstasy as her pussy clenched onto his digits and her clit pulsed under his tongue. Finger fucking her deeper and harder during her orgasm caused a different form of release, as y/n’s pussy squirted forcibly through the rolling waves of her powerful orgasm. Splashing Shinji’s chin, neck, and upper chest area, and soaking the bed underneath y/n. “Mmmm, that's what I like to see doll,” “Good job Baby,” He hummed as he pulled his fingers from you, sucking them clean.
Y/n lay there half unconscious coming down from her incredible high. “You've made such a mess darlin’, look at you,” Shinji chuckled at the slumped form of y/n, still breathing heavily. “I'm...” “I'm not sleeping in the wet spot, that's your fault,” she said catching her breath and swallowing hard.
Chuckling sweetly at your exhausted words, “Don’t bother me none babes, just a sign of my victory,”Shinji grins shifting to his knees in front of you. His warm calloused hands push your thighs up to your side as he leaned down to kiss your mound, up your belly, and the space between your breast. His breath felt warm against your skin, as you felt the tip of his nose swipe across your chest. Softly suckling the skin of your breast he repeats his loving and careful kisses until your nipple is encased in his wet mouth. His thumb and index finger come to rest underneath your breast allowing some support while his tongue swirled and prodded against your hard nipple.
Not giving you any time to prepare for the next act, Shinji sucks and pulls on your nipple with his lips as he presses his still-clothed member against your now-soaked innermost thighs. Grinding against your slick left wet, splotchy marking on his boxers. Pulling off your nipple, he kisses toward the other side and pulls your hardened nipple into his warm mouth sucking gently on it, making sure that none of you is left untouched, or unloved. Still coming down from her first high, y/n lay underneath him breathless, soaking in all of the attention Shinji seemed to have no problem giving to her.
The feeling of his throbbing cock pressing against her still-sensitive clit had y/n reeling. Gasping inwardly at the sudden shock of pleasure that still shot through her body, so artfully done in with just Shinji’s mouth.
“Fuck...” “Shinji, I want you,” y/n mewled pathetically at him, bucking her hips against his swollen, still captive member. Releasing your nipple, Shinji smiles deviously against your skin, “I can't hear you darlin’” he purred. “I..” y/n started before feeling unsettled from the foreign neediness that had been instilled within her. “Use your words, baby,” Shinji’s kissed soft words of encouragement into your chest, only making you flush further. “I want you, inside of me now,” “Please, pretty please,” “I can't wait any longer,” y/n begged helplessly, her mind completely fogged with lust and need.
“You’re in for a treat then babe,” “Because I want you to,” Shinji chuckled before pushing his boxers down past his cock allowing space for it to spring free from its confines. Grabbing the base of his lengthy cock, he prods his tip against your red, swollen lips. Running it up and down your slick, Shinji grunts lowly as he inserts himself. Your gummy warm walls accepted his length freely, swallowing every inch with squelchy ease. “Ohh~” “Fuu-uck,” “Y/n baby, you're always... so fucking... sweet,” Shinji gritted his jaw and forced out as his full length was sheathed inside of you.
All of those hours watching you, waiting for you, wanting you, finally came to an end as Shinji’s body fully relaxed into your body. Pleasure washed over, from his head to his toes as he felt your walls clench onto his shaft. His warm hands rested on the back of your thighs as he raised his body up and over yours. Pinning you against the headboard, Shinji positioned himself so his cock was perfectly angled against your G-spot. Slowly pulling himself from you, his whole body shuttered as he pushed his hips back into your tight cunt. Y/n lay spread open ready for Shinji's taking. Biting her lower lip she cursed under her breath as Shinji made the first few movements.
It didn't matter how many times Shinji had taken you before. It didn't matter how many times you came because of him, or how many times he had touched you. The craving for you only grew stronger with each time he felt you. Getting worse, as each time left him wanting you all over again, bubbling up like an inevitable volcano. Being inside of you was paradise to him, pure bliss, and the only thing to make him forget about all the other stressors in his life. You had become the center of his addiction, and every time he got a taste it was like a first taste all over again.
Finding a steady momentum, Shinji ground his hips against your core, sending his cock into your wet deepness. His mouth fell open and his eyebrows drew together as he felt your pussy twitch and throb with his motions. Soft breathy moans filled the room as he rocked his body against yours.
What usually was rough, harsh, and relentless pounding was gentle and comforting this time around. His hands softly gripped the underside of your thighs as his cock effortlessly slid in and out of you. Y/n’s breasts bounced softly with each of his push-ins. With her face flushed red, the feeling of his impossibly hard cock grazing against all of her right spots was quickly rewinding her arousal all over again. Shinji peered down at y/n, taking in all of her blushing features. The way your eyes rolled when he pushed up into your core, and the faded cute cries that left your now chapped parted lips.
Beautiful. You were so beautiful during this moment, taking all of him with ease and enjoying every second of it. It drove Shinji wild, he moved his body over yours once more prompting y/n to wrap her thighs around his waist. Finding your hands, Shinji interlaced his fingers with yours again.
Burying his face into your neck, he squeezed your hands as he picked up his pace. Y/n cried out, the tears that previously pricked her eyes now finally spilling over her cheeks. “I can't take much more Shinji...” she whimpered at his relentless grinding. Kissing your neck and ignoring your words, Shinji continued his loving agony, pushing himself harder against your soreness. “Just a little..” “Longer, I'm so close,” he breathed against your neck in earnest. “Fuck, I'm so close...” he strained as his body tensed with his approaching orgasm.
The pounding got louder as did their cries for release. “Fuck, Shinjiii..” y/n moaned leaning her head against his face on her neck. “I... I love you..” y/n said quietly. Those three words would've halted him, coming from anyone else. Coming from you though, he never would've expected you to say it first. “What?” he said, never stopping his thrusts. “I said, I lo..” “I love you Shinji,” Y/n said louder, squeezing his hands. “Oh shit... Fuck I'm gonna cum darlin',” “I love you too y/n,” he said hurriedly before claiming your mouth in a sweet kiss. Grunting repeatedly as his cock spewed his load inside of you, y/n could feel his shaft pulse with each ripple of his orgasm. The warm liquid filled her chasm with his juices.
Finalizing his kiss, his body dropped heavily on top of yours. Sweaty and out of breath, the both of you lay in stillness. The sound of his music still playing, the two of you slowly found your composure again.
Pulling out and leaning back on his knees once more, Shinji looked down at you bashful as ever. A cute smile found a place on his lips as he chuckled at the exchange of those words. Y/n looked up at him through her eyelashes, almost chuckling with him, “What's so funny darlin’,” she started again with her horrible impression, making Shinji laugh even further. “Nothin’ babe, I'll get you something to clean yourself up with,” he said cooly before swiftly finding a towel and bringing it back to you.
Hours had gone by it was late. Sleeping soundly in Shinjis arms y/n nuzzled into his chest comfortably. Shinji lay awake, his mind running wild and repeating those words over and over again as he caressed your back lazily with his fingers. Breaking his train of thought, there was a light tapping at the front door. Reaching for his phone and checking the time, 2:45 am his bright screen read, “Who the hell is knocking at this time of night,” Shinji huffed annoyed, untangling himself from you he pulled some sweatpants on and shambled to the front door, yawning.
Another light tapping followed by fits of laughing and shushing noises, made Shinji squint as he opened the door, he readied himself to tell someone off for disturbing his night with you. At the door stood Lisa, Kensei, Izuru, and Renji all of them drunken and swaying at the doorway. Shuhei was nowhere to be found, “what the hell do you guys want?” Shinji grumbled rolling his eyes. “Shinji?” all three of them said in unison staring wide-eyed, “What are YOU doing here?” Renji spewed, his words slurring together, incomprehensible to an untrained ear. They all stared in awe at Shinji as he leaned against the doorframe. “Wait I KNOW!” Lisa said out loud, unaware of her volume. “Are you and Y/n-chan dating?” she teased, “you guys owe me 20 bucks, I told you!” Lisa said matter-of-factly pushing each of the guy's shoulders.
Sighing and crossing his arms Shinji grinned, laughing at his drunk friends and their assumptions. “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” he responded, knowing exactly what he had to do next.
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@ducksdoughnuts IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT ITS DONE NOW 😭😭 Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing this!
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girlydemonbite · 2 years
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Sebek x Reader
Warning?: Lying? Manipulating?
Not sure if I like it, but with I've had the worst writing block so I'm just happy I wrote anything.
You know using his dear prince as an excuse was wrong but you just really wanted to have sex with Sebek. Would he actually ask Malleus later if he ordered Sebek to do this. You doubted it. He'd probably be too embarrassed or maybe he wouldnt be. Ethier way if anything you could tell Malleus that Sebek must be lying or got hit in the head or something.
"Malleus told me you have to give me anything I want." You werent exactly lying. Malleus had become one of your best friends lately and he did tell you if you need anything and he wasnt around that all you had to do was tell Sebek or Sliver to do something and they would as long as you told them Malleus said so.
"I dont think this is what he meant!" Sebek yelled.
You glared at him for a moment, before giving him a light smirk.
"Alright ill just tell Malleus that you wouldnt listen to me, which means you didn't listen to him. The man you gotta always listen to."
Sebek face looked irritated, because he knew what you were saying was right. If malleus told you, you could get whatever you want and Sebek didnt listen that meant he wasnt listening to his dear prince.
Sebek let out a irritated sigh, as he stared at you.
"Can we at least go somewhere where people aren't gonna catch us." Sebek asked as he glanced around the classroom.
"Like where? I think this is the best place. Everyone is out to lunch for a while. I doubt we're gonna be caught, as long as you be quiet that is." you gave him a small smirk. "Now just sit in your seat." you pointed to his desk.
Sebek didnt look thrilled but he sat down in his seat, not breaking eye contact with you.
"I dont got any condoms." he said flatly. "We're suppose to have a condom."
"You're clean right? and im clean." you gave him a sweet smile but Sebek still didnt look thrilled.
"OF COURSE IM CLEAN, BUT THATS NOT WHY IM ASKING." He yelled, you quickly tried to shush him.
"Hush, youre gonna give us away!" you whispered yelled at him. "And if youre talking about the cum part, just dont cum in me"
Sebek just let out a huff.
"Are you ready? we're wasting time." you sighed. "Just pull down your pants and we can get to work." you said as you started pulling down your shorts and panties. You watched as Sebek face turned slightly pink.
"Just give me a moment!" Sebek quickly blurted out, trying not to sound flustered.
"Hm, at least I know you like women bodys." you mumbled to yourself as you watched Sebek pull down pants and boxers down to ankles, before sitting back down.
Sebek didnt want to look at you, he felt so embarrassed. He was gonna have sex with a normal human. But he knew if Malleus ordered it and he didnt do it. He would be failing his prince. But that didn't make this any easier. But since his prince ordered this he might as well do the best he could. He better make you feel good, he didnt want you ranting to Malleus about how bad he was. He knew he better put on a good show.
Sebek lightly patted his thick thighs, glancing up at you.
"Well come on." he sounded confident now, giving you a small smirk.
And who were you to keep him waiting? Especially when you were basically tricking him. You quickly sat on his lap facing him and wrapped your arms around his neck before giving him a kiss, which you figured suprised Sebek cause he let out a small whimper, before his hands quickly grabbed your hips, to start moving your hips. Making his dick slide between your pussy lips. Sebek could feel how slippery they already were, which filled him with pride that you two havent even started and you were already wet for him.
Sebek could feel himself getting even harder as the seconds went by and he couldnt believe the want inside him that wanted to just slide into you. He didnt know why his body was acting this way so soon. You were just a weak human. Why was just this little bit make him so weak. He wasn't sure but it didnt matter right this second, cause he was dying to just slide into you. So much so that he ended up breaking the kiss that you two were having.
"I need in you." he whined, which he silently kicked himself for. He sounded so needy.
But he didn't even wait for you to answer or move, instead he was the one to move you. He lifted you up just enough so he could line himself up with your hole. Once he was sure he lined it up correctly. He quickly pushed you down on his dick, making a loud moan exit your throat. Which sent shivers up Sebek's back. Luckily Sebek gave you a second to get use to his size. He was a decent length, but his dick was fat which were stretching your walls open.
Seek could see the slight pain in your face, he wanted to laugh at you for not being able to take it, but he always felt like Malleus would want him to comfort you.
"You okay y/n? Do you want to stop?" Sebek tried to sound as caring as he could.
"No. No. just give me a moment." you mumbled as you buried your face in his shoulder, and took a couple breaths. You slowly started to move your hips trying to get use to it.
"Is that a sign your ready for me to move?" Sebek groaned through his teeth. Your walls were squeezing him more and more and he just wanted to move now. He wanted to be caring but he couldnt.
"Yes. move Sebek." you mumbled out, and that was all Sebek needed.
Sebek's hold on your hips tightened as he with ease started sliding you up and down his dick at a decent speed, making moans fly out of you which ended up being music to Sebek's ears. With every noise you let out it just went straight to his dick, and added to the pleasure so much so Sebek was letting out a couple groans and whimpers, which resulted in his grip getting tighter and his hips were now thrusting inside you hard every time he slammed you down onto him. The room was filling up with noises of every loud and hard thrust. But not that Sebek could notice, not with you moaning basically right by his ear. Every thought of being caught was out the window. At this point he wanted someone to see how good he was making you feel, and honestly he wanted to make you feel better.
Sebek thrusts stopped for a moment, and he just hold you down on his dick for a minute. Before you could even ask what he was doing he spoke.
"I want to make you feel better. Get off me and go bend over the desk. I have a feeling I can do better that way."
You slowly nodded as you eased yourself off of Sebek and went and leaned on the desk that was near you. You made sure to spread your legs a little bit, just enough that he could stick himself back into you. But Sebek hadn't even moved out of the chair, instead he was staring at you, taking in every part of you. He silently smiled to himself, he was honestly glad now that you had chosen him to do this task for you, even tho he wasn't sure if that was his dick talking or not. But in this moment he didnt care. He quickly got up and got behind you before once again pushing himself into you, and thrusting into you again. But this time you couldnt muffle your sounds, you would of used your hands but you needed those to keep yourself from moving too much. Sebek thrusts were too hard, they would have you moving too much on the desk. Now your moans were filling the air. Which only increased when you felt Sebek start playing with the little bundle of nerves, Sebek started making little circles on your clit with two fingers.
"Lilia told me about this thing a while ago. It was awkward but im glad he did now. He told me how this would make a girl go wild. But I figured I would never need it. My life is about protecting Malleus not fulfilling women pleasure. But im so glad I listened." Sebek groaned through his teeth as he talked.
You silently thanked Lilia for teaching this fae about the human body, as Sebek increased his speed not only with his thrusts but with the circles he was making on your clit. As much as you were enjoying this. You knew it wasnt gonna last much longer when you felt that feeling inside you building up.
"S-Sebek! im gonna cum. Don't stop." you whined out. "Please dont stop."
Sebek wasnt gonna stop anyways, he was chasing the same feeling too. He was just glad you were close too. When Sebek felt you sqeeze him even more and your juices run down your legs he knew he could let go too. But he didnt want to stop thrusting into you. He knew he shouldn't finsh into you. Thats what he was complaing about earlier but he couldnt get himself to pull out of you, not when you were still riding out your orgasm. Instead he decided to just shoot his load into you. And thats what he did. You felt his warm cum shoot deep inside you, as Sebek let out the most loudest moan. If there was anyone roaming the halls, you were sure you were gonna be busted.
Once Sebek was done riding out his own orgasm. He stayed there for a moment, just feeling his cum oozing out around his cock, he honestly wished he could stay like this for a bit longer. But he was sure you two were probably running out of time. He slowly slid out of you, letting all his cum slowly slide down your legs. He couldn't help but watch in amazement.
But thats when it kicked in. His cum was gonna get all over the floor, and not to mention your juices were all over the floor already and it was carpet.
"Shit!" Sebek yelled as he ran over to grab a couple tissues off of the teachers desk, you silently laughed as his soften dick swung back and fourth. as he quickly running back over to you and wiping his cum and your juices off of your legs. He wasnt sure what to do about the floor. "What are we gonna do about the floor!?" Sebek was getting nervous.
You felt bad, he looked really worried. You sighed as you grabbed your panties and shorts. "Ill go get some cleaning supplies. We should have enough time to clean up the mess." you told him as you slipped your bottom clothes back on. "Just stay here and don't let anyone come in. Especially the animal students." you said before leaving with wobbly legs, leaving Sebek by himself to quickly get his bottom clothes on. But when he touched his jacket he could feel that somehow you must of got your juices on him. He silently cursed himself for not taking it off, but how was he suppose to know it was gonna get so messy.
While Sebek was in his head, he didnt notice someone was opening the door. He figured it was gonna be you. But to his horror it was Lilia. Who had the biggest smirk on his face.
"What a mess you two made." lilia laughed as Sebek face turned even redder then it already was.
"How do!?" sebek went to yell but lilia just laughed.
"Just so you know. Im pretty sure Malleus probably didnt mean that you had to do this with her. But" lilia shrugged. "Its fine. But I probably wouldnt tell him that you did this for her. I have a feeling Malleus has some kinda feelings for her. And you dont want to upset your prince."
"What!?" Sebek yelled to his horror, yeah hes notice you two were close. But he never thought that Malleus had those feelings towards you.
"Just keep your mouth shut and maybe he won't find out." lilia slightly laughed.
Sebek didnt know what to say or do. But there was nothing to do now besides clean up the mess. And luckily you were back with supplys. But the horror that came to your face when you seen Lilia. But lilia just gave you a smile.
"Have fun cleaning." lilia laughed as he left. Leaving you two alone.
Sebek didnt know what to say to you, but he just took the cleaning supplies and started cleaning the carpet as best as he could. While you sprayed around the classroom to try and mask the smell of sex that you were sure was in the air.
"Y/n?" sebek mumbled out. That was probably the quietest you ever heard him be.
"Yes?" you answered.
"Lets keep this a secret."
You just gave him a small nod.
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braveclementine · 2 months
October 18: Thigh Riding (Remus Lupin)❤️
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Warnings: Thigh Riding, pet names
Copyright: I don't own Remus Lupin or any other Harry Potter/Wizarding World characters. I also don't condone the copying of this.
"Did you really have to misbehave in class today like that?" Remus asked lightly. He was sitting behind his desk, wearing those delectable brown robes, and not even looking at you as he graded homework. You were a bit put out. You'd tried so hard to get a detention and he wouldn't even look at you!
You had been thinking of very naughty things in class, knowing that Remus liked to go into your head when you were slacking off, wondering what you were thinking. Specifically, dirty things about you and him.
The two of you had been dating since the beginning of the year, falling for each other very quickly. However, despite you being seventeen years old and of age, it was still illegal for a student and Professor to have a sexual relationship. This unfortunately meant that the two of you had to sneak around to see each other.
Which was exactly why you had gotten detention! So that the two of you could spend time alone and no one would care or be suspicious!
"I wanted to get detention to spend the night with you." You mumbled. "You know that's all I was doing."
"And I told you that we can't spend the night before a full moon together. I'm too much like a wolf on these nights Y/N, even if I don't actually turn until tomorrow night. I could hurt you and I refused to do that." Remus said firmly.
"You're not going to hurt me Remmy!" You protested, "And you know I like it rough anyways, so what's the problem?"
He sighed, pausing in his writing, fingers flexing around the quill, "I'm to strong, don't you understand that? I could break you. Crush you."
Yeah. . . all his words were doing was making your more and more aroused. You'd always been a thrill-seeker (probably one of the reasons you were even brave enough to sneak around with a Professor) and his words were calling you to your wild side.
"Remmy, you sound like Edward from Twilight." You deadpanned.
He scowled. He hated Twilight. He thought the werewolves had it to easy and he envied that they loved being Werewolves. That they found it enjoyable when he found it to be the worst part of his existence. That it was part of the reason he sometimes thought about killing himself. And the only reason he didn't was because of his morals, his work, his optimism about life, and now you.
"It doesn't work like that Y/N. That's a book, a fiction written to give Vampires and Werewolves good names and features. I don't work like that. I'm dangerous, I could hurt you. I could kill you. Even worse, I could turn you."
"Not tonight." You whispered, finally getting up from where you were sitting, to walk around his desk and straddle one of his thighs. You wrapped your arms around his neck, nudging his cheek so that he looked at you. "Remmy, I know that sometimes I can be a bit of a brat, but I love you. And tonight, sure you might be a little rough, but I don't mind and you know that. You know you won't hurt me. I know you won't."
"And what if I do?" His voice cracked, "What if I do hurt you?"
You paused, thinking it over. "Then it heals and we move on and I'll know it was just a little accident. Remmy, I'm asking for this, knowing all of the consequences. I don't care."
He groaned, suddenly throwing his head back, "You smell so good."
You flushed, knowing he was referring to the arousal dripping into your knickers between your legs. "Well, I can't help it. I have a dangerous side and all your words are doing is appealing to me. Your fault." You grinned cheekily. You were starting to get needy, moving yourself against his thigh quickly. "So please?"
Suddenly, his eyes darkened, his hands coming to still you on his thigh. "You want to cum?"
"I do, yes, please make me cum!" You begged.
He smirked, "Well I still have homework to grade so-" You whined and he pinched your lips together with his fingers and continued, "-you can get yourself off on my thigh while I finish. And then, if you can finish yourself on my thigh without using any fingers or anything but my thigh, I will pound you into the bed like you want me to."
And there went the arousal pooling between your legs again. At this point, you were surprised even you couldn't smell it.
"Do I have to take my clothes off?" You asked.
"Yep. You're not going to use those cute pink knickers of yours to help you out." He grinned, "Get to work, I've got quite a bit of homework to grade."
You stood up, stripping off the black skirt you wore for your school uniform, and then paused. "How did you know my knickers were pink?"
"Darling, I always know what you're wearing underneath that skimpy little outfit of yours." He growled. "I know the bra is matching as well."
You blushed, pulling the soaked knickers off. You actually really liked the set that you were wearing. It made you feel both sexy and cute at the same time, with the lace and tiny little bows on the side.
You folded the skirt up, setting on the side chair, but threw your knickers in the dirty clothes. They were unwearable now. You set your black cloak aside, unbuttoning the white skirt, folding up the articles of clothing before removing the pink bra as well, leaving you completely bare.
You unbuttoned his pants, and he lifted his hips up to help you pull them down around his ankles, before you straddled his thigh again.
The only touch he gave you was his arm, wrapped loosely around your waist.
You grabbed his shoulders with your hands, and then got to work. You shifted your hips back and forth on his thigh. The hair of his legs did help give a sort of stimulation, though not as much as you needed.
He chuckled, "So wet darling. Naughty little pup."
You whined softly at his teasing. You really just wanted him to lift you off his thigh and fuck you into the bed.
You envisioned the various positions that he could make love to you in, as you dragged your clit across his thigh over and over. You sped up, trying to gain more friction. You could feel the slight onslaught of an orgasm, but the level was still low and you were feeling desperate.
You wanted to check and see how much homework he had left to grade. It seemed like he was finishing them a mile a minute, and you were getting desperate. You really needed him to fuck you tonight, you had to cum before he finished.
You whined again, grinding down on his thigh, trying to gain friction. It was building up, but at snail pace. You moved even faster, dragging your clit over his thigh again and again. Tears of desperation fell down your cheeks and the wetness of your eyes made your mascara run slightly.
Remus loved seeing you coming apart like this and he just grew harder as he attempted to grade the homework as quickly as possible. All of his senses were heightened. He could smell how aroused you were; a sweet, delicious scent that had driven him over the edge, giving in long before you had begged for him. He could hear all of your small whimpers and the way that your skin was dragging along his. He could feel your entire body trembling with need, could literally feel your desperation. He saw how your cheeks were flushed, how your eyes were a mess, and how you clung to him, trying so hard to get off on his thigh.
He couldn't wait to taste you. His tongue was literally tingling just thinking about your taste, saliva building up in his mouth and he quickly swallowed.
"Please." You begged, wanting him to take control. You wanted him to help you because you couldn't do it yourself. "I can't Remmy, please?"
He made a tsking noise with his tongue, seemingly unbothered by your pleas. In reality, he almost gave in right then and there. It took every fiber of his being not to react. "Now pup, a deal is a deal."
You cried out, burying your face in his shoulder, rotating your hips. You twisted them, rolled them, and tried every trick in the book. The orgasm was just there, you could feel it. It was like a knot that was built up in your stomach, just waiting to be released.
He felt your thighs shaking and slammed the quill down, picking you up in a matter of seconds. You let out a wanton cry at losing your orgasm, nearly bursting into tears right then and there. He strode across the room, slamming you down on the bed.
You caught your breath, only to lose it again as he buried his face between your legs, sucking hard at your clit and you released all over his tongue, crying out his name so loudly, Filch would've come running if the silencing charms weren't on.
"I know." Remus said in a husky voice, "You were supposed to finish on my thigh. But I just had to taste you. And now, I'll fuck you like there's no tomorrow. How do you like that?"
"Remus. . ." You mumbled, "Please. I love you so much. Just ruin me."
"Don't worry pup. I plan to."
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