pocketdays · 4 months
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Rota, Mayo 2024
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nurawal · 3 months
Menjual termometer higrometer digital
Kami menjual termometer digital, bentuk stick dan yang dilengkapi probe . Termometer tanpa sentuh untuk suhu badan juga ready.harga dijamin murah karena datang langsung dari cina. Kami juga menjual beragam jenis termometer lain sesuai kebutuhan anda. silahkan hubuingi kami di sms/wa/telegram 085853581777, http://alatukur.bisnisant.web.id
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erwinw · 2 years
Cara Menggunakan Termometer Laboratorium
Cara Menggunakan Termometer Laboratorium
Termometer laboratorium adalah alat yang sangat penting dalam dunia laboratorium. Alat ini digunakan untuk mengukur suhu dengan tepat dan akurat, yang sangat diperlukan dalam berbagai macam aplikasi, mulai dari penelitian hingga produksi. Namun, tidak semua orang tahu cara menggunakan termometer laboratorium dengan benar. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang pengertian termometer…
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konsultaniso17025 · 2 years
Training Teknik Kalibrasi pH Meter | 20-21 Oktober 2022
Training Teknik Kalibrasi pH Meter | 20-21 Oktober 2022
Training Kalibrasi pH Meter 20-21 Oktober 2022 Pelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi pemahaman tentang Konsep dan Implementasi Kalibrasi serta Teknik Kalibrasi pH Meter dalam lingkup Metrologi Teknis dan mengacu pada metoda internasional. Peserta akan mengerti tentang sistem kalibrasi yang benar dan dapat menerapkan teknik kalibrasi sesuai metoda/ prosedur yang lazim hingga pengolahan datanya…
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iateyourparents · 10 months
snow angels | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x fem!reader
summary: you love winter but you hate getting sick. but when it happens you have colby to take care of you.
warnings: bad writing and grammar(i’m sorry but english isn’t my first language)
an: it’s short but i love snow and colby so i decided to make this because it snowed so much yesterday in my city <33
pictures are from pinterest:)
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„Baby you will get cold.” Colby warned looking at you with a little smirk when you were laying on the ground doing snow angels with Katrina.
It was winter, your favorite season and because Los Angeles wasn’t known for snowy and cold weather, Sam and Colby decided to surprise you and Katrina with a little travel to Norway. It was heaven for you, so much snow and cold weather.
„I won’t love.” you rolled your eyes „Come here and make your angel!”
He rolled his eyes but started walking to you with Sam and they both laid down and started copying your and Kat’s movements.
„Come on love, let’s go inside baby.” Colby took your hand some time later „You will really catch a cold if we stay outside for any longer.”
„No.” you whined letting go of his hand „Let’s buid a snowman!”
„You will regret it.” Colby warned with a laugh but also got to work on your snowman.
And truth to be told, you should listen to Colby when he was urging you inside but you only realized it couple of hours later when you were laying in bed coughing and sneezing.
„I told you so babe.” Colby sighed looking at termometer in his hand “You have high fever.” he looked at you with worry and you took his hand.
“I’ll be alright. It’s only a cold. Plus I have the best nurse on the world to help me get better.” you smiled at him and he only laughed kissing your nose.
“You look like a rudolf with this red nose.” he kissed it again “I will go make a soup, okay?”
“Don’t leave me here all alone.” you pouted.
“You should have listened to me and you wouldn’t be in this situation.” he smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“You’re no fun.” you whined but let’s be honest, he was right, but you would rather spend three days sick in bed than admit he was right.
“Sure love.” he kissed your head and walked out of your room.
You laid there for a few minutes but you quickly got bored and your phone wasn’t any help, so you got up from the bed and ignoring your body’s shivering, you started walking to the kitchen where from you could hear Colby singing.
You quietly stood behind him and hugged his back placing your cheek on his shoulder blade.
He jumped a little but then sighed “I told you to stay in bed.”
“I was bored.” you pouted slightly “I missed you.”
He laughed quietly but continued making a soup.
“You didn’t miss me?” you faked a gasp and stopped hugging him. You immediately missed a warm his back was providing you but you took a few steps back acting as if he did something cruel “How could you?”
“I didn’t say I didn’t miss you.” he defended himself.
“Your silence did!” you accused “Alright then, go back to your no missing me and I will go hug Kat and Sam.”
You walked out of the kitchen hearing Colby’s laugh and him shouting your name and I love you behind you but you ignored it and went to the living room where Sam and Kat were already looking in your direction with smirks.
“Problems in paradise?” Sam joked and you pouted.
“He doesn’t love me anymore!” you accused loudly to make sure Colby could hear you in the kitchen.
“I didn’t say that! I love you!” you all could hear Colby screaming and that made Kat and Sam laugh and you rolled your eyes.
“Do you wanna hug?” Kat looked at you and you quickly nodded, sitting on her side and snuggling into her body while Sam covered you both with a fluffy blanket.
Some time later Colby came into the room with a steaming bowl and also steaming cup in the shape of gingerbread man.
“I made the soup and I also made you a cocoa as a sorry for making you think I didn’t miss you while I was in the kitchen and you in the bedroom. It was wrong.” he smiled at you and you laughed.
“Add kinder surprise and I will forgive you.” you smirked at him and he smiled at you.
“They are waiting in the kitchen.”
“I love you.” you kissed his cheek when he was sitting things on the coffee table in front of you.
“I love you too baby.” he kissed your forehead “Now eat.”
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
Actually House was very coherent because when Tritter made him trip on his cane almost making him fall he put a rectal termometer up his ass and when Wilson filed his cane in half and made him fall House clearly looked like he wanted to fuck him so House's reaction to people using his cane to make him fall to the ground is a desire to stick something up their asses
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weirdxstarseed · 1 year
imagine you need to take care of a sick rin
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content: pure fluff, friends to lovers, platonic love, sick!rin x carer!reader | words: idk | warnings: none
It was a peaceful afternoon when you suddenly received a call from Yukio
He asked if you can take care of his brother cuz he had an important mission and he can’t take care of him
You hesitate to risk your sunday for being in charge of one of your classmates
Even tho you had a good relationship with anyone
taking care of rin was a complete challenge
rin was the type of sick person who always complain about his illness
and you didn’t have the patience to deal with a trouble-maker
at the end, you accept with the condition that yukio will let you absent any day you want
consequently, he replied with an assertive answer letting you know all the information that you need to take care of rin
you arrived at their home and gave an esceptic glance to the surface
It looks pretty neatly to be a department where two boys lived.
you knock twice the door to verify if there was someone in the room
unexpectedly, a blue-haired boy open the door with an angry face
your eyes were bigger than usual and without hearing anything rin said, you guided him to the bed
“HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” he screamed before start coughing like a sick dog
“Stop, you’ll get hurt” you scold him, leaving your bag in a chair
He examined you with a distrusting glance and you showed him your tongue
mocking him
Rin rolled his eyes annoyed and started complaining
“I don’t know why Yukio told you to take care of me”
“I like money” you said, winning a indignant glance like a drama queen
“He offered you money?”
“Yes, a lot of yen is at stake”
“REALLY??” he sit on his bed, watching at you with a red blush in his cheeks
You smile openly and laugh at his expression
“Of course not, idiot” you replied “Sleep a little bit, you’re in great hands”
“If you said it. . .¡OUCH!”
You hit him with a pillow when you heard his comment and start organizaing everything in the room
Believe me, it was a challenge to shut him off
He always complained aboy everything
The coldness in the room, the hot weather outside, his sore throat, his headache
You patienly heard every complaint controlling yourself preventing to hit him again
Until you started organizing in the table
Towels, fresh water in a little bowl, termometer, analgesic, more towel
You know, things you need to take care of a sick person
The noise transform into silence
And when you saw rin sleeping peacefuly
A little smile cross your face
Feeling your heart beating
You roll your eyes trying to ignore the feeling raising in your chest
Prefering to concentrate in your labour
You sat in the floor to read a little bit watching over your shoulder if your patient was calm
Ignoring that when you read time goes by
You scream after feeling an air going through your spine
Rin was reading your manga behind you so you stand up trying to search the termometer on the table
He was a little bit slow so he didn’t notice your nervousness
Nervousness that went down the trash when both of you start to complain cuz the little baby didn’t want to swallow his pills
Sometimes when you change his front towel, he distracted you by talking about the manga you were reading, but suddenly you stop him putting the towel all over his face
Both of you stayed fighting like cats and dogs for an hour until rin proposed you to sit near him
You’ll be in an easiest way to check him out and he could bother you in a simple manner
You were with one eye reading and with the other one, watching the breath of rin
He would sleep multiple times and just wake up to say “I’m hungry”
In those spaces, both of you would love to talk about your favourite tv show
Or even complain about the difficult things that it’s to be an exorcist
Again, he would be in the land of dreams and you’ll be so astonished about his curious beauty
You check the clock, it’s 9.15pm time to Yukio arrive to their home
Carefully, you’ll approach to Rin’s face and leave a soft kiss in his cheek
In a sign of “good-bye”
Without noticing that some boy was awake and feeling your kiss over his cheek put him as a weird tomato
faster, you’ll clean all the room
Picking up food packaging, clean towel in the table and ofc medicine in order
You’ll write a cute letter to rin and a letter to Yukio telling all the stuff that you did for his cares
And when you’re to leave, Rin calls you
You gave a glance of confusion and he look away blushed as hell
“Can you give me another kiss?”
You soul left out your body when you hear those words and with shyness, you gave him another kiss leaving the room with your heart in the sleeve
Rin went to school the next day screaming that he was in there in a good health cuz he received the best treatment in the whole world
Provoking you to choke with the water that you were drinking
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hsslilly-blog · 1 month
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claire's award list, but now in nice wiki tables. this is for the main ones only and it's reflective of how it looked after 2020's award season. the original post is here if you want to check some more details on the films (and the full list so far, which i plan on making an edit like this one too. but her filmography is still in construction)
because i think she's exceptional and perfect, claire is the first actress to be nominated twice in a year in the same category for the 2020 golden globes (best drama actress for 2019's wild flowers and the last duchess). and since the golden globes tend to be a termometer for the academy awards, she got noms twice in a row (except for 2017's faustine). i think maybe she got some other festival awards but i'd have to research more about those before making any decisions. sag awards too. the final season of fast forward probably gets some noms in the 2021 emmy awards, but so far her lore only extends up to 2020. sort of!
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 years
Hey, hey I hope you are absolutely fabulous. I would love to request some Antoine fluff if it could please be really fluff and maybe a bit long if that’s alright I’d really appreciate it much love and stay safe ❤️❤️
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Oh my gosh, yes! Anto's requests keep 'em coming! Also, sorry for the delay! It took me long to find some good inspo for the fic (Give thanks to my little cousin, I had to take care of her for three days and it was basically based on it)
I combined these two request! Hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think of this! FEEDBACK IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED!
Motherly Effects -Antoine Griezmann
Summary: You are left to take care of your ten months old niece for a weekend, leaving Antoine wanting for your future together.
You stopped your work in the kitchen to lean down and pay attention to the babygirl in front of you
"C'mon, Lottie! Let's dance it again: Una gatita que le gusta el mambo, con todos los malos sale a bellaquear" You sang in between laughter watching your 10 months-old niece, Charlotte, move herself up and down while grabbing onto her stroller and laughing "Oh my godness, you're the cutest little baby girl, ever" You giggled "Won't your dad want to give you away to me?" You asked picking up the baby in your arms as she hugged you
"I don't think Miguel would like that, chérie" You turned around watching your boyfriend of three years and fiancé of four months, Antoine look at you both with a smile on his face
"Nah! I can try something up, besides Lottie loves spending time with us, doesn't she?" You tickled her belly making her laugh out loud "See? She does"
"How long is she spending time with us?"
"For the weekend" You announced "You okay with it?" Antoine nodded with a smile on
"Of course, little baby Y/L/N has all of us wrapped around her little finger and she's nice" Anto grabbed her hand and did as if he was going to bite it
You gasp in surprise "Uncle Anto is going to eat your hand! Tell him: Uncle what are you doing?"
She tried to repeat your words with a lot of "tata's"
"Oh, she got angry" Both of you laughed a little "Amor, how was practice?" You ask leaning up a bit with intentions of kissing his lips
Antoine met you halfway, leaning down a bit
"It was good. I still win test races against Memphis" You smiled turning around to continue your work in the kitchen with the ten months old baby on your hip
Antoine smiled at your form, leaning back in the table and watched you do your thing. You looked natural, like you've already done this several times
"You are just on your best form" You complimented him watching a little blush form on his cheeks
"I still have a long way to go, tho" He replied leaning onto the kitchen counter lightly as you bounced the babygirl in your arms
"Still, Anto. You're-" Charlotte's cries interrupted you "What? What's wrong, baby?" You asked her in a soft voice "Hungry? My baby's hungry?" You put a bit of her compote in front of her and she looked away but kept on crying"Let's go and see how's that temperature, then" You walked to her bag that was laid on the table
"Is she sick?" You shook her head, passing her to Antoine
"Her teeth's are coming out. Miguel told me she may get a bit of temperature but nothing to worry about" You explained grabbing the digital termometer and pulling it in her ear "She's fine" You said after checking
"Water?" Anto asked as you looked at your niece in expectation
"Lottie" You said softly after a while "Do you need a change?" You ask with a joking tone making the little girl stop a bit her crying and hide her face into your fiancé's neck "You little sneaky monster!" You exclaimed, the two of you laughing a little as you saw Lottie cling into Antoine "C'mon, let's get that little ass clean! We're up for a shower!"
Antoine passed her to you as you made your way to your bathroom to clean her up, Lottie's crying subsiding a bit. Anto followed you silently watching you mesmerized.
Stood in the doorway, he saw how you pulled silly faces to the little girl who started crying after feeling the cold water hit her little frame when you showered her, how you started telling her "Auntie! Say auntie!" again and again seeing as she still hadn't said her first proper words besides 'Tata', he also watched you with a smile on his face and a loving look on his eyes be so motherly with the little Y/L/N girl, thinking how would you be with your kids one day.
You guys have been together for three years, and have gotten recently engaged, it's obvious that kids and marriage has been a subject you guys have talked about, both of you wanted it, even tho Antoine was a still reluctant about the kids, seeing as he already had two but you didn't mind it.
If he didn't wanted it, he didn't wanted it. It made you sad, yes. But you understood where was he coming from. Besides you loved his kids to death and meanwhile the little Mía knew you were like a second mother, Amaro still didn't understand much of it.
And you came to made peace with it.
But right now, watching how you act with a newborn baby, made him think of how your pregnancy belly would look, of the small moments of your little family... If you had a little boy, would he look exactly like him with but with your intelligence and way of being? Or if it's a babygirl, she could have his blonde hair but your eyes and your cheerful presence? His joking and your seriousness?
He was daydreaming of everything.
And he loved what he was thinking.
"In my little round face, I have eyes and a nose, as well as a little mouth to sing and laugh" You started singing making Charlotte be aware of all your movements with a face of concentration and surprise "With my eyes I see everything, with my nose I do... achish! With my mouth like coconut and popcorn" She smiled after you ended up the little song as Antoine stood there knowing exactly what he wanted.
You turned around with the baby in your arms and stood still watching how Antoine was looking at you
"What what?" He asked
"What's with the face?"
"What face?"
"The one you've" You giggled
"That's the one that made you fall in love with me" You blushed nodding
"It's pretty" You said as matter of fact watching him smile "But what's up?"
"You're just... so pretty, chérie" You blushed walking over to him.
You leaned a bit and gave him a kiss on his lips
"You're supposed to say that. You're my fiancé"
"Being and not being your fiancé you know I find you absolutely gorgeous" You smiled feeling how Lottie waved her hand in front of you "You're going to steal Y/N away from me, young lady?" The baby laughed "I won't let you! I came here first!"
"She must know!" You giggled passing besides Anto to be once more in the living room, ready to prepare Charlotte to her bedtime "I'm going to change" You nodded smiling
You put some light music on the TV to help the baby fall asleep quicker so you could continue your work in the kitchen and be alone for a few minutes with your man.
When Antoine came down a few minutes later, he saw Charlotte asleep on your chest as you were scrolling down on your phone. He plopped next to you on the couch, pulling you into him without waking up the babygirl
"I want one" He said out of nowhere making you look up from your screen
"What?" You asked not really catching what he had said
You watched how Antoine took a deep breath and let it out slowly "I want a baby with you" He said looking at you
Your heart felt like doing somersaults when you heard him speak. "What? Why? How?" You were impressed, a good impressed.
You knew about your lover's past relationship but still wanted to form a family with him and his kids
"Seeing you with Lottie" He shook his head "...Made me realize I miss the baby experiences and that I would love to have you as mother of one of my kids, you just have this motherly effect, even tho you're not a mom, yet. I walked through that door and when I saw you with her I could only think of having a mini you or mini me running around this big house, Mía and Amaro taking care of them, us, together, being happy and having everything we ever dreamed of. Watching you in this "mom-state" forever is... Something I will never get tired of. I know I was a bit reluctant of having another one but I just changed my mind and if you still want us to have a-" You cut Antoine off with a kiss on his lips
"Of course I want to. I have been imagining a little boy with Y/H locks like his mom and blue bright eyes just like his dad's, ever since we moved in together" You admited shyly. Antoine smiled
"Baby Griezmann Y/L/N" He said as you smiled
"I would like to get married first, tho" You said after a few minutes of silence but the soft music playing as a background, Anto smiled "I can't wait to become Mrs. Y/L/N Griezmann" He kissed your cheek
"We can do whatever you want to do, Mrs. Y/L/N soon-to-be Griezmann" You smiled kissing his lips
"Will Mía and Amaro like the fact they could have another sibling?"
"They would" Antoine nodded "They're just like that, they would love that idea" Anto let a little laugh out "I can already imagine Amaro being an older brother"
"And taking into consideration how protective he is... Imagine if we have a little girl"
"He would so knock down all boys that come after them" He said making both of you laugh
And that's how you spent the rest of the night, laying in your couch, you with Charlotte on your chest, Antoine wrapping both of you in his arms as you guys talked about your awaited future together.
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laryssamedeirss · 1 year
Sometimes i just think about if there's someone who works in the social media for The Bear that is taking notes about what's trending in different apps that is related to the show and that could be like a termometer for the writers to get to know what the audience is expecting and our point of view, they actually do this right? It's part of the job of a marketing and communication team, isn't it?
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pharlapcartoonist · 1 year
I'm loving all your Good Omens inspired playlists, but I think it's sad it's all in english. There must be plenty of local songs that perfectly encapsulates the show and its ships. And I would love to hear them! Find some new music
I'm from Czech republic, for example. Here are three of my favourite local song that are basicaly Azicrow (with some parts translated to english)
Když se svlíkáš by Jelen
We know each other for a thousand years and million days
Even though the world is changing to unrecognisible
In those thousand years and million days
There are still things that never become trivial
Štěstí by Marie Rottrová
You're preparing me tea and warming my hand
Telling me "Melt, icy girl"
I'll give you an aspirine, if you want, or a kiss
Wish a termometer, distance of starry sferes
Or simple words
I have everything - just try to melt
I don't really know you, get to know us finally
I want to give you a name
Luck, call me that and I will melt
Luck, you've raised in your arms
Luck, call me that and love me
Luck, that can learn to smile
Hejno padlých andělů by Pavel Bobek
On the way to darkness of the night
In front of me is the first of mornings
The way you've loved me today
Noone was ever loved
The only question is burning me
That I have no idea
If you've ever felt the same way
In someone else's arms
I know I have no right to judge
I wasn't given a clear shield
But the way I've loved you today
Noone was ever loved
God saves the fallen angels
Repaire broken wings
Learn sharing hearts
And what love means
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erwinw · 2 years
Jenis-jenis Termometer dan Gambarnya
Jenis-jenis Termometer dan Gambarnya
Termometer adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu. Terdapat beberapa jenis termometer yang sering digunakan, yaitu termometer mercury, termometer alkohol, termometer suhu elektronik, dan termometer infrared. Setiap jenis termometer memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, sehingga pilihan tergantung pada kebutuhan dan kondisi penggunaannya. Dalam artikel ini, akan dibahas lebih…
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berwarnabiru · 8 months
Aku kira ibu lagi shift kerja, makanya aku chat:
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Aku biasanya membiarkan proses sakit itu mereda sendirinya. Paling cuma demam, pening, gejala flu.
Tapi kalau ada kegiatan yang harus aku ikuti, aku usahain untuk mempercepat penyembuhan dengan minum obat. Dan ibu adalah andalanku dalam merujuk obat-obatan.
Pernah suatu hari, aku sakit "parah". Nggak tau sebabnya apa, tapi perutku melilit banget. Nggak bisa ditahan kaya maag pada umumnya. Aku jempalitan di kasur, keringetan, dan hampir nangis karena nggak kuat.
Ibu masuk kamar, dan memberikan beebrapa biji obat dengan catatan: kalau nggak membaik, nanti ke dokter.
Alhamdulillah setelahnya aku membaik, jadi nggak perlu ke dokter, dan nggak perlu izin kerja.
Tapi pernah juga, perutku sakit karena nekad makan ayam geprek yang cabainya na'udzubillah pedes nggak karuan. Enak sih. Tapi apalah daya lambungku yang lemah ini.
Karena mau ada janji untuk mantai, aku mintalah obat ke ibu. Ibu nggak ngasih aku obat, dong. Aku cuma disuruh oles minyak kayu putih, yang katanya sih virgin minyak kayu putih.
Alhamdulillah sakit perut juga mereda.
Terakhir, tadi pagi. Aku demam, sekitar pukul 3 pagi. Pusing juga. Pengen cek suhu badan tapi nggak punya termometer, akhirnya pakai aplikasi yang mengestimasikan suhu badan lewat denyut nadi dan napas. Yah, hasilnya bisa dibilang aku demam. Hahaha. Aku mintalah obat ke ibu, barang paracetamol. Ternyata adanya obat lain yang masih ada paracetamolnya.
Setelah itu agak mereda. Tapi menjelang siang, aku merasa demam lagi. Kali ini aku cek pakai aplikasi, hasilnya lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya. Maka terjadilah percakapan itu.
Setelah membaca pesan dari ibu, aku segera turun. Ibu pun memberikan 3 biji obat, berbeda dari yang sebelumnya.
Alhamdulillah ... ya jadi lumayan enteng.
Please, jaga kesehatan ya~
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jupiter-reimagined · 6 months
my balcony faces both east n south and has no wind there. yeah. my weather app says its +17 but i put the termometer there for maybe... 20min? and.
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its still warming up. right after i took that pic it rose to +41 and humidity dropped to 11%. its like a bloody stove there :///
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lamyaasfaraini · 8 months
Cerita hari ini..
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Foto nyomot wkt hari minggu hanya sebagai pemanis.
Lari 6k plus jalan pulang plus jalan jemput anak total 9,4k. Mayan produktif hari ini yah. Dari hari senin entah knp tanginas bgt kata buibu di sekolah. Iya bener aku dtg ke sekolah jam 11.15 disaat yg lain pada mepet ke bel atau malah setelah bel. Yasudahlah gpp, ngga banyak basa basi sm bnyk org karena emg kosong, rata2 ngejemputnya telat ini buibu wkwk.
Kaya biasa, jajan dulu ke warung teteh kayanya ngga afdol kalo ngga jajan kesitu nih anak2. Baru pulang deh order ojol. Cuma udah perjanjian ke bu syifa kalo beli eskrimnya khusus di hari jumat aja dan nurut hemmm.
Pas lg di ojol aku pegang tangan nemo ko agak anget gt. Pas nyampe kerumah mukanya merah matanya berair dikit. Ganti baju trus cek suhu pake termometer..
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Dan terjadi lagi.. Kayanya belom 10 hari dari kesembuhan demam, batuk, radang kemarenan itu. Ya Allah, apalagi.. Kasian anakku, kami ortu pun khawatir dan lelah dgn kekhawatiran ini. Mudah2an bukan indikasi penyakit apa2 atau virus/bakteri apapun jgn sampe!
Bento jg di makan sedikit, udahlah aku kasih paracetamol yg dari dokter kemaren itu. Trus lungse bgt lg anaknya, akhirnya ketiduran sekitar 1,5 jam. Trus makan mayan banyak, suhu badan menurun. Udah kaya normal lg cerita ini itu bahkan bantuin ibunya nyetrika, bagian semprot2 pewanginya. Sesorean pas bapaknya pulang, naik lg suhu badannya 39,7 huhu tinggi bgt, bapaknya lsg ngompresin anaknya. Dan dia kembali lungse, tiduran aja sambil nonton tv.
Bapak beliin es kupi dan es teh jeruk madu, cemilannya cigor biar ibuknya agak chill sedikit menghadapi drama anak sakit ini.
Terimakasih bapak lofyuu
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Bulan januari, kami bertiga dapet giliran sakit ganti2an. Dan iya jg ini bulan januari berasa panjang bgt yah (kayanya tahun lalu akupun pernah nulis begini disini ttg bulan januari yg panjang). Bahkan di hari ultahku pun akunya sakit. Udah di penghujung bulan sih ini.. Tapi aku bersyukur atas nikmat yg Kau beri di bulan ini, atas bahagia dan tertawanya, atas rejeki berkah tak terduganya, atas silaturahmi dgn org2 tersayang. Alhamdulillah..
Semoga diberi fisik sakit untuk penggugur dosa. Aamiin..
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nadyagifary · 8 months
"Berhenti sejenak, nak"
Kata terberat yang aku dengar dari Mama beberapa hari yang lalu.
Rencana ku tahun Januari 2024 :
Masuk stase pediatri, mengawali dengan membeli stetoskop pediatri yang lucu, termometer nuansa hewan, oxymeter bayi yang lucu bertemakan kebun binatang yang lengkap ada di tas soap. Juga membeli hiasan stetoskop agar anak anak menyukai saat membran itu menempel di lapang dada/punggungnya. Merangkai jadwal aktivitas 36 jam jaga, target hafalan, membaca, ngaji kitab, dan belajar agama. Taklupa juga mempersiapkan masuk bulan Ramadhan dengan latihan puasa daud juga amalan amalan lainnya agar nanti tidak kaget saat mayor bertemu Ramadhan.
Rencana Allah lewat keputusan Ayah Mama :
"Berhenti sejenak, Nak". Ambil-lah cuti. Istirahatlah dengan tenang dan terima lah waktumu sejenak. Sakit ini benar benar menguji. Walaupun hanya demam thyfoid, tapi widal sekelas 1/40, mampu membuatku mrs 3x selama 2 bulan sejak November 2023. Aneh. Bahkan, tidak ada masalah apapun di kepala. Tapi rasa nyeri kepala mirip tension type headache juga demam yang datang dan pergi ini sukses membuatku jatuh pingsan.
Yah begitulah. Manusia merencanakan. Allah menetapkan. Barangkali, dengan terambilnya cuti mayor (10 minggu/2.5 bulan) ini, pasti dibalik sana ada sesuatu yang Allah ingin tunjukan. Hitung hitung, kapan lagi lengkap Rajab, Sya'ban, Ramadhan, dan Syawal di rumah. Pasti indah bukan.
Tidak perlu risau dengan teman teman yang melanjutkan stase di luar sana, cukup fokus pada diri. Perbaiki segala sesuatu yang salah. Tambahi segala sesuatu yang kurang. Perbanyak mendekatkan diri pada Allah. Pelajari ilmu syari. Percaya dengan Allah, dan segala rencana yang ada di depan sana. Juga banyak hal yang mungkin akan terjadi.
Dan aku tidak pernah kecewa dalam berdoa kepadaMu yaAllah. Pasti ada maksud baik di depan sana :)))
Boyolali, hujan deras, 17 Januari 2024
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