mero7t · 1 year
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posts worst separated!donnie au ever, asked to leave tumblr
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farkledagain · 16 days
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Some sketch pages.
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mxanigel · 10 months
mmmm I know I said I wasn't going to be so active but getting tagged by @galfrey to play with this picrew made me very happy <3 thank you~
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Shion Miller: "I've been broken but dammit I'm going to keep smiling. For myself and for my beloveds."
Vix Ternion: "Tadpole shmadpole I FOUND MORE BOOKS hey I wonder how this spell wor--" *explosion*
Neri Surana: "This stuff falling from the sky is snow, right? Please tell me it's snow. Not ash. From another explosion."
Lynn Shepard: "Keep it together, you're Commander Shepard, you can't show how much you need one damned thing in this galaxy to just stay fixed…"
No-pressure tagging @poetikat @mxkelsifer @judithmactir @milesmentis @spindleweedss @marythegizka @socially-awkward-skeleton @captastra @perhapsrampancy @valiantvillain @dr-paine @korblez @saraptor to also play with this picrew!
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would-you-eat-them · 5 months
would you eat Corvus Ternion's symbolic birds?
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theloniousmung · 7 months
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seikomuzic · 1 year
New Deep Dub Track!
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Ternion Part III
Kishibe x Reader x Aki Hayakawa SMUT, 18+ ONLY, MDNI
Ao3, Part 1, Part 2
Your messy office romance comes to its tipping point. CW: sex, oral, threesome, SPIT, degrading language, people getting sweaty and nasty in general, cum swapping, a lot of cum period, A LOT.
11k words (whoops:p) I hope you guys like the way things wrap up! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying, and for being patient with me getting this part out, I moved and I only just had time to write! But I made it extra long and extra nasty!
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The commute to work was unusually quiet, Hayakawa wasn’t much of a talker, the two of you would often pass the time in comfortable silence, or he would listen as you spoke whatever was on your mind. It was routine for the morning after he would spend the night with you to pass in a blissful silence until you stepped onto the train that would take you further into the city and to your office, more often than not you would begin to see coworkers on the train, thus marking the end of your private ceremony, and the reintroduction of professionalism. But this morning the silence was welcome as your mind was cacophonous. The lack of conversation between yourself and Aki on the way to the convenience store, and to the train, was unnoticeable over your racing mind. 
You knew what Aki sounded like when he moaned, you knew what he sounded like when he was pleasuring himself, you knew what you had heard. What you couldn’t make sense of was the subject of his morning fantasy. Captain was a title that belonged to plenty of people, division captains, ship captains, captains of sport teams…but any futile attempt at excuse was blotted out by the ink stain of logic telling you that you knew exactly which captain he was picturing. Kishibe. 
You had your coffee, changed his bandage, walked side by side, entered the train station all with sparse conversation. Aki paid for your breakfast, you objected but he insisted. You watched him closely as he scanned the selection of grab and go breakfast items, already having poured himself a to go cup of coffee to drink on the rest of the journey. His manner seemed even and measured, as it always did. Your silence not phasing him, it was annoying. You wanted to see him get hot, get nervous under your gaze, to wonder if you had heard or if you knew. You wanted to know what he was imagining. Before you could break him down further, you arrived outside the train station. 
You still had ten minutes before your train was supposed to arrive, Aki peeled off to the side, pulling two cigarettes from his pack, making a mental note to buy more soon. He should have, at the convenience store but it slipped his mind, he had been too focused on staying as neutral faced as possible as nervous sweat trickled under his collar. He could feel your eyes hot on him all morning. You had been assessing him since he got out of the shower. Cleaning his cut, you had been nearly silent. Replacing the bandage, you had been pretty focused but had spared enough mental space to watch him out of the corner of your eye. Even when he tied your tie for you, although you claim to be able to do it yourself, and yet always ask him for his help to get it straight, you had stayed quiet until the moment he slide the knot up to your throat, at which point you thanked him and finished tightening it the rest of the way yourself. The mug of coffee had appeared in the bathroom this morning, it could have been placed in there by you at any point. It didn’t necessarily mean that you had overheard him. And if you had, why wouldn’t you just say something? Although, that made him quite the hypocrite because why wouldn’t he just tell you he wanted to see, he wanted to watch, he wanted to be involved. This whole chaos with himself and you and Kishibe had brought the voyeur out of him in a way he hadn’t known existed. After succumbing to his own temptation in the shower, he realized that the only way to free himself from the constant, deeply distracting, stream of lewd acts performed by you and Kishibe in his own imagination would be to sate the curiosity. If he could see he wouldn’t have to wonder any longer, he would know. But he wasn’t yet ready to voice that to you. What if you thought he was weird or a pervert? Maybe he was weird and a pervert. Maybe he should be more concerned with what wanting to watch his (kind of?) girlfriend be ravished by your shared mentor says about him. After all he had come into the arrangement the latest, from the sound of it, wouldn’t it be natural for him to be curious about what the stasis prior to his addition looked like, if there even was one?
Standing next to you, his cigarette nearing the filter, he decided to finally speak up, “Thank you for having me over last night. I had a good time.” 
So benign, your eye twitched at how casual he was acting. 
“Me too. Thank you for dinner, and breakfast.”
He nodded, ashing his cigarette and tossing it into a nearby trash bin, you did the same. Aki looked around briefly, seeing that no mutual friends of yours were around before cupping one cheek and kissing you softly. It was a brazen move from him, entirely unexpected, you didn’t think he was the PDA type, granted you had never given him the opportunity. Your eyes remained open as he pulled away from the kiss and met your gaze with a small smile. Despite the questions churning in your mind, you smiled. He was so much more thoughtful than he let on. You had had a wonderful night with him, you loved seeing him be so sensitive and talking with him so easily. Aki was so easy to be with, you would get this secret out of him eventually. 
You ran into coworkers on the train, smiling and greeting them casually and happily, expressing gratitude for the coming weekend, listening to complaints about recent jobs and sharing your own. To the outsider’s eye there was no special connection between yourself and Aki, but between the two of you there was a spider silk invisible string pulling you together. Hands on the same stability bar, although many inches apart, side glances never quite lining up. Your chest warmed as you remembered the feeling of his lips on your neck, his hands on your back. You shared one last moment of knowing eye contact, hopefully imperceptible, before you split off from the group toward your office. 
Kobeni hadn’t arrived yet, you had the office to yourself. You settled in for the day, sinking into your chair, dropping your bag at your side, running your hands over your face, careful not to disrupt your makeup. It isn’t until the sound of paper smacking down onto your desk jostles you awake that you sit up and uncover your eyes. Looking down to the origin point of the sound you saw an envelope, just barely open, with two rectangular cards sticking out. Kishibe stood next to your desk, already tipping his flask into his coffee, not watching you. You picked up the envelope and pulled out its contents.
Two tickets, to a play, tomorrow night. 
“What the fuck is this?” Your face scrunched up. 
“I was recently made aware that I don’t do things for you. While I find that to be bullshit, here you go.” He still hadn’t looked at you, instead focusing on screwing his flask closed. 
Breaking from your stare at the tickets in front of you, you looked up at him. 
Kishibe blew on his coffee and met your eyes, “What do you say? Curtain’s at 7:30.”
“You want to take me on a date?”  You hoped you didn’t sound as shocked as you felt, although you certainly did. 
“If you want to call it that, that’s fine. After the play we can resume our usual routine.” Kishibe’s face was stone. Unreadable and incomprehensible. 
Still working through the puzzle in your mind you pushed further, “And this certainly wouldn’t have anything to do with you being jealous of Hayakawa, right?”
Kishibe hissed, annoyed, “you said I don’t do things for you. I’ve organized something, you like plays right? Movies and stuff? I listen sometimes. Do you want to go or not?”
You softened, he was trying…really trying. He even chose a play by a playwright you liked. So what if it was brought on by jealousy, and he was being kind of a tool about it as a gesture? He was trying. 
“I’d love to go.” You smiled warmly, standing to lean close to his chest, “Thank you for inviting me, should I meet you at the theatre? Or will you pick me up?”
He looked down at you, a smug smile just barely curling his lips, “I’ll come pick you up. We’ll go to dinner and then after we’ll have drinks at your place, how does that sound?”
You leaned into him further, “Then it's a date. I’ll see you tonight.”
Kishibe nodded, pleased with himself, although a bit forlorn without a kiss as a reward. He guessed getting caught yesterday had made you more cautious. That is…if Hayakawa mentioned it. He left your office and made his way into the breakroom, it was there that he found the exact mark he was looking for. Tall, lean, face unmoving and unreadable, dumb little ponytail and all, Aki Hayakawa stood at the coffee machine. He hadn't yet seen Kishibe come into space. The room itself was small, space along one wall from a refrigerator and about three feet of countertop. Two metal tables sat closer to the door, a vending machine full of snacks and drinks along the back wall. As of now the only people inside were himself and Hayakawa, so he shut the door behind him and locked it. 
It was the click of the lock that turned Aki’s face toward the door, toward the Captain. Who crossed his arms and leaned back against the now sealed door. Aki tried to keep his face as neutral as possible, swallowing the lump in his throat and turning back to the coffee he prepared in front of him. Neither man spoke, Kishibe watched as Aki stirred his coffee seemingly endlessly, Aki didn't dare look back at him. The clock on the wall clicked loudly as the seconds…minutes…passed. Kishibe took this time to scan over the youngerman. He remembered training him just a few years ago, all attitude and tragedy. He reminded him of himself at that age, obsessed with his own misery, pretending that no one could ever possibly understand the complexities of his life because he was the only person in the world that mattered….blah blah blah. He wasn’t ugly, not even close, Kishibe could see a world in which a guy like Aki was called pretty, even. For the first time without anger, with only curiosity, he allowed himself to imagine what the two of you looked like in bed together. Aki’s long fingers around your neck, pressing on your shoulders, your own plump lips marking his neck, just under his uniform collar. He wondered, and then pictured for himself, how well Aki would fill your mouth, if he pulled at your hair, or thanked you as you pleasured him. The image was nice, Kishibe loved watching you when you sucked his cock, it was nice to imagine it from a better vantage point. Kishibe watched as the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the side of Hayakawa’s neck flexed and settled once again, stirring around and around. 
“Did you enjoy the show yesterday?” Kishibe finally broke the silence. 
Aki’s hands stopped circling the wooden stir stick, his eyes left the cup and moved up to the lit display of lattes and coffees showcased on the front of the machine. He chose to stay silent until he could collect his racing thoughts, parsing out exactly how honest he should be, or if he should keep his cards close to his chest. 
Kishibe crossed the room in three long legged steps, squeezing next to Aki in front of the machine. Aki watched as one of Kishibe’s large hands pulled a paper coffee cup from the stack and replaced Aki’s under the nozzle, punching a few buttons to spur the dark liquid forward. They were nearly shoulder to shoulder. Kishibe had a few inches on Aki, despite him being a tall man himself. Aki kept his eyes still, using the periphery of his vision to assess Kishibe’s body language. His chest was rising and lowering easily, his coat swished behind him as he moved. Aki couldn’t hear his breath, but he could smell the scent of whiskey and mint mixed together in a boozy sweet combination. Kishibe pulled the full cup and sipped it, leaning against the counter to face Aki now. 
“Well? I hope I didn’t mess up your date night.” Kishsibe mumbled into his cup, not bothering to make eye contact. 
Finally Aki spoke up, “You didn’t. We had a nice night. Sounds like you had a rough one.” 
Kishisbe’s eyebrows shot up, the shadow a pleased smile coloring his expression, “Oh? She tell you that?”
“She might have mentioned it.” Aki shrugged, feeling emboldened. 
Kishibe looked over the man in front of him, seeing the shimmer of pride and excitement inside of his dark blue eyes, it stirred something deep in his gut. Competition, maybe? Pride? Something else?
Kishibe shrugged, pulling his flask from his pocket, unscrewing it and tipping it into his coffee, “Good. I trust she enjoyed herself?” 
Aki felt the same fire filling his own gut, still holding back the smile of pride, “Twice.”
Silence fell between the two men, Kishibe met Hayakawa’s eyes once again. The stare lingered. The clock ticked loudly. The coffee machine ran an automatic cleaning cycle. Aki studied his face closely. The dark shark's eyes looking back at him, his high carved cheekbones, the stubble-shadowed jaw clenching and unclenching. He found himself stuck on the older man’s lips, he had never noticed before how full and shapely they were, a perfectly defined cupid’s bow, a soft pink shade, a healing split on the lower lip, his famous scar extending the opposite side slightly. Images of his own design flooded his mind, repeating his torment from the previous night. He hadn’t expected to confront this head on so quickly, especially after this morning, what was Kishibe’s goal, to intimidate him into giving up? 
“You interrogate all her partners like this? Or am I just special?” Aki allowed himself to bite back, testing the waters. 
Again Kishibe felt a turn in his gut, a hard beat in his chest. This kid was getting a bit too comfortable, he needed to regain control. He needed to strike now. 
He stepped forward, now towering over the younger hunter, “Listen, I’m going to be frank with you. I think you liked what you saw yesterday, what do you think she thought?”
Aki felt his breath catch in his throat, leaning back as Kishibe leaned closer to him. Before he could stammer out and answer, Aki felt Kishibe’s hand slip something against his own hand. 
“I’m taking her out tonight. If I’m right, then maybe we can find something that works for all three of us. What do you think…Aki?” His dark eyes bore into Aki’s own. 
Aki couldn't help it, his jaw fell agape, he could smell Kishibe’s cologne, he could see the pores on his cheeks and nose, he could see the slight bloodshot vignette around his irises. His heart was pounding, he thought his pulse might spill out of his neck. Kishibe’s eyes flicked down to Aki’s mouth, studying the way his lips had fallen open, the reflection of light on his wet tongue, he could see that he had a filling on one of his back molars, he was noticing a lot of things about Aki that he never had before. Like how his breath had stopped completely, how his eyes had blown wide, how his hair was slightly damp and smelled just the slightest bit like the rosemary of your shampoo. He watched as Aki’s lower lip trembled slightly. Kishibe allowed a full smile to split his face. Aki didn’t know if he had ever seen his mentor smile like this. 
“Yeah, I thought as much.” Kishibe teased leaning just a hair closer before pulling away and turning toward the door. 
Aki held his breath as Kishibe left the room, leaving the door open behind him. Finally a series of shaky breaths refilled his lungs as he shuddered. Gripping the countertop under his hand, he heard the crinkle of paper, reminding him of what Kishibe had given him. Aki looked down to see a single ticket to a play, tonight. 
What the hell? 
You stood in front of your bathroom mirror, lamenting your past self for not investing in a full body mirror earlier. You struggled to see the hem of your dress and the style of your hair at the same Still, You felt beautiful, it wasn't often that you were able to dress up and go out to enjoy yourself. It was how you ended up dating two of your coworkers, they were nearly all the men you saw.
Your head felt light, the glass of wine you had while getting ready was starting to work its magic over your nerves. You weren’t sure what to expect from the date tonight, you had never been on a date with Kishibe before, you had spent countless hours alone with him over the last few months, but the atmosphere of a date had you rethinking everything from your conversation to how to hold your hands. And then there was Aki, whose moans still rung in your ears, still clung to the walls of your shower. You hadn’t spoken to him much today at work, which wasn’t unusual but suddenly felt pointed and intentional. He was busy and in the field most of the day, Kishibe was…well you weren’t sure exactly where he had been all day, you had seen him briefly in the morning but not since. It had been a very productive day at work, for once. 
Just after 5:30 a knock brought you to the door. Kishibe stood at the other side, stamping out a cigarette as you answered the door. He had maybe dressed up, although seeing him in a suit and tie every day did take some of the luster out of it although…no tie. In his hands, where he usually held a bottle of wine, he held two, a red and a white. 
“Hey, kid.” he looked pleased to see you, his eyes moving over your body in a fraction of a second before smiling, “You look beautiful.”
You were impressed, “wow, No comment about how my tits are half out?”
Kishibe shrugged, ducking under your doorframe to enter your apartment, catching your lips in a soft kiss of greeting as he moved past you to place the bottles on your kitchen counter, “Why would I complain about that? If I had it my way, they’d be out all night. But I suppose your perfect tits would distract from the play, and we can’t have that.” 
He put the white wine in the fridge before straightening up and turning back to you, “You really do look divine.” 
You blushed, you felt the blush color your chest and neck, “Thank you. You look nice too.” 
The idea of a date had sucked some of the monotony and the comfort out of your interactions with him. Where you usually felt a routine sexual freedom, you now felt insecure and unsure of yourself. Noticing your shifting legs and busy hands Kishibe approached you, taking your face in his big hands. 
“You nervous?” He hummed at you. 
You sighed into his touch, “A little. I never really expected we would do something like this.” 
Kishibe nodded, leaning in to kiss you sweetly. One of his hands moved to hold the back of your neck while the other moved down to your waist, he pulled you closer and your own hands grasped for purchase around his biceps and shoulder. The kiss deepened, his tongue slipped into your mouth. A heavenly moan fluttered from you and into his ear. He gripped you tighter, pressing his body against yours. Finally you broke away to catch your breath.
“Don’t try to distract me, you promised me quite the night. I will be holding you to that.” you flirted, pulling his strong arms off of you and leading him out the door. 
“Oh don’t worry. I think you’ll like what I have planned.” Kishibe smiled his small sly smile and followed you out. 
You two shared a lovely dinner at a nice restaurant just a few blocks form the theatre. A few drinks each, a few more for him, a cigarette after dinner over a cup of coffee. One of life’s greatest luxuries was an after dinner coffee and cigarette, it made you feel secure and celebrated. Kishibe had been a consummate gentleman all evening, opening your doors, not being a dick to the waiter, even pulling your chair out for you. He really did seem to be on his best behavior tonight. The food had been alright, nothing life altering but his company made it into a magical night. You never expected to know what it felt like to sit across from him at a candle lit dinner, you never expected to catch him gazing at you with his head resting lazily in his hand as you ordered another round of drinks. He opened up a bit, giving you answers to questions he usually would have shrugged off, questions about his past, his family. You felt touched that he was putting so much effort into tonight. The doubts from the previous night about your relationship, whatever form it took were quickly extinguished. 
Standing outside the restaurant, finishing the last drag of your cigarette, Kishibe checked his watch. 
“We should get to the theatre.” He led you down the path with one hand on your mid back. 
The theatre itself was gorgeous, high decorated ceilings befitting of an opera house, well dressed patrons of the arts bustling around getting drinks and finding their seats. Kishibe walked straight up to the bar, getting drinks for the pair of you. You noticed how often people turned to look at him, he was certainly an imposing figure at nearly six and a half feet tall, obviously the large scour along his face brought wandering eyes, but there was something truly…magnetic about him. You had experienced it when you first met Kishibe, you were drawn to him almost instantly. Something about the dark eyes filled to the brim with knowledge and experience that remained untapped by the average person. He was a challenge to those around him, a puzzle to be put together and explained. But he never offered enough of himself to give anyone the chance. Even at this stage, you were just barely close. 
He handed you your drink and paid the bartender before taking you further inside to find your seats. You were seated fairly close to the front, maybe six or seven rows back, the house was raked slightly, meaning the stage was on a lower plane than the audience. You had a nearly perfect view. 
“Wow, you really sprung for the good seats, huh?” you were awestruck as you side-stepped into your seat behind him. 
Kishibe shrugged and sat down, “You think we can smoke in here?” 
You laughed, smacking his shoulder lightly as you sat down to the right of him. You studied the playbill in your hand familiarizing yourself with the names of the actors you were about to see, reading the small biographies they had each written. Kishibe seemed content to lean back in his seat and sip on his drink, you weren’t keeping track of how often he seemed to check the entrances. You leaned into his side, he wrapped an arm around your back, you felt the pre-show excitement building in you. You tilted your face up to his, smiling warmly.
“Thanks for taking me, Kishi. This has been really lovely.” You leaned in and kissed him, one hand holding his jaw. 
Kishibe’s fingers circle the exposed skin in the center of your back. When you pulled away you saw Kishibe looking above your head and smiling. A new smile, a confident, pleased but surprised smile. You turned around and your heart stopped seeing Aki Hayakawa standing in front of the open seat next to you. 
“Aki!” You shot up in your chair, vertebrae stacking on each other perfectly straight.   
“Hayakawa.” Kishibe waved with the hand that was around the back of your chair.
Aki cleared his throat, he had worn brown dress pants, a dark blue sweater over a white button up shirt, his hair was up, and despite the blush rising in his cheeks he tried his best to look relaxed. You felt caught, like in one of those dreams where you have to give a presentation on a topic you have no knowledge of and to make matters worse you're naked. You and Hayakawa had only just talked about the relationship between yourself and Kishibe, and here you were flaunting it right in front of him. Your dress felt too revealing, his hand on your back felt too intimate, your makeup was likely smudged from kissing, oh god you were just kissing him. 
“Hello.” He waved but forgot to smile, and then smiled just a second too late to be convincing. 
“I didn’t know you liked the theatre, Hayakawa.” Kishibe’s voice was smooth and even, he may as well have been laughing. 
You felt suspicion starting to rise in you. How could this have happened? What were the odds of Aki coming to this play on this night, the very same day Kishibe takes you? 
Aki swallowed and sat in the empty seat to your right, “Oh well, I like to try new things…when I can.” 
You took a deep breath, too consumed with leveling out your own reaction to see Kishibe’s nod of approval. 
“Aki, I really didn’t expect to see you here…I-” You stammered, but before you could complete your thought the house lights began to dim. 
“Baby, the play is starting.” Kishibe playfully put a finger up to his lips.
You tore your wide eyes away from Aki as the stage lights began to warm, you tried and failed to pay attention to the opening scene of the play, the feeling of being sat right in between your two lovers becoming too much. Kishibe kept his hand on your back, fingers petting you occasionally. Your breath was staggering, you tried to focus on inhaling and exhaling at a regular pace, at this point the action of the play was so far out of your focus it may as well have been happening in another room. Aki’s leg was pressing up your own, no matter how much you tried to pull your legs together more and more, crossing and uncrossing them to the point that Kishibe removed his hand from your back and covered your left thigh with his big, rough palm. Turning his head to catch your eye and squeeze your leg lightly, assuring you that it would be fine, encouraging you to relax. You sighed out a breath, refocusing on the play. You really had wanted to see this play, and you were happy to be here with Kishibe. Aki would just have to wait.   
With your eyes glued to the stage, you didn’t see Kishibe lean his head back to catch Aki’s eye. A non verbal directive took place, and Aki was eager to follow instructions, to show that he could follow Kishibe’s lead. Seeing Kishibe’s hand on your leg, mindlessly thumbing circles into your skin, Aki decided to loop his arm around the back of your chair, not right up against your skin, close but far enough that you would maybe think he just needed to spread out in a crowded theater. Kishibe nodded, facing the stage, but intentioned toward Aki. You had not yet noticed the presence of Aki’s arm, it wasn't until he slid it closer, and then closer again, until his hand was draped over your opposite shoulder, that you even thought anything of it. 
You tore your eyes away from the play looking at Aki, who did not smile but gave you one of those loaded, flirtatious looks that he knew could make you melt. You gave him a pleading look, only to have your attention summoned by the man on the other side of you moving his hand up your leg, just under the hem of your skirt. Your skin started to feel hot, it was just beginning to dawn on you that you had been had. But it still felt too bizarre to believe, how…when would they have coordinated this? Thank god the house lights were dark and neither man nor the full audience could see how red you must be. Aki trailed the tips of his fingers down the top of your arm, goosebumps appearing in their wake. Kishibe’s thumb kept circling on the soft skin of your thigh. You stole a glance in his direction only to see the benevolent, almost bored expression he always carried. He wasn’t even looking at you, did he see what Aki was doing? 
Oh he saw, and he saw you peek at him. He kept his face even as you looked, not missing the look of confusion that crossed your features. Part of him could have felt bad, if he were under the impression you wanted this any less than he did. He saw you melt under Aki’s gaze, felt you shiver as the younger man touched you, and he was almost impressed. Proud, maybe? At the effect his protege could have over you. When you looked back to the play and settled, Kishibe felt Aki’s eyes on him. He dared to meet his gaze. Aki’s eyes were filled with danger, Kishibe couldn’t wait to see what the kid was going to do next. 
But he couldn’t have predicted, nor could you, honestly nor could Aki, that his next move would be to move his hand from brushing up and down your arm to wrap around the front Kishibe’s bicep. A shared lightning bolt jolted the three of you to stillness. Aki was the only one fighting to remain cool, he gripped Kishibe’s upper arm, giving it a small squeeze.
 He wasn’t sure the last time he had actually touched his trainer, had it really been since then? When he had trained him. Years? Kishibe’s skin was warm under his shirt, the arm Aki held was connected to the hand that rested on your thigh, the muscle inside was hard and ropey. Aki wasn’t unfamiliar with the feel of Kishibe’s strength, after the sixth or seventh knock out, you remember what those hands can do. This new, softer touch was what felt unfamiliar. Aki having his hands on the other man’s body, not being pulled away from and having to duck a counter, in fact, he thought he felt the tense muscle soften under his hand. 
You had officially been had, they had unionized against you. Or in favor of you? You still weren’t sure the motive behind their sneak attack. But you would also be mistaken to ignore the way Kishibe’s hand clenched around your thigh when Aki touched him, and how it relaxed skin afterwards. How much of this actually was premeditated? Testing the waters, no longer feeling like the odd man out, you took matters into your own hands. Literally. In your right hand you mirrored Kishibe’s hold on your leg just above Aki’s knee. In your left you tangled your fingers with Kishibe’s. The collective of you settled deeper into your seats. Kishibe squeezed your hand, leaning closer to you. Each point of contact was electrified: Aki around your back, your hand on his leg, Kishibe’s hold on your other hand, Aki’s hand on his arm. A complete circuit sending energy between each of you, the shared electricity of what could come next. 
The play continued on. Thankfully there was no intermission, you weren’t ready to face your partners yet, unsure if house lights would awaken inhibitions that had been released in the dark. When it finally ended, the actors taking their bows, you removed your hold on your partners, using them instead to applaud. Soon the stage was cleared, the audiences began to empty from the rows of seats, you sat in your trio, unsure of what to do next. 
Naturally, Kishibe was the first to stand, stretching slightly before offering his hand to you. 
“Well, Darling. You ready?” 
You looked up at him, still feeling the static that sparkled in your body. You stood up with the help of his hand, legs unsteady. Kishibe smiled down at you, looping one arm around your waist, leaning down to kiss the side of your head. Your usual instincts kicked in, shying from the PDA in front of someone you knew, forgetting momentarily the strange behavior exhibited during the show. 
“Did you like the play?” Kishibe asked, a smug smile coloring his question. 
The play on stage? The play between the three of you? Either way…
“I did. Thank you, Kishibe. This has been a…surprising evening.” you looked back at Aki, who was standing from his seat, resolve starting to give way to doubt. 
You could see a touch of pink underneath the collar of his shirt, you were unsure when he had undone the first few buttons. He shifted his weight between long legs in the tight aisle. Again, Kishibe took charge of the next phase. 
“We’ve got some wine back at her place,” Aki began to nod, understanding that the trial was over, suspecting he may have overshot.
“Why don’t you come back with us? Have a drink.” Aki’s ears perked up at the invitation, yours did as well. 
You looked up at Kishibe, to find him smiling down at you, a devious look in his eye. 
Your newfound trio made its way to your apartment calmly, discussing the plot of the play although all three of you seemed to have memory gaps of the middle. Aki lit a cigarette on the walk, offering drags to you, which you happily accepted. The flood of nicotine filling the anxious places in your mind with a head rush. It wasn’t until you went to unlock the door that you realized your hands were shaking. Aki noticed too, taking the keys from your fumbling fingers after your second attempt and sliding the key in the lock smoothly. You whispered a small thank you as he opened the door and the three of you moved inside. 
It was surreal to see them both here at once. Individually they had been here plenty of times, interacting with items in your kitchen and living area routinely. Aki in the kitchen, Kishibe in the liquor cabinet or on your couch, Aki on the patio moving your ashtray from inside to outside and back again, Kishibe pillaging your bookshelf for something to keep himself occupied as you showered. But together, this was completely new terrain, and it showed, in their attempts to make themselves (and you) comfortable, their paths criss crossed and collided. When you went to open the wine, they both offered to do it for you, but you took it upon yourself to do it. 
“Red or White?” You asked, brandishing the two bottles Kishibe brought when he picked you up. 
Kishibe turned his eyes to Aki, “Aki, what do you prefer? I assumed you preferred red wine, but it looks like that may not be the case?” 
Aki looked puzzled for a moment then his expression cleared, “I like both. Red wine, white wine, it doesn’t really matter to me.” 
He cocked his head at Kishibe, eyes focused and studying.
“What about you? I was under the impression that you also preferred red wine, you didn’t really seem like a…white wine…kind of guy.” 
Kishibe shrugged, “I usually drink red. But I acquired a taste for white when I was younger, once you take a liking to it… you can kind of always go back to it. Especially if it's a…quality white. And it pairs nicely with an excellent red.” he smiled at you with his dark predatory gaze. 
You decided to open the white, craving something to cool your quickly heating skin. As you poured three generous glasses, the two men took seats around your small dining table across from one another. You joined them, serving them their drinks, pulling a chair around to the head of the table and taking a seat. The three of you sat, sipping intermittently, glancing back and forth between one another. The air began to feel like molasses, hot and sticky and painfully still. The revving energy from the theater had vacated and now a standoff took its place. 
You were the one to break the silence this time, “So when did you two come up with this little plan? It came together awfully quick. It hasn't even been twenty four hours since Aki was fantasizing in my shower about this exact scenario.” You leaned back in your chair. 
Aki made a small choked sound, his jaw hanging open, his eyes wide. Kishibe sipped his wine, pleased with the news. 
“I spoke to Hayakawa today about joining us,” Kishibe answered voice as even as ever, “at the play, I mean. I figured whatever happened after that was kismet.” 
“Ah, so this was a coordinated attack.” You nodded, tipping your glass once more into your mouth. 
“Attack feels pointed. But Coordinated, sure.” Kishibe shrugged. 
You hummed, processing into your glass, “So what’s next? Kismet, I understand, but what was your plan?”
Kishibe and Aki exchanged a look. 
Aki shook his head, “No plan. He just gave me the ticket and told me to come. I didn’t even really know if you would be there, I half expected I would show up and he would try to kick my ass.” 
“So neither of you planned how this would go?” They nodded, you smiled, “You’ve given me a lot of power here, gentlemen, I appreciate that.” 
You stood from your chair, the cry of the legs against the wood floor ringing in your tipsy ears. You crossed around to Kishibe, taking a seat in his lap, instantly his hands found your waist and pulled you closer. You made sure to keep the sightline open as you leaned in and kissed Kishibe hard and wet on the mouth. Aki shifted his hips in the chair, feeling his pants tighten and his skin go cold. He could see Kishibe’s tongue slide between your lips, massaging against your own. He felt his own mouth fill with saliva, his chest tighten and breath catch.
“Aki…”your voice dripped from you salaciously, still nose to nose with Kishibe, “I know you’re curious. Tell me what you’ve been picturing.” 
It took Aki several seconds to find his voice, “straddle his leg. I want to see you grind on his thigh.” 
His voice was deeper than you had heard before, and hoarse, as though he had been shouting but he spoke softly, almost inaudibly. You considered teasing him with in, but instead chose to play nice. You rose from Kishibe's lap and turned to face Aki, settling Kishibe’s beefy thigh between your legs. The asshole under you popped his thigh up to surprise you, making you bounce and let out a small squeal. 
“...asshole.” you giggled, leaning back against the wall of muscle that comprised Kishibe's torso, one hand falling back to hold his neck, feeling the cropped hair under your wrist. 
Kishibe’s own hands moved over your body, kneading your chest, hiking your skirt up but not revealing where your panties met his slacks. Grinding yourself down on him, you turned your face, locking him in a kiss once again. You heard Aki suck in a breath. You moaned into the kiss, pleasure coming as much from the feeling of his femoris muscle on your clothed clit, as the knowledge that Aki was watching. Kishibe brought one hand to the front of your dress, pulling the neckline to one side, exposing the soft unlined fabric of your bra to Aki. Of course you had been planning on having sex tonight so you had worn one of your sexier sets, a white lace unlined underwire bra with a matching satin and lace panty that rose high about your hips but remained sheer enough to see what was underneath. This was also Kishibe’s favorite bra of yours, you heard him hiss as he pulled the fabric back. You felt him start to get hard against your back. You ground down further, pulling a wanton moan from you.
“Take your dress off. I want to see everything.” Aki’s voice was firmer now, clearer. 
Kishibe chuckled against the skin of your neck, “You’re boyfriend’s bossy.” 
You smiled and stood, reluctantly pulling your pulsing core off of Kishibe, “He’s not my boyfriend.” 
You slid one shoulder of your dress down, then the other, slipping it down your body and let it pool around your feet. Both men’s eyes licked over your body, Aki leaned back further in his chair, Kishibe undid the buttons of his shirt, eager to follow you. He invited you onto his lap again, and you rejoined him, sliding a hand across his chest, feeling his muscles tense underneath your fingers. Kishibe kissed your neck, tangling his hand in your hair. You resumed your position, staying open to Aki while gyrating on Kishibe’s leg. Kishibe grabbed one of your breasts hard, pinching your nipple into a hard peak. The texture of the lace dug into your sensitive skin under Kishibe's strong hands. You let a haughty moan out into Kishibe’s mouth, the back of your head resting against his shoulder. You could feel yourself getting wetter, a damp spot spreading out on his pants. His other hand moved from your hair down to your neck, squeezing the sides. Your eyes rolled back in your head as the pleasure compounded on itself. Kishibe had started bouncing his own leg, adding to the sensations. Kishsibe watched as you writhed on top of him, releasing your throat momentarily before squeezing again. 
Aki’s pants were cutting off the circulation at this point. He palmed himself over his pants, biting back his own moans at the feeling. The sound of your panting moans, the sight of Kishibe's strong hands keeping you in place by the neck and by the chest. 
“You like what you see, kid?” Kishibe taunted, “You like watching her fuck herself dumb on my leg?”  
A moan slipped from Aki’s mouth as he squeezed himself through his pants. You were close, he could tell, hell-- he could see. Your panties had grown almost completely see through, your slick soaking through, making the fabric cling to the folds and curves of your pussy. 
You whimpered against Kishibe’s choking grasp, “k-kiiishi….” 
KIshibe nodded, taking his hand previously at your chest and sliding it under the hemline of your panties, spreading your lips further and circling your clit. You whined, eyes squeezing closed. Aki couldn't take his eyes away from Kishibe’s thick fingers inside of your panties, touching your dripping pussy, saturating themselves in your wetness, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. 
“Think she deserves it, Aki?” Kishibe teased again, you nodded desperately. 
Aki felt his mouth water, the thought of denying you right the edge taking his breath away. But when he caught your misty eyes, he couldn’t go through with it. He stood, crossing around the table and taking your face in his hands.
“Let her cum. She’s a good girl.” He moved a stray hair off of your forehead and leaned down to press his lips against yours. 
It was as though Kishibe flipped a switch, one movement of his fingers was all it took and you were crying out against Aki’s mouth, soaking yourself and Kishibe’s thigh as you came. Aki held you in place, Kishibe’s fingers slowed and stilled, he released your throat. You panted against Aki’s lips, feeling his tongue soft against yours despite the hungry, passionate kiss. You pulled off and turned to lock Kishibe in a grateful, appreciative kiss. Aki’s hands move across your body, cupping your breasts, trailing down your stomach, not yet daring further. Kishibe pulled his hand free, fingers glistening with your cum. He extends them past you to Aki. Your breath hitches as you see Aki lunge forward to catch his fingers in his mouth, tasting your release, feeling Kishibe’s rough fingers against his tongue. He should be embarrassed at the way the sensation brings him to his knees before the two of you, but his mind has been consumed. Its too much, its too obscene, too erotic. He sucks clean Kishibe’s fingers until the older man pulls them away, not missing the way the hunter’s eyes flutter open euphorically. He felt good, having two pretty young things so deliciously at his fingertips, awaiting his every directive. 
“Aki’s waited long enough, don’t you think Sugar?” Kishibe turned your face back toward him, clicking his lips softly, “ Why don’t you take him to your bed?”   
You nodded blissfully, standing up as if by rote, to take Aki’s hand. He followed you drunkenly, the taste of you clinging to his mouth. You two entered your bedroom, feeling like any of your other nights together, the pair of you drinking and stumbling into your bedroom to fool around. 
“You’re wearing too much, Aki. “ You turned and started to pull up his sweater, he raised his arms over his head, allowing you to strip him. 
You continued on, undoing his buttons and pulling the sides of his shirt apart as he started to slip out of his pants. You almost didn't hear him when he spoke up. 
“Are you nervous?” He whispered, midnight eyes searching your face for any hesitation 
“I was, but not anymore.” You smiled back at him, watching him remove his trousers and stand before you in only his briefs. 
Aki has such a wonderful body, creamy soft skin, lean muscle, scars here and there reminding you to treasure the time you’d have with him. You reached up and filled his hair free, letting the layers frame his face and neck perfectly. 
“Are you nervous?” You parroted back to him, reveling in this moment of privacy. 
“A little.” He confessed, “but not with you here.” 
Aki kissed you, soft, then harder. His big arms wrapping around your body, yours encircling his waist. He laid you down on the bed, starting to climb over you. 
“Oh no, pretty boy, you lay back.” Kishibe’s voice rang out from the door frame. He had poured himself a drink and a freshly lit cigarette hung from his lips. 
Aki did as he was told and you took his place, already starting to run your hands over his legs. He twitched under your featherlight touch, you could see his cock straining through his boxers, a dark patch forming on one side where he was leaking. Kishibe’s fingers trailed up your spine, hooking under the clasp of your bra. 
“Look at what you do to him, baby. He like this everytime?” 
You nodded, smiling at Aki’s flustered, reddening face.
“Aki here is my good boy.” You complimented, punctuating your statement with a kiss to his thigh. 
“And what does that make me?” Kishibe leaned down to your ear, his body engulfing you. 
Before you could answer your bra went slack, he had undone it with one hand, the same hand that now covered the expanse of your back in both predatory and soothing totality. 
“You’ve never been a good boy in your life Kishibe.” You giggled, discarding the bra off the side of the bed, breast hanging freely. 
Kishibe bit the side of your ear, moving over your body to lay next to where you kept Aki. He sipped his drink and observed the panting man under you, how he fought not to cover his face, how he twitched and moaned under the slightest touch. Your skilled hands traveled to his waistband. 
“You ready?” You purred, already imagining looking up from Aki’s cock and seeing him writhing next to Kishibe, your cunt dampening. 
Aki shot a glance at Kishibe before nodding feverishly, holding his breath as you pulled the last bit of clothing from him. His cock slapped against his stomach, pink tip weeping before you, veins bulging painfully, balls hanging heavy and full underneath. Feeling merciful you licked a long stripe up from base to tip, clearing his slit of precum, tasting your first of Aki since last night. A shaking moan spilled from his mouth beyond his control. Kishibe watched diligently, a face as neutral as if he were watching the news. He sipped his drink twice more before setting it on the windowsill behind him. 
Aki’s hips shot up as you sucked hard at his tip, but a firm hand pushed his stomach down, pressing him further into the mattress. Aki opened his eyes and saw Kishibe leaning over him. He flicked over each of his fingers in a loop. Kishsibe’s dark, blown out eyes watching him, the scruff along his upper lip and jaw, his wet, swollen lips reddened by kissing you, the few freckles that had never shown themselves to Aki before but now we’re as obvious as the strong straight nose in his face’s center. He pictured Kishibe at his own age, starting his own devil hunting career: softer edges, fuller features, devoid of wrinkle and tear. He saw Kishibe’s tongue move behind his bottom teeth, wet and warm and waiting. 
You pulled the whole of Aki’s length into your mouth, gagging as it met the back of your throat. Aki groaned, straining to arch against Kishibe’s hold. 
“…kiss me…” Aki held himself up with his elbows, trying to meet Kishibe’s eyes. 
For the first time Kishibe looked surprised. 
“Kiss me, please.” Aki begged again. 
You looked up from your place between Aki’s legs just in time to see Kishibe lean down to meet Aki’s desperate reach. He met Aki’s open mouth with his own, the younger man pushing his tongue up to meet his. You felt Aki pulse in yours, you felt a jolt of pleasure resound throughout your own body. Aki whimpered against Kishibe’s kiss, wanting more and more, the second Kishibe hold on his stomach wavered, Aki sat up to kiss back even harder. You saw Aki’s rippling arms flex around Kishibe’s back and neck, watched as Kishibe held Aki’s waist, keeping him down enough to not disrupt your rhythm. You heard Kishibe moan and your eyes caught where Aki was now squeezing his erection. 
“Agh!” Aki cried out, pulling out of the kiss, head flying backwards. 
You circled his head with your tongue, paying special attention to the back of the head, where he was extra sensitive. Aki’s hand moved to your hair, holding it back for you and watched you suck him. Kishibe’s hand joined him, but harsher. 
Kishibe chuckled, “we’re you feeling left out, baby?” 
You gave your best mouth full puppy eyes and nodded. 
“We couldn’t forget about you, could we?” He mocked, sliding his hand down your face and giving you a gentle slap. 
Aki hissed, feeling the impact through your cheek. This brought Kishibe’s attention back to him. Aki looked pathetic, absolutely, deliciously fucked out. His face was flushed, his hair was tangling, he was panting like a dog in heat. Kishibe felt his own cock stirring watching the drool (or maybe his own spit) dribble out of Aki’s mouth. 
“You going to cum, Hayakawa?” Kishibe’s lips ghosted over his neck. 
Aki bit down hard on his lower lip, giving one stiff nod. Kishibe reached one hand down, looking into your focused, watering eyes, and pushed you down further, forcing you to take all of Aki down to the base. You gagged but took in a large breath through your nose, you could feel Aki’s balls clench up just before he cried out.
“Fuck!!” And fill your mouth. 
Kishibe’s switch appeared to work on everyone. 
You swallowed as much of Aki’s cum as you could, but had to pull off before the last few spurts made their way onto your face. Kishibe was quick to catch some on his thumb and taste it for himself. Aki was beside himself. 
“Come here, sugar.” Kishibe ordered and you crawled up and over Aki quickly. 
Kishibe’s long, fat tongue cleaned the rest of Aki’s spent off of your face, collecting it in his own mouth. Aki thought he might faint as he watched Kishibe tilt your head back and a long, cum saturated line of spit fall from his lips onto your waiting tongue. Once you had savored and swallowed, Kishibe kissed you again. Aki thought he kissed you like he loved you, holding you close, taking his time. But it was over soon, and eyes were trained back on him. 
“You’re kind of a pervert,” Kishibe chuckled at Aki, undoing his belt and sliding off his pants and underwear. 
“You’re one to talk.” You smiled, pulling your panties off next to him. 
Kishibe sat up against the headboard, pulling you onto his lap again, “come here.” He muttered as he got you in place. 
Aki saw the smile that took over his mouth as Kishibe settled you on his lap, your back against his chest, his hand pawing all over your body, looking for purchase. 
“You’re not going to warm me up first?” You said in feigning insult. 
Kishibe dipped a finger between your lower lips, and audible smack signaling the presence of one orgasm and one live sex show’s worth of juice.
“I think it’ll fit just fine.” He flirted against your neck, “Hayakawa, once you caught your breath get up here and help, yeah?” 
Aki shot up, ignoring the head rush that accompanied. He was between the stack of your and Kishibe’s legs in an instant. You giggled happily at the way he pushed his hair back dutifully. Kishibe lifted your ass up, giving Aki enough space to reach between your two bodies. 
“Put me inside.” Kishibe ordered. 
Aki held Kishibe’s cock in his hand, feeling the weight, the heat, the girth. Staring at it, he wondered how it was going to fit inside of you, or maybe even inside of himself. It was long, thick, tan, with a reddening tip. The poor thing was so hard he could see the impression of stitching where it had strained against the confines of Kishibe’s pants. 
“Hot, right?” You cooed, looking down at Aki. 
Aki nodded, and remembered the task at hand. He lined up Kishibe’s cock with your hole, spreading your folds apart so he could watch. Slowly, achingly slowly, Kishibe lowered you down onto him. It was the first thing to fill you all evening, he was going slow partially to torture you, but also to ease you into his size. You mewled as he stretched you out, you heard Aki whimper. 
“Take it all, baby. Be a good girl, don’t you want to impress Aki?” Kishibe soothed at your side, kissing your shoulder and neck and ear and anywhere he could reach. 
Taking inch after inch, you gripped Kishibe’s shoulder tightly, squeezing as you struggled to take him unprepped. You really thought your previous orgasm would have been enough, but he had you sweating and arching off his chest before your hips finally met his again. 
Aki’s cock stood at attention, revitalized by the obscene sight before him. Kishibe groaned out as he bottomed out, Aki could see the faintest bulge of your pelvis when you leaned back, his dick weeping out more precum in response. Seeing you writhing above him, desperate for the pain to give way to pleasure, Aki lunged forward to help where he could. He closed his mouth around your swollen clitoris, lapping in gentle circles. Your scrunched up expression softened into a euphoric one. Kishibe brought his hands to your chest, pawing at your tits, circling your nipples, muttering into your neck. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. You’re so tight. Relax, let me in, baby.” He was babbling, panting against your back. 
You moaned out as Aki swirled his tongue in a larger circle, sucking harder. Kishibe’s legs jerked as he felt the sensation of Aki’s tongue swipe across the bottom of his shaft, right where the two of you were joined. You started to rock your hips into Aki’s mouth, grinding down further on Kishibe’s cock, making you both whine. The man under you pulled his hips back and thrust upward again, a testing, experimental thrust. Aki’s tongue followed closely, licking along the bottom of Kishibe’s shift as he exited and reentered you. The taste of both of you combined in his mouth, making his head fuzzy and his cock hard again. Aki adjusted his body so he could grind against the mattress, hips moving automatically toward the promise of stimuli. Kishibe started fucking into you at a steady pace, no longer fighting for entry, your wetness and Aki’s saliva giving him the lubrication to fuck into you evenly. 
“You love this, don’t you?” Kishibe growled in your ear, squeezing your left breast so hard you cried out, “Such a slut, one’s not enough for you, is it?”
Aki felt himself about to rush to defend you, looking up from between your legs. But he saw you, pressing your forehead against Kishibe’s and nodding. Your eyes were frenzied and desperate, locked in a stare with him. Your hips moving up and down his length, your mouth open and panting. He thought, briefly, that he saw the shade of love shadow your eyes as well. Perhaps there was more to this situation that he realized. But he was broken from his wondering by Kishibe pulling his hair, directing him to resume eating you out. 
You let out a long, high pitched whine as he did, slumping further against Kishibe, whimpering out nonsense.
“Baby pleeeeease…oh aki yes…kishi…i--fuck.” You fucked yourself onto Kishibe’s cock, grinding against Aki’s mouth, mind numbing at the intensity of the pleasure. 
You clenched again, causing Kishibe’s cock to slip out, but Aki caught it. He pumped it a few times in his hand before taking it into his mouth. Kishibe half groaned and half chuckled, one hand coming up to circle your clit, making sure you weren't forgotten about. He wanted to see what Aki could do. Aki slurped around the thick cock, tasting you in every inch. It was more exploratory than it was focused on making Kishibe cum. He toyed with how far he could swallow it, trying to ascertain whether Kishibe preferred a feel throat or a swirl around the tip. Your wetness has saturated his lap, wetting Aki’s nose every time he sucked down to the base. He was impressed with himself. Still got it. You watched as Kishibe expertly played with your clit just about where Aki’s head bobbed. You watched his pretty cheeks go gaunt as he sucked hard, feeling Kishibe shudder underneath you. Finally, breathless, Aki released Kishibe’s dick and poised it for your to sit on once more, Kishibe wasting no time fucking into you. With renewed vigor, Kishibe thrust up, loud plap- plap-plaping coming from beneath you. 
“Shes going to cum.” Aki smiled, noting your quivering, fluttering hole, slurping noisily around Kishibe’s base then up to your clit again.  
Kishibe nodded, “I can feel her getting clamping down on me, fuck, Aki.”
Your body shook violently as you came, your mouth opened in a silent scream as Aki circled your clit over and over, Kishibe held you down against his hips, biceps curling around your chest and waist, forcing you in place. Aki watched as you came around Kishibe’s cock, a creamy white ring appearing at the base, more cum spilling out for him to drink up eagerly. Each lick made you shake more, you had become so sensitive, so malleable under their touch. As he saw your spent pussy hole soften, Aki wasn't sure what came over him. He coated one finger in your cum and pushed it inside against Kishibe’s cock. Both you and Kishibe moan deliciously. 
“Aki wait…” You started, breath slowly returning to you. 
“Fuck Hayakawa…” Kishibe smiled maliciously, “I didn’t know if you’d have it in ya.” 
Aki could only nod, eyes fixed on the sight of his finger sliding between your gushy walls and Kishibe’s hard, pulsating dick. 
“Have you ever…had two at once?” Aki’s voice sounded distant even from himself. 
You shook your head, it began to dawn on you exactly what was about to come. Kishibe tapped the outside of your thigh. 
“Think you can get on your knees for me, sugar?” He kissed you softly as you nodded. 
He and Aki both helped you off, and both luxuriated in the moan you let out at no longer being full. Aki positioned himself underneath you, guiding your legs onto either side of his hips, hands gentle. He was starting to feel nervous for you, and a bit responsible. Kishibe positioned himself behind you, four hands now running up and down the length of your body. You felt dizzy, you had already cum twice, you felt fuzzy and blissed out, like you were in a dream. But feeling Aki’s cock slide between your lips reminded you of something. 
“Aki, don’t you want…” You trailed off when you met Aki’s eyes. 
Aki looked up at you so surely, so sweetly, without that usual veneer of calmness and guardian. He lay beneath you completely bare, ready to feel every corner of you uninhibited, and vice versa.
“Not this time.” He answered, leaning up to kiss you, hips thrusting upwards into your puffy pussy. 
Aki immediately broke the kiss to let out a shattered moan, he gripped your shoulders tight, digging his short clean nails into your flesh. It felt more different than he was expecting, he could feel the heat, the texture, the pulse of your walls all around him. How had he ever deprived himself of this? You sat up, sinking down completely on his length, bouncing a few times to get it really soaked, Aki was already whimpering underneath you. Kishibe’s hand moved over your shoulder, pushing you gently forward. He spit on his hand and coated his cock with it, then he spit once more on your pussy, sliding two thick fingers inside with Aki. He thrust his fingers in and out slowly listening to your moans, feeling Aki twitch against him. Eventually he added a third finger, stretching you further. Loud squelching began to fill the room. When he could finally add a fourth finger with little resistance, he knew you were ready. Kishibe removed his fingers, and after pumping his cock a few more times with his slick covered hand, he began to push inside. The burn was intense, the pressure building in your abdomen making your cry out into Aki’s neck. 
He ran his hands soothingly over your back, “I know, baby, I know. Fuck. But it feels good, right?”
“So….full…” Was all you could manage. 
Kishibe bottomed out inside of you, snug against Aki. The triad of you all stilled, no one moving for fear of disrupting the mind melting pleasure. They could feel each other, crammed together inside of you. You could feel both of them, their respective heartbeats pulsing through erections. You wondered if they could feel each other’s heart beats. You wondered if they could feel yours. You were struggling to hold yourself up, finally deciding to collapse into Aki’s chest. He peppered soft kisses around your face, along your neck. Kishibe leaned over to press wet, intentioned kisses to your shoulders and back.
“You’re doing so good, love.” He nosed the back of your neck, “Taking us so well. I’m going to try to move now, okay?”
You could barely hear him, pleasure and pain filling your ears. But you nodded, you had trusted them both this far. Kishibe pulled his hips back, you whined, Aki hissed and squeezed you down closer on his chest. Kishibe thrust in once more, you rocked forward, pressing your clit against the tuft of groomed public hair at Aki’s base. Kishibe shuddered above you, leaning over, effectively caging you in between him and Aki. Aki was lost beneath you, tears filling his eyes, arms keeping you flush against his chest. Kishibe found a workable pace, it was slow and careful, but it allowed for regular friction. You buried your head in Aki’s neck, the smell of his sweat mingling with his soap comforting you through the lasting pain. Kishibe separated your ass cheeks, treating himself to the sight of your stuffed full, watching as you released small bouts of squirt and cream around the pair of cocks inside of you. 
“F-fuck.” You whimpered out. 
“Slutty hole taking us so well.” Kishibe praised, his thumb circling your tight asshole, “That's all you want, right baby? To be full. To be used?” 
You nodded, the added sensation turning your brain to mush. Aki found a way to clamp his mouth down over one of your breasts, sucking purely for his own benefit, you could see tears slipping from his painfully shut eyes. There was so much stimuli, so much sensation, so much pleasure, it was hard to parse out just where your body ended and another began, boundaries and borders that once felt so precinct, were now missing. But they were not missed. You wanted to stay like this forever, filled by your two lovers, no thoughts outside of pleasing and being pleased. Aki gave no warning, the only indication that he was cumming was the muffled sob he let out against the flesh of your tit, and the trickle of white cum, thinner than before, sliding out from between his and Kishibe’s cocks. Kishibe felt the flood of warm cum, he felt the way that your body clenched to keep it inside. He thrust faster, Aki’s cum acting as the last bit of lubricant he needed to fuck into you more, this of course turned Aki into a sputtering, teary eyed mess underneath you. 
“Just hold on, I know.” Kishibe soothed, but not to you, he spoke softly to Aki, knowing his thrusting was bringing the younger hunter into overstimulation. 
Kishibe slid two fingers into Aki’s mouth, fucking harder into you. His hips jutted, he felt you tighten up around him once more.
“Baby please, fuck. Such a good fucking girl for me-- agh!” With a final snap of his hips, one near scream from Aki and a sniveling whimper by you Kishibe came. 
He bit down on your neck to stifle his own cry of climax. He rode out his orgasm, sending Aki into a fit, and sending you into your third orgasm of the evening. The culmination of pleasure caused Aki’s cock to slip out of you, giving the younger man a moment of solace, allowing him to start to catch his breath. He felt the run off of cum start to spill out onto his cock, onto the bed below him. You panted above him, hole free from one cock, carrying two loads and Kishibe still snugly inside. Kishibe’s teeth dug into your neck, Aki’s spit was drying against your nipple, only some of the sweat on your body came from you, your mouth tasted like both of them. You were lost between the two of them. The three of you stayed in this panting, searingly hot knot, until eventually Kishibe’s knees began to give out and rather than crush the poor lad underneath his and your body weight, he pulled out and off. Kishibe stood, stretching a moment before sauntering into the bathroom, wetting a rag and returning to clean the both of you. 
You lie next to Aki, face pressed against a pillow, one arm slung over his chest. Kishibe cleaned between your legs, privately mourning and reveling in the sight of so much cum flooding out of you. 
What a waste. 
He cleaned Aki as well, his cum coated cock, his sweaty chest, his soaked mouth. 
You clicked your tongue, “he’s spoiling you, Aki. Kishi never cleans me up.” 
“That’s not true. I just don’t usually use a rag.” Kishibe rolled his eyes before tossing the rag into your hamper and climbing in bed on the other side of you. 
You whispered to Aki, but loud enough for your other partner to hear, “he’s lying. You bring something out of him. Makes him want to be nicer. “
Aki laughed lowly. Kishibe swatted you once on the ass, the sting giving you a small aftershock. Then the larger man curled around beside you, easily pulling half of your body to rest on his chest. He kissed the side of your head as he felt your breath begin to even out. 
“You’re staying over?” You said, half awake. 
Kishibe nodded silently, kissing your head again, and then looking at Aki. You used your arm around his chest to pull him closer. 
“You too.” It wasn’t a question. 
Aki knew it wasn’t. He rolled onto his side, facing you and Kishibe, eyes meeting the exact image that had started this all for him, Kishibe at your side, kissing absently at your face and neck, calloused fingers running up and down your side. But this time, your hands held Aki’s hip, Kishibe’s eyes were kinder, not taunting but conspiratorial. Aki leaned forward and gave Kishibe a soft kiss, he wasn’t even sure if he closed his eyes, if he wanted this kind of gentle intimacy. But he didn’t push Aki away, and he did kiss him back. 
Aki wasn’t sure what tonight meant, or what he had stumbled into. He didn’t know if it would ever happen again, if it should, if it could, but he was happy he could share tonight with the two of you. 
You fell asleep first, one hand on Aki, Kishibe’s head snuggled into your neck. He fell asleep soon after, snoring against your skin. Aki took longer, mind reeling from what had happened. He felt held your hand up to his mouth and kissed it, before falling asleep himself. 
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exquisiteserotonin · 7 months
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Word count: 3.3K
Pairing: Young Mr. Ben SNL(as a TA, Grad Assistant)xFemale ReaderxProfessor Jonathan Levy Scenes From a Marriage
Rating: E! For explicit (18+ only, MDNI)
Warnings: Threesome, Power Imbalance, Brat Taming, Oral Sex (F! Receiving), somewhat degrading actions
Summary: Your friend and fellow graduate assistant Ben asks you to come over to his place for help with another task that your overbearing advising professor, Jonathan Levy, has dumped on the both of you.
A/N: I don’t typically subscribe to the whole professor student thing, but this was begging to be written and I hope this means I am out of my funk and my damn season of writer’s block is over. I hope you enjoy and as always reblog, comment, engage! I would love to hear from you!
And to my sluts thank you as always for giving me your magic! @magpiepillsjunior @magpiepills @youandmeand5bucks @legendary-pink-dot @pink-whiskey-woman @redhotkitchen @arcanefox207 @for-a-longlongtime
Ternion: a group of three, a triad; a section of a paper of book containing three double leaves or twelve pages
Your eyes were beginning to glaze over as you stared at your laptop screen. It was another long afternoon of compiling participant demographics and data from your advising professor’s study in your closet of an office. You closed your laptop a little harder than you should have as you began to pack up for the day. The parking lot behind your building was nearly empty, most students having left for the day. As you drove home, you had visions of cozying up on the couch with your blanket, drinking an adult beverage, and binge watching your favorite tv show.
You were only a few miles from your house, when the infotainment screen in your car flashed with a familiar contact: Ben, your office mate and fellow graduate assistant. Deliberation coursed through the pads of your fingertips and against your better judgment you answered.
“Hey Ben, what’s up?”
“Hey,” his voice echoed with a hesitancy, “Professor Levy asked me a for a favor and I—“
“Are you serious, Ben?” You groaned in exasperation. “This is such bullshit. ”
“I know, I know—I hate to ask but would you come over and help me out?”
Say no. Say no. Say no, your brain said on repeat. Desperation wafted from his hushed voice in a way that immediately unlocked your kindness. You just knew he was pouting, running his hands through his chocolate brown hair while somehow making his already big eyes even bigger, like glassy orbs of whiskey on ice: against your silent protests that he NOT be so easy to say yes to. But aside from that he was also the kind of colleague who’d help you out in a pinch…and too damn attractive for his own good. It certainly made having him as your office mate interesting and frustrating at times.
You gripped the steering wheel before announcing your decision.
“Well, I was legitimately on my way home,” you replied with a deliberately loud sigh. “But yeah, sure.”
It was a bitch move, you knew, but you needed your displeasure to be known. A small part of you felt bad about being so vocal with your frustration. It wasn’t Ben’s fault, but he needed to know the inconvenience of it all. You would not be at your professor’s beck and call. Especially on a goddamn Friday night.
“Just give me some time to head over,” you huffed and added, “I can’t be over there in a snap like Professor Levy would want.
“Hey now,” Ben spoke in a firm whisper that somehow still held a hint of kindness despite your bite, “don’t shoot the messenger.”
You turned the car around and headed to Ben’s house. You found parking on the street and walked up the stairs to the door of his small Brownstone. You pushed the doorbell and found yourself brushing your hands through your waves and cautiously smelling yourself.
Passable. You thought to yourself.
Then he answered the door, emerging in a snug navy blue v-neck and loose gray sweatpants slung low on his narrow hips. A hint of skin teased you between the hem of his shirt and the elastic of his pants. They held onto his hips for dear life with nothing but the insurance of a haphazardly tied drawstring. You nearly whimpered at the sight of him.
What a fucking tease. Get a hold yourself, woman.
You breezed through his door without a word, trying to quell your craving and channel it to the frustration you felt with your advising professor. This was his fault anyway.
“Um…hello to you, too,” he greeted.
Your hands were placed firmly on your hips when you turned back to face him. One of his brows was cocked at you, already waiting for another snarky response. You couldn’t help but pout back at him. He knew you too well.
“Just like him to not give you a weekend off,” you huffed.
“You don‘t even know what I‘m going to ask you,” his voice was low and sterner than you had ever heard before. “I‘m starting to think you like a little fight.“
The way his eyes bore into you was so deep, it was nearly a glare. He held his chin up in the slightest way, arrogant enough that it demanded your attention to his strong neck. It wasn’t long before you felt tiny sparks of electricity traveling over every inch of skin of your body. It didn’t help that he stood with his hips pushed forward in the most arrogant and un-Ben-like way.
“Wow, if only you could give a little bit of that attitude back to Professor Levy,” you said with some bite and unconstrained breathiness.
Conveying the facade of confidence was important. Especially in situations like this.
Ben stepped forward, his shirt and sweatpants clinging against his body in exactly the right way.
“You’re only proving me right,” he purred, now only inches from you.
Do not moan. Do not moan. Do not moan.
“Just give her what we know she needs, Ben,” you heard a polished voice command from the shadows of another room.
A different kind of heat crept over your face and neck after hearing the familiar voice.
What were the chances?
You looked towards the shadows to see Professor Levy swaggering towards you. He pushed forward a few steps, placing his hands in his trousers pockets before leaning against the wall to watch you. His eyes were low and piercing and he licked his lips that rested beneath his salt and pepper beard.
“Of course he’s here,” it came out as the repressed moan you were fighting against.
Professor Levy nodded towards Ben in acknowledgment of some kind of unspoken agreement. Faster than you could think or speak, Ben pulled your body tightly against his, grinding against you as he pressed his lips to yours in a hungry and greedy kiss.
You didn’t expect for Ben’s lips to feel as soft as they did. They were even softer when he parted yours with a firm lick of his tongue. The heat rose within you as his large hands wrapped around your waist, finding your skin beneath your shirt as he pressed your bodies even closer together. With every move he demanded you feel every twitch of his cock for you.
“W—wait!” You gasped, pushing him from you.
Your eyes moved from Ben to Professor Levy, a strange mix of unbridled desire and anxiousness stirring in the lowest part of your stomach. Ben’s thick fingers managed to keep a possessive grip on your hips that you didn’t brush away, despite the way your brain was spinning in want of answers.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You demanded of both of them.
The two men shared another knowing look that stoked the flame of your frustration. Professor Levy raised an eyebrow before removing his glasses and wiping them on a cloth he pulled from his shirt pocket. You couldn’t help but keep your eyes on him as he strutted towards you, his fingers weaving through the gunmetal ringlets of his hair. You rolled your eyes with disdain for his insufferable ways of working, but found yourself burning from your center with intrigue at what those fingers might be able to work on you.
“Always with the snark,” your professor directed the words towards Ben who responded with a shrug and a smirk.
“You will not talk about me like I’m not in the room,” you paused, turning to him and holding your eyes directly to his, “Jonathan.”
He one more large stride forward until he, too, was inches from you.
“I think you mean professor,” he commanded, continuing to advance on you until you backed into Ben.
A moan escaped you as Ben stood like a wall behind you. With your chest heaving up and down, Professor Levy brushed a strand of hair from your face with his long, lithe fingers. Yet they didn‘t stop there. The heat continued to rise from the three of you as the professor‘s hand journeyed down the curve of your body until they met Ben‘s at your hip. They shared a look of longing before turning that desire towards you. And in the strangest turn of events, the professor’s lips were on yours with his tongue paying adoration to your pouty lower lip.
Unable to contain the desire that trembled within, you let out a long, loud whimper as Professor Levy gently trapped your lower lip with his teeth. You already thought the feeling of Ben’s throbbing cock at your lower back was enough to drive you mad, but somehow you knew you were going to be pushed to your limit the moment Professor Levy took your hand to his pants until he pushed your palm to feel him twitch with desire for you.
The part of your brain that held your common sense screamed at you, demanding you not give him the satisfaction. But every other part of it, along with every part of your body, beckoned you to give in. The feeling of Ben’s massive hand moving to the front of your waist was followed by his thick fingers inching towards the front of your jeans. You couldn’t help but pant as you felt his hot breath brush the back of your neck.
“You can’t tell me that this isn’t better than the fight you put up,” Ben’s voice came to your ear in a low growl.
He wasn’t wrong. But ever true to yourself, you bit your lip and replied with a little extra spice, “I think that remains to be seen.”
Your words made Ben snap his hips forward against you with a gravelly moan. Within Professor Levy’s mahogany eyes you could see from his heavy-lidded stare the desire the two men held for each other while searching for their reason to include you.
Professor Levy lifted your chin with a push of two strong fingers, silently ordering you to look squarely into his bespectacled eyes before he spoke, “You definitely need to be taught a lesson.”
You found yourself following him to Ben’s large leather couch, with Ben close behind you, his fingers intertwined in yours. Professor Levy took his place first like a king warming his throne. He smirked as he taunted you by unbuttoning his shirt. He manipulated each button with skillful fingers until he slipped it off and let it fall to the living room floor. He spread his legs wide as he sat, smoothing his hands over the soft fabric of pants that covered his strong thighs.
Ben nibbled playfully at your neck and then your ear with desperate and needy breaths. His warm hands slowly slid beneath your shirt, moving upwards until he massaged your breasts with paws massive enough that they made them feel small. Before you could even think your shirt was gone followed by your bra.
Professor Levy beckoned you to him as he rubbed his thighs, “Come sit here…now.”
This time, you submitted without a fight, feeling the way your skin nearly melted into his as you let your back rest against his chest. His beard tickled the skin of your ear as he licked at the bottom of it. His supple fingertips reached under your arms until they found the altar of your nipples. You rolled back against him as he tortuously began to caress, flick, and pinch them even slower and more skillfully than he had with the buttons of his shirt.
“Ben,” your professor called to your colleague, friend…inevitable lover, “come here.”
You dragged your nails along the waist of his low slung sweatpants while he lifted his shirt over his head. You kept your fingers just above his waistband while he leaned over the couch towards you and your professor. It was mesmerizing to watch how these two beautiful men looked at each other with such intimacy and longing as you lay between them. Your professor took a hand from your nipples and brought it possessively to the back of Ben’s neck, pulling his face to his before licking his bottom lip and pressing onto his mouth for a slow, sensuous kiss.
There were no other words you had that could possibly convey the carnal state of desire you had fallen into. Hungrily, you pulled at the drawstrings of Ben’s sweatpants before reaching your hand to the waistband. In a lightning fast move, your professor pulled it away, squeezing your fingers between his.
“Tsk, tsk, not without my express permission,” Professor Levy scolded in a low, buttery whisper.
Slowly, Ben positioned himself at your legs, his hands caressing your waist until he began rubbing your professor’s thighs with you. Professor Levy grabbed Ben’s hand and squeezed it before lowering his eyes to him.
He spoke with unwavering confidence coating every word as he gave Ben a command that sent shivers spiraling outward from your wet center.
“Taste her.”
The wanton darkness that overcame Ben’s eyes and the smirk that curled the corner of his upper lip coaxed your heart and your pussy to throb even more than you anticipated. Your professor’s demand spurred Ben to pull off your jeans and underwear even faster than you could put any thoughts together. You sat naked between the two men in so many more ways than you’d imagined you ever would be. Through your dizzying thoughts, Ben placed a firm grip on your legs pressing them a part.
Any words you thought you could form in your head only came out in quick, pulsing gasps. An unbridled heat spread all over your body as you felt Ben’s broad fingers handle your outer lips until they began to line themselves up at your slit.
“Jonathan, she’s so fucking wet,” his voice was hushed and his breath was so hot against your pussy.
Professor Levy’s response came out in a guttural moan that met your body by way of hands continuing to work on your nipples. The theme of surprise continued as your professor and Ben played off one another in ways that only happened when two people knew each other beyond words. Ben’s nose pressed into your mound as he licked a slow, deep stripe up your center.
“Oh my god,” You cried, finding your professor’s hand with a desperate grasp as Ben began working on your pussy with slow, luxurious and hungry swirls until he moved into a varied and unexpected pace that had you shaking, writhing, and bucking against his every move. Each time his tongue worked on you, he pushed you to the very edge of ecstasy over and over and over again.
He moved his worship to your clit and pressed his face and tongue deeper into you, eliciting a cry from you that filled the room, “Jesus, Ben, fuck oh my—Professor!!”
You pressed one hand through Ben’s waves and gripped Professor Levy’s thigh while riding your high.
“Ben, tell me what she tastes like.”
He lifted his face from your center, lips and chin dripping with your spend.
“Like heaven.”
Ben looked up at you, his eyes glassy with passion and also shining with the gleam of a man hungry for more. The sight of him caused you to whimper. You had never studied his face this way before even though you shared a small space together almost daily. The broad bridge of his nose sloped downward and he breathed you in with a playful smirk before adorning your outer lips with a delicate kiss. You thread your fingers through the disheveled locks of his hair, smiling back at him until your lips opened once more as he teased you with more caresses of his fingers.
“He’s good isn’t he?” Professor Levy growled into your ear.
Your brain was spinning, your body shaking in anticipation of what was to come next. Professor Levy reached an arm over your body, maneuvering his hand towards your neck and without missing a beat, Ben pressed his mouth onto you again sucking at your lips before he dipped his tongue into you again. He continued to venerate every fold with abandon, moaning with each taste he had of you like it were the best meal he’d ever had. You didn’t think it could get any better, especially with the pressure of your professor’s hand at your neck matching the intensity of each manipulation of Ben’s tongue.
And then…
One…two of his broad fingers reached into you, curling into your tight wet pussy while his tongue paid particular devotion to your clit.
“Ah, oh my god, fuck!” You came crying, writhing, and losing any more words the tighter your professor’s grip became.
Ben’s voice vibrated against you with a low, carnal laugh as you felt the slick sensation spill from your center onto the leather beneath you. He then pressed his hands lightly at your lower belly, causing you to shudder with even more aftershocks from your orgasm. You worked through catching your breath and looked down at him. The face he greeted you with as you caressed his wavy locks was that of a bold and satisfied man who knew he could do that to you again.
Ben rose up from the floor and leaned forward until his face was close to yours. You relaxed and leaned your head back against your professor’s as he eased his hold at your neck. In an unexpected moment of tenderness, Professor Levy threaded his fingers between yours.
Ben’s eyes shined as he looked toward you and then your professor. The simultaneously tender and sensual intimacy they shared was amplified in this quiet moment. It felt so private that you were almost embarrassed by having witnessed it.
“Wanna have a taste?” Ben asked as he pressed his thumb still damp from you to Professor Levy’s bottom lip.
Your professor took it, sucking at the tip savoring the taste of you on Ben’s skin. Heavy-lidded with lust, Professor Levy let go of Ben’s thumb and then licked his lips.
“Mmm, sweet,” he murmured with a seductive and low rumble coming from the back of his throat.
Ben stood up and lifted his chin with a proud smirk. He walked to what you assumed was his bedroom and then turned around to lean against the doorway. The way he leaned his elbow above him and his other hand resting at his hip demanded you pay attention to his defined torso. The waistband of his sweatpants sat so low that your eyes had no choice but to travel down the peppering of brown hair that led to the thick treasure you were becoming so desperate for.
A light squeeze of your thighs by your professor was your signal to stand. He walked around you and used his eyes to study every curve of your body. A light touch of his fingers beneath your chin had you breathing hard again as his gaze now demanded that you give him your own. The breath from his mouth danced upon your lips. Yet instead of taking you in for a kiss, he turned from you with his hands in his pockets. You stood naked before both men watching you, waiting for you, bodies reaching for you from a doorway to a room and to a deed that you could never really come back from.
And the decision was clear. There was no way in hell you could turn back now.
You stepped forward. The old, hardwood floors creaked beneath your feet.
“Wait,” Professor Levy called out.
You closed your eyes with a sharp intake of breath and you stopped as he had demanded. Your breath quivered as you waited for what they had in store for you.
He shared another look with Ben, his eyes lowering and the brown of them becoming devilish and dark.
“Get on your knees and crawl.”
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fungalfunhouse · 7 months
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oc doodles and fun things like that. also background practice bc other rw artists are very inspiring and i want to get good like that ^^;
(ocs in order: Ternion, The Sparkler, Excellence Beyond All Minds, Ballad of Crows (belongs to my friend ramussoda)
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The beauty🌹 of Shadamy
Isn't it just wonderful how my dear Amy Rose gets paired romantically with every Sonic Rival in the fandom? Even Blaze! And fortunately not much with Jet 😂😂 My favorite one obviously is Shadamy, followed by Surgamy and finally with Metal Sonic but seriously, to me nothing beats THE Shadamy❤🖤🩷.
So the BEST thing about this ship to me is that it was born out of a single interaction 😆 and I don't mean the moment she colorblinded mistook him for Sonic and hugged him nooooope I mean the moment she reminded him about Maria Robotnik's 🥺 true wish by giving him a similar speech of hope and second chances and after that he said: I have to fufill my promise for Maria... And you... Me after seeing that👇👇
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(Funny this gif, casually she was also fangirling about a... SHAMY 🤣🤣 only the ones who know the show will get it)
Seriously, is fascinating how popular this ship became of that single interaction that led fans to write a HUGE amount of fanfiction of them and is always so romantic or so passionate or so angsty God I never get tired of it, one of my favorite portrayals of Shadamy is when Shadow is kind of a emo simp towards her, like he is simply adoring her even when she only looks at Sonic who is not looking at her 😭... Ah drama. 😂 I remember a few stories back when I was a pre teen... Like "el blog de Amy Rose" That's the only written fanfic name I remember and it was a total soap opera, a total and absolute telenovela full of all kinds of drama like Silver was their son and Sonic and Shadow were lost brothers 😂. Then I remember I few comics like Ternion that was an insanely passionate and angsty story with an excellent art that to contribute to my torture it was never finished... And boy I know the author had a secret smut chapter that she never posted anywhere... We know it exists because there were a few hot scenes in a video... 😭 but never happened the story didn't even reach half of what I think it was going to be🥲. In Chaos universe there's a double story in one Sonic and Amy had a daughter named Sonia but in an alternative universe we have María Rose who is Shadow and Amy's daughter... Is another tragedy were Amy is dead in both universes 😭 and of course I'm totally biased with Maria Rose's universe because the way her dad remember Amy's just hits different, seriously is way more enjoyably painful 🥲 and then the most current comics I'm addicted to of course IDOL AMY portrayed Shadow exactly how I said I like him the most 🥺 and the last one I saw is one apocalyptic where obviously Shadow survives and mourns a dead Amy: Future's Shadow... Girl this hedgehog can't catch a break they like to see him suffer 🥲🥲🥲
Now let's focus in the official interactions:
The Archie comics before the reboot kinda mistreated Amy portraying her in an annoying way most of the time just like in some games... And I wasn't a fan of a certain interaction she had with Shadow... (Those issues had a bitchy evil Rouge portrayal that I didn't like one bit🤬) I mean shadow actually kicks her in the stomach and hits her with her own hammer and... That just felt so wrong, you see I can't picture an scenario where Shadow would lay a hand on Amy in such a way as he did in those comics but I had a little comfort in this interaction at least 👇👇
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She puts her faith on him when he doesn't have much faith on himself and that is something she also did in the games, like in Shadow the hedgehog own game. Then there was a reboot and we got better interactions, here we have Amy teasing him and he pouting adorably (and finally they dropped the Rouge is a bitch portrayal thank you😤)
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We also see that they can make a good team
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Hey Shadow how it feels to be hammered by her? 🤭😇, then we had the marvelous IDW reboot but we still don't have proper interactions (and this is the best Rouge💜)
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Though honesty? This look like a romance novel scene... You know, with the bad boy being stubborn with the kind sweet girl 😂. Well Sonic IDW is still ongoing so we'll see if we get something more juicy... But I think I will be happy if they simply team up in a fight again.
And now let's talk about Twitter... Well, well, well have you noticed this tiny details in Sonic's Twitter takeovers? Someone asked "Shadow, will you marry me? " And they made Amy voice be the one reading that question 🧐, not only that the things Shadow described about what he wants in a partner for marriage were things that Amy totally would do perfectly (and to add some spice they made Sonic voice sound kind of upset to tease us with some sonadow too😂😂) and then the most precious and hilarious thing... SHADOW AND AMY ARE BOTH SWIFTIES 😆😆
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And look! He got her ticket's 😭😭 and they went together!!! 😭😭😭(that's a DATE) and then in another Twitter takeover she tells about how they had fun and got shirts and then Sonic got jealous 😭😭😭 KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and look what SEGA IS DOING 👇👇👇
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Pop Star Amy and Rock Star Shadow I can't... 😭😭 and paladin Amy and knight Shadow AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY MATCH!!!!!
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I'm telling you... Sonic team is indulging us with oficial Sonamy but they are also shamelessly teasing us with SHADAMY (and sonadow juju)
And seriously fellow comic artists, feel free to keep drawing Shadamy comics forever... We don't get tired... 😇 and SEGA... Don't be shy... We conform with little teasing details you don't have to confirm or deny anything but for future games... A little Shadamy won't hurt 🥺🙏, we want Shadamy in games too! IDW that goes for you too... If you are teasing Sonamy and Sonadow you can tease Shadamy too! (And Knouge too! 😫)
And all this reminds me that we should demand SEGA to reboot the Sonic Adventure games with new modern animation and also so it's playable in modern consoles! I want to play it with the Nintendo Switch!! 😤😤😤
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house-of-tykayl · 6 months
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the last pic is overload but a dragon (an attempt anyway), the ternion trio was gonna be dragons
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
Subaru Sakamaki's Favorite Music
A/N: To hype up the upcoming Subaru fanart I'll be making, I decided to dedicate my next headcanon to him. I like to believe that, considering Shu and Subaru have arguably the most healthiest dynamic in the Sakamaki household, that Shu once gave one of his spare MP3s to Subaru as a gift as Subaru does enjoy hearing his brothers make music.
-Subaru doesn't likes classical music as much as Shu does, but he listens to modern composers like Ludovico Einaudi once in a while.
-Subaru prefers symphonic metal actually. The blend of guitars and opera works better for him.
-He adored Nightwish and is amongst those who were bummed Tarja went solo. He loves her voice.
-Which is why he listens to her solo stuff opposed to Nightwish's newer stuff the most.
-When he's in the right mood for it, the occasional Blackthorn stuff. He'll listen to songs like Witch Cult Ternion or Saturnia.
-Subaru enjoys the songs that go ham with the dramatic heavy piano plays from Evanescence too, stuff like Lithium or Lost In Paradise are his jam.
-Another form of 'classics' he enjoys is folkmetal/folkrock.
-He loves the Wagakki Band and actually got the permission to attend one of their concerts after he studied really hard to win Reiji and their father's approval for it. If you asked Shu, he and his siblings should always be given the permission to enjoy concerts. Enjoying a piece of culture is more valuable then repeating their education yet again. Curriculum never changes that much he says (which is how he ended up repeating his final year).
-Whilst he doesn't likes most of Yomi's stuff, there's something about 'Void' he finds really calming indeed.
-Whatever Eurovision entry is rock or metal based. Subaru tunes in for Eurovision as he does appreciates the big musical spectacle.
-Babymetal, as they're actually a band he can listen to with Kanato and get his brother to sing for him.
-Because Subaru isn't that fond of pop music, if he hears a song he vaguely does like he immediately searches if there's a good metal cover or a nice piano cover.
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farkledagain · 3 days
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Ternion crew.
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mxanigel · 1 year
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Tagged by @galfreybaenre to make my Tav(s) in this picrew (thank youuu~)
Vix Ternion (they/them): tiefling sorcerer specializing in storm sorcery -- which caused their heterochromia! -- with the sage background; easily overburdened by scrolls and books; my beloved chaos child with sleight of hand proficiency to feed their insatiable curiosity; slowburn romance with Shadowheart
Alexis Skyhunter (she/her): wood half-elf druid specializing in Circle of the Spores with the outlander background; "kind is not soft"; values life and respects death; has never thought much about romance so I can't wait for her to be swept off her feet by Wyll
No-pressure tagging @poetikat @mxkelsifer @valiantvillain @captastra @perhapsrampancy @anderstrevelyan @effelants and @saraptor to play if you haven't already!
Note that Vix is much smaller than Alexis; in-game screenshots for comparison under the cut:
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therealgchu · 5 months
WIP Wednesday - To the Shore
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hey, check it out, actually doing a main fic thing! mainly cos my brane is still stuck in the middle of chapter 4 of Seven Days, and i'm getting real tired of its shit. so tired of it that, apparently, i'm writing back on my main fic.
tagging the coemancer crew, and anyone else if you want to share a WIP.
anyway, something fuzzy and warm for today's WIP wednesday. i've skipped a bit ahead, but not too far. still trying to plot out some major plot points and how that's all going to happen.
if you want to read To the Shore from the beginning, check it out here.
there's also the backstories, Anamnesis here. i'll be putting some some spicy backstories soon, but it'll be in a different fic since i don't want to muddy the tags for the OG backstories.
and, Seven Days, if my brane ever gets chapter 4 finished.
on with the sneak peek!
“I want a bunk bed,” Cora said.
Sam smiled, “I think we can do that, right Hwa?” he asked as he turned to her.
Hwa smiled, “Of course. Why a bunk bed?”
“So, I can put my plushies on top!” Cora answered.
“Makes sense,” Hwa nodded, “yeah, no problem.”
“And, I want a computer, of course. Have you seen the new processors that came out recently? Some of them can get up to a couple petaflops!” Cora gushed. “I’ve got the specs written down,” she announced as she rummaged through her backpack
Sam looked in askance at his daughter, “That might be pretty expensive, gumdrop,” he said, attempting to temper her enthusiasm.
Hwa grinned at the girl, the first real smile she’d had in weeks. “Don’t worry about computers. I’ve already got some specc’d out for the both of us.”
“Hey, don’t I get to have a say?” Sam interrupted. 
Hwa moved over to stand by Cora’s side and the two looked at each other, then looked back to Sam. “Umm…Dad, would you even know what we’re talking about?” Cora asked.
He grunted and shook his head. “Fine, you two do whatever. No illegal stuff, though, got it?”
“Yessss,” both answered sarcastically.
“Good,” he said as Cora raced down to her berth in the lower deck. Sam crossed the way and put his arm around Hwa’s waist. “It’s good to see you smiling again, darlin,” he said as he kissed her cheek.
She leaned against his chest, “I’m sorry. I know it’s been hard on the both of you,” she said.
“There’s nothing to apologize for,” he said as he gave her waist a squeeze. “I’m glad we’re going back to Ternion. I kinda missed working on the homestead.”
The term made her smile, “Homestead, huh? Your Akila is showing,” she ribbed him.
“Well now, miss, I reckon that as an Akila man, born and raised, we should rightly call our home a homestead. It only sounds right and proper,” Sam said, laying it on thick.
Hwa laughed as Sam cocked his hat to her. They both heard Cora moan from the lower deck, “Daaddd! That’s terrible!” she shouted. He grinned even wider.
“Really, though, we should come up with a name,” Hwa said.
A herd of small horses was heard on the lower deck as Cora made her way back and up the ladder. “I want to name it!” she shouted.
Hwa and Sam looked at each other, both seeing agreement on the other’s face. “Sure, gumdrop. What do you want to name the homestead?”
“Pemberley!” Cora said excitedly.
Sam looked quizzically while Hwa chuckled, “It’s Mr. Darcy’s estate,” Hwa explained.
“I remember that now, thought it sounded familiar,” Sam said, scratching his head.
“You don’t like it,” Cora said, crestfallen.
“It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s that, well, I don’t think we’re a ‘Pemberley Estate’ sort of family,” Sam explained.
“We could be if we wanted to be,” Cora wheedled, pouting a bit.
“Cora, I don’t think I could be an ‘Estate’ person if I tried,” he said, trying not to be too harsh.
“How about a compromise,” Hwa interjected, “Pemberley Homestead,” she suggested.
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Ternion Part 1
Kishibe x Reader x Aki Hayakawa SMUT, Angst, Fluff, MDNI, 18+ only ao3
(this part is mostly Kishibe x Reader. Part Two will mix it up more)(( I did, they do. heres Part 2, and heres Part 3)) 9.2k words.
The Public Safety Office is notorious for breeding all kind of salacious office romances. You just happen to be carrying on two at the time. But what happens when the wild card Captain Kishibe finds out you have started seeing the tragically handsome Aki Hayakawa? Will you have to choose? Or maybe the three of you can find some kind of…arrangement?
Content NOTES: SEX/SMUT, kissing, spitting, riding, jealousy, fighting, cursing, teasing, Kishibe is kind of a dick in general but it’s because he’s got FEEEELINGS, lots of pining in general, y’all already know we’re gonna be smoking and drinking coffee, again this is the start of a two part-er so bear with me here. There’s a lot of fighting in this part, we have to build the tension, gang. Okay bye I hope you enjoy.
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Okay what is it?” You had finally had enough, you pulled off Kishibe's lips, using your hands on his chest to push away.
You two had been making out hard for about ten or so minutes. This wouldn’t be a problem, except you were just kissing. He hadn’t made any effort to remove your shirt or grind you down on his lap which you were so prettily perched on. He hadn’t even snuck his hands under your shirt to undo your bra with one move of his thumb, one of his favorite moves!
The man underneath you cocked his head, playing stupid.
“What d’you mean?”he huffed out, eyes betraying nothing.
“I mean you’ve been over for a half hour and you’ve barely put your hands on me. I’m in your lap, doing some of my best work and you’re not even hard. What’s up?”
It’s like he was bored, not really bored, but he was— distracted. He clearly had something on his mind and it was interfering with your ability to get laid, and you would not, could not, stand for that.
The pair of you were folded up in the large recliner in your small apartment's living room. He had come over, like he did pretty much every Thursday night for the last four or so months, bringing a bottle of wine for you, and nearly 45 years of sexual experience to keep you blind with pleasure. It wasn’t terribly long but it was long enough for the two of you to develop an exciting and standing casual arrangement. No strings attached, just incredible sex and some camaraderie between colleagues. You liked things this way, and he did too, or he seemed like he did. Usually. Tonight he was just off, from the moment he showed up at your door you could tell something was bothering him, something was almost always bothering him so you figured it was he would forget about it once you got your lips and hands on him. Usually this would have been enough, but here you were: grinding away, kissing his neck in all of his favorite spots and he was giving you nothing.
Kishibe clicked his tongue, clearly annoyed. Kishibe pretended he hated when you got bratty, usually he’d show you just how much by railing you into the mattress or spanking you until you cried, but instead he just rolled his eyes and huffed. You didn’t care for his bratty side either, so you started to move off of his lap. Before you could stand, he gripped your hips, hard, holding you firmly where you were.
“Are you fucking him?” He growled out, large hands gripping the flesh of your hips.
“You’ll have to be more specific.” You shot right back, excited to finally get him talking to you, and touching you.
“The kid.” He specified, his shark eyes meeting yours in a new, predatory gaze.
You raised your eyebrows, you were starting to get annoyed now. If he was going to ruin your night’s plan of mindless sexual bliss he could at least make it concise.
“That’s an insane follow up. Kishibe, who the fuck are you talking about?”
“Hayakawa. Are you fucking him?”
“So what if I am?” You crossed your arms.
“So you are.” Kishibe’s lips were so tight, you could practically hear his teeth grinding.
“Occasionally.” You shrugged.
“Does he know you’re sleeping with his superior?” He meant it in the technical, work hierarchy sense, but something in his tone begged you to infer something more malicious.
“You’re technically my superior, too, so I figured that wasn’t exactly something you wanted too many people to know.”
It wasn’t against the rules for you and Kishibe to be sleeping together, it wasn’t against the rules for you and Aki to be sleeping together either. Devil hunters hooked up all the time. Everyone either knew about it or was actively participating. But there were definitely more murmurings when there were such wide gaps in age and positioning, such was the case with you and Kishibe. He was twenty years older than you (give or take)and of course he had a…reputation. It went smoother in people’s minds for you to say you were sleeping with Aki: nearly the same age, the same job, compatible demeanors. People would be happy to know you and Aki found comfort in one another. Kishibe was a wild card, a mad dog, unpredictable, a recipe for disaster and heartbreak. You knew this, because you had told someone, you told Kobeni one night at the bar and her reactions played out exactly as expected. Saying Aki was totally fine, good even, you both deserved something nice. But you should be careful with Kishibe, that he would probably be too emotionally unavailable or just generally bad news, and at the very worst actually dangerous. You explaining to her that it was purely physical didn’t do much to soothe her anxiety, but rarely anything did.
Kishibe repeated himself underneath you, “Does he know? About us.”
“Not specifically. He knows I’m sleeping with someone else.” You confessed.
Kishibe started to sit up, and you let him, climbing off his lap and standing up next to the chair. He stood up and walked to the kitchenette to pour himself a drink. You stood and watched him.
“What’s the big deal, Kishi?” You couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped you. He was being so dramatic.
He stayed silent and gulped down a heavy pour of whiskey, and went to pour himself another.
“I honestly didn’t think you would care. Especially not this much.” You rolled your eyes, still watching him with your arms crossed.
“Then why didn’t you mention it until now?” He finally replied to you.
“I didn’t think it mattered. You knew I was seeing other people. I know you’re doing the same. Why does it being Aki matter so much?”
He tsked, “so familiar.”
You laughed again, “Kishibe, come on. Are you seriously upset about this?”
He swallowed his drink whole again and cleared the bottle into his glass. You sat down on the recliner in a huff.
“Jealousy isn't a good color on you.” You picked at the edges of your fingernails. Any arousal you had been feeling before was long gone, leaving you instead with irritation.
“I’m not jealous.” He groaned.
“Right. Of course not.” You shook your head.
“I just think it’s stupid.”
“You think It’s stupid or you think I’m stupid?” He caught your attention now. Standing up from the chair to face him again.
He turned to face you again, the studio suddenly felt cavernous with the space between you.
“I think you’re being stupid. I don’t think you are stupid. I just expected more from you.” He shrugged, leaning against the shitty laminate countertop.
He went too far with that one.
“You’re scolding me now? Like I’m a child? Where do you get off talking to me like you have any say in what I do?” You challenged him, imploring him to revise what he had said, for his own sake.
Kishibe stood firm, “I just didn’t think you were the type to go with a kid like that.”
“We aren’t going together. We’ve had sex a few times. It’s casual, like we’re casual. Sex doesn’t mean we’re going together. Don’t make it so obvious you were born in the 40s.” You shrugged, annoyed at this point, how dare he talk to you like he was in charge, like he had any claim to you.
Kishibe left the counter and walked towards you. Closing the distance rather quickly for a half drunk. He was so close now you could smell his cologne, you usually loved the smell of his cologne. It was comprised of dark, earthy scents: tobacco, vanilla, cognac. But now it was overwhelming, and you wanted to pull away, but you stood your ground.
“Isn’t he a little…green…for your tastes?” He cocked his head to the side, eyes scanning you closely.
He was sizing you up, seeing if you would jump to defend Aki, or if you’d fawn and flatter him instead. You chose neither. Despite having to look up at him due to his stature, you sacrificed no command over the exchange.
“I think I can make that call for myself.” You mirrored the angle of his head and leaned a bit close.
You saw the scarred half of his mouth twitch slightly and his eyes begin to dilate, fixing onto you,“Thought you needed someone who knew what they were doing? Someone who knows where everything is, knows how to make someone else cum. Does he?”
His voice was starting to align with the way he would talk to you when he was talking down to you in bed. When you’d let him boss you around and you’d do whatever he said. You couldn’t fight the fact that he was sexy like this, voice dripping, leaning over you, using his full height to his advantage. But he was also being a dick. You could deal with him being a dick most of the time, but this was different. Was he actually judging you? Or was he actually just jealous?
The truth was Hayakawa was great in bed, he was attentive, efficient, good kisser, better with his hands, in the few encounters you had, you slept soundly in his bed after one or two orgasms and often woke up to coffee ready.
But Kishibe was just…on another level, and the asshole knew it. He was right, his experience and his edge made him an exceptional lover. He could have you cumming three times over without even taking his cock out. His tongue was wicked, his fingers were thick and long, but it was something beyond all that, something intangible; like he could see right through you, some clairvoyance that showed him the perfect way to take you apart. But Kishibe almost never slept over, he would lay with you for an hour or so afterwards, smoking and chatting, but if it wasn’t leading to another round, he would redress and excuse himself. On the exceedingly rare occasions he did sleep over, it was you who made coffee or breakfast, only to have him kiss the top of your head and leave before partaking in any of it.
You didn’t want him to be your boyfriend. You didn’t want a boyfriend period. But sometimes you wanted a bit more intimacy than just sex, you wanted him to hold you, sleep next to you, to kiss you when he woke up the way Aki did. When you were with Aki it felt like you were indulging in a shadow of a relationship, when you were with Kishibe you felt exhilarated and alive, but not necessarily cared for. It was the reason you had them both.
But you weren’t about to let Kishibe know that. Leaning into him coyly and batting your long lashes up at him, fingers toying for his loosened tie. An interested smile sat on his lips, which he parted slightly as you inched closer.
“Mmmhm. And I can ride him without worrying about him going into cardiac arrest.” You pushed him away hard, passing him and retreating to the kitchenette.
“You’ve really got quite the mouth on you, kid.” Kishibe was stunned. Furious and stunned.
“And it’s such a shame you won’t be getting to enjoy it tonight.” You said into the refrigerator, looking for the bottle of wine he had brought over earlier, “if that’s all, you can go.”
Kishibe realized he was losing the battle. He was annoyed about Hayakawa, he wanted to address it, but he didn’t expect the conversation to go so poorly. He really fucked this up, he hadn’t intended to go so off the rails.
He found out this morning; he had seen you and Hayakawa talking, it was so subtle that anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, but Kishibe knew you. The way you had smiled at the dark man, the way Aki had moved some of your hair over your shoulder and given you a light squeeze, the way the kid’s eyes watched your mouth so closely. He knew instantly you had fucked. Or, worse, have been fucking. He felt that ugly green monster start devouring his stomach at the thought of Hayakawa knowing how you felt inside, how you sounded when you were full, the way you kissed, the way you tasted. Kishibe hadn’t ever been a jealous man, a persistent one, sure, but never envious. And never for someone so…young. It preyed upon a deep seeded insecurity in him. He knew that if it were hunting, he could kill every devil in sight and Hayakawa before the kid could even blink. But sex was one of his skill sets that he kept, for lack of a better term, close to the belt. He knew he had a reputation for being good, and experienced, but age and time came for everyone eventually. Were you seeing this kid because he wasn’t satisfying you the same way? Did you need more from him and he couldn’t give it? What the fuck was Hayakawa giving you that he couldn’t?
It had buzzed around in his mind all day, he knew he was seeing you tonight and he had tried to knock the thoughts free before he came over, to no avail. Now he had let his temper get the better of him and you were shutting him out.
You found the bottle and were peeling the foil when Kishibe approached behind you. You were familiar with his move set by now that you practically felt his fingers ghost over your neck and move your hair to the side before they did. You were annoyed, but you let him press his lips to your exposed neck, his other hand moving over your waist and hip.
“I’m sorry. I was out of line.” He mumbled.
“You’re an asshole.” You corrected him.
“I’m an asshole.” He nodded, his stubble scratching the tender skin of your neck.
“And I’m too good for you.” You added.
“Far too good for me.” He had both of his hands on your hips now, he was winning you back over.
A small moan slipped from your lips when he kissed just behind your ear. You set the corkscrew and bottle down on the counter, opting to grip the edge instead. Kishibe’s hands gripped your hips and pulled you closer against him, kisses moving down the side of your neck and across your shoulder. You shivered, his lips were kiss bitten and swollen, reminding you of why he had come over in the first place. You could feel yourself falling under his spell already, this was so like him. He could fuck his way out of anything if you let him. You didn’t want to let him off the hook, you wanted to make him apologize, to make him explain himself, but you could already feel the ache building inside of you. Kishibe slid his hand underneath the hem of your shirt, his calloused fingers pressing against the soft skin of your lower stomach.
“Come on, baby. Forgive me already.” He mumbled into your hair, “said I was sorry.”
The back of your head hit his collarbone, “you don’t get to come here and cause problems and then fuck me until I forget.”
He shook his head, he was barely listening at this point, too focused on moving his hand up your abdomen toward your left breast.
“Kishibe…” your voice fluttered, you were trying so hard to remind yourself to stay strong, “I’m serious…”
He nodded his head, now fully not listening, his hand had reached your breast and was working its way under your bra, twirling his index finger around your nipple.
You were done for, you shuddered back against him, a wanton moan leaving you as his hot tongue swiped up your pulse point. Kishibe couldn’t hold back the pride he felt, just barely touching you and already you were trembling. He grabbed a fist full of your breast with his right hand, moving his lips up your neck, across your jaw. You rushed to turn your face to meet his mouth, immediately your tongues tangled, settling into their rhythm from before. His hips trapped yours against the counter, he tasted like whiskey, he smelled like leather, his mouth was so warm and inviting. The length that rested against your lower back was growing, Kishibe’s arousal had been resurrected. His kisses were hot and hungry, his tongue exploratory and eager, his hands wandering and groping freely.
“Say you’re sorry,” you groan against his lips.
“I’m sorry.” Kishibe does so instantly, gripping your other breast harder than the first.
“Say it again.” You turned your body further, trying to face him.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered again, his hand now removing your bra although you didn’t even feel him unclip the clasp.
Your own hands went to work unbuttoning his shirt, and pulling it from his work pants. When they found his belt you finally hear Kishibe moan. A fluid, throaty sound that sent heat to the tips of your ears. He removes your own shirt, grasping at your chest with both hands freely. The only sounds in the room are the hot breaths stolen in between fevered kisses, the jingling sound of you removing his belt, and the shuffling of fabric between your grinding bodies.
“Come here.” Once he had been freed from his shirt, his belt, and you had started your work on his zipper, Kishibe hooked his hands around the back of your legs. He picked you up easily, one arm under your butt and the other supporting your back, a hand wrapped around the back of your neck.
He walked the two of you back to your bedroom, not needing your direction, laying you out on the bed. You rushed to rid yourself of your remaining clothing, leaning on your elbows to watch him do the same. Kishibe was an imposing form, tall, and built. Intricate patterns of scar and muscle made up a tapestry of his personal history. There were fresh and early stage healing bruises along his side and hip.
He removed his pants, and your mouth started to water at the reveal of his hips and thighs. It was such an intimate part of the body, especially on a man. More private even than the genitals themselves, maybe. Serving no overt sexual function but still remaining spots seen rarely and only by those privileged with a whole form. Seeing a lover, or anyone undressing is an act of trust that you relished in. You watched closely as the muscles strained and flex, rippling over one another, skin stretching and folding with every move. You were familiar with how he moved, the choreography of his body when he fought, practiced technique with the perfect amount of finesse, here in the privacy of your room he moved with the same type of refined confidence.
Now cleared of all barriers between yourselves, he approached you, spreading your knees apart with his hands. The cool air hitting your dampened center sent a shiver through your body. Kishibe watched you twitch, hole clenching around nothing already as your lips parted. You were already so wet for him, so ready, so desperate. He truly had you right where he wanted you. A wicked smile curled across his face as he knelt before you on the bed. One of his hands began to palm his cock; hard and heavy between his legs, standing at attention, a bead of precum building at the tip.
“Look at you,” he marveled at you exposed to him on your back; nipples peeked, skin flushing, pussy dripping onto your bedsheets. You looked completely fucked out already, “you need my fingers, baby? You want my cock? Ask me, baby. Tell me what you need.”
You whimpered watching his body react to his own touch, abs clenching, cock jumping, breath increasing, “Kishibe fuck me please…I need you inside.”
He clicked his tongue again, his unoccupied hand moved your leg onto his chest, bringing your ankle by his neck, and your thigh pressed up against his hip. He wanted your skin on his as much as possible, despite his desire to extend your restlessness, he ran the head of his cock up and down your slit. He bit back the shaky moan that threatened to leave him as your wetness started to suck him in. You couldn’t keep yourself from rocking your hips in time with his movements, carving the feeling of him sinking inside of you.
“Kiiiiiishi.” You pleaded again, you should have cringed at the pathetic sound of your own voice, but you couldn’t care.
Kishibe put one hand next to the side of your head, leaning down to you, your leg bending with him to open yourself more for him, “you want this dick? You want my dick? You want me to fuck you?”
This should have raised alarm bells for you, a clue that maybe your earlier argument wasn’t yet settled for him. But in this moment, with him so close, just barely not penetrating you yet, his lips nearly on yours, the thought never entered your mind. Instead you nodded messily, affirming his possessive dirty talk.
“Yes, Kishibe, I want you so bad. I need your cock. Please. Please.” Your begging was getting more weak, Kishibe was dripping already, coming far too close for not even having entered you yet.
When his tip breached past your hole, you and Kishibe moaned together, your sounds of pleasure merging in the air into a singular divine sound. He had one hand gripping your thigh tightly, pushing it as far back as your hamstring would allow. You dug your nails into Kishibe’s forearm by your head, bracing for the feeling of his cock remolding your walls to match its shape. But it didn’t come. Opening your tightly shut eyes you found Kishibe staring down at you, scanning your face closely.
“Wha—“ you started to protest.
“How does he fuck you?” The older man spoke in a low, measured voice.
“Are you fucking—-“
He cut you off again by pushing more of his length inside of you, “this deep? Deeper?”
Kishibe pushed deeper into you slowly, watching you for an indication of answer.
Your back arched up as he pressed deeper and deeper inside of you, his seemingly endless entrance leaving you barely any thinking power to process his question. Kishibe pulled his hips back, pushing your thigh into a deeper stretch. Only a few inches of his cock remained buried inside of you. You wanted the full length so badly you felt hot tears start to sting in your eyes.
“More like here right?” Kishibe mocked you, barely pushing in and out of you in shallow, sloppy thrusts.
It was cruel of him to be making fun of Hayakawa like this. Something so personal. Nor was it fair to you. But you wanted him so badly you couldn’t think straight. You couldn’t think about Aki right now. You could think only of him.
Kishibe pushed deeper into you, the arch in your back, and your heaving breasts beckoning him closer, “tell me whose pussy this is.”
You mewled in response, only for him to respond to your insolence by slapping the outside of your thigh. The tip of his cock pressed so hard against the wall of your cervix, you wanted to squirm away from the sensation, but Kishibe held you still.
“Now. Who owns this pussy?”
“You! You Kishibe, fuck— you.” You could barely get out the words as he hammered into you relentlessly.
Kishibe’s big hands moved over your face, moving sweat of your hair out of your eyes, his taunting voice cooing at you.
“That’s right, girl. You need this big cock, you need someone who can treat this pussy right. Who knows what she needs.” He rocked into you again and again, alternating between filling you completely and leaving you empty.
Your hands battered his shoulders limply, non verbally begging him for more. Kishibe had turned your brain to mush, you couldn’t think in sentences, only feelings of pleasure jolting through you.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He cooed down to you in mock kindness, “nothing to say now that you’re too of cock full to think?”
You shook your head dumbly, or attempted too while one of his hands was still holding your jaw in place. He squeezed the sides of your face lightly, making your mouth open. Knowing exactly what was coming you stuck out your tongue eagerly. Kishibe gathered spit in his mouth, letting it run from his lips to between yours. His saliva was warm, it tasted only like him, a taste combination entirely his own. Purely Kishibe. You swallowed it down after letting it linger on your tongue for a moment or two. His hips stalled briefly as he felt your walls clench around him. His head hung above yours, his hair brushing against your own head as he leaned down to kiss you again. He pressed deeper into you, although not thrusting, as his tongue slithered against yours. Your hands found the back of his hair, tugging lightly at the cropped undercut, pulling him closer. He pulled your leg up over his hip, and around his lower back, keeping his hand gripped around the flesh of your thigh. In one perfect move he rolled onto his back, bringing you with him, propping you up on his lap before you had time to gasp.
“Cardiac arrest huh?” Kishibe swatted your ass, urging you to move your hips, “you think you’re funny now?”
Getting your bearings back you steadied your hands on his chest, starting to move your hips up and down his length. He tipped his head back underneath you, reveling in the show you put on for him. He loved watching the muscles in your thighs flex as you rose yourself up and back down on him. How the meat of your stomach would move with every lurch, your breast following suit. You were so beautiful. So uninhibited, so unashamed. How ever had he gotten so lucky? To find himself below you in such bliss. Kishibe tucked one hand behind his head to watch you and kept the other on your hip, offering support more than actual guidance in your movement. His cock had an upward curve in it, meaning when you rode him its head nestled perfectly against your g spot. Your body moved on its own, bouncing in a perfect rhythm, fucking yourself on his length, it felt so good, but you needed more.
“Kishi, please.” you grabbed at his hand, trying to pull his fingers off your hip, “Please, baby, ah, touch me.”
He let out a low whistle, “I think I should keep you like this. So desperate for me. Just me. I like you like this, girl.”
You whined, tears returning to your eyes, “Don’t do this kishi…ah..wanna cum. Please.”
“Show me how Hayakawa likes it. How do you fuck yourself for him?” He clicked his tongue, gripping your hip harder, indicating he wouldn't be touching your aching clit anytime soon.
You stilled your movements, now more annoyed than desperate, “You’re still thinking about him, right now? You’re literally inside of me and you’re thinking about Hayakawa?”
Kishibe chuckled lowly, pulling your hips up and down again, slowly, testing his luck, “I was just curious about what he gets to see that I haven’t.”
“You’re not funny, Kishibe, I was so close.” You smack his hands away from your hip and pulled off of him, feeling the ache in your legs now that you didn't have the momentum to keep you going.
Kishibe groaned as you removed him from inside of you, his now soaked erection flopping onto his abdomen. He reached out for you but you smacked at his arm, “Baby come on…I was teasing.”
“I told you, it's not funny, it’s mean. You’re being mean. What’s your fucking problem? Why do you have to be such a dickhead all the time?” You stood up from the bed, retreating to the bathroom to clean up the lingering mess between your legs.
Kishibe didn't know why he had said it, any of it, or why he had continued to push. He just couldn't get the image of you and Hayakawa together out of his head, seeing you above him he couldn’t stop picturing the younger man touching you in his place. He moved his hands over his face, hearing the faucet in your bathroom start running. He was pushing you away, he couldn't stop himself from wanting to avoid your rejection. It was one thing to share you with whatever nameless, anonymous sexual partners you could find in your own time, but it being someone he knew was eating away at him. He felt like a fucking teenager. Immature, ego fueled self sabotage taking over when all he truly wanted was to have you to himself. But he couldn’t ask that of you.
Kishibe slung his legs over the bed and stood, knees clicking, to join you in the bathroom not bothering to clothe himself. Entering the bathroom with a light knock he caught your eyes in the mirror, you were pissed. He figured it was best to let you speak first, he was clearly only driving his foot deeper into his mouth.
You were pissed. You were angry and unsatisfied and embarrassed. You really thought this was working, you liked Kishibe; you liked how hard he was to crack, you felt honored he had let you so close to him, he was good in bed, interesting, handsome, funny—in his own way, and you learned you really did like spending time with him. It had started so easily, and continued naturally, very little discussion necessary; you kept things neat and discreet without reveling too much in the excitement of a secret romance. You had looked forward to seeing him, often scheduling other plans around him to make sure you could see him each week or at least every other week. You felt like an idiot. You knew he was unpredictable, but this sort of reaction to simply overhearing the idea of you sleeping with another coworker was unacceptable. You splashed some cool water on your face; ridding your skin of its pleasure induced flush, and the taste of him from your mouth. When he entered the bathroom behind you, he looked as stoic as ever, but his eyes were wide and careful; like he was watching a dangerous animal move before him. You sighed, placing your hands on the basin of the sink, the stone giving you the resolve to speak your mind.
“What do you want from me, Kishibe?” You sighed out, exhausted at having to continue fighting with him.
He stayed quiet until he realized you were truly going to wait for him, “I don—“
“Do you want me to stop seeing him?” You speculated this was exactly what he wanted.
He looked back at you through the mirror, desperate to try and read what you wanted as though it would appear on your face.
“Do you want me to stop seeing everyone that isn’t you?” You gripped the sink tighter, as though if you cracked the porcelain you could stave off the hot tears building in your eyes, “we agreed this wasn’t serious. That it was casual. That we were welcome to see other people. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“It’s what you said you wanted.” Kishibe answered you finally.
Watching his shoulders raise and droop in the mirror you had to turn yourself around. Needing to look him in the eye.
“And you agreed. You don’t get to act like this is something I’ve done to you. If you wanted something else you should have said so.” You were taken aback by his assertion.
“I didn’t know what I wanted. I knew I wanted to fuck, and that I wanted to fuck you. I didn’t know how long it would last, I didn’t want to push my luck.”
“So what do you want now? Because I don’t want to guess anymore. I’m so fucking tired of trying to read your mind.” You leaned back against the bathroom counter, the cold stone chilling your body quickly.
“I don’t know.” Kishibe started to stammer again but you stopped him.
“Then I think you should go. Until you know what you want, I can’t keep talking about this tonight.” You were steadfast in your verdict, and there would be no changing your mind.
Kishibe wanted to argue back, to tell you that he wanted you to himself, all to himself, that he hated seeing you and Hayakawa this morning, that he hated how he acted tonight even more. But he couldn’t. So instead he turned back to your bedroom and began to redress himself.
You followed him, wearing your black bathrobe, the intimacy of being naked with one another was gone, there was no room with all the tension and anger inside of the room. A few stray tears slipped from your eyes as you tried not to watch him get changed. No words passed between you, once again the only sound in the room was the sounds of rustling clothes and the jingling of his belt. But now the sound felt so foreign and so strained.
He buttoned his shirt and threw his tie into his pocket rather than tying it. And when he was fully dressed he looked back to you, his heart lurching at your tear stained face. Your eyes were red, the sides of your nose and the apples of your cheeks flushed too. He had done this, he felt sick. He approached you carefully and took your face in his hands, to his surprise you let him. He moved his thumbs over your wet cheeks, you looked so sad, big eyes wet and full looking at him. He wasn’t sure what to say, what he should say, if you wanted him to say anything. So he kissed the top of your head softly.
You allowed this, it was ritual for him to leave your apartment with a kiss on the head. Although it was usually in better spirits. You looked up at him as he pulled away, catching his dark, sad eyes.
“I’ll see you later?” He was asking, not telling.
“I need to know what you want. And I can’t guess. You have to tell me when you figure it out.” You finalized your instructions, the skin of your forehead tingling at the lingering feeling of his lips.
He nodded before leaving your bedroom, pulling on his coat, and leaving out your front door. Once you heard it shut behind him you collapsed into your bed, exhausted and devastated. The sheets still smelled like him, you couldn’t restrain yourself from burying your face in them, sniffing up every lingering note. The night's events replayed in your mind over and over again, the kissing, the first fight, the sex, the fights reprise, the look on his face when you told him to leave. It was miserable. You were miserable. So miserable you couldn’t even bear the thought of completing solo, night and orgasm both ruined all because of some thirty year old ego trip. It wasn’t fair, why couldn’t you have your cake and eat it too? Surely he was sleeping with other people in the department. He was definitely picking up women on the nights he was out of town, or in town but not with you. Right? Surely he wasn’t just sleeping with you. Although , he hadn’t ever mentioned seeing anyone else. When you and Aki had started sleeping together, you had told Kishibe that you were seeing someone else purely from an informative, healthy sexuality practice place, not as a brag or as a confession. And he had yet to do the same. You had just assumed he was private about this sort of thing. He had asked that you remain discreet. Or wait…it was you who had mentioned keeping things quiet between the two of you. But he had agreed.
You sighed into the sheet fabric. Work was going to be awful tomorrow. In any other job you would have called in and avoided the situation completely. Devil hunting didn’t offer the luxury. Usually your work day after a sexual encounter would be one of your easier days x the post course bliss leaving you relaxed and affable, flirtatious glances fueling your hours until it was time to go back home for the weekend. You had planned to call and talk to Aki tomorrow, inviting him over this weekend, but it felt strange to do so now. Everything felt strange now.
You rolled onto your back looking up at the ceiling, praying sleep would win over your troubled mind soon.
At some point it had. Because when your alarm clock sounded, you woke up alone.
You sat inside your shared office for three; Kobeni’s desk, your own, and one desk currently unoccupied, although it had been home to two or three devil hunters you had met over the last year. All of whom were now in the ground. All you wanted was to get through the day, keep your head down, and hopefully not be assigned to leave the building with either of your current fixations. There was some truth to the old adage of not “shitting where you eat”, you were finding.
Kobeni worked quietly at her desk across from you, her big brown eyes frantically searching over her latest report, checking carefully for any mistakes. Soon she would ask you to read over it, to then revise it and have you read it again. Usually you wouldn’t mind double checking her work, but today you could already feel your shoulders tensing up in annoyance. You had your own report to work on, you had your own stressors today, you didn’t have the mental capacity to share hers.
You focused on your own report in front of you, circling miss types and rebooting down data that had previously been correct, but was now outdated. A brown paper to go coffee cup clunked down onto your desk. You followed the gifting hand up the black suit jacket sleeve and found Aki Hayakawa standing above you. His navy eyes were warm and still as they looked down at you. His face was as neutral as it always was, but you had learned to recognize the light shimmer of excitement in his eyes when he looked at you. Usually it made your knees weak, but now it just made your heart ache. He was so handsome, his skin was smooth and dewy, his features were angular and well proportioned. He had his hair pulled back, as always, his bangs hanging freely in his face. You already knew how it felt to run your fingers through his dark tresses, how his lips felt against yours, plump and full, his taste, his smell, the sound of him in ecstasy.
But this, this exchange of coffee in your workplace after the events of last night, you felt embarrassed. No, not embarrassed, guilty. His intense, focused gaze that you had started to covet now had you feeling hot and anxious.
“If it’s…not right, I can drink it instead.” He broke up your spiral, you saw the shift in his eyes, he looked nervous himself.
“No, t-thank you.” You took a sip of the steaming drink.
It was perfect, bitter and dark with just a touch of vanilla. He had paid attention to you making it in the morning, he had paid attention to everything. You saw him smile briefly. He looked through the side of his eye at Kobeni, then back at you, turning his body away from her, leaning in conspiratorially.
Aki cleared his throat before speaking in a low, barely audible voice, “could I-uh…”
His eyes flashed backward briefly, again lowering his voice further, “could I maybe, see you tonight?”
You looked up at him, your eyes wide and sympathetic.
“I’m going to…uh….i have to…um…go?” Kobeni stood up suddenly, paper crinkling in her hand and left the room, a tornado in her wake.
You stood up to meet Hayakawa, meeting the line of his broad shoulders. You had to turn your face upward to look him in the eye. He was so tall, so handsome, so kind, and looking at you so gently.
“I would really like to see you tonight.” His voice was smooth and low, he reached for your hand, brushing the back of your palm with his thumb.
Your breath was becoming thicker, his hand in yours felt so right, his long, slender fingers interlocked with yours. His shirt was clean and crisp, you could smell his detergent, and his cologne, he always smelled good. He was too good.
“Aki….”, you tried your hardest to resist swooning against him, “I don’t know…do you think we’re moving a little fast?”
“Too fast?” He brought your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of your hand softly, “it was just a cup of coffee, I can throw it out if you’d like?”
You laughed a bit, rolling your eyes playfully, “it’s not the coffee, Aki. Thank you, it’s perfect. You’re sweet. But don’t you worry about getting too involved with me.”
He raised his thin eyebrows, “why should I be worried about that?”
Your breath shuddered as he kissed your hand again. His dark blue eyes were nearly all iris as he watched you. He wanted to be kissing you instead, but he could settle for the feeling of your skin. Hayakawa’s mind was rerunning your last encounter for him. Just last night he had recollected the feeling of your body on his from the previous week; how he had kissed your neck, his face against your breasts, reveling in the memory of your mouth on his cock as he had stroked himself. His fingers traveled up your wrist, moving in a circle around the bones and joints, starting to migrate upwards.
“Aki…”you moaned lightly, “we can’t do this here.”
“Then let me come over tonight.” He moved your hand back down to your desk, you’re finally able to breathe out and catch your breath, “please.”
He was already winning you over. After last night’s nightmare you were so flattered to have him fawn over you like this, for him to be so upfront with his desire for you. Your fingers curled around the still-warm coffee cup, the gesture melting the lingering ice of your heart. You nodded slowly.
“Come over tonight.” You leaned in closer to him, your chests nearly touching.
Aki smiled above you and nodded obediently.
“I need to pull away now, or else I’m going to kiss you.” He said, not yet pulling away.
“Sounds like you should.” You flirted staying just. A few centimeters from his lips on yours, “it would be terrible to be caught like this.”
Aki’s eyes scanned you over and over, moving frantically between your eyes and your mouth. Just as he started to lean in a hair or two there came a knock on the frame of the office door. You quickly pulled away and sat back down at your desk. He straightened his already straight tie and turned back around to face the door.
“Captain!” Aki stood at his full height, back straight as an arrow, “Good morning, sir.”
Your eyes blew open, looking up at Kishibe standing in your office doorway.
When did your office become so popular?
The muscle in Kishibe's jaw emerged tightly, and although you couldn't from across the room, you would have sworn you could hear his molars crushing against one another. The vein in his forehead threatening to burst all over the pair of you.
“Hayakawa.” Kishibe greeted sternly, “Good morning.”
“Good morning Captain.” You followed up, raising to your feet respectfully.
Your palms were wet with sweat, your pulse was beating out of your neck, your knees were trembling.
This was bad. What had he seen? We haven't even kissed yet, he couldn’t have seen anything. What did he think he had seen?
“Good morning.” Kishibe addressed you then looked back to Aki, “Hayakawa, don’t you have your own office?”
Hayakawa was unaware of the reason for Kishibe’s nastiness toward him, but he also didn't know any better than to just assume it was the mentor’s usual bad mood, “Yes sir. I was just stopping by to say good morning to Higayashiyama and---”
“Where has Kobeni gone?” Kishibe interrupted.
“She’s turning in her weekly numbers.” You answered, “You just missed her.”
Kishibe thought about what to do next, squinting at the boy, sizing him up. He supposed he could see what you were attracted to, Hayakawa was a handsome guy. Tall, not as tall as himself, lanky but still carried a reformed build, big hands, big eyes, dumb little ponytail, but he guessed the long hair was probably a draw for you. At one time Aki had reminded Kishibe of himself; determined, deadly, confident. At the current moment all Kishibe wanted to do was take the younger man's long, thin neck in his hands, choke him until he passed out and take you right here in front of him. But he got another idea instead.
KIshibe entered the room a few more steps, leaving the doorway open.
“Hayakawa, mind leaving us to talk?” He tipped his head down toward you as he spoke, not really looking at the man he was instructing.
Aki hesitated slightly before looking at the pair of you and nodding, “Yes sir.”
You caught his eyes as he bowed and left, he looked a bit confused, but not nearly as much as he should have been. You liked Aki, he was an observant guy, but was failing to pick up on the subtext of the moment, the dramatic irony of it all was killing you.
“Shut the door behind you.” Kishibe added, still looking down at you.
The door clicked and Kishibe relaxed slightly, turning his gaze to your cluttered, busy desk. He plucked the coffee cup from the mess, the impression of your lipstick still clung to the lid.
“He bring you this?” he asked, turning it side to side in his hand, examining.
Kishibe brought it to his mouth and took a long sip, humming as he set it back down, “Kid pays attention.”
You crossed your arms, “This attitude isn't helping you out of the dog house.”
“You kicked me out last night and then I found you in here sucking face less than ten hours later, and I'm not allowed to have a reaction to that?” He tutted.
“We were not sucking face,” you hated how whiney your voice was coming out, you felt so adolescent angry with this whole situation, you could barely take yourself seriously, “He brought me coffee and asked to see me tonight. Which is more than you ever do.”
Kishibe put his finger in your face, “That. That right there is what I don’t fucking like.”
“I’m not competing with this kid for you. So don’t throw around gestures like points, I don’t want to be playing some stupid game for who you like best or who is falling out of your favor. I fucking knew it, you’re too analytical not to be keeping score.” he moved to the office door and locked it, looking briefly out the small window to see no one in the hall.
“I-I dont do that…”
You did do that. You could already hear your voice from last night quantifying their treatments of you and weighing them against one another. He was right, it wasn’t fair for you to make them unknowing adversaries.
“Yes you do. And when I tried to play into your little competition, you got all upset and kicked me out. So maybe I'm not the only one who needs to figure out what they want from this.” He sighed out taking a seat in the unoccupied desk’s chair across from you. “Are you seeing him tonight?”
You sat in your chair, collapsed more like, your head falling back against the headrest, “Yes. No. Maybe…I don’t know, Kishi.”
You took your hands and rubbed your temples, when had this all become so messy. Your eyes were closed but you heard Kishibe roll his chair over to you. His larger hands took over rubbing the sides of your head. The pressure of his fingers was perfect, you could smell the smoke from his cigarettes clinging to his clothes, you let out a sigh.
“I came in here to apologize for last night. I know I acted like an asshole. And I just acted like an asshole again. I don’t like seeing you with him, it makes me…jealous. He’s a good kid, probably better for you than I am.”
You opened your eyes to find him not looking right at you, but looking over the top of your head. He was confessing his feelings to the back wall of your office, instead of to you. You watched his mouth carefully as he spoke, his famous scar bending and tugging as the words left him.
“I don’t want to compete with him, because I don’t think I'll win.”
Your heart pulled hard, bringing your throat down with it. You reached for his face, your fingertips brushing his jaw and bringing his eyes back down to you.
“Kishi…” you were so moved by his vulnerability. You knew it didn't come naturally to him, he was a sensitive man but not one to show it freely.
He leaned into your touch slightly, removing his own hands from your head and placing them on the tops of your thighs. You stroked his thumb across his cheek, feeling the subtle texture of his skin under the pad. He took in a breath, trying to steady himself for his next admission. His usually rough and even voice was softer.
“I can’t stand in the way of what you want. It wouldn't be right. But you asked me what I wanted, and I want you. And if you want him too, I can accept that. I like what we have, I don’t want to ruin it by making you choose.”
You were shocked. You were delighted. You felt guilty. You felt elated. You were confused. All the feelings washed over you at once, he was offering you everything you had wanted. You could keep seeing him and keep seeing Aki, but you felt your heart tugging at his dark circled eyes. He hadn't slept last night, clearly agonizing over your fight, thinking about what he wanted and what you wanted. He was leaning over to meet your eye line, his hands still on your legs, waiting patiently for your response. You opened your mouth to answer him when there was a knock at the door. Kishibe retreated from you, pushing his chair back to the desk and standing up. You stood as well, walking to unlock the door. Kobeni stood outside, white knuckling her new freshly printed report.
“Sorry! I just need my…”She trailed off seeing Kishibe in the room, adjusting his coat, “Oh! Captain, hello.”
Her mind raced behind her frantic eyes as she realized she had just interrupted you and your kind of boyfriend, her own superior, alone in a locked office. Her skin went cold, heart pounding out of her chest.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn't.. I just want..I’ll go..” before you could stop her she had turned on her heels and raced down the hallway again.
You sighed against the doorframe, “I feel bad, this is her office too and I’m kind of treating it like a speed dating booth today.”
Kishibe chuckled behind you.
You turned to face him and took a few steps forward, “You’re sure?”
He nodded, “About you, I’m sure.”
You smiled, relief flooding your body, balming over the lingering frustration of last night. You stole a glance at the open door, seeing no one, you crossed toward him and wrapped your arms around his middle. He returned your hug, smoothing your hair.
“Can I see you this weekend? Make up for last night?” Your ear was pressed to his chest so his voice reverberated from there as he spoke.
You nodded into his shirt, his smell coaxing you into a calm that only he could. Kishibe brought one hand to your face, turning it up to look at him.
“Call me when you’re free. I’ll make the time.” He assured you before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.
Feeling his lips again sent glitter down your bloodstream, sparkles of elation fueling your heart to race and your skin to warm. After a moment or two he pulled away, the soft sound of lips leaving each other filled the empty office for a single second. You released him and stepped back.
“Alright, Kid. I’ve been late to my next meeting this whole time, so I do have to go. But I’ll see you later.” He smirked on his scarred side and moved toward the door.
“See you.” You smiled watching him leave and sat back at your desk.
The satisfaction of getting exactly what you wanted shifted in your stomach, curdling slightly as you picked up Aki’s gifted coffee cup. You would see him tonight, should you tell him? He deserved to know what else was going on, but you may not be able to handle another fight about your sexual exploits.
What were you going to do?
Aki figured your meeting with the Captain couldn't have lasted more than the thirty or so minutes he had been gone. He wanted to finalize your plans for the night, he was thinking about what he should cook for you, if he had time between work and meeting you to run by the supermarket and take a shower. Running the potential schedule over and over in his mind while walking back toward your office he watched Kobeni run from the door just as she had when he arrived. Stalling his movements lightly, he approached carefully. He could hear your voice, but not make out the words quiet yet. Carrying on his steps were quiet as they neared the open office door. Slowly, he peeked his head in, just in time to see you wrap yourself around Kishibe, the taller man leaning down to kiss you. His breath caught as he watched you kiss him back. He stayed watching until Kishibe pulled away, those dark eyes flicking up to meet his own. He had seen him. The two men looked at one another for a moment, now both informed of exactly what had been going on. He watched as KIshibe’s hand moved over the back of your head, smoothing your hair, his lips curling into a small smile still eye locked with Aki. Hayakawa was the first one to break the exchange, turning and walking down the hallway, his hand brushing over his face and rushing into the mens room.
What the fuck. What the FUCK. What the fuck.
Millions of questions flooded Aki’s mind:
How long has this been going on? Why didn’t he say anything to you? Why haven't you told him? Had you told him and he just didn’t put it together? Why had Kishibe looked at him like that? And the most pressing question of all.
Why was he so fucking hard?
Part 2
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