sunder-the-gold · 1 year
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Built to save.
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divineerdrick · 3 months
Warhammer World Reveals for Mar 2, 2024
So I'm late on this, and not looking to not be late on these any time soon. Still, I really enjoy blogging these reveals.
In case you didn't hear, this time we didn't get a live show. My guess is that this isn't because live shows won't be a thing anymore, but just because they don't have many reveals this time around. Still, we'll have to wait and see what they're up to in the future.
We still get our WarCom article above, so let's take a look at what we've got!
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Seriously! This Big Mek is badass! I definitely prefer the alternate head sculpt with the iron jaw. But if you're someone who pictures your Waaagh's Mek as being a little more kunnin', the main previewed sculpt is still good.
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We also get some stats. That is a nice big gun, but in keeping with standard Ork themes it's going to be very swingy. While fly can be a relevant keyword, you're not bringing this git for his firepower.
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This, on the other hand, is a perfect reason to bring him. Re-rolling advance rolls isn't anything to sneeze at, and this will make his unit really hard to screen out. Very dangerous, especially if Calling the Waaagh remains unchanged.
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There's an interesting box for you!
I'm not going to speculate on whether or not this box will be any good, since we don't know what's going to happen in the codex. But three of those kits are pretty relevant right now. And if you've ever wanted a Stompa, here's a potential discount if you need or can split the other models.
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Finally we have our Codex reveal. Haven't been the biggest fan of this Edition's Codex art so far. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool piece of art, but it doesn't really sell the army well to me.
Next we have our reveal for the Custodes. And yeah, sorry, this doesn't bring as much excitement for me as that Big Mek.
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Our second new mini is a new Shield-Captain. He definitely looks suitably ornate and imposing, but I'd keep the helmet on. I think the expression on that head sculpt is supposed to be contempt, but it's just not reading clearly as anything. In fact it just as easily reads as, "What the hell happened to this galaxy while I was stuck on Terra?" Fitting maybe, but not really portraying the majesty of the finest warriors in the galaxy.
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The Shield-Captain can now take a Pyrithite Spear, which is appropriate since you'd think a Shield-Captain could basically wield whatever they wanted. Previously, this weapon was limited to Forge World. Melta may have lost a step in 10th Edition, but Custodes have plenty of ways to get more out of it.
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This model is also coming with it's own box set, including a full six Vertus Praetors. Those aren't doing particularly well right now, but they could get some love in the upcoming Codex.
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Again, that's a very well done golden man, but there's nothing here to sell the faction or inspire a player. Why aren't they doing battle scenes on these covers anymore? Seeing a Captain and three Guard holding their own against a horde in their elegant combat stances would go much further to depict just how epic these warriors are.
This ties in with Hammer and Bolter, bringing characters introduced there to the table top. As such, I feel like this is going to be a bit niche.
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The sculpts are definitely nice, but I'm not really seeing anything that screams AoS about them.
One of my greatest praises for current GW has been how they've used the Mortal Realms to really let their imaginations take flight. So many of the new factions are just such wonderful reimaginings classic fantasy races. But these look like they would feel at home in any dark fantasy world. You could easily see them stepping off the pages of a Conan novel from the 1950s. For some, this will be a good thing. But especially now that Old World is back, I want Sigmar to keep pushing and keep giving us stuff that is new and cool.
There's also no hint at rules, or even system, for this band of killers. I'm betting we might eventually see rules for both AoS and Warcry. But it would be nice if they got some Underworlds love too, even if maybe the Singri has to stay behind.
This is the one reveal I'd had spoiled. This is so much fun and Blood Bowl is the perfect place for it! When I saw the preview of the goose, I was honestly thinking that maybe it was something for halfling cooks for Old World. But this is way better!
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These are a lot of fun, but I do kinda wish they'd gone a bit further. These gnomes don't really look like they're playing the most brutal sport in Fantasy. But I can't help but think of how much fun, and thematic to the game, it would be to see a bunch of wild animals just let loose on the field.
Remember, there's no rule that says a badger can't play Blood Bowl!
Final Thoughts
This was fun! Although I had a lot to say about Codex covers, that Shield-Captain's face sculpt, and some generic bad guys in AoS, these were still fun reveals. I can also definitely understand why they didn't really hype us up for them or do a live show. But as a casual release for a Saturday news post, this is perfect.
And yeah, I'm not gonna stop being salty about 10th Edition Codexes any time soon. So it will probably take something impressive to make me cheer a Codex reveal.
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Brontomek! by Michael Coney, Pan Books, 1977. Perhaps a visual inspiration for 2000AD/Starlord's Mek-Quake or the Terra-Meks from the Ro-Busters strip?
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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2000 AD And Starlord #98
3rd Feb 1979
Judge Dredd (The Day The Law Died)
Flesh Book 2
Tharg’s Future Shocks (The Four-Legged Man)
Ro-Busters (The Terra-Meks)
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twilightovervenus · 10 days
"The Sister's War" a prelude story for my larger "Red Pawn's Gambit" plot in my MekSol setting
Over 200 years ago, humanity left Earth for the black sea of space. Fleeing a calamity called the Weltfeuer (Worldfire), these refugees made their new homes on Mars, Mercury, and Venus. In the years since the exodus humanity developed Mechanized Armor. These Mechanized Armors, better known as meks, are massive mobile weapons platforms that dominate current military strategy. Their youthful pilots are known as Mecha-Jockeys, or mekjoks, people who push their reflexes to the absolute limit in the absurd spectacle of mek combat.
In the Venusian Empire, feudalism reigns; its main territory a kingdom made up of the planet and its seven satellite colonies. Peasants and serfs live by the whims of the Lesser and Greater House Lords, who themselves live by the law of Grand House Kertész. Mekjoks are not just pilots on Venus, but knights sworn to service.
"The Sister's War"
2nd Quarter, 225 AE (After Earth)
Outside of Ibolya Colony, Empire of Venus
House Lord Jerrid Montgomery stood quietly on the bridge of the capital ship Abandon of Cruelty, his cold brown eyes narrowing to survey the battle. The view outside of Lord Montgomery's personal ship was a sight to behold. Enemy and allied warships criss-crossed in the void of space, pockets of light illuminating their hulls as their cannons fired.
Ibolya Colony hovered, looking like a newly plucked violet blossom composed of steel and ceramic. The massive habitat hung in orbit above Venus, dwarfing the ships circling it.
The captain on Lord Montgomery's bridge barked orders and demanded updates, answered by a herald listing losses and conveying the captain's latest exclamation into workable orders for the crew. A zero-gee goblet of dry red wine swished languidly in Lord Montgomery's idling hand. He was dressed the same as his crew: a black vacuum suit with magnetic heels, a reinforced chestplate, an open helmet connected to a reserve air tank, and a set of thigh and forearm guards. The only things that distinguished him from the rank and file were his gold-plated shoulder scales and crimson sash.
The House Lord's face was youthful, despite early middle age creeping across his face in faint lines. His jaw was strong and clean-shaven, with a sharp and prominent nose held high when speaking to underlings.
"Captain, order the Discovery of Reason to fire all main guns at the Pride of Terra." Jerrid Montgomery ordered quietly, eyes scanning the distant crossfire. The captain nodded and immediately shouted. "Discovery, your Lord demands main fire on the Pride!"
The herald repeated the command, before turning to Lord Montgomery and bowing their head. The House Lord briefly gave an acknowledgement before returning to his assessment.
The battle had been going so well, just as Queen Katrina's strategists had predicted against her sister Queen Magdolyn's forces. Lord Montgomery had driven his six ships in as a wedge, aiding Lady Avci to break the defense outside of Ibolya Colony. With any luck, the day would end with the boarding and liberation of the colony from loyalist forces.
"Lord Montgomery, a message from Lady Avci!" the herald declared.
"Patch it to my device." Jerrid commanded, gulping a swig of the wine.
Lady Avci's voice filled Jerrid's earpiece almost immediately "I'm deploying in my varjú. Requesting reinforcements to aid my attack on the Crawl."
Jerrid's eyes scanned the holographic representation of the battlefield behind him. Dozens of multi-color blips immediately registered as names, crew sizes, and armaments in his mind's eye. Jerrid's time as an admiral before the civil war was certainly paying off. He had even spent a month inspecting the Crawl of Progress, the ship Lady Avci was asking him to help destroy.
"Captain, deploy a macská... and a squad of hangyák." Jerrid said, an idea striking him.
The captain and herald immediately made it so.
"Herald," Jerrid said, stroking his jaw. "Put me in touch with Dame Greeson."
Cordelia Greeson stalked through the Abandon's hallway, genially clapping the shoulder of a heavily armored shock trooper as she passed. Cordelia was dressed from heel to throat in her mekjok armor, a sleek insectoid carapace of red ceramic over her black vacuum suit. The crimson helmet hung in her other hand, swishing with her strides.
The macska in the mekbay was built in the likeness of Old Earth's domestic cat, laying on all four of its huge legs. Even prone, the mechanical beast stood at over 8 feet tall, and 20 feet long with its tail tucked against its back. While Venusian meks traditionally had white armor plating cut with House colors, Cordelia's and all other meks sworn to the Rebel Queen Katrina had painted their meks black. Black for the dark task of rebellion, a shroud of mourning for the siblings inevitably slain.
Cordelia smiled as she pushed from the mek bay's deck and disengaged the magnets in her boots. She lifted from the ground instantly, her body sailing towards the macska's cockpit, set just in front of its right "ear". Cordelia braced against the metal plating to a gentle thunk before entering her access code into a recessed panel. The door slid open, revealing the cockpit compartment.
Cordelia swiftly swung her body through, settling into her chair as the mek's fusion-solar power core hummed to life in the Macska's belly. Cordelia buckled her chest and lap straps as she settled her feet onto the two pedals, each segmented for forward and reverse.
CONFIRM IDENTITY her macska's central display screen challenged. The two on opposite sides were still off, awaiting Cordelia's next move.
Cordelia unspooled a cable from each of her wrist bracers, plugging them into the base of a pair of joystick controllers. Immediately the data from her suit was confirmed by the display.
GREESON, CORDELIA the three displays flashed, as the macska's secondary systems booted up. Technical readouts flashed before Greeson's eyes, showing the pristine condition of her mek from the inside-out. Greeson smiled as she flicked a series of switches above her. The display screens switched over to a 180⁰ view in front of the macska's head, with a Heads-Up Display showing munitions and system alerts.
Greeson's helmet beeped to signal its communication suite was connected to the mek, as the macska drowsily rose onto all fours. Even from her cockpit, Greeson could hear the cacophonous first steps her mek took towards the airlock. The steps jostled the cockpit, somewhat exaggerated by the low gravity within the Abandon.
"Dame Greeson, taking off" Cordelia said into her suit's headset, waiting for the green light above the mek bay's door.
"Standby, milady. Depressurizing in 3...2...1. Clearance granted! Jó vadászatot!" The Abandon's herald replied.
(Jó vadászatot [Yo va-das-a-tot] = Good Hunting)
The mek bay's door opened, revealing the stillness of space. The only sights marring the pitch black were the pinpricks of starlight, and the far off explosions of meks engaged in combat. The macska pounced from the door, the thruster systems installed beside its four paws guiding the mechanical beast onto a path to join the melee. Cordelia willed her teeth to unclench as she felt her pulse start to race.
Two allied hangya meks swiftly followed Cordelia from their respective bay, wings spread wide to give them flight. The meks were only slightly smaller than hers, designed in the likeness of creatures from Old Earth called ants.
The trio streaked across space, Cordelia relaying commands as she adjusted her macska's sights. Already her index fingers were tensed over the triggers of her joysticks, thumbs just beside the red buttons that would unleash a barrage of high-explosive anti-mek missiles.
The battlefield had formed a halo around Ibolya Colony, a ring of warships and meks, peppered by the fearsome coronas of solar-fusion reactors gone critical. The destroyed meks ballooned into rapidly decaying bodies of radioactive plasma, threatening to swallow those that came too close.
"Lady Avci, this is Dame Greeson, here at your request." Cordelia spoke into her headset as the House Lord's mek and entourage came in sight.
The varjú had been designed after the Old Earth crow, and would have been nearly invisible with its metallic black plating if not for the cerulean trim to distinguish it as Lady Avci's Custom. She was flying alone, a risky choice she had made many times before.
"Very good, it would please us greatly to have you provide cover fire. Your Lord Montgomery should be firing his first barrage on the Crawl any moment now." Lady Avci replied curtly "The enemy is sure to deploy distractions any moment now."
As if on cue a squad of enemy meks showed up on Cordelia's sensors, exiting the Crawl's mekbays. Cordelia could feel her heart pulse in her throat as she growled "Hangyák, behind me! Attack!" Diving her macska in the direction of the enemy.
The hangyák meks followed close behind, the enemy rising to meet them. Cordelia's fingers tightened on her joysticks to a white knuckle grip under her gloves. She'd fought in three skirmishes since her knighthood, and nearly died in the second. Any slip up was liable to make her fourth battle the last. Just another furious cloud of purple plasma disappating alone in the black sea.
The enemies, a squad of four hangyák, opened fire with barrages of missiles and armor piercing slugs towards Cordelia and her allies. Cordelia gasped with the lurch she sent her macska into to dodge the worst of it. The few shots that connected to her mek made the machine rattle, jolting Cordelia in her seat.
"Weapons free! Open fire!" Cordelia cried on her comms as she righted her mek, slamming her thumbs on the red buttons on her joysticks.
Cordelia's macska's shoulder pods opened, twin compartments launching a barrage of missiles towards the enemy meks. Cordelia's wingmates fired as well. One of Cordelia's missiles slammed into an enemy mek's head, shattering it as the rest of its body burst like a grenade into searing plasma. One of Cordelia's allies similarly destroyed another enemy mek, leaving two behind.
Cordelia exhaled slowly as she swiveled her mek to dodge the counter-barrage. One of her wingmates didn't fare as well, taking a hangya slug in the torso. While the reactor didn't go critical, Cordelia gritted her teeth as she knew the pilot was dead at best.. or wished he was at worst.
"Prepare for melee, charge!" Cordelia cried, firing her mek's claw cannons. The shots flew wide, but broke the enemy's attack pattern smoothly.
"Confirmed" her remaining hangya ally replied, engaging their thrusters to maximum.
"For Queen Katrina" Cordelia said as she engaged her mek's transformation, plunging down a handle in the center of the console.
The macska's arms and legs straightened themselves as the hind paws collapsed on each other into boots. The forepaws lengthened into fiercely clawed hands, the head repositioning to face forward on the new humanoid form. This was a gift given to only the most respected knights of Venus, an honor Cordelia had earned in her second battle.
Cordelia's hangya launched itself forward with renewed speed as the Abandon of Cruelty fired its main gun into the Crawl of Progress' hull, shattering its bridge in a near instant. The crew would evacuate or soon die in the cascading ship-wide failures to come.
Lady Avci's mek finally joined the fray, her varjú's guns punching twin holes into one of the two remaining hangya. Cordelia yelled in savage fury as her macska lurched for the last hangya, now trying to flee. Cordelia could almost feel her humanoid macska's clawed hand crunch into the hangya's head. The claw's hydraulics building in pressure around the enemy cockpit section, building, building until-
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vorobey-sergey · 1 year
⚡️Новости криптомира 📎Trust Wallet добавил поддержку кроссчейн-свопов благодаря интеграции протокола THORChain. Это децентрализованный протокол на базе Cosmos, позволяющий обменивать активы через пулы ликвидности в различных сетях вроде BNB Chain и Ethereum. Проект также поддерживает операции с синтетическими активами. 📎Директор инвестиционной фирмы Galaxy Digital Майкл Новограц призвал общественность не ждать обязательных негативных событий при вложениях в криптофирмы. Как подчеркнул Новограц, крах Terra и FTX еще не значит, что все или большая часть компаний в отрасли - мошеннические. 📎Нидерландский банк опубликовал предупреждение о рисках использования биржи KuCoin. В объявлении говорится, что зарегистрированная на Сейшельских островах компания MEK Global Limited (MGL), которая предлагает криптоуслуги на платформе KuCoin, не имеет необходимой юридической регистрации в DNB. 📎Чанпэн Чжао ответил на претензии Mithril касательно делистинга токена проекта и на просьбу вернуть депозит в 200 000 BNB. "Цена вашего токена находится ниже уровней срабатывания. Читайте комментарии. Ваш сайт не работает. Вы не писали и ничего не обновляли в вашем сообществе почти два года". 📎Дональд Трамп анонсировал "большое объявление", которое оказалось рекламой NFT-коллекции карточек с его изображениями. Пост вызвал критику сторонников политика. Trump Digital Trading Cards включает 45 000 коллекционных токенов, на которых экс-президент предстает в разных образах. Каждая карточка продавалась за $99. Все они уже раскуплены. #новости #биткоин #криптовалюта
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Kaito confessing his love to Maki
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Contains major spoilers for NDRV3!
Actual ask:
Kaito Momota confessing his love to Maki Harukawa on the verge of death (its me Mek)
Hi Mek! Thanks for the request~ I’m not so good with angst but I hope this is alright!
The class trial had started with Maki Harukawa certain and ended with her confused and furious.
But when Kaito Momota, the stubborn boy that she had come to love, emerged from the Exisal and started to reveal the plan, she can only sigh in frustration.  She, along with the others, had been caught up in Kokichi’s plan until the end.
Kaito starts coughing up blood and Maki immediately rushes to his side. She feels tears welling up in the corners of her eyes but she blinks them away. “Kaito! Are you alright?!” she asks even though she already knows the answer.
Kaito grimaces and wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. “Heh, I’m fine. I don’t have much time left, though, so I gotta make this quick.”
“Huh? What are you talking about?” Maki furrowed her brows.
Without missing a beat, Kaito reaches out and holds Maki’s hands in his. Maki flinched a little because of how cold and clammy his fingers were… but that was to be expected. His hands were also shaking, and if she were to be honest, so was hers.
She looks straight at Kaito’s eyes and found his staring back at hers with a solemn smile on his lips. “Maki Harukawa. I’m so lucky to have met you.” he says suddenly.
“Wh-where is this coming from?” Maki’s eyes widen, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.
“What kind of man am I if I just let my feelings for you go unheard?” he smiles brightly before coughing out blood again. Maki was about to let go but he has a firm grip on her hands.
“Hold up, I’m not done yet,” Kaito gently interrupts. “You don’t have to accept this–I know I’ve been a jerk for letting you think I was dead–but I really wanted you to know that I care about you Maki Roll. I want you to live on and remember me for who I was.”
Maki’s eyes suddenly filled with tears. She avoids Kaito’s eyes and looks towards the side. “Y-you stubborn idiot! Stop running your mouth and let me speak, will you?”
Without waiting for a reply, Maki continued and tried not to hiccup all over the trial room. “Who said that I didn’t have any feelings for you, too? I… don’t know why I had to like someone like you but I do. You’re persistent, selfless, and stubborn but I still like you, Kaito.”
The warmth on her hands disappear and she feels herself getting pulled closer to Kaito’s chest. His arms are holding onto her tightly and she hugs him back tighter. “I’m glad you feel the same way, too.” she hears Kaito’s gentle voice. She never even know it could go this soft.
Monokuma’s obnoxious voice tear them from each other, making Maki realize what was about to happen to Kaito. She won’t let that happen–not ever! Once the thought of retaliation entered her mind, she sought to bring it to action but she was held back by Kaito. He had an understanding look on his face–he already knew what she was going to do.
And he had managed to convince her not to go through with it. Maki cries into his chest but he grasps her face and wipes her tears away with his thumb. He smiles, takes off his jacket, and puts it over her. “Something to remember me by,” he said, and he bid his farewells to her and the rest of his friends.
Maki stays silent, suddenly aware that there were other people in the class trial. She holds onto the jacket like a lifeline and quiet tears start rushing from her eyes.
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oldcbd · 6 years
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2000 AD Annual 1987 Simply Light Years Ahead! Cover art by Robin Smith
Published either 30 or 31 years ago - I get a bit confused by how annuals are dated sometimes.
Inside the annual: Rogue Trooper: Nort by Nortwest Script: Peter Milligan / Art: Jose Ortiz / Lettering: Steve Potter
Tharg's Future Shocks: Return to Sender Script: Grant Morrison / Art: Jeff Anderson / Lettering: Steve Potter
Judge Dredd: Ladies' Night Script: TB Grover / Art: Bryan Talbot / Lettering: Tom Frame
Ro-Busters: The Terra-Meks! Script: Pat Mills / Art: Dave Gibbons / Lettering: Dave Gibbons
Tharg's Future Shocks: The Bounty Hunters Script: Alan Moore / Art: John Higgins / Lettering: Tony Jacob
Strontium Dog Script: Alan Grant / Art: Kim Raymond / Lettering: Mark King
Anderson, Psi-Division: Golem Script: Alan Grant / Art: Romero / Lettering: Steve Potter
Judge Dredd: The Daily Dredd By John Wagner and Ron Smith
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wildewood · 5 years
2000AD and Starlord Prog 99: The Terra-Mek's hurling us into its atomic grinders... We'll be crushed to a pulp!
2000AD and Starlord Prog 99: The Terra-Mek’s hurling us into its atomic grinders… We’ll be crushed to a pulp!
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Dave Gibbons gives a spoiler to the contents by showing us Fantas-Tek about to munch away on a couple of humes in a flying car (hover car?) I wasn’t too sure which one it was as it’s blue on the cover and purple on the centre pages.
The Nerve Centre looks a bit more like my‘classic’ Nerve Centre, with the black background at the top and the letters black on white. Still an advert for stamps…
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asktheadeptus · 7 years
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The Chainsword is the preferred close combat melee weapon of many of the military forces of the Imperium of Man. The Chainsword is essentially a sword with powered teeth that run along a single-edged blade like that of a chainsaw. Most versions of the weapon make use of monomolecularly-edged or otherwise razor-sharp teeth. Chainswords are not subtle weapons, and wielding one is a statement in its own right: they are horrific tools of war, designed to bite, tear and eviscerate where more primitive blades merely cut and slice. The weapon makes an angry buzzing sound as the teeth spin around, intensifying into a high pitched scream as they grind into armour. It is not unlike a modern chainsaw, but lighter and able to be wielded with one hand. It is often used in conjunction with a Laspistol.
A Chainsword brings the weight of intimidation with its obvious effectiveness, and it promises pain before death. On worlds claimed by Humanity, these blades are items of status for criminals and high-ranking gang fighters, as well as weapons of lethal (and crowd-pleasing) necessity for indentured gladiators. Among Mankind's endless armies, the ubiquitous Chainsword has found a home in the arsenal of many Imperial Guard officers and Commissars, as well as serving as the weapon of choice for countless warriors among the Adeptus Astartes since the ancient era of the Space Marine Legions in the Great Crusade. This weapon sees action in all forces that serve in boarding and assault parties -- such as Space Marine Assault Squads, Chaos Space Marines, especially the Chaos Space Marines' Raptor Assault Squads, and Eldar Striking Scorpions Aspect Warriors. The Chainsword has also been seen in common use amongst Imperial pirates and Rogue Tradercaptains.
In alien hands, chainblades take more exotic forms despite obeying the same function. An Ork "chain-choppa" will have none of an Eldar chainsabre's bone-sung elegance, and little of the reliability of a Space Marine's mass-produced weapon, but it will carve flesh and shed blood with the same eagerness. Orks often steal them for Mad Doks and Meks and it has been reported that Slugga Boyz also use them. Some Ork Warbosses have been known to attach them to their hands instead of Klaws.
Like many examples of human invention, the Chainsword's many variants seem to have their roots in the shrouded heresies of the Dark Age of Technology. Accordingly, it saw consistent use in the armoured fists of techno-barbarians during the Age of Strife, and among the Emperor's own armies during his Thunder Warriors' brutal conquest of Terra. But Chainswords have been wielded by inhuman hands for aeons. Several xenos races have borne such blades into battle even in the ages when Mankind could only look up to the stars with spears in their filthy hands. Tech-Priest foundry masters have speculated, down the centuries, that it is simply a natural evolution of the sword's design: from bronze to iron; from iron to steel; from steel to chain-teeth; and from chain-teeth to a weapon wreathed in an energy field -- such as the Imperial Power Sword.
But doubt remains. More than one Martian magos has devoted their life's work to researching the primeval origins of Chain Weapons: mostly likely the result of inspiration stolen from an alien race, in a war that may never be remembered. If this theorem ever bears fruit, it is distinctly possible that the galaxy's first wielders of Chainswords were jade-clad warriors of the ancient Eldar. As befitting the galaxy's most common type of chainweapon, chainswords come in hundreds upon hundreds of styles, patterns, and local variants. Two-handed blades are often referred to as "Eviscerators" by the Imperium, but these immense weapons come in almost as many variants as their more common counterparts.
Every Space Marine Chapter will forge its own blades with subtle differences to those of its brethren, just as every Forge World produces its tried and tested signature weapons based on its preferred schematics. The most common template for any Imperial chainsword is the Mk. XI "Hell's Teeth" pattern, with thousands of minor variations seeing use throughout Mankind's endless armies. Chapters such as the Flesh Tearers, the Marines Errant, the Minotaurs, and the Blood Eagles have made no secret of their own named pattern chainblades, usually divergent in matters of decoration and reverence. Unsurprisingly, one of the most dramatic Imperial variants is also found among the Adeptus Astartes: the so-called "Krakentooth" frost blade of the Space Wolves, with its chain-teeth supposedly formed from the fangs of the sea monsters blighting the oceans of their homeworld of Fenris.
Battle and Maintenance
Despite their relative ease of manufacture, few weapons require as much maintenance as the Imperial Chainsword. Fortunately, the maintenance is of a mundane nature -- easily performed by any ganger or warrior -- rather than something like plasma technology which inevitably requires the sacred insight of a tech-priest in order to keep it functioning over time. Replacement teeth-tracks are found in vast crates alongside Lasgun power packs in every Imperial Guard drop zone, as well as being similarly stored aboard every Space Marine Thunderhawk Gunship. The first concern is that even the most well-forged chainsword will blunt quickly against heavy armour, especially the dense, ablative layers bolted onto an Orkish warlord, or the tainted Ceramite of a Traitor Marine. Chainswords lack the heavy cutting weight of Chainaxes and their bulkier ilk, and are better served to cleaving through the joints of heavy suits of armour.
Secondly, Chainswords are thirsty weapons. Some variants are much more efficient in terms of fuel consumption, but those that aren’t powered by self-sustaining energy generators drink Promethium fuel no differently to countless other low-tech Imperial machines, and emit the same crude, oily reek as any tank's engine. The final concern is one of skill. Chainswords can "throw" teeth when they're used in poorly executed parries, slapped blade-to-blade with other chainweapons, or simply wielded with all the precision of a club. While teeth are easily replaced and repaired, it is not uncommon for battles between Chainsword duellists to end with both the victor’s and the loser’s blades missing several teeth, especially if the fighters wore heavy armour. Ork weapons, especially those with chain-teeth made from the alien "ivory" of an Ork's own sharpened fangs, are especially vulnerable to this kind of degradation. Anyone with a modicum of experience wielding one of these weapons knows to parry with the reinforced flat of the blade, rather than catch a blow on the toothed, moving edge.
These issues of durability rarely apply off the battlefield. A hive ganger or sump-waste outlaw can own a Chainsword his entire life without suffering the same degenerative annoyances as an Assault Marine of the Adeptus Astartes, because – like any weapon –- a Chainsword's use depends entirely on context. When used as intended against lightly armoured foes, a Chainsword is lethality incarnate. No other blade in existence cuts flesh with the same vicious, ravening hunger as a Chainsword. A fighter's strength will add to the blow's devastating effects, but where other melee weapons may rely purely on strength, a chainsword makes for a perfect duelling weapon; just as effective when wielded with grace and speed over brawn. Once the teeth even graze flesh, their motorised bite hooks deeper and saws through muscle, sinew and bone with the same, surgical ease. Just as nothing cuts meat and bone like a Chainsword, nothing bleeds like a Chainsword wound. Enemies losing arms and legs to these weapons (a practice commonly called "limbing" by Imperial Guard veterans with unpleasant smiles) can look forward to one of the bloodiest battlefield deaths imaginable, as their life pours out through the uncauterised, mangled stump of flesh that remains in place of a whole limb.
Chainsword Variants
Acitus Pattern Chainsword - A common pattern Astartes Chainsword utilised by such Chapters as the NovamarinesChapter.
Astartes Chainsword - This massive weapon is commonly utilised by Assault Marines. These weapons generally have a flat carapace containing the chain teeth, with only the forward, curved section open where the spinning chain teeth can bite into flesh and bone.
Drusian "Crusader" Chainsword - Manufactured by a variety of Forge Worlds, these popular weapons are a familiar sight throughout the edges of the sector where memories of Saint Drusus burn brightly. On Drusus Day, many shrines are crowded with multitudes of followers, raising their Chainswords (or mock replicas, for the poor or young) in the air in honour of his works and sacrifice. For those who seek to continue the crusade in the Koronus Expanse, the most common pattern of this weapon uses a curved cutlass-like blade. Most are a holy silver in colour, and favour a large spiked basket-guard to better smite the unclean xenos.
Eviscerator - Favoured by Ecclesiarchy zealots and Witch-Hunters, the Eviscerator is an obscenely large double-handed Chainsword fitted with a crude version of the disruption field generator more commonly found on Power Weapons. Although very unwieldy and tiring to use, the Eviscerator is fully capable of ripping an armoured man in half or tearing open the most blasphemously corrupted mutant in a single stroke. Even more massive versions of these two-handed weapons are also in limited issue in Space Marine Assault Squads, and though similarly unwieldy in combat, when combined with the enhanced strength of the Astartes, they are fully capable of tearing apart the hull plating of even heavily armored vehicles with ease.
Frost Blade - Frost Blades are potent weapons unique to the Space Wolves Chapter, and can carve through the heaviest armour with ease. Frost Blades usually take the forms of Chainswords or Chainaxes, though they can exist in the form of any type of Imperial melee weapon. Frost Blades are master works created by the Space Wolves' Iron Priests -- each is incredibly rare and prestigious. The teeth of these icy Chain Weapons are always cut from nigh-unbreakable substances such as Ice Kraken fangs or tempered diamond. The unique power fields enveloping Frost Blades have a distinctive blue cast. A Frost Blade combines the best qualities of a Chain Weapon and a Power Weapon. Some Frost Axes have blades of energised diamond rather than chainblades, which gives the weapons the appearance that they have been carved from a single, lethal shard of ice.
Gore Prow Pattern - A notable Chapter subtype pattern Chainsword known to be utilised by the zealous Fire Hawks Space Marine Chapter.
Hecate Pattern Chainsword - This pattern of Chainsword weighs a full 6 kilograms but remains a well-balanced weapon useful in melee combat that is often used by Rogue Traders to intimidate foes and mutinous crew members alike.
Hydraphur-Pattern Chainsword - Sometimes called a Chain-Cutlass, these short-bladed, curved Chainswords are favoured by armsmen crew chiefs for their brutality. Their shorter length makes them easier to wield in the close confines of a starship corridor, while their more compact design conceals two parallel rows of teeth, allowing it to deal greater damage than its size might otherwise suggest, at the cost of poorly-distributed balance.
Locke Pattern Double-Edged "Mercy" Chainsword - Some of the more maniacal wielders of Chainswords use customised models with two ripping edges, created by removing the protective carapace surrounding the near side of the weapon. This modification (also available as a finished product due to demand) makes the weapon dangerous to the user as well, but this is not generally a concern and wielders proudly wear the numerous self-inflicted scars that using such a sword often entails. "Mercy" chainswords typically come with a longer haft, so that they can be swung using two hands for deeper strikes.
Mark IID "Errant" Pattern Chainsword - A notable Chapter subtype pattern Chainsword known to be utilised by the Marines Errant Space Marine Chapter.
Mark V "Fangmaw" Pattern Chainsword - A notable Chapter subtype pattern Chainsword utilised exclusively by the savage Space Wolves Space Marine Chapter.
Mark XI "Hell's Teeth" Pattern Chainsword - This pattern of the weapon is the most current version of the Chainsword used by Imperial military forces. The Mark XI pattern designed for use by an Astartes is much larger than one designed for use by a normal-sized human who is an Imperial Guard officer. This pattern is known to be utilised by the Lamenters Space Marine Chapter, amongst others.
Thunder Edge Pattern Chainsword - An ancient pattern Chainsword utilised by the warriors of the Legiones Astartes during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras, this pattern of Chainsword's origins may lie even further back in history, and were most likely utilised by the Thunder Warriors during the Wars of Unification on Terra.
Legion Chainsword - As the name suggests, Chainswords are roughly sword-like in shape with a large flat housing containing the chain. Chainsword variants often used by the servants of Chaos have the entire blade chassis opened to expose the chained teeth. This makes the weapon more dangerous to both user and victim, but for a truly dedicated warrior this is of little concern. Like all their weapons, the Chainswords used by Chaos Space Marine forces are longer and heavier, fit only to be carried by these mightiest of warriors.
Ironfang Chainsword - Designed to allow mere humans to approximate the deadly blows of a Chaos Space Marine, the Ironfang features a thick, bladed area with chained teeth nearly twice as wide as other Chainswords. The power from the backpack-mounted supply provides greater tearing strength, and the weighted nose of the sword allows the user to strike with heavy slashing blows.
Phobos Pattern Great Chainsword - This huge two-handed weapon can run almost two metres in length, with a long grip and weighted pommel to allow for some semblance of balance in use. The chained teeth are exposed along the entire length, so that the user can swing it in both directions in combat more like a flail than a real sword. Originally used in Forge Polix as a tool for ripping apart large bulkheads and armour during construction, the tool was repurposed by warriors of Khorne who found it brutally effective on the battlefield. This is a two-handed melee weapon.
Biting Blade - Utilised exclusively by the Striking Scorpions Exarchs, these large swords are reminiscent of the massive Eviscerators used by zealots within the Imperium, as Biting Blades are also long-bladed, two-handed chainswords. However, where Eviscerators are heavy, noisy machines, Biting Blades are slender and quiet, but no less deadly for their relatively light weight. Wielded properly, their razor-sharp teeth can tear through flesh and bone with horrific speed, and a skilled warrior can cleave a man in two without difficulty.
Eldar Chainsword - A seldom-seen weapon, Eldar Chainswords bear only a superficial resemblance to the roaring, heavy blades of humans or Orks. Almost silent, they produce little more than a sibilant whisper as they tear through flesh and bone. Their swiftly-cycling rows of mono-edged teeth cause considerable damage to any creature in their path.
Scorpion Chainsword - A lightweight Chainsword used by warriors of the Striking Scorpions Aspect Warriors, they are a deadly one-handed melee weapons whose vicious blade is comprised of diamond-toothed edges that mangle and tear flesh. Its advanced design augments the user's strength, making it an incredibly deadly weapon to use in close combat against infantry and lightly armoured targets.
Choppa - Orks use a bewildering variety of bladed, spiked, serrated, jagged, barbed and notched hand weapons ranging from the proverbial blunt instrument to whirring Ork-tooth chainsaws. An Ork Chain Choppa is the Greenskin equivalent of a Chainsword, a large blunt instrument of death with large whirring jagged metal teeth that rip and tear an enemy apart in a hail of gore.
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La via milano sembra, coi piedi che camminano, Nefasto presagio, stelle che si allineano, Macabro, dici, dico, direte, ho capito, Steso di schiena finchè non sarà tutto finito, Affogando sentirai gli uccelli cantare, Infine pentirai la gente cantare.
"Ehi, in gamba" dico mentre zio Antonio mi batte la schiena, si parla di anduia, intestini di agnello ripieni, La pala terriccia terra dividendo la terra visibile dalla terra non visibile portando te, mentre si pettegolezza e gente che poco la mia testa apprezza, Circonda le nostre vite, chi ha bevuto il tuo frutto della vite, fatta delle vite, che con il tuo fare ha fatto accadere come sono ora; c'è chi ha tirato fuori il peggio, io, quanto meschino sono nel mentire simpatie e sorrisi che poi se mi guardo allo specchio sembrano i sorrisi più falsi del mondo da dove cazzo mi escono i sorrisi convincenti che offro a voi.
Ti ho mai parlato dei sogni tra fascine di legna e fiamme? Svuota la lavastoviglie, grappino, piscio nel pino, sabbia e biglie, i lego, vuoi il riso vuoi il riso vuoi il riso vuoiilrisovuoiilrisovuoiilriso, che ora in foto sei meno scavato di adesso, Belle parole Che da bambino non ho mai sfiorato il concetto della morte, ed ora ci scherzo sopra, e poi sudo freddo, e poi stonato ansia, e poi rassegnato mi rilasso, e poi sullo stomaco un sasso, e poi nella testa fracasso, come un teatro, pieno di gente che guarda uno spettacolo del cazzo, parlottano con gli altri e fanno chiasso, tu ti guardi attorno, teatro o chiesa, ci divide spesso un masso, a capirci tutti ci vuole un lasso, di tempo enorme, che se pensi che in olanda ci sono i nazisti ora i tuoi racconti mi sembrano così veri, che da bimbo li immaginavo in bianco e nero o con filtro semi seppia.
Guerra, non tornerò mai in tempo per vederti. Mi sveglio, son passati 15 minuti, il ride va come uno di quei pezzi lounge e lo speaker scoppietta mentre la aux fatica nel contatto, sono in ritardo pure quando esco con me stesso. In gamba.
(Dimmi proto descrizione di un trenta minuti, dimmi calcolatore cosa pensi dietro i calcoli, della mek pol, dello stronzo coi fari altissimi, dei semafori rossi che mi danno la caccia)
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cultfaction · 6 years
Mega City Book Club Ep. 61: The Terra-Meks
Mega City Book Club Ep. 61: The Terra-Meks
Journalist, editor, and podcaster Andrew Harrison joins Mega City Book Club to discuss everybody’s favourite story from the Ro-Busters Disaster Squad, written by Pat Mills and beautifully illustrated by Dave Gibbons.
As you will hear it’s a tale that has particular significance for my guest, including the ending which we do spoil a bit.
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leocarmusic · 5 years
If you know seh God mek you good seh yeah!😂🤣😭 (at Terra Nova All Suite Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brl0JgVAhhe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17vtjtbfa4tgw
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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2000 AD #101
24th Feb 1979
Dan Dare (Servant Of Evil)
Judge Dredd (The Day The Law Died)
Ro-Busters (The Terra-Meks)
Robo-Hunter (Verdus)
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purpleavenuecupcake · 6 years
USA: arrestati due uomini accusati di spionaggio, in terra americana, per conto dell'Iran
Le autorità degli Stati Uniti hanno annunciato gli arresti di due uomini accusati di spionaggio in terra americana per conto della Repubblica islamica dell'Iran. Gli uomini sarebbero stati arrestati il ​​9 agosto, ma le informazioni su di loro sono state rilasciate solamente lunedì dal Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti. In un comunicato stampa pubblicato online, John Demers, procuratore generale aggiunto per la sicurezza nazionale, ha detto che gli uomini, identificati come Ahmadreza Mohammadi Doostdar, 38 anni, e Majid Ghorbani, 59 anni, sono stati arrestati in quanto sospettati di agire per conto dell'Iran. Sono stati Secondo quanto riferito, Doostdar ha la doppia cittadinanza: americana e iraniana degli Stati Uniti e dell'Iran, mentre Ghorbani è un cittadino iraniano che vive in California. I due uomini non sono considerati dei diplomatici. Secondo il governo degli Stati Uniti, gli uomini in questione sono stati osservati mentre sorvegliavano gli oppositori politici e si impegnavano in altre attività che, potenzialmente, potrebbero mettere gli americani a rischio. Il comunicato stampa afferma che Doostdar ha effettuato la sorveglianza di un centro ebraico a Chicago, mentre Ghorbani ha partecipato a riunioni e manifestazioni organizzate da gruppi di opposizione iraniani operanti negli Stati Uniti. Il comunicato stampa identifica un gruppo come il Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK), una fazione militante che ha radici nell'Islam radicale e nel marxismo. Tra il 1970 e il 1976, il gruppo ha assassinato sei funzionari americani in Iran e nel 1970 ha cercato di uccidere l'ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti nel paese. Inizialmente ha sostenuto la rivoluzione islamica del 1979, ma in seguito ha ritirato il suo appoggio, accusando il governo dell'Ayatollah Khomeini di "fascismo". Ha continuato le sue operazioni in esilio, principalmente dall'Iraq, dove i suoi membri armati sono stati addestrati dall'Organizzazione per la liberazione della Palestina e da altri gruppi di sinistra arabi. Fino al 2009, l'Unione Europea e gli Stati Uniti consideravano ufficialmente il MEK un'organizzazione terroristica. Ma l'odio giurato del gruppo contro il governo in Iran l'ha avvicinato a Washington dopo l'invasione statunitense dell'Iraq del 2003. Nel 2006, le forze armate statunitensi collaborarono apertamente con le forze del MEK in Iraq, e nel 2012 il gruppo fu tolta dalla lista delle organizzazioni terroristiche straniere del Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti. Oggi il gruppo gode di una protezione aperta dall'UE e dagli Stati Uniti. Il 30 giugno di quest'anno, le autorità belghe hanno arrestato una coppia belga sposata, di discendenza iraniana, che trasportava esplosivi e un detonatore. Il giorno seguente, il 1 luglio, la polizia tedesca ha arrestato un diplomatico iraniano di stanza nell'ambasciata iraniana a Vienna, in Austria, mentre una quarta persona è stata arrestata dalle autorità in Francia, a quanto riferito in relazione agli altri tre arresti. Tutti e quattro gli individui sono stati accusati di aver pianificato un complotto sventato per bombardare la conferenza annuale del Consiglio nazionale della resistenza all'Iran (CNRI) affiliato al MEK che si è svolta il 30 giugno a Parigi. Non è noto se gli arresti in Europa siano in qualche modo connessi con i casi dei due uomini detenuti negli Stati Uniti.   Read the full article
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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2000 AD #100
17th Feb 1979
Dan Dare (Servant Of Evil)
Judge Dredd (The Day The Law Died)
Ro-Busters (The Terra-Meks)
Robo-Hunter (Verdus)
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