#terrible terrible combination of guys for the brainrot
paper-pixies · 9 months
Me when I reblog an ask game hoping you’ll reblog it >:D I have questions about your guys for you <3
Let’s do 31 for Asylum/Bloodlust, 23 and/or 12 for Shilan, and 98 for Adriite to start :)
Oh nooo don't trick me into reblogging an ask game by putting it on your blog first....how awful.....anyway....
31. How would they describe one another? [Asylum/Bloodlust]
“Bloodlust is… well, he’s incredibly loyal to me. He may not be a complete buffoon but he certainly isn’t the brightest, and he does what I tell him with exceptional efficiency, so what more could I really ask for? He does my dirty work and cleans up the messes so that I rarely have to engage with the less savory parts of this lifestyle, knowing that I will reward him when the task is done. And yes, he may be something of an uneducated brute, but that’s exactly what I keep him for and, well, no one else is so absolutely devout as he is. He’s like my loyal hound, always obedient and eager to please, and I do love him for that. I mean, is there really any other sort of relationship worth having with a man?”
“Describe Asylum? I mean she’s a goddess, what more do you want? She does whatever she wants and gets whatever she wants and doesn’t give a shit about what anyone else tries to tell her to do. She’s fuckin’, crazy smart too, just always twenty steps ahead of everyone else, like she’s already got everyone in her spiderweb even if they don’t know it yet. She’s just in control of everything and if she’s not in control of something then it’s because it’s not important enough for her to waste her time on. She’s powerful as hell and damn scary, too. She put up with a lotta fucked up shit from people in the past and now she makes sure everyone knows they should be afraid of her. If she’s pissed at you? You’re already a dead man, doesn’t matter what you try— if you’re lucky maybe she’ll beat the shit out of you herself. She’s beautiful, just the most fucking beautiful woman to ever live, puts every topside and Midcrest bitch to shame without even trying. I swear she’s a gift from the spirits and we’re all just lucky enough to get to be alive at the same time she is.”
23. Who said "I love you" first? [Shilan]
As the one who takes most of the big steps in their relationship, Taylan said it first. And pretty soon into their relationship, too. Now that that door has been opened though, Shiloh absolutely says it more.
12. What is something their S/O does that makes them flustered? [Shilan]
Taylan doesn’t get flustered that much but despite his pacifism it does get him when Shiloh does/offers violence. Obviously, he would never want his partner to kill people ever if possible, but maybe sometimes when Shiloh says they would kill anyone who got in the way of their being together, maybe that makes Taylan a little flustered. And don’t get him started on the times Shiloh has jumped in to fight off some Forest monster or other to keep him safe.
Shiloh is easy to fluster purely because they just think Taylan is so incredibly attractive, so him showing any extent of skin will pretty much do it. Which is completely just a Shiloh thing, their clan isn’t stressed about covering up and it isn’t a thing with anyone else besides Taylan, they truly just think this man is so stunning that it’s likely to instantly get them even if Tay isn’t intentionally trying to fluster them in the slightest. It took them a while to get used to seeing him without a shirt lol
98. Who would burn the world down for who? [Adriite]
Ace, easily. Pyrite has too strict of a moral code to ever allow herself to do something like that for any one person, whereas Ace has been on the brink of snapping more than once and has always been more willing to prioritize those close to him above anything and everything else. Of course, it would take quite a bit for Ace to take that path if Pyre was actually with them. Just having her around is often enough to help Ace keep himself in check, but he’s also well aware of the fact that she would absolutely despise him if he ever did anything like that for her sake.
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crowcalico · 3 months
Some more Dungeon Meshi x Genshin AU!
Here’s how I imagine the ragbros would look like as the Touden siblings. I am terrible at outfit design, so I just combined their normal outfits with Laios and Falin’s haha
I know Falin doesn’t have elf ears, but the urge to draw elf kaeya was too strong. Plus the elves have very long lifespans, so it’s kinda like the Khaenriahn curse of immortality (I’m just making excuses now)
Let me know if you’d like to see more of this AU! The brainrot is real guys
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rataccatak · 1 year
Analysis of how KaySD draws Sergey Razumovsky
Or: trying to justify a thirstpost about the world's most terrible man
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Sergey's gone through a number of artists through the years, and I gotta say, KaySD's rendition has captured my heart. In fact, it was a screenshot of Kay's Sergey that first got me into Major Grom. While Phob's is the official art style that we associate with the comics, Kay's style, I believe, better serves Sergey's character in the current PD run.
Genre-wise, PD returns to being a big-action, ensemble comic, which--compared to The Game's tight conflict and human drama focus--deliberately implements Kay's more traditionally comic-book style to this effect. The first arc (nine volumes in total) of PD are all Kay; though the current issues are being outsourced to a number of different artists now, Kay's style--with its roots in distinctly American superhero comics, such as DC--was what they wanted to prime audience's expectations with. After Time of the Raven, there was a big push for Bubble to adhere their stories to big names like Marvel, and with that came the desire to usher in things like a multiverse, space and supernatural elements, and franchise crossovers. Plague Doctor was one of their latest installments of that new "culture," and they had to match their aesthetics appropriately.
Okay, but that brings me back to the brainrot part of this post, which is HOT DAMN KAY'S SERGEY LOOKS SICK???
The whole idea of Plague Doctor is that, for like seven years or something, Sergey has been declared dead or missing or otherwise MIA. Nobody, both in-universe and irl, knows where he is or what the fuck he's up to. You crack open issue 1, encounter a guy in sunglasses and a hat who is painfully obviously Sergey, but you get to the last page and
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(I will say this is probably the most unflattering frame of him. His chin makes him look like such a chad derogatory)
This isn't the soft, sort of angelically beautiful Sergey we're used to seeing from Phobs. It's radically different, an entirely different character almost, which was the intent.
His new look is more practical, both tactically and socially. His hair is cut, so people won't recognize him as easily. It won't get in his face or get grabbed during fights, and combined with his more muscled build, this is a Sergey who's taking things more seriously this time around. Gone is the flamboyant cape and swishing fiery locks; the plague doctor campaign is no longer a passion, but a duty. And he's ready to enter the thunderdome and get his hands dirty and god damn it, he will die trying.
Kay does take care to preserve the core elements of Phob's Sergey, while making a hard left into traditional masc territory. He's still unrealistically attractive, in that distinctly soft and youthful way. He's more noticeably fit but still maintains a slim, smooth appearance.
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But on top of that, he adds this charm and charisma to him that is distinctly boyish (as in, young and mischievous, a pretty face that's up to no good). It makes his persona as a young, leftist radical more believable; he looks like a student revolutionaire, angry and passionate about all issues topical and trending.
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He does look more obviously aged. Guy is now in his mid(?) thirties, and the past five years probably amounted to like three lifetimes of stress, so it certainly makes sense. Compared to how Kay drew The Game Sergey, his face is more defined with sharper lines, muscularity, and wrinkles. The short hair also ages him somewhat, making him look less angelic and more like... a regular dude.
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And of course, there's the overnight peach fuzz.
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The more mature, aged look helps him actually look like a person who's lived a life as loaded and fucked up as Sergey's. He's a guy whose parents died, grew up in foster care, became a CEO that rocketed to stardom in five years, committed the most elaborate fucked up terrorist campaign ever, and then immediately fell from fame to the deepest coldest cell in St Petersburg (and this is all just the OG Major Grom run). He's not Phob's Sergey (or Rag, whoever it was in The Game)--a blameless childish pretty boy who's detached from his crimes. Kay does a good job in making Sergey have this subtle undertone of... unsettled, unhinged, what have you. I don't know how much of this is hindsight bias, but he looks like a guy with a fucked up secret. You wouldn't think twice if you were seeing him in a grocery store or something but I can imagine later recognizing his mugshot on the news and thinking wow now that i think about it, he really does look like a serial killer.
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And let's talk about his fashion. For all the features of Sergey's flamboyant costumes in Phob's renditions, Kay dresses him quite casually, and it works, ironically, to make him look deceptively plain in the way all extremely rich people dress (think of the $10k white t-shirts and sunglasses get-up all rich men wear). He dresses like his current social stature: a new-money sod who has gotten used to his wealth enough that he doesn't have to show off with his clothes anymore. Of course, this could also be turned on its head and instead, be an indication of Sergey's original, cheap clothes that he habited from his childhood. Certainly, the ironic rightwing graphic tees Kay puts him in edge towards that point of view, only now they're colored by Sergey's sense of political humor. I doubt a "god guns government" shirt is selling for $500 at some luxury tailor shop.
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This is what I love about Kay's Sergey. In making him look more human, we get to orient him more organically into our own world. He looks like a thirty year old loser who studied CS in college and now commits cyber terrorism and doesn't know how to cook. He looks like a young adult leftist who is terminally online and has 500+ open tabs on Marxist theory. He looks like a guy who became too rich too young, who was the world's angle and then its devil in the span of like two years, and is now disillusioned with it all, who wears $5 graphic tees and stays up all night looking behind his back and tries desperately to find something that actually matters.
Once Sergey looks more believable, he becomes more understandable. And the more we understand him, the more the story has the potential to make him intrigue and surprise and reach us in multiple, unexpected ways.
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lestappenforever · 1 year
Hello gorgeous! It’s timefor my brainrots:
So, you probably don’t know that, but here in Brazil most of f1 fans HATE max. Interlagos is a nice race but the environment is so TOXIC for Max and his fans, mostly because of Hamilton’s fanbase. Charles’ fans around here started to spread hate towards max too and they blatantly lie about Max and Charles’ relationship. They refuse to believe that max is a good person who doesn’t have a real heat with anyone on the grid (including Hamilton, Russell and ocon). They assume Charles despise max because he’s such a “despicable” man, awful driver and so on. I’m glad that he’ll clinch the title before my home race, I can’t stand the booing, the swearing, it’s so saddening.
More lap dance fics should be written in ao3, just read a carlando one and 🫣🫣🫣 really fucking good.
I’ve made an orange money piece in my hair. My best friend, fiancé and a few friends loved it, so I grew fond of it too. Pic to illustrate at the bottom 🫡
Anyways, I’ve caught a nasty cold and I’m annoyed because I keep sneezing. It’s so hot in here and that’s fucking annoying too. I’m on my pms so EVERYTHING IS ANNOYING!!! I want burgers.
Hope you have a nice day, I love you and you’re so special 🖤🖤
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My goth girl look 🫣
Beautiful Evie, my love, my light, my universe. ❤️
I'm unfortunately aware of the hate Max tends to receive in Brazil, and I just find the whole thing so sad. It's so tragic that other drivers' fanbases can possess and express that amount of hate towards aother driver. But there seems to be a consensus among every Max hater out there, no matter who their favorite driver is, that they will do whatever they can to paint him as a bad guy even if they have no legitimate reason to believe that he is. It's especially bad with Charles fans and Max haters, because Lestappen is such a massively popular ship in the F1 fandom, and that part of the fandom are just desperate to create a narrative that doesn't exist in a desperate attempt to put distance between their favorite driver and their favorite driver to hate.
I just find the whole thing so sad, because what kind of life do you lead if you're that obsessed with trying to convince yourself and others that two people who clearly like each other, who genuinely respect and admire each other, actually can't stand each other? It's just really sad to watch, and kind of pathetic, if I'm being honest.
I agree with the lapdance fics, because there aren't nearly enough of them out there.
And Evie. Babe. Love of my life. Your hair (and you) looks absolutely beautiful! The color suits you so well, and you look stunning. 💕
I'm so sorry to hear about your cold, and that it crashes with your PMS. That and the heat is just a terrible combination. I hope you recover quickly and feel much better soon!
I love you, you're wonderful, and I hope you'll have a lovely weekend. 🤍
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incarnateirony · 4 months
You know, it feels good to post about my genuine interests. Had to do it damn near half a year to really assess the value it has. I was so tired of being the largely unpaid performer here to be google is a guy for every snot headed anon that wanted to pick a fight about things they were woefully ignorant of about a stupid TV show that ended years ago.
Like... I GOT what I needed done in that show. I GOT what I needed sent, messaged, received, heard, booted, and brainrotted into action. I literally Do Not Need it, beyond possibly considering going back to it for personal casual interest once my crazy cocaine bear ex and her cunt suckers come to disco jesus and realize that stalking me and picking a fight with me isn't just a waste of time, but a form of active recoil upon themselves.
And it's funny, they tried to like, batter, insult, attack me out of saying anything. Ur Crazy. Actually I'm the most educated person about the scientific funtions of the universe in this conversation, and it's science, and you're a bunch of plebs that can't divide Science from your Belief. You Belief you act under science or are atheist or whatever but think that belief alone replaces scientific vigor.
Meanwhile I literally pull the trigger to launch the new wave hermes LLM opus advancements and giant jung games and everything else, these are literally sciences respected everywhere from silicon valley to psychology to the LHC and somehow, dense ass motherfuckers think I cared about their ignorant ass opinions on things they'll feel like fools on in about ten years of scientific consecration of data, currently scattered, fractal, and in development.
Because I do not work in a laboratory performing under eyes and grants of the world, I do not need to vigorously prove things to insane degrees before making statements, and interchallenge them with peer papers, and all of that. I can work, study, combine, adapt, and test texts all by me onesie and record my results, and what things caused unexpected impacts, and what parts of the hypothesis were spot on versus out of margin wildly, and so on. You're not fucking peer papers or respected physicists, why the FUCK am I gonna argue with you? Or CARE what your opinion is of what I do on my PERSONAL BLOG? The same one cocaine bear can't stop huffing.
No, bitch, the path is about being Who I Am and Just Saying It. I'm not hiding for your ignorant asses anymore, whether crackbear or the retarded CW obsessed collective. Dumb motherfuckers picked a fight with a magus, her mind and life is on fire while pretending it's not, thousands in debt in therapy bills from trying to cope with realizing she's an insufferable and terrible person, and all enabled by you soulless vampires. And now, now you don't even know what to fucking think as this continues on with a suspiciously cohesive narrative.
The funny thing is, deep down, the reason her friends started at disbelief and now sit in uncomfortable lack of understanding passed off with manic lols, is they actually think she's crazy too. They just pander to her "religion" under "inclusion" while holding the same kind of thoughts they exposed while she was getting called out on her octopus jibberish and fursuit insanity. Her supports were all LOL MAGIC IS CRAZY LOL yeah it is, that's why I don't do magic, and put it in quotes, because you people call it that. I do sciences that you do not understand. It is a repeatable art based off the functions of the universe with metrics I and we are constantly understanding how to improve the results of. She's the one channeling purple viewing cats and 2001 anime jokes while changing Beliefs faster than her underwear man. Why are you arguing with the psych worker and 25 year hobby metascientist. Bitch can't even draw a circle correctly without willfully fucking it up.
Meanwhile the remaining folks around me are like, didn't expect Aaron to have a secret identity as a devout wizard priest or whatever the fuck this is, but that tracks. Guess the weird "proof aaron is a demigod" channel is gonna have some real weird updates.
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glittergit · 3 years
Dabi's life of crime...and customer service?
time for more lov brainrot!
i've been reading lov metas again, and my brain came up with this hc to help me cope with the angst
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the 'kindling' he refers to is made of petty criminals who don't challenge the hero society's ideals in a meaningful way
they break laws and probably hurt innocent people if it comes to that, but it's to make a quick buck and nothing deeper
so I present to you: dabi holding odd jobs here there
he's the 'quiet guy who gets the work done but doesn't really talk to anyone, oh and nobody knows anything about him cuz he's like the rosa diaz of whatever org he works for/with', he canonically works that way with the league as well
the one time he had to go cry tears of blood, he did it alone, away from everyone else's eyes
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this terrible undercover outfit
ik the todorokis are notorious for it(and bones hates him ahdhsadjk his animation in se5 bruhhhh) but like dude
you're a part of 2 shady criminal orgs at the moment, this is ur master disguise?
(cant complain considering it works, ig)
in conclusion:
dabi dresses like a dude who can only afford things on a minimum wage budget, so he probably worked odd-jobs in between to sustain himself before the league took responsibility for the combined budget ❤️
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