yourstrullyme · 1 year
thank you @terriblethanksforasking for the tag!! im so sorry for the late response life is so hectic i swear
rules: tag 10 people you want to know better!
relationship status: single as a pringle im afraid
favorite color: green! forest green or sage, but also maroon
song stuck in my head: watch you sleep. by girl in red
last song listened to: acording to spotify its Anti-Curse by boygenius but it was probably some metallica from the restaurant my brother my dad and i had lunch at it was a cool ass place
three favorite foods: oh gosh but theres so many..... completos (which are hotdogs w avocado, tomato and mayo), Kartoffelklöße but when theyre sliced and pan fried, and probably brownies lol idk
last thing i googled: how to write Kartoffelklöße, but before that it was 'nuclear fision' bc i visited a nuclear reactor this week and was telling my dad about it
dream trip: narnia probably or camp half blood lol but in reality? the italian alps or greece or anywhere that feels like a fairy tale or a movie
anything i want right now: a girlfriend or boyfriend so i can have kisses whenever i want em
i wanna tag all my mutuals but im too tired to remember urls i asociate you guys to your pfps :( so if we're mutuals please do this im tagging u yes u <3
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sapphicgaygremlin · 1 month
@terriblethanksforasking to boost your ego:
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according to tumblr you’re a five star blog, congratulations! you’ve won the hellsite’s approval and you’re being recommended to me so i wonder what kind of insane you are
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daisytrails · 7 months
9 People You Would Like To Know Better
or in my case, i only have five mutuals so i’m tagging everyone bc you all seem really cool and i would love to get to know you more!
Tagged by @likemonstersinlove !! <3
1. Three Ships: in no particular order - Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens, Liam Wilhelmina/Primsy Coldbottle from D20 Crown of Candy, and the 13th Doctor/River Song (I know they’ve never met in canon but listen, shhh) from Doctor Who
2. First Ever Ship: Percabeth from Percy Jackson
3. Last Song: If You’re the Coffee by The Arcadian Wild!
4. Last Film: Rocky Horror Picture Show! I rewatched it to show to a friend who had never seen it. Truly iconic. I barely understand any of the plot in that movie but I honestly think it’s better that way.
5. Currently Reading: Right now I’m not reading anything but I just finished Against The Currant by Olivia Matthews. It’s a cute little mystery set in a family owned Grenadian bakery in Brooklyn. (Yes, the title is a currant roll pun. There’s a recipe in the back!) It’s really good, I highly recommend. And I’m about to start reading the Dungeon Master’s Guide for 5th edition DnD later today. I’m very excited to see where that takes me!
6. Currently Watching: Dimension 20’s Burrow’s End on Dropout tv. Dropout content has consumed my brain almost entirely since I started watching D20 in February and this is no exception. Also Big Brother. I’m not a big reality shows person but I have been watching BB since 2009 at the ripe age of way too young and now I cannot stop.
7. Currently Consuming: A banana oat breakfast bar thing (?) that I found on pinterest and some water.
8. Currently Craving: I’m going to make pumpkin snickerdoodles either tonight or tomorrow, so definitely those rn.
Tagging: @ace-geographer @auteurdefeu @yourstrullyme @terriblethanksforasking !!!!
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Get to know me better!
tagged for this while I was breaking my boop meter by the lovely @drowningwithbutter
Most Recent Song you listened to: Not certain tbh. I had BoyGenius on shuffle while I showered this morning!
Favourite Colour: Bright blue! Forest green!
Currently Watching: Fear the Walking Dead (Alicia hnhhgg) and Salt Fat Acid Heat, an amazing food science/technical documentary rec’d to me by @swashbucklery
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Uh all three? I carry hot sauce around in my backpack because I firmly believe everything needs a lot of flavour, but also I ate nesquik puffs and chocolate milk for breakfast, and I always love savoury snacks!
Relationship: Pledged to the sword!
Current obsession: Too many to list! Willow obviously.
Last thing you googled: ao3 Willow (via firefox bcs it’s awesome)
Nine people you'd like to get to know better!
@EVERYONE I BOOPED 😜 Tagging peeps who booped me back, @geek-and-nina @jayenator565 (again hehehe) @how-do-i-do-words @avaggahdu @terriblethanksforasking @devilofwinterborne @firstapo @swashbucklery (evil tag) @rghema @gotylocks
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evodevo-geekmonkey · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me! This sounds fun :D (I also am gonna put Vancouver on my dream trip list too!)
rules: tag 10 people you want to know better!
relationship status: single and my friends are getting desperate on my behalf lol.
favorite color: depends on my mood. Red and blue-grey remind me of friends of mine. Purple makes me calm. Sunflower yellow when I’m happy.
song stuck in my head: Villain by Lily Rose (one line really hits too hard)
last song I listened to: Do you believe in magic by the loving spoonfuls
three favorite foods: Apparently chicken nuggets, green pesto on spaghettini (with veggies/chicken/ham), peanut butter soup (my own recipe)
last thing I googled: What does a cave smell like
dream trip: Vancouver island (drive around and camping), Greece (or anywhere on the Mediterranean), Japan (want to take a fast trainnnnnnnn and go to Kyoto)
anything I want right now: a higher salary so I don’t need a roommate lol (but somehow the same exact job)
tagging: @mlleclaudine, @geek-and-nina @dianels @rhianaceros @gloriousinternetpaper @defectivegembrain @boogiedown @rudolphsb9 @summerrain99 @grapehyasynth​
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doctorkatehenry · 3 years
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I think loss and grief are some of the hardest things we do as humans. Some days we're bopping along and everything's fine. Other days, the griefs and losses from years back can pull up in a wave and swallow us whole. Take our breath away. Make the whole world stand still. 💜 No one rides for free in this life. Grief is always the price of love because no one lives forever. I wish there was another way. I really, really do. 💜 I admire those of you in the clinic who share stories of your loved ones with me and who are brave enough to let the tears come. It is so clear to me how each of you are living out the best of what you saw in your loved one who's no longer with us. You are the doing the work. Your grief and your joy honor the person, the dream, the relationship, or the life you lost. The intensity of your loss is only exceeded by the intensity of love you felt for your loved one while they were alive, and continue to feel even though they're not still with us in person. I get it. I'm with you. I admire you all. Your vulnerability. The way you keep going. That's how you heal. That's how you do grief. Eventually, all that's left is mostly love. I promise. So much love and hugs your way. #grief #griefandloss #griefandgrieving #ongrief #ongriefandgrieving #glennondoyle #glennondoylequotes #love #loss #loveandloss #terriblethanksforasking #counseling #mindbody #mindbodymedicine (at Dr. Kate Henry) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJBEx7gVYx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dkincade · 5 years
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I was listening to a podcast this am about a parent who’s child was killed by a fluke accident. It was my second time listening to this specific episode. The parent mentioned that somehow the world around us has expectations on people who are grieving or maybe just people in general that you should be moving towards a different path then you may be. They seem to have their own ideas of what grief looks like as they observe you. They’ve held space in their lives to accommodate their timelines for you. Well I’m sure many/most have gone ahead and quite frankly I’m going to need forever and in saying this I have not lost perspective. My salvation is still interacted. The shoulders of the One who created the world are big enough for this mourning that I hold. So what may look to many to be selfish is just self-care. My life now holds space for those who understand this pain. Who are walking this path in parallel with me. It painful. It’s painful to not be understood but it also gives freedom to not be held captive by others. So as this week begins I share this after a weekend spent celebrating and allowing happiness and mourning to occupy the same address as it does most days. #joiinme💚 #grief #mourning #jesustakethewheel #savespace #terriblethanksforasking #terriblethanksforaskingpodcast #whatsyourgrief #sunrise #selfcare #itsokaynottobeokay #imstillbackhere #mytrain (at Vacaville, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Ulkn0HoTz/?igshid=1ooqwi7s8suiq
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strungoutmom · 6 years
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I should not be surprised that the first #TerribleWritingClub prompt would be "How are you, really?" Gym, school, work - mornings are hectic and I've spend many mornings looking out at kids rushing or taking their time from the driver's seat. Rain, snow, and sunshine. My thoughts are all over the place waiting for the next moment. And, not wanting it to come just, yet. So, how am I really? I'm happy and sad. Anxious and constantly fighting off a panic attack. For. No. Reason. I hear a little voice in the back of my brain wondering how life would be different and mourn that it's ever a thought. Despite my brain not wanting to cooperate, the rational part of me knows that this is just one moment. The next moment will be different. I strive everyday to be content. A big part of that is just trying to be okay. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. I'm okay. #writingprompts #ttfa #terriblethanksforasking #verbalvomit #instafeelings #momswithcamera #busymom #mentalhealth #livingwithanxiety #dailyphoto #instamood https://www.instagram.com/p/BqPzNKaH0HC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=96a9xs9v5cbb
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no-song-unsung · 7 years
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It’s #worldmentalhealthday and this is a friendly (and very hypocritical) reminder to be easy on yourself. . . . This year, I was diagnosed with severe depression and moderate anxiety. Then, two people in my life passed away very suddenly. With them came grief that packed itself very tightly on top of my mental illness. It is phenomenally difficult if not impossible for me to love myself some days, or to give myself room to make mistakes. I have isolated myself from people who care(d) about me because most days I lack the energy to put effort into my relationships aside from just knowing that buried under my illness are feelings and emotions I still need to bring back to the surface. But every day I have to remind myself that I’m doing the best I can, or I wouldn’t be able to keep going. Please, today and every day, be gentle with yourself. You’re doing great because you are here. Be gentle with those around you, too—you don’t know what’s happening in their head. #terriblethanksforasking #mentalhealthawareness
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I read this book at Starbucks, on trains and on benches this week and I absolutely loved it. Nora McInerny deals with raw and real emotions and situations no holds barred in her writing and on @ttfapodcast and I couldn’t put it down. @noraborealis #nohappyendings #stillkickin #hotyoungwidowsclub #terriblethanksforasking #mbtareads #trainreads via Instagram https://ift.tt/2HTzjK4
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dmarge · 7 years
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The Best New Podcasts Of 2017 (So Far) https://www.dmarge.com/2017/06/best-new-podcasts-of-2017.html #30For30Podcasts, #Containers, #Crimetown, #CrookedMedia, #HollywoodCrime, #MissingRichardSimmons, #PodSaveAmerica, #PodSaveTheWorld, #Podcasts, #PonziSupernova, #STown, #TerribleThanksForAsking, #TheDaily, #TheHilariousWorldOfDepression
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daisytrails · 9 days
thank you @likemonstersinlove !! 💜💜
favorite color: purple
currently reading: dungeons and drama by kristy boyce
last series: dimension 20’s the seven
last movie: i watch so few movies it took me 20 minutes of thinking to remember that i watched the first half of 27 dresses on mother’s day
last song: stormy weather by etta james
currently working on: constructing and painting little mushrooms to make into parts of a moonshine cybin (naddpod) cosplay
tagging: (no pressure, just for fun!)
@castaway-pineapples @sea-buns @auteurdefeu @thecharcoalsalamander @ace-geographer @terriblethanksforasking @yourstrullyme @countingblackbirds
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dkincade · 5 years
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I was listening to a podcast today, and the talk was about a nurse who suffered a debilitating illness while pregnant with her second child. I was struck by something she said towards the end of the podcast, which seems to be hitting me quite poignantly today after a weekend filled with unusually different circumstance. She still is currently battling this disease which has made her unable to do most anything for herself, and she has 2 children under the age of 2. When she was doing patient care as a nurse, she had kept herself very detached to her patient’s needs while actively being a nurse. She always wanted to keep things “professional.” This illness has taught her what it means to bear another’s burden and i that she can feel so incredibly isolated. To be present so to speak in others pain. That sometimes we need someone who understands what we are truly going through and to sit with us in that. So much about what she said is ringing true for me today. * * * * I then ran into another friend; this morning and really tried to give words to what I felt as my go-to word is sad. I guess what I would say that I’m feeling is my soul aches. My heart is broken. It is melancholy, bowed down, dejected and grief-stricken. As I spend this last day of September in my 50’s I’m wondering what the next 10 years will have in store for me and yet it seems that in hindsight that my 50’s will go down as my most challenging. I thought that older makes us wiser. I’m trying hard to see the best of these days that I’m living. To celebrate the passing of time. So today I’m sitting in my melancholy. I’m trying to be present with it. I’m trying to give myself space to feel it…all of it. I wish it didn’t feel so lonely, even though my world is full. #joiinme💚 #grief #terriblethanksforasking #terriblethanksforaskingpodcast #thelastofthisdecade #sitwithit #lonely #praisebeforemybreakthrough #jesustakethewheel #whatsyourgrief #sayinggoodbye (at Somewhere on the Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Cxg6oHLoK/?igshid=ukqhvemaabrw
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dkincade · 5 years
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So after a week filled with back pain, event planning and grief triggers I made the decision to start training to be a bereavement doula. I've done the on boarding and have finished my first module and will take me first exam tomorrow. I chose to go through Still Birthday as it seemed like the right fit for me. So, I'm really excited to start this and I pray I will have the fortitude to finish well. Thanks to everyone who gave me encouragement. Thank you Kari and Bonita for your info and help.💚 #joiinme💚 #bereavement #bereavementdoula #ifeelyourpain #terriblethanksforasking #fortheloveofmommyhood (at Vacaville, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1fyhd8n5Iu/?igshid=1fan0ozzsn4xw
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dkincade · 5 years
While we were on our cruise we stopped in one of the places where Game of Thrones was filmed. Evan was a big fan of this show with watch party’s and such. When I travel I always bring Evan along as he will never have the opportunity to travel and see the world. Well we left a little bit of Evan in a place where he would have wanted to go and visit. Miss you every day son and what I thought would be an easy gesture became a full fledged crying moment. Thanks,Ruf for insisting we capture this moment. #joiinme💚 #missyou #missyewev #terriblethanksforasking #grief #whatsyourgrief #gameofthrones #dubrovnikcroatia #grief (at Dubrovnik, Croatia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1j77XQHxmN/?igshid=1tfzu5qi2ej06
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